V ARSTIFF: intelligent fabric
What is
A laminate of flexible ‘textile’ layers inside an air-tight flexible ‘envelope’. Under atmospheric pressure the intelligent fabric is flexible like a textile and freely shapeable in either 2D or 3D shapes. Under moderate vacuum the intelligent fabric stiffens to a stiffness comparable with common plastics (e.g. HDPE). By removing the vacuum, the structure returns to the flexible state.
HOW does it work? The layers made of PET-fiber textiles are flexible like textiles, but have high tensile stiffness. The textile layers are coated with a high friction PVC film. These have a low stick, but a high coefficient of friction. Under the compressive force induced by a vacuum, the layers of the laminate are fixated causing the intelligent fabric to act like a glued laminate, if plasticity limits are not exceeded.
Similar to the Gore-Tex® business case of an active textile; Varstiff promises a new generation of functional clothing offering protective or supportive functions fully integrated in textile. A general potential is also foreseen in application of reshapable or foldable constructive elements or elements with adaptable stiffness. This has clear promises:
the most promising applications and specific market entry strategies need to be identified and studied. Develop application portfolio with information from clients and end-users. Important aspect are application-specific product definitions.
V ARSTIFF: intelligent fabric
applications in
health sector
Wrist brace (1), Cervical brace (2), Ankle Immobilizer (3), Fixation (4), Multi-users trainer (5) 1
application fields
The intelligent fabric is a general ‘building-block’ that can have applications in many areas. It has the potential of becoming a ‘new generation’ fabric that can result in innovations in a wide range of fields. Varstiff has the potential to enhance product functionality in the fields of:
Consumer products
Sport applications
Constructive elements