Welcome guide

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WELCOME1/ 1 From the International Office we would like to warmly welcome you to TECNUN-School of Engineering of the University of Navarra! At Tecnun, we encourage our international students to become involved in campus life and the surrounding communities. We at the International Relations Service are here to serve you and your needs, so do not hesitate to contact us with any queries you may have. We sincerely hope your stay in San SebastiĂĄn and at TECNUN will be exciting, rewarding and enlightening. We hope your time with us will be filled with new friendships and new cultural experiences along with a fruitful and enriching study programme. For more information designed for international students take a look at our website, www.tecnun.es or for assistance with any questions, contact us at irs@tecnun.es. We look forward to welcoming you in person! Sincerely, The International Office

Javier Ganuza Director

EstĂ­baliz Oliva Officer

MISSION STATEMENT / 2 The University of Navarra, founded in 1952 by St. Josemaría Escrivá, is run by Opus Dei, an institution of the Catholic Church. The mission of the university is to educate and train professionals capable of playing a committed role in society, who are fully aware of the part they play in building the world of tomorrow. This mission is fundamentally based on the search and commitment to the truth, a collective task which requires dialogue and an open mind. Furthermore, the university seeks to foster critical thinking among its students in a pluralist context that enables each student to freely develop his or her own opinions and convictions.

Values The activities of the University of Navarra seek to incorporate a set of values that guide and characterize the daily actions of those who make up the University and shape its environment and culture. Among these values, the following are especially noteworthy: work, freedom, respect, interdisciplinarity, responsibility, and service.

Opus Dei Opus Dei – means “the Work of God” in Latin. Its mission is to spread the Christian message so that every person is called to holiness and that all honest work can be sanctified. According to this vision, work and attention to detail are very important values at the University of Navarra, in both material and intellectual tasks. Consequently, all types of work have an inherent dignity when they are carried out with love and a spirit of service.

IBAETA Personalized attention The University of Navarra is a meeting place for professors and students where they can share knowledge, truth, and experience. 2 Therefore, we pride ourselves on our unique ability to give personalized attention to our students. While working together in an environment that fosters each individual’s unique aptitude, skills, knowledge and values; the university provides students with the resources they need for personal development. Each student is assigned an advisor, normally a lecturer, who gives one-to-one help and orientation. This personalized guidance aims to maximize your personal and professional potential, helping you to fully benefit from the university experience as well as receive advice on your future profession.

MIRAMĂ“N Tecnun Campuses Currently, Tecnun has two campuses: the main campus, located in the area of Ibaeta, is composed of laboratories and teaching buildings. The other campus of Tecnun is located in Miramon and integrates the areas of electrical engineering, electronics and communications research laboratories and classrooms.

BEFORE YOU LEAVE / 3 Legal requirements for entry and residence in Spain Student Visa A student Visa allows you to stay and study in Spain. (Citizens of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland do not need a permit or visa to live, study or work in Spain)

Types of Student Visas: - Short term: 90 day visa The 90 day visa or “open” Visa is valid for three months. This allows students who are doing an academic year-long program to apply for the Student Residence Card for Foreigners or TIE. The TIE is a temporary permit that allows you to stay in the country for one academic year and can be renewed annually until you finish your studies. The card gives you the right to remain legally in the country while you study and can only be obtained through the 90 student visa - Long term: 180 day visa The 180 day visa is ideal for those students who are going to be for one semester at the University of Navarra. The benefit of this visa is that, throughout your stay you do not have to deal with any type of legal residential paperwork. However you are limited to your stay. Once the 180 days are completed you must return back to your country. This visa cannot be extended beyond the allotted time. This type of visa does not allow you to obtain the Residence Card for Foreign Students. All visas can be applied for through your nearest Spanish Embassy or Consulate in your home country.

RESIDENCY CARD (TIE) The TIE is an identification card that supersedes the student visa, allowing you to stay one full year and can be renewed annually. The residency card is meant for those students who are either planning on doing a one-year program at the University or plan to do their entire Undergraduate, Master or Doctoral degree here. You will have a maximum of 30 days after entering the European Union to begin the process of applying for the residency card. The process starts at the Immigration Department/Police Station or (Extranjeria). The Extranjeria in San Sebastian is located on calle Jose María Salaverría, 19 (Tel: 34943449817).

Important > A visa can never be changed once you are in Spain. The only valid visa is the one obtained from the Spanish Embassy or Consulate before coming to Spain.

Mobility Within The European Union The Spanish residency card allows all students to travel freely throughout most of Europe, in countries that form part of the Schengen area.

Health Insurance >EU Citizens European Union citizens should apply for their European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) before travelling to San Sebastiån. When you show your EHIC, you will receive treatment under the same conditions and at the same cost (free in the case of Spain) as people insured in that country. Be aware that each country’s healthcare system is different. Services that cost you nothing at home might NOT be free in another country. Also, take into account that this card does not provide coverage in some specific cases, and only can be used in public health institutions. >NON-EU Citizens Students from all other countries will need private insurance. We require that students have an insurance that guarantees assistance in Spain before arrival in San Sebastian.

WHAT TO PACK / 4 Here are packing suggestions that might be useful for your stay in San Sebastian:

DRESS CODE: being professional from day one

Spanish-English pocket dictionary for the first couple of months.

Your experience at any university is the stepping stone to your professional future. As such, the University of Navarra expects behavior and dress that fit accordingly.

Adaptors and transformers: Plan on buying them here. You can find adaptors in hardware stores. A transformer converts foreign voltage to European voltage. Voltage in Spain is 220 Volts which may be different from the voltage in your country. You can buy transformers in electronic stores.

We ask for your cooperation in maintaining a clean and studious environment. For that reason, we believe that clothing reflects respect towards the institution and your professors. As a result, attire such as; shorts, sleeveless or transparent tops, bare midriffs, sweat suits or track pants, flip flops or exposed undergarments should remain at home.

Laptop: If you have a laptop it is a good idea to bring it here with you. It can be useful for your studies, to contact your friends and family back home, as well as to store digital photos. If you don’t own a laptop, it is not necessary to buy one, there are several places to access computers throughout campus.

Appropriate wear would fall in the category of casual to business casual.

School supplies: Do not forget your study essentials such as index cards, USB stick, agenda, highlighters (for color coding) pencils, pens, notebooks, binders or whatever else you need to take notes during class and help you study with after. (You can always pick up everything you need on and off campus. When thinking about sheets, towels, and general toiletries to bring, don’t over pack your suitcase if you’re short of space. These are easily found in local stores or shopping centers.

We understand that as an International student, these standards may not be practiced in your home universities. However, we ask that you make an effort in adapting to part of Spanish culture and to what the University of Navarra expects from their students.


HOW TO GET TO SAN SEBASTIAN / 5 By air There are several airports near the city of San Sebastián. From Bilbao (Loiu) airport: An hour away, 100km, from San Sebastián. There is a bus company, PESA that will take the student to the city. http://www.aeropuertodebilbao.net/es/ From Biarritz airport: From the airport you can take a PESA bus to get to San Sebastián. The airport is around 45 minutes away, 40km. http://es.biarritz.aeroport.fr/ From San Sebastián-Fuenterrabia airport: EKIALDEBUS bus company, route E21, will go to the city centre (Plaza Guipúzcoa), which is 30 minutes away, 22km. http://www.aena.es/csee/Satellite/Aeropuerto-San-Sebastian/en/

By train From Renfe station, also known as Estación del Norte: It is located in the city centre (Paseo de Francia) and has services to all of Spain's major cities. From Amara Station, with Euskotren: The station is located in the city centre (Plaza Easo), and connects San Sebastian to Hendaye (France) – Lasarte - Bilbao. http://www.renfe.com/

By bus The bus Station of San Sebastián (Federico Garcia Lorca Pasalekua, 2) is next to the train station (Estación del Norte). There are bus services to and from surrounding cities, Spain's major cities, and many European cities. http://www.estaciondonostia.com/

YOUR FIRST DAYS IN SAN SEBASTIAN / 6 6 Welcome Day The Welcome Day is a series of events in the day before each semester, intended to help international students adjust to their new life at Tecnun. During the Welcome Day, students will get to know the particulars of the Tecnun campus, its libraries, study rooms, sports facilities, computer labs, Wi-Fi system, etc.

University student cards At your arrival, you will receive a card that provides access to most campus buildings and facilities, including the libraries and the sports centre. Do not forget to carry it with you at all times.

Mentoring Program Many of you are already aware of this service that the International Relations Office provides. This is a program that matches new international students with current students of Tecnun. The buddy is here to help you settle in during your first weeks in San Sebastiรกn. With this program you can get first hand advice from students, some of whom are international students and have been in your position. You will also be in contact with them before arriving, so any questions that you may have will be answered before you leave your country. If you would like to be assigned a buddy, please send an email to irs@tecnun.es.

International Students Club The Club aims to help all incoming Tecnun international students during their stay in San Sebastian. It organizes several activities to help you to enjoy Basque culture and get in touch with local people. Furthermore, the Club is a good way to share your feelings about San Sebastian and Tecnun with students that were here in previous years. So please, join us! FACEBOOK: International Students Club has a group on Facebook where you can find photos and comments from previous years about the Club, Tecnun and San Sebastian. You can connect with previous, present and future incoming international students to share and coordinate accommodation or other needs. You are invited to join the group and to share your own comments or photos on it! Search for 'Tecnun: International Students Club'!

ACCOMMODATION / 7 Tecnun does not offer student accommodation on campus. The Accommodation Service can offer support to students trying to find accommodation for their period of study in San Sebastián. For more information: http://www.tecnun.es/en/services/international-relationsservice/incoming-students/before-arrival/accommodation Contact email: alojamiento@tecnun.es There are many different types of housing options available to you during your stay in San Sebastian. Each option will depend on your preferences and situation. Students here on exchange tend to live in apartments, as it can often be the most comfortable and costeffective option. However, some full-time students do choose to live in University residencies or Colegios Mayores.

Private Accommodation The average cost of a flat is between 900€ and 1000€ per month. So, in a flat with 3 students, the average cost of accommodation per month is around 300€ or 350€. Students must factor the cost of utilities, food, laundry, etc. into their monthly expenses.


Residencia El Carmelo Illumbe, 8 20011 San Sebastián +34 943 45 66 00 Women’s

Residencia María Inmaculada ADDRESS

Avda. Ategorrieta, 17


20013 San Sebastián +34 943 28 50 66



Ángeles Custodiosos Intxaurrondo 12 20013 San Sebastián +34 943 29 01 82 resiangelesc(at)yahoo.es Women’s

Residencia Compañía de María Camino Alto de San Bartolomé, 24 20009 San Sebastián +34 943 46 47 95 cmariass.residencia(at)san bartolomess.com Women’s

Residence Halls Colegio Mayor Olarain

Esclavas del Sagrado Corazón


Paseo de Ondarreta, 24




San Sebastián





+34 943 00 33 00 http://www.colegiomayorolarain.com/index. html tutoria@olarain.com

Avda. General Zumalakarregi, 11 20008 San Sebastián


+34 943 21 19 38


Men’s/ Women’s




Misioneras del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús y de María Paseo de la Fe, 34 20007 San Sebastián +34 943 45 60 72 Women’s

ON-CAMPUS LIFE / 8 Campus Sports Centre Tecnun’s sports centre is located in the main campus. It is possible to do a wide variety of sports such as basketball, volleyball, tennis, etc. Students must book the facility in advance. Keys can be found at the porter’s office in Tecnun’s main building. Students must provide their own sports equipment (basketballs, soccer balls, racquets etc.) You can find information at http://www.tecnun.es/alumnos/actividades-acreditadas or by sending an email to deportes@alumni.tecnun.es

Sport Card The “Kirol txartela” is supplied by the San Sebastián Central Sport Authority. This card allows access to all the public sports facilities within the city. There are 16 public facilities offering a wide variety of sports options throughout the city. More information at (in Spanish): http://www.donostia.eus/ataria/web/kirolak/kt-ren-zerbitzuak

Student Clubs and Societies

We offer a variety of different clubs in which you can participate during your stay at Tecnun: -

Theatre group Literature Club NGOs Choir and Chamber Music Cinema Club Basque Cultural Club EKT Entrepreneurs Club Formula Student Club Debate Club

Spanish Language Courses TECNUN offers a "Spanish Language" course. It is an elective course of 3 ECTS. Most students arrive with some knowledge of Spanish but the course begins with a thorough review starting from zero. Due to the fact that most, if not all, of the students have some knowledge of Spanish and due to the immersive environment the course moves at a very quick pace. There are a minimum and maximum number of participants, and a group will be determined by a level test.

Private Academies You could also investigate other possibilities to learn Spanish through private academies such as: -

WELL & WILL: www.wellandwill.com Telephone: (+34) 943 317 999 idiomas@wellandwill.com


TANDEM: www.tandemsansebastian.com. Telephone: (+34) 943 42 51 57 info@tandemsansebastian.com


El Aula Azul: www.elaulaazul.com Telephone: (+34) 943 452981

Chaplaincy As a Catholic university there are at Tecnun spiritual services offered from Tecnun Chaplaincy to any student interested. There are 2 Mass services every day and the Tecnun priests Dr. Francisco José Marín Porgueres, Dr. Rafael Hernández Urigüen and Dr. Emilio Fuertes Zuñiga are permanently available on campus: https://tecnunkapilautza.wordpress.com/


San Sebastián

San Sebastián or Donostia (in Basque) is a coastal city and municipality located in the Basque Autonomous Community, Spain. It lies on the coast of the Bay of Biscay, 20 km (12 miles) from the French border. It is the Capital city of Gipuzkoa and its municipality's population is 186,409 with its metropolitan area reaching 436,500. Locals call themselves donostiarra. The main economic activities are commerce and tourism, and it is one of the most famous tourist destinations in Spain. Despite the city’s small size, events such as the San Sebastián International Film Festival have given it an international dimension. San Sebastián, along with Wrocław, Poland, has been the European Capital of Culture in 2016. The city has greatly benefited from strict local government legislation which prohibits the establishment of industries or factories within city limits; hence, it is one of Europe’s cleanest cities, with low levels of urban pollution. Visitors from all around the world are astounded by the beauty of La Concha Bay, looking out onto the island of Santa Clara which sits in the middle of the bay. La Concha Bay is framed by the hill tops of Mount Urgull and Mount Igueldo, from which magnificent panoramic views of the entire Metropolitan Area can be enjoyed. As a result of the decision taken by Queen Maria Cristina to come on holiday to San Sebastian during her reign she set a trend among the wealthy families of Europe and the city started to be an attractive place for tourism. Iconic buildings such as the Miramar Palace (former summer residence of the Queen), the neo-Gothic Buen Pastor Cathedral, the Basilica of Santa María del Coro (in the Baroque style) and the Victoria Eugenia Theatre are among some of the wonderful examples of period buildings to be enjoyed in San Sebastián.

San Sebastián is also within easy reach of the Pyrenees with its famous mountains, passes and ski resorts. San Sebastián has many mountaineering clubs, which promote the mountain-climbing tradition typical of the Basque Country. Another Basque tradition is music. There are many choirs of international renown, the most prestigious being El Orfeón Donostiarra.

Weather Winter [11ºC] Frequent rain. Spring [20ºC] Sunny days, some rain. Summer [22ºC] Hot days, occasional storms. Autumn [11ºC] Warm days interspersed with cold spells.

Museums Museo Naval Kaiko pasealekua, 24 20003 Donostia- San Sebastiรกn Tel.: (+34) 943 430051 Email: mnaval@gipuzkoa.eus Website: http://untzimuseoa.eus/en

Aquarium Pza. Carlos Blasco de Imaz, 1 20003 Donostia- San Sebastiรกn Email. info@aquariumss.com Website: http://aquariumss.com/inicio

Eukera! Science Museum Paseo Mikeletegi, 43-45 20009 Donostia - San Sebastiรกn Tel.: (+34) 943012478 Email: eureka@eurekamuseoa.es Website: http://www.eurekamuseoa.es/en

Cristobal Balenciaga Museum Aldamar Parkea, 6 20808 Getaria Gipuzkoa Tel.: (+34) 943 00 88 40 Email: info@cristobalbalenciagamuseoa.com Website: http://www.cristobalbalenciagamuseoa.com/Inicio.html

San Telmo Museum Plaza Zuloaga 1 20003 Donostia – San Sebastián Tel.: (+34) 943 48 15 80 Email. santelmo@donostia.eus Website: http://www.santelmomuseoa.com/index.php?lang=en Museo de la Real Sociedad Anoeta Pasealekua 20014 - Donostia - San Sebastián Tel.: (+34) 943 46 28 33 Email: realsoc@realsociedad.com Website: http://www.realsociedad.com/Home/Index Chillida Leku Museum Bº Jauregui, 66 E-20120 Hernani. Gipuzkoa. Tel.: (+34) 943 335963 Email: prensa@museochillidaleku.com Website: http://www.museochillidaleku.com/index.php?L=3 Interesting Websites -


European Capital of Culture 2016: http://www.dss2016.eu/en/ Living in San Sebastián: http://www.tecnun.es/en/admision-yayudas/alojamiento/vivir-en-san-sebastian Tourism Office: http://www.sansebastianturismo.com/en/ City Hall web page: http://www.donostia.org/ About the Basque Country: http://www.basquetour.net/ Cultural offerings in San Sebastián: http://www.donostiakultura.com San Sebastián International Film Festival: http://www.sansebastianfestival.com/


Biarritz, France (50 km from San Sebastian 40 minutes by car). Known as one of the better surf areas in France


Saint-Jean-de-Luz, France (35 km from San Sebastian, 40 minutes by car). Quiet small town with lots of shops and picturesque views.


Zarautz (20 km from San Sebastian, 20 minutes by car). Small beach town that is great for surfing and camping.


Hondarribia (23 km from San Sebastian, 30 minutes by car).


Zumaia (35 km from San Sebastian, 35 minutes by car) Castro-Urdiales (128 km from San Sebastian, 1. 30 hours by car). Beautiful old town with lots of history that dates back to the Middle Ages. Laredo (154 km from San Sebastian, 1. 45 hours by car)


The Way of St. James (Camino de Santiago) Every year, thousands of pilgrims cross Gipuzkoa on their way to Santiago de Compostela. They set off to travel along the way of St. James, which is one of the most important Christian pilgrimages and subsequently has become one of the most hiked trails in the world. The main trails sets across northern Spain however there are some paths that even begin as far east as Germany!

The Pyrenees The Pyrenees is a range of mountains in southwest Europe that forms a natural border between France and Spain. It separates the Iberian Peninsula from the rest of continental Europe, and extends for about 491 km (305 mi) from the Bay of Biscay to the Mediterranean Sea. Both sides of the Pyrenees are popular spots for winter sports such as alpine skiing and mountaineering.

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