Teenage Passport to Your Future 2016

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Prep 02

Pick Your

Path Congratulations on completing your secondary school education! So what’s next for you? Read on to find out your options.

Type of education

Junior College (JC) and Centralised Institute (CI)


Academic Qualification

GCE ‘A’ Level


Duration of study

Two years (JC) or three years (CI)

Three years

What you need to know

Choose this if…



• The JC and CI system is the most similar to secondary school where you’ll be taking academic subjects like Mathematics, Biology and Literature. • At the end of your studies, students are required to take the GCE ‘A’ Level examination, which will determine your entry into a local university of your choice.

• Polytechnics offer a more hands-on approach to learning. There is a strong emphasis on learning skills and knowledge that are applicable when they enter the workforce. • With strong industry links, students often get a taste of work life through industry attachments, which make up part of their school curriculum.

• You are comfortable with theory-based learning and are committed to pursuing a university education after.

• You have an idea of which industry you might want to start a career in, or want to develop your passion further in a particular industry.

• Familiar five-day week schedule, similar to secondary school.

• Hands-on learning to cater to different learning styles.

• Allows you more time to think about your future specialisation.

• Practical industry experience. • Wide variety of skill-oriented courses that will suit your interests.

• Rigorous curriculum and competitive school environment due to university entry qualifications after GCE ‘A’ Levels.

• Requires consistent effort to score well throughout all three years of study for a high GPA score upon graduation.

• Lack of practical industry experience should you decide to enter the workforce directly after GCE ‘A’ Levels.

• Need for strong self-discipline as students are given more autonomy when it comes to assignments, coursework and projects.

Institute of Technical Education (ITE)

Specialised Education

Private Education Institutions (PEIs)

Overseas Education

National ITE Certificate (NITEC) or Higher National ITE Certificate (Higher NITEC)

Certificate, Diploma, Degree

Certificate, Diploma, Degree

Certificate, Diploma, Degree




• Courses offered in specialised institutions are often very niche but they offer in-depth knowledge of the skills needed to excel in the industry.

• Institutions that offer private education allow students to obtain international qualifications locally without the hefty costs incurred when living overseas – perfect for those who would like to experience curriculum from international schools.

• Studying overseas exposes students to the experience of a different education system, and independent living away from their parents.

• Students can expect to be trained in their technical or vocational skills in preparation for work or further studies. • The emphasis is on hands-on learning, where practical training takes up about 70 per cent of the course curriculum. Students are allowed to choose a full-time course or traineeship program, depending on the course.

• Compared to those who opt for more general courses, students from specialised institutions are better equipped to enter the workforce.

• Some institutions also provide an alternative and shorter pathway for postsecondary education.

• You seek to cultivate and hone relevant technical skills in an engaging environment and hope to make full use of apprenticeship and traineeship opportunities with industry partners.

• You are clear on the career path that you would like to embark on and are committed to obtaining specialised and relevant skills for that industry.

• You want to secure an international certification without having to move overseas.

• Practical learning that places less emphasis on theoretical lessons.

• Ability to focus on turning your passion into a possible career.

• Multiple intakes a year, which means flexibility in enrolment.

• Skills gained through ITE are sought after by employers.

• Opportunities to develop expertise in niche areas of interest.

• Ability to apply skills to working environment upon graduation.

• Takes a longer period of time to obtain diploma or degree compared to those who entered junior colleges or polytechnics.

• Well-developed and specially designed facilities.

• You want to obtain your certificate and qualifications in a shorter amount of time.

• Cheaper option compared to studying overseas. • Shorter duration of study, which means you graduate faster and enter the workforce sooner.

• Narrower job prospects due to specialised skills and knowledge.

• Limited exposure to studying overseas despite getting an international qualification.

• Difficult to change professions if you change your mind about your studies.

• Fast track courses usually mean a compact schedule with more classes a week and more assignments per year. It also means fewer or shorter breaks throughout the year.

• Possibility of incurring extra costs due to equipment or materials that are required during your studies.

• Depending on where one chooses to study, students can also benefit from cultural immersion, and experience working with people from different backgrounds and upbringing.

• You would like to acquire your educational qualifications overseas. • You would like to experience living abroad while immersing in the culture overseas.

• Independent living. • Experience the ability to work overseas during internships. • Easier to obtain jobs in the foreign country you studied in when you decide to stay on and work after graduation.

• High cost of living, requiring student to be able to budget their expenses well in order to allocate their allowance well. • Requires good self-discipline when balancing studies and play.

Text: Hairin Rahman

Two to three years

Prep 04

Open House Guide The Polytechnic Open Houses can be pretty overwhelming, here’s how you can make the most out of it.

Before attending:

Check out the school website to find out the list of available courses and most importantly, their entry requirements.

Shortlist some courses that you might want to pursue. Then, find out where the activities for these courses will take place during the Open House so that you can concentrate on them while you’re there.

It’s good to research on the modules you will be taking during the course of your studies to prepare yourself mentally for what’s expected of you.

Speak to your family and school seniors to get their opinion on the courses and schools.

When you are there, look out for:

Course booths The Polytechnic Open Houses have an almost carnival-like atmosphere, and can be confusing for some. But stay focused! Get the important things out of the way first so that you can have fun later. Make a beeline for the course booths so you can direct any queries to the relevant course representatives. Prepare a list of questions to ask regarding the courses you have shortlisted. For example, you might want to enquire about the workload, internship opportunities, and employability potential.

Facilities If you’re planning on studying something niche, check out how the school can enrich your learning through the campus facilities. If you’re keen on a science-related course, are the labs clean and big? If you’re keen on a hospitality course, do they have mock setups for you? These factors are important to ensure you get hands-on learning experience as opposed to just theoretical knowledge. Sports enthusiasts might also want to check out the facilities they have for sports and exercise because you’d be spending half the time in school training.

Seniors and staff Don’t be shy! Talk to seniors to get insights on the school culture and learning environment, tips and anecdotes which only students can tell you. Find out the latest course syllabus and what to expect when it comes to assignments and exams.They can also advise you on ways to juggle your studies to ensure you make the most out of your time in polytechnic. Remember to also speak to academic staff to hear about the experience from their point of view, and on the kinds of support you can get from the school. It’s a completely new study environment from what you’re used to in secondary school, so it’s good to know what you’re in for.

Seminars, workshops and guided tours Workshops and seminars offer an overview of courses, details on career prospects or further education, and can help you in making a decision on your next step in the next phase of your life. Guided tours will give you a sense of the place you’ll call your second home for the next three years. Make sure to register beforehand for the guided tours on their respective websites!

CCAs The polytechnics offer a plethora of interest groups and sports teams for you to participate in after school hours. Find out which groups the polytechnics are particularly famous for, and think about the possibility of joining something that you’re not familiar with. After all, school is a great platform to pick up new hobbies, that could develop into future opportunities. Universities and employers also look at the activities you do outside your school curriculum, so the time you invest in your CCAs will definitely make your resume shine.

Quick facts! Singapore Polytechnic

Singapore’s oldest polytechnic produced the likes of singer, Tanya Chua and Singapore Idol winner, Taufik Batisah.

Ngee Ann Polytechnic

NP’s Ideawerkz Innovation Fund (IIF), which is open to all full-time NP students, is a seed funding that provides students the opportunity to try out an idea with up to $2,000 funding.

Temasek Polytechnic


Don’t go home empty-handed – bring a bag to store all the handouts you’ll be collecting.

On her Dobby spot shirt dress, $229, Fred Perry Herschel Anchor 11” sleeve, $59, Bratpack Round rings, Price on request, H&M

text: Hairin Rahman

Oxford wedges, $59.90, New Look On him Mandarin collar shirt, $59.90, H&M Bomber jacket, $69.90, New Look Shorts, $49, Praise Dustin Dollin sneakers, $109, Vans

TP’s Bistro Walk cafe on campus is the first F&B outlet in Singapore to serve a full low glycaemic index meal. This was initiated by a team from the Diploma in Baking and Culinary Science course.

Nanyang Polytechnic

Second year Diploma in Social Services (Social Work) students put up a musical production, The Prison Within, to raise awareness on the reintegration of exoffenders in society.

Beat the crowd by going early. A full Open House experience takes about four to six hours, and you’d want sufficient time to get all your queries answered.

Republic Polytechnic Compare each school’s pros and cons with all the info you’ve gathered.

Singapore’s youngest polytechnic was the first institution in Singapore to implement the Problem-Based Learning approach for all of its courses.

Quiz 06

Which Faculty Should You Choose? Unsure of which field of study to pick? Take this quiz to find out. Tick the top six options that describe you best. C. Although you prefer working alone, you can still work well with others A. You dream of finding a cure for terminal illness one day A. You’ve taken apart one of your gadgets, just to see how it functions B. You often spot even the smallest of mistakes A. Your favourite subjects in secondary school were Mathematics and Science C. You are good at spotting patterns and analysing trends A. You’re resourceful at finding solutions to your problems B. Your favourite projects are ones where you’re required to be creative B. You’re great at social media, especially on Instagram C. You’re a quick thinker who can adapt to any situation B. Your imagination often keeps you from feeling bored, even in the dullest of situations B. You interact well with people C. You’re able to communicate your thoughts well A. When faced with a difficult choice, you tend to react based on logic and facts C. You aspire to be your own boss someday

Science and Engineering

Mostly A passionate individual that dreams of helping the world through As your discoveries or inventions, you enjoy problem-solving scenarios where you’re able to explore different approaches and solutions. You are determined and logical, yet resourceful and inquisitive – all perfect qualities that will help you navigate the challenging fields of Science and Engineering.

On him Polka dot shirt, $49, Praise

Text: Johanna Teo

Shorts, $59, Praise Leather bracelet, $19, Praise Old Skool II backpack, $59, Vans Rowley sneakers, $119, Vans

Mostly Communication and Design The creative one amongst your group of friends, you’re often Bs intrigued by what others perceive to be mundane. Thinking outside of the box comes naturally to you, as your imaginative mind actively seeks to engage with the minute details that others would’ve otherwise missed. Another telltale sign that your path lies in Communication or Design is the fact that you find it easier to convey your intricate thoughts through writing or drawing. Mostly Business and Information Technology Street-smart and independent, you find it easier to adapt to Cs unfamiliar situations than most. Plus, you’re hardworking and efficient, and nothing brings you more satisfaction than seeing a project blossom into fruition. Your results-oriented personality definitely makes you a great fit for the worlds of Business or Information Technology.

nanyang poly 08


In The Making How’s life like for Lee Kian Tek and Cherilyn Lim Jia Hui after graduating from Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP)? We follow them as they set out on their post-tertiary journeys.

from the National University of Singapore (NUS) and also the founder of his very own industrial safety system business.

NYP has bred some of the most influential entrepreneurs in the region, and one such budding talent is Lee Kian Tek. A graduate from NYP’s Diploma in Manufacturing Engineering, Kian Tek is the holder of a Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering

With two other partners whom he met in NUS, the trio launched this start-up to foster a healthy work environment for employees. However, running a business requires around-the-clock commitment, which is something Kian Tek stays unwaveringly true to. “I was once told that passion and strength are equally

Alumna, NYP’s School of Business Management and Gold Medalist in NTU

Cherilyn’s dedication earned her stellar academic results, guaranteeing her admission to Nanyang Technological University’s (NTU)

Getting it up and running is by no means easy, but Kian Tek is determined to put his new venture on the map. Once he has achieved their goal of penetrating the market, he hopes to enlist a team of engineers to continue developing safety systems for different applications.

Recently, her final year project on skin cancer made it onto various media channels such as Little Red Dot, Thumbs Up and online parenting websites. “It’s an achievement I am proud of because the time and effort we invested into this campaign really paid off. Beyond that, it was particularly meaningful when parents commented on how appreciative they were about the preventive messages on skin cancer.” The star student graduated from NTU this year with several honours under her belt, including the ‘Batey Gold Medal’ and ‘Dentsu Singapore Gold Medal cum Cash Award’.

Cherilyn Lim Jia Hui

A penchant for the ever-changing landscape of media has led Cherilyn Lim Jia Hui to her calling at NYP’s Diploma in Mass Media Management. Intrigued by the dynamic nature of the industry since young, she chose the course as it offered a comprehensive study of the field while imparting her transferable business management skills that are now useful to her in the working world.

important, and that hard work is the price we have to pay for success.” Kian Tek credits his project supervisor in NYP for the wise and motivational words. While studying in NYP, Kian Tek was trained to look at the big picture and think out of the box. There’s always an influx of bright ideas, but to Kian Tek, it’s the ability to turn an idea into reality that makes it valuable. “I think this industry needs engineering input to innovate for better solutions,” he states. “While Singapore is transforming into a smart nation, we hope we can do our part to create equally smart workplaces.”

Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information. Thanks to the foundation NYP laid out for her, it gave Cherilyn an edge over her peers and helped her excel in her studies.

Your future could be just as bright as Kian Tek and Cherilyn! Be innovative and enterprising, choose your own adventure at NYP Open House from 7 to 9 Jan 2016!

Endeavouring to build a career in the corporate communications sector, Cherilyn is excited to take on other projects and discover new forms of communication. “I am currently working, and although the learning curve is steep, I find that my polytechnic education has consistently helped me through the responsibilities I take on. Life after NYP is a constant learning journey, but I’m raring to go!”

ngee ann poly 09

MY KIND OF XTRA At Ngee Ann Polytechnic, they are committed to nurturing both head and heart. From top-notch programmes and scholarships, to unique learning platforms and enriching global exposure, they go the xtra mile to give you the education you deserve.

Check out their 49 exciting courses! School of Business & Accountancy • Accountancy • Banking & Financial Services • Business Information Technology • Business Studies • International Business • International Logistics & Supply Chain Management • Tourism & Resort Management School of Design & Environment • Hotel & Leisure Facilities Management • Product Design & Innovation • Real Estate Business • Sustainable Urban Design & Engineering School of Engineering • Aerospace Electronics • Aerospace Technology • Audio-visual Technology • Automation & Mechatronic Systems • Biomedical Engineering • Clean Energy Management

7, 8 and 9 Jan • 10am to 6pm

Connect with us! www.np.edu.sg @ngeeannpoly @NgeeAnnNP ngeeannpoly

• Electrical Engineering • Electronic & Computer Engineering • Engineering Science • Engineering with Business Management Programme • Marine & Offshore Technology • Mechanical Engineering • Network Systems & Security School of Film & Media Studies • Advertising & Public Relations • Film, Sound & Video • Mass Communication • Visual Effects Revamped! School of Health Sciences • Health Sciences (Nursing) • Optometry School of Humanities & Social Sciences • Arts Business Management • Business & Social Enterprise

• Child Psychology & Early Education • Chinese Media & Communication • Chinese Studies • Early Childhood Education • Psychology Studies School of InfoComm Technology • Animation & 3D Arts • Financial Informatics • Information Security & Forensics • Information Technology • Multimedia & Animation School of Life Sciences & Chemical Technology • Biomedical Science • Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering • Environmental & Water Technology • Landscape Design & Horticulture • Molecular Biotechnology • Pharmacy Science • Veterinary Bioscience

republic poly 10

discover a

Whole New RP With a myriad of new facilities, here’s why you should choose Republic Polytechnic (RP) for an authentic industry-relevant learning experience. RP Career Centre

Planning for the future can be challenging but the new RP Career Centre is equipped with resources, facilities and staff to help students discover their strengths, interests and passions. There are friendly Education and Career Guidance (ECG) counsellors that will guide the students to navigate the various pathways so that they are able to make informed decisions concerning their future.

Republic Polytechnic Industry Centre (RPIC)

In a bid to enhance students’ learning experience, the RPIC houses facilities that support real work settings – allowing them to apply their knowledge into practice.

School of Engineering – Engineering Design Studio

The Engineering Design Studio allows students to actualise their ideas and designs with upto-date equipment. Students can create prototypes and watch their ideas come to life with the facilities and dedicated spaces.

Centre of Innovation for Supply Chain Management Warehouse

The new warehouse features a fully automated stateof-the-art facility for supply chain and logistics management to simulate Automation for Logistics Operations, creating a realistic learning experience for students.

School of Hospitality Customer Experience Labs

To mimic industry practice and facility standards, the Customer Experience labs utilise the latest technology to enable students to deliver excellent customer experience. This includes an integrated Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform, retail Point of Sales (POS) and logistics technology.

School of Hospitality Exhibition and Event Labs

With more exhibitions and conferences being held in Singapore, there is an emphasis on familiarising students with practical training on events management. Students are better equipped for the workforce with planning and managing large-scale events with the 318-square metre exhibition foyer.

School of Sports, Health and Leisure - Sports Engineering lab

School of Applied Science - Food Lab

Designed to study and assess athletic performance, the Sports Engineering Lab allows students to conduct tests with industry-standard equipment. The lab plays an important role in allowing students to apply theoretical concepts to practical situations.

7 to 9 Jan

RP Open House 10am to 6pm

Interactive games and exhibits Visit facilities and labs Discover exciting diplomas and vibrant student life Learn about scholarships, career and further studies opportunities Meet 987FM DJs Win prizes, goodie bags and more! Visit www.rp.edu.sg/openhouse2016 for more details

The new lab, comprising Food Processing, Food Formulation and Sensory Testing units, allow students to gain relevant industry skills in food product development and carry out sensory evaluations under controlled conditions.

12 to 13 Jan

Parents’ Talk 7.30pm to 9pm

W2 Lecture Theatre, Republic Polytechnic Register now at www.rp.edu.sg/parents-talk Admission is free

singapore poly 11

You can achieve your goals with an SP diploma. School of ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING Aerospace Electronics Common Engineering Programme Computer Engineering Electrical and Electronic Engineering Energy Systems and Management Engineering Systems Engineering with Business School of MECHANICAL & AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING Aeronautical Engineering Bioengineering Common Engineering Programme Mechanical Engineering Mechatronics and Robotics School of ARCHITECTURE & the BUILT ENVIRONMENT Architecture Civil Engineering with Business Hotel and Leisure Facilities Management Integrated Events and Project Management Landscape Architecture School of CHEMICAL & LIFE SCIENCES Applied Chemistry Biomedical Science Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Food Science and Technology Nutrition, Health and Wellness Optometry Perfumery and Cosmetic Science

SP BUSINESS SCHOOL Accountancy Banking and Finance Business Administration Business Innovation and Design Financial Informatics Human Resource Management with Psychology International Business Tourism and Resort Management School of COMMUNICATION, ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCE Applied Drama and Psychology Creative Writing for TV and New Media Media and Communication SP DESIGN SCHOOL Experience and Product Design Games Design and Development Interior Design Visual Communication and Media Design School of DIGITAL MEDIA & INFOCOMM TECHNOLOGY Business Information Technology Digital Animation Infocomm Security Management Information Technology Music and Audio Technology Visual Effects and Motion Graphics SINGAPORE MARITIME ACADEMY Marine Engineering Maritime Business Nautical Studies

openhouse.sp.edu.sg singaporepolytechnic





temasek poly 12

The World at your Feet with TP Diploma in Hospitality & Tourism Management Sate your wanderlust with the Diploma in Hospitality & Tourism Management (HTM) course from Temasek Polytechnic (TP)! It’s not everyday that students can boast of travelling to exotic locations for their 24-week internship, but for those who are studying TP’s HTM course, this is just part of their preparation for the working world. Student Dominic Wong is currently interning in the F&B Division of the Intercontinental Malta.

Vera Choo, Shimona Loke and Alex Cheah interned at Four Seasons Resort Mauritius at Anahita.

Students who interned at Four Seasons Mauritius would go on job rotations in the F&B Division or Rooms Division (Housekeeping/ Front Office/Guest Services and Concierge) and even take on roles as Guest Relations Officers.

Students of the course can expect internship, study trip and community project opportunities in these locations.

Thailand Cambodia V ietnam


Students are groomed to handle different job scopes and industries – whether it is front-line, junior or middle management roles across air transportation, travel, tourism and hospitality industries, TP students are equipped to handle them all. Their internship runs for 24 weeks, where they take on different jobs, and are rotated in different departments for well-rounded knowledge on how each role contributes to the company. As the first hospitality and tourism course to be introduced in a polytechnic, TP’s established reputation has allowed them to forge strong relationships with key players in the industry. Many of their partners have overseas properties, which allows students the chance to experience independent learning while immersing themselves in different cultures.

South Korea



Malaysia Maldives Seychelles Tanzania Indonesia Mauritius



Visit for more information on this course, and 50 other courses offered by Temasek Polytechnic

Kaplan 14

Kaplan Diploma

Open House Now that you have received your results, check out this quick guide to discover how you can realise your passion and maximise your potential at Kaplan.

BEST Research, research, research

Before you embark on your Kaplan Diploma Open House experience, think about and research on the courses you’re interested in and the passion you would like to pursue. Ask questions and get as much information as you need to know, from the seniors and programme consultants.

Tour the campus


Joining a campus tour is the best way to find out about the facilities and learning environment. Kaplan is the No. 1 private education institution^ in Singapore, spanning more than 140,000 sqft, over three campuses – Wilkie Edge, PoMo and Bugis.

Dress in your best

Some of the people you’ll be meeting at the event may end up being your classmates, seniors or lecturers. Make a great first impression by dressing up, and you could be one of three lucky winners to walk away with $100 shopping vouchers when you hashtag your Instagram post with #OOTD and #KaplanFunTimes.

^2013/2014 JobCentral Learning Rankings and Survey

Collect brochures

Between joining in the activities and talking to people, you might not remember everything you need to know about the course, especially when it comes to vital details like modules, number of credits required or course fees. Remember to gather the brochures for the courses you’re interested in, so that you can refer to them later.

Mingle with seniors

Seniors are the best people to talk to when it comes to concerns you may have. Talk to them about the curriculum, extra curricular activities, projects, study environment, lecturers and facilities to find out more about what to expect during your school term.

Attend the talks

Like to know more about Kaplan, its courses and your future career prospects? There are over 10 sharing sessions by industry experts and lecturers. They will be giving insights on the advantages that you will have over your peers with an education from Kaplan. P/S: Do you know that Kaplan offers over 20 diplomas across eight disciplines?

Join in the fun

Explore your financial options

Find out more about financing your education from the friendly staff who can offer advice on the available payment options. Check out OCBC’s booth during the event to enquire about their educational loans!

Come and join us at Kaplan Diploma Open House Date: 16 Jan 2016 (Sat) Time: 11am to 5pm Venue: Kaplan City

Campus @ Wilkie Edge Experience Kaplan online at


Virtual campus tour Sign up for complimentary seminar Watch videos Hear from our successful graduates Register online for exclusive perks

Take the opportunity to find out more about the vibrant campus life, and ask the seniors about the different interest groups, sports clubs and enrichment groups to hone your talents.

Asian International College 16

From Gym

To Classroom For Asian International College (AIC) graduate Pangilinan Kay Vergara, transitioning from a gym instructor to an early childhood educator was a natural path to take. Find out what made her take the plunge. What was it like being a gym instructor at MyGym Fitness Centre?

At MyGym, I conducted fun gymnastics classes for kids from 11 months all the way to eight years old. My role was to facilitate and guide them through planned activities, and aid them in performing different gymnastics skills.

What made you decide on a change in career and what were your considerations?

I fell in love with the aspect of working with young children while on the job. I found it fulfilling to watch the children improve and become confident about themselves and their abilities when they came for their weekly classes.

At first, I was hesitant at the thought of a career switch as I didn’t want to waste my education in the science field. I was also apprehensive that my parents would disapprove given that I was a fresh polytechnic graduate at that time. It was a battle between my head and my heart. But it was also then that I realised it would be my life’s biggest regret if I didn’t pursue a career in the early childhood industry.

Why did you decide to take up the WSQ Professional Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education?

I took up the WSQ Professional Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education at AIC as I wanted to learn and understand how children develop. Having come across kids with diverse needs, I wanted to be equipped with the right skills in helping all children.

How did your previous experience as a gym instructor contribute to your studies?

Being with the gym equipped me with relatable experiences in child development across physical, intellectual, emotional and social aspects. Having a first-hand experience working with the children made

my course easier to digest, as I was able to associate it to my past experience.

What do you love most about your course?

One of the many things I loved about my course at AIC was that I was able to pursue the diploma part-time, which meant I could still keep my full-time job. It was also a platform for me to network with other early childhood professionals. There was an active exchange of real-life experiences – the different challenges we face as professionals and possible strategies in overcoming them.

What is the most challenging thing about the course?

Juggling work, school and family was tough – being a good teacher, student and daughter is no easy feat. Apart from the night classes I attended, I had to make sure I had ample time to get my assignments completed and submitted. Fatigue rears its ugly head once in a while; that is why time management was vital.

What are your plans after graduation and how has the diploma course at AIC prepared you for it?

I have just completed the first semester of my Bachelor programme. AIC oiled my engines – the college taught me proper time management and I am now accustomed to the routine of attending night classes and completing assignments. Of course, AIC has also equipped me with a solid foundation in early childhood development and I managed to make a smooth transition to the university curriculum.

What advice would you give to those who are considering a midcareer switch? I think most of us are fearful of the unknown – unsure if we are going to be as successful should we decide to take that leap of faith to another career. I would consider myself lucky for having found my calling early. Some people spend their entire lives searching for their purpose in this world. So, be brave! Do what you love, and do it well.

curtin singapore 18



Curtin Here are five top reasons why you should enrol in Curtin Singapore for your degree. Same uni, different campus

Curtin Singapore is the offshore campus of Australia’s Curtin University, so you can expect the same curriculum and awarded degree as its counterpart down under. This means you get to graduate with an Australian degree, without incurring the high cost of overseas study or being far away from home.

Campus transfers


If you do change your mind about experiencing student life overseas, there is an option to transfer to Curtin University’s campus in Perth midway through your studies in Singapore. Students can choose to study part of their degree in Singapore and then graduate in Perth if they like.


Faster graduation

Typically, obtaining an Australian degree takes three years, with six semesters and summer breaks. The Singaporean campus runs six trimesters over two years without summer breaks, so you get to graduate a year ahead of its Australian counterpart. There are no changes to the teaching weeks or curriculum, just a faster track to completing your degree.

ranked TOP

2% in the world

Highly Ranked

Curtin University is among the top two per cent of universities worldwide, so you can expect recognition by employers both locally and globally. Curtin is also ranked one of the top 10 business schools in Australia, with excellent scores for its Accounting and Finance, Business and Management Studies and Communication and Media Studies courses.

Ranked top 2% universities worldwide in the Academic Ranking of World Universities 2015, Ranked in top 10 business schools in Australia in the Eduniversal Ratings and Rankings 2014

Great student mix

With students from the SouthEast Asia region and as far away from France, Germany, Norway and Sweden, students can expect interaction with peers from different culture and social backgrounds. This will allow them to apply their experience of interacting in a culturally-rich learning environment when they enter the workforce.

For more information on Curtin’s course offerings,


6593 8000



Study a highly ranked Curtin University degree in Singapore 9 Ranked top 2% in the world by ARWU 2015* 9 Transfer across Curtin campuses in Perth and Singapore 9 Flexible entry pathways through Curtin College for ‘O’ level holders

Pathway progression

‘O’ level / ‘A’ level or equivalent

Curtin College pathway programs

Direct entry to Year 2 Bachelor degree

(8 to 16 months)

(16 months)

Bachelor degree programs: • Bachelor of Arts (Mass Communication) − Journalism and Marketing streams • Bachelor of Commerce, single major in: − Accounting − International Business − Logistics and Supply Chain Management − Marketing

• Bachelor of Commerce, double majors in: − Accounting and Finance − Banking and Finance − Finance and Marketing − Management and Marketing − Management and Human Resource Management − Marketing and Advertising

Admission intakes available in February, July and November Optional to graduate in Singapore or Australia campuses

For more information on Curtin’s course offerings, contact us at 6593 8000 or visit curtin.edu.sg today. Change something today and make tomorrow better. * Top 2% universities worldwide in the Academic Ranking of World Universities 2015 Curtin University and Curtin Singapore are trademarks of Curtin University of Technology. Curtin Education Centre ERF No: 200804822R (20-05-2014 to 19-05-2018)

SEED Institute 20

Are You A Teacher Or An Educarer? Thinking of heading into early childhood education? Take this quiz to find out what role you’re best suited for. YES


I enjoy the process of imparting knowledge to young minds YES


I am curious about all things and I will never turn down a learning opportunity


I am good at explaining things to children




I understand that all kids are unique and require different learning approaches

I am able to handle infants and toddlers well NO When a child is upset, I am able to make them happy again YES

I empathise well with children’s needs

NO I am very patient, especially with kids

YES Taking care of children comes naturally to me




I believe that early childhood education is a fundamental stage of a child’s development


I never give up, no matter what



I am always optimistic



You are a Teacher!

You have a childlike curiosity, which enables you to interact well with kids. You possess the patience and persistence that is necessary when it comes to teaching children. Also, you understand the importance of using different teaching methods according to each child’s needs. To become a childcare and kindergarten teacher (children aged 18 months to six years old), you should obtain at least five GCE ‘O’ Level credits.

Khoo Hai Yan Natasha Anne-Marie (PDECCE (CC)-AFA06) While I was looking for early childhood job opportunities, I discovered that SEED Institute offers placement for individuals with no prior ECE qualifications. This was beyond what I could ever ask for. The enlistment process was a breeze and interviews were arranged with a few childcare centres. In less than a month, I started work as an assistant teacher. The programme allowed me to apply what I learnt in the classroom at work effectively, and I was able to share tips with classmates from different classroom experiences.

I am good at handling difficult situations



You are an Educarer!

You’re adept at handling young ‘uns and your firm nature allows you to maintain control during sticky situations. You are compassionate, which helps you connect with infants and toddlers who haven’t learned how to communicate verbally. Educarers are responsible for infants and toddlers (aged two months to three years). To obtain an Educarer’s certificate, you are required to be at least 21 years of age, and have had completed secondary four.

Lee Han Jing (PDECCE-TEF20 intake) I decided to become an early childhood educator because I want to create joyful and inspiring times for children. I chose SEED Institute as they have the potential to empower me as an early childhood educator. The lecturers share invaluable knowledge, advice, and inspiring stories. A memorable moment was during the Safety, Health and Nutrition module, when we made healthy meals for children. The lecturer taught us to be aware of our lifestyle habits, and how to impart this knowledge to young children. Other skills were also taught to prepare us as early childhood educators.


Reasons to Choose MDIS 10 Here’s what makes the Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS) one of the preferred private educational institutions in Singapore.


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Quiz 06


CAREER Career and Talent Development Programmes

Which Faculty ShouldVibrant You Choose? Unsure of which field of study to pick? Student Take this quiz toLife find out. Tick the top six options that describe you best.

Get a Global Edge with

SIM Global Education

C. Although you prefer working alone, you can still work well with others A. You dream of finding a cure for terminal illness one day A. You’ve taken apart one of your gadgets, just to see how it functions

Global Learning Programmes

B. You often spot even the smallest of mistakes

A. Your favourite subjects in secondary school were Mathematics and Science C. You are good at spotting patterns and analysing trends A. You’re resourceful at finding solutions to your problems

B. Your favourite projects are ones where you’re required to be creative

7 times winner AsiaOne People’s Choice Awards for best private institute

B. You’re great at social media, especially on Instagram Choose your Ideal Pathway a who can adapt to any situation C. You’re a quickto thinker Recognised Degree B. Your imagination often keeps you from feeling bored, even in the dullest of situations

GCEB.‘O’ LEVELS You interact well with people C. You’re able to communicate your thoughts well

DIPLOMA A. When faced with a difficult choice, you tend to react based on

logic andand factsFinance / (Accounting / Banking International Business / Management Studies)*

C. You aspire to be your own boss someday

Awarded by SIM

OR Science and Engineering

Mostly A passionatePROGRAMME** individual that dreams of helping the world through INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION As yourofdiscoveries or inventions, you enjoy problem-solving scenarios Awarded by University London (UOL) where you’re able to explore different approaches and solutions. You are determined and logical, yet resourceful and inquisitive – all perfect qualities that will help you navigate the challenging fields of Science and Engineering.


Awarded by partner universities

On him Polka dot shirt, $49, Praise Shorts, $59, Praise Leather bracelet,

Text: Johanna Teo

Praise Our$19,Partner Old Skool II Universities... backpack, $59, Vans Rowley sneakers, $119, Vans

Mostly Communication and Design The creative one amongst your group of friends, you’re often Bs intrigued by what others perceive to be mundane. Thinking outside of the box comes naturally to you, as your imaginative mind actively *Advanced standing for degree programme seeks to engage with the minute details**Guaranteed that others otherwise entrywould’ve to UOL’s 3-year degree programme missed. Another telltale sign that your path lies in Communication or Design is the fact that you find it easier to convey your intricate thoughts through writing or drawing.

Career-Ready Future

Mostly Business and Information Technology Street-smart and independent, you find it easier to adapt to Cs unfamiliar situations than most. Plus, you’re hardworking and efficient, and nothing brings you more satisfaction than seeing a project blossom into fruition. Your results-oriented personality definitely makes you a great fit for the worlds of Business or Information Technology.

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Gailyn Khoo Yu Li

Tanglin Secondary School Alumna Student, SIM Diploma in International Business

SIM’s wide range of programmes and CCAs enrich our learning journey. The CCAs which range from sports to arts club and special interest groups help us develop other skills and traits such as leadership, confidence and endurance. (2015)

SIM Financial Training Centre

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Edwin Phee Teck Wee

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I learnt how to manage my time effectively through my studies at SIM. The school’s teaching methodology has been efficient and effective for learning. I am glad I chose SIM as my choice of education as it has helped shaped my development into a better person. (2015)

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What’s Keeping You

From Success? Find out what’s holding you back from achieving your full potential. Tick six boxes that describe you the most – be honest! I tend to rush out my assignments at the last minute I prefer working on my own I usually avoid anything that takes too much effort I won’t attempt anything if I can’t guarantee that I’ll be successful at it I think that asking for help is a sign of weakness I have a wide range of interests, but I haven’t invested enough effort for any of them to become hobbies I spend more time coming up with excuses to avoid work, than actually working People have told me that I think too much There are at least 10 major things I want to accomplish by the end of this year Why should I delegate work to group mates when it’s easier to do it myself? There’s no need to try new things – I’m comfortable where I am right now I have a rough idea of what I want to pursue in the future, but I’m not sure how to get there

You’re familiar with the rush of adrenaline from racing against deadlines, and you’re adept at taking shortcuts to solve a pesky problem. This method has been working for you so far, but why waste your intelligence and time on halfhearted work with sloppy results, when you should be maximising your potential by buckling down and focusing a 100 per cent? Avoid slacking off or cutting corners – you’ll thank yourself later on.

You have too many goals A person with many interests, you dabble in a little of each but ultimately have no true specialisation. It’s difficult to achieve success with scattered focus. Try concentrating on one task and completing it before moving on to the next. Also, determine a course of action before embarking on a project. You’ll find it easier to achieve your goals with a solid plan, than by playing it by ear.

You’re too afraid of failure We hate to break it to you, but there’s no such thing as a failure-proof formula. The most famous names you know today have suffered massive setbacks before achieving their level of success. Point is, you’ll never have a chance to succeed if you always remain in your comfort zone, where no mistakes will be made. Stop holding yourself back and don’t worry too much about failing. If you do, simply learn from it and move on.

You reject help A hands-on and independent person, you’re the dream student/team member/employee. But there’s only one problem: you prefer tackling everything yourself, which is draining and inefficient in the long run. Avoid burning out by learning the value of teamwork and how to let go of certain responsibilities – it’s okay to ask for help. You might learn a thing or two in the process!

On him ANTI sweater, $39, Praise Shorts, $49, Praise Howells twill sneakers, $139, Fred Perry

Text: Johanna Teo

You’re lazy and undisciplined

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beauty essentials 28

GEt ready

For School With our tips on conquering school-appropriate makeup, you’ll be able to say #IWokeUpLikeThis. The Volumnised Ponytail

Limp, flat and frizzy hair is a nightmare to handle, especially with our humid weather, so tame your tresses into submission with the help of leave-in hair serum.


Part your hair into three sections. Taking the back portion, tease the top parts of the hair with a rat-tail comb to create volume, before tying it near the nape of your neck.


Pull back the other two hair pieces into the third portion and tie everything together, leaving out sections of fringe to frame your face.


Finally, fluff up your ponytail to maintain volume, and tame any flyaways with a lightweight hairspray.

text: johanna teo

The key to achieving Chantalle’s stylish three-step hairdo, is to create volume that will maintain its shape throughout the day.

etude house 29

Which ETUDE HOUSE Cushion Should You Choose? The perfect K-Beauty glowy complexion starts with choosing the right Cushion. Take this simple quiz to find out which one is right for you!


no I need to cover up my redness and blemishes



My skin looks oily and shiny

covers blemishes and neutralises redness for an evenlooking complexion.


Precious Mineral Magic Any Cushion Peach ($29) brightens dull complexion to make it appear even and refined.



Precious Mineral Moist Any Cushion ($32)

provides relief from dryness with Baobab water and Glow Lock Complex.




I need something with highcoverage



Precious Mineral Magic Any Cushion Mint ($29)


I need a product that is moisturising for my skin


I would love to have radiant and dewy-looking skin yes




I have dry, dull skin

My skin looks uneven and blotchy





Precious Mineral Any Cushion ($32),

controls sebum while giving you flawless all-day coverage.

I lead a pretty active lifestyle


Precious Mineral Any Cushion Pearl Aura ($32)

is formulated with pearl extract to give skin a radiant, dewy finish.




Precious Mineral Proof Any Cushion ($32) is a water-

proof cushion which keeps skin looking matte and fresh.

beauty essentials 30 Get Glowing For School

The five essential (yet simple) steps to looking fabulous.



1 2 3 4







Cushion Foundation




Lip Tint

Get a fresh and dewy look with the VDL Beauty Metal Cushion Foundation ($54), that will conceal redness and blemishes while brightening your complexion.

Don’t forget your brows! Using the Browhaus Classic Brow Lead ($17.90), follow the natural shape of your brows with short strokes to create a natural, hair-like texture.

Never underestimate the effects of a good mascara. Wake your peepers by curling your lashes and applying Benefit Roller Lash Mascara ($39).

Add a rosy flush to your cheeks with the Tarte Amazonian Clay 12-Hour Blush ($47) for a long-lasting colour that will take you through the day.

Finish off your complete look with the Mentholatum Lip Ice Sheer Colour ($14.50), a natural pink tint that brightens your complexion while hydrating your lips.

FreshKon 31

The Beginner’s Guide To

Cosmetic Contact Lenses We’re no strangers to the risks of wearing cosmetic contact lenses, just like the contact lenses that correct your vision. FreshKon® shares with you how to keep your alluring and dazzling eyes safe and healthy. Let us walk you through these essential tips before you pop in a pair. Take note of the water content

Opt for contact lenses with the right balance of water content. An excessive water content can dehydrate your eyes more rapidly, which is often the cause of dry eyes. While those with a low water content retain more moisture as they are made of a less permeable material, they also deprive your eyes of oxygen, putting you in danger of corneal complications. FreshKon® cosmetic contact lenses have a water content level of 55 per cent for the 1-month modality and 58 per cent for the 1-DAY modality, ensuring optimum comfortable and long-lasting wear.

Get a prescription

It might be tempting to avoid getting a prescription, but nothing is ever worth risking for the safety of your eyes. Do you know that it’s illegal to buy contact lenses without proper eye examination by an optometrist? Never assume that lenses are one-size-fits-all – a poor fit can trigger irritations, lead to surface abrasions to the cornea, and can even cause damage to your eyes. Instead of buying lenses from dodgy online shops, purchase an established brand of quality lenses from authorised eyecare professional or optical retailers. FreshKon® products are manufactured in accordance to the quality assurance system ISO 9001 / ISO 13485 requirements and meet the Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC. For official FreshKon® store locations, visit www.freshkon.com for the No.1 Cosmetic Contact Lens Brand#.

Majestic Brown

+ Winsome Brown

+ Magnetic Grey

+ Mystical Black

Mesmeric Black


Choose the right size

Fancy the look of huge anime-like eyes? You probably wouldn’t think so when you start developing vision problems. These larger circle lenses cover not just the iris, but also overlap more of the scelera (whites of the eye) to give you a ‘doe-eyed look’. However, they may also cause discomfort to your eyes. Choose the FreshKon® Alluring Eyes range to achieve bigger, brighter yet natural-looking eyes, or the FreshKon® Colors yet range for dazzling, sparkling eyes without sacrificing on comfort and your overall eye health. #

Internal analysis from a leading research company, 2014 sales for cosmetic contact lens segment.

Romantic Violet Groovy Green

Cool Green

Sky Blue

Misty Grey

Warm Hazel

Hippie Chestnut

Baby Aqua

Perky Brown


Glittering Blue

Brillant Brown


+ Gleaming Shimmering Blooming Green Grey Pink + Also available in 1-DAY modality

Glinting Brown

+ Blushing Violet


when acne

Leaves Its Marks Perhaps more agonising than getting pimples, is the scars that they leave behind. Hiruscar Post Acne shares the causes of pimples and how you can erase all traces of their existence.

Just when you thought the worst was over, your pimples decide to explode and leave a crater of a scar. What causes pimples exactly, and how can you ensure that they heal properly?

Why do pimples form?

Pimples occur when impurities or dead skin cells – which trigger the right conditions for pimple-causing bacteria to cause an inflammation – block the sebaceous glands. As sebum is naturally produced, they accumulate behind the blocked pore, resulting in a pimple. Most teenagers experience acne during puberty due to hormonal imbalance, although it is not uncommon for some to encounter pimple breakouts even when they enter adulthood. It’ll be easier to deal with once you have proper knowledge on combating pimples.

What causes acne scars?

When you break the skin while squeezing your pimples, the skin tissue can be damaged. As the body tries to repair the damage, collagen is produced to support the skin’s architecture – too much collagen causes a raised scar, while too little results in a depression.

How do you heal acne scars?

Even though pimples take only a few days to go away, scars on the other hand, heal much slower. Hiruscar Post Acne is formulated to lighten acne scars, dark marks and smoothen out depressed acne scars – even if the scars aren’t recent. Unlike other products that rely on chemicals to resurface the skin, Hiruscar Post Acne is

gentle to use. It comes in a gel form, which is easily absorbed, and helps prevent acne recurrences with its anti-bacterial ingredient, Pionin. In addition, there is also Allium Cepa, which promotes wound healing and scar tissue buildup, and MPS which improves tissue regeneration. There’s no need to go for expensive laser treatments, or use harsh chemical peels to treat acne scars. Regular usage of the Hiruscar Post Acne yields results in as little as four weeks, giving you an improved complexion without an agonising wait nor having to splurge on expensive scar-healing treatments. One should also stay out of the sun as UV rays can trigger the production of melanin, which leads to the darkening of scars. Remember to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen, which protects against both UVA and UVB rays. Avoid direct exposure in the sun, especially in mid-afternoon when the rays are at its strongest.

Here’s what our Teenage Dance Challenge contestants have to say:

Dos & Don’ts Don’t squeeze your pimples! You’re only introducing more bacteria to the wound. Don’t over-cleanse your skin. You might end up aggravating it instead.

Muhammad Hakim, 23 “I used to suffer from acne breakouts when I was younger, and I would try to squeeze them. Even after the pimples have healed, I would get horrible scars that are inflammed, and more pimples would form around the area. Hiruscar Post Acne helped lighten the scars and prevented the zits from returning.”

Ng Yan Zi, 15 “I love how the Hiruscar Post Acne’s gel-like texture doesn’t feel sticky or thick when applied. It absorbs quickly so skin looks and feels fresh seconds after application. I’m even able to apply makeup after, and it goes on super smoothly!”

Don’t neglect moisturising even if your skin is oily. Don’t forget to rinse off soapsuds from your hairline and jawline. Residual impurities can cause zits too. Do make sure your hands are clean before applying acne treatment. Do avoid touching your face or picking at your skin.

Chia Bing Xiang, 20 “Hiruscar Post Acne soothes my skin with a cooling sensation – especially the red and angrylooking pimple scars. I’ve noticed that my skin looks smoother, and my acne scars have started to lighten with use.”

Do exfoliate once a week to get rid of dead skin cells. Do remove your makeup before going to bed. Do change your pillowcases weekly. Do wash your makeup brushes frequently. Do make sure that your hair products aren’t causing your breakouts. Do patch tests on your skin before using new products, especially if you have sensitive skin.

Combat acne scarring quickly with Hiruscar Post Acne ($22.90, personal care and beauty stores). Specially formulated to lighten dark marks, smooth depressed scars and prevent acne recurrence, it’s been proven to work in as little as four weeks!

Prep 34

An Organised


Stay on track all year round with these stylish picks. n in ode .90, Wo , $49 90, , po 0 lue 18. 9.9 , Ty , $3 diar y b rey, $ $7.99 y r a g , i s d 0, A5 note r pen day .9 he te 365 y, $34 , Peti , Feat tra kki.K yono ki ono M

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Photography: Vicky Andhika Styling: Johanna Teo, Michelle Lim

90, 49. h, $ c t clu ypo .do 9, T Ban $24.9 , ki.K iar y, kik d 90, olour . 4 , $3 aterc y r dia o, W n am Cre onoyo M




of K-beauty

Move over BB cushions, THEFACESHOP CC cushions are set to be the next big thing in the K-beauty world. Combining the colour control of CC Creams with the moisturising abilities of cushion foundations, the new CC Cushion line from THEFACESHOP provides long-lasting hydration, giving you a radiant appearance. Consisting of two variations – the CC Intense Cover Cushion and CC Ultra Moist Cushion – each CC Cushion addresses different skin concerns for perfect, flawless-looking skin. They are formulated with nano-sized hyaluronic acid molecules to penetrate deep into the skin for faster and deeper hydration, and the flower essential blend which contains different flower oils for a brighter complexion.

1 CC Intense Cover Cushion

• High coverage CC cushion that hides blemishes and imperfections • Provides 25 hours of hydration without clumping or flaking • Adheres well to the skin without cakey feeling

2 CC Ultra Moist Cushion

• Prevents dryness and skin chapping • Long-lasting moisture of up t0 25 hours • Moisturising abilities of skincare serum

THEFACESHOP CC Ultra Moist Cushion ($29.90) and THEFACESHOP CC Intense Cover Cushion ($29.90) are available in three shades – Pure Beige (V103), Apricot Beige (V201) and Natural Beige (V203). Available in all THEFACESHOP outlets now! thefaceshopsingapore @thefaceshop_sg

Prep 36

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Available at Cheers


Laptops For Every Kind Of Student On the hunt for a new laptop before heading to campus? We sifted through the chaff to bring you the best laptops that serve your respective needs.

1 For computer

science students

The Lenovo ThinkPad T450s ($2,320.45) has everything a computer science student would want in a laptop, sporting a brilliant touchscreen display, rapid data transfer for your coding files and lasts for 17 hours on a single charge. Your fingers will fly across its ergonomic keyboard, with a strong tactile feel that ensures swift navigation and an optional backlight so you can crunch the data effortlessly in a dark lecture theatre. The price is a lil’ exorbitant, but it’s not often you get such an impressive package in a rugged body. Well worth the splurge, we’d say!

2 For mass communication students

Unless it’s specified by your school to purchase Apple, the Dell XPS 13 ($1,899) is one solid contender that goes head-tohead with the Macbook Air. It’s the smallest 13-inch laptop on the planet, powered by a Windows 10 system for a smooth and versatile PC experience. Having a dependable battery life is vital as communication students are online all the time. This laptop stays supercharged up to 18 hours and you can even add in another seven hours with the Dell Power Companion ($169) – that totals up to a whopping whole day of usage!

3 For film and

animation students

Why be tied down to heavy-duty equipment in musky studios, when you can take your work outdoors with the Acer Aspire V Nitro ($1,998)? Equipped with a high-octane Intel processor and graphics card, it plows you through the most intensive audio, photo and video editing projects. This attractive unit also packs in plentiful of RAM and has a great 4K resolution display, which helps you to discern every minute detail. It comes up short in terms of battery life, but the bestin-class hardware configuration makes it our overall pick for film and animation students.

4 For business students

A business road warrior demands a laptop that is optimised for work – this means high-performing specs, mobile productivity, and a battery life that can power you through the day. Ticking all these boxes is the ASUS ZenBook UX305 (from $1,298), which has a 10-hour capacity and a solid state drive that operates six times faster than a traditional hard disk drive. Despite its slim form factor, rest assured that ASUS has made it sturdy enough to carry your workload.

5 For art and design students

Apple’s suite of Macbooks have long been a cult favourite among the artsy types, so it’s easy to see why the new Apple 12-inch Macbook ($1,788) snagged the spot once again. It supports your arsenal of Adobe Creative Suite tools and features a stunning Retina display, which allows you to see every nook and cranny of your designs in pixel-perfect clarity. Not to mention it’s stylishly svelte and astonishingly featherlight to tote around campus. After all, this is one beautiful piece of engineering marvel, and which creative maven doesn’t love gorgeous technology?


For engineering students


For games design students

Text: Chew Hui Ling

Efficiency is key for engineering students, which is why having a jack-ofall-trades machine like the HP ENVY 15 Notebook ($1,699) is so important – think of it as a trusty workstation by day and a full-fledged gaming laptop by night. Loyal followers of HP’s ENVY line would be familiar with the rock-solid performance it offers, but its revamped successor greets you with zippy processor speeds and a RAM size of 8GB to process all your engineering software. The 15.6-inch frame makes it a tad chunky to lug around, but it’s still a decently-priced option that suffices your needs. The Alienware 13 R2 ($1,799) is the latest gaming beast from the Holy Grail brand. With a killer mix of turbo boost Intel processors, massive graphics horsepower and an all-day battery life, this powerhouse provides you a reliable platform to develop your game demos on. Although it boasts the thinnest and lightest chassis in Alienware history, it’s still robust enough to handle the everyday knocks and keyboard smashes. You can also enhance your experience by pairing it with an additional graphics amplifier, giving you a truly immersive gameplay unlike any other.

Pastamania 40

Complete Your Italian Experience Enjoy a mouthwatering Italian spread consisting of soup, garlic bread, drink and any stuffed or cream-based pasta from only $14.40 when you dine at PastaMania. Additionally, you can complete your meal for just $19.90 when you enjoy premium pastas like Salmon with Creamy Tomato Sauce or Beef Tenderloin Parmigiana.

Limitendly time o

Save up to $3 when you order the Complete Meal Set:



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skill 42

Interview Prep 101 Few things in life are more nerve-racking than nailing an interview, but fret not – we’ve put together the ultimate cheat sheet so you can be ahead of the game.

Before Make the first impression count Interviewers make initial judgements about your personality from the moment you walk in the door – whether you’re on time, how you dress, the way you carry yourself. Turning up late is sure to raise a red flag, so be sure to look up the directions in advance and maybe do a recce of the area if time permits. Before heading in, don’t forget to do a quick spinach-in-teeth scan so you can flash those pearly whites! Switch off your electronics Imagine being in the midst of a deep conversation while the other party’s phone buzzes sporadically throughout the session – or even worse, it rings and he/she decides to pick up the call anyway. Not very nice, is it? From our experience, this is one major deal breaker. Don’t even think about setting it to vibration mode; turn it off completely!

Think on your feet You might’ve came prepared with a list of canned answers to the generic questions, but you’re bound to get one or two unexpected questions. It’s totally okay to hesitate for a few seconds – this shows that you’re putting thought into your response and not just half-assing through it. If you’re still stumped, ask for an explanation from the interviewer to clarify your doubts, or if you could return to the topic later so you can craft out a better reply. Provide real-life anecdotes Simply bragging about your strengths ain’t enough; interviewers want to see evidence of credibility, so make sure you’ve got specific examples from your past educational or work experiences (if any) to back up your claims. Chairperson of your class? Elaborate on how you developed your leadership expertise. Organised a school camp? Talk about the team building skill you’ve acquired. Relevant certificates and testimonials from your lecturers are a plus too.

After Reflect on areas to improve This won’t be the only interview you’ll go through in life, thus it’s important to assess how you fared so as to improve for future interviews. While your memory’s still fresh, sit down and jot down as many of the questions you were asked on a piece of paper. By reviewing your performance, you’ll be able to identify what you lack and rework those points. Follow-up with the interviewer Weeks have gone by and nothing came. Most of us would probably continue waiting than risk sounding pushy, but that will just make it seem like you don’t care. Before leaving, enquire when you can expect a reply from them so you’ll know when is acceptable to send a follow-up email. A short and sweet thank you note will also help to keep your hat in the ring. Good luck folks!

On her: Geometric print dress, $79.90, H&M Gem ring, $19.90, New Look Oxford wedges, $59.90, New Look

Text: Chew Hui Ling


maritime Diplomas 44

The Maritime

Advantage Did you know that the maritime industry contributed seven per cent; $27 billion to Singapore’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2014? Opportunities abound in the industry! Find out how these maritime students got a head start.

Marilyn Lim Diploma in Maritime Business Singapore Polytechnic Most people feel that the maritime industry is maledominated, but Marilyn Lim was more than happy to jump in when her father suggested that she take the Diploma in Maritime Business (DMB) at Singapore Polytechnic (SP). “My father is a shipping agent so he often brought me around the port. As a child, I was amazed by these huge ships. During my time in SP, I discovered that the ratio of male and female students in the DMB course was almost 50-50, and I think that reflects the growing interest in maritime business.” As a DMB student, Marilyn benefited from overseas exchange programmes. She even got an exclusive tour of a cruise ship’s navigational deck and engine room, when she participated in the Maritime Experiential Learning Camp. Another highlight was her six-month internship with multinational energy corporation, Chevron, where her knowledge of maritime

terms came into play when she helped to draft contracts for the purchase of fuel oil. Through SP’s affiliation with Plymouth University in the UK, which is known for its top-notch maritime degree programmes, Marilyn was offered direct entry to its final year and she even secured a scholarship for her overseas study. Today, Marilyn works in the Asian office of a shipbroking company headquartered in New York. Her work in the chemical tanker department involves her working with clients to match their cargos with suitable ships for transport from port to port, and she enjoys building relations with different people as part of her work. “Like most of my peers, we found jobs fairly quickly after graduation. Maritime is an exciting and ever-changing industry to be in, and it’s very supportive of young professionals, so I encourage everyone to not hesitate and go for it!”

Muhammad Noor Izzan B Zaharuddin Diploma in Marine & Offshore Technology Ngee Ann Polytechnic His love for maritime started in secondary 2 during a school excursion to Keppel Shipyard in Tuas. “I was in awe of the mega structures I saw that day, and that prompted me to take the Diploma in Marine & Offshore Technology (MOT) in Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP),” says Muhammad Noor Izzan B Zaharuddin. He not only managed to secure a scholarship, he also scored an internship and got offered a job at the very place that first piqued his interest. During his internship, Izzan had the opportunity to attend project meetings held by the shipyard, clients and classification societies. His three-month stint also allowed him to apply the theories and computation formulas learnt – thanks to his education in NP which provided him with a hands-on experience beyond the traditional classroom setting. Recalling interesting bits about his course, Izzan shares

how they were tasked to fabricate their own ships in Year 2. “At the end of the fabrication stage, we got to race our ships against the rest of our cohort mates,” he explains. “The ship would have to go through a ‘drag race’ in the first semester, and navigate through another obstacle course in the second semester!” “As one of the fastest growing industries in Singapore, the maritime industry is in need of more young and talented local engineers. If you have the passion for it, there will definitely be a spot for you here,” Izzan says. Izzan, who is now in his final year in NP, will start work at Keppel Offshore & Marine after completing his National Service. Down the line, he hopes to further his studies in Offshore Engineering with Newcastle University, which offers the degree programme through the Singapore Institute of Technology.

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