Solibri Model Checker

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A Brand New






OpenBIM is Taking a Big Leap Forward in Korea


A Century of Building Excellence




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4 A Century of Building Excellence

Lemminkäinen, a leading Finnish construction group benefits from BIM in Public Private Partnership projects and implements BIM on a large scale.

7 Solibri leads the way to Model-Based Expedited Permitting

– a Perspective from the U.S.

Published by Solibri, Inc. Itälahdenkatu 21A 00210 Helsinki, FINL AND Phone: +358 10 5486800 Fax: +358 10 5486806 Email: info @

9 OpenBIM is Taking a Big Leap Forward in Korea

OpenBIM practices are gaining ground in day-to-day project work, and BIM guidelines and requirements are being developed with ambitious, wide spread and systematic national application in mind.

13 ZEEP architecten Invests in OpenBIM

– Solibri Model Checker provides value in integrated design

Editor-in-chief Jaakko Jauhiainen jaakko.jauhiainen @

Model based permitting is a new method which could be used for expediting an old and potentially dysfunctional process.


ZEEP architecten in the Netherlands has invested heavily in OpenBIM and an integrated design process achieving better productivity, quality and customer satisfaction.

Jonna Nylander jonna.nylander@

16 HENT Construction company of Norway takes advantage of

Cover picture

model-based design, production and FM

Töölö library in Helsinki Architect: Aarne Ervi Visualization: Tietoa Finland Oy

HENT – an OpenBIM Pioneer from Norway invests heavily in BIM. The return on investment has been significant, resulting in better dialogue with customers, improved quality of construction documentation, improved quantity takeoff (QTO), improved work planning and less re-work.

19 Solibri Model Checker v7 – Model Checking for Quality

© 2011 Solibri, Inc. All rights reser ved. Contents may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or par t, without the prior writ ten permission of Solibri, Inc.

The Brand New Solibri Model Checker v7 greatly improves the Quality Assurance/Quality Control process performance and supports corporate level best practices. At the same time new Rulesets add to Model Checking capabilities and the greatly improved performance to usability.

21 BIM Maturity: The Second Generation

BIM Maturity, on the broadest scope is, can be nation-wide. National level, government level, and company level BIM guidelines are being adopted and used widely by the AEC community. This is the second generation of BIM. Already supported by Solibri.


CAN NO LONGER BE OPTIONAL We live in interesting and challenging times. The economic situation in many countries is strained. This is a time that requires change and demands innovation as we strive to meet our personal and organizational goals. Currently, the building industry is spending tens of billion dollars more than necessary each year because of poor quality, and outdated, or even non-existent quality practices. At the same time, we are strongly encouraged to focus on delivering environmentally friendly and sustainable projects that are also much more challenging, from the design and construction perspective. Should we save on design costs? Many studies show that waste associated with design and design-related problems is actually more than the cost of design itself. So, what should we do? Let me phrase it this way: Just reading this magazine suggests that you are on the right track. In this issue of the Solibri Magazine, we have assembled some interesting ar ticles about successful projects where Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) have made a significant and tangible difference. You will also find interesting customer cases profiling BIM projects where the Solibri Model Checker application has been used for QA/QC. As is the case with all good technolog y, our users find creative ways to use this technolog y, essentially stretching it to new limits. From our perspective, this is fantastic! One key ingredient to deliver consistently high quality is to set clear BIM guidelines and requirements. Reliable information is required in order to generate accurate cost estimates and energ y calculations. This is only possible when the information requirements are clearly stated and proper modeling practices are followed. We have excellent examples from the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) BIM Requirements, Statsbygg’s BIM Guide in Norway, and the National BIM requirements for Finland to mention just a few. A great way to use QA/QC is to require it during design competitions. This allows you to ensure comparable alternatives which make it possible to better analyze the characteristics and behavior of the design. Solibri is also thinking and executing strategically. We are actively par ticipating in several projects that relate to QA/QC solutions and processes, In the US, the FIATECH sponsored AutoCodes (Expedited Permitting) project is an example of our commitment to delivering consistent quality to the global building code checking and review process. Finally, in this issue we are introducing the newest version of Solibri Model Checker, v7. As our users have come to expect and appreciate, this version introduces new features and innovative capabilities to fur ther refine the QA/QC process. We encourage customer feedback and we make every effor t to actively listen to all of our customers. We also continue to engineer our offering to deliver greater speed and higher performance. In other words, we hold ourselves to a strict QA/ QC process, internally. Our commitment is to continue to lead in the world of model-based QA/QC by providing solid technolog y tools that make it possible to achieve consistently excellent performance. This means we will deliver value and you will be able to use our technolog y to create your own QA/QC process to maximize your benefit. The information is in the model. The quality of that information depends upon the author, but the ability to measure the quality and verify accuracy is in your hands, as a Solibri customer.

Enjoy the magazine and let us know what you think!

Heikki Kulusjärvi CEO, Solibri, Inc. heikki.kulusjar vi@

Solibri, Inc.


A Century of Building Excellence Lemminkäinen is a 100-year-old Finnish construction group which operates in all segments of the construction sector. Lemminkäinen is the name of a God-like hero in the Kalevala – Finland’s National Epic.

A number of individuals working in the construction industr y had the idea of establishing their own asphalt and cement business in Helsinki in the form of a joint-stock compan y”. Those words opened the first annual repor t of Asfaltti Oy Lemminkäinen for the year 1910. Finland was in its final years as an Autonomous Grand Duchy of the Russian Empire, and aspirations of nationhood were much in evidence. Patriotic fervor also infused the business world. Master builder s had been trained in Helsinki since 1883, and now they were enthusiastically building the capital city at the beginning of the 20th century.

Lemminkäinen Today To d a y L e m m i n k ä i n e n i s a l e a d i n g construction company. Lemminkäinen operates in building construction, infrastructure construction and technical building ser vices, simultaneously exp loiting new technologies and processes such as BIM, and developing capabili4


ties with new busines s models including Public-Private Par tnership (PPP). Lemminkäinen Group op er ate s in Finland, Russia and the Baltic region, as well in all areas of the construction sector. The Group's business sectors are building cons truc tion and infr a struc ture construc tion and technical building ser vice s. Net sale s in 2010 were approximately EUR 2 billion, of w hi c h in t e r n a t i o n al o p e r a t i o n s a c c oun te d for roug hl y a qu ar ter. The Group employs about 8 300people.

BIM Is the Best Way to Build Le mmink äin e n i s k nown for i t s exper tise in building and infrastructure construction. The company is enhancing personnel competency, and the reby ef ficiency. To retain the leading market position in these fields, Lemminkäinen has adapted the mindset of continuously developing and improving busines s operations. One of their streng ths is BIM.

Analysis of the multi design discipline building information model. Courtesy of Arkkitehtitoim i s t o P e r k o O y. O n t h e r i g h t : O n t h e r i g h t : L o b b y o f M a r t t i A h t i s a a r i S c h o o l . P h o t o E s a K ä r k i

BIM has been developed for use in steering the design and planning process, project management and production control. This development work generates added value for customers by providing them with illustrative information models that help them make decisions. BIM also raises productivity and improves information flow between the various par ties working on a project. By the end of 2011, Lemminkäinen intends to use BIM on all construction projects with subcontracted design ser vices. In Lemminkäinen’s view, BIM boosts planning efficiency. All production material data can be saved in the same dat abase, all par tie s have ac ce s s to the same up -to - date projec t data and it’s easier to integrate various subsections. BIM also increases costeffectiveness. “ BIM is the best way to build. What is required is rather a cultural change than a change merely in practices. With interoperability, cooperation and active attitude BIM projects will be extremely ef ficient. ” say s Mrs. Karppinen. “ The benefits are clear. High quality models enable us to use model information in various business functions such as cost estimation and scheduling without the risks that exist in exploiting ordinar y plans. Also, the building phase is less error prone and the construction phase smoother.”

Public Private Partnership Public–Private Par tnership, sometimes referred to as PPP, P3 or P3, is a business venture that is funded and ope rated through a par tnership of one or more private sector companies and a public body. PPP has been used for providing various types of services and is not limited to construction in many countries. The purpose of Public-Private Par tner ship is to create a public -private venture enabling the production of services, such as building infrastructure or providing health care, without the traditionally heav y public initial investment and cash outlays that have historically burdened the public sector. The main rationale is that while the need for services increases, the effective par tnerships enables utilizing the lower capital cost of the public par tner and the know-how, resources, capabilities and ef fec tivene s s of the private par tie s, creating both synerg y and a win-win situation. PPP comes in many flavors depending on the scope of the ser vices rendered by the private par tner such as Design-Build-Finance-Maintain (DBFM) or Design-Build-Finance-Maintain-Operate (DBFMO). In the former, the private sector designs, builds and finances an asset and provides facility management or maintenance services, and in the lat-

ter the private sector also operates the building under a long-term agreement. A typical transpor tation infrastructure example is the E18 motorway project, which included the construction of 51.3 km of new motor way as a four lane dual- c arriageway, seven motorway tunnels with a total leng th of 5.2 km, eight interchanges and 48 bridge sites. Lemminkäinen and another major construction company took par t in the joint venture responsible for two contracts: first for design and construction, and the second for maintenance, until 2029. Thus, from the point of view of the private par ties providing the service in the par tnership, a subst antial finanCASE STUDY


There is no way back. BIM will be the way we work.

M a r t t i A h t i s a a r i S c h o o l . A rc h i t e c t A r k k i t e h t i t o i m i s t o P e r k o O y

cial, technical and operational risk is included in the projects. Risk management and mitigating risks requires high quality design and construction. This is where BIM comes in.

PPP in Real Estate: a case On 27 July 2 009 Kuopio Ci t y Board sele c ted Lemminkäinen C orpor ation as the ser vice provider for a major life cycle projec t. The projec t scope en compasses the new construction and basic repair of four schools and one child day- care center. Lemminkäinen will be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the buildings for a period of 25 years. The total value of the project is EUR 93.5 million. All the construction works of the project will be completed by autumn 2013. Mar t ti Ahtisaari school and Puijonsarvi school have been completed. Rajala school and Puijonlaakso child day-care center will be completed in autumn 2012, and Pohjantie school by autumn 2013. Mr. Mat ti Varstala, the project manager in charge of the school project 6


s t a te s t h a t PPP p roje c t s re quire a broad skill set. Being a large construction company that operate s in many construction sectors, PPP projects fit Lemminkäinen ex tremely well. Having versatile skills enables Lemminkäinen to also take par t in making technolog y decisions that are impor tant in life cycle projects. A deep understanding of the capabilities of technolog y and the requirements of the use enables Lemminkäinen to avoid a common pitfall of sub-optimizing design solutions. The g re ate s t b enef i t provide d by BIM has been the possibility to model and visualize the design solutions to all par ticipants in the project, from designers to the end users and subcontractors, and ensure smooth construction flow. The greatest challenge has been the correct timing of the design deliverables in relation to the construction schedule. BIM and qu ali t y a s sur anc e h ave been used throughout the project. Normally, tens of people take par t in the quality assurance during the construc-

tion phase. Using BIM as the de sign method makes it possible to coordinate the design before construction begins. “ Solibri Model Checker has proved to be a valuable tool to designers for locating design problems. Quality assurance has produced concrete benefits, and we are satisfied with the ease that Solibri Model Checker isolates design issues.” states Mr. Varstala.

The Lemminkäinen Way “There is no way back. Naturally, this will mean that our designer supplier s will need to provide us with the models we require, and invest in learning to model in a way that fulfills our needs and requirements. BIM will be the way we work .” concludes Karppinen. From the point of view of Lemminkäinen’s design suppliers, BIM h a s c o n s e qu e n c e s . B e c au s e L e m minkäinen intends to use BIM on all cons t ruc t ion proje c t s wi t h sub contracted design ser vices, there will also be a new way to design and model for Lemminkäinen.

Solibri LLC


Solibri leads the way to Model-Based Expedited Permitting A PERSPECTIVE FROM THE U.S.


IM, as a practice and a process has been steadily evolving and will continue to do so for many years to come. In many circles, BIM is too of ten equated with a solution or a par ticular tool. As has been stated in many forums, and even in this magazine, the true sustainable value associated with BIM is the information or the data that is as so ciated, or nested, within the model (s). If we take a close look at the stakeholder s on any projec t, we usually f ind that the BIM discus sion is related to the design team, the construction project team and eventually the owner (in the ideal situation). The explanation for this is simple. These are the par ties that have found value and benefits by adopting a collaborative approach to project delivery…, which is identified as vir tual design and construction (VDC) or BIM. There is no doubt that the benefits of BIM are real, tangible and becoming more pre dic t able and me asure able. But there is something missing . As design and construction introduces more quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) through the use of 3D models and BIM, an entire community of building of ficials and agency plan reviewers remain totally entrenched in the 2D paper review process. In some of the more innovative jurisdic tions they have begun to work with digit al content (e.g. pdf files), or online sub mit tals, but these are still primarily in 2D. This group of profe s sionals has been lef t out of the BIM dialogue, for years. It just doesn’t make sense.

When you consider the typical workflow, the designer may be quite proficient at building data-rich 3D models, but when it is time to submit the design for plan or code review, they must ‘flatten’ the model to 2D, print on paper (most of the time at least 10 sets) and then submit to the reviewing authority. The cost to manually process the review is dependent upon the urgency that the customer indicates. Sometimes the review might take in excess of 2 months. But, for a steeper fee, it might be possible to expedite the review and deliver comments within a day or two. Those comments are then addressed by the de sign entit y, again in 3D, flat tened again to 2D and re - submit ted to the agency for approval. This proce s s of model…flatten to 2D…re-model…re-flatten and eventually gain approval is extremely inefficient and potentially ver y costly, both in dollars and the possible delays associated with gaining the final approval. So, there are really 2 prob lems (or challenges if you prefer). Firstly, the 3D>2D>3D>2D>3D exchange is reflective of a disjointed and potentially dysfunctional process. Secondly, the real adoption of BIM requires the inclusion of the review community. Without their involvement we will not be able to accurately predict our project schedules, not just for construction, but also possibly for financing, cost control and especially for operational timelines. Solibri is in a unique position. As the developer of a QA /QC technolog y so lution that ‘requires’ a model in order to deliver value, we are acutely aware of the broad market we need to ser ve. We have a solution that can play an

instrumental role in addres sing both of the challenges identified above. We can solve the initial issue by providing a platform that enables the reviewing authorit y to accept, and even encourage the submission of models, rather than just paper drawings. The second issue was a mat ter of inclusion. Once the reviewing entities begin to review models they will become critical member s of the broader BIM communit y. Their role will be ex tremely influential, as they will be responsible for streamlining the design>permit>construct continuum. The one aspect that wasn’t discussed here was ‘what does the reviewer check the model for, and how do they ac tually accomplish this? ’. This is a significant under taking and needs to be addressed in a systematic and metho dic al f ashion. Solibri i s current ly engaged in the initial phase of a Proof of Concept Project that will deliver the capability to begin the transformation from 2D to BIM for this entire industr y segment. This projec t, sponsored by the FIATECH Organization is known as AUTOCodes (for Expedited Permit ting) and is being conducted in the US. The details of the project are included in the announcement below. This is an example of the Solibri commitment (as well as our committee co-members) to delivering innovation to the global building code and review process. In this project Solibri is working together with FIATECH, The International Code Council (ICC ), Avolve Sof tware, and Target Corporation. Please see the related Announce ment on the following page. CASE STUDY


k Project Underway Nationwide Automated Code-Chec app rova ls and perm ittin g,

e offi cial s to exp edit e Eve n with the bes t effo r ts of cod cos tly disc iplin e. a tedi ous , time -con sum ing, and regu lato r y com plia nce rem ains rs, and eng inctio n own ers, arch itec ts, des igne Whi le buil ding offi cial s, con stru urat e and unif orm criti cal imp or tanc e of time ly, acc eers hav e long und erst ood the ect to imp rovi ng gres s has bee n mad e with resp cod e-re view, rela tive ly lit tle pro est focu s has bee n regu lato r y pro ces s. Onl y mod and mod ern izin g an out date d l has on bus ines s cod e revi ew and perm it app rova plac ed on the sign ifica nt imp act th. and con sist ent eco nom ic grow e rais ed awa reCur rent eco nom ic con ditio ns hav d. nge cha Now all of that has ls of gov ernm ent. lato ry proc ess to the high est leve nes s of defi cien cies in the regu and tech nolo g y urge nt call to app ly new thin king Acro ss the cou ntr y ther e is an and plan ning deions . Forw ard -loo king buil ding to the cha llen ges faci ng juris dict ess es, incl udin g hod s for stre aml inin g thei r proc par tme nts are inve stig atin g met ckin g. fast er, mor e con sist ent cod e che el (BIM ) tech nosion al, buil ding info rma tion mod men e-di thre The grow ing use of ty to acc eler ate pres ents a sign ifica nt opp or tuni log y by the con stru ctio n indu stry of prog ram mab le mitt ing. Thro ugh the app lica tion cod e revi ews and exp edit e per pur pos e of dete rbe que ried and ana lyze d for the sof twa re rule s, BIM dat a can er of com put ers to . This met hod util izes the pow min ing regu lato r y com plia nce eve n imp rovi ng, e revi ew whi le mai nta inin g, and per form the maj orit y of the cod intr insi c to the ign inte grit y stan dard s whi ch are the fund ame ntal safe ty and des regu lato ry proc ess . tee laun che d Reg ulat or y Stre aml inin g Com mit In Jan uar y 201 1, the FIAT ECH eck ing rule sets . to dev elop auto mat ed cod e-ch a pro of-o f-co nce pt (PO C) proj ect sdic tion s from diftion al Cod e Cou ncil (ICC ), juri With the sup por t of the Inte rna dev elop ers, the tes and inde pen den t sof twa re fere nt regi ons of the Uni ted Sta trat e the viab ility ed “AU TOC ode s”) will dem ons initi al pha se of the pro ject (nam prov isio ns of the ck the Acc ess ibili ty and Egre ss of usin g sof twa re rule sets to che team is con duc ting e. To ach ieve this , the Proj ect ICC ’s Inte rna tion al Buil ding Cod and the resu lts trad ition al, man ual plan revi ews a com para tive ana lysi s betw een . of a BIM -bas ed che ckin g proc ess atin g juris dic-che ck eng inee rs from the par ticip plan and s cial In Apri l, cod e offi tion stor e prot otys deri ved from a Targ et Cor pora tion s wer e give n a set of 2D plan Acc ess ibili ty and inst ruct ed to per form a stan dard pe BIM . The juris dict ions wer e hod s. Coll ecti ng stan dard buil ding cod es and met Egre ss plan revi ew per thei r own insi ght into the prov ided the Com mitt ee with key resu lts from thes e juris dict ions way plan revi ews are con duc ted. for the purwith a sof twa re dev elop men t team The Targ et stor e BIM was sha red nce . The resu lts Acc ess ibili ty and Egre ss com plia pos e of che ckin g the mod el for ting or mod ifyin g d to dete rmin e the nee d for crea wer e to be ass ess ed and ana lyze plet ed, the resu lts the 2D plan revi ews wer e com mac hine -lan gua ge rule sets . As set dev elop to serv e as a bas elin e for the rule wer e pas sed to the sof twa re team dist ribu ted to the and POC rule sets will soo n be men t effo r t. The Targ et stor e BIM will be ana lyze d and revi ew and repo r t. The resu lts juris dict ions for a mod el-b ase d pub lish ed in a fina l POC repo r t. mar y of the pro is now com plet e. A find ings sum The initi al 2D revi ew exe rcis e ting in Pho enix , at the ICC Ann ual Bus ines s Mee ject wor k to date will be sha red Ariz ona (Oc t 30 – Nov. 3). men t of an exte nobje ctiv es incl ude the dev elop Lon g term AUT OCo des Proj ect by indu stry and ry whi ch is app rove d and ado pted sive , ope n-so urce rule set libra g y dev elop ers sets are to be use d by tech nolo regu lato r y bod ies alik e. The rule era tion of des ign, cod e of ficia ls for the nex t gen in com mer cial com pan ies and men t. con stru ctio n and faci lity man age




Heerim Architects and Planners Co. Ltd & , AEC3 Korea

Visualization cour tesy of Heerim Architects and Planners Co., Ltd.

OpenBIM is Taking a Big Leap Forward in Korea

KPX Design Comptetition Winner by Heerim A rc h i t e c t s a n d P l a n n e r s C o . , L t d .

OpenBIM adoption is progressing rapidly in Korea. OpenBIM practices are gaining ground in day-to-day project work, and BIM guidelines and requirements are being developed with ambitious, wide spread and systematic national application in mind. BIM Adoption and Guidelines in Korea buildingSMART Korea and Yonsei Universit y sur vey BIM adoption in Korea bi-annually. The two most recent surve y s we re c on du c te d in 2 0 08 an d 2010. The results of the latter sur vey show that the number of BIM projects carried out by contractors and architects increased over 100% during the two year period. Also, the number of personnel having BIM capabilities more than doubled from 2008 to 2010. BIM is more about the process than to o l s . T h e in c re a s e in t h e numb e r of companie s that have BIM -related

management systems increased three fold from 2008 to 2010. In terms of interoperability, almost 50% of the respondents answered that BIM projects under taken had experienced no significant problems.

BIM Requirements and Guidelines in Korea Op enBIM - b as e d BIM guideline s and de sign and cons truc tion projec t s by both government and public organizations are rapidly increasing in Korea.

The se BIM initiative s and R & D projects include (for example) the National BIM Guidelines and Roadmap project, Public Pro curement Ser vic e proje c t and even individual AEC projects such as the KPX Design Competition Guidelines. The purpo se of the National BIM Guidelines and Roadmap project was to develop a national BIM roadmap an d gu i d an c e in t h e ar c hi t e c t u r al field. The project was launched by the Ministr y of Land, Transpor t and Maritime Af fairs, and it was carried out by buildingSMART Korea and Kyung Hee Univer sit y in 2009. The Ministr y of Land, Transpor t and Maritime Af fairs distributed National Architectural BIM Guidance for application to four Central Administration Authorities, sixteen Metropolitan Cities and six Public Organizations on January 28th, 2010. By providing the guidance of methods to be applied, the target was to invigorate CASE STUDY


systematic use of BIM in the public industrial market and also to set up the specific and practical standards of BIM application for each organization. Public Procurement Service (PPS) is a professional governmental organization which executes all public procuring services including material purchases, f ac ili t y c on s t r u c t ion c on t r ac t s an d management for the public sec tor in Korea. PPS is equivalent to the GSA in the US. Public Procurement Ser vice announced “BIM guidance for applic ation” for the public competitions and turn-key based construc tions on October 17th, 2010. BIM guidance is focusing on reducing the burden in the market resulting from new technolog y adoption. The goal is to define submission procedures and the scope of BIM at each design stage. PPS is also aiming at saving costs and boosting Green Construction in public area by requiring 10


BIM based building energ y ef ficiency analysis, energ y simulations and model based quantity takeoffs. The long-term plan is to expand BIM into the entire public sector. Put in a very concrete way, the target is that by 2013-2015 BIM is applied on all turnkey design construction projects valued over $50 million, and achieving savings by using 4D cost engineering systems. By 2016 the target is that BIM is used on all public projects.

KPX Design Competition: BIM in Practice In the Korean Power Market there are six power generation companies and s ever al p ower pro duc er s pro ducing elec tricit y. Korea Elec tric Power Corporation is in charge of transmission, distribution & retail of electricity. Electricity is traded in the power market in Korea. The power market is the whole-

sale market for trading electricity produced. Korea Power E xchange ( KPX) is in charge of the market operations. Korea Power Exchange is a nonprofit organization, which plays a pivotal role in South Korea’s power industry by ensuring the reliability of power supply in all regions of South Korea. The new he adquar ter s was to b e buil t under t he mo t to of an energ y saving and environment-friendly building with innovative de sign. BIM was planned to be applied to the projec t over all stages from design, construction, and facility management. Pushing ahead with a design project, KPX established the first ever BIM guidelines in Korea and decided to apply OpenBIM technolog y from the beginning of the project. KPX applied the national BIM guides by MLTM (The Ministr y of Land, Transpor t and Mari time Af fair s) and spent more than one year set ting up its own BIM design guidelines, which

constituted the basis for preliminar y quantified quality evaluation of models in the IFC format. O p e nB IM b a s e d m o d e l c h e c k in g sof t ware was used for checking the space program, environmental friendliness and the economics of the design from the cons truc tion point of view. The primar y goal was to pre - evaluate the de signs and minimize subjec tive opinion, at the same time introducing automated, systematic and a sensible evaluation process producing quantified and objective BIM quality results. One of the par ticipant companies stated that “ This was an innovative case, whereas the previous BIM evaluation processes have been subjective producing ambiguous BIM evaluation results .” Solibri Model Checker was provided to ever y group so that the objective and reliable evaluation was guaranteed for all par ticipants and KPX.

Heerim Architects and Planners: the Winner of the KPX Design Competition The six design groups which took par t in the competition where Heerim Architecs & Planners, Aum & Lee Architec t s & A s sociates, GNI Architec t s & Engineers, Hyundai Architects & Engineers As sociates Co., Samwoo Architects & Engineers and Sang ji Environment & Architects Space Group. The winner of the competition was Heerim Architec t s and Planner s Co., Ltd. The company is a publicly listed architectural and design service provider headquar tered in Seoul. The company is large, even on the global scale. The 2010 World Architecture 100 published as a supplement to Building De sign ranked Heerim as Number 84 in the g lob al de sig n communi t y. B ase d on the number of design professionals, or creativity, Heerim was ranked eighth. And in the Pacific Rim, the company is number two in terms of income. The company has seen robust demand also from abroad including Abu Dhabi, Azerbaijan and Vietnam. Heerim specializes in cul tural facili tie s, government al, public and residential buildings, and spor ts stadiums. A winning proposal in a design competition where BIM quality is one criteria is a clear indication of

Heerim being a company willing to invest in the future.

BIM and Quality Control at Heerim Architects and Planners BIM provides design companies with clear benefits. General Manager JuYoung Lee from the BIM Research Group Archi tec tur al R & D C enter at Heerim s t ate s that “ For architectural design companies, BIM makes it pos sible to realize high-value design such as free form structure and helps to perform high quality design by ef ficient information management. BIM is also utilized as an ef fective educational tool for the staf f. By applying BIM, we could enhance the clients’ satisfaction level and keep the clear communication among the experts in each design team.” For Heerim this means that BIM makes it easy to perform the various 3D de sign reviews

from the initial stage, and to avoid the design issues from the beginning. This minimizes the amount of design change and enables Heerim to recognize the potential issues in construction phase and set up the plans to handle them in advance. From the clients’ perspective BIM has increased the level of understanding of their building. This allowed designers to communicate clients’ demand most effectively and fast. In addition, it opened a way of get ting new ideas from the clients thanks to their experience in 3D vir tual space. “ Solibri Model Checker enabled us to per form automatic checks for de sign and clashes between various disciplines. Above all, thanks to SMC, it w a s p o s si b l e to i nte g r ate , ev alu ate and manage dif ferent data formats in the proje c t , which enhanc e d over all pro ductivit y signi f ic antly. Esp ecially, it was ver y impre s sive to experience its excellent abilit y of proces sing IFC data.” continues JuYoung Lee. CASE STUDY


KPX Design Competition: examples analysis K PX d e s i g n c o mp e t i t i o n i s significant not only in terms of introducing BIM bu t also for apply ing comprehensive OpenBIM technolog y and environmental friendliness analysis. Each par ticipant group tested and coordinated their models created using various CAD authoring tools for each de sign discipline. While BIM model data compatibility was one of the major challenge s an d t im e c o n sumin g , e a c h group could develop guide s for t hem s elve s for qu ali t y assurance and the interoperability process. KPX Headquar ters relocat ion de sig n c omp e t i t ion in clude d t wo dis t inc t s t age s : pre evaluation and main-evalu a t ion. Pre ev alu a t ion w a s basically an evaluation of the BIM quality including, for each proposal, a valuation of spatial design in terms of space requirements, evaluation for basic BIM quality, and energ y per formance as ses sment. BIM qualit y was analy zed using Solibri Model Checker and rulesets based on Korean BIM Re quirement s, cre ate d for the design competition –a clear indication of the power of Solibri Model Checker, its c apabili tie s in pr ac tice and flexibility in implementing BIM Requirements.

Each space should have a defined usage identifier and name

H i g h l i g h t e d w a l l c o m p o n e n t s s u r ro u n d a v o i d i n t h e m i d d l e o f t h e b u i l d i n g - a n a re a w i t h n o m o d e l l e d space

Models should meet accessibility codes

S e l e c t e d w a l l c o m p o n e n t s d o e s n ’t t o u c h a b o v e





ZEEP architecten & Kubus architectural solutions

ZEEP architecten Invests in OpenBIM SOLIBRI MODEL CHECKER PROVIDES VALUE IN INTEGRATED DESIGN ZEEP architecten has invested heavily in OpenBIM and an integrated design process. The result is better productivity, quality and customer satisfaction.


collaboration between three cooperating discipline s : architect, engineer and installation consultant addresses a small project in Zwolle, Netherlands in a dif ferent way t han usual : t heir working method is called ‘integrated design’. ZEEP architecten from Amersfoor t, Netherlands has compiled the design team for this project, which contains 26 new houses. ZEEP ar c hi t e c t e n, w inn e r o f t h e 2 010 Du tch c on te s t ‘How Smar t I s Your B IM’, c an b e s e e n a s o n e o f the forerunners in the use of BIM in t h e d e s i g n p r o c e s s . T h e ar c hi t e c tur al f irm has 22 employe e s and is cont inually se arching for innovat ive and sus t ainable conc ep t s, develop ment s, initiatives and collaborations using the Building Information Model.

Working Together Director architect Ronald van Ag gelen is delighted to talk about the new developments: “It is increasingly important to share information with other partners in the building process. Not only does

that reduce failure costs caused by poor communication, it also optimizes our internal processes. By using a BIM model and the exchange of transparent, unambiguous data we are forcing ourselves to the limits to get the best from the model.” “ Specifically for this project we are working with Veric on (c onsultant for building structure s), an ex p erienc e d Tekla user and Veccins3d (installation c onsultant), a c omp any which works with DDS-CAD. We agreed to collaborate in BIM and to monitor the quality of the provided information by an independent check on modelling- and design errors .”

Solibri as a unifying factor Over one year ago ZEEP architec ten purchased Solibri Model Checker from Kubus archi te c tur al solu t ions, t heir BIM-par tner and ArchiCAD-distributor. Af ter a test phase, they concluded that Solibri can be used on various projects: internal, small projects and bigger projects in which collaboration is needed. Van Ag gelen says Solibri is the ‘unif ying factor’. He continues: “ Solibri works CASE STUDY


as a control system, we have no discussions about the quality of the information supplied by all parties. Solibri helps the team improve the qualit y of our work. It is an objective tool to monitor if the model meets predefined requirements. It comes as no surprise that for our construction partners and us, it was an easy choice to implement the Solibri Model Checker into our joint project.” “ We also use Solibri Model Checker for budgetary control. The beauty of this sof t ware is that even without coding during the process of elaborated design, all quantities can be extracted from the model. The way in which the design is created is independent of the working method or the used sof tware. We strongly believe in this OpenBIM way of doing things. ”

Optimization of design

Taking off quantities and the coordination between the various models provided within the Solibri Model Checker are done by “rulesets”. To optimize the architectural design, the core business of ZEEP architecten, other types of rulesets are being used. As an example, Van Ag gelen speaks about the assessment of using sur face areas, wheelchair acces sibilit y and control of the schedule of requirements. The use of OpenBIM during the design (ArchiCAD, Tekla, DDS-CAD, and Solibri) has ensured that within 6 weeks from star ting the design from scratch, the building permit was submitted. Van Ag gelen: “A ver y quick turnaround, you can imagine that our client is very happy. We also ensured an end product with a higher quality than the sum of its parts.”

Trust is important Van Ag gelen indicates that what they do on a small scale is also widely used. “ It’s not a mat ter of blind confidence in technology or in sof tware. Cooperating par ties must confide in each other, which are accessed by what is produced in the light of pre-agreed conditions. Rulesets within Solibri makes clear what we are doing during the design process, which is essential in this modern era “. This changing way of cooperation automatically leads to changing pro cesses within the par tnership. Here are two impor tant factors according to van 14


To optimize the architectural design other types of rulesets are being used. As an example, Van Aggelen speaks about the assessment of using surface areas, wheelchair accessibility and control of the schedule of requirements....

renderings: R e n d e r i n g o f t h e p ro j e c t

Ag gelen; his blue eyes and a proof of concept. “Construction partners are - almost by nature - wary of each other. This has to be overcome and we have come a long way with our partners on this level. Although I of ten can be trusted on my blue eyes, my decisions are, since working with Solibri, better founded ”. All par tners are aware of the benefits of doing business this way. Van Ag gelen speaks of a breakthrough in the AEC-industr y.

Workflow The star ting point in exchanging information between the various construction par tners is IFC. All IFC- data sup plied is stored in an IFC-ser ver where Solibri is used as a shell. Solibri monitors the check on the quality of both incoming and outgoing IFC files. Solibri Model Checker has a central function and: • controls the technical quality of the IFC model; • regulates the coordination between different disciplines;

• provides the overall control of the building.

Traditional contractor and principal The new construction project in Zwolle is in collaboration with a traditional working contractor. The principal usually works as well in the tr adi tional manner because, as stated earlier, all par ties have confidence in working this way. The vision and approach of ZEEP arc hi te c te n h ave t r ul y e ar n e d t h a t both the client and the contractor will become convinced of this new way of working. Van Aggelen gives an example: “ We are able, by the use of Solibri, to answer any question about the building in approximately 10% of the time we normally spend. Think of detecting an amount of square meters frames of a par ticular type. The quantity takeof f of Solibri really proved a practical tool.” The de sign is now re ady for con s t r u c t i o n, m ar ke t in g m a t e r i al s are made and the construc tion docu-

ment s will be manufac tured regard in g t h e s p e c i f i c a t i o n s o f t h e c o n trac tor, direc tly from ArchiCAD. A s a b o nu s , t h e c o n t r a c to r re c e i ve s di re c t l y un s olic i te d infor m a t ion su ch as quantity sur veys and costing data. The ul timate goal of van A g gelen is providing an ‘as-build model’ of a hou s e in t he proje c t . “C er t ainly we s t r i ve fo r an o p t im al imp rove m e n t of our proces ses for which this project lends itself per fectly. And thanks to our new way of working , we even have spare time!”



multiBIM as


HENT Construction company of Norway takes advantage of modelbased design, production and FM HENT currently deploys BIM/openBIM on construction projects with an accumulated area of more than 300,000 m 2 . In 2010, HENT determined that the BIM technology and competence of the AEC industry had matured enough for them to start an offensive BIM/ OpenBIM drive on their projects. The return on investment (ROI) has been significant and is motivation for the increased deployment; resulting in better understanding of what is to be delivered -the product, better dialogue with customers, improved quality of construction documentation, improved quantity takeoff (QTO), improved work planning and less re-work.




ENT is one of the pioneers of OpenBIM in Norway and was the contractor for the front entrance building project at the New Akershus University Hospital (New AHUS) between 2007 and 2008, one of the first OpenBIM pilot projects in Norway. The experiences were mixed and fur ther HENT deployment was put on hold. However, in the au tumn of 2 010 HENT did a new review of the state of the ar t of OpenBIM inspired by Rambøll, one of their design par tners and their VDC advisor. The conclusion was that OpenBIM was ripe for harvesting. Solibri Model Checker has been an instrumental tool in HENT’s OpenBIM deployment effor t. Currently, more than 20 projects involving more than 300 people use Solibri Model Checker on a daily basis for improved project understanding and quality assurance.

Model based design - “Lean digital Construction” A Building Information Model (BIM) – consists of digital materials, products or objec t s with proper t y information a s s emble d in to a building ( mo del) . The let ters BM signifies the visual 3D model and “ I ” the database with proper ty information. The Designers get, with the help of BIM, a much better and holistic understanding of the project. However, BIM and OpenBIM usage demands that the D e sig ner s ne e d to plan t he D e sig n Work or the digital Construction Work to a much greater ex tent. HENT believes that Designers can learn a lot from the cons truc tion proce s s wi th regard to minute planning and organizing production proces ses – Lean Construc tion. They even think the Design Manager c an be seen as a “Digit al Cons truc tion Manager”. HENT has coined their VDC approach “Lean Digital Construction” or resource efficient model-based Design. What it means is that Design should be done in a smar t way, utilizing Discipline specific building models, resulting in sustainable buildings de livered on time, within budget and with zero defects. A lot of architects and consultants have used BIM within their disciplines for drawing production for many years (closed-Discipline-BIM). In HENT projects these models are re-cycled or utilized through Open-Team- BIM/IFC to create a cross-disciplinary coordination model of the given project. By building digitally or vir tually - on the digital construction site - before the building is built in reality, contractors can quality assure and take away obvious design error s t hat normally are discovere d during construction. Additionally, OpenTeam-BIM is also valuable for project selling and 3D visualization. The adage “A picture is worth a thousand words ” is also relevant for BIM. These are some of the reasons explaining the effectiveness and efficiency of BIM. Because it was too time consuming and cumbersome to make 3D Models until recently, only 2D Drawings were produced and actually on some projects are still produced. What has enabled the AEC industr y to take advantage of 3D modeling is the development

Solibri Model Checker has been an instrumental tool in HENT’s OpenBIM deployment effort

D P 0 5 c ro s s d i s c i p l i n a r y c o - o rd i n a t i o n m o d e l o f t h e p ro j e c t . S o u rc e N o rc o n s u l t u s i n g A u t o C A D w i t h M a g i C A D a n d N S W u s i n g R e v i t A rc h i t e c t u re .

D P 0 5 m o d e l i n G o o g l e E a r t h w i t h h e l i c o p t e r f l i g h t c o r r i d o r. S o u rc e H E N T u s i n g O n u m a a n d S k e t c h U p .



H a s l e v e i e n v i s u a l i z a t i o n o f a p l a y a re a . S o u rc e E n e r h a u g e n A r k i t e k t k o n t o r A S u s i n g A rc h i C A D .

A k e r S o l u t i o n s o ff i c e b u i l d i n g i n S t a v a n g e r, e a r l y s t a g e v o l u m e m o d e l . S o u rc e L u n d H a g e m A r k i t e k t e r u s i n g 3 D S t u d i o M a x .

of improved sof tware and faster computers. The advantages of using BIM is that HENT can 1) use models and per form analysis in early stage project development evaluating different scenarios together with their customers. In Design HENT can 2 ) produce drawings more ef ficiently and ef fectively, 3) per form bet ter spatial co-ordination and qualit y as surance, and 4) de sign fas ter. Construc tion can be involved earlier and contribute with insight in order to 5) improve the constructability of de signed solutions. Construction can also 6) train assembly or construction workers in the Model and 7) do production simulation or 4D simulation. BIM also enables HENT to bet ter structure the information flow on a project, so that they, through the use of BIM construct a dat abase wi th information that is valuable as 8) FM documentation af ter commissioning. HENT is currently among the leading construction companies utilizing BIM in Design – Lean digital Construction and in Construction – Lean Construction in Norway.

Case Aker Solutions new Office Building in Stavanger The Office project for Aker Solutions AS in Jåt tåvågen in Stavanger has been 18


actively using BIM for drawing production and OpenBIM for spatial coordination and quality assurance. One of the les sons learned is the impor tance of defining OpenBIM usage as an integral par t of the design process and not be too ambitious the first couple of times you use BIM and OpenBIM, but aim for the low hanging fruits. The digit al or vir tual construc tion site is also a key enabler for reducing the number of construction errors due to de sign error s or omis sions in the construction documentation. The HENT Projec t Manager Thom as Grø t tvik states that to execute an OpenBIM Project, as HENT does on this project, involves “doing the construc tion job ” on the PC before it is done at the construction site for real. Deploying Solibri Model Checker as a Quality As surance Tool has as an ef fect that at least 80 % of the design Errors and Omissions, which earlier were discovered as errors on site during construction, now are identified and solved in the Design Process. One error at the PC is much less expensive to correct, while an error at the site of ten involves a lot of has sles, delay s and money spent. This also has as a consequence that we can manage and control the design progress much bet ter. In addition, the OpenBIM Model is a good aid for communicating design intent and improv-

ing communication and understanding across disciplines in the design team. On this projec t, the OpenBIM Model has also been used by the construction crews for planning actual construction work. HENT is also building new offices for Aker Solutions in Oslo. At the two sites, in Oslo and Stavanger, Open BIM has worked as a tool for QTO control, spatial coordination, production planning and general problem solving.

Case Hasleveien Kindergarten in Oslo The old Foundr y building at Hasle in Oslo is transformed into a 306 children kinder garden. The projec t is on the Cultural Heritage List so there is close cooperation with the Office of Cultural H e r i t age M an age m e n t . T he Proj e c t consists of both new construction and renovation Work. On the project, OpenBIM has been used for drawing production, visualization and to perform environmental analysis, especially focusing on lighting.

Case DPO5 – New Emergency Care Unit at Oslo University Hospital location Ullevål The Health Region of Oslo (OUS HF) is being reorganized, and as par t of this the emergency care unit is also being reorganized. A new unit with several operating theaters is currently being developed. The reorganized unit will be one of the largest emergency care units in all Scandinavia. OpenBIM and Solibri Model Checker have been used in the early phases in programming and for quality assurance and spatial coordination, with success.

Solibri, Inc.



We are excited and proud to introduce our latest version of Solibri Model Checker. Version 7 includes many enhancements based on customer requests, as well as new innovations from Solibri, Inc. Process Performance We are commit ted to continuous performance gains and delivering the most versatile capabilities for the Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) pro cess. This allows us to of fer the minimum total cost of ownership for BIM analysis sof tware while achieving the maximum speed of delivering consistent quality. If you just check par t of the model or just one aspect, how can you tell the quality of the unchecked items? Our philosophy is that we check the entire building each time, the same way, allowing us to obtain objective checking results. Results can of course then be filtered - in many ways. Issues that are found need to be communicated, fixed and verified before we are done. The total process per formance has been improved in many areas: • Streamlined user inter face is even e asier to u s e : Thi s = a re duc e d learning curve (cost) • New menu structures maximize the available working area: more content

• • • • • •

is visible, especially on laptops Improved load times, less memor y consumption, improved 3D per formance: faster interaction Roles enable preselected rulesets, c l a s s i f i c a t io n s an d ITO’s : fewe r steps to take, clicks to make Rule dependencie s : enable more focused and precise results Sh are d re s our c e s like r ul e s e t s , ITOs, repor t templates, clas sifications : alway s up -to - date standard practices implementing the enterprise level QA/QC process Locked rulesets: consistent results while no unintended changes to rule parameters Corporate level management / maintenance

Usability, Ease of Use, New GUI The user interface has been enhanced with a clearer menu structure, follow-

ing the look and feel of commonly used tools, without going to ex tremes, and more space for the actual work - models. Current users will find that ever ything is still there but it’s even easier to use.

Introducing Roles Solibri Model Checker v7 comes with preset roles such as : Training, Architect, Building Code Checking, Energ y Analysis, MEP, Structural, BIM Coordinator, QTO, Owner, and Admin. These can be modified and you may define as many new roles as you need. The general idea is to have recommende d rule s e t s, clas sif ic at ions to match, and ITO def ini tions for each role. This way it’s easier to find what i s ne e d e d and u sing S olib r i Mo d el Checker v7 is more efficient, providing just what is required to the end user. No more, no less. Fur ther, you can set defaults (yellow stars) to be used each time you open a new model. SOLIBRI MODEL CHECKER


U s e r I n t e r f a c e s h o w i n g t h e u s e o f R o l e s . Ye l l o w s t a r s i n d i c a t e d e f a u l t s t o b e u s e d w h e n o p e n ing a new model.


Support for Enterprise level QA/QC Practices and Processes

Dramatically Improved Performance

By providing tools for managing shared resources, such as QA/QC specific rulesets, rule parameters, ITO’s and classifications, Solibri Model Checker v7 now bet ter suppor ts the organization-wide implementation of BIM QA/QC methods and best practices. Users can be assigned either the standard user profile or admin user profile. Design professionals can now follow their company’s model checking practices. User rights may also prevent individual standard users from modif ying rulesets and parameters and potentially deviating from the company’s desired practices . Implementing the standard BIM QA/ QC proce s s is c arried ou t by admin user s. This also allows for a shared centralized repositor y of rulesets and classifications for ef fectively sharing, updating and managing company level Solibri installations, reducing IT costs. By default, Solibri Model Checker related files are saved locally on each user’s computer. In version 7 it is possible to define centrally, with one configuration file, where dif ferent resources are lo cated. For example, from which folders the user should look for rulesets, IFC models, ITO definitions and templates, etc. This configuration file is stored in a shared folder, and each Solibri Model Checker installation points to the same file. This simplifies the maintenance of Solibri Model Checker installations and eases distribution of company or projec t specific re source s allowing each user the access to same files.

BIM is becoming more and more widely adopted, and BIM has reached the maturity to suit even the biggest and most d e m an din g p ro j e c t s . S o lib r i M o d e l C h e c ke r v7 p e r fo r m an c e h a s b e e n greatly enhanced, and the speed and accuracy Solibri provides to the application of BIM even on the largest projects: • Load time reduced up to 40 % as compared to version 6.2 • F o o t p r i n t r e d u c e d b y 6 0 % a s compared to v6.2 • 3D Per formance, especially frames per second, has been highly improved especially with large models


Rule Dependencies, Interrelating Rules This feature enables rules to depend on the results of another rule. A simple example is that when you are checking Acce s sibilit y you fir st have to check that your model has spaces classified. If this is not the case, then other rules will not produce any issues since the only issue is the proper space classification.

New Rules Lately we are seeing many BIM guides being developed. GSA BIM Guide s in the US are continuously developing , Statsbyg g is about to publish their BIM Manual in Nor way, as well as the National BIM guides in Finland. These are

S o l i b r i M o d e l C h e c k e r v 7 h a s a g re a t l y i m p ro v e d p e r f o r m a n c e . T h e i m p ro v e m e n t i n memory usage, model load time and visualization speed in frames per second is noticeable. For Memory usage and model load t i m e s m a l l e r v a l u e i s b e t t e r. F o r v i s u a l i z a t i o n s p e e d a h i g h e r v a l u e i s b e t t e r.

Solibri Model Checker v7 has enhanced s u p p o r t f o r e n t e r p r i s e l e v e l Q A / Q S p ro c e s s implementation. Rulesets, classifications and o t h e r S o l i b r i M o d e l C h e c k e r re s o u rc e s c a n n o w b e m a n a g e d m o re e ff i c i e n t l y, a n d s t o re d i n a c e n t r a l i z e d re p o s i t o r y f o r e a s y a c c e s s and supporting an organization level best practices

now included as rulesets in SMC, with more to come. We are working on many fronts in the area of Building Code Checking. Now we have rules for accessibility according ISO CD 21542, ADA, ABA, ICC and Finnish Standards. Egress rules have also been fur ther enhanced. The s e are some ex ample s of t he new rules and rulesets added to this version.

Solibri, Inc.


BIM Maturity:The Second Generation


IM a d o p t i o n i s s p r e a din g through public organizations an d p r i v a te c omp anie s in the AEC industries. The target is to benefit from BIM by creating a competitive advantage, and of ten in the public sec tor achieve more with less because of the pressure to make budget cuts. Adoption and BIM maturity is driven by organizations that develop bot h int r a - organiz at ional proc e s se s and set requirements to actors in the construction business value network. D e ve l o p m e n t t ak in g p l a c e t o d ay r an g e s f ro m dr af t in g n a t i o n al B IM guidelines (or standards) to developing organization specific BIM guidelines in either public organizations or private enterprise s. The t arge t is common however. Once BIM guidelines and requirements are in use they must be followed. This will mean that design suppliers will need to be able to provide their cli-

ents with the models they require, and inve s t in learning to model in a way which fulfills their needs and require ments. BIM will be the way to work, not unlike the time when a drawing skill used to be necessary for drafting structural details. From the point of view of the AEC sec tor, there will be those who c an, and those who cannot. For those who cannot, the inability to understand and execute within a BIM environment will limit the possibility to take par t in construction projects, thereby diminishing the pos sibilities to at trac t new business.

Case Statsbygg: Public Construction and Property Management St at sbyg g is an adminis trative body in Nor way, responsible to the Ministr y of Government Administration, Reform

and Church Af fairs. Statsbyg g follows standard business principles. Statsbygg acts as the proper ty manager for the Norwegian government. Statsbyg g also functions as a proper ty manager and advisor in construc tion and proper t y af fairs. St at sbyg g of fers government organizations premises in new or existing buildings In ef fect, Statsbyg g is about public c on s t ruc t ion and prop er t y manage ment. St at sbyg g manage s some 2.6 million m2 of floor space with a prop er ty por tfolio consisting of government and cul tural buildings, college s and public adminis tration buildings, and royal proper ties among others. Statsbyg g is also responsible for organizing, planning and completing building projects, and of fers consultancy ser vices and assistance in civil engineering and technical mat ters to governmental organizations. An increasing impor t ant func tion for St at sbyg g in the fu ture BIM


will be to develop vacated state-owned premises for alternative utilization. The buildings must meet quality requirements per taining to architecture, func tionalit y and environment al concerns. This is where BIM comes in. Statsbyg g Building Information Modeling Manual Draf t (herein SMB) contains Statsbygg’s generic requirements for Building Information Modeling (BIM) in projects and at facilities. SBM is intended to describe Statsbygg’s requirement s for Building Information Mod els (BIM) in open Industr y Foundation Classes (IFC) format. SBM categorizes re quirement s as mandator y, re com mended, optional, or reversed (a re quirement for something that must not occur). SMB describes both basic and generic BIM requirements, and generic model structure requirements. All requirements are numbered. Requirement No. 4 states that “A digital 3D building information model based on object based design (using objects with properties and relations) and using open BIM standards/formats is a main deliverable.” Requirement No. 6 states that “ The BIM authoring tool must efficiently suppor t impor t and expor t in the open Industr y Foundation Classes (IFC) BIM format ”. Both requirements are mandator y. A point wor th noting is that Statsbyg g requires OpenBIM to be used, permit ting enhanced collaboration and flow of information between all stakeholders based on open standards. For example, requirements for spaces require that spaces shall be modeled with 3-dimensional space objects. As we can see, being able to per form only clash detection is totally inadequate. St at sbyg g as a client will in mos t c ase s provide a “Requirement BIM” that basically contains the spatial prog r am’s re quire d sp ac e s , func t ion al grouping of the space s, and any re quirements that are defined for each space, group, or accompanying furniture, fit tings & equipment. In addition to basic requirements, SMB specifies BIM design requirements by discipline and design phase from conceptual design to coordinated design. Statsbyg g Building Information Modeling Manual also specifies cer tain QA/ QC requirements including consistency check, verification of design area, clash detection and coordination. Ad22


ditionally, SMB outlines how to make a good model. In practice, SMB sets the standard for BIM, and defines what is expected from building information models, what is a good model and effectually defining how to build a BIM, advancing BIM maturity even fur ther in Norway. Based on the practical experience gained in Finland, it is probable that SMB will also be used by municipal organizations and applied in construction projects in the private sector. In effect, SMB is positioned to advance common culture and best practices for applying BIM in Norway in the whole AEC field.

Case Finland: National BIM Guidelines S ena te Prop er t ie s i s a gover nmen t owned enterprise under the Finnish Ministry of Finance. Senaatti is responsible for managing the Finnish state`s proper ty assets and for leasing premise s. In 2010, the proper t y por t folio included 11,700 buildings, totaling an area of 6.6 million m 2 and valued at EURO 5.2 billion. S e n a t e P r o p e r t i e s p r ov i d e s s e rvices related to premises. The primar y customer is the state administration.

S enaa t t i' s s er v ic e s include le a sing premise s, inve s tment s, and the ad ministration and development of the proper ty por tfolio. Senate Proper ties finances its own operations and is independent of the s t ate budget. The proper ty por tfolio comprises cultural, of fice, university, research, and other buildings. Senaat ti already published BIM Requirement s and Guideline s in 2 007. Since then, they have been adopted and used widely, influencing BIM adoption not only on the project’s related to maintaining and developing the state proper ty por tfolio, but also on municipal BIM adoption and practices implemented in the private sector. For several years, Solibri Model Checker has included Rulesets for checking model conformance with Senaat ti’s require ments. The industrial problem which Finland faced was that while modeling was adopted at an increasing pace in the construction value chain, several actors, such as major c ons t ruc t ion c omp a nies had created their own guidelines while others, such as major cities and building owners were in the process of preparing their own. At the same time, many realize that they need to move to-

quantities, affecting cost estimates or inve s tment decisions. The approach GSA has taken is very much in the hear t of BIM. Building Information Models are used for spatial validation, accessibility, egress and circulation analysis, and also for financial estimates. The information qualit y is paramount. Models must be checked for quality.

Solibri Model Checker v7

ward modeling, but did not know how. Also authorities need to improve the handling and proce s sing of building permits. The solution to the above industrial problem was that, because Senaat ti’s modeling guidelines needed to be up dated and t aken fur ther, Senaat ti’s pre s ent re quirement s would form a baseline. This process would be elevated to the national level. Today Finland is in the proces s of creating The National BIM Requirements. They will be completed in the near future. The t arget is to have one unif ied approach for BIM projects and a large national acceptance. National requirements enable high market penetration and more information rich models. Also bet ter models lead to enhanced information transfer within the construction value chain, and to a higher BIM maturity on the national level.

Case US: GSA The United States General Services Administration (GSA) provides and maint ains workplace s through the Public Buildings Service (PBS). PBS maintains an inventor y of more than 370 million square feet of workspace for 1.1 million federal employees. PBS acquires space on behalf of the federal government through new cons truc tion and leasing. In ef fect, PBS is the landlord for the civilian federal government in

the US. One key business function PBS per forms is the planning, design, and construc tion of new and modernized border st ations, cour thouse s, of fice buildings, and other facilities. As early as 2003, GSA established the National 3D - 4D - BIM Program through the PBS, Office of Chief Architect. GSA pointed out ver y early that “ Critic al to succ e s sful integr ation of computer models into project coordination, simulation, and optimization is the inclusion of information—the “I” in BIM— to generate feedback.” GSA also pointed out ver y early that 3D, 4D, and BIM technologies represent three separate ways in which computer technologies can aid building owners, such as GSA, to manage their facilities throughout the whole lifecycle. Building Information Models include, in addition to 3D geometric models, specific information on the building elements and systems within a building. Examples of the information include wall types, spaces, air handling units, sp at ial informat ion, and circulat ion zones. It is not enough that information is included in the building. It must be possible to takeoff information from BIMs, safely. Information to be used for decision-making must be correct so business decisions are based on reliable information, which reduces databased risks, such as incorrect rentable area information or building component

Solibri is actively par ticipating in several projects that relate to QA/QC so lutions and processes. In the US, the FIATECH sponsored AutoCodes project is an example of Solibri’s commitment to delivering consistent quality to the global building code checking and re view process (Please read the related selection in this magazine). In Korea, the Solibri Model Checker has been used for evaluating BIM quality for proposals in design competitions. For the European AEC community, Solibri has implemented suppor t for the upcoming Statsbyg g BIM Guidelines and the Finnish National BIM Guidelines being prepared. When these Guidelines are put into use Solibri Model Checker v7 will include suppor t for BIM QA/QC processes and best practices for BIM on a large scale. N a t i o n al, g ov e r nm e n t l e v e l, an d c o m p a ny l e v e l B IM gu i d e l i n e s a r e b eing adop te d an d u s e d w i d e l y by the AEC communit y. This is the sec ond generation of BIM. Already sup por ted by Solibri.



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