Optimisation service for pumping systems Energy optimisation for pumping groups comprising multiple parallel centrifugal pumps equipped with variable-frequency drives
This service covers the management of pumping systems comprising multiple parallel centrifugal pumps. The ultimate goal, on the one hand, consists in evaluating the degree of energy and economic savings that can be reached in a given pumping group according to the features of the equipment installed and historic operating data. And, on the other, in generating an optimum operation algorithm which, once incorporated to the pumping group’s control system, determines the optimum number of pumps and their operating frequency as a function of operating conditions.
Benefits Energy savings Extended equipment service life Reduced risk of cavitation (less NPSH required)
Optimisation service for pumping systems
Software features Savings can be assessed based on historic data prior to commissioning. Easy to integrate in existing SCADAs. Operations can be performed under the supervision of a plant technician or in the automatic mode. 50
Electricity consumption (kWh)
45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Week 01
Week 02
Historic consumption
Week 03
Week 04
Current estimated consumption without optimisation
Week 05
Week 06
Real consumption with pumping optimisation
Real results obtained in the district cooling of the Basurto University Hospital (Bizkaia) More than 50% in energy savings the pumping group
Technical specifications Application: pumping groups with multiple identical or different parallel pumps equipped with variable-frequency drives. Data required: flow, height and electrical consumption (one or two variables could suffice as a function of each case). Necessary analysis: interaction with the control loop of the pumping group.
Sectors Infrastructures
Contact Waste water treatment stations, district networks
Renewable energy
Susana López susana.lopez@tekniker.es