Annual Report
Report by the General Management “IK4-TEKNIKER consolidates total revenues and turnover with companies in 2018�
Governing Board Chairman Deputy chair Secretary Company members Institutional members
Collaborating Organisations List of Collaborating Organisations
Revenues and book balance Activity revenues evolution R&D&I revenues Balance sheet
Outstanding topics Surface engineering Collaborative robotics Additive manufacturing Ultra-precision technology Predictive maintenance Bin picking
IK4-TEKNIKER consolidates total revenues and turnover turn with companies in 2018
Highly positive results reported in 2018, both in quantitative and qualitative terms, have allowed our technology centre to become a benchmark organisation in the Basque Country. It is a great satisfaction to see that this view is also shared by the business fabric and institutions of our country and is fully supported by the value we attempt to deliver through each of our activities. In 2018, IK4-TEKNIKER revenues peaked at 25.4 million euros, a figure that underpins our research and technology transfer activities involving private companies. These figures, together with other indicators such as excellence in terms of research, technology transfers to the market and collaborative actions with stakeholders have positioned us as a benchmark in terms of applied research actions in the Basque Country. In fact, an according to the most recent annual report issued by the Basque Government in which the members of the Basque Network of Science, Technology and Innovation (RVCTI) are rated, it was stated that our organisation meets all the necessary criteria. Moreover, and as regards 2018, I would like to underscore thatt we were certified according to standard UNE 166002:2014 in terms of R&D&I Management. Compared to previous years, we also significantly upgraded the dissemination of our activities via four international conferences and our presence at two local trade fairs (BIEMH and Go Mobility). I would like to close this report by expressing my sincere thanks to the IK4-TEKNIKER workforce for its commitment to the technology centre; many thanks to the institutions for focusing on R&D&I as a vector for growth and the creation of wealth and, above all, my heartfelt gratitude to our customers (the reason of our existence) for their trust in us.
R&D&I Revenues Figures in thousands of euro os · K€ 2014 > 2015 > 2016 > 2017 > 2018 >
47.6 % 27.7 % 22.6 % 2.1 %
21,580 23,412 24,063 25,381 25,441
Private activities Basque Government European Union Others
At 31·12·2018 Figures in thousands of euro os · K€ S 57.24%
.07% 86
PASSIVE 64,428 K€
64,428 K€
S 42.76%
Net equity 55,459 Non-current liabilities 692 Current liabilities 8,277 Total 64,428
N RE CUR % 1 2 .8 4
36,879 27,549 64,428
Non-current assets Current assets Total
7% 1.0 S IE
Knowledge Generation Process
Technological Specialisation pecialisation SURFACE ENGINEERING applied to the production of smart bio-based packaging to improve food conservation and preserve the environment OBJECTIVE > The development of a new generation of smart packaging that can improve food conservation and extend shelf life to lessen waste and reduce carbon dioxide emissions. RESULTS > As regards extending shelf life, food packages will feature functionalities to monitor and provide information on the degree of conservation inside that will enhance barrier effect properties (responsible for fat oxidation, vitamin losses and colour fading as well as adverse effects affecting the flavour of certain types of food); they will also prevent the adhesion and proliferation of microorganisms and ensure cold chain conditions for packaged food. Natural organic raw materials will be used to produce biodegradable and compostable packages that, once used, can be transformed into biomass, CO2 and water or reconverted into recyclable packages to simplify processing and reutilization at later stages. IK4-TEKNIKER is currently focusing on technologies such as functional coatings featuring Sol Gel technology, on texturising flexible bio-films by means of nano-printing technology and on the encapsulation of active compounds used as additives for coatings. A scaling phase has been contemplated for all three developments (application by spraying, roll to roll manufacturing) to allow the technology to be validated not only from a functional point of view but also from a manufacturing perspective. The aim of these developments is to provide packages with UV protection, anti-bacterial properties and thermal regulation capabilities.
COLLABORATIVE ROBOTICS for aeronautical inspections OBJECTIVE > Improving inspections carried out on plane flaps by incorporating technologies such as robotics and advanced ultrasound techniques using guided waves. The project focuses on the requirements submitted by manufacturers of aeronautical components to optimise inspection processes currently in use. RESULTS > The end result will be a safe collaborative inspection solution with a work flow between the operator and the robot to perform reliable and efficient flap inspections. The ultimate goal is to improve inspection practices involving large components and perform quicker, more reliable inspections and also improve returns.
PUTTING OUR STAKES ON THE LASER METAL DEPOSITION (LMD) TECHNOLOGY in the area of additive manufacturing OBJECTIVE > To upgrade manufacturing flexibility and efficiency when dealing with very large metal components and reduce costs associated with the use of raw materials. RESULTS > As a result of introducing additive manufacturing technologies, the market intends to use hybrid processes to manufacture high added value components that combine conventional systems and cutting-edge techniques, as it is far more competitive to first deposit a pre-shape and subsequently machine it instead of processing the entire volume and using a solid block as a starting point.
Transfers to companies ULTRA-PRECISION TECHNOLOGY for outer space photography OBJECTIVE > To design and develop control, safety and camera cable rotation systems and protective housing for mirrors on the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) devised by IK4-TEKNIKER. The LSST will be fitted with a mirror measuring 8.4 m in diameter (i.e., as wide a tennis court) with sufficient capacity to explore the entire visible sky. RESULTS > IK4-TEKNIKER has developed and integrated the control, safety and rotation systems of the camera and protective housing of the mirrors in the telescope’s main structure (the Telescope Mount Assembly) at Asturfeito’s facilities in Avilés. The technology centre has also commissioned the entire control system and run acceptance tests on the subsystems developed by IK4-TEKNIKER. It must be stressed that the system has met a number of very stringent dynamic and accuracy requirements in full. The telescope’s accuracy requirements have been verified by means of a metrological procedure devised by IK4-TEKNIKER and specifically developed for this project. The degree of accuracy required, access to all the geometries to be measured and extensive measuring volumes have been covered thanks to the use of top-of-the range measuring technologies.
OUR CUSTOMERS RESULTS PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE to boost competitiveness in the wind power sector OBJECTIVE > The wind sector requires technologically advanced solutions to develop and optimise wind turbine generators to operate more reliably and efficiently and that can be specifically applied to offshore facilities. It is in this scenario where companies are looking for new monitoring and maintenance systems that will allow them to reduce the risk of failures and enhance the competitiveness of any power that is generated by using wind more efficiently. RESULTS > IK4-TEKNIKER has developed monitoring solutions for wind turbine generators components equipped with smart technologies associated with sensors, communications, data storage and exploitation to improve operational reliability and minimise errors. This way, it is estimated that energy losses caused by shutdowns could be reduced by up to 80%, the frequency of large operations associated with corrective maintenance by 30% and supervision hours by up to 15%.
BIN PICKING for large metal parts OBJECTIVE > To automate the extraction of metal parts placed randomly inside containers to be placed at the mouth of an induction furnace manufactured by a company.
RESULTS > The development of a bin picking robotised cell and furnace feed to automate the handling of large parts. Bin picking is a solution that meets an industrial requirement associated with removing parts from containers or baskets that features artificial vision capabilities to identify the parts to be removed as well as robotics for proper handling.
Governing Board
Jesús María Iriondo Arrizabalaga
José Ignacio Torrecilla Zubizarreta
Alejandro Bengoa Gorosabel
Microelectrónica Maser, S.L.
Maher Holding, S.A.
Fundación Tekniker
Fco. Javier Fdez. de Retana Irisarri / Aernnova Aerospace, S.A.U.
Iosu Madariaga Garamendi / Dept. of Economic Development and Infrastructures - Basque Goverment
José Pérez Berdud / Fagor Automation, S. Coop. Álvaro Martínez de Lagos Salvador / Goizper, S. Coop.
Adolfo Morais Ezquerro / Dept. of Education Basque Government
Joseba Ruiz de Alegría Mtz. de Morentín / Ibermática, S.A.
Antton Tomasena Rodríguez / Gipuzkoa Provincial Council
Jaoine Lamy Insausti / Kutxabank
Miguel de los Toyos Nazabal / Eibar Town Council
Ander Aranburu Jiménez / Lazpiur, S.L.U.
Juan Ángel Balbás Egea / Debegesa
Aitor Atutxa Arribalzaga / Maier Technology Centre, S. Coop.
José Luis Martín González / UPV/EHU
J. Antonio Malumbres García / Siemens Gamesa
Natividad García Rodríguez / Alumni Association - Armeria Eskola
Innovation & Technology, S.L.
Íñigo Segura Díaz de Espada / Zigor, S.A. * Elected from among Collaborating Organisations
Imanol Urreisti Ulazia / Armeria Eskola
Collaboratingg Collaboratin Org Organisations
Aernnova Aerospace, S.A.U.
Alfa Lan, S.A.
Lazpiur, S.L.U.
Doimak, S.A.
Maher Holding, S.A.
Egile, S.L.
Maier Technology Centre, S. Coop.
Etxe-Tar, S.A.
Microelectrónica Maser, S.L.
Fagor Automation, S. Coop.
Ojmar, S.A.
Goialde, S.L.
Ona Electroerosión, S.A.
Goizper, S. Coop.
Pasaban, S.A.
Ibermática, S.A.
Siemens Gamesa Innovation & Technology, S.L.
Iline Microsystems, S.L.
Ulma Handling Systems
Jaureguizar Promoción y Gestión Inmobiliaria, S.L.
Zayer, S.A.
Juaristi Boring & Miling Machines, S.L.U.
Zigor Corporación, S.A.
* Governing Board and Collaborating Organisations on the date of publication of this report.
Parke Teknologikoa c/ Iñaki Goenaga, 5 20600 Eibar · Gipuzkoa · Spain
Tel: +34 943 206 744 /+34 943 256 900