tekstil trend magazine haziran -june 2019

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PVA free yarn sizing additive based on Clay Chemistry

MICRO-CLA A product extracted from the Earth

Sustainable Green Product Based on versatile modified clay with extremely small particle size; acts as a starch modifier, starch flexibilizer, film former, film plasticizer, lubricant and bonding agent with excellent adhesive properties. One gram of clay produces a surface area greater than 800 square meters due to extra fine particle size. This high specific surface area is equivalent to a 12ft wide and 700ft long piece of carpet or 11 American football fields. The extremely huge surface area makes it possible that sizing completely penetrates in yarn’s structure, thus improving elasticity and tensile strength of yarn, leading to better elongation property with less breakage for a better weaving process. The dynamic chemistry of MICRO-CLA will integrate into molecular structure of starch giving it strong adhesive properties. The tube like covering of starch fixes loose fibres to the yarn and prevents warping from becoming tough, withstand the bending and flexing required during the weaving process.

Full replacement of PVA, Acrylate, Binder, Resin, Lubricant, Softener, Wax, Tallow, CMC etc. To be used with any starch i.e. Corn, Tapioca Potato, Wheat, Rice, Dextrin, T.K.P. Extremly high efficiency on all types of looms: Rapier, Projectile, Air-jet, Shuttle. Suitable for cotton, any yarn count from 6s to 120s, any speed up to 1200 RPM. Cost will be lower than any conventionsl sizing or one shot sizing. GOTS certified, meets the criteria of OEKO-TEX, ZDHC and MRSL.

MICRO-CLA A product extracted from the Earth






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The unique combination of chemistry and natural clay

Hall: 2 Booth: A310 Please visit us at ITMA

İÇİNDEKİLER | CONTENTS İMTİYAZ SAHİBİ Yükseliş Yayıncılık, Tek. İletişim Hiz. Paz. Org. San. Tic. Ltd. Adına Sorumlu Yazı İşleri Müdürü (Editoral Director) Mustafa ATEŞOĞLU


Yayın ve Reklam Yönetmeni | Advertising Director İbrahim ATEŞOĞLU Haber Kordinatörü | Editorial Coordinator Yusuf HIZARCIOĞLU Grafik Servisi | Design and Art Direction Mustafa Cenk Deniz Uluslararası İlişkiler | International Relations Osman ÜZÜMCÜ Abone ve Dağıtım | Subscription and Distribution Mehmet ÜZÜMCÜ Baskı ve Cilt | Publishing House Yeni Devir Basım

8 Textile Machinery and Accessories Industrialists Association (Temsad) President Adil Nalbant “After Now The Bıggest Partıcıpant Of The Itma Faırs Wıll Be The Turkısh Machınery Manufacturers”

Yapım ve Yönetim | Publisher Yükseliş Yayıncılık, Tek. İletişim Hiz. Paz. Org. San. Tic. Ltd Merkez Ofis | Head Office Mehmet Akif Mh. 2070 Sk. Topuzlar Mavera No:40 D:16 Esenyurt İstanbul/TURKEY Tel: +90 (212) 652 41 68 Fax: +90 (212) 452 92 19 Mail: info@tekstiltrend.com www.tekstiltrend.com Fiyat 25 TL Ayda Bir Yayımlanır | Monthly Published • Tekstil Trend Dergisi’nin bütün yayın hakları (Yükseliş Yayıncılık, Tekstil İletişim Hiz. Paz. Org. San. Tic. Ltd. şirketine) aittir. • Yayınlanan ilanların sorumluluğu ilan sahiplerine, makale ve fikir yazılar yazarlara aittir. • Tekstil Trend Dergisi’nde yayınlanan haber ve makaleler kaynak gösterilerek yayınlanabilir. • Tekstil Trend Dergisi basın yayın ilkelerine uymayı haahhüt etmiştir. • Articies and new may be reproduced by stating Tekstil Trend as the source. • Tekstil Trend is published monthly. • Advertisements responsibilitiespublished in our magazine pertain to advertisers.






114-115 147 94 153 39 165 19 108-109 90-91 107 148-149 2.-3. 122-123 73 A.K 82-83 105 INSERT 63 96-97 102-103-136-137168-169 Ö.K.İ +1.SAYFA 125-127 ÖN KAPAK 56-57 46-47


36 86-87 131 92-93-96 17 22-23 81 25 64-65 29 60-61 158-159 9 121 74-75 Ö.K.KULAK 41-42 21 11 A.K.İ 145 132-133 A.K.KULAK 71 98-99-101 26-27 34-35


167 145 51 30 53 58-59 113 68-69 67 154-155 118-119 32-33 24 128-129 31 163 151 139 111 78-79 174 INSERT 140-141 14-15 143

Haziran | June 2019


28 18


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There Is A Message From The Industry Leader Rota Sızdırmazlık “Guarantee Of Success And Contınuıty In Productıon Is Honesty And Qualıty In Servıce” THE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE FOR DEVAN CHEMICALS: ”ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY“






110 Rabatex Lines-Up Innovative Weaving Preparatory Technologies at ITMA 2019


Textile Machinery and Accessories Industrialists Association (Temsad) President Adil Nalbant


In this issue, we talked with President Adil NALBANT, who was re-elected as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of TEMSAD, about the new term targets, ITMA fair and the rapid rise of the Textile Machinery sector. We shared the new targets of the Textile Machinery sector, which approaches a billion dollar export figure. Especially in ITMA 2019 fair, the Turkish textile industry has changed its concept and said it will become the biggest machine-selling country of the fair.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of TEMSAD Adil Nalbant


Can we evaluate the Textile Machinery Sector in 2018

The share of textile sector in machinery exports in our

and 2019?

country is increasing day by day. The reflection of the

The textile machinery sector closed the world with a

textile machinery exports to the figures started to change

small increase of 3 percent in 2018 from $ 27.5 billion to

the view of this sector. While we are the only textile

$ 28 billion. It is the value of the general textile machinery

producing country, the fact that we are exporting the

sector which is reached by importing and exporting.

textile machine has increased our interest and trust.

The Turkish Textile Machinery sector increased its export

In the first three quarters of 2019, we are in a very good

figure from 604 Million dollars to 750 million dollars

position in our export figures. This figure which was

with a growth of 20 percent. Especially, our friends

$ 155.5 million in the first three quarters of 2018 was

producing finishing machines have a lot of effort in these

$ 180 million in 2019. In the same way, this 16 % line

numbers. Very good brands in this regard began to occur.

continues to be protected.

Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19

Fuar standlarımıza bekliyoruz FESPA Münih 14-17 Mayıs 2019 Salon B6, Stand B38

ITMA Barselona 20-26 Haziran 2019 Salon 3, Stand H3-A213

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tekstil sektörünün payı her geçen gün artmaktadır. Tekstil Makine ihracatının rakamlara yansıma sektöre olan bakışı da değiştirmeye başladı. Sadece tekstil üreten ülke konumunda iken b SÖYLEŞİ | INTERVIEW Tekstilin makinasını da ihraç ediyor olmamız bize olan ilgiyi ve güveni artırdı.

2019 yılının ilk üç çeyreğinde gerçekleşen ihracat rakamlarımızda oldukça iyi durumdayız. 2018 y ilk fluctuations üç çeyreğinde155,5 milyonrates dolar olan We buhave rakam yılında 180 Because milyonwedolar The experienced in exchange in August to trust2019 our country’s economy. have olarak gerçek 2018 sector 16’lik as well bu as the sector. We a young population, we have a structure with reflexes in Aynıaffected şekildeouryüzde bant korunarak devam etmektedir. observed that almost all of our members have been able

itself. We are the world’s largest textile manufacturer with

to overcome this process more easily because they work

its accumulations and infrastructure in textiles. Ağustos 2018 yılında döviz kurlarında yaşanan dalgalanmaların her sektörü etkilediği gibi b sektöre de yansıması oldu. Üyelerimizin tamamına yakının ihracat odaklı çalıştıkları için bu s the easing in the domestic market is most easily overcome Turkish textile sector is the biggest supplier of European daha kolay aştıklarını gözlemledik. daralmanın kolay aşılması by exports. Until the middle of 2018, the textile sectorİç of piyasadaki Union countries. We export 70 en percent of our garment ihracatla müm our country hasbir seen a significant decrease inettik. the rapid and apparel exports to the European Union countries. In olduğunu kez daha tecrübe Ülkemiz tekstil sektörünün 2018 yılının ortalarına kadar ya entry of imported textile machinery for investment. In the the economy, the negativity of the textile sector again amaçlı ithal tekstil makinalarının hızlı girişi bu dönemle birlikte ciddi şekilde azaldığını gö chart below, you can see the proportional decrease in the became prominent. We are more comfortable than other Aşağıdaki grafikte makine girişindeki oransal net görebilirsiniz. Export / Imported machineİhraç/İthal input more clearly. sectors in our country. azalmayı In the export daha figures announced at for export-oriented. We have experienced once more that








+ % 16

In spite of all these problems, the textile sector of our







- % 54 the end of 2018, the value of the textile sector reached

country has realized investment of 1 billion million $ 30 billion. Ülkemiz tekstilan sektörü tüm bu900 olumsuzluklara rağmen dollars in imported machinery throughout 2018.

2018 yılının genelinde 1 milyar 900 m

dolarlık ithal makine yatırımını gerçekleştirdi. THE CONTRIBUTION OF THE TEXTILE SECTOR TO




to employment. It is one of the sectors where women

2019 YILININ İLK ÜÇÇEYREĞİNDE YATIRIM TEKSTİL MAKİNA İTHALATI MACHINERY DECREASED IN THE FIRST THREE TheAMAÇLI textile sector of our country has a great contribution AZALDI… Ekonomide olumsuz ortamın 2019 yılının çeyreğinde In the first quarter yaşanan of 2019, we can see that the impact of verdiği workers etkinin find the most space. In this ilk regard, the textile

de devam et the negative in the economy continued the seçim sector has social de responsibility in itself. In recent oldukça years, we fazla olduğun daha netenvironment görebiliyoruz. Araya gireninbir süreci bu etkide payının first quarter. see that the investments of textile sector have spread all görebiliyoruz. Bu süreçte İhracatın ithalatı karşılama oranı yüzde 80’lere geldiğini söyleyeb We can also see that the share of the intervening election over our country. process is very high in this effect. In this process, we can say


that the ratio of exports to imports reached 80 percent. Last

The biggest provider of this is the effect of incentives

year, a $ 465.4 million investment was made. This figure was

packages to our government in Anatolia. The fruits of the

$ 210 million in 2019.

country’s industry shift from Istanbul and its surroundings

Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19

64 KAFALI yeni makinemiz ilk kez ITMA 2019

Barcelona’da SALON H3 STAND A216

Dover Interna�onal İthalat İhracat ve Pazarlama Ltd. Ş�. Tatlısu Mah. Şenol Güneş Bulvarı Mira Tower No:2A D:15 34775 Şerifali – Ümraniye, İstanbul Tel: +90 216 3594545 Fax: +90 216 5945768 Email: infoturkey@msitaly.com /msprin�ngturkiye


Dover Turkey


to Anatolia are seen more clearly in the textile sector. This

ITO member SMEs. The process started with the support

is due to the opportunities provided by our government.

of Istanbul Commerce University. In this process the

When you bring job opportunities to people’s feet, you

subject of the association was completely our idea. As

are relieved of migration to big cities. The wrong steps

TEMSAD when we said let’s share all of our information

taken in the past have shown us that no society without

then include us in this institutional corporate process. The

production cannot provide development. Now we have

first time an association with positive approach took part

to be a country that produces and develops.

in this study. When this offer was accepted, TEMSAD Association corporate road map was also started.

Our country, which has a young and dynamic population, needs to ensure that young people are included in

In addition, with the support of our sister companies

production. Every product is produced in the textile

Uzbekistan Textile Ministry in early May, we will hold

sector. We are a country that produces smart and

B2 meetings in two different cities with the support of

conventional textiles. In this sense, we have a structure

Uzbekistan textile companies. With the end of this event,

that produces and knows the machinery and human

we will be participating in the ITMA Fair in Spain with 168

resources and textiles in the best quality.



We attach special importance to ITMA this year. We


are the third largest participant in terms of Meters and

As Temsad Association, we want to bring our association

Participants. We have now become a participant and

to an institutional structure in the new period. For the first

dealer of ITMA fairs. I hope that we will be the biggest

time, the sector will have heard of this process through

participant in the upcoming ITMA Fairs. This power and

Textile Trend magazine. We are launching a project in a

potential exist as more than enough.

project for the first time. As TEMSAD Association, we will carry out some


Istanbul Chamber of Commerce has a project called


institutionalization in SMEs. Nine companies and an

Association, TIM and Istanbul Chamber of Commerce.

association were included in the association as TEMSAD.

We are going to do advertising work that introduces

Small and medium-sized companies were selected from

Turkish mechanic to a building on the fairground route. In


Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19





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responsibility crowning







sustained. With all of our stakeholders, we need to prepare

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for the coming years. In the

TECHsmart Fabric Dyeing Machine

coming period, we will explain STENTEXtuned-air® 10 Kamara Fikse Ve Kurutma Makinası

10 Chambers Heat Setting And Drying Machine








by accelerating our market research. I wish that 2019 will be a good year for our country and textile machinery sector.

DRYTEXtuned-air® 5 Kabin 3 Geçiş Egalize Kurutma Makinası 5 Chambers 3 Pass Equalizing Dryer

addition, ITMA halls will be advertising works promoting


Turkish companies. We rented Ulaş an OSB area where we can Mahallesi 203. Sokak No: 9/1 Ergene 2 OSB Ergene - Tekirdağ / TÜRKİYE

+90 444 73 18 | +90 282 655 58 58 | Faks: +90 282 655 58 59 accommodate 80 square meters of privateTel: visitors to use

www.canlarmekatronik.com.tr | info@canlarmekatronik.com.tr

it by ITO. We have presented an area that will be used by the fair visitors to participate in ITMA fair from Turkey. Our companies necessarily participate in the sector in

the sector of publications for the introduction of ITMA to benefit from. ITMA is a big event and every trace of our company leaves. ITMA Textile is a platform where the veterans. It’s contribution to everything is indisputable. As TEMSAD Association, we will meet more companies in the coming period. Export figures impose more

Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19


Turkey ITMA 2019 Exhibitor List Hall 5

Hall 2

Hall 1

Hall 3

Un d e r L in k

Hall 7

w ay Hall 8.1

Hall 4 Hall 6

HALL 1 H1 A105 H1 A106 H1 A107 H1 A114 H1 A129 H1 A206 H1 A207 H1 B105 H1 B110 H1 B207 H1 B213 H1 B215 H1 B223 H1 B224 H1 B226 H1 B230 H1 C103 H1 C203 H1 C206 H1 C231


HALL 4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4

A202 A203 C109 C204 D204 D208 D210


HALL 5 H5 A103 H5 A104 H5 A105 H5 A106 H5 A110A H5 A110B H5 A140 H5 A204B H5 A213 H5 B121 H5 B126


H2 A109 H2 A111 H2 A206 H2 A212 H2 A213 H2 A306 H2 A307 H2 A310 H2 A312 H2 B104 H2 B106 H2 B109 H2 B213 H2 B305 H2 B310 H2 B315 H2 B320 H2 B321 H2 C106 H2 C206 H2 C209 H2 C210 H2 C305 H2 D103 H2 D203 H2 D206A H2 D206B H2 D215


HALL 6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6

A104 C203 D112 D211 D221


HALL 7 H7 H7 H7 H7 H7 H7 H7 H7 H7 H7 H7 H7

A202 B119 B210 C106 C126 C129 C206 D101 D102 D118 D217 D223


H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3

E108 A107 A112 A114 A118 A118A A121 A127 A213 B128 B211 C119 C120 C123 C125 C150A C203 C206 C209 C211 C218 C219 C240 C242 C243 C244 D103 D111 D113 D117 D124 D125 D131 D137 D145 D146 D147 D150 D201 D202 D210 D215 D221 E103 E104 E110 E115 E116 E122 E134 E203 E212 E218

Hall 8.0




A202 A208 B202 B214 D208


HALL 8.0 - 8.1 H8.0 A203 H8.0 A205 H8.0 B102 H8.0 C104 H8.1 A212 H8.1 A213 H8.1 B104 H8.1 B120 H8.1 B206 H8.1 B218 H8.1 D110 H8.1 D118 H8.1 D203 H8.1 D216 H8.1 D224 H8.1 D228


H8.1 D203 0 212 652 41 68 info@tekstiltrend.com www.tekstiltrend.com



Dilmenler Makina General Manager Mr. İsmail ŞENGÜLER,

“DILMENLER WILL PRESENT NEW TECHNOLOGIES AT THE 2019 ITMA EXHIBITION” Before the ITMA Fair, we talked with the General Manager of Dilmenler Makina Mr. İsmail ŞENGÜLER about the textile machinery sector, the developments in the sector and the machines they just manufactured. ŞENGÜLER stated that they would especially make a business connection more than expected in the framework of innovations developed at the ITMA fair will. non-urgent and have the luxury of waiting, because they think, what happens, what will happen. In the meantime, we had an election process that included 2019 year. The impact of this process continued until the end of March. During this period we focused on exports. Of course, with the final results of the elections, there will be a long period without elections. This period will reflect the domestic market well. If foreign policy and geopolitical developments have no effect, we believe that domestic demand Dilmenler Makine - General Manager İsmail Şengüler

Can you make a general evaluation of 2018? For Dilmenler Makine, 2018 was very productive. The rise of the foreign market, which started in the second half of 2017, reached its upper levels in 2018, and in 2017 and in 2018, the first six months of 2018, especially with the orders received. In this period, both in terms of order and within our own internal structure, we have produced a number of useful and result-oriented works on behalf of how we produce machines. As a result, we have reached unprecedented figures in terms of machinery and turnover produced in 2018. With 20 percent increase compared to normal years, we achieved success in terms of both machine number and

HOW WAS THE FEEDBACKS OF THE ROTARY PRINTING MACHINE YOU INTRODUCED AT THE 2018 ITMA FAIR? HOW IS THE PROCESS? Our Rotation printing machine MBK PhoinixRotary4.0, which we developed and produced with our partners in Austria, was first introduced at ITM 2018 Fair. These processes take a long time. You didn’t have a chance to finish it immediately. When you make a machine, mostly the small details affect you. When we complete these small and important details, this will be a source of pride for our country. Currently, we have passed the testing phase by installing the machine to our own dye house. This machine will be

turnover. As a result, 2018 was very productive for us.

promoted as three heads at the ITMA 2019 exhibition


advantage for us to be working in our own paint shop.

In the last quarter of 2018, there was a contraction in the domestic market due to the exchange rate movements. This contraction has affected every sector and affected the textile sector. Many investments were postponed. People have begun to postpone investments that are


will increase in textile sector.

and presented to the world market. It will be a great We see cons and pros like an R & D area. WHAT ARE YOUR EXPECTATIONS FROM THE ITMA FAIR? WHAT KIND OF INNOVATION AND PREPARATION YOU WILL OFFER?

Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19


C2 d n a t S all 3 /



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ITMA Fairs have always been a platform for innovation. As a company that has experienced the effect of this fair, we are inspired by this fair. In addition, we are doing some studies as a company. We divided our ITMA concept into two. In the first stage, we will discuss our products and the changes made on them as Dilmenler. In the second stage, we will highlight the new machines and technologies we have developed. In this sense, there will be a three-head printing section for the introduction of the above mentioned Rotation printing press. There will also be Continuous lines and machines connected to it which we study for a long time. We had machines in both knitting and weaving, working in the industry on continuous lines. We will exhibit a washing machine related to this subject at a booth of ITMA. The printing concept is a separate matter on its own. As Dilmenler, we offer all the machines that the printing world needs. These machines can be called Steaming, Bleaching and Washing, Tentre machine and a printing machine. Dilmenler is active in all steps of these line..

effective position for us in the minds and agenda of the visitors. As a matter of course, we have the opportunity to see visitors from European major textile investment countries on the platform like ITMA. THE FACT THAT WE WERE DEVELOPED IN PAINT



We have been attending the ITMA Fair for many years.

Yes! We have equivalent products with European





EXPECTATION BE AT ITMA EXHIBITION? And according to our experience, everyone who is interested in the sector closely or not will be participating in this fair to be aware of the latest developments, latest

TURKISH MANUFACTURERS. manufacturers in paint and finishing machines. One of the most important reasons for this is the fact that the market in our country is large, as a result of the mistakes

trends and to create a basis for new investments.

immediately seen and the immediate resolution of errors.

The weird side is that we are communicating with

Due to the fact that we have experienced this

some Turkish customers that we have not seen in our country at ITMA fairs. As there are all textile machinery manufacturers in the world and they provide the opportunity to make comparisons, it is more likely to gain Turkish buyers. The biggest advantage of this is that we reach the result quickly. Possibility of comparison offers great advantages for all buyers.







machinery in this direction. We can say that we caught foreign machine manufacturers in this direction. Of course you have to tell it well. Due to the high cost of R & D and the fact that the users are Turkish, this situation provides advantage as R & D. What is your message to the visitors of ITMA fair?

TO INTRODUCE OURSELVES FOR SOUTH AMERICA VISITORS AT THE ITMA EXHIBITION IN BARCELONA. I think that ITMA Barcelona is the best platform to reach the visitors coming from South America. The lack of such a comprehensive textile machinery fair in South America or the America provides both an advantage for us and for them. ITMA brings the two sides of the world together in one place. It is to activate the non-potential for us. The other important step is the Asian market. Visitors from India,


Indonesia, Pakistan and Bangladesh. This region is an

First of all, visitors should visit the Dilmenler Makina. Let us tell you about our new processes and technologies. May they trust Turkish Machinery manufacturers and make the machine investment with their peace of mind. Turkey is the most important participant of ITMA Fair with its textile machinery sector knowledge and technological infrastructure. Dilmenler brand machines work successfully in all countries where the textile industry is intense. The visitors will find the advantages of this at our booth.

Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19

Then visit us at ITMA Barcelona (H3/C101) to witness the world premiere of our new, high output, high quality digital textile printer from Switzerland.

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GENKIM was founded in 1985 in Bursa. GENKIM started its production with Textile chemicals and continues growing with lubricants, emulsion polymers and industrial adhesives. GENKIM supports you to understand and solve your problems by its close links with various industry groups and academic institutions, its export team, technical infrastructure and wide experience. Being competent in troubleshooting the problems and providing accurate implementations, GENKIM adds value to your company. GENKIM focuses on creating the ideal conditions for the benefit of its clients while keeping its values alive.

ST-E 44 evo

ST-E 33

ST-K 11


RT-K 13



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GÜLNAR MAKİNA İş n ze Profesyonel Çözümler... Profess onal Solut ons For Your Bus ness...


Plast k Sektöründe, Profesyonel H zmetler Sunuyoruz We Offer Profess onal Serv ce İn Plast cs İndustry

Laboratuvar t p sentet k pl k çek m ün tes

Laboratory type synthet c yarn draw ng un t

Gülnar Mak na Sp ntech hattı laboratuvar şartlarında m n mum kapas te fiber denemeler ç n tasarlanmıştır. Avantajları; - Ölçüler neredeyse standart tüm laboratuvarlara sığacak şek lde d zayn ed ld . - 400 grm ürün le m n mum çaba harcayarak kısa sürede ürün alab lme. - Gülnar Mak na Sp ntech hattı, kullanıcının stekler ne göre tasarlanab lmekte ve sonradan mod fiye ed leb lmekted r. - Gülnar Mak na Sp ntech hattı yen apl kasyonlar, yen prosesler, yen pol mer karışımlarını denemek ç n tasarlanmış kompakt b r s stemd r. - Sp ntech c hazını; - Masterbach üret c ler ; Kal te, renk kontrol ve karışımları denemek ç n kullanmaktadırlar. - Granül üret c ler ; Test ve yen fiberler ç n gel şt rd kler karışımları test etmek ç n kullanmaktalar. - İpl k Üret c ler ; Gel şt rme, kontrol,renk ve pl k tasarımları ç n kullanmaktadır. - Sp no l Üret c ler ; Kal te ve arge aşamalarında kullanmaktadır.

Gülnar mach ne sp ntech l ne s des gned for m n mum capac ty fiber test ng n laboratory cond t ons. Advantages; - The measurements were des gned to fit almost all standard laborator es. - 400 grams of product w th the m n mum effort n a short t me to prov de products. - Gülnar Mak na Sp ntech l ne can be des gned accord ng to the w shes of the user and can be mod fied afterwards. - Gülnar Mak na Sp ntech l ne s a compact system des gned to test new appl cat ons, new processes and new m xtures. Sp ntech dev ce; - Masterbatch manufacturers; use qual ty, color control and blends to try. - Granule manufacturers; they use test and test ng for new fibers. - Yarn manufacturers; use for development, control, color and yarn des gns. - Sp no l manufacturers; use n qual ty and arge stages.


GÜLNAR PLASTİK MAKİNALARI SAN. VE TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. M mars nan O.S.B. 25. Cadde No.: 18 Mel kgaz -KAYSERİ / TURKEY Phone : +90 352 333 17 00 - Fax : +90 352 333 17 17 www.gulnarmak na.com - nfo@gulnarmak na.com


Sharabati Denim is One of the Important Companies in the Market With 35 Years Of Denim Production Experience. The textile journey started in 1984 in Syria with corduroy and gabardine fabrics and continues with the production of denim and gabardine fabrics in its factories in Egypt and Turkey. most traditional form of denim, which has not been worn for years and that denim lovers cannot give up, also reflect the denim culture. Tailormade- Draped, shiny, straightlooking denim fabrics were prepared for the original designs of famous Sharabati Denim is growing and renewing day by day with its production capacity reaching to 100 million meters annual and sales offices in 6 different countries and staff number around 4000.

fashion houses. Diversity- Fabrics with soft, comfortable and original woven images for those who want to create their own style. Ecocentric-

The fabrics produced by the processes developed by continuous technological investments in fully integrated


the trends in addition to their superior quality. and

under of





sustainable world.




reflection of denim images to

most fashionable product designs.

the gabardine.

Unifex- In this period





want to be careful without compromising their comfort.

appeal to both sexes

appearance. Denimloversfabrics



are produced for those who


their performance and


chino or cargo style trousers,


make a difference with


which can be easily applied to


women’s men’s clothing disappeared,


for sportswear, resulting in

the customer with the



work of Sharabati Denim for a





processes also summarize the


Cotton and presented to



fabrics prepared with special

fabrics are divided into concepts


Denim’s own Re-Cycled yarn

facilities meet the customer needs in accordance with



yarns produced by Sharabati

S Class- It is now much easier to create special collections with fine, soft and draped fabrics suitable for classical clothing.

These the

Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19


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SECOND REGGIANI MACHINERY INVESTMENT BY GÜLLE TEKSTIL Founded in 1970 in Turkey, Gülle Entegre Tekstil İşletmeleri AŞ is a fabric producer, who is also involved in knitting, fabric and yarn dyeing and finishing, and printing. The company leads the textile manufacturing market in Turkey with a strong position locally and abroad. Gülle Tekstil invested in an EFI Reggiani printer as their first digital printing machine and have now decided to go for a second EFI Reggiani printer. Reggiani Türkiye Agent - RTM Tekstil Makine Mehmet Kurban

GÜLLE TEKSTİL - Shareholder İsmet Gülle

We had a conversation with Mr. Ismet Gülle, Board

Textile Trend: Can you briefly mention the history and

Member and Company Partner of Gülle Tekstil, on behalf

work of your company at Gülle Tekstil?

of our Textile Trend Magazine. We would like to thank

İsmet Gülle: Gülle Tekstil was founded in 1970 by our

Gülle Tekstil for sharing their 50 years of experience in

father Halis Gülle. The company first started out with the

the textile sector and future investment plans with our

process of knitting and in the 1980s, the business grew


rapidly due to open export regulations in Turkey.

Reggiani is a well-known and respected brand in the

Soon afterwards, we started outsourcing painting, but

textile market in Turkey, with a history of more than 70

many times, we were unsatisfied with the quality of the

years in manufacturing printers and inks and operational

yarn we bought from outside, therefore we decided to

presence in Turkey for more than 30 years.

establish our own printing and dyeing facilities.

Reggiani made a significant breakthrough in digital textile printing after its acquisition by EFI in 2015. Reggiani

In the early 2000s, power outages were quite frequent

last month confirmed its commitment to Turkish textile

and would happen sometimes 8-10 times during the day.


Therefore, we decided to install our own cogeneration system – so that we are independent in producing

EFI Reggiani, represented by RITMO and RTM, has a high

our own electricity. Now, we are able to keep up with

market share in Turkey with 110 digital and more than 150

changing conditions as well as being state-of-the-art with

rotary printers. Mehmet Kurban, owner of RTM Textile

innovations in this sector.

Machinery Co., Ltd., whom has successfully represented


the Reggiani brand in Turkey for many years, agrees with

Textile Trend: What do you want to say about your

Gülle Tekstil’s investment in a second Reggiani machine.

investments in Machinery and Technology?

Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19


İsmet Gülle: In 2006, we purchased a Reggiani rotary printing machine and a washing line, which proved to be extremely efficient the last decade. In 2017, we decided to enter the digital printing world by purchasing a second printer from Reggiani – this time digital. When deciding on new machinery investment, we are very selective, examining everything to the finest detail in addition to considering technology providing a high return on investment (ROI). The Reggiani brand is a high-quality one, and although the cost of the machine is higher compared to competitors, it does indeed deliver a higher ROI. The innovations that Reggiani delivers benefit us both in the short- and long-term. Textile Trend: What are your thoughts on this new investment? İsmet Gülle: We have decided to go with another Reggiani machine as they have an expertise in the textile industry lasting for more 70 years and we are very happy with our first investment. Textile Trend: How do you evaluate the situation of textile in the world market and in Turkey? İsmet Gülle: Turkey is a country that has a lot of business impact in textile as well as a lot of companies active in this industry, it is therefore a very competitive market. To stand out, it is important to create a brand, become an international chain, and work with large organizations or

freely – without being bound by guidelines or follow restrictions. As a result, the works carried out in the design workshops make a great impact. There is no doubt that both Italy and France are the giants of fashion. Reggiani technologies provides us with an established

well-renowned companies.

brand as it is perceived as high-quality, but also creativity

Moreover, it is also important to differentiate your

in a large range of colours.

as the technologies can undertake all kinds of applications

business with creativity. For example, in European countries such as Italy or France, people are accustomed


to environments where they can express themselves

When we decide to buy a machine, we prefer the best. And this will be Reggiani again.

Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19



EFI Reggiani BOLT

EFI Reggiani BOLT rewrites the single pass printing rules in digital textile. The Reggiani BOLT textile digital printer was launched at a VIP event that took place at EFI Reggiani’s facility in Bergamo, Italy. The advanced, ultra-high-speed digital single-pass printer has the potential to revolutionise the textile printing market, providing users with high uptime, reliability, superior performance, outstanding print stability and accuracy, long print head life, and minimal maintenance requirements. EFI Reggiani has attracted a great deal of interest in the global textile market with nearly 300 customers and journalists participating in an open house event to promote the new BOLT textile printer.

Mehmet Kurban said: “The innovative development

maintenance, quick-start solution that delivers superior

of our new single-pass printer comes from Reggiani’s

uptime with better and more consistent print quality.

innovation speed in digital textile printing, its 70-years’

Thanks to the state-of-the-art technologies adopted,

history, and its expertise in high-volume analog rotary

BOLT has a speed of up to 90 meters per minute (more

printing. Our EFI colleagues’ proven knowhow in single-

than 8,000 square meters per hour) with a resolution of

pass technology across the globe has led to outstanding

600 x 600 dots per inch (dpi).

results in our textile technology. BOLT features high quality gray scale imaging with drop And most importantly, EFI Reggiani’s deep commitment to

sizes from 5 to 30 pico liters and also provides high

listening to and addressing the needs of their customers

quality printing at a maximum resolution of 600 x 4,800

has enabled us to achieve incredible results in our

dpi to meet all design requirements.

latest printing technology. EFI Reggiani offers superior

The print head is developed jointly with a leading printer

efficiency and quality with a high return on investment for

head manufacturer and will only be available for EFI

customers. We are excited to present this technology to


our customers and to see that their business is successful Highest quality capabilities with reduced downtime

and developing.”

EFI Reggiani BOLT meets the increasing requirements The BOLT’s modern print head technology and high-

for high quality, competitive ROI digital textile imaging in

performance ink delivery system offer innovative, low-

clothing, decor and other markets.

Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19



The BOLT printer paired with the EFI Fiery® digital front end (DFE) print server – offering unique, high-speed processing capabilities – is a robust industrial platform designed for continuous productivity, reducing cost per meter, designed for 24/7operation and delivering high volume workflow. Additional new features and enhancements of the printer also include: Advanced maintenance features: The printer’s contactless wiping system extends printhead life. Plus, the printer comes with an assisted alignment system for its test calibration scan unit, and it features extractable printing beams for easier maintenance. Extended colour gamut and superior image quality: Thanks to EFI expertise in colour management and flexible colour configurations, customers can easily reproduce a wider range of work including designs with solid colours, geometric patterns, fine lines, dark blacks, and smooth gradients.

Fiery DesignPro reduces the amount of time needed to prepare files in colour instead of hours for colour books,

Dedicated IP combining digital and rotary technologies:

repetitions, colour variations, and production.

One or more analogue print stations that can be easily

The new EFI Reggiani BOLT single-pass printer and Fiery

connected as an optional feature can be integrated into a

technologies address key market trends, with customers

digital printer for special effects.

being able to integrate more quickly into the market and

Efficient, high-power EFI Fiery technology

ride the waves of fashion movements, shorter lead-time and greater personalization.

EFI colour scientists have developed proprietary algorithms and special scans for this Fiery system to

EFI Reggiani high-speed innovation in digital printing

deliver vibrant print results, including supreme colours,

for textile

even when using high saturation and the highest print

In the major series of EFI Reggiani’s innovations, the BOLT

mode without losing their details.

printer is the newest in the portfolio. In the last two years, the team has developed a completely renewed range of

For the new EFI Reggiani BOLT printer, Fiery technologies

digital scan printers with state-of-the-art technologies

will also include a 1-year subscription to EFI Fiery

and launched a new product every quarter to offer

DesignPro, a powerful textile and fashion design suite

solutions for easily scalable textile printing, in response

running designers’ Adobe® Creative Cloud® applications.

to customers’ needs. There are two new launches between the new developments of EFI Reggiani that deserve particular attention: EFI Reggiani COLORS digital printer for unparalleled performance with up to 12 colors in a row and EFI Reggiani TERRA pigment ink. EFI Reggiani Terra is one of the greenest solutions on the market and shortens and accelerates customer’s process thanks to in-line polymerization.


Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19


“THE SOLUTION” IN SUBLIMATION: FITJET 22 Years of Experience Equipped With Latest Technology

Uras Chemical, has been able to secure its place as

was planned and implemented for the idea of omni

market leader in the Turkish textiles sector with 22 years

solution for sublimation printing process.

of expertise and a factory of 25,000 sqm with state-ofthe-art technologies and equipment. The experience

Omnipotent In Transfer Printing

equipped with latest technology enabled them to expand

Uras, which provides omni solutions in transfer printing,

their export network to 27 countries with their high

added its new manufacturing area in Istanbul. The new

product quality and they continue to grow at the same

formation of Uras is capable of responding to all the


paint, technical service, paper and machinery needs of sublimation customers at the same time.

Assertive With Their Solutions Uras is distinguished from its rivals with its omni solutions

Tested By Time

in transfer printing. Having provided omni solutions to

The pioneer in technological innovations that was founded

its customers in textile sector the company is one of

in 1997 started its product range consisting of printing and

the most well-known manufacturer in the sector which

auxiliary of chemicals via producing Turkey’s first domestic

produces its own inks, raw materials and binders and this

sublimation ink, FITJet (Flued Ink Technology).

makes us a leader in the textile printing industry.

Innovation Meets With Environmentalism Uras Chemical has been the pioneer of water-based

For various kinds of textile printing techniques, Uras

dye sublimation technology FITjet since 2010 in Turkey.

Chemical has developed four products. And FITjet is for

Concretely speaking, the new generation of water-

Digital Sublimation Printing. The others are Nanoflex for screen printing, Tyjet for digital reactive printing and Ippol for rotary printing. A Brand New Advance The innovative company was in the search of a place to realize its notion of omni solution for sublimation printing process. In addition to its manufacturing facility of 25,000sqm, earlier built in Çorlu and equipped with the latest technology and machinery, the innovative firm set up its fresh manufacturing area in Istanbul. The facility


Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19

P : E : W:


inks, Uras felt the needs of consumers in its sector and planned to add new solutions to its range and decided to manufacture sublimation paper and machines. That’s how FITjet Paper and FITjet Printer brands emerged. The Advantages of FITjet Printing Machines FITjet is able to provide different printers and printing heads for consumers and budgets on a wide scale. FITjet Printing Machines are easy to install and use. The machines provide long life and continuous technical support. The use of based inks are formulated to meet high quality standards required by the market due to its superior performance and process. It creates eco sustainable products and procedures to bring the planet and Turkish industry to the future. Having said that, the firm achieved to prove its products’ healthy and environmental sensitivity with Ecopass Certificate.

printers with FITjet inks ensures long life for printing heads and more efficient operation of the machine. The new facility is a milestone and already made a difference. The transfer paper production at Uras has gained speed and efficiency with the opening of their new Istanbul production facility. Thanks to state-of-theart manufacturing processes, it has become one of the best transfer papers on the market.

The Secret Behind The FITjet Inks In order to meet the customers high-quality product demands they resort to a new and revolutionary technology. Thanks to the nanoparticle technology used in its components, the company has made a difference to its competitors in terms of fluidity, blockages in machines, bleeding and hand feel. These satisfactory features in the product results have helped FITjet inks to become the

Transfer Power Quite High Their digital transfer paper FITjet Paper is available in various thicknesses and widths. It is formed in two pieces as base paper and coated on the surface. When the base paper carries ink, the chemical coating keeps the ink and allows it to dry on the surface. FITjet transfer paper allows the ink to dry on the surface as soon as possible.

most demanding product on the market.

The transfer power is quite high.

Prominent With Its Alternatives

See What Happens When FITjet Inks Combined With

FITjet inks are user-friendly, simple for textile workers to use. They have three different alternatives depending on the printheads and the materials to be produced. Viscosity, pigment values, density are the most important features that distinguish these products from each other. Fast drying, through the vivid colors and creates spectacular results as

Transfer Paper Well then, what are the ways to advance the efficiency and quality of the production line? The answer lies in compatible products and very good calibration. They are a must. When you combine FITjet inks with transfer paper, be prepared to get the very results you’re looking for. You

the user reaches an indispensable product.

will not believe your eyes when you see the efficiency and

Excellent After-Sales Support

these technologies. Obtaining a justified quality success

Uras is a customer-driven company with its adept technical service team that offers an excellent postpurchase service. Thanks to their friendly and skilled team workers printing is easier for their customers all around the world. They help customers to produce very high

quality of the production coming from the combination of in sublimation processes, Uras products are evidence of the impact of global production and distribution power. They Are More Than A Company Uras products are easily accessible through their

quality products and simplify the processes.

distributors, branches and warehouses from all over

The Story of FITjet Paper and FITjet Printer

their experience in transfer processes, their rigor in

Innovation is their driving force and they are on fire. Not satisfied with the success of FITjet sublimation

the world. Their professionalism in after-sales services, the packaging and storage stages provide a very wellequipped service to their customers.

Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19





We have included the views of the Hakan Kutlu and Gökhan Kutlu brothers as the shareholders of the Rota Sızdırmazlık Elemanları San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. one of the leading companies in Turkey that has shown a significant improvement in the last 5 years with the successes and engineering solutions of the sealing industry in out textile trend magazine. designing new products, we want to provide continuity. We have respect for our competitors but we want to make innovations and put them on the market without being dependent on existing templates. Engineering side of the work is as important as the commercial side of it. What do you think about qualified people and personnel grown by infrastructure? As the sealing sector is not a wellknown sector, it is difficult to find ROTA SIZDIRMAZLIK - Shareholders Hakan Kutlu - Gökhan Kutlu

Can you give us brief information about your company and your work? Established in 2005, Rota Sızdırmazlık Elemanları San.Tic. Ltd.Şti. operates in many sectors of food, chemical, paper, shipping, textiles, petroleum etc. Our company produces mechanical seals, packing, water, hot oil and steam rotary joints for use in these industries.

qualified personnel. For example, 20% of our employees are engineers. Most of the engineers are trained by ourselves. By getting support from internal and external training programs, we help them to develop and transfer their experiences to new generations. We want to let this institution of culture and tradition survive. Some companies are afraid to participate in fairs, advertising, brochures, etc. and they consider it unnecessary costs. How much do you care about

Our company has shown a great improvement since 2007. In line with our vision and mission, we have managed to gain the trust of our customers with “Rotaseal®” as a Turkish brand in the domestic and foreign market in a

advertising? Advertising plays a very important role in the age of competition. Our Advertising Department has been formed for approximately 1 year ago and we continue

gradual manner. Also,in the last 2 years, we have focused on R & D and various projects. The way to grow is through export and think big. What are your thoughts on this subject? Rotaseal® brand sealing products are exported to more than 16 countries. In Turkey, No one have direct sales to abroad in our own sector without intermediaries. Having a workable system is the point which differs us from the others. Without a cut-copy-paste process and


Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19

Hall: 1 Booth: B223 Please visit us at ITMA


to work in the direction of our target market. Besides fairs, advertisement and brochures, social media is playing an important role in today’s advertisement industry and we are using these tools to create awareness. ITMA is one of the most important fairs in the textile machinery sector. Are you going to attend the ITMA exhibition in Barcelona between 20-26 June? The textile sector is one of the areas where we are strong. We have participated in ITMA 2015 in Milano and we are attending this year as well. We will represent our company in Barcelona in the best way. There are no other companies (including




participating in ITMA in the sealing sector. How do you assess the future of the sealing sector? We can be hopeful as long as production is done in the sector and the production is focused on. In case of adherence to imports, things may not go in the expected way. Being a manufacturer and paying attention to it, can be one of the important factors of our progress in the sector. Are you involved in project work with Tübitak, Kosgeb etc.? Yes. We cooperate with Trakya University. We have a branch in Teknopark where we are working on our projects for Tübitak. We get Kosgeb support for this project. But we are not only involved in these projects just for doing them. Our goal is to provide product development-based projects and with the experience obtained from the projects prepare ourselves for new projects that are solution oriented to the problems of the customers.


Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19



“WE REFLECT THE RECYCLING WHICH IS PERCEIVED AS GARBAGE YARN TO FASHION AND THE PRODUCTS OF THE BRANDS” We talked about the sector with the Project Manager Eşref Koçak & Export Manager Eylül Koçak of the company, who made the following statements. “We determine the exact need of the customer and ensure the quality there. We are also the only company in the world market that makes 36 number. Especially our exports are realized through this 36 number. We have even won the praise and praise of our European competitors.” solution to the problems that may arise in this regard is also quite simple: to renew ourselves. Because if we don’t renew ourselves there’s no competition chance for us. How do you ensure this renewal? Starting from the field of recycling; we take the recycling to the next step, giving importance to quality, ensuring color continuity (which is one of the most difficult jobs in this regard) and we try to provide this by making direct presentations to brands.. Can you tell us about the working stages of recycling? Our job is to collect scraps as a priority. We aim to collect cotton scraps in principle( Cotton and hosiery scraps are the best we can do fiber). We collect scraps, 40% from inside and 60% from import (especially Bangladesh). While collecting these, we also have the opportunity to see where the garment business is.

ELSE / BORNEWA Board Members Eylül Koçak & Eşref Koçak Brother

How do you perform Sorting? First of all we separate the scrap according to the colors. When separating by color, we take the nylon and paper

Could you give a brief information about your company?

aside. We only have scrap to be recycled. On the basis

ELSE, which operates in the field of Electrical-Electronics

of color, yellow, for example, is extracted in yellow and

and Textile, has the supplier identity that delivers the

light yellow in dark yellow. We transfer them to the rest

products of the brands that it distributes to the user in

room. Here we provide 24 hours of rest. They have 10-

the fastest and right way with the manufacturer ID and

ton rooms and 8 of these rooms in our factory.

technical engineers who are producing in textile sector by

Chiffon machine, which consists of 6 phases of spiked and

using the developing technologies.

giant drums, breaking the scrap and re-forming machines. There are 3 laboratories in our factory: one, forming color;

ELSE continues its activities in textile sector with high

one chemical and one other thread at the physical laboratory.

quality recycling fiber and yarn production. Bornewa fiber and Bornewa yarn, which is manufactured with the

When compared with dyed yarns, the price is 40% more

brand name Bornewa in our factory with state-of-the-art

appropriate. It also offers an ecological advantage in

machinery park, meets the needs of customers with wide

garments. When painting 10 tons of paint a day you waste

color options.

1200 tons of water. This means a serious figure and loss for both the ecological and the national economy. Even


Can we learn your thoughts about the textile sector?

if we look at this point, the importance of our work is

I have never been in despair about the textile sector. Our

revealed. This is what we have said without considering

Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19


Is there sufficient number of companies in the sector for recycling? We are in contact with Europe and the world in terms of recycling industry. At this point, we do not consider any company as a competitor. Neither domestic nor foreign. Because in order to realize the potential and design in our minds, the current number and quality of the company is not enough. We do not have any inconvenience in the increase of rival companies. What is important here is that as Turkey we should become the center of R & D and P & D activities in this regard. This is important and you should not miss this train. We are planning to do our work. We are in the process of studying and doing research for 8 years. We do not leave the job after only setting up the facility. We need to put the cotton production. When you consider cotton

our money risks into the brand.

production, you save about 2500 liters of water in one sweatshirt. You prevent the consumption of 2500 water

As we mentioned before, innovation should be prioritized

in 1 sweatshirt. The importance of our work is obvious.

while transferring our current experiences to the second

At this point we are able to regain this product without

generation. The only thing we’re talking about is not

wasting any water through recycling. This is the basis

mechanization; mentality, innovation and market. For

for companies in Europe. I think that cotton will be very

this reason, branding and innovation are once more

valuable in the future. Especially in the last 10 years


polyester consumption has increased a lot. Cotton is considered as luxury now.

You will be attending ITMA. How is your preparation?

How do you evaluate our country in terms of textile sector? Populated countries like India and China grew rapidly in the

We made all kinds of preparations for ITMA and we believe that we will represent our company and our country in the best way possible.

world and they had to grow in their own demand. But when we consider our logistic advantages in terms of textile in the world, we will see that we are in very good condition.. Who are your competitors in the world in terms of return? We see Italy and Spain competing as a competitor. Do you have any difficulties in the industry? We are experiencing the most prejudicial problems in the sectorial sense. Recycling in the past - even today - is perceived as garbage yarn. However, we are trying to reflect the recycling to the fashion and the products of the brands.. What makes you different? We determine the exact need of the customer and ensure the quality there. We are also the only company in the world market that makes 36 number. Especially our exports are realized through this 36 number. We have even won the praise and appreciation of our European competitors.

Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19





We talked with the company’s CEO Sven Ghyselinck Who made the following explanations about the company and its products: “Whether it is a brand or a manufacturer, we offer a high level of service, including Quality Control and Legal Liabilities to our customers. We provide brand-specific marketing support to our brand customers so that they can effectively and strongly promote their textile products.“ Liabilities to our clients.

Sven Ghyselinck – CEO, Devan Chemicals Sven Ghyselinck

We provide brand-specific

Sardes Tekstil ve Kimya Ltd.Şti. ( Devan Chemicals Distributor of Turkey) Ercan Arslan

marketing support to our brand customers so that they can effectively and strongly



textile products. Of course, every product offers many advantages.

For example,

Moov & Cool allows users to absorb heat absorbing with a measurable level of moisture transfer. Are your products environmentally friendly?




certificates you have? Could you briefly introduce Devan Chemicals?

Yes, environmental sustainability

Devan Chemicals is a company specialized in special

is very important for us. We do not consider this as only

chemicals for the textile industry since 1977. Located in

following certain criteria during product development. By

Belgium, Devan has offices and laboratories in the UK,

taking this to an advanced stage, we are not developing

Portugal, USA and Turkey. We offer worldwide service

carbon 8 or carbon 6 in flur-carbon products, but we are

through our distributors and dealers for well-known

developing new products outside of this technology as a

brands and companies.


What kind of products do you have? Which sectors do

I would like to inform you that our products are licensed

you serve in textile?

under the Biocidal Regulation in Turkey and the Biocidal

Devan Chemicals has products such as polymer chemistry,

Act in Europe, we comply with REACH and we are

micro-capsule technology, Masterbatch additive and

BLUESIGN partners..

strength-retarding finishing solutions, some of which are protected by patents. Thanks to these technologies, we

What do you think about Turkey’s textile sector?

are able to provide thermoregulation of the body during

Despite the economic challenges that have arisen last year,

sleep or during sports; we can protect the textile product

we have a strong belief in Turkey’s textile sector. Turkey

from flame; we make people feel more healthy and fit

will continue to be a very important textile manufacturer

through clothes.

with its professional approach, geographical superiority

and competitive price. The growing trend of online sales

What are the advantages of your products Comparing

and production for them and the ’fast fashion’ trend will

to your competitors?

help Turkey keep its strong position.

As a company, we attach the highest importance to


”Environment and Sustainability” as Company. Whether

- Besides, I won’t say everything is perfect. Turkey should

it is a brand or a manufacturer, we offer them a high

continue to invest in quality and innovation by taking

level of service, including Quality Control and Legal

a cheap price-oriented approach. Very recently, we

Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19

Hall: 8 Stand:A205 Please visit us www.heliotinternational.com


found Turkey’s market rate to be lost to countries such as Pakistan, North Africa and Portugal due to lack of geopolitics and innovation. Therefore, Turkey should not consider its power in the textile sector as a guarantee and it should be understood that providing cheap goods will not be the only condition for a lasting and permanent success. What kind of new products do you place in your booth? At Evteks exhibition, we have put forward our well-known BIOME antimicrobial product into the Turkish textile market for sustainability. Besides We have presented the technologies that have proven to be effective in garment and bedding fabric with the scientific measurements such as Moov & Cool with R-Vital products, which we have been paying much attention to recently (with a wide range of antioxidant products such as CBD, Q10, Vitamin E, Aloe Vera). In addition, we focus on halogenfree, environmentally-friendly ECO FLAM products in the power-holding finishing range. We will present a very new product line in Techtextil exhibition, Frankfurt, two weeks later. Did you benefit of being at the fair? Did the fair meet your expectations? The fair contributed to strengthening our relationship with existing customers. Also some new connections were established. apart-dia 90.indd 2


Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19

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IT IS IMPORTANT TO BE THE FIRST AND “EACH PRODUCT IS SPECIAL FOR US”” We talked with Mr. Fahrettin Suna, the Production Manager of Çağdaş Kağıt, who made the following explanations about the company and its products: “We want to announce here 25 gr our sublimation product varieties of special coated paper. Being first is one of our policies. This is a source of pride for us in terms of the values we add to our country.”

Çağdaş Kağıt - Product Manager Fahrettin Suna

• Can you give brief information about Çağdaş Kağıt?

We have 35 gr, 45 gr, 50 gr, 55 gr, 62 gr and 65 gr covered

Çağdaş Kağıt has been operating in packaging sector

products with AYFA Brand. We want to announce here 25

for more than 40 years and it is closely following the

g of our sublimation product varieties of special coated

development of the Paper and Packaging sector in Turkey

paper. Being first is one of our policies. This is a source of

and the world and continues its investments with the

pride for us in terms of the values we add to our country.

infinite belief. Our company is active in the industrial sector as the

• What are the main advantages of your products

Crepe Paper manufacturer and also addresses many

compared to the existing sublimation papers available

other sectors. As a product policy, Çağdaş Kağıt keeps the

on the market? Why your customers prefer Afya Paper?

price and quantity of the product in the background. Our

AFYA Paper addresses the markets where the quality

priority is trust and respect for Çağdaş Kağıt. So every

standard is high and quality expectation is at the forefront.

product is special for us.

We have a variety of products with seven different grades; 6 types of these products are constantly in stock,

• Could you tell us about your products?

while other types are produced specially in accordance

First of all, we would like to mention 2 main products;

with customer demands.

Crepe paper and Sublimation paper. We are the manufacturer of these two products and in our other

We have different sizes, including 140cm to 185cm in

products, we have many kinds of products such as Kraft

length and 3.20m in size. We also have four different

paper, MG Tissue paper, MG White paper, Glassine

coating options. We can respond to all demands of our

Paper, anti-slip paper.

customers on paper. The main reasons for the preference of Çağdaş Kağıt products by many local and foreign


• Can you tell us about the diversity of your sublimation

companies are that; high quality, excellent results, fast

printing paper product range?

response to the demands of customers and providing

Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19


We find the fairs to be very advantageous




following the developments in the market closely. Because, new customers and new markets are also beneficial to us. We prefer to participate in trade fairs that will reflect us correctly. We continue to participate in domestic and international fairs. • Are you planning to attend international fairs? service. Thanks to the papers which perfect color and details could be obtained, the patterns can be easily transferred to fabrics such as polyester and satin.






participate in international fairs. We will be at FESPA Germany on May 14th. • How do you consider the future of the Digital Textile

• Can you tell us about your marketing and sales strategies? Are there country / countries that you have set as targets? AFYA® Papers, today in many countries and in Turkey, with the recognition of products, quality and reasonable price advantage in the sublimation sector is moving

Printing industry? We see the future of the digital printing industry bright. Depending on market developments, we hope that the sector will move forward in 5 years. Terms will change of course. As long as we can respond to changing conditions and needs, the sector will not end.

towards becoming a rapidly growing world brand. We have dealerships in Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Poland, Russia, USA, Iran and Pakistan. Companies, who know our quality, know our working conditions and trust us reach our sales representative by taking more references. In addition, by participating in international and local fairs, we are promoting our sales network by presenting our products to our existing and new customers at the fair. An example of this is the FESPA Germany Munich fair. We have strengthened our team by going to a new structure. We make our investments in the long term. We hope to meet you in the fairs and the sector within 2 years. Our goals are really great. In addition, we are aware that setting goals is an important factor in success. In May, we have already started our works for our present and new customers at FESPA fair. We also expect you to drink a tea in our booth and to see our quality products and services. • Do you find the fairs useful? You have attended the latest Fespa Fair. Did this participation meet your expectations?


Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19

Clearity for more than 10 years, together with the latest technology, for tomorrow's innovative, reliable, offers quick solutions to customer requirements by producing environmentally friendly products

Our primary principles include production of innovative products, making use of the latest technology, supplying reliable products and provide timely solutions to needs of customers. State-of-the-art technology makes it possible to produce all range of products from synthesis of raw material to the final product for all sorts of applications in textile and leather industries. Clearity offers solutions to its customers with its range of product in textile, leather chemicals and emulsions as well as its wide knowledge and experience in sales and the sector.


Textile Chemicals

Denim Chemicals

Textile Dye Auxiliaries


Leather Chemicals

Contact Clearity - Kimya Tekstil Pazarlama Sanayi Dış Ticaret Ltd. Şti. Address: YeşilTepe OSB Mah. Kuzey Caddesi No:6 Ergene/ TEKİRDAĞ Mail: info@clearity.com.tr Phone: 0282 686 56 60 - 61 -62 (tel:0282 686 56 60 - 61 -62)

Hall: 3 Stand: D137 Please visit us

Hall: 3 Booth: B120 Please visit us at ITMA


EXPERIENCE OF 100 YEARS FROM TÜFEKÇİ MAKİNE IN WE CLEAN THE AIR OF YOUR FACTORY In order to enable our customers to improve the productivity of the machine and the machine, we need to create more breathable environments for both the machines and the employees in working environments, which means that the machines can operate with higher efficiency and the manpower is used more effectively. As Tüfekçi Makine, our greatest motivation source is to provide more comfortable environments to our customers’ machines and friends working on these machines. We talked about the sector with Mr. Seçkin YILDIRIMDEMİR industry and agriculture by integrating his inventor spirit with the information he gained from Mehmet Rüştü Uzel Art School. This workshop invented and produced various machines for the Textile and Food Industry which became prominent in Gaziantep in those years. Later, it focused on technical works. The workshop started manufacturing of imported machines which both contributed to the national economy thanks to the products manufactured using them, yet, which also had a negative impact on economy due to their high costs. Afterwards, my father Metin YILDIRIMDEMİR, who had taken over the passion and background knowledge about production from his grandfather and his father, graduated from METU and started to produce Air Conditioning Dust and Waste Collection Systems under Tüfekçi Makine Inc. Tüfekçi Makine San. Tic. A.Ş. - Assistant General Manager Seçkin YILDIRIMDEMİR

Co. with the aim to reduce the external dependence of our textile factories, which are among the leading economies of the country.

Can you give us brief information about Tüfekçi Makine? Our business started in 1912 as a small arms repair shop.

Today, Tüfekçi Makine is a leader company which carries

The shop suspended its activities for a short term when

out turn-key projects in the field of Air Conditioning, Dust

Çanakkale War broke out. My deceased grand grandfather

and Waste Collection for several industries especially

Yusuf YILDIRIMDEMİR was called the Armorer ‘‘Tüfekçi’’

including the textile, packaging and food industries.

(as the surname law was not introduced yet) thanks to his mastery in the Military Production Plant, then in

Can you give information about your products?

Zeytinburnu Armory.

We are actually present in every field of life with our Textile Type, Industrial Type and Comfort Type Air


He returned to the city of Antep to continue producing

Conditioning Systems. Our Textile Type Air Conditioning

arms and ammunition. With the introduction of post-

Systems balance the temperature and humidity of the

war development strategies attaching importance to

environment during processing of the fibers obtained from

improvement and progress, repair works started for

raw materials such as cotton, linen, aramid, carbon, glass

various machines needed in those years as well as

and polyester; collect dust and waste in the environment.

the limited production of certain machines. With the

Our Industrial Type Air Conditioning Systems are

development of industry, my late grandfather Mustafa

developed to ensure the life and production conditions

YILDIRIMDEMİR, who continued the production spirit of

of the factory areas other than textile. Our Comfort Type

his father, started to produce various machines needed by

Our Air Conditioning Systems are designed to create

Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19




1958 more comfortable living spaces by balancing the conditions in these living areas. In addition to all of these systems, we offer services to our customers with our Electrical and Automation Products and Ancillary Products.


Why are Air Conditioning, Dust and Waste Collection Systems important for factories? Machines now operate at higher speeds, which means more friction and therefore a higher heat source. It is necessary to create spacious environments for both the machines and the employees to work efficiently. Thanks to such environments, both machines can work more efficiently and the efficiency of employees can be increased by using manpower more effectively. The ventilation and air conditioning systems of the factories are of great importance for the efficient working of


the employees and machines. You are one of Turkey’s oldest and most established companies in this field. Do you offer services only in Turkey? From Edirne to Diyarbakir and from Elazığ to İzmir, we continue to serve our prominent customers in the fields of Ring Yarn, OpenEnd Yarn, Woven or Nonwoven Fabrics and Technical Textile. In foreign markets, it is possible to come across at least one Tüfekçi Makine System in almost every region from China to Africa.

Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19




Do you establish Air Conditioning, Dust




Systems only in spinning mills? As I have already mentioned, we offer our services in various fields of textile industry by producing not only yarn, but also woven or non-woven fabrics, carpet and technical textile and we are active in other industrial areas, as well. What are factors that differ you from your competitors in the domestic and overseas markets? Why should your customers choose you over others? What are the criteria you prioritize in your machinery your

We use energy efficient automation system, which

As Tüfekçi Makine, we are proud of made technology

competitors abroad. This system is our own design and






competitiveness and quality? investments in production plant we have commissioned having thanks to our technological infrastructure and

is not present in any of our competitors, including our provides a great benefit to our customers in terms of energy efficiency. We are also one step ahead of our

each energy-saving smart systems.

competitors in terms of customer satisfaction since our

Our key competitive strength against our competitors

them by providing fast solutions to the problems they

customers are well aware that we will always support

and other applications available in the industry is the manufacturing experience we have had since 1912,

may face in pre-project, project and post-project stages.

ensuring the continuity of our quality.

We regard every project as a learning experience for

So, in all kinds of productions and products, we have to

ensure that each project is properly planned, calculated,

our business. Our valuable team has a common spirit to

use technology and the products and brands technology serves. This is because we believe that every value we offer should serve not only our customers but also our country, the world and humanity. So, with our customers who think about the future as well as the present day, we make promising investments and continue our research, development and experience in order to keep them sustainable.

produced and delivered with the purpose to create added value and to provide common benefits. Consequently, people trust us by saying “If Tufekçi Makine is here, the problem is already solved” wherever we go. In this way, we transform our customers’ investments into safe systems and we establish a vision union to ensure the sustainability of these systems as preferable and distinctive investments.

We provide our customers with the right solutions produced by right manufacturing techniques and proper integration at all times in order to help them contribute to their sustainable investment. In brief, we integrate measurable,





technology into every stage of our business with the aim to create sustainable and efficient investment so that we can maintain our competitive force, quality and existence.


Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19


Are your products domestic? Or is it an import-based

effective way. As Tüfekçi Makine, our greatest motivation


source is to create more comfortable environments for

All of our products other than those used in communication

our customers’ machines and their operators.

and electronic systems are produced by domestic raw materials in order to reduce the external dependency

With the purpose to increase the productivity of our

of our textile factories, which are among the leader

customers’ employees and machines, we follow the latest

industries of the national economy. In tis respect, every

innovations in technology and we keep working in order

machine produced by Tüfekçi Makine using manpower, is

to be able to integrate all kinds of intelligent technologies

domestic and national.

and even artificial intelligence into our systems.

Can you tell us about your marketing and sales

We are well aware of the importance digitalization has

strategies? Are there any countries you have set as

gained and we are leading our research and development


accordingly in cooperation with our customers to be able

Our key sales strategy is establishing trust with our

to use manpower more effectively.

customers. We combine this trust with quality and technology





Have you participated in international fairs before? If

innovative technologies and solution-oriented products

so, do you find them useful?

and projects are among our main sales strategies. Our

Of course, I find them useful. Fairs bring the players of the

main goal is to maintain the presence of Tüfekçi Makine

industry together and enables them to identify customer

Systems in all countries where the textile industry has

demands directly and effectively in a short time. Thus,


it helps companies to achieve significant gains in terms of both sales and promotion, and mediates the direct

Can you tell us about your innovations and the projects

marketing of their products, systems and operations.

you want to realize? As Tüfekçi Makine, we provide an input for the textile

In order to meet with the players of the industry and to

factories which involves the essential smart technology.

strengthen our relations in the market, we participated in

By using smarter Air Conditioning, Dust and Waste

the CAITME Exhibition in Uzbekistan, which used to be

Collection Systems, we build systems to support

held every year since 2008, yet which is going to be held

the increased speeds and production capacities of

every two years from now on. We intend to participate in

machines. We need to provide our customers with

such platforms in the future, as well.

spacious environments for both the machines and the


employees so that they can work efficiently. By creating

What do you think about the University & Industry

such environments, we ensure that machines work at

cooperation? Do you have any attempt regarding that?

higher efficiency levels and manpower is used in a more

What can be done?

Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19






industry cooperation is very important not only for the textile industry, but also for other industries. Today; technological


is one of the biggest reasons for firms to be preferred. Textile industry, like all other industries,




the technology closely and keep up with technological advancements. Universities are the best areas where technology is produced and integrated into life. If the necessary investment and support is provided to university



our industry and country will develop more effectively in terms of technology and R & D. As Tüfekçi Makine, we attend student congresses organized



engineering departments of universities in order to learn about and keep up with technological developments and also to show that we

How do you see the future of the textile industry?

are willing to support students in their new ideas and

Considering the development of textile, we believe there


are many levels we need to reach in this area. We have talked about the University & Industry cooperation in

Recently we have participated in the ‘’16th National

your previous question. I believe that both sides should

Textile Engineering Student Congress” held at Gaziantep

start to work more technically and move away from

University and we have taken a further step for the

non-technological production, indeed. Certainly rough

development of this cooperation by getting into closer

production can be performed to support technological

relationship with our friends who have new ideas and

production. On the other hand, I believe the number


of industrialists and entrepreneurs who produce technical textiles should increase and the research and

Our industrialists should come together with students

development activities of our universities should get

in such congresses, career days or in companies, answer

diversified to serve technology. I think, textile industry

their questions, support their projects and integrate

in Turkey should deal with technical issues more and get

young talents into the sector.

hold of its own future.

Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19



Angora Carpet Versatile Support for Domestic Machine ANGORA HALI, one of the most important players of the Turkish carpet industry, which aims to raise the standards of the sector since its establishment and adopts customer satisfaction as a principle and keeps the continuity in quality and innovation, is making significant contributions to the sector and the development of the country with the support it gives to the domestic machinery R & D studies.

ANGORA CARPET, which continues to produce

years, took place with the cooperation of ENTEMA

effective and resultant struggle in today’s market

MAKİNE, which successfully represents our country in

conditions by making difference in products and

domestic and foreign markets.

production methods, has adopted a world-wide

Şenol OCAK, ANGORA’s extensive knowledge of

principle in carpet industry by adapting fabric finishing

carpet production and the integration of ENTEMA’s

technologies applied in textile sector with extraordinary

100% domestic and international patented fabric

approach and investment to carpet production line. .

finishing technology and SWELL SOFT branded, new generation CARPET DRILLING MACHINE As of May

Mr. Şenol OCAK, the factory manager of ANGORA

2018, the company has been put into operation in

CARPET, stated that this innovative project, which

GAZİANTEP facilities.

has successfully taken place among the other R & D activities carried out by experienced staff for many

In the following process, different process parameters are determined according to different products and the new usage areas of the machine in accordance with the intensive research and development studies carried out by ANGORA company’s existing product quality has been moved to the higher levels, while, as well as significant gains in the business economy has been achieved. It was stated that the extraordinary results obtained by the application of the patented technology in the carpet


Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19





and steam opened doors to new ideas and techniques in





finishing, SWELL


and SOFT


contributed greatly to the company’s PA-GE works. As a result of the work carried




suggestions and support of ANGORA technical staff, it was stated that operational improvements were made on the software, it was put into use as an environmentally friendly, safe and easy-touse machine that considers worker health. During the operation, it was determined that energy consumption and capacity observations made by the company technical team were compared with conventional methods and systems and a significant energy economy and production efficiency was achieved. In the noise level measurements, it was observed that the machine worked within the limits of occupational safety and worker health. The self-cleaning function provided to the machine minimizes time and production losses due to general cleaning and maintenance. Company manager Ömer GÖKCAN also stated that they are very pleased with the joint work with ANGORA as the ENTEMA team. In addition to the knowledge and experience of ANGORA’s experienced staff, he also emphasized that the positive approach and the financial support provided by the company owner Mr. Ersoy ŞİVEYDİNLİ has been the most important factor. With the strength and motivation received from this ANGORA and ENTEMA company executives, in line

successfully completed experience, they expressed

with their common opinions, have been formed by

their intention to pursue joint R & D activities on new

combining different knowledge and experiences of two

projects in the future, to provide new gains to the

companies, each of which is specialized in their own

carpet and carpet machinery sectors and to bring our

field. The new methods offered to the carpet industry

country to an even more effective position in the world

product designers have opened new horizons.


Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19




EFI Acquires BDR Boya Kimya Strategic acquisition expands digital reactive ink offering and bolsters EFI Reggiani presence in key textile markets

FREMONT, Calif.,May 3, 2019 -Electronics For Imaging,

manufacturers, delivering trusted products that drive

Inc. (Nasdaq:EFII) today announced that it has acquired

greater cost-efficiency and quality in digital printing.

privately held BDR Boya Kimya San. Tic. A.S. Based in

Thanks to its strong commercial capabilities, BDR has

Bursa, Turkey, BDR is a leading manufacturer of reactive

built a significant presence in Turkey and Pakistan and,

inkjet inks for industrial digital textile printing.

increasingly, across Europe, the Middle East and India as


BDR is being integrated into EFI™ Reggiani, a global

leader in textile printer technology, and it will continue

“BDR has always been very focused on the growing

to develop inks, working closely with and supporting its


clients while expanding and growing its capabilities. BDR’s

sustainability in the textile industry using high-

employees are joining EFI, working from their current

performance and quality inks,” said Serra Saatçıoğlu Yildiz

sites in Turkey. While financial terms of the acquisition

and Ibrahim Demir, BDR’s co-founders.






were not disclosed, they are not expected to be material to EFI’s Q2 or full-year 2019 results.

“EFI’s global, best-in-class Reggiani portfolio fits exactly

with our own key goals for innovation and growth. We are

“We are excited to have the BDR team on board and

excited to be joining EFI to work together on advancing

to fully support their industry-leading customers,” said

the industry’s analog-to-digital printing transformation.”

EFI Reggiani Vice President and General Manager Adele

Genoni. “The synergies arising with BDR and the world-

EFI Reggiani is a leading, state-of-art technology provider

class portfolio of EFI Reggiani textile printers will be a

with an extensive line up of industrial textile inkjet printers

key point of emphasis for us to continue providing high-

utilizing water-based inks.

quality products and innovation. EFI Reggiani is also


significantly strengthening its presence in Turkey with this

It is part of a complete EFI ecosystem of advanced

acquisition, which brings us to the heart of an important

products for textile design and production, including

and growing textile hub.”


Fiery DesignPro software, and the EFI Optitex® 2D and

Founded in 2016, BDR has experienced remarkable

3D integrated platform for product development and

growth since its launch in the market. The company

design. For more information on EFI products for industrial

services many of the world’s top textile and apparel

textile design and manufacturing, visit www.efi.com.



Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19






ECOLOGICAL MACHINERY FOR THE SUSTAINABLE FUTURE Çağrı Makina Ltd. Şti., was established in 1983 at Istanbul, TURKEY and has well-known reputation all over Turkey and the world in the area of textile washing and stone washing and dyeing machine due increased production capacity day by day, reliability, fast after selling service and carefully working. Çağrı Makina has been producing textile washing machines, stone washing machines. removing stone usage make a great contribution to user and nature. Thanks to specially designed inner drum and beaters remove the stone washing. Due




reduces water and chemical consumption. Heavy and strong construction,



inner and outer drum, due to 11 kW installed engine reduces electric consumption. We are proud to make a contribution to sustainability by producing new generation ecofriendly, non-polluting, using less water, less chemical, and less energy washing machines.

Natural resources in our world are not endless. In this case, the importance of ‘ Sustainability’ become a current issue. We, Cagri Makina as Dewelli Brand present our Sustainable Washing Machines to the textile field in order to save economy, ecology and energy consumption and make a contribution to Sustainability. Our CMT400S and CMT500S Models reduce water consumption, chemical consumption and due to


Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19


Cedit Machine at ITMA Hall: 2 Booth: B106 Cedit machine has the latest technology in the yarn dyeing machine line by pushing the upper limits of the known technologies, reducing the costs during the yarn dyeing process and taking the environmental effects and quality standards into consideration with customer focus.

Cedit Makine ITMA’da! Hall: 2 Booth: B106 Cedit makine İplik boyama makinesi kulvarında bilinen teknolojilerin üst sınırlarını zorlayarak İplik boyama sürecinde maliyetleri düşürürken çevresel etkileri ve kalite standartlarını müşteri odaklı dikkate alarak üretimini son teknoloji ile gerçekleştirmektedir. Tek seferde 6 Ton kapasiteli

İplik boyama makinesi

üretimini Türkiye de İlk defa gerçekleştiren firmamız Yüksek teknolojik ve ekolojik standartların yanı sıra su ve elektrik tüketiminde önemli tasarruflar sağlayan yeni iplik boyama makinesi ile müşterilerine rekabet koşullarında hızlı bir ivme kazandırıyor. Renk haslığını ön plana çıkaran ve eşit flote dağılımı sağlayan yüksek kapasite düşük enerji kendi teknolojisi pompaları ile kulvarındaki rakip firmaların bir adım önünde bulunan firmamız daha verimli boyama yapma konusunda 6 ton production capacity of yarn dyeing machine in one

üniversiteler ile iş birliği yapmaya devam ediyor.

batch is made by our company for the first time in Turkey. In addition to the high technological and ecological

Tekstil Terbiye makineleri konusunda bir çok alanda

standards, the new yarn dyeing machine, which provides

yenilik ve öncülükleri ile müşterilerine 2500 m2 kapalı

significant savings in water and electricity consumption,

alanda yetişmiş uzman personeli ile hizmet vermeye

gives its customers a rapid acceleration in the competitive

devam etmektedir. 20-26 Haziran 2019 ITMA Barcelona


da katılacağı ve 2020 ITM uluslararası Tekstil Makineleri fuarları ile müşterilerine en son yeni ürünlerini tanıtmaya

Our company, which is one step ahead of its competitors

devam edecektir.

with its high capacity, low energy own technology pumps, which provides color uniformity and provides equal flote distribution, continues to cooperate with universities to make more efficient dyeing. Our company continues to provide services with its expert staff in 2500 m2 closed area with its innovations and pioneers in many fields of textile finishing machines. We will attend the ITMA Barcelona from 20-26 June 2019 and 2020 ITM will continue to introduce our latest new products to customers with international Textile Machinery fairs.


Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19


Rabatex Lines-Up Innovative Weaving Preparatory Technologies at ITMA 2019 • High speed Sample Warping Machine suitable for yarn range between 5 to 500 Tex • Sectional Warping Machine has user friendly advance software & data management • Single End Sizing Machine offers 4, 8, 12 and 16 spindle configurations The Rabatex Sectional Warping Machine RI 112 is a state-of-the-art technology which produces high quality warp beams with higher productivity. The RI 112 comes with user friendly advance software




which offers all online data of warping operations. It also offers graphical display of all events and breakages and also loss end memory control. The




End Sizing Machine RI 8001 offers 4, 8, 12 and 16 spindle configurations and produces sized yarn of the highest quality to ensure trouble-free and India based and innovation driven company, Rabatex Industries has lined-up the latest and innovative weaving preparatory technologies including battery operated material handling equipment in a 72 square metre stall at

8001 is suitable for cotton yarn in the range of 10’s to 120’s Ne and polyester yarn in the range of 30 to 210 deniers, with option of dry steam or electric heater drying

ITMA 2019 in Barcelona in Hall no. 4, Booth no. D215.


The technologies on display include an Automatic Sample

Rabatex operates four fully functioning manufacturing

Warper, Single End Sizing Machine, Advanced Sectional Warper, Battery Operated Material Handling Equipment

units, dedicated to producing state-of-the-art machineries and technologies. Another plant covering an area of

and also an Ultrasonic Reed Cleaning Machine.

50,000 square metres is under construction, which

The Rabatex high speed Automatic Sample Warping

and storage equipment.

Machine model RI 6001 is primarily for production of samples and short production warp at very high production rate. The RI 6001 has a robustly constructed warping drum, suitable up to widths of 2400 mm and for warping lengths between 21 and 450 metres (depending on thread density) and suitable for yarn range from 5 to

would be devoted for manufacturing material handling

“All our technologies, including those on display at our ITMA 2019 stall are very robust and so require very less maintenance. We have developed these technologies through our in-house R&D team and go through rigorous tests before being launched in the market,” Mr Haresh

500 Tex.

Panchal, Managing Director of Rabatex Industries said.

The RI 6001 comes with a heavy duty rotational creel

“We have grown in double digits in the last few years,

with a maximum creel capacity of 16 colours and is suitable of attaining maximum speeds of up to 1,200 metres per minutes.


smooth weaving operations. The RI-

thanks to the continuous launching of new technologies and also due to the excellent after sales service support, which we provide to our customers,” Mr Panchal added.

Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19

Hall H3, Stand C209 Please visit us


Unitech Texmech to display high quality spinning rings at ITMA 2019 India based Unitech Texmech Pvt Ltd, the market leaders in spinning rings since 1976, will be showcasing their latest range of high quality spinning rings at ITMA 2019 in Hall No. 7, Stall no. C119. Unitech rings are finely designed products designed to spin yarn from any kind of fibres like cotton, polyester, acrylic, wool, flex, blends, etc.

Unitech Texmech offers a wide range of rings to cater to the

coating, especially suitable for machines running at

varied needs of the industry and offer a lifetime of 3–8 years

very high speeds, elite and compact spinning systems.

depending upon count, speed, fibre characteristics and under

Here too, the very best quality 100Cr6steel is used and

normal working conditions. These rings include the UNIK1,

additionally a very hard and thin microfilm of atomic

UNI Ultima, UNI QC, UNISX, Steel Conical & Vertical Rings,

coating is given, to ensure superior gliding and wear

ISQ Conical & Vertical Rings and Stainless Steel Rings.

resisting properties at high speeds.

The UNIK1 ring has excellent wear resistant properties

Unitech has also launched an advanced version of normal

and is tougher than coated rings. It undergoes a

conical and vertical rings called ISQ Series Conical &

specialised surface treatment, which gives the ring high

Vertical Rings. The ISQ Series rings are made from a

fatigue strength for consistent performance from the

special type of alloy steel and have a fine grain micro

time the ring is placed on the ring frame.

structure matrix for even and uniform friction properties.

The UNIK1 ring is ideal for spinning fine and super fine

The ISQ Series Conical & Vertical Rings are subjected to a

counts, compact yarns, dyed yarns as well as yarns made

high technology process to enhance the wear resistance

from highly abrasive fibres such as Acrylic, Polypropylene,

and for smooth gliding movement of the traveler, resulting

Kevlar, Linen, Bamboo, Polyester, Melange, Modal, etc.

in consistent quality of yarn, very important in production of high value wool yarn.

On the other hand, the UNI QC Ring is an economically priced product with salient features of coated rings.

These conical rings are manufactured in all sizes and of

Special hardening process using the latest thermo

all heights like 6.4mm, 9.1mm, 11.1mm, 17.4mm, and

‘SHOCK’ treatment, imparts a micro diffusion effect to

25.4mm, while the vertical rings range from 6.4mm to

the ring for best wear resistance and absolute surface and

50.8mm in height.

matrix properties. Unitech Texmech has been exporting its technologies


The UNI QC Ring is produced from 100Cr6 steel. The

to several countries since 1985, which include UK, Italy,

ring is suitable for spinning yarns from all types of fibres

Germany, USA, Hong Kong, Turkey, Mexico, Thailand,

and is a true value for money black ring.

Bangladesh, Indonesia, Japan, Taiwan, Argentina, Peru,

The UNI ULTIMA Ring is a product with a unique surface

Vietnam, Malaysia, South Africa and many more countries.

Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19

En Uygun Fiyata

541 928 72 59

En Kaliteli Yedek Parça ve Hizmeti

SERAMİK TEKSTİL İTHALAT İHRACAT SAN. ve TİC. LTD. ȘTİ İbrahim Ağa Caddesi 2. Emintaș Sanayi Sitesi Kat:1 No:80 Bayrampașa / İstanbul - Turkey Phone:+ 90 212 493 11 90 - Fax:+ 90 212 493 11 91

www.seramiktekstil.com.tr info@seramiktekstil.com.tr


World Premiere of 201-SF at ITMA 2019: New Generation Cots Grinding Machine developed by While the global textile industry meets at ITMA 2019, ASTEKS will present a selection of apron and cots types and their cots grinding machine 201-SF to the industry professionals. Expanding their local and international market with their solutions for the roll shop departments, ASTEKS will also inform visitors, during the exhibition, about 101-AGV: in-house transportation vehicle addressing several industries. to discharge all the cots to be processed to the feeding chamber, at once. The system will perform the



automatically and direct the finished cots to the other chamber. Another feature of the 201-SF is that it recognizes cots with a different diameter and automatically rejects them from the process. In this way, the cots are sorted out by the system automatically and thus Providing solutions for apron, cots and cots grinding machines and roll shop department, ASTEKS will participate in ITMA 2019 in Barcelona, Spain from 20 to 26 June. ITMA, the biggest technology exhibition of the textile industry, will turn into an important platform for ASTEKS with visitors hailing from all over the global market. Being Turkey’s largest company in their field, ASTEKS will present their R&D intensive solutions to

dimensional differences, are prevented and the waste of time is eliminated. The 201-SF can process all type of the cots for ring spinning frames and roving frames, as well as long cots for draw frames and combing frames cots without any complicated and time consuming conversion required.

visitors in Hall 7 Booth D-101.

Aprons and cots suitable for all spinning mills

Company’s latest development, the 201-SF cots grinding

ASTEKS, a selection of aprons and cots will be another

Produced and continuously developed for many years by

machine will feature at the ASTEKS booth, preparing to welcome the major manufacturers of the global yarn market. Developed for spinning mills focusing on high efficiency, the machine has the advantages of easy operation, high precision processing and low maintenance

important product group of their booth. RC-751 cots with successful results in synthetic and blended yarns, PE-751 draw frame cots, CTA carbonreinforced aprons, perforated GESA / OPS-performance


series new aprons for compact spinning machines, CE-

Equipped with a smart feeding system, the 201-SF

of cotton spinning mills and with its high efficiency

684, E-700 cots, which have become the favourites

cots grinding machine eliminates the need to piece by piece manual feeding by a staff member. It is enough


possible faults caused by

performance in the preparation process, the E-750 long cots for draw frames can be seen, closely.

Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19


ASTEKS guarantees maximum efficiency in price and

our customers abroad trust us and choose as partners.

quality balance with their aprons and cots for short fibre

We provide products they need and on time. In addition

systems, long fibre systems, open-end systems, compact

to our products at ITMA 2019, we will also emphasize

systems, air systems and texturing systems.

this trust based relationship with our customers”.

Industry 4.0 solution for in-house transportation; 101-

Sabri İlknur stated that their basic objective at ITMA


2019, which is accepted as the Olympics of textile

ASTEKS’s solution to the in-house transportation needs

technologies, is to confirm their existence as one of the

of several different industries developed within the

important players in their production field. İlknur noted

scope of Industry 4.0 in the recent years, the 101-AGV

that ASTEKS will welcome several visitors and many

automatic guided vehicle will be shown to the market by

customers from markets they are already active, such as

video and poster presentation.

Turkey, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran, Indonesia, China, Egypt and South America. “We have many

It is capable of pulling 2 to 4 tons of load and rotating

reference customers in these markets. We will share this

360 degrees around itself and in narrow spaces and the

market references to our visitors during the fair” said

vehicle is capable of following the instructions, given

İlknur; “We will reiterate to our visitors the confidence

through its control panel, in stops and start-ups at the

we have established about subjects such as reaching the

desired number of stations on the magnetic band route.

product in high quality and standards, receiving complete

With its advance radar system supported by AC motor

and timely service”.

and inverter technology, 101-AGV has the ability to detect obstacles to stop and re-start after the obstacle

“We continue to grow in export markets by our strong

is cleared.

determination” Sabri İlknur stated that ASTEKS continues to pursue

101-AGV reduces the dependence on manpower in

its growth-oriented strategy in export markets and said

product and load handling while increasing production

that they see every country with yarn production as a

efficiency provided by maintaining the standard in

target market. İlknur noted that the Asian and Far Eastern

the operation. The vehicle , that offer a long working

markets with the highest capacity in the global textile

time despite the low charging time, was developed by

market and yarn production stand out in this regard, and

Turkish engineers of Asteks as a solution for in-house

concluded his words as follows: “The ITMA 2019 will

transportation in many kinds of mill segments such as

contribute to increase our strength in the existing markets

spinning, weaving, dye-finishing house and many others.

and to enter the other potential markets. In particular, we

“We are always proud of using the logo of ‘Made in

attach great importance to the promotion of our grinding

Turkey’ on our solutions”

machines. As an important technology company in the textile supply chain, we invite sector professionals to our

Explaining that they are intensely preparing for ITMA

booth in order to see our solutions that provide more

2019, ASTEKS Marketing and Sales Manager Sabri İlknur

efficiency and profitability”.

announced that they will participate at top management level, domestic and international sales and technical to provide satisfactory information to visitors about products and services. Expressing that as a Turkish company, ASTEKS has grown into a well-known brand in both local and international markets, İlknur stated that they are strengthening their sales networks, continuously. İlknur said; “We proudly put ‘Made in Turkey’ logo on all our solutions. We have become one of the major brands in grinding, with totally national capital and the devoted work of Turkish engineers. As our hundreds of customers in Turkey and

Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19



The Evolution of Quality Management Uster Technologies offers a unique portfolio of solutions for textile quality control, management and improvement, from fiber to fabric – adding value for each stage of production. Now USTER strengthens that concept even further, enabling textile producers to actually prevent poor quality, rather than just recording it.



optimization “Digitalization



opportunities for evolving and improving








Thomas Nasiou. “At the same time, the core of our offering will always be Think Quality and all our efforts will aim towards quality



management to maximize the This latest advance combines textile know-how and

value for our customers.”

technology with smart software, as the textile industry embraces the digital age through intelligent systems

At ITMA 2015 USTER introduced data evaluation to

which promise faster, better and more cost-effective

textile quality control, with the USTER® TESTER 6.


This allowed users, for the first time, to combine both


laboratory and in-process data from different production

very new is the possibility for better contamination

stages to optimize quality control and its management.

control and quality-based optimization of the ring

In 2019, the next logical step is to extend this connected

spinning process, including the possibility to stop defect

approach to the further production processes, to offer

production as early as possible.

value modules which enable textile producers not only

Alerts are available on a mobile app and important

to be informed of quality problems but also prevent and

performance indicators are also projected on dashboards

optimize wherever possible. This is another major step

– both with the target to trigger early reaction to

in ‘managing a textile mill with quality in mind’.

problems. Of course, the reporting is also accessible on client terminals across the plant.

Launching at ITMA 2019 USTER® QUALITY EXPERT, the Quality Management

The Quality Management Platform will form the

Platform, collects and evaluates information from

centerpiece of the USTER presentation at the upcoming

different production stages and expands its insightful

ITMA 2019. At the same time, the comprehensive

analytics with valuable intelligence as each additional

portfolio of online, laboratory, fabric inspection products

instrument is connected. The entire process becomes

and value-added services is being extended with further

more transparent for managers and operators. Finally,


the Quality Management Platform drives consistent

Reflecting the spirit of continuous innovation, a

quality in every part of the spinning process.

completely new ITMA booth design will highlight the

The introduction of the Quality Management Platform

digitally-connected Uster Technologies offering and

marks an important evolution for Uster Technologies. It

showcase developments across the entire portfolio.

combines collection and smart data analysis from more

USTER offers visitors an exciting mill management

process steps with the next level of knowledge-based

experience at booth D201 in hall 6.

alerts about possible defects and extended prognosis of yarn performance in subsequent processes. Also


Quality Counts – At Every Level of the Market USTER offers multiple resources for understanding quality management from fiber to fabric information for many decades. The

Coefficient of mass variation - CVm (%)

Coefficient of mass variation - CVm (%) USPTM 50 %








example, focuses on ‘managing a


spinning mill with quality in mind’. It


takes readers through all the stages


of yarn production, with insights


and recommendations for process optimization, as well as providing clear


visualizations and lists of key quality

10 1957











indicators and checkpoints.

USTER® STATISTICS publication year 100 100 100 100 100

% % % % %

cotton, ring yarn, carded, cops, weaving, Ne 20 cotton, ring yarn, combed, cops, weaving, Ne 30 cotton, ring yarn, combed, cops, weaving, Ne 60 cotton, rotor yarn, carded, package, weaving, Ne 20 wool, worsted yarn, cops, any application, Ne 24





benefits The inspiration for the first USTER®

Uster, Switzerland, 26th March, 2018 – In textiles, the

STATISTICS in the early 1950 was the

two extremes of the market are poles apart – from mass-

wish by spinners to know about the quality of their own

produced commodity products to ‘big-brand’ specialties

yarns and those of other spinners.

where only the highest standards of material and styling apply. In between these opposites, of course, there are

Started as a two-page list in 1957, it quickly developed

many layers of complexity. What all these dimensions

into the unique global benchmarking tool which today is

have in common is clear: a need for consistent quality from

the basis for trading textile products at assured quality

yarn and fabric producers. Today’s challenging market

levels, across global markets.

environment means quality is a sustainable competitive advantage, and Uster Technologies is the unique source

Any professional in the fiber, yarn and fabric business can

of the know-how and systems needed to deliver it.

benefit, since the benchmarks are excellent indicators of quality throughout the textile chain. The full range

Quality know-how via mobile app

of quality levels is covered, as the USTER® STATISTICS

An example of a really positive experience of this quality

Percentile (USP™) figures indicate parameters for the 5%,

know-how comes when USTER’s technologists visit a mill

25%, 50%, 75% and 95% level. Knowing the quality level

to carry out an audit for USTERIZED® re-certification.

of the yarn is essential for its production, further optimal

Mills always appreciate their expertise and advice, which

use and finally its value.

helps them make the best use of their investments, as well as sharpen their processes for consistent and

“A good start would be meeting USTER experts at a

maximum value.

forthcoming event such as Techtextil or ITMA,” says Nasiou. “Visitors are welcome to pester us with all the

The USTER service technicians also bring a fund of

challenges they may have! In the meantime, the different

knowledge, and are always glad to pass on maintenance

USTER knowledge channels should serve any information

tips, helping customers get the best out of their USTER


equipment. Exclusively, USTER customers benefit from a


direct line to expert know-how.

Techtextil 2019, Frankfurt, Germany (May 14 to 17): Hall

Another way – and it’s not only for customers – to

3.0, booth D05.

access USTER experience and knowledge is through

ITMA 2019, Barcelona, Spain (June 20 to 26): spinning

the USTER® NEWS BULLETINS – almost like technical

section, Hall 6, booth D201; and fabric inspection, Hall

textbooks – which have been circulating valuable

4, booth D103

Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19


SERVING EVERY POINT OF THE WORLD FROM THE HEART OF TEXTILE: SER MEKATRONİK We talked with the Shareholder Mr. Ahmet Geçikli of the company about the company and its services. “Our R & D team adapts innovative solutions to our machines and all the services we provide. Briefly; we combine our knowledge and skill with our machines in terms of price and supply, but with long-lasting, energy-saving parts.” • Can you give information about the shareholding structure and company structuring? In our 1130 m2 production facility and 235 m2 central office, we have been providing services to all parts of the world from Çorlu, which will be the heart of textile with our three partners structure consisting of 27 people in total. In our new formation, we will manage the entire sales and supply network as Ser Dış Ticaret Ltd. Ser Mekatronik 50% - 50% of Bende Ser Dış Ticaret Ltd. Sti will carry out all of its sales and marketing activities from here. As of 01 July 2019, this company will be opened. My dear partners Hakan Çakar, Hasan Taşkın and Necati Arslan they are the founding members of Ser Mekatronik - we believe that we will take on a structure that can move faster in the world with such a structure. • Could you give information about your products & services? We started the production of single drum and double

SER Mekatronik - Shareholder Ahmet Geçikli

drum Raising machine, cutting machine, polorator cutting

• Can you give a brief about SER MEKATRONİK? For Ser Mekatronik, we won’t be wrong to say: “This company was established in August 2008 and has been growing firmly in the last 11 years and is a solutionoriented, innovative and customer-oriented manufacturer for both domestic and foreign customers.” With our 1130 m2 new location and our staff of 27 people, at the beginning of 2019, we became the machine manufacturer with the insistence and support of the companies we are supplier of.

for the tulle product, we also had a center driven dog and also a transmission quality control machine. Of course, we also offer the following parts of all the machines mentioned above: Supplying spare parts of electric-electronic, mechanical repair maintenance without separating the brand, disassembly and assembly of all kinds of textile machinery, second hand brush raising cutting brush revisions, rectifying, wire wrapping, brush insertion, Raising wire brush wire supply. These are among our prominent services.

We produce Raising Cut and Brush machines with our experienced staff in our new facility. Besides, we are also a company which performs second hand machine revisions, buying and selling of the same machines, renovation of panel and mechanical parts, supply of mechanical and electrical spare parts of all textile machinery.


machine and brush machine on January 2019. Previously,

• Can we get information about the production processes and usage areas of your products? Our new machine manufacturing period is approximately 8-10 weeks. The revisions vary according to the size of the work to be done, which can be delivered between 2

Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19

and 4 weeks. For the spare parts to be supplied, we have a variable terminal structure depending on the domestic or domestic manufacturer. In addition to this, we also produce electronic boards and panels and 15% of our annual budget, these factors stand out as one of the biggest factors in our rapid movement. • Do you find the exhibitions useful? Fairs are useful for both introducing yourself and reaching many people at the same time. It is also an important opportunity for you to test yourself and to examine your competitors. • Are you planning to attend international fairs? Unfortunately, we were not able to attend our formation for this year’s ITMA, but we are planning to attend a few national fairs. For us, Bangladesh, Pakistan and India are very important, as well as close markets such as Uzbekistan, Egypt and Iran. But our big goal is 2020 ITM. • Do you export? How do you manage your domestic and international marketing strategies? As mentioned above, we will have established Ser Dış Ticaret by June 15th and all sales activities and marketing organizations in Turkey and abroad will be made through this partner company. For the last 11 years, we have been continuously exporting our products with our customers in our growing structure. We have supplied machinery, second hand revision machine, panel revision and spare parts to more than 15 countries such as Uzbekistan, Iran, Egypt and Peru. And in these countries, we had the chance to assembly operations.


In addition, we strive to dominate the market with a 4-person sales team and a network of domestic and international sales representatives.. • What are the advantages / features of your products compared to their counterparts? Our






experienced staff and customer satisfaction. Almost every company in the market goes by the same logic, but we prefer fast and affordable, energy-efficient, long-life parts. Our 4-person R & D team adapts innovative

the second half of 2018 and in the first quarter of 2019,

solutions to our machines and all the services we provide.

to build our machinery park to produce more new and competitive products, and to strengthen the current

Briefly; we combine our knowledge and skill with energy-


efficient parts that are less cost-effective in terms of price and supply.

Do you receive support from Tübitak or other institutions of the State when producing?

• Do you invest in technology? Do you have investments

Although we have just started machine production, we

in R & D and P&D?

have implemented our projects with both KOSGEB and

One of the biggest factors in our development and growth


is this issue. We have taken serious steps, especially in


Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19

Rüti Textil is a new company founded in 2016 and located near Rüti, it owns various patents and the registered trademark Rüti Textil We bring machines of the brands Sulzer Rüti and Sulzer Textil up to date with a new conversion concept based on the possibilities of industry 4.0

My name is Gianfranco Di Natale, founder and main shareholder of Rüti Textil •

Since 22 years a technology nerd of which

over 16 years in the development of weaving machines thereof 12 years Sulzer Rüti/ Textil (G6200, P7150/7250, P7300/7300HP) • The quality, functionality and uniqueness of Sulzer Rüti and Sulzer Textil machines are exceptional • E.g. over 150’000 projectile weaving machines have been produced • Many have been in use for over 30 years and can easily produce another 30 to 40 years How can this enormous potential be better exploited? Swiss Textile Machinery Pre-ITMA Press Conference, Lucerne 29-30 March 2019 Our products • Conversion kit with modules that optimize selected areas of the machine • The modules function independently, but can also be combined as desired • Modules are individually adapted to the customer’s needs • You achieve - more performance - better fabric quality - relief of the weaving machine itself •

We are leading high-quality technology into the

next generation


EKSOY is the Largest Reactive Dyestuff Producer In Europe And Also the Only Manufacturer Of Reactive Dyes In Turkey

Today, as an international company, we continue to

Like other international competitors, we’re trying to

produce with a larger capacity in our new factory in

service by our own factories in overseas markets.

Adana Industrial Zone. Our R&D, which has a significant

We aim to increase our capacity by adding Bangladesh

part of our investments, has been operating as an R&D

and Indonesia to our production facilities as we did in

Center since 2018.We are among the top 5 companies

India, Pakistan and Ethiopia in the last ten years.

in our region in the Technology and Innovation Funding

We are pleased to welcome you with our technical team

Programs Directorate’s R&D incentives list. As a result of

at HALL: 3 STAND: D131 at ITMA 2019.

the activities of R & D center, we produce many imported

For more information please visit our website www.

raw materials in our own factory. We are proud of being

eksoy.com and you can contact us for the products you

one of the pioneer companies in the sector by specializing

are interested in.

in textile chemicals and dyes for 38 years. The product groups we produce in our own production facility; silicone oils, cationic softeners, nonionic softeners, finishing agents compatible with different yarn types, bleaching agents, enzymes, dispersing agents, stabilizers, levelling agents, formaldehyde-free fixators compatible with different types of dyes, alkaline and acid buffers compatible with different fabric types and dyes, washing agents, reactive dyes, disperse dyes, optical brighteners compatible with cotton and polyester. EKSOY is the largest reactive dyestuff producer in Europe and also the only manufacturer of reactive dyes in Turkey. Our capacity reached 4000 tons /year by the investments

AMINOSIL OIL 120 & AMINOSIL OIL 160 Aminofunctional Silicone Oil


Hydrophilic Polyether Type Silicone Oil w w w. e k s o y. c o m

spirit to textiles

made this year.



Aminofunctional Silicone Oil Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19


Şardon Telleri ve Fırçaları (Kadife Parlatma Telleri)

Metalik Tarak Telleri

Karbon ve seramik fırçalar

Nonwoven Hatları

Hotmelt Laminasyon Makineleri ve Bileşenleri

Silindir Sargı Bantları

Nem Ölçme Cihazları





Erteks CFA Tekstil Tic.Ltd.Sti Sururi Mah. Hocahanı Sok. No:25 Ambarcı Is Merkezi Kat:4 No:89, Yesildirek, 34120, Istanbul Tel: 0212 51409 51-52 Faks: 0212 5140953

Sentetik ve Metalik Örgü Bantlar

Nonwoven ve İplik Yangın ve Metal Dedektörleri

Havalandırma ve Nemlendirme Sistemleri

Scardassi Fleksibl Tarak ve Fırça Telleri

Hidrofil Pamuk Üretim ve Paketleme Makinaları

Anti-Korozif, Yapıflmaz, Kuru Ya¤lama Özellikli Endüstriyel Kaplamalar

Dikkat! Kaygan Yüzey Asidik-bazik ortamlara dayan›m, Mükemmel kaygan yüzeyler, Kolay yüzey temizli¤i Hav’lanmay› engeller Üstün ›s› iletkenli¤i, Kuru ya¤lama, Anti-Korozif, Ve,,, ® Powertech kaplamalar› sizlere Hizmet Garantisi ile sunuluyor. Mükemmel uygulama, mükemmel kaplama ile sorunsuz üretimin keyfini yaflay›n. Kaplama tiplerimiz aras›nda, P.F.A., F.E.P., P.T.F.E., E.C.T.F.E., Rilsan®, Seramik ve Granit kaplamalar bulunmaktad›r.


Kullan›m Alanlar›: Hafl›l Kurutma Tamburlar›: ‹pli¤in üzerindeki hafl›l kurutulurken silindir yüzeyine yap›flmas›n› engeller. Kumafl›n, ipli¤in ve benzer ürünlerin ifllenmesi sürecinde yüzeydeki sürtünmeyi minimize ederek üst düzeyde “yap›flmazl›k” yüzey kayganlı¤ı sa¤lar. Barabanl› Kurutma Makinesi: Silindirlerin yüzeyine yap›flmay› ve silindirlerin korozyona u¤ramas›n› engeller. Operasyon esnas›ndaki dur-kalklardan dolay› kaybedilen ifl gücünü, enerji sarfiyat›n› ve fireyi en aza indirmenizi sa¤lar. MCS Boyama Tekneleri: Yüksek h›zda sürtünmeden oluflacak tüylenmeleri ve kumafl k›r›lmalar›n› engeller. Renk de¤iflimlerinde kolay ve kesin temizlik sa¤lar. Bu durumda üretim h›z›n›z ve kaliteniz artar. Boya ve Apre Kurutma : Kullan›lan kimyasallar›n kurutma aflamas›nda silindir yüzeyine yap›flmas›n› ve kirlenmesini engeller. POWERTECH ® kaplaman›n performans›, zaman içinde yavafl ve kademeli olarak azal›r ve böylece acil problemlere yol açmaz. Düz Bask› Makinalar›: Silindir yüzeylerine boya yap›flmas›n› önler. Böylece Blanket Alt› Tafl›y›c› Silindirlerinin dur kalklarda blankete iz yapmas› engellenir. PAD-BACD Silindirleri: Renk de¤iflimlerinde kolay temizlik sa¤lar. Dok Arabalar›: POWERTECH® kaplamalar›m›z agresif kimyasallara karfl› çok yüksek bir dirence sahiptir ve temas halinde olan yüzeylerin k›sa sürede deforme olmas›n› engeller

Akçaburgaz Mahellesi 153. Sokak No:5 K›raç 34522 Esenyurt-‹stanbul/TÜRK‹YE Tel : +90 212 886 25 67 - 886 25 68 Faks : +90 212 886 50 85 e-mail:orkonkimya@orkonkimya.com


PRO-SMH at ITMA Barcelona; Hall 4 Booth D-204 The company has been founded 15 years ago by former employees of Moenus Group in Germany with its famous brands Artos, Sucker and Krantz. Their first aim was to serve old customers of those brands with service, spare parts, modifications and upgrading of existing machines. In 2015 the management decided to use their huge knowledge base especially in the field of weaving preparation to serve the market also with complete machines.

During development, design, engineering and production,

• Ball warper and Re-Beamer

emphasis is placed on ensuring that the high-quality

• Continuous washing-ranges, especially with ultrasonic

standards of the former employer companies are 100 %

wash boxes

safeguarded. A team of well-trained employees, a lot of

For PRO-SMH the realization of a project is only the

them either native German or grown up and educated

beginning of a long-standing partnership with our

in Germany, working very hard to find perfect solutions

customers. Therefore, reliable after sales service, spare

for our valuated customers. Of course, sourcing of all-

parts supply, technical and technological support is

important machine parts is done in Germany and West

guaranteed as well.

Europe, starting from pure stainless steel





components, as well. The product portfolio of PRO-SMH includes: • Direct warper • Sectional warper • Creels • Sizing machines for staple fibers • Sizing machines for filament and technical yarns • Sizing machines for glass fibers • Indigo Slasher Dyeing Range • Indigo Rope Dyeing Range


Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19


KTM KRANTZ at ITMA Barcelona; Hall 2 Booth B-305 KRANTZ...this name represents over 135 years of industry history. In der westernmost city of Germany, in Aachen, close to the borders of the Netherlands and Belgium, engineer Hermann Krantz founded the Maschinenfabrik H. Krantz for the production of textile machinery in 1882. Since then, much more than 135 years of industry history are connected in Aachen/Germany with the name Krantz. After its foundation in 1882, Krantz company developed fast to a global player for the production of textile machinery for knits and woven fabrics, especially for the equipment for yarn dyeing, discontinuous piece dyeing and cross-wound bobbin dyeing.

H. Krantz Textilmaschinen GmbH, Aachen, as an

• HT long tube dyeing machines


• HT yarn dyeing machines





Textilmaschinen GmbH, has been a member of the

• Yarn pressure dryer

Deutsche Babcock Group since 1992.

Till today, looking back on excellent reputation in the

For KRANTZ the realization of a project is only the

international textile finishing industry of manufacture

beginning of a long-standing partnership with our

of dyeing machines and with the assistance of a know-


how of nearly 135 years, KTM KRANTZ company, as the

That’s why reliable after sales service, spare parts supply,

following company for the wet finishing department of

technical and technological support is guaranteed as well.

H. Krantz Textilmaschinen GmbH, Aachen, these days is still producing dyeing machines especially in the field of woven and knitted fabrics under strict quality standards and controls to ensure customers success in the world market. All-important machine parts are purchased from Germany and West Europe, starting from pure stainless steel up to high-tech electronic components as well. The product portfolio of KTM KRANTZ includes: • HT jet dyeing machines • HT air-jet dyeing machines • HT beam dyeing machines

Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19



GÜVEN ÇELİK “ALWAYS FORWARD” We talked to the company’s General Manager Harun Kadayıfçı about the company and its products: “As Güven Çelik, we have always been one of the leading manufacturers in the sector by emphasizing the quality of our products. As Güven Çelik Makine, we give importance to R & D and product development and make serious investments in this regard. The special projects we design by adhering to customer demands are one of the biggest features that distinguishes us from other competitors. Our products are generally preferred in textile, dyeing

GÜVENÇELİK - Ceo Harun Kadayıfçı

and finishing factories, in some garment companies and in factories that produce carpets. What products will you exhibit at ITMA?? Considering the size of the fair and its frequency of every 4 years, we will present our newly developed products to the likes of the buyers. Products we will exhibit: Fabric quality control and packaging line, fabric folding machine and load transport robot. • Do you export? How do you manage your domestic and international marketing strategies? More than half of the products we produce are export products. We follow our sales policy by making continuous visits to our potential customers. • In which countries are your external structuring and representative offices?

Can you give brief information about Güven Çelik?

Talking about the continents on the earth;

Our company was established in 1988 in Istanbul. In

We have nearly 20 representatives in Europe, Asia,

today’s industrial market, Since the day it was founded,

America and Africa.

our company has adopted the name of the sector with the solutions it has provided to the textile sector and has

• What are the advantages / features of your products

expanded its customer portfolio with the image of trust it

compared to their counterparts?

has given and continues to expand. Güven Çelik, which is

As Güven Çelik, we have always been one of the leading

the leader in the machines it has done in its field in Turkey,

manufacturers in the sector by emphasizing the quality of

carries this success to the foreign market with an export

our products. As Güven Çelik Makine, we give importance

rate of 60%.

to R & D and product development and make serious investments in this regard.

Can you give information about the shareholding structure and company structuring?

Special projects that we design by adhering to customer

Güven Çelik Makina is a family company with 2 partners.

demands are one of the biggest features that distinguishes

The founding partner is Harun Kadayıfçı. The other

us from other competitors.

partner is his son Burak Kadayıfçı.

• Do you invest in technology? Do you have investments


Can we get information about the production processes

in R & D and P&D?

and usage areas of your products?

As stated in our company slogan, we are not a company

All of our products are manufactured in our factory in

that make no progress. We follow the technology closely

accordance with 100% domestic production standard.

and take the necessary steps to stay up to date.

Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19


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YILMAZ MEKATRONİK “We Have Special Projects that Nobody Else Thinks and Minds.” We interviewed the general manager of the company who made the following statements service they provided. “Professionalism is very important. We guarantee both the products we sell and the work we do. We say ‘We have revised your machine’. We have one year of warranty and 24/7 service.”


Can you tell us briefly about Yılmaz Mekatronik and your

a one-year warranty and you can take advantage of our


7/24 service”. We also manufacture panels. We do the

I started my career in 1994. Our initiative in the sector

automation of the worn out electrical panels and run

took place in 2001. Before I worked as shift electrician,

them. This is our purpose now. We also have our own

then the design and assembly studies. About 12 years

custom design works. Currently, we also produce and sell

later, I decided to build my own business to evaluate my

the press printing nozzles of an ice cream brand machines

knowledge. Apart from that, there is one thing I have

in the food sector. We also produce special machines


according to the customer’s demand.

I saw people in the factory doing mechanical work, put

Are you currently serving only machinery revisions of

a wrench in the pockets and do business outside I think

factories in Turkey? Or do you do overseas machine

that’s not true. I believe this should be done professionally.

revisions? If you have such work, where do you perform

Because there can be thousands of parts of the machine. They need to be addressed as problems that need to be solved as soon as possible, depending on time. The slightest negligence and inadequacy can cause you loss of work, loss of production, loss of time and financial loss. Therefore, professionalism is very important at this point. We guarantee both the products we sell and the work we do. We say” We have revised your machine. We have


Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19


these assembling works etc. (Turkey or abroad)? Yes, we have this kind of work abroad. For example, there are some machines in Iran right now. We take our team to assemble and build them. Similarly, there is a revision of carpet machines in Egypt. We will go there in the coming days and perform our revision works. In addition to this, we participate in training activities abroad with our team in order to improve ourselves. For the time being, we continue this way. However, if we are given financial opportunities and opportunities in the future, we want to produce the machines we designed and come to the market. We have special projects that no one is thinking about and not thinking about. We want to realize these projects. Do you benefit from the support provided by the state (Tübitak, Kosgeb, etc.) to realize your projects? Yes, we are now awaiting approval of a project in Tübitak. We would like to take our place in the market with this special project which will result in June.


Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19


ITMA Countdown – Focus Industry 4.0 The future of the textile industry is more and more determined by Industry 4.0. Industry 4.0 has many dimensions and possible fields of application. In three of them (Smart Services, Operations and Factory), key solutions are provided by the machinery industry. The other ones from smart textile products, marketing and sales, employees up to strategy and organization are specific know-how issues for textile mills.

At the ITMA 2019 in Barcelona, visitors will have the

are cloud-based monitoring solutions which enable

chance to see how Industry 4.0 solutions are impacting

customers to literally steer and optimize their spinning mill

the textile process chain.

anytime from anywhere in the world. This combination

Six weeks prior to ITMA, Nicolai Strauch, press officer

of complete, intelligent machinery solutions and digital

of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association, Germany,

support systems means a big step in automation and

spoke to experts of VDMA member companies about

ensuring high quality.

their products and services with regard to digitization and Industry 4.0.

Strauch: And what is the exact benefit for a spinning mill?

Interview partners were:

Dr. Soest: Customer benefits range from improved productivity and quality to fewer downtimes, machine

• Andreas Hannes, Marketing Manager, Sedo Treepoint

failures and reduced scrap. One of our monitoring

• Maximilian Kürig, Managing Director, KM.ON, a

systems, for example, warns operators about potential

software start-up company of Karl Mayer

issues or optimization needs.

• Wilhelm Langius, Division Head, Neuenhauser • Andreas Lukas, Managing Director, Andritz Küsters

It also specifies where exactly they occur and advises what

• Rainer Mestermann, Managing Director, Mahlo

needs to be done. There is no need for time-consuming

• Axel Pieper, CEO, Brückner Trockentechnik

searches for the source of the issue. This saves a lot of

• Eric Schöller, Managing Director, Groz-Beckert

time and money! By connecting all machines in a unified

• Dr. Christof Soest, CTO, Trützschler

data set, we eliminate the information silos that made it

Strauch: Dr. Soest, what is Trützschler’s latest I4.0

difficult to steer production in the past.



Dr. Soest: We have developed intelligent, self-optimizing

Strauch: Mr. Lukas, Andritz Küsters specializes in

machines and connect them

technologies for the nonwovens industry. Which steps

through digital monitoring systems. The latest examples

have been taken recently to address the topic I4.0?

Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19


Strauch: Why should manufacturers and finishers of textile fabrics invest in your solutions? Mestermann: Our new platform makes it easier for customers to use data in a meaningful manner to optimize their processes. Networking of Mahlo devices with each other and with other systems ensures consistent data exchange and enables the bundling of information as a basis for process improvement. Higher machine availability through remote maintenance via better product quality by adaptive control or flexible data analysis as the basis for better decisions provide immediate monetary benefits. Strauch: Mr. Hannes, tell us something about the portfolio of Sedo-Treepoint. Strauch: How can a finishing company realize savings potentials with this solution?

Hannes: We are known for smart factory integration

Pieper: During production, a production assistance

and offer integrated textile management systems along

system helps the operator to decide which parameters

the textile production chain, such as spinning, weaving,

need to be adjusted to make the system even more

knitting, dyeing, finishing, printing and inspection. For all

energy-efficient and productive. Optimized recipes can

departments, PPS, routing of orders (track and trace) or

be stored for future processes and are therefore very

energy management is available. Existing ERP systems are

easy to reproduce. At the customer’s request, we can

integrated as well, so double entry of existing information

also connect his system to a higher-level control station

is avoided.

system. This allows recipe data to be researched in a central data base and to be shared with other users. This

Strauch: Gentlemen, thank you very much for this

new intelligent assistance system in combination with

discussion. More than 200 VDMA member companies

the simulation tool allows productivity increases of up to

will exhibit at ITMA end of June. We are eagerly looking

40%. Energy consumption can be reduced by up to 30%

forward to a fantastic and successful ITMA in Barcelona.

with these systems. With more than 3,200 members based in Germany Strauch: Let’s stay in the finishing process. Mr.

and other EU-/EFTA-countries, VDMA is the largest

Mestermann, company Mahlo develops and produces

network organization for mechanical engineering in

measurement and control equipment for the textile

Europe. VDMA was founded in November 1892 and is

and nonwoven industry. A basic idea of Industry 4.0 is

the most important voice for the mechanical engineering

collecting and processing data for better production

industry today. It represents the issues of the mechanical

results. How is Mahlo addressing this issue?

and plant engineering sector. VDMA has representative offices in Berlin and Brussels as well as liaison offices in

Mestermann: A new platform from Mahlo realizes

important foreign markets and successfully accompanies

these ideas of industry 4.0 with digital technologies.

its members in global markets.

In the digitization concept for all Mahlo products, the


functionalities are grouped, optimized and standardized

Expertise and support concern e.g. law, taxes, markets,

as “services”. This results in modular hardware and

economy, energy, environment, research, production,

software function blocks that can also be retrofitted.


There are modules

competences, benchmarks, training. In total, approximately

e.g. for the acquisition and processing of measured

500 VDMA employees work for the members worldwide.

values, for control tasks or for the long-term archiving,

The textile machinery part of VDMA represents some of

data logging and analysis.

the leading textile machine companies worldwide.

Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19





BRÜCKNER on ITMA 2019 70 years of success through innovation

For 70 years, BRÜCKNER has been the worldwide partner for all companies which are drying, coating and finishing web-shaped materials: whether clothing fabrics, nonwovens, carpet, glass or coatings - the variety of materials to be processed has never been limited. lower nozzles makes a volume adjustment via mechanical flaps superfluous. Optionally available are




spreading rollers for crease-free operation with sensitive fabrics (stripe satin / percale / weft-elastic fabric) as well as a highly effective, fully automatic roller cleaning system. The BRÜCKNER specialists in Today, it is no longer just a question of machines, but

Barcelona are also available to

rather of automation and control systems. The topic of

answer your questions in this area and will be pleased to

digitization and Industry 4.0 opens up completely new

advise you.

possibilities for increasing productivity, reducing the use of resources and improving quality. In addition, an

BRÜCKNER also has something new to offer in the field

increasing shortage of skilled workers can be addressed

of multi-layer stenters. Multi-layer stenters are mostly

by more intelligent software.

used where little space is available. They are suitable for finishing woven or dimensionally stable knitted fabric,

BRÜCKNER has invested, developed and implemented a

nonwovens, needle felt, technical textiles or for the wool

lot in this area in recent years:


Intelligent assistance systems monitor the machine

With the new BRÜCKNER POWER-FRAME VNE multi-

settings in the background and provide the machine

layer stenter, only one machine operator is required, as

operator with information on how to run the system even

the entry and the exit are on the same machine side. This

more productively and consuming less resources. Studies

applies both to the version with two and with six fabric

have shown that optimizing production parameters can


increase production speed by up to 40% and/or reduce energy consumption by up to 30%.

The new VNE machine concept offers the highest possible

A newly developed simulation tool helps to optimize existing

power density on a small floor space or a long air flow

recipes. The many machine parameters to be set have been

section in a very confined space. The dryer itself is equipped

reduced to the essentials and can in future be calculated

with BRÜCKNER’s patented split-flow air circulation system

automatically on the basis of the textile key data.

and the alternating arrangement in each half compartment additionally ensures optimum and uniform air circulation





and thermal treatment of the fabric.

ensures uniform drying of the fabric over the entire width of the chambers. Even with narrow fabric webs

Another advantage is the completely lubricant-free fabric

on a wider machine, the dyeing results are optimal. Due

transport chain of the multi-layer stenter, because in this

to the symmetrical design and the inverter-controlled

version there is absolutely no oil in the dryer interior.

fans, the uniform air distribution through the upper and

We are looking forward to meeting you at ITMA Barcelona.


Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19


LENZING™ Lyocell Fibers Plastic Free for Aquatic Farming The Lenzing Group, world market leader in specialty fibers based on the renewable material wood, today introduced the botanic solution for marine application, in particular for aquatic farming, to the public at the Techtextil Frankurt Fair. The wood-based LENZING™ branded lyocell fibers are used for the construction of ropes and nets in order to support the cultivation of marine cultures such as mollusks, mussels and edible seaweed to reduce plastic in the sea. This gives the advantage that any of the textile structure which is released into the environment due to accident, storm damage, negligence or any other cause will degrade in a reasonable time and not leave non- degradable residues. Up





polypropylene are most commonly used for rope and net materials. Although

Plastic a serious problem for our marine environment




Annually, about 8 million metric tons of plastics end

durable and have a sufficient strength, they do not have

up in the ocean, resulting in an estimated 165 million

a natural origin and are not marine biodegradable. They

tons of plastic debris, currently floating in the marine

stay in the oceans for years. Nets and ropes consisting

environment, threatening the health and safety of marine

out of LENZING™

life. The loss of conventionally used synthetic fibers and

Lyocell fibers proved that they have sufficient strength

plastics in the ocean accounts for 80 % of all marine

to carry the weight of the growing cultures without

pollution.1 This is not only dangerous for marine life but

breakage and have the big advantage of biodegradability

also for humans as we consume some of these micro

in the oceans.

plastics through our food. “The development of 100% wood based mussel nets with LENZING™ Lyocell fibers

Further developments

contribute to the reduction of the annual plastic quantity

“This development brings sustainable solutions to aquatic

in marine environment”, says Marine Crnoja-Cosic, Head

farming encouraging Lenzing to assess and establish

of Application Development New Business Areas.

further steps towards commercialization, together with innovative value chain partners”, says Crnoja-

LENZING™ Lyocell innovation for the marine industry

Cosic. “Furthermore, future development will focus

The Lenzing Group initiated a project in collaboration with

on optimizing the nets construction for more durable

two major partners, Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut

products broadening the scope of 100% Lyocell based

e.V. (STFI) and FIUM GmbH & Co. KG – Institut für Fisch &

marine nets in marine environment,” concludes Crnoja-

Umwelt (FIUM) in order to develop a sustainable solution

Cosic. “.

for the marine industry, which does not compromise mechanical performance. There are many different methods of using textile structures as a support for the growth of marine organisms. The important feature of the present invention is that the textile structure is made of wood-based cellulosic fibers.


Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19


Picanol BlueBox: The Outstanding Electronic Platform of Picanol Since being introduced on the latest OMNIplus Summum airjet machine in 2015, the electronic platform known as ‘BlueBox’ has been rolled out on all machines that are produced at Picanol in Belgium, including the latest OptiMax-i flexible rapier machine.

friendly, and capable of handling large amounts of data, as well as being able to communicate at the highest speeds. Alongside the many advantages of this new platform, customers have been using the state-of-the-art



BlueBox offers in order to extract data from the machine. Besides the more traditional way of extracting data with a USB stick, it is also possible to get access to all data

In the meantime, this platform has clearly proven itself with more than 30,000 units being delivered on our

from the machines via a network.

machines worldwide. Therefore, being connected, the machine can be easily Both the hardware and the software have been developed

accessed by Picanol’s HQ with all of the necessary data

within Picanol Group. Having the design and production

being made available to receive professional support.

capabilities in-house is considered a key factor behind

It goes without saying that BlueBox complies with the

guaranteeing the necessary short ‘time to market‘ and

latest European directives regarding the use of lead-free

also for keeping track of new developments.

electronics. BlueBox - a proven concept that continues to

A new electronic platform needs to be flexible, user-

be the benchmark in its class.

Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19



Feel the power of Swiss innovation... ITMA 2019 will demonstrate the ‘inventive DNA’ of Switzerland’s machinery producers as diverse as the chocolate bar, fizzy drinks and the computer mouse – as well as a continuing stream of textile-related innovations for which ITMA will provide


the latest evidence.


of more than 4,000 years of expertise in meeting the

The heritage of the Swiss Textile Machinery Association members is impressive, dating back to the dawn of the industrial revolution and amounting to a combined total needs of textile producers worldwide. Ernesto Maurer, President Swiss Textile Machinery At ITMA (June 20-26), every major sector along the textile value chain will be covered by Swiss exhibits, ranging from fiber and yarn manufacturing through knitting, weaving, nonwovens, dyeing and finishing. In many of these disciplines, such as textile testing and quality control and yarn spinning, Swiss firms lead the world. Tradition provides the essential background to the Swiss innovative spirit, but progress today sees companies which are in the

For textile machinery manufacturers and their customers,

forefront of modern and future trends in areas such as

ITMA is the ‘greatest show on earth’ – attracting

digitalisation, sustainability and energy efficiency, with

huge numbers of delegates eager to discover the

data handling and interpretation underpinning practically

latest technology trends and the newest machinery

every aspect of their work.

developments. The 2019 edition of this four-yearly event

Vevey, Switzerland, 1819: François-Louis Cailler invents the now-familiar tablet format for chocolate. His simple idea makes chocolate available and affordable worldwide. Today, one billion Swiss-made chocolate bars are produced each year.

takes place in Barcelona in June, and there will again be

Cornelia Buchwalder, Secretary General of the Swiss

a strong presence of Swiss textile machinery companies,

Textile Machinery Association, accepts that the industry

whose participation any ITMA is textile always the focus of Invented in Switzerland. Where theat same innovative spirit drives progress today.

faces ever-changing challenges – not least of which is

enormous visitor interest.

inexorable globalisation of the textile business. “We in Switzerland are confident that we have the structures

The majority of the 63 exhibitors from Switzerland at

and strength to keep pace with the continuing evolution

ITMA 2019 will attend under the organisation of their

of the textile world, thanks to our

national representative body, the Swiss Textile Machinery

financially sound companies and, of

Association (Swissmem), whose president, Ernesto

course the ongoing development INNOVATION:of

Maurer, promises an exciting and dynamic showcase of

IT’S IN that the machinery and equipment OUR DNA

our ‘inventor DNA’ makes possible,”

genuine innovation:


she says. “Swiss machinery manufacturers always provide some of the headline presentations at the big exhibitions,” he


says. “Barcelona this year will be no exception, as our

commitment to customer needs


members will certainly demonstrate the power of Swiss

which is the core of our offering

innovation, a tradition rooted in our national DNA across


numerous ground-breaking inventions in textiles and the

we aim to provide added-value to

wider world.”

our customers, to help them reach







Swissmem is keen to emphasise the spirit of inventiveness

their business goals and achieve


sustainable profitability.”





Canton Vaud, Switzerland, 1982: Daniel Borel’s pc mouse invention goes into series production, connecting humans intuitively with their computers. Several billion of these ingenious little devices now click and glide through countless functions and applications.

Invented in Switzerland. Where the same innovative spirit drives textile progress today.


Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19

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Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19

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Rieter; The Perfect Couple The New Double-Head Draw Frames They combine maximum quality, efficiency and productivity using minimal space, and complement each other perfectly: the autoleveler draw frame RSB-D 26 and the draw frame SB-D 26 without autoleveler. With these machines, Rieter has reached another milestone in draw frame technology and is offering customers the best possible sliver quality for their spinning mill.

In practice, the new machines produce at a delivery

Technological Expertise in the Operating Unit

speed of up to 1 200 m/min per head. This means that, depending on the fiber material, the delivery speed can

The double-head draw frames SB-D 26 and RSB-D

be up to 33% higher compared to predecessor models.

26 use the latest generation of control systems with a

The excellent scanning precision and high autoleveling

color-display operating unit. Once the raw material data

dynamics of the RSB-D 26 ensure a high level of quality.

has been entered, recommended settings for the entire machine appear on the display. This therefore ensures

Savings Thanks to a New Drive Solution

good standard quality, even when specialists are not available or the staff is inexperienced. The operating

The new drive solution means savings in energy

unit allows quick and easy machine control. LEDs that

consumption and maintenance. Per machine, customers

are visible from a distance provide information about

can save up to 1 500 euros per year. This means an

the status of the draw frame, impart clear notices to the

extremely attractive return on the investment is achieved

operator and allow efficient work.

over the service life of both models. As a standard feature, the draw frames are now equipped with integrated energy

Minimal Space Requirement

monitoring. This supports preventive maintenance and reduces the risk of machine failures.

The size of the machines makes them ideal for applications where space is limited. With a machine width of less than three meters, the SB-D 26 is not only the most compact in its class but, when combined with the RSB-D 26, it also forms the most compact draw frame line on the market. Rieter at ITMA Hall: 8 Visit us


Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19


Saurer at ITMA 2019 Discover How we Power Creation

In Barcelona, Saurer will present a range of new products, demonstrating our drive for continual innovation to our customers and the industry. With our E³ principle, we acknowledge our responsibility to create sustainable machinery – our new products require less energy and fewer resources while featuring optimised ergonomics to enhance user-friendliness. In addition, we are increasingly incorporating intelligent technology to augment the human effort.

The innovations that Saurer Spinning Solutions will

which has already demonstrated its dominance in the

show at ITMA include new machinery, automation and

market with sales of over four million spindles.

digitisation technologies as well as quality-determining components and services. Saurer’s solution approach is

We are also offering a complete top-down embroidery

also integrated into the product portfolio of the segment.

solution – customers can complete each step of the

Managing the spinning value chain from finalised

ennoblement process, from the first drawing of the design

package down to fibres gives Saurer a knowledge base

to the final stitch on our Epoca 7 machine. Its HeadLine

that translates into a competitive advantage for our

application system, also incorporating a new laser head

customers. For Saurer, the solution consists of more than

that can cut virtually any fabric, allows customers to

just machinery. Automation, digitisation, service, training,

produce limitless designs. Automation features have

consulting and even project financing are integral parts of

resulted in a dramatic increase in productivity.

a smart offering, conceptualised with customers’ top-ofmind requirements.

With the launch of a device-monitoring system for all ball bearings, Saurer enters the market for Industrial Internet

The Saurer Technologies Segment is also presenting an

of Things (IIoT) solutions. The system allows the constant

array of innovative products. Our direct cabling machine

condition monitoring of every single Temco bearing

CableCorder CC5 is already in its fifth generation –

within a plant. Identifying positions with possible defects

this version is even more economical and features a

before serious malfunctions occur enables customers to

smart spindle concept as well as smart quality control

take a proactive approach. Predictive maintenance based

and software solutions. Customers in the carpet yarn

on the real load situation will become a reality.

sector will need look no further than our new series of CarpetCabler/CarpetTwister – these machines are capable

We look forward to showing you our latest innovations

of fulfilling any requirement with ease. We will also be

at ITMA 2019. To find out how we power your creations,

launching the latest generation of the CompactTwister,

visit us in Hall 6 at Stand B201.

Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19



PRINTING and EFFICIENCY All the inventions and developments in printing technology and processes, high color-rich thickeners included in post-processing technology, and printing and washing auxiliaries serve the purpose of using resources more efficiently.

In fact, for a very long time almost all inventions and developments in printing technology and processes

Onur ZeytincioÄ&#x;lu MYD GROUP CO./Sales and Thecnical Manager of All Printing Chemicals

are related to more efficient and more




resources. The advancements from




filmdruck printing, followed by




printing, and finally inkjet printing technology are based on more efficient use of resources. Today, inkjet printing machines (with little need to be in the factory environments) that can be seen in all printing factories, dyeing automation systems, higher color-efficient thickeners that became a part

New generation, natural, regenerated and synthetic

of printing and post-processing technologies, printing and

thickeners that are used to a higher degree in printing

washing auxiliaries serve the same purpose: to use resources

processes in recent years, increase the harmony of the

more efficiently.

dye with the textile material, hence the efficiency. Thus, both the costs of prescription are reduced and less energy,

Currently, 90% of the textiles (tonnages or quantities) in the

chemicals, water and time are consumed to remove from

world are produced by conventional methods. Therefore,

the environment non-fixed dyestuff residues in washing

textile printing is still a labor and energy intensive business.

processes after printing. In our country where energy is

Being labor intensive, it creates both high labor costs and

expensive and environmental burdens are getting heavier

makes processes vulnerable to human errors. Especially

every day, activities to increase efficiency reduce both the

in our country, with the increasing use of color kitchen

costs and also carbon footprints of companies.

automation systems in recent years, mistakes can be avoided from the beginning and the paint preparation phase can

One of the most effective and striking applications of

be measured and therefore can be more controllable. By

productivity in textile printing processes is the ability to use

avoiding mistakes, both labor costs can be reduced and

much lower amounts of steam during steaming of reactive

unusable and faulty paint production can be prevented from

printed goods thanks to revisions made in steam machines

the very beginning.

by domestic and foreign steam generator manufacturers.

The addition of automatic paste preparation to these

With more efficient use of steam, both the energy costs and

systems enables thickeners to be solved better, which in turn

the amount of waste steam released to the environment are

lower the amount of thickeners to be used. Automation at


one hand ensures stability of paste and paint preparation and


at the other hand makes workmanship, energy, time, as well

The reason why the inkjet printing technology has gained

as paint, thickener and chemical consumption more efficient.

so much popularity in recent years is not only related to

Of course, with more efficient processes and conditions,

the textile printing process but also to the processes that

operators also benefit from more ergonomic and healthier

start with the textile production and continue with apparel

printing color kitchens. The pollutants that are released into

and retail, which have less mistakes and can continue with

the environment in the preparation phase and create added

lower levels of inventory. In other words, since all resources

costs due to the need for disposal also decrease.

can be used in the most efficient way from start to the end,

Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19


this technology has become a production process, and will most likely be the flagship of printing in the following years. Shop window conversion times became shorter, more than one collection is prepared for the same season, stocks are regarded as worthless for future seasons, and costs that are a pressure on retailers, apparel makers and dye shops, and also

energy, workmanship are used more efficiently and less

the high rivalry in the market, were all reasons why the entire

damage is given to the environment. It is also much easier

production process was pushed to use the workforce, energy

to remove dyestuffs and chemicals during post-processing,

and resources more efficiently.

which are applied on textile material in less amounts and concentrations.

Although at the beginning the cost of paint chemistry was unfortunately slightly higher, especially the decline in the

Actually, with the usage new design and design programs that

prices of dyestuff and chemicals during the last five years

are compatible with both inkjet printing and conventional

and the increased competition with new market players

printing, the usage of screens that give a closer view to

who can provide dyestuff and chemicals, the emergence

reality, and the ability to simulate design, color and variants

of new domestic and foreign machine manufacturers, the

without reaching the sample or print stage, the goal is always

use of new inkjet printing heads and the increase in speed

the same for design and variant work, which is the first step

and quality, the critical point between conventional printing

of the print preparation. In other words, the goal is to use

and inkjet printing has been reached. Infinite pattern and

time, workmanship and resources more efficiently. Thus,

variant options, endless report options, no limitations

from the very beginning, both customer requirements and

related to production quantities, minimum levels of operator

compliance with production conditions can be assured and

errors, sufficient quantity and quality of qualified personnel

bad surprises can be avoided.

required by industry ensures that cloth as a textile material,

Similarly, production planning, cost and management

which is the most valuable production input, can be used

programs are now being used in all enterprises, so that time,

more efficiently. Prior inkjet printing processes, which are

resources, production area; workmanship can be more easily

preferred only for sample and limited production, thanks to

planned and used more efficiently. Thus, the necessary

the developments have become preferred in larger quantity

preparations can be planned and controlled from a single

productions. Inkjet printing can now sometimes provide cost

source so that the right product can be printed at the right

advantages over conventional printing.

time and at the right amount. Idle time, idle labor, idle stock, wasted energy, wasted dyes and chemicals are avoided and

Not only dye and chemical preparation stages are required

healthier, more error-free, lower cost, and more efficient

prior to conventional printing processes, template and mold

production is ensured.

preparation is also required. For this, there is a separate

We should not forget that we can be a player as long as

department, separate machinery, qualified staff, template,

we can efficiently use scarce resources in an environment

mold and chemicals .However, with inkjet printing systems,

where global competition is so hard. What we owe to future

this department can be completely removed, saving labor

generations is not only related to the economic value, but

power, and this idle preparation area can be included in

also to consumption of resources efficiently to protect the

the active production area, so the production areas can be

environment and human health.

used more efficiently. Templates and molds are already a cost. Also whether used or not used templates and molds must be stored in a healthy environment. Otherwise there is possibility of re-using them. This also means that very large areas in companies can be filled with stock shelves and templates and molds are stored inefficiently, Since there is no template or mold to be used, the pattern or variant in the production line can be changed in a much shorter period of time, the dyestuff and waste dyestuffs and chemicals do not emerge during machine cleaning, time,

Tekstil Trend Dergisi - Haziran / June ’ 19


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