Templum magazine nº2 (1/3)

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Another project from Ediciones Babylon

Cover: Francisco Garcés

Copyright Information © The images contained in this magazine are not public domain. They belong to their creators so you can’t modify or reproduce these works without the autorization of their owners.

www.templumdigital.com Templum Magazine Staff: Editor in chief: Yasna Sepúlveda Spanish corrector: Nisa Arce English corrector: Fix - Emilia Tokes Italian translation: Chiara Biancheri French translation: Théo Dikötter


Dear readers, We never thought Templum would end up aggregating so many people. We are really grateful for that and we feel it’s our duty to keep improving. Making the first issue was a challenge, and this one, issue number two, is an even greater one. It is for this reason that we won’t only offer digital art, but instead, you can now find other forms of both digital and traditional art, as well! Thank you so much for being there.



Digital Art


Francisco Garcés Lili Ibrahim Anna Dittmann Juan Osborne Niel Marcelino Alberto Chuqui Rozen Ana del Valle

8 14 20 28 34 40 44 48


3D Art 54 60 66 72

Melissa C. Krauss Ángel Alonso Plamen Nadev Nacho Riesco


Photomanipulation Andrea Carecci Marina Julia Popova Priscila Fernandes Carina Grimm

76 82 86 92 98

Traditional Art 104 Angela Rizza 110 Thanya Castrillón 114 Italia Ruotolo 122 Eduardo Ramírez Viera 126 Vimal Chandran 132 Jairo Valverde 138 Dan Scurtu

The Gallery Marcos Prieto Rita Muñoz Letourneau Genevieve Azi Mn Joshua Cairós

Dahlia Khodur Ajish Pai Casey Shaffer Nicolás Junco Vincent Laik


Digital Art


Francisco Garcés www.dibujantenocturno.com http://dibujante-nocturno.deviantart.com

-Nickname: Dibujantenocturno; -Age: 25 years old; -Country: Spain; -Studies: self-taught; -Tools: Photoshop and Wacom tablet.

“People’s love makes me feel part of something important”

La mano de la oscuridad: He covers his body with a mantle, woven with threads of weak souls. His eyes burn the little determination my fragile will has left... Tired from suffering and fighting for what it thought it was fair until now. When I hear my name piercing through his own hell’s mouth, I am forced to breathe his wake, sullied with misfortune. And when I recover some of my consciousness, I realize he is my executioner. Feeling myself hovering over doubt and uncertainty, I look for a possible escape, but five columns surround me, blocking my retreat. His hands are my prison, and my final resting place. <<Be quick>> I surprise myself, begging in silence.


El guardián de la llanura: I do not know why they call these plains the “plain of the inhumane”… Every single mean and miserable thing born from man thrives and flows in it. The warden of the plain ensures nothing disturbs or prevents evil’s free development. “Here he arrives, but never dies” sounds the song from he who believes to have seen him, between the shadows of the soul. And if his sanity survived, he will say that we don’t need to die to see hell, for we take it with us everywhere. It is born from our own darkness, and only the magma of despair lightens his kingdom.

La legión del fuego: Dante never imagined Hell the way I’ve seen it. Under my feet, weary from exploring vast plains and decaying relics, I find the entrance to another place, where the hissing sound of beings loaded with hate and anger reach me. Wherever I go, the struggle turns into the air I breathe, along the surging fumes from the lava’s advance. And alarm comes with the stench of death, the cracking sound of a thorax, breaking under your footsteps’ weight… A reminder, for in a possible tomorrow, those rotting remains could be you.

El hogar del fuego: And never die or fall, because the creator is eternal and she will draw again my wings, giving life to the combination of skin and fire, shadow and degraded that I was and I always be…


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El averno no perdona: There is no forgiveness in this realm. There is only suffering and grief from existence, until tears turn to hate. Do not make the mistake of believing you are in paradise, because you think you are the worst of the demons who dwell there, do not mix up your own evil with the very essence of inferno. “Nothing surpasses its magnificence.� And if you sin under this blackened skies by trying to devise an escape, then you will suffer the wrath of the meanest, sharpest enemy. Spit out your life and your pretentions on every lunge, you will desire oblivion as a balm for your aching senses... because no one escapes from hell.


El vĂ­nculo: And here I am, between my humanity and the beast within and keeping myself under control. This is a representation of my soul, I am one with the flame, ash and terror clogging the landscapes of my mind but eventually a peace comes over me and a line is drawn and I have no choice but to go about the myriad paths of lava that make up my mind, going into the two parts of my being, creating stronger ties and accepting the inevitable link between me and the beast.


Lili Ibrahim www.liliibrahim.com http://obsessedkitten.deviantart.com/

“I admire good work, no matter who does it”

-Nickname: Obsessedkitten; -Age: 22 years old; -Country: England; -Studies: Illustration and Animation; -Tools: Photoshop and Wacom Intuos 4.

Mystic Maya: “Mystic Maya”: “Phoenix Wright” is my all-time favorite game series. After replaying the games again, I just couldn’t resist making a portrait of my favorite character, Maya Fey.


Mystic Mia: Mia Fey is a character from Capcom’s “Ace Attorney” games. This is my take on the normally stylized character.

Third eye: this started as a spontaneous stress relief, but I ended up rendering it out because I liked it!

C. Strife: I don’t often do fan-art, but when I do, I make sure to bring something new to the table. This is my take on the popular character Cloud Strife from FFVII.



Archer: this is a commissioned artwork. I tried to create a calm and cold atmosphere while also exploring different ways of incorporating texture in my paintings.


“Always be bluntly honest with yourself about your art. Be inspired by good artists, not disheartened. Be proud but not arrogant, because your reputation will spread quickly�


Anna dittmann http://escume.deviantart.com

-Nickname: Escume; -Age: 18 years old; -Country: United States of America; -Studies: Art & Design College; -Tools: Photoshop.

“Don’t be afraid to take your painting in a new direction if you’re not satisfied. Explore the possibilities!”

Ripple: this painting began as a simple portrait, but it felt too stagnant. Instead, I wanted to capture a sense of movement as if someone had just paused a very turbulent moment. I ended up having a lot fun with the organic shape of the cloth and creating the different textures.


Sarah: this was a commissioned piece for a client who asked me to illustrate the main character of their story. Their character was called Sarah, a young woman with long, flowing hair and deep blue eyes. She was a very enigmatic character so I wanted this piece to evoke a sense of mystery.

“The vast majority of my artwork consists of portraits, because I’ve always loved depicting characters and capturing emotion�

Molt: this piece started out with the face as the focal point of the image, but I quickly decided to take it in a new direction. Instead, I wanted the hair to stand out and experimented with a variety of colors and shapes. I wanted to explore a color scheme that was more varied than my usual and enjoyed using a spontaneous palette.


Coral: I love painting organic, flowing shapes, so for this piece I used the ocean as inspiration. Looking at various images of waves, tide pools, and coral helped me find a direction for this character. I was also inspired by Art Nouveau and therefore chose to be very decorative with my mark making.


Blossom: I wanted this piece to depict a character who has come to terms with her suffering. It was difficult to choose the imagery but I eventually settled on painting cherry blossoms intertwining with her chest to reveal the intricacy of her soul. I painted them vibrant and flowering to demonstrate that something beautiful can still grow despite a painful past.


Guardiån: I chose to paint tropical plants and frogs because I am often inspired by nature. I somehow arrived at the idea of a central protector where the frogs would gather around. I didn’t want the character to look quite human so I integrated her with the surrounding forest and gave her a wise, yet eerie expression.

Juan Osborne http://www.juanosborne.com/ http://juanosborne.deviantart.com

-Nickname: Juanosborne -Age: 41 years old; -Country: Spain; -Studies: Architecture; -Tools: Photoshop, Gimp and his own software.

Alfred Hitchcock: I found Alfred Hitchcock’s Wiki. They have 1000 frames from each Hitchcock movie - cool! So why not use all these frames to generate a big… better, HUGE, Hitchcock portrait. I took the frames from his ten best movies (of course, my personal ten best list), cleaned and cropped them so they don’t have any black or white borders. Then, in order to sort them by brightness, I created a little application that calculates the average intensity of each one and gives me a list with the frames organized from the brightest to the darkest.


Jim Morrison: this time, we will talk about Jim Morrison - singer and lyricist of The Doors. He is one of the most iconic men in the history of Rock. But I want to point you to his poet side. Did you know Morrison improvised poetry while the band was playing live? Again, I counted the words of all of their lyrics and spread them over a well-known portrait of Morrison.


Sigmund Freud: a quote by the famous creator of psychoanalysis is spread across his portrait: “The first requisite of civilization is that of justice.�


“Almost everything I do is created using my own programs and applications. This allows me to do whatever crosses my mind without suffering the limitations of commercial programs”

U2: I really think U2 is more than a band … they aren’t just musicians. Since the 1980’s, the Irish group has worked to address issues concerning social injustice. For this illustration, I took more than 200 lyrics from the band’s website and counted all the words. Then, I spread all the words over a portrait of Bono. I wanted to make a little tribute to his various charity and philanthropic campaigns by using the colors of the peace flag randomly on the letters. The font is one of the most commonly used for their covers’ artworks.



niel marcelino http://vivalanat.deviantart.com http://shadowness.com/vivalanat http://www.facebook.com/vivalanat

-Nickname: Vivalanat; -Country: Philippines; -Studies: Graphic Design; -Tools: Illustrator CS2.

“Women are also the perfect models for emotion. When you appreciate every inch of a woman, it’s like you are appreciating a perfect scenery” Adore: “If I let you love me be the one adored would you go all the way? Be the one I’m looking for.”



Think outside the Box: An individual cannot be limited to think beyond of what the world has dictated. Each of us can do more to keep the fire burning inside us as long as we allow ourselves to endlessly learn and to think big for ourselves and others.

My Heart: Creation of the Heart.

“When you work digitally everything is there, it’s just your ideas that need to be supplied”


Shattered colors: piezas rotas de esperanza.

Ang Pagaantay (Waiting): is my vision of a Joyce Aralar’s poetry But my heart questions again Until when will I wait? Then it answered for a lifetime.


alberto chuqui http://albertochuqui.deviantart.com/

-Nickname: albertochuqui; -Age: 27 years old; -Country: Venezuela (currently living in Barcelona, Spain); -Studies: Graphic Design; -Tools: Photoshop.

“Drawing was always a window to another world for me where imagination becomes reality”

Lord Vader: is, without any doubt, one of the most emblematic characters to epically close my first series of “Star Wars” illustrations.


Scout Trooper: is the second illustration from my “Star Wars” series. This is one of my favorite helmets. I will never forget the pursuit in the Forest Moon of Endor.

TIE (Twin Ion Engine) Pilot: “Star Wars” always got my attention for their characters’ diversity and their costumes as TIE pilots. Those helmets are a variation of the Storm Troopers’ helmets. In my opinion, the black color gives a touch of elegance, darkness and demands respect.

“Studying and learning new techniques is something that never ends”

Boba Fett: I’ve always wanted to honor, in some way, one of the best sagas ever created. This is the first illustration of a “Star Wars” series I’m working on. It’s a dedication to all the fans of The Force and The Dark Side.


Rozen www.onirography.com http://RozennIlliano.deviantart.com www.unseelie.fr

Not a ghost: this painting is probably about regrets or something like that. I imagine the character like a bird, flying in the mind of the ones who deceive her. As Unseelie, I repainted it because the old version did not please me anymore.

-Nickname: RozennIlliano -Age: 27 years old; -Country: France; -Studies: self-taught; -Tools: Photoshop and Wacom Intuos 4M.

“I think paintings or writings are just ways to tell stories�

Unseelie: I am fond of fairies, especially the darkest ones. Unseelie are, in Scottish myths, the fairies of darkness, of the night, who do not care about humans. The fairy in my painting is like a nocturnal butterfly, attracted by the light of the moon. I made this one for the first time in 2010 and it was redone some months ago.

Snow Queen: I confess a very big obsession about winter, snow and, obviously, the tale of Snow White. One of my dreams is to illustrate the tale of H. C. Anderson. I found a gorgeous photo of Anastasia King (reine-haru.deviantart.com), who is the model. For me, she is the perfect Snow Queen, with her delicate face.

“Women are a beautiful subject, with magic, softness and a bit of darkness” Blue goldfishes: I wanted to do something with goldfishes for the day of April fools. I like the art called Surrealism - like Salvador Dali’s - and I wanted to do a painting with my surrealism, like a dream where fishes fly in the air.


ana del valle http://vampirneko.deviantart.com/ http://blog.vampirneko.net/ http://vampirneko.net/

-Nickname: Vampireneko; -Age: 28 years old; -Country: Spain; -Studies: self-taught; -Tools: Photoshop and Wacom Intuos 3.

“I love artists who evolve with their art, artists who are always moving to something new”

Wanted something?: this drawing was edited several times (still less than “Kitsune”). I’m happy with the final result. Furthermore, it was published in one of Ballistic Publishing’s issues.


Studios Kitkat: a portrait of my best friend (Rusneko on deviantART).


Hey, little cowboy!: this drawing is an art trade with a friend (Pintureiro on deviantART). It’s an image that represents me in every single space of the immensity of the Internet.


Kitsune: an old drawing, which I edited, a zillion times because it was one of my first drawings using that technique. This is the version I love the most.

“You need to practice, try, enjoy what you are doing, ask for critiques, draw, draw and draw some more”

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