2 minute read
La presencia musical en El Triunfo
The Musical Presence in El Triunfo
En 1700 arribaron por mar extranjeros de Inglaterra, Francia, Austria, Alemania, Italia, China, Suecia y Estados Unidos a la California del Sur. Estas personas contribuyeron a los dotes musicales de la localidad su cultura, donando un poco de sus bailes y ritmos, que se fusionaron con los sonidos del norte de México.
In the 18th century, seafarers from diverse nations travelled to Southern California, including England, France, Austria, Germany, Italy, China, Sweden, and the United States. As they arrived, they brought a wealth of musical traditions, dances, and rhythms embraced by the local communities. Over time, these musical influences eventually blended with the rhythms and melodies of northern Mexico, culminating in a rich and dynamic harmonious environment that is still recognized and cherished today.
In the
Durante el apogeo de El Triunfo surgido con el auge minero, muchas familias de élite, inversionistas de “Real de Minas de Santa Ana”, se asentaron en el pueblo; para ellos era importante contar con instrumentos musicales en su nuevo hogar.
Trajeron pianos de todo el mundo, y se cuenta que, en aquellos tiempos aquí, existían más pianos “per cápita” que en cualquier otra ciudad en el país. La música era una educación elemental durante la niñez: se acostumbraba a tocar la guitarra, violín, piano; y aprender canto gregoriano y lírica.
Todavía, a mediados del siglo XIX, el instrumento más escuchado y tocado era el piano, acompañado del canto lírico de una voz femenina; un hábito de las familias pudientes del pueblo. Era así como pasaban las tardes: practicando y ensayando.
Los conciertos y puestas en escena de piano eran tan concurrentes que era el emblema local de los habitantes. La música de pianoforte era el acompañamiento de eventos, bailes y festividades
Con los años, misteriosamente, este remoto pueblo aislado, fue tierra de cultivo de un linaje de maestros y de concertistas de música culta occidental, clásica y barroca, dando a Baja California Sur célebres músicos y compositores.
Por ejemplo: pianista Nicolás Carrillo Castro, originalmente Nicolás Saints, descendiente de pobladores franceses y uno de los personajes más populares de El Triunfo.
At the peak of El Triunfo's mining boom, numerous elite families and investors from "Real de Minas de Santa Ana" relocated to the town. So naturally, it was crucial for them to have musical instruments in their new homes.
During that time, pianos were brought from all over the world, resulting in this city having the highest number of pianos "per capita" compared to any other city in the country. Additionally, music education was considered an integral part of childhood development. Children were taught to play instruments such as the guitar, violin, and piano; and learn about Gregorian and lyrical chant.
During the mid-19th century, the piano persisted as the most popular instrument and was commonly accompanied by the melodious singing of women from affluent families. As a result, their evenings were spent practicing and rehearsing.
Piano concerts and performances were popular among the locals and became a symbol of the community. Additionally, during events, dances, and festivities, it was customary to have pianoforte music as a background. (Pianoforte, also known as fortepiano, is primarily used for instruments manufactured prior to 1830. It has its roots in Italy and was later abbreviated to piano.)
Over the years, this remote and isolated village has been the birthplace of a lineage of masterful musicians and concert pianists of Western, classical, and baroque music, resulting in the production of celebrated musicians and composers in Baja California Sur.
For instance, one of El Triunfo's popular personalities was the pianist Nicolás Carrillo Castro, whose real name was Nicolás Saints. He was a descendant of early French settlers. The musical inspiration of the past continues to thrive in El Triunfo.
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Combustibles y Lubricantes VHC
En Grupo VHC estamos comprometidos con la promoción y difusión de la cultura de Baja California Sur. Consideramos que es responsabilidad de todos cuidar nuestra historia ¡y transmitirla a las nuevas generaciones!
In VHC Group we are committed to promoting and spreading Baja California Sur's culture. We consider it everyone's responsability to take care of our history and to pass it on to the new generations!