Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
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Issue 121
Miller Rental S.L C.I.F: B 38709366 Deposito Legal: TFE 447/2012
Editor Marc Craig editor@tenerife-weekly.com Production Colm McCarroll design@tenerife-weekly.com
The opinion of the owner or staff of Tenerife Weekly is not necessarily mirrored in the opinions or assertions made by any of our contributors. The material contained within Tenerife Weekly may not to be reproduced unless permission has been received from the Owner. Disclaimer
CONTRIBUTORS John Sharples Sir Old Golfer Steve Andrews Barry Pugh Diane McGlone Colin Kirby English Time
While Tenerife Weekly makes every realistic effort to inspect the contents of all of our advertising, it cannot be held responsible for any assertions or declarations they may make.
Janet Anscombe
Meryl Kew
(Red Queen Musings)
lagomera1.blogspot Adeje Blog
While we strive to bring you a quality newspaper Tenerife Weekly cannot be held responsible for the print quality of this publication. The responsibility for print quality lies directly with our printers (TF Print, S.A.). Please be aware that by advertising in Tenerife Weekly you are agreeing to this disclaimer.
PUB QUIZ (Page 34) 1: Picasso 2: In cinema projectors 3: Snooker 4: Roman Cathlocism 5: Inherited audience 6: Heathcliff 7: Eat them 8: Red and yellow cards 9: Loch Ness 10: Meet the Parents 11: A Cow
SUDOKU Easy (Page 24)
Owner & Publisher - Christopher Miller
1. They are all pulled 2. They all have jets 3. Clocks 4. They have stems 5. Powders 6. Mail 7. Traps 8. Roman numerals 9. Trees 10. They rock 11. They all have subs 12. They have faces 13. They have gutters 14. Bars in gymnastics 15. Mothers
SUDOKU Challenging (Page 24)
Solutions to this week’s puzzles
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
Wow, and i thought this one would be easy!! As i sit here at 10pm on Thursday evening listening to the overture for the 2nd half of the Decades show begin, i’m wondering how its this time already and i’m not yet finished! Truth is i know why, and there are 2 main reasons, Tripadvisor and Davied Jones!! Don’t get me wrong i’m not complaining, in a few years time when we are opening “Vivo 12” in some exotic location, this week and those 2 things will be
mentioned in the opening ceremony when the international press ask us what the turning point was....OK i’m letting my enthusiasm get the best of me, but it has been a VERy good week here, what with the amazing improvements that our truly amazing chef Davied has implemented, starting to bring results, and the recent news of our amazing- but thoroughly deserved Tripadvisor certificate of excellence-and i speak of the owners, management, cast and staff when i say this, i simply couldn’t feel
health care in the canary islands – case to come to court
nIVersaL Free heaLth Care is not available by law in spain, at least for those who are in an irregular immigration situation, but in the Canary Islands, head of health, Brígida mendoza, had promised to find ways to continue to provide basic health assistance for this group, which the state government left with no healthcare two years ago apart from statutory help for children, pregnant women, cancer patients and emergency cases.
However, despite the fact that Mendoza’s department devised a series of agreements that would allow cover for those without documents, as of today, two years down the line, only 146 people have obtained a provisional health card and 39 are being processed from the almost 48,000 people who were left out of the system. For this reason, the Workers’ Commissions (CCOO ) and the Forum for the Social Integration of Immigrants union have lodged an official complaint before a judge to being a case before the courts, complaining of ” A violation of the right to health care” suffered by im-
more proud to work for, and with such an amazing team as this!! Well done to everyone!! finally, and i know i speak for all of the above, i’d like to thank from the bottom of my heart, Mr. Davied Jones, a man whose sincerity, and good nature and grace, is only matched by his amazing food... and if you’ve tried it-and if you haven’t- why not, you’ll know that’s a true compliment! See you next week!
Marc Craig
What a triP!!
by newsinthesun.com
migrants who lost their health insurance card as a result of the law that came into force in 2012. José Antonio Moreno, legal adviser to the unions, criticised the “inaction” of the Canary Government to the ” negative action ” launched by the Mariano Rajoy’s government. Not surprisingly, the 185 special card applications accounted for the Ministry of Health itself account for just 0.3 % of all immigrants and unemployed who are without cover at the moment. ” The bureaucratic requirement for documents ( e.g.. Tax Agency documents from consulates of countries of origin certifying that the person has no resources , etc.). make it impossible for immigrants to access the card , simply because many of their countries of origin are not prepared to provide such documents “said Moreno , who demanded a “reduction to bureaucratic requirements”. The problem , which also affects Spanish nationals and many EU citizens who have not contributed to the system or who are unemployed , is causing chaos in many services , according to the unions , which reiterate that the authorities have a “duty to adequately inform those without documentation on how they can access health care and pharmaceutical care”.
ivo/decades is honoured to receive the prestigious tripadvisor certificate of excellence!!
As most of you know the Tenerife Weekly is the sister company to the well known Vivo entertainment complex, which is the home of the Vivo Gourmet Buffet/Carvery, Treasure Island mini golf and much, much more. Vivo is also the home of the fantastic Decades din-
ner shows, starring yours truly, Bambi and Jonny, the Decades dancers, and of course the multi-award winning comedy dragshow that is John Sharples and Barry Pugh... also known as the incredible Bitter and Twisted!! This week we were honoured and humbled to discover that the venue and show has been awarded the ultimate in awards that is the Tripadvisor certificate of excellence!! To put this into the cor-
doctor Who returns to lanzarote
55 strong production team from the BBC’s dr who programme have been spotted in Lanzarote .
They spent four days on the island from May 12 to 15, shooting scenes for a new episode against a background of volcanic scenery. This is the second time lanzarote has been chosen as a filming location, the first time was in 1984 with the “Planet of fire” episode but this is the first one starring the new Doctor Who, Peter Capaldi.
The bbC crew set up near the island’s Timanfaya and Volcanes natural Parks, where there are numerous volcanoes and endless lava fields. lead writer and executive producer of the show, Steven Moffat, told reporters “The Doctor is returning to the scene of an old adventure – but there have been sinister changes since his last visit.” A spokesman for the island authorities said, “The fact that the bbC has chosen to film here will be good for the reputation of the island and will foster tourism.”
rect context, this honour is not bestowed on any old restaurant, venue or show etc, its a badge of honour that shows a consistent dedication to providing an experience of quality and style that surpasses it’s peers and I am immensely proud to say I’m part of such a highly acclaimed venue! VIVA VIVO!! What is the Certificate of Excellence? The TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence honors
select accommodations, attractions, and restaurants that consistently demonstrate a commitment to hospitality excellence. To be eligible, a business must maintain an overall rating of four or higher (out of five), as reviewed by travelers on TripAdvisor. Additional criteria include the volume of reviews received within the last 12 months.
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
NEWS ON culture for Spring in adeje THE ROCK POliCE ARE inVESTigATing the discovery of a 35-year-old man with serious head injuries in Santa Úrsula in the early hours of Tuesday morning. The man was found unconscious on the street. He was transferred by ambulance to Hospital Universitario de Canarias where he remains in critical condition. Meanwhile, also in north Tenerife, a strange story from Puerto de la Cruz, where police are investigating the fall of a man said to be a foreigner identified as M.W.B., who was found in critical condition after falling five floors into an interior patio. The incident began on Sunday night when police received a call from a man reporting that his wife had just phoned to say that she was frightened by a nude man ringing her doorbell repeatedly in the Martiánez building in Avda Cristóbal Colón. She had not opened the door, she said, and her husband immediately telephoned the police requesting them to visit the address. Police discovered the fallen man, naked as reported, and his rented apartment in the building was wrecked. He too was transferred to Hospital Universitario de Canarias (HUC) where, sadly, he subsequently died. iT’S nOT A REgulAR meteor shower, but astronomers are saying that we might have to add one to the list if predictions are correct. Tomorrow night is expected to be the peak night of the anticipated Camelopardalid shower, so named because the meteors will radiate from the constellation Camelopardalis in the northern hemisphere, coming from Comet 209P/LINEAR, discovered in 2004. If the meteor shower indeed takes place, Canada and north America and Europe will get the best view, but we should still see some here in the Canaries. Best time is actually for early birds on Saturday morning, between 6 and 8am. AT lAST! SunbEDS and umbrellas are back on the Playa de Los Cristianos. They arrived this week and will be able to be rented, the council says, immediately. It was on 21st April that the contract for the service was finally awarded, bringing to an end ten months in which one of the south’s prime tourist beaches was without them. The new contract has been awarded to a concessionary formed by Juan León Correa and Celedonia León Correa, and involves 300 sunbeds and 150 shades, at a daily price of 3 euro. The contract runs for four years, renewable. ThE EuROPEAn uniOn’S Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF ) issued a warning on May 16 regarding the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in cherry tomatoes originating in Morocco and distributed via France. The communication by the French authorities , has caused the cherry tomatoes to be automatically withdrawn from the market in France itself , Czech Republic, Germany , Italy, Slovakia and the UK . But Spain HAS NOT been affected. Gustavo Rodriguez, spokesman for the Canarian tomato industry told reporters “The Canary Islands products strictly enforce each and every one of the regulations imposed by Brussels, making it very difficult to compete with the Moroccan product. “We have always criticized the fact Morocco does not comply with the same conditions , what has happened to the Morrocan cherry tomatoes demonstrates the consequences of not compliance ,” he continued . SPAin TO nAME AnD ShAME internet trolls. Anti social or undesirable behaviour by posters on social networks is quite common and in some cases may even be illegal, but some people believe that internet “Trolls” should be named and shamed. Wikipedia describes a Troll as; In Internet slang, a troll is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal This sense of the word troll and its associated verb trolling are associated with Internet discourse, but have been used more widely. Media attention in recent years has equated trolling with online harassment. For example, mass media has used troll to describe “a person who defaces Internet tribute sites with the aim of causing grief to families.on-topic discussion. To tackle offensive posts in cyberspace a new Spanish website called Trolldor https://www.trolldor.com/faq has been created to report Twitter users who don’t play nice . This user created blacklist of undesirable users, which is not linked in any way to Twitter Inc aims to name and shame but a profile only appears on the blacklist once it has been reported by at least three different people. You can take yourself off the blacklist through a public statement of apology.
deJe CounCIl has published the spring cultural programme under the title, “adeje, experience the traditions”, with the programme online at www.adeje. es. the programme of events has been developed through a number of different departments.
“The cultural agenda for May and June is a full bag of events designed to enhance everyone’s free time and leisure”, said Adeje cultural councillor Nayra Medina Bethencourt, “each year we put together a programme of events which are designed to encourage coexistence, plurality, art, culture, leisure and traditions”, she added. “This year the cultural agenda has an interesting selection of events which have been designed to meet the requests of the residents of Adeje and we hope a lot of people will get involved and enjoy themselves, bring a bit of life to the streets of the borough and enjoy the public arenas where a lot of these events will be taking place”, she continued. Already in May the town has enjoyed the floral crosses in the centre of the old town, in La Postura, El Galeón, Los Olivos, Las Nieves, Fañabé, Armeñime, Los Menores, La Hoya and Tijoco Bajo, a series of children’s workshops, and the Rogative (Pilgrim walk) de Nuestra Señora de La Encarnación, the town’s patron. But there are many more events to enjoy between now and the end of June taking place in all corners of the borough, The annual traditional Street Ball (Baile de Magos) is on Thursday May 29th in the Plaza de España, just before Canarias Day on May 30th (schools and offices will be closed). From June 2nd to 6th there will also be a series of events to mark the end of sporting activities which will take place in the Las Torres sports complex. Of interest to followers
of local history will be the Taucho Ethnographic Days, which will look at the migration from Adeje over the years. Here is the full listing of acts during May and June Wednesday 28 19:00 h. Timple Workshop (traditional Canarian string instrument), teacher Pedro Izquierdo. Adeje Cultural Centre. 21:00h Timple Recital by the Adeje Municipal Folklore School and invited guests. Exhibiton hall, Adeje Cultural Centre. Thursday 29 21:00 h. Baile de Magos/ Traditional Street Ball. Plaza de España, Adeje. Saturday 31 21:00h. I Festival Imoque, “From San Sebastián”. Plaza de San Sebastián, La Caleta. June Sunday 1 12:00-20:00 h. Intercultural Festival. El Galeón. Monday 2 18:00 h. From June 2 - 6, Closing ceremonies of the different Adeje sports courses, Las Torres Sports Centre. 19:00 h. Inauguration of the exhibition “Entre manos y barro” , from June 2 - 12 Exhibition Hall, Adeje Cultural Centre. Saturday 7 09:00 h. Visit to TEA (Tenerife Arts Space). Exhibition of th works of Oscar Domínguez. Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
Sunday 8 12:00h-22:00 h. Degusta. me (Taste Me), Gastronomy Market, Plaza de España Adeje. Monday 9 17:00 h. Closing act, Adeje Municipal Theatre School, Adeje Cultural Centre. Thursday 12 18:00 h. VII Theatre event with People with Special Needs, Adeje Borough. Adeje Cultural Centre, friday 13 10:00- 20:00 h. Arts and Crafts Market, San Sebastián Commercial Centre, La Caleta. 19:00h Exhibition by Students of the Adeje People’s University (UPA), June 13 - 27. Inauguration of works of art by students of fine art and painting, with a performance by the Adeje Municiapl Folklore School. Exhibition Hall, Adeje Cultural Centre. 20:30 h. Cello concert. Convento San Francisco Adeje. Tickets 5 euros Saturday 14 10:00- 21:00h Bargain Fair, Las Torres 21:00 h. “La Azotea Cuenta”. Adeje Cultural Centre Sunday 15 10:00- 21:00h Bargain Fair, Las Torres Thursday 19 17:00- 20:00 h. Solidarity Massage. Adeje Cultural Centre. Saturday 21 18:00h Creation of Salt Carpets, Adeje Calle Grande
Sunday 22 18:00h Celebration of Corpus Christi. Parish of Santa Úrsula. Thursday 26 20:00h. Taucho Ethnographic Days: Migratory movements in the borough of Adeje. Paying homage to to the men and women, “protagonists and witnesses of the migratory movements in Adeje”. Presentation of the book and documentary, “Memoria Gráfica y Testimonial de la migración adejera” (Graphic memorial and testimonial to Adeje migration). With Manuel Hernández González, Professor of American History, University of La Laguna, Club Almácigo, Taucho. friday 27 19:00 h. Children’s show, “Los Hermanos Gepetti y sus marionetas de la ópera” (The Gepetti brothers and their opera puppets), with the Reciclown company, in the Adeje Cultural Centre Theatre, Free entry. Saturday 28 10:00- 16:00 h. Taucho Ethnographic Days: With a series of stages and displays in the streets and paths of Taucho showing past images and professions relating to the migrations during the different periods. Taucho. (The full programme is also available online at www. adeje.es)
5 Sunday At Vivo, A Soaring, Singing, Succulent Success!! Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
Chef Extraordinaire Adds A Touch Of Class To Vivo’s Sunday Carvery
ast Sunday began like any other, as I arrived at Vivo at around 10am to begin work on the newspaper you’re reading, it had been 2 days since our latest issue had hit the streets featuring the front page featuring our guest executive chef Davied Jones and we were hoping that readers would be curious enough to pop down and sample Davied’s incredible food.
We were not disappointed! At 12pm like clockwork, the carvery opened for business, as usual I had been doing impressions of the old Bisto kid commercials as the wonderful aromas wafted through the window where I work, it was all I could do to stay seated and not give in to the urge to be first in the queue! Within minutes we began to see an increase in traffic coming up the steps to Vivo, by 12.15pm, we had quite a queue forming. Residents, workers and tourists alike were filing up to
the buffet as Victoria, Sara and Davied himself personally dished up his incredible culinary concoctions with his usual flair, making everyone feel truly special. I still find it incredible that a chef as good as Davied comes with no ego and is just perfectly happy and content to serve people with the food he so obviously enjoys creating, his passion for food is unmistakeable and simply impossible to fake, it is as genuine as the man himself. As well as his carvery staples such like juicy pork, mouth-watering turkey with all the trimmings such as cabbage cooked with smoked bacon, carrots cooked with cream and herbs, the best cauliflower cheese that I’ve ever tasted,a multitude of potatoes, homemade stuffing and gravy, Davied had found time to prepare chicken and smoked ham pie as well as cottage pie and the kind of desserts that send diets packing! As satisfied customer after satisfied customer left, singing the food’s praises, the staff were at their usual professional competent best, coping with the rush like seasoned pros!
“That’s the best carvery I’ve ever had!” “better than me mam’s Sunday dinner” “I’ve been coming to Tenerife for years and that is the best meal I’ve had on the island” These were just some of the comments passed on and overheard to our staff...we weren’t surprised... we had all eaten Davied’s food many, many times, by 3.30pm our exhausted staff had to tell the still coming hopefuls that due to the incredible demand the buffet was almost out of everything-thankfully we had, on Davied’s recommendationcut the carvery time down by 2 hours to 12 til 4pm instead of the previous 12 til 6pm, in order to maintain the food quality throughout serving. So, the afternoon was a resounding success and the food and never been better, and yes I can speak from experience, I gave in at around 3pm, abandoned my laptop and drifted, floating through the open window towards that home-made gravy smell, just like those Bisto kids on the adverts from my youth!! Once the carvery closed, it
was live entertainment time on our sun-kissed terrace and Andy and I played through til the sun began to slowly set. What a fantastic afternoon, as Davied finally removed his chef’s jacket to hang it up for another day, I swore I saw a glimpse of a large “S” emblazoned on his chest..... truly a Super chef!! So, come down and try our delicious Gourmet Buffet,, Mondays to Saturdays and Sunday Carvery, created, prepared and even served by our world class chef, the fabulous Davied Jones. I’m also proud to announce that everythingbar the frozen peas- is prepared from fresh produce every day! Don’t forget there is always live entertainment every afternoon too- from 2 til 6pm Monday to Saturday and now on Sundays from 12 til 6pm with Marc Craig, Andy Briggs, Helena Campbell, Pip Brown, Indianna and Lucinda. Many more guests to be announced! Don’t forget, please come early for the buffet and carvery to avoid disappointment as I have a feeling it’s about to get very very busy......
Davied Jones: A Profile.
avied has worked both nationally and internationally at some of the best establishments in the world and has a proven track record of running and being an integral part of some very successful and innovative kitchens and restaurants. He has also held the position as executive chef for several Royal families, including Thailand and Saudi Arabia, as well as Presidential households. Davied is also a chef to the stars and counts Elton John as a regular client! Davied’s career has taken him to Europe, United States of America, Middle East, Asia and the Far East working at such establishments as Dubai Creek Golf and Yacht club (voted the best private club in the world), The Pierre Hotel 5th Avenue New York, Pan Pacific Hotels Singapore and the Hotel George V, Paris. His UK experience includes
such Hotels as the prestigious Savoy, The Dorchester and Grosvenor; he also started his catering for a Royal Household at the Inner Circle London. Davied has also held the position of Regional Food & Beverage director whilst retaining his role as corporate Executive Chef, he managed the F&B operation whilst leading the kitchens in such world events as the I, M, F international Monetary Fund, G20, W, E, F World Economic
Forum and the World peace keeping conference. Davied Has managed international teams from 5 to
400 chefs and up to 1300 staff in award winning operations catering for over 6000 covers.
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
he 1st edItIon of Festival Jazz roja – the red mountain Jazz Festival, took place in el médano between the 12th and 18th of may. the event was organized by Qfm 94.3 (asociación Cultural para la difusión de las artes y las músicas de Canarias), aseC (the el médano Business association) and the granadilla town hall’s Buisness development agency.
The festival had three parts, the “Jazz Route”, where a series of concerts took place throughout several bars and terraces, the “Jazzathon” where five groups played one after the at El Médano’s Plaza Roja on the 17th, and the “Jazz Roja Jam” which took place at the Veinte 04 Surf Café on the 18th. Each and every one of the 15 free entry concerts had an extremely high attendance from the public, and Jorge Gonzalez, president of ASEC, stated that many businesses within El Médano had experienced a dramatic upturn in sales throughout the festival. On the 17th at the Plaza Roja, five excellent but very differently styled bands performed
to a very appreciative crowd. They were The Groovy Groove Quartet, Anna Rodriguez and Face Quartet, Liqueur de Feeling with Marianne Robiou, The Cotton Blues Band, and finally The Fermin Rivero Quintet. Brian Harrison, president of the Asociación Cultural para la Difusión de las Artes y las Músicas de Canarias, stated “This festival has demonstrated that given adequate conditions, such as professional stage and sound facilities, many of Tenerife’s musicians have the ability to outshine many international artists. The 58 musicians who took part in this festival displayed incredible musical skill and professionalism. Just as Ibiza is marketed as the principal club destination, we aim to promote this island throughout Europe as a nucleus for Jazz, Soul, Blues and other such genres. This will not only benefit the islands ailing live music sector, but also the alternative tourism sector.” The organizers have already started planning next year’s festival, with the slogan “Jazz Roja 2015 - Expect the Unexpected”.
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
euroPean electionS – hoW to Vote
tomato exports dropped By 110 Million Kilos
omato growers in the Canaries are demanding 40 million euros which, they assure, are owed to the sector, they were supported by around 3,000 people in a protest organised in Las Palmas de gran Canaria.
Growers and tomato packing labourers as well as family members and regular citizens, took part in the protest, which featured speeches from trade unionists and representatives of the product’s two largest exporter associations from the islands, Fedex and Aceto. The spokesman of the Platform for the Defence of Canarian tomatoes, Gustavo Rodriguez, warned that the debt “is having a negative impact on the sector,” which has already been affected by circumstances that have reduced its performance. “Over the past 15 years, the number of tonnes exported has dropped from 200,000 to around 90,000 this year; from 4500 to 840 hectares; and from 16,800 jobs to just 10,600.” These figures apply to the crops of three islands: Tenerife, Gran Canaria and Fuerteventura.
More agile, and more fragile
Tráfico speed and safety controls start to monitor motorbikes
by janetanscombe.com
f you are an eu national and are on both the ‘padrón’ and census of your local ayuntamiento, you are entitled to vote this coming sunday, 25th may, in the european elections. remember, however, that you can only vote once in these elections, so if you are going to be in the uk to vote on the 22nd (when the uk is holding its own eu elections), you cannot also vote here in spain. Spain will elect 54 deputies to the European Parliament. You should have received a polling card through the post
telling you where your polling station is, but provided that you are on the padron and census, you will still able to vote even if you have not received such a card. You may, however, need to check where your polling station is by contacting your local town hall. There have been some changes to voting stations in Adeje, most notably for voters in Playa Paraíso and Costa Adeje. Polling stations will be open from 9am to 8pm on Sunday. You will need to have some form of photo ID with you – Spanish national identity card (DNI), UK passport, drivers licence if it has a photograph. You should carry your Certificado de Registro as well to show that you are correctly registered with the police to live legally
in Spain. Whatever documents you take, take the originals. Once your turn comes you will approach the table and identify yourself to the officers. Spain votes using the D’Hondt Method of allocating seats using a list system, so the political parties have already chosen the list of candidates who will represent them. Those lists are printed off and placed in the booths with the names of the parties at the top of each list and the candidates underneath. Your vote involves choosing which “list”, so which party, you wish to vote for, rather than individual candidates. Having chosen one of the lists, you place it in the envelope provided and then slot it into the ballot box at the electoral table.
Jellyfish Attack! bathing at las Teresitas “not advised” as warm weather brings jellyfish to popular beach
by janetanscombe.com TRÁfiCO hAS AnnOunCED an intensive vigilance campaign for motorbikes and mopeds. The campaign will last until 25th May, and will involve checkpoints to monitor helmet wearing, safety of vehicles, alcohol and drugs testing, and of course speeding. The DgT says that to make the campaign as effective as possible, local and regional police forces will supplement Tráfico’s own guardia Civil teams in order to monitor all types of roads. in context, Tráfico says that in the first four months of 2014, 42 motorcyclists and 5 moped riders have died in road traffic accidents, and that although two-wheeled vehicles are more agile, they are also more fragile, which is the slogan chosen for the campaign.
by janetanscombe.com AnyOnE ThinKing of a getaway to las Teresitas, Tenerife’s popular pretty crescent-shaped white sand beach at San Andres, just north of Santa Cruz last weekend needed
to reconsider after the authorities advised bathers to avoid it due to jellyfish. The beach was not actually closed to the public, but with some 24 people suffering stings, advice
was officially issued to avoid it, and policía local officers together with paramedics and Protección Civil volunteers were on hand to deal with incidents.
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
Vivo’s gourmet buffet Served 12pm - 4pm Mondays to Saturdays
The menu is a variety of meats, vegetables and side dishes as well as daily specials such as pies, pastas and much more!
Each dish has been selected and created by world class executive chef Davied Jones, who, amongst many other prestigious appointments, has prepared meals for countless celebrities and has been the personal chef for several royal families including those of Thailand, Saudi Arabia and our very own Windsors!
Every single day of the week Vivo is proud to present 4 hours of top class live entertainment from some of the best Tenerife has to offer! Join us for food, drinks and music, top up your tan on our sun-drenched terrace or cool down under our shaded pergolas. Enjoy being serenaded by Marc Craig, Andy Briggs, Helena Campbell and many more regular guest performers, while sipping a delicious cocktail from our extensive drinks menu...try us once and you’ll be back!
cryPtic croSSWord
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13. Five serve as a sign to justify (9) 16. Elite group have crib on Great Lake (7) 1. Desirable era for feathers (7) 17. Merciful element has new start (7) 2. Frolic in America, perhaps (5) 18. Some of dispatch you will find irregular (6) 3. Allow soft feathers to be a disappointment (7) 19. Adamant, Iwarned that Adam & Ned would 5. Accompanies around sectors (7) leave, opposed to conflict (7) 6. Spooner found flagon dry - due to a 20. Straightens out Den’s flu and reveals itself predatory insect (9) (7) 7. Hiding in Eric. He’s the most affluent (7) 8. Shy about loose fit being evasive (6) 23. Push the media (5)
Av Rafael Puig 7, Playa De las Americas Arona ( in front Of hotel Tenerife Sol)
Answers to the CRYPTIC CROSSWORD are on page 2
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
haVing a BaBy in tenerife! (Part one)
Due to our recent unexpected, yet happy news, i have decided to devote this week’s page 5 to a guide to having a baby over in Tenerife, having absolutely no experience in this area and i am quite frankly, terrified i’ve listed my sources at the bottom of the page, good luck! Pregnancy o, you’Ve dIsCoVered that you are pregnant, most of the advice online suggests you visit your doctor. For us however, it meant registering with a doctor first. dreading the hell that is bureaucracy, not just here but most places in the world, we were relieved to discover it’s really easy. to do this you will have to prove that you are a resident in the area by providing an ‘empadronamiento Certificate’, your Foreigners registration Certificate/Card (certificado de registro) and proof of Id – Passport. you will also have to show your spanish national Insurance number so they can find you in their system.
If you are working there will be a note of this number on your works contract or autonomo slip if you are self-employed. For pensioners who have processed the S1 document at the INSS in Granadilla you will be issued with a form, which proves your entitlement to healthcare and will have a note of your insurance number on. You will be assigned a doctor and issued with a photocopy of your health card. The original plastic health card will eventually be sent through the post. You should keep this photocopied card with
By marc Craig
you at all times, as it’s essential for appointments and purchasing your prescription medication at the pharmacy. I should mention that we needed a copy of our empadronamiento as we couldn’t find ours, it was simple, we went to the office at the cultural centre in Los Cristianos, grabbed a number from the delistyle machine and waited 15 minutes to be seen. We sat down and explained that we needed a copy and 3 euros later we had it, although I should add that mentioning you’re pregnant seems to make a lot of things go much, much smoother! So, once you’ve registered, visit your doctor. He or she will initially perform some tests (probably involving a blood and/or urine test) to determine how far gone you are. Once you know how far along the pregnancy is, if you are using the public service offered by Spanish social security, you will be referred to the gynaecological department at a hospital for prenatal care. In the south, this will be Hospiten Sur (aka “Green Hospital”) in Playa de Las Americas; in the north, it will be the large hospital at Candelaria. On average, you will have three scans during the pregnancy. If you have private medical insurance you will be able to have scans on a monthly basis....just don’t finally decide after 14 years to get that private insurance and then fall pregnant before the initial 10 months is up, thereby rendering said insurance useless pregnancy-wise! Oops. It’s important to mention that you are advised that if you don’t speak Spanish to bring an interpreter with you for
all medical appointments, however, you will find that some Doctors are willing to speak English whereas others prefer you to bring an interpreter with you. It states online that at Hospiten Sur, many of the doctors speak reasonable English and, if they don’t, the hospital will provide an interpreter, but I’m not sure that’s absolutely guaranteed and most administration staff do not speak English. Even if you have a basic grasp of the language, having someone there who is fluent will make it far less stressful, I’m sure there’s enough stress without a language barrier adding to it! Try to find someone you know, like and trust, if you are lucky enough to have a friend who is fluent and can spare the time (of course for an hourly rate), there’s no need to bring a qualified translator, it’s just to help you and the doctor communicate, we are blessed to have Megan, not only a good friend but someone who has just been through a pregnancy herself You will be asked to open a medical history file on your visit to the Doctors. This is done with the nurse that works alongside your GP. It’s a good idea to bring any previous doctors notes and prescriptions from the UK, especially if you have an ongoing illness or take regular medication. So, it’s not much but it’s a start, over the next weeks and months I’ll be continuing coverage of our experiences and advice... in fact I could get years out of this, just think, page 5, issue 1000 September 2030...”WHAT TO DO WHEN YOUR TEENAGER HATES YOU!!”
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
“risky” activities British man found alive and well after a night’s searching by emergency teams on teide
by janetanscombe.com
mergency teams were in action throughout the night on 7th may in the teide national park looking for a British man after receiving reports that he had fallen and injured himself while climbing teide. From midnight, bomberos, search and rescue teams, Cruz roja and the guardia Civil were involved in the search, and at 8am, thankfully, he was found with a leg wound but otherwise alive and well by staff at the teleférico.
These are part of the niche markets that the tourism authorities are hoping will attract “upmarket” holidaymakers. There are, however, risks to many such activities, particularly those like barranco hiking and paragliding, and in 2012, the Canarian Government passed a law which introduced a charge for emergency rescues for those undertaking “risky activities”. The Canaries is not the only autonomous region to do this, with similar laws in place in Cantabria, Catalonia and the Basque Country. Here, the so-called “Ley de Tasas”, properly Ley 4/2012 de 25 de junio de medidas administrativas y fiscales, allows for charges to be made up to a maximum of 6,000 euro when rescues are required because of recreational or sporting activities that involve risk or danger. Charges towards costs for emergency assistance can be made when the participant was undertaking an activity defined by the law as risky (see list below) failed to obey official warning instructions or bans failed to observe warning signs
The Guardia Civil is now saying that the British man rescued on Teide this week was not equipped adequately for mountain climbing. I suspect that that statement alone is a precursor to a bill being sent out for the rescue, since it is one of the factors specified in the legislation providing for charges to be made for risky activities. Tenerife is increasingly known as a location for “activity” holidays like walking, windsurfing, star gazing, golfing, etc.
23 May
24 May
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29th May
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was undertaking a banned activity was undertaking an activity without required authorization was undertaking an activity without equipping themselves appropriately The Ley de Tasas sets charges in terms of the numbers needing rescue, and so a rescue involving up to 4 victims will have a ceiling of 6,000 euro. In very rare cases where larger groups are involved the ceiling will be set at 8,000 euro for 5-8 needing rescue, 10,000 for 9-16, and 12,000 for 16+. The law also allows got the charges to be levied against the estate of anyone who dies during their rescue, a measure which the regional Goverment insists complies with the provisions of national fiscal legislation. The list of activities classified by the law as risky is the following – the law says “this type of activity”, so other similar activities will be deemed to be included. The translation is immediately below the list in Spanish – some of these I just don’t recognize in any language! others are universally recognizable. submarinismo, travesía de natación,
windsurfing, flysurf, esquí acuático, wakeboard, wakesurf, skurfer, motos de agua, bodyboard, surf, rafting, hydrospeed, piragüismo, remo, descenso de cañones y barrancos, puenting, goming, kite buggy, quads, escalada, espeleología deportiva o “espeleismo”, bicicleta en montaña, motocross, vehículos de motor en montaña, raid y trec hípico, marchas y turismo ecuestre, esquí, snowboard, paraski, snowbike, skibike, aerostación, paracaidismo, salto base, vuelo de ultraligeros, vuelo en aparatos con motor y sin motor, parapente, ala delta y parasailing. scuba diving, open sea swimming, windsurfing, kitesurfing, waterskiing, wakeboarding, wakesurf, skurfing, jet skiing, bodyboarding, surfing, rafting, hydro, kayaking, rowing, descending barrancos, bungee jumping, kite buggy, quads, rock climbing, pot holing, mountain biking, motocross, mountain motorbiking, equestrian trekking, horse riding, skiing, snowboarding, paraskiing, snowbiking, skibiking, hot air ballooning, parachuting, base jumping, ultralight flying, powered paragliding, paragliding, hang gliding and parasailing.
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
accion del Sol news
WiTh ThE SuMMER hOliDAyS not too far away Accion Del Sol are busy planning their summer holiday programme. The first course will run from the 28th of July - the 1st of August and the second course the 4th of August – the 8th of August 2014. The hours are from 08.00-16.00 and is open to children aged
between 6 to 10 years. For more information and to reserve your child’s place please call 922778630, the closing date for signing your child up is the 15th of July. The children will be involved in many educational and fun learning activities in a good safe environment.
liTTlE “ROn” hERE admiring the flowers has recently been brought into the refuge and is seeking a new home, he his four and a half months old and will be a small mixed breed dog. He is one of the many dogs all looking for new loving homes. Each dog is fully inoculated, castrated, micro chipped and has a clean bill of health before adoption is permitted ensuring the dog has the best start in their new home. Accion Del Sol do not charge for adopting dogs but a donation towards the refuge upkeep is welcomed. AKTiOnTiERS VETS in Germany have released an important article stressing the dangers of “xylitol” which is a sugar substitute and found in many foods. Xylitol is highly toxic to dogs .1g per kilo of the dogs body weight can kill the animal. Xylitol causes insulin to lower the levels of sugar in the blood resulting in causing convulsions and coma status in a very short space of time. So please remember to keep all products that include xylitol well out of your pets way.
PlEASE CAll 922778630 for more information or if you would like to help out in anyway, towels and blankets are always needed for the dogs if you have any to spare. They would be very much appreciated by our four legged friends. The refuge is situated at Poligono De Industrial Estate, Granadilla, Exit 51 on the TF1, directly next to ITER the Parque Eolica where the windmills are and it is open to the public Monday, Tuesday ,Thursday, Friday 14.00-17.00pm and Saturdays 13.00-16.00. The refuge is closed Wednesdays, Sundays and on Public holidays
Live Arico News live Arico Pets Animal Welfare Supporters (PAWS) Join us On facebook – live Arico P.A.W.S Tenerife http://twitter.com/live_arico http://www.livearico.com
dog of the Week - harry hARRy CAME TO uS when his owners put him out on the street, for which they were consequently denounced by the police. We believe they do not deserve to have him back, or any other dog for that matter. Could you be his forever home and treat him better? He is 8 years old and quite clingy, he could be better in a home with no other pets then he doesn’t need to fight for attention. He looks like a Blue Rhone Cocker Spaniel to us. He is fully vaccinated, sterilised and chipped, and our adoption fee of 110 euros covers all of this. Call Elaine on 678 015653 to arrange a meeting. Adopt don’t buy – always the best option.
an afternoon “do” at ye olde ocean COME AnD hAVE a cracking afternoon out with us at Ye Olde Ocean on Sunday 15th June, from 2pm. We are planning a benefit which is already shaping up to be a good one.
We will let you know the line up next week, and a list of the spectacular raffle prizes. See you there !!!
live arico Shops
VoLunteers needed: If you’re interested in working in one of our Charity Shops, PLEASE get in touch with Siobhan on 630 857626. Also; If you have QUALITY unwanted clothes, cds, dvds, shoes, household items or childrens clothing, call Siobhan now on 630 857626. And do come and see us, we have shops in Los Cristianos, Calle Revron near Churchills Bar, and San Eugenio opposite Hotel La Nina by Amandas bar at las Carabelas complex. Both shops open from 10 – 4 Monday to Friday, and until 2pm Saturday. Kel even opens the Los Cristianos shop on Sundays.... Come and have a browse, bag a bargain and help the animals..
drug Smuggler caught At Reina Sofia by janetanscombe.com
fun golf at los Palos
e had 25 golfers took part in our competition at Los Palos on sunday the 11th may 2014, everyone enjoyed their round of golf. Our winners ist, Frank Moss
and Mark Watson; 2nd, John McCabe and Maureen Flowers; 3rd, Graham Hewitt and Lorna C Smith. ladies n/P Come on ladies you need to try harder!!! gents n/P Mick Jones booby Harry Fleming and Steve Larkin. P/S Our birthday Boy Billy
Banes a young 69 year old, every one sang happy birthday to him, all the best Billy hope there is plenty more to come. Our next competition is the Ist of June, anyone wishing to join us call Clive 922797640. All proceeds from these competition goes to charity.
lAST SATuRDAy the guardia Civil reported that a 55-year-old man was arrested at TfS for carrying 4.44kilos of cocaine. Police say that the man was a british man about to board a flight from Tenerife to london. he was taken into custody after sensors in a security arch were set off. Police discovered various
lumps in his clothes in a subsequent pat-down. in the formal search to which he was subjected, packages containing the drugs were found in specially made neoprene underwear. The man is now being processed by the judicial authorities in granadilla de Abona.
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
Starmus Festival - Astrophotography Competition Win 60 minute observation time with the largest digital telescope in the world!
he organizers of the starmus Festival taking place in tenerife, Canary Islands, spain from 22-27 september are delighted to announce an astrophotography competition with a really unique prize, an all expenses paid trip to meet astronauts, Cosmonauts and nobel prize winners at the starmus Festival, and carry out a 60 min observation of the object of their choice with the largest optical telescope in the world: the gtC (granteCan or gran telescopio Canarias) on the island of La Palma. we will also be awarding attractive prizes to the best entrant in three other categories. the cash equivalent of the winning prize will be $2000
The judging panel will consist of world-renowned astrophotographers Rogelio Bernal Andreo (USA), well known for his images of deep sky objects and Damian Peach (UK) former Astronomy photographer of the year, along with David Eicher (USA), Editor of Astronomy Magazine and President of the Astronomy Foundation. Up to five entries can be accepted
in each of four categories, up to a maximum of 10 images, which can be monochrome or colour: 1. Wide field images, including star trails, twilights, TWAN-style pictures, tracked or untracked, but taken using off-the-shelf consumer cameras. 2. Solar system objects, which would include solar, lunar, planetary, cometary, etc., photography using any technique or equipment, including webcams. 3. Deep sky pictures made with telescopes. This category can include galaxies, nebulae, star cluster and star fields, anything beyond the solar system. 4. Animations, by which we mean movies of any sort, provided the main ingredient is real astronomical image content. Full details of the competition rules and how to enter and submit images are provided in the Competition rules and Conditions on the Starmus Festival webpage at: www.starmus.com/en/astrophotography-competition The winner of the same competition at the last Starmus Festival, which took place in Tenerife in 2011 was Alex Cherney, who’s “Ocean Sky” time lapse was good enough to earn him a return air ticket to Tenerife from Australia to meet Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Jim Lovell, Charlie Duke and Alexei Leonov! He used his 60 minutes on the GTC telescope to observe and photograph Arp84, a
pair of interacting galaxies (NGC5394 and NGC5395). Starmus festival - Astrophotography School Once in a lifetime opportunity to receive practical tuition and guidance on astrophotography from world renowned astrophotographers, Rogelio Bernal Andreo (USA) and Damian Peach (UK), along with David Eicher (USA), Editor of Astronomy Magazine and President of the Astronomy Foundation, in an incredibly unique setting at 2110 m, in the crater at the foot of Mt Teide in Tenerife, Canary Islands. These practical classes will be run under the clear dark Tenerife skies at the Parador de Canadas del Teide Hotel. They will show how to use very basic gear to create stunning deepsky wide-field images and TWAN-like panoramas. Their gear will include an AtroTrac rig to take longish exposures with a DSLR camera and lens and a tripod and ball joint using a Canon 5D MkII with wide-field lenses for TWAN-like work. It is a truly fabulous location. During the day you have views of Mt Teide and the surrounding volcanic scenery, which is really spectacular, and at night you have an astronomers dream! For further information on the astrophotography competition and school, and the Starmus Festival itself please go to: www.starmus.com
Icod de los Vinos
santiago del teide
Plaza del Cristo, s/n, 38640 Plaza General Franco, s/n, Arona. 38300, La Orotava. Tel: 922 725 100 y 922 725 Tel: 922 324 444 - Fax 922 125 - Fax: 922 725 478 334 512
La orotava
el sauzal
granadilla de abona
el tanque
C/ Grande 1, 38670, Adeje. Plaza Luis de León Huertas, Tel: 922 756 200 - 922 710 1, 38440, Icod de los Vinos. Tel: 922 869 600 - Fax 922 120 - 922 710 420 869 643
C/ San Francisco, 14, 38600, Granadilla de Abona Tel: 922 759 953 y 922 759 902 - Fax 922 759 965
guía de Isora
Puerto de la Cruz
C/ Santo Domingo, s/n, 38400, Puerto de la Cruz. Tel: 922 378 400 - Fax 922 375 253
el rosario
C/ del Ayuntamiento, 4, 38680, Guía de Isora. Tel: 922 850 100 - Fax 922 850 354
Plaza del Ayuntamiento 1, 38290, El Rosario. Tel: 922 297 447 - Fax 922 548 280
Ctra. de Los Abrigos 30, 38620, San Miguel de Abona. Tel: 922 700 000 y 922 700 001 - Fax 922 167 168
Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 4, 38500, Güímar. Tel: 922 526 100 y 922 526 101 - Fax 922 526 102
san miguel de abona
C/ la Placeta 10, 38436, Santiago del Teide. Tel: 922 863 127 y 922 863 150 - Fax 922 863 212 C/ La Constitución 3, 38360, El Sauzal. Tel: 922 570 000 y 922 570 24 - Fax 922 570 973 Avda. Príncipes de España 24, 38435, El Tanque. Tel: 922 136 715 y 922 136 623 - Fax 922 136 766
Plaza de San Marcos 1, 38280, Tegueste. Tel: 922 541 799 y 922 541 851 - Fax 922 540 903
C/ Doctor Pérez Cáceres 1, 38613, Vilaflor. Tel 922 709 002 - Fax 922 709 151
EVENTS ON THE ROCK Adeje Summer university photo competition
janetanscombe.com The winning photos have been chosen and were taken by Sara Royo Hernández, who wins the first prize of 600 euros, and Luis Daniel Osorio de León, second place with 300 euros.
Arona en colores fiesta in las galletas 14 June
It’s that time again. Arona en colores will be held in Las Galletas this year on 14 June. More details once the programming has been released.
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
’m asked surPrIsIngLy often about how the mentally and physically disabled are helped in tenerife. the answer, as in the uk, is of course that there are various levels of help which, in all practical senses, usually devolve onto the social services departments of local authorities. one such is the adeje-based asociación san Juan, a centre for curative education and social therapy which bases its educational programme on the waldorf method*, and which this year celebrates the 20th anniversary of its forming to improve the quality of life for people with physical and mental challenges. Councillor with responsibility for people with special needs, Carmen Rosa González Cabrera, said that “the Asociación San Juan, along with the Los Olivos Centre for the Disabled are reference points for care and attention for people with different needs in the borough of Adeje and have contributed greatly to improving lives.” Fidel Ortega Dueñas, educative director of the centre, said that “the implantation of an education and a way of life which promotes human rights
and a level of auto- determination, and the integration of individuals who need special assistance are ideals on which the work of the Asociación San Juan is based and in recent years in collaboration with the regional Canarian government we have been able to offer social and social-health services”. To mark the anniversary there will be a theatre performance of “El Principito” in the Adeje Cultural Centre at 7.30pm on Monday, 26 May.
Entry is free. *The Waldorf Method is one which stresses the role of the imagination in learning and places a strong value on integrating ntellectual, practical, and artistic themes, integrating family, learning and work into the cultural life of the person with learning difficulties or social challenges. It is a method which favours social, cultural and profession integration for adults who have developmental problems and who need special care.
by janetanscombe.com
teide helicopter flights Stricty forbidden
by newsinthesun.com
he head of the teide national Park, manuel durban, has complained of ” misleading advertising ” by the helidream company whose services appear to include charter helicopter flights overflying the Cañadas national Park, which is in fact strictly prohibited .
Durban explained that he has lodged a complaint with the Department of Nature Conservation ( Seprona ) of the Guardia Civil, but at the moment there is no evidence to answer. “Canarian land management law as well as National park’s own specific
regulations make ??it very clear that “neither this company nor in fact any other can fly over the park ” . Speaking yesterday during a program on Radio Teide , the director of the most visited National Park in Spain told listeners; ” I get the impression that some flights take place in areas near the park to allow passengers to take pictures that might give the impression of flying over the park, but they are not actually doing it” Officials of the company agree they would be violating regulations by flying over the park , but deny that the advertising is misleading.
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
roMerÍa- guia de iSora 2014
o what Is a romerIa? you might have heard the phrase before like I have but never really understood what it was. Last week in Guia de Isora, a Romeria took place and siroldgolfer was there to capture these amazing images... But again, what is it? When a town holds a Romeria, it gets VERY BUSY, parking can be a serious problem, but park where you can, leave it and book a taxi, bring a plastic cup too for the endless free wine available from the passing carts! Speaking of carts be aware if you get nervous
around large animals around tight spaces there are oxen, horses aplenty! But again... What is a Romeria? Thanks again to Bill for the explanation, and the photos! In May, the southern municipality of Guía de Isora celebrates the traditional pilgrimage in honor of St Labrador , which has been running since 1953. the pilgrimage , travels the main streets of town of guia de isora and more than a dozen vehicles and carts and decked with 14 folk groups , as well as thousands of people flock to this festive event. At the end of it is a festival enlivened by Wamampy Orchestra.
Attendees will consume 750 kilos of wrinkled potatoes , 850 kilos of pig meat and roasted drumsticks, 3,500 boiled eggs , 3,600 loaves, 200 kilos of gofio with honey and almonds, as well as 1,000 liters of red wine and 30 liters of spicy sauce, among other typical products. In order to encourage participation not only commitment but with the celebration of the pilgrimage, from the southern City Council invites residents to decorate their facades and balconies , as well as decorate wagons and windows, which should help to give more splendor to the festivities. So that’s what a Romeria is!!!
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
ufo Sighting in iBiZa
n unexplained event was captured in an amateur film last month, showing a white light crossing the sky until it finally vanished behind a mountain without any sign of explosion. The sighting of the Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) in Ibiza had people in the region completely baffled, with different theories ranging from a meteorite to space debris. According to the journal Diario de Ibiza, other explanation might be the launching of a missile. A Defense Ministry spokesperson told the jour-
nal that they ruled out theories suggesting the sighting had been related to military ordnance, and added it might be debris from spaceships or parts of a rocket on its way back into the atmosphere. Members of the Eivissa Astronomic Association have also ruled out the theory of a meteorite, since the objects vertex seems straight, which suggests it is a man-made artifact. Experts are hoping other Spanish observatories have detected the object so they can make a triangulation and find out its size, height and possible landing site.
firSt-eVer artificial heart fitted in SPain a
VaLenCIa hospital is the first in spain to implant an artificial heart in a patient, and say he has now been discharged and is doing well - although the patient has no pulse and never will again.
Vicente Sorribes, 51, was told by his consultant at La Fe Hospital’s cardiology department that a transplant would not help him and that the only chance of saving his life would be to fit a ‘mechanical heart’. Before the five-hour operation, a pioneering procedure in Spain, Vicente was unable to walk, let alone climb stairs, and said he could not eat or lie down.
He was suffering from a rare congenital heart condition and, in his own words, was ‘on death row with no hope of a reprieve. The future was a short one, and a very bad one,” confesses Vicente, who says he is ‘thrilled’ with the result. Dr José Anastasio Montero, the surgeon, said the artificial heart was the ‘most advanced model’ currently available and the last hope for Vicente. It is a small spinning pump fitted to the lower left part of the heart – which did not have to be removed – connected to the aorta with a pipe which pumps the blood round the body continuously and without any valves. Another cable runs through Vicente’s abdomen to the outside of his body,
which is permanently connected to a small computer running off rechargeable batteries. The hospital monitors the information generated by the computer to ensure everything is working properly, which it has ever since Vicente left the operating theatre. Doctors at La Fe have alerted the electricity board which supplies Vicente’s home in Artana (Castellón province) that they must not cut off his supply for any reason whatsoever – be it non-payment or technical fault – since he needs to be able to recharge his batteries whenever they become low on fuel and, if he does not have an electricitysupply available to do so, would be dead within minutes.
astronomy nights at tenerife New Van Gogh A Fake Museum of Science & cosmos
enerIFe’s museum of science and the Cosmos (Cabildo of tenerife) in La Laguna is holding astronomy night on a saturday evening once a month. this is an activity aimed at adults to give them an introduction to astronomical techniques. The programme includes observing the sky through a telescope with CCD camera; visualization of the seas, craters and mountains of the moon and planets, Saturn with its rings and Jupiter with
C its satellites; observation through binoculars of astronomical nebulae and clusters; orientation by means of the stars, recognizing the Pole Star and identifying the constellations most visible in the night sky that evening. A visit to the Planetarium is also included with a special interactive programme; handling and use of a world map as well as tips on astro-photography. Warm clothes are recommended for the cool evening temperatures in La Laguna in spring. For more information call +34 922 315 265. http://www.webtenerife.co.uk/activities/culture/ museums/museo+de+la+ciencia+y+el+cosmos
yPress, sky and Country (1889), a painting alleged to be the work of dutch master Vincent Van gogh is nothing but a fake.
Although Spanish tax authorities claimed the painting was the genuine article, according to Alfred Weidinger, vice director of Vienna’s Belvedere, an awful imposter. The painting was discovered during a raid of safe deposit boxes in Madrid but Weidinger says: “It is one of the worst fakes or, better yet, copies, that I have ever seen. An amateur must have done it based on a calendar shot of the original.” The original from Van Gogh’s Cypress series was painted in 1889 but hangs in New York’s
Metropolitan Museum and an expert from the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam was also shocked at just how bad the painting is. Previously Spanish daily El Mundo had reported that two experts had confirmed the authenticity of the painting but neither the Van Gogh Museum expert nor Weidinger were contacted Three exhibition stamps on the canvas’s reverse note an exhibition at the Rijksmuseum in 1944, an undated show at Berlin’s Museum der Schöne Künste, and an exhibition Vienna’s Kunsthistorisches Museum in 1974, Weidinger says that the Kunsthistorisches Museum stamp is further proof that the painting is a fake. Van Gogh is among the most faked artists in history.
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
fancy a 52 Michelin Star Meal?
n June 12th 2014 the elite of spanish chefs,totalling a staggering 52 stars between them will prepare a tapas feast that’s heaven sent for unICeF and 20 years of hotel arts Barcelona. The One-Off Gala Event is to Be Held in Barcelona’s Most Iconic Hotel, the Arts Barcelona, With Over 20 of Spain’s most Acclaimed Chefs
The night is called “Estrellas Solidarias” -- a night with Spain’s greatest gastronomic stars -- and will be Led by master chef Paco Perez of the luxury Barcelona hotel’s own two Michelin starred Enoteca restaurant, The tapas feast will take place in the gardens of the hotel, as well as Perez, respected chefs such as Albert Adria, Joan Roca, Adoni Aduriz, and Marc Gascons will each cook a favourite tapas dish from a cooking station for guests to try in the hotel’s beautiful gardens,
next to the iconic Frank Gehry ‘Peix’ sculpture. Proceeds will go to UNICEF Spain, one of Hotel Arts Barcelona’s key long-term partners in its Community Footprint actions. The night will begin with a drinks reception serving Cava and Catalan wines courtesy of Castillo Perelada, guests will have the opportunity to bid in the auction for a Chef Whites, signed by all chefs in attendance and with proceeds donated to UNICEF. Following the auction, guests will journey their way
from stand to stand, meeting the acclaimed chefs and sampling the delicious flavours of Spain cooked before their eyes. There will be live music and the event will finish with a spectacular dessert creation by Hotel Arts Barcelona pastry chef Sylvain Guyez. For those who really want to pull all the stops out, Hotel Arts has created an ‘Exclusive Experience’ package for the Royale Suite and Presidential Suite, the hotel’s most prestigious apartments located on
the 42nd floor. In addition to tickets to the UNICEF gala event, it includes behind the scenes access, interacting with the chefs as they prepare their signature dish, as well as preferred reservation and VIP access for one year in the restaurants of Albert Adria and Paco Perez. The ‘Exclusive Experience’ package is available for EUR 20,000 per suite, with proceeds donated to UNICEF.
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
MAINLAND NEWS IN BRIEF ACCORDing TO A nEW report from the Institute for Family Policies (IPFE).The report, “Evolution of the family in Spain 2014”, the future of the family unit in Spain is in deep trouble. With fewer marriages, broken marriages and the difficulty of reconciling work and family life being the leading reasons. The Spanish profamily organisation says the family in Spain is increasingly one without children and often of lone adults. The report suggests that the situation has been compounded by the economic crisis, and that the government has failed to play its part in protecting families, A REVOluTiOnARy anti-aggregation law proposed by the Association of Spanish Newspaper Publishers could be presented to parliament. If the new legislation is approved it would make news aggregators that reproduce content without payment illegal. The new law would mean the original publisher would need to give permission in writing and a fee for an aggregator to use an article but would also receive compensation, should a headline or portion of text be taken without permission. SPAin hAS ACCuSED the UK of failing to control increased tobacco smuggling through Gibraltar. According to the Spanish Ministry for Foreign Affairs tobacco seizures at the border have increased 213% between 2010 and 2012, to reach 97,146 cartons in 2013. The trend had continued into 2014, with 13,781 cartons seized in the first two months of the year. SPAniSh POliCE ARE putting on display over a hundred stolen mobile telephones after a crackdown on thefts in Madrid’s underground train network. In a statement it said: “The national police is looking for the owners of 109 mobile telephones recovered in the Madrid underground, with a photo of the phones and several ebook readers. “They are devices found or confiscated from people who could not prove they were the owners.” They will be on display for several weeks in a police station on the Puerta del Sol square in the central tourist district of Madrid, it said. Police said they recovered 258 phones and six tablet devices altogether during the operation.
the tw Political showcase with Brian harrison
n the Last edItIon of tFw, we outlined the chaotic state of spain’s audiovisual sector, and how several public administrations and political parties perpetually abuse article 20 of the spanish Constitution which relates to freedom of press and media. Now, we are going to focus upon what is currently happening within the Canary Islands, particularly Radio and Television. Firstly, let’s look at TDT, Spain’s digital terrestrial TV service. Between 2003 and 2007, Spain, including the Canary Islands, was preparing to switch over from analogue to digital TV. With much more channels available, a public auction was held. The results were immediately denounced, with allegations of favoritism towards operators with certain political orientation. Just a few weeks ago, the Canarian High Court overturned and nullified the allocation of TDT channels. So, as it stands at this moment, the Canarian Government must begin the process of public tenders for TV channels once more, and whilst this lengthy operation is carried out, all local TV stations are technically pirates, and face closure notices and fines for up to 500,000 euro. Radio is not any better off. In 2010 a public tender was opened for just over 150 FM licenses. The criteria for this tender included the stipulation that the licenses would be granted to local commercial radio stations which had to guarantee a high quota of local information and locally pro-
duced programs. Out of the licenses available, Kiss FM (a Madrid based Pop music station) was awarded about 30 frequencies. In addition, all entries into this tender had to be publicly entered before a specific date, and absolutely no modifications were allowed beyond this date. One of the companies which entered and was subsequently awarded several frequencies was exposed as having, with the assistance of one or more of the Canarian Governments evaluation panel, as altering data after the cut-off date. The CD ROM with their entry was dated 6 months after the tender was closed. At this moment in time, one of the panel has been charged by Spain’s anticorruption investigators. The FM tender is will probably be nullified by the courts within the next 18 months, but in the meantime, all of the commercial stations which were denied frequencies are unlicensed, and once again, open to closure notices and fines of up to 500,000 euro. To complicate matters, a new ruling
from central government last month allocated new powers to authorities which, under certain circumstances, allow them to close unlicensed commercial stations without a previous court order (up until now, a court order was always required to close any media within Spain). So it is possible that the Canarian Government will begin a clear-up of the FM dial in the near future, such as the Junta de Andalusia are carrying out right now, with over 200 closure notices to unlicensed commercial stations having been issued, with only conforming community and cultural stations being spared. Such a mass closure of FM stations would benefit very few, particularly when many unlicensed stations, including Spanish and English language ones, employ staff, pay their taxes and contribute to the economy. There is the social requirement and the market for several English language radio stations in Tenerife. Let’s hope that common sense prevails and those unlicensed commercial stations which have companies based on these islands and are allowed to continue, at least until the FM license tender is renewed and they have a fair shot at getting their licenses. In the meantime, the three stations who broadcast all or part of their programs in English language which are exempt from this risk are Radio Sur Adeje (Municipal station), and Spectrum FM and Qfm (Community / Cultural stations). These types of radio station have a different legal status than commercial stations, and are subject to alternative licensing protocol.
in Riogordillo, Spain, nature has disabled a speed camera. Bright yellow wild flowers blooming on the A316 at the 64 kilometer mark prevent the automated ticketing machine from photographing traffic the private contractor that runs the camera for Spain’s Direccion General de Trafico (DGT) has not trimmed the shrubbery since the camera was previously disabled with blue spraypaint ThE MAin EuROPEAn PARliAMEnT candidate representing Spain’s ruling Popular Party has apologized for a recent sexist remark he made that roused much criticism and could damage his chances of topping the vote. Miguel Arias Canete said last week that he had felt restrained during a debate with leading opposition Socialist candidate Elena Valencia because “a debate between a man and woman is very complicated, because if you abuse your intellectual superiority you look like a male chauvinist cornering a defenseless woman.” On Wednesday, Canete told Cope radio that he had expressed himself badly, was not sexist and had not meant to offend anyone. Pre-debate polls showed the Popular Party had a narrow lead over the Socialists in Spain ahead of Sunday’s vote for the European Parliament.
he euroPean BIson is an extremely important species in spain due to its repeated representation in the Paleolithic art of the caves in the north of the country., a fact that lead to the initiation of a european plan headed by the Conservation Centre of the european Bison in spain (eBCC)
So it’s amazing news that bison have successfully bred in the wild in the North of Spain after more than 10,000 years, initiating a new era for these animals, thanks to a European program in
collaboration with the Spanish Fund for the Protection of Wild Animals (FAPAS), bringing hope to the conservation of this endangered species of which there are currently only 4,000 specimens left in the world. “Pipa” and “Lipion” are the names of the offspring, 16 animals were transferred from the Netherlands and Belgium to the north of Spain (Teverga, in the region of Asturias) during 2012, where they were released in accordance with a tactic called “hard release”. As per this method, the specimens were kept in a fenced area and continuously monitored, but no human help was provided in order to aid them in their
survival. Only three of the bison died during these two years, all of them due to the hard winter experienced in the area. now two bison calves have born in Asturias and students of two schools in the area, have named the baby bison in hopes of the continuation of the species. So far both animals show good health and optimal adaptation to the environment. Hopefully, more generations will follow them and these beautiful animals will live freely and out of danger in the Spanish plains once again, as they used to do some 30,000 years ago.
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
BritiSh SharKS Killed By SPain’S Wall of death
IshIng FLeets from spain and Portugal are wiping out Britain’s shark populations with a ‘wall of death’ and killing up to four million sharks each year. The 60 mile-long fishing lines, in the north Atlantic bristling with baited hooks are intended to catch sharks , mostly to satisfy the Far East’s demand for shark fin soup. The– the main targets – as they migrate in
and out of British waters. The discovery of lines laid across the routes taken by blue and mako sharks was made by researchers at the Plymouth-based Marine Biological Association (MBA) and could explain why UK shark populations are plummeting. David Sims, professor of marine ecology at the MBA said: “We found that the sharks are congregating where warm and cool currents meet. These are highly productive areas that at-
tract fish – and that attracts sharks too. However, it also attracts fishing vessels and we found many longlines laid in exactly the places where sharks concentrate. It is a wall of death for sharks. These are awe-inspiring animals but it is open-season on sharks. We should hit the panic button right now rather than in 10 years’ time when it could be too late.” Fisherman are effectively following sharks around the ocean, laying the deadly longlines
wherever they congregate. The study provides valuable information on the impact of unregulated commercial shark fishing, which kills 100 million sharks globally each year. The life cycle of sharks makes them vulnerable to overfishing and population collapse, as they reach maturity late and produce only a few young.
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
n enQuIry by authorities into madrid’s Complutense university has been launched after a video has surfaced showing hundreds of human cadavers strewn carelessly around storerooms. Around 250 corpses that had been donated to medical science and were intended to be used for teaching purposes by anatomy students, were lying neglected thrown into disordered piles. The horrific discovery was exposed in El Mundo newspaper described the discovery as “a scene from a horror film” the daily paper published the graphic video showing the shriveled and dissected
corpses thoughtlessly piled up in a storeroom Claiming that some of the mummified bodies and parts of bodies had been there for up to seven years. an internal investigation has been launched and the university said they would arrange with a funeral parlour to dispose of the bodies. in Spain more and more families are donating the bodies of loved ones to medical science to avoid burial costs during the financial crisis. Complutense University issued an official statement claiming the images gave a “distorted view of reality”. It went on to say: “The cadaveric remains were undergoing a drying process necessary prior to incineration, they cannot be disposed of while they contain the chemical products used in order to study them.”
Solar Power-even Without the Sun!
oLar Power is wonderful, cheap and green but it is also intermittent and, even in the sunniest climes, peak electricity demand is usually in the evening when the sun is going down.
The challenge for any engineering design is to create a system in which the sun’s heat can be stored to produce full power continuously even at night. The Gemasolar plant near the Spanish city of Seville, built by Torresol Energy, can store enough heat to operate for 18 hours at full capacity without any additional power from the Sun. For many months of the year it can run for 24 hours a day. The plant is small by power station standards, producing 20 megawatts of electricity – enough for 25,000 homes, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 30,000 tonnes a year. It has 2,650 mirrors, known as heliostats, which cover an area of 185 hectares which focus the Sun’s rays onto a central tower, where they heat molten salt to more than double the boiling point of water. More heat is produced than is needed for maximum power, so the surplus is stored in molten salt tanks until it can be used during cloudy periods or at night. The plant has been working for three years,
showing that the technology works effectively summer and winter. The company believe that it, or a series of similar plants can be scaled up to provide much larger populations with renewable energy. There are now 105 similar installations – known as concentrated solar power plants – across the world. One has been operating for 30 years in California, and a large number of newer ones have been built in desert areas of the western United States. Spain is a world leader in the technology, and a number of Middle Eastern desert states have built plants of different designs with molten salt storage capacity. Gemasolar is described as the most successful design so far. It is quite distinct from photovoltaic panels, which produce electricity directly from sunlight. Here the problem of intermittent power remains, particularly where the weather is very changeable, as in north-west Europe. Despite the difficulties, engineers are working on ways of balancing the output from various solar, wind and biogas plants to keep the grid evenly supplied. The industry is growing at an enormous pace worldwide, because the cost of solar panels has fallen by half and now is far cheaper per watt than nuclear power; and in the US it is only marginally more expensive than coal.
SPain drought not oVer yet
eteoroLogIsts are warning that the most intense dry spell in a century and a half could continue for some time, with parts Valencia and alicante among the worst affected regions. southern and eastern spain have been brutally dry for over eight months
Even though huge storms battered Spain’s Atlantic coasts and the Canary islands during the winter and spring, Valencia and Alicante, as well as areas including Murcia, parts of Albacete province, and the Andalusian provinces of Jaén, Almería, Cadíz and Málaga have all been starved of rain. There has never been “such a long
and intense drought”, for 150 years, according to the country’s meteorological agency Aemet, parts of the country where during “the second worst period of drought on record there was twice as much rain as now” according to meteorologist José Antonio Maldonado. Rainfall levels in many areas have been less than half of those seen from 1971 to 2000, while some places have seen less than 25 percent of those levels. Thanks to rains from earlier years, most dams are still at somewhere between 74 percent and 90 percent of capacity, but some farmers are already struggling to water their crops, or have gone out of business.
Tomb Replica Built In Madrid
sIng hIgh resoLutIon photographic and 3d data which they began recording back in 2009 to create a virtual map of Luxor’s Valley of the kings, conservation foundation Factum have built a replica of the tomb of ancient egyptian Pharaoh tutankhamun in madrid.
The £420,000 project has opened to the public and was put together in a joint effort
by Factum and the University of Basel. Project leader Adam Lowe said: “This could be a watershed moment where for the first time visitors can really start to talk about sustainable tourism, about how you can preserve the Valley of the Kings itself. It’s my dream that it can actually be there in 3,000 years time.” The original tomb was discovered in 1922 by British Egyptologist Howard Carter, within which they found the pharaoh’s 3,000-yearold golden tomb.
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
Bamboo towels & Sheets they are brand new to tenerife; in fact, they are brand new to anywhere! you may not have heard of Bamboo towels or sheets before, but they are here and they are fabulous. Take an opportunity to discover the benefits of having bamboo bath towels. Picture yourself getting out of the bath or shower and wrapping yourself in pure heaven, in possibly the softest bath towel ever. Bamboo towels allow you to dry yourself off quickly due to their premium absorbent properties while also giving you the luxurious feeling of the softest fabric you have ever felt against your body. Imagine sleeping on pure heaven, now you can with the amazing Bamboo sheets that are now also available in a selection of different colours. Experience the ultimate in sleep comfort. Pure cotton can often feel a bit rough to the touch; not only will you find that the towels are exceptionally soft and absorbent, but you will also find that they are durable for everyday use. They are also perfect for people who want to maintain a hygienic environment, because they
are naturally odour resistant due to the fibres fast-drying characteristics. So say goodbye to that disgusting mildew smell you get from other towels from time to time, and bathe in serenity. Bamboo fabric is created from the bamboo pulp and is 100% biodegradable. It is also anti-bacterial and hypoallergenic; bamboo is naturally antibacterial and resists mould, mildew, fungi and dust mites. These properties remain intact, making it suitable for those with eczema, hyper-sensitive skin or hay fever caused by dust mite. Even better news is that bamboo fabric require less frequent washing, it needs no more than a 30ËšC wash and dries in half the time of cotton. Tumble dry low and remove from dryer as soon as it stops to avoid unnecessary creasing. The only place that actually stocks these delicious items is Antiquities Tenerife in Las Chafiras. The have stock in three different colours, soft brown, grey and aubergine. Pop in and see them and feel the difference for yourself.
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
e-cigS in decline
Bullfight SuSPended due to MultiPle goring
he san IsIdro festival was suspended this week after 3 matadors were hurt. the festival opens the bull-fighting season and this incident marks the third time in the history and the first time in 35 years of the festival that the fight has had to be cancelled due to injury. Matador David Mora was gored in his left leg and stomach while fighting an El Ventorillo bull, then, during the second fight, against a Los Chospes bull, the Andalusian matador Nazaré was gored in the knee and had a ligament torn and was sent for emergency treatment in the bullring hospital. The same bull gored the third and final matador, Saul Jimenez Fortes from Malaga, in the right leg, leading the Las Ventas and healthcare authorities to call off the fight.
ue to the strICt reguLatIons covering their use and increasing reports claiming they are not entirely without health risks, sales of electronic or e-cigarettes have plummeted by 70 per cent in spain. The pro e-cig Spanish National ‘Vaping’ Association (ANEV) says the fall in populartity has been caused by ‘an intentional and organised movement aimed at discrediting’ the alternative to traditional smoking. The ANEV insists that using E-cigarettes is ‘far less toxic’ to health than traditional cigarettes and cigars but predicts that 20 per cent of shops specialising in selling E-cigarettes in Spain could close, despite not having been open for very long.Already, 60 per cent of outlets have closed. According to the Association, a counter-movement promoting products aimed at helping people give up smoking is killing off the E-cigarette trade, but claim products have
Government Bans “Selfies” At EU Elections
n thursday 22nd may in england and northern Ireland the local council elections took place on the same day as big one, the european elections. the only time outside of a general election when all 46 million voters can take part. the european Parliament is the only directly elected institution in the european union. Voting here in tenerife is on sunday and it is your chance to decide who
represents you in Brussels and strasbourg.
bizarrely this years election in the uK was the first to issue a ‘Selfie’ warning The Electoral Commission, worried that smart phone self-portraits will threaten the secrecy of the ballot, issued guidelines to staff at polling stations advising them to discourage the taking of “selfies” and some have put notices on the wall warning people that, although it is not a criminal offence in itself, sharing of information that appears on a ballot paper, even before it has been filled in, could represent a breach
of Section 66 of the Representation of the People’s Act 1983, leading to a fine of up to £5,000, or a six months jail sentence. Britain is one of eight countries - including Germany and France to use a “closed list” system, you vote for a party, Then the parties themselves decide who goes on the candidate list for each of the 12 electoral regions. . The last European elections were in 2009 when the Conservatives got the biggest UK share of the vote, 27.7%, UKIP got 16.5%, Labour got 15.7%, the Lib Dems 13.7%, the Green Party 8.6% and the BNP 6.2%.
side-effects which are ‘much more dangerous’. Despite reports that the vapour in E-cigarettes contains nicotine, the addictive substance in tobacco, and that a type of glycerine used in production sits on the lungs and does not break down, Italy and France have been promoting them as safer alternatives to smoking and doctors, oncologists and pneumologists have been recommending them to patients who cannot give up mainstream cigarettes, says the ANEV. They consider that Spain’s blanket ban on ‘vaping’ near schools, health centres or in public places, and continued health warnings about E-cigarettes, are ‘purely financiallymotivated’ and aimed at benefiting large pharmaceutical giants who provide drugs to help people stop smoking – a way of clawing back multi-millions in taxes. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has warned that the use of E-cigarettes is not such a healthy alternative to smoking as the public has been led to believe.
BuZZy high Street
swarm oF 5000 honeybees caused a buzz when they decided to alight on the window of topshop in Victoria street, in the middle of central London. The unusual nesting place was picked by the Queen bee, who landed there first and was quickly followed by the swarming colony. Tony Mann, a project manager at nearby John Lewis and a trained bee keeper, donned a white bee keeping costume and netted hat for the tricky task of smoking them out, he said: “We have either had a virgin Queen or an old Queen, she has left the nest and she has brought the warm and settled on the shop front. We are going to smoke them into a box and encourage them to stay there and we will remove them later today. They will go to whoever wants a hive. We need bees in London as much as we need them on the countryside. Bees are a keystone species. These are European honeybees.”
The colony was later safely moved across the road to Westminster Cathedral, where it will be looked after by beekeepers on top of the Catholic church’s roof. It is not known where the bees originally came from, but a string of shops in the local area do have their own hives.
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
tetris: game Most likely to inspire Violence
ames LIke CaLL oF duty and grand theft auto have long caused fear in parents, politicians and do-gooders, thinking the violence contained in these games may cause the players to become violent in the real world. a new psychology study between video games and aggressive behavior conducted by researchers at the the university of oxford, the university of roch-
ester, and the company Immersyve however, has discovered that aggressive thoughts and actions don’t come from the violent content of a game, it’s not being very good at them that provokes realworld aggression, meaning getting stuck on tetris is more likely to make a gamer lash out than gunning down a nazi, or beating up a hooker!! andrew Przybylski, an experimental psychologist at oxford
and the lead author on the paper said:
“Difficulty was a consistent, robust predictor that accounted for a certain share of the variability in aggressive feelings and thoughts and behaviors. We didn’t once find a content effect.” Most previous studies on the topic have treated video games as if they were movies but video games are interactive and in the gaming world, failure-induced anger has a name: rage quitting: “the act of disconnecting gaming equipment, sometimes violently,” the result of “sudden,
high-intensity negative emotional experiences in response to feeling overwhelmed by competitors.” Przybylski had their subjects play different video games modified to amp up the violence. In other studies, the researchers focused on difficulty. After playing the games, subjects had their aggression levels tested. In a superhard Tetris study, each subject had to place his or her hand in uncomfortably cold water for a length of time. The subjects were told that the length of time had been decided by the preceding test subject, though in
reality everyone had to do it for 25 seconds. After playing Tetris— either the standard version or the brutally hard one—each subject was asked how long the next subject should have to put his hand in the cold water. People who had played the harder version of the game recommended, on average, 7 seconds more pain for their successors than those who had played the normal version. In none of the studies did an effect on aggression come from increasing the violent content of games. I knew I hated that game for a reason.
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
Five Year Old Terror Gets Restraining Order
Bonnie and clyde
FIVe-year-oLd bully has had a temporary restraining order filed against him after threatening a six year old girl. Brian metzger has claimed he was forced to take the drastic action after the boy told his daughter he wanted to ‘slit [her] throat and watch it bleed’, called her names and threw rocks at her.
Mr Metzger justified his actions by declaring that Prairie Lane Elementary School in Wisconsin had not made sufficient steps to deal with the situation. After receiving the police report, the school opted to remove the boy from the same classroom as Mr Metzger’s daughter but the concerned father said: ‘I want him removed from the school district, period.’ The local police station has since confirmed it has received a police report from a second family regarding the same boy.
n 23rd may 1934, notorious criminals Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow were shot to death by texas and Louisiana state police Bonnie Parker met the charismatic Clyde Barrow in Texas when she was 19 years old and her husband (she married when she was 16) was serving time in jail for murder. Shortly after they met, Barrow was imprisoned for robbery. Parker visited him every day, and smuggled a gun into prison to help him escape, but he was soon caught in Ohio
and sent back to jail. When Barrow was paroled in 1932, he immediately hooked up with Parker, and the couple began a life of crime together. The couple teamed with various accomplices to rob a string of banks and stores across five states--Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, New Mexico and Louisiana. To law enforcement agents, the Barrow Gang were cold-blooded criminals who didn’t hesitate to kill anyone who got in their way, especially police, the public, however, their reputation was mixed with a romantic view of the
couple as “Robin Hood”-like folk heroes that posed for playful photographs together, which were found by police and released to the media Texan prison officials hired a retired Texas police officer, Captain Frank Hamer, as a special investigator to track them down. Hamer traced the couple to Louisiana, Before dawn on May 23rd, lawmen hid in the bushes along a country road and when Bonnie and Clyde appeared, the officers opened fire, killing the couple instantly in a hail of bullets.
rail travel is going up!
he Future of rolling stock could go sky high with a futuristic proposal that flips the traditional designs of today’s major train stations from the horizontal to the vertical. By 2075, the Vertical hyper-speed train hub wants to cut the footprint of rail terminals so that trains could scale up and down the exterior of huge skyscrapers to create vertical rail stations. Skyscrapers have long dominated skyline of the world’s major urban cities, but 60 years in the future, the high-rise superstructures could also help revolution-
ize the way we travel, according to two UK-based architects who wish to send trains roaring up and down the side of specially-designed skyscrapers nearly as high as the Empire State Building. These giant buildings are designed to minimize the large slices of real estate that major railway terminals occupy by flipping them on their side. Designers Christopher Christophi and Lucas Mazarrasa say: “In 60 years’ time, it will be very difficult for governments to find attractive pieces of available land for public use in the heart of megacities. Governments will be able to take advantage of such spaces in order to re-adapt the cities’ structure to society needs:” The concept calls for a tall cy-
lindrical skyscraper whose small footprint would allow the transformation of the surrounding area into an urban park. Passengers arriving at the tower would use a lift to make their way up into the platform and from there into their carriage, which could accommodate 10 people sat in two rows opposite each other. Instead of traveling on normal rails, the carriages would be supported by magnetic tracks running up the skyscraper’s exterior. Each carriage proportion is designed as a cubical shape to enable it to function both vertically, when docked, and horizontally, while traveling After the train’s departure, the wagons would pivot like a “Ferris wheel,” allowing commuters to remain in an up-
right position and enjoy breathtaking views of the city. The proposal won the designers an Honorable Mention at this year’s eVolo Skyscraper competition, which encouraged people from around the world to propose new ideas for vertical structures of the future. The towers would be topped with a rooftop green plaza, their infrastructure could be replicated in cities all over the world. The hope is to connect a new hyper-speed network of underground tunnels and overground routes where superfast trains would cover distances of 300 miles in 30 minutes. This, they claim, would not only save commuting time and simplify the way public transport is being used, but
would also help to cut down CO2 emissions by replacing ways of transport powered by fossil fuels. Mazarrasa, 29, says: “Our conceptual design is based upon utilizing existing and viable technologies that can currently be seen in hyper speed rail networks, for example in China. The Maglev trains currently travel at 360 miles per hour -- this technology by the 2075 will in no doubt move leaps and bounds from what it already is today, making the hyper-speed trains probably the fastest and safest way of transporting goods and people.” Of course it’s a long way from becoming a reality…at least scientists have about 60 years to find a cure for vertigo!
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
ChAllEnging Puzzle
EASy Puzzle
SuDOKu Every Sudoku has a unique solution that can be reached logically.
Enter numbers into the blank spaces so that each row, column and 3 x 3 box contains the numbers 1 to 9.
answers to the sudoku are on page 2.
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
Meet the Bronies
The “Must Have” App For Movie Fans
new IPhone app shows the street sets of your favorite movies and how much they have altered - or remained the same over time
A new iPhone application creating a buzz is providing users with a time-travel machine (well, sort of) to see where and when they want to go based on scenes from famous movies. SCENEPAST currently has a library of 700 pinpointed TV and film locations in New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Chicago and San Francisco. Users are able to filter by year, zip code or ‘nearest’ which will bring up the closest former set - and take a look at the ‘then and now’ pictures of how a location has changed since the filming of their favorite movies.
The SCENEPAST library contains hits such as Scarface, The Big Lebrowski, Taxi Driver and The Karate Kid, but the creators are continuing to expand the scope. The developers are constantly trying to think of new exteriors and streets to include in the app, co-creator Michael Bernstein said: ‘We like to mix it up, trading between different TV shows, films, cities, genres, and decades. Once we isolate a cool location, we hope [that] there is a distinguishing street sign or building address. On bigger films, like Back to the Future, locations are well documented, so you can easily figure out where Marty McFly lived. However, less popular films like 1983’s Crackers, set in San Francisco, can be challenging to figure out—but also enormously rewarding.’
rekkIes, whovians, twihards, Brossettes, there are so many movies, tV shows and musical acts for the obsessive types among us to well, obsess over-of course they’re usually teenage girls, teenage boys or middleaged single men who can say several phrases in klingon. But a new documentary, “A Brony Tale” by Canadian filmmaker Brent Hodge, which was shown at the recent Tribeca Film Festival, introduces the world to the slightly unsettling subculture that is Bronies – grown men obsessed with My Little Pony, like DustyKatt; a handlebar-moustached welder by day and a My Little Pony fan by night who sees nothing wrong with preferring a child’s cartoon show to chugging beer and riding motorcycles. The movie follows actress Ashleigh Ball, the voice of characters Rainbow Dash and Applejack in the childrens cartoon series based on the bestselling toy range as she is greeted by
cheers from her legion of adult male Bronies, whenever she does her My Little Pony voice! Ball admits a ‘pervert alarm’ went off when she started getting emails from the cartoon’s adult male fans, and Steven, one of the fans featured in the documentary who regularly treks around toy stores for the latest pastel ponies admits he often gets mistaken for a ‘big old man child’ or, worse, a ‘paedophile’ by people who jump to the ‘worst-case scenario’. I guess I shouldn’t judge too harshly, after all, I’m a middle-aged Star Wars fanatic and what’s an ewok really? Just a teddy bear with a spear! DustyKatt shows us that real men can love pastel ponies (Picture: YouTube/Brent Hodge) And US Army veteran Brian who says the little ponies helped him through hard times when he returned home from fighting in Iraq. His favourite character is Princess Celestia: ‘Any adult, who has really gone through it all and been really thoughtful and really caring and anything like that, is going to be a Prin-
cess Celestia.’ There are now stimated to be around 3million Bronies around the world, who all live by the My Little Pony mantra ‘friendship is magic’ and range from 14 to 57 years old. 85 per cent are male and 84 per cent are heterosexual. Wearing their little horse on their sleeve (Picture: YouTube/Brent Hodge) They enjoy watching episodes of the cartoon, collecting MLP memorabilia and attending Brony conventions like the BronyCon, which attracts over 8000 enthusiastic fans. The documentary seeks to get to the bottom of why these men have become so enthralled with the cartoon ponies. Filmmaker Hodge believes the Bronies get a sense of ‘community’ and ‘friendship’ from the cartoon. One fan who sports a My Little Pony outfit in the film, says: ‘I’ve tried myself to figure out why I love the show so much and honestly I can’t come up with a great answer.’ Men dressed as toy ponies. Maybe we really have seen everything.
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Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
has Sonar found nessie?
ust weeks after reporting that had she ever existed at all, she was probably long dead, sonar readings from the bottom of Loch ness could indicate that the Loch ness monster is still out there. the reading of the freshwater loch picked up by sonar equipment aboard a Jacobite Cruises vessel, has detected a distinctly-shaped outline towards its bed. Skipper John Askew said of the unidentified shape, captured in an area where the fabled monster had been
seen in satellite images: “This image certainly grabbed our attention. The Jacobite Queen spends every day sailing up and down the loch with the sonar on and this reading is the most unusual we have seen for quite some time It’s impossible to tell what we’ve picked up here, but along with those satellite images, you can’t help feeling that reports of the Loch Ness Monster’s demise may be premature.” Myths of the monster first started becoming popular in the 1930s, there have been countless sightings, with the most popular traits associated with it including it having a long tail,
moving slowly and having a long neck. Critics have dismissed the myth, calling it a tourist trap, noting how sightings usually occur before the summer season starts, when up to 100,000 visitors flock to the famous loch. The most famous image of the monster came in 1934 when Dr Robert Kenneth Wilson shot “Surgeon’s Photograph”, which supposedly showed Nessie’s head and neck and was published in a newspaper in April 1934. However, it was later proved to be a hoax.
Bird inVaSion!!
Woman trapped in real-life hitchcock horror
CaLIFornIan woman, shirley Brown was horrified when she came home to find hundreds of wild birds had invaded her house by flying down the chimney.
The birds, which she believes were trying to hide from the storm that evening, were in her kitchen, behind her TV, on the ceiling fan and even under the sofa. ‘There were 200 to 300 of them,’ said Mrs Brown. Now the birds come
streaming down the chimney and into her living room every night. ‘I am thinking that with the weather change they will go away…I hope,’ Mrs Brown said. She revealed that she has tried to clean up the mess that the birds make with a vacuum but it just sends the birds into a flap. Given Mrs Brown will no doubt be keen to avoid her life mirroring any other Hitchcock films, she might want to avoid secluded motels for a while. Just to be safe.
Mark goodier Mark goodier - bbC Radio 1, Radio Clyde, Smooth fM and now on 105.3 SPECTRuM fM TEnERifE Join Mark Every Saturday morning for three years of hits from 9am
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
Spotlight on Lupita
his little gem of a restaurant will very likely become one of your regular haunts once you’ve given it a try!
Tucked down a side street in the middle of Parque de la Reina, Lupita is not a restaurant many stumble across by accident (unless of course you are often in Parque de la Reina), most people I know who’ve been there have had it recommended by a friend, this was the case for me as we were invited along to a friend’s birthday party. Although unassuming from the outside diners walk through a heavy beaded curtain into a different world, the decor is fantastic! We walked into a covered terrace which is dominated by a sort of Aztec totem pole which is very impressive, the rest of the place is kind of eclectic mash up of Mexican items and rustic farm equipment, a lot of it looks scavenged from an ancient barn (check out the ceiling inside), it’s a
unique look and very effective and hard to describe, I’ve been many, many times but I always seem to see something I’ve not noticed before, every time I go. A word of warning, it can get busy, it’s very popular with large groups, tables on the terrace can easily accommodate parties of 12 or more and there’s ample seating inside, including a couple of tables in a sort of annex which gives you some privacy if you prefer to eat away from the crowds. Most regulars there normally take advantage of the 3 course menus on special offer, for 4,5 or 6 euros you can choose from a enormous range of main courses, which increases the more you pay, it’s all homemade, or certainly tastes it, the dishes range from carbonara, bolognese, lasagne, fish, chicken, pork chops, chilli, meatballs, the list goes on and on. Apart from choosing your main, your waiter brings a huge tureen of soup,which varies from a tasty vegetable to a delicious Mexican
spicy soup with chorizo, that they leave on your table, should you want another bowl. Dessert is an ice-cream or a cake (although on the menu it says coffee, which you can have instead). But it’s not just about the 3 course special, you can also order from a wide range of platters, best described as Tex-Mex, ribs, steak and other grilled meats with all the trimmings, a great authentic Mexican menu and pizzas cooked in a proper wood oven which, if it’s not Tenerife’s best pizza, it’s a possible contender! If you like a few cocktails after or during your meal I highly recommend the jugs of frozen cocktails, we always go for the lemon or strawberry margaritas-delicious and very potent!! If you want to try Lupitas for yourself take the Parque de la Reina exit off the TF1, straight over the roundabout and take the first road to the right right and it’s on the right just past the junction!
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
ranked #3 of 204 attractions in tenerife
ranked #4 of 204 attractions in tenerife
ranked #3 of 2983 restaurants in tenerife
ranked #1 of 400 hotels in tenerife
ranked #2 of 2983 restaurants in tenerife
Hotel Tigaiga, Puerto de la Cruz Hotel Botanico & The Oriental Spa Garden Iberostar Grand Hotel Salome, Fanabe Iberostar Anthelia, Playa de Fanabe Hotel Riu Garoe, Puerto de la Cruz Jardines de Nivaria - Adrian Hoteles, Adeje Apartments Casablanca, Puerto de la Cruz Vincci Seleccion La Plantacion del Sur Dream Hotel Gran Tacande, Adeje Hotel Las Madrigueras Golf Resort & Spa
Tasca Tierras del Sur, Granadilla de Abona Oliver’s With A Twist, Los Cristianos Deli on The Hill, Puerto de Santiago Espacio Gastronomico Canada de Garachico The Willows, Los Cristianos San Juan Creativo, Playa San Juan Pizza y Pasta, Los Cristianos Blue Luna Cafe, Los Cristianos The New Yorker Restaurant, Los Cristianos Carlos, Costa Adeje
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
Ranked #1 of 204 attractions in Tenerife
Ranked #1 of 2983 Restaurants in Tenerife
Ranked #6 of 204 attractions in Tenerife
Ranked #10 of 204 attractions in Tenerife
Parque Nacional Las Canadas del Teide Parque Nacional del Teide Santa Cruz Loro Park, Puerto de la Cruz Masca Valley Volcan El Teide Siam Park, Adeje Piramide de Arona, Playa de las Americas Horse Riding Adventures in Tenerife Artlandya Doll Museum, Icod de los Vinos Vivo Decades, Playa de las Americas
Ranked #10 of 400 Hotels in Tenerife
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
Vivo’s gourmet buffet Served 12pm - 4pm Mondays to Saturdays
The menu is a variety of meats, vegetables and side dishes as well as daily specials such as pies, pastas and much more!
Each dish has been selected and created by world class executive chef Davied Jones, who, amongst many other prestigious appointments, has prepared meals for countless celebrities and has been the personal chef for several royal families including those of Thailand, Saudi Arabia and our very own Windsors!
he first image Ben affleck in the latest batsuit was tweeted this week by Zack snyder, director of the upcoming and as yet untitled superman vs Batman film
The controversial casting was announced last year, many greeted the news with scorn but I have to say he looks fab, big and broody and very mean, he certainly has the chin and puts the “dark” in the Dark Knight. Batman should be scary, and although it’s assuming too much of one pic, he seems to encapsulate the ageing, world weary Caped Crusader that has been talked about since the movie was announced Batman celebrates his 75th birthday this month – he first appeared in Issue
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
27 of Detective Comics in May 1939, where his original guise was pretty close to the hero we know and deserve today: a mix of grey and black with a splash of yellow in the shape of his utility belt, except he wore purple gloves! In the comics, there has been a mummified Batman, a zebra Batman, a multi-coloured Batman (with a selec-
first look at Batfleck!
tion of pink, orange, green, yellow and purple Batsuits) and, in the Knightfall story arc, an armour-plated, mechanical Batsuit. Affleck’s attire closely resembles that of the classic The Dark Knight Returns, the 1986 comic book series written by Frank Miller, right down to the short ears. Because of the obvious nod to The Dark Night Returns, we could see some kind of armoured Batsuit in the new movie, which will be released in 2016, after all, Batman will need some kind of super-suit if he’s going to take on Superman.
rIVers on a motorway in san Francisco got a unnerving message on the overhead electronic sign this week when they were told to ‘turn back’ because a ‘godzilla attack’ was underway.
The warning was seen by Ali Wunderman, who also took a photo of it. At first it was believed that the sign was the victim of an extremely talented hacker but as the message coincides with the release of a new Godzilla film it has led some to suggest it is lit-
tle more than a publicity stunt. Mr Wunderman agreed – saying: ‘I thought it was guerrilla marketing for the new Godzilla movie.’ The Godzilla remake was released this week and is amazingly only the second movie from Nuneaton born director Gareth Edwards whose first movie, the micro-budgeted “Monsters” which he wrote, directed and produced the very impressive visual effects for- led to him being offered the dream job for the lifelong fan of giant monster movies, or Kaiju as they are known as in Japan.
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Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Emma Watson, Logan Lerman, Anthony Hopkins
A man is chosen by his worlds creator to undertake a momentous mission before an apocalyptic flood cleanses the world.
first on-set Picture from episode 7!
ust a Few weeks after it was officially announced that the original cast were to return for star wars episode 7 the wheels of motion have begun to slowly turn in that galaxy far, far away..... New Star Wars Trilogy helmer JJ Abrams confirmed on April 29th what had been rumored since it was announced that a 7th movie was planned. Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew and Kenny Baker are all set to reprise their roles as Han, Luke, Leia, C3PO, Chewie and R2D2 respectively. The story takes place 30 years after the events of Return Of The Jedi. The cast were photographed at a script read -through with new cast members John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, Domhnall Gleeson and Max von Sydow. Director and co-writer Abrams said: “We are so excited to finally share the cast of Star Wars: Episode VII. It is both thrilling and surreal to watch the beloved original cast and these brilliant new performers come together to bring this world to life, once again.” Then, just over a week after the cast announcements, a picture of Disney chairman Bob Iger posing with a still youthful looking Chewbacca was posted on the official Star Wars Instagram ac-
count, to celebrate Star Wars day (May the 4th of course). The image was posted with the caption: “Chairman’s new co-pilot #StarWarsDay”. Mayhew, who played Chewbacca in four previous Star Wars films, confirmed he would be returning to his role last month after speculation he would not play the wookiee due to ill health. Excitement spread like wildfire when last weekend when Abrams’ production company Bad Robot tweeted a picture from the first day of Star Wars shooting. Rumours were rife, with claims like the movie’s title is “Star Wars: Empire of the Jedi, one the main villains will be Boba Fett’s daughter Lola Fett, with talk of orange lightsabers and whispers that Andy Serkis is playing Young Luke Skywalker in flashbacks via motion-capture. However, the truth behind the pic was slightly less exciting, it was simply a clapboard with Star Wars Episode 7 written on it! None of the new cast members have had their roles confirmed, although Adam Driver has been rumored to be playing a Vader style villain and Andy Serkis of Gollum fame who was also confirmed as a cast member will most likely be a motion capture role. Legendary Oscar winning composer John Williams is also writing a new soundtrack. The as yet untitled episode 7 is due for release in December 2015
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
May 2014
friday 23rd May . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 24th May . . . . . . . . . . . . Variety night Sunday 25th May. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 26th May. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Decades Spectacular Thursday 29th May . . . . . . . . . . . .Decades Spectacular friday 30th May . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 31st May . . . . . . . . . . . . .Variety night
June 2014 Sunday 1st June. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 2nd June. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 5th June . . . . . . . . . . . .Decades Spectacular friday 6th June . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 7th June . . . . . . . . . . . . .Variety night Sunday 8th June. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 9th June. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular
he uk goVernment has warned Britons about a swarm of killer hornets, that could make it to British shores from China to threaten the uk’s fragile honey bee population.
The hornets eat up to 50 honey bees a day and are capable of wiping out entire hives. They are also very aggressive and dangerous to humans; six people in France have already died from anaphylactic shock after being stung after they made it over to the country. Ministers now fear the deadly insects could cross the channel and warm weather in southern parts could be
enough for them to survive. The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) is now drafting plans to combat the threat of the Asian hornet, drafting “rapid response” plans and “contingency plans for the arrival of the Asian hornet” in Britain. People are being warned not to approach their nests but to contact authorities. Exterminators will then destroy the nests with chemicals or by burning them. Franck Muller of the Museum of National History in Paris predicted by back in February 2011 that the hornet would cross into Britain within “three to four years”.
Jupiter’s living Moons?
Thursday 12th June . . . . . . . . . . . .Decades Spectacular friday 13th June . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 14th June . . . . . . . . . . . .Variety night Sunday 15th June. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 16th June. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Decades Spectacular Thursday 19th June . . . . . . . . . . . .Decades Spectacular friday 20th June . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 21st June . . . . . . . . . . . . Variety night Sunday 22nd June. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 23rd June. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Decades Spectacular Thursday 26th June . . . . . . . . . . . .Decades Spectacular friday 27th June . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 28th June . . . . . . . . . . . . Variety night Sunday 29th June. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 30th June. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Decades Spectacular
July 2014 Thursday 3rd July . . . . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular friday 4th July . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bitter & Twisted Experience * Discount vouchers are not accepted for these dates
uPIter may haVe two moons capable of supporting life as we know it.
Like its neighboring moon Europa, a new study has shown that the huge Jovian satellite Ganymede might have an ocean of liquid water in contact with a rocky seafloor, which could enable chemical reactions like the ones that began life on Earth. It has been known since the 1990s that Ganymede, the largest moon in the solar system contains a deep, salty ocean of liquid water beneath its icy shell. But they had thought another layer of ice was at the bottom, so no water-rock interactions. The new modeling study, however, suggests that the moon’s internal composition is much more complicated, with several layers of ice and water stacked on top of each other, and liquid water perhaps in contact with rock on the bottom. Study lead author Steve Vance, of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, Calif., said in a statement:
“Ganymede’s ocean might be organized like a Dagwood (club) sandwich. This is good news for Ganymede, its ocean is huge, with enormous pressures, so it was thought that dense ice had to form at the bottom of the ocean. When we added salts to our models, we came up with liquids dense enough to sink to the seafloor.” Scientists think that Ganymede and four other moons in the solar system possess oceans of liquid water beneath their frigid surfaces. The others are the Jovian moons Callisto and Europa and the Saturn satellites Titan and Enceladus. Scientists think the oceans of Europa and Enceladus are in contact with rock, making these two moons high-priority targets for astrobiology missions in the future.
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
sHArPLes in session By John sharples
PantoMiMe Ken doeS the BarBie t
was taLkIng to my friend david from the new robin hood in Puerto de la Cruz this week. he told me that when my friends, rod and hilary brought their family to Vivo to see the decades show, they brought a young boy with them but didn’t tell him what they were going to see. they wanted to
keep it a surprise. When people arrive, Barry and I, in our drag outfits, have photographs taken with the customers. After the photograph, the young boy turned to his family and said, “I know what we are going to see ……… IT’S CINDERELLA ISN’T IT?” He thought he had had his photo taken with the Ugly Sisters …….. Flipping Cheek!
he summer is on it’s way and the temperatures are hotting up once again. this is the time of the year that we start cooking outside and inviting our friends around to the house to drink cheap booze and eat burnt sausages. this is one time of the year that the man of the house appears to do the cooking ….. but does he? The woman buys the food and then she makes a salad, prepares vegetables, and makes dessert. After that, the woman prepares the meat for cooking, places it on a tray with the cooking utensils and sauces, and takes it to the man who is lounging in the garden testing the beer. Then …. ThE MAn PuTS ThE MEAT On ThE gRill. The woman organizes the plates and cutlery and pops out to tell the man that the meat is burning. He asks her to bring another beer while he sorts things out. ThE MAn TAKES ThE MEAT Off ThE gRill AnD hAnDS iT TO ThE WOMAn. She then prepares the plates, salad, bread,
utensils, napkins, sauces and brings them to the table and once it has been eaten the woman clears the table and does the dishes. Whilst the contented throng of guests are relaxing ….. They all PRAISE THE MAN and THANK HIM for his cooking efforts. He then asks the woman how she enjoyed her day off from the cooking and, when he sees her annoyed reaction, he concludes that there’s just no pleasing her! Have a great summer and enjoy the Barbie!
Michael JacKSon liVeS! t
he kIng oF PoP appeared as a full size hologram on stage at the american Billboard awards. the hologram danced with live dancers who danced both behind and in front of him. It was quite a remarkable sight to see as he danced and sang his new hit “slave to the rhythm”.
charleS haS a Voice
Some members of the audience found the perfor-
mance too emotional to bear and could be seen wiping tears from their eyes. His album, Xscape is number one in the British album charts and the tracks on the CD are pretty fantastic. The word on the street is that there are many more songs sat in the vaults waiting to be released so it looks like the King of Pop will be reigning for a few years to come.
t Is easy to knock Prince Charles. he has done some silly things over the years but the man has done a darn sight more good that harm. recently, in a private conversation to a former Polish war refugee he likened some nazi actions in europe to those of russia’s Vladimir Putin. If that is his opinion, why
shouldn’t he say something. He is a citizen who pays tax. A lot of tax and as long as he isn’t getting involved in an official discussion then he has the same right as anyone else to put his views across to another citizen. The press hound the man. He does a lot of good for poor communities and I have to say that I feel exactly the same way about the Russian leader.
ake sawyer, an american teenager from ohio caught a 40lb carp in the street. the street had flooded from a lake during heavy rainfall and as he was trudging through the water he brushed against the fish. he reached down to touch it and when it was relaxed, he literally picked it up out of the water.
he said “i just slowly put my hand on it and then, once it got comfortable with me, i just kind of bear-hugged it and lifted it up it was a whale of a giant fish. My arms were falling asleep once i was walking back. it was a good 40 pounds” Jake thought that the fish would prob-
ably die in the street as the water was receeding, so the caring teenager decided to carry it back to the lake and let it free.
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
SharKS...the softer side!
by Andy briggs
Fter takIng uP scuba diving a couple of years ago I´ve become more and more intrigued by sharks. sharks are surrounded by an ominous reputation that may not always be a just one. tens of thousands of divers seek out shark infested waters as dive sites annually and it is an extremely rare occasion for anyone to be bitten...and even when this unfortunate event does occur it is usually the fault of the diver not the shark. sharks rely mainly on scent and not vision so under water our bare skin can of course
resemble a fish. therefore if you don´t suit up properly your kind of asking for trouble.
Four or five years ago a “Great white” shark was found at the base of Montaña Guaza caught in the nets of the fish farms, unfortunately sharks need to move in water to absorb the oxygen from it and so it was dead. The base of the mountain is less than 400 meters from the shore and so the whole situation was a worrying one especially for me as I had always loved swimming off that point of the shore. Worrying enough swimming near the beach, but to journey out to the deeper ocean and dive 25 and 30 meters...well I thought I´d better do some research.
Question 1: Which artist favoured blue then pink before turning to geometrically shaped browns and greys?
Question 2: Where did xenon replace carbon in 1971? Question 3: In which game is red not considered a colour? Question 4: What religion is practiced by 90% of the Peruvian populace?
Question 5: What do TV chiefs call people who remain with a channel
from the previous show because they are too lazy to switch over or off?
Question 6: Who was found existing as a waif in Liverpool and was brought up at Wuthering Heights by the Earnshaws?
Question 7: What does an entomophagist like to do with insects? Question 8: What colourful changes were introduced to football in 1970?
Question 9: What is the monstrous attraction for the huge number of tourists who pass Europe’s smallest post office in the village of Dores?
Question 10: Which movie sees Ben Stiller hoping to ask Robert DeNiro for the hand of Pam Byrnes?
Question 11: What was an Indian train driver trying to save in 1981 when his sudden braking killed 800 people?
Notoriously amongst divers it is the” Bull “shark that is the most aggressive type, there are more documented attacks on humans by the “Bull” shark than any other type of shark. However in Cancun, Mexico divers actively seek out these sharks and hand feed them... yep, hand feed! There are some fascinating YouTube videos of these dives and it really shows the sharks in a new light. Dare I say, a smarter and perhaps more gentle one? “Bull” sharks aside it is of course the “Great White” shark that strikes fear into our ocean bound hearts and so I had a little look into this so called “man eating beast”! Shark attacks by “Great Whites” are very, very uncommon and are almost always a case of mistaken identity. I found online some
jaw-dropping footage of people diving with these incredible creatures, without air tanks or even cages. Now of course some of the best footage is some fruitcake South African called “the sharkman” but I was more surprised to find a young Californian model swimming with the sharks and even hitching a ride on their dorsal fin, her camera man and her completely unprotected! I´m not encouraging anyone to hitch a ride on a shark´s dorsal fin, only highlighting that in a world where more and more wildlife and sea life is becoming endangered or extinct maybe we need to dispel some of the fear that surrounds sharks and learn to enjoy these magnificent beasts we share our planet with before it´s too late!
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
HoMe AnD gArDening By Linda Barratt
Soft Bags of Wonder!
hey Can Be stuFFed with practically anything... wool , feathers , polyester fibres and beads , foam , rubber , straw , paper torn into fragments or even a quilt or soft blanket to pull out and use on cold chilly evenings....why even miss muffett had a cushioned seat and called it her tuffett. Throughout the ages we have always seeked out our comfort for sitting , for kneeling , for lying down upon or simply cuddling . We’ve looked towards cushioning to support or counteract a shock, jar or jolt to our bodies or maybe even to prevent excessive pressure or chafing to our skin .....is there any wonder scatter cushions have become a staple must when furnishing our homes ? Adding warmth and softness or shouting of interest and most certainly dependant upon types of stuffing, shape , sizing and fabric to give the results we seek. A soft furnishing that we can use to invoke our own personalities into our homes and gardens. Refreshing and welcoming they will always be. Of course in our gardens we may seek something more climate friendly... but you could always take them indoors or store elsewhere when not in use. Hunt out water resistant and even anti - fade fabrics for your garden cushions and consider making a simple separate water repellant casing for your fillers. Shop bought cushions can prove to be costly if other than a basic style, colour, shape or design. Getting creative and making one to your own individual taste and design is certainly more “pocket friendly”. Scraps of material discarded or grown out clothing , beads , buttons , jewelry , ribbons and threads lying around the home can be gathered together and made use of . Embroider, aplique or use of fabric paints to personalise with names initials or phrases . Accentuate patterned or floral fabrics with coloured or shiny beads and pearls. For example the centre of a flower or a particular colour in the cloth you prefer to stand out or match up with the colour scheme you have in your cho-
sen area. You don’t have to go to the trouble of finding zips of matching colour for your cushion closures ...use a simple envelope style, contrasting or matching buttons, press studs or Velcro. A small row of neatly tied bows of ribbon or say three larger bows in a wider ribbon or lengths of made up fabric to create tie bows from certainly look lush. A circular cushion is certainly not as hard as it seems. The use of string tied around a drawing pin and placed at the centre of your fabric ( the other end of the string being firmly tied low down to a pen or coloured pencil ) and keeping the pen straight and string taut a good even circle can be produced by adjusting the string length to the appropriate radius. Two of these circles are simply hemmed adjoining to an equal width (dependent on how deep you require your cushion to be ) length of fabric ; leaving a gap to insert your filling and over sewing to close the gap. Don’t forget to snip the seams at angles before turning to patterned side for an even round finish. An envelope opening can also be easily adapted to a round cushion cover by cutting your first circle then folding your circle in half and using the straight edge to add on 3 inches to make one half of the second circle. Repeat for your second half. Hem the edges of both straight pieces. When making up all outside edges of the big circle should all match up. Sew the edges together (inserting the cushion depth strip in-between if required) all the way round. Now you can turn it right side out through the overlap area. Your liner filler is then stuffed inside through this same overlap (envelope) area...easy peasy...no zipper required. Cushions certainly don’t have to be formal. Quirky and fun, bright and bold, sparkly and frilly or just plain damned cuddly. Make one for yourself or maybe a gift for a friend. For gardens or home we obviously can all find a place to relax and get a little comfort from them. Why indeed not go big and bold with one thrown on the floor in your home garden or patio. Kids ...us big ones too ....just love them.
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
aquarius 20 January to 18 february
if you’ve experienced travel delays or frustration with a lawsuit or other legal matter, things should improve as Mars again turns direct on Monday. you may also be pursuing pure pleasure, along with a healthy dose of adventure. Things look positively sunny as the Sun eases into gemini and your romance sector. Whether you’re in a long-term relationship or hoping for a new companion, things are looking up. later, you may seek advice on a deep-seated issue. A friend could help ease a burden.
Supercat honoured at Baseball game
Pisces 19 february to 20 March
Although finances may have been dicey recently, they could improve as Mars jogs forward out of its retrograde phase. This is your opportunity to get things in order, consolidate debt, and work on a budget that lets you stay ahead and enjoy a few luxuries, too. Opportunities for entertaining at your place may be more plentiful at this time. finally, someone who seems aloof might actually be fantastic relationship material. Perhaps it’s time to give him or her the benefit of the doubt.
aries 21 March to 19 April
good news as Mars forges ahead in libra! if life has been a series of delays or frustrating interactions lately, things will start to look up. The Sun glides into gemini, enhancing communication and encouraging you to reach out, express yourself, and let everyone know about your skills, services, and abilities. The weekend sees a powerful transit showing up that might help you achieve a long-term goal or project. This isn’t something you can rush. With baby steps and patience, however, you can go far.
taurus 20 April to 20 May
Activities that include affection and friendship should have a successful outcome. business or romantic relationships can flourish under positive transits that encourage perseverance despite obstacles. if you’re collaborating with someone on one idea or simply trying to make a relationship work, you will have the extra grit you need to forge ahead. Money matters are also in focus, enhancing your ability to improve your cash flow and generally get your finances sorted. Regarding health, you might find your energy increase as Mars pushes ahead.
gemini 21 May to 21 June
This week has interesting potential, particularly after the Sun enters your sign on Tuesday. it’s time to show off your versatility and vigilance, as people will take note. your social life flourishes, with plenty of opportunities to reach out and mingle. later, a positive and dynamic transit can help you develop a sound work plan or prepare to take on a new job or complicated project. if something seems worthwhile despite any challenges, going for it could greatly improve your street cred.
Cancer 22 June to 22 July
if you’ve been busy on the home front clearing out and generally removing clutter, this week represents a turning point when you might want to proceed with decorating or Diy plans. After Tuesday you’ll enter a natural phase in which it helps to relax and recharge your batteries. Make a point of reflecting on your priorities and meditating on your goals. Doing so can help put you in the right frame of mind for success. Also, a romantic liaison could strengthen.
leo 23 July to 22 August
The week gets off to a socially pleasant start, as friends are apt to be in touch. Enjoy the company of a special partner or host a party at your place. As Mars forges ahead, you might feel motivated to write letters, contact family members, and generally get in touch with folks you haven’t seen or heard from in a while. later, listen to your sweetheart’s suggestion for trying something a bit out of the ordinary. it might help rekindle the flame of passion.
outube sensation tara the supercat, who rescued a toddler by fighting off a dog is to be honoured with the first pitch at a baseball match! no one seems to have pointed out the fact that tara has no opposable thumb and therefore
cannot hold the ball!
Tara became an online legend after CCTV footage showed her scaring away a neighbour’s dog when it attacked her owner’s four-yearold son, Jeremy Triantafilo. In recognition of the feline’s bravery The Bakersfield Blaze baseball team have invited her to throw out the first ball at a game, the Californian team wrote on their Twitter
page: ‘Tara the Hero Cat and family will throw out the first pitch on Tuesday, 20 May…,’ The video showed the cat chasing away the dog, a Labrador-Chow mix breed, after it bit the child’s leg. The boy later required ten stitches but the cat probably saved the boys life. The offending eightmonth-old dog will sadly have to be put down.
The Bionic Turtle now that’s turtle power!
Virgo 23 August to 22 September
it’s an important time for work and progress, with opportunities for you to advance on the job with little effort. liaising with the right people can certainly get you places. Mars turns direct in your personal financial sector on Monday, helping to end any delays you may have experienced. Meanwhile, an enduring transit suggests that a romantic or other relationship could make for a positive collaboration. Whatever your plans, a team effort could be a resounding success.
Libra 23 September to 23 October
you’ll be in your element as Mars pushes ahead starting Monday and puts an end to delays or frustration. you can now proceed with plans that may have been relegated to the backburner. Thoughts of travel, higher education, or expanding your horizons could be on your mind as of Tuesday. you’ll be looking to broaden your field of interest by exploring new ideas, places, or proposals. There’s also a chance that an improvement in your job situation could coincide with a chance to earn more money.
scorpio 24 October to 21 november
Developing a closer relationship with your body might help you come to grips with any health and wellness issues you’ve been experiencing lately. Along with this, Mars forges ahead from Monday, which might help perk up your energy. Meanwhile, a focus on shared finances, intimacy, and transformation might help improve your love life and money situation. good conversation might help enhance both areas. finally, a desire to explore new horizons could result in a long-term relationship with fringe benefits.
sagittarius 22 november to 21 December
Capricorn 22 december to 19 January
The green sea turtle, named Hofesh, the Hebrew word for freedom, was caught in a fishing net off Israel’s Mediterranean coast in early 2009. His two left flippers were so badly wounded, rescuers had to amputate, leaving him with a pair of stumps that made it difficult to swim. Hofesh was initially fitted with a diver’s fin, but it provided little relief and he bumped into
your love life seems to have positive potential, with plenty of opportunities for happy and exciting times with the one you love. your social life may speed up from Monday, bringing more options for fun and friendly interaction. As the Sun eases into gemini and your relationship zone, your connections with others may come more sharply into focus. Working as part of a team or with a partner could be more productive than working solo now. later, a long-held dream could begin to come true. if you’ve been hoping your career would get back on track, things might start to improve when Mars forges ahead once again on Monday. Though it won’t happen overnight, you’ll find that you can start to make progress. Also, life on the job shows promise, as your articulate way of handling daily affairs is bound to get you noticed. Regarding wellness issues, a decision to revamp your routines might help improve your energy. finally, a friendship might have romantic potential.
BadLy InJured sea turtle has been given a new prosthetic fin designed by an Israeli team and modelled after the wings of a us fighter jet.
things as he tried to swim. Shlomi Gez, an industrial design student read about Hofesh and inspired by the design of Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor warplane, Mr Gez designed a new prosthetic with two fins: “I discovered it worked better than one fin on the back, with two fins, he keeps relatively balanced, even above the water.” Hofesh will never be able to return to the wild but he shares a tank with a blind female turtle named Tsurit, and researchers are optimistic the pair will mate, potentially adding to the local population of the endangered green sea turtles.
37 parkle´s S y r r Ba Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
PUgH´s PAntrY By Barry Pugh
Bit On The Side
VodKa caraMel hellooo Sparklettes! treacle tart w eLL what a week it’s been!! I’ve been busier than god this week! even more shocking, I’ve been busier than a certain newspaper editor/ singer/decades show cast member...sorry marc but I’ve just pipped you to the post every morning!! Anyway, what with our new megachef making Vivo
weLL… a Few of my Facebook friends comment on this the other week. I had a craving for a couple of days for a slice of treacle tart.. So
off I trotted to the kitchen to make this great British classic – with a twist! I’ve had a bottle of Vodka Caramel in my cupboard for a few weeks
(don’t ask me how it’s lasted that long?) and so I decided to give this sticky tart a nice measure of it! The result?
Ingredients For the pastry: 225g/8oz plain flour, plus extra for dusting 110g/4oz butter, chilled, diced
1 medium free-range egg, lightly beaten
Ingredients For the filling: 450g golden syrup
generous pinch ground ginger
85g fresh breadcrumbs
1 lemon, zest, finely grated and 2 tbsp of the juice
1oo ml Vodka caramel
In a BowL, rub the butter into the flour with your fingers until it resembles fine breadcrumbs. Mix in the egg with a knife, then knead on a clean, lightly dusted work surface to form a smooth dough. Use the dough to line a 23cm/9in loose-bottomed tart tin, prick the base all over with a fork and leave to rest in the fridge for about 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 190C/375F/Gas 5. Line the pastry with baking paper and weigh down with rice or
ceramic baking beans. Bake the pastry blind for 10-15 minutes, remove the paper and rice or beans and return the pastry case to the oven for a few minutes more, until light goldenbrown. For the filling, mix together the filling ingredients in a bowl and pour into the pastry case. Return to the oven and bake for about 30 minutes. Serve hot or cold with clotted cream or double cream.
a must for food-lovers and the recent amazing news of our Tripadvisor award of excellence, I’ve barely had time to breathe! I did however get a chance to sit down with the one and only Don McLean of Crackerjack!! What a lovely bloke...a word of advice though, don’t ask him what inspired him to write “American Pie”...totally different Don McLean, and another tip, don’t ask how that lovely father and son
comedy act “The Krankies” are... apparently the sick pair are married!!! Celebrities eh??? Although I’ve been too busy to keep up, it seems reality shows are still big news, speaking of big, have you seen Benefit Street? What benefits are these people getting??? Chocolate money??? They should call it Quality Street!!! Anyway that’s all I’ve got time for this week. So until next Friday Keeep Smiling!!!
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
What’s a commonym you ask?
A commonyms is group of words that have a common trait in the three words/items listed. for example: the words; A car - A tree - An elephant.. they all have trunks. These will make you think! 1. A Wagon - A Weed- A Practical Joke ____________________________________ 2. new york - An Airline - A Jacuzzi _______________________________________ 3. Alarm - grandfather - Cuckoo _________________________________________ 4. A Cherry - A Wine glass - A Rose _______________________________________ 5. gun - baby - Talcum __________________________________________________ 6. fan - Express - Junk __________________________________________________ 7. Mouse - booby - live __________________________________________________ 8. i - V - X ________________________________________________________________________________ 9. Palm - Pine- Christmas _________________________________________________________________ 10. A boat - A Cradle - Van halen ___________________________________________________________ 11. The navy - A Deli - An Absent Teacher __________________________________________________ 12. A Person - A Watch - A Mountain _______________________________________________________ 13. A bowling Alley - A Roof - A Street ______________________________________________________ 14. high - uneven - Parallel ________________________________________________________________ 15. goose - Theresa - hubbard _____________________________________________________________
Issue 121 - PuZZLes Page 8. Page 24. Page 34. Page 56.
Cryptic Crossword Sudoku Pub Quiz Quick Crossword
Answers to the COMMOnyMS are on page 2.
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
Motoring News
By Lingy
GO FASTER! Worlds Biggest F1 Parade T
his summer’s Silverstone Classic on July 25-27th will play host to the world’s biggest parade of Formula One cars when 100 F1 cars past and present take to the full Grand Prix circuit.
dith Pittenger, a 102-year-old woman was disappointed when racing great Mario Andretti could not go faster than 180mph during their laps around a speedway track in Indianapolis. Edith said she had a great
time riding with Andretti in a two-seat race car: “He said 180 is the maximum, I wanted to do 200, but he wouldn’t do that.” She ended her speedway laps with a drink of milk a tradition of Indy 500 winners in the victory lane. Her grandson said he was amazed by her sense of adventure.
Motoring legend Sir Stirling Moss OBE will lead the parade which is being organised to celebrate 50 grands prix at Silverstone. The Northamptonshire venue first hosted the British Grand Prix in 1948 and this year’s event will be its 50th, having shared the honour of putting on Britain’s blue riband event with both Aintree and Brands Hatch in the early years. Moss, 84, said: “The Silverstone Classic really is a great event and it will be an absolute honour to lead this parade of Grand Prix cars, this is the global home of motor racing after all – I recall meeting Her Majesty here and so many other dignitaries and guests over the years, not to mention my memories
Hand Built E-Types For Sale
AGUAR are to build six ‘Lightweight’ E-Types from scratch – by hand. The cars were originally destined to be built in the 1960s as part of a run of 18, but only 12 were ever made, now the firm’s ‘finest craftsmen’ will hand-build the ‘missing’ six to the exact specification dictated on the original plans, including the 3.8-litre straight-six petrol engine. The Lightweight carried approximately 114kg less weight than a standard E-type thanks to its all-
of the circuit itself and the Grands Prix I contested. Silverstone is a wonderful place with a rich history; in my day it really was a fast and challenging circuit with some extremely demanding corners. During my career I believe I raced 108 cars so I had a pretty good innings and seeing some of those that’ll be involved in the Silverstone Classic brings back a lot of great memories. I’m really looking forward to being a part of it all in July.” The event director Nick Wigley, said: “We wanted to mark Silverstone’s 50th Grand Prix in terrific style and this parade will do just that – even more so as Sir Stirling Moss will be adding his magic to proceedings. We now want to hear from others with F1 cars who are keen to participate not just in setting a new world record but also in being part of something really special. With three exciting and evocative races on both Saturday and Sunday afternoon starring more than seven decades of the world’s
greatest grand prix cars, the Silverstone Classic is always a massive attraction for all F1 fans but this year will be even more special.” In 2011 a special parade of 767 E-types marked the sports car’s 50th birthday with an official Guinness World Record, followed 12 months later by a world re-
cord parade of 60 fabulous Ferrari F40s to celebrate 25 years since the launch of the world’s first 200mph production supercar, then last year for the golden anniversary of the Porsche 911 more than 1,200 past and present 911s took to the circuit.
Shameful! P aluminium body and engine block, a lack of interior trim and exterior chrome work and a host of further weight-saving features including hand-operated side windows. Each of the ultra-rare E-Type racers will be given the chassis and build numbers originally intended for them and are expected to be hungrily sought after, but in a press release Jaguar states: “Established Jaguar collectors, especially those with historic race car interests, will be prioritised amongst those potential customers who express interest.”
rofessionals such as lawyers and architects are among the offenders caught using a dead relative’s pass or leaving a disabled parent stuck at home in order to park for free to go shopping or travel to work. The Local Government Association (LGA) say that blue badge fraud prosecutions have doubled in three years, with 686 successful council prosecutions in 2013 - up from 330 in 2010 as councils cracked down on offenders.
More than two million disabled people use blue badges for free parking in pay-anddisplay bays and parking for up to three hours on yellow lines through the nationwide scheme. In London, badgeholders are exempt from the congestion charge. Councils have set up specific enforcement teams to tackle blue badge fraud and are using new powers to seize and confiscate badges suspected of being used illegally. Peter Box, chairman of the LGA’s economy and transport board, said:
“It is shocking how low some people are stooping in order to con a few hours of free parking, including using a dead relative’s blue badge or leaving a disabled parent trapped in their home. Councils are determined to do everything in their power to protect the quality of life for our disabled and vulnerable residents.”
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
2 3 M ay
Friday - TV 09:15: 10:00: 11:00: 11:30: 12:15: 13:00: 13:45: 14:15: 15:00: 15:45: 16:30: 17:15: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 21:30: 22:00: 22:25: 22:40: 23:25: 23:55: 01:50: 01:55:
Fake Britain Homes Under the Hammer Caught Red Handed Call the Council Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Doctors The Link RHS Chelsea Flower Show Escape to the Country Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News at Six The One Show RHS Chelsea Flower Show Food Inspectors Have I Got News for You Room 101 BBC News at Ten BBC London News The Graham Norton Show Uncle EastEnders Omnibus Weatherview BBC News
06:00: Emmerdale 06:25: Holiday Airport 07:25: You’ve Been Framed! 07:45: The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 08:30: Dinner Date 09:30: The Real Housewives of Orange County 10:30: The Real Housewives of Vancouver 11:30: The Millionaire Matchmaker 12:30: Emmerdale 13:00: The Cube 14:00: The Millionaire Matchmaker 15:00: The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:05: The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:10: The Real Housewives of Vancouver 18:00: Dinner Date 19:00: You’ve Been Framed! 20:00: Two and a Half Men 21:00: The Shawshank Redemption 23:50: Take Me Out 01:05: Two and a Half Men 02:00: Mom
06:00: 06:05: 07:05: 07:35: 08:20: 09:05: 10:05: 10:35: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 13:00: 14:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:05: 00:05:
This is BBC Two Homes Under the Hammer Caught Red Handed Call the Council Countryside 999 The Great Interior Design Challenge Mary Berry Cooks The Travel Show BBC News BBC World News Vote 2014 Great British Garden Revival Vote 2014 Eggheads Celebrity Antiques Road Trip Great British Menu RHS Chelsea Flower Show The Story of Women and Art The Fast Show Special Newsnight Later... with Jools Holland Mesrine: Public Enemy No. 1
06:00: Movies Now 06:10: Only When I Laugh 06:35: Heartbeat 07:30: Wild at Heart 08:30: Murder, She Wrote 09:35: Judge Judy 10:00: Judge Judy 10:25: Judge Judy 10:55: Rosemary and Thyme 11:55: Pie in the Sky 13:00: Heartbeat 14:00: Wild at Heart 15:05: Rosemary and Thyme 16:10: Only When I Laugh 16:45: Barbara 17:15: Man About the House 17:50: Heartbeat 18:50: Murder, She Wrote 19:55: Agatha Christie’s Poirot 21:00: Love Your Garden 21:30: Love Your Garden 22:00: Wire in the Blood 23:35: Law and Order: UK 00:35: Bird on a Wire
06:00: Good Morning Britain 08:30: Lorraine 09:25: The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30: This Morning 11:25: ITV News 11:30: This Morning 12:30: Loose Women 13:30: ITV News and Weather 14:00: Jo Frost Family Matters 15:00: Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00: Ejector Seat 17:00: The Paul O’Grady Show 18:00: ITV News London 18:30: ITV News and Weather 19:00: Emmerdale 19:30: Coronation Street 20:00: Tonight 20:30: Coronation Street 21:00: Lewis 22:00: ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:35: Die Another Day 01:00: Jackpot247
06:00: 06:05: 07:00: 08:00: 08:55: 09:55: 11:00: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 23:35:
World of Sport Black Gold Minder Border Security USA Kojak Magnum, P.I. Cricket Storage Wars Storage Wars U.S. Marshals Extreme Measures Dark thriller about an idealistic young doctor (Hugh Grant) who uncovers a sinister world of illegal medical experiments. When a body goes missing from the hospital where he works, the doctor starts to make enquiries and, undeterred by harassment from his superiors, he pursues his investigation. River Monsters
06:00: 06:45: 07:10: 07:35: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 12:05: 13:40: 14:40: 15:30: 16:30: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:35: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:05: 00:05: 00:25: 05:40:
Countdown According to Jim 3rd Rock from the Sun King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Undercover Boss USA Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News Summary Come Dine with Me French Collection Countdown Deal or No Deal Draw it! Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Unreported World Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Gogglebox Alan Carr: Chatty Man Rude Tube Brooklyn Nine-Nine Kingpin The Hoobs
06:00: Home Shopping 07:10: Top Gear 08:00: Top Gear 09:00: Traffic Cops 10:00: Top Gear 11:00: Top Gear 12:00: Would I Lie to You? 12:40: QI 13:20: Only Connect 14:00: Traffic Cops 15:00: Top Gear 16:00: Top Gear 17:00: Would I Lie to You? 17:40: QI 18:20: Only Connect 19:00: England’s Top 19 Footy Heroes 20:00: Storage Hunters 20:30: Storage Hunters 21:00: QI XL 22:00: Russell Howard Live: Dingledodies 23:15: England’s Top 19 Footy Heroes 00:15: Have I Got News for You 00:55: QI XL 01:55: Russell Howard Live: Dingledodies
06:00: 08:00: 08:15: 08:25: 08:35: 08:45: 09:00: 09:15: 11:40: 12:40: 13:40: 13:45: 14:15: 15:15: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:55: 23:55: 00:00:
06:00: 09:00: 10:30: 11:30: 12:00: 13:30: 14:00: 14:30: 15:00: 16:30: 18:00: 19:00: 22:00: 23:00: 23:30: 00:00: 01:00: 02:00:
Children´s TV Fifi and the Flowertots Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Toby’s Travelling Circus Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff Police Interceptors Cowboy Builders 5 News Lunchtime Neighbours NCIS: Los Angeles The Obsession 5 News at 5 Neighbours Freaky Eaters 5 News Tonight Murdered: The Bodies in the Bog Eddie Stobart’s Excellent Adventures NCIS NCIS: Los Angeles Bangkok Brits Access Super Casino
Good Morning Sports Fans UEFA Champions League Final Football’s Greatest Teams Football’s Greatest Managers UEFA Champions League Final Football’s Greatest Football’s Greatest Football’s Greatest UEFA Champions League Final UEFA Champions League Final Champions League Final Preview European Cup Final Champions League Final Preview Football Gold Football Gold European Cup Final Champions League Final Preview Football Gold
19:00: 19:25: 22:00: 23:00: 00:30: 01:00: 01:30:
11:00: 13:20: 15:05: 16:55: 18:40: 21:00: 22:55: 01:00:
06:00: 06:30: 07:30: 08:30: 10:30: 13:00: 14:30: 15:30: 16:30: 18:00:
01:00: 02:00:
Great Movie Mistakes Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End England’s Worst Ever Football Team Family Guy Russell Howard’s Good News Sweat the Small Stuff Orphan Black
Battleground The Bandit of Sherwood Forest The Day the Earth Stood Still Carry on Abroad Eclipse Salt Law Abiding Citizen Monsters
Ashes Modern Classics Cricket The Rugby Club Rugby Union Rugby Union Giro D’italia Cycling Henieken Cup Final 2013 Cricket Giro D’italia Cycling Cricket Birmingham Bears v Yorkshire. Birmingham Bears entertain Yorkshire Vikings at Edgbaston in the NatWest T20 Blast. World Wrestling Entertainment Late Night Smackdown World Wrestling Entertainment Late Night Bottom Line Henieken Cup Final 2013 T20 Cricket
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
S a t u r d ay - T V 06:00: 10:00: 11:30: 12:00: 13:00: 13:15: 14:15: 15:15: 16:55: 17:25: 18:40: 18:50: 19:00: 19:50: 20:40: 21:30: 22:10: 22:30: 23:00: 23:30: 00:15:
06:00: 08:10: 10:45: 10:55: 12:10: 13:10: 14:15: 15:20: 17:30: 19:25: 22:00: 23:00:
23:45: 01:40:
24 M ay th
Breakfast Saturday Kitchen Live Nigellissima Homes Under the Hammer BBC News Bargain Hunt Escape to the Country Father of the Bride A Question of Sport F1: Grand Prix Qualifying BBC News BBC London News Pointless The National Lottery: In It to Win It Casualty The Guess List BBC News Mrs. Brown’s Boys Live at the Apollo The Football League Show No Way Out
06:15: Slaughter Trail 07:30: Great British Menu 08:00: Great British Menu 08:30: Great British Menu 09:00: Great British Menu 09:30: Great British Menu 10:00: FIFA World Cup 1930 10:15: FIFA World Cup 1954 11:45: Inspire 12:00: Two Greedy Italians 13:00: Raymond Blanc’s Kitchen Secrets 13:30: Talking Pictures 14:05: El Cid 17:00: Flog It! 18:00: Golf 19:00: The Mysterious Mr Webster: BBC Arts at the Globe 20:00: RHS Chelsea Flower Show 21:00: 50 Years of BBC Two Comedy 23:00: Bend It Like Beckham 00:45: The Story Of... 01:45: The Salt of Life 03:10: This is BBC Two
06:50: 07:00: 07:05: 07:20: 07:45: 08:00: 08:25: 08:30: 09:25: 10:20: 11:15: 11:25:
Emmerdale Omnibus Coronation Street Omnibus The Hot Desk Britain’s Got Talent Britain’s Got More Talent You’ve Been Framed! You’ve Been Framed and Famous! The Mighty Ducks Nanny McPhee Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope Celebrity Juice Viral Tap Caroline Flack hosts the topical comedy show which takes a sideways look at the week’s events using online clips and viral videos. The Nutty Professor Mom
06:00: Movies Now 06:10: Jane Eyre 08:10: The Royal 09:10: The Royal 10:10: The Darling Buds of May 12:35: Emma 14:45: Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple 16:55: Rosemary and Thyme 18:00: Lewis 20:00: Doc Martin Bert Large and and pub landlord Mark Bridge are both keen to take advantage of a fun run event to boost their takings by providing food for runners and spectators - but Martin puts paid to Mark’s enterprise when he diagnoses an infection. 21:00: Foyle’s War 23:00: Bomb Girls 00:00: A Touch of Frost 02:00: ITV3 Nightscreen
06:00: Kojak 06:55: Magnum, P.I. 08:00: Uefa Champions League Hat-Trick Heroes 08:05: Motorsport UK 09:05: Wildlife Patrol 09:35: Highway Patrol 10:00: Ax Men 11:00: Cricket 20:00: BRDC Formula 4 Championship 21:00: Extreme Measures 23:25: Serenity Government weapons’ researchers have been manipulating the intelligence of some very bright teenagers, until one of them, River, escapes - complete with a head full of potentially damaging secrets. The crew of Serenity unwittingly gives her shelter and soon find themselves in the middle of a huge intergalactic conflict. 01:45: Warren United
12:20: 13:20: 15:05: 16:05: 16:35: 17:35: 17:45: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 22:15: 22:30: 23:30: 00:30:
Canimals Canimals Sooty Digimon Fusion Horrid Henry Adventure Time ITV News Weekend The Hungry Sailors Murder, She Wrote ITV News Jeremy Kyle Show USA Storage Hoarders Beethoven’s 4th Peter Andre’s 60 Minute Makeover Off Their Rockers Tipping Point ITV News London ITV News and Weather Let Me Entertain You You’ve Been Framed! UEFA Champions League Final ITV News The Americans Piers Morgan’s Life Stories Jackpot247
breaking Dawn: Part 1
06:05: 06:30: 07:30: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 10:25: 10:55: 11:25: 11:50: 12:20: 12:45: 13:40: 16:10: 16:40: 17:10: 17:40: 18:15: 18:40: 19:05: 20:00: 21:00: 23:15: 01:35: 05:50:
06:00: 07:10: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 10:30: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 12:30: 13:00: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:40: 23:20: 00:00: 01:00: 02:00:
Channel 4 - 21:00 - 23:15
risten stewart, robert Pattinson and taylor Lautner star in the penultimate chapter of the supernatural teen horror-romance series.
This film, directed by Bill Condon (2011), faithfully tracks the narrative of Stephanie Meyer’s final Twilight novel, beginning with the planning for Bella (Stewart) and her vampire beau Edward’s (Pattinson) nuptials, then covering the big day itself and their honeymoon in Brazil. But it’s not all about
matrimonial delight. Werewolf Jacob (Lautner) still harbours concerns over Bella’s safety, and, when she falls pregnant, those concerns appear to be amply justified. The pregnancy takes an unexpected toll on Bella, and the werewolf nation views her unborn child as a direct threat to their existence. And that leaves the mother-to-be in a variety of deadly dangers and Jacob with utterly divided loyalties... Also starring Peter Facinelli, Billy Burke and Michael Sheen. Network premiere.
The Hoobs Transworld Sport Mobil 1 The Morning Line Weekend Kitchen with Waitrose Frasier Everybody Loves Raymond The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Simpsons The Simpsons Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Channel 4 Racing Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News The Restoration Man Grand Designs Breaking Dawn: Part 1 Copycat Basic Instinct 2 The Hoobs
Home Shopping Driving Wars Top Gear Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Rocket City Rednecks Rocket City Rednecks Lizard Lick Towing Lizard Lick Towing Sin City Motors Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Storage Hunters QI XL QI XL Mock the Week Mock the Week Mock the Week QI XL QI XL Mock the Week
06:00: 07:50: 07:55: 08:05:
08:25: 08:45: 09:00: 09:15: 09:30: 10:00: 10:15: 10:25: 11:25: 13:15: 15:15:
17:10: 18:45: 18:50: 19:40: 20:30: 00:15:
Childrens TV Milkshake! Bop Box Little Princess The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky Angelina Ballerina Rupert Bear Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Jelly Jamm LazyTown Chinese Food in Minutes Access Classic Car Rescue 633 Squadron Columbo: Uneasy Lies the Crown Columbo: Caution, Murder Can be Hazardous to Your Health Jesse Stone: No Remorse 5 News Weekend Longmire Longmire NCIS Super Casino
06:00: Football Gold 06:15: Football Gold 06:30: Football Gold 06:45: Football Gold 07:00: Football Gold 07:30: Football Gold 08:00: Champions League Final Preview 09:00: Game Changers withDavid Beckham 10:00: Soccer A.M. 12:00: Champions League Final Preview 13:00: Football Gold 13:30: Football Gold 13:45: Football Gold 14:00: Championship Play-Off Final 18:00: UEFA Champions League Final 22:30: Boxing 23:30: Championship Play-Off Final 00:30: UEFA Champions League Final 01:30: Premier League 100 Club 02:00: Premier League 100 Club
19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 21:55: 23:00: 00:30: 01:15: 01:45:
11:00: 13:00: 15:05: 16:50: 18:40: 21:00: 23:05: 00:40:
Lily Allen and Ed Sheeran @R1BW One Direction and Pharrell @R1BW Calvin Harris and Example @R1BW Coldplay Live @R1BW Family Guy American Dad! Sweat the Small Stuff England’s Worst Ever Football Team
The Last Wagon Letters to Juliet Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs City of Ember Mona Lisa Smile The American Scary Movie 2 Carriers
06:00: Sporting Greats 06:30: Rugby Union 12:30: Super Rugby 13:00: Sporting Greats 13:30: Giro D’italia Cycling 15:00: Henieken Cup Final 2013 16:00: Heineken Cup Final 19:30: Boxing Carl Froch v George Groves. Carl Froch puts his IBF and WBA supermiddleweight titles on the line against former sparring partner George Groves. 20:30: Giro D’italia Cycling 22:00: European Cup Final Heineken Cup Final - Toulon v Saracens. Toulon take on Saracens at the Millennium Stadium in the Heineken Cup final. Toulon overcame Munster in the semi-finals, while Saracens saw off Clermont Auvergne. 23:00: Super Rugby 01:00: Super Rugby
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Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
2 5 M ay
Sunday - TV
06:00: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:15: 13:00: 13:15: 14:15: 14:45: 15:15: 15:30: 16:30: 17:05: 18:35: 18:50: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:30: 22:50: 23:00:
06:00: 06:50: 09:15: 11:45: 11:55: 12:55: 13:25: 15:10: 17:45:
20:15: 21:20: 22:00: 22:45: 00:00: 01:05: 01:30: 01:50:
Breakfast The Andrew Marr Show The Big Questions Sunday Politics Bargain Hunt BBC News Countryfile Spring Special Flog it! Trade Secrets Escape to the Country Points of View Brazil with Michael Palin Songs of Praise F1: Grand Prix BBC News BBC London News Countryfile Antiques Roadshow Quirke BBC News BBC London News Vote 2014 -Europe
07:00: 07:05: 07:20: 07:45: 08:00: 08:25: 08:30: 09:25:
02:00: 03:00:
The Saint’s Double Trouble The Saint Takes Over Beechgrove Garden FIFA World Cup 1958 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites Two Greedy Italians They Came to Cordura Gymnastics Charley Hull: Teenage Tigress Golf Tropic of Cancer Top Gear Harry and Paul’s Story of the Twos Absolutely Fabulous Steve Coogan: The Inside Story A Cock and Bull Story Countryfile Spring Special Holby City This is BBC Two
Beauty and the Geek Emmerdale Omnibus Coronation Street Omnibus The Hot Desk Totally You’ve Been Framed! You’ve Been Framed! Mr Bean’s Holiday The Lost World Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back Britain’s Got More Talent Funniest Ever You’ve Been Framed! Viral Tap Britain’s Got Talent Britain’s Got More Talent Mom Mom The Vampire Diaries
06:00: Judge Judy 06:20: Murder, She Wrote 07:25: Emma 09:40: Heartbeat 11:40: Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple 13:45: Rosemary and Thyme 14:45: French Open Tennis 2014 20:00: Lewis 00:05: The Human Stain A classics professor struggles to guard a terrible secret. A writer researching a biography on this supposedly upstanding man discovers some surprising information. However, it is the knowledge of the professor’s affair with a young janitor which tips the balance, with ruinous consequences.
06:00: 07:00: 08:00: 08:05:
07:20: 08:30: 09:00: 10:25: 11:55: 12:55: 14:55: 17:30: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:30: 01:00:
10:20: 11:20: 12:25: 12:30: 13:35: 14:20: 16:00: 16:30: 18:30: 18:45: 19:00: 20:15: 22:20: 23:25: 23:45: 00:40:
08:30: 09:30: 15:00: 19:55: 21:00: 23:25:
Canimals Sooty Digimon Fusion Horrid Henry Deadtime Stories ITV News Weekend May the Best House Win Murder, She Wrote Love Your Garden ITV News and Weather Long Lost Family All Star Family Fortunes Black Beauty Let Me Entertain You Midsomer Murders ITV News London ITV News and Weather Britain’s Got Talent The British Soap Awards 2014 Perspectives ITV News and Weather Sammy and Bruce The Store
06:15: The Hoobs 06:40: Ginetta GT5 Challenge 07:10: How I Met Your Mother 07:35: How I Met Your Mother 08:00: Everybody Loves Raymond 08:30: Frasier 09:00: Frasier 09:30: Sunday Brunch 12:30: Secret Eaters 13:35: The Big Bang Theory 14:05: The Big Bang Theory 14:35: The Big Bang Theory 15:05: The Simpsons 15:35: Hocus Pocus 17:30: Deal or No Deal 18:30: Channel 4 News 19:00: Four Rooms 20:00: For the Love of Cars 21:00: Fargo 22:05: Kick-Ass 00:25: Berberian Sound Studio 01:55: Southland 05:10: Deal or No Deal
Kojak Magnum, P.I. World of Sport Police, Camera, Action! Ax Men French Open Tennis 2014 Cricket French Open Tennis 2014 Serenity Child’s Play 2 The Chucky doll returns and he’s still out for the soul of his victim in the original film. Andy, however, now lives with his foster-parents who don’t believe him when he claims that he is being pursued by an evil presence. Unlucky for them, since they are on the murderous plaything’s hit list. Monaco Historic Grand Prix
06:00: 07:10:
Tel. 922 714 500 Whale Watching Puerto Colon 2 hours 22 Euros
08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 13:00: 13:30: 14:30: 15:00: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 21:40: 22:20: 23:20: 00:00: 00:40: 01:20: 02:00:
Home Shopping Three Men in Another Boat Three Men in Another Boat The Road to Rio Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Red Bull Soapbox Race Top Gear Storage Hunters England’s Top 19 Footy Heroes 24 Hours to Go Broke Mock the Week Mock the Week England’s Top 19 Footy Heroes Mock the Week Red Dwarf Red Dwarf Red Dwarf Red Dwarf
06:00: 08:15: 08:25: 08:40: 08:55: 09:15: 09:30: 10:00: 10:35: 11:10: 11:20: 11:50: 13:35: 15:15: 17:10: 18:55: 19:00: 20:00: 22:00: 23:55: 00:55:
06:00: 08:15: 08:30:
Childrens TV Olly the Little White Van Angelina Ballerina Rupert Bear Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Jelly Jamm LazyTown Power Rangers Super Samurai Power Rangers Megaforce Access Meerkat Manor Ace Ventura: Pet Detective Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment Wild Wild West The Time Machine 5 News Weekend Cricket on 5 Ghost Rider Drive Angry Car Crime UK: Caught on Camera Super Casino
Football Gold Football Gold Championship Play-Off Final 09:30: UEFA Champions League Final 10:30: Sunday Supplement 12:00: Goals on Sunday 13:00: Pro Contract The Football Dream 14:00: League 1 Play-Off Final 17:30: Football 20:00: Pro Contract The Football Dream 21:00: Boxing 22:00: League 1 Play-Off Final 23:00: International Football 00:00: League 1 Play-Off Final 01:00: Pro Contract The Football Dream 01:30: Pro Contract The Football Dream 02:00: Premier League 100 Club
19:00: Rita Ora and London Grammar @R1BW 20:00: Tinie Tempah and Kings of Leon @R1BW 21:00: Paolo Nutini and Kasabian @R1BW 22:00: In the Flesh 23:00: Katy Perry @R1BW 00:00: Family Guy 00:25: Family Guy 00:45: In the Flesh 01:45: Tyger Takes On
11:00: 13:00: 14:55: 16:50: 18:55: 21:00:
23:10: 01:30:
06:00: 06:30: 07:00: 07:30: 08:30: 10:00: 18:30: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00:
22:00: 23:00:
The Long Arm Leap Year Warlords of Atlantis Big Step Up Friends with Benefits Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis star in Easy A director Will Gluck’s romcom. Fatal Attraction Le Serpent
Ashes Modern Classics Ashes Modern Classics Ashes Modern Classics Heineken Cup Final Cricket Writers on TV Cricket Boxing Fleet Racing Tour Cricket Heineken Cup Final Toulon v Saracens. Toulon take on Saracens at the Millennium Stadium in the Heineken Cup final. Toulon overcame Munster in the semi-finals, while Saracens saw off Clermont Auvergne. Cricket Premier League Darts Finals
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
2 6 M ay
M o n d ay - T V 09:00: 09:45: 10:45: 11:15: 12:00: 13:00: 13:30: 14:15: 15:15: 16:15: 16:45: 17:30: 18:15: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 22:05: 22:30: 22:40: 23:25: 00:15: 01:00: 01:05:
06:00: 06:25: 06:55: 07:20: 07:30: 08:20: 09:20: 10:25: 11:30: 12:00: 12:30: 13:00: 15:00: 16:05: 17:10: 18:25: 19:25: 22:00: 23:00: 23:50: 00:15: 00:40: 01:40:
Fake Britain Homes Under the Hammer Caught Red Handed Call the Council Bargain Hunt BBC News at One The Link Escape to the Country The Hairy Bikers’ Best of British RHS Chelsea Flower Show Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News at Six The One Show EastEnders Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides BBC News at Ten BBC London News Have I Got a Bit More News for You The Football League Show Graham Norton Show Weatherview BBC News
Emmerdale Coronation Street Coronation Street The Hot Desk Dinner Date Australia You’ve Been Framed! You’ve Been Framed! You’ve Been Framed! Emmerdale Coronation Street Coronation Street The British Soap Awards 2014 The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Britain’s Got Talent Britain’s Got More Talent The Lost World Britain’s Got More Talent Celebrity Juice Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men Britain’s Got More Talent The Jeremy Kyle Show USA
06:10: 07:10: 07:55: 09:40: 10:35: 11:30: 13:30: 14:15: 14:45: 16:30: 17:30: 18:15: 18:45: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 21:30: 22:00: 22:30: 23:05: 01:05: 05:45:
06:00: 08:00: 09:10: 11:15: 13:20: 15:40: 17:50: 20:00: 22:00:
23:00: 00:00: 01:05: 01:25: 01:55: 02:00:
Homes Under the Hammer Call the Council When Time Ran Out The Pallisers The Pallisers Golf Wanted Down Under Revisited Talking Pictures Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Nature’s Great Events Flog It! Eggheads Celebrity Antiques Road Trip Great British Menu Springwatch The Fast Show Special Inside No 9 Goodness Gracious Me: Reunion Special Newsnight 50 Years of BBC Two Comedy Watermen: A Dirty Business Lizard Girl
06:00: Good Morning Britain 08:30: Lorraine 09:25: The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30: Storage Hoarders 11:30: Peter Andre’s 60 Minute Makeover 12:30: Dinner Date 13:30: ITV News and Weather 14:00: Jo Frost Family Matters 15:00: Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00: Ejector Seat 17:00: The Paul O’Grady Show 18:00: ITV News London 18:15: ITV News and Weather 18:30: You’ve Been Framed! 19:00: Emmerdale 19:30: Britain’s Got Talent 21:00: Coronation Street 21:30: Britain’s Got Talent 22:00: ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:20: Off Their Rockers 22:45: Benidorm 23:45: Joanna Lumley’s Greek Odyssey 00:35: Jackpot247
06:05: 06:50: 08:15:
Inspector Morse The John Thaw Story Hidden Treasure Goodnight Mister Tom Inspector Morse Inspector Morse Lewis Midsomer Murders Trial and Retribution The body of a teenage girl, Maria Cole, is discovered in a chalk pit. The tracks of three vehicles are found at the crime scene, leading Connor and Walker to local hardman Ray Harper. Law and Order: UK The John Thaw Story Judge Judy Judge Judy Movies Now ITV3 Nightscreen
06:00: 06:05: 06:55: 08:00:
06:00: Home Shopping 07:10: Three Men in More Than One Boat 08:00: Three Men in More Than One Boat 09:00: Red Bull Soapbox Race 11:00: Top Gear 12:00: World’s Most Dangerous Roads 13:00: World’s Most Dangerous Roads 14:00: World’s Most Dangerous Roads 15:00: Red Dwarf 16:20: Red Dwarf 17:40: Red Dwarf 18:20: Red Dwarf 19:00: The Road to Rio 20:00: Motorway Cops 21:00: Mock the Week 21:40: Mock the Week 22:20: Would I Lie to You? 23:00: QI 23:40: Mock the Week 00:20: Mock the Week 01:00: Live at the Electric 01:40: Gavin and Stacey
09:00: 09:30: 21:00:
22:00: 23:00: 00:00: 01:00: 01:55:
World of Sport Black Gold Minder Border Security USA Wildlife Patrol French Open Tennis 2014 TT 2014 The Michael Dunlop Story. A fascinating in-depth insight into the mind of Michael Dunlop after a stellar TT 2013 which saw Dunlop take four victories during race week. The 24-yearold from Northern Ireland has his sights set on making TT history in this year by becoming the first rider to win six races. Cycling Ax Men Motorsport UK TT 2014 Minder
10:00: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 12:35: 13:05: 13:40: 14:40: 15:30: 16:30: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00: 00:05: 01:05: 01:55:
Countdown Garfield Gets Real Dr. Dolittle: Million Dollar Mutts Undercover Boss Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me French Collection Countdown Deal or No Deal Draw it! Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The World’s Weirdest Weather The Island with Bear Grylls Man v Weird Gogglebox Random Acts Fargo Scandal Southcliffe
The World’s Weirdest Weather Channel 4 - 20:00 - 21:00
he uk’s weather may be varied, but it’s not particularly weird. even the storms and floods we experienced last winter were part of our natural weather patterns, and have occurred many times in the past. That’s not the case when it comes to weather events around the globe, where things can get bizarre. Weatherman Alex Beresford explores the world of weird weather. Using a combination of footage from smartphones and cameras, personal testimonies, experiments and demos, he examines some of the planet’s most bizarre weather phenomena, and the
science that makes them happen. The programme witnesses remarkable weather events, including a flash flood in New Zealand that washes a dozen eels into a suburban street, and discovers how spiders, powered by static electricity from a thunderstorm, can seemingly fly. In Brazil, a huge swarm of spiders raining through the sky is caught on camera. In Argentina, a strange wave submerges a whole town, only for it to re-emerge as an eerie ghost town 30 years later. The programme also investigates the science behind a barrel-shaped sideways cloud that helps hang-gliders fly for hours on end, whirlpools at sea, a building that can set your car on fire, and a volcano in Hawaii that produces its own mini-tornadoes.
06:00: 07:50: 08:00: 08:10: 08:30: 08:35: 08:45: 09:00: 09:15: 11:10: 12:10: 12:30: 12:35: 13:05: 13:35: 14:35: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 20:50: 21:00: 22:40: 00:30: 01:05:
06:00: 07:00: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 10:30: 11:30: 12:30: 13:00: 14:00: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 21:30: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00: 01:00: 02:00:
Childrens TV Noddy in Toyland Fifi and the Flowertots Peppa Pig Milkshake Monkey Toby’s Travelling Circus Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff Police Interceptors Chinese Food in Minutes 5 News Lunchtime Home and Away Neighbours NCIS The Devil’s Brigade 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away The Dam Busters 5 News What the Dambusters Did Next Raid on Rommel True Crimes: The First 72 Hours Super Casino
Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Boxing Boxing Boxing Boxing Boxing The Gloves are Off League 2 Play-Off Final Boxing Boxing Elite League Speedway Boxing Boxing League 2 Play-Off Final The Gloves are Off Sporting Heroes Boxing
19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 21:30: 22:00: 23:00: 23:30: 23:55: 00:15: 00:40: 01:35:
11:00: 12:55: 15:05: 16:55: 18:55: 21:00: 23:20: 01:15:
08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 13:30: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00: 01:00: 02:00:
The Women’s Football Show Would I Lie to You? Don’t Tell the Bride Live at the Apollo Live at the Apollo Barely Legal Drivers EastEnders Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! Barely Legal Drivers In the Flesh
Crooks in Cloisters Explorers Spy Kids 4: All the Time in the World Home Alone 3 The Wedding Planner The Lincoln Lawyer Run, Fat Boy, Run The Namesake
International Football UEFA Champions League Final Championship Play-Off Final Sporting Heroes Giro D’italia Cycling Sporting Greats Game Changers Special Soccer A.M. The Best Bits WWE Raw Super League Fulltime League 2 Play-Off Final Game Changers Special Super League Fulltime League 2 Play-Off Final Game Changers Special Soccer A.M. The Best Bits Sky Poker UK Poker Championships
Editor Recommends
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
27 M ay
Tu e s d a y - T V
06:00: 09:15: 10:00: 11:00: 11:30: 12:15: 13:00: 13:30: 13:45: 14:15: 15:00: 15:30: 16:30: 17:15: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:25: 22:35: 23:45: 01:25: 01:30:
Breakfast Fake Britain Homes Under the Hammer Caught Red Handed Call the Council Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Doctors The Link Escape to the Country The Hairy Bikers’ Best of British Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show EastEnders Holby City Happy Valley BBC News at Ten BBC London News Imagine... White Oleander Weatherview BBC News
06:00: Emmerdale 06:25: Coronation Street 06:55: You’ve Been Framed! 07:45: The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 08:30: Dinner Date 09:30: The Real Housewives of Orange County 10:30: Dinner Date Australia 11:30: The Millionaire Matchmaker 12:30: Emmerdale 13:00: Coronation Street 13:30: You’ve Been Framed! 14:00: The Millionaire Matchmaker 14:50: The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:00: Britain’s Got Talent 19:00: You’ve Been Framed! 21:00: The Vampire Diaries 22:00: Britain’s Got More Talent 23:00: Celebrity Juice 23:50: Two and a Half Men 00:40: Britain’s Got More Talent 01:40: The Vampire Diaries
07:05: 07:35: 08:20: 09:05: 10:05: 10:35: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 13:35: 14:20: 15:15: 15:45: 16:15: 17:15: 18:00: 18:30: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:20: 23:50: 00:50: 01:50:
Caught Red Handed Call the Council Countryside 999 Watchdog Real Lives Reunited HARDtalk BBC News BBC World News Jubal The Super League Show The Pallisers Cash in the Attic Big Cat Diary Nature’s Great Events Flog It! Eggheads Celebrity Antiques Road Trip Great British Menu Springwatch Welcome to Rio Later Live... with Jools Holland Newsnight The Culture Show Horizon Ian Hislop’s Olden Days This is BBC Two
06:00: Only When I Laugh 06:35: Heartbeat 07:35: Wild at Heart 08:35: Murder, She Wrote 09:40: Judge Judy 10:05: Judge Judy 10:30: Rosemary and Thyme 11:35: Pie in the Sky 12:40: Heartbeat 13:40: Wild at Heart 14:45: French Open Tennis 2014 20:00: Midsomer Murders 22:00: Trial and Retribution 23:00: Law and Order: UK 00:00: Pie in the Sky Margaret drags Crabbe away for a day at the races with cider-making Bob Bishop, but when a stable lad is murdered Crabbe is on hand to investigate. 01:10: Judge Judy 01:35: Judge Judy
06:00: Good Morning Britain 08:30: Lorraine 09:25: The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30: This Morning 11:25: ITV News 11:30: This Morning 12:30: Loose Women 13:30: ITV News and Weather 14:00: Jo Frost Family Matters 15:00: Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00: Ejector Seat 17:00: The Paul O’Grady Show 18:00: ITV News London 18:30: ITV News and Weather 19:00: Emmerdale 19:30: Britain’s Got Talent 21:00: Coronation Street 21:30: Britain’s Got Talent 22:00: ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:35: The Cube 23:35: Wild Britain with Ray Mears 00:05: Jackpot247
06:00: 06:10: 07:00: 08:00: 08:30: 09:30: 15:00: 19:25: 19:55: 21:00: 22:00:
22:30: 01:00: 02:00:
Movies Now Black Gold Cycling UEFA Champions League Weekly TT 2014 French Open Tennis 2014 Cricket Highway Patrol French Open Tennis 2014 TT 2014 Warren United Billionaires. Comedy animation series about an overweight 37-yearold kitchen salesman who attempts to juggle his two passions in life - football and family. Warren bemoans the number of teams being taken over by international billionaires. U.S. Marshals TT 2014 BRDC Formula 4 Championship
07:35: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 12:05: 13:40: 14:40: 15:30: 16:30: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:05: 00:05: 00:10: 01:05: 01:35:
Countdown According to Jim 3rd Rock from the Sun King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Undercover Boss Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News Come Dine with Me French Collection Countdown Deal or No Deal Draw it! Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Location, Location, Location The Complainers Embarrassing Bodies Coppers Random Acts Pokerstars.Com EPT London KOTV Boxing Weekly Transworld Sport
06:00: Home Shopping 07:10: Red Bull X-Fighters 2013 08:00: Top Gear 09:00: World’s Most Dangerous Roads 10:00: Lizard Lick Towing 11:00: Top Gear 12:00: Have I Got News for You 12:40: QI 13:20: Only Connect 14:00: Motorway Cops 15:00: Top Gear 17:00: Would I Lie to You? 17:40: QI 18:20: Only Connect 19:00: Storage Hunters 20:00: Sin City Motors 21:00: England’s Top 19 Footy Heroes 22:00: 24 Hours to Go Broke 23:00: Mock the Week 23:35: Never Mind the Buzzcocks 00:15: Storage Hunters 01:10: 24 Hours to Go Broke
06:00: 08:10: 08:35: 08:45: 08:55: 09:00: 09:15: 11:10: 12:10: 12:15: 13:15: 13:45: 14:15: 15:15: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00: 00:55: 01:00:
06:00: 07:00: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 11:30: 12:30: 13:30: 14:30: 15:30: 16:00: 17:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:00: 23:30: 00:00: 01:00: 02:00:
Childrens TV Peppa Pig Toby’s Travelling Circus Bananas in Pyjamas Milkshake Monkey Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff Police Interceptors 5 News Lunchtime Cowboy Builders Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Lies Among Friends 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Classic Car Rescue Ben Fogle’s Animal Clinic The Mentalist CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Body of Proof Access Super Casino
Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Boxing Boxing Sporting Greats Boxing Time of Our Lives Boxing Sporting Heroes: Lennox Lewis Sporting Greats Ringside Special Boxing Boxing Ringside Special: Eubanks Ringside Special: Benn Boxing Boxing Rise as One Boxing Boxing Boxing Boxing
20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:00: 23:45: 00:30: 01:00: 02:00:
11:00: 13:20: 15:20: 17:10: 18:55: 20:50: 21:00: 22:50: 01:10:
06:00: 07:00: 08:00: 10:00: 10:30: 11:00: 12:00: 13:30: 14:00: 14:45: 15:00: 17:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:00: 23:30: 00:00: 00:30: 02:00:
Gavin and Stacey Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents Sweat the Small Stuff EastEnders Family Guy American Dad! Sweat the Small Stuff Barely Legal Drivers England’s Worst Ever Football Team
Toys Sink the Bismarck! Honey, I Shrunk the Kids The Belles of St. Trinian’s Leap Year Jimmy’s Hall Interview Special Haywire Alien Mother
Sporting Greats League 2 Play-Off Final Elite League Speedway Speedway Gold Speedway Gold Sporting Heroes Giro D’italia Cycling Sporting Greats Speedway Gold Speedway Gold Elite League Speedway WWE SmackDown! WWE From the Vault Football’s Greatest Football’s Greatest Super League Backchat Super League Grand Final Gold Super League Grand Final Gold Super League Grand Final Gold Super League Backchat Giro D’italia Cycling Sports Unlimited
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Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
We d n e s d ay - T V 06:00: 09:15: 10:00: 11:00: 11:30: 12:15: 13:00: 13:30: 13:45: 14:15: 15:00: 15:30: 16:30: 17:15: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:25: 22:35: 23:05: 23:50: 01:15: 01:20:
Breakfast Fake Britain Homes Under the Hammer Caught Red Handed Call the Council Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Doctors The Link Escape to the Country The Hairy Bikers’ Best of British Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show Watchdog Del Boys and Dealers BBC News at Ten BBC London News A Question of Sport The Guess List It’s a Boy Girl Thing Weatherview BBC News
06:00: Emmerdale 06:25: Coronation Street 06:55: You’ve Been Framed! 07:45: The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 08:30: Dinner Date 09:30: The Real Housewives of Orange County 10:30: Dinner Date Australia 11:30: The Millionaire Matchmaker 12:30: Emmerdale 13:00: Coronation Street 13:30: You’ve Been Framed! 14:00: The Millionaire Matchmaker 14:50: Jeremy Kyle Show 17:00: Britain’s Got Talent 19:00: You’ve Been Framed! 19:30: You’ve Been Framed! 20:00: The Nutty Professor 22:00: Britain’s Got More Talent 23:00: Celebrity Juice 23:50: Two and a Half Men 00:20: Two and a Half Men 00:45: Britain’s Got More Talent 01:45: The Jeremy Kyle Show USA
08:15: 09:00: 10:00: 10:30: 11:00: 12:00: 13:50: 14:20: 15:15: 15:45: 16:15: 17:15: 18:00: 18:30: 19:30: 20:00: 21:10: 22:00: 22:30: 23:20: 00:20: 00:50:
06:00: 07:00: 08:05: 09:05: 09:30: 10:00: 10:25: 11:30: 12:40: 13:40: 14:45: 20:00: 22:00:
23:35: 00:35: 01:45:
Don’t Get Done, Get Dom Amazon’s Retail Revolution: Business Boomers Bang Goes the Theory See Hear BBC News Kismet Raymond Blanc’s Kitchen Secrets The Pallisers Cash in the Attic Big Cat Diary Nature’s Great Events Flog It! Eggheads Celebrity Antiques Road Trip Great British Menu Springwatch Coast Australia Episodes Newsnight Watermen: A Dirty Business See Hear The Story of Women and Art
Heartbeat Wild at Heart Murder, She Wrote Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Rosemary and Thyme Pie in the Sky Heartbeat Wild at Heart French Open Tennis 2014 Lewis Cold Blood DS Granger become involved in an investigation that has a bloody beginning, a series of sinister cat and mouse interviews and a brutally unexpected conclusion. Law and Order: UK Pie in the Sky Judge Judy
2 8 M ay th
06:00: Good Morning Britain 08:30: Lorraine 09:25: The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30: This Morning 11:25: ITV News 11:30: This Morning 12:30: Loose Women 13:30: ITV News and Weather 14:00: Jo Frost Family Matters 15:00: Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00: Ejector Seat 17:00: The Paul O’Grady Show 18:00: ITV News London 18:30: ITV News and Weather 19:00: Emmerdale 19:30: Britain’s Got Talent 21:00: Coronation Street 21:30: Britain’s Got Talent 22:00: ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:35: On Assignment 23:10: Total Recall 01:10: Jackpot247
06:00: 06:05: 06:55: 08:00: 08:30: 09:30: 15:00: 19:25: 19:55: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00:
00:55: 01:55:
World of Sport Black Gold Minder Wildlife Patrol TT 2014 French Open Tennis 2014 Cricket Highway Patrol French Open Tennis 2014 TT 2014 Cycling The Howling TV news reporter Karen White is invited by her psychiatrist to spend some time at his woodland colony. But the excursion only worsens her nervous condition when she notices savaged animal corpses in the surrounding countryside and strange howling noises at night. TT 2014 Minder
06:45: 07:10:
According to Jim 3rd Rock from the Sun King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Undercover Boss Celebrity Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News Celebrity Come Dine with Me French Collection Countdown Deal or No Deal Draw it! Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Supervet 24 Hours in A and E Derek Cardinal Burns Barclaycard Mercury Prize Sessions Random Acts Alan Carr: Chatty Man Julia
06:00: 08:10: 08:35:
06:00: Home Shopping 07:10: Red Bull X-Fighters 2013 08:00: Storage Hunters 09:00: Sin City Motors 10:00: Lizard Lick Towing 11:00: Top Gear 12:00: Would I Lie to You? 12:40: QI 13:20: Only Connect 14:00: Storage Hunters 15:00: Sin City Motors 16:00: Top Gear 17:00: Would I Lie to You? 17:40: QI 18:20: Only Connect 19:00: Traffic Cops 19:30: Traffic Cops 20:00: Lizard Lick Towing 21:00: Have I Got a Bit More News for You 22:00: Room 101 22:40: 24 Hours to Go Broke 23:40: Never Mind the Buzzcocks 00:15: Lizard Lick Towing 01:10: Traffic Cops 01:45: Traffic Cops
07:35: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 12:05: 13:40: 14:40: 15:30: 16:30: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:35: 00:20: 00:25: 01:20:
On Assignment iTV - 22:35 - 23:10
ronted by rageh omaar, ItV news’ award-winning team of specialist journalists contribute in-depth reports from around the world on unique stories, and stories behind the headlines. the following reports will air in the third programme: John irvine – rape – india – a country that has nurtured such strong female icons as Indira Gandhi and Mother Teresa is struggling with the issue of rape. How has this culture of violent sexual abuse of women built up? And what is being done about it? John Irvine
travels to India and talks to victims, families and campaigners about how they are fighting for change. Rohit Kachroo – wine making – South Africa - Since the inauguration of Nelson Mandela, there’s been a generation of change - but in some parts of the country change is coming slowly. Rohit Kachroo talks to one of South Africa’s rare black female winemakers. lucy Watson – China - Newly appointed China Correspondent Lucy Watson joins the On Assignment team to report from Beijing on how the country is grappling with its past.
08:45: 08:55: 09:00: 09:15: 11:10: 12:10: 12:15: 13:15: 13:45: 14:15: 15:15: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:45: 00:50: 01:15:
07:00: 09:00: 10:00: 10:30: 11:30: 12:30: 13:00: 13:30: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 19:30: 22:00: 22:30: 23:00: 23:30: 00:00: 01:00: 02:00:
Childrens TV Peppa Pig Toby’s Travelling Circus Bananas in Pyjamas Milkshake Monkey Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff Police Interceptors 5 News Lunchtime Cowboy Builders Home and Away Neighbours NCIS: Los Angeles Next Stop Murder 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door Marchioness: Party Boat Disaster Minute by Minute NCIS Jack Taylor: The Priest Cricket on 5 True Crimes: The First 72 Hours Super Casino
Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Boxing Carl Froch: Behind the Ropes Boxing Ringside: Sugar Ray Leonard Boxing Sporting Greats Carl Froch: Behind the Ropes Sporting Heroes Boxing Ringside Special Sporting Greats Carl Froch: Behind the Ropes Boxing Football Boxing Sporting Greats Rise as One Boxing Football The Gloves are Off Boxing
19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:45: 23:30: 00:15: 01:15: 01:55:
11:00: 12:55: 14:45: 16:50: 18:55:
21:00: 23:35: 01:40:
06:00: 06:30: 07:00: 07:30: 08:00: 08:30: 09:00: 09:30: 10:00: 10:30: 11:00: 12:00: 13:30: 22:00: 22:30: 23:00: 23:30: 00:00: 01:00: 02:00:
Top Gear Traffic Cops World Cup’s Best Ever Goals, Ever! Orphan Black Family Guy American Dad! World Cup’s Best Ever Goals, Ever! Orphan Black Sweat the Small Stuff
The 3 Worlds of Gulliver Carry on Dick Inkheart Geordie Big Tom Hanks received a best actor Oscar nomination for his role in Penny Marshall’s comedy drama. Fast Five Beginners Running Scare
Sporting Greats Sporting Greats Sporting Greats Sporting Greats Sporting Greats Sporting Greats Super League Backchat Sporting Greats Sporting Greats Sporting Greats Sporting Heroes Giro D’italia Cycling Cricket Ashes Memories Ashes Memories Ashes Memories Total Rugby Cricket Championship Rugby Union Cricket
Editor Recommends
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
Thursday - TV
06:00: 09:15: 10:00: 11:00: 11:30: 12:15: 13:00: 13:30: 13:45: 14:15: 15:00: 15:30: 16:30: 17:15: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:25: 22:35: 23:35: 01:20: 01:25:
Breakfast Fake Britain Homes Under the Hammer Caught Red Handed Call the Council Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Doctors The Link Escape to the Country The Hairy Bikers’ Best of British Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show EastEnders Food Inspectors From There to Here BBC News at Ten BBC London News Question Time The Crossing Guard Holiday Weatherview BBC News
06:00: Emmerdale 06:25: Coronation Street 06:55: You’ve Been Framed! 07:45: The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 08:30: Dinner Date 09:30: The Real Housewives of Orange County 10:30: Dinner Date Australia 11:30: The Millionaire Matchmaker 12:30: Emmerdale 13:00: Coronation Street 13:30: You’ve Been Framed! 14:00: The Millionaire Matchmaker 14:50: The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:00: Britain’s Got Talent 19:00: You’ve Been Framed! 19:30: You’ve Been Framed! 20:00: Wild Target 22:00: Britain’s Got More Talent 23:00: Celebrity Juice 23:50: Viral Tap 00:30: Two and a Half Men 01:25: Britain’s Got More Talent
07:35: 08:20: 09:05: 10:05: 10:35: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 13:50: 14:20: 15:15: 15:45: 16:15: 17:15: 18:00: 18:30: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 21:30: 22:30: 23:20: 00:20:
Call the Council Don’t Get Done, Get Dom Escape to the Continent First Time on the Front Line HARDtalk BBC News BBC World News Hans Christian Andersen Raymond Blanc’s Kitchen Secrets The Pallisers Cash in the Attic Big Cat Diary Nature’s Great Events Flog It! Eggheads Celebrity Antiques Road Trip Great British Menu Springwatch Springwatch Burning Desire: The Seduction of Smoking Newsnight Welcome to Rio Thalidomide -The Fifty Year Fight
06:00: Second Thoughts 06:25: Heartbeat 07:20: Wild at Heart 08:20: Murder, She Wrote 09:20: Judge Judy 09:45: Judge Judy 10:10: Judge Judy 10:40: Rosemary and Thyme 12:10: Pie in the Sky 13:10: Heartbeat 14:10: Wild at Heart 15:10: The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes 16:20: Only When I Laugh 16:55: Barbara 17:25: Man About the House 17:55: Heartbeat 19:00: Murder, She Wrote 20:00: Foyle’s War 22:00: afterlife 23:00: Law and Order: UK 00:05: Pie in the Sky 01:05: Judge Judy 01:30: Judge Judy 01:50: Movies Now 02:00: ITV3 Nightscreen
06:00: 08:30: 09:25: 10:30: 11:25: 11:30: 12:30: 13:30: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 21:00: 21:30: 22:00: 22:35: 00:00:
06:00: 06:05: 06:55: 08:00: 08:30: 09:30: 15:30: 21:00:
22:00: 23:30: 01:20:
2 9 M ay th
According to Jim 3rd Rock from the Sun King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Undercover Boss Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News Come Dine with Me French Collection Countdown Deal or No Deal Draw it! Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Posh Pawn Meet the Police Commissioner My Granny the Escort The Island with Bear Grylls 24 Hours in A and E Embarrassing Bodies Random Acts Man v Weird
00:05: 01:00: 01:55: 02:00:
World of Sport Black Gold Cycling Wildlife Patrol TT 2014 French Open Tennis 2014 French Open Tennis 2014 TT 2014 An in-depth look at the young stars hoping to tame TT’s 37-mile long mountain course this year. Danny Webb, one of the UK’s leading 125cc Grand Prix and Moto 3 contenders, will make his road racing debut at the 2014 Isle of Man TT Races riding for KMR Kawasaki. Joey: The Man Who Conquered the TT The Howling TT 2014
06:00: Home Shopping 07:10: Red Bull X-Fighters 2013 08:00: Top Gear 09:00: Traffic Cops 09:30: Traffic Cops 10:00: Lizard Lick Towing 10:30: Lizard Lick Towing 11:00: Top Gear 12:00: Would I Lie to You? 12:40: QI 13:20: Only Connect 14:00: Traffic Cops 14:30: Traffic Cops 15:00: Top Gear 17:00: Would I Lie to You? 17:40: QI 18:20: Only Connect 19:00: Man v Food 19:30: Man v Food 20:00: Traffic Cops 21:00: QI XL 22:00: Mock the Week 22:40: Russell Howard’s Good News Extra 23:35: Have I Got a Bit More News for You 00:35: Mock the Week 01:10: Traffic Cops
07:35: 08:00: 09:00: 09:30: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 12:05: 13:40: 14:40: 15:30: 16:30: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:05:
06:00: 08:00:
Childrens TV Fifi and the Flowertots 08:15: Peppa Pig 08:25: Peppa Pig 08:35: Toby’s Travelling Circus 08:45: Bananas in Pyjamas 09:00: Tickety Toc 09:15: The Wright Stuff 11:10: Police Interceptors 12:10: 5 News Lunchtime 12:15: Beware! Cowboy Builders 13:15: Home and Away 13:45: Neighbours 14:15: NCIS 15:15: Mystery Woman: Game Time 17:00: 5 News at 5 17:30: Neighbours 18:00: Home and Away 18:30: 5 News Tonight 19:00: Police Interceptors 20:00: The Spy Who Brought Down Mary Queen of Scots 21:00: Trauma Doctors 22:00: The Man Who Ate Himself to Death 23:00: The 16-Year-Old Baby 00:00: Super Casino
06:00: 07:00: 08:00: 10:00: 13:00: 13:30: 14:00: 16:00: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:30: 22:15: 23:15: 00:15:
Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans George Groves: Behind the Ropes Sporting Greats George Groves: Behind the Ropes Sporting Heroes Ringside Special Sporting Greats Sporting Greats George Groves: Behind the Ropes Ringside Rugby League Ringside Ringside Special Super League Highlights
19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:00: 23:45: 00:25: 01:25: 01:50:
Tough Young Teachers Barely Legal Drivers England’s Worst Ever Football Team Jonah From Tonga EastEnders Family Guy American Dad! England’s Worst Ever Football Team Jonah From Tonga Barely Legal Drivers
11:00: 12:50: 14:40: 16:30: 18:40: 21:00: 23:05: 01:10:
From Up on Poppy Hill The Day the Earth Stood Still City of Ember Explorers Mona Lisa Smile Limitless Law Abiding Citizen Benny’s Video
06:00: Sporting Greats 07:00: What’s the Story? 08:00: Football 09:00: What’s the Story? 10:00: Boots ‘n’ All 11:00: Football 12:00: Giro D’italia Cycling 13:30: Sporting Greats 14:00: What’s the Story? 15:00: Boots ‘n’ All 16:00: Super League Grand Final Gold 16:15: Super League Grand Final Gold 16:30: Super League Grand Final Gold 16:45: Super League Grand Final Gold 17:00: WWE Vintage Collection 18:00: T20 Cricket 22:00: World Wrestling Entertainment Late Night Raw 00:00: WWE NXT 01:00: T20 Cricket
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06:45: 07:10:
Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather Jo Frost Family Matters Dickinson’s Real Deal Ejector Seat The Paul O’Grady Show ITV News London ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Britain’s Got Talent Coronation Street Britain’s Got Talent ITV News at Ten and Weather Fearne and... Jackpot247
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LAND LINES from BT 13.95 € monthly
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
Table with Consultancy bar and chess
Bedside table
Dining table + 6 chairs
baby coats with bonnet,
Table have Don't with the an right inside paperwork? bar and Don't nowadays chess speak Spanish? not on market, Don't know the from where 1950 years, to turn? has to Don't be worry! Call 647 restaurated high 05763cm 599 orlength email help@diana-mcglone.com 125cm bride 64cm ...
Selling, Play Station , as new, used once and then stored in original packaging with 4 games. Tenerife south, Adeje...
Nice white bed side table - 2 pieces...
Beautiful, colonial/classic style dining table, for 4 or, extending, for 6 people with 6 chairs. As new!!!!!!!!! With glass top to protect table.Tenerife ...
baby coats with bonnet and boots in peach hand knitted , also have them in white with navy lace pink and cream not the same pattern each out fit 5.00euro w...
922 868 867 496 478
130 € 666 248 656
49 € 671 149 870
30 € 666 248 656
299 €
922 725 059
Pine Headboards
Italian leather trolley
Gents Dress jacket size
2 matching headboards in natural pine for single beds. 100cms wide by 120cms high. Very good condition. Collect from Torviscas Alto area - could deliver ...
BRAND NEW 100% pure italian leather trolley made by "I Santi" in Milano, hand luggage, 50x40x20cm measurements on board approved. Safety lock with key. Sh...
1 x 188cm width. 1 x 160 cm width. Both wind out and down so as lay almost flat. Think the arm can be removed so as they just wind out. Need cleaning. Blac...
Desk (2 Pieces Available) Color: black Material: Plastic 1 drawer 1 door (with shelf) Original price over 100 Euros Location: Palm Mar (Arona) ...
Gents evening /dress jacket, German Manufacture "Schildt" Top quality, worn a couple of times only and as new. If you're an entertainer, it may suit you!! ...
632 258 926
650 256 556
20 €
499 €
55 €
80 € 666 248 656
25 €
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
Electric car for kids
HP Printer 3 in 1
3 in 1 Games Table
Mini Pinchers
Electric car for kids Works perfectly! battery, charging cable Location: Palm Mar (Arona)...
HpP Deskjet 3055A e-all-in one printer. Print scan copy. Spare set of ink cartridges....
3 in 1 Games Table consisting of Pool, Ice Hockey & Table Tennis with all accessories. Table size Approx 80cm high x 62cm wide x 1200cm long. Little use. V...
1 Male 1 Female 6 Days Old Ready In 7 Weeks Pure Pedigree contact me for details ...
Silver mother-of-pearl look necklace & earrings - 15E Silver 'Next' pink pendant (no chain) & earrings - 12E Silver anklet (starfish, fish & seahorse) -...
REF: 3723
646 251 309
654 229 999
922 794 409
30 €
40 €
2 cupboards sittingroom
2 cupboards ,big high 2m,with bar and interior light 500.- little 100.- together 550.- Euro...
5 large 7 smaller, nice pics of flowers in good wooden frames, no marks. 12 euro large 9 euro smaller...
922 868 496
550 €
95 €
Sofa Bed
Tri-pod Telescope
San Eugenio Alto Area - Sofa Bed Colour Red - Material "Needlecord" Excellent Condition Only 80 Euros - Buyer To Collect...
Tri-pod Telescope Great fun for viewing the sky especially at night. This is a great start up telescope for viewing the heavens, and at SUCH a good price...
657 061 961
45 €
80 € 689 008 644
50 €
300 €
2 TB MUSIC / KARAOKE PC THIS IS BABY SHAWL IN LEMON Custom Built.. Perfect for any HAND KNITTED ,ALSO HAVE THIS Bar / Club Connect 3 TV / ONE IN BLUE... Monitors at the same time (FULL HD) Logitech Wireless Keyboard & ...
602504221 399 € 922 725 059 SMALL SPEAKERS woodwork
Ofipapel shelving cabinet. Gey with wooden top. 45cm width, 42cm depth, 113cm height. Very good condition. 50€ ovno. Los Cristianos...
10 €
650 256 556 45 € Cardio Vida Tread Mill
we sell equipment for carpentry and wood work...
Cardio Vida tread mill. In the box, has only been assembled once. Practically new! Foldable, easy to assemble, use and store....
922 724 656
922 791 976
4,580 €
Acrow Props
Table for sale
tv stand
Acrow props for building supports. Various condition. To be sold as a lot or individuals, total of 16. €10 each or €100 for the lot....
Walk-in mobility baths for elderly and disabled people. State of the art fiberglass/iron, made in the UK, 25 years of experience. Call/email for a free quo...
Wood table , 60 x 150 , 5 black seats , ...
Grey tv stand glass shelf, support any tv, good condition...
Usato buen estato...
689 008 644
636 640 329
671 149 870
10 €
Sperry type writer
Sperry remington travel complete with carry case....
632 258 926
15 €
10 €
Ofipapel Cabinet
100 €
120 €
Pistols para clave
15 €
350 €
Heater water Vaillant 20
Coffee cups/plates/sauce
Table for sale
VW Polo coupe 1. fantastic original condition only 55,000 KM itv march 2015...
Heater for warm water with propano or butano for 2-3 appartments by central regualation in Puerto de Santiago. New more than 1000.Euro Transport possib...
Selling, 30 coffee cups, 12 saucers and 6 plates, all brand new and of hotel/catering grade, Superb quality. Tenerife south, Adeje. 1 euro each item or th...
Wood table , 60 x 150 , 5 black seats , ...
922 782 357
922 868 496
1,350 €
300 € 666 248 656
671 149 870
100 €
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
Antique carved frame
Mini Straighteners
Beautiful antique (early 19th century) italian carved wooden frame for a picture, large mirror or even a door or alcove measurements: top 135x27x9cm bottom...
to sell a table 120x80x80cm, white...
Professional mini straighteners. Heats to 200 degrees. Designer series...
Games chip(8gb v1.4.5) for Nintendo Ds/Dsi/Dsixl The chip has the top 40 Nintendo games on it.(or any 40 games of your choice) The chip is set up to play D...
632 258 926
922 791 976
650 256 556
695 808 394
1,100 €
50 €
Brand new in boxes, your own personal weight loss vibration machine. I have 14, will sell individually or make an offer for the lot.
Contact: 603 194 568
COnTACTS French natural, all kinds of positions, kisses, vibrators, Erotic Massage. I am in the centre of Los Cristianos. Available 24 hours I Can Also Come To Meet You...
call: (+34) 650 442 665
Available 24 hrs A Day
I am blonde, affectionate, willing to enjoy to the fullest, without limits
I am in the centre of Los Cristianos.
I am adventurous, very willing to please, I offer Natural French, Positions, Relaxing Massages, and Kisses.
Come and visit me in my private Apartment in the centre of Los Cristianos. Available 24 hrs A Day. I Can Also Come To Meet You...
Call: (+34) 610 359 339
MONICA - COLOMBIANA I am very willing to please, I offer Natural French, Positions, Relaxing Massages and Kisses.
Visit me at my private apartment in the centre of Los Cristianos.
Call: (+34) 628 895 416
Available 24 hrs A Day. I Can Also Come To Meet You... Call: (+34) 660 938 631
Patricia, Venezuelan,
Two Friends
I Can Also Come To Meet You...
Sexy Blonde.
We are open minded Friends. We attend to men, women, couples, trios etc.
I am in the centre of Los Cristianos.
We are in the centre of Los Cristianos.
You will enjoy everything to the maximum with me. You will not regret it.
I Can Also Come To Meet You... call: 610 127 223
Susana Dominicana I am very passionate lover, I offer erotic positions, Natural French and Greek, Relaxing Massages and Kisses. Visit me in the centre of Los Cristianos. Available 24 hrs A Day. I Can Also Come To Meet You...
Call: (+34) 672 970 209
25 €
Local Markets
Personal Vibration Machine
ALEJANDRA - Los cRistiANos sexy, beautiful, colombian.
20 €
Available 24 hrs A Day.
I Can Also Come To Meet You at your hotel or home...
Call: (+34) 626 087 584
CAMILA COL0MBIAN 23 years old. Large Natural Breasts. I am very willing to please, I offer Natural French, Erotic Positions, Relaxing Massages and Kisses.
Visit me in the centre of Los Cristianos.
Available 24 hrs A Day. I Can Also Come To Meet You...
Call: (+34) 634 948 137
9:00 am to 4:00 pm
7:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Los Abrigos
5:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Wednesday Playa San Juan
9:00 am to 2:00 pm
9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Golf del Sur
9:00 am to 2:00 pm
San Isidro
5:00 pm to 9:00 pm
9:00 am to 2:00 pm
El Médano
9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Los Cristianos
9:00 am to 2:00 pm
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Cleaning services to suit your individual needs. Apartments, villas, offices & housekeeping. Our specialist organisation can give you peace of mind that your property is well maintained and cleaned to the high standard you expect.
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
AiR COnDiTiOning & ElECTRiCAl
AIR CONDITIONING & ELECTRICAL Established in Tenerife since 1991 Parque de la Reina. El Cho. Arona 38620
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Colin Peel - Tiling Specialist For All Your Tiling Needs Bathrooms, Kitchens, Floors etc. All Building Works And Refurbisments Undertaken Free No Obligation Quotations
Tel: 679 736 409
WELDER Tony Rippon WAShing MAChinE REPAiRS
All Makes & Models
Contact Tony on: 609 69 19 37
Fully Legal Based in Tenerife for 25 years
Security Grills, Bar Fittings, Ornamental Gates
Reconditioned machines for sale and all parts available
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All Fabrication Work Undertaken
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Helping Hands Holistic Swedish Massage
Helping Hands offers professional Swedish Massage and other treatments in Los Cristianos. Perfect for sore muscles and stressed heads!
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CARS - RENT TO BUY Long Term Rental From Just € 230 per month Insurance and maintenance Included No Finance Necessary TEL: 922 738 410
simple well targeted advertising really works!
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
tw sPorts FiX By stooie “shabba” greenhalgh
hi guys, well hopefully you enjoyed my first sports contribution for the Tenerife Weekly, i did notice that the editor will only call me ‘ShAbbA’ so i am reverting to my facebook name… ‘let the Reader’s Read the ShAbbA!!! Well for me it has been a very entertaining weekend of sport both locally and abroad, la liga has new champions, CD Tenerife’s slump yet again, and the Tercera playoffs see Tenerife b and Mensajero are the only sides to show progress…… plus the Spanish Celebration that has gone global on youTube….and the cheeky chappie that has some serious ShAbbA…… enjoy!!
Magnificent atlÉtico claiM league title at the caMP nou
Iego sImeone’s men overcame injury blows to diego Costa and arda as diego godín’s header gave the visitors the point they needed to seal a tenth league triumph
barça 1:1 Atlético Jinxed, People were already saying it. Their two best players injured in the first 20 minutes. An incredible goal from Alexis Villa hit the post. Everything was against them. Bad luck, tears from Diego Costa and Arda, missed chances, because Atleti are like this. And yes, Atleti are like this. And Atleti are Champions. And they are because when it seemed as if there was no hope, when the easy option was to give up and fall back on excuses, an exceptional side, full of exemplary footballers, got up and fought back with amazing courage. Courage and football. Cracking football in fact during quarter of an hour that led to Godín’s header – which is already legendary. A goal that gives Atleti their tenth league, a goal that did justice to a season. The match had more twists and turns than a Hitchcock film. It started with Barça without Xavi and Atleti with Villa in a magnificent Camp Nou, with a breath-taking atmosphere. The home fans believed in the League, but it wasn’t clear their side did. The visitors, kitted out in a yellow that would have had Luis, always present, gnashing his teeth, came out with their usual composure in the big matches this season. Pressing in the opposition’s half, countering quickly and giving the impression that in terms of desire there’s nobody close. Diego Costa got to the Barça bye-line in the first minute and a half and just after Tiago and Juanfran came together in the best move that did for Chelsea: pass from the Portuguese to someone arriving on the run whose first touch takes them on behind the defence. Piqué, just, stopped them. And just when Barça were looking at their most wobbly, lady luck took pity on them. Twice. On a dangerous break Diego Costa’s muscle strain flared up again and he came off in floods of tears after only 14 minutes. Before Atleti had got over the shock, in the 21st minute, Cesc battered into Arda off the ball and the Turk never recovered. He tried to continue but couldn’t, and another substitution, amidst more tears. What more could go
wrong? Well, Barça, who had hardly troubled Courtois beyond a tame Pedro header from Alves, stumbled on an unexpected and undeserved goal. Goal? No, this was a golazo (super goal). Good control on the chest from Messi suddenly turned into an assist when Alexis (always unpredictable) came up with a powerful, marvelous strike into the top corner. Courtois didn’t even see it go past him. The lead provisionally gave Barça the title, but not the tranquility to dominate the game. Without Xavi, with Iniesta and Cesc dispersed all over the midfield, Pedro off the pace and Messi lost in his own world they never put their foot on a game that was crying out for touch and control. After five minutes of being tempted to give it all up and just surrender Atleti returned to their essence. Sometimes they play better, sometimes worse, but they never give up. Never!!!! Without their two main men up front, they needed new heroes. Koke, Filipe and Tiago stepped up to the challenge. Everyone around them grew in statute: Gabi, Villa, and Raúl García… If it was going to be a disaster, then they would still go down fighting, oh what a splendid disaster it would be. The first half finished with Atleti camped in Pinto’s box, which by the way, may not be an outstanding keeper, but is entertaining as anything. From a run of corners Alves just stepped in to prevent Raúl Garcia scoring, Koke mishit a left footer in front of goal and it became clear that Barça still have nightmares from dead ball situations. Classic. The half-time break was Simeone’s moment, the creator of this miracle-team. With everything against them he must have given Luis Aragones a style talk. Emotional, Intelligent, Sporting… Able to bring the dead to life? Someday we’ll find out exactly what he said, but the result was incredible. A dignified, but wounded Atleti went into the dressing room. A sensational Atleti came back out, and pummeled Barça for quarter of an hour that was worth the league title. Just after coming out, with a tough shot on the turn, Villa, with the instinct that made him one of the greats, hit the post. He’s not been lucky in this final stage of the championship (this post, the one against Málaga), but his work-rate was incredible. Spain’s best ever striker, the only player in this Atleti side who’s won everything, running and running like a trainee, until he couldn’t run anymore. An example to us all.
In the 48th minute Villa, (el Guaje), got through on Pinto, but Adriano prevented the equalizer. Corner. Gabi came up to take it, without knowing he was sending the ball into history. He sent it to the designated spot, where Tiago and Miranda formed a wall that trapped the Barça defenders. And behind them rose, imposing, Godín, to head home. It’s poetic justice that this Atleti, who have made the unity of the team their calling card, owe their two titles to their anonymous pillars, the fabulous central defenders: Mirando (the Copa) and Godín (the liga). There were 40 minutes left. An age. But Barcelona didn’t produce the reaction their rivals had. They tried, of course, but we saw only a shadow of the giant. Everything comes to an end, and if this is the end of a glorious era, the best we’ve ever seen, it only remains to applaud. But that can wait until tomorrow. Today, when it mattered, the team weren’t up to it. Firstly, Messi, with his new, huge, contract renewal, was hardly inspiring. But he still could have been a hero, had referee Mateu not chalked his goal off in the 64th minute, for a dubious offside. But it’s not an excuse. If one side controlled the final stages it was Atleti, with a majestic Koke to the fore. The home side’s possession only gave them one clear chance: a shot from Alves that gave Courtois a chance to shine. The rest was all very messy and every time it broke down Atleti were straight onto the counter. Going on my recent, personal experience, the last 10 minutes were longer than 40 hours of child-birth, but it was already written: this was Atleti’s league. It’s been 18 years, but it was marvelous. Head to head with the two Spanish giants, 90 points. You know the words to the Atleti anthem: “playing, winning, you fight like the best; because the fans roar with a passion when, together, we become champions”. And there we were, roaring. Happy today, Lisbon awaits. Thank you Atleti. Wonderful Atleti. (source as.es)
ThE ATlÉTiCO fAnS, which had been waiting for a league title to celebrate since 1996, got the party started early today after their
side clinched the championship last night at the Camp Nou, drawing 1-1 with Barcelona. Although the open-topped bus wasn’t due to leave the Calderón until around 8pm, the area around the ground was thronged with thousands of fans several hours before. In fact the police had to open a passageway so that the players could get their cars through to the ground. As they drove through they were met with wave after wave of applause and cheers. The bus arrived at the famous old Neptune Fountain, where Atleti traditionally celebrate their titles, around 8.45pm in the midst of an almighty ovation that nearly drowned out the Atleti hymn played over the loudspeakers. The fans though soon took up the song, which they carried on ‘a capella’ while the players circled the square where the fountain is located in their bus. “Olé, Olé, Olé, Cholo Simeone” and chants in honour of Luis Aragonés rang out, along with the classic “Campeones, campeones”. There wasn’t room in the square for a single fan more, and the name of each player was called over the sound system when they went up on the walkway. Some had their children with them, such as David Villa, Juanfran, Diego and Gabi. And after Gabi and Simeone had spoken, the legendary Queen song, ‘We are the Champions’ was heard in Neptune once again. Atlético face Real Madrid in The Champions League Final on Saturday 25th May, it is live on ITV at 7pm…. And it will be a corker.
rsene Wenger looked both delighted and exhausted. As he went up with his team to collect the FA Cup from the royal box, his tie and jacket had both gone. He was smiling, but he looked drained. As the club captain Thomas Vermaelen lifted the trophy, the lid fell off and Wenger, neat as ever, picked it up and handed it to Mikel Arteta. Significantly, Vermaelen then gave the cup to Wenger. Protocol usually dictates it passes down the line of players, but there was recognition that this was the manager’s triumph more than anybody else’s.
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
He reiterated his intention to sign a new contract and, although that has been the message from the Emirates for the past few weeks, it seemed to mean more with the season over. There had been speculation that he would resign if Arsenal lost, and just as much speculation he might see breaking the drought as the ideal time to retire. At 64, though, he looks set to go again. “Look, that normally should happen, yes,” Wenger said. “We are in very normal circumstances now. It was never a question of leaving; it was a question of doing the right job
for this squad.” In itself, of course, this is just the FA Cup, something Arsenal used to win every other season -- four times between 1998 and 2005. But perhaps the fact Arsenal had to dig so deep, the fact that it faced *another * failure in the face and overcame it will toughen the side. As Brian Clough said of his time at Nottingham Forest, the most important trophy his side won was the now largely forgotten Anglo-Scottish Cup: “it gave them a taste for champagne.” But the future is the future and this is a success that should be acknowledged in its own right. That’s partly because it’s been so long since Arsenal won anything, and partly because it was won in such dramatic circumstances. “It’s a relief and happiness because we were under severe pressure to win today and we didn’t start well, for maybe Hull started strong and you could see we were hesitant,” said Wenger. “We responded well and in the end it finished well so it is a big minute of happiness and we
Ready to make history
ouis van Gaal says he’s ready to make history as he gets set to lead Manchester United comeback!
The Dutchman has signed a three-year deal and also spoke of his pride at joining “the biggest club in the world” Louis van Gaal has finally been confirmed as the man entrusted with the task of rousing Manchester United from their worst season for a quarter of a century. And the Dutch boss last night (Monday) said: “Together, I’m sure we will make history.” Van Gaal is the man United have turned to following the 10-month debacle of the David Moyes tenure and he will begin work as soon as Holland’s World Cup campaign has come to an end. “It was always a wish for me to work in the Premier League,” said the former Ajax and Barcelona boss. “To work as a manager for Manchester United, the biggest club in the world, makes me very proud. “I have managed in games at Old Trafford before and know what an incredible arena Old Trafford is and how passionate and knowledgeable the fans are. “This club has big ambitions. I too have big ambitions. Together I’m sure we will make history.” Of course, van Gaal has been working
discreetly behind the scenes with United ahead of the official announcement of his appointment, informing the Old Trafford hierarchy of who wants and doesn’t want when he takes over on July 14. That date will see van Gaal take his first United training session, when those players who were not involved in the World Cup report back for preseason, with the squad jetting off to Los Angeles five days later for the start of the club’s three-week tour of the US. With no European football following United’s calamitous seventh-placed finish, their worst in Premier League history, van Gaal’s immediate task will be to restore the 20-times champions’ domestic
standing before re-asserting their status on the European stage. Yet turning United into challengers for a top-four place, let alone title contenders, will come at a price, with van Gaal poised to oversee a £150million spend this summer on rebuilding the squad, with the teams at the top of the Premier League certain to strengthen, making it more imperative the deposed champions invest heavily on reinforcements. Southampton’s Luke Shaw is set to join United in a deal worth up to £30m, while Borussia Dortmund’s Mats Hummels and Bayern Munich’s Toni Kroos are also high on van Gaal and United’s wishlist. The first job the 62-year-old Dutchman undertook was to appoint United legend Ryan Giggs as his assistant, recognizing the need for continuity and the invaluable help the 40-year-old can offer him on his arrival at Old Trafford. Van Gaal recognized the need to maintain a link to the dressing-room and knowledge of the young players coming through Gigg’s will provide him with a unique insight into the workings of United, as well as the ranks.
waited a long time for that. The happiness is linked sometimes with the suffering and the time you have to wait.” Arsenal has developed an unfortunate habit this season of conceding early goals -something Chelsea, Liverpool and Everton have all exploited. Wenger has spoken often of his players’ “nervousness,” something to which the trophy drought, discussed endlessly by all parties in the build-up to the final, can only have contributed. Still, however anxious they were, it’s hard to understand how they could be so sloppy in the opening quarter of the game. Every time Hull put the ball in the box, it looked like creating a chance. It took its first. After four minutes, James Chester -- perhaps not intentionally - diverted Tom Huddlestone’s volley into the bottom corner after a corner had been pulled back to the edge of the box. Four minutes later, Hull took its second opportunity. Lukasz Fabianski saved Alex Bruce’s initial header form Alex Quinn’s cross, but Curtis Davies was on hand to slam the loose ball into an empty net. With Arsenal reeling, only a header off the line from Kieran Gibbs prevented Bruce adding a third. But then came what turned out to be the decisive moment, Santi Cazorla shipping in a super freekick off the underside of the bar. If Hull had held out even 15 minutes longer, the pressure might have become intolerable for Arsenal. As it was, although Hull was able to frustrate Arsenal for a while, there was always a sense that
Arsenal would, eventually, get back into the game. Strangely it was with the introduction of the muchderided Yaya Sanogo that Arsenal found new impetus. Sanogo had seemingly tempted fate by mocking Jose Mourinho with a prematch Tweet, asking “how much trophy” the Chelsea manager had won this season (although the Tweet came from his account, he denied sending it) but he ended up being a decisive presence. It was his dart across the near post that led to the corner from which Laurent Koscielny forced in the equalizer with 19 minutes meaning. And then, after a string of chances, it was Sanogo’s dart into the box that presented the ball to Olivier Giroud, who backheeled it to Aaron Ramsey. The Wales midfielder jabbed the ball in at the near post and the game was won. The thought inevitably sprang up: what if he’d been fit all season? After all, extrapolating points won when Ramsey played over games when he did not, if had been ever present; Arsenal would have got 87 points -- enough to take the title by a point from Manchester City. Other teams, of course, have also missed key players, but the statistic does highlight how important Ramsey was for Arsenal this season, and how investment is needed this summer. But that is for the future. For now, there’s celebration and relief for the Gooners… as for my mate Sue Cass…. Hull City Tiger’s ‘They’re Grrrr………!!!!
The Lad’s got ‘SHABBA’!!! Young MLB fan catches foul ball and bamboozles pretty girl with amazing switcheroo
This young baseball fan is quite the Lothario. When catching a foul ball he seems to selflessly hand it over to a pretty fan putting him firmly in her good books. But the ‘slow-mo’ replay uncovers a very cheeky
deception. While he does catch the ball in his catcher’s mitt, he actually gives the girl another ball has in his other hand. The girl is completely unawares and seems to love the gesture. Well played young man!
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
old golfer
by Stu greenhalgh EnglAnD u17S were crowned as champions of Europe on Wednesday night as they beat holland on penalties after a 1-1 draw in 80 minutes. John Peacock’s side were fully deserved winners on the night, after taking
t the sPanIsh oPen, miguel angel Jimenez has extended his own record as the oldest winner in european tour history. the 50-year-old spaniard was in contention to become the oldest major champion in history before finishing fourth in the masters last month, and seven days later won on his Champions tour debut. After an attritional final round at PGA Catalunya Jimenez, Richard Green and Thomas
Pieters had finished tied on four under par, the players returned to the 18th for the first hole of sudden death and all three failed to find the fairway or green in regulation, but Jimenez almost holed his chip from the back of the green for a birdie and a par proved good enough. Jimenez has now won 21 times on the European Tour, 14 of the victories coming since he turned 40, and claiming his national open for the first time, continues a remarkable season.
railing collapse injures 68
the lead through Chelsea striker Dom Solanke before being pegged back by a Dutch equaliser just before the break. but they couldn’t find a winner in the second half and had to settle for a 4-1 win on penalties.
tercera diViSion Playoff’S by Stu greenhalgh
tough away day last sunday for Cd marino, who according to ss sanse’s website ‘are an inferior team and need to find a new hobby in Los Cristanos’ cheeky sods!!!.... CD Marino do make life hard for themselves on the road, but to lose 1-0 away in Madrid to a team that normally has spent the previous two seasons in Segunda B. Sunday’s game is at the earlier time of 11:00 as there is an Athletics Meet in the stadium later in the day. (PICTURE 9) Atletico Granadilla’s away day to Majorca B, wasn’t all Sun, Sea and Sangria either,
unless they can overturn a three nil deficit which might be a bit too much, the kickoff is at 16:00. CD Tenerife B will head over Galicia on Sunday with a tasty 3-1 lead when the face CCD Cerceda, and as long as they keep to the script they should be booking themselves into the next round of playoffs. M e n s a j e r o brought home a 2-0 lead from the Santander region of Northern Spain when they faced Deportivo Rayo Cantabria… and with one of the meanest defenses in the whole of the Tercera Division groups, they
are more thank likely to be in the hat on Monday for the next round.
Spain Still on top for World cup
w A RAiling AT OSASunA’S packed Sadar Stadium collapsed as fans celebrated a goal during a Spanish league match last Sunday. Oriol Riera scored in the 12th minute against Real betis. Celebrating fans were leaning and sitting on the metal barrier when it gave way leaving more than 60 spectators injured as they tumbled forward.The match was delayed for 35 minutes be-
fore play restarted. The club said that 68 people were hurt including one man who broke his leg. Several people were attended to on the field by medical staff, with at least two taken away on stretchers Osasuna was relegated to the second division despite winning the match 2-1 on the season’s last day.
Ith Just weeks to go before the whole world starts to revolve around Brazil’s time zone, spain remains the top team in the latest football rankings released by FIFa before the 2014 world Cup begins in Brazil. Making the biggest jump of the major teams, World Cup host brazil moved up two spots to fourth as Colombia and uruguay each slipped a place to fifth and sixth respectively.
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
riP Sir Jack yohan BlaKe: faSteSt
JacKo fan aliVe
Ir JaCk Brabham, the threetime Formula 1 world champion sir Jack Brabham, has died aged 88 after a long battle with liver disease. The Australian driving legend, who famously won in a car he built himself, won the championship in 1959, 1960 and 1966. His son, David, confirmed that he had died at his home on Australia’s Gold Coast and said: “He lived an incredible life, achieving more than anyone would ever dream of, he will continue to live on through the astounding legacy he leaves behind.” Brabham, who was knighted in 1979 for services to motor sport, began racing in Australia in 1948 after serving in the Royal Australian
Air Force as a mechanic, he came to the UK and made his Grand Prix debut in 1955, he raced on into his 40s, recording his last of his 14 F1 victories at the age of 43 in the 1970 South African Grand Prix. His world championship win in 1966 was achieved in a car of his own construction, the rear-engined BT19. He remains the only man in history to have designed, built and driven a championship-winning car. He is also the only man to take a Formula One world title on foot, in 1959, in the United States at Sebring, Brabham ran out of fuel 500 yards from the finishing line, so he pushed his Cooper-Climax over the line Brabham is survived by his wife, Lady Margaret, and sons Geoff, Gary and David and their families.
e may haVe been pipped to the post by usain Bolt as the fastest man alive, but the second fastest, yohan Blake, must be the fastest michael Jackson fan, the Jamaican sprinter listens to the king of pop almost constantly
Jacko has had such an influence on the runner who aspires to become the king of the track, and like his musical idol, he wants to make a change, to help those less fortunate than himself; to give them a chance, to give them hope. He is so dedicated to his idol he cried upon hearing news of his death in 2009 and stopped training for a week. When asked about his admiration for
cordoba leapfrog cd tenerife by Stu greenhalgh
ordoba managed to surprise Cd tenerife on home soil and to add insult to injury now take tenerife’s seventh place in the playoff positions to the detriment of the ‘Blanquiazuls’ who continue their slump and have now lost four on the bounce.
The goal came after seventeen minutes with Silva Lopez finishing after who sneaked the ball over keeper Roberto. Aridane after twenty minutes missed a great chance to level things up, his shot hit the left side of the post. The Andalusians were comfortable with the lead but the home side continued to press before the break.
Ayoze Perez had a decent effort in the closing stages of the first half but the score at the break was 0-1 . The second half and it was ‘wonder-kid’ Ayoze again whose effort saw the ball crash against the post, which was the clearest chance to get Tenerife back in the game, but it was not to be. Another three points that have escaped Álvaro Cervera and his squad, which now totals four consecutive defeats.
Jackson he said: “I can moonwalk, of course, I can do a bit of that lean in Smooth Criminal. And I listen to all his songs. Mostly Thriller, Man in the Mirror, Dirty Diana,I love all of them. He showed how people suffer and if you can start with the man in the mirror you can make a change. He taught me a lot, just by watching his videos, watching him travel around the word. I’ve learnt a lot from Michael Jackson. It’s not just the music, he helped a lot of people and that’s what I want to do.” Blake, now 24, became the youngest 100m world champion in history 3 years ago, and then came 2nd to his friend Usain Bolt who nicknamed Blake ‘The Beast’ because of his relentlessness at the 2012
Olympics in London in both the 100m and 200m. Later that month he went on to equal the second fastest 100m in history, 0.11 second slower than Bolt’s 9.58 world record. He gives 5% of his earnings to charity and funds a boys’ home in Jamaica, providing education and psychological support to abused and under-privileged children. “I believe in time,” he says. “That everybody has their time. Usain Bolt is having his time. We train together and I respect him a lot. I’ll just wait until I have my time. “I don’t set goals, I have dreams. I’m still dreaming and when the time arrives, it arrives. Maybe this year, maybe next year, you will never know. I’m a man of surprises. I like surprises.”
‘look no hands’
Spanish cyclist celebrates race win... with one lap still remaining!
ith one lap to go it was eloy teruel who had the lead...but unfortunately for him, he thought he’d already won.
With three games to go it could still mathematically happen that CDT could reach the playoffs places but, In a season which CDT were simply trying to avoid relegation, they have done pretty well amazing in a League with experienced teams who simply know how to survive.
A Spanish cyclist was left to look foolish after prematurely celebrating a stage win during the Tour of California. Eloy Teruel reckoned he was about to take an unlikely victory in Saturday’s seventh stage when he raised his hands in triumph. However, unfortunately for the Murcia native, there was still a lap to
go, leaving him horrified. His decision to celebrate prematurely turned around to bite the 31-yearold, who ended the race in the much more insignificant finishing position of 56th. Not the first time that ‘look no hands’ will have negative results. Remember that kids.
Tenerife Weekly - 23rd May 2014 - 29th May 2014
open daily 9am ‘til midnight
QuicK croSSWord
1. Back problem, slipped ... 7. Take on (staff) 10. Mixture 11. Incursion 12. Castrate (horse) 13. Morays or congers 15. Fight for air
DOWn 1. Grubby 2. Physics or chemistry 3. Cipher 4. Wanes 5. Lead-in 6. Male red deer 7. Pigs
Av Rafael Puig 7, Playa De las Americas Arona ( in front Of hotel Tenerife Sol)
17. Yearning 18. Feather wrap 20. Coal by-product 21. Young fox 23. Chum 25. Youth 26. Wild 28. Body fluid lump 30. Water bead
31. Hurry 32. Manage 34. Kept us going, ... us over 35. Edgy, ill at ... 37. Golden ball 39. Make sense, ... up 40. By that route 41. Fun-loving
43. Compete (with) 45. Crack (of lips) 48. In this place 50. Repeat 51. Sins 52. Parliamentary seats 53. On-field line-up 54. Distribute playing cards
8. Clumsily 9. Northern sea duck 14. Feminist movement, women’s ... 16. Rock band’s sound booster 18. Tooting (horn) 19. Military school
22. Beneath 24. Was painful 25. Facial twitch 26. Healthy 27. Boy 29. Definite article 33. Simmered (of eggs) 36. Negative (criticism)
38. Support garment 39. Yes 40. Vistas 42. Steel or brass 44. Painting stand 46. Cavity 47. Fill suitcase 48. ... over heels in love 49. Riverside plant
Answers to the QUICK CROSSWORD are on page 2