Tenerife weekly issue 125

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Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014


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Issue 125

Miller Rental S.L C.I.F: B 38709366 Deposito Legal: TFE 447/2012

Editor Marc Craig editor@tenerife-weekly.com Production Colm McCarroll design@tenerife-weekly.com


The opinion of the owner or staff of Tenerife Weekly is not necessarily mirrored in the opinions or assertions made by any of our contributors. The material contained within Tenerife Weekly may not to be reproduced unless permission has been received from the Owner. Disclaimer

CONTRIBUTORS John Sharples Sir Old Golfer Steve Andrews Barry Pugh Diane McGlone Colin Kirby English Time

While Tenerife Weekly makes every realistic effort to inspect the contents of all of our advertising, it cannot be held responsible for any assertions or declarations they may make.

Janet Anscombe


Meryl Kew

(Red Queen Musings)

lagomera1.blogspot Adeje Blog


While we strive to bring you a quality newspaper Tenerife Weekly cannot be held responsible for the print quality of this publication. The responsibility for print quality lies directly with our printers (TF Print, S.A.). Please be aware that by advertising in Tenerife Weekly you are agreeing to this disclaimer.

PUB QUIZ (Page 34)

1. The USA 2. The Cardinal spider 3. Orchids 4. Douglas Adams 5. Alan Rickman 6. Peter Sellers 7. Decca 8. Albatross 9. Two 10. John Thaw & Kevin Whately 11. 1801 12. Metaphysics

SUDOKU Easy (Page 24)

Owner & Publisher - Christopher Miller

1. Wheels 2. Letters 3. Types of dogs 4. They are laid 5. They have stories 6. Names of soap brands 7. Prizes 8. Fights 9. Jackets 10. Days 11. Things you raise 12. Sticks 13. Chairs 14. Dogs 15. Purples

SUDOKU Challenging (Page 24)



Solutions to this week’s puzzles





Football fever is here!! So the World cup is well under way and the reigning champions are already home after a truly disastrous couple of games. However, in an ironic and almost poetic way, as one day’s sun set with the end of Spain’s reign as the champions of football, another day dawned with the beginning of the reign of their new King, Felipe Vi. in our national pages we take a look at Spain’s fashionable new Queen as well as coverage of both the abdication


PaiN’s Era came to an end at the maracanã, graveyard of great expectations. this was not 1950 and iker casillas is not moacir barbosa, nor is charles aránguiz acides ghiggia, but it was historic. the world and double European champions became the first team to leave the 2014 world cup, knocked out of a major tournament for the first time in eight years. As the second half slipped away, so did Spain’s vital signs. Casillas, the captain who lifted the trophy four years ago, wore a haunted look. Diego Costa, the man Spain had ‘signed’, had departed to insults, unable to score. And Xavi, the ideologue of a philosophy this team espoused, never even took to the field. There was symbolism in his absence. He will probably not be back; Casillas may not be either. Between them they have 289 caps and every medal there is. There was a certain sadness in seeing a golden generation end it this way, broken and beaten, but there was joy in being caught up in the dynamism of a Chile team that may yet make an even greater impact on this tournament. There was joy in their fans too. The Maracanã was packed with Chileans – there were even more here than there should have been after some had burst into the stadium via the media centre – and Chile’s players attacked the way their fans had: by stampede. The tone had been set from the start:

Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014 and coronation ceremonies. Plenty to report down here at Vivo Decades as usual, the wonderful Meryl Kew has given us a great review, on page 5, thank you Meryl, i know you aren’t one to praise something unless you mean it so your words gave us a real boost in spirits! We are also delighted to welcome Sam Saxo to the team, interview on page 4! i’d also, as editor like to thank our still quite new sports correspondent, Shabba, what an amazing job he is doing, we are very proud to have

Sent by liam Walsh, one of several professional boxers who regularly come over to Tenerife and have been eating specially prepared meals from our chef, Davied Jones to optimise training (ed). Dear Tenerife Weekly

Just wanted to say a massive thank you to all the staff at Vivo, especially Davied the chef for helping out with our food. We are hoping to come back to Tenerife in the near future for training camps as this

will now be possible with Davied’s knowledge on our diet and his excellent culinary skills, we would strongly recommend him to anyone with specialty needs and requirements such as ourselves. We’ve been coming to tenerife for over 10 years now, and Vivo is always one of our first points of call due to the great atmosphere and hospitality, with us also having small children they always accommodate for us and make us welcome. Thank you Walsh brothers

you with us!! check out his extensive coverage of Brazil 2014 starting from page 50!! Finally i’d like to use this space as entertainments Manager at Vivo, to congratulate everyone involved in the new Decades show, we have all worked incredibly hard to make it happen, and i personally am very, very proud of us all! onwards and upwards!!! See you next week!

Marc Craig

enD of An erA

there were two chances inside the first 80 seconds and they were good ones, too, for Eduardo Vargas and Gonzalo Jara. Spain had anticipated this: they had suffered often against Chile, even if they had not yet been beaten by them, and had talked about the importance of overcoming the first wave of Chilean pressure, in terms both of position on the pitch and minute on the clock. Momentarily it appeared that Spain had succeeded but then, on 20 minutes, they were sliced open as if by the sword of Zorro. Alexis Sánchez, Arturo Vidal and Aránguiz combined on the right, sprinting forward, Aránguiz cleverly cut the ball towards Vargas, who took one touch, to take him away from the scrambling Casillas, and scored. It was a brilliant goal and one that defined Chile: fast, aggressive, incisive and collective – and extremely skilful too. Spain looked lost, slow to the ball, imprecise in their passing. Andrés Iniesta kept his head but all around him team-mates were losing theirs; fouls were committed not so much out of resistance as impotence. Costa hit the side netting but there was little else. Chile would not rest; they could smell blood and they raced around still, seemingly stuck on fast forward. But Jorge Sampaoli’s players are not just intense; they are intelligent too. Every time Chile ran at Spain, space opened up; every time Spain approached Chile – it

by Stooie “Shabba” Greenhalgh


does not seem right to say ‘ran’ – space was swiftly closed. Chile made it 2-0 and to all intents ended the contest just before halftime. Sánchez was fouled by Xabi Alonso and took the free-kick himself. The ball swung towards Casillas, who chose to punch. If the idea was questionable, the execution was awful. The ball fell straight to Aránguiz, who controlled well and toe-poked it into the net. The abyss opened before Spain and before their captain in particular. Andrés Iniesta found Costa near the penalty spot early in the second half but his shot was closed down and then Jordi Alba shot wide from distance. Sergio Ramos curled a simple free-kick that Claudio Bravo, like Casillas before him, chose to punch. He got away with it but only just. As the ball went back into the area, Costa’s overhead kick across the face of goal found Sergio Busquets but, stretching, he steered the ball wide from four yards. Any hope Spain entertained of staging a come-

back deserted them there. Santi Cazorla, on as a sub, curled wide and Iniesta’s shot was pushed over by Bravo, who then saved a Cazorla free-kick. But Spain knew this was a lost cause, only awaiting the final whistle, and the best opportunity of a second half that was played out to backdrop of Chileans celebrating was actually at the other end, where Sánchez put his close-range effort over the bar. At half-time Spain’s coach, Vicente del Bosque, had replaced Alonso with Koke, His surname? Means ‘Resurrección’. Sadly for Spain there would be none.


Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014



news On THe rOCK

A DRiVeR WAS SeRioUSlY injured in a collision between two cars around 8.30 on Monday morning morning near Callao Salvaje on the TF47 Adeje to Los Gigantes road. Bomberos were required at the scene to cut him free, and he was then taken to Candelaria hospital with multiple injuries where he remains in serious condition. A second person, said to be 36 years old, received chest injuries in the crash and was taken to Hospitén Sur, where his condition is said not to be serious. one oF THe MoST ToXic species of jellyfish, the so-called mauve stinger or Pelagia is here in Tenerife!!! I spotted around 50 in the water next close to shore while freediving. A local Canarian man next us got stung Lynn ( Supernanny Lynn) administered first aid. PLEASE BE CAREFUL!!!!!! A 65-YeAR-olD lorry driver was killed just after 5am on Sunday morning on the TF1 near Arico after stopping to help the occupants of a car which had been involved in a collision with his vehicle. Emergency services were called out first with reports of the collision, and then shortly afterwards with reports that the driver had got down from the cab of his lorry and had been run over while trying to assist with the car, which had ended up in the central reservation. Paramedics found the man already dead from severe injuries and could do nothing but confirm his death at the scene. A 56-year-old woman who was in the cab with him suffered a panic attack for which she was taken to Arico Health Centre. ARonA MAYoR FRAnciSco Niño has announced that the council is continuing to work towards getting the Los Cristianos market back into its original location, within current legislative norms, but that for the moment, after three weeks closed, the market will open in Avenida Londres. This is the dual carriageway from the El Mirador complex down to the sea past Victoria Court. The permission signed by the mayor is at present only for last Sunday, but seemingly if all goes well, stallholders will be able to set up in the same area until the original plot is legally ready for their return. Some of them were withholding judgment on how Sunday would turn out, and hoped the policía local will not be “difficult”. There were angry protests outside Arona town hall and clearly the pressure has worked for the moment. THiS YeAR’S coRPUS cHRiSTi carpets in La Orotava are on 26 June, and Adeje’s are on 21 and 22 June. As always, San Miguel too will have a display, and like Adeje, this year’s will take place on 22 June. UnDeR THe neW lAW that will be coming out in the near future which prohibits “insulting politicians”, Spain had better get some big cells in its police stations because if this sort of thing continues there’ll be more locked up than free! H...IJO DE PUTA ... literally “bastard” because it means son of a whore ... that’s what the crowd was shouting beyond the 50m police cordon that was necessary when Indistria minister Soría visited his home town in Gran Canaria to give the opening address for a fiesta …It’s solstice weekend, and if the Güímar Pyramids celebration isn’t to your liking, then perhaps a visit to the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias will be. The IAC is holding an open day at the observatory this Friday and Saturday, 20 and 21 June. For more information, see the official website. Alternatively, one could go even higher for the solstice, and take advantage of the Teleférico’s offer to see the midsummer sunset on the 21st from the highest point on Tenerife. Unlike Güímar and the observatory, the Teleférico experience isn’t free: it costs 30 euros for residents and 47 euros for nonresidents, but does includes a champagne ride on the cable car. The offer is inevitably restricted for numbers. THe cc HAS Been AccUSeD of “teasing” due to the lack of response to the problems regarding San Marcos beach. Nationalists asked the mayor to explain why the plenary has not acted on the coast or on the road Las Barandas. Icod nationalists considered it “a real tease” - the abandonment of the Government which is unable, even, to comply plenary agreements. spokesperson nationalists, Francisco González said that numerous motions filed by the opposition and approved by Parliament for months, referring to the need to perform improvements in the beach of San Marcos and the Road to Las Barandas “have been systematically ignored.” THe PReSiDenT of the Cabildo, Carlos Alonso, has visited The Burgado road, connecting the town of Los Realejos to Puerto de la Cruz regarding street lighting. Alonso said “the priority is to ensure the safety of people using this fairly busy road in the area.” The project will cost 80,000 euros. Alonso, who was accompanied by the local secretary of CC in Los Realejos, Enrique Garcia and members of the local committee, stressed the importance of this path northwest of Puerto de la Cruz, which connects beaches, neighborhoods, the Hotel Maritim and Loro Parque in which, at the time, the council has already invested more than three million. The president also visited the TF-320 road from Puerto de la Cruz to Los Realejos by Vera, which will also be subject to repair by the council, with an investment of 600,000 euros, a renewal of asphalt will be made and improved signaling. This route also provides access to the highway Burgado, passing an average of 18,500 vehicles a day, one of the busiest between the two municipalities.


iVO/dEcadEs is proud to announce that yet another amazing artist and performer is joining our ranks and will be featured both during our afternoon live sessions and our brand new decades spectacular, which launched last week.

Sam is an incredible musician who has to be heard to be believed, a true artist who lives and breathes his craft and we are honoured to be able to add him to the growing number of amazing performers that can be seen and heard at Vivo. I spoke to Sam earlier this week and he told me a bit more about his life and career so far in Sam’s own words.... “I was born in London but grew up in Birmingham, I grew up in a very musically environment. My father is a guitarist and bass player but also a manager for bands and musicians, so my formative years were spent in rehearsal rooms and at gigs. I think watching one of Britain’s greatest soul singers of all the time, Ruby Turner, who my father also managed, must have influenced me quite a lot.

I got a keyboard at 13 years old for Xmas and took to it immediately, and joined a band at school which was being put together for a school competition. A bunch of 14 year old misfits from an inner-city B’ham school, we didn’t win but impressed so much they offered a prize of half a day in a recording studio. By the time the session came about I was playing sax. From then on it was a natural progression, working with R n B band, reggae groups, learning how to play jazz in Birmingham’s culturally rich and diverse music scene. Jazz being my main influence at that time I started to work with some of the top guys around, but playing more Free and Avant-garde and passed into the mainstream. I worked and gigged with function bands based in the Midlands to scratch a living, still enjoying playing Jazz, as well as writing, producing and playing music with other projects and being heavily involved in setting up some very successful jam sessions in the city. Aged 28 the time came to move, with my family and we landed here. I started playing immediately with local bands and first few

years mainly worked in Hotels and restaurants. In 2007 I took a sabbatical and didn’t play the sax for about 14 months, until I got a call from the guys at Tibu night club, that sparked an avalanche of work and a very productive period for me. Working with Doug brown (vox) and Marco Vavavssori (Guitar) in The Micheal Buble Experience brought me onto the ‘scene’ and have since worked in many many bars in the area, I’ve been involved in countless projects over the last 5/6 years and it ain’t stopping. I’m back playing jazz on a regular basis with a great little quartet in El Medano, and have more projects that I can really cope with in my recording studio which was opened 2 years ago! Sam also told me he was extremely excited about the prospect of joining our army of entertainment elite down here at Vivo/Decades..... and after myself, Pip Brown and Sam decided to do an impromptu jam session on Monday afternoon... I’m extremely excited too!!! Watch this space for more announcements about Sam, the Show and the many other exciting things to come at Vivo/Decades!!

5 Dinner Show for ALL Tastes – Vivo Tenerife L www.tenerife-weekly.com

ast Friday was our wedding anniversary 44 years so Jim and I went out for the evening. Originally, we were just going to have a nice meal but then I heard that Vivo Treasure Island had a new show as well as an internationally renowned chef so I contacted the venue to see if there was any availability. It turned out that the new show was VERY, VERY new, only their second performance.

We arrived just after 7.00 for a 7.30 start thinking we would have difficulty parking but despite Vivo having lots of work done including a new car park we found a spot immediately. We received a warm welcome from the cast, Bambi, Johnny and Barry Pugh then Barry Sparkle escorted us to the bar for a pre-show drink. There were, like us, quite a few people who were early. This is because the previous shows used to start at 7.00 and word hadn´t spread to everyone who had booked that the format had changed. After souvenir photos we headed inside to a quite different venue from the one we had previously known. Whilst it had always been tasteful, the new layout meant it was rather classy and the atmosphere intimate, especially as a talented guy playing a sexy sax welcomed us. We learnt his name was Rene, but think Rene Sandoval and his rendition of The Way You Look Tonight rather than René Artois and Allo Allo. Our waitress Megan introduced herself and took drinks orders, which she regularly renewed throughout the

Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014

evening and once everyone was seated, we were officially welcomed by Marc Craig and Pip Brown who following a couple of Rat Pack and Michael Bublé numbers told us to tuck into our food that was just arriving. Wow! Scottish smoked salmon and prawn timbale looked very posh and tasted divine. Then wild mushroom soup – Jim said do I like that? No, was my reply but don´t worry I do. Some chance! It was so good I had to stop myself from picking up the soup bowl and licking it clean. I can´t remember tasting any soup so good and Jim’s comment, “I thought you said it wasn´t my thing I loved it.” The main course was Ballotine of Chicken, this was a very large chicken breast stuffed with cream cheese and jambon farci wrapped in ham and served with a fabulous side dish of creamy dauphinoise potatoes and broccoli. If I have one criticism, which also goes for Jim the portion could have been smaller but that is only our opinion, I am sure there are those who no matter how full they are love to see their plate piled high. However, I hate to waste such delicious food and rather than do that I asked Megan for some foil and brought home some chicken for my girls, which they enjoyed for breakfast. Our final course was either ice cream or profiteroles. Justly deserved compliments must go to the chef and his assistants who produced such excellent food in such a tiny kitchen.Throughout the meal we were entertained by Heather who reminiscent of torch singers such as Ella Fitzgerald and Peggy Lee delivered a collection of atmospheric, chansons. Fluid, assured and with an underlying catch of vulnerability her voice is the perfect vehicle for a

journey that began with the upbeat, “Guy from Ipanema” before things grew contemplative with “Fever” and “Misty”. I forgot I was in Tenerife and was transported to smoky jazz and supper clubs – picture Ronnie Scott’s in the late 60s. If the show had ended there I would have been more than happy, it had been a fantastic evening, however there was more to come. Part two was party time, magic, dance, song and pure madness. I won’t say too much about it as you should really go and enjoy the whole spectrum of what this young talented troupe can do – be it enough to say they are total professionals and put their hearts and souls into each number.I used to think that John Sharples was the glue in Vivo’s Dinner shows and really didn´t know what to expect when I learnt that he was leaving the island. I wish John well in whatever he has decided his next venture will be however full credit must also go to Barry Pugh who having been one half of a double act for so long has admirably and excellently adapted to ensure the humour continues. Marc Craig and the rest of cast have ably stepped up to the plate and gone from strength to strength, giving a show that satisfies all tastes whether you are young or old. When the show finally closed Barry Sparkle ensured everyone had had a great evening. I have said before he should give all PRs lessons on how to make the customer feel important, however I think he must also have been having lessons from the Ritz or the Savoy, he is so smooth he is the perfect host.

by Red Queen’s Musings.wordpress.com


Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014


DonATion PreSenTATion

fooLeD for fueL SPAniSh conSumer ASSociATion JoinS which? To Denounce hirecAr comPAnieS’ PeTroL PoLicieS

by janetanscombe.com

t t

he tenerife south indian community and the intercultural association, El Patio de las culturas de tenerife presented over 1,500 euros to the adeje council, the cruz roja and the sonrisas canarias charity. the money was raised during the day-long multicultural festival on June 1st in adeje, “Fusión entre culturas”. the festival was an event which saw many diverse cultures and people coming together to celebrate their harmonious coexistence and mutual respect. the funds will be used for fam-

ilies in need and the food bank.

Adeje councillors for culture and welfare, Nayra Medina Bethencourt and Amada Trujillo Bencomo said “these kind of events show perfectly the interest the council has in facilitating this kind of cultural exchange among Adeje’s peoples and allows us get to know the many different cultures which co-exist in our borough and have done so for many years”. During the day a host of different activities were undertaken, with gastronomy offerings from many parts of the world, dance and music from Tibet, an intercultural flash mob, roundtable discussions on tolerance and co-existence, exhibitions, international

Can anyone help find this missing woman?

he tenerife cabildo has announced that the güímar pyramids ethnographic park will again play host for summer solstice celebrations this saturday, 21 June and this year, more than others, it will a special event because of the thor heyerdahl centenary. doors will open at 6.45pm to allow the public access to the pyramids themselves. there, weather conditions hopefully

consumer organizations are acting together to demand information from the Spanish consumer authorities so that measures can be put in place to protect drivers from such sharp practice. OCU spokeswoman Ileana Izverniceanu said that they hoped the Spanish authorities would investigate and punish any business using illegal practices. OCU invites any consumers who have been the victims of any abusive hire-car practices to tell them about the incident before 31st August.

Which? reported in 2012 that the phenomenon was widespread in Europe, but with Spain producing a greater number of complaints than anywhere else. Now, the two

“cenTenArY” Summer SoLSTice AT GÜÍmAr PYrAmiDS

t AGneS DeRVAl, a French woman of 63, has gone missing in Puerto de la cruz. She is 1.7m tall, slim, and was last seen wearing black trousers and a brown jumper. She disappeared on Monday afternoon after saying she was going for a walk, and the family are worried because she apparently suffers from occasional depression for which she takes medication. if anyone has any information, please call the national police on 091, or indeed any police or the emergency services.

storytelling, a language exchange stall and much much more. Participating associations Among the groups who participated were the Asociación intercultural El Patio de las Culturas de Tenerife, Asociación Mercedes Machado, Asociación Hindú Tenerife Sur, Unión Indígena Nigerianos en Tenerife, Asociación Uruguayos en Tenerife, Asociación de Chilenos en Canarias, Casa Argentina en Tenerife, Asociación Anchieta, Sonrisas Canarias, Cruz Roja, Amigos del Tibet Ghe Pel Lin, Tango, Asociación Musulmana Al ihasan y Justicia y Paz, Asociación Comunidad Dzogchen International Dzamling Gar, Jóvenes por la Diversidad, Taller de empleo Actívate.

hE sPaNish c O N s u m E r association Ocu (Organización de consumidores y usuarios) has joined forces with its british counterpart, which?, to draw attention to car hire companies’ illegal practice of requiring drivers to buy a tank of petrol, without the price being stated either in the initial offer or in the contract, and, indeed, in some cases, of charging well over the market price for the fuel forced onto consumers.

by janetanscombe.com

permitting, they will be able to observe the orientation of the pyramids with the sunset on the horizon, and the famous “double sunset”.

It was this phenomenon which started the research that resulted in three IAC researchers discovering the alignment of the pyramids with the summer and winter solstices. After studying the orientation of the complex, they determined that the two principal lines were aligned with great precision, one to sunrise on the winter solstice on 21 December, and the other to sunset on

the summer solstice on 21 June. Visitors lined along the main axis of a pyramid to watch the summer solstice sunset. Photo: Tenerife Cabildo & Güímar Ethnographic Park The sunset will be followed by a talk about Thor Heyerdahl, in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish, at 9pm in the park’s auditorium. Entry is free, and special approved protective glasses are always provided by the organizers. They just ask that seats are reserved for the talk at 9pm because of limited space: just call 922 514 510.


Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014


TouriSTS wiTh PhYSicAL DiSABiLiTieS TeST Their LimiTS in Tenerife


dOZEN tOurists with different types of physical ability will test their strength and their limits in tenerife the “ u-turn belgian NgO” has organized this third expedition to the island after the success of those held in summer 2013 and earlier this year, respectively.

through activities practiced in natural surroundings.” The CEO of Turismo de Tenerife, Miguel Angel Santos added that the participants in the 2014 edition suffer from blindness, deafness or paraplegia, including physical disabilities, “and are accompanied by doctors, physiotherapists, members of NGO U -Turn and volunteers, ensuring their safety during the activities. “ “The fact that the island again The participants arrived last Friday welcomes a new group of travelers from U-Turn confirms that Tenerife is a place to Tenerife and begin the journey from the beach Porís de Abona. From of diversity and holiday options for there, either walking or by assisted everyone,” says the president They wheelchair specially adapted to of the Cabildo, Carlos Alonso, will practice pass through places like El Teide who notes that participants adventure or Garachico. in previous editions of this sports on the Tenerife Tourism supports the initiative had the opportunity to island trip, as does the Department of “live an unforgettable experience in which they not only witnessed Environment of the Cabildo, the some of our most beautiful settings but municipalities of Arico, Guía de Isora improved their personal development and Vilaflor, Teide National Park, Civil and increased their self-esteem Protection and HOSPITEN.

Fun golf

The Fun Golf at los Palos Sunday 15th June 2014. Three club challenge individual competition and The Severiano Ballesteros Memorial Shield. our winners were:- 1st, Rob lenard (took both trophies); 2nd, Duncan

Wallace; 3rd, John Morrison. n/P ladies, Julia Fleming; n/P gents, John Morrison. our next competition is 13th July, anyone who would like to join us call clive 922797640.


Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014

vivo.12590 AcRoSS


crYPTic croSSworD

8. Truck with security man in the front (8) 9. Sickness from vile eastern sauna (6) 10. Part sounds like the total (4) 11. Command capability determined by guide’s pelvis? (10) 12. Gee! 3dn with five Romans removed makes room for ship’s kitchen (6) 14. I hear polls about ship’s sails (8)

15. Ten seek out the most enthusiastic of all (7) 17. Decaf-latte really holds butter up (7) 20. Sounds like poultry sport but much more sinister than that (4,4) 22. Oz acid rocked the heavens (6) 23. Surprisingly, a bald crane stood on Liberace’s piano (10) 24. Exact value; equal numbers initially (4) 25. Armadas rush off to sea at first (6) 26. Way out through burrow after circuit (8)

16. Generous, being relieved of southern pixie (8) 1. Undermine clog era (8) 18. Joyously yelled at all about (8) 2. Monster scatters gore (4) 19. Percussion instruments show signs of 3. Depression of the dolls or kings (6) sounding alike (7) 4. Sounds like advertising trucks go forward (7) 21. Oh really! How he was talking when 5. Student doctor, Alan, is inside (8) he left! (6) 6. Stung, after not being in, and fooled (10) 22. Enthusiasm for Old Testament extremist (6) 7. Want to remove father? (6) 24. Some Aztec howls reverberate (4) 13. Countrywomen run boarding houses (10)


Av Rafael Puig 7, Playa De las Americas Arona ( in Front of Hotel Tenerife Sol)

Answers to the CRYPTIC CROSSWORD are on page 2


Major scandal uncovered in “operation Perceval” Guardia civil raid Tenerife catastro

Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014


ADeJe SiGn AGreemenT wiTh h10 hoTeLS

The agreement is designed to assist in the creation of jobs in the borough

by janetanscombe.com THe cATASTRo iS A BRAncH of the Hacienda, and serves to collate ownership and values of property. In Tenerife, the Catastro is based in Santa Cruz, and over the past few days, a major scandal has broken with Guardia Civil officers from the mainland raiding the building in what has been named Operation Perceval. Arrests have now been made and although at present only four individuals have been implicated, further arrests are far from having been ruled out. The four implicated are said to be staff from the Catastro itself, as well as a gestor and an ex-notary employee. The story was broken a few days ago as an exclusive by Diario de Avisos, and has now been confirmed by the press office of the Guardia Civil in Madrid. The crimes being investigated include falsification of documents, misconduct in office, bribery and corruption. The Guardia Civil statement says that the operation is the result of the discovery of a fraud carried out by Catastro officials who colluded with a notary employee to falsify certifications for the financial benefit of third parties who used the documents to alter the details and ownership of registered properties, and then used the information to register them illegally in local Land Registry offices. This will not be a short or quick investigation, but it will be a major and sensational one.

corruption in canaries?


dEJE mayOr José miguel rodríguez Fraga and the human resources director for h10 hotels Joan martín capel have signed an agreement to work together in the area of human resources and training projects. this agreement is a further sign of the level of cooperation between the two bodies to promote employment in the borough. The mayor said, “Adeje is an important tourist borough and we hope that this agreement, which is an important tool, will help with the employability of our Adeje citizens looking for work. “ The mayor continued, “one of our (the

council’s) strategies is to develop partnerships with public and private bodies that serve to create adaptive solutions to today’s reality. For that reason training and job placements are fundamental”. Joan Martín Capel said “tourism is a basic element of the Spanish GNP (gross national product) - as a country we are a tourist destination. We have to prepare our workers, train and instruct them as an essential part of this economic tool, which is an important financial motor”. The agreement is focussed on the management of human resources in hotels in the H10 group in South Tenerife. It will see the evolution of a number of training programmes and in parallel projects to improve employment opportunities in

the borough, and pay special attention to groups that are on in danger of social exclusion or at risk of being left behind. To ensure that the agreement is implemented properly both bodies will take part in a task force which will serve to monitor the operation and efficiency of the agreement which will be in place for a year, after which further evaluation will take place. In conclusion the mayor said, “H10 is a company that is serious about its commitments and has done an exceptional job. We are in no doubt that it will continue along this path which links tourism zones and infrastructures with training, service and recognition of the dignity of employees and the work they do”.

iT’S ALiVe!!

canarian Supreme court confirms High court’s annulment of Arona’s PGo


by janetanscombe.com

hE caNariaN suPrEmE cOurt has now confirmed the high court’s judgement on arona’s PgO (Plan general de Ordenación), and has annulled the general municipal plans on the grounds of eight failures related to the processing and management of the territorial planning which started in 1997. the judgment confirmed the denuncias made by ciudadanos por arona councillor José antonio reveron and lawyer Felipe campos, and in devastating fashion confirmed most of the arguments that arona’s PgO was invalid because of “planning irregularities”, illegal land reclassifications, and corruption.

The case is, of course, closely linked to ongoing hearings known collectively as Caso Arona which is now in court: the vast majority of the Coalición Canaria ruling group have been indicted, including ex-mayor Reveron – who had to be forced out of office because of his own corruption proceedings – and current mayor Niño. Some seventeen charges are finally about to start their hearings, and it is now far from impossible that some prison sentences might be handed down. With regard specifically to where this latest judgement leaves the PGO, however, the answer is that it is in legal limbo, governed by plans that were last valid in 1987. The council has yet to comment on the judgement.


panish police found five snakes, two lizards and thousands of insects alive and hidden inside two suitcases that arrived in gran canaria on a flight from madrid last week. The owner of the suitcase who had checked in the luggage in the Spanish capital was detained for questioning at the airport of Las Palmas, police said in a statement, without giving further details. The luggage contained a boa constrictor, a python molurus, found in Southeast Asia, and three python regius, a species found in Africa. It also contained two leopard gecko lizards, a species naturally found

in the deserts of Asia, two frogs and 200 dubia cockroaches which are normally found in Central and Southern America. The suitcases also contained 3,500 crickets, about 1,000 worms, 100 grasshoppers and several snails. All the species are popular with collectors of exotic animals as pets. There is a booming illegal trade for exotic and often protected species with specimens often fetching thousands of euros on the black market. The snakes, frogs, lizards, snails and cockroaches were kept in plastic containers while the crickets, worms and grasshoppers were stored in cardboard boxes.


Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014


adeje’s cocktail king

by clio o’Flynn


hEthEr you like your cocktails shaken or stirred, david arrebola is adeje’s man.

The barman who works in the Palacio de Isora, came third in the Spanish National Barman championships in November of last year, and therefore is off to Prague this weekend to represent Costa Adeje, and Spain in the 4th IBA World Championship in non-alcoholic drinks. At the press conference in advance of his departure, David mixed a sample of what he hopes will be his winning cocktail for the Adeje mayor, Jose Miguel Rodríguez Fraga, the councillor for Sport Adolfo Alonso Ferrera and the president of the Tenerife Barman Association, Jose Antonio Mesa Mendoza. For competitions at this level there are very specific rules about amounts and types of ingredients with a number of

obligatory additions. As this is sponsored by Mattoni, the drink must include at least 10cc of the original Grand Mattoni mineral sparkling or light sparkling water in the recipe. David’s drink, Mattoni Fresh! also includes puree of apple and passion fruit and apple and lime juice. Judging is based on a number of criteria including appearance, aroma, taste and innovation. Over 70 countries have been invited to take part in the opening round on June 21st , and the best six will be invited to take part in the final on June 22. David said he is going to Prague “hoping to win, to win for Adeje and for Tenerife and Spain”. He added that while he might be a little bit nervous he is no stranger to competition and has won four national and one international title during his years as a professional and member of the Tenerife Barman Association. The Association president Mesa Mendoza expressed his gratitude to the Adeje council and mayor for their continuing








20 June

21 June

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23 June

24 June

25 June

26th June















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support and help in this regard – in 2011 Costa Adeje hosted the Pan American World Championships – adding that this level of backing was very important for the profession. Mayor Jose Miguel Rodríguez Fraga wished David Arrebola luck, and praised him and the association for “the level of professionalism. It is a reflection of work well done, and also of the quality of service that is fundamental for a tourist destination such as ours.” He said the work of the Tenerife Barman Association was also vital in promoting the dignity of the profession. The other hugely important aspect of this competition, the Mayor added, was the promotional side of the trip, “this is about letting people know about the destination. David is taking the name of Costa Adeje with him, and of Tenerife, the Canary Islands, and bringing to Prague the level of professionalism that is a part of this tourist destination, and I have no doubt that he will do all of that very well”.


Accion Del Sol News Please let me enter !!

The refuge had closed its doors for the day but a short while later there showing on the security surveillance cameras was a very thin Canarian Podenco waiting patiently outside the entrance gates to be allowed in. Accion Del Sol has a very strict policy that only dogs are accepted from Protection civil or by the police but an exception was made for this dog as he desperately needed help and medical treatment to a recent leg injury. He very calmly entered the refuge and allowed us to bath him before having food and water then onto the veterinary clinic for his initial treatment. He was checked and found to have no micro chip so we do not know if he is abandoned or just lost. At least he was sensible enough to seek help at the refuge gates.

Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014


Live Arico News Live Arico Pets Animal Welfare Supporters (PAWS) Join us On Facebook – Live Arico P.A.W.S Tenerife http://twitter.com/live_arico http://www.livearico.com

Dog of the Week - Paw

Paw came to us via the San Miguel Police and is only 6 months old. He is a sweet young thing who now needs to be in his forever home. As you can see he is only a small dog. He is fully vaccinated, sterilised and chipped, and our usual adoption fee of 110 euros covers all of this. Call Elaine on 678 015653 to arrange a meeting. Adopt don’t buy – always the best option.

Accion Del Sol spent a very busy day last Saturday in Las Galletas raising awareness on animal welfare at the “Arona En Colores “ annual event. Many children joined in the many activities offered to them by the refuge staff.

Our next date for the diary is July the 6th 14.00 - 18.00 hours which will be our Summer Fiesta. This will be a great fun day for the children with lots of water based activities so children swimwear is a must. Accion Del Sol’s Educational programme finished last week for the summer with a visit to the school with a few very happy and excited dogs. 190 children learnt the basic care and welfare of the dogs followed by fun and games, a great day was had by all.

Well done all at Ye Olde Ocean We had a great afternoon out at Ye Olde Ocean last Sunday the 15th June, and raised 754 euros in the process. Major thanks to Jamie Drew for hosting the afternoon, and introducing entertainers Adam Saint, Scott Bateman, Jamie Rourke, Gordon King, Didi’s ska show, Emma Jensen, Vinni Love, Suzy q, Colin

Stevens, Kracka, Alfie and Tony Kay. Jamie the manager, Stuart and all the bar staff worked their socks off and Ibex Insurance gave out a 100 euro spot prize to Jane Schofield – Happy Days!! We hope to be back at Ye Olde Ocean soon – heartfelt thanks to all.

Oh yes, those 3 monthly extravaganzas on Top Square Golf del Sur sure do come around quickly and we are nearly there again. Join us on Friday 27th June from 8pm and we will do it all again. Suzy Q will be introducing you

to Michaela J, Glam Camp, Colin Stevens and more to be confirmed in the next couple of weeks. Be early, and enjoy our now legendary Top Square fund raisers.

It’s the Top Square Again!!!

Gillian Banks Theatre School – They’re Back!!!

Please call 922778630 for more information or if you would like to help out in anyway, towels and blankets are always needed for the dogs if you have any to spare. They would be very much appreciated by our four legged friends. The refuge is situated at Poligono De Industrial Estate, Granadilla, Exit 51 on the TF1, directly next to ITER the Parque Eolica where the windmills are and it is open to the public Monday, Tuesday ,Thursday, Friday 14.00-17.00pm and Saturdays 13.00-16.00. The refuge is closed Wednesdays, Sundays and on Public holidays

Yes, for the 4th consecutive year those uber talented teens from The Gillian Banks Theatre School are back in Tenerife raising funds for Live Arico and Helping Hands charities. Put these dates in your diary – Tuesday 5th August at Restaurant La Cueva and Thursday 7th August at the Harbour Club Los Gigantes. Tickets for both events are 20 euros which will include dinner, and anyone who has seen these shows in the past years will tell you that the show alone is worth more than 20 euros, they are simply out-standing. Tickets are strictly limited and available now from Suzy q on 629 388102. Don’t miss out, these are THE hot dates of the summer – get involved.

Live Arico Shops

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: If you’re interested in working in one of our Charity Shops, PLEASE get in touch with Siobhan on 630 857626. Also; If you have QUALITY unwanted clothes, cds, dvds, shoes, household items or childrens clothing, call Siobhan now on 630 857626. And do come and see us, we have shops in Los Cristianos, Calle Revron near Churchills Bar, and San Eugenio opposite Hotel La Nina by Amandas bar at las Carabelas complex. Both shops open from 10 – 4 Monday to Friday, and until 2pm Saturday. Kel even opens the Los Cristianos shop on Sundays.... Come and have a browse, bag a bargain and help the animals..


Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014




his year marks the fifth annual ingane yami golf tournament here in tenerife and the second consecutive year we have hosted it at costa adeje golf course. Organised by the staff at Pearly grey Ocean club and assisted again by our resident golf contact stephen moore. Our aim is to provide a memorable day for the golfers and raise awareness and funds for ingane yami children’s Village.

We are extremely grateful to welcome back our principal sponsor Dorada who helped to make last year’s event a resounding success. Dorada’s parent company SAB Miller was founded in South Africa in 1895 so the Ingane Yami charity is close to their hearts and heritage. the charity Ingane Yami is a non profit organisation whose purpose is to provide a stable family environment for orphaned children in KwaZulu Natal province, South Africa. Pearly Grey Ocean Club have been active partners with the charity since 2009. So far we have helped to raise over 65,000 euros and these funds have facilitated the building of two houses.

Village update A total of 620,000 euros has been raised so far. A 300m2 community hall was built last year and a multipurpose resource centre is currently under construction. A new onsite school was opened on 8th April

icod de los Vinos

santiago del teide

Plaza del Cristo, s/n, 38640 Plaza General Franco, s/n, Arona. 38300, La Orotava. Tel: 922 725 100 y 922 725 Tel: 922 324 444 - Fax 922 125 - Fax: 922 725 478 334 512

La Orotava

El sauzal

granadilla de abona

El tanque


C/ Grande 1, 38670, Adeje. Plaza Luis de León Huertas, Tel: 922 756 200 - 922 710 1, 38440, Icod de los Vinos. Tel: 922 869 600 - Fax 922 120 - 922 710 420 869 643


C/ San Francisco, 14, 38600, Granadilla de Abona Tel: 922 759 953 y 922 759 902 - Fax 922 759 965

guía de isora

Puerto de la cruz

C/ Santo Domingo, s/n, 38400, Puerto de la Cruz. Tel: 922 378 400 - Fax 922 375 253

El rosario

C/ del Ayuntamiento, 4, 38680, Guía de Isora. Tel: 922 850 100 - Fax 922 850 354

Plaza del Ayuntamiento 1, 38290, El Rosario. Tel: 922 297 447 - Fax 922 548 280


Ctra. de Los Abrigos 30, 38620, San Miguel de Abona. Tel: 922 700 000 y 922 700 001 - Fax 922 167 168

Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 4, 38500, Güímar. Tel: 922 526 100 y 922 526 101 - Fax 922 526 102

san miguel de abona

C/ la Placeta 10, 38436, Santiago del Teide. Tel: 922 863 127 y 922 863 150 - Fax 922 863 212 C/ La Constitución 3, 38360, El Sauzal. Tel: 922 570 000 y 922 570 24 - Fax 922 570 973 Avda. Príncipes de España 24, 38435, El Tanque. Tel: 922 136 715 y 922 136 623 - Fax 922 136 766


Plaza de San Marcos 1, 38280, Tegueste. Tel: 922 541 799 y 922 541 851 - Fax 922 540 903


C/ Doctor Pérez Cáceres 1, 38613, Vilaflor. Tel 922 709 002 - Fax 922 709 151

2014 and students are already attending classes. In other related news, Ingane Yami was invited to partner with local NGO Zoe-Life in the roll out of a UK volunteer programme initiated by Prime Minister David Cameron. The programme involves sending volunteers from the UK to selected local projects for a period of 10 weeks at a time, four times a year. The first volunteers are about to head back to UK after spending a productive and enlightening 10 weeks at the village. about the golf Entry fee 70 euros per player (includes green fees, buggy & lunch) the format Shotgun start, Texas Scramble (Specific rules may be added or amended on the day) the details Date: Saturday 19th July 2014 Venue: Costa Adeje Golf Course, Adeje, Tenerife. Times: Tee off time 09.30am (you need to be at the course 30-45 minutes before) the prize giving event The prize giving buffet dinner will take place at the golf course once the tournament has finished. Live entertainment will be provided to coincide with a prize raffle and auction. media coverage Local radio station Smooth FM will be providing on the day coverage with regular live on-air broadcasts. For more information or to register to play in the tournament please contact golf@pearlygrey. com or telephone 922 743 903


eVenTs On THe rOCK POPPy LaNE English Nursery School’s summer school starts the end of June until September, 10am – 4pm although extra hours are available on request.

Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014


La Casa de Canarias in Madrid Hosts Tenerife Fashion Photography Contest Winners

• Qualified staff. • Limited places. • Activities include – arts, cookery, sport, crafts, music and movement and lots more. • Food and drink provided. • Spacious and secure outdoor play area. There are also places being reserved now for September in our nursery. The nursery provides a varied timetable which includes the alphabet, numeracy and literacy, songs and rhymes, music and dancing. Every month we also have a project topic. Also in September ‘The English Learning Centre’ is opening which caters for reception and year one children. It will provide the English National Curriculum in small classes.

Hi eVeRYone, we are holding a charity event on 28th June @ The Sloop Bar in Puerto Colón, from 12 noon. It is the official ARMED FORCES DAY so will be raising money and making donations to Help For Heroes, Help Our Wounded and the Royal British Legion. I will personally be marketing the event so it will be a busy day. open day for Scouts We are having an open evening at silencio church 24th June 5.30 to 7.30 for anyone wanting to know how to join etc.. and will be starting the group officially 1st July. you are more that welcome.. This year’s Corpus Christi carpets in La Orotava are on 26 June, and Adeje’s are on 21 and 22 June. As always, San Miguel too will have a display, and like Adeje, this year’s will take place on 22 June.


sELEctiON of the best images presented in the three editions of the Fashion Photography contest tenerife was held last month in the casa de canarias in madrid. The exhibition featured the work of 31 photographers, a total 58 finalists pieces that have been exhibited at TEA Tenerife Space of Arts. The images were a mix of fashion photography and also included some of the participating parts of an international fashion design contest from six years ago, supporting Tenerife Moda. The financial vice-president, Efraín Medina said that the aim of this competition is to promote the creative work related to fashion and encourage the work and creativity of both professional and amateur, and give them the opportunity to exhibit their work in a group show. For already three editions, the Cabildo

de Tenerife, Tenerife through Fashion have held fashion photo contests among professionals who work both inside and outside the island, to promote this work related to fashion and encourage more work and creativity in this field. This year’s contest theme focused on a combination between fashion and the primary sector. The winner was Gerardo Valido and the second prize went to Alberto Miranda. Along with them, nine other finalists: Francisco Javier Velasco Villa, Francisco Fernández González, Guillermo Valverde, Juanmi Alemany, Javier Durán Cantos, Edgar Magdalena Mendez Pinto Katherine Waleska Perez, Efren Hernandez Luis Fernández García and Andrea. In addition, the finalists photographs were displayed along various tram routes. The jury for this competition consisted of professionals from different fields (fashion, graphic design, photography, image, style

and communication), and made the decision during a meeting held on April 25, after a difficult deliberation, given the high quality of the images of the 29 participants. A total of 230 submitted works to this edition according to the criteria of technical and artistic quality. The finalist images will also become part of the image file in the department of Tenerife Film Commission, managed by Tourism Tenerife so that foreign producers can have a base of information on professionals who have been finalists in this edition. Another initiative to be developed will be networking, with which the council intends to provide these professionals contact with advertising agencies, TV production companies, associated companies world of films, fashion brands, so give them a chance to show their work and share professional contacts.


Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014


The BirTh of ciTieS!


Ow tO turN what might seem to be barren territory and convert it into an ideal birthplace for a city? Just one of the questions that will be discussed at the two day course ‘moldeando La Naturaleza Para crear Vida’ (moulding nature to create life), led by tenerife architect Fernando menis, the designer of the award winning Plaza España in adeje, as part of the adeje summer university.

The course, which will run on July 24th and 25th, asks the question, “how does a city originate?” and a fascinating line up of guest speakers will attempt to answer it. And what might be of real interest to professionals in Adeje and South Tenerife who might not speak Spanish fluently, is that many of the presentations will be in English. According to Menis the two-day course will be looking at the symbiosis between natural energy and manipulation of shape and material in the birth of city spaces, the creation of microclimates where new life is possible. Developing an environment which develops and sustains the life of a new city and its future growth, using and strengthening the forces of nature to convert an uninhabitable space into an oasis, a habitat where people can settle and populations can grow. If it all sounds like a script from a science fiction movie, think again. These kinds of developments have been taking place all over the world, and here too in Adeje we have seen the parallel development of living spaces alongside protected areas on land and in the sea. At

a press conference to launch the course Adeje mayor Jose Miguel a centre for the production and promotion of books and works Rodríguez Fraga said, “we are following a school of architecture on architecture, based in Berlin. He will lead the discussion on that is both modern and sustainable which takes into account the reinventing construction, examining how modern pressures and preservation of our environment as a priority. Adeje, “ he continued, social inequalities are just some of the factors creating a need for “is a modern tourist borough 45% of which is protected territory. reinvention in the field of construction Here in Adeje we also have a marine classroom for the development Wang Wei Jen will look at ‘Urban Courtyardism’, the quality and and protection of our aquatic resources”. construction of urban patios and terraces, and ask is there a need Among the guest speakers will be Thomas Tsang, an assistant to reassess the use and quality in the design of these spaces. He will professor of architecture in the University of Hong Kong, who also show examples of three dimensional patio designs for ground and spent many years studying in the USA. He has also worked in urban upper floor levels and show how new forms of thinking have seen design in Hangzhou, in China. Juan Roldán, assistant professor in the evolution of patios in China using natural light and ventilation the Sharjah American University in the Arab Emirates, will discuss and examine urban ‘courtyardism’ in our cities as a way ‘Dubai and Sharjah, citymaking and landmarking’, which will of meeting the challenges of population density and Architect examine the development of the neighbouring cities, sustainability. one a financial and tourist destination the other an Fernando Menis This promises to be a fascinating two-day workshop, educative and cultural model. The conference will directs a two-day and will run from 9am-2pm and 4pm – 8pm on July also examine how a future city without petrol could 24th and 9am – 1pm on July 25th. Course director architecture course evolve. Fernando Menis is an associate professor at the Tarik Oualalou is the founder and CEO of Kilo Architects as part of the European University, Canaries, and the president and will lead a discussion on the possibilities of design Adeje Summer of the Laboratory of Innovation in Architecture, for a desert. Tenerife architect Dulce Xerach will look at University Design and Advanced Tourism in Tenerife. As well as Singapore as a possible role model for the Canary Island. the Plaza España in Adeje he designed the Magma Arte y Singapore is about the size of La Gomera, but with 5 million Congresos centre in Las Américas, and is currently working on the inhabitants, green zones, well developed and cared for countryside, Auditorium Jordánek in Poland, a Congress Centre in Fuerteventura and only 1.5 % unemployment, and an economy that is considered and projects in Taiwan, Taipei, and in Ukraine. the second most competitive in the world. For more information on this or other Summer University courses Andreas Ruby has been a critical voice in the architectural world for a number of years, and, along with Ilka Ruby, created ‘textbild’ contact the Adeje council cultural department.

Mark Goodier Mark Goodier - BBc Radio 1, Radio clyde, Smooth FM and now on 105.3 SPecTRUM FM TeneRiFe Join Mark every Saturday morning for three years of hits from 9am


Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014


San Juan Bautista

Tenerife’s midsummer festival and bonfire night is Monday 23rd June


ENEriFE has its own bonfire night, on the eve of the annual midsummer festival of san Juan bautista (st John the baptist). On st John’s Eve, 23 June, tenerife is lit up with bonfires, and with smoke swirling in the hills throughout the island, many visitors often think that an early summer fire has broken out. this monday will be no different. The celebrations are not restricted to the inland hills and villages, however, with fires and parties on many beaches. Particularly popular are the ones held in El

Médano and Los Cristianos, but the most spectacular will again be the celebration at the fiesta’s namesake beach, Playa San Juan, on the west coast. If you are near one of these beach parties, you might even see some people leaping over the flames three times, a ritual considered to be purifying, representing a burning away of the jumper’s sins and misfortunes, and so bringing good luck for the next year. For more information in English see Don Quijote.org In Guía de Isora, the 24th, San Juan Bautista’s Day itself is a public holiday, but the largest celebration takes place in Puerto de la Cruz, where goat keepers from the hills above the town bring their

flocks down to the coast to bathe them in the sea in the early morning. This Baño de Cabras (bathing of the goats) is a tradition that is said to date back to pre-Hispanic times, quite literally making the animals a living respresentation of the scapegoat whose purification brings good fortune to all in the local community. Wherever you celebrate la Noche or el Día de San Juan, I hope you have a great and safe time.

SPorTS in ADeJe ThiS Summer by janetanscombe.com


wimmiNg, FOOtbaLL, water polo, body boarding and basketball – just some of the sports on offer here in the coming months!

Sports will take centre stage in Adeje this summer – similar to other years, with a huge variety of sporting choices on offer for residents young and older, including swimming, football, water polo, body boarding, or basketball. Many of the activities will be organised by the council in conjunction with private trainers or groups. According to the councillor with responsibility in the area, Adolfo Alonso Ferrera, “we are bringing together different bodies in other to offer Adeje residents the greatest possible offer of sporting disciplines. One of the local government’s priorities is to give everyone in the borough the chance to practise sport of some kind, regardless of the family income, as we know that sport is about much more than physical health, and is of huge benefit mentally and in the formation of values and development of self worth and belief”. The councillor added, “the municipal schools have closed for summer, so in the meantime during the summer months we have a very interesting sporting programme on offer

for potential participants and the public in general.” From June 27th to 29th the council hosts a clinic with athlete Martín Fiz, winner of the Prince of Asturias sporting prize in 1992 and named ‘Best Spanish Athlete’ in 1995. The clinic will be in conjunction with sessions in Tenerife Top Training and theoretical classes in the Adeje school of dance and music. From July 18 – 20 Puerto Colón hosts the Water polo tournament, and the IV Canarian Body boarding championships will also take place at this time, dates to be confirmed. The summer months will also see a number of different camps taking place, with basketball summer schools in Tijoco Bajo, and the insular goalkeeping school returns to Adeje after a successful camp last year, from June 30th to July 5th in the Fañabe municipal ground. The La Caleta bay swim is on August 2nd with participation open to the public. August is also the month for the Adeje Youth Football Tournament, with teams still to be confirmed. September 5th – 7th will see the Island Domino championships taking place here, with winners qualifying for nationals. All in all sports for all this summer in Adeje. Calle grande nº1. 38670. Adeje. Tenerife / Tel.:922 756 200 Fax: 922 710 405 / www. adeje.es



Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014

The force of Destiny

Auditorio de Tenerife “Adán Martín “ revives the spirit and songs of Mecano in a show that will take place in July

he show of destiny, based on the songs of the group mecano, will be performed at the symphony hall of auditorio de tenerife “adán martín” on the 4th, 5th and 6th July in this current tour. the show pays tribute to a key group of spanish pop in the eighties.

The event was announced by the Minister of Culture and Heritage Council of Tenerife, Cristóbal de la Rosa, and two of the protagonists of the work. Cristobal de la Rosa, in his speech, emphasized the quality of the product and stressed “the commitment to productions like this that generates sufficient sales to form the basis of a cultural market economic flow” in a developing industry. Along with the Minister of the insular corporation were present music director and executive producer, Alexander Pantchenko, and one of the singers in the cast, Edu Morlans. Pantchenko said that “this was totally happy in the Auditorium” and defined as The Force of Destiny “a show that combines the drama of the characters with live music.” “We have all the songs make sense


kinG JuAn cArLoS of SPAin ABDicATeS

he STePS Down in fAVour of hiS Son, feLiPe Prince of ASTuriAS

by janetanscombe.com

of the different sketches that make up the show.” Meanwhile, Edu Morlans stressed that “it is not a musical. It is a tribute to Mecano using the metro in Madrid as a guideline for action in which the characters interact and are displayed as “. The Force of Destiny is a show consisting of music artists, de Nacho Cano, among others. The cast consists of 16 people including dancers, musicians and singers. This new staging is the work of Hansel Cherry, co-founder of La Fura dels Baus and has worked on projects with

Le Cirque du Soleil, among other companies of international prestige. Music, fully live incorporating styles like salsa, pop, rock, jazz and flamenco playing the greatest hits of the iconic eighties band. Tickets are on sale through the usual channels: telephone, 902 317 327 and at the Auditorium box office (from 10.00 to 15.00 hours, Monday to Friday and from 10.00 to 14.00 hours on Saturdays) and online at www.auditoriodetenerife.com. They can be purchased through www.ticketmaster.es locations in Carrefour and Falcon Travel offices.

KinG JUAn cARloS on Wednesday signed the abdication law which paved the way for his son’s proclamation as King Felipe Vi Thursday morning.

The formal act was televised live from the Royal Palace in Madrid, and the above images were taken as screenshots from the broadcast.


Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014

Mainland News In Brief Officials say around 1,000 migrants of sub-Saharan origin attempted to storm Spain’s three-tier barbed-wire border fence separating its North African enclave of Melilla from Morocco, but failed in their bid to enter Europe, as less than 10managed to overcome the first barrier in last Saturday’s charge. They were taken away by Moroccan police. The statement says Spain’s border guards detected the charge in an area known as “Villa Pilar” and deployed a helicopter to oversee operations. Spain and Morocco stepped up border vigilance in February after 15 migrants drowned trying to reach Ceuta. The border was recently strengthened with a new type of mesh barrier. Spain’s public debt grew 7.12 percent in the first quarter of 2014 to 989.9 billion euros, or a record 96.8 percent of gross domestic product. The central government’s debt was up 8.4 percent from the first three months of 2013 to 864 billion euros, accounting for by far the largest share of the total, according to Bank of Spain figures published Friday. But the debt of Spain’s autonomous communities rose the most in relative terms, climbing 16.5 percent and standing at 21.7 percent of GDP, also a new record. By contrast, local government debt fell 4.5 percent to 40.9 billion euros (4 percent of GDP) and the debt of the Social Security system was virtually unchanged at 17.2 billion euros (1.7 percent of GDP). The government is forecasting that public debt will climb to 99.5 percent of GDP for the year as a whole. Spain’s public debt has risen steadily amid the economic crisis brought on by the collapse of a decade-long property and construction boom in 2007. Borrowing costs have fallen since 2012, however, making it easier for Spain to repay its debt. The Iberian nation, which was also battered by the 2008-2009 global crisis, emerged from a double-dip recession last year but economic growth has been slow and insufficient to dent a high jobless rate of around 26 percent. The chief executive of Caixabank SA said the Spanish lender is considering making an offer for Barclays PLC’s retail business in Spain, which analysts estimate has a value of as much as 2.2 billion euros. “We have a lot of interest,” Juan María Nin said in an interview. He said his Barcelona-based bank, Spain’s third largest by market value, is in talks with the U.K. lender but has yet to begin an analysis of mortgages and other loans held by Barclays’s 262 offices in Spain. Barclays once had about 600 offices in Spain and was one of the country’s leading foreign banks, but the collapse of Spain’s real-estate market in 2008 brought losses on mortgages and other types of real-estate loans, chipping away at the lender’s market share and profits. The bank announced in May it would abandon its retailbanking businesses in Western Europe in an effort to boost profitability. A spokesman for Barclays in Spain declined to comment on the talks with Caixabank. Spain has called before the U.N. Security Council for expanded cooperation between the United Nations and regional organizations in peacekeeping operations with the aim of guaranteeing the “efficacy” and “coherence” of those missions. Spanish Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Gonzalo de Benito defended the cooperation in his speech during a discussion about the future of peacekeeping operations organized by the U.N.’s main decision-making body. The secretary of state also reiterated Spain’s commitment to peacekeeping missions and recalled that in the past 25 years Madrid had contributed to more than 50 operations and had deployed more than 137,000 troops.


The TW Political Showcase with Brian Harrison

So what, we have a new King. What we need is a new goalkeeper


o the Mighty Roja have fallen in Brazil and meanwhile Spain, despite the protests for a referendum to maintain or scrap the monarchy, has a new king.

King Felipe VI has acknowledged that he has a lot of work to do, starting with internally reforming the royal family’s protocol. He is not unaware that in a recent poll, over 50% of Spanish would prefer Spain to be a Republic without a king as head of state, whilst over 75% were in favour of a referendum. It is up to Felipe to turn public opinion around before the next general elections, when it is probable that Podemos will at least form part of a ruling coalition which will modify the constitution in order to allow a referendum. So we can expect our new king to spend the next few years wagging his finger at corrupt judges and politicians, attending more charity events than Stephen Fry and accepting interviews with newspapers which his father only ever used to light his barbeques whilst on safari in

Botswana. Meanwhile, the masses in Spain have no football to watch. They are annoyed at Casillas for falling asleep at both matches. We can expect at least some of this anguish to be focused upon the new king. And at president Mariano Rajoy for blocking the monarchy referendum.

Don’t worry Mariano, the European Cup will arrive just in time for the next general elections. Have a quiet chat with Spanish coach Del Bosque, at least make sure they get to the semis. Keep the masses happy, you might save a few votes. Or perhaps we’ll see the PP sink like the Red Titanic sank at the mercy of Chile.

(Anti Monarchist protesting in favour of a referendum)


Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014


in The nAVY


ith OVEr 50% unemployment in spain’s youth unemployed millennials are rushing to join the navy. By the mid-2000s Spain had abandoned its conscript system but the economy was still growing, and the military was frantic for recruits. Fernando Alvarez, the captain of the Blas de Lezo destroyer warship and a thirtyyear navy veteran said: “[The ships] were operating with less people

than they needed. At the time, the navy relied heavily on immigrants from Central and South America to man the boats, as they were among the few who were willing to do the job.” But over the last decade circumstances have changed for young Spaniards. The real estate boom is over, the construction bubble has popped, and the economy is on the skids. With the country’s youth unemployment rate above 50 percent, young people are

desperate for work. As a result, getting into the navy isn’t so easy, with acceptance rates in the single digits. In 2013, the Spanish armed forces offered 1,500 spots (300 of them in the navy) to more than 40,000 applicants. And it’s not just low- to medium-skilled workers who are pinning their hopes for the future on the navy. The armed forces, and particularly the navy,

are getting a level of education that is very high in comparison with people ten years ago. Those with bachelor degrees, master’s degrees, or even more advanced qualifications, are all among those eager to join. Still, until unemployment levels begin to improve, public jobs like the navy will continue to provide a lifeline to young Spaniards who are lucky enough to land them.


Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014

whereS mY houSe?



sPaNish cOurt has ordered the us drinks giant cocacola to reinstate more than 800 workers it laid off as it closed down four bottling plants.

The planned closure sparked a series of strikes by workers who say the company has no right to cut jobs when it is making a profit. Coca-Cola Iberian Partners, the subsidiary of the US company that bottles drinks in Spain, had planned 1,190 layoffs of which 821 were carried out. The National Court said in a statement it had “declared void” that plan. It said the company had not adequately informed or negotiated with workers about the restructuring and had undermined their right to strike by hiring outside workers. It ordered the company to reinstate the 821 and pay them their outstanding salaries.

The company responded that CocaCola Iberian Partners would appeal against the ruling and the workers would not be reinstated until the appeal has run its course. It rejected the court’s ruling, insisting in a statement that “the bottling company handed the workers’ representatives all the necessary documentation to explain the plan.” Spain’s leading labour union UGT hailed the ruling against the “unjustifiable” layoffs. “We demand that Coca-Cola take on board the National Court’s ruling and solve the business problems by opening negotiations with the unions that will not see jobs affected,” it said in a statement. Spain emerged last year from its second recession in five years but the unemployment rate remains extremely high at close to 26 percent.

Don’t hang up Your Suit Just Yet



OLicE haVE dEtaiNEd a chinese man wanted for allegedly selling homes in china which didn’t exist to more than 10,000 families in a scam worth over 24.5 million euros.

The man, who has not been named was arrested in central Madrid under an international warrant issued by interpol at the request of chinese authorities,the man, who was president of the unnamed company, is suspected of charging cash advances for the properties as well as falsifying signatures on contracts and using fake property certificates in the deals. Police said in a statement: “More than 10,000 families invested their savings in the acquisition of

homes which were never built.” Most of the victims of the suspected fraud, which was carried out between 2011 and 2013, were from Baotou, an industrial city in northern china. Prosecutors in Baotou issued an arrest order for the man back in September 2013. The suspect had fled china for Thailand in June last year. From Thailand he moved to The netherlands, then italy before settling in Spain. Police said they have requested that the man’s real estate holdings in the town of otura in southern Spain be placed under embargo. The operation was carried out in cooperation with authorities in china, Japan and South Korea.

Eight Islamist Extremists Held


hE FuturE kiNg of spain Felipe Vi will assign new tasks to the king of spain Juan carlos i, his father as well as his mother Queen sofia.

A spokesperson from the royal house said that after the abdication of King Juan Carlos, the future King would use the experience of Juan Carlos when it comes to relationships with international leaders and would definitely assign tasks to his father as well as defining the tasks of the current Queen Sofia. According to the royal house King Juan Carlos does not want to use any title of nobility so he would not be Count of Barcelona. Prince Felipe will become king after the law on his father’s abdication, which was discussed

at the Spanish parliament June 11, is passed. Once approved, the current prince will explain his new ideas for his reign as the new king of Spain. The main opposition party, the Socialist Party, continues to call a referendum on the monarchy or republic. The leader, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba has said that the party had a commitment to the coexistence and consensus that exists within the Spanish constitution and wished the future King of Spain Felipe the greatest success as the head of state. However, some members of the party have also asked for a referendum, along with another two Left-wing parties, Izquierda Unida and Podemos.


ight mEN have been arrested suspected of recruiting militants for islamist isiL forces who have seized much of northern iraq, including a former fighter in afghanistan once held at the u.s. guantanamo bay prison. spanish police made the arrests in madrid and will be searching a dozen premises as part of their ongoing investigation, the ministry said. The men had helped to send recruits through to the Middle East where they would join the Islamic State in Iraq. A statement said: “The main leader of this (recruitment) cell lived in Spain after having spent time at the (U.S. detention center) in Guantanamo, having

been arrested in Afghanistan in 2001.” The ISIL is an al Qaeda splinter group that holds territory in the east of civil war-hit Syria and has staged a lightning advance from northern Iraq toward Baghdad. Their threat to dismember Iraq has prompted the United States to consider air strikes along with its allies and even arch-enemy Iran to shore up their common ally, the government in Baghdad. It was unclear whether the eight men arrested were suspected of recruiting for ISIL’s campaign in Iraq or in Syria. With the Syrian conflict entering its fourth year, governments across Europe are growing increasingly concerned about the number of their nationals - mainly of Muslim immigrant heritage - heading to Syria to fight.


Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014

Bamboo Towels & Sheets thEy are brand new to tenerife; in fact, they are brand new to anywhere! you may not have heard of bamboo towels or sheets before, but they are here and they are fabulous. Take an opportunity to discover the benefits of having bamboo bath towels. Picture yourself getting out of the bath or shower and wrapping yourself in pure heaven, in possibly the softest bath towel ever. Bamboo towels allow you to dry yourself off quickly due to their premium absorbent properties while also giving you the luxurious feeling of the softest fabric you have ever felt against your body. Imagine sleeping on pure heaven, now you can with the amazing Bamboo sheets that are now also available in a selection of different colours. Experience the ultimate in sleep comfort. Pure cotton can often feel a bit rough to the touch; not only will you find that the towels are exceptionally soft and absorbent, but you will also find that they are durable for everyday use. They are also perfect for people who want to maintain a hygienic environment, because they

are naturally odour resistant due to the fibres fast-drying characteristics. So say goodbye to that disgusting mildew smell you get from other towels from time to time, and bathe in serenity. Bamboo fabric is created from the bamboo pulp and is 100% biodegradable. It is also anti-bacterial and hypoallergenic; bamboo is naturally antibacterial and resists mould, mildew, fungi and dust mites. These properties remain intact, making it suitable for those with eczema, hyper-sensitive skin or hay fever caused by dust mite. Even better news is that bamboo fabric require less frequent washing, it needs no more than a 30ËšC wash and dries in half the time of cotton. Tumble dry low and remove from dryer as soon as it stops to avoid unnecessary creasing. The only place that actually stocks these delicious items is Antiquities Tenerife in Las Chafiras. The have stock in three different colours, soft brown, grey and aubergine. Pop in and see them and feel the difference for yourself.



Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014


Queen LeTiZiA - fAShion icon from A moDern roYAL fAmiLY


PaiN’s bEautiFuL Queen to-be Letizia enjoyed a successful career as a television journalist before marrying into the royal family when she wed her husband crown Prince Felipe – the soon to be crowned king

Felipe Vi of spain.

Perhaps it is this background that gives her approach to fashion and modern monarchy such a refreshing edge, she leaves high-end fashion to her peers, instead favouring pantsuits and separates from mid-priced Spanish labels like Mango and Zara.

As she prepares to take her place at her husband’s side as Queen of Spain, her beauty and naturalism may well make her an international fashion icon, a modern Queen for the 21st century. Here are some of the stunning Queen to be’s best looks.

Spain’S highwaYMen holidaymakers warned to watch out for highway robbers in spain


hE british Embassy in spain is warning holidaymakers to watch out for ruthless gangs of modern-day highway robbers who are preying on people driving foreignregistered vehicles and hire cars.

Police in the Catalonia region of Spain have dealt with 126 British victims of robbery on the AP7 motorway between the French border and the Valencia region over the past two years1. British Consulates across mainland Spain say they are receiving regular reports of roadside robbery occurring along the coast between Barcelona and Alicante, across Andalucia in the south, and in the Madrid region. Consular staff estimate that 1 in 20 of all emergency passports issued last year as a result of theft were following motorway robberies2. A new video produced by the Foreign Office - ‘Don’t let

thieves drive you to distraction’ - shows real-life footage of some of the most common tactics. Highway robbers flag their victim down by indicating there is a problem with their vehicle, then one gets out to distract the occupants’ attention, whilst an unseen accomplice robs passports, money and other valuables before the gang makes a fast getaway. In a second case, the robber tricks a victim into thinking they have a problem with their parked vehicle, whilst another opens the door and removes valuables. Other tricks include throwing something that creates a sudden noise, or puncturing a tyre at a roadside rest stop. Will Middleton, consular regional director for Spain, warns: ‘Distraction is the most common technique used by highway robbers in Spain. They will try to worry you about the state of your vehicle, and then whilst they point out the supposed problem, an accomplice is robbing you. ‘So be wary of anyone attempting to stop you when you

are driving, or trying to point out a problem or offering assistance. They may not be the good Samaritan they appear to be. ‘If someone points out a supposed problem whilst you are on the road, keep going until you reach a service area. If you have to stop, make sure one person stays in the vehicle. Keep valuables out of sight and out of reach. If you do notice a problem with your vehicle, call your emergency breakdown service for help. ‘We are working with the Spanish police to alert British visitors to how these gangs work, so that holidaymakers can avoid becoming victims. Police statistics1 indicate that these robberies are largely non-violent. ‘However falling victim to this kind of theft can be distressing and costly: a family of four who lose all their passports would unfortunately need to pay around four hundred pounds to get emergency passports to get home.’


Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014


All hail the king!

Prince Felipe Vi of spain’s coronation: the schedule in detail


esterday thursday 19th June 2014, crown Prince Felipe of asturias was crowned king Felipe Vi of spain, following the abdication of his father king Juan carlos the day before, in the presence of spanish Prime minister mariano rajoy and 150 other representatives on wednesday evening. Souvenir shops brimmed with royal memorabilia bearing the names and faces of Prince Felipe and his wife Princess Letizia, but the two ceremonies – the abdication and the coronation – although performed with the solemnity and dignity

expected of such historical occasions, they were very low key, humble affairs, a decision that shows this next generation of royalty intends to “start off on the right foot” as it were, and not repeat mistakes of the old monarchy, which had become increasingly unpopular with the people of late, no state banquet, no foreign royals or heads of state, no ostentatious ceremonies or parades. The palace acknowledged that the customary pomp had been eliminated “in keeping with the criteria of austerity that the times recommend.” The abdication ceremony took place at the Royal Palace on Wednesday 18 June at 6pm local time. The future king was officially sworn in and ascended the throne on Thursday 19 June, with

the morning ceremony kicking off at 9:30am local time At 9:30am King Juan Carlos handed over his military sash to his son Prince Felipe, during a ceremony at the Palace of Zarzuela, located on the outskirts of Madrid. The palace is the defacto residence of King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofía. At 10am The newly proclaimed King Felipe VI, his wife Queen Letizia and their two children Princess Leonor, who will be then known as the Princess of Asturias and Princess Sofía left the palace and headed to the Spanish Parliament. At 10:30am the family of four arrived at the Spanish Parliament accompanied by Queen Sofía and other members of the royal family,

excluding King Juan Carlos to give all attention to his new reigning son. King Felipe gave a speech, the national anthem was sung and the constitution reiterated. At 11:30am King Felipe and his family was in a driven around the streets of Madrid to greet the Spanish people, ending at the Royal Palace. Once there, King Felipe, Queen Letizia and their two daughters stood on the balcony to wave to well-wishers below. The event was ended with a Reception and lunch at 1pm, held at the Royal Palace in honour of the new reigning monarchs... but it was more of a buffet that a banquet, another conscious move to avoid criticism King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofía are both expected to keep their titles.


Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014


Roswell Truth Revealed? O

N JuNE 24th 1997, u.s. air Force officials released a 231- page report dismissing long-standing claims of an alien spacecraft crash in roswell, New mexico, which conspiracy theorist believed to have been recovered by government “men in black” almost exactly 50 years earlier.

Public interest in Unidentified Flying Objects, or UFOs, began to flourish in the 1940s, when developments in space travel and the dawn of the atomic age caused many Americans to turn their attention to the skies. The town of Roswell, located near the Pecos River in southeastern New Mexico, became a magnet for UFO believers due to the strange events of early July 1947,

when ranch foreman W.W. Brazel found a strange, shiny material scattered over some of his land. He turned the material over to the sheriff, who passed it on to authorities at the nearby Air Force base. On July 8, Air Force officials announced they had recovered the wreckage of a “flying disk.” A local newspaper put the story on its front page, launching Roswell into the spotlight of the public’s UFO fascination. The Air Force soon took back their story, however, saying the debris had been merely a downed weather balloon. Aside from diehard UFO believers, or “ufologists,” public interest in the so-called “Roswell Incident” faded until the late 1970s, when claims surfaced that the military had invented the weather balloon story as a coverup. Believers in this theory argued that

officials had in fact retrieved several alien bodies from the crashed spacecraft, which were now stored in the mysterious Area 51 installation in Nevada. Seeking to dispel these suspicions, the Air Force issued a 1,000-page report in 1994 stating that the crashed object was actually a highaltitude weather balloon launched from a nearby missile test-site as part of a classified experiment aimed at monitoring the atmosphere in order to detect Soviet nuclear tests. On July 24, 1997, barely a week before the extravagant 50th anniversary celebration of the incident, the Air Force released yet another report on the controversial subject. Titled “The Roswell Report, Case Closed,” the document stated definitively that there was no Pentagon evidence that any

kind of life form was found in the Roswell area in connection with the reported UFO sightings, and that the “bodies” recovered were not aliens but dummies used in parachute tests conducted in the region. Any hopes that this would put an end to the cover-up debate were in vain, as furious ufologists rushed to point out the report’s inconsistencies. With conspiracy theories still alive and well on the Internet, Roswell continues to thrive as a tourist destination for UFO enthusiasts far and wide, hosting the annual UFO Encounter Festival each July and welcoming visitors year-round to its International UFO Museum and Research Center.

mAGnA cArTA SiGneD


OLLOwiNg a rEVOLt by the English nobility against his rule, in June in the year 1215, king John put his royal seal on the magna carta, or “great charter.” the document was essentially a peace treaty between John and his barons, guaranteeing that the king would respect feudal rights and privileges, uphold the freedom of the church, and maintain the nation’s laws. although more a reactionary than a progressive document in its day, the magna carta was seen as a cornerstone in the development of democratic England by later generations.

John was enthroned as king of England following the death of his brother, King Richard the Lion-Hearted, in 1199. King John’s reign was characterized by failure. He lost the

duchy of Normandy to the French king and taxed the English nobility heavily to pay for his foreign misadventures. He quarrelled with Pope Innocent III and sold church offices to build up the depleted royal coffers. Following the defeat of a campaign to regain Normandy in 1214, Stephen Langton, the archbishop of Canterbury, called on the disgruntled barons to demand a charter of liberties from the king. In 1215, the barons rose up in rebellion against the king’s abuse of feudal law and custom. John, faced with a superior force, had no choice but to give in to their demands. Earlier kings of England had granted concessions to their feudal barons, but these charters were vaguely worded and issued voluntarily. The document drawn up for John in June 1215, however, forced the king to make specific guarantees of the rights and privileges of his barons and the freedom of the church. On June 15, 1215, John met the barons at Runnymede on the Thames and set

his seal to the Articles of the Barons, which after minor revision was formally issued as the Magna Carta. The charter consisted of a preamble and 63 clauses and dealt mainly with feudal concerns that had little impact outside 13th century England. However, the document was remarkable in that it implied there were laws the king was bound to observe, thus precluding any future claim to absolutism by the English monarch. Of greatest interest to later generations was clause 39, which stated that “no free man shall be arrested or imprisoned or disseised [dispossessed] or outlawed or exiled or in any way victimised... except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land.” This clause has been celebrated as an early guarantee of trial by jury and of habeas corpus and inspired England’s Petition of Right (1628) and the Habeas Corpus Act (1679). In immediate terms, the Magna Carta was a failure--civil war broke out the same year,

and John ignored his obligations under the charter. Upon his death in 1216, however, the Magna Carta was reissued with some changes by his son, King Henry III, and then reissued again in 1217. That year, the rebellious barons were defeated by the king’s forces. In 1225, Henry III voluntarily reissued the Magna Carta a third time, and it formally entered English statute law. The Magna Carta has been subject to a great deal of historical exaggeration; it did not establish Parliament, as some have claimed, nor more than vaguely allude to the liberal democratic ideals of later centuries. However, as a symbol of the sovereignty of the rule of law, it was of fundamental importance to the constitutional development of England. Four original copies of the Magna Carta of 1215 exist today: one in Lincoln Cathedral, one in Salisbury Cathedral, and two in the British Museum.


Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014


cHAllenGinG Puzzle

eASY Puzzle

SUDoKU every Sudoku has a unique solution that can be reached logically.

enter numbers into the blank spaces so that each row, column and 3 x 3 box contains the numbers 1 to 9.

answers to the sudOku are on page 2.


michael Schumacher out of coma and has left hospital


OrmEr FOrmuLa 1 champion michael schumacher is no longer in a coma and has left the grenoble hospital where he has been treated since a skiing accident in the alps five months ago, his spokeswoman said on monday.

“Michael has left the CHU Grenoble [hospital] to continue his long phase of rehabilitation. He is not in a coma anymore,” his spokeswoman, Sabine Kehm, said in a statement. She did not indicate where he had been transferred to. The announcement came after a German magazine, Bunte, reported last Friday that the 45-year old champion had been moved from the Grenoble hospital’s intensive care department, where he had been in a medically induced coma, into a rehabilitation unit. The magazine reported that Schumacher was “out of danger”, although his chances of a full recovery had diminished. It said that preparations were under way to move him to a specialised rehabilitation clinic. Schumacher sustained life-threatening head injuries after falling on to a rock while skiing with friends in the resort of Meribel, in the French Alps, on 29 December. He underwent two operations in Grenoble to remove blood clots on the brain. Monday’s communique was the first issued by Kehm since 4 April, when she said that the Formula 1 legend was making “small signs of progress” and was showing “some moments of communication”. But since then, former Formula 1 doctor, Gary Hartstein, wrote on his blog earlier this month that he feared the worst, given the lack of information from Schumacher’s family. He said he was “quite afraid, and virtually certain, we will never have any good news about Michael”. Kehm thanked the doctors and nurses at Grenoble hospital and the rescue services who rushed him from the scene of the accident. She said they had done “an excellent job in those first months”. The statement also expressed gratitude for messages of support which she said had surely helped the injured former champion. But she also asked for privacy while Schumacher’s “further rehabilitation” took place “away from the public eye”. The seven-time Formula 1 champion has a home on the shores of Lake Geneva. It was reported in March that his wife Corinna had spent £10million on building a medical suite in the mansion there.

Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014



The Summer Jam 2014 is coming!

iVO/decades/ treasure island has top quality musicians on stage every day of the week, on wednesday, July the 2nd though, they are going the extra mile for your entertainment.

By Andy Briggs For just over three months now VIVO has been hosting afternoon music sessions with myself (Andy Briggs) and Marc Craig (your editor, resident musician at VIVO and T.E.A winner of Best Male Vocal). After growing success and popularity Chris Miller (owner of VIVO and all round nice guy) decided to diversify the sessions and in recent weeks we have been lucky enough to welcome to the VIVO afternoon music team, Helena Campbell (T.E.A winner of best female vocal 2013), Pip Brown (T.E.A winner of Best Newcomer 2011, Best Tribute 2012 and Best Group 2013) and Indianna Mcdonough (an unbelievable singer with a unique voice and innovative music sets.) Apart from multi-award winning resident musicians every day of the week VIVO is now proud to announce it will be hosting a huge summer music festival in the shape of “The Summer Jam 2014”. Tenerife has an abundance of talent and a rich and varied music scene. Residents and tourists alike are extremely fortunate to have such a fabulous selection of high quality entertainers on such a small island. This year VIVO aims to bring some of these entertainers to one venue for one day only and get summer 2014 started with an unforgettable party! Expect to hear every genre of music on the day...modern and classic Take That and Gary Barlow tracks from Mr. Tony Kay an act who personally I have not had the pleasure of hearing which seems strange because everyone I speak to about him tells me the man is not only a great singer, but a real showman and I can’t wait to work with him! On the subject of not having heard great singers and showmen I must move onto Ryan East... at The Summer Jam to inject some party anthems and pop culture! New to the Tenerife music scene Ryan has been a top Robbie Williams tribute act in the UK and now incorporates other chart topping artists into his show. If this

all sounds a bit 90’s onwards then fear not, David Salmon will be on stage at 15.30ish. Voice is not the word...this man can sing! I had the pleasure of meeting David only two weeks ago and together we tried a small rendition of Bon Jovi’s “Bed of Roses” with my acoustic guitar, completely unrehearsed . I won’t be singing next to him again! David, did no one tell you? You can’t go to a venue and sing better than the resident musician...it’s just not cricket. David does a Tom Jones tribute on the island and after having been here only a year or so he already has his foot in the door at some top venues and at “ The Summer Jam 2014” will be performing some of his new material and I just can’t wait! Now you just can’t call a Jam, a Jam if you don’t have any guitarists...well that’s ok, cause at “The Summer Jam 2014” there will be four! That’s right four different guitarists... Adam See is a versatile man. By night he is a singer in a three piece operatic group and in the later hours a tribute to Michael Buble, only to transform into a top quality acoustic artist in the afternoons. After some time spent in Greece as the bassist in a Beatles cover group he has graced our sandy shores with his presence and is a welcome addition to the line up. Lee Rutter, on stage at “The Summer Jam 2014” around 17.30 is a good friend of mine and after only a short time of performing his alternative show “Just Lee” is a sought after gentlemen in many a music bar! As if Lee and Adam aren’t enough, add to the acoustic selection on the day a very talented Swedish man called Oskar Fryksen...a man who has the ability to take songs from all genres of music and make them into magical acoustic numbers...be excited, be very excited! Just don’t go late night drinking with him...he is a lunatic! There is a fourth acoustic artist who will be performing at the gig, a talented and handsome man, with a unique style of music...I forget his name! Just writing this article is getting me a wee bit giddy and the gig is still a month away, however I feel something is missing...ahh yes, females! The dulcit tones and unmistakeable sounds of a woman’s voice. “The Summer Jam 2014” has two of the best female singers the island has to offer performing. The gorgeous Vicky Denton is no stranger to

performing at VIVO, I had the privilege of hearing Vicky at VIVO’s “Help for Heroes” afternoon recently and her gentle and angelic voice will add to an already diverse afternoon a touch of elegance, glad to have you onboard Vicky! And to dilute a very male dominated afternoon “The Summer jam 2014” can be honoured to have Miss Kerry Railton as part of it’s line up. Kerry started out as a compere in various bars over here and although I know she enjoys her work. A vast repertoire, a welcoming and friendly personality and a top voice means she now does full on cabaret shows and I’m excited to see her name on the poster! Summer in Tenerife is a great time for music lovers and every good summer festival needs some funk and reggae. To provide “The Summer Jam 2014” audience with exactly that, a gentleman called Michael J Grant will be on stage at 16.00, only not in is usual solo format. MJ has teamed up with his son and budding musician Scotty T and i’m sure the VIVO team are thrilled to have them, which leaves me only to pay tribute and thanks to two more people. The soul powerhouse that is Mr Less Budd will be gracing “The Summer Jam 2014” stage with his vocal talents at around 14.30, if you have never heard Les before then you can consider yourself “Les” fortunate than me,

because I have, and the guy is excellent. I’m sure you guys are already at boiling point with anticipation but VIVO can be extremely happy to have one more name on the poster for “The Summer Jam 2014” (no, not mine... although that is quite a treat) no i’m talking about a man who I first encountered at a different music festival, a music festival called the “Appy Jam” in Costa Del Silencio hosted by my good friend Gary Appleton (Mr.Gazappy). The gentleman in question approached Gary and asked...”would I be able to do a few songs?” Gary replied, “are you a professional?” The gentleman I speak of is Keith George and he blew me away that afternoon with flawless vocals and a fun and enthusiastic stage presence. Keith is highly popular in Tenerife as a singer and a tribute to Boy George and is the icing on the cake for an event that is going to be incredible! “The Summer Jam 2014” is going to be epic! My inbox is flooded with people asking me for tickets... but there is one more surprise for you guys... this event is free entry! Yep, free entry...if people want to reserve places please contact VIVO and i’m sure that can be arranged. “The Summer Jam 2014” Be excited, be very excited!


Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014




LOVE BRAZIL, I had the pleasure of going there about 12 years with my Brazilian girlfriend at the time and stayed with her stepfather in a proper Brazilian household (right under Christ the Redeemer’s left armpit), not a hotel-room, so I had a taste of real Brasil, not just hotels and beaches, we went into the shanty towns ( favellas), tried real local food and had a chance to explore the thousand and one islands on the beautiful Costa Verde where we stayed on our own island which had a hotel that slept 8 (wooden tree-houses with hammocks) although we were the only guests and were picked up by a fishing boat to be taken to a restaurant 3 islands down whilst pursued by shoals of luminous blue squid!! It was a truly amazing experience, but the memory that sticks with me more than

anything else is not Christ the Redeemer, Sugarloaf mountain or Copa Cabana beach, it’s this... the magical land of samba, soccer carnivals has bugs, big ass ant, wasps and spiders. Big, fat hairy spiders. And snakes. And flesh-eating fish, in fact, I bet the hordes of England fans out there for the World Cup have had a bit of shock, travelling fans who suffer from two of the most common phobias: arachnophobia and ophidiophobia, ain’t got know what hit (or bit) them!! The Brazilian wandering spider is the stuff of nightmares. Not only is this beast the size of a dinner plate, it is also the most venomous spider in the world. There is an antidote for wandering spider bites, so deaths are rare. Its venom can, however, cause erections in male victims which can last for days...which seems an unnecessarily cruel blow to a man’s dignity!! Arachnophobes who suffer from

medorthophobia (look it up) are doomed. The Brazilian wandering spider, of the Phoneutria genus, isn’t afraid of entering human dwellings and has a reputation of being aggressive. It is basically an eightlegged Milwall fan. There are eight known species of Phoneutria, all of which can be found in Brazil and some of which will be trying to mate throughout the World Cup. During this period, males are more likely to be found in dark corners looking for a partner. There are plenty of other spiders in Brazil, including tarantulas such as the Goliath bird-eater. The very thought is enough to scare an arachnophobe stiff, whether they encounter the venom of a wandering spider or not. Studies show that 50% of women and around 16% of men are scared of spiders, meaning there will be millions of anxious people in Brazil, even before World Cup matches go to extra time. And then there is the snake thing. Brazil has lots of snakes. On one island off the coast of São Paulo, there is said to be a snake every

square meter, though local rumour puts the figure as high as five a square meter. This island is more packed with snakes than the Spanish midfield is with talent (Netherlands match aside). There you can find the highly venomous golden lancehead pit viper, whose bite can kill in a matter of hours. The uninhabited island is called Ilha de Queimada Grande and it is illegal to visit without a permit which begs the question..who are the nutters who are applying for permits!!! But there is still enough to unnerve ophidiophobes back on the mainland, home of many venomous serpents, including coral snakes and vipers. The vast Amazon region in the north and the Pantanal wetlands in the west are two of the richest places on the planet in terms of biodiversity. In both places you can find the giant anaconda, a snake so big it could probably swallow Peter Crouch and Rio Ferdinand whole.. and still have room left for Aaron Lennon. Still, it is unlikely visitors to Brazil will stumble upon any of these animals unless they deliberately set out to see them. But


Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014

Spotlight on masca


f you want to see some of the islands most breathtaking views AND satisfy the lady in your life with some quality shopping, I recommend you take a road trip through Masca valley on to Buenavista and then finally to El Trompo shopping centre in La Orotava, the best of both worlds!

From the south, take the TF1 to Adeje,then onto the TF82 through Guia de Isora,eventually taking a left onto the Masca road at Santiago del Teide -a word of warning, it’s one of the most stunning routes on the island but high,winding and barely wide enough for two cars,yet coaches are frequent travellers on this route and although they must know this road like the back of their hands,many of the coach drivers show little or no consideration for other drivers and rarely give way-my poor missus was almost driven off the road into a drainage ditch by an oncoming coach,a harrowing experience for the most seasoned driver! However she handled it well and we drove into Masca unscathed!!

Masca village With a population of only 80 people, this beautiful part of the island was only accessible by paths until the late 1960’s surrounded by mountains and hills,the centre features a small plaza and church with stalls selling local food produce and arts and crafts.

There is a popular but fairly difficult hiking trail that takes about 3 hours to get to the beach where you can get a sea taxi to Los Gigantes. The housing in the village has to be seen to be believed,it’s really like a set from the Hobbit, with doorways barely high or wide enough to accommodate the average sized person-one has been converted into a small museum and there are small restaurants available for traditional Canarian food,however we found it strange that the inhabitants of these quaint buildings were nowhere to be seen!! Although we didn’t stop to eat it’s easy to imagine ordering something and only seeing a pair of hands reaching over the counter to hand you their wares! Buenavista On leaving the village the roads improve slightly, the scenery continues to bring to mind Tolkein’s imaginary world,lush green farmland built on steps nestled among the hills with only some blackened treelines-evidence of the recent fires. to spoil the illusion. With our short stop in Masca village we arrived at Buenavista del Norte around 2 hours into our journey, bigger than expected,the town isn’t as picturesque as say Garachico, just a bit further on, but as it’s name means “good view” it certainly has those in abundance-my wife had recently seen the “Clash of the Titans” remake and as some of the locations feature heavily (the city of Argos in particular,it’s an added treat for film buffs!

La Orotava El Trompo is a huge shopping complex on the outskirts of this lovely town. Alcampo is at the centre of this enormous shopping mall that features all your favourite stores plus many more that we had never seen before,there’s a Zara home store and even a Claire’s accessories! Needless to say my shopaholic other half was in heaven!! Parque Nacional Del Teide Thoroughly shopped out but in no rush to be anywhere, we decided against returning home by autopista, instead using our trusty google map, we opted to take the scenic route over the volcano taking the TF21 through the national park. Although all of the routes across Teide are beautiful, this one in particular is truly stunning, really other worldly in places,the views of the Barranco de Candelaria are breathtaking,we stopped at Montana Blanca which from a distance looks like its covered in White sand but is in actual fact pumice stonewho knew that little skin removing device could look so majestic!! Home Returning to familiar roads we drove past Teide and made our way down through the clouds to Vilaflor and home,exhausted but content in the knowledge that once again this incredibly beautiful place still has some surprises.



Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014

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Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014

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Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014



Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014






panish newspapers on saturday used words like “humiliation” and “catastrophe” after world champions spain’s 5-1 battering by the Netherlands in their opening soccer world cup match in brazil. Most papers had for their front pages a photo of Spain’s goalkeeper and captain Iker Casillas kneeling with head bowed as Dutch players celebrated after ripping the Spanish defence to shreds. Madrid sports daily Marca mourned “a historic catastrophe”, dubbing the Netherlands’ performance “a goal-scoring spree of Biblical proportions” against Spain: “This is not just any old defeat. It is a historic disaster. There is no precedent of this scale in the history of the World Cup.” With two Euro championships plus the 2010 World Cup title under their belt, expectations for Spain in this competition could not be higher and the response to Friday night’s upset was bitter. El Mundo ran the single headline “Humiliation”on the front page and “A ridiculous start,” was what the Barcelonabased daily Sport went for on its front page. Barcelona general newspaper El Periodico accused La Roja or the Reds, as being “Red with shame”. Madrid sports daily AS called it a “Total breakdown” by Spain in the second half as they gave away a 1-0 lead earned through Xabi Alonso’s contentious first-half penalty. Spanish papers noted bitterly that the scoreline -- two goals each by Arjen Robben

and Robin Van Persie and one by Stefan de Vrij -- was sweet revenge for the Dutch for their 1-0 defeat by Spain in the 2010 World Cup final in South Africa. Many believe the defeat marked the end of an era for the world and European champions. “Spain is like the remains of an empire that knows it is near its end,” wrote noted commentator Joan Maria Battle in Sport. “Casillas was unrecognisable. Pique and Sergio Ramos were uncoordinated, as if they had never played together,” while Iniesta and Xavi dropped out of sight in the second half, Battle wrote: “The hardest job will be in maintaining team spirit.” Lobo Carrasco in Barcelona sports paper Mundo Deportivo wrote: “It is time to think quickly, draw firm conclusions and make logical changes in the next starting line-up to get back into this World Cup. Winning it seems is almost impossible, but it all depends on beating Chile.”

England physio Gary Lewin ‘devastated’ to be leaving World Cup

people with phobias don’t deal in reality, or in rationality. They have no truck with platitudes such as, “That 50-foot snake is more scared of you than you are of it,” or, “That dog-sized spider on your shower curtain won’t bother you.” Brazil will be a treat for any World Cup visitor, but for people with phobias, the 20th edition of the tournament might be among the most daunting. The country certainly boasts more spiders and snakes than Europe, where half of all World Cups have been held. The most threatening animal there is probably a diseased sheep or a wild boar served as an undercooked sausage in a German restaurant. Brazil has hosted the World Cup once before, in 1950; this will be the fifth time the tournament has been held in South America. Mexico has hosted twice and the U.S. once. These places, as well as Japan and South Korea—joint hosts in 2002—have their fair share of creepy crawlies, yes Japanese Giant Hornet we are looking at you but nothing on the scale of what you can find in

a place like the Amazon. South Africa, the 2010 World Cup host, could challenge Brazil. Spectacularly dangerous wildlife graces that country, from lions and crocodiles to great white sharks and much more that could quite happily eat the odd slow running footie fan. It is rational to be afraid of some of these creatures. The World Cup in Brazil poses more of a threat to people who suffer from atychiphobia, or the fear of failure. It could also affect those with xanthophobia, which is the fear of the color yellow: They won’t relish seeing Brazil’s national soccer shirt for the next month or so. Copacabana Beach would be a suitable refuge for people with vestiphobia: a fear of clothes. Carnival time is problematic for sufferers of omphalophobia and pteronophobia, who are scared of belly buttons and of being tickled by feathers, respectively. And of course there is a strange group of people riddled with anxiety about penalty shootouts.....


ary LEwiN says he is “absolutely devastated” to be going home after breaking his ankle in a freak accident during England’s 2-1 defeat to italy.

Lewin, attending his 205th match as England physio, fell over in the technical area on Saturday night as he celebrated Daniel Sturridge’s equaliser in Manaus. Scans revealed he had dislocated and fractured his ankle in what Roy Hodgson described as a “very painful” accident. Lewin flew back to Rio from Manaus with the team but he will now return to the UK. England’s other physio, Steve Kemp, will take on Lewin’s duties while Hodgson’s men remain in the tournament. Lewin said: “I’m absolutely devastated to be going home. A lot of hard work, planning and preparation had gone into this tournament. England has a fantastic backroom staff who will continue to provide excellent support to the players and management.

“I’d like to thank my England colleagues and the FIFA medical officers at the Amazônia Arena for their excellent, professional treatment. And of course, I wish the England team all the best for the rest of the tournament.” Hodgson said he was sad to hear Lewin, England physio since 1996, had been ruled out of the tournament. “It’s very unfortunate for Gary and us that this accident occurred,” the England manager said. “We will of course miss him as he’s an extremely experienced and popular member of staff. However, we wish him a speedy recovery and know he’ll be cheering us on from back home.” Lewin is the second England staff member to suffer an injury on this tour. The assistant coach, Ray Lewington, needed surgery on his knee after waking up in agony during the squad’s warm-up camp in Miami. Lewington has remained with the squad, although he has been given a cast for his left leg.


Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014



Supes Vs Bats Gets revealing Subtitle


E aLways susPEctEd the upcoming man of steel sequel, featuring a faceoff between batman and superman would set the scene for a Justice League movie, this has all but been confirmed by the reveal that the films official title is batman vs superman: dawn of Justice....as in league...see what they’ve done? To further fan the flames, it has now been confirmed that Conan actor Jason Momoa will play Aquaman in the movie. We already know that Israeli model Gal Godot will be playing Diana Prince, aka Wonder Woman, it seems that fellow JLA founder Aquaman will be getting a radical makeover - dark skinned man-giant Momoa is quite a change from the blonde King of Atlantis as depicted in the comics! Momoa had been rumoured to have been in talks to play

a role in the sequel for some time, with both villain Darkseid and Martian Manhunter, cited as potential roles, but now it appears that director Zack Snyder has already finalized his designs for the character so shooting can take place soon. Apparently the next film will be all about consequences, in particular the aftermath of the death and destruction, caused by Kal-El’s battle in Metropolis against Zod at the end of the first movie. It is suspected that Lex Luthor will use the destruction as a way of making Superman look like a monster, and another character who’s not particularly happy about what happened in that film is Aquaman, although they may not actually use that name,. According to the rumour mill he is really not pleased about the World Engine and what it did to the Indian Ocean. He will not have a major role in the film, but he will make an appearance, and it definitely sets him up to return once Snyder gets to “Justice League.”

Star in The wars

Harrison Ford injured on set of Star Wars: Episode VII


hE 71 yEar OLd superstar had to be rushed into hospital last thursday and treated for a possible broken ankle. as more details emerge it seems that han solo’s trusty old ship may have turned on him-the culprit was apparently the hydraulic door of the millennium Falcon, Ford’s character’s iconic space freighter that appeared in the very first movie back in 1977.

The incident happened only days after director JJ Abrams cheekily appeared to confirm that Solo would be behind the wheel of his old “bucket of bolts” by tweeting a picture of a note complaining about

Before The Dawn

leaked photos and “ridiculous comments” about the Millennium Falcon making an appearance in the sequel....the note was left on what looked suspiciously like the craft’s holographic chess table! The Star Wars sequel is being filmed at Pinewood Studios outside of London. Apparently his wife, actress Calista Flockhart has flown over to be by his bedside, sources from the set say the shooting schedule will be worked around the star’s recovery and they would continue to shoot Ford from the waist up while his ankle mends. Ford is one of the several original Star Wars stars returning to the galaxy far far away. He’s joined by fellow alums Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Peter Mayhew.


0th cENtury Fox has released a new video which fills in the details of the events that took place between the end of rise of the Planet of the apes and the upcoming dawn of the Planet of the apes, which hits theaters on July 17th. Dawn is set 15 years after the events of 2011’s Rise and focuses on a growing nation of genetically evolved apes led by Caesar (Andy Serkis), threatened by a band of human survivors

of the devastating virus unleashed a decade earlier. They reach a fragile peace, but it proves short-lived, as both sides are brought to the brink of a war that will determine who will emerge as Earth’s dominant species. The film is directed by Matt Reeves and features a cast that includes Andy Serkis, Jason Clarke, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Gary Oldman, Keri Russell, Judy Greer and Toby Kebbel. You can see the featurette by typing “prepare for dawn” into your search engine.

Neighbors showing daily at 18:00 hr - 96 min

comedy rated - r Starring

Seth Rogen , Rose Byrne, Zac Efron, Dave Franco, Christopher Mintz-Plasse information correct at time of going to press. check our Facebook page or contact the cinema for further information.

tel: 922 713 858

A couple with a newborn baby face unexpected difficulties after they are forced to live next to a fraternity house.


Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014



kinG PhiLiP


hEN sPaNish king Juan carlos decided to abdicate, the whole debate of the relevance of a monarchy raised its head again. Juan carlos was the savior of spain back in the seventies after he handed the country back to democracy from the grips of fascist dictator Franco. his health in recent years has suffered and his son Prince Felipe has now taken over as king of spain. The ceremony was seen by Royalists as a great chance for Spain to celebrate with lots of pomp and circumstance but because of the state of the country’s finances and the fact that so many people are out of work in Spain, the coronation was a very low key affair.

ThumBS uP!


tEPhEN suttON, the young man who inspired people to donate over 4 million pounds to cancer charity has been awarded a posthumous mbE. he was told of the award before he died and he was reportedly delighted about it even though he said that he didn’t raise the money to win awards. He was a truly inspirational young man and is a great example of what people can achieve when they put their minds to it. Just imagine what he would have been able to achieve if he had lived to a ripe old age. The money raising goes on as he inspired so many others into action and there are many events happening all over the country to raise awareness

It was decided that the coronation would take place in parliament in front of politicians and would be free from the exotic costs of usual royal ceremonies.

on Yer ScooTer

weDDinG DreSS a uSeD AnD ABuSeD


N austraLiaN man whose wife cheated on him is selling her wedding dress online with a damning advert. the 32 year old man wrote that the dress had a track record of producing an adulterous, deceitful and double crossing, traitorous soulmate. The advert said “ Due to be married soon? Not planning on staying faithful? Want to sleep with one of your husband’s closest friends? Then THIS is the wedding dress for you.” 200,000 people have viewed

the advert and there have been many offers for the dress which he describes as being “A one of a kind garment designed by Benedict Arnold using the very cloth that Judas Iscariot wore to the garden of Gethsemane to betray the only son of God, Jesus Christ.” The advert says that the dress will give you two years of wedded mediocrity before the utter disintegration of your relationship due to extra marital promiscuity. The groom is remaining anonymous because he fears reprisals from his wife who is now his EX!

BLAir’S ProJecT mOrE trOubLEs in iraq have brought former Prime Minister Tony Blair out of the closet so that he can comment on the situation. i can’t help thinking that he did enough the first time round with his American friend. it might have been a good idea if he had stayed quiet and let someone else deal with the issue!

to teenage cancer. His mother is bursting with pride at her brave son’s achievements and rightfully so!

22 yEar old student has come up with an invention that could change his life. a scooter that folds up to the size of an a4 piece of paper was designed by george mabey. it is made of aluminium which means that it is also very light. it uses a cable which tightens and support an adult’s weight when completely taught. The scooter is now being made

at a cost of 1000 pounds but the prices will drop dramatically if people show interest in it and it goes into commercial production. It weighs less than 5 kilos and fits into a handbag. It would come in useful if you missed the bus! The scooter is being exhibited as part of the London South Bank University’s Design and engineering show. He was awarded 1000 pounds as a prize for his design.

iT’S fine – no fine


1 year old ron webster borrowed a book, Professor ar radcliffe-brown’s structure and Function in Primitive society, from the university Library in Liverpool in 1953. 61 years after he borrowed the book, he returned it to the library and was delighted to find that he was let off the fine which would have totaled £4,500. The University charges 20p a day for late books. When he moved to London, he had forgotten to return it and only found it recently when going through his book collection at home in Derbyshire. The librarian said he would waive the fine if Mr Webster promised to return all his books on time in future. He returned the book when he was on a tour of Liverpool with his son-in-law. The librarian said, “They called me and said ‘you’ve got to come down - there’s a man try-

ing to return a book he took out in 1953’. The book title suggests that it was heavy reading, but not so heavy that it would take 61 years to read.


Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014

Future Flights


irplane journeys won’t be getting any easier for Pteromerhanophobics, according to experts future flying machines will have transparent cabins and will harvest passenger body heat . in proposed designs for future planes, there will be panoramic views provided by a “futuristic cabin membrane” which will be completely seethrough. New technology will both allow planes to turn off their engines sooner and “optimize an aircraft’s

landing position,” which means getting off the runway faster and quicker boarding at the gate. Gregor Dirks, corporate innovator for Airbus, says: “We could think about city center check-in and actually transport little pods to the airport where the passengers are already in and just slide the pod into the airplane.” If the “transparent cabin” is a terrifying concept for you, your own body heat could power your own holographic pop-up pod, instantly blocking your view of the sky. Fliers of the future might board the AWWA Sky Whale, another proposed design dubbed the “greenest aircraft imaginable.” In addition to being super green, the

revolutionary plane would hold 755 passengers, be able to take off vertically, and even come with wings that can fix themselves! As technologies like electronic chips and biometric data storage systems become more prevalent in air travel, passengers may simply need to just swipe ID cards or show finger prints instead of pulling out passports. The use of 3D printers has risen in the medical industry, and now it could make a big difference in the manufacturing of airplanes. By using 3D printers, cabins could soon be made up of titanium brackets, causing planes to not only weigh less, but also cut down on gas usage.

Question One: From which country did the turkery originate? Question two: What is Britain’s biggest spider? Question three: Which plants take their name from the Greek word for


Question Four: Who wrote A Hitch-Hiker’s Guide To The Galaxy? Question Five: Who played a superb baddie in Die Hard and Robin Hood:

Prince of Thieves?

Question six: Which comedy actor starred in The Pink Panther? Question seven: Which record company shrewdly decided that The Beatles weren’t worth signing?

Question Eight: What comes next: double bogie, bogie, par, birdie,

eagle, ....?

Question Nine: How many series of the classic John Cleese sitcom Fawlty Towers were made? Question ten: Name the actors who starred as Oxford detectives Morse and Lewis in Inspector Morse. Question Eleven: When was the United Kingdom formed? Question twelve: In the 19th century, what word did Charles Richet coin to describe the study of the paranormal?



Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014




’m NOt taLkiNg abOut the most commonly known totem poles. you know the sort derived from native american tribes that are carved in wood. the carvings depicting pictures of animals or people entwined, each one telling their own story. i’m thinking along the lines of stacking your own ideas and collectables to offer a twist to the legendary totem pole concept. your thoughts could drift along the lines of anything from a towering stack of brightly colour painted bricks to old treasured but now unusable china, glass, porcelains etc. guess the secret lies in keeping that stack upright and together whether they be small delicate glass or bold strong and tall. whatever combinations you come up with for your structure be it for indoors or out they need to be very firmly secured.

For example you could add a new twist to once old loved vintage glass now outdated and stored away. Bring it out of its wrappings to be displayed, loved and admired again. Ok so like so many others out there they were binned solely on the thought of being ridiculously outdated. Go scour the car boots and junk shops for unwanted treasures or have a mosey round the stores for cheap colourful glassware in various shapes. Things like vases,glass light shades, dishes,bowls,plates etc. will do the trick. As you collect and mix; your own ideas shapes and colours will begin to stand out in your mind for the type of tower you want to create. Right so you’ve got the image.....but how to keep the tower intact!!! Firstly make sure you use an outdoor silicone sealant/ adhesive in clear ( not white or any other colour ) You can buy this in cartridges that use a caulking gun or in a squeeze tube. assEmbLy 1. Wash and dry the glassware keeping your hands off the surfaces you need to bond. This is to prevent oil passing from your skin which will prevent a firm grip with the adhesive. 2. Decide how you want to arrange your pieces. Joining surfaces need to have a snug fit and as some glassware can be found to be warped, check it out first otherwise it might well be impossible to join. 3. Use small glass plates to provide a flat surface between two vases for example that might be otherwise impossible to join. 4. It’s easier to work in sections. For example join items together in groups of two. When they are fully dry you can


then adhere these units together and so on until you reach your preferred height. Do make sure you follow the drying time on the adhesive label you have purchased as these can and most certainly do vary. tiPs I would advise to keep a quilt or pillows around your glass pieces as you are working and they are drying. Accidents do happen and falling glass is less likely to break surrounded by a soft landing ground than it would onto a tiled floor for example. If your tower is intended for the garden then bury the base of it a good few inches into the soil to keep it steady and safe. You could also add a few stones or pebbles around the base if you think its necessary. In addition to it being a decorative garden totem you could incorporate one or two shallow dishes (placed upright) in your stack to create bird baths. Keeping them to a height so they can easily be cleaned out. Your totem is after all made of glass and can be kept clean and sparkling to show off its colours . Do think of choosing chunkier glassware for garden use saving fine and delicate glassware for smaller towers in your home. You could also embellish the surfaces of your outdoor totem (tower) with any weather-resistant items. For example flat bottom marbles, stones, coins or trinkets etc just as long as they both have a smooth area on which to adhere to. OthEr tOtEm idEas 1. Try using varying shapes of wood. Simply drill holes large enough through the centre to insert a metal (or even plastic pipe) through that can be inserted to a firm level in the ground. Then adhere or drill a hole into the base of a ornate wood carving or bought wood decor to sit at the top. 2. Use vases of varying heights and upturned dishes to create mushroom features. 3. What about a combination of rock, wood and round stones. Angling and using dabs of cement to build and create your feature tower. 4. Have you any odd pieces of wood and a tall wooden post lying around. Pick up a handful of nails plus a good saw and go creative. Design a few shapes and nail them up to your post.... your own creation of a sculpture in wood... 5. A collection of varying height garden posts look really cool painted up with bright designs upon them. Get the kiddies in on

the act. Have them paint big bold colourful flowers then add their names and the date painted along side their art. 6. What about a towering stack of plant pots either painted, plain or in differing colours. You could place wider ones at intervals as you work up and fill these with cascading plants. Its what you use to adhere that is the important factor unless of course you can use metal rods or piping to hold them erect. Always Always make sure your adhesive fits the material you are using and that its weatherproof. That you have a flat surface to flat surface (unless your using cement mix) for adhering and that you have a solid ground base and depth for steadiness. Stick to those rules and you can’t go wrong. Delicate glass and china i would really advise for an indoor totem but if you really really want one outside then do make sure its protected from strong winds etc (possibly amongst plants). Most importantly not where a child may hurt themselves if accidentally falling on such a delicate structure. P.S. note to the editor.....good idea for personalised pee pee posts for all those pooches !!!


Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014

aquarius 20 January to 18 February

A romantic relationship may seem to take a backward step. if so, it’s best to let it be. it’s possible that your love interest has problems to deal with or other reasons why they can’t spend more time with you. once Mercury forges ahead on July 1, things should return to normal. Venus in your home zone encourages entertainment, especially midweek, when hosting a guest and colleagues or business partners could lead to a lucrative proposition. Starting Saturday, you’ll want to get fit and feel fabulous.


Bill Bombs engagement Pics!

Pisces 19 February to 20 March

Good news may come regarding a publishing, educational, or legal matter. You might also be invited to visit friends who live at a distance, or be visited by someone you haven’t seen in a while. Meanwhile, getting your house in tiptop shape could be a major priority as Mercury eases back into Gemini and your home sector. This could be a golden opportunity to remove clutter and make more space for creative activities. on another note, reorganizing your home could bring greater peace of mind.

aries 21 March to 19 April

As Mercury rewinds back into Gemini, a family or property concern may be resolved to your satisfaction. However, you’ll need to remain on your toes concerning the purchase of big-ticket items or closing deals. You might find a nice business or financial opportunity on Tuesday, so long as you’re willing to negotiate carefully. The Sun moves into cancer on Saturday, putting the spotlight on home matters, perhaps encouraging you to do some repairs, gardening, or redecorating.

taurus 20 April to 20 May

You may need your problem-solving skills, especially where a financial or business matter is concerned. However, you can organize things to your satisfaction with a little tweaking. Although the purchase of expensive items should be delayed due to Mercury’s retrograde phase, you can go ahead if you keep receipts and paperwork in case of problems later. After Saturday, a trip down memory lane might encourage you to connect with pals for a reunion. Also, you could be a coach or mentor to someone who needs support.

gemini 21 May to 21 June

expect some confusion early in the week as Mercury rewinds into your sign. However, you can quickly resolve problems if you’re prepared to tweak your plans. if you exercise tact and diplomacy with both business and personal ties, you can sail through the days ahead with few problems. Finances get a boost from Saturday, perhaps encouraging you to take a shrewd look at your expenses or consider adapting your budget. in romance, someone may be keeping a secret from you.

cancer 22 June to 22 July

even though you may feel impatient early on, you’ll radiate charm and charisma on Wednesday, enough to impress all the right people. The right folks will naturally want to cooperate with you, which could lead to a romantic tryst or even a lucrative deal. You may get an energy boost when the Sun glides into your sign on Saturday. its presence here puts a focus on personal goals and needs in the month ahead, encouraging you to start on any plans you’ve been considering.

leo 23 July to 22 August

Perhaps it isn’t a good idea to gamble or take unnecessary financial risks right now, particularly as Mercury, your financial planet, continues retrograde. While it does a backward dance in Gemini starting Monday, you also need to watch out for mixed messages, especially where socializing and networking are concerned. However, the Sun moves into your spiritual sector on Saturday, and you’re entering a natural phase in which you should take time out to relax and recharge. Dreams may gain in importance, too.


OmEdy actOr, groundhog day and ghostbusters star bill murray has been photo bombing people since way before the term was dreamt up!

There’s a fantastic urban legend about Bill Murray, about how he’ll walk up to strangers, put his hands over their eyes and whisper, “No one will ever believe you,” into their ear before he disappearing, but a couple from Charleston, South Carolina, Ashley Donald and Erik Rogers can prove it. The couple were posing for their engagement pictures, smiling and holding hands on the steps of an historic building when a man on the sidewalk started trying to get their attention. Photographer Raheel Gauba of Fia Forever Photography Studio said:

“I thought, ‘Who the heck is bothering them, I turn around and it’s Bill Murray with his shirt up, belly out, tapping his belly and trying to make them laugh.” Gauba then asked Murray if he’d like to join the couple for a picture. “’Sure I would,’” Gauba said Murray told him. “I took the shot and off he goes.” This is the second time in the past few weeks that Murray has become part of a Charleston couple’s pre-wedding plans: Over Memorial Day, he gave a speech to everyone but the groom-to-be during a bachelor party. “If you have someone that you think is The One … take that person and travel around the world,” he said. “And if, when you land, you’re still in love with that person, get married at the airport.”

Tesco – every Little Spike Removed

Virgo 23 August to 22 September

Your social life continues to sizzle, especially on Tuesday, when a warm and friendly aspect is perfect for a get-together, party, or even a business lunch. However, as Mercury moves back into Gemini and your career zone, take extra care when discussing deals or signing contracts that have an impact on your future and reputation. Read the fine print and ask relevant questions before agreeing. Make copies of paperwork to help guard against problems further down the line.

Libra 23 September to 23 october

You may want to sign up for a course, lecture, or seminar in the week ahead. This can be an opportunity to improve your skill set or get a qualification that will be helpful in the future. However, at midweek there’s a chance you can close a lucrative deal if you play your cards right, and there’s the option of romance in a workaday setting. if you’re traveling on Thursday, be ready for a potential change of plans or some delays.

scorpio 24 october to 21 november

it probably isn’t the best time to apply for a loan or mortgage, since Mercury will be moving back into your zone of shared assets. Research your options, but don’t put pen to paper unless you’re sure you understand what you’re getting into. Midweek may be the optimum opportunity for a date night with a special someone. if you’re willing to move outside your comfort zone, you might get along even better. later, a desire for adventure might tempt you to join a pal on an excursion.

sagittarius 22 november to 21 December

Venus in Taurus might cause some of your more indulgent habits to show up. While this may not be the best week for your diet, you might fare better at work, where there is the potential for a pay raise or contract that could help your cash flow. in romance, misunderstandings may arise as Mercury heads back into Gemini, which could be unfortunate in a dating situation. Get clear before you do or say anything that could cause embarrassment.

capricorn 22 december to 19 January

Mercury retrogrades back into Gemini from Tuesday, so delays with travel and other communication issues may occur. Wednesday brings a delightful Venus/Jupiter sextile, which can enhance get-togethers and other social occasions. The Sun conjuncts Mercury on Thursday, helping concentration and focus. Meanwhile, chiron turns retrograde on Friday, which might encourage a more introverted perspective for the purpose of healing. Finally, the Sun enters cancer on Saturday, ushering in the Summer Solstice and days of sunshine and relaxation.


EscO has bOwEd to pressure and removed anti-homeless spikes from outside one of its London stores after an outcry from protesters. the superstore claimed the spikes were to discourage anti-social behaviour but ahead of a planned protest outside the shop on June 21 – which more than 700 people on Facebook said they would attend – tesco have taken the studs away.

The inch-high studs that Boris Johnson branded ‘ugly, self-defeating and stupid.’ sparked outrage from homeless charities after they were installed outside the Tesco

Metro store in Regent Street. Activists were also photographed trying to pour concrete between the spikes this week. The supermarket giant installed the spikes to prevent anti-social behaviour which had deterred people from shopping in the store. In a statement, Tesco said: ‘These studs have caused concern for some, who have interpreted them as an antihomeless measure, so we have decided to remove them to address this concern. We will find a different solution and hope this clears up any confusion.’ A Change.org petition demanding a ban on all forms of anti-homeless spikes has been signed by almost 130,000.


37 parkle´s S y r r Ba Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014


Bit On The Side

SeAfooD LASAGne hellooo Sparklettes!

THiS SUPeR RicH, Alfredo based seafood lasagne is a brilliant alternative to the normal lasagne. it takes a bit of time to prepare, but it is well worth it! You don’t have to use the scallops, prawns or crabmeat. Why not try it with off cuts of salmon, smoked haddock or any other fish and seafood you have lying around. Also if you prefer, make your own white sauce or butter sauce, and infuse it with some of your favourite herbs. This great recipe is so adaptable that you can quite simply tailor it to your own preference.

ingredients: 450g lasagne sheets 30 ml olive oil 1 clove garlic, minced 455g mushrooms, sliced 1 large 900g jar Alfredo-style pasta sauce 450g prawns, peeled and cleaned

450g bay scallops 450g crabmeat, chopped 565g ricotta cheese 1 egg Black pepper 700 g shredded Parmesan

method: PReHeAT oVen to 175°c. Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add lasagne sheets and cook for 8 to 10 minutes or until al dente; drain. Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Sautee garlic and mushrooms until tender. Pour in Alfredo sauce. Stir in shrimp, scallops and crabmeat. Simmer 5 to 10 minutes, or until heated through. in a medium bowl, combine ricotta cheese, egg and pepper. in a 9x13 inch baking dish, layer lasagne sheets, ricotta mixture, Alfredo mixture and shredded cheese. Repeat layers until all ingredients are used, ensuring that there is shredded cheese for the top. Bake uncovered in preheated oven for 45 minutes. cover, and bake 15 minutes.


ELL i’m just back from a n o t h e r holiday...as you probably read, last week i had a bit of a windfall after selling a dusty old painting that i found lying around the manor so i thought i’d treat myself to a minibreak...although i wasn’t happy when baggage handlers confused my luggage for coleen rooneys...i mean, coleen always takes 20 suitcases and they should all know by now...i take 25!!!

I see Katie Price, my old mate...and tonguewrestler...but that’s a story for another day... is back sleeping with her husband again... her lying cheating husband ... and cheating with her best friend too...now I guess there’s no chance of me being husband number 5... Oh well... maybe I’ll try for husband number 15 next year...thing is...she’s taken him back...if they’d given me the chance...I would’ve taken them... both!!! On a more serious note, I want to thank the lovely Meryl Kew for the lovely review and kind words she wrote after she came

to see our new show last Friday, Meryl, you’re a star!!! Everyone involved in the show work so soo hard and when someone as respected as yourself is appreciative, it makes it all worthwhile...I have to admit...when I read what you said about me, I even shed a few tears!!! Mind you... The Ritz did call but even they couldn’t afford... me!!! Anyway... It’s almost time for another Decades Spectacular... time to be the perfect host...(Meryl’s words not mine)!!! Until next time...keeep Sparkling!!!


Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014


What’s a commonym you ask?

A commonyms is group of words that have a common trait in the three words/items listed. For example: the words; A car - A tree - An elephant.. they all have trunks. These will make you think!

1. wagon - Ferris - cart____________________________________________________ 2. Love - chain - dear John_________________________________________________ 3. hot - chili - corn________________________________________________________ 4. bricks - Eggs - carpets__________________________________________________ 5. a skyscraper - Ernest heminway - mark twain___________________________ 6. tone - Zest - dove_______________________________________________________ 7. door - grand - Nobel ____________________________________________________ 8. Pillow - dog - Fist__________________________________________________________________________ 9. dinner - straight - Leather_________________________________________________________________ 10. Labor - columbus - ground hog____________________________________________________________ 11. your hand - your Voice - your children______________________________________________________ 12. chop - yard - Pogo________________________________________________________________________ 13. Lawn - rocking - wheel____________________________________________________________________ 14. sheep - watch - seeing-Eye________________________________________________________________ 15. Lilac - Plum - Violet _______________________________________________________________________


issue 125 - PuZZLEs Page 8. Page 24. Page 34. Page 56.


cryptic crossword Sudoku Pub Quiz Quick crossword


Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014



By Lingy

New “Sauce” Of Plastic? F

Ord is ExPErimENtiNg with food waste from ketchup production to replace plastic in the manufacturing of vehicles.

Tinned food company Heinz are developing a process to produce car materials using dried tomato skins. The experiment is part of a two-year Ford project to reduce amount of petroleumbased material which also involves developing soy foam seats and coconut-based compartments. The tinned-food giant known for its ‘57 varieties’ is looking at how it could use its biowaste to create a ‘green’ replacement for

petroleum-based plastic inside the cars such as the Mondeo, Fiesta, Focus and Galaxy. Ford scientists are testing the durability of tomato fibre – made largely from waste peeled tomato skins, stems and seeds – for potential use in making wiring brackets and storage bins. The firms say it will reduce the use of petrochemicals used in the manufacture of plastic and so reduce the harmful impact on the environment. Ford plastics research specialist Ellen Lee said: ‘Dried tomato skins could become the wiring brackets in a Ford vehicle or the storage bin a customer uses to hold coins and

The World’s fastest electric car

other small objects. We are exploring whether this food processing by-product makes sense for an automotive application. Our goal is to develop a strong, lightweight material that meets our vehicle requirements, while at the same time reducing our overall environmental impact.’ Heinz’s research and development associate director Vidhu Nagpal said: ‘Our researchers were looking for innovative ways to recycle peels, stems and seeds from the more than two million tons of tomatoes the company uses annually to produce its best-selling product, Heinz Ketchup. We are delighted that the technology has been

foreign Driving School opens


hE uk’s First left-hand driving school has opened in brixton after surveys revealed that 25% of british drivers are too scared to drive on holiday.


ord Paul drayson, the british peer and racing driver has developed his Lola drayson electric prototype racer, which has smashed electric car speed records - including a run of 205.139mph (333.271kph). that speed represents the average of a pair of one-mile passes on a closed runway at Elvington airfield in yorkshire, England. the 53-year-old Labour Party member also set an EV record for the standing-start quarter-mile, re-

cording a time of 9.742 seconds.

The Drayson racer’s electric motor produces a maximum of 640kW of power (that’s about 850hp), which is more than double that of the highest-performance version of the speedy Tesla Model S road car. Such power is sufficient to push the verdant 2,200-pound racer to 60mph in three seconds flat. Drayson Racing Technologies had intended to test the car’s top speed in the US in September, across Utah’s famously flat Bonneville Salt Flats, but foul weather and flooding scuttled the attempt.

validated. Although we are in the very early stages of research, and many questions remain, we are excited about the possibilities this could produce for both Heinz and Ford and the advancement of sustainable 100 per cent plant-based plastics.’ A Ford spokesman said: ‘Ford has increased its use of recycled non-metal and bio-based materials. Rice is used to make electrical cowl brackets introduced in the last year, Ford’s biobased portfolio now includes eight materials in production. Other examples include coconutbased composite materials, recycled cotton for carpeting and seat fabrics, plus soy foam seat cushions and head restraints.’

Skyscanner and UK driving instructors are teaming up to help Brits make sense of baffling foreign road signs and confusing roundabouts, with a free course that also helps hapless drivers tackle left hand drive cars in the hope it will build Brits’ confidence of taking a road trip while away. Apparently research has shown that 24% of drivers find driving abroad terrifying because: They don’t understand the road signs, they’re afraid of Getting lost or Going around roundabouts the wrong way and they find driving on the other side of road too daunting. The survey of 1,084 adults also showed 36 per cent admit they don’t research driving laws before driving abroad and 24 per cent would prefer their partners to drive.

Skyscanner’s Mary Porter said: ‘With two-thirds of the world’s countries driving on the right-hand side of the road we wanted to give British holidaymakers the confidence they need to drive overseas. Rules and regulations vary from country to country so we’ve also published a guide to provide some clarity for drivers including top tips on driving on the opposite side of the road. There is so much to discover off the beaten track so we hope people make the most of it without the fear of driving abroad.’ The guide includes a list of national speed limits for UK’s most popular holiday destinations and also a list of unusual road signs they may come across as this is cited as the most fearful part of driving overseas. There are also tips on how to drive on the right as well as a list of some of the more unusual driving laws. Classes will run on Saturday, July 12 in Brixton, London and are subject to availability.



Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014

20 June

Friday - TV 06:00: 09:15: 10:00: 11:00: 11:30: 12:15: 13:00: 13:30: 13:45: 14:15: 15:00: 15:30: 16:00: 19:05: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30: 22:00: 22:25: 22:35: 23:20: 23:55: 01:50: 01:55:

Breakfast Crimewatch Homes Under the Hammer Claimed and Shamed Countryside 999 Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Doctors Perfection Escape to the Country Flog it! Trade Secrets Match of the Day Live BBC News at Six BBC London News EastEnders Celebrity MasterChef BBC News at Ten BBC London News The Graham Norton Show Uncle EastEnders Omnibus Weatherview BBC News

06:00: Holiday Airport 06:55: The Best of You’ve Been Framed! Animals Special 07:45: The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 08:40: Dinner Date 09:40: Real Housewives of Orange County 10:30: Real Housewives of Atlanta 11:30: The Millionaire Matchmaker 12:30: You’ve Been Framed! 13:00: The Cube 14:00: Jeremy Kyle Show 16:10: Real Housewives of Atlanta 17:05: The Millionaire Matchmaker 18:00: Dinner Date 19:00: You’ve Been Framed! 19:30: You’ve Been Framed! 20:00: Britain’s Got More Talent 21:00: The Holiday 23:45: Celebrity Juice 00:30: Two and a Half Men 01:25: Dads 01:45: TV OD

07:05: 07:35: 07:40: 08:20: 09:05: 10:05: 10:35: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 13:00: 17:15: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:05: 00:35: 01:35:

Building Dream Homes Brazil’s Soccer Cities Match of the Day Don’t Get Done, Get Dom The Great British Sewing Bee First Time on the Front Line The Travel Show BBC News BBC World News The Daily Politics Tennis Pointless Eggheads Building Dream Homes Antiques Road Trip Sea City Gardeners’ World Seven Wonders of Brazil QI Newsnight Buster The Battle to Beat Polio Match of the Day

06:00: Second Thoughts 06:25: Heartbeat 07:20: The Royal 08:25: Murder, She Wrote 09:25: Judge Judy 09:55: Judge Judy 10:20: Judge Judy 10:45: Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple 12:40: Heartbeat 13:40: The Royal 14:45: The Return of Sherlock Holmes 15:55: Lewis 18:00: Heartbeat 19:00: Murder, She Wrote 20:00: Midsomer Murders 22:00: Wire in the Blood 23:55: William and Mary As William faces tragedy at work, he needs all the support he can get. Starring: Martin Clunes, Julie Graham, Cheryl Campbell, Michael Begley, Claire Hackett 00:55: The Constant Gardener


06:00: 08:30: 09:25: 10:30: 11:25: 11:30: 12:30: 13:30: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 22:15: 22:35: 01:15:

06:00: 06:50: 07:40: 08:40: 09:40: 10:40: 11:40: 12:45: 13:50: 14:50: 15:55: 16:55: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00:

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather Peter Andre’s 60 Minute Makeover Dickinson’s Real Deal Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV News and Weather Emmerdale FIFA World Cup Live 2014 ITV News and Weather FIFA World Cup Live 2014 Jackpot247

Minder Cheers The Sweeney Kojak Magnum, P.I. The Professionals Minder Minder Magnum, P.I. Kojak The Sweeney Hornblower Cheers Cheers Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Benidorm Basic Mystery thriller in which an army investigator is called in when a hard-nosed sergeant and several of his elite troops go missing on a routine training mission in Panama. 00:10: National Lampoon’s Vacation

06:45: 07:05: 07:30: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 12:05: 13:05: 13:40: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:35: 23:10: 23:40: 00:15: 01:45: 05:50:

06:00: 07:10: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 13:00: 13:30: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 23:55: 00:55: 01:25: 01:55:

According to Jim 3rd Rock from the Sun King of Queens Royal Ascot Frasier Undercover Boss Canada Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News Summary Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Royal Ascot The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Celebrity Fifteen to One 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown Friday Night Dinner The Inbetweeners The Inbetweeners The Inbetweeners Airplane II: The Sequel Royal Ascot Kirsty’s Homemade Home

06:00: 08:45: 09:00: 09:15: 11:10: 12:10: 12:15:

Home Shopping Top Gear Storage Hunters Cars, Cops and Criminals Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Cars, Cops and Criminals Top Gear Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Cars, Cops and Criminals Storage Hunters Storage Hunters QI XL QI XL Alan Davies: As Yet Untitled Have I Got a Bit More News for You QI XL Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Alan Davies: As Yet Untitled

10:00: 10:30:

13:15: 13:45: 14:15: 15:20: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:40: 23:10: 00:10:

Childrens T.V. Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff Cowboy Builders 5 News Lunchtime Big Brother: Power Trip Home and Away Neighbours NCIS McBride: Semper Fi 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Cricket on 5 The Girl Raised by Monkeys Big Brother: Live Eviction Stand by Your Man The Interview Big Brother’s Bit on the Side Super Casino

World Cup Verdict Fantasy Football Club Highlights 11:00: The Premier League Years 13:00: Football’s Greatest Players 13:30: Football’s Greatest Managers 14:00: Football’s Greatest Teams 14:30: Football Gold 15:00: The Premier League Years 17:00: One2eleven: International Stars 17:15: Football’s Greatest Teams 17:45: One2eleven: International Stars 18:00: IRB Junior World Championships 19:00: Sky Sports News World Cup Report 19:30: Super League Match 22:00: Sky Sports News World Cup Report 22:30: Football’s Greatest Teams


19:45: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:00: 23:45: 00:30:

11:00: 13:35: 16:20: 18:45: 21:00:

23:00: 01:10:

06:00: 08:00: 10:30: 18:45: 22:30:

23:30: 00:30: 01:30:


Great Movie Mistakes IV: May the Fourth be with You Doctor Who Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents Bad Education EastEnders Family Guy Family Guy Russell Howard’s Good News

The Andromeda Strain McLintock! The War Lord Coraline Transporter 3 Jason Statham returns to his role as Frank Martin, the crook’s courier of choice for legally dubious goods. Predator 2 Donkey Punch

IRB JuniorWorld Championships IRB Junior World Championships Cricket T20 Cricket Cricket Day one of the second test between England and Sri Lanka from Headingley. Cricket IRB Junior World Championships School of Hard Knocks Will Greenwood and Scott Quinnell attempt to form a rugby team from former prisoners and gang members. This week: Sir Clive Woodward offers some words of wisdom. School of Hard Knocks

Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014


S a t u r d ay - T V 06:00: 10:00: 11:30: 12:00: 12:15: 16:00: 16:45: 18:00: 18:30: 18:40: 18:50: 19:30: 22:10: 22:30: 22:40: 01:10: 01:15:

06:00: 07:15: 08:40: 09:40: 10:40: 11:50: 12:50: 14:40:


16:45: 18:55:

21:00: 23:25:

Breakfast Saturday Kitchen Live Paul Hollywood’s Pies and Puds BBC News Athletics Bargain Hunt F1: Grand Prix Qualifying Celebrity Mastermind BBC News BBC London News A Question of Sport Match of the Day Live BBC News National Lottery Saturday Draws Match of the Day Live Weatherview BBC News

06:00: This is BBC Two 06:20: A Double Life 08:00: MOTD Kickabout 08:30: Brazil’s Soccer Cities 08:35: FIFA World Cup 1986 10:00: Match of the Day 10:45: Wimbledon Classics 12:45: Tennis 15:30: The Triple Cross 17:30: Natural World 18:30: Flog it! Trade Secrets 19:00: Fostering and Me with Lorraine Pascale 20:00: A Culture Show Special 21:00: I Love 1996 22:00: Gimme Gimme Gimme 22:30: The Mrs Merton Show 23:00: Game on 23:30: TOTP 2 Presents the 90s 00:30: Houseguest

Emmerdale Omnibus Coronation Street Omnibus Britain’s Got More Talent Britain’s Got More Talent Take Me Out I Wanna Marry Harry Flipper You’ve Been Framed Rides Again! Funniest Ever You’ve Been Framed! Arthur and the Great Adventure The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor Underworld Troy

06:00: Murder, She Wrote 06:45: Murder, She Wrote 07:45: The Royal 08:50: The Royal 09:50: The Darling Buds of May 10:55: The Darling Buds of May 12:05: The Railway Children 14:20: Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple 16:25: Midsomer Murders 18:25: Rosemary and Thyme 20:00: Doc Martin 21:00: Foyle’s War 23:00: Bomb Girls Bringing Up Bombshell. Six-part World War II drama series, telling the remarkable stories of women who risked their lives in a Canadian munitions factory. 00:00: A Touch of Frost 01:55: Movies Now

21 J u n e st

06:00: 07:05: 07:20: 07:45: 08:00: 08:25: 08:30: 09:25: 10:25: 11:20: 11:30: 12:30: 14:30: 15:00: 16:00: 19:15: 19:20: 19:30: 20:30: 22:30: 22:45:


06:00: 06:15: 07:00: 07:25: 07:55: 08:25: 08:55: 09:25: 10:25: 11:25: 12:30: 14:35: 15:35: 17:40: 19:55: 22:00:


Childrens T.V. Sooty Digimon Fusion Horrid Henry Adventure Time ITV News Weekend The Hungry Sailors Murder, She Wrote ITV News and Weather All Star Mr and Mrs A Touch of Frost Fool Britannia Tipping Point FIFA World Cup Live 2014 ITV News London ITV News and Weather You’ve Been Framed! Our Queen ITV News and Weather The Beatles: The Night That Changed America A Grammy Salute Jackpot247

Greatest FA Cup Finals The Sweeney Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers Motorsport UK The Professionals The Professionals Dragnet British Superbike Championship Highlights The Appaloosa Rooster Cogburn Hornblower Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Based on Hunter S Thompson’s classic book, Terry Gilliam’s film stars Johnny Depp as Raoul Duke and Benicio Del Toro as his companion Dr. Gonzo Species III

The Hunger Games

06:05: 06:35: 07:30: 07:55: 09:00: 10:00: 10:30: 11:00: 11:25: 11:50: 12:20: 12:45: 13:40: 18:05: 18:35: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 23:50: 02:00: 04:10:

06:00: 07:10: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 10:30: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 13:00: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:40: 23:35: 00:30: 01:00: 01:25:

channel 4 - 21:00 - 23:50


ENNiFEr LawrENcE stars in gary ross’s bafta award-winning actionthriller adaptation of suzanne collins’ best-selling novel.

The dystopian nation of Panem has emerged from the post-apocalyptic remains of the USA. It’s a land governed mercilessly from its wealthy central metropolis, the Capitol: following a series of quashed revolts, it demands an annual tribute from each of its 12 outlying regions of a boy and a girl between the ages of 12 and 18. The youngsters, in a warped method of simultaneously controlling and entertaining Panem’s populace,


are sentenced to hunt each other in televised lethal combat in an area of enclosed woodland; the last person alive is the winner. Sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen (Lawrence) is part of the latest contest, having voluntarily taken the place of her younger sister. In addition to her compassion, her resourcefulness, steely determination and collaborative instinct could tip the balance in her favour. But the fight to the death is complicated (for protagonists, viewers and organisers alike) when fellow competitor Peeta Mellark (Josh Hutcherson) professes his love for her.

Royal Ascot Transworld Sport Mobil 1 Royal Ascot Weekend Kitchen with Waitrose Frasier Frasier The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Simpsons The Simpsons The Tomorrow People Royal Ascot Jamie’s Money Saving Meals Channel 4 News The Restoration Man Grand Designs The Hunger Games Saturday Night Fever Royal Ascot Hollyoaks Omnibus

Home Shopping Driving Wars Top Gear Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Lizard Lick Towing Lizard Lick Towing Sin City Motors Cars, Cops and Criminals Top Gear Top Gear Sin City Motors Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Motorway Cops Storage Hunters Storage Hunters QI XL QI XL Mock the Week Have I Got a Bit More News for You QI XL Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Motorway Cops

06:00: 08:05:

08:20: 08:40: 08:55: 09:15: 09:30: 10:00: 10:15: 10:50: 11:45: 13:15: 15:30: 17:45: 19:00: 19:55: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00:

06:00: 08:00: 11:00: 12:00: 13:30: 16:30: 16:55: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:00: 23:15: 23:45: 00:15: 00:30: 00:45: 01:00:

Childrens T.V. The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky Angelina Ballerina Rupert Bear Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Jelly Jamm LazyTown Access Power Rangers Super Samurai The Dog Rescuers Big Brother Hitch The Deep End of the Ocean Columbo: A Case of Immunity Cricket on 5 5 News Weekend The ABBA Years Big Brother Autopsy Big Brother’s Bit on the Psych Super Casino

Rugby Union Rugby Union Will Greenwood Special Rugby Union Rugby Union Rugby Union Rugby League Sky Sports News World Cup Report Football’s Greatest Teams Graham Taylor Interviews Denis Law Time of Our Lives Sky Sports News World Cup Report Football’s Greatest Teams One2eleven: International Stars Destination Brazil Destination Brazil One2eleven: International Stars Football Gold Football Gold The Premier League Years

19:00: Great Movie Mistakes 2: The Sequel 19:05: Madagascar 20:30: Doctor Who 21:30: Comedy Fest Live 22:30: Russell Howard’s Good News 23:00: Family Guy 23:45: Family Guy 00:30: Family Guy 01:15: American Dad! 01:40: American Dad! Badults 02:00:

11:00: 13:00: 14:55:

17:00: 19:15: 21:00: 23:25: 01:30:

06:00: 07:00: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 10:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30:

23:00: 00:00: 01:00: 02:00:

The Man From Colorado Taxi Star Trek III: The Search for Spock The Princess Diaries Fast Girls Shooter Machete Saw III

Tight Lines Cricket Cricket Cricket Fever Cricket Extra Cricket Best of ICC T20 Best of ICC T20 Cricket Cricket Ashes Modern Classics Ashes Modern Classics Matthew Hayden. A look back into the archives to relive the Ashes careers of ten legends of the modern game. This episode features Australia’s Matthew Hayden. Cricket Cricket Will Greenwood Special Cricket

editor Recommends



Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014


Sunday - TV

06:00: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:15: 13:00: 13:15: 14:10: 14:55: 15:40: 15:55: 16:30: 19:05: 19:15: 19:25: 20:15: 21:15: 22:05: 22:20: 22:30: 01:10: 01:15:

06:00: 06:45: 07:40: 08:40: 10:10: 11:40: 13:35: 14:35: 15:05: 15:35: 17:30: 19:15: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 23:30: 01:20: 02:00:

Breakfast The Andrew Marr Show Sunday Morning Live Sunday Politics Bargain Hunt BBC News Countryfile Flog It! Escape to the Country Points of View Songs of Praise Match of the Day Live BBC News BBC London News Countryfile Antiques Roadshow Casualty BBC News BBC London News Match of the Day Live Weatherview BBC News

Beauty and the Geek Britain’s Got More Talent Britain’s Got More Talent Emmerdale Omnibus Coronation Street Omnibus America’s Got Talent Funniest Ever You’ve Been Framed! You’ve Been Framed! You’ve Been Framed! Flipper Scooby-Doo Johnny English Educating Joey Essex The Only Way is Marbs TV OD License to Wed Fake Reaction You’ve Been Framed!


This is BBC Two


Gardeners’ World


Beechgrove Garden


Match of the Day

07:50: FIFA World Cup 1990 09:30:

Saturday Kitchen Best Bites








Ice Age Giants


The Tropic of Cancer


F1: Grand Prix


A Cabbie Abroad


Backchat Father’s Day Special


Mock the Week



06:25: 06:50: 07:05: 07:20: 07:45: 08:00: 08:25: 08:30: 09:25: 10:20: 11:15: 11:25: 12:30: 13:30: 14:00: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 18:10: 18:25: 19:25: 22:15: 22:30: 23:00: 00:00:




The Culture Show


Holby City


06:00: 07:50: 08:55: 09:55:

Rising Damp Heartbeat Heartbeat Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple Sparkling Cyanide Rosemary and Thyme The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes Inspector Morse Midsomer Murders Midsomer Murders Interview with the Vampire Fantasy drama. Louis looks back on a 200year life and tells San Francisco journalist Daniel a story of vampires and grief. He lost his wife and child in 18th-century New Orleans, and was introduced to the joy of necks by bloodsucker Lestat. William and Mary

06:00: 06:25: 06:50: 07:15: 07:45: 08:10:

12:00: 14:05: 15:40: 16:40: 19:00: 21:00: 23:00:


08:40: 09:45: 10:40: 11:35: 12:00: 12:30: 14:30: 17:15: 20:00: 21:00: 22:05: 00:00: 01:45:

Dino Dan: Trek’s Adventures Canimals Sooty Digimon Fusion Horrid Henry Deadtime Stories ITV News Weekend May the Best House Win Murder, She Wrote ITV News Love Your Garden Long Lost Family Nature’s Newborns Columbo Tipping Point Ejector Seat ITV News London ITV News and Weather Catchphrase FIFA World Cup Live 2014 ITV News The New Statesman Rik Mayall Presents Piers Morgan’s Life Stories The Store

Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers Police, Camera, Action! Magnum, P.I. Ax Men Ax Men Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty The ‘Burbs The Story of Dr Wassell Midway Dirty Britain Benidorm National Lampoon’s European Vacation Guest House Paradiso Cristiano Ronaldo: Footballing Superstar


Tel. 922 714 500 Whale Watching Puerto colon 2 Hours 22 euros

06:10: 06:35: 07:05:

08:00: 08:30: 09:00: 09:30: 12:30: 13:30: 14:00: 14:30: 14:55: 16:40: 17:45: 18:15: 20:00: 21:00: 22:20: 00:35: 05:45:

06:00: 07:00: 07:10: 07:35: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 13:00: 13:30: 14:00: 14:30: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:40: 23:35: 00:35: 01:05: 01:40:

Royal Ascot Caterham at Zolder Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research Blenheim Palace Triathlon Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Sunday Brunch George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Simpsons Marmaduke Deal or No Deal Channel 4 News Mr. Popper’s Penguins Born in the Wild Fargo The Social Network The Hills Have Eyes II Deal or No Deal

Home Shopping Radical Highs Hardliners Hardliners Top Gear Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Motorway Cops Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Motorway Cops Storage Hunters Storage Hunters QI XL QI XL Mock the Week Have I Got a Bit More News for You QI XL Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Motorway Cops

06:00: 08:35: 08:40: 08:55: 09:15: 09:30: 10:00: 10:35: 10:40: 11:40: 12:40: 13:35: 15:10: 17:10: 18:55: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 00:10: 01:05:

13:00: 13:30: 14:00: 14:30: 15:00: 17:00: 17:15: 18:15: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:00:

Childrens T.V. Milkshake! Show Songs Rupert Bear Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Jelly Jamm LazyTown Power Rangers Megaforce Access Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door Big Brother Legally Blondes While You Were Sleeping Monster-in-Law 5 News Weekend Cricket on 5 Bikini Body? The Truth About Diets Big Brother What to Expect When You’re Expecting Benefits Britain: Life on the Dole Super Casino

Football’s Greatest Players Football’s Greatest Managers Football’s Greatest Teams Football Gold The Premier League Years One2eleven: International Stars Soccer A.M. The Best Bits One2eleven: International Stars Football’s Greatest Players Sky Sports News World Cup Report Football’s Greatest Teams Sporting Heroes Time of Our Lives Sky Sports News World Cup Report Football’s Greatest Teams One2eleven: International Stars


19:00: 19:05: 20:25: 22:00: 22:30:

23:00: 23:45:

11:00: 13:00: 15:40: 18:20: 21:00:

23:05: 01:00:

06:00: 06:30: 07:00: 08:00: 09:00: 10:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00:

23:00: 00:00: 01:00: 02:00:

June Great Movie Mistakes Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa Streetdance Russell Howard’s Good News Russell Howard’s Good News Best Bits Family Guy American Dad!

Baby’s Day Out The Hunt for Red October Clear and Present Danger The Karate Kid Colombiana Stars Zoe Saldana as a woman with revenge on her mind, and the lethal skills to achieve it. 48 Hrs Blue Juice

Best of ICC WT20 Best of ICC WT20 Cricket Cricket Cricket Writers on TV Cricket Tour De Suisse Cycling Cricket Cricket Tour De Suisse Cycling The 78th Tour de Suisse in Switzerland. Rui Costa claimed victory in this competition in 2013. The Portuguese secured the yellow jersey after winning the final stage of the event. Cricket Cricket Tour De Suisse Cycling Cricket

Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014


23 June

M o n d ay - T V 06:00: 09:15: 10:00: 11:00: 11:30: 12:15: 13:00: 13:30: 13:45: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:25: 22:35: 23:35: 00:35: 01:20: 01:25:

Breakfast Crimewatch Homes Under the Hammer Claimed and Shamed Countryside 999 Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Wimbledon 2014 BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show Britain’s Homeless Families EastEnders New Tricks BBC News at Ten BBC London News When Andy Won Wimbledon Match of the Day The Graham Norton Show Weatherview BBC News

06:00: Emmerdale 06:25: Holiday Airport 07:25: You’ve Been Framed! 07:45: The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 08:30: Dinner Date 09:30: Real Housewives of Orange County 10:30: Real Housewives of Atlanta 11:30: The Millionaire Matchmaker 12:30: Emmerdale 13:00: The Cube 14:00: Jeremy Kyle Show 16:10: Real Housewives of Atlanta 17:05: The Millionaire Matchmaker 18:00: Dinner Date 19:00: You’ve Been Framed! 19:30: You’ve Been Framed! 20:00: You’ve Been Framed! 20:30: Must Love Dogs 22:30: Celebrity Juice 23:20: Two and a Half Men 00:15: Dads 00:40: Fake Reaction 01:25: You’ve Been Framed and Famous!

06:00: 06:20: 07:20: 07:50: 08:20: 09:05:

10:05: 10:35: 11:00: 11:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:20: 00:20: 01:20:

06:00: 06:25: 07:20: 08:30: 09:30: 09:50: 10:15: 10:40: 12:50: 13:50: 14:55: 16:00: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:05: 01:55:



This is BBC Two Homes Under the Hammer Building Dream Homes Match of the Day Don’t Get Done, Get Dom Permission Impossible: Britain’s Planners Watchdog Test House Click The Daily Politics Wimbledon 2014 Today at Wimbledon Police Under Pressure The Culture Show Newsnight A Cabbie Abroad Watermen: A Dirty Business Match of the Day

Second Thoughts Heartbeat The Royal Murder, She Wrote Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple Heartbeat The Royal The Return of Sherlock Holmes Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Midsomer Murders Place of Execution William and Mary Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple Movies Now

06:00: 08:30: 09:25: 10:30: 11:25: 11:30: 12:30: 13:30: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 19:10: 19:15: 19:30: 20:30: 23:15: 23:55: 00:20:

06:00: 06:55: 07:55: 08:55: 09:55: 10:50: 11:55: 13:55: 15:00: 16:00: 19:05: 19:35: 20:00: 20:30: 23:05:

00:00: 01:00:

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather Peter Andre’s 60 Minute Makeover Dickinson’s Real Deal FIFA World Cup Live 2014 ITV News London ITV News and Weather Coronation Street FIFA World Cup Live 2014 ITV News and Weather You Cannot be Serious! Jackpot247

07:30: 07:55:

00:55: 05:55:

King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Undercover Boss Canada Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News Summary Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me A Place in the Sun: Home or Away Countdown Deal or No Deal Draw it! Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Dispatches Jamie’s Money Saving Meals 24 Hours in A and E CCTV: Caught on Camera Bouncers Undercover Boss USA Fargo Countdown

Minder Cheers Kojak Magnum, P.I. The Sweeney The Professionals Minder Magnum, P.I. Kojak FIFA World Cup Live 2014 Cheers Storage Wars Storage Wars FIFA World Cup Live 2014 Ax Men End of the Line. Series following the work of North American lumberjacks with this programme taking stock of the work achieved so far throughout the logging season. Motorsport UK Vinnie Jones’ Toughest Cops USA

06:00: 07:10: 07:35: 08:00: 09:00: 09:30: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 13:00: 13:30: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 21:40: 22:20: 23:00: 23:40: 00:20: 01:00: 01:40:

Home Shopping The Gadget Show The Gadget Show Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Motorway Cops Top Gear Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Motorway Cops Top Gear Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Motorway Cops Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Gavin and Stacey Gavin and Stacey Gavin and Stacey Mock the Week Mock the Week Gavin and Stacey Gavin and Stacey Gavin and Stacey

09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 12:05: 13:05: 13:40: 14:40: 15:30: 16:30: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 23:05: 00:00:

06:00: 08:05: 08:10: 08:25: 08:30: 08:35: 08:45: 09:00: 09:15: 11:10: 12:10: 12:15: 13:15: 13:45: 14:15: 15:15: 15:20: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00: 01:00:

10:30: 11:00: 13:00: 13:30: 14:00: 14:30: 15:00: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 23:30:

Childrens T.V. Mio Mao Little Princess Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Toby’s Travelling Circus Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff Cowboy Builders 5 News Lunchtime Big Brother Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Access Desolation Canyon 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Cricket on 5 Angry Britain Benefits Britain: Life on the Dole Big Brother Big Brother’s Bit on the Side Autopsy Super Casino

Fantasy Football Club Highlights The Premier League Years Football’s Greatest Players Football’s Greatest Managers Football’s Greatest Teams Football Gold The Premier League Years Soccer A.M. The Best Bits Football Gold Football’s Greatest Players Sky Sports News World Cup Report Football’s Greatest Teams Football’s Greatest Players Sporting Heroes Time of Our Lives Sporting Rivalries Football’s Greatest Teams

19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 23:30: 23:55: 00:15: 00:35: 01:35:

11:00: 12:50: 14:45: 16:35: 18:40: 21:00: 22:55: 01:15:

06:00: 07:00: 08:00: 08:30: 19:00: 20:00:


23:00: 00:00: 02:00:

Hotel of Mum and Dad Barely Legal Drivers Murdered by My Boyfriend EastEnders Badults Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! Murdered by My Boyfriend Badults

The Cross of Lorraine 40 Guns to Apache Pass And Then There Were None Drums Along the Mohawk Ever After Whiteout Mr. Nice Weekender

Tour De Suisse Cycling IRB Junior World Championships Best of ICC WT20 Cricket Super League Fulltime Cricket England v Sri Lanka 2nd Test D4 (Headingley) Highlights. Day four of the second test between England and Sri Lanka from Headingley. Cricket The Verdict. Charles Colville is joined by Arjuna Ranatunga and Bob Willis to look back on all the major talking points from day four of the second Test between England and Sri Lanka. Cricket Cricket Cricket

Police Under Pressure editor Recommends xxxxxxxxx

BBc 2 - 21:00 - 22:00


ritish POLiciNg is under pressure like never before as forces up and down the country try to cope with the biggest cuts to their budgets in modern times.

South Yorkshire Police has more trouble than most. It’s struggling to rebuild a reputation tainted by the tragedy of Hillsborough and some of the worst crime figures in Britain. It’s also struggling to keep the peace in some of its most difficult neighbourhoods. In some parts of Sheffield, tension between the existing white and Asian communities and newly

arrived Roma from Eastern Europe is threatening to boil over into violence. In other areas, an epidemic of anti-social behaviour threatens to spiral out of control. With exclusive access to both officers on the ground and the most senior ranks, this film follows the neighbourhood police team in Sheffield’s toughest patch as they try to maintain order while coping with ever-decreasing resources. The film raises fundamental questions about the state of modern policing: with cuts biting ever deeper, is it time to accept that there are certain things the police just can’t afford to do?



Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014

Tu e s d a y - T V






Homes Under


BBC News at Ten


BBC London News






BBC News


Homes Under the Hammer Match of the Day Don’t Get Done, Get Dom Britain’s Greatest Pilot: The Extraordinary Story of Captain Winkle Brown Watchdog Test House HARDtalk The Daily Politics Wimbledon 2014 Today at Wimbledon Shopgirls: The True Story of Life Behind the Counter Goodness Gracious Me: Reunion Special Newsnight Police Under Pressure The Super League Show Match of the Day

06:00: Coronation Street 07:00: You’ve Been Framed! 07:25: You’ve Been Framed! 07:45: The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 08:30: Dinner Date 09:30: Real Housewives of Orange County 10:30: Real Housewives of Atlanta 11:30: The Millionaire Matchmaker 12:30: Coronation Street 13:30: You’ve Been Framed! 14:00: Jeremy Kyle Show 16:10: Real Housewives of Atlanta 17:05: The Millionaire Matchmaker 18:00: Dinner Date 19:00: You’ve Been Framed! 20:00: I Wanna Marry Harry 21:00: Hell’s Kitchen 23:00: Celebrity Juice 23:50: Two and a Half Men 00:45: Dads 01:10: Hell’s Kitchen 02:00: Life’s Funniest Moments


Second Thoughts




The Royal

the Hammer 11:00:



Countryside 999


Bargain Hunt


BBC News at One


BBC London News


Wimbledon 2014


BBC News at Six


BBC London News


The One Show




Match of the

06:20: 07:20: 08:20: 09:05:

and Shamed

Day Live

10:05: 10:35: 11:00: 11:30: 20:00: 21:00:

22:00: 22:30: 23:20: 00:20:

08:20: Murder, She Wrote 09:20:

Judge Judy


Judge Judy


Judge Judy


Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple




The Royal


The Return of Sherlock Holmes


Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple



19:00: Murder, She Wrote 20:00: Midsomer Murders 22:00: Place of Execution 23:00:

William and Mary


Inspector Morse

24 J u n e th

06:00: 08:30: 09:25: 10:30: 11:25: 11:30: 12:30: 13:30: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 19:30: 19:40: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:35: 00:25:

06:00: 06:50: 07:20: 07:50: 08:50: 09:50: 10:50: 11:50: 12:55: 13:55: 15:00: 16:00: 19:05: 19:35: 20:05: 21:10: 21:40: 22:15: 00:30:

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather Peter Andre’s 60 Minute Makeover Dickinson’s Real Deal FIFA World Cup Live 2014 ITV News London ITV News and Weather Love Your Garden Alison Steadman’s Shetland ITV News at Ten and Weather Rambo III Jackpot247

Minder Cheers Cheers The Sweeney Kojak Magnum, P.I. The Professionals Minder Minder Magnum, P.I. Kojak FIFA World Cup Live 2014 Cheers Cheers The Chase: Celebrity Special Commando: On the Front Line Commando: On the Front Line The Island D-Tox

07:30: 07:55: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 12:05: 13:40: 14:40: 15:30: 16:30: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 23:35: 00:30: 01:25: 01:50: 05:55:

06:00: 07:00: 08:00: 09:00: 09:30: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 13:00: 13:30: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 21:40: 22:20: 23:00: 23:40: 00:20: 01:00: 01:40:

King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Undercover Boss Canada Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News Summary Come Dine with Me A Place in the Sun: Home or Away Countdown Deal or No Deal Draw it! Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Location, Location, Location The Auction House Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA Europe’s Immigration Disaster Coppers Pokerstars.Com PCA KOTV Boxing Weekly Transworld Sport Countdown

Home Shopping India with Sanjeev Bhaskar Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Motorway Cops Top Gear Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Motorway Cops Top Gear Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Motorway Cops Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Sin City Motors Gavin and Stacey Gavin and Stacey Gavin and Stacey Mock the Week Mock the Week Gavin and Stacey Gavin and Stacey Gavin and Stacey

06:00: Childrens T.V. 07:35: Thomas and Friends 07:50: Noddy in Toyland 08:10: Little Princess 08:25: Peppa Pig 08:30: Peppa Pig 08:35: Toby’s Travelling Circus 08:45: Bananas in Pyjamas 09:00: Tickety Toc 09:15: The Wright Stuff 11:10: Cowboy Builders 12:10: 5 News Lunchtime 12:15: Big Brother 13:15: Home and Away 13:45: Neighbours 14:15: NCIS 15:15: Frozen Impact 17:00: 5 News at 5 17:30: Neighbours 18:00: Home and Away 18:30: 5 News Tonight 19:00: Cricket on 5 20:00: The Dog Rescuers 21:00: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 22:00: Big Brother 23:00: Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 00:00: Wentworth 00:55: Super Casino

10:30: 11:00: 13:30: 14:00: 14:30: 15:00: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 23:30:

Fantasy Football Club Highlights The Premier League Years Football’s Greatest Managers Football’s Greatest Teams Football Gold The Premier League Years Soccer A.M. The Best Bits Football Gold Football’s Greatest Players Sky Sports News World Cup Report Football’s Greatest Teams Football’s Greatest Teams Football’s Greatest Players Sporting Heroes Time of Our Lives Sporting Rivalries Football’s Greatest Teams

19:00: 19:30: 20:30: 23:00: 23:30: 23:55: 00:15: 00:40: 01:00: 01:30:

World’s Craziest Fools Top Gear Match of the Day Live EastEnders Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! American Dad! Badults Murdered by My Boyfriend

11:00: 12:35: 14:30: 16:45: 18:20:

The Black Arrow The Long Arm The 300 Spartans The Tall T The Hunt for Red October 21:00: Die Hard 23:35: Macgruber Will Forte, Kristen Wiig and Val Kilmer star in this violent, risqué action-movie spoof. 01:25: Beginners

06:00: 07:00: 08:00: 08:30: 09:30: 10:30:

19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00:

23:00: 00:00: 02:00:

Cricket Cricket Best of ICC WT20 Cricket Cricket Cricket England v Sri Lanka 2nd Test (Day 5) (Headingley). Day five of the second test between England and Sri Lanka from Headingley. Best of ICC WT20 Best of ICC WT20 Cricket Cricket The Verdict. Charles Colville is joined by Arjuna Ranatunga and Bob Willis to look back on all the major talking points from day five of the second Test between England and Sri Lanka. Cricket Cricket Cricket

Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014


We d n e s d ay - T V 06:00:



This is BBC Two




Homes Under


Homes Under the Hammer


Animal Park


Bargain Hunt


Match of the Day


Wimbledon 2014


Helicopter Heroes


BBC News at One


Natural World


BBC London News


Wimbledon 2014


BBC News at Six


BBC London News


The One Show




Match of the Day Live


BBC News at Ten


BBC London News


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06:00: You’ve Been Framed! 06:25: Holiday Airport 07:25: You’ve Been Framed! 07:45: The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 08:30: Dinner Date 09:30: Real Housewives of Orange County 10:30: Real Housewives of Atlanta 11:30: The Millionaire Matchmaker 12:30: You’ve Been Framed! 13:00: Jeremy Kyle Show 16:10: Real Housewives of Atlanta 17:05: The Millionaire Matchmaker 18:00: Dinner Date 19:00: You’ve Been Framed! Rides Again! 21:00: I Wanna Marry Harry 22:00: The Only Way is Marbs 22:50: Educating Joey Essex 23:50: Celebrity Juice 00:35: Two and a Half Men 01:00: Two and a Half Men 01:30: Hell’s Kitchen

06:00: 06:25: 07:20: 08:25:

Second Thoughts Heartbeat The Royal Murder, She Wrote Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple Heartbeat The Royal The Return of Sherlock Holmes Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Lewis Place of Execution William and Mary Inspector Morse

09:20: 09:50: 10:15: 10:40: 12:40: 13:50: 14:50: 15:55: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:05:

25 June th

06:00: Good Morning Britain 08:30: Lorraine 09:25: The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30: This Morning 11:25: ITV News 11:30: This Morning 12:30: Loose Women 13:30: ITV News and Weather 14:00: Peter Andre’s 60 Minute Makeover 15:00: Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00: FIFA World Cup Live 2014 19:10: ITV News London 19:15: ITV News and Weather 19:30: Coronation Street 20:00: All Star Mr and Mrs 21:00: Benidorm 22:00: ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:35: On Assignment 23:05: Raw Deal 01:05: Jackpot247

06:50: 07:20: 07:55: 08:50: 09:50: 10:50: 11:55: 12:55: 13:55: 15:00: 16:00: 19:05: 19:35: 20:05:

21:10: 22:15: 00:35:

Cheers Cheers The Sweeney Kojak Magnum, P.I. The Professionals Minder Minder Magnum, P.I. Kojak FIFA World Cup Live 2014 Cheers Cheers River Monsters Lair of Giants, Part 1. Jeremy Wade explores the Essequibo, Guyana’s largest river. Armed with only old journals and his rod, Jeremy is on a mission to discover if monsters of the past still exist. River Monsters Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Basic

07:55: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 12:05: 13:40: 14:40: 15:30: 16:30: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00: 00:30: 01:20:

06:00: 07:00: 07:10: 08:00: 09:00: 09:30: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 13:00: 13:30: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 17:40: 18:20: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 21:40: 22:20: 23:00: 23:40: 00:20: 01:00: 01:40:

The only Way is Marbs iTV 2 - 22:00 - 22:50


EcrEts, LiEs, gOssiP and scandal – it’s all in a day’s work for the residents of britain’s most talked about county, as the Only way is Essex returns to itV2. Series twelve kicks off with a two part Marbella special, in which the gang get into the Summer spirit to jet off for party season – and if last year is anything to go back expect stolen kisses, surprise revelations and midnight rendezvous! There will be no shortage of drama as Charlie and Ferne’s romance gets back on track after a rocky few months, Billie’s due date gets ever


closer, former best friends Chloe and Lauren come face to face for the first time since falling out over Mario, and Arg and Gemma handle the repercussions of Lydia’s return. Essex’s longest standing couple Jess and Ricky are back, as are the new girls on the block Georgia and Grace, who turned many an alpha male’s head upon their arrival. With explosive fallouts, complicated love lives, outrageous fashion attempts and OMG moments galore, in Essex one thing’s always guaranteed – expect the unESSEXpected.

Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Undercover Boss Canada Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News Summary Come Dine with Me A Place in the Sun: Home or Away Countdown Deal or No Deal Draw it! Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News This Old Thing: The Vintage Clothes Show One Born Every Minute My Last Summer CCTV: Caught on Camera Superstar DJs Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

06:00: Childrens T.V. 07:35: Thomas and Friends 07:50: Noddy in Toyland 08:10: Little Princess 08:25: Peppa Pig 08:30: Peppa Pig 08:35: Toby’s Travelling Circus 08:45: Bananas in Pyjamas 09:00: Tickety Toc 09:15: The Wright Stuff 11:10: Cowboy Builders 12:10: 5 News Lunchtime 12:15: Big Brother 13:15: Home and Away 13:45: Neighbours 14:15: NCIS 15:15: Dead Lines 17:00: 5 News at 5 17:30: Neighbours 18:00: Home and Away 18:30: 5 News Tonight 19:00: Emergency Bikers 20:00: Brand New House for £5k 21:00: The Hotel Inspector Returns 22:00: Big Brother 23:00: Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 00:00: Super Casino

Home Shopping Radical Highs India with Sanjeev Bhaskar Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Sin City Motors Top Gear Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Motorway Cops Top Gear Sin City Motors Traffic Cops Traffic Cops Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Gavin and Stacey Gavin and Stacey Gavin and Stacey Mock the Week Mock the Week Gavin and Stacey Gavin and Stacey Gavin and Stacey

10:30: 11:00: 13:00: 13:30: 14:00: 14:30: 15:00: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 23:30:

Fantasy Football Club Highlights The Premier League Years Football’s Greatest Players Football’s Greatest Managers Football’s Greatest Teams Football Gold The Premier League Years Soccer A.M. -The Best Bits Football Gold Football’s Greatest Players Sky Sports News World Cup Report Football’s Greatest Teams Football’s Greatest Players Sporting Heroes Time of Our Lives Sporting Rivalries Football’s Greatest Teams

19:00: 19:30: 20:30: 23:00: 23:45: 00:05: 00:30: 00:55: 01:15: 02:00:

11:00: 12:55: 15:20: 16:55:

19:00: 21:00: 23:15: 01:25:

06:00: 07:00: 08:00: 09:00: 09:30: 09:45: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 13:00: 14:00: 15:00: 15:30: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 23:00:

23:30: 00:00:

World’s Craziest Fools Traffic Cops Match of the Day Live Orphan Black Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! American Dad! Orphan Black Badults

Appointment in London The War Lord Gun Fury Demetrius and The Gladiators Delmer Daves directs this secular sequel to Henry Koster’s religious epic The Robe. Taxi Patriot Games Sex Drive Day Watch

Bass Fishing Cricket Cricket Super League Backchat Super League Gold Super League Gold Cricket Cricket Super League Fulltime Cricket Cricket Best ofICC WT20 Best of ICC WT20 Cricket Cricket T20 Cricket Total Rugby All the latest rugby union news with interviews, action from around the globe and special features exploring different aspects of the game. Triathlon Highlights T20 Cricket

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Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014

Thursday - TV

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Breakfast Crimewatch Homes Under the Hammer Claimed and Shamed Countryside 999 Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Wimbledon 2014 Match of the Day Live BBC News at Six BBC London News Holby City Celebrity MasterChef BBC News at Ten BBC London News Question Time This Week Holiday Weatherview BBC News

06:00: Coronation Street 06:25: Holiday Airport 07:25: You’ve Been Framed! 07:45: The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 08:30: Dinner Date 09:30: Real Housewives of Orange County 10:30: Real Housewives of Atlanta 11:30: The Millionaire Matchmaker 12:30: Coronation Street 13:00: Jeremy Kyle Show 16:10: Real Housewives of Atlanta 17:05: The Millionaire Matchmaker 18:00: Dinner Date 19:00: You’ve Been Framed! 20:10: I Don’t Know How She Does it 22:00: TV OD 22:30: Celebrity Juice 23:20: Two and a Half Men 23:45: Two and a Half Men 00:10: Dads 00:40: Fake Reaction 01:25: Funniest Ever You’ve Been Framed!


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06:00: 06:25: 07:20: 08:25:

Second Thoughts Heartbeat The Royal Murder, She Wrote Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple Heartbeat The Royal The Return of Sherlock Holmes Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Foyle’s War afterlife William and Mary When Piers Met Sir Cliff Murder, She Wrote ITV3 Nightscreen

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26 June th

06:00: Good Morning Britain 08:30: Lorraine 09:25: The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30: This Morning 11:25: ITV News 11:30: This Morning 12:30: Loose Women 13:30: ITV News and Weather 14:00: Peter Andre’s 60 Minute Makeover 15:00: Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00: Tipping Point 17:00: The Chase 18:00: ITV News London 18:30: ITV News and Weather 19:00: Emmerdale 19:30: Tonight 20:00: Emmerdale 20:30: FIFA World Cup Live 2014 23:15: ITV News and Weather 23:50: The Cube 00:45: Jackpot247

06:00: 06:50: 07:20: 07:50: 08:50: 09:50: 10:50: 11:50: 12:55: 13:55: 14:55: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 19:35: 20:00: 20:30: 23:05: 00:55: 01:55:

Minder Cheers Cheers The Sweeney Kojak Magnum, P.I. The Professionals Minder Minder Magnum, P.I. Kojak The Sweeney The Professionals Alias Smith and Jones Storage Wars Storage Wars FIFA World Cup Live 2014 Guest House Paradiso River Monsters Minder

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06:00: 07:00: 07:10: 08:00: 09:00: 09:40: 10:20: 12:00: 13:00: 13:40: 14:20: 16:00: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 21:40: 22:20: 23:00: 23:40: 00:20: 01:00: 01:40:

King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Undercover Boss Canada Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News Summary Come Dine with Me A Place in the Sun: Home or Away Countdown Deal or No Deal Draw it! Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces Beauty Queen or Bust Meet the Mormons Britain’s Benefit Tenants The Virgin Killer One Born Every Minute My Last Summer Countdown

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09:00: 10:00: 10:30:

Childrens T.V. Noddy in Toyland Little Princess Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Toby’s Travelling Circus Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff Cowboy Builders 5 News Lunchtime Big Brother Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Ice Twisters 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Police Interceptors Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! Trauma Doctors Big Brother Big Brother’s Bit on the Side Super Casino

Destination Brazil World Cup Verdict Fantasy Football Club Highlights 11:00: The Premier League Years 13:00: Football’s Greatest Players 13:30: Football’s Greatest Managers 14:00: Football’s Greatest Teams 14:30: Football Gold 15:00: The Premier League Years 17:00: Soccer A.M. The Best Bits 18:00: Football’s Greatest Players 18:30: Premier League Legends 19:00: Super League Superstars 19:30: Rugby League 22:00: Time of Our Lives 23:00: Premier League Legends 23:30: Football’s Greatest Teams

19:00: Don’t Tell the Bride 20:00: Barely Legal Drivers 21:00: Stacey Dooley Investigates 22:00: Murdered by My Boyfriend 23:00: Family Guy 23:45: Family Guy 00:05: Family Guy 00:30: Stacey Dooley Investigates 01:30: Murdered by My Boyfriend

11:00: 12:55: 15:50: 18:20:

Sanjuro Battle Cry McLintock! Clear and Present Danger Harrison Ford makes his second appearance as CIA agent Jack Ryan in Phillip Noyce’s allaction thriller. 21:00: Shooter 23:25: Roadkill 01:20: Election

06:00: 06:30: 07:00: 11:00: 12:00: 12:30: 13:00: 17:00: 18:00:

23:00: 00:00:

Ashes Modern Classics Ashes Modern Classics T20 Cricket Boots ‘n’ All Ashes Modern Classics Ashes Modern Classics T20 Cricket WWE Vintage Collection T20 Cricket Natwest T20 Blast - Middlesex v Gloucestershire. Middlesex Panthers take on Gloucestershire Gladiators at Lord’s in the NatWest t20 Blast. The Gladiators claimed a comfortable win when the sides last met. Ringside T20 Cricket


Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014



Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014


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Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014


TW SPORTS FIX World Cup Special By Stooie “Shabba” Greenhalgh

Hello, the World cup 2014 has started…. And what an amazing spectacle it has been so far…. The opening ceremony was horrendous viewing even iTV switched to the commentators….. There is other sport going on and i will try to find some…. enjoy and Bonnet Da Douche!!!


Italy hold out for a slim win over England

taLy hELd Out against diligent England to earn a 2-1 win, courtesy of goals from claudio marchisio and mario balotelli, which leaves them second on goal difference in group d at the 2014 FiFa world cup brazil™. daniel sturridge had equalised soon after the Juventus midfielder had opened the scoring, but cesare Prandelli’s side held on to their lead for the second time following an early goal after the break.

England began brightly, looking to improve on a record of just one competitive win over Azzurri, as Raheem Sterling rippled the sidenetting from range with a rasping effort, before Jordan Henderson forced Salvatore Sirigu into a low save inside the first five minutes. Antonio Candreva gave Joe Hart a similar test at the other end, but his left-footed strike was dealt with - albeit uncomfortably - by the Manchester City goalkeeper. England continued to look the more threatening though, with Daniele De Rossi going agonizingly close to turning into his own net, diverting Danny Welbeck’s cross away from Sturridge and just beyond the far post. While clear-cut chances were hard to come by, Italy’s midfield still looked capable of carving out opportunities,

and it was a routine from the training ground that exposed England. A short corner was cut back towards the edge of area and, when Andrea Pirlo dummied superbly, Marchisio had time and space to sweetly fire into the bottom corner. The Three Lions were behind for just two minutes, however, as Wayne Rooney broke well down the left wing, finding the unmarked Sturridge at the far post who just had to sidefoot past Sirigu. Italy were almost back in front on the stroke of half-time though, with Mario Balotelli almost scoring a spectacular lob from the left side of the area which had to be cleared off the line by Phil Jagielka. Candreva then rattled the post from the resulting corner. Sirigu was the first goalkeeper forced into action after the break,

with a purposeful run from Sturridge ending in a low effort, but Italy retook the lead as Balotelli rose at the back post to meet Candreva’s in-swinging cross to beat former City team-mate Hart. England looked dangerous though, with Rooney, Sterling and Sturridge all combining well, with the latter keen to test Sirigu at every opportunity. Rooney fired narrowly wide of the post after evading the offside trap, before substitute Ross Barkley tested the Paris Saint-Germain goalkeeper as Roy Hodgson’s side searched for an equalizer. While England pressed as players progressively tired in the Manaus heat, it was Italy who came closest to scoring again as a Pirlo freekick smacked the bar in the final moments.

Russia played like England from four years ago… Russia 1 South Korea 1 For those who missed the unveiling of Fabio Capello’s second reign as a World Cup manager here is a brief summary; it was identical to the first. Comparisons with England’s joyless offering in South Africa are simplistic but unavoidable after a 1-1 draw featuring a drop and a rigid performance lacking spark or imagination from Russia.

Brazil fail to find a way past marvelous mexico


Brazil 0 Mexico 0

here has been plenty of talk of footballing ghosts here for brazil and the scariest one for them is generally considered to be uruguay, what with 1950 and all that. but mexico has also put a few skeletons in the closet of the world cup hosts and they once again proved irksome. No team have fared better against Brazil over the last 15 years than El Tri and they entered this collision with seven wins and four losses in 13 meetings. That did not include the victory in the final of the 2012 Olympic Games, ostensibly an under-23 game but arguably the hardest one of all for Brazil to stomach. Man of the match for me was Mexico’s No:1 Ochoa, who made a firsthalf save from Neymar that drew the breath and towards the very end he kept out Thiago Silva at point-blank range. In between times, he blocked from Paulinho and he denied Neymar again. It was quite a way to put his club toils behind him and advertise his talents to potential suitors.


Eniola Aluko hits her eighth qualifying goal as England’s women beat Belarus


Belarus Women 0-3 England Women

he Chelsea striker Eniola Aluko scored her eighth goal of England’s World Cup qualifying campaign to set Mark Sampson’s team on the road to maintaining their 100% group record and putting themselves well within sight of reaching next year’s finals in Canada. Six hours before Roy Hodgson’s men’s team face Italy in their World Cup opener in Manaus, the England women eased to a comfortable victory against Belarus in Minsk and now need only four points from their final three qualifiers to ensure a place in what would be their third successive world finals. The captain, Steph Houghton, and her central defensive partner, Lucy Bronze, with her first international goal, were the other scorers, with Bronze’s Liverpool colleague Fara Williams providing the assists for all three goals. Aluko and the Birmingham City winger Karen Carney both had early shots saved by the goalkeeper Inna Botyanovskaya as England pressed from the kick-off. The Liverpool striker Natasha Dowie then missed a good scoring opportunity and Aluko had a header cleared off the line before she opened the scoring on the half-hour, collecting a Williams through ball to shoot home. The midfielder Williams was then the provider for the second goal, this time pulling a 36th minute free-kick across the penalty area for the Manchester City defender Houghton to spear a shot just inside the post. Further goals might have followed before the interval but Aluko, Houghton and the Birmingham midfielder Jade Moore all had efforts stopped by Botyanovskaya. England were unable to maintain the intensity of their attacking in the second half and rarely looked like adding to their lead. Houghton went close with a long-range freekick and the substitute Lianne Sanderson wasted a good opening before the Belarus midfielder Hanna Kozyupa forced the goalkeeper Karen Bardsley into her first save of note, in the 90th minute. Bronze’s goal arrived in the fifth minute of stoppage time, the central defender drilling in a close-range shot from Williams’s corner. The result took Sampson’s side’s impressive group record to seven wins, with 36 goals scored and none conceded. They top group six, five points ahead of second in the table Wales after the striker Sarah Wiltshire’s goal gave the Welsh a 1-0 win against Turkey at Haverfordwest on Saturday. Both teams have three group games remaining and both will be expected to win their next fixtures, England in Ukraine on Thursday and Wales in Belarus on the same afternoon.

Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014


Spain humiliated as rampant Holland blast five in World Cup shock


edemption for Arjen Robben and Holland arrived in the form of an emphatic reversal of fortunes from the 2010 final and a much better game of football. This match deserves to be remembered as a World Cup classic – Robin van Persie’s first goal and Robben’s second just might be – and it certainly provided more entertainment than the kick fest in Johannesburg.

There were times when Spain looked superior and times when Holland looked desperate enough to revert to old habits, but in coming back from a goal down to win the match quite handsomely Louis van Gaal’s side showed character and application. As the new Manchester United manager had said they would. Robben and Holland looked pleased enough just to be winning 2-1 when the former struck to put them in the lead for the first time, but by the end of the game, with Iker Casillas making a second mistake in misjudging a back pass and presenting Van Persie with a second goal for a score line of 4-1, the Dutch looked conspicuously like dangerous tournament underdogs and all talk of Spain being among the favorites looked plain silly. Yes, Spain opened with a defeat in South Africa four years ago and went on to win the competition, but this was a rout. And Diego Costa had the unhappiest of competition debuts; mitigated only by the misery Casillas must have been feeling. With the match won at 4-1, Robben outsprinted the Dutch defence from the halfway line, sent Casillas crawling the wrong way twice, and joined Van Persie on two goals for the night. He may now regret saying a qualifying game could never be compared to a World Cup final, because this was an occasion for everyone in orange to savour. Robben spoke before the game of the still-vivid memory of Casillas denying him the chance to give Holland a potentially winning lead in the World Cup final of four years ago, describing it as a snapshot he will never forget but one which now belongs to the past tense. He gave Wesley Sneijder a chance to help make amends after just nine minutes, threading a perfect pass through the square Spain defence, and memories must have come flooding back as the Galatasaray midfielder lined up a shot with all the time in the world but still hit it too close to the goalkeeper. Casillas stood his ground well and made a decent save, though the goalkeeper hardly moved except to fling out an arm and Sneijder will know he should have done better. The game looked as though it might bring back plenty more memories of 2010 when Ron Vlaar clattered Diego Costa after just 13 seconds, though the Dutch settled down quite quickly and Vlaar had every reason to be proud of his next challenge on Costa, a block to prevent the Atlético Madrid striker getting in a shot after David Silva and Andrés Iniesta had combined to give him a decent

opportunity. In truth the opportunity was so inviting Costa should probably have made something of it before Vlaar came across, but his first touch was indecisive and the Aston Villa defender was always in charge once his opponent had been forced on to his left foot. The first goal arrived just before the half-hour and with it the almost obligatory controversy. Xavi played a magnificent pass to Costa, whose turn in the area was far too quick for Stefan de Vrij, and when the defender’s trailing leg brought the striker down the Italian referee pointed straight to the spot. It seemed a reasonable decision at first sight, yet though replays established De Vrij had made contact, it was fairly minimal and there was a suggestion that Costa had actually played for the decision by hooking his foot behind his opponent’s. Such is a referee’s life these days. The goal line technology was able to establish that the ball crossed the line when Xabi Alonso beat Jasper Cillessen from the spot, even though the goalkeeper went the right way, but that was the redundant part of the argument. The technology that can help referees make correct decisions in every aspect of open play is probably as far away as ever. Whatever the rights and wrongs of the matter the fact is that Spain went ahead and were worth their lead. Xavi, Iniesta and Alonso were finding each other quite easily and always looking likely to find gaps in the Dutch back line. Jonathan de Guzmán was booked for a foul on Iniesta and when De Vrij joined him for a quite cynical block after being turned by Silva it appeared Dutch frustration might once again get the better of them. There is, as Van Gaal was saying beforehand, a place for physical aggression in football and it is up to the referee to draw the line, but Nicola Rizzoli was given little option as Holland greeted Spanish sophistication with roughhouse spoiling. Spain at their sophisticated best should really have doubled their lead before the interval. Iniesta played a peach of a reverse pass to play Silva clear on goal, but the Manchester City player went for a stylish finish with an attempted chip, only to see Cillessen get a glove to the ball and divert it for a corner.

Almost instantly Spain had cause to regret that miss when the Dutch equalized with a goal from nothing on right on the stroke of the break. From a Spanish point of view it came from nothing anyway, though Daley Blind must be congratulated on a stunning diagonal ball from halfway on the left touchline. Robin van Persie’s run picked it up almost magnetically and though Blind probably had a volley in mind when he played the pass, the ball was not in quite the right place and the Manchester United striker repositioned himself expertly to beat Casillas with a diving header instead. It could almost be described as a headed volley, the last thing Spain were expecting, and it put Holland right back in the game. The second half began in one of the sudden downpours typical of the region, it is the rainy season after all, and though the sky cleared in a matter of minutes both benches took an unexpected soaking. Iniesta tried his luck with a daisy cutter on the wet turf but found Cillessen equal to it, before Holland gave Spain a taste of their own medicine by keeping hold of the ball through a couple of dozen passes – allowing for a throw-in that Spain won then uncharacteristically gave straight back to their opponents – before Blind once again popped up with a killer final ball, this time to find Robben in the centre. The Bayern Munich forward brought down the ball effortlessly with one foot, turned past Gerard Piqué with the other before joyously finding the net as Sergio Ramos moved in with a shot straight down the middle that Casillas could not reach. Robben’s reaction suggested he enjoyed his shot at redemption, and he was involved again as Holland came looking for a third, helping to find Van Persie on the right for a shot that crashed against the bar. Much to the crowd’s delight – Brazil don’t think much of him either – Costa made way for Fernando Torres after that, the Chelsea player arriving on the pitch just in time to see Holland increase their lead when De Vrij squeezed in a far-post header after Casillas had missed Sneijder’s free-kick cross. If that looked ominous for Spain, few in the stadium realised how bad things were going to get.

52 neYmAr fireS BrAZiL To comeBAck VicTorY N Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014

Eymar was thE star of the show as brazil came from behind to secure a hard-fought 3-1 victory over croatia in the opening match of the FiFa world cup™. the hosts’ star No10 equalized after marcelo’s own-goal, and converted a second-half penalty after Fred had been fouled by dejan Lovren.

Croatia had the ball in the net before the end of the game, but Ivica Olic was adjudged to have fouled Julio Cesar in the build-up, and Oscar made sure of the victory late on. The opening goal of the 2014 World Cup was remarkable in itself, the first own-goal scored by a Brazilian in the history of the tournament. Ivica Olic received the ball on the Croatia left and ran unopposed into the Brazilian half. His low cross fizzed across goal and was turned in by Marcelo, who failed to readjust his feet in time. Ivan Perisic was ready to pounce if the Real Madrid man had not made the final touch.


The crowd was stunned, but they rallied behind their side, who were level before the half-hour mark. Oscar worked hard to regain possession for Brazil in the middle of the park, before passing the ball to Neymar. The Barça man skipped free of a Perisic challenge, steadied himself, and fired hard and low with his left foot across Pletikosa. The ball rebounded off the post, nestled into the back of the Croatia net and the Arena de Sao Paulo erupted. The remainder of the first half saw Brazil dominate possession, with Croatia looking dangerous on the counterattack. After more Seleção pressure in the second-half, the hosts went ahead. The ball was played into the box towards Fred, who tried to swivel to hit it towards goal. He was impeded by Lovren and the referee pointed to the spot. Neymar stepped up, delayed his run-up, and hit hard to Pletikosa’s right-hand side. Croatia’s No1 got a hand to it, but could not stop it putting Brazil ahead. Despite a valiant effort by Croatia, including their disallowed goal, Brazil wrapped up the three points when Oscar fired home from the edge of the box.

GermAnY 4 – 0 PorTuGAL croatia players Thomas Müller’s hat-trick and Pepe’s petulance sink bedraggled Portugal refuse to talk to press after i publication of nude photos bEriaNs must be sick of the sight of salvador. in the stadium where spain were routed by holland last week Portugal suffered the same fate against germany, getting their campaign off to the worst possible start by shipping four goals and seeing Pepe dismissed in the first half.

crOatia’s PLayErs are refusing to talk to World Cup reporters after photos were published of them bathing nude in the team’s swimming pool, their coach, Niko Kovac, said on Sunday. Two photographers hid in the nearby bushes and took the pictures which were published by online media. “I can’t force them to be at your disposal after what you have done to them and their families,” an angry Kovac told reporters in the team’s Praia do Forte training base. “How would you feel if someone took naked pictures of you? They are adamant that they won’t speak to you lot anymore and I don’t know whether the silence will end tomorrow or last until the end of our World Cup campaign. “I respect my players’ opinion and I also know that you have done a very professional job so far but you blew it with this one. The whole world has seen the photos.” Croatia play Cameroon in the hot and humid Amazon city of Manaus on Wednesday in what is a must-win game for both sides after the Croatians lost their opening Group A match to hosts Brazil 3-1 while the Africans were beaten 1-0 by Mexico.

The Germans were good, as they usually are, and Thomas Müller was well worth his hat-trick, though long before the interval the story was one of Portuguese disintegration. Paulo Bento’s side made life easy for Germany with a series of defensive mistakes even before Pepe’s complete lack of professionalism turned a much anticipated contest into a one-sided procession. “It was not as intense a match as we had anticipated,” Joachim Löw said with some understatement. Angela Merkel made the long journey from Europe and turned up in the German dressing room afterwards to tell the players their performance had made her trip worthwhile, though privately she must have hoped to see more of a match. In terms of a contest, spectators were entertained for about 20 minutes. Ronaldo nonchalently set up the first chance of the game by wafting the ball in Hugo Almeida’s direction to find him in clear space after five minutes, only for the striker to fail to either accelerate or shoot promptly enough and allow Mats Hummels to come across and block. Further encouragement for Portugal came when Miguel Veloso’s persistence saw him dispossess Philipp Lahm to create an opening for Ronaldo that was also cleared, though the closest the game came to a goal from open play in the early stages was when Sami Khedira returned Rui Patrício’s sloppy clearance and saw his snap shot miss an undefended target by a couple of feet. The opening goal arrived shortly after wards from the penalty spot, Müller beating Patrício low to his right after Joao Pereira was booked for wrestling Mario Götze to the floor in the penalty area. That makes the incident sound a little more dramatic than it actually was: Götze threw himself to the ground in the end, though as the Portugal right-back was clearly using

his arms to impede his progress he was probably entitled to do so. Nani cut in from the right to fire narrowly over midway through the first half, before Almeida signalled he could not continue after taking a knock in a tackle by Hummels and was replaced by Éder. The game tilted decisively Germany’s way moments later when Hummels climbed effortlessly above Pepe’s challenge to nod in Toni Kroos’s corner from the six yard line. Portugal, with Ronaldo now finding it difficult to get in the game after a promising first few minutes, could not say it was out of the blue. Götze should probably have scored from Mesut Özil’s pass in the attack that led to the corner being given. A bad start then proceeded to get worse for Portugal when Pepe idiotically managed to get himself dismissed eight minutes before the interval. He might have had a point in feeling Müller’s reaction to being hit in the mouth by a flailing arm was over-theatrical, but with the German sitting on the ground and the ball with the goalkeeper he took his argument too far by bending over to push his face into his opponent’s to vent his feelings straight down his ear. The two players’ heads made contact: Müller was now the innocent party and, although it would hardly have been recognised as a head-butt on most street corners, Pepe clearly had to go. It was stupidity of the highest order and a player as experienced as Pepe should have known better in his side’s opening game of a World Cup. “I wasn’t provoking him,” Müller said. “It was the referee’s decision to send him off, but I though his entire action was unnecessary.” The priority for a dejected and disorganized Portugal now was to reach half-time without further damage, and they could not. When Kroos floated a ball into the penalty area, Bruno Alves failed to deal with it and only succeeded in enabling Müller to poke past Patrício from close to the penalty spot. Ronaldo’s expression as he trudged off at the break was a mixture of annoyance, frustration and disappointment. The high hopes his side brought into this match had been

shredded inside 45 minutes. Özil missed a good chance at the start of the second half by shooting too close to Patrício with all the time and space he needed to do better, then Götze managed to waste an even more inviting opportunity from André Schürrle’s alert pass, failing to act decisively when the ball came across and allowing the Portugal defence to get back to cover. It did not really matter: the second half was a non-event, an anticlimax, the game was won. The murmur of anticipation that rippled around the ground as Ronaldo set himself up to take a free-kick a few yards outside the German area all too predictably turned to a groan as his unremarkable shot hit the top of the wall. An incensed Ronaldo chased referee Milorad Mazic halfway down the pitch in a manner reminiscent of Michael Ballack and Tom Henning Ovrebo when Éder was denied a penalty for Benedikt Höwedes’ challenge, which was amusing but no substitute for the real thing. It was never a penalty anyway, Portugal were simply trying to mask their blushes by claiming to be hard done by. They weren’t, as Patrício proved when his astonishingly feeble attempt to deal with Schürrle’s low cross allowed Müller to complete his hattrick with a tap-in. While Ronaldo brought an excellent save from Manuel Neuer with a stoppage time free-kick, by that stage the Germans could only be bothered to put two men in the wall. At least Portugal’s next match is not on the north-east coast but in the Amazon basin in Manaus, where they will have to recompose themselves quickly to avoid another calamity against the USA and hope for much more from an isolated Ronaldo. Germany, with Ghana to come are up and running with enviable smoothness. USA see off Ghana with a goal in thirty seconds and John Brooks’ late winner


Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014


They think it’s Ball over... it is now!!! As Benzema bags a brace as Bleus beat Honduras


rance has made a perfect start to their Brazil 2014 campaign with a Karim Benzemainspired 3-0 win over ten-man Honduras. The Real Madrid striker scored twice and had a large hand in another as Les Bleus moved to the top of Group E with an emphatic victory at Porto Alegre’s Estadio Beira-Rio.

However, while the final score line may suggest a mismatch, this was a game that hung in the balance until turning on Wilson Palacios’s 43rd-minute red card. Blaise Matuidi had come closest prior to that pivotal moment, forcing a superb, instinctive save from Noel Valladares,

who tipped the French midfielder’s stabbed shot on to the top of the crossbar. But just as Honduras appeared set to return to the dressing rooms at half-time having kept a clean sheet, Palacios conceded a penalty and was sent packing for a clear barge in the back of Paul Pogba. Benzema accepted responsibility for the resultant kick and dispatched it in fine style, sending Valladares the wrong way with a powerful shot high to the keeper’s right. That same duel, between keeper and striker, was to be reprised shortly after the restart and again it ended in agony for the former. This time, Valladares endured the indignity of scoring an own goal, spilling the ball over the line in his attempts to gather a Benzema volley that had rebounded off the inside of the post.

And while there was an element of revenge when the Honduras captain denied his nemesis a second goal seven minutes later with a superb point-blank save, no-one was going to prevent France’s No10 from stealing the headlines. With 18 minutes remaining, Benzema secured the win - and pole position in Group E - with the pick of Les Bleus’ goals, smashing an unstoppable shot into the net from an acute angle after Mathieu Debuchy’s initial effort had been blocked. France will now march on to face neighbours Switzerland, who also began with a win, while Honduras will aim to get off the mark against the section’s other pointless team, Ecuador.

Costa Rica’s Marco Ureña completes Belgium 2 Algeria 1 fairytale of shock win over Uruguay B


he sense of history might have been stifling for Costa Rica. Thrust into Group D alongside three former world champions, the Central Americans have been considered as the small fry. This is only their fourth World Cup and every statistic has seemed to attack them. They had never beaten Uruguay, for example.

Jorge Luis Pinto, though, had stressed that famous jerseys and reputations meant nothing and that the present was all that mattered. On a night that came coated in glory for the manager and his players, they scoffed at the preconceptions and illuminated this stadium with a breathtaking second-half comeback. They did it the hard way, having started slowly and fallen behind to an Edinson Cavani penalty. At half-time, the notion that Costa Rica would get anything felt far-fetched. Uruguay had bristled with streetwise assurance and their lead might have been greater, but for Keylor Navas’s wonderful save from Diego Forlán. The goalkeeper scrambled back to tip Forlán’s deflected shot over the crossbar on 44 minutes. But Costa Rica were electric after the interval, hurting Uruguay with their pace and aerial threat on set pieces. They fashioned a devastating one-two punch in the form of goals from Joel Campbell and Óscar Duarte and, to complete the perfect evening, the substitute Marco Ureña ran on to a pass from Campbell to score within minutes of his introduction. Campbell was the star turn. He had offered a threat while the chips were down in the first half, showing intelligent movement and his powerful shooting, but it was in the second half when he turned the screw. His equaliser was the goal of the evening, a composed chest-down and leftfooted thump past Fernando Muslera and, by the end, Uruguay and the defender Maxi Pereira had had enough. The right-back swung a spiteful kick at Campbell as they tussled by the corner to earn a straight red card. Pereira was not the only Uruguayan to be censured

in the second half. Diego Lugano, Walter Gargano and Martín Cáceres were booked for cynical challenges, as Uruguay fought, without success, to stem the tide. On this evidence, Campbell may yet forge a career at Arsenal, the club that he joined from Saprissa in 2011 but has yet to play for. His past three seasons have been spent on loan, although he has now has a work permit to go with the desire to make his mark upon the Premier League. This was the result of Uruguayan nightmares and they could not escape the scene of their torture quick enough. Nor could their supporters, the descent from comfort to disaster was startling and their World Cup hopes have been left to hang by a thread. Costa Rica fans celebrate upset World Cup win over Uruguay Óscar Tabárez chose not to bring Luis Suárez off the substitutes’ bench, as the striker recovers from keyhole knee surgery and the manager faces a huge task to lift his shattered players for Thursday’s meeting with England. On the downside for England, Uruguay will be angry and determined to save their necks. Another defeat could be fatal. As for Suárez, Tabárez said there had been “uncertainties, as far as his fitness is concerned”. He refused to offer any assurances, saying: “If Luis improves, there is a chance he may play against England.” Costa Rica had set up with five at the back, four in midfield and the desire not to be breached. Uruguay might also prefer to strike on the counter but it was they who stepped on to the front foot, sensing that they needed to force the issue. They worked some attractive triangles in the first half and they flickered before the opening goal, when Diego Godín had an effort pulled back for offside and then when Cavani miskicked a volley. That was a bad miss. Costa Rica could lament their concession for several reasons. Yeltsin Tejeda jumped with two feet off the ground to foul Cristian Rodríguez and if the

midfielder was fortunate not to be booked, the punishment was swiftly meted out. Forlán whipped in the free-kick and Júnior Díaz allowed Lugano to get goal-side of him. His attempt to repair the damage was clumsy, wrapping his arms around Lugano’s waist, and Cavani converted the penalty with the minimum of fuss. Campbell had fizzed a rocket wide from distance and there were the signs that Uruguay were vulnerable to set-pieces. Twice, Giancarlo González had the scent of goal, the first time from Duarte’s nod back but he could not apply the decisive touch. Uruguay’s weaknesses were more pronounced in the second half and Duarte ought to have equalised when he beat Godín to Christian Bolaños’s free-kick only to head straight at Muslera. Uruguay’s reprieve was temporary. Cristian Gamboa chased a seemingly lost cause, won it and crossed from the byline on the right and when it came through for Campbell, he crashed it home. Moments later, Uruguay were on their knees. From another Bolaños free-kick, Duarte once again attacked the far post, ahead of Rodríguez, to score with a brave, stooping header. Campbell would also curl another long-range shot inches wide. “Cost-a-Ric-a,” chanted the crowd, many of whom were Brazilian. There is no love lost between Brazil and Uruguay. Back came Uruguay. Cavani got into a dangerous area and he crossed but there was nobody there while he also made Navas work with a header. Yet it was Ureña who had the last word. Costa Rica could enjoy one of the great nights. Next up for Costa Rica is Italy, and England face Uruguay!!

elgium have been tipped to be the bookies outsiders to win…. I dunno about that as Algeria were more than a match for the Belgians and were very unlucky to lose this one. The Belgium coach, Marc Wilmots, said he never had any doubt his misfiring team would overhaul a one-goal deficit against Algeria, having written in the dressing room beforehand that his substitutes would make the difference.

But his opposite number, the fiery Bosnian Vahid Halilhodzic, believed that his side deserved at least a draw and hit out at the referee for not awarding a foul in the build-up to Belgium’s winning goal. Wilmots said he was pleased with the way his team had dealt with the pressure on a group of players dubbed a “golden generation” by their media but conceded they were too slow to move the ball in the first half. “I chose a line-up for which I wanted a lot of ball possession,” he said after notching up Belgium’s first World Cup victory since 2002, a dozen years to the day after he played in the side that lost to Brazil. “We were very calm and handled this very well. In the dressing room I had written that substitutes would make all the difference. We were a bit slow in the first half. We did not find solutions to a team that did not want to play. After that we saw momentum. The Algerian team was getting tired.”

Cameroon 0 Croatia 4

How Croatia must revel in the emergence of Belgium and their golden generation. Eden Hazard and co must now deal with the dubious, suffocating honour of being labelled Dark Horses – Niko Kovac’s men, meanwhile, have been liberated. Alex Song’s mindless red card near the end of the first half certainly made their task an easier one, but Croatia put the setback of their opening defeat to Brazil behind them with clinical ease.


Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014


BoSniA BeATen BY meSSi mArVeL


iONEL mEssi created one goal and scored a brilliant second as argentina kicked off their FiFa world cup™ campaign with a 2-1 win over bosnia and herzegovina.

The Barcelona star provided the spark in a largely tense and evenly matched encounter at the Maracana, which ended with La Albiceleste having taken an early lead in Group F. The Bosnians, meanwhile, will reflect on their dream World Cup debut having turned into a nightmare after just two minutes and eight seconds, when Sead Kolisinac scored the fastest own goal in the tournament’s history. In fairness, the Bosnia left-back had next to no time to react after Lionel Messi’s free-kick was flicked on by Marcos Rojo, with the ball skidding off his shins and beyond the helpless Asmir Begovic. The debutants, though, are made of stern stuff and refused to be demoralized by that sickening early blow. Within a few minutes, they were threatening an equaliser, with Sergio Romero called upon to race quickly and courageously from his line to save

at the feet of the on-rushing Izet Hajrovic. And though this game was not as open or incident-filled as most of those that have preceded it at Brazil 2014, Safet Susic’s side went close again five minutes before the interval when Senad Lulic’s powerful header forced Romero into another smart stop at his near post. Argentina coach Alejandro Sabella had clearly seen enough to concern him, for he made a double half-time substitution, introducing both Gonzalo Higuain and Fernando Gago to the action. It was, though, his starting forwards - Messi and Sergio Aguero - who combined for La Albiceleste’s next opportunity, with the latter blazing wildly over from the latter’s clever through ball. Messi had been fairly subdued in the first half but came to life again soon after when he jinked away from a couple of challenges and slid in Aguero for a shot that, on this occasion, forced Begovic into a solid save. The Argentina captain would not be denied, though, and with 65 minutes scored an early contender for goal of the tournament. Bursting purposefully forward from midfield, he worked an incisive one-two with Higuain, skipped around Ermin Bicakcic and curled a perfect left-foot shot low into the net off the inside of Begovic’s right-hand post. The Maracana rose to salute a truly superb goal and, for Bosnia, there was no way back. Messi was now relishing the occasion and, having scored one and made another, he set about carving out a third, chipping through for Higuain, who sprang the offside trap only to head over. However, the debutants did at least ensure a dramatic finale when Vedad Ibisevic raced through and squeezed a left-foot shot between the legs of Romero with five minutes remaining. The damage had been done, though, and Susic’s side will now hope to regain some ground in their remaining group matches against Iran and Nigeria.

England coach Stuart Lancaster looks set to change his ‘dream’ backline


ancaster described the backline as what he had ‘always looked for,’ but injuries to his squad could force him to rethink his team for the third test against New Zealand

Stuart Lancaster is set to break up England’s ‘dream’ backline after just one game. Four days ago he named a set of threequarters which he said had the balance his management team had “always looked for”. Manu Tuilagi on the wing and Billy Twelvetrees as a second playmaker gave England, Lancaster felt, a perfect blend of pace, power, carrying ability and footballing skill. But defeat in Dunedin – and ¬injuries they suffered – is expected to force a rethink for the third Test in Hamilton. Tuilagi’s talent was largely neutered out wide, and certainly missed in midfield, as New Zealand made England pay for letting them off the hook in Auckland. And Twelvetrees’ centre partner Luther Burrell and halfbacks Owen Farrell and Danny Care all picked up injuries as the All Blacks won the series with a match to spare. The two centres suffered ankle damage, Farrell strained knee ¬ligaments and Care took a bang to his shoulder in a game England lost despite again bossing the first half. Lancaster admits there is a ¬question mark against all of them, largely because time is so short to recover and prepare for

the series finale. “The doc’s pretty optimistic but it’s a question of when they are fit to train,” said the coach, who confirmed Kyle Eastmond is ¬“definitely in the equation” for a recall. “It obviously creates some selection decisions.” There are positives for England to take from a contest bookended by Marland Yarde’s early try and late scores from Mike Brown and Chris Ashton. But the unavoidable truth is that they were undone by their own mistakes and then by the ¬ruthlessness of the world champions. “The momentum shifts in the game went New Zealand’s way,” conceded Brown. “But that’s why they are the best. We need to learn from that. “We’re not really going to start applauding failure – we won’t applaud mediocrity and losses. “We are in a business where winning counts and, if we want to win a World Cup, we have to beat teams like New Zealand.”

Andy Murray loses at Queen’s club


EFENdiNg champion claims straightsets loss was his own fault as czech opponent apologises to the fans for knocking him out. the biggest ladykiller in tennis ended andy murray’s brief honeymoon with his new coach amelie mauresmo at Queen’s club. radek stepanek has been engaged to martina hingis, married and divorced Nicole Vaidisova and dated Petra kvitova.

And the charming Czech dumped the local “darling” and defending champion out of the Aegon Championship 7-6 6-2. Murray failed to convert eight set points during the first-set tiebreak as his run of 19 consecutive wins on grass came to a shuddering halt in the London heat. At least the French Open semi-finalist will now have more time to prepare for Wimbledon. “I blew the first set and that was my fault,” the Scot said. “Then I got broke in the first game of the second set and I couldn’t quite get it back.” Murray went for a de-brief with Mauresmo after his press conference and will now take two days off before returning for Sunday’s fund-raising Rally for Bally. “The body needs a little break just now,” he said. Then he will get back on court with his fellow Wimbledon champion. “We have only been together for two days and I have played matches both days,” he said. “I have played well on grass over the last few years but I need to spend time on this surface to get used to it. Now we can get six or seven days good training before Wimbledon starts. Hopefully I can do a good job of that. Davis Cup winner Stepanek, who had Chelsea’s Petr Cech in his box, said: “I am sorry to beat Andy in front of his home crowd. But when you play against the home darling, you know you are playing well when you are beating him.”


Australia 2 nederlands 3 AUSTRAliA, the lowest ranked team at the World cup, gave Holland one hell of a scare and can count themselves bitterly unlucky to leave Porto Alegre with nothing to show for their efforts. inspired by the evergreen Tim cahill, whose breathtaking first-half volley will be remembered as one of the classic World cup goals, Australia played without fear and made

life far more uncomfortable for Van Gaal and his players than they could ever have imagined. The Dutch were able to celebrate their second win at these finals in the company of the king and queen of Holland, who posed for photographs in the dressing room afterwards. But this was a far from convincing performance from the Dutch.


Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014


England on brink of exit after 2-1 defeat by Uruguay


hould Have Gone to Spec-Savers….. How the Assistant Referee saw Suarez being onside is unbelievable… Even worse for me, was the way England were set up to face Uruguay… I have seen this before, it’s not impressive, and it is not what contenders do….. Where was the license to blood the young guns…..? Where was the spirit and passion, the determination from the defeat to Italy… sadly it would seem we peaked

after one game…. anyways… onto the match report.

The fit-again Suarez’s first-half header had been cancelled out by Wayne Rooney’s first World Cup goal, only for the PFA Player of the Year to fire home five minutes from time to leave England with only a slim chance of reaching the last 16 following on from Saturday’s defeat by Italy by the same score line. Uruguay captain Diego Godin could be considered fortunate not to have been sent off inside the opening half-hour before Rooney’s header struck the angle of post and bar on 31 minutes. Suarez, who underwent knee surgery four weeks ago and did not feature in the opening game defeat by Costa Rica,

gave Uruguay the lead six minutes before half-time when he headed Edinson Cavani’s cross beyond Joe Hart. Cavani wasted a golden chance to increase Uruguay’s lead early in the second half, and Rooney was then denied by Fernando Muslera before the Manchester United striker drew England level with 15 minutes left. Daniel Sturridge freed his Liverpool team-mate Glen Johnson down the right and the full-back got into the box before rolling across a low ball which Rooney tapped in at the far post. England’s tails were up, but with five minutes left, Gerrard flicked on a long ball into the path of his club colleague Suarez, who thumped his shot beyond Hart. Roy Hodgson’s side face Costa Rica in their final game next Tuesday and will need to win in Belo Horizonte, in addition to hoping Italy beat the other two teams in the group. However, if Italy fails to beat Costa Rica on Friday, then England’s exit from the World Cup will be confirmed before their last group match.

Ghana 1 – 0 USA

USA see off Ghana with a goal in thirty seconds and John Brooks’ late winner


evenge has rarely tasted any sweeter. The USA, eliminated by Ghana at each of the past two World Cups, looked to have suffered another cruel blow at the hands of their tormentors, giving up an 82nd-minute equaliser in a match which they had led from the 31st second. But Jürgen Klinsmann’s team refused to be cowed. John Brooks, a second-half substitute and central defender play-

ing in his first official match for his country, rose to power home a header that sent the vast American contingent in Natal into raptures. It was a goal of tremendous significance. A draw here could not formally have eliminated either team from the competition but, with each still to play Germany and Portugal in this most challenging of groups, it would not have been a result to make either side happy. Even in celebrating André Ayew’s 82nd-minute equaliser, Ghana had known that three points here were still imperative but it was not to be go Mur-Rica!!!

Colombia beat Ivory Coast 2-1 in Brasilia to close on last-16


olombia made it two wins from two games in Group C after second-half goals from James Rodriguez and Juan Fernando Quintero secured a 2-1 victory over Ivory Coast in Brasilia Jose Pekerman’s side could now seal qualification for the last-16 of the World Cup if Japan fail to beat Greece later on Thursday after Ivory Coast were unable to find an equaliser after Gervinho had pulled a goal back. Teofilo Gutierrez missed the best chance of an open first half for Colombia before Juan Cuadrado’s shot was tipped onto the bar by Boubacar Barry on 59 minutes.

Colombia, who beat Greece in their opening game, took the lead on 64 minutes when Cuadrado curled in a corner and Rodriguez powered a header past Barry. Just six minutes later, Colombia increased their lead when Gutierrez slipped in Quintero to finish past Barry for his first international goal after Rodriguez had pinched possession. Ivory Coast replied on 73 minutes through Gervinho’s fine individual effort, but Colombia held out to stand on the brink of a place in the knockout rounds. Pekerman named the same starting XI which helped Colombia to defeat Greece 3-0, with captain Mario Yepes earning his 100th cap, while Ivory Coast again left talisman Didier Drogba on the bench. It was Colombia who made the more positive opening, with Gutierrez firing wide from the edge of the penalty area and Didier Zokora needing to make an important block after Cuadrado had got away down the right. On 23 minutes, there was the first opening for Ivory Coast when a powerful run from captain Yaya Toure released Gervinho, but he was quickly hustled off the ball. Colombia should have been ahead on the half-hour when a counter attack down the left saw the ball played into the penalty area for Gutierrez. However, the River Plate forward, who looked to be offside, made a complete hash of his shot from six yards out and stabbed the ball wide.

Ivory Coast full-back Serge Aurier, linked with a summer move to Arsenal, sent in a low drive from 18 yards, which was comfortably saved by Colombia goalkeeper David Ospina. At the start of the second half, English referee Howard Webb waved away somewhat hopeful penalty appeals from Ivory Coast after Roma forward Gervinho went down under a challenge from Yepes. On 55 minutes, Zokora was shown a yellow card for a late challenge on Cuadrado, which meant the one-time Tottenham defender would miss the final group match against Japan. An ambitious bicycle kick from Swansea forward Wilfried Bony did not come off, before at the other end, Cuadrado’s shot was pushed onto the bar by Ivory Coast goalkeeper Barry. On the hour, Ivory Coast manager Sabri Lamouchi made a change when Drogba replaced Bony. It was Colombia, though, who took the lead on 64 minutes when Monaco forward Rodriguez headed home from a corner. There was immediately a second substitution for Ivory Coast as former Leicester and Leeds wideman Max Gradel was replaced by ex-Chelsea forward Salomon Kalou, however, Colombia doubled their lead on 70 minutes with a breakaway goal. Gutierrez fed Quintero after Rodriguez had closed down some poor Ivory Coast defending on the half-way line, and the Porto forward took the ball on to the edge of the penalty area before drilling it past Barry. Ivory Coast needed a response - and got one through Gervinho’s second goal of the World Cup on 73 minutes. The winger, much maligned during his spell with Arsenal, collected the ball on the left and weaved into the penalty area, rode three challenges before smashing a shot inside the near post which Ospina got a hand to but could not keep out. Ivory Coast were lifted by the goal, and went in search of an equaliser, substitute Mathis Bolly just unable to guide a diving header on target before Kalou shot straight at the goalkeeper. Drogba almost got on the end of a long through ball during stoppage time, but Ospina was out quickly to make a clearance, leaving Ivory Coast probably needing victory in their final group match against Greece to keep alive chances of progress.


Tenerife Weekly - 20th June 2014 - 26th June 2014


Quick croSSworD



18. Barrel 20. Poet’s word for before 21. Feminist movement, women’s ... 23. Clinging flower head 25. Prayer ending 26. Deep resonant sounds 28. Russian ruler

30. Front of boat 31. Lure 32. Meal list 34. Racist 35. Catch sight of 37. It is (2’1) 39. Attempt 40. Clever humour 41. Former time standard (1,1,1)

43. Curved bone 45. Dad 48. Cold meats & cheeses shop 50. Bridal headwear 51. Lowdown 52. Advising 53.... & duchess 54. Eager


8. Bowmen 9. Drinking spree 14. Young society entrant 16. Ball 18. Understanding 19. Rubber footwear item 22. Computer data 24. Speak

25. Cash point (1,1,1) 26. Girl’s short haircut 27. Reclined in chair 29. Fish, manta ... 33. Find small faults (3-4) 36. Injection device 38. Dine late 39. Nursery rhyme, Polly Put ... Kettle On

40. Signalled (goodbye) 42. Excavates (minerals) 44. Snoopy’s pal, Charlie ... 46. Spiky plant, ... vera 47. Father’s sister 48. Up hill & down ... 49. Chain loop

1. Happy 7. Doorpost 10. Shaver’s blade (6,5) 11. Quantity of paper 12. Quick look-over 13. Clarets 15. Hoity-toity 17. Written reminder of debt (1,1,1)

1. Stew-flavouring herbs, bouquet ... 2. Normally (2,1,4) 3. Titled female 4. Pleads 5. Ride bike 6. Stinging insect 7. Incense, ... stick

Av Rafael Puig 7, Playa De las Americas Arona ( in Front of Hotel Tenerife Sol)

Answers to the QUICK CROSSWORD are on page 2

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