Tenerife weekly issue 122

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Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014


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Issue 122

Miller Rental S.L C.I.F: B 38709366 Deposito Legal: TFE 447/2012

Editor Marc Craig editor@tenerife-weekly.com Production Colm McCarroll design@tenerife-weekly.com


The opinion of the owner or staff of Tenerife Weekly is not necessarily mirrored in the opinions or assertions made by any of our contributors. The material contained within Tenerife Weekly may not to be reproduced unless permission has been received from the Owner. Disclaimer

CONTRIBUTORS John Sharples Sir Old Golfer Steve Andrews Barry Pugh Diane McGlone Colin Kirby English Time

While Tenerife Weekly makes every realistic effort to inspect the contents of all of our advertising, it cannot be held responsible for any assertions or declarations they may make.

Janet Anscombe


Meryl Kew

(Red Queen Musings)

lagomera1.blogspot Adeje Blog


While we strive to bring you a quality newspaper Tenerife Weekly cannot be held responsible for the print quality of this publication. The responsibility for print quality lies directly with our printers (TF Print, S.A.). Please be aware that by advertising in Tenerife Weekly you are agreeing to this disclaimer.

PUB QUIZ (Page 34) 1: Othello 2: Make love 3: Lincolnshire 4: Rowan Atkinson 5: A child 6: Hockey’s 7: Tapas 8: Civillian deaths 9: Morris Minor 10: Nigel Mansell 11: Biggin Hill

SUDOKU Easy (Page 24)

Owner & Publisher - Christopher Miller

1. They have lobes 2. Crabs 3. Swimming strokes 4. They have trunks 5. They have claws 6. Lines 7. Detectors 8. Lights 9. Doors 10. Taxes 11. Horses 12. They’re black & white 13. Boxes 14. Fences 15. All Sundays/Sundaes

SUDOKU Challenging (Page 24)



Solutions to this week’s puzzles





So, another week, another edition of Vivo weekly! I say this because I know there are bound to be naysayers who derive more pleasure out of criticising the fact that we openly promote the other side of our businesses, than they do from actually having some kind of life of their own! So, to anyone who fits that category, you’re welcome! Anyway, what a week, following the fantastic news of the CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENCE 2014, we were awarded by Tripadvi-

Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014 sor, we are incredibly proud to announce that we’ve got even better news this week, namely that Elton John and the royal families of several countries had better pop down to Iceland for some frozen microwave dinners- cos your favourite chef is staying here with us! The other HUGE news this week involves none other than Professor Stephen Hawking, who is coming to Tenerife to headline the Starmus Festival this September! As a man who has spent his entire career in the music busi-


ness, I can honestly say, the thought that I am going to meet the author of “A Brief History Of Time” is more exciting than the fact that I’ll also meet Brian May, writer of the theme from “Starfleet” and the man who came up with lyrics for the Eastenders theme so his bird could have a top 40 hit... hang on...apparently he was in some band called Queen too... Anyway it’s all very exciting!! See you next week!!

Marc Craig


Professor Stephen Hawking joins Starmus Celebrity Guest List!


ast Monday during a press conference attended by the president of the Insular Chapter(Town council), Carlos Alonso; the prime minister of Canaries, Paulino Rivero; the insular adviser of Exterior(Foreign) Action, Delia Herrera, at the Auditorio de Tenerife in Santa Cruz, Garik Israelian, an astrophysicist from the Institute of Astrophysics of Canaries (IAC), made the exciting announcement that the recognized physicist, cosmologist and “something of a dreamer”, professor Stephen Hawking will be the star speaker at the 2014 Starmus Festival this September (22nd - 27th).

This is a huge coup for the festival organizers, Hawking, the acclaimed author of “a brief history of time” is arguably the most famous intellectual of our time, indeed the only other scientist turned celebrity comparable to Hawking is non other than Albert Einstein. Along with cosmonauts, moonwalkers, and rock gods, Brian May and Rick Wakeman, the stars in our impressive skies here in Tenerife will be facing some stiff earthly competition! Unfortunately due to other commit-

ments I had to miss the press conference but in an exclusive interview for the Tenerife Weekly, the festival General Manager, Ashley Oulton told me what to expect in September: “Stephen Hawking is well known for his ability to simplify quite technical subjects and make them interesting and appealing to everyone. What I have been trying to get across is that the Starmus Festival is a fun event, which is open to everyone; young and old, beginners, amateurs and professionals, and that Stephen Hawking and the other speakers will not be giving “stuffy” technical speeches they will be making it interesting for everyone that has a passion for wanting to know where we came from and what’s out there....after all Stephen Hawking has appeared on the Simpsons and a number of other comedy programmes! In fact Stephen Hawking’s presentation will be extremely interactive and he will

be answering questions that have been sent in before the conference. The best question received will win a free ticket to attend the festival Essentially, what I am saying is that Starmus is for everyone. It won’t be lots of stuffy speeches that might go over people’s heads. It will be fun, interactive and affordable. The chance to mingle and chat with astronauts, cosmonauts, scientists and rock stars over a glass of wine or cup of coffee. The other exciting news is that Brian May has confirmed that he will be joining Rick Wakeman on stage during the Sonic Universe concert at the Magma on Friday, 26th May. We have also just changed the venue for the “Star Watching Party”, and it will now be taking place within the Teide Observatory grounds at Izana, where everyone will have the opportunity to examine the universe whilst listening to live music, in the company of moonwalkers, cosmonauts Nobel Prize winners, scientists and rock stars. Should be quiet a party! “ The festival is offering a special discount price of 200 Euros for Canary Islands Residents with a half price offer of 100 Euros for a second delegate if booked and paid for at the same time and by 31st June. I can also reveal that the Tenerife Weekly will be providing coverage of the festival in September, exciting times indeed!

Space Art: Canarian students to meet Apollo Moonwalkers!


ave you ever looked up into the night’s sky and watched the moon rising on the horizon or tracked the International Space Station’s progress across the heavens? Did you ever wander what it might be like to be an astronaut up there looking down on Earth? Now’s your chance to find out... as three Apollo astronaut “moonwalkers” are coming to Tenerife in September, to speak at the Starmus Festival. The organisers of the festival have announced a “Space Art” competition (drawing, painting, mixed media or digital art), with prizes been awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in five age categories (3 to 5, 6 to 8, 9 to 11, 12 to 14 and 15 to 18). The winners in each category will be given the opportunity to attend the “Space Legends” tribute and meet the three Apollo Moonwalkers (Ed Mitchell, Apollo 14, Charlie Duke Apollo 16, and the last man to walk on the moon Harrison Schmitt Apollo 17) in the flesh. They will also receive a personalised autographed photograph of the astronauts,

and their winning entries will also be put on display in the festival exhibition alongside the astrophotography competition entries. The closing date for entries is 31st July and finished artwork should be scanned and sent to the festival organisers at info@starmus.com The organisers have also pointed out that the Starmus Festival is open to everyone, young and old, beginners, amateurs and professionals. Anyone who holds a passion for astronomy, science, the arts and music, and who has a desire to know more about where we came from and what’s out there! They still have places available at the discounted delegate rate of 200 Euros for Canarian Residents (reduced from 300 Euros), and there is currently a “two for one offer” where the second person attends for free, if two places are booked and paid for by June 31st. Further information can be found on the Starmus Festival website at www.starmus.com


Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014

news On THe rOCK CIRQUE DU SOLEIL back in Tenerife January 2015. It was a phenomenal success when it was held here for the first time last year (link), and now the Tenerife Cabildo has announced that it’s coming back. The spectacular Cirque du Soleil will be here in Tenerife with ten performances of their new show, ‘Quidam’, between 3 and 11 January 2015 in the Pabellón Insular Santiago Martín just off the TF5 near the Candelaria and University hospitals. Tickets will be on sale from Friday, 30 May, in www.cirquedusoleil.com/ quidam, www.livenation.es, ticketmaster, El Corte Inglés and entradas.com. For members of Cirque Club (membership is free), there are special prices to book between 27 and 29 May: to register, click www. cirqueclub.com. Performances are:

FaSt ii golf tournament For the Spanish association against cancer

photos By siroldgolfer

Saturday, 3 January 2015, 9pm Sunday, 4 January, 5.30 & 9pm wednesday, 7 January, 9pm Thursday 8 January, 9pm Friday 9 January, 9pm Saturday 10 January, 5.30 & 9pm Sunday 11 January, 1 & 4.30 pm THE MERCADILLO de los Verdes Market, located in Los Cristianos, may remain closed, at least for the foreseeable future, due to safety reasons, after reports from municipal inspectors highlighted problems. According to the mayor of Arona, Francisco Jose Niño Rodríguez, the closure of the popular Sunday market is a “precautionary measure,” and he told reporters he wanted to make this fact clear as he does not want to “alarm or create an altercation in the area,” Niño has made no secret of his support for the market, but with the proviso that safety defects must be rectified before re-opening. According to the Mayor, “The market is a great tourist attraction plus we can not leave families whose livelihood depends on the market in the lurch, particularly given the current economic crisis and after the closure of the car boot market in Guaza”. BRITISH NATIONALS living in Spain should note that from Monday 9th June, the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) is changing the way that it registers the births and deaths of British citizens overseas.The process will gradually be withdrawn from British Consulates in Spain during the rest of 2014. Thereafter this option for British expatriates will be carried out by a central registration unit in the UK. Consular birth registration is an optional service and is only available to those born overseas who have an automatic entitlement to British Nationality at birth. There is no legal requirement for a consular birth registration, and a local birth certificate with a certified translation if necessary should be sufficient for all purposes in the UK including applying for a passport. Similarly there is no requirement for a consular death certificate – a local certificate should be sufficient for winding up the affairs and obtaining probate in the UK. The processing time for registrations will remain the same but applicants will need to allow extra time for documents to be sent to and from the UK. British nationals can find information here on how to apply for a consular birth or death registration.Centralisation of birth and death registration into a single-purpose unit in the UK will allow the FCO to provide a common online application procedure with a credit card payment facility, which will be more efficient and convenient for customers. Centralisation will also enable FCO consular staff to better focus on their primary function of assisting British nationals in distress.



HE CHarIty event was held on saturday 24th May, proceeds (over 15000 euros) went to the spanish association against Cancer (aECC) and was held in the premises of the Golf del sur (san Miguel de abona)with almost 120 players participating.

Carlos Alonso stressed the importance of “civil society is involved in this type of solidarity actions, you can always count on the support of the Cabildo. We are close to the people, near the south of the island and any activity that is to benefit these groups will find our support. The work of the Spanish Association Against Cancer is commendable and I encourage all golfers to participate in this test and show, once more, its integral character “. Meanwhile, Cristina Valido noted the need to “promote actions that make all the NGOs and voluntary organizations. That was one of the

slogans when we launched the Tenerife Solidario program and is one of the main lines of work of the Office of Volunteerism. Today, More than ever, NGOs are required, indispensable, and are contributing their bit to improve the lives of many people “. José Fernando Cabrera said the tournament “is part of the line of work being done FAST and whose main objective is to stimulate from the social point of view, culture and tourism of the island’s southern region through

the organization of events, non-profit and charity “. Meanwhile, Juan Julio Fernandez welcomed the involvement of all institutions and companies and noted that a portion of the proceeds will go to the purchase of a vehicle for the transfer of patients from southern Santa Cruz Island to receive cancer treatments, while another part will be devoted to cover the cost of summer camp that made patients 15 a 18 years in the Aran

Valley. The Forum Friends of Southern Tenerife is formed by a group of people and groups that aim to boost southern region from all areas. This is an open to worldwide forum and is intended to complement the work of other groups, many of whom have joined him. In this sense, seeks maximum cooperation with public institutions and municipalities, the Cabildo of Tenerife and the Canary Islands Government


Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014


He’s Staying! Vivo Get’s A Master Chef!


avied Jones, the executive chef to Royals and celebrities, has struck a deal with Vivo to stay on as our new exec chef! This is amazing news for our venue, for anyone following the story so far, you’ll know that Davied initially agreed to come over for 2 or 3 weeks to mentor young Victoria. Davied is a friend of Victoria’s family and his initial goal was to take the daily buffet and Sunday Carvery to a whole new level of standard, but a standard requiring a degree of skill that our kitchen staff would be able to cope with, once he took off to tackle his next executive assignment. This, in itself was a dream come true for us, a world class chef of his calibre, helping to improve our buffet by creating delicious, but easy to prepare dishes was both exciting and an honour for us, a priceless opportunity! But it seems along the way Davied has fallen in love with this beautiful island, but more importantly for us, has become enamored with the challenge of transforming Vivo into a venue synonymous with amazing food.

Of course, since it launch earlier this year and then recently under Davied’s expert guidance, our buffet/ carvery has gone from strength to strength, but now, due to the incredible news that Davied has decided to stay on full time, the buffet has become the tip of a culinary iceberg! This changes the plan entirely! No longer is the aim, simply a better level of carvery, We are now setting our sights far, far higher. Since he arrived, we’ve been very aware that a lot of the carvery improvements were the equivalent to Davied, of me making a basic cheese sandwich! A quick google search of Davied Jones will very quickly help you to realise just what this man is capable of.... And we intend to flaunt and exploit those skills to the max!! So, here are just a few of the exciting things we have planned..... Now that the buffet/carvery is running like a well-oiled machine Davied plans to continue the food through to the early evening by offering our later customers a selection of “Funky Food”, a plated menu of 4 hot and 2 cold dishes to enjoy with a drink whilst sunning yourself and listening to the live music on the terrace.

The funky food menu promises to be fresh ,fun, exciting modern and well... funky because as Davied says himself “life is too boring to just eat plain food!” As well as this development Davied is looking at revamping all of our dinner show menus for our Decades nights, to have Davied overseeing this part of the evening should really make the Decades shows even more of a night out not to be missed! But most exciting of all is the news that in the very near future Davied intends to begin a new night:

Davied Jones - Chef’s Table A gastronomic dining experience for a maximum of 18 people. This is an evening with Davied Jones as your “personal chef”, an intimate dining experience where a select few will be able to receive the royalty treatment, as Davied prepares and creates a menu comprised of his personal favourite dishes. These fortunate diners will experience what it’s like to be catered for by a truly world class chef. This opportunity is unmissable for anyone who loves really good food, a night you don’t want to miss. The Premiere of this new event to be announced shortly!


Funky Super Noodles Singapore Vermecelli noodles, only 5 euros Funky Chicken Steamed Garlic Breast of Chicken & Chorizo Mashed Potatoes 5.25 euros Funky Bubble & Squeak Grilled Bratwurst Sausages, Caramelised Onion Gravy, 5 euros Funky Caesar Chicken Caesar Salad 4.50 euros Funky Godfather Warm pork Pasta Salad 5.50 euros


Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014




undaCIÓn “En pIÉ” are a Mental Health Foundation based in las Caletillas. their website is www.enpie. org. this is being translated into English but it’s not quite finished yet!

The Charity does not receive any government funding, they fund it themsleves at the moment. To enable them to continue their work within the community they organising a musical event next Saturday on the 7th June in La Plaza de La Basilica in Candelaria, they have the support of the Council of Candelaria, Canarian TV (autonomica), Radio el Día (they have their own radio programme called “Lunaticos” every Thursday at 4.45pm). Dorada and Coca Cola are supporting them by supplying some drinks and Susana @ Silverpoint is organising the t.shirts for their staff and volunteers. (other sponors on the poster) You will see from the Poster they have some great live bands, dance groups and a magician. A good variety to suit all ages and likes, so try to attend for a very worthy cause! Nada En Los Bolsillos (well known Canarian group) Ubay Hdez (Resident DJ in Terraza Isla de Mar in Santa Cruz) Ubay was in charge of opening Daytime Carnaval in S/C in 2013/14 with the best

commercial music, house etc. Yufunk Dance School: One of the best Urban Dance Schools in the Canaries directed by Yurena De La Rosa (one of the finalists on the tv show FAMA REVOLUTION) Malbert Mago: Famous card magician in Tenerife who has also been out to Dubai to perform. José Arbelo: Great voice of Tenerife, his fresh dynamic style attracts all tastes in music! DJ Drummer: 19 years of experience DJaying electronic music. Priscila Estevéz: The winner of “Quiero ser como Pepe” PLUS: DJ Colin + MC Pelu. Amiat, Azotea Swing, Carlos Barbuzano, Agus Llamazares, Grupo Baile Igueste. PLUS: Star attraction: Their very own “Sisters En Píe” Ako and Abo are twins, both from Buenavista del norte are going to sing 2 songs by the Corrs. Ako is a Patron and founder member of the “En Pié Foundation”. Ako was diagnosed with a mental health problem in her early 20´s and because of her own experience and stage of recovery she has become the voice of hope for many people who have no idea about mental illnesses. Please take 3 minutes to watch this video clip with english subtitles: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=Bb00seF9CFw Our Canarian Tutelary Foundation

(Registered Charity: G76539808)was founded to promote and protect good mental health, our primary purpose is of performing guardianships. Severe mental discorders sometimes limit a person´s autonomy in various or all aspects of their life. To address this uncertain situation a person can be declared legally incompetent and the court will establish a guardian which can be a family member, or a tutelary foundation, for example our Foundation “En Pié” We are the only Mental Health Guardianship Foundation in Tenerife. The Canarian tv will be following us on the run up to this event. They requested a video clip from all the different groups who are giving up their free time to perform to be shown approx 6-7 times a day starting this week. They are sending a team down on Tuesday morning to do a documentary on the Foundation so they are well excited!! How many people from South would be willing to travel to Candelaria for a music event in aid of our Charity is anyones guess, but with its 5 euro entrance fee at the door with one drink included. Starting at 6pm- 2am, let’s hope it gets the support it truly deserves!!


Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014


daytime entertainment keepS growing! I

t startEd Just a few months ago with me jumping on-stage for an hour, in between writing the newspaper whilst we launched the daytime menu, but the afternoon live entertainment sessions down at vivo have grown into quite an impressive line-up! After a few weeks, we welcomed Andy Briggs to the Vivo family, whose acoustic guitar and chilled out versions of well known songs proved the perfect

compliment to my two, one hour sets. Andy also started the ball rolling for several guest musicians such as Adam See, Lee Rutter, and Oscar, who often pop down to pick up a guitar and join in the fun! Next we were more than happy to welcome the award-winning Helena Campbell to the party, her incredible voice and a repertoire which has something for literally everyone, is a valuable addition! But it doesn’t stop there, recently we’ve been lucky enough to acquire the impressive skills of Indianna whose beautiful voice and great choices of songs are truly a breath of fresh air. Indianna’s

other half is the one and only, multi-award winning Pip Brown, who brings his acoustic guitar down and performs a wide array of material from side-splitting comedy songs to popular songs, like you’ve never heard ‘em before, all performed with Pip’s unique style and charm! If you’ve never been down to a Vivo afternoon live session, they’re on every day of the week between 2pm and 6pm and 12pm to 6pm on Sundays. Great food and drinks at reasonable prices, plus some of the best singers and musicians that Tenerife has to offer...see you there!!

How Do I Dia de canarias Get One? a

by janetanscombe.com I’VE BEEN ASkED several times how to get this photo in poster form, and it has been available from NASA’s own website. Now, though, as a Día de Canarias gift, the newspaper Canarias7 is offering a 58x37cm poster free with all Friday’s printed copies. As you can see by clicking on the link on my website, you just have to buy a copy of Friday’s paper to get the poster.

dEJE’s día de Canarias celebrations takes place this week including the Baile de Magos (traditional costume dance) in the plaza España which was on thursday 29th May, the eve of the día de Canarias itself. the Imoque Folklore Festival in the plaza de san sebastián in la Caleta is at 9pm on saturday 31st May. It’s important to note, I think, that these celebrations are not just of a particular date or a specific political anniversary. they are a celebration of all that is Canarian, and Clio o’Flynn gives a good overview of the cultural importance of the day in adeje English time. Adeje’s councillor for culture Nayra Medina Bethencourt said that in a multi-cultural town such as Adeje “it’s also important to remember our roots and traditions and on dates such as the ones we’re celebrating this week we can emphasise the Canarian part of our heritage and show that side

of our culture to those who have recently arrived to live here, so that they too may know some of our traditions but also, importantly become involved in the cultural life of Adeje and share the fiestas with us”. The councillor makes an important point because with its traditional costumes, the Baile de Magos could seem to be “reserved” in some way, for Canarians. But these events are anything but, and “foreigners” are more than welcome to join in, indeed would be welcomed with open arms since our participation demonstrates a desire to integrate. The dance is free, but those taking part must wear traditional Canarian costumes Among the folklore groups were Igonce from Candelaria, Añate from La Victoria, La Díata, La Asociación Cultural Imoque, Las Parrandas Mesturao, Boleros de

by janetanscombe.com Armeñime and Boca del Paso, Santa Anta, and, of course, the Adeje Folklore Group. In La Caleta on the 31st, the Imoque Folklore Festival will take place in the Plaza San Sebastián with performances by a number of cultural associations including Arboneo and Miradero from Icod, the Tetir Folklore group from Fuerteventura with the special participation of Domingo Rodríguez Oramas “El Colorao”. This event is jointly organized by Adeje Ayuntamiento and the Adeje Imoque Cultural Group.


Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014

vivo.12287 ACROSS


cryptic croSSword

8. Game bird poor rustic eats head first (8) 9. Bad deed he paid attention to (6) 10. Ring friend for gem (4) 11. Relocate shrub after mad rants (10) 12. Van knocks over lad - a delinquent (6) 14. Protest by a hundred before scoundrel politician (8) 15. Terrible need to hold gag when tied up (7)

DOwN 1. Fellow had been put down by clergyman (8) 2. Drop loudly everything (4) 3. Group of businesses to transport the Spanish (6) 4. Leaves South African money in streets (7) 5. Used to check on grandmasters? (8) 6. Polished and bright of thinking (10)

Av Rafael Puig 7, Playa De Las Americas Arona ( In Front Of Hotel Tenerife Sol)

17. At home Castro is a nonbeliever (7) 20. Eccentric to break kitchen utensil (8) 22. Search a waterway for doctor on brink (6) 23. Imitation diamond made from German river rock (10) 24. Touched cloth (4) 25. Sure in half hour to see loan shark (6) 26. The saint is unusually reluctant (8)

7. Even the errant Ivan displayed strain injury (6) 13. In the middle of mortuary? (4,6) 16. Snap that can lead to hypothermia? (8) 18. Battery chicken farm produces aubergine (8) 19. Waste a cup (7) 21. Rework her tree (6) 22. Stylish garment, yes (6) 24. Mexican cafe taco contains cheese (4)

Answers to the CRYPTIC CROSSWORD are on page 2


Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014


Tenerife- The Island Of Two Halves redqueenmusings.wordpress.com


enerife has long been, and will remain, a popular destination for Brits. With year round sunshine (a concept previously considered a myth by our rain-drenched nation), fantastic scenery and a reputation for a great night out, we arrived in droves on to the black sandy shores.

The largest Canary Island offers the best of both worlds; the south of the island is home to the renowned nightlife of Tenerife as well as some of its best known beaches. In contrast, the north is loved for its culture and picturesque wonders; the black-sand beaches being one of them and are synonymous with the Canary Islands. The white sand is typically imported from the Sahara Desert. Southern Tenerife has, for a long time, been favoured by tourists; because of this the south benefits from an increased urban scene which offers comfortable apartments, numerous cafes and restaurants as well as multiple avenues for your night time endeavours. The south also lays claim to the more consistent and hotter climate; it proudly boasts year-round beach weather which, combined with its nightlife, is often why this part of the island is most popular with stag and hen weekends. On top of this you can also find decent food, catering for those who like to try other cultures’ cuisine as well as people

who like their food a little more familiar and closer to home. Without a doubt Los Cristianos, Costa Adeje and Playa de las Americas are the most popular areas for a great night out, however it is the latter which offers the craziest venues. With round the clock clubbing for those who are after it and an extensive party scene it is often this area which rises to the top of everyone’s to do list. Playa de las Americas has three main areas; The Patch, Veronicas and Starco. The Patch is a large commercial area which has a whole host of entertainment from cafes, bars and restaurants to cabaret and karaoke venues. Veronicas and Starco are practically on top of each other and are home to some, but not all, of the best bars and clubs on the island. Nightlife here is loved by all as it is an exciting, exotic scene. Particularly popular with the Brits are the prices; the drinks are generally cheaper than that of the UK, and as a nation we love a bargain. This vibrant party town is home to many white-sand beaches, but if you need a bit of tranquillity after a particularly strenuous night out then a small venture to Playa Bobo las Cuevitas may well be in order for you. Alternatively, if its adventure you seek then Playa de Guincho has the best set up for water sports. The south of Tenerife may be better known, but this island has far more on offer for the inquisitive traveller who is willing to discover it. In the north, un-

earthing the cultural surroundings is encouraged by the weather, which is more varied compared to the south and consequently palatable for those impartial to a bit of exploring. The capital of Tenerife, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, is located toward the northeast tip of the island and is surprisingly devoid of tourists. For the culture vultures, a trip around this part of the island is unmissable; it is here you can find the truest cuisine and culture of Tenerife. Just north of the capital is La Laguna, a town which gives a brilliant view of the country’s historical past; attractive buildings from the renaissance and colonial periods can be found here. If it’s the famous black beaches you seek then the best examples can be found around Puerto de la Cruz. Puerto de la Cruz is the second most popular destination on the island and has a reputation for being a bit more relaxing than its tourist rival, Playa de las Americas. It is picturesque with a mountainous backdrop and a dreamy old town. Although the southern climate tends to lend itself to beach days, the north will not be outdone. Lago Martianez, a series of seawater pools designed specifically for bathing, and the numerous sandy beaches speckling the northern coast present the perfect opportunity to kick back, relax and enjoy a lazy afternoon.


Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014


tenerife Welcomes Malú

Just Hanging around paraglider rescued by bomberos after hanging for four hours from high power cables.

by janetanscombe.com


he unstoppable spanish singer Malú will perform on august 2nd, at arona stadium to a capacity of 12,000 people. led by artevalle productions and the City of arona, the southern stadium will host one of the most anticipated tours of the summer.

After two sell-out consecutive nights at the iconic Sports Palace in Madrid with over 30,000 people and numerous other sold-out concerts, Malú reaches Tenerife with YES Tour. This international tour that the singer is performing in the major cities of our country, is a true pop spectacle that features striking imagery. The strength and posi-

tivity of Malú are reflected in this new tour that the artist looks back on much of her success and also features some songs from her latest album, Yes, such as the hit “A prueba de tí” (test you) or “Desaparecer” (disappear) and anthems like “Blanco y Negro” (Black and White) and “Aprendiz” (Apprentice). Prices for advance tickets to see and hear Malú








30 May

31 May

1 June

2 June

3 June

4 June

5th June















Mostly Sunny

Sunshine Some Cloud


Sunshine Some Cloud

Mostly Sunny

Mostly Sunny

Increasingly Cloudy

High: 22oC

High: 21oC

High: 21oC

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High: 23oC

High: 22oC

Real Feel: 23oC

Real Feel: 21oC

Real Feel: 21oC

Real Feel: 22oC

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Real Feel: 25oC

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Mainly Clear

Mainly Clear


Mostly Cloudy

Mainly Clear

Mainly Clear


Low: 16oC

Low: 16oC

Low: 16oC

Low: 17oC

Low: 17oC

Low: 17oC

Low: 16oC

Real Feel: 12oC

Real Feel: 12oC

Real Feel: 13oC

Real Feel: 14oC

Real Feel: 13oC

Real Feel: 14oC

Real Feel: 11oC







are already set: 23 euros for the whole area and 35 euros for the VIP area, which includes front stage , independent access and the exclusive canteen. Tickets can be purchased through the web www. ticketea.com and over 20 outlets spread across the island, which are available on the web www.festivalmarabierto.com

Quite a major operation has been underway since around 6pm this evening to rescue a 50-year-old paraglider who became tangled in high power electrical cables as he came down to land over the TF13 near the mirador Playa El Arenal north of La Laguna. Around 10pm he was finally released and transferred to hospital, thankfully with only minor injuries, but the operation to release him required the involvement of police, a rescue helicopter and finally bomberos with a self-

propelling telescopic 50m crane. Electricity supplies to Punta del Hidalgo and Las Carboneras had to be shut off to make the cable safe while the rescue was underway. It’s not all that easy to make out the situation in the above photo but it has been released by emergency services after being taken from the helicopter involved in the initial abortive rescue attempt. It is just possible to make out the paraglider hanging by his parachute from the cables.


Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014

accion del Sol news ACCION DEL SOL’S EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME continued last week in earnest with children aged between 3 and 6 from Charco Del Pino all visiting the refuge . A fun and educational day helped the children to understand the care and welfare needs of our four legged friends, hopefully insuring better conditions for our beloved pets in the future here in Tenerife.


Live Arico News Live Arico Pets Animal welfare Supporters (PAwS) Join us On Facebook – Live Arico P.A.w.S Tenerife http://twitter.com/live_arico http://www.livearico.com

dog of the week - Scrappy REMEMBER HARRy, last week’s dog of the week who came to us when his owners put him out on the street, for which they were consequently denounced by the police? Well Scrappy came from the same irresponsible owners. We believe they do not de-serve to have him back, or any other dog for that matter. Could you be his forever home and treat him better? He is only a young and quite timid, but when he gets to know you he is a very loving boy, and only small. He is fully vaccinated, sterilised and chipped, and our adoption fee of 110 euros covers all of this. Call Elaine on 678 015653 to arrange a meeting. Adopt don’t buy – always the best option.

an afternoon “do” at ye olde ocean

SPRING NORMALLy MEANS the time of year when we all have the cleaning bug , if you are having a Spring clean and would like to donate items to the refuge then please call the number below to arrange collection of donated items. Handicraft items, children’s crayons, paint are always needed with so many children visiting

the refuge as well as towels, blankets, sheets, collars, leads and dog toys for the refuges many dogs. Everything at the refuge is predominately made from donated and recycled building materials so again if you have any spare materials to donate then please contact the refuge.

THE IMPORTANCE OF MICRO-CHIPPING your pet proved itself last week when two dogs were brought in to the refuge, luckily they were both reunited with their very happy owners so please do insure your pet is micro-chipped and that the information is correct and up to date to insure a quick return of your pet in case they accidentally get lost. THERE ARE MORE THAN 200 DOGS at the refuge all seeking new homes but maybe you are not able to commit to adopting a dog but we are always looking for dog walkers to walk the dogs in the beautiful surrounding areas of the refuge. If you would to be involved then please again contact the refuge or visit at the appointed opening hours and make a dog or two very happy.

PLEASE CALL 922778630 for more information or if you would like to help out in anyway, towels and blankets are always needed for the dogs if you have any to spare. They would be very much appreciated by our four legged friends. The refuge is situated at Poligono De Industrial Estate, Granadilla, Exit 51 on the TF1, directly next to ITER the Parque Eolica where the windmills are and it is open to the public Monday, Tuesday ,Thursday, Friday 14.00-17.00pm and Saturdays 13.00-16.00. The refuge is closed Wednesdays, Sundays and on Public holidays

local youngsters Stumble on archeological remains

by newsinthesun.com THE GUARDIA CIVIL were called in to investigate some human remains found in a cave on Monday afternoon in the upper area of La Guancha, in Tenerife. Three local youngsters made the gruesome find when they explored the cave, which is located in between El Lagar and the Barranco de La Arena ravine, whilst out walking; the area is relatively difficult to access. . The remains consisted of a human skull

together with various jaw and other bones. The find was confirmed after the youngsters returned to the cave on Tuesday morning accompanied by la Guancha local police officers. The town hall have issued an order to leave the remains undisturbed as they could represent am archaeological find. Experts from La Laguna university are to study the bones in situ.

Come and have a cracking afternoon out with us at Ye Olde Ocean on Sunday 15th June, from 2pm. We are planning a benefit which is already shaping up to be a good one. Jamie Drew will host the afternoon, intro-

ducing great acts like Scott Bateman, Jamie Rourke, Gordon King, Kerry Railton, Suzy q and Tony Kay. And thats just for starters. Magnificent prizes on the raffle too, it will be good. See you there !!!

Oh yes, those 3 monthly extravaganzas on Top Square Golf del Sur sure do come around quickly and we are nearly there again. Join us on Saturday 28th June from 8pm and we will do it all again. Suzy Q will be introducing you

to Robbie Dominic, Abba Twist, Colin Stevens and more to be confirmed in the next couple of weeks. Be early, and enjoy our now legendary Top Square fund raisers.

it’s the top Square again!!!

gillian Banks theatre School – they’re Back!!!

yes, for the 4th consecutive year those uber talented teens from The Gillian Banks Theatre School are back in Tenerife raising funds for Live Arico and Helping Hands charities. Put these dates in your diary – Tuesday 5th August at Restaurant La Cueva and Thursday 7th August at the Harbour Club Los Gigantes. Tickets for both events are 20 euros which will include dinner, and anyone who has seen these shows in the past years will tell you that the show alone is worth more than 20 euros, they are simply out-standing. Tickets are strictly limited and available now from Suzy q on 629 388102. Don’t miss out, these are THE hot dates of the summer – get involved.

live arico Shops

voluntEErs nEEdEd: If you’re interested in working in one of our Charity Shops, PLEASE get in touch with Siobhan on 630 857626. Also; If you have QUALITY unwanted clothes, cds, dvds, shoes, household items or childrens clothing, call Siobhan now on 630 857626. And do come and see us, we have shops in Los Cristianos, Calle Revron near Churchills Bar, and San Eugenio opposite Hotel La Nina by Amandas bar at las Carabelas complex. Both shops open from 10 – 4 Monday to Friday, and until 2pm Saturday. Kel even opens the Los Cristianos shop on Sundays.... Come and have a browse, bag a bargain and help the animals..


Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014


Scaling the heights in adeje


he adeje sports department has organised a series of training days on the climbing wall to ensure that people are shown how to use the installation properly.

Sports councillor Adolfo Alonso Ferrera has organised the training programme along with the Canarian School of Mountaineering and the Abinque Mountaineering Group aimed at educating people in the correct use of the wall, located in the grounds of the El Galeón sports pavilion. The course will also present certificates to those who complete the course in “proper use and maintenance of the installation and scaling methods”. The councillor said, “during these training days we will train

a group of people who will then be in charge of the development and use of the climbing wall, or ‘rocódromo’. With this in mind we have asked experts such as Javier Martín Carvajal, and José Francisco González to run the course”. Alonso Ferrera added that in Adeje all the sporting schools and courses that were running in the borough have trained professionals in charge “so we can ensure that anyone learning or practising a sport in Adeje is under the supervision of a professional from the relevant sector, which is a quality ‘plus’ and a guarantee from a sporting point of view”. The training course for the climbing wall will be in two parts, theoretical and practical. The first part will outline the different kinds of climbing walls currently being used, how

Icod de los vinos

santiago del teide

Plaza del Cristo, s/n, 38640 Plaza General Franco, s/n, Arona. 38300, La Orotava. Tel: 922 725 100 y 922 725 Tel: 922 324 444 - Fax 922 125 - Fax: 922 725 478 334 512

la orotava

El sauzal

Granadilla de abona

El tanque


C/ Grande 1, 38670, Adeje. Plaza Luis de León Huertas, Tel: 922 756 200 - 922 710 1, 38440, Icod de los Vinos. Tel: 922 869 600 - Fax 922 120 - 922 710 420 869 643


C/ San Francisco, 14, 38600, Granadilla de Abona Tel: 922 759 953 y 922 759 902 - Fax 922 759 965

Guía de Isora

puerto de la Cruz

C/ Santo Domingo, s/n, 38400, Puerto de la Cruz. Tel: 922 378 400 - Fax 922 375 253

El rosario

C/ del Ayuntamiento, 4, 38680, Guía de Isora. Tel: 922 850 100 - Fax 922 850 354

Plaza del Ayuntamiento 1, 38290, El Rosario. Tel: 922 297 447 - Fax 922 548 280


Ctra. de Los Abrigos 30, 38620, San Miguel de Abona. Tel: 922 700 000 y 922 700 001 - Fax 922 167 168

Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 4, 38500, Güímar. Tel: 922 526 100 y 922 526 101 - Fax 922 526 102

san Miguel de abona

C/ la Placeta 10, 38436, Santiago del Teide. Tel: 922 863 127 y 922 863 150 - Fax 922 863 212 C/ La Constitución 3, 38360, El Sauzal. Tel: 922 570 000 y 922 570 24 - Fax 922 570 973 Avda. Príncipes de España 24, 38435, El Tanque. Tel: 922 136 715 y 922 136 623 - Fax 922 136 766


Plaza de San Marcos 1, 38280, Tegueste. Tel: 922 541 799 y 922 541 851 - Fax 922 540 903


C/ Doctor Pérez Cáceres 1, 38613, Vilaflor. Tel 922 709 002 - Fax 922 709 151

the structures are constructed, panels and screws used, etc. This section will also look at different problems which can arise, and how to carry out proper maintenance. During the practical section those attending will get to know the two structures in El Galeon and the kind of materials used. They will learn, on site, all the relevant aspects of their construction and maintenance. The students will also be assessed and taught methods or climbing and security during the climb. This will be followed by a series of climbs of differing difficulty and solving various problems which could arise during a climb.


eVenTs On THe rOCK

Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014



día de canarias, canarian day

FRIDAy, 30TH MAy is Día de Canarias, Canarian Day, a Canaries-wide public holiday in celebration of the anniversary of the first official Parliamentary session of the islands on 30th May 1983, some 10 months after the Canaries became an autonomous region of Spain in August 1982. The day is celebrated on all the islands with a wide range of cultural events and festivities, and shops and offices are generally closed. Apart from the formal and official events that are always held, regions around Tenerife and the other islands will be holding directly connected or associated events, not just on Friday 30th, but through the weekend. and I’ll list them here as I come across them. I’ll start with San Miguel’s Canarian Day programme which can be downloaded and on Saturday 31st, Arona is holding a Canarian Traditions Day.


s roy orBIson once sang, It’s over, well at least for another year. another fantastic week for the annual Competition ran by the palm Bar Golf society with some great and not so great golf being played, but everyone had a thoroughly enjoyable time.

The players this year took on Adeje, Las Americas and Golf del Sur courses, with many of the players having travelled over from the UK to take part. The overall winner was Hugh Richmond, with Ian Ross achieving the best score on all the par 3´s. The par 3 competition was sponsored by John Gall from Brownings the Bakers & Hugh Richmond. Each day Tracy Stewart of the Palm Bar

provided a well needed breakfast, and also food on the last night, which was also the Presentation Evening with entertainment. A raffle that took place raised 300€ for Cancer Research, and thanks goes to everyone who donated prizes. Due to the excellent organisation and help from everyone the week was a huge success, and names are already down for next year.

Honour roll

by janetanscombe.com


HE CaBIldo’s prEsIdEnt Carlos alonso, congratulated the winners of this contest as he presented the awards at the Gastronomic Fair.

The President of the Island Council, delivered the three awards for the sa INGAPAN Greatest Sandwich of the Canaries award, held in the enclosure Ferial of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. The winner of the contest was Agata Da Costa (Gran Canaria); While the second and third prize went to Francisco de Roman Hidalgo and Yoseba Andoni Llarena, respectively. The event has, as it’s main objective, the aim of using the bread as a support for gastronomic specialties, as well as to encourage the creativity of professionals in these

preparations at all levels: ingredients, recipes, presentations, etc. The title sponsor is INGAPAN Canary, a firm specializing in the production and marketing of fresh, pre-cooked and frozen bakery, pastry and confectionery products. Each of the five finalists prepared bocadillos for 6 members of the public chosen to participate, which had as a base one of the varieties of bread produced or represented and marketed by INGAPAN Canary and has to contain roast leg of pork, also known as Canarian ham as one of its ingredients. The Organization awarded a first prize of 500 euros; a second 300 euros and a third prize of 200 euros. The five finalists in the competition were Ayoze Quintero Castro (Tenerife), agate Da Costa Suarez (Gran Canaria), Francisco de Román Hidalgo (Tenerife), Yoseba Andoni Llarena Vélez (Tenerife), and David Escuder Pérez (Tenerife).


Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014


multicultural FuSion -

SometHing For everyone in adeJe


unds raIsEd during the event will be donated to the adeje council to assist families in need

The Adeje council, via the department of culture under Nayra Medina Bethencourt, and in conjunction with the intercultural association, El Patio de las Culturas de Tenerife “Fusión entre Culturas” has organised a multi-cultural festival in the town on Sunday June 1st. From midday until 8pm the Avenida Palo Mayor (in front of the Adeje municipal football grounds) will be turned into a major stage for this special event which promotes harmonious coexistence and cordial living together between all the different nationalities living in the borough of Adeje. And to underline that solidarity, the organisers have said that “all the funds collected during the day will donated to the Adeje social services department to help those in need in the borough”. Councillor Medina Bethencourt says, “with this initiative which we are working on with other bodies, we can show people the very real face of the multicultural nature of our borough. Today, in Adeje, people from over 118 different countries live and work, peacefully, side by side, and this Sunday we will be there with representatives of some of the larger international communities.” In parallel with the fun side of the day, and to aid the food bank that the borough council operates as well as the Cruz Roja, there will be a drop off zones for members of the public who wish to donate non-perishable goods, hygiene products, nappies, dry baby foods, etc. During the day there will be a host of

different activities not to mention tastings and different gastronomic offers from all over the world. For instance members of the public can enjoy displays of Tibetan dance, an intercultural flash mob, tales and international storytelling, language exchange workshops, theatrical presentations, music, muralmaking, a henna workshop, and dance styles from Bollywood to tango, from Bolivia to the Canarias, and much more.

Participating associations: Asociación intercultural El Patio de las Culturas de Tenerife, Asociación Mercedes Machado, Asociación Hindú Tenerife Sur, Unión Indígena Nigerianos en Tenerife, Asociación Uruguayos in Tenerife, Asociación de Chilenos in Canarias, Casa Argentina in Tenerife, Asociación Anchieta, Asociación Burras, Güímar, Sonrisas Canarias, Cruz Roja, Amigos del Tibet Ghe Pel Lin, Tango, Asociación Musulmana Al ihasan y Justicia y Paz, the Dzogchen International Dzamling Gar Community Association, Jóvenes por la Diversidad, Actívate employment workshop. Schedule of events: 12:00-13:00 Opening and welcome: Tibetan dance, Dzogchen International Dzamling Gar Association. Examples of good practise in intercultural harmonious co-existence, Asoc. Hindú Tenerife Sur, Comunidad Mulsumana Al Ihsan y Asoc. El patio de las culturas. 13:00-19:30 Children’s Intercultural Mural. 12:30-13:00 Romanian children’s games workshop, Asoc. Rumacan. 13:00-13:30/17:00-17:30 Exhibition Asoc. Mercedes Machado.

13:00-13:30 International story-telling (Children), Asoc. El Patio de las Culturas. 13:30-14:00/19:00-19:30 Language exchange workshop, Jóvenes por la Diversidad (open working space throughout the day’s event). 3:30-14:00 Children’s workshop, Alumnos Animación Sociocultural Activate. 14:00-14:20 Lunch time prayer, Comunidad Musulmana Al Ihsan. 14:20-15:30 Djs Hindú, Asoc. Hindú del Sur. 15:30-16:00 International story-telling (adults), Asoc. El Patio de las Culturas. 16:00-16:15 The story of one thousand and one nights, Comunidad Musulmana Al Ihsan. 16:15-16:30 Stories from the Andes, Asoc. Babel. 16:30-17:00 Children’s games, Asoc. Chilenos en Canarias. 17:00-17:30 Exchange of experiences workshop “If you knew me....” 17:00-17:30 Children’s workshop, Alumnos Animación Sociocultural Activate. 17:00-17:30 Taller de cuentos tibetanos, Amigos del Tibet Ghe Pel Lin. 17:30-18:00 World games (children and parents), Asoc. El Patio de las Culturas 18:00-18:10 Intercultural Flash mob 18:10-18:30 Tango workshop, Tango exhibition 18:30-19:30 Bollywood dance, Hindu music (sitar, mridanga,...), Asoc. Hindú del Sur. 19:45-20:30 Folklore performance

Calle grande nº1. 38670. Adeje. Tenerife / Tel.:922 756 200 Fax: 922 710 405 / www.adeje.es

15 tHird canary BodyBuilding and FitneSS cup


Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014

photos by Gerard Zenou


he event packed the Municipal auditorium in Guía de Isora , where Isorano daniel González was proclaimed Mens athletic physique champion

Guía de Isora hosted this Saturday, May 24 the III Canary Cup bodybuilding and fitness competition with great success for the organization and for attendance. The event was held at the Municipal Auditorium, which was filled to its capacity of 400 seats. The ceremony was attended by the Mayor and Councilman for the Isorano Sports Hall , Pedro Martín and José Rivero , respectively , and other municipal councilors and representatives of the Consistory Canaria Federation of Bodybuilding

and Fitnness. Jesus Roldan, the European champion of the sport in the category of Classic Bodybuilding also attended. Among the organizers was local gym, Duragym . Owner Moses welcomed the participation of residents and outsiders, and especially local businesses that have contributed to this event , as well as the Department of Sports of the City of Guía de Isora , that “ from the outset supported the initiative by providing all necessary “ he said. The categories were Junior, Senior Bodybuilding , Classic Bodybuilding , Body Fitness , Bikini and Fitness Mens Athletic Physique : Thirty participants from the Canary Islands arrived at the town to compete in the various forms of the sport.

madrid gives canaries a Sea plane


Drug Dinghies Captured


by janetanscombe.com

T HAS BEEN CONFIRMED that we will have a “fire plane” this summer, as last. It will be stationed once again in La Gomera, and will be in the islands between 1 July and 30 October. The announcement was made last Friday after meetings between island authorities, the Canarian Government, and Madrid. In a blow for everyone who has despaired at the time wasted in getting seaplanes to these islands when forest fires are raging, the Minister of Economía, Hacienda y Seguridad, Javier González Ortiz,

The winners in each of their categories were: Junior: RUBEN C. SANTANA ( CANARYWOLF ); Senior Bodybuilding: JOSEPH J. MEDINA ( CANARYWOLF ) Classic Bodybuilding: RODRIGO SILVA ( TIMOTHY BOZA TEAM) Body Fitness: TATIANA OKLADNIKOVA ( ODISEAGYM ); Bikini Fitness: tayri RODRIGUEZ ( CANARYMUSCLE ); Men Athletic Physique: DANIEL GONZALEZ RUIZ ( GYM DURAGYM ). At the end of the event an all-inclusive weekend in Barcelo Varadero was raffled among the participants, which was donated by the onsite event partner. The award went to Montserrat Córdoba.

last May announced that Madrid had rejected the Canarian Government’s request for one to be permanently based here to fight summer blazes. Sr Ortiz said that the regional Parliament had not been asking for increased resources from the national government, but simply for resources to be fairly distributed throughout the Spanish regions. As such, the Canarian Government had asked for at least one of these aircraft to be based here in the summer months to fight the devastation such fires can

cause rather than for the islands to have to wait at least 20 hours for one to arrive, a delay no other region needed to suffer. Although Madrid refused to grant the Canaries a permanent seaplane to fight summer fires,it was announced that one would be stationed here during the months of highest risk. The announcement was made by the minister of Industria, Energía y Turismo, José Manuel Soria, himself a Canarian.

olICE HavE sMasHEd a drugs ring, based in the town of los Barrios in southwestern andalusia, that used inflatable motorboats to smuggle almost three tonnes of hashish into spain from Morocco. police stopped four attempts by the ring to smuggle drugs into spain in the last six months, seizing 2.85 tonnes of hashish. the group hid the boats inside homes bordering a coastal river that flows into the atlantic, police said: “The drugs traffickers had built

ramps inside the homes equipped with automatic gates similar to those in traditional garages. They would launch the boats this way, reaching in an instant the Bay of Gibraltar and then the high seas. The drugs collected by the boats was transported to different points of the Andalusian coast, where third parties would hide it and distribute it.” The operation, which involved around 100 officers and tax inspectors in its final phase, detained 19 people and charged six others. Police also seized 29 inflatable boats with outboard motors, 22 properties worth an estimated one million euros and several vehicles as part of the investigation.


Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014


Zip tHrougH time!

‘miss gypsy’


rowds of of beautiful young girls lined up outside a hotel in Madrid earlier this month, in the hope of becoming spain’s first “Miss Gypsy” in a new pageant aimed at empowering a neglected minority.

Girls wore flowery shawls and croptops while the boys favoured black waistcoats and gelled hair when dozens of teenagers auditioned in the first round of the “Mister and Miss Gypsy” contest. Libertad Barrull, 17, said: “I want to be a model. I love it!” Although the traditional flamenco singing and dancing paint a romantic

image of gypsies, who are also known as Roma, the ancient community of “gitanos” in Spain remains among the most underprivileged, figures show. Libertad’s mother Rosario, 56 said the pageant “gives them a helping hand to become something in life, like our generation couldn’t be.” Maria Jimenez of the Northern Flamenco Association, the organizer of the contest, says it aims to help gypsy women “be a bit more independent. For a gypsy woman, the aim is always just to get married very young, at 14 or 15, and have children, I want the gypsy woman to study and become independent so she doesn’t depend on her husband to give her 10 euros so

she can eat.” The jury — five non-gypsies from fashion and show business — is therefore encouraged to judge not just the contestants’ looks but their minds. Another of the organizers, Eva Jimenez said: “It’s not just about being pretty, it’s about studying and being intelligent.” Half the gypsies in Spain leave school by the age of 16, according to the latest figures from Secretariado Gitano, a rights group, which date to 2011 and the unemployment rate for the 725,000-strong minority is very high. The final of Mister and Miss Gypsy on October 6th.

n time!

EW cross-border zip-wire literally travels through

A new ride from the company Limite Zero, has made the mundane task of crossing from the Spanish town of Sanlúcar de Guadiana over the border to Portugal a lot more fun...border crossing by zip wire! Separated by the River Guadiana, people have always used a ferry to get between the two countries, but adrenalin junkies at Limite Zero decided there was a more fun way to cross the river c and created a highflying zip-wire ride.

The ride is super-fast, brave riders travel at 72km/h (45mph) for about 1.5km (1 mile). It costs pay up to £12 to get from Sanlúcar to the Portuguese town of Alcoutim in roughly one minute. To make the trip even more nuts, the ride crosses over from one time zone to another. So while you might set off from Spain at 1pm, you’ll zip wire across the river, travelling through time to land in Portugal at 2.01pm. The Limite Zero experience is the first crossborder zip line in the world. Who needs a TARDIS!


Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014

Mainland News In Brief 3 Spanish military airmen have been injured in a grenade attack in a cafe full of soldiers of various nationalities. According to the Defense Ministry, the attack occurred last Saturday in the tiny African country of Djibouti,a sergeant and two corporals with Spain’s Air Force suffered non-life-threatening injuries and were being treated at a French military hospital. The ministry did not say if soldiers of other nationalities were hurt or if there were suspects. Spain maintains more than 100 military in an EU anti-piracy operation in Djibouti to protect international shipping, deploying intelligence and surveillance missions of Somalia’s coast and the Indian Ocean. Spain is predicted to close 2014 with three million more international tourists than last year, thus reaching 63.6 million foreign visitors after recording a 7.2% increase from January to April, according to what the Minister of Industry, Energy, and Tourism, José Maneul Soria, has predicted. Soria said at a press conference: “For April, it is estimated that growth has been greater by even 10%, and 2014 could end up with similar growth that tourism on the international level had last year, in the area of 5%,” after the Minister’s Counsel where they analyzed a report on the tourist situation. Waiting for the definitive figures on the number of arrivals of foreign tourists, which will be known on May 22nd, Soria said that the behavior for the rest of the year regarding international tourism “is going to continue being favorable.”


The TW Political Showcase with Brian Harrison

With the Patience of Saints ….

Last week was the 10th wedding anniversary of Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano, former journalist and current Princess of Asturias, with Prince Felipe of Spain. The Spanish Royal Household announced Letizia engagement to the Prince Felipe of Asturias, heir to the throne of Spain (on November 1 2003). The wedding took place on 22 May 2004 in Madrid Cathedral. A great moment because it had been nearly a century since the capital celebrated a royal wedding. In fact, present King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia married in Athens, as she is the daughter of the king of Greece. Princess Letizia has received different appointments and decorations by Spain and foreign states including the the Grand Cross of the Order of Charles III as dame on 21 May 2004, the first of many. Abortion clinics in the Spanish capital have reported several recent instances of vandalism on their premises. At least three Planned Parenthood centers in Madrid have been spray painted and their windows shattered by unidentified groups in the past weeks. “These groups have gone from praying outside the clinics to smashing their glass windows,” Socialist Deputy Ángeles Álvarez was quoted as saying in El Pais. “These incidents should place the government delegation [in Madrid] on alert.” The escalating violence reflects activists’ impatience with the center-right Popular Party government, which is dragging its feet with abortion reform. The new proposed abortion law was approved by Spain’s cabinet five months ago. It only permits an abortion in the cases of rape or if there’s danger to the mother’s health. Currently, women in Spain can get an abortion up to 14 weeks of pregnancy. If the mother’s health is at risk or the foetus is suffering from serious abnormalities, women have until 22 weeks. The International Monetary Fund has declared that Spain’s economic recovery is here to stay, despite the nation’s 26-percent unemployment rate. “Spain has turned the corner. Critically, labour market trends are improving, we expect the recovery to continue over the medium term. The labour reform and wage moderation are helping turn job destruction to job creation,” the IMF said in a report on the eurozone’s fourth-largest economy, which emerged in mid-2013 from five years of stop-start recession. Spain posted an unemployment rate of 25.73 percent in the first quarter of 2014, down from a record 26.94 percent a year earlier. Foreign tourists who visited Spain between January and April spent a record 14.85 billion euros, up 11.2 percent from the same period in 2013, the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism said Tuesday. Visitors from Germany, Britain and the Nordic countries were those who contributed most to that increase, with the Canary Islands being the “great beneficiary,” according to the ministry’s Egatur survey. Just in April, total spending grew at an interannual rate of 18.4 percent to 4.79 billion euros (about $6.5 billion), supported both by the 13 percent increase in numbers of tourists and by an average increase in spending per tourist of 4.6 percent. Of influence in the figures this year was the fact that Holy Week was celebrated in April, while in 2013 it took place in March.


n November 2011, the front page of Tenerife Weekly was adorned with this photograph from the very first 15-M demonstration in Tenerife. For those of you who aren’t up to speed, 15-M is a non-violent citizen’s anti-corruption movement which began in that year in Madrid, on the 15th of March. There was little hierarchy, but that was replaced by a resilient determination to expose corrupt politicians and officials, and to demonstrate to the public that being stolen from by public officials was not normal, and that there was an alternative.

Between then and now, the ruling P.P. party has attempted to change demonstration laws, with fines for up to 30,000€ for anybody who might dare to repeat

another “15-M”. The demonstrations continued, and in many cases, turned violent as police fired rubber bullets upon protestors, and right wing infiltrators joined in to incite violence and derail the peaceful demonstrations. Behind the scenes, a group of mainly young individuals who were instrumental in founding 15-M formed and registered a political party, named “Podemos”, literally translated as “We Can!” Few of the major political parties, with the exception of the I.U., took much notice of this fresh new political project, debunking the party’s leaders as “tree-hugging communists”. In last Sunday’s E.U. elections, the entire political system received an education, as Podemos gained five E.U. Parliamentary seats, over 1.2 million votes, stripping the P.P. and opposition P.S.O.E. of their previous majorities. An achievement which could be called miraculous, considering that the party had little funding, zero media exposure and no history. The P.S.O.E.’s leader resigned as a result, whilst the P.P. maintained their head-in-sand strategy. So what are the policies which seem to be sweeping Podemos into the spotlight of the Spanish press, and voters? The

main key is transparency. These new MP.s are motivated more by ideology rather than money. They have self-imposed salary limits of 1,000€, live frugal lives and openly discuss internal party matters with the press. Right now, leader of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, is planning the next move; an attempt to take control of Madrid in the 2015 local elections, with a little help from their friends at the I.U. party who have agreed to work towards a coalition. The P.P. are frantically attempting to discredit their new rivals, comparing them to Venezuelan / Cuban / Communists / Nazis with some of the most absurd statements which the Spanish public have heard in years. It will take more than insults to stop this political tsunami. Pablo Iglesias has meticulously engineered this “democratic coup” in a very hostile political arena. He is intelligent, perhaps a little too idealistic, but above all, he has shown Spain’s voters that he has the patience of a saint. In next week’s edition of “The P-Files”, we’ll take a look at the policies on offer by the candidates of Podemos.


Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014


oppoSition leader reSignS


paIn’s MaIn opposItIon, the socialist party leader alfredo rubalcaba is stepping down after voters and anti-austerity protest parties punished the country’s two big political forces have dominated spanish politics since spain returned to democracy after the death of longtime dictator General Francisco Franco in 1975, in the European elections.

He said he would hand over the leadership in July – the first major casualty after Sunday’s

EU-wide vote. The two main parties, which have alternated in power in Spain since the return of democracy 37 years ago lost a combined 17 seats in the European parliament, ending up with 30 out of Spain’s 54 seats. Spain’s ruling People’s Party (PP) won the country’s EU election on Sunday but ceded more seats than expected to smaller parties which tapped into voter disenchantment after a deep economic crisis. The PP of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, which swept to power in Spain in late 2011 with an absolute majority, took 26 percent of the vote, down from nearly 45 in the general

election. Eight smaller, mostly anti-austerity leftist parties shared the remaining 24 seats in a vote that media and their rivals said changed the political landscape in Spain. “Podemos” which means “We Can” – came fourth in voting in Spain, just behind the Plural Left coalition which took six seats, up from two in 2009. a new party born out of the “Indignant” protest movement that erupted three years ago, beat expectations to win five seats. Like other small parties, Podemos tapped into anger over a jobless rate of around 26%, cuts to public spending

and corruption scandals that have tainted mainstream parties. Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy’s conservative Popular Party, won 16 seats in Sunday’s vote. The Socialists took 14 seats with their combined share of the vote falling from around 80% in the last European elections in 2009 to 49% this time, the first time since the return to democracy that they had failed to get more than half of the ballots cast in an election. Voter turnout in Spain was 45.7%.


Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014



ayka MarIka kukuCova, the slovakian model accused of shooting her ex-loverandrew Bush. a millionaire British businessman dead has been extradited to spain. The 24 year old, is wanted for trial in Spain where she is suspected of shooting Bush dead, at his villa on the Costa del

Sol on April 4th. She was believed to have flown from Slovakia to Vienna then Madrid where a police escort took her to Malaga for a court appearance. The swimwear model and former girlfriend of Bush confronted him at his villa in front of his new Russian girlfriend, Maria Korotaeva. Kukucova then gave herself up to the Slovakian authorities four days after the killing claiming

that she had acted in selfdefence, she also claims that she had not realised Mr Bush was dead until after she’d left Spain. Matus Gemes,Ms Kukucova’s a lawyer said: “I haven’t been officially informed of the extradition. [Ms Kukucova] will be represented by one of my colleagues who is recognised as one of the best criminal lawyers in Spain.”

royals open twitter account


poverty map revealS ugly trutH


oME oF tHE Most destitute and poverty-stricken areas of the country are right alongside the the tourist hotspots in spain,according to a new map.

Until now the differing cost of living depending on the area had been ignored when measuring poverty levels but taking this into account, completely rewrites the official statistics, and reveals a much harsher financial situation. Areas which were considered wealthy, such as the Costa del Sol, are now shown to be among the poorest in Spain. Professor Elena Lasarte, from the

Laboratory of Regional Economic Analysis at the University of Oviedo, said: “The rates of poverty are higher when we take into account the cost of living in each territory. Areas where rent is increasing and amenities are more expensive, such as popular tourist destinations, have a much higher incidence of poverty than normally estimated. In Barcelona, for example, a salary may be higher. But if you compare this with the significantly higher cost of living, the economic situation is the same that you might find in somewhere like Castilla la Mancha. One of the most obvious lessons in this is that the way poverty is measured is hiding the reality. It’s a very relevant part of the problem.”

Brit Drowns On Stag Do


HE spanIsH royal family launched their new twitter account y and are asking users to be “correct” and “well-mannered” when leaving comments on the page. as royals go they are late to the twitter party:Queen Elizabeth II has kept royal watchers informed via @BritishMonarchy for years. prince andrew also has his own account (@thedukeofyork) while prince Charles uses the @ClarenceHouse handle. The page, with its Twitter

handle @casareal, went live with a greeting to users in Spain’s four official languages (Castellano, Catalan, Basque and Galician) as well as in English. The account’s aim is to inform users of the day-to-day activities of the royal family and the Zarzuela palace and is an‘institutional profile and not personal in nature at all’. The Twitter launch coincided with the judgement from Spain’s tax authorities that King Juan Carlos’ sonin-law Iñaki Urdangarin was in fact guilty of tax fraud in 2007 and 2008. He reportedly owed 240,000 euro, a scandal that has been a stain on the Royal’s name and reputation.


olICE dIvErs have pulled a 37-year-old man out of the water after he went missing in the upmarket resort of puerto Banus. The alarm was raised at around 2.30am last Friday. Firefighters tried to recover the body but had to call in specialist Civil Guard divers shortly after 3am. it has also emerged that a man thought to be a friend of the dead tourist, is being questioned on suspicion of failing to aid a person in distress over the incident.

The man apparently saw him fall but is suspected of leaving him in the water after he made a thumbs-up sign to say he was okay. A source said: “A man has been arrested and questioned over the incident. The initial information investigators have been given is that the dead man was larking around near the water and fell in and the one who saw him says he didn’t raise the alarm immediately because he made a sign to say he was okay. It was a stag do so alcohol was probably involved and that may have affected peoples’ judgements.”


Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014

Bamboo towels & Sheets tHEy are brand new to tenerife; in fact, they are brand new to anywhere! you may not have heard of Bamboo towels or sheets before, but they are here and they are fabulous. Take an opportunity to discover the benefits of having bamboo bath towels. Picture yourself getting out of the bath or shower and wrapping yourself in pure heaven, in possibly the softest bath towel ever. Bamboo towels allow you to dry yourself off quickly due to their premium absorbent properties while also giving you the luxurious feeling of the softest fabric you have ever felt against your body. Imagine sleeping on pure heaven, now you can with the amazing Bamboo sheets that are now also available in a selection of different colours. Experience the ultimate in sleep comfort. Pure cotton can often feel a bit rough to the touch; not only will you find that the towels are exceptionally soft and absorbent, but you will also find that they are durable for everyday use. They are also perfect for people who want to maintain a hygienic environment, because they

are naturally odour resistant due to the fibres fast-drying characteristics. So say goodbye to that disgusting mildew smell you get from other towels from time to time, and bathe in serenity. Bamboo fabric is created from the bamboo pulp and is 100% biodegradable. It is also anti-bacterial and hypoallergenic; bamboo is naturally antibacterial and resists mould, mildew, fungi and dust mites. These properties remain intact, making it suitable for those with eczema, hyper-sensitive skin or hay fever caused by dust mite. Even better news is that bamboo fabric require less frequent washing, it needs no more than a 30ËšC wash and dries in half the time of cotton. Tumble dry low and remove from dryer as soon as it stops to avoid unnecessary creasing. The only place that actually stocks these delicious items is Antiquities Tenerife in Las Chafiras. The have stock in three different colours, soft brown, grey and aubergine. Pop in and see them and feel the difference for yourself.



Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014


Snake terroriSeS ‘game oF tHroneS’ coming to Spain apartmentS


n exotic and poisonous snake that has taken up residence in the plumbing system of a block of flats has terrified residents using potties - after the reptile bit one unfortunate woman on her bottom!

Iris Castroverde, 30, felt something bite her left buttock as she was using the toilet. The hairdresser and mother of two young children is a resident of a block of flats in the small town of Naron, a suburb of La Caruna in the northwestern Galicia region, described the incident: “When I turned around I saw a florescent yellow and green serpent about 20cm (8 inches) long disappear with the flush, I am a hairdresser and not knowledgeable about snakes but I know what I saw and what I felt. I dread to think what could have happened if it was one of my children on the toilet.” She immediately went to hospital and was treated with antivenom for the bite and has now fully recovered. Police believed the unidentified serpent, either escaped or was flushed away by an exotic pet owner who may have bought the reptile illegally. A local police spokesman said: “We have asked residents if they had any pets of this kind but no one has admitted it.” The local environment health department have isolated the building’s plumbing system and searched the pipes using special cameras usually used to check for damage within sewers but the snake remains at large. One resident, who admitted that she had been using a potty since hearing about the snake said: “I have been pouring litres of bleach down the toilets in the hope that will keep it away.”



HE tv pHEnoMEnon that is “Game of thrones” is now scouting locations in spain, specifically in the andalusia region located in the south of the Iberian peninsula for it’s 5th season.

The incredibly popular series based on the George R.R. Martin series of books, “A Song Of Ice And Fire” has already filmed in Northern Ireland, where it does most of its studio filming at Titanic Studios in Belfast, plus Iceland and Croatia in addition to some special effects work in Hollywood, during it’s first four seasons, carefully chosen to depict the spectacular and diverse landscapes of the fictional Westeros. So what part of the Game of Thrones universe would Spain become? A good guess would be that it will become Dorne, home to Prince Oberyn (played by the fantastic Pedro Pascal) and Ellaria Sand, currently in King’s Landing. It is the southernmost region of the Seven Kingdoms. Featured in A Storm of Swords, the third book in the series, Dorne is largely a hot desert region, but also has mountains and a coastline. Dorne’s capital is Sunspear, a hot desert-

‘Lost Raphael’ Found in Cordoba

utHEntIC and rare copy of Madonna of Foligno rediscovered in private collection

It is generally believed that the Italian High Renaissance painter Raphael did not, make copies of his own works.This belief may have to be reconsidered after the University of Granada, in Southern Spain, says it has found an authentic copy of Raphael’s Madonna of Foligno (around 1511), which is displayed in the Vatican Museums (Room VIII). Luis Rodrigo Rodríguez Simón. The painting was found in a private collection in Cordoba. The “Madonna of Foligno, Small”, was originally painted on a wooden panel and later transferred to canvas at the end of the 19th century: pages of a book printed in 1872 were pasted on to the reverse of the canvas. Scientific analysis of the picture and archival research, suggests that The Madonna of Foligno, Small could even be a study for the main Vatican painting. Stefano Alessandrini, an art historian and adviser to the ministry of culture and the advocate general of Italy, says:

“The painting might be a good copy made while the Louvre Museum was exhibiting the Madonna of Foligno from 1797 to 1816; the painter sketched in a structure of squares to work out the proportions of the original work.” He says he observed cracking in the work typically found in paintings of the 19th century but not, he said, on canvases transferred from panels. The accepted Madonna of Foligno was made by Raphael in the Vatican City for the Church ofSanta Maria of Aracoeli in Rome. In 1565 it was moved to the monastery of Santa Ana in Foligno, Perugia, where it remained for more than two centuries (and where it acquired its current name). Napoleon confiscated a large number of works from Italy, including theMadonna of Foligno, after the Treaty of Tolentino in 1797. The canvas was returned to the Vatican in 1816. While in France, the Louvre’s chief conservator, François Toussaint Hacquin, transferred the work from its wooden panel onto canvas between 1800 and 1801.

region stronghold where prominent members of the ruling Martell family reside. As the books continue to unfold, we travel down to Sunspear and are introduced to more of the Martell clan, who are described as having dark eyes and olive skin. George R.R. Martin has said that while his settings don’t always translate directly to a real-life equivalent, he does sometimes mix and match. With Dorne, Martin’s influences include the green valleys of Wales, described in the area north of the Dornish mountains, as well as “a hot, dry country more like Spain or Palestine” below them. Martin explains: “I suppose the closest real life equivilent [sic] to that would be the Moorish influence in parts of Spain, so you could say Dorne is Wales mixed with Spain and Palestine with some entirely imaginary influences mixed in. Or you could just say it’s Dorne....” The addition of Spain would bring the grand total of countries used for ‘Thrones’ filming to eight. Production on season five is expected to begin this summer.

car attackerS arreSted


panIsH polICE have arrested two people for violently attacking Finance Minister Cristobal Montoro’s car. The car was struck by sticks and flying objects as he departed from an election rally in the north-eastern coastal resort town of Vilanova i la Geltru. Officers had to force demonstrators away from the car

which also contained the regional leader of the ruling Popular Party, Alicia Sanchez-Camacho. The assailants are being held on suspicion of assaults on authority and law enforcement officials as well as causing damage to public property and disorder. One suspect was arrested at the altercation, while the second was detained early last Saturday.

22 apparently music isn’t the universal language Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014


usICal EnJoyMEnt is not as universal as commonly assumed, and also, the brain’s pleasure response may be fragmented.

Everyone dislikes some kind of music, but there are people out there who don’t respond to music at all according to a study published online in

Current Biology. A team of researchers from Spain and Canada, trying to develop an accurate questionnaire to gauge people’s sense of reward from music, found roughly 5 per cent of their study subjects reported getting no pleasure at all from music of any kind. They followed up by testing 30 subjects, grouped by their relative affinity for music. The bottom group, which expressed the least pleasure i n music,

also exhibited the least change in heart rate or skin conductivity - which are proxy measures of emotional response - when listening even to pieces they chose. Cognitive psychologist Josep Marco Pallares, of the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute in Barcelona, said: “They were not just saying so, but the physiological responses were in accord with what they were saying, In general, it’s thought that there i s a continuum i n the


degree of pleasure you get from rewards. This is not completely true. There are differences, but this kind of activity depends on the type of stimuli. There are different kinds of stimuli which may be more effective in activating the reward system, and some that might not be effective at all.” About 4 per cent of the world’s population has amusia - people who can’t process music well -. Others, particularly those with depressive disorders and neurodegenerative d i s e a s e s , suffer from general anhedonia a

pronounced deficit in experiencing pleasure from widely different stimuli. But is there a separate musical anhedonia? The study suggests so. None of the participants showed signs of general anhedonia, nor did they exhibit significant differences in their sensitivity to rewards, the study revealed. All did well at categorising musical passages as happy, sad, scary or peaceful, according to the study. They reported no differences in their levels of pleasure with stimuli other than music. The study suggests not only that musical enjoyment is not as universal as commonly assumed, but also that the brain’s pleasure response may be fragmented. Marco said the results could help the team refine musical therapies for stroke victims, which sparked their interest in the brain’s reward response to tunes. But it could be applied to other therapies, he said. Anhedonia is a key component of major depressive disorders, and is common among those with Parkinson’s disease.


Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014


Kimye Tie The Knot


im Kardashian and Kanye West were finally married at Florence’s 16thcentury Forte di Belvedere last Saturday, May 24th They made their vows in an outdoor ceremony in front of walls of flowers, guests included the Kardashian-Jenner family, Chrissy Teigen, John Legend, Rachel Roy, Jonathan Cheban, Q-Tip, LaLa Anthony, Blac Chyna, Tyga, and Jaden Smith, among others. Good friends Beyonce and Jay Z were absent, apparently spending the weekend in the Hamptons.


Andrea Bocelli sang as Kardashian was escorted down the aisle by step-father Bruce Jenner, The bride wore a long-sleeved white gown by Givenchy, West also donned a Givenchy by Riccardo Tisci tuxedo, and even the couple’s 11-month-old daughter North wore a Givenchy dress. John Legend serenaded the couple inside their wedding reception, singing “All of Me,” but their first dance, however, was to a mashup of Etta James’ “At Last” and Otis Redding’s “These Arms of Mine” and “Tenderness.” Their pre-wedding dinner was held

at the Palace of Versailles on May 23rd, where Lana Del Rey performed three songs, and magician David Blaine magically entertained. Following a whirlwind romance, after just over a year together, the celebrity couple had their first child, North West, in June 2013, before an October engagement. Much like the couple themselves. The 36-year-old rapper surprised Kardashian at San Francisco’s AT&T Park as the field’s jumbo screen flashed with the words, “PLEEEASE MARRY MEEE!!!”

The Summer Jam 2014 Is Coming!

IVO/Decades/Treasure Island has top quality musicians on stage every day of the week, on Wednesday, July the 2nd though, they are going the extra mile for your entertainment. By Andy Briggs

For just over three months now VIVO has been hosting afternoon music sessions with myself (Andy Briggs) and Marc Craig (your editor, resident musician at VIVO and T.E.A winner of Best Male Vocal). After growing success and popularity Chris Miller (owner of VIVO and all round nice guy) decided to diversify the sessions and in recent weeks we have been lucky enough to welcome to the VIVO afternoon music team, Helena Campbell (T.E.A winner of best female vocal 2013), Pip Brown (T.E.A winner of Best Newcomer 2011, Best Tribute 2012 and Best Group 2013) and Indianna Mcdonough (an unbelievable singer with a unique voice and innovative music sets.) Apart from multi-award winning resident musicians every day of the week VIVO is now proud to announce it will be hosting a huge summer music festival in the shape of “The Summer Jam 2014”. Tenerife has an abundance of talent and a rich and varied music scene. Residents and tourists alike are extremely fortunate to have such a fabulous selection of high quality entertainers on such a small island. This year VIVO aims to bring some of these entertainers to one venue for one day only and get summer 2014 started with an unforgettable party! Expect to hear every genre of music on the day...modern and classic Take That and Gary Barlow tracks from Mr. Tony Kay an act who

personally I have not had the pleasure of hearing which seems strange because everyone I speak to about him tells me the man is not only a great singer, but a real showman and I can’t wait to work with him! On the subject of not having heard great singers and showmen I must move onto Ryan East...at The Summer Jam to inject some party anthems and pop culture! New to the Tenerife music scene Ryan has been a top Robbie Williams tribute act in the UK and now incorporates other chart topping artists into his show. If this all sounds a bit 90’s onwards then fear not, David Salmon will be on stage at 15.30ish. Voice is not the word...this man can sing! I had the pleasure of meeting David only two weeks ago and together we tried a small rendition of Bon Jovi’s “Bed of Roses” with my acoustic guitar, completely unrehearsed . I won’t be singing next to him again! David, did no one tell you? You can’t go to a venue and sing better than the resident musician...it’s just not cricket. David does a Tom Jones tribute on the island and after having been here only a year or so he already has his foot in the door at some top venues and at “ The Summer Jam 2014” will be performing some of his new material and I just can’t wait! Now you just can’t call a Jam, a Jam if you don’t have any guitarists...well that’s ok, cause at “The Summer Jam 2014” there will be four! That’s right four different guitarists...Adam See is a versatile man. By night he is a singer in a three piece operatic group and in the later hours a tribute to Michael Buble, only to transform into a top quality acoustic artist in the afternoons. After some time spent in Greece as the bassist in a Beatles cover group he has graced our sandy shores with his presence and is a welcome addition to the line up. Lee Rutter, on stage at “The Summer Jam 2014” around

17.30 is a good friend of mine and after only a short time of performing his alternative show “Just Lee” is a sought after gentlemen in many a music bar! As if Lee and Adam aren’t enough, add to the acoustic selection on the day a very talented Swedish man called Oskar Fryksen...a man who has the ability to take songs from all genres of music and make them into magical acoustic numbers...be excited, be very excited! Just don’t go late night drinking with him...he is a lunatic! There is a fourth acoustic artist who will be performing at the gig, a talented and handsome man, with a unique style of music...I forget his name! Just writing this article is getting me a wee bit giddy and the gig is still a month away, however I feel something is missing...ahh yes, females! The dulcit tones and unmistakeable sounds of a woman’s voice. “The Summer Jam 2014” has two of the best female singers the island has to offer performing. The gorgeous Vicky Denton is no stranger to performing at VIVO, I had the privilege of hearing Vicky at VIVO’s “Help for Heroes” afternoon recently and her gentle and angelic voice will add to an already diverse afternoon a touch of elegance, glad to have you onboard Vicky! And to dilute a very male dominated afternoon “The Summer jam 2014” can be honoured to have Miss Kerry Railton as part of it’s line up. Kerry started out as a compere in various bars over here and although I know she enjoys her work. A vast repertoire, a welcoming and friendly personality and a top voice means she now does full on cabaret shows and I’m excited to see her name on the poster! Summer in Tenerife is a great time for music lovers and every good summer festival needs some funk and reggae. To provide “The Summer Jam 2014” audience with exactly that, a gentleman called Michael J Grant will be on

stage at 16.00, only not in is usual solo format. MJ has teamed up with his son and budding musician Scotty T and i’m sure the VIVO team are thrilled to have them, which leaves me only to pay tribute and thanks to two more people. The soul powerhouse that is Mr Less Budd will be gracing “The Summer Jam 2014” stage with his vocal talents at around 14.30, if you have never heard Les before then you can consider yourself “Les” fortunate than me, because I have, and the guy is excellent. I’m sure you guys are already at boiling point with anticipation but VIVO can be extremely happy to have one more name on the poster for “The Summer Jam 2014” (no, not mine... although that is quite a treat) no i’m talking about a man who I first encountered at a different music festival, a music festival called the “Appy Jam” in Costa Del Silencio hosted by my good friend Gary Appleton (Mr.Gazappy). The gentleman in question approached Gary and asked...”would I be able to do a few songs?” Gary replied, “are you a professional?” The gentleman I speak of is Keith George and he blew me away that afternoon with flawless vocals and a fun and enthusiastic stage presence. Keith is highly popular in Tenerife as a singer and a tribute to Boy George and is the icing on the cake for an event that is going to be incredible! “The Summer Jam 2014” is going to be epic! My inbox is flooded with people asking me for tickets... but there is one more surprise for you guys...this event is free entry! Yep, free entry... if people want to reserve places please contact VIVO and i’m sure that can be arranged. “The Summer Jam 2014” Be excited, be very excited!


Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014



EASy Puzzle

SUDOkU Every Sudoku has a unique solution that can be reached logically.

Enter numbers into the blank spaces so that each row, column and 3 x 3 box contains the numbers 1 to 9.

answers to the sudoku are on page 2.


Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014


nothing is what it Seems

yOU MIGHT not realize it at first, but every single one of these pictures have people in it… you just might have to look very closely. The artists whose work you see featured here

specialize in body painting. They use their skills and the human form to create some impressive and unique works of art. For centuries, body painting has been part of cul-

tures around the world. Recently, western artists are taking the art of body painting and putting their unique spin on it… (H/T Cuded)

by Red Queen’s Musings


Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014


wanted -

Big Ben’s Birthday


n 31st oF May 1859, Big Ben, the famous tower clock located at the top of the 320-foot-high st. stephen’s tower, rang out over the Houses of parliament in Westminster, london, for the first time

When a fire destroyed much of the headquarters of the British Parliament the Palace of Westminster in October 1834, The royal astronomer, Sir George Airy, wanted a feature of the design for the new palace to be a large clock atop a tower with pinpoint accuracy, including twice-a-day checks with the Royal Greenwich Observatory. Airy counted on the help of Edmund Beckett Denison, a formidable barrister known for his expertise in horology, or the science of measuring time.

Denison’s design was completed in 1854; five years later, St. Stephen’s Tower itself was finished. Weighing in at more than 13 tons, its massive bell was dragged to the tower through the streets of London by a team of 16 horses, to the cheers of onlookers. Once it was installed, Big Ben struck its first chimes on May 31, 1859. Just two months later, however, the heavy striker designed by Denison cracked the bell. Three more years passed before a lighter hammer was added and the clock went into service again. The bell was rotated so that the hammer would strike another surface, but the crack was never repaired. The name “Big Ben” originally just applied to the bell but later came to refer to the clock itself. Two main stories exist about how Big Ben got its name. Many claim it was named after

the famously long-winded Sir Benjamin Hall, the London commissioner of works at the time it was built. Another famous story argues that the bell was named for the popular heavyweight boxer Benjamin Caunt, because it was the largest of its kind. Even after an incendiary bomb destroyed the chamber of the House of Commons during the Second World War, St. Stephen’s Tower survived, and Big Ben continued to function. Its famously accurate timekeeping is regulated by a stack of coins placed on the clock’s huge pendulum, ensuring a steady movement of the clock hands at all times. At night, all four of the clock’s faces, each one 23 feet across, are illuminated. A light above Big Ben is also lit to let the public know when Parliament is in session.

‘panda caretaker’


F you lIkE CutE, cuddly fluffy things and even if you don’t admit it, I bet you do, this could be the ultimate job!!

A vacancy has opened up in China for a dream job for anyone who spends hours on Facebook looking at pictures of adorable baby animals-yes you know who you are! The Giant Panda Protection and Research Center in Sichuan province, China, is looking for a ‘Panda Care-

taker’, for 200,000 yuan (around £19,000 a year), although some would happily do it for free! You have to be ‘at least 22 with some basic knowledge of Pandas’. Well they’re black and white and according to the old joke - eats shoots and leaves! Unfortunately, if the recruitment website is anything to go by, you may also need a basic knowledge of the Chinese language. That’s me out then!

mark goodier Mark Goodier - BBC Radio 1, Radio Clyde, Smooth FM and now on 105.3 SPECTRUM FM TENERIFE Join Mark Every Saturday morning for three years of hits from 9am


Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014

Spotlight on El Medano Surfer’s paradise...and much more


l Medano is a place that’s got quite a different ambience to the majority of the resorts in the south, yet its only a 15 minute drive or a few bus stops away.

El Médano, Spanish for “the sand dune” is a wonderful little town in the municipality of Granadilla de Abona, just past the south airport on the TF1. Just drive past the airport turnoff and take exit 22 for El Médano/San Isidro and follow the signs, or if you are without transport, or just might like to try a few bars for the excellent mojitos (amongst many other delights). Taking the local Titsa bus couldn’t be easier.The 483 departs from Las Americas Bus Station via Los Cristianos, roughly every 2 hours from 7.30am to 20.50pm and takes you all the way in about 30 minutes. One of the first things I should mention is, it is WINDY in El Médano- not to say you can’t escape it,there are plenty of boutiques,bars and restaurants and sheltered areas if it starts to get a bit much, but the area is famous for windsurfing in particular, but also kite and regular surfing, with 3 great locations,the Bay,the Harbour Wall and Cabezo beach,and there’s rarely a day when there isn’t plenty of avid water-

sports enthusiasts out on the waves putting on a spectacular show that you can enjoy free of charge, from the comfort of the many beachside bars and cafes etc-or just sat on the beach or on the many benches provided along the seafront. Having worked in pretty much every holiday resort in the UK during my band days,the thing that struck me most about the town on my 1st visit, is how much it reminded me of the South West Coastal resorts of Cornwall and Devon,particularly Torquay with it’s surfing community. If you,like me are drawn to the surfing way of life,it runs through El Médano like a vein,most of the surf shops,beachwear and custom beach jewellery boutiques have that relaxed,friendly laid-back vibe which, even if you’re just an observer for the day,makes you feel part of something different! The shopping is quite unlike anywhere else I’ve found in Tenerife,although there is branded beachwear in abundance,which can be very pricey,there are loads of tiny places selling truly original stuff from clothing, bags,jewellery and things for the house at very competitive prices -it’s easy to find something that’s a bit different for just a few euros!!

As I already mentioned there are restaurants and bars in abundance,along the seafront and in and around the backstreets and alleyways, we stopped and had a cheap but excellent mojito in a bar literally built into the sea wall-very relaxing! If you prefer walking in natural surroundings rather than shop-lined streets there’s plenty of great Coastal walks in the area.Playa Grande and Playa Tejita are 2 of the largest natural beaches on the island surrounded by the large dunes which give the town it’s name. Between the 2 beaches stands La Montaña Roja , “the red mountain” which is a volcanic cone and is surrounded by a protected natural reserve. Take the Los Abrigos turn-off before you reach the town centre and you’ll find several parking areas from where multiple paths and trails take you into the reserve,up Montaña Roja and to the dunes and beaches. There are some lovely walks and it’s popular with hikers and dog walkers too. A heads up- the beach to the right is a nudist beach,quite a shock when you don’t know about it, at least you’ve been forewarned!! Anyway I hope you take some time to visit this lovely town...gotta go -surfs up!!



Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014



Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014



Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014



Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014



great Scott it’s doc Brown!!


ack to the Future’s” wacky time-machine creator doc Brown is to appear in a new comedy.

Christopher Lloyd has reprised his most famous role to make a cameo appearance as the eccentric time traveller in Seth McFarlane’s latest live action comedy “A Million Ways To Die In The West”. The Family Guy and Ted creator plays Albert in the upcoming Wild West comedy that could become the new “Blazing Saddles” Doc is seen hiding his DeLorean time machine Seth, who stars as a weakling farmer who takes a stand to win back his girlfriend Louise, (Amanda Seyfried) who leaves him for a lothario played by Neil Patrick Harris. When Anna (Charlize Theron) moves into the village, she sets out to help Albert lure Louise back by challenging the toughest outlaw in the West (Liam Neeson). If only he knew there was a time-machine hidden nearby!


unEaton’s most famous (only famous?) son must be asking his friends and family to pinch him hard to check he’s not dreaming!

Only last week I reported that the fledging director, whose debut was the critically acclaimed low-budget indie monster flick “Monsters”, was handed the ultimate creature feature of them all to direct- “Godzilla”. Now the very talented filmmaker has been given the keys to an even bigger (and better) toy chest! Fresh off the success of Godzilla, Edwards is attached to direct one of the Star Wars spin-off films! The man’s made two films and his third is Star Wars!! Due to the Death Star levels of

secrecy surrounding the Star Wars development process, it is not known which spin-off it will be but bounty hunter Boba Fett, and a very different green creature to Godzilla, Jedi master Yoda, have both been rumoured to be getting standalone movies. There are also rumours of a potential Han Solo origin story. Whether it is any of these, or something else entirely, Edwards had this to say in a statement: “Ever since I saw Star Wars I knew exactly what I wanted to do for the rest of my lifejoin the Rebel Alliance! I could not be more excited & honoured to go on this mission with Lucasfilm!” Seriously, someone pinch him!

angela Bassett to direct ‘whitney Houston’

a noah

showing daily at 20:45 hr - 138min action, adventure, drama rated - 12 Starring

Information Correct at time of going to press. Check our Facebook page or contact the cinema for further information.

tel: 922 713 858

Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Emma Watson, Logan Lerman, Anthony Hopkins

A man is chosen by his worlds creator to undertake a momentous mission before an apocalyptic flood cleanses the world.

nGEla BassEt, who received an oscar nomination for her incredible performance as tina turner in the movie “What’s love Got to do With It”, is to direct a movie about tragic singer Whitney Houston and her roller coaster marriage to bad boy Bobby Brown. “What’s love Got to do With It” dramatized tina turner’s tumultuous relationship with Ike, so Bassett has some experience with movies about seriously messed-up relationships. “Whitney Houston” is set to air in 2015 on the

Lifetime Network, which is well known for digging into the nitty gritty of relationship angst. Bassett said: “I have such regard for both Whitney’s and Bobby’s amazing talents and accomplishments; and I feel a responsibility in the telling of their story. Their humanity and bond fascinates us all. I’m beyond excited to have this opportunity to go behind the camera and into their world.” Whether the movie will end with their divorce or Houston’s death has not been revealed or who will play the troubled couple, but surely Bassett would be difficult to beat as the diva, with possibly a young newcomer playing Houston in the early years of her career/relationship?


Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014




may 2014

Friday 30th May . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 31st May . . . . . . . . . . . . .Variety Night

June 2014 Sunday 1st June. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 2nd June. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 5th June . . . . . . . . . . . .Decades Spectacular Friday 6th June . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 7th June . . . . . . . . . . . . .Variety Night Sunday 8th June. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 9th June. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 12th June . . . . . . . . . . . .Decades Spectacular Friday 13th June . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 14th June . . . . . . . . . . . .Variety Night Sunday 15th June. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 16th June. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Decades Spectacular Thursday 19th June . . . . . . . . . . . .Decades Spectacular Friday 20th June . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bitter & Twisted Experience


oHn BrookEr, 75, has taken s 10 whole years to sculpt a 100ft hedge into a fearsome gargantuan dragon. The incredibly detailed 20ft high length of privet at Frizzleton Farm in Bagthorpe,

Norfolk, shows how much attention to detail John Brooker has paid in creating the mythical creature, it even has wings. The army veteran started constructing the impressive hedge at age 65, a decade ago after being inspired by countries in the Far East.

laziest way to eat chocolate ever?

Saturday 21st June . . . . . . . . . . . . Variety Night Sunday 22nd June. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 23rd June. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Decades Spectacular Thursday 26th June . . . . . . . . . . . .Decades Spectacular Friday 27th June . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 28th June . . . . . . . . . . . . Variety Night Sunday 29th June. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 30th June. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Decades Spectacular

July 2014 Thursday 3rd July . . . . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 4th July . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 5th July . . . . . . . . . . . . Variety Night Sunday 6th July. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 7th July. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Decades Spectacular Thursday 10th July . . . . . . . . . . . .Decades Spectacular Friday 11th July . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bitter & Twisted Experience * Discount vouchers are not accepted for these dates


atInG a CHoColatE bar its just such hard work right? you’ve got to unwrap it, bite off a mouthful and CHEW.... such a chore! Well now you can just lie back and squeeze it straight into your mouth, the only quicker way to get fat would be to mainline it intravenously directly into a main aretery! With these new chocolate bars in a tube you can squeeze an entire bar of Galaxy down

in one go, a mass-produced equivalent of spooning Nutella straight from the jar and a sure way to get you on a Jeremy Kyle special in a few months time, when rescue services need to remove en entire wall so you can be taken on the back of a flat-bed truck to a hospital where teams of medical students can prod and poke you for eternity in order to observe the effects of being morbidly obese. So, what are you waiting for? Grab a tube open your mouth and squeeze, great for the whole family, I mean even babies can squeeze, right?


Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014


sHArPLes in session By John sharples

it’S a Bum!



lovE CHEEsE. If there is a piece of cheese in my fridge it won’t stay there very long. there isn’t a single cheese that I have come across that I don’t like. I can be found sneaking a thick lump of lancashire Crumbly or vintage Cheddar into my mouth at almost any time of the day. There is much snobbery where cheese is concerned some people feel that the French are the only ones who know how to make a quality cheese. If it had a French name they would be more comfortable with it! I have found some wonderful cheeses that are made in Britain and some fabulous Spanish Cheeses too! My favourite cheese is called Trotter Hill. It is a Lancashire Cheese and it is Scrummy! It’s a fully matured handmade cheese. The name originates from a steep hill in Inglewhite village where the locals would trot their horses when at the village fair. Here are a few facts that you maight find interesting.


E all knoW that the world has gone mad. It went mad years ago but human beings seem to be on a slippery slope as they continue the neverending search for something new.

There is now a page on facebook for people who think that Hamster Bums are cute. The page is called Hamuketsu and it has thousands of followers in Japan. The word Hamuketsu means Hamster Bum and it features hundreds of photographs of bums that belong to hamsters. A photo-book has been published with many of the photographs from

the page featured inside and it has sold 40,000 copies. The publishers of the book are absolutely delighted at its success and they feel that a hamster’s posterior is very cute indeed. Their spokesman said that he couldn’t stop smiling when he saw their bottoms. I think there has been a bit of the bums rush for the books as they have had to publish more copies to keep up with demand. At the moment in Japan, there is a trend for cute things and it seems that a hamster’s backside has helped to fill a gap in the market. I think the Japanese are scraping the bottom of the hamster …… er, sorry, barrel!

ukip in

I DO HOPE that people put their brains back into their heads before they vote at the General Election. what a sad state of affairs the European Elections have turned out to be! The turnout was

only about a quarter of the population of Britain. I can’t help wondering if these are the people who watch TV programmes like Big Brother. Lord help us all!

FUN FACTS ABOUT CHEESE 1 Stilton cannot be made in the village of Stilton, by law! 2 There are more varieties of cheese in Britain than there are in France! 3 In 1878, Queen Victoria was given an 80 ft cheese replica of Cleopatra’s Needle 4 The most smelly UK cheese is called “Stinking Bishop” 5 The term “Big Cheese” originally referred to those who were wealthy enough to purchase a whole wheel of cheese 6 The first recorded sighting of the word ‘cheeseburger’ was on December 23, 1941 over a shop in Burbank, California 7 It takes around 10 litres of milk to make 1kg of hard cheese. 8 There are more than 700 named British cheeses produced in the UK 9 Cheese is mentioned three times in the King James Bible (in 1 Samuel 17, 2 Samuel 17 and Job 10) 10 The world’s biggest cheesecake, made in 2009 in Mexico City and 56cm (1ft 10in) high, was taller than the world’s shortest man, who was 54.6cm tall.

SPeLLinG CARNT PEEPLE SPEL ANyMOOR? what is the matter with people? Do they want to sound as though they are stupid or am I just being old fashioned? I can’t abide all this phone text message writing. RU Cming 2 th pub 2nite? If I get an invitation written like that, then the answer is NO. I would

rather go out with someone who is capable of an intelligent conversation. And another thing, would it be too much to ask that people leave their phones in their pockets instead of being so damned rude when out in company. Fank God I woz brought up proper!


Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014


Human race ‘may Split in two’


uManIty as a species may one day split into two different human sub-species, an elite and an underclass, much like the scenario described by HG Wells in “the time Machine”- according to evolutionary theorist oliver Curry of the london school of Economics.

In around 100,000 years’ time Dr Curry expects a genetic upper class and a less intelligent underclass to emerge. The human race would peak in the year 3000, he said - before a decline due to dependence on technology. People

would become choosier about their sexual partners, causing humanity to divide into sub-species, he added. The descendants of the genetic upper class would be tall, slim, healthy, attractive, intelligent, and creative and a far cry from the “underclass” humans who would have evolved into dim-witted, ugly, squat goblin-like creatures. Also, in the nearer future, humans will evolve in 1,000 years into giants between 6ft and 7ft tall, he predicts, while life-spans will have extended to 120 years, Dr Curry claims. Physical appearance, driven by indicators of health, youth and

fertility, will improve, he says, while men will exhibit symmetrical facial features, look athletic, and have squarer jaws, deeper voices and bigger penises. Women, on the other hand, will develop lighter, smooth, hairless skin, large clear eyes, pert breasts, glossy hair, and even features, he adds. Racial differences will be ironed out by interbreeding, producing a uniform race of coffeecoloured people. However, Dr Curry warns, in 10,000 years’ time humans may have paid a genetic price for relying on technology. Social skills, such as communicating and interacting with others,

Question 1: Which Shakespeare character called himself the “one that lov’d not wisely but too well”?

Question 2: What does the average British man take 21 minutes to do

that Italians only make last for 13.8 minutes, according to a 1997 survery?

Question 3: Which county boasts Market Rasen racecourse? Question 4: Which comedian announced he was to wisely spend some of his earnings on a miniature back garden version of the Millennium Dome?

Question 5: What has a nulliparous woman never had? Question 6: Which game’s 1988 Olympic-winning British team included Imran Sherwani, a newsagent from Stoke-on-Trent?

Question 7: What name is given to snacks served with drinks in Spain? Question 8: What is the evasive wartime euphemism “collateral damage” normally used to conceal?

Question 9: Which car’s millionth model rolled off the assembly line in 1961?

Question 10: Which East Devon special constable was banned from driving in 1998 after speeding at 92mph in his new Bentley?

Question 11: Which famous Battle of Britain airfield is just outside


could be lost, along with emotions such as love, sympathy, trust and respect. People would become less able to care for others, or perform in teams. Physically, chins would recede, as a result of having to chew less on processed food. Health problems caused by reliance on medicine, would result in weak immune systems. Preventing deaths would also help to preserve the genetic defects that cause cancer. Further into the future, sexual selection - being choosy about one’s partner - was likely to create more and more genetic inequality, said Dr Curry. The logical outcome would be

two sub-species, “gracile” and “robust” humans similar to the Eloi and Morlocks foretold by HG Wells in his 1895 novel The Time Machine. Dr Curry said: “While science and technology have the potential to create an ideal habitat for humanity over the next millennium, there is a possibility of a monumental genetic hangover over the subsequent millennia due to an over-reliance on technology reducing our natural capacity to resist disease, or our evolved ability to get along with each other.”


Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014


HoMe AnD gArDening By Linda Barratt


BaG oF rEady MIX ConCrEtE ,water to mix....a variety of plastic containers and cooking oil to grease the linings .... sounds like a really heavy recipe to me.... but its amazing what you can make with a little sprinkling of imagination. I’m going to take you through the steps of making your own garden planters or indoor pots throwing in a few other ideas along the way to help cook up a few ideas of your own.

Bags of dry ready mix cement are ideal for home projects as the end results are a whole lot smoother plus small amounts can be mixed at a time whilst you get a hang of what its all about. In fact I remember using my household electric whisk for mixing a small portion in a plastic mixing bowl .....just dont tell the chef ....and remember to clean up the blades etc. quickly afterwards in cold water before it gets chance to set. Plastic containers are used as moulds so search around for ideas as they do after all come in all shapes and sizes. Items such as washing up bowls to food containers, waste bins to fluted fruit dishes, there’s plastic a plenty lying around our homes, gardens and garages. Make a display of assorted shaped pots to contain a bright display of colourful flowers..go larger for bushes such as roses and hydrangeas etc. ....fancy your own orange grove on the patio ...go in search of a couple of big big plastics ...think dustbins. A concrete planter made deep enough for rooting on a smaller scale is ideal for bulb planting. So here’s how .......for each pot or container you make two plastic containers are required...and yes they can be used again. The larger of the

containers is the resulting outer pot so here’s where you can think shape. A slightly smaller plastic is actually the inner planting shaping so it doesn’t matter if its a different shape but you will need a good width depth to match the outer plastic. Inside of the larger mould, smear thoroughly with cooking oil then do the same with the outside of the smaller container. Next fill the larger container to roughly 1 inch from the top with your all ready mixed cement.(instructions are always on the bag). Shake or give the container a few good taps on the ground to eliminate any air bubbles and level the surface. Now push the smaller mould into the centre, making sure to leave enough depth at the bottom of concrete mix to form the base of your planter. Place a weight inside of the smaller plastic and leave to set for 24-48 hours. Finally remove weights and ease your plastic moulds from the planter, (I Must mention that if your concrete planters are going to be used for drainage purposes insert corks or pieces of foam into base area as you build the moulds.) Once the moulds have been removed, you can smooth off your concrete if you so wish using a stone or file. Candle lighting is a great little starter and can be used in your home or garden. You could use a small inner plastic mould, big enough to sit within a solitary, or any number of tea-lights. Alternatively just use a base mould then before the concrete has fully set oil the bottom and small depth of chosen candle(s) and then insert into concrete. Leave to set completely then remove the mould. You could create items such as bird baths or a water feature for your home or garden using shallow moulds. As with the candle method you could add feature stones of any colour simply by oiling the bottom of stones and placing onto concrete before it actually sets. once set remove mould

Heavy potting! add water and your stones will reflect beautifully. So you’ve picked up a beautiful strong branch or piece of driftwood on your travels and you’re not quite sure what to do with it? Why not turn it into a stable coat-stand or decorative feature for your home by creating a sturdy and original shaped base in concrete? Want to age your concrete? Well the good old English folks have a time honoured method that involves buttermilk and sheeps manure........a bit too stinky for you! Others swear by smearing yogurt onto concrete that has previously been soaking in water for about 20 mins (.this helps the yogurt soak in deeper) then leaving in a cool damp spot outside for a few weeks.If its a container for planting then you can do so at 4 weeks but over gradual weeks you will see a very dramatic patina forming. Concrete in your garden or on patio or balcony does have a few plus sides in as much as its weight, no more blown over plant tubs! You can make perfect weighted bases for trees as well as support framed veggies such as tomatoes beans peppers etc. They are also ideal for herbs or plants with invasive roots thus keeping them contained. Most certainly, what about those rare or invaluable sentimental plants .....a good hefty concrete planter will deter those pesky borrowers from wandering off with them. Not seen many super fit weight lifting borrowers about....Have You? Who knows you may enjoy dabbling with your concrete so much that you decide to go onto bigger and grander designs for your home or garden ....think tables seats and benches created in sections. It really is possible you know!


Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014

aquarius 20 January to 18 February


reality tv reacHeS a new low

Perhaps it’s time to seize a romantic opportunity and make the most of it. If you’re hoping to get more deeply involved with someone, this might be the perfect chance to propose a date. Plus, homey pursuits could tempt you to spend more time entertaining at your place as the influence of Venus encourages you to play host. Inviting your pals and extended family for some of your home-cooked food and nurturing attention could keep you busy but happy.

pisces 19 February to 20 March

If you’re eager to make changes on the home front, the midweek New Moon in Gemini could be the best time to start. whether you’re dealing with a major project or redecorating, put your best foot forward by tapping into this productive Moon phase. you’ll also find that Venus entering Taurus can help you obtain some lucrative deals if you’re willing to connect with the right people. Later, your natural empathy may be enhanced, enabling you to better connect with others.

aries 21 March to 19 April

If you’re thinking of signing a deal, writing that novel, or beginning an Internet business, this week’s New Moon in Gemini may be the best time to make a start. Taking action in conjunction with the Moon tide could help bring success sooner than you’d hoped. On another note, you may be drawn to life’s luxuries, which you thoroughly deserve. However, don’t let extravagance lead to overspending. your intuition kicks in later, enabling you to focus on your best course of action.

taurus 20 April to 20 May

you’ll be in your element this week, as Venus moves into your sign to give you a confidence boost and perhaps make you an attractive option. Image may become important as a result, encouraging you to consider a makeover that could increase the feel-good factor. where money is concerned, make use of the midweek New Moon if you’re about to initiate a financial plan, especially if you want to increase your cash reserves. It might help things come together for you sooner rather than later.

Gemini 21 May to 21 June

This week’s New Moon in Gemini may be the best of the year for you. It brings the chance to make changes in any area of life you choose. whether its money, health, or career, you have a two-week window of opportunity in which to start. Roll with the Moon tide and the results could be better than you’d hoped. Mercury eases into Cancer to enhance your ability to intuit the best financial deals or bargains. Trusting your gut could lead to lucrative opportunities.

Cancer 22 June to 22 July

As tension continues to ease, you’ll feel a lot better about your situation than you did. Perhaps you’ll be motivated to move out of your comfort zone and take on a challenge that may have seemed too daunting before. Venus eases into Taurus and your social sector lights up to become a haven of indulgent opportunities. It might be hard to resist invitations to delicious meals, shopping trips with your best pals, or a spa day. Intuitively, you’re on a roll!

Leo 23 July to 22 August

This week’s New Moon brings the promise of new friends and the chance to move in new circles. This isn’t the time to stay stuck in a social rut but rather to mix with all kinds of folks, particularly those who can help you reach your key goals. Later, as Mercury moves into Cancer, you may find your dreams becoming more powerful. It might be a good idea to take note of particularly vivid ones, as they may have special guidance for you.

“I Wanna Marry Harry” is the latest reality from the Fox Network, a Joe Millionaire ripoff Prince in which 12 airhead American woman are taken to a British estate (country, not council, come to think of it, that would be even funnier) to compete for the attentions of a Prince Harry lookalike, yes, a lookalike! The trailer is out now, and it is just as ridiculous as the premise

would suggest. Some of these idiots actually do believe that they are dating the real Prince Harry, while some are just happy to be in England (as one puts it: “Prince Harry, Harry Potter, I don’t care.”) Rumours that a sequel is already in the works, “I Wanna Kill Will” are unconfirmed. http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=A4Xgo5HKrrA

out oF tHe Fiery car into tHe lionS!

virgo 23 August to 22 September

you get the opportunity to make a fresh career start, as this week’s New Moon encourages you to forge ahead with plans and ideas. Collaborating with others and pooling resources might be another way to succeed at a goal that would be impossible otherwise. However, be careful when signing contracts or important deals, and be sure to read the fine print, because not everything is as it seems. Later, Mercury’s move into Cancer enhances social opportunities for romance and business.

libra 23 September to 23 October

Exploring fresh options, moving out of your comfort zone, and expanding your horizons can help you get the most out of life. whether you want to travel, study, or see a different side of life, this week’s influences encourage you to try. Venus enters Taurus midweek to also enhance your love life and help make your most intimate moments deeply sensual. From Thursday, pay attention to intuitive nudges, as doing so could help your career to blossom while saving time and resources.

scorpio 24 October to 21 November

If you’ve been hoping for a new financial start, this week’s New Moon could be the catalyst that encourages you to act. Use this opportunity to consolidate debts, review investments, and get your money to work harder for you in general. Venus enters Taurus midweek to enhance a love relationship, bringing extra warmth and nurturing to those important bonds. From Thursday, you might be tempted to take a trip down memory lane, particularly if meeting an old friend or visiting a place can bring closure.

sagittarius 22 November to 21 December

you can certainly have fun, but you’ll have more enjoyment if you tackle a pending worry early and get it out of the way. Use the Gemini New Moon to discuss plans with your sweetheart or other interested parties before taking action. As Venus enters Taurus midweek, there may be a tendency to overindulge, which might not help your diet or exercise efforts. “Everything in moderation” should perhaps be your mantra, giving you a chance to keep fit and look good.

Capricorn 22 december to 19 January

Leisure and pleasure activities, including romance, may seem irresistible this week as Venus encourages you to kick back and relax. It’s possible you’ll feel more self-indulgent than usual, preferring to do your own thing rather than buckle down on tasks and chores. But you deserve some downtime, and a key relationship might benefit from the chance to enjoy doing something together. As Mercury eases into Cancer, you may find your intuition about a certain person is right on target.


MotHEr and her two children were forced to choose between a car in flames and a pride of lions when their car caught fire in the middle of a lion enclosure during a family trip to the zoo.

The mother alerted park rangers with the car’s horn once smoke and flames began to engulf the car when its engine caught fire. Rangers warned the family to resist the urge to flee because of the presence of the zoo’s lion families. Luckily rescuers arrived within a minute and the lions were kept out of sight while firefighters put out the blaze.


37 parkle´s S y r r Ba Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014

PUgH´s PAntrY By Barry Pugh

key lime pie

Bit On The Side

Hellooo Sparklettes!


an you believe it’s almost June!!!

As the whole of the Rock starts to prepare for the beginning of the proper summer season, another season of “Britain’s Got Talent” is coming to an end... although I think it should be renamed Anywhere but Britain’s Got Talent because every time I switch it on it’s someone from Paris or Latvia or Timbuktu!!! One thing I will say about the TV talent show though is it’s been a while since I thought about that old

I DON’T THINk that anybody realises just how easy some dessert recipes are. Quite simply, this is just so easy and quick to make it will amaze you. The sweet tangy flavour

always gives this dessert top marks for me – refreshing and tingling at the same time with that superb crunch of crushed oaty digestive biscuits… Be adventurous… layer it

in large wine glasses or just a nice sized tumbler to surprise your friends – maybe make it in little shot glasses for that different after meal treat!


375g plain digestive biscuits, crushed 150g unsalted butter Grated zest and juice of 8 large limes

570ml double cream 1 x 397g can sweetened condensed milk

to decorate:

lime zest


Melt the butter in a small pan and stir in the crushed biscuits. Lightly press into the base of a 23cm/9in deep loosedbottomed flan tin. Chill whilst preparing the filling. To prepare the filling: place the lime juice into a large bowl, add the

cream and condensed milk. whisk for 1-2 minutes. Add the lime zest and lightly stir. Pour into the prepared biscuit base. Place onto a tray and chill for 1-2 hours. Decorate with lime zest and serve.

school dinner dessert...what’s it called again??? Oh yes... Blancmange!!! As always over here in Tenerife the past week or so has seen more than its fair share of celebrities!!! The absolutely lovely TV legend Don McLean is something of a regular down here at Decades now, he’s seen all of our shows and is a true gentleman. Chelsea football team were back over for another weeks training... funny how most of it seems to take place in... Tramps!!! For soap fans we had

another Tenerife regular, Andy Sugden from Emmerdale...means nothing to me, last time I watched it was still Emmerdale Farm!!! Finally my condolences to Irish singing legend and Tenerife regular Daniel O Donnell whose mum sadly passed away recently, she must have left this mortal plain a very proud mum... anyway on a happier note Binky from “Made In Chelsea” has finally dumped her loser boyfriend...well done Binky!!! Until next week... Keeep Sparkling!!!


Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014


what’s a commonym you ask?

A commonyms is group of words that have a common trait in the three words/items listed. For example: the words; A car - A tree - An elephant.. they all have trunks. These will make you think! 1. The Brain - The Lung - The Ear ________________________________________ 2. Spider - Fiddler - Hermit ______________________________________________ 3. Back - Butterfly - Side _______________________________________________ 4. A Car - A Tree - An Elephant __________________________________________ 5. A Bear - A Hammer - A Lobster ________________________________________ 6. Finish - Fishing - Dotted ______________________________________________ 7. Metal - Radar - Lie ___________________________________________________ 8. Stop - Spot - Strobe ___________________________________________________________________ 9. Trap - French - Glass ___________________________________________________________________ 10. State - Sales - Income _________________________________________________________________ 6. Mare - Mustang - Bronco _______________________________________________________________ 7. killer whales - Referees - Old T.V’s _______________________________________________________ 8. Music - Mail - Safe Deposit ______________________________________________________________ 9. Rail - Chain - Picket ____________________________________________________________________ 10. Palm - Easter - Hot Fudge _____________________________________________________________


Issue 122 - puZZlEs Page 8. Page 24. Page 34. Page 56.


Cryptic Crossword Sudoku Pub Quiz Quick Crossword

Answers to the COMMONyMS are on page 2.


Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014

Motoring News


By Lingy

Electric EU To Crack Down On Boom Was UK Drivers Abroad “Widely Optimistic” B

ritish motorists caught on camera committing driving offences on the Continent face heavy fines due to plans to give police across Europe the right to access British drivers’ details from the Government’s Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency.

For the first time police will be able to chase motorists with GB plates across the Channel for motoring penalties such as speeding, running a red light and driving while using a mobile phone, accrued anywhere in the EU. Fines would be sent out and, if nec-


leading civil servant has claimed that sales of electric vehicles have failed to live up to government hype because ministers were misled by forecasts from car manufacturers,.

Head of the Office for Low Emission Vehicles, Richard Bruce said “miscalculations” by car companies led to official projections of a surge in demand for green cars which has not materialised. The “widely optimistic” but ultimately. inaccurate calculations led to the provision of a £400 million package to encourage the buying of electric cars, including £5,000

grants for motorists buying the vehicles, this has since been lowered to £230 million due to lower than anticipated interest. Demand also suffered initially because of the small range of electric vehicles which did not cater for the needs of all motorists, but this problem is disappearing as more models come to market, he said. Mr Bruce added that “hostility” from the media, was also a “significant issue” for the sector, while many consumers still have “range anxiety” despite improvements in the battery life of vehicles and the provision of more than 6,000 charging points across the UK.

essary, pursued through the courts. At the moment British drivers can only be fined for motoring offences in Europe if stopped by an officer who can issue an on-the-spot penalty or escort them to a cashpoint, But anyone driving a car with GB plates which is caught by roadside camera will get away with it the crackdown could even extend to transferring penalty points between countries which could lead to a driving ban. Motoring groups claim the move is a ‘nightmare’ due to the differing rules across Europe. The new ruling by the European Court of Justice will come into force

by next May even though the UK opted out of taking such measures. AA president Edmund King said: ‘Our Government should indeed oppose this at all costs. It’s a nightmare. It opens up a hornets’ nest. There is not a level playing field across Europe in terms of penalties and regulations and levels of enforcement. Here in Britain we have speed awareness courses for first-time speeders. Other countries don’t.” The European Commission said: ‘The measure will also mean UK police forces can collect fines due from drivers from other parts of Europe.’

Bentley: ‘world’s most powerful SUV’


entley Motors have released the first official pictures of a new SUV expected to hit the roads in 2016.

The “Chelsea Tractor” will create 1,000 new jobs as part of an £800m investment over the next few years. The firm is mostly known for it’s luxury saloons and super-fast GT cars, but Dr Wolfgang Schreiber, chairman Bentley Motors, said: “It will create a completely new segment in the SUV market”. The vehicle is great news for the North West and for the wider UK economy. It has

been reported 250 workers have already been hired for the Crewe production line. Bentley’s EXP 9F concept car is a good indication of what the Bentley SUV may look like The car’s final specification and pricing haven’t been released yet, but the firm’s EXP 9F concept car, unveiled at the Geneva Auto Show in is a 2012 good indication of what the final vehicle may look like. Bentley says it has already found 2,000 customers who have placed orders for the model, despite not having seen it in the metal yet.



Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014

3 0 M ay

Friday - TV 06:00: 09:15: 10:00: 11:00: 11:15: 12:15: 13:00: 13:45: 14:15: 15:00: 15:30: 16:30: 17:15: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 21:30: 22:00: 22:25: 22:35: 23:20: 23:50: 01:45: 01:50:

Breakfast Fake Britain Homes Under the Hammer Caught Red Handed Call the Council Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Doctors The Link Escape to the Country The Hairy Bikers’ Best of British Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News at Six The One Show EastEnders DIY SOS The Big Build Have I Got News for You Room 101 BBC News at Ten BBC London News The Graham Norton Show Uncle EastEnders Omnibus Weatherview BBC News

06:00: Emmerdale 06:25: Coronation Street 06:55: You’ve Been Framed! 07:45: The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 08:30: Dinner Date 09:30: The Real Housewives of Orange County 10:30: Dinner Date Australia 11:30: The Millionaire Matchmaker 12:30: Emmerdale 13:00: Coronation Street 13:30: You’ve Been Framed! 14:00: The Millionaire Matchmaker 14:50: The Jeremy Kyle Show 15:55: The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:00: Britain’s Got Talent 18:30: Britain’s Got Talent 19:00: You’ve Been Framed! 19:30: You’ve Been Framed! 20:00: Something Borrowed 22:20: Celebrity Juice 23:10: Take Me Out 00:15: Two and a Half Men 01:10: You’ve Been Framed Extreme!

09:05: 10:05: 10:35: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 12:05: 13:50: 14:20: 15:15: 15:45: 16:15: 17:15: 18:00: 18:30: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:05: 00:10: 01:35:

06:00: 06:10: 07:10: 08:10: 09:10: 09:40: 10:05: 10:35: 11:35: 12:35: 13:40: 14:45: 20:00: 22:00:

23:30: 00:35:

The Great British Sewing Bee First Time on the Front Line The Travel Show BBC News BBC World News A to Z of TV Gardening Alvarez Kelly Raymond Blanc’s Kitchen Secrets The Pallisers Cash in the Attic Big Cat Diary Nature’s Great Events Flog It! Eggheads Celebrity Antiques Road Trip Great British Menu The Minster Gardeners’ World The Story of Women and Art QI Newsnight Later... with Jools Holland Valhalla Rising Question Time

Movies Now Heartbeat Wild at Heart Murder, She Wrote Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Rosemary and Thyme Pie in the Sky Heartbeat The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes French Open Tennis 2014 Midsomer Murders Wire in the Blood Drama series based on the novel by Val McDermid. Dr Tony Hill is called in to investigate the death of a young boy whose body is found in a deserted warehouse. Law and Order: UK The Human Stain


06:00: 08:30: 09:25: 10:30: 11:25: 11:30: 12:30: 13:30: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 22:10: 22:45: 01:20:

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather Jo Frost Family Matters Dickinson’s Real Deal Ejector Seat The Paul O’Grady Show ITV News London ITV News and Weather Emmerdale International Football ITV News at Ten and Weather Casino Royale Jackpot247

06:00: World Cup Hat-Trick Heroes 06:05: Black Gold 06:55: Minder 08:00: Wildlife Patrol 08:30: TT 2014 09:30: French Open Tennis 2014 15:00: Cricket 19:25: Highway Patrol 19:55: French Open Tennis 2014 21:00: Cycling 22:00: TT 2014 Craig Doyle introduces highlights of the qualifying sessions for the Isle of Man TT Races 2014. Steve Parrish, James Whitham and Steve Plater will be analysing the times and giving their views on who are the riders to beat. 23:00: Child’s Play 2 00:50: TT 2014 01:50: Lawrence Dallaglio: Sports Life Stories

07:10: 07:35: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 12:05: 13:40: 14:40: 15:30: 16:30: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:35: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:05: 00:05: 00:30: 01:55: 02:00:

3rd Rock from the Sun King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Undercover Boss Australia Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News Come Dine with Me French Collection Countdown Deal or No Deal Draw it! Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Unreported World Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Peter Kay Live at The Manchester Arena Alan Carr: Chatty Man Rude Tube Brooklyn Nine-Nine Hot Shots! Random Acts Southland

06:00: Home Shopping 07:00: Radical Highs 07:10: Red Bull X-Fighters 2013 08:00: Top Gear 09:00: Traffic Cops 10:00: Lizard Lick Towing 11:00: Top Gear 12:00: Would I Lie to You? 12:40: QI 13:20: Only Connect 14:00: Traffic Cops 15:00: Top Gear 16:00: Top Gear 17:00: Would I Lie to You? 17:40: QI 18:20: Only Connect 19:00: England’s Top 53 Footy Goals 20:00: Storage Hunters 20:30: Storage Hunters 21:00: QI XL 22:00: Alan Davies -Life is Pain 23:40: England’s Top 53 Footy Goals 00:40: Have I Got News for You 01:20: QI XL

06:00: 08:00: 08:15: 08:25: 08:35: 08:45: 09:00: 09:15: 11:10: 12:10: 12:15: 13:15: 13:45: 14:15: 15:15: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:55: 23:55: 00:00:

06:00: 07:00: 09:00: 10:00: 10:30: 13:30: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 22:15: 22:45: 23:00: 23:30: 00:30: 01:30: 02:00:

Children´s TV Fifi and the Flowertots Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Toby’s Travelling Circus Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff Police Interceptors 5 News Lunchtime Cowboy Builders Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Unstable 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Ice Road Truckers: Deadliest Roads Eddie Stobart’s Excellent Adventures NCIS NCIS: Los Angeles Bangkok Brits Access Super Casino

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Ringside Sporting Greats Boxing Sporting Greats Sporting Heroes Ringside Ringside Special Sporting Greats Sporting Greats Boxing Sporting Rivalries Froch/Groves: The Final Countdown Rugby League Froch/Groves: The Final Countdown Boxing Rise as One Boxing Super League Highlights Froch/Groves: The Final Countdown Boxing

19:00: 20:30: 22:00: 22:30: 23:00: 23:45: 00:10: 00:35: 01:30: 02:00:

11:00: 12:55: 15:05: 16:50: 18:55: 21:00: 23:10: 01:15:

06:00: 06:30: 07:00: 07:15: 07:30: 08:30: 10:30: 12:30: 13:00: 14:30: 16:30: 18:00: 22:00:



Doctor Who Doctor Who Russell Howard’s Good News EastEnders Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy World Cup’s Best Ever Goals, Ever! Sweat the Small Stuff Orphan Black

Warlords of Atlantis Black Jack Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs Step Up Footloose Friends with Benefits Black Swan Audition

Sporting Greats Sporting Greats Super League Grand Final Gold Super League Grand Final Gold Rugby Super League Rugby Union Rugby Union Sporting Greats Giro D’italia Cycling WWE Raw Giro D’italia Cycling T20 Cricket World Wrestling Entertainment Late Night Smackdown World Wrestling Entertainment Late Night Bottom Line T20 Cricket

Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014


S a t u r d ay - T V 06:00: 10:00: 11:30: 12:00: 13:00: 13:15: 14:00: 17:10: 18:40: 18:50: 19:00: 19:50: 20:40: 21:30: 22:00: 22:20: 00:05: 01:25: 01:30:

06:00: 08:10: 10:10: 10:20: 11:25: 12:25: 13:25: 14:25: 15:35: 17:20: 19:25:

22:00: 23:05: 01:15: 01:55:

Breakfast Saturday Kitchen Live Nigellissima Bargain Hunt BBC News Escape to the Country Triathlon How to Train Your Dragon BBC News BBC London News Pointless The National Lottery: In It to Win It Casualty Mrs. Brown’s Boys BBC News Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time The Uninvited Weatherview BBC News

Emmerdale Omnibus Coronation Street Omnibus The Hot Desk Take Me Out Fearne and... Fearne and... You’ve Been Framed! You’ve Been Framed Extreme! Mr Bean’s Holiday Dungeons and Dragons Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back Britain’s Got More Talent Fast and Furious Viral Tap Britain’s Got More Talent

06:00: This is BBC Two 06:35: The Pallisers 07:30: Great British Menu 08:00: Great British Menu 08:30: Great British Menu 09:00: Great British Menu 09:30: Great British Menu 10:00: FIFA World Cup 1962 11:30: Great British Railway Journeys 12:00: Two Greedy Italians 13:00: Talking Pictures 13:35: Out of the Past 15:05: Fire Down Below 17:00: Flog It! 18:00: Natural World 19:00: A Culture Show Special 20:00: Fawlty Towers 20:35: The Goodies 21:05: I Love 1973 22:05: Top of the Pops 23:05: The Old Grey Whistle Test 00:35: Mean Streets 05:40: Beautiful but Dangerous

06:20: 08:20: 09:20: 10:25: 11:35: 12:45: 14:45: 16:55: 18:55: 20:00: 21:00:

23:00: 00:00: 02:00:

Emma The Royal The Royal The Darling Buds of May The Darling Buds of May Northanger Abbey Lewis Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple Rosemary and Thyme Doc Martin Foyle’s War Drama about an enigmatic detective working on the south coast during World War II. Sabotage, murder and adultery at a pioneering RAF burns hospital brings Foyle face to face with the devastating physical and emotional consequences of war. Bomb Girls Lewis Judge Judy

31 M ay st

06:00: 06:25: 06:50: 07:05: 07:20: 07:45: 08:00: 08:25: 08:30: 09:25: 10:20: 11:15: 11:25: 12:20: 13:20: 15:05: 16:05: 16:35: 17:35: 17:45: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:30: 21:30: 22:00: 22:20: 00:10:

06:00: 07:00:

08:00: 08:25: 09:30: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00:

00:00: 00:05: 01:15:

Fort Boyard Dino Dan: Trek’s Adventures Canimals Sooty Digimon Fusion Horrid Henry Adventure Time ITV News Weekend The Hungry Sailors Murder, She Wrote ITV News The Jeremy Kyle Show USA Storage Hoarders Beethoven’s 5th Peter Andre’s 60 Minute Makeover Off Their Rockers Tipping Point ITV News London ITV News Let Me Entertain You You’ve Been Framed! Britain’s Got Talent World Cup Epic Fails Britain’s Got Talent ITV News The Americans Jackpot247

Cycling: Tour Series Motorsport UK All the very latest motor sport action from around Britain. (4 Star) Highway Patrol TT 2014 French Open Tennis 2014 TT 2014 Rugby Highlights Aviva Premiership Final. (New, 3 Star) The Killer Inside Me Director: Burt Kennedy Starring: Stacy Keach, Susan Tyrrell, Tisha Sterling, Keenan Wynn, Don Stroud, Charles McGraw (1976, 15, 3 Star) FYI Daily The Killer Inside Me TT 2014

06:05: The Hoobs 06:30: Transworld Sport 07:30: FIM Superbike World Championship 08:00: The Morning Line 09:00: Weekend Kitchen with Waitrose 10:00: Frasier 10:30: Frasier 10:55: The Big Bang Theory 11:25: The Big Bang Theory 11:50: The Simpsons 12:20: The Simpsons 12:45: Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 13:40: Channel 4 Racing 16:10: Come Dine with Me 16:40: Come Dine with Me 17:10: Come Dine with Me 17:40: Come Dine with Me 18:15: Come Dine with Me 18:40: Channel 4 News 19:05: The Restoration Man 20:00: Grand Designs 21:00: Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance 22:50: The Firm 01:45: Semi-Pro 05:20: Four Rooms

06:00: 07:10: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 10:30: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 13:00: 14:00: 15:00: 15:30: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00: 01:00: 02:00:

Grand Designs Channel 4 - 20:00 - 21:00


arInE CaptaIn Jon’s life changed forever when he stepped on a land mine in afghanistan and lost three limbs. Before his injuries, home for Jon had meant a crooked chocolate box devon cottage. after countless viewings of uninspiring specialist dwellings and awkward conversions, they realised that the only way to get a house that would enable Jon to live independently was to build it themselves. The design is cutting edge, boasting sleek glass walls,


open plan spaces and a dramatic wing-like roof. Crucially the design concept is for there to be no noticeable adaptations due to Jon’s disabilities. Their impressive plans are bold considering the modest budget of £250,000. Despite his lack of experience, Jon decides to project manage. He calls on the support of a number of military charities for this hugely ambitious project. These organisations recommend contractors and source supplies, but this proves complex as the couple are reliant on favours, which in turn could badly affect their incredibly tight schedule. Soon the budget spirals and the pressure to finish on time increases when Jon’s wife Becky discovers she is pregnant.

Home Shopping Driving Wars Top Gear Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Lizard Lick Towing Lizard Lick Towing Sin City Motors Top Gear Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Sin City Motors Top Gear Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters QI XL QI XL Russell Howard’s Good News Extra Russell Howard’s Good News Extra QI XL QI XL Russell Howard’s Good News Extra

childrens TV Little Princess The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky Angelina Ballerina Rupert Bear Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Jelly Jamm LazyTown Access The Dog Rescuers Classic Car Rescue Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment Raid on Rommel The Dam Busters What the Dambusters Did Next Cricket on 5 5 News Weekend Longmire NCIS NCIS NCIS Access Super Casino

19:00: 21:30:

06:00: Boxing 07:00: Boxing 08:00: Froch/Groves: The Final Countdown 08:30: Ringside 09:30: Boxing 10:30: Gloves are Off-Super-Middleweights 11:30: Boxing 12:30: The Gloves are Off 13:30: Boxing 15:00: Boxing 15:30: Boxing 16:00: Froch/Groves: The Final Countdown 16:30: Boxing 17:30: Boxing 18:00: Boxing 18:45: Football Gold 18:55: Football Gold 19:00: Greyhound Derby Final 21:30: A Greyhound Dynasty 22:30: Football Gold 22:45: Football Gold 23:00: Rise as One 23:30: Rise as One 00:00: Super Rugby 02:00: Super Rugby

06:00: 06:30: 07:30: 08:30: 09:30: 10:00: 19:00:

06:00: 07:55: 08:10:

08:25: 08:45: 09:00: 09:15: 09:30: 10:00: 10:05: 10:30: 11:35: 13:20: 15:15: 17:45: 19:00: 20:00: 20:10: 20:55: 21:55: 22:55: 23:55: 00:00:

22:00: 23:00: 23:45: 00:30: 00:50: 01:15: 01:45:

11:00: 13:00: 14:55: 16:45: 18:30: 21:00: 23:55: 01:50:

20:00: 21:00:

21:30: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00: 00:30: 01:00: 02:00:

Doctor Who Russell Howard’s Good News World Cup’s Best Ever Goals, Ever! Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! American Dad! Russell Howard’s Good News World Cup’s Best Ever Goals, Ever!

The Belles of St. Trinian’s The Addams Family Honey, I Shrunk the Kids Spy Kids 4: All the Time in the World The Legend of Zorro A Time to Kill 28 Weeks Later Choke

Sporting Greats Tight Lines Cricket Cricket Fever Cricket Extra Cricket Sporting Heroes Cricket Sporting Greats Shane Warne. A look at the career of Australian cricketer Shane Warne. One of the best bowlers in the history of the game, legspinner Warne took more than 1,000 international wickets. Sporting Greats Cricket Sporting Heroes Sporting Greats Sporting Greats Cricket Sporting Heroes

Editor Recommends



Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014

1 June

Sunday - TV

06:00: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 13:00: 13:15: 14:10: 15:10: 15:55: 16:55: 17:10: 17:45: 18:30: 18:50: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:30: 22:45: 22:55: 23:25: 01:00: 01:05:

06:00: 06:45: 09:00: 11:00: 11:35: 13:45: 15:55: 17:25: 17:50: 18:55: 19:25:

22:00: 22:50: 01:05: 01:45:

Breakfast The Andrew Marr Show The Big Questions Homes Under the Hammer Bargain Hunt BBC News Countryfile Flog It! Escape to the Country Brazil with Michael Palin Points of View Songs of Praise Pointless BBC News BBC London News Countryfile Antiques Roadshow Quirke BBC News BBC London News Live at the Apollo Ghost Town Weatherview BBC News

Beauty and the Geek Emmerdale Omnibus Coronation Street Omnibus You’ve Been Framed! Twister Dungeons and Dragons Britain’s Got Talent Britain’s Got Talent Britain’s Got More Talent You’ve Been Framed! Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi Viral Tap Something Borrowed Viral Tap The Vampire Diaries

08:00: Gardeners’ World 08:30: Beechgrove Garden 09:00: FIFA World Cup 1966 10:40: Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 12:00: Rowing 13:45: The Victors 16:15: Women’s FA Cup Final 19:00: Tropic of Cancer 20:00: I Bought a Rainforest Documentary series following wildlife cameraman Charlie Hamilton James, who has bought 100 acres of Peruvian rainforest in the hope that the purchase will stop loggers illegally entering the Manu National Park and cutting down trees. 21:00: Britain’s Greatest Pilot 22:00: D-Day: The Last Heroes 00:00: Battle in Seattle 01:35: Countryfile

09:25: 10:30: 11:35: 13:40: 14:45: 20:00: 22:00:

00:25: 01:30:

Heartbeat Heartbeat Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple Rosemary and Thyme French Open Tennis 2014 Lewis The Hours Complex, drama based on the novel by Michael Cunningham, interweaving the stories of three women from different generations. In the early part of the twentieth century, Virginia Woolf struggles to complete her novel Mrs Dalloway, which profoundly affects a 1950s housewife and a modern-day woman, who appears to be living out its plotline. William and Mary Lewis


06:00: 06:25: 06:35: 06:50: 07:05: 07:20: 07:45: 08:00: 08:25: 08:30: 09:25: 10:20: 11:20: 12:25: 12:30: 13:35: 15:30: 16:00: 18:00: 18:35: 18:45: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 21:30: 23:35: 23:50: 00:40:

06:00: 06:10: 06:40: 07:05: 08:00: 08:05: 08:30: 09:30: 15:00: 19:25: 19:55: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 23:05: 00:10:


Fort Boyard Dino Dan: Trek’s Adventures Dino Dan: Trek’s Adventures Canimals Sooty Digimon Fusion Horrid Henry Deadtime Stories ITV News Weekend May the Best House Win Murder, She Wrote Love Your Garden ITV News Long Lost Family Columbo Let Me Entertain You A Touch of Frost You’ve Been Framed! ITV News London ITV News Catchphrase A Night to Remember Coronation Street Quantum of Solace ITV News Rugby Highlights The Store

Movies Now Highway Patrol Highway Patrol Ax Men World of Sport Highway Patrol TT 2014 French Open Tennis 2014 Cricket Highway Patrol French Open Tennis 2014 TT 2014 TT 3D: Closer to the Edge FYI Daily TT 3D: Closer to the Edge The Unrideables A fascinating documentary recalling one of the scariest and greatest eras in motorcycle racing history and the legendary riders that rode the 500cc Grand Prix bikes. TT 2014


Tel. 922 714 500 whale watching Puerto Colon 2 Hours 22 Euros

06:15: 06:40: 07:10: 07:30: 08:00: 08:30: 09:00: 09:30: 12:30: 13:25: 13:55: 14:25: 14:50: 15:20: 15:50: 17:40: 18:35: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:05: 00:10: 01:35:

06:00: 07:00: 07:10: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 13:00: 14:00: 15:15: 16:30: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 21:40: 22:20: 23:20: 00:40: 01:20: 02:00:

The Hoobs British F3 How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Sunday Brunch Secret Eaters The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Simpsons The Simpsons Chalet Girl Deal or No Deal Channel 4 News Four Rooms For the Love of Cars Fargo The Change-Up Meet the Spartans Southland

Home Shopping Radical Highs India with Sanjeev Bhaskar The Road to Rio Top Gear Sin City Motors Storage Hunters Top Gear Top Gear Stephen Fry’s 100 Greatest Gadgets Stephen Fry’s 100 Greatest Gadgets Storage Hunters Top Gear Top Gear England’s Top 53 Footy Goals Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Mock the Week Mock the Week England’s Top 53 Footy Goals Mock the Week Mock the Week Mock the Week Problems

06:00: 07:45: 07:55: 08:10:

08:25: 08:45: 09:00: 09:15: 09:30: 10:00: 10:35: 11:10: 11:25: 11:55: 13:50: 15:40: 17:25: 19:00: 19:05: 21:00: 22:35: 00:45:

Childrens TV Milkshake! Bop Box Little Princess The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky Angelina Ballerina Rupert Bear Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Jelly Jamm LazyTown Power Rangers Super Samurai Power Rangers Megaforce Access Ultimate Police Interceptors Street Fighter Richie Rich Big Daddy Open Season 2 5 News Weekend The Medallion Resident Evil: Extinction Blade II Super Casino

19:00: 20:00: 22:00: 23:00: 23:25: 23:45: 00:10: 00:30: 01:00: 01:25:

Top Gear World Cup’s 50 Greatest Moments In the Flesh Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! American Dad! Sweat the Small Stuff Jonah From Tonga In the Flesh

11:00: 13:00: 15:00: 17:05: 18:55:

Geordie Home Alone 3 Inkheart Meet Dave The Wedding Planner 21:00: Die Hard 4.0 23:30: Conviction Sam Rockwell, Hilary Swank and Melissa Leo star in Tony Goldwyn’s fact-based drama. 01:35: Looking for Eric

06:00: Super League Gold


Sporting Greats

06:15: Super League Gold


Sporting Greats


Super Rugby


A Greyhound


Super Rugby


Sporting Heroes




Bill Beaumont


Cricket Writers


Cup Final

on TV


Rugby Union



Super Rugby


Sporting Greats


Sporting Heroes


WWE SmackDown!


Super Rugby



Rugby Union


Giro D’italia





WWE Experience


WWE Late Night Afterburn


Best of ICC WT20

Best of ICC WT20 T20 Cricket Best of ICC WT20


Inside Sailing

19:00: Sailing Fleet Racing

This Week

Tour 2014

in WWE


Best of ICC WT20


WWE Vintage


T20 Cricket



Sporting Heroes


WWE Payback


T20 Cricket

Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014



M o n d ay - T V 06:00: 09:15: 10:00:

Breakfast D-Day 70 Homes Under the Hammer Fake Britain Call the Council Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Doctors The Link Escape to the Country The Hairy Bikers’ Best of British Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show World War I at Home EastEnders Panorama Crimewatch BBC News at Ten Crimewatch Have I Got a Bit More News for You The Graham Norton Show Weatherview BBC News


06:00: Emmerdale 06:25: Coronation Street 06:55: You’ve Been Framed! 07:45: The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 08:30: Dinner Date 09:30: The Real Housewives of Orange County 10:25: Dinner Date 11:30: The Millionaire Matchmaker 12:30: Emmerdale 13:00: Coronation Street 13:30: You’ve Been Framed! 14:00: The Millionaire Matchmaker 15:00: The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:10: The Real Housewives of Atlanta 18:00: Dinner Date 19:00: You’ve Been Framed! 20:00: Funniest Ever You’ve Been Framed! 21:00: Shaun of the Dead 23:00: Celebrity Juice 23:45: Two and a Half Men 00:40: Fake Reaction 01:30: The Jeremy Kyle Show USA


11:00: 11:30: 12:15: 13:00: 13:45: 14:15: 15:00: 15:30: 16:30: 17:15: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 22:35: 22:45: 23:30: 00:15: 00:20:

10:05: 10:35: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 13:00: 13:30: 14:15: 14:20: 15:15: 15:45: 16:15: 17:15: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:20: 00:20: 01:20:

06:25: 07:20: 08:35: 09:35: 10:50: 11:55: 13:00: 14:00: 15:00: 16:10: 16:40: 17:15: 17:50: 18:55: 20:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:05: 01:05: 01:25: 01:50: 02:00:

Permission Impossible: Britain’s Planners Real Lives Reunited Click BBC News BBC World News The Daily Politics Raymond Blanc’s Kitchen Secrets Breakaway Coast The Pallisers Cash in the Attic Big Cat Diary Nature’s Great Events Flog It! Eggheads Building Dream Homes Great British Menu Springwatch A Very British Airline The Culture Show Newsnight Burning Desire: The Seduction of Smoking Watermen: A Dirty Business This is BBC Two

06:00: Good Morning Britain 08:30: Lorraine 09:25: The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30: This Morning 11:25: ITV News 11:30: This Morning 12:30: Loose Women 13:30: ITV News and Weather 14:00: Jo Frost Family Matters 15:00: Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00: Ejector Seat 17:00: The Chase 18:00: ITV News London 18:30: ITV News and Weather 19:00: Emmerdale 19:30: Coronation Street 20:00: Gino’s Italian Escape 20:30: Coronation Street 21:00: Secret Life of Cats 22:00: ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:35: Benidorm 23:35: The Cube 00:30: Jackpot247

Man About the House Heartbeat The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Murder, She Wrote Judge Judy Rosemary and Thyme Pie in the Sky Heartbeat The Royal The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Only When I Laugh Home to Roost Man About the House Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote A Touch of Frost Trial and Retribution Law and Order: UK Pie in the Sky Judge Judy Judge Judy Movies Now ITV3 Nightscreen

06:00: 06:10:

07:00: 08:00: 08:25: 09:30: 21:00: 22:00:

23:00: 00:00:


Greatest FA Cup Final Goals Black Gold

A realitydocumentary series that chronicles three oil drilling rigs in Andrews County, Texas 30 miles north west of Odessa. (2013) Minder Wildlife Patrol TT 2014 French Open Tennis 2014 TT 2014 MotoGP Highlights: Italy. Coverage of the latest MotoGP event. (New, 3 Star) Rugby Highlights Motorsport UK All the very latest motor sport action from around Britain. (New, 4 Star) TT 2014

07:35: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 12:05: 13:40: 14:40: 15:30: 16:30: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 22:50: 23:50: 00:45: 01:30:

06:00: 07:10: 09:00: 09:30: 10:00: 12:00: 12:40: 13:20: 14:00: 14:30: 15:00: 17:00: 17:40: 18:20: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:20: 23:00: 23:40: 01:00: 01:40:

King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Undercover Boss Australia Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News Summary Come Dine with Me French Collection Countdown Deal or No Deal Draw it! Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Dispatches Jamie’s Money Saving Meals The Island with Bear Grylls Born Survivor: Bear Grylls Dinner at 11 Fargo Scandal Meet the Police Commissioner

06:00: 08:15: 08:25: 08:30: 08:35:

Home Shopping Top Gear Man v Food Presents Man v Food Presents Top Gear Have I Got News for You QI Trawlermen Man v Food Presents Man v Food Presents Top Gear Would I Lie to You? QI Trawlermen The Road to Rio Cars, Cops and Criminals Mock the Week Would I Lie to You? QI Mock the Week Live at the Electric Frank Skinner’s Opinionated

06:00: 06:30:

08:45: 08:55: 09:00: 09:15: 11:10: 12:10: 12:15: 13:15: 13:45: 14:20: 15:20: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 01:00:

08:30: 10:30: 12:00: 14:00: 16:30: 17:30: 19:00: 19:15: 19:30: 21:30: 21:45: 22:00: 23:30: 01:30: 01:45: 02:00:

Childrens TV Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Milkshake Monkey Toby’s Travelling Circus Bananas in Pyjamas Milkshake! Bop Box Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff Police Interceptors 5 News Lunchtime Ben Fogle’s Animal Clinic Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Murder 101: If Wishes Were Horses 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Classic Car Rescue DIY Dummies Illegal Immigrant and Proud Inside Broadmoor The Devil’s Advocate Super Casino

Sporting Greats IRB Junior World Championship IRB Junior World Championship Giro D’italia Cycling Heineken Cup Final Giro D’italia Cycling Heineken Cup Final Giro D’italia Cycling Speedway Gold Speedway Gold Elite League Speedway Speedway Gold Speedway Gold Heineken Cup Final Elite League Speedway Speedway Gold Speedway Gold Speedway Gold


19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:00: 23:25: 23:45: 00:10: 00:30: 01:00: 02:00:

11:00: 13:00: 14:55: 15:00: 16:45: 18:35: 21:00: 23:05: 00:55:

06:00: 07:00: 08:00: 09:00: 09:25: 11:30: 13:30: 14:00: 16:30: 18:30: 20:30: 22:30: 00:30:



Hotel of Mum and Dad Don’t Tell the Bride Barely Legal Drivers Badults EastEnders Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Badults Barely Legal Drivers In the Flesh

Sink the Bismarck! Against the Wind Grace of Monaco Interview Special High Noon The Virgin Queen K-Pax Double Jeopardy Haywire Holy Smoke

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Sporting Greats Rabobank Hockey World Cup Rabobank Hockey World Cup Rabobank Hockey World Cup Rabobank Hockey World Cup Rabobank Hockey World Cup Rabobank Hockey World Cup IRB Junior World Championship IRB Junior World Championship IRB Junior World Championship

world war One At Home Editor Recommends xxxxxxxxx

BBC 1 - 19:30 - 20:00


orld War one was a conflict that mobilised and touched all people, and connected local communities to a global conflict. With presenters including Kate Adie, Anthony Horowitz and Miranda Krestovnikoff, 11 regional documentaries, to be broadcast simultaneously on BBC One in each BBC English Region, tell the story of how life was changed in villages, town and cities, many miles from the battlefields. These special 30-minute programmes for BBC One uncover some surprising stories from familiar places – from the fishermen of Grimsby to the footballers of

London, and from the First World War’s largest hospital in the south to the streets of Tyneside, with tales encompassing aristocrats, spies and Britain’s ‘equine army’. The Cadbury family of Birmingham were split by the war; there was industrial unrest in Devon; and thousands of horses and mules were sent by ship to Avonmouth, near Bristol, to join the war effort. These 11 regional documentaries form part of the BBC’s World War One At Home, in partnership with Imperial War Museums. Presenters include Kate Adie, Anthony Horowitz, former England rugby player and Army Officer Josh Lewsey and natural historian Miranda Krestovnikoff.



Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014

Tu e s d a y - T V

06:00: 09:15: 10:00: 11:00: 11:30: 12:15: 13:00: 13:30: 13:45: 14:15: 15:00: 15:30: 16:30: 17:15: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:25: 22:35: 23:05: 23:50: 01:25: 01:30:

Breakfast D-Day 70 Homes Under the Hammer Fake Britain Call the Council Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Doctors The Link Escape to the Country The Hairy Bikers’ Best of British Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show EastEnders Holby City Happy Valley BBC News at Ten BBC London News A Question of Sport Room 101 Swingers Weatherview BBC News

06:00: Emmerdale 06:25: Coronation Street 06:55: Coronation Street 07:25: You’ve Been Framed! 07:45: The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 08:30: Dinner Date 09:30: Real Housewives of Orange County 10:30: Real Housewives of Atlanta 11:30: The Millionaire Matchmaker 12:30: Emmerdale 13:00: Coronation Street 14:00: The Millionaire Matchmaker 15:00: The Jeremy Kyle Show 117:10: Real Housewives of Atlanta 18:00: Dinner Date 19:00: You’ve Been Framed! 20:00: Dumb and Dumber 22:15: Tricked 23:15: Celebrity Juice 00:00: Two and a Half Men 00:55: Fake Reaction 01:35: The Jeremy Kyle Show USA

09:05: 10:05: 10:35: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 13:00: 13:30: 14:15: 14:20: 15:15: 15:45: 16:15: 17:15: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:20: 00:20: 01:20:

06:00: 06:10: 06:35: 07:35: 08:30: 09:30: 10:25: 10:50: 12:00: 13:05: 14:05: 15:05: 16:20: 16:55: 17:25: 17:55: 19:00: 20:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00: 01:05: 01:50: 02:00:

Watchdog Real Lives Reunited HARDtalk BBC News BBC World News The Daily Politics Raymond Blanc’s Kitchen Secrets The Super League Show Coast The Pallisers Cash in the Attic Big Cat Diary The Bear Family and Me Flog It! Eggheads Building Dream Homes Great British Menu Springwatch Welcome to Rio QI Newsnight Britain’s Greatest Pilot Ian Hislop’s Olden Days The Necessary War

Movies Now Man About the House Heartbeat The Royal Murder, She Wrote Judge Judy Judge Judy The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Pie in the Sky Heartbeat The Royal The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Only When I Laugh Home to Roost Man About the House Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Midsomer Murders Trial and Retribution Law and Order: UK Pie in the Sky Judge Judy Movies Now ITV3 Nightscreen

3 June rd

06:00: 08:30: 09:25: 10:30: 11:25: 11:30: 12:30: 13:30: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:35: 00:40:

06:00: 06:05: 06:55: 08:00: 08:25: 09:25: 10:25: 11:30: 12:30: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 23:05:

23:55: 00:55: 01:55:

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World of Sport Black Gold Minder Tommy Cooper Border Security USA Kojak Magnum, P.I. TT 2014 French Open Tennis 2014 TT 2014 A Dangerous Man FYI Daily A Dangerous Man Director: Keoni Waxman Starring: Steven Seagal, Byron Mann, Jeanettea Antonio, Jesse Hutch, Aidan Dee, Marlaina Mah (Continued, 2010, 18) Superbikes TT 2014 Minder Modern-day reimagineering on the classic comedydrama. (2009)


06:00: 06:45: 07:10: 07:35: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 12:05: 13:40: 14:40: 15:30: 16:30: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:05: 00:05: 01:00: 01:25:

06:00: 07:10: 09:00: 10:00: 12:00: 12:40: 13:20: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 17:40: 18:20: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 23:40: 00:20: 00:50: 01:20:


Countdown According to Jim 3rd Rock from the Sun King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Undercover Boss Australia Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News Summary Come Dine with Me French Collection Countdown Deal or No Deal Draw it! Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Location, Location, Location The Complainers Embarrassing Bodies Coppers Pokerstars.Com EPT London KOTV Boxing Weekly Transworld Sport

Home Shopping Top Gear Cars, Cops and Criminals Top Gear Would I Lie to You? QI Trawlermen Cars, Cops and Criminals Top Gear Top Gear Would I Lie to You? QI Trawlermen Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Sin City Motors England’s Top 39 Footy Gaffes 24 Hours to Go Broke Mock the Week Never Mind the Buzzcocks Storage Hunters Storage Hunters 24 Hours to Go Broke

06:00: 08:10: 08:15: 08:20: 08:25: 08:30: 08:35: 08:45: 09:00: 09:15: 11:10: 12:10: 12:15: 13:15: 13:45: 14:15: 15:15: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00: 01:00:

06:00: 07:00: 08:00: 09:00: 12:00: 13:00: 15:00: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 01:00:

Childrens TV Milkshake Monkey Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Milkshake! Bop Box Toby’s Travelling Circus Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff Police Interceptors 5 News Lunchtime Classic Car Rescue Home and Away Neighbours NCIS After the Fall 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Gibraltar: Britain in the Sun The Dog Rescuers CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Inside Broadmoor Body of Proof Cricket on 5 Super Casino

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Elite League Speedway Amlin Cup Elite League Speedway Amlin Cup Amlin Cup Heineken Cup Final Scottish Cup Final Championship Play-Off Final Champions League Final Amlin Cup IRB Junior World Championships IRB Junior World Championships


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06:00: 06:15: 06:30: 06:45: 07:00: 08:00: 10:00: 12:00: 12:30: 13:00: 13:30: 22:00: 22:30: 23:00: 23:30: 00:00: 01:00: 01:30: 02:00:

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Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014


We d n e s d ay - T V 06:00: 09:15: 10:00: 10:30: 12:15: 13:00: 13:30: 13:45: 14:15: 15:00: 15:30: 16:30: 17:15: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:25: 22:35: 23:15: 00:35: 00:40:

Breakfast D-Day 70 Best of Homes Under the Hammer State Opening of Parliament Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Doctors The Link Escape to the Country The Hairy Bikers’ Best of British Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show Watchdog Del Boys and Dealers BBC News at Ten BBC London News Brazil: In the Shadow of the Stadiums The Other Man Weatherview BBC News

06:00: Emmerdale 07:00: You’ve Been Framed! 07:45: The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 08:30: Dinner Date 09:30: The Real Housewives of Orange County 10:30: The Real Housewives of Atlanta 11:30: The Millionaire Matchmaker 12:30: Emmerdale 13:30: You’ve Been Framed! 14:00: The Millionaire Matchmaker 15:00: Jeremy Kyle Show 17:10: The Real Housewives of Atlanta 18:00: Dinner Date 19:00: You’ve Been Framed! 21:00: I Wanna Marry Harry 22:00: I Wanna Marry Harry 23:00: Celebrity Juice 23:45: Two and a Half Men 00:10: Two and a Half Men 00:40: Tricked 01:40: The Jeremy Kyle Show USA

07:30: 08:15: 09:00: 10:00: 10:30: 11:00: 11:30: 12:15: 13:00: 13:30: 14:15: 14:30: 15:25: 16:15: 17:15: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:10: 22:00: 22:30: 23:20: 00:20: 00:50: 01:50:

06:00: 06:10: 06:35: 07:30: 08:30: 09:30: 10:00: 10:25: 10:50: 12:00: 13:05: 14:05: 15:05: 16:20: 16:55: 17:25: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 22:00: 23:35: 00:35: 01:35: 01:55:

Call the Council Don’t Get Done, Get Dom Antiques Roadshow Bang Goes the Theory See Hear Fake Britain Call the Council Instant Restaurant Raymond Blanc’s Kitchen Secrets Breakaway Coast The Pallisers Big Cat Diary The Bear Family and Me Flog It! Eggheads Building Dream Homes Great British Menu Springwatch Coast Australia Episodes Newsnight A Very British Airline See Hear The Story of Women and Art This is BBC Two

Movies Now Man About the House Heartbeat The Royal Murder, She Wrote Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Pie in the Sky Heartbeat The Royal The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Second Thoughts Home to Roost Man About the House Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Lewis Cold Blood Law and Order: UK Pie in the Sky Judge Judy Judge Judy

4 June th

06:00: Good Morning Britain 08:30: Lorraine 09:25: The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30: This Morning 11:25: ITV News 11:30: This Morning 12:30: Loose Women 13:30: ITV News and Weather 14:00: Jo Frost Family Matters 15:00: Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00: Ejector Seat 17:00: The Chase 18:00: ITV News London 18:30: ITV News and Weather 19:00: Coronation Street 19:30: International Football 22:10: ITV News and Weather 22:50: International Football Highlights 23:50: Corfu: A Tale of Two Islands 00:15: Jackpot247

06:00: 07:00: 08:00: 08:30:

09:30: 10:25: 11:30: 12:30: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00: 00:05: 01:30:

Minder Border Security USA Tommy Cooper The Sweeney This hard-hitting, 1970s detective drama series focused on two disenchanted members of the Flying Squad: gritty, no-nonsense, cornercutting, rule-bending Detective Inspector Jack Regan, ably assisted by Detective Sergeant George Carter. (1975, 4 Star) Kojak Magnum, P.I. TT 2014 French Open Tennis 2014 Cycling Tour Series TT 2014 Quadrophenia FYI Daily Quadrophenia TT 2014

06:45: 07:10: 07:35: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 12:05: 13:40: 14:40: 15:30: 16:30: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00: 00:45: 01:40:

Channel 4 - 22:00 - 23:00


In this series, five terminally ill people are brought together for regular weekends at a Cotswold manor house to talk frankly about their experience of living and dying as they contemplate the last months of their lives. This thought-provoking and poignant series tackles this difficult issue openly and hon-

According to Jim 3rd Rock from the Sun King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Undercover Boss Australia Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News Summary Come Dine with Me French Collection Countdown Deal or No Deal Draw it! Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Mary’s Silver Service 24 Hours in A and E My Last Summer The Complainers Barclaycard Mercury Prize Sessions Alan Carr: Chatty Man Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

06:00: Home Shopping 07:00: Radical Highs 07:10: Top Gear 09:00: Storage Hunters 10:00: Sin City Motors 11:00: Top Gear 12:00: Would I Lie to You? 12:40: QI 13:20: Trawlermen 14:00: Storage Hunters 14:30: Storage Hunters 15:00: Sin City Motors 16:00: Top Gear 17:00: Would I Lie to You? 17:40: QI 18:20: Trawlermen 19:00: Traffic Cops 20:00: Lizard Lick Towing 20:30: Lizard Lick Towing 21:00: Have I Got a Bit More News for You 22:00: Room 101 22:40: 24 Hours to Go Broke 23:40: Never Mind the Buzzcocks 00:20: Lizard Lick Towing 00:45: Lizard Lick Towing 01:10: Traffic Cops

My Last Summer EatH Is InEvItaBlE yet it is not a subject we find easy to talk about. taboos around death can leave us poorly prepared for the loss of those we love and even for our own mortality.


estly. Is it possible to have a good death? How does terminal illness affect loved ones? How do you explain terminal illness to a child? How do you prepare for death? These are just some of the conversations and themes explored in the series. In this first episode Jayne - who was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009 - helps Junior - a DJ and father of 11, who was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2012 - come to terms with his prognosis and the group has a frank discussion about euthanasia.

06:00: 08:10: 08:15: 08:30: 08:35: 08:45: 09:00: 09:15: 11:10: 12:10: 12:15: 13:15: 13:45: 14:20: 15:20: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 00:00: 00:55:

06:00: 07:00: 09:00: 10:00: 10:30: 11:00: 11:15: 11:30: 11:45: 12:00: 13:00: 15:00: 16:00: 18:00: 19:00: 19:15: 19:30: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00:

Childrens TV Milkshake Monkey Peppa Pig Milkshake! Bop Box Toby’s Travelling Circus Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff Police Interceptors 5 News Lunchtime Trauma Doctors Home and Away Neighbours NCIS: Los Angeles Wild Hearts 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door Off the Scale: Big Body Squad! The McCanns and the Conman Jack Taylor: Shot Down Law and Order: Special Victims Unit Super Casino

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Scottish Cup Final Football Gold Football Gold Speedway Gold Speedway Gold Speedway Gold Speedway Gold Scottish Cup Final Elite League Speedway Scottish Cup Final Elite League Speedway World Cup of Darts Preview Darts Gold Darts Gold Championship Rugby Union Scottish Cup Final World Cup of Darts Preview Championship Rugby Union

19:00: Top Gear 20:00: Barely Legal Drivers 21:00: Don’t Tell the Bride 22:00: Orphan Black 22:45: Family Guy 23:10: Family Guy 23:30: American Dad! 23:55: American Dad! 00:15: England’s Worst Ever Football Team 01:10: Backchat World Cup Special 01:55: Orphan Black

11:00: 12:50: 14:50: 17:10: 19:00: 21:00: 23:10: 01:10:

06:00: 07:00: 08:00: 09:00: 09:30: 10:30: 11:00: 12:00: 13:00: 14:00: 15:00: 15:30: 16:00: 16:15: 16:30: 16:45: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 21:30: 22:00: 23:00: 00:30: 01:30: 02:00:

The Desert Fox: The Story of Rommel King Solomon’s Mines Mogambo Sea Devils Drillbit Taylor Hanna Under Siege 2: Dark Territory Chatroom

Cricket Lara Masterclass Cricket Super League Backchat Lara Masterclass Super League Backchat Best of ICC WT20 Cricket Best of ICC WT20 Cricket Best of ICC WT20 Best of ICC WT20 Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football’s Greatest Football’s Greatest Managers Boots ‘n’ All Total Rugby Greyhound Racing Super League Gold Boots ‘n’ All In Cycle Watersports World In Cycle Scottish Cup Final

Editor Recommends



Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014

Thursday - TV

06:00: 09:15: 10:00: 11:00: 11:30: 12:15: 13:00: 13:30: 13:45: 14:15: 14:45: 15:30: 16:30: 17:15: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:25: 22:35: 23:35:

Breakfast D-Day 70 Homes Under the Hammer Fake Britain Call the Council Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Doctors Doctors The Link Escape to the Country Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show EastEnders Food Inspectors From There to Here BBC News at Ten BBC London News Question Time This Week by-Election Special

06:25: Holiday Airport 07:20: You’ve Been Framed! 07:45: The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 08:30: Dinner Date 09:30: Real Housewives of Orange County 10:30: Real Housewives of Atlanta 11:30: The Millionaire Matchmaker 12:30: Coronation Street 13:00: The Cube 14:00: The Millionaire Matchmaker 15:00: Jeremy Kyle Show 17:10: Real Housewives of Atlanta 18:00: Dinner Date 19:00: You’ve Been Framed! 20:00: Zookeeper 22:00: TV OD 22:30: Celebrity Juice 23:15: Viral Tap 00:00: Two and a Half Men 01:05: Fake Reaction 01:45: The Jeremy Kyle Show USA

07:05: 07:35: 08:20: 09:05: 10:05: 10:35: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 13:00: 14:00: 14:45: 15:30: 16:15: 17:15: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:30: 22:30: 23:20: 00:20: 00:50:

06:00: 06:10: 06:35: 07:30: 08:30: 09:30: 10:25: 10:50: 12:00: 13:05: 14:05: 15:10: 16:20: 16:55: 17:25: 17:55: 19:00: 20:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:05: 01:10: 01:30: 01:50: 02:00:

Building Dream Homes Call the Council Don’t Get Done, Get Dom Escape to the Continent Gardeners’ World HARDtalk BBC News BBC World News The Daily Politics Two Greedy Italians Breakaway Cash in the Attic Animal Park The Bear Family and Me Flog It! Eggheads Building Dream Homes Great British Menu Springwatch Burning Desire: The Seduction of Smoking Newsnight Welcome to Rio Panorama The Pity of War

Movies Now Man About the House Heartbeat The Royal Murder, She Wrote Judge Judy Judge Judy The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Pie in the Sky Heartbeat The Royal The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Second Thoughts Home to Roost Man About the House Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Foyle’s War afterlife Law and Order: UK Pie in the Sky Judge Judy Judge Judy Movies Now ITV3 Nightscreen

08:30: 09:25: 10:30: 11:25: 11:30: 12:30: 13:30: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 22:35: 23:35: 00:05:

06:00: 06:30: 07:00: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 21:00: 22:00:

23:00: 23:05: 00:10: 01:10:

( 649 200 774


06:00: 06:45: 07:10:


Tommy Cooper Tommy Cooper Minder The Sweeney Cycling Tour Series TT 2014 French Open Tennis 2014 TT 2014 Sidecar TT Race 2. (New) TT 3D: Closer to the Edge Director: Richard De Aragues Starring: Guy Martin, Ian Hutchinson, John McGuinness, Michael Dunlop, Keith Amor, Bruce Anstey (2011, 15, 4 Star) FYI Daily TT 3D: Closer to the Edge Grand Prix 500: The Rainey Days TT 2014

06:00: Home Shopping 07:10: Top Gear 08:00: Top Gear 09:00: Traffic Cops 10:00: Top Gear 11:00: Top Gear 12:00: Would I Lie to You? 12:40: QI 13:20: Trawlermen 14:00: Traffic Cops 15:00: Top Gear 16:00: Top Gear 17:00: Would I Lie to You? 17:40: QI 18:20: Trawlermen 19:00: Man v Food 19:30: Man v Food 20:00: Traffic Cops 21:00: QI XL 22:00: Mock the Week 22:40: Russell Howard’s Good News Extra 23:35: Have I Got News for You 00:15: Traffic Cops 01:20: Mock the Week 01:55: Russell Howard’s Good News Extra

07:35: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 12:05: 13:40: 14:40: 15:30: 16:30: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 23:40: 00:40:

06:00: 07:50: 08:00: 08:15: 08:35: 08:45: 09:00: 09:15: 11:10: 12:10: 12:15: 13:15: 13:45: 14:15: 15:15: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:35: 23:35: 00:00:

09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 13:00: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00:

Childrens TV Noddy in Toyland Fifi and the Flowertots Peppa Pig Toby’s Travelling Circus Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff Police Interceptors 5 News Lunchtime The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door Home and Away Neighbours NCIS The Perfect Assistant 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Police Interceptors Angry Britain Big Brother: Power Trip: Live Launch Big Brother’s Bit on the Side Big Brother Super Casino

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Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014



Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014

2 TB MUSIC Consultancy / KARAOKE PC

Bedside table

2 TB have Don't MUSIC the right / KARAOKE paperwork? PC Don't speak Custom Built.. Spanish? Perfect forDon't any know/ where Bar Club Connect to turn?3 Don't TV / worry! Call Monitors at 647 the 057 same 599 time or (FULL email help@diana-mcglone.com HD) Logitech Wireless Keyboard & ...

Nice white bed side table - 2 pieces...

922 867 478 602504221

350 € 671 149 870


MacLaren XT Buggy/Pram


Sofa Bed

MacLaren XT Buggy Push Chair... San Eugenio Alto Area - Sofa Bed Colour Red - Material "Needlecord" Excellent Condition Only 80 Euros - Buyer To Collect...

39 € 657 061 961 80 € 30 € +44 771 467 1776 Apple IMAC Mini PLAY STATION


Cardio Vida Tread Mill

5 large 7 smaller, nice pics of flowers in good wooden frames, no marks. 12 euro large 9 euro smaller will sell separate...

Cardio Vida tread mill. In the box, has only been assembled once. Practically new! Foldable, easy to assemble, use and store....

Apple Mac Mini 2007 version with all connections. Small & compact, full working condition ideal for internet and document typing....

Selling, Play Station , as new, used once and then stored in original packaging with 4 games. Tenerife south, Adeje...




666 248 656

95 €

120 €

180 €


922 725 059

10 €

Massage Table

Professional Massage Table....

45 € 632 092 358

200 €


Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014

Mini Pinchers

Pine Table


Pine Table 80 x 80 x 48 H...

1 Male 1 Female 6 Days Old Ready In 7 Weeks Pure Pedigree contact me for details ...

elegant hall table ...

+44 771 467 19 € 1776 Coffee cups/plates/sauce

654 229 999

605 740 410

Pine Headboards

Selling, 30 coffee cups, 12 saucers and 6 plates, all brand new and of hotel/catering grade, Superb quality. Tenerife south, Adeje. 1 euro each item or th...

2 matching headboards in natural pine for single beds. 100cms wide by 120cms high. Very good condition. Collect from Torviscas Alto area - could deliver ...

666 248 656



300 €

20 €

beko fridge freezer


beko fridge freezer white fridge 237 litre freezer 73 litre can deliver charges will apply...

we sell equipment for carpentry and wood work. only hole stuff to sell in Icod alto for self ...

605 740 410

175 € 922 791 976

4,580 €

50 €


Sun Loungers

Unique porcelain from 18

Sun loungers for sale €25 each ,I have tens of them ,the material has a small stitch on one side as the photo shows.they are all identical ,in the same c...

Unique porcelain Louis 1879. Living in Playa Paraiso Adeje ...

672 565 837

632 092 358

25 €

250 €

Tri-pod Telescope



Tri-pod Telescope Great fun for viewing the sky especially at night. This is a great start up telescope for viewing the heavens, and at SUCH a good price...


Walk-in mobility baths for elderly and disabled people. State of the art fiberglass/iron, made in the UK, 25 years of experience. Call/email for a free quo...

689 008 644 50 € 922 725 059 Sperry type writer Table for sale

Sperry remington travel complete with carry case....

632 258 926


15 €


636 640 329 0€ Heater water Vaillant 20

Wood table , 60 x 150 , 5 black seats , ...

Heater for warm water with propano or butano for 2-3 appartments by central regualation in Puerto de Santiago. New more than 1000.Euro Transport possib...

671 149 870

922 868 496

100 €

300 €




handbags etc

Aiwa HR X-1100 stereo

For the business man who wants to look smart! "Corby" trouser press, as new, hardly used. Preserve your suit and press your trousers every nigh, ready for ...

Beautiful, new mattress, confortable - 2 pieces - each one 100€ ...

to sell a table 120x80x80cm, white...

Top left-black leather bag with matching purse-25E Top centre-black leather bum bag-10E Top right-black buckle bag-6E Bottom left-blue leather bag-15...

Aiwa HR X-1100 vintage stereo system working, good condition, used until this week when replacement bought buyer collects from Puerto Santiago .....60 ...

666 248 656

671 149 870

922 791 976

922 794 409


69 €

100 €

50 €


60 €

Camera HD Panasonic


kitchen utensils


Powerboat Magazines

Camcorder Full HDC-SD9 Panasonic Full HD 1920 x 1080p Leica lens O.I.S 5.1 CH 5 micro's In Adeje ...


5 stainless steel kitchen utensils - never been used - 12E for all Los Cristianos pick up - have seen some of these priced at around 4/5E each - ...

For sale, new and unused, 2 metal folding chairs and small folding table. Can be easily stored or taken for picnic or camping. Tenerife South, Adeje....

March 1996 to April 2007 and May 2008 to February 2009. Collection of 130, Powerbaot magazines....

632 092 358

922 724 656

922 794 409

350 €


12 € 666 248 656

19 €

666 248 656

49 €


Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014 VW POLO



Italian leather trolley

Personal Vibration Machine Brand new in boxes, your own personal weight loss vibration machine. I have 14, will sell individually or make an offer for the lot.

Contact: 603 194 568

VW Polo coupe 1. fantastic original condition only 55,000 KM itv march 2015...


BRAND NEW 100% pure italian leather trolley made by "I Santi" in Milano, hand luggage, 50x40x20cm measurements on board approved. Safety lock with key. Sh...

922 782 357

922 725 059

632 258 926

1,350 €


499 €


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Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014


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Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014


tw sPorts FiX By stooie “shabba” greenhalgh

well this is now my third week of writing for the Tenerife weekly, and so far so good, I’ve not heard of any grumbles or complaints, so I must be doing something right! what a week of sport, Phil ‘Friend of the Phoenix Bar’ Taylor crumbles in the Semi-Finals of the Premier League Darts at the O2 last Thursday, I only know this cause Geoff Huxtable was there, and me and kel, were trying to spot him in the crowd. The English Football Season has no finished and the promotion places are now confirmed. Real Madrid pull off one the greatest comebacks ever in the Champions League Final, and it’s all kicking off in Liga Adelante…….enjoy and until next week ‘Bonnet da Ducha’

lewiS Hamilton wantS a ‘Fair Qpr 1 - derby 0: FigHt’ witH nico roSBerg


EWIs HaMIlton says he wants a “fair fight” with Mercedes team-mate nico rosberg for the title this season.

Rosberg beat Hamilton to win in Monaco following a controversial qualifying incident that sealed the German’s pole. “This weekend went in a direction I wasn’t expecting. I’m aware of it now. I’ll make sure I’m aware in the future,” Hamilton said. Team boss Niki Lauda said Hamilton had accused Rosberg of going off track deliberately to ruin his pole chances. Lauda said Rosberg, who was cleared of any wrongdoing following an investigation by race stewards, had denied this to Hamilton on Saturday. He repeated that denial in a BBC television interview after the race on Sunday. Rosberg’s position was backed by Mercedes bosses

including Lauda, the team’s non-executive chairman and a three-time Formula 1 world champion. Asked to confirm he believed Rosberg had done it deliberately, Hamilton said: “Look, man. The weekend’s done and dusted. We’ve got a one-two for the team. Let’s just focus on moving forward. I plan to be stronger in the next race.” He added: “We’ve sat down and cleared whatever air was needed to be cleared. We’ve been through the data and seen what needed to be seen. I wish you guys could see it. Otherwise, we’re good. “It was a difficult weekend but what doesn’t break you will make you stronger. I can only get stronger for this weekend, I think.” Despite the tense atmosphere at the team, Hamilton said he believed he and Rosberg would be able to race against each other for the rest

rotHerHam promoted

of the year without major incident. “I think so,” he said. “I think it is running successfully. It’s never going to be perfect because we’re fierce competitors, so you can never expect us to be best friends and compete as fiercely as we do. But we will remain respectful I think. Or I will try to remain respectful.” When he was told Lauda had said he expected them to have a crash together at some point, Hamilton said: “Niki keeps saying that but I think generally we have done quite a good job up until now.

Fleetwood in tHird tier

Fleetwood have


won promotion in six of the last nine seasons. Antoni Sarcevic’s second-half Fleetwood


o t h e r h a m earned promotion after beating leyton orient 4-3 on penalties in the league one play-off final at Wembley after a 2-2 draw. Both sides missed one of their first four penalties before Richard Smallwood put Rotherham 4-3 ahead. That meant Orient’s Chris Dagnall




to the third tier of Enghad to score but his spotkick was saved by Rotherham goalkeeper Adam Collin, earning the club promotion to the Championship. Orient had gone 2-0 up after first-half goals from Moses Odubajo and Dean Cox, but Rotherham’s Alex Revell netted a second-half brace against his former club as the match went to extra-time and then spot-kicks.

“It was as close as it could ever really be in Bahrain and we didn’t crash and so I don’t think that’s going to be the case.” The result in Monaco put Rosberg back into the championship lead with a four-point advantage over Hamilton. It was the first time the German had beaten Hamilton on track in a race this season. His only previous victory came in Australia at the start of the season, when Hamilton retired with an engine problem. Hamilton won in Malaysia, Bahrain, China and Spain. (source bbc sport f1)

lish football for the first time in their history at the expense of Burton Albion. Fleetwood manager Graham Alexander: “I’m just pleased for my players. They have worked so hard. I’m chuffed to bits. The whole club deserves this.”

Late Zamora strike wins Premier League lotto for QPR


oBBy ZaMora scored the goal that earned Harry redknapp’s Qpr a £135MIllIon premier league payout. Zam’s late strike earned the r’s a 1-0 victory in the Championship play-off Final against derby. But the veteran hit-man’s Wembley JOY was HELL for Rams skipper Richard Keogh, whose mistake led to QPR’s 90th-minute winner. It was a case of second-time around for the much- travelled Zamora, 33, who also scored

a Championship Play-Off Final winner for West Ham when they defeated Preston North End in 2005. Zamora said: “I was just thinking to take a shot and hit the target. It sat up perfectly for my left foot – the one I want to curl them with or whip balls with. “It’s a magni€cent feeling – one-nil again in the play-offs. I never thought it would happen again but it did and I’m over the moon for this set of lads. “We worked hard all year. We really have. I scored the winner for West Ham to get back in the Premier League and this one was equally important.”


Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014

Despite their best efforts CDT lose again!!


lvaro Cervera was clearly gutted that CD Tenerife lost on Sunday in the Nova Creu Alta. CD Tenerife coach made it clear at the press conference in Sabadell he was still competing despite the slump. “We lost a fifth straight game 1-0, this time with an own goal, “who later admitted his team was not playing at the highest level before the break, and in the second half we were better.” “If we are a vulgar team we are closer to losing than winning,” he said in his initial analysis of the match. When asked about the

controversial decisions Cervera was blunt: “I did not seek excuses today because I got tired. Losing five straight on the bounce is not the fault of the referees. After a run like this, I do not think it’s fair if we get into play-offs”. “This season we will not end up with bad taste in the mouth,” said a member of the press conference. “We are not competing despite defeats evil” meant the coach. “I guess something will have to happen on the field and with the players, but I have not got it wrong. Teams who win games here win because they are good, “Cervera said when asked by the strength of Sabadell in Nova Creu Alta.


Rory McIlroy wins PGA Championship at Wentworth to land first European Tour title since 2012


ory McIlroy admitted he felt “mixed emotions” after he ended his “weird week” with a stunning win at the BMW PGA.

But the Ulsterman said he hoped his first European Tour win for 18 months would now be a springboard to world domination. The 25-year-old started his emotional rollercoaster ride by calling off his engagement to Caroline Wozniacki on Wednesday and finished a thrilling final round yesterday with two birdies for a brilliant 66. He closed a shot clear of Shane Lowry and two ahead of overnight leader Thomas Bjorn and Luke Donald as he re-found his old brilliance and his boyish smile. “I can’t explain it,” he said. “It’s obviously been a week of very mixed emotions, but I’m sitting here looking at this trophy going: ‘How the hell did it happen this week’ but it did! A great way to end the week. “I was on my own and doing what I do best, which is playing golf, and that

sort of gave me four or five hours of serenity or sanctuary or whatever you want to call it; just focusing on the job at hand which was to play golf and get the ball in the hole in the lowest number of shots possible. “My celebration on 18 was quite muted because of the mixed emotions. “I was asked earlier how do you feel, and I said: “I don’t know. I don’t know how I feel”. I feel happy that I’ve won obviously. Yeah, it’s been a weird week.” Bjorn started the final day five shots clear but took a triple bogey at the 6th and limped home in 75 - 13 shots worse than his opening round. His playing partner Donald took seven at the same hole. He resurrected his challenge for a third win here with chip-in birdies at 13 and 16 but found the water at 18 going for the eagle to sign for a 70. “I gave it a shot at the last but came up about a couple feet short but I’m happy for Rory,” he said. “He’s obviously been going through a tough time and

Dream comes true! Gareth Bale conquers Europe and seals La Decima with Real Madrid


ARETH BALE completed his dream in winning the Champions League with Real Madrid, but admitted he thought it was going to turn into a nightmare.

The Real midfielder became the first Welshman to score in a European Cup final with the goal that broke Atletico’s hearts before Marcelo and Cristiano Ronaldo finished off their city rivals. The world record £85m signing paid back a huge chunk of that massive fee by helping deliver the Spanish giants their 10th European Cup, 12 years on from their last one. And for the boy from south Wales who insists he always dreamed of one day wearing the famous kit of Los Blanco’s, it was the perfect ending to a remarkable debut season. He said: “It’s amazing. It’s the reason I joined Real Madrid to play in competitions like this and be able to win them. “For me, it’s a dream come true.” Yet it could have been so different for Bale, who initially failed to shine in Lisbon’s Stadium of Light. The former Tottenham and Southampton man had three chances in normal time, but proved wasteful as he fired off target. He was set to be the villain in his own fairy tale as Diego Godin’s first-half header put La Liga champions Atletico


on course for a remarkable double. But Sergio Ramos headed home in the third of five stoppage-time minutes from a Luka Modric curling corner to force extra-time. And those extra 30 minutes gave Bale one last opportunity to be the hero and the midfielder grabbed it with both hands as he nodded in after Angel Di Maria’s shot spun off the toe of Atletico keeper Thibaut Courtois. He wandered to the team coach in the bowels of Benfica’s home afterwards as if nothing had happened, still looking fresh for a man who had played a draining 120 minutes in European football’s showpiece event. Reluctant to speak and just wishing to get on the bus back to Madrid for the celebrations as quick as possible, Bale admitted he thought the worst when those chances went astray. He said: “A few thoughts crept into my mind. “We have been like that all season, when we have been down in the last minute and always been able to come up with a crucial goal and we showed it again. “It happens [missing chances] and sometimes you don’t get the rub of the green, but you have to keep persisting, keep going and you may get that chance that will make the difference. “Thankfully I was able to get that chance and I was able to take it.” Nobody could question Bale’s motiva-

it’s nice to see him win again.” Lowry moved three shots clear after birdieing 12 but finished a shot back after taking a double bogey at 14 when he drove into a bush and took a penalty drop. McIlroy, who carded an eagle and six birdies, said: “I just seemed to be cruising along and it seemed like it was sort of meant to be in some strange way.” The Ulsterman has won six times in the USA including two Majors - and in Dubai, Hong Kong and Australia but never before on European soil as a pro. “It’s nice to get one here,” he laughed. McIlroy claimed last month that golf needed big stars to step up - and he is now ready for the task with the US Open only three weeks away.

“I think it’s the start of something,” he stated. “I could feel my game sort of bubbling and it was getting there. A win validates that. “I think the game is waiting for one or two guys just to kick on. I’d like to be that guy, and I’d like to think that this is a springboard to doing something like that. There are still three Majors to play this year, a lot of golf left, a lot of big tournaments to try and win. So even though we’re nearly halfway through the season, I feel like mine’s just beginning.” Mark Hooper won the award for leading PGA Pro after finishing on level par will return to giving lessons at The Rayleigh Club in Essex on Tuesday. “It was a dream come true to play with Justin Rose,” he said.

Pio Giggle’s: Lobera dismissed; Josico and Guerrero, new coaches

tion to move to Madrid from Tottenham last summer. But often these big-money deals can lead to overwhelming pressure that stifles the brilliance of young players and it ends up being a step too far, too soon. Not for 24-year-old Bale though as he etched his name in Real folklore inside 12 months with the goal that beat rivals Barcelona in the Copa Del Rey final before helping to deliver ‘La Decima’ on Saturday night.

The defeat against Recreativo Huelva on Sunday after going 2-0 up only to lose 2-3 and saying farewell to a possible automatic promotion place. According to the official station Lobera Sergio has been dismissed and former player’s Josico and Javi Guerrero will take charge. Josico was the coach of Juvenil C while Javi Guerrero performed scouting duties.


Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014

world cup countdown: Spain


EFEndInG CHaMpIons, spain have a lot riding on the World Cup Finals which are now only a couple of weeks away!

La Roja with three consecutive major triumphs, starting with the 2008 European Championship, if they get the fourth by retaining the title and keeping the World Cup for another four years, Vicente del Bosque’s will go down in footballing history as one of the greatest teams since the game began, alongside the host nation’s famed Canarinho team of 1970. But nothing worth having as much as this is ever easy, for a start no European team has ever won a World Cup staged in Latin America. And it’s been 54 years since a nation has defended its crown, Brazil did so in 1962. So, can they do it? Here are some reasons why they might: Spain’s ball possession is legendary, their tika-taka style and ability to maintain ball pos-

session will quickly drain opposing teams In the 2010 World Cup Final, Spain held the ball for 62.9 percent of the game. They are a team united, when players from arch rivals Barcelona and Real Madrid put on that red shirt in all about their mother nation. Intra-squad fighting is very damaging, with France at the 2010 World Cup being a prime example. They have a formidable choice of strikers. For many years, Spain relied on Fernando Torresfor goals, now they are spoilt for choice for the centre forward spot David Villa, Diego Costa, Alvaro Negredo, Fernando Llorente and Roberto Soldado. Formidable. They’ve done it before! Teams are separated by how they handle pressure, and Spain clearly will not be fazed by anything. As many as eight players could be appearing in their fourth straight international final at the 2014 World Cup, expect them to be confident. Buena Suerte España!

welcome to uSarpS

SOME PEOPLE are born to play sports, but not all of us are blessed with athletic prowess, speed, strength or sheer natural ability, but a new sport is gaining popularity that proves that anyone can be contender at something... The USARPS League is the official Rock Paper Scissors League of the United States. It is sponsored by Bud Light. Matti Leshem is the co-commissioner of the USA Rock Paper Scissors League In April 2006, the inaugural USA Rock Pa-

per Scissors League Championship was held in Las Vegas, Nevada. Following months of regional qualifying tournaments held across the US, 257 players were flown to Las Vegas for a singleelimination tournament at the House of Blues where the winner received $50,000. So, get in training if you want to be the new Rocky (or Papery, Scissorsry) of this majestic addition to the sporting world, we really wanna see those fingers!!




Elson pavIottI, is an attorney, but you would never guess by looking at these pictures because nelson is also Brazil’s football teams most devoted fan!

Paviotti has only worn outfits consisting of the colours of the Brazilian national flag – green,

yellow, white and blue, at his home in Campinas, Sao Paulo, for the past 20 years. He promised to only wear these colours if Brazil won the world cup finals back in 1994, which of course they did and he has recently decorated his home specially for the upcoming 2014 World Cup in Brazil. He also has two Volkswagen Beetles painted with the colors of the national flag…Viva O Brasil Nelson!!

SuareZ makeS world cup vow From wHeelcHair


raguayan liverpool striker luis suarez has sworn that he will face England in the World Cup, only 2 weeks away whilst sat in a hospital wheelchair.

The striker has had keyhole surgery on a knee problem, which looked set to rule him out of action this summer is recovering in his native country, but now, after positive comments emerged from the Uruguay FA,

Suarez has told supporters that he expects to be fit to face England on June 19th. He told a crowd of gathered fans he expects to make the tournament even though he was wheeled out of hospital, unable to walk. Medical experts have already deemed this unlikely but Liverpool have given the go ahead for Suarez to get any treatment he wants in order to be fit.


55 pele chooses Spain over Brazil Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014

tercera division



HE Cd tEnErIFE B and Mensajero cruise past the first round of playoffs for promotion to second division B

CDT B, travelled to Corunna, via Barcelona, to deal with CCD Cerceda in the second leg of the first playoff for promotion to Second Division B. After last Sunday’s 3-1 home win, it was simple ‘Do not lose away’. The players led by Quico de Diego kept the advantage and went on to win 0-1 and reach the second round. Mensajero took no prisoners and a 1-0 home win dispatched Deportivo Rayo Cantabria 3-0 over the two legs. CD Marino out of the playoffs!! At. Granadilla lose, but get a second chance. At. Granadilla had the most to prove trying to recover from a 3-0 mauling at the hands of Mallorca B, last weekend, and a 1-1 draw at home left them losing the tie 4-1. Football can be very harsh at the best of times, At. Granadilla get a second attempt at the playoffs as they won Group 12, by one point from CD Marino. CD Marino probably had the better chance of getting past SS Reyes after coming home behind 1-0 from last week’s encounter. That was not the case on Sunday at Estadio Antonio Domínguez. Marino started the game with five key players ruled out from injuries or suspensions; and even had to field players playing out of their preferred positions. The cracks were there for all to see, and SS Reyes a team who play in probably the toughest of all the groups in the Tercera, gave Marino a footballing lesson, they were simply too well organized and experienced, despite a dogged display from the Marinista’s, it was not to be. It was a great atmosphere though and finally the locals decided to turn and give some support. Atletico Granadilla will be away for their 2nd round 1st leg playoff on Sunday June 1st against Pontevedra CF, in the Galicia region the home leg is scheduled for Sunday 8th June. CD Tenerife B, are at home against Club Deportivo Varea on Sunday, and the following Sunday CDT B, travel to the La Rioja region of the peninsula… Wine anyone? Mensajero entertain Atletico Astorga FC from the Castile and Leon area, on Sunday and vice versa the week after.


E’s knoWn as the greatest soccer player of all time, and is a proud Brazilian through and through, but pele does not think that the host nation lift the World Cup trophy this summer.

Speaking to Yahoo Sports, Pele said that he favors two European sides to lift the trophy in Brazil this summer and doesn’t think that Brazil will win a sixth World Cup this summer: “It is difficult to say, it is difficult because the World Cup is a box of surprises. There are teams that are there all the time like Italy, England, Argentina. All those countries – France too. In the moment, I’ve seen a lot of games. I follow some teams. Today, one month and a half, two months out – to me – the two best teams are Spain and Germany. For me, of course, first I always think Brazil among the favorites. We have experience from the World Cup, these two teams have much respect, but if you play Brazil against Argentina, Brazil against France or Italy it’d be difficult. To talk about the best team in the moment, it doesn’t mean that Spain or Germany would be champion. To win? I don’t know. But I think the two best teams are Germany and Spain. They are

better prepared for the World Cup.” Spain will start the tournament in Group B with Chile, Australia and fellow 2010 World Cup finalists the Netherlands. Germany, meanwhile, will be in Group G with Portugal, Ghana and the United States. Pointing out flaws in this World Cup team for his homeland, the legend added: “Always Brazil was a great attacking team, Pele, Didi, Ronaldinho, Romario – these are the first years that Brazil has a problem to set up the attack. The midfield back, Brazil is fantastic. Fantastic, Neymar is a great young player but it’s his first World Cup.” It is pressure that might be Brazil’s greatest enemy on the field and could take them down before the semifinal round: “We work hard to try and tell the people. The World Cup is tough anyway. We have two or three countries that have the World Cup and the home team lost – in 1950 we have the World Cup and Brazil lost. There’s great pressure on Brazil, no doubt. Mixed in it is the political problem. That I think created a little more problem. The pressure, because Brazilians are thinking just win. This is a problem. The World Cup we played in Brazil

– Brazil lost. That is something that people think about it. The other side, we won the Confederations Cup,” Pele said. “That was fantastic. The pressure was almost the same and thank God, fortunately Brazil went to the final against Spain and won. That calmed it down a little bit.” Considered the best player of alltime, Pele had 92 caps with the Brazilian national team during an incredible run that included three World Cup titles. He finished his career with a threeyear stint in the NASL with the New York Cosmos, ushering in the modern soccer boom to the United States.

carl Froch vs george groves: ‘the cobra’ could bank up to £10million from wembley rematch


he showdown is the biggest fight in British boxing history and will generate over £20million, with Froch standing to net half of that Carl Froch could bank as much as £10million for his Wembley rematch with George Groves.

The showdown is the biggest fight in British boxing history and will generate over £20million. Ticket sales will top £6million from the post-war record 78,000 crowd at Wembley on Saturday. And pay-per-view receipts from Sky Sports Box Office could hit nearly £17million if there are one million buys. This would earn WBA and IBF supermiddleweight king Froch a career-best purse of £10million and Groves his richest payday of between £1.5million and £2.5million. Promoter Eddie Hearn said:

“It’s a promoter’s dream to stage a big event like this and this has exceeded everyone’s expectations from the perspectives of the crowd, revenue and profile. “It’s great for British boxing and it shows the capabilities of the sport. “Ultimately the best man will win, but boxing will be the biggest winner.”

by Stu Greenhalgh Super Star Ayoze is off to Newcastle United

Extreme ‘Dodgeball’ looks like Tenerife vs Gran Canaria to me


Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014


Quick croSSword


1. Title 7. Wound mark 10. Compulsively 11. Uterus 12. Little devils 13. Catch sight of 15. Lacking sensation 17. Hankering

DOwN 1. Freshly 2. Tiny time periods 3. Flows away 4. Refuse 5. Traditional 6. Furnace 7. Slender 8. Brass percussion

Av Rafael Puig 7, Playa De Las Americas Arona ( In Front Of Hotel Tenerife Sol)


18. Arab organisation (1,1,1) 20. Fool 21. Cloth flap 23. Feel unwell 25. Waistcoat 26. Ballet 28. Russian ruler 30. Pleasure trip

31. In this place 32. WWII fascist 34. Flavouring herb 35. Female servant 37. Unreturnable serve 39. Utilise 40. Closest relative, next of ...

41. Wears, ... on 43. Curved bone 45. Frosted (biscuits) 48. Roman dress 50. Orange rind 51. Famous UK school 52. Vulnerable 53. London art gallery 54. June 6, 1944 (1-3)

instrument 9. Speaks hoarsely 14. Licensed premises 16. American republic (1,1,1) 18. Ancient Egyptian king 19. Exotic blooms 22. Loft

24. Agenda topics 25. Goods truck 26. Christen 27. Conger or moray 29. Fishing pole 33. Wackiest 36. Charged with bubbles 38. Supplement, ...

out 39. One, numero ... 40. Out of order 42. Take in (child) 44. Rabbit 46. Hint 47. Quayside 48. Threesome 49. Castrate (horse)

Answers to the QUICK CROSSWORD are on page 2

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