Tenerife weekly issue 123

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Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014


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Issue 123

Miller Rental S.L C.I.F: B 38709366 Deposito Legal: TFE 447/2012

Editor Marc Craig editor@tenerife-weekly.com Production Colm McCarroll design@tenerife-weekly.com


The opinion of the owner or staff of Tenerife Weekly is not necessarily mirrored in the opinions or assertions made by any of our contributors. The material contained within Tenerife Weekly may not to be reproduced unless permission has been received from the Owner. Disclaimer

CONTRIBUTORS John Sharples Sir Old Golfer Steve Andrews Barry Pugh Diane McGlone Colin Kirby English Time

While Tenerife Weekly makes every realistic effort to inspect the contents of all of our advertising, it cannot be held responsible for any assertions or declarations they may make.

Janet Anscombe


Meryl Kew

(Red Queen Musings)

lagomera1.blogspot Adeje Blog


While we strive to bring you a quality newspaper Tenerife Weekly cannot be held responsible for the print quality of this publication. The responsibility for print quality lies directly with our printers (TF Print, S.A.). Please be aware that by advertising in Tenerife Weekly you are agreeing to this disclaimer.

PUB QUIZ (Page 34)

1. Single-Lens Reflex 2. Carnaby Street 3. The Balearics 4. Ho-Chi Minh City 5. Perth - Western Australia 6. The Freemasons 7. 150 8. A school of whales 9. Oscar Wilde 10. Tears 11. Greek

SUDOKU Easy (Page 24)

Owner & Publisher - Christopher Miller

1. They Are Caught 2. They Are Tossed 3. They Are Popped 4. They Have Caps 5. They Have Tongues 6. They Have Anchors 7. They Are Magazines 8. They Have Lanes 9. They Lift 10. They Have Checks 11. They Have Waves 12. They Are Hitched 13. They Are Balanced 14. They Have Tanks 15. They Have Scores

SUDOKU Challenging (Page 24)



Solutions to this week’s puzzles





hello again, hello... as another week passes by in a blurry mess of computer screens and microphone stands it’s becoming more and more clear that this baby will be here before i can catch my breath! This week we celebrated the birthdays not only my wife (and pregnant mother of my Jedi apprentice), my father in-law who came over to celebrate, our chief, the lovely sue Cass, the coolest teenager i know, Jack roberts and a

Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014 relatively new but extremely welcome addition to our very select circle of friends, Paul, so happy birthday to you all!! Work has been busy but rewarding ( that camp-bed in the garage is looking more like a viable option every day) and summer is definitely just around the corner, cos all i want to eat is BBQ and every supermarket trip ends up with us purchasing an assortment of liquid refreshments!! so, this week’s news was dominated by the abdication of


a king and the shooting of a raging gorilla in Loro Parque! shame he has retired really... cos if you ever need a big game hunter and good shot with a rifle, Juan Carlos is your man! Joking apart i’m sure Crown Prince felipe will be an amazing and altogether modern ruler to a new spain, good luck Your highness!! until next week... have a hot one!!!

Marc Craig

Cirque du Soleil back in Tenerife January 2015


T WAS A PHENOmENAL success when it was held here for the first time last year (link), and now the Tenerife Cabildo has announced that it’s coming back.

The spectacular Cirque du Soleil will be here in Tenerife with ten performances of their new show, ‘Quidam’, between 3 and 11 January 2015 in the Pabellón Insular Santiago Martín just off the TF5 near the Candelaria and University hospitals. Tickets will be on sale from Friday, 30 May, in www. cirquedusoleil.com/quidam, www.

livenation.es, ticketmaster, El Corte Inglés and entradas.com. For members of Cirque Club (membership is free), there are special prices to book between 27 and 29 May: to register,go to www. cirqueclub.com.

Performances are:

saturday, 3 January 2015, 9pm sunday, 4 January, 5.30 & 9pm Wednesday, 7 January, 9pm Thursday 8 January, 9pm friday 9 January, 9pm saturday 10 January, 5.30 & 9pm sunday 11 January, 1 & 4.30 pm

by janetanscombe.com

Woman in critical condition

a 70-year-old woman is in critical condition after drowning following a cardiac arrest in the sea at Playa Pariso. she was found by by a boat with divers on board, who attempted to resuscitate her while calling emergency services. a helicopter was dispatched which airlifted her from the boat, and after being resuscitated she was transferred by ambulance to hospitén sur, where she is in a critical condition. by janetanscombe.com

WOrLD eNVIrONMeNT DAY did you know, 45% of adeje is protected territory? The 5th of June is international World environment day happy World environment day!!


Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014

news On THe rOCK may’s unemployment figures have been released by the Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social, and show that in the Canaries jobless numbers fell by 2,374 from April, a drop of 0.86%. There are now 274,412 people out of work in the islands. Compared with May 2013, last month’s figures show a drop of 7.41%, which in absolute terms takes 21,950 off the lists of the unemployed over the last year. Nationally, unemployment fell in May by 111,916, leaving 4,572,385 people out of work. Confusion, and jokes, surround the shooting of a Loro Parque employee with a vet’s tranquilizer dart. The incident happened on Monday in the gorilla enclosure, and it’s important to note, the 35-year-old employee is fine, so the scope for humour is immense, mainly along the lines of “employee confused for a gorilla”, or with pictures of vets with thick glasses! Reports abound that police were called and various arrests made, but in the event, it seems that the shooting happened during a training exercise required periodically to ensure the park is equipped to deal with escaped animals, and that the police were procedurally involved from the outset. It is still unclear whether the tranquilizer dart was fired accidentally, or whether it was genuinely intended to sedate a gorilla and accidentally hit the employee. What is clear, however, is that the dose was strong enough to knock out a 200 kilo gorilla, and the park employee was naturally unconscious in short order. To make matters worse, he had an allergic reaction to it and needed urgent treatment. He was given an antidote on site and then transferred to Hospital Universitario de Canarias (HUC) , where he is said to be in stable condition. The new Carmen mota show in the Pirámide de Arona that replaces Evolución is Malizia, an almost two hour spectacular show based on the opera Rigoletto. The Carmen Mota shows are hugely popular, with some performances of Evolución made to an audience of 150,000! The organizers said they hope that the new show will be as popular as the previous ones, and early indications are that it indeed will be. Residents are entitled to a 30% discount on ticket prices, and there is no charge for children under 12, with a reduced price for 13-17 year olds. There is more information with times, and the possibility to book tickets online. a 60-year-old woman drowned just before 11am this morning at Playa de Las Teresitas, in Santa Cruz. Emergency services were called by the lifeguards at the beach requesting help after they had pulled her out of the water in cardiac arrest. They, and the paramedics who arrived, both attemped extensive resuscitation but were unable to revive her. She was pronounced dead at the scene. Waters here are technically “cold”, in that they’re under 25º all year round, and experts say that cold water shock manifests itself as cardiac arrest in the water. Please take care: even in summer it is a problem in the sea that everyone needs to be aware of.


fun, fusion and the extended Adeje family

by Cliodna o’flynn


AST WEEKEND’S cultural comingtogether in Adeje was a fusion of families and friends, strangers and residents, cultures old and older, and a crossover of languages, ages, religions, and nationalities. The event, called Fusión Entre Culturas, was held on Sunday June 1st and saw people from many different parts of the world, but all resident in Adeje or nearby, join together to celebrate both what makes us different and what unites us. The inauguration saw the Adeje mayor, Jose Miguel Rodríguez Fraga lead a top table discussion about the different cultures and nationalities represented in the Adeje resident population – over 118 nationalities at the last count. The word fusion was aptly chosen as the main speakers referred to how we might fuse our separate identities and cultures with people from our new home, but we don’t lose them nor does

one culture supersede or dominate the other. Fusion can be defined in many ways, but here it is best seen, I think, as a combination, a coming together of cultures, leading to the creation of new energies. Last weekend there was a very open curiosity about cultures on show, and certainly the stand that attracted many curious visitors was the Muslim one, with tea and sweet tidbits on offer to all comers, as well as

the chance to get your name written in Arabic. But all of the stands had their fans. There was a lovely table where you could write a message in your own language and post it – by the end of the afternoon it was full. Countries from the Middle and Far East, from Africa, Eastern Europe, and South American all shared the same space, swopped snacks and stories, and got to know each other a little bit better. And maybe next

time we should encourage a few tables from nearer home, maybe stands for England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland, the Scandinavian countries and Germany and Poland, just to mention a few. And of course there were bouncy castles and face painting – the best form of fusion there is if you’re under 10. Adeje takes pride in its multicultural make-up, and it actually is a delight to be part of it.


Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014


The NeXT phASe

after Two and a half successful Years, vivo/decades is Taking it To The next Level With “Phase 2”

fUNKY DAYTIMe MeNU Funky Super Noodles Singapore Vermecelli noodles, only 5 euros

Funky Chicken -

Steamed Garlic Breast of Chicken & Chorizo Mashed Potatoes 5.25 euros

Funky Bubble & Squeak Grilled Bratwurst Sausages, Caramelised Onion Gravy, 5 euros

Funky Caesar -

Chicken Caesar Salad 4.50 euros

Funky Godfather -

Warm pork Pasta Salad 5.50 euros


S REGULAR READERS are well aware of by now, these are interesting and exciting times indeed here at Vivo. Recently we were awarded the Tripadvisor certificate of excellence 2014, then only a week later we were given the fantastic news that our Guest Executive Chef, Davied Jones, who had only intended to stick around for a matter of weeks initially, had decided to join our ranks full time!! Since this double-whammy of good news, we’ve been itching for the hattrick (a phrase that seems very apt this World Cup week), Davied has already completely revamped the daytime buffet as well as the Sunday Carvery which is now non-stop between 12 and 4pm, seriously, if you fancy coming down, get down early as it’s popularity is making it a first come, first served rush! Davied has been steadily reassessing the produce we use, continually seeking out fresher vegetables, better cuts of meat, more varieties of ingredients, sourced from the best quality suppliers that the island has to offer...and the difference is more than evident in the taste!! If you don’t want a buffet or full-on Sunday roast, then Davied’s new range

of Funky Foods may be just the thing for you!! Since it’s launch last Friday, our modern, innovative and yes, Funky food, has been flying out of the kitchen, I personally recommend the Funky Super Noodles, a Singapore Vermicelli that is just to die for! These plated dishes start once the Buffet closes from 4pm, and costs less than a burger meal does! So,this is all very well and good, but where’s our hat-trick? Vivo/Decades is proud to announce the launch of our BRAND NEW Decades Dinner Dance!! Since it’s launch in December 2011, The Decades shows have been an amazing success, entertaining thousands of happy customers, be they visitors to the island or residents. It’s blend of dinner, drinks, music, comedy, dance and illusion has delighted audiences of all ages, and now, we are so excited to present our new improved spectacular, which starts next week! First of all, our

show menu has been completely redesigned by none other than our chef to royal families and celebrities the world over, so where

as before the food may have been an added bonus, we now fully anticipate that people will be booking because of the show but also because of the meal, as you can see from the description, Davied has added his touch of class and magic to the menu. To meet the new level of quality of food, we have changed our wines for the the show, these are a superior selection, chosen to compliment the delicious food. All the food is now prepared using fresh and mostly organic produce. Finally, after entertaining crowds for almost 3 years, we are relaunching the Decades show as a whole new concept. We are radically changing not only the content but the actual format of our show! What does this mean? Well it means it will still contain all the elements that the old show had, comedy, singing, dancing, magic, fabulous costumes and show stopping numbers, but it will be fresh new and presented in a way that no other show on the island is, and that’s all I’m going to say for now! Next week, all will be revealed!


Scottish Smoked Salmon & Prawn Timble (served with mixed leaf salad)

Cream of Wild Mushroom Soup

(garnished with a whirl of herbed cream)

Ballentine of Chicken Breast

(wrapped with a cured ham filled with a cream cheese & a jambon farci)

vegetarian option Vegetable Lasagne All main courses accompanied by dauphin potato & seasonal vegetable

Icecream with chocolate Mille Fuille on Profiteroles


Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014


Things to do in June Water sports Playas de el madeno, el socorro, Las vistas all year round. Corpus Carpets 19-22/06/14 La Laguna www.aytolalaguna.es 21-22/06/14 Los silos www.lossilos.es 22/06/14 Tacoronte www.tacoronte.es 22/06/13 arona (Casco) www.arona.travel 26/06/14 La orotava www.villadelaorotava.org

fairs & art exhibitions

exhibition “Joan Ponç” 03/04/-19/07/14 Mo. –Fr.: 11.00 – 14.00 & 17.00 - 20.00 h. Sat.: 10.00-14.00 h. Fundación Cristino de Vera (La Laguna) http://www.fundacioncristinodevera.org/microsites/joanponc/inicio.php exhibition “uniformes en la época de alfonso Xiii” 09/05-27/06/14 Mo.-Fr.: 09.00 - 13.00 & 16:30 -19:00 h. Museo de Historia Casa de El Capitán (San Miguel de Abona) www. sanmigueldeabona.es exhibition: ukiyo-e “entre geishas y samuráis” 09/05-31/08/14 Tue.-Su.: 10.00-20.00 h. Tea Tenerife (Santa Cruz de Tenerife) www.teatenerife.es Painting exhibition “Pinceladas de Colores” 08-22/06/14 Mo. –Fr.: 17.00 - 20.00. h. Sat. 10:00-13:00 h. Sala Pérez Enríquez (Los Silos) exhibition hugo Pitti 09/06-12/07/14 Mo. –Fr.: 16.00 - 21.00 h. Centro Cultural de Guía de Isora (Guía de Isora) www.guiadeisora.es exhibition “el arte en la ínsula de don Quijote” 12/06-12/07/14 Mo. –Fr.: 10.00 - 13.00 & 17:00-20:00 h. Sat.: 10:00-13:00 h. Sala La Conchera de la Fonda Medina (Güimar) www.guimar.es

Theatre, music & shows

isla Baja musical Whims 10/05-25/07/14 Isla Baja www.consorcioislabaja.com fam intl. movement arts festival

16/05-28/06/14 Auditorio de Tenerife Adán Martín (Santa Cruz de Tenerife) www.auditoriodetenerife.com “malizia” show From 04/06/14 Pirámide de Arona. Playa de las Américas (Arona) www.marenostrumresort.com fumc Tenerife Contemporary music festival 05-26/06/14 Auditorio de Tenerife Adán Martín (Santa Cruz de Tenerife) www.auditoriodetenerife.com Concert: kyle eastwood Band 07/06/14 (21:00 h.) Auditorio de Tenerife Adán Martín (Santa Cruz de Tenerife) www.auditoriodetenerife.com feel sahára arona 2014 Concert 08/06/14 (19:00 h.) Auditorio Infanta Leonor. Los Cristianos (Arona) www.arona.org

Other cultural events

san isidro Traditional Pilgrimage 15/06/14 Tacoronte www.tacoronte.es fred.olsen spain Challenge 05-08/06/14 Hotel Tecina (La Gomera) www.tecinagolf.com historical Commemoration “milicias de abona” 07/06/14 (12::00h.)MuseoCasaelCapitán–PlazadelaIglesia(San Miguel de Abona) www.sanmigueldeabona.es san antonio de Padua Traditional Pilgrimage 08/06/14 Granadilla de Abona www.granadilladeabona.es Cultural Tours of Tegueste 08-14-28/06/14 (Tegueste) Inscription: 922 31 61 02 www. tegueste.es

IMprOVeMeNTS TO ADeJe’S SChOOLS The work has been carried out as part of the education department’s plan to improve the borough’s education facilities

Theatrical route 14/06/14 (Garachico) Inscription: 616 80 99 37 7th Tapas route 19/06-04/07/14 (El Sauzal) www.elsauzal.es gastronomy fair: oily fish 20/06-06/07/14 (Granadilla de Abona) Carboneras Trail 22/06/14 (16:00-19:00 h.) Anaga (Santa Cruz de Tenerife) http://goo.gl/QYxVlP Hachitos (summer solstice celebration) in Icod 23/06/14 (Icod de los Vinos) www.icoddelosvinos.es san Juan festival 23-24/06/14 In different municipalities (especially in Puerto de la Cruz and in San Juan de la Rambla with the “resonar del bucio” (Guanche tradition) www.puertodelacruz.es san Pedro festivity 27-30/06/14 (Santiago del Teide) www.santiagodelteide.es 29/06/14 Mainday (Güimar) www.guimar.es 27/06-06/07/14 (El Sauzal) www.elsauzal.es 8th Tenerife golf 2014 Circuit 28/06/14 Sandos San Blas Nature Resort & Golf (San Miguel de Abona) san isidro Labrador and sta. maría de la Cabeza Traditional Pilgrimage 29/06/14 (La Orotava) www.villadelaorotava.org 8th downhill Tierra del Trigo 29/06/14 (Los Silos) www.lossilos.es



he Adeje Department of Education, under councillor Andrés Pérez Ramos, has released details of a number of ongoing works in some of the borough’s public schools. in the current phase the primary schools in Las Torres and Armeñime and the El Galeón secondary school are affected.

Pérez Ramos has explained that “for the Adeje council education is a fundamental service. Our job, as the local government, is to facilitate and ensure that our educational centres are the best possible for our students in Adeje and therefore any work which might improve the learning centres for our student population is a priority”. The councillor also pointed out that it was always important to ensure that the local public educational centres were safe places, and with this in mind most of the work that needed to be carried out was scheduled for summer, “however in some cases we have been able to carry out some improvement measures during the school term with the more extensive jobs scheduled for the summer, and in this way we are continuously meeting the needs of the schools as quickly as we can in the circumstances”. Work deTaiLs In the Las Torres primary school the library has been extended and now includes a study and reading zone, another area

by janetanscombe.com dedicated to video and a consultation section. This work was carried out in two phases with an investment of over twenty two thousand Euros, jointly financed by the Adeje council and the department of education. In the school in Armeñime the sports courts were renovated, and a wall near the garden area was also repaired. A triangular garden in front of the main hall was removed to allow easier movement of students and staff through the school which also meant a reduction in damp in this part of the centre. Finally in the El Galeón institute a school garden is being introduced as part of a future recreational zone.

The Canarian heaLTh deParTmenT, sanidad, has activated its Plan de actuaciones Preventivas de los efectos del exceso de Temperaturas sobre la salud, a preventative action plan to counter the effects of heat throughout the summer. The operation will be in action until 15 september. The plan specifies and coordinates regional, insular and local government measures where public health is at risk, and sets up the system of alerts. once again, the health department reminds the public that in the very hot weather the Canaries gets in summer months, the elderly, children and those with chronic illnesses are most at risk. The plan set in motion today will see the entire health system, from government to health centres on notice to deal with the consequences of elevated temperatures.


Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014




S CANARiANS and residents know, the 30th may is an important day in the Tenerife calendar, dating back to 1983 where the “Canarian nationality” was truly recognised.

fun In The Sun

sPeCTaCuLar fun in the sun day hosted by the Lions Club international Las galletas Costa del silencio will take place this sunday the 8th June from 2pm until 8pm at the rendezvous Bar and Bistro at The Winter gardens on golf del sur . The event will be compered by derrick of the Lions club and it will be an afternoon of tribute acts supplied by :- gordon king (neil diamond) , sonic (Johnny Cash), spencer robson (sir Tom Jones) . stuart Beagley (michael Buble) , simon king (The rat Pack) , emma Blacka (adele) , Paul Blacka (frankie valli) , John ashford (Buddy holly) , keith george (Boy george) , Jacqui Peters (dame shirley Bassey) and dave g Tracey (sir elton John) . There will be a Tombola , raffle , Bowls competition and more plus a BBQ supplied by the venue for a reduced fee . Come along and help support a worthy cause that helps people in Tenerife who are in need .

To help the younger children of Wingate School understand the meaning of the day the teachers and students dressed up in Canarian costumes for the day! The children sang a traditional Canarian song “La Farola del Mar” for their parents at the start of the day, and parents came in to make clay necklaces with Reception

class during the afternoon. The children enjoying the festivities felt sorry for the rest of the school, who had important exams and therefore couldn´t join in the fun, but everyone else had a lovely day!!

eViCTion liFe-line Tenants faced with repossessing bank eviction have an avenue to demand “relocation money”

by janetanscombe.com i’ve had severaL enQuiries about this in the past, and thought it was important to post that i am now hearing about tenants even with short-term leases in properties being repossessed by banks who have been given rapid eviction notices,

but who are having some success in fighting requirements to vacate. These tenants, based i stress on legal advice, have approached the evicting bank and said that they know the courts will take around two years to get them out, and that they will

move out for “relocation money”. one tenant on a six-month contract who asked for 1,500 euros got 1,000 euros. i hope this helps people who have rented property and who find themselves at the banks’ mercy through no fault of their own.


Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014

vivo.12388 aCross



8. A camel liable to hold flower (8) 9. Tod dined until now (2,4) 10. Even skin here covers leg joint (4) 11. Spooner wed date, but found it an oppressive burden (4,6) 12. Change revolver by removing both ends (6) 14. Humblest owl sits among broken tiles (8) 15. Stylish in a gentle way (7)

17. We hear Miss Terry is a perplexing puzzle (7) 20. Athletic contest for those who can run only 12 inches? (4,4) 22. Martial art practiced in Ankara territory (6) 23. Type of clue when shoes and socks give Susan shocks (10) 24. Cherokees hide brave man (4) 25. Canine film star provided by Scottish maiden (6) 26. Convict to lure with disdain (8)

13. Buoyant home provides warnings for sailors (10) 16. At first, ten in need made tidy (8) 1. Carl gets mixed up with Ivan at a fun fair (8) 18. Somehow star part not necessary for the 2. Generally leave rally with DNA material (4) Pied Piper? (3,5) 3. Promise ledge to support first pylon (6) 19. Be a wit at church and enchant (7) 4. Even able to supply short Biblical story (7) 21. Harp on about parentless child (6) 5. Wrongly tows away illegal passenger (8) 22. Kim takes on nothing but a traditional 6. Supervise clergyman in charge of advertising (10) Japanese dress (6) 7. Impatiently yearns for witches to lose 24. Pay attention and initially hear every essential detail (4) their head (6)


av rafael Puig 7, Playa de Las americas arona ( in front of hotel Tenerife sol)

Answers to the CRYPTIC CROSSWORD are on page 2




hat does it take? The seas were wild, red flags were flying on the beaches in the west, south and east of the island. Unless they are forecasting spectacularly wild seas, i normally don’t post alerts for “costeros” because common sense normally prevails, but there has been a drowning in Playa Paraiso and an incident off the Arona coast around 5.30pm last Sunday where three men between 30 and 46 were



by janetanscombe.com in hospital after being rescued with minor injuries caused by their small boat being dashed against rocks.

Yet again emergency services had to take risks, helicopters had to be scrambled, and peoples’ lives were endangered in seas that common sense might have been expected to dictate should be left well alone. Red flags mean “don’t go in the water”. Aropol has now issued an official request for people to obey the official warnings not just from the Met Office but from the police as well. As always, emergency rescues required for those involved in incidents that they should not have been involved in are likely to be charged.




Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014

RiTiSH NATiONALS wanting to renew or obtain a British passport should avoid leaving their applications too late.

You currently need to allow at least six weeks for a passport renewal and eight weeks for a first time application, according to her majesty’s Passport office. it’s also important to get your application right first time, to avoid the paperwork being returned and causing further delay. The Passport office took over the processing of all applications from British nationals across the globe in march. as part of the transition, the British embassy in madrid ceased to handle applications last year. overseas applications are now subject to further security checks, to align with the processes for domestic passport applications. These checks can take significantly longer than those made in the uk and a passport will not be issued until all checks have been satisfactorily completed. Processing times have therefore increased for uk passport applications submitted from overseas. The Passport office has acknowledged the frustration that customers may be experiencing and will continue to review its guidance on estimated processing times. it has recommended that customers do not book travel until they have received their passport. uk passport applications must be made online and the webpage to start an overseas application can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/overseaspassports/y . The six week minimum for the issue of a new passport starts when the application is received by the Passport office. so if you need a new British passport soon, don’t leave it until the last minute. You can make your application up to nine months before the expiry of your current passport and the remaining validity time will be carried over to the new passport.


N fRiDAY 6 June the twelfth edition of the lecture is open

The “ Thor Heyerdahl School Traveler, “ is organized by the Hall of Cultural Tourism of the University of La Laguna and Guimar Pyramids Ethnographic Park . The philosophy of “ Thor Heyerdahl School Traveler “ has always been to show that anyone can learn to live an adventure and a journey, as the journey is more than the distance or destination, it’s the attitude, the mode of displacement, to overcome obstacles and travel experiences in remote locations or difficult access. That is why this is named after the founder of Guimar Pyramids because of the relationship that these talks have with the life and work of Heyerdahl. Furthermore, this year the lecture coincides with the 100th anniversary of the birth of

Norwegian scientist. The lectures will be given for four consecutive Fridays, and as with other times with notable speakers and very interesting talks, in which guests will share their experiences in trips to unusual places and approaching distant realities, not only geographically , but from the most diverse human perspectives. This program of illustrated talks represents another form of learning, different education and training from what we can receive in a university classroom , reading books or watching movies. The inaugural lecture will be given by Oscar Cadiach i Puig, mountaineer and guide IFMGA mountain and Anna Pujol Banus, mountaineer and medical doctor, under the title “The world from the 8,000 meters.” June 13th will be the turn of the journalist, Sar traveler and gourmet Caesar Rivera,

OVer 6,000 DeSIGNer KNOCK-OffS SeIZeD N ATiONAL Police officers working out of Santa Cruz and Las Palmas have detained 13 people in connection with selling designer knock-off clothing, 5 more people were subsequently implicated and all concerned are of Spanish


The detained people are accused of violations to copy write and intellectual property laws. Officers were alerted at the beginning of March by Spanish representatives of the designer companies concerned, alleging their trade marks had been falsified on various items on sale at markets in Tenerife, but the trail later led also to Gran Canaria.

who will offer a lecture on “ How to organize a great trip and not die trying. “ On June 20 we will witness the talk “ Looking cool “ from the traveler Amaro Agustín Delgado. Finally, on June 27th we accompany the famous mountaineer, filmmaker, writer and creator of ‘Al Filo de lo Impossible ‘Sebastián Álvaro Lomba , who will give a presentation entitled “ 100th anniversary ‘ In the footsteps of Shackleton ‘ . “ The conference will take place in the Auditorium of the Pyramids Ethnographic Park Guimaras, on each Friday 6th, 13th , 20th and June 27th. The start will be at 20:00 and entry is free, but reservations are recommended due to limited seating space . Information and reservations at 922514510 or www.piramidesdeguimar.es.

by newsinthesun.com The items were made to order by the father and son leaders of the distribution ring in their own homes, where they had set up screen printing workshops, the forged clothes were then distributed to market traders. Items included tee shirts, sweat shirts, footwear and trousers, as well as caps, towels and other designer sportswear products.

Officers undertook a simultaneous raid on the 11th May on the Recova market in Santa Cruz de Tenerife and the Santa Catalina market in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria when 16 people were originally suspected of being involved. Approximately 6,300 items of clothing have been seized. with a street value of 190,000 euros.


Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014


Spain Supports Oil Exploration

NEW SYSTEm new electricity bill system unveiled as law on consumer options is finally published


pain’s environment ministry has backed the exploration by Repsol of three oil fields off the Canary islands, located 60 kilometres Southwest of fuerteventura, despite local opposition protesting that the move may damage the islands’ prosperous tourist industry. Minister of Industry and Tourism, Jose Manuel Soria, has indicated that he will support the project, although several engineers have warned that

there would be extreme ecological risks involved. A similar oil exploration project in the Balearic Islands was halted last month due to pressure from regional government. The Environment Ministry said that Repsol would have to seek a separate authorisation for drilling and extracting oil in the case that it found any crude in the area. Exploration could start in the third quarter of the year if permits were granted on time. The Canary Islands regional government is strongly opposed to any

oil exploration off its coasts, believing it could harm its natural resources and deter tourists from visiting the archipelago. Paulino Rivero stated that the Canarian government will use every legal means available to oppose oil exploration. However, this position contradicts his party’s preelection campaign where the Coalition Canaria, PSOE and PP all stated that they would promote and support oil exploration within territorial waters.








6 June

7 June

8 June

9 June

10 June

11 June

12th June















Mostly Sunny

Sunshine Some Cloud

Some Showers


Mostly Sunny

Partly Sunny

Partly Sunny

High: 20oC

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High: 21oC

High: 22oC

High: 22oC

High: 22oC

Real Feel: 25oC

Real Feel: 25oC

Real Feel: 24oC

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Real Feel: 24oC

Real Feel: 22oC








Mainly Clear

Some Showers


Mainly Clear

Some Showers

Partly Cloudy

Mainly Clear

Low: 16oC

Low: 16oC

Low: 16oC

Low: 16oC

Low: 17oC

Low: 18oC

Low: 17oC

Real Feel: 16oC

Real Feel: 15oC

Real Feel: 14oC

Real Feel: 15oC

Real Feel: 14oC

Real Feel: 14oC

Real Feel: 13oC







by janetanscombe.com

S i POSTED LAST YEAR, there was a 2.3% rise in electricity prices confirmed for the first quarter of 2014, but after Spring, prices would be assessed in accordance with guidelines set by the Comisión Nacional de los mercados y la Competencia (National Commission on markets and Competition) which is already working with the Department of industry. The new law has now been passed and was published in the BOE yesterday. Most relevant in terms of prices is the fact that consumers now seem to have a choice of two options for billing: those who want to be sure of the price they’ll be charged before receiving a bill can opt for a fixed tariff, but this is likely to be up to 15% more expensive than those who take a chance on the market pricing option, the problem with which is that it itself might turn out to be more expensive rather than cheaper. The new system is based on the average wholesale price during the customer’s billing cycle (either monthly or bimonthly). The seven million or so consumers in Spain with “smart meters” will pay market prices worked out on an hourly basis. Industria says that the new method eliminates the price-raising effect of the old auctions, and that energy costs should be reduced by around 10%. The problem is that in any bill, actual energy costs only represent around a third of the amount. There should be still be some small overall reduction, however. Let’s hope so!


Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014

Accion Del Sol News

The first five months of 2014 has been a very busy time at the refuge, to date 140 dogs have been lucky and been re homed, 61 of them in Tenerife and 79 have started new lives in Germany. More than 1300 children have visited the refuge from various schools in the

surrounding counties and all received educational tuition in animal welfare and care, and the hard work continues to try to improve the awful situation for our four legged friends here in Tenerife.

One very lucky dog now named “Alex” has been re homed by Lana Bellamy who very sadly lost her dear little dog “Petra “ who lived to the ripe old age of 16. Petra had been Lana’s soul mate for many years , constantly at her side. Lana felt completely devastated over the loss of her best friend so she quickly decided to have another dog. A trip to the refuge soon followed and many cute little dogs juggled for her attention but once Lana spotted Alex it was love at first sight. After all the formalities were completed Lana and Alex started there new life together. Lana is delighted with Alex and already they are inseparable and both have renewed sparkles in there eyes. We wish them both much happiness in the future. Dogs and cats are extremely comforting, therapeutic and great companions to our elderly generation. There are more than 200 dogs at the refuge all seeking new homes but maybe you are not able to commit to adopting a dog but we are always looking for dog walkers to walk the dogs in the beautiful surrounding areas of the refuge. If you would to be involved then please again contact the refuge or visit at the appointed opening hours and make a dog or two very happy.

Please call 922778630 for more information or if you would like to help out in anyway, towels and blankets are always needed for the dogs if you have any to spare. They would be very much appreciated by our four legged friends. The refuge is situated at Poligono De Industrial Estate, Granadilla, Exit 51 on the TF1, directly next to ITER the Parque Eolica where the windmills are and it is open to the public Monday, Tuesday ,Thursday, Friday 14.00-17.00pm and Saturdays 13.00-16.00. The refuge is closed Wednesdays, Sundays and on Public holidays

K9 Tenerife News Update June 2014 Tickets are now on sale for the K9 Midsummer Dinner Dance which is being held on Friday 20th June at The Sound Of Musicals venue at Adeje (exit 78). Priced at 25.00 euros to include a meal, wine, beer, water and soft drinks during the meal and top class entertainment provided by Soul Train and The Everly’s tribute duo. 7-30pm to 11.30pm. There will be a complimentary drink of champagne on arrival. Tickets are available from: the K9 kennels at San Miguel, k9mikey@gmail.com, Lin on 626344799, or from Studio 5 hair salon in Los Cristianos. Any individual or business who would like to donate a prize for the raffle, please get in touch with any of the above contacts to arrange collection. Some fantastic prizes have already been donated. Many thanks. We now have our 12 sponsors for the K9 2015 Calendar which has photographs of our kennel dogs enjoying themselves in various guises. It will be priced at 5.00 euros and be ready for sale at our October Car Boot Sale and also from the above contacts as well as the K9 shop in Alcala. We would like to recruit more volunteers for our shop and weekly market stall in Alcala. If you can spare one (any) morning from 10am to 2pm to work in the shop, or a Monday from 9am till 1.30pm on the market stall, we would love to hear from you. Please call at the shop in Alcala Plaza or more info from Mikey as above or Muriel on 646561035. The K9 Car Boot Sale is held on the LAST Sunday of each month and is now bigger and better than before. Starting at 9am until 12.30pm you need to be early to grab those bargains. It is held at Tipsy Terrace Car Park at Los Gigantes Bus Station. Nice atmosphere in a lovely location. Donations of goods for the shop or car boot sale are always welcome. Please take direct to the shop or small items can be left at the kennels. Please contact Muriel on 646561035 if you would like us to collect larger items. The K9 kennels are open EVERY day of the year from 9am till 2pm to clean, feed and exercise the dogs. If you have an hour to spare, come along and take some of our four legged guys for a walk. On one day last week, we had 9 dogs come into the kennels in an emergency situation, so we need more walkers to help these poor abandoned guys. They will love the walk and so will you. Sensible footwear is essential. If that sounds too energetic, you might prefer to sit and groom a dog or a cat. An appointment is not required, just turn up. If you need more details, either contact the kennels on 667 638 468 or 822 106 195 or Mikey as above or info@k9tenerife.com


Live Arico News Live Arico Pets Animal Welfare Supporters (PAWS) Join us On Facebook – Live Arico P.A.W.S Tenerife http://twitter.com/live_arico http://www.livearico.com

Dog of the Week - Gris Gris ia 5 year old terrier mix who has been with us WAY too long, several years in fact. He is extremely loving and only small to medium sized. He is fully vaccinated, sterilised and chipped, and our adoption fee of 110 euros covers all of this. Call Elaine on 629 388102 to arrange a meeting. Adopt don’t buy – always the best option.

An Afternoon “Do” at Ye Olde Ocean

Come and have a cracking afternoon out with us at Ye Olde Ocean on Sunday 15th June, from 2pm. We are planning a benefit which is already shaping up to be a good one. Jamie Drew will host the afternoon, intro-

ducing great acts like Scott Bateman, Jamie Rourke, Gordon King, Kerry Railton, Suzy q and Tony Kay. And thats just for starters. Magnificent prizes on the raffle too, it will be good. See you there !!!

Oh yes, those 3 monthly extravaganzas on Top Square Golf del Sur sure do come around quickly and we are nearly there again. Join us on Saturday 28th June from 8pm and we will do it all again. Suzy Q will be introducing you

to Robbie Dominic, Abba Twist, Colin Stevens and more to be confirmed in the next couple of weeks. Be early, and enjoy our now legendary Top Square fund raisers.

It’s the Top Square Again!!!

Gillian Banks Theatre School – They’re Back!!!

Yes, for the 4th consecutive year those uber talented teens from The Gillian Banks Theatre School are back in Tenerife raising funds for Live Arico and Helping Hands charities. Put these dates in your diary – Tuesday 5th August at Restaurant La Cueva and Thursday 7th August at the Harbour Club Los Gigantes. Tickets for both events are 20 euros which will include dinner, and anyone who has seen these shows in the past years will tell you that the show alone is worth more than 20 euros, they are simply out-standing. Tickets are strictly limited and available now from Suzy q on 629 388102. Don’t miss out, these are THE hot dates of the summer – get involved.

Live Arico Shops

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: If you’re interested in working in one of our Charity Shops, PLEASE get in touch with Siobhan on 630 857626. Also; If you have QUALITY unwanted clothes, cds, dvds, shoes, household items or childrens clothing, call Siobhan now on 630 857626. And do come and see us, we have shops in Los Cristianos, Calle Revron near Churchills Bar, and San Eugenio opposite Hotel La Nina by Amandas bar at las Carabelas complex. Both shops open from 10 – 4 Monday to Friday, and until 2pm Saturday. Kel even opens the Los Cristianos shop on Sundays.... Come and have a browse, bag a bargain and help the animals..


Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014




HE ADEJE CLEANiNG company Limpiezas Domínguez had signed up to the council sponsored A.L.A.S. (or WiNGS) programme which is designed to assist people with special needs integrate into the work place.

best suited for each individual. The co-operation of the company working with the programme as well as the family members of the new employee is essential. Limpiezas Domínguez is a local Adeje cleaning company and now have two new members of staff thanks to the A.L.A.S. programme. Lucián, 22 years of age and Juan Gabriel, who is 34, and who received the necessary training and were accompanied when required to help in their incorporation into the company. According to the Adeje councillor for special needs persons, Carmen Rosa González Cabrera,

The programme was launched a few months ago and as more than simply a work placement programme. Individuals are matched to jobs in companies who have agreed to work with the scheme. The person is then trained for their new job, and accompanied to the new place of work and given hands on assistance to integrate fully into their new situation. The programme was developed by the Adeje council to meet the needs of those with special needs in the local community who wish to become part of the labour force. Trained personnel work directly with those with special needs as well as helping to identify by Cliodna work places that are

“their welcome into the work place was excellent and on behalf of the council I would like to thank all of those in the company, and their head Elena Domínguez, for all their help”. Carmen Rosa added, “this initiative is specifically designed to create an work opening for persons with some form of disability but with help from this administration. In this regard the Limpiezas Domínguez company have viewed the project in a very positive light from the outset and never hesitated in stepping forward to take the challenge, and indeed have shown great


icod de los Vinos

Santiago del Teide

Plaza del Cristo, s/n, 38640 Plaza General Franco, s/n, Arona. 38300, La Orotava. Tel: 922 725 100 y 922 725 Tel: 922 324 444 - Fax 922 125 - Fax: 922 725 478 334 512

La Orotava

El Sauzal

Granadilla de Abona

El Tanque


C/ Grande 1, 38670, Adeje. Plaza Luis de León Huertas, Tel: 922 756 200 - 922 710 1, 38440, Icod de los Vinos. Tel: 922 869 600 - Fax 922 120 - 922 710 420 869 643


C/ San Francisco, 14, 38600, Granadilla de Abona Tel: 922 759 953 y 922 759 902 - Fax 922 759 965

Guía de isora

Puerto de la Cruz

C/ Santo Domingo, s/n, 38400, Puerto de la Cruz. Tel: 922 378 400 - Fax 922 375 253

El Rosario

C/ del Ayuntamiento, 4, 38680, Guía de Isora. Tel: 922 850 100 - Fax 922 850 354

Plaza del Ayuntamiento 1, 38290, El Rosario. Tel: 922 297 447 - Fax 922 548 280


Ctra. de Los Abrigos 30, 38620, San Miguel de Abona. Tel: 922 700 000 y 922 700 001 - Fax 922 167 168

Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 4, 38500, Güímar. Tel: 922 526 100 y 922 526 101 - Fax 922 526 102

San miguel de Abona

C/ la Placeta 10, 38436, Santiago del Teide. Tel: 922 863 127 y 922 863 150 - Fax 922 863 212 C/ La Constitución 3, 38360, El Sauzal. Tel: 922 570 000 y 922 570 24 - Fax 922 570 973 Avda. Príncipes de España 24, 38435, El Tanque. Tel: 922 136 715 y 922 136 623 - Fax 922 136 766


Plaza de San Marcos 1, 38280, Tegueste. Tel: 922 541 799 y 922 541 851 - Fax 922 540 903


C/ Doctor Pérez Cáceres 1, 38613, Vilaflor. Tel 922 709 002 - Fax 922 709 151

solidarity as a business”. Speaking on behalf of the company Elena Domínguez said that taking part in this initiative had been a very positive move for the company, and “to see the effort that the two new workers had made in discovering their own potential was helping the company discover its own potential too.” She encouraged other companies to sign up to the A.L.A.S. project. “We should work together to have people with special needs in our professional teams because as well as being a rewarding experience it also reminds us all of who we are…

businesses need to be more human and understand that it is individual workers, human beings, that are the motor of our productivity and we must care for and encourage all of those workers”. While the A.L.A.S programme is primarily about integration into the labour force, in parallel it is also a vital tool in assisting in social integration . Carmen Rosa González Cabrera says, “we must open our eyes to the fact that we are talking about people with great capabilities, and society needs to change the way it views people with special needs in many ways.” For companies who sign up to work with the A.L.A.S. programme there are financial benefits, (Ley 43/2006 de 29/12). The company also improves its public profile as an employer that is working actively in the field of integration and equality of opportunity and employment not to mention gaining new trained and very willing members of their workforce.


Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014


eVenTs On Mist APEn Identity!! THe rOCK Arona Vii festival of magic 5-29th June

You couldn’t make this up! Costumed Loro parque employee Is Taken Down by Vet with a Tranquilizer Dart!

W by janetanscombe.com arona WiLL Be quite magical this month when it hosts the VII Festival of Magic, bringing some of the best illusionists, conjurers and magicians to perform in the municipality. The programme is: Thursday 5th, 7pm, Parque infantil, el fraile friday 6th, 7pm, Plaza Luis diego Cuscoy, Cabo Blanco Thursday 12th, 7pm, Plaza, valle san Lorenzo friday 13th, 7pm, Parque infantil, Buzanada Thursday 19th, 7pm, urbanización virgen del Carmen, guargacho saturday 21st, 7pm, Plaza de la Paz, arona Casco Thursday 26th, 7pm, Plaza exterior del Centro Cultural, Parque de la reina. friday 27th, 7pm, Parque infantil, Las galletas saturday 28th, 7pm, Plaza, La Camella sunday 29th, 8.30pm, Plaza de La iglesia, Los Cristianos – closing ceremony. For more information, call Arona Ayuntamiento on 010 if within Arona, or 922 761 600 from outside the municipality.

ORKERS at Loro Parque must be thinking about improving their health/life insurance. in the highly acclaimed tourist attraction where Orlando’s SeaWorld warehouses their surplus orcas, one of their trainers was tragically killed by one of the killer whales not so long ago, and now, and at least this incident will bring a smile to ones face, but it seems that their veterinarian can’t tell the difference between a wild 400 pound gorilla loose in the park - and one of their own employees dressed up in a gorilla suit!

The incident took place at around 11.40pm last Monday, apparently at around the same time police received a tip-off of an escaped gorilla from the award winning zoo park. The incident occurred during a practice drill simulating what would need to happen should a potentially dangerous animal escape the grounds, when an employee, in an attempt to add realism (although it’s unclear whether this dress-up is normal) donned the costume and ran around the grounds. apparently the vet who had only worked at the park for two months, was unaware that a drill was taking place and opened fire with his tranquillizer gun, putting a dart into the leg of the stunned (literally) employee with enough tranquillizer

to stop a full grown silver-back! To make matters worse the unfortunate victim apparently had an allergic reaction to the dose and had to be taken to the Hospital Universitario de Canarias and administered with an antidote. According to sources, there is the possibility of an alleged negligence case against the operator in charge of handling the gun. This gun is normally used for driving dangerous cattle and the capture of live wild animals or veterinary use when required for the sedation or the immobilization of animals at a distance. Hopefully the unfortunate cosplay enthusiast won’t suffer any long term effects from accidental sedation, but I bet he will think twice before he zips up the ape-suit next time it’s practice drill time!

Krav Maga Master In Tenerife


nce again in southern Tenerife, private organization Krav maga-hand kapap teacher and organizer martin moon francisco Robaina opted for the continuous training of public safety officers and private security. We still believe in the training and ask agencies to become involved in the training of its agents as a fundamental pillar - and stress that, to be successful in this calling, the public and private security officers h a v e turned to this training and hope it long continues. WhaT is krav maga? Krav Maga - literally “contact combat” - is a martial art and self-defense system

developed for the military in Israel that consists of a wide combination of techniques sourced from boxing, savate, Muay Thai, Wing Chun, Judo, jiu-jitsu, wrestling, and grappling, along with realistic fight training. Krav Maga is known for its focus on real-world situations and extremely efficient and brutal counter-attacks. It was derived from street-fighting skills developed by SlovakianIsraeli martial artist Imi Lichtenfeld, who made use of his training as a boxer and wrestler, as a means of defending the Jewish quarter against fascist groups in Bratislava in the mid-to-late 1930s. In the late 1940s, following his immigration to Palestine, he began to provide lessons on combat training to what was to become the IDF, who went on to develop the system that became known as Krav Maga. It has since been refined for civilian, police and military applications. Krav Maga has a philosophy emphasizing threat neutralization, simultaneous defensive and offensive maneuvers, and aggression. Krav Maga is used by Israeli Defense Forces, both regular and special forces, and several closely related variations have been developed and adopted by law enforcement and intelligence organizations, Mossad and Shin Bet. There are several organizations teaching variations of Krav Maga internationally.


Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014


starmus Festival - astrophotography Competition Win 60 minute observation time with the largest digital telescope in the world!


he organizers of the Starmus festival taking place in Tenerife, Canary islands, Spain from 22-27 September are delighted to announce an astrophotography competition with a really unique prize, an all expenses paid trip to meet Astronauts, Cosmonauts and Nobel prize winners at the Starmus festival, and carry out a 60 min observation of the object of their choice with the largest optical telescope in the world: the GTC (GRANTECAN or Gran Telescopio Canarias) on the island of La Palma. We will also be awarding attractive prizes to the best entrant in three other categories. The cash equivalent of the winning prize will be $2000

The judging panel will consist of world-renowned astrophotographers Rogelio Bernal Andreo (USA), well known for his images of deep sky objects and Damian Peach (UK) former Astronomy photographer of the year, along with David Eicher (USA), Editor of Astronomy Magazine and President of the Astronomy Foundation. Up to five entries can be accepted

in each of four categories, up to a maximum of 10 images, which can be monochrome or colour: 1. Wide field images, including star trails, twilights, TWAN-style pictures, tracked or untracked, but taken using off-the-shelf consumer cameras. 2. Solar system objects, which would include solar, lunar, planetary, cometary, etc., photography using any technique or equipment, including webcams. 3. Deep sky pictures made with telescopes. This category can include galaxies, nebulae, star cluster and star fields, anything beyond the solar system. 4. Animations, by which we mean movies of any sort, provided the main ingredient is real astronomical image content. Full details of the competition rules and how to enter and submit images are provided in the Competition rules and Conditions on the Starmus Festival webpage at: www.starmus.com/en/astrophotography-competition The winner of the same competition at the last Starmus Festival, which took place in Tenerife in 2011 was Alex Cherney, who’s “Ocean Sky” time lapse was good enough to earn him a return air ticket to Tenerife from Australia to meet Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Jim Lovell, Charlie Duke and Alexei Leonov! He used his 60 minutes on the GTC telescope to observe and photograph Arp84, a

pair of interacting galaxies (NGC5394 and NGC5395). starmus festival - astrophotography school Once in a lifetime opportunity to receive practical tuition and guidance on astrophotography from world renowned astrophotographers, Rogelio Bernal Andreo (USA) and Damian Peach (UK), along with David Eicher (USA), Editor of Astronomy Magazine and President of the Astronomy Foundation, in an incredibly unique setting at 2110 m, in the crater at the foot of Mt Teide in Tenerife, Canary Islands. These practical classes will be run under the clear dark Tenerife skies at the Parador de Canadas del Teide Hotel. They will show how to use very basic gear to create stunning deepsky wide-field images and TWAN-like panoramas. Their gear will include an AtroTrac rig to take longish exposures with a DSLR camera and lens and a tripod and ball joint using a Canon 5D MkII with wide-field lenses for TWAN-like work. It is a truly fabulous location. During the day you have views of Mt Teide and the surrounding volcanic scenery, which is really spectacular, and at night you have an astronomers dream! For further information on the astrophotography competition and school, and the Starmus Festival itself please go to: www.starmus.com

Mark Goodier mark goodier - BBC radio 1, radio Clyde, smooth fm and now on 105.3 sPeCTrum fm Tenerife Join mark every saturday morning for three years of hits from 9am


Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014


ESTRELLAS SUMMER FUN!! Wondering what to do for your summer holidays this year? Looking for inspiration? Want to do something different and exciting? Look no further!!


STRELLAS THEATRE SCHOOL is offering an action-packed and fun-filled alternative for children from the age of 7 upwards. Why not come join us!! When: 7th July to 1st August Where: The Wingate School, Cabo Blanco, Tenerife South hours: Mon-Tues-Thurs-Fri 9am-3pm, Weds 9am-6pm PriCes: 1 week 120 euros, 2 weeks 216 euros, 3 weeks 324 euros, 4 weeks 400 euros What’s in store? Brace yourselves for a sun-filled holiday jampacked with a host of activities including film making, music, theatre, dance, sports, cinema, day trips, water pistol fights, and confidence boosting exercises, fun, fun and more fun! Day trips include Siam Park, Puerto Colon Beach Icebergs, Jungle Park and many more! Call 647 844 794 to ensure a place. Be quick, places are limited! What kids should Bring daily Hats, Suncream, Water Pistols,(The bigger the better) Change of clothes to be kept on

help prevent

site, a litre bottle of water, Beach Towel. Packed Lunches Please bring healthy packed lunches daily. What kids can Bring Phones are allowed but are the responsibility of each and every child. They should only be used for filming purposes or at the end of the day to contact parents. Day trips on Wednesdays (included in the price) Children should de dropped off at the correct venue each Wednesday at 9 am and then picked up again from that same venue at 6 pm. Should you wish to pick up prior to this time please make arrangements with Mo to do this. Week one - Siam Park Week two - Jungle Park Week three - Horse Riding or Beach with Icebergs Week four - Agua Park Tuck shop Children will be able to buy drinks (including water) and chocolate on site should they wish. Fruit will also be available daily.

Three boys electrocuted inside substation

“hot Car”Dog fatalities by red Queen’s musings.wordpress.com

by janetanscombe.com

“hoT Car” dog faTaLiTies are needless and all-too-common. While humans cool themselves by relying on an extensive system of sweat glands and evaporation, the cooling mechanisms of dogs and other animals are much less efficient and leave them extremely vulnerable to heatstroke. Parked automobiles quickly trap the sun’s heat with interior temperatures rising to dangerous levels in a matter of minutes, and “cracking the windows” does not remove the danger of heatstroke. The Los angeles County

district attorney’s office launched a public awareness campaign on this issue, education being the key to lessening the frequency of these cruel and pointless deaths. Take action download and print our flyer, and hang in grocery stores, cafes, laundromats, and other locations where people may leave dogs in hot cars. many businesses will be happy to hang a flyer in their front window if you ask politely.


hree boys of 12, 15 and 16 were badly burnt last friday after being electrocuted inside an electrical substation next to the football field in Calle Chacerquen, Santa maría del mar. The incident happened at 12.40 and emergency services were called out: in all, three ambulances, bomberos, local and national police, and power company employees were involved in shutting off the electricity, rescuing them and ensuring their safe transfer to Hospital Universitario Nuestra Señora de la

Candelaria. Police continue to investigate but the boys are said to be in critical condition. Diario de Avisos later reported that the 12-year-old boy was so badly burnt that he has been transferred to the specialist unit in Seville hospital, the main burns centre in Spain. The paper says that the transfer was made at the request of specialists in Santa Cruz due to the gravity of his injuries, particularly the burns on his back. The other two boys are said to be slightly improved though still critically ill. Unofficial reports say that the boys got into the substation through a grille previously broken by copper thieves.


Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014


‘Al-qaeda’s Librarian’ Gets eight Years


COURT iN SPAiN has sentenced ‘Al-Qaeda’s librarian’ to eight years in jail. Police detained Almalki, who has lived in Spain since 1980, in march 2012 in the eastern city of Valencia. The Saudi man has been convicted on the charge of membership of a terrorist organization. The National Court, also ordered that Mudhar Hussein Almalki be put on probation for nine years after his sentence was completed. three-judge panel ruled that Almalki “belonged to the propaganda apparatus of the Ansar al Mujahideen Network since 2006” which is without a doubt an Al-Qaeda satellite group”.

The Ansar al Mujahideen Network ran online forums dedicated to “recruiting terrorists” and glorified Mohamed Merah, a self-proclaimed jihadist who killed four Jews, including three children, and three soldiers in France in 2012. The written ruling continued: “The defendant’s activity, part of the so-called ‘jihad through words’, consisted of distributing all types of material that exalts jihadist terrorism, terrorist groups with a Salafist jihadist ideology and manuals that directly contribute to terrorist training,” Almalki had compiled a list of “war criminals” as potential targets, including former British prime minister Tony Blair, former Spanish prime minister Jose Maria Aznar and former US presi-

dents George Bush and Bill Clinton. Almalki has always denied belonging to Al-Qaeda or following the group’s orders and said books and weapons manuals found in his home had nothing to do with the terrorist organization: “I had those books and manuals because I collected them. I collected everything about the war between the United States and Al-Qaeda,” he said. He admitted calling the former leaders “war criminals” but denied targeting them for assassination: “Many people, including artists, protested against the war in Iraq and Afghanistan and nothing happened to them, everyone was against it and the killing of innocent people,” he told the court.

qUeeN SOfIA MeeTS UN ChIef Q ueen Sofia met last Tuesday with United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in which the UN chief recognized the contributions rendered by King Juan Carlos during his reign, at the world body’s headquarters in New York. He also commended Queen Sofia, who is the honorary president of the Spanish National Committee for the UN Children’s fund (UNiCEf), for her longstanding commitment to youth and education.

At the meeting, the two leaders discussed the continued need to promote girls’ education as well as addressing the challenges faced by today’s youth and continuing to combat intolerance. According to a read-out of the meeting Ban stressed that he would; “continue to rely on the leadership of Her Majesty as a long-time champion of children’s rights” even after the King’s abdication and conveyed his sincere

gratitude for Spain’s exceptional contributions to the work of the UN. After King Carlos announced his decision to abdicate, the UN SecretaryGeneral, in a statement, recognized his contribution to public service over the past 39 years, including “his important role in Spain’s transition to democracy” in 1977-1978. Ban’s spokesperson also said: “The Secretary-General looks forward to continuing his cooperation and that of the United Nations with His Royal Highness Prince Felipe and wishes him every success in fulfilling his important duties.”


Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014

Mainland News In Brief Police have arrested six members of a group that allegedly recruited jihadist militants to fight in Libya and Mali. the arrests took place early last Friday in Spain’s north African enclave city of Melilla. In recent years, Spain has arrested several dozen suspected jihadist militants in Melilla and its other north African enclave city of Ceuta The cities are located on the Mediterranean coast and surrounded by Morocco. Spain will receive 10 million euros ($13.6 million) from the European Union to fight illegal immigration in its two north African territories of Ceuta and Melilla. Madrid has for months appealed for more EU aid to help it contain a surge in the arrival of sub-Saharan African migrants at the two cities. The money will come from the EU’s emergency fund and it will be used on “some of the 26 projects proposed by Spain to face the situation. Part of the funds will be used to strengthen border fences, fund voluntary return programmes for migrants who manage to enter the two territories illegally and make improvements to government-run migrant reception centres. Spain’s cabinet set in motion the first royal succession of the country’s modern democratic era Tuesday by expediting legislation to enable Prince Felipe to ascend the throne abdicated by King Juan Carlos I. The cabinet adopted an emergency draft law and sent it to parliament a day after the 76-year-old king’s televised announcement that he would step down because of declining health and a need to rejuvenate the monarchy. Crown Prince Felipe said Wednesday he wants to promote Spain as a “united and diverse” nation when he takes over as king of the country struggling with 25 percent unemployment and Catalonian secessionist fervor. Felipe spoke publicly for the first time since being tapped to become king and was received by a standing ovation from sympathizers in an ancient monastery church in northeastern Spain. He was there to award a cultural prize to a 90-year-old Franciscan friar-historian. His wife Princess Letizia, a glamorous former television journalist dubbed the nation’s first “Middle Class Queen” by Spanish media, also attended. The prince said the country is going through “difficult times” that require Spaniards to put “the common good in front of special interests.” The crown prince will become King Felipe VI as early as June 18 following Monday’s announcement by King Juan Carlos that he will abdicate because his son is ready for the job and because the country needs new royal blood to lead it. The downward trend in the property market in Spain is drawing to a close and it is unemployment that is hindering a full recovery, according to the International Monetary Fund. With unemployment still hovering around 26% the real estate sector is unlikely to move into full recovery mode just yet. Economic improvements took hold in the second half of last year and continued in the first quarter of 2014 and the Spanish economy is now growing at its fastest pace since 2008. unemployment fell in the first quarter of 2014 and jobs, as measured by social security affiliations, increased by about 200,000 in April.


The TW Political Showcase with Brian Harrison

The Betrayal, The King and The Visionary.


hat a week in the Spanish press! King J.C. throws in the towel, Spanish central government sell off seven of its Atlantic islands to Repsol, meanwhile we quietly witness the uprising of Spain’s second democracy. Although the first two aforementioned subjects are very serious, perhaps the most important is the third one. Finally Spain can see a political organization who genuinely represent its citizens, as opposed to the sorry excuses who have comfortably see-sawed in and out of power since 1978. Last week in The P Files we looked at how the new Podemos party squeezed 1.2 million votes with little funding and barely no campaign. This week, we’ll outline ten of the party’s key policies.

The Ten Commandments of Podemos

1. 635 euro per month for everyone over 18 in Spain. Working or not, no questions asked. Where would this money come from? Pablo Iglesias, leader of Podemos, claims that after extensive calculations, that by simply taxing the national and multinational companies who currently elude paying taxes, that this would be possible. He also claims it would be a powerful, immediate stimulus to the economy.

2. Raise minimum salaries and pensions. 20% of Spainish people currently live below the poverty line. 3. Leave NATO. It costs more than the health service to be in that club. 4. Restore human rights (protests, housing, abortion). Reverse most of the PP’s laws passed over the last 18 months. 5. Stop repayments to bank bailout – nationalize banks. “It’s not OUR debt. The bank’s shareholders speculated. They lost. They should pay.” Fair point. 6. Retirement at 60 years. That would mean that young people could work, and retirement age people could, well, just retire. With a reasonable pension. 7. Limit high salaries in political sector and banks. No more multimillion payoffs for failed directors. 8. Tax multinationals. If small businesses have to pay tax, then the big boys have to as well. A level playing field. 9. Nationalize service companies. Telephone, water, gas and electricity with no shareholders. Why should someone benefit from the water which we drink? 10. Allow more regional and local self-determina-

tion. They would approve a referendum for Catalunyan independence. And allow other areas more control over their budgets. These propositions seem logical to some, radical to others. But the more you think about some of them.……? Another small, or perhaps not so small point is the party publish their accounts every day on their website. Even down to the purchase of a pens, bus tickets and phone bills. Very efficient. Next week, a look at Jose Manuel Soria, “The Man Who Sold The Canaries”.


Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014




iLVER COiNS recovered from the Spanish frigate Nuestra Senora de las mercedes by the Odyssey marine Exploration and displayed in madrid on November 30, 2012 Madrid: Thousands of gold and silver coins won in a court battle from US treasure hunters, who pulled them from a 19th-century shipwreck in a court battle have gone on display at a new exhibition at the Museum of

Subaquatic Archaeology in the southeastern Spanish city of Cartagena. The cargo from the Nuestra Senora de las Mercedes warship came to Spain in 2012 after a five-year legal battle with Odyssey, the US company who salvaged the booty, two centuries after it sank. British warships sank the Spanish naval vessel in 1804 off the coast of Portugal as it returned from Peru, part of the Spanish empire at the time. Odyssey Marine Exploration found it in May 2007

at a depth of 1,700 feet (518 meters) in the Atlantic. It features 8,000 coins - just a fraction of the estimated 580,000 found in the wreck - plus other precious artifacts. Spain’s junior culture minister Jose Maria Lasalle said at the inauguration: “It is an extraordinary collection. These cultural assets are the heritage of everyone, not the privilege of a few. “The recovery of the goods plundered from the archaeo-

logical site is an unprecedented international success in the fight to conserve underwater cultural heritage and the fight against illegal trafficking.” The treasure trove is believed to be worth at least 350 million euros The museum said in a statement that another 30,000 of the coins would later go on display at Madrid’s National Archaeological Museum and a further lot in the Madrid Naval Museum.


Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014





everal people have been arrested in a joint operation with french authorities to investigate suspected trafficking in illicit horsemeat. A Guardia Civil spokesperson who would not reveal how many arrests were made, said:

“Several people have been detained... and searches are under way in livestock farms, private estates, veterinary clinics and slaughterhouses around Spain”. Police believe the detainees are responsible for the “introduction of horses into various slaughterhouses in Spain with forged or altered identification and health documents, to make

meat for human consumption”. Several suspects were detained in France in December during similar investigations. The latest arrest continues the scandal across Europe last year after probes revealed horsemeat was mislabelled and sold as ready meals containing beef.



OODED YOUTHS have been causing havoc in Barcelona leading to 23 arrests after a fourth night of clashes with police.

dismantling of a popular social centre that had been run by squatters for 17 years. in all, 61 people have been arrested.

after a peaceful protest late last Thursday, about 60 youths began throwing stones, attacking stores and setting trash containers on fire in the central sants district. Police responded to the violence, which lasted three hours, by using a high-pitched horn to try to disperse the crowd and by firing foam bullets. The disturbances began after the

Fake Medicine Seized


EA LEVELS iN SPAiN might increase 7 meters before 2100. Based on data presented during the last intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (iPCC), Greenpeace has e hypothesized how Spain is considered one of the countries that would be specially affected by rising sea levels. According to this study, the sea defenses and coastal erosion of the iberian Peninsula are conditions conducive to the narrowing of its beaches and the disappearance of some dunes. Greenpeace representative Pilar Marcos explained that a rise of 1 cm in sea level causes the disappearance of 1 meter of beach. This way, if Arctic melting continues increasing its speed, sea levels will cause the subsidence of

700 meters of beach, resulting in a direct cost of 17 billion euros yearly from 2100 on for at least 27 countries in the European Union. Greenpeace has created a series of photomontages of iconic Spanish cities and how climate change could affect them. San Sebastian, Marbella or Benidorm are shown partially flooded under the fury of the sea. Nevertheless, the sea level is not the only forecast made by Greenpeace. They are also aware that maximum temperatures in Spain will increase from 5 to 8 ºC; that rainfalls will decrease, as well as the humidity level, while heat waves will became stronger and more common. These circumstances could lead to more storms, a higher risk of fires, the disappearance of several beaches, and a rise in electricity demand during summer. The environmental organization calls on the state for help and insists in the necessity of the Spanish Government to raise its voice during the Arctic Council.


PANiSH POLiCE OffiCERS have detained 17 suspects for allegedly selling over the internet, large quantities of fake medication made in Asia. According to the European Alliance for Access to Safe medicines, 62% of drugs bought on the internet in 2011 were fake. In a search of 136 packages found in airmail and luggage in Spanish airports, authorities seized nearly 420,000 fake pills including contraceptives, weight loss pills, vitamins,

steroids and pain killers. Police gave no estimate regarding the value of the pills The vast majority of the medication was made in China and India, but police also seized counterfeit medication from Malaysia, Colombia, Paraguay and the United States. police said in the statement. “The main goal of the operation is to raise public awareness of the risks that buying medicine from irregular sources entails,” Spanish police also gave international law enforcement agency Interpol the web addresses of 113 Internet sites that illegally distributed medicine.


Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014

Bamboo Towels & Sheets THEY are brand new to Tenerife; in fact, they are brand new to anywhere! You may not have heard of Bamboo towels or sheets before, but they are here and they are fabulous. Take an opportunity to discover the benefits of having bamboo bath towels. Picture yourself getting out of the bath or shower and wrapping yourself in pure heaven, in possibly the softest bath towel ever. Bamboo towels allow you to dry yourself off quickly due to their premium absorbent properties while also giving you the luxurious feeling of the softest fabric you have ever felt against your body. Imagine sleeping on pure heaven, now you can with the amazing Bamboo sheets that are now also available in a selection of different colours. Experience the ultimate in sleep comfort. Pure cotton can often feel a bit rough to the touch; not only will you find that the towels are exceptionally soft and absorbent, but you will also find that they are durable for everyday use. They are also perfect for people who want to maintain a hygienic environment, because they

are naturally odour resistant due to the fibres fast-drying characteristics. So say goodbye to that disgusting mildew smell you get from other towels from time to time, and bathe in serenity. Bamboo fabric is created from the bamboo pulp and is 100% biodegradable. It is also anti-bacterial and hypoallergenic; bamboo is naturally antibacterial and resists mould, mildew, fungi and dust mites. These properties remain intact, making it suitable for those with eczema, hyper-sensitive skin or hay fever caused by dust mite. Even better news is that bamboo fabric require less frequent washing, it needs no more than a 30ËšC wash and dries in half the time of cotton. Tumble dry low and remove from dryer as soon as it stops to avoid unnecessary creasing. The only place that actually stocks these delicious items is Antiquities Tenerife in Las Chafiras. The have stock in three different colours, soft brown, grey and aubergine. Pop in and see them and feel the difference for yourself.



Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014





RimE miNiSTER mARiANO Rajoy announced last monday that King Juan Carlos has decided to abdicate after 39 years on the throne, and will hand over to his son, felipe on the 18th of June, subject to a majority approval from Parliament. in a televised speech Pm Rajoy said: “It is time to hand over to a new generation — younger, with a lot of energy — that can, with determination, take on and carry out the changes that the current situation demands, and to face with intensity and determination the challenges of tomorrow.” Crown Prince Felipe, 46, will succeed his father, Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy announced in nationally televised address. Rajoy did not offer a reason for the King’s planned abdication, though he vaguely claimed that the abdication had come at “the right time”. King Juan Carlos, 76 has been lauded as a hero by Spain for much of his reign and his held in high regard for his service to

the nation and his defense of democracy after the death of the dictator Francisco Franco in 1975. His finest hour was his decisive stand to halt a right-wing military coup in 1981, when he went on television to say that the monarchy would not tolerate attempts to interrupt democracy by force. However the King’s popularity took a hit in 2012 over a controversial elephant hunting trip to Africa while the nation was mired in a deep economic crisis. Other recent scandals have also damaged the monarchy’s image. Princess Cristina, the King’s youngest daughter, is caught up in a tax fraud and money laundering investigation. She and her husband, Inaki Urdangarin, have denied any wrongdoing over his business dealings and the alleged diversion of public funds. There have been open calls for the King to abdicate in favour of Felipe, who is seen as untouched by the scandals. However, within the last few days over 100,000 protesters took to the streets throughout Spain’s main cities, demanding a referendum to con-

Sith Lord Is A Metal Knight


E’S PLAYED the Prince of Darkness Count Dracula, Lord Summerisle in The Wicker man, White Wizard Saruman, Scaramanga and Sith Lord Count Dooku among many others in his incredibly long and distinguished career, now, Sir Christopher Lee has released a new heavy metal album to coincide with his 92nd birthday.

Lee started performing metal 10 years ago when he worked with the Italian

symphonic metal band, Rhapsody Of Fire. Metal Knight is his latest mini album featuring seven tracks, two of which are covers from the Man Of La Mancha musical which is based on the character Don Quixote. Sir Christopher said: “As far as I am concerned, Don Quixote is the most metal fictional character that I know. Single-handed, he is trying to change the world, regardless of any personal consequences. It is a wonderful character to sing. I associate heavy metal with fantasy because of the tremendous power that the music delivers,” He has uploaded a YouTube video in

which he explains the songs, including The Impossible Dream and My way, popularised by Frank Sinatra. In June 2010, he received the Spirit of Metal awards at the Golden Gods Awards from Black Sabbath’s Tony Iommi for his work in Charlemagne: By the Sword and the Cross and his contribution to metal themes on the silver screen. Last Christmas, his rendition of Jingle Hell (Bells) achieved number 18 in the Billboard Charts, making him the oldest performer - at 91 - ever to chart. The Force is definitely strong with this one!

tinue as a kingdom or to halt the Spanish monarchy and revert to a Republic. Mariano Rajoy has emphatically stated that he would never allow such a referendum. Juan Carlos was born in Rome in 1938 and moved to Spain when he was 10. In Franco’s Spain, he carried out military training and became the first Spanish officer to hold the rank of lieutenant in all three branches of the military. In 1969, he was invested as Crown Prince and the designated successor to Franco. On Nov. 22, 1975 — two days after Franco’s death — Juan Carlos was crowned King of Spain, restoring the monarchy after a 44-year interregnum. In 1977, he enacted political reforms that led to Spain’s first democratic election since 1936. The King and Queen Sofia had three children and numerous grandchildren.


HiS fORGED note isn’t fooling anyone, but it could be the cutest forgery ever! We’re not sure the teacher’s going to be fooled by the ‘parent signature’ on this letter, the form, which was signed Mommy, was uploaded to Imgur by the parent of the five-yearold who forged it. The user wrote:

‘My 5-year-old’s attempt to forge my signature. Nailed it,’ It’s not known why the youngster decided to copy his mum’s signature but assumedly it was because they were in some kind of trouble. The next time they forge a letter they should probably ditch the hearts – but we’ll forgive them this time as they’re only five.


Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014


rIp – rock In peace


his old lady is not enjoying an afternoon nap in her rocking chair... she’s dead. Georgina Chervony Lloren who died of natural causes, was positioned in her beloved rocking chair for her

own funeral! Lloren, 80, was put on display at her wake in Puerto Rico. She was placed in her favourite red-cushioned rocking chair and was dressed in her wedding gown from her second marriage 32 years ago. Marin Funeral Home, a firm that specialises in strange funeral requests,

organised the morbid send-off after Georgina herself came up with the idea. The firm in the past have memorialised a murdered boxer by placing him in a makeshift boxing ring, and paid tribute to another person by positioning them on their motorcycle.



family in Texas claim to have captured a live chupacabra, the mythical creature has supposedly terrorized livestock by draining blood in large parts of South America and the US, with more isolated encounters worldwide…including Tenerife Jackie Stock and her husband Bubba discovered a growling, hairless animal in their back garden. Bubba captured the wrinkly beast and locked it in a cage to allow friends and neighbours to take a look at the anima as well as feeding and watering the strange creature. Jackie said: “We were just trying to figure out what it is because we’ve never seen anything like it before, he [Bubba] called me to come and look, and I said ‘Bubba that looks like a baby chupacabra’.” Neighbour Arlen Parma is convinced the animal is a chupacabra. Parma said: “I hunted racoons for 20 years with dogs and I ain’t ever seen anything that looks like that right there.” Descriptions of chupacabra sightings have varied, but many who claim to have seen the cryptid say it closely resembles a coyote but with a skinny body covered in matted patches of hair, the first sightings were reported in Puerto Rico as early as 1995, however a wildlife expert claims that this animal is more likely to be a dog, fox or coyote with mange. In February another Texas family claimed to have caught and killed a chupacabra, although local wildlife experts were not convinced.


Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014



WOmAN SEEKiNG revenge on a romantic rival smashed the windows of her South Philadelphia home and dumped a box of live white rats inside, Officer Christine O’Brien said: “I’d have to say this is a first.” The raging rodent wrangler and about eight other women friends used a baseball bat to break the windows of her

competitor in a long-running dispute over a man, and tossed the rats inside at about 11 p.m. Wednesday in the Grays Ferry neighborhood, Philadelphia police said. The gang also punched the 30-year-old victim, inflicting cuts and bruises, and stole her purse containing identification and about $200, police said. Sounds like she needs caging… maybe they could put a giant water bottle on the side of her cell?


Meet The Snakepillar


HiS CATERPiLLAR has a cunning disguise, it’s large green juicy body makes it a desirable target for any number of hungry predators in the jungles of Costa Rica, but as soon as one gets close they get a nasty shock, suddenly that defenceless grub is a vicious looking snake!!

The neon-green bug confuses enemies by tucking in its legs and ex-

panding the end of its body – which has markings that look like the face of a dangerous reptile, in fact it will even act like a snake, pretending to strike if approached. Prof Daniel Janzen, a biologist from the University of Pennsylvania, who has spent his life tracking caterpillars in Central America since 1978 said: ‘To normal people, this caterpillar might look weird and scary – but for me, it’s just a walk in the park. Every caterpillar in Costa Rica looks like some-

thing else – be it a leaf, twig or, in this case, a slithering snake. Over the years, I’ve seen and photographed so many different types of bugs, I’m never surprised – but they always interest me.’ the caterpillar is part of the Hemeroplanes family and it’s disguise is designed to ward of predators while it is in its larval stage, before it grows into a moth. It can strike like a snake but unfortunately, it can’t bite.

energy Drinks Linked To Depression


ED BULL GiVES YOU WiNGS. But, unfortunately along with all other energy drinks, Red Bull also might facilitate substance use and depression among teenagers. Based on data from 2012 Student Drug Use Survey, which polled more than 8,000

junior and senior highschool students in Canada, researchers at the University of Waterloo have recently located strong associations between teenage energy drink consumption and use of drugs and alcohol, as well as problems of depression. Sunday Azagba, the study’s lead author: “While it remains unclear why these associations exist, the trend is a concern because of the high rate of consumption among teenagers. These drinks appeal to young people because of their temporary benefits like increased alertness,

improved mood and enhanced mental and physical energy. Marketing campaigns appear designed to entice youth and young adults, it’s a dangerous combination, especially for those at an increased risk for substance abuse.” Azagba and other public health researchers say the associations are alarming given the growing prevalence of energy drink usage among teens. Two-thirds of the high schoolers surveyed reported drinking the canned beverages -- some of the most popular being Monster, Red Bull, and 5-Hour-Energy. It’s this heavy use among young people that has helped propel a once small-but-burgeoning

industry into the major leagues. Industry sales recently eclipsed $20 billion in the U.S. alone. No direct causation between energy drink use and substance abuse or depression has been shown, but these beverages have been linked to more direct health problems, such as cardiovascular symptoms, sleep impairment and nervousness, as well as nausea. Monster, Red Bull, and 5-Hour-Energy have all been served with wrongful death suits, and the FDA has instigated investigations into links between energy drinks and potentially fatal health risks. The study was published in the latest edition of the journal Preventive Medicine.


Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014


ChaLLenging Puzzle

easY Puzzle

sudoku every sudoku has a unique solution that can be reached logically.

enter numbers into the blank spaces so that each row, column and 3 x 3 box contains the numbers 1 to 9.

Answers to the SUDOKU are on page 2.


Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014



BGV – Britain’s Got Vampires


TWO-LEGGED robot containing bolts... can run faster than Usain Bolt and can even dodge obstacles has been unveiled by researchers. The speed machine - named Raptor was created by the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (Kaist) , it has a balancing tail and blade legs similar to those used by amputee athletes. The metal marvel can reach a top speed of 28.58mph (45.99kph) - faster than Bolt’s record-breaking 27.44mph (44.16kph) sprint. The fastest robot in the world, the Boston Dynamics Cheetah can sprint at more than 29mph, but has four legs rather than the Raptor’s two. Researchers were inspired by velociraptors, the dinosaurs that chased down prey in packs, attacking with razor-sharp claws, hence the name! At the moment it can only run on a treadmill, the Raptor uses one motor per leg and relies on an Achilles tendon system for shock absorption and energy recovery during motion. It is made of lightweight composite material and weighs about 12kg.


CCORDiNG TO Dr Emyr Williams, Britain’s got vampires....lots of em and he won’t be inviting them out for a drink. The psychologist is investigating the ‘underground network’ of 15,000 real-life vampires who gather in secret to suck blood from willing volunteers.

He aims to shed light – although literally could get messy – on members of a subculture he claims is ‘fascinating and all very real,’ He said: ‘Vampires are a group of people who drink blood, but their well-established laws mean they know who it can and can’t be taken from, for example, Sanguine vampires receive blood from willing donors who they can only cut on certain parts of the body, and they are

forbidden from taking too much. There are also Psychic and Hybrid vampires, blood donors, role-players and enthusiasts who are part of the community.’ Dr Williams, of Glyndwr University in Wrexham, added: ‘I don’t want to label them as mad or bad. They’re just people we need to know more about.’ Sucker.

franklin flies A Kite O

N JUNE 10th 1752, Benjamin franklin went out to fly a kite during an electrical storm. When lightening struck the kite in the midst of the thunderstorm he collected a charge in a Leyden jar enabling him to demonstrate the electrical nature of lightning. franklin became interested in electricity in the mid-1740s, when much was still unknown on the topic, and spent almost a decade conducting electrical experiments, as well as coin-

ing a number of terms used today, including battery, conductor and electrician. He also invented the lightning rod, used to protect buildings and ships. Franklin was born on January 17, 1706, in Boston, to a candle and soap maker named Josiah Franklin, who fathered 17 children, and his wife Abiah Folger. Although his formal education ended at age 10 Franklin became a classic American over-achiever. A successful businessman, whose publishing ventures included the Pennsylvania

Gazette and Poor Richard’s Almanack, a collection of homespun proverbs advocating hard work and honesty in order to get ahead. The almanac included such wisdom as: “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” In addition to his accomplishments in business and science, he is noted for his numerous civic contributions. Among other things, he developed a library, insurance company, city hospital and academy in Philadelphia that would later become the University of Pennsylvania. Of course Franklin was also one of the founding fathers of the United States and

had a career as a statesman that spanned four decades. He served as a legislator in Pennsylvania as well as a diplomat in England and France. He is the only politician to have signed all four documents fundamental to the creation of the U.S.: the Declaration of Independence (1776), the Treaty of Alliance with France (1778), the Treaty of Paris (1783), which established peace with Great Britain, and the U.S. Constitution (1787). Franklin died at age 84 on April 17, 1790, in Philadelphia. He remains one of the leading figures in U.S. history.

Tenerife Weekly 2014 World


Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014


GROUP A 12/06 21:00 Brazil ….. Croatia ….. 13/06 17:00 Mexico ….. Cameroon ….. 17/06 20:00 Brazil ….. Mexico ….. 18/06 23:00 Cameroon …… Croatia ….. 23/06 21:00 Cameroon …… Brazil …… 23/06 21:00 Croatia ….. Mexico



13/06 20:00 Spain ….. Nederlands …..

14/06 17:00 Columbia …

13/06 23:00 Chile ….. Australia …..

15/06 14:00 Ivory Coast …

18/06 17:00 Australia ….. Nederlands …..

19/06 17:00 Columbia …..

18/06 20:00 Spain ….. Chile …..

19/06 23:00 Japan …..


23/06 17:00 Australia ….. Spain …..

24/06 21:00 Japan …..

15/06 17:00 Switzerland …. Equador ….

23/06 17:00 Nederlands ….. Chile ….

15/06 20:00 France ….. Honduras …… 20/06 20:00 Switzerland …. France ….. 20/06 23:00 Honduras ….. Equador ….. 25/06 21:00 Honduras …. Switzerland …. 25/06 21:00 Equador ….. France …...

24/06 21:00 Greece ….. Iv GROUP G


16/06 17:00 Germany ….

15/06 23:00 Argentina …. Bos –Herce 16/06 20:00 Iran….. Nigeria ……

16/06 23:00 Ghana….

21/06 17:00 Argentina ….. Iran…..

21/06 20:00 Germany …

21/06 23:00 Nigeria …. Bos-Herce

22/06 23:00 USA …… Po

25/06 17:00 Nigeria ….. Argentina …..

26/06 17:00 Portugal …

26/06 17:00 USA ….. Ge

25/06 17:00 Bos-Herce ….. Iran ….. LAST 16 28/06 17:00


1A 2B

04/07 21:00 Quarter-Fiinal


28/06 21:00 1C 2D 30/06 17:00

08/07 21:00 Semi –Final

09/07 21:00 Semi-Final

1E 2F 30/06 21:00 1G 2H

04/07 17:00 Quarter-Final

3rd/4th Playoff 12/07 21:00



Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014



HERE’S NOTHiNG like a proper American style burger, thick meaty, smothered in melted cheese, and depending on your tastes, stacked up with any number of extras like onions, pickles, lettuce, tomato, bacon etc. and dripping with your favourite sauce!

If the above description has you salivating, then Hard Rock is for you! The US restaurant giant only recently came to Tenerife, according to Wikipedia, Hard Rock Cafe International, Inc. is a chain of theme restaurants founded in 1971 by Americans Isaac Tigrett and Peter Morton in London. It was only in 1979, that the cafe began covering its walls with rock and roll memorabilia, a tradition which expanded to others in the chain. In 2007, Hard Rock was sold to the Seminole Tribe of Florida, and is headquartered in Orlando, Florida. there are currently around 175 Hard

Rock locations in 53 countries with the largest in Orlando. HRC Tenerife provides you with everything you would expect from a big successful US restaurant chain, quality and style and a confidence that is gained by knowing you are doing things properly! Situated near the Safari Centre and opposite the dancing fountains, you can’t miss it’s iconic electric guitar shaped sign, we went on a Sunday at about 7.30pm, as it was a weekend we were anticipating a wait for a table but pleasantly surprised to be shown straight to our seats, although there was no show so that may explain why. The staff are abundant, polite, attentive and a little bit Rock and Roll! Our waiter Eduardo took our drink orders and whispered conspiratorially to me when I discreetly mentioned that it was my pregnant wife’s birthday, that he would arrange something! We started with a round of cocktails which were in the 7-8 euro price range

and were delicious and from such a varied list. We shared a combo starter which consisted of buffalo wings with a choice of sauce, potato skins, chicken goujons, spring rolls and onion rings at 18 euros, which sounds steep for a starter, but all 4 of us got to try it all so it’s actually pretty reasonable. There’s quite an extensive menu but when it came to our main we all opted for a burger cooked to our preference, as ever being a spice maniac I went for an S.O.B burger and it was everything I had anticipated even though it beat me and I ended up taking most of it home with me. At the end of the meal a number of the staff came over to the table with a fudge brownie and a candle to sing happy birthday! It was a great evening, I’d definitely go back, probably for a special occasion and I’d very much like to go on a night when a show is on.... Watch this space!



Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014



Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014



Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014


Cup Wall Chart www.tenerife-weekly.com

Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014


GROUP D 14/06 20:00 Uruguay ….. Costa Rica ….. 14/06 23:00 ENGLAND ….. Italy ….. 19/06 20:00 Uruguay ….. ENGLAND

….. Greece …..

….. Japan ….. Ivory Coast ….

20/06 17:00 Italy ….. Costa Rica ….. 24/06 17:00 Costa Rica ….. ENGLAND …. 24/06 17:00 Italy ….. Uruguay …..

. Greece …..

sunday 8th June. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .vivo sunday Carvery


vory Coast …..

12/06 21:00 Brazil ….. Croatia …..

.. USA……

….. Ghana ……

ortugal …….

monday 9th June. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . decades spectacular

13/06 17:00 Mexico ….. Cameroon ….. 17/06 20:00 Brazil ….. Mexico ….. 18/06 23:00 Cameroon …… Croatia ….. 23/06 21:00 Cameroon …… Brazil …… 23/06 21:00 Croatia ….. Mexico

Thursday 12th June . . . . . . . . . . . .decades spectacular friday 13th June . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bitter & Twisted experience saturday 14th June . . . . . . . . . . . .variety night sunday 15th June. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .vivo sunday Carvery monday 16th June. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .decades spectacular Thursday 19th June . . . . . . . . . . . .decades spectacular friday 20th June . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bitter & Twisted experience saturday 21st June . . . . . . . . . . . . variety night sunday 22nd June. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .vivo sunday Carvery monday 23rd June. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .decades spectacular

….. Ghana……

Thursday 26th June . . . . . . . . . . . .decades spectacular

ermany …...

7 21:00 Quarter-Final

friday 6th June . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bitter & Twisted experience saturday 7th June . . . . . . . . . . . . .variety night

. Greece …..

.. Portugal ….

June 2014


friday 27th June . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bitter & Twisted experience saturday 28th June . . . . . . . . . . . . variety night

LAST 16 29/06 17:00

sunday 29th June. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .vivo sunday Carvery monday 30th June. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .decades spectacular

July 2014


Thursday 3rd July . . . . . . . . . . . . . decades spectacular


friday 4th July . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted experience

29/06 21:00

Thursday 10th July . . . . . . . . . . . .decades spectacular


friday 11th July . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bitter & Twisted experience

01/07 17:00 1F

sunday 13th July. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .vivo sunday Carvery Thursday 17th July . . . . . . . . . . . .decades spectacular

01/07 21:00


saturday 12th July . . . . . . . . . . . . variety night monday 14th July. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .decades spectacular



sunday 6th July. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .vivo sunday Carvery monday 7th July. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .decades spectacular


7 17:00 Quarter-Final

saturday 5th July . . . . . . . . . . . . variety night

friday 18th July . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bitter & Twisted experience saturday 19th July . . . . . . . . . . . . variety night


Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014




‘Jurassic World’ Director Colin Trevorrow Talks New Plot Details and Leaks.


fTER A SERiES of leaks last week about the upcoming “Jurassic Park” sequel starring Chris Pratt, Judy Greer, Bryce Dallas Howard, Jake Johnson, Omar Sy, Vincent D’Onofrio and irrfan Khan director Colin Trevorrow (“Safety Not Guaranteed”) has clarified what’s rumor and what’s real! This film picks up twentytwo years after “Jurassic Park.” The leak involved a storyline where a dinosaur with

the spliced DNA of a T Rex, velociraptor, snake and erm cuttlefish ??? is created due to corporate greed for something bigger and better to show visitors to the park - now called Jurassic World). But surprise surprise the hybrid beast escapes and causes havoc. The director had this to say: “Yes. Jurassic World takes place in a fully functional park on Isla Nublar. It sees more than 20,000 visitors every day. You arrive by ferry from Costa Rica. It has elements of a biological preserve, a safari, a zoo, and a theme park. There is a luxury resort with hotels, restaurants, nightlife and a golf course. And

there are dinosaurs. Real ones.” On when this new film is set, and what the world’s like: “What if, despite previous disasters, [in this world] they built a new biological preserve where you could see dinosaurs walk the earth…and what if people were already kind of over it? We imagined a teenager texting his girlfriend with his back to a T-Rex behind protective glass. For us, that image captured the way much of the audience feels about the movies themselves. “We’ve seen CG dinosaurs. What else you got?” Next year, you’ll see our answer.” On whether there will be a

Is Walter White really Dead?


mC’s “Breaking Bad,” has barely finished but fans refuse to accept we’ve seen the last of Heisenberg

In a recent interview the incredible Bryan Cranston addressed the possibility that Walter might not be as dead as he seemed in the finale, teasingly saying “You never saw a bag zip up or anything …” When asked whether Walter was definitively dead, he coyly responded, “I don’t

know,” and when pressed about a potential return to the character in a movie or some other medium, Cranston offered, “Never say never, let’s just say that.” What makes this all the more exciting is there is a legitimate way for Walter White to return to our screens without coming back from the dead - AMC is currently developing a spin-off to “Breaking Bad” — “Better Call Saul,” a prequel that will be set before the events of the hit drama. Though the series will center

around the less-than-savory activities of Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk), lawyer to Albuquerque’s criminal underworld, its prequel status means that returns for Cranston and “Breaking Bad” co-star Aaron Paul are a real possibility, after all if both actors are willing,what writer will be able to resist the chance to revisit such rich characters as Walt and Jessie? “Better Call Saul” will premiere on AMC in November 2014.

new breed of dinosaur introduced: “We were hoping audiences could discover this on their own, but yes, there will be one new dinosaur created by the park’s geneticists. The gaps in her sequence were filled with DNA from other species, much like the genome in the first film was completed with frog DNA. This creation exists to fulfil a corporate mandate—they want something bigger, louder, with more teeth.” Maybe they could genetically engineer a giant budgerigar to battle the prehistoric cuttlefish.



ROm “OLDBOY” to really old boy, Josh Brolin has been cast as the villainous Thanos in marvel’s “Guardians of the Galaxy.” Co-starring Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana and Bradley Cooper, “Guardians” is based on the marvel comic series and tells the story of a super-

hero team fighting to save the world.

Thanos, first appeared in the post-credits scene in “The Avengers,” is a major villain in the Marvel universe and is also expected to appear in one, if not both, of the upcoming “Avengers” sequels, Guardians director director James Gunn said: “We’re definitely tied to ‘Avengers 3,’”

Blind Luck


NYONE WHOSE BEEN to a cinema recently will know that being cast as a superhero can launch or relaunch an actors career like nothing else...want proof? Well hello mr Jackman (Wolverine), it’s a pleasure mr Hemsworth (Thor) and it’s been too long mr Downey Jr (iron man). The latest wannabe, whose hoping his recent hero casting sends him soaring through the stratosphere is Boardwalk Empire actor Charlie Cox, who has won the role of Matt Murdock — better known as the blind superhero Daredevil from Marvel — in the upcoming 13-episode Netflix drama. OK, so Netflix may not quite be “The Avengers” but it’s still quite an opportunity, especially as Marvel can really do no wrong at the moment! Apart the casting of the lead in the highly anticipated new series, there have been a few other changes, showrunner Drew Goddard (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Lost) left his post and was replaced by Steven S. DeKnight, though he will remain an executive producer as he reportedly focuses on the Sinister Six spin-off from The Amazing Spider-Man.

Neighbors Showing daily at 15:30 hr - 96 min

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Seth Rogen , Rose Byrne, Zac Efron, Dave Franco, Christopher Mintz-Plasse information Correct at time of going to press. Check our facebook page or contact the cinema for further information.

Tel: 922 713 858

A couple with a newborn baby face unexpected difficulties after they are forced to live next to a fraternity house.


Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014





man, called Ong, didn’t quite get what he had bargained for when he ordered a manhood enlarger. The malaysian man paid a hundred p o u n d s for the contraption that was going to make his little dream

become a big reality. When the miracle device arrived in the post, it turned out to be a 5 quid magnifying glass. The magnifier also came with safety instructions that said it shouldn’t be used in direct sunlight. The Malaysian customer services complaints department is investigating the incident.



HEN i WAS a kid my parents bought me a portable cassette recorder. i was obsessed with it. i thought it was wonderful. They were new on the market and i recorded everything that i could. Today, i have thrown out a pile of cassette tapes after transferring the music and recordings onto the computer. i was sad to see them go but there is a limit to the amount of rubbish that one house can hold. my partner and i are hoarders. Here are some of the items that we have all been obsessed with but no longer use. 1. Rubic Cube. I never managed to complete mine, even with the written instructions. 2. Floppy Discs. I can’t imagine how they were ever big enough to store information on3. Polaroid Instamatic Cameras. What a load of old rubbish they were. The photo was the size of a postage stamp. You had to stand there flapping it around in the air to dry it out 4. Chopper Bike. I spent most of my time on the floor. The bike wasn’t very well balanced. 5. Clackers. Two hard plas-

tic balls on string that had a clacking sound as they banged together. If they didn’t band together you got a broken wrist. They were banned when half of the child population ended up in hospital. 6. Answerphones. Who needs one? I don’t exactly know how 10 years ago we needed a piece of equipment bigger than the phone itself and now the phone does it all for youShortly, Car Keys will be a thing of the past. There are already some cars that have other methods of opening them and starting up the engine. I love the old stuff and some of it didn’t really need to go. People will go soon. Google has been testing the driverless car. People can be seen trolling around the roads in this new driverless vehicle. I wonder what the next ten years hold in store for us. One thing is for sure …. I won’t be getting on a pilotless plane!

ON YOUr feeT A

s i write this, the state opening of parliament has just finished and it appears that one of the Young page boys that was carrying the queen’s train fainted during the speech right next to where Camilla and Charles were sat. Neither of them got up to help. Instead they just leant forward and make a bit of a gesture as if to lend a hand. If that had been Princess Diana sat next to the poor lad, she would have jumped to her feet and helped the boy to his feet. What’s more, she would have sent for a glass of water

too. Where is the compassion in our Royal Family these days. I have never heard a single one of them talk with a passion about anything except trees, architechture and horses. It would have been a real boon of a moment if Camilla had thought to run to his rescue and show a bit of kindliness. Never mind, a missed opportunity for the Audrey Roberts lookalike. At least the Spanish Royal Family, including the King, aren’t afraid to cry in public and laugh out loud. Long live the King. I hope he has a happy retirement.



iD YOU NOTiCE the chummy conversation that was going on between David Cameron and Ed milliband as they walked to the house of Lords on Wednesday morning. They looked like they really like each other. Could all this shouting and bawling be a great big con. Are we being led by a group of people who are in a reality tv show. The house of commons probably has Brian Dowling or Davina Macall hiding behind the speaker’s chair. Every now and then one of the MPs gets evicted from the house by the speaker and they

even have a vote amongst the others to decide the MPs fate. I bet David and Ed share a bijou flat in the heart of the city

and watch Happy Valley together over a 12 inch pizza and a couple of bottles of beer.

TO Bee Or NOT TO Bee one minuTe s c i e n t i s t s are telling us that bees are disappearing and the next they tell us that a european bee is taking hold in the uk. surely an insect that pollinates our plants is a good thing when honey bees are dying in their hives. You just don’t know what to believe anymore!


Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014


At Least She’s Still Got Class!


ATiE PRiCE shows us what Rainbow Brite would look like if she ever went on the game in her first public appearance since her husband’s affair with her best friend was revealed. Price was left devastated when she discovered his affair

with her best friend of 20-years, Jane Pountney.

Price has stayed out of the public eye since discovering that Kieran Hayler, her husband of all of five months had cheated on her, but her low profile looks to be well and truly over, after coming out in this technicolor nightmare! Promoting a hair dye removal product called ColourB4 of which

she is a global ambassador, at the Worx studios in London, 36 year old pregnant Price looked like she was a casualty of an explosion in a Dulux factory! Her hair was covered with a garish wig but “the twins” were out for everyone to see in a pink uplifting and embellished leotard which had rainbow streamers hanging from it and was barely held together with an orange gerbora brooch.

Question One: In photographic terms, what do the letters SLR in front of the word camera stand for?

Question Two: What West End street, site of the first-ever boutique, became synonymous with London’s “Swinging Sixties”?

Question Three: Majorca, Minorca, and Ibiza belong to which group of Mediterranean islands? Question four: The name of Saigon was changed in 1976 on the reunification of Vietnam. What is it now called? Question five: Fremantle is the ocean port of which Australian state’s

capital city?

Question Six: What society, often thought to be mysterious, was founded in 1717 with the Grand Lodge of London?

Question Seven: According to legend, how many knights sat at the Round Table at the court of King Arthur?

Question Eight: What is the collective term for a group of whales? Question Nine: Who said “I have nothing to declare but my genius.”? Question Ten: What liquid is produced by the lacrymal glands? Question Eleven: In what language was the New Testament originally written?

Like a street-walking Dorothy she threw on a pair of red glittery heels and wore a headband with promotional images stuck into it, in the fashion of a tiara. On Twitter, she wrote: ‘I’m really excited to be the new face for @colourb4 #colourb4reveal. What’s important for me, is keeping sane’ Katie is apparently still in touch with Jane Pountney and said:

‘I didn’t know what he was going to say and I was too concerned about my unborn child to care, frankly. Let’s just say that even in ‘coming clear’ to the press Kieran still wasn’t telling the full truth not even close!’ Her not so private life may be full of darkness but at least she’s colorful on the outside. Above are some of Katie’s other best, worst outfits.


Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014




UCCULENTS ARE BEAUTifUL and almost indestructable. So very easy to take care of, easily propagated,don ‘t need much water and are cheap. They come in so many colours textures and varieties that it’s almost hard to keep count. Commonly known as ‘fat plants’ as they have some parts of the plant that are more than normally thickened and fleshy. These are the parts that retain water to cope with dry climate and soil conditions. The absolute perfect plant for the forgetful gardener.

Most succulents prefer warm tempratures and are not able to withstand freezing conditions . Lack of water and sunlight results in clour change making them dull and drab in appearance. Too much water and they go spongy in texture and rot . No wonder this island is covered with them ...such perfect growing conditions. Shapes and sizes of succulents are as varied and endless as their colours. Blue-green, pink, red, yellow, white, burgundy, almost blacks and even variegated but a few, many having enticing “touch me” quality to their leaves, that may be rounded, needle-like,berrylike, ruffled or even spiky. Some have smooth leaves, some downy with soft silvery hairs, some spiky or with rows of “teeth”. They can range from clusters that fit into the palm of your hand to those that are like footballs, or the height of a tree. You can even find those that can sprawl or trail like cats tails, and are ideal for ground coverage in your garden, or to be seen draping from hanging baskets. Most succulents are grown for their beautiful and architectural foliage but there are also some that produce equally eye-catching flowers that can bloom lasting several weeks. If you already own a succulent and would like more of the same species then propagating is child’s play. They practically do it for themselves. Simply break off a leaf,or preferably use a sterile knife to make a clean cut when removing the leaf. This will prevent any fungal infection to either leaf or plant. The plant will “bleed”a little from the break but will over the course of a couple of days dry and heal over...do not water a succulent that has an open wound otherwise it will cause the plant to rot. Let the leaves you have removed dry out for a couple of days....just place on a piece of kitchen roll and put to one side. After which either lay on top or stand upright on/in succulent soil...no need for rooting hormone even. Though i have heard a little tip that dipping the leaf in honey before laying/standing out works wonders. Roots will soon appear finding their own way into the soil. At this point


they will need a little very light watering. Succulents do make for a practically mess free perfect house plant, and as some species are so small and cute planted alone in a small pot could make an ideal gift . Why you could even chalk paint the pot and write your own message upon it or even the recipients name. Another idea for the home would be to plant a terrarium using succulents, they can be very stylish and look good in any room in the home. What’s more creating your own is child’s play too. Why not throw in the odd cacti they go really well together. Although glass containers are commonly used as terrariums almost any vessel will do to plant your succulents in. Hunt around your home for ideas. Those odd teacups, jewellery box, fruit bowl, wine glass (in fact glasses of any shape or size) an old cigar box or fish tank or bowl. A favourite of mine is to use one of those glass cheese or cake dishes with the glass dome lids. The base being so easy to access for planting and once the lid is then placed on your arrangement of plants etc. it looks truly professional. Once you have found your vessel simply layer roughly 2” of pea gravel at the bottom then add a layer of potting or cacti soil according to depth shape of your vessel. Don’t worry if you only have a very shallow dish...they can survive on so little soil. Now your ready to add your plants by digging in gently or simply lying on top to find their own rootage. Once finished with planting your arrangement you then add a thin layer of sand, completing with your personal choice of pebbles, glass stones, driftwood etc. Its a great way to introduce your kids to gardening too and they’re not going to end up tramping through your home in muddy boots looking like proteges for the latest washpowder advert. Potting their own little gifts for teacher /mum/ dad/nanny or friends will produce a proud little twinkle in their eyes and out of mischief for a while. So minimum maintenance, you don’t have to be a gifted gardener and inexpensive. No excuse not to bring the green in to your home or garden at all.


Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014


They’re Singing It’s All Over..It Is Now!

Aquarius 20 January to 18 february

With mars now forging ahead in your travel and adventure sector, thoughts of faraway places and exotic climes may fill your head. however, you might want to consider a journey of the mind as you explore a new subject, learn a skill, or earn a qualification. anything that expands your horizons can bring bigger opportunities down the line. mercury rewinds in your lifestyle sector, so check that your antivirus software is up to date and keep an eye on important documents and files in case they disappear.

Pisces 19 february to 20 march

The saying that true love never did run smooth might have been spoken during a mercury retrograde period, like the one starting this week. as it also occurs in your romance sector, you might need to take things in stride over the next three weeks or so. a passionate influence might entice you to overcome your nerves and commit to a date anyway. There is lots of fun to be had despite any unexpected events that could test your resolve.

Aries 21 march to 19 april

money news has uplifting potential and business affairs seem to be in a good place. however, it helps to research your options on Wednesday, when you could miss the best deal or misread someone’s signals. as mercury rewinds from saturday, the coming weeks could be ripe for electronic malfunctions and unexpected setbacks on the home front. however, it’s just as likely that you can resolve an issue that’s been ongoing for some time. There’s the potential for a lucrative deal to show up on sunday.

Taurus 20 april to 20 may

Though your energy level may waver, it seems your goals are on target this week, helping you to accomplish many things. along with this, there could be news that lifts your spirits, as a positive blend of energies hints at a small windfall. despite mercury’s retrograde, you can achieve a lot and you won’t have to go far from your neighborhood to do so. Passion may be aroused on sunday. an intense influence could encourage you to share your feelings and take things to a more committed level.

Gemini 21 may to 21 June

sensual feelings make you eager to please others, particularly as a partner’s support may be important this week. meanwhile, as mercury regresses in your personal financial sector, this may be a sign that it’s time to review your options. Consider consolidating and reorganizing debts to avoid stress and increase earning potential. Later in the week you may find that misdirected energy could upset a friendship. exchange words of encouragement and peace instead. if you’re feeling generous, treat someone special to a lovely dinner.

Cancer 22 June to 22 July

a new project may get the stamp of success, as early news concerning it seems encouraging and promising. if you have a new idea to sell, now is the time to promote it, as positive influences hint that friends and key people in your life may be willing to support you. Concerning matters on the home front, you may feel like hiding your feelings, particularly if personal matters are dragging you down. however, with a heartto-heart discussion, much of this could be resolved sooner rather than later.

Leo 23 July to 22 august

You may have an intuitive hunch regarding a business idea, but don’t rush to complete it before checking the details. another reason to delay signing deals or contracts is mercury retrograde, which could coincide with delays and confusion. if holding back isn’t possible, be prepared for changes. however, these could work in your favor. Later, a romantic opportunity may show up in the professional or work realm. This could be a passionate interaction, so be sure you want to proceed before you make a first move.

Virgo 23 august to 22 september

sociable options show up this week, with a chance you may connect with folks from the past. You might be tempted to organise a reunion with college friends or even an ex if you feel strongly enough about them. Career matters look promising so long as you’re willing to take action and prioritize your goals. interacting with the right people, networking, and being willing to research new ideas can all aid the successful outcome of your plans. meanwhile, the weekend highlights passion and intense feelings.

Libra 23 september to 23 october

You could read too much into something this week, especially if it seems to promise more than is actually there. Take your time before making a decision, especially if you’re about to spend a lot of money. friday encourages social options with a chance of an exciting meeting. someone may impress you enough for you to want to know more. mercury rewinds in your career zone, so you could experience one or two setbacks to a chosen goal. But biding your time could be beneficial at this stage.

Scorpio 24 october to 21 november

a secret could unravel this week, but only if you want it to. You may think that by sharing your problem you not only have a better chance to resolve it but might also feel less burdened. Chatting with a trusted pal might bring relief as well as give you the confidence to share in other ways. feelings may run deep where relationships are concerned, as a powerful lineup enhances the passion and commitment in a relationship. Whether this is romantic or business oriented, the interaction could be productive.

Sagittarius 22 november to 21 december

relationships show extra sparkle, with the potential for an exciting love adventure showing up. if things have been a bit dull in this department, you might want to sprinkle a little stardust and head out for some great entertainment. starting saturday, mercury regresses in Cancer, which is your sector of shared resources. You might be better off delaying a loan or mortgage application. Wait until this phase has finished. if you don’t have any leeway, expect a few delays and perhaps a change of plan.

Capricorn 22 December to 19 January

Be careful of mixed signals, both on Wednesday and from saturday, when mercury goes retrograde. Business or romantic relationships could be couched in mystery or mired in confusion. Be sure you know what you’re getting into before you commit to anything. But passion can flourish so long as you take things one step at a time. meanwhile, a focus on lifestyle can be useful for sorting out your priorities regarding health and work issues. knowing what you want could be crucial to success.

The oTher WorLd CuP This Year Is The World Cup of World Cup 2014 songs! It was a whole different erm... ball game at the other World Cup 2014. Hosts and one of the favourites to win the actual World Cup Brazil, went out in the quarters and underdogs Belgium emerged as the victors in the World Cup of song, according to The Guardian! The official World Cup song this year reunites J-Lo with the worlds most useless and irritating rapper Pitbull...why do most of his “raps” revolve around him reeling off names of countries and saying “worldwide” a lot? I’d rather listen to an actual Pitbull trying to rap! Anyway, Jennifer Lopez, Pitbull and singer Claudia Leitte have had their collaboration named

as the official World Cup song but the Guardian newspaper decided to hold a competition to vote upon which countries contribution was actually the best of the year. Could Belgium sing their way to victory accompanied by screeching keyboards and a funny rap about swinging, dancing, drinking and getting down? Apparently it was close with Belgium having 53% of the vote and Bosnia 46% at one point, but Bosnia’s Ante Cash’s message of peace and unity couldn’t compete with Belgium’s banging bears and screeching electronics. Bosnia 32%67% Belgium and it’s Belgium’s Stromae who goes home with the trophy. Well done Belgium!



warned you all, don’t say i didn’t warn you! Pop’s most useless waste of space has done it again...made the news for doing something than other what he’s famous for and it’s just as dumb as his music, in fact no it’s far far worse – and that’s saying something!! Apparently Justin Beiber and Jeremy Clarkson are peas in a pod when it comes to there views on race...in fact i feel a new rap act could be on the cards JB & JC anyone??

A video has emerged of pop star Justin Bieber singing, “if I kill you… there will be one less lonely n****r” in a racist parody of his 2009 hit One Less Lonely Girl. The clip comes after Bieber, 20, was forced to apologise after another video emerged of him attempting to make a joke about why black people are afraid of chainsaws in which he also used the n-word. In the latest clip, posted online by the TMZ website, a young-looking Bieber looks directly into the camera and sings to the sound of laughter: “If I kill you, I’ll be part of the [white supremacist] KKK and there’ll be one less lonely n****r.” In the previous video, he asked: “Why are black people afraid of chainsaws?” Guessing the punchline, someone off camera said: “Don’t even say it. Don’t say it.” However Bieber continued saying: “Run n****r, n****r, n****r, n****r, n****r.” After this clip was made public, he tweeted

a statement, saying: “As a kid, I didn’t understand the power of certain words and how they can hurt. “I thought it was ok to repeat hurtful words and jokes, but didn’t realise at the time that it wasn’t funny and that in fact my actions were continuing the ignorance.” He said he had “learned from my mistakes” and that “ignorance has no place in our society”. “I’m very sorry. I take my friendships with people of all cultures very seriously and I apologise for offending or hurting anyone with my childish and inexcusable mistake,” he added. “I was a kid then and I am a man now who knows my responsibility to the world and not to make that mistake again.” One thing’s for sure, Beiber and a chainsaw have one thing in common...they’re both massive tools.


37 parkle´s S y r r Ba Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014


Bit On The Side

MINI Beef WeLLINGTON hellooo Sparklettes! W

Who Can’T resisT a Beef Wellie hey? They are so easy to make, and bursting with flavour. don’t be shy – buy good

quality beef fillet, and you won’t be let down, after all - if you are going to make this recipe you must be secretly treating

yourself mustn’t you – so pull out all the stops with no expense spared! “ The Beef Wellington” a real treat for anybody!


6 thick beef fillet steaks Sea salt and ground black pepper 1 tbsp. olive oil English mustard, for brushing the meat

Plain flour, for dusting 500g puff pastry 1 large egg, beaten

for the filling 1 tbsp. butter 3 shallots, peeled and finely chopped 300g mushrooms, finely chopped

3 thyme sprigs 100ml brandy 100mI single cream


meLT The BuTTer in a large non-stick frying pan over a medium heat until foaming. add the shallots and fry for 6 minutes until softened. stir in the mushrooms together with the thyme and cook for a further 6 minutes until tender. Pour in the brandy and cream and simmer until the liquid has thickened. Put the filling into a clean bowl and cool completely. season the steaks. Wipe the pan then place it over a high heat with a little oil and brown the steaks, in batches if necessary, for about 1 minute on each side. remove from the heat and rest for at least 30 minutes until completely cool. When cooled, brush with mustard. Preheat the oven to 220°C. dust a work surface with flour and roll out the pastry into a large rectangle, about 45 x 30cm and about 3mm thick. divide the rectangle into six squares. divide the mushroom mixture among the squares and spread

over the pastry, leaving 1cm uncovered all the way around. Place the beef fillet on top. Brush the edges of the pastry with the egg, and then lift the edges over the beef and turn over, tucking in neatly. Place the parcels on a baking tray, seam-side down. Cook in the oven for 15-20 minutes for medium rare or to your liking. rest for 5 minutes before serving. delicious!

ell...what a couple of weeks i’ve had!!! Last week I was lucky enough to have 2 days off in a row because I’d been invited to a wedding...I knew it was going to be a fairly posh doo, so I opted to leave the chopper at home and let them fly me by private jet to the Palace de Versailles in gay Paris!!! Well... I’d barely put my feet back on the ground, next thing I know i’m being whisked off to Florence, cos Paris was only a Pre-Wedding...I hadn’t even had an Eiffel!!! Then, after having to sign the wedding book as Karry Karkle...

I then find out I’m not even invited to Cork... in fact...I’m told by the one that’s a rudi...mental rapper to “put a cork in it!!”... charming!!! Anyway, I’m back now and I’ve been catching up on a bit of BGT...and it’s been announced that comedy impersonator Jon Clegg is this years “wildcard” ...no I don’t understand the point either!!! He’s hardly Liberal or worthy of a Coalition!!! after losing the semifinal to musical theatre band Collabro and magic man Darcy Cake, he will now compete in the live final this Saturday...although Ant and Dec probably wish

he was gone for good... they didn’t seem too impressed with his spoton impression of the jolly Geordies!!! Apparently salsa sensations Paddy and Nico got into a tussle when grandson Nico was offered a cruise ship contract...only for granny Paddy to get her knickers in a twist because she wants to put her feet up and catch up on Gogglebox!!!...I bet two salsa dancers having a scrap looks very graceful!!! Well fellow workers of the Rock, summers literally around the corner so all that’s left for me to say is … have a super sparkly summer this year... let’s smash it in the sun, and...keeep sparkling!!!


Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014


What’s a commonym you ask?

a commonyms is group of words that have a common trait in the three words/items listed. for example: the words; a car - a tree - an elephant.. they all have trunks. These will make you think!

1. A Ball - A fish - A Cold____________________________________________________ 2. A Ball - A Salad - A Coin __________________________________________________ 3. A Cork - A Question - A Balloon __________________________________________ 4. A Bottle - A Baseball Player - A mushroom________________________________ 5.A Bell - mouth - A Shoe___________________________________________________ 6.A Tug of War - The Nightly News - A Boat_________________________________ 7. Seventeen - Time - People_______________________________________________ 8. A Basketball Court - A Highway - A Bowling Alley_____________________________________________ 9. fog - A Jack - A Body Builder________________________________________________________________ 10. A Hockey Game - A Restaurant - A Bank____________________________________________________ 11. Hair - A Brain - An Ocean __________________________________________________________________ 12. A Bride & Groom - A Boat & Trailer - A Horse & Buggy________________________________________ 13. A Scale - A Tire - A Checkbook_____________________________________________________________ 14. An Aquarium - An Army - A Car____________________________________________________________ 15. A Sports Page - A movie - A Broadway musical _____________________________________________


issue 123 - PUZZLES Page 8. Page 24. Page 34. Page 56.


Cryptic Crossword sudoku Pub Quiz Quick Crossword

answers to the CommonYms are on page 2.


Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014



By Lingy

Robo-Cars Less Than A Year Away Google’s ‘smiley-faced’ robot car with no steering wheel will be on the roads within a year


HE iNTERNET GiANT won’t be basing it’s car on an existing model and is building its own from scratch, in a move that some may find disturbing,

the cars won’t have a steering wheel, accelerator pedal or brake pedal,just buttons for start, pull over and emergency stop and a computer screen showing your route. project director Chris Urmson says: ‘Our software and sensors do all the work, they will simply have a stop-go button and a screen showing the route.” Google are building a hundred prototype vehicles, and will begin testing them later this summer, the car has a ‘friendly’ face to give a non-threatening appearance and help the public accept the new technology, but will that

be sufficient comfort to passenger nervous about putting their lives in the metal hands of a robot car? The front of the vehicle is made of a soft foam-like material where a traditional bumper would be and a more flexible windscreen, in a bid to be safer for pedestrians. Google hopes to have 100 of the revolutionary twoseater electric-powered vehicles on roads within a year – provided the law allows them, as already cyber-security experts were warning the software could be targeted by hackers to create traffic mayhem. Self-driving cars work by using GPS technology to locate the vehicle’s exact position on an electronic map. A combination of radar, lasers and cameras sitting on top of the roof give the car a 360-degree ‘view’. These sensors are

linked to computer software that is able to ‘see¿ and identify people, cars and road signs The computer brain is programmed with road rules and guides the car to a chosen destination. Project director Chris Urmson said the cars will revolutionise driving, helping to remove the ‘human error’ blamed for nine out of ten crashes: ‘This is a first step for us. It’s going to be incredibly empowering. They won’t have a steering wheel, accelerator pedal, or brake pedal…because they don’t need them. Our software and sensors do all the work. It has the potential to be the most important safety technology the auto industry has ever seen.’

Toyotal Disaster J

APANESE CAR GiANT and the world’s biggest car maker, Toyota needs to recall 6.4 million of its vehicles due to five separate production faults and taking the number of Toyota recalls beyond 25 million over the past two and a half years.

A spiral cable needs replacing that could mean the air-bag could fail to activate in a crash. There is also a problem involving faulty seat rails, causing the car seat to slide forward in a crash as well as issued with wiring, engine starters and windscreen wipers. The glitches affect 27 of its models including the RAV4 and Hilux models bought between June 2004 and December 2010 and some Yaris and Urban Cruisers built between January 2005 and August 2010.

Just two months ago Toyota called 1.9 million of its most advanced Prius cars back to garages over a computer glitch in its hybrid power system. Another 7 million Toyota vehicles were recalled in 2012 due to a fire risk connected to faulty window switches. In 2009 the car maker faced serious safety questions after it was found that floor mats could trap the accelerator pedal of models including the RAV4 and Corolla, causing accidents that allegedly led to dozens of deaths around the world. That recall battered the car giant’s reputation and culminated in a record $1.2bn (£717m) fine from US prosecutors. The latest news sent shares in Toyota down by nearly 5 per cent.



Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014

6 June

Friday - TV 09:15: 12:45: 13:15: 13:30: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30:

22:00: 22:25: 22:35: 23:20: 23:50: 01:45: 01:50:

D-Day 70 BBC News at One BBC London News D-Day 70 BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show EastEnders Inspector George Gently Gently Northern Soul. Detective drama set in 1968. Gently and Bacchus have their eyes opened to the shocking consequences of casual racism after a young black girl is murdered at a Northern Soul allnight dance. BBC News at Ten BBC London News The Graham Norton Show Uncle EastEnders Omnibus Weatherview BBC News

06:00: Emmerdale 06:55: Coronation Street 07:25: You’ve Been Framed! 07:45: The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 08:30: Dinner Date 09:30: Real Housewives of Orange County 10:30: Real Housewives of Atlanta 11:30: The Millionaire Matchmaker 12:30: Emmerdale 13:00: Emmerdale 13:30: Coronation Street 14:00: The Millionaire Matchmaker 15:00: Jeremy Kyle Show 17:10: Real Housewives of Atlanta 18:00: Dinner Date 19:00: You’ve Been Framed! 20:00: Best of You’ve Been Framed! 21:00: Fast and Furious 23:10: Celebrity Juice 23:55: TV OD 00:25: Two and a Half Men 00:55: Two and a Half Men 01:20: Take Me Out

07:30: 08:15: 09:15: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 13:00: 13:30: 14:15: 14:55: 16:30: 17:15: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 21:30: 22:30: 23:05: 00:40: 01:40:

06:00: 06:10: 06:30: 07:30: 08:30: 09:30: 09:55: 10:20: 10:50: 12:00: 13:05: 14:05: 15:05: 16:15: 16:50: 17:20: 17:55: 19:00: 20:00: 22:00: 23:35: 00:40:

Don’t Get Done, Get Dom The Great British Sewing Bee Call the Council Homes Under the Hammer Bargain Hunt The Daily Politics Animal Park The Link Escape to the Country F1: Grand Prix Practice Antiques Road Trip Pointless Eggheads Building Dream Homes Great British Menu D-Day 70 Gardeners’ World Normandy ‘44: The Battle Beyond D-Day Newsnight Junkhearts Question Time Natural World

Movies Now Man About the House Heartbeat The Royal Murder, She Wrote Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Pie in the Sky Heartbeat The Royal The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Second Thoughts Home to Roost Man About the House Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Lewis Wire in the Blood Law and Order: UK The Hours


06:00: 08:30: 09:25: 10:30: 11:25: 11:30: 12:30: 13:30: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 22:35: 00:55:

06:00: 06:30: 07:00: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 10:30: 11:30: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00:


Good Morning Britain Lorraine Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather Jo Frost Family Matters Dickinson’s Real Deal Ejector Seat The Chase ITV News London ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Coronation Street Farewell Tina Coronation Street Soccer Aid ITV News at Ten and Weather Cape Fear Jackpot247

Tommy Cooper Tommy Cooper Minder The Sweeney Kojak Police, Camera, Action! TT 2014 French Open Tennis Live TT 2014 Cycling The Killer Inside Me American thriller. A mild mannered deputy sheriff in Texas turns into a brutal killer after he becomes involved with a prostitute. Director: Michael Winterbottom Starring: Casey Affleck, Kate Hudson, Jessica Alba, Ned Beatty, Elias Koteas, Tom Bower. TT 2014

06:00: 06:45: 07:10: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 12:05: 12:35: 13:10: 16:30: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:55: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:05: 00:10: 00:40: 05:10:

Countdown According to Jim 3rd Rock from the Sun Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Undercover Boss Australia Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News Summary Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Channel 4 Racing Draw it! Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Random Acts Celebrity Fifteen to One 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown Alan Carr: Chatty Man Rude Tube Brooklyn Nine-Nine Hot Shots! Part Deux Deal or No Deal

06:00: Home Shopping 07:00: Radical Highs 07:10: Top Gear 08:00: Top Gear 09:00: Traffic Cops 10:00: Top Gear 11:00: Top Gear 12:00: Would I Lie to You? 12:40: QI 13:20: Trawlermen 14:00: Traffic Cops 15:00: Top Gear 16:00: Top Gear 17:00: Would I Lie to You? 17:40: QI 18:20: Trawlermen 19:00: England’s Top 39 Footy Gaffes 20:00: Storage Hunters 20:30: Storage Hunters 21:00: QI XL 22:00: Mock the Week 22:40: Mock the Week 23:20: England’s Top 39 Footy Gaffes 00:25: Have I Got News for You 01:00: QI XL 02:00: Mock the Week

06:00: 08:45: 09:00: 09:15: 11:10:


23:35: 00:00:

Childrens T.V. Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff Big Brother: Power Trip Gibraltar: Britain in the Sun 5 News Lunchtime Caught on Camera Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Mystery Woman: Mystery Weekend 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Ice Road Truckers: Deadliest Roads Eddie Stobart’s Excellent Adventures Big Brother: Power Trip Big Brother’s Bit on the Side Big Brother Super Casino



Sporting Greats



IRB Junior World

12:15: 12:40: 12:45: 13:15: 13:45: 14:15: 15:15: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:35:

Championships 08:30:

IRB Junior World Championships

10:30: Super League Gold 10:45: Super League Gold 11:00:

Champions League Final


World Cup of Darts Preview


World Cup



of Darts


22:30: 23:05: 00:10:

11:00: 13:10: 13:15: 14:55: 18:20: 21:00: 22:50:

07:00: 08:00: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 14:00: 16:00: 18:00: 22:00:

League Final 18:00: Rugby Club Special 19:00:

World Cup of Darts



The F1 Show

00:00: Rugby Club Special 01:00:

World Cup of Darts


F1: Grand Prix Practice World Cup’s 50 Greatest Moments A look back at the most celebrated, most shocking and most memorable moments from the greatest show on earth. EastEnders Family Guy World Cup’s 50 Greatest Moments

To Catch a Thief Grace of Monaco Interview Special High Noon The Longest Day The Legend of Zorro The Hole The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! 28 Weeks Later

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Racing News Extreme Sports WWE Raw IRB Junior World Championships IRB Junior World Championships T20 Cricket World Wrestling Entertainment Late Night Smackdown World Wrestling Entertainment Late Night Bottom Line IRB Junior World Championships

Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014


S a t u r d ay - T V 06:00: 10:00: 11:30: 12:00: 13:00: 13:15: 14:00: 16:30: 17:00: 19:20: 19:30: 19:40: 20:30: 21:20: 22:10: 22:30: 23:00: 23:30: 01:00: 01:05:

06:00: 08:35: 11:55: 12:25: 13:35:

15:30: 16:35: 18:50: 21:30: 22:30: 23:00: 01:05: 01:45:


7 June th

Breakfast Saturday Kitchen Live Nigellissima Bargain Hunt BBC News Escape to the Country Rugby League Challenge Cup A Question of Sport F1: Grand Prix Qualifying BBC News BBC London News Pointless The National Lottery: In It to Win It Casualty BBC News Mrs. Brown’s Boys Live at the Apollo Poseidon Weatherview BBC News

06:00: This is BBC Two 06:10: They Live By Night 07:45: Great British Menu 08:45: Great British Menu 09:45: FIFA World Cup 1970 11:20: Wimbledon Classics 13:20: F1: Grand Prix Practice 14:55: F1: Grand Prix Practice 16:05: Natural World 17:05: Coast 18:05: Flog It! 19:00: The Summer Exhibition 20:00: Yes, Prime Minister 20:30: I Love 1980 22:00: French and Saunders 22:30: Victoria Wood: As Seen on TV 23:00: TOTP 2 23:30: TOTP2 Wham Special 00:00: Shoot to Kill 01:45: This is BBC Two

00:15: 00:30:

Fort Boyard Dino Dan: Trek’s Adventures Dino Dan: Trek’s Adventures Canimals Canimals Sooty Digimon Fusion Horrid Henry Adventure Time ITV News Weekend The Hungry Sailors Murder, She Wrote ITV News and Weather The Jeremy Kyle Show USA Storage Hoarders French Open Tennis Live ITV News London ITV News Let Me Entertain You You’ve Been Framed! Britain’s Got Talent International Football ITV News Jackpot247

01:35: 05:20:

The Hoobs Transworld Sport Mobil 1 The Morning Line Weekend Kitchen with Waitrose Frasier Frasier The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Simpsons The Simpsons The Investec Derby Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News The Restoration Man Grand Designs My Sister’s Keeper Channel 4’s Comedy Gala 2014 Reno 911!: Miami Deal or No Deal

Emmerdale Omnibus Coronation Street Omnibus Farewell Tina Take Me Out I Wanna Marry Harry A dozen twentysomething American girls come to the UK to compete for Prince Harry’s affections. Little do the ladies know that “Harry” is in fact a lookalike named Matthew! You’ve Been Framed! Twister Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi Britain’s Got More Talent TV OD Shaun of the Dead Viral Tap Britain’s Got More Talent

06:00: Judge Judy 06:20: Judge Judy 06:40: Northanger Abbey 08:35: The Royal 09:35: The Royal 10:40: The Darling Buds of May 11:45: The Darling Buds of May 13:00: Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple 15:00: Midsomer Murders 21:00: Midsomer Murders The Sword of Guillaume. Series 13, episode 2. Barnaby joins a coach trip from Midsomer Parva to Brighton because he’s suspicious about a deal to buy coastal land for holiday chalets by Causton’s mayor. 23:00: Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple 01:05: Judge Judy 01:30: Judge Judy 01:50: Movies Now 02:00: ITV3 Nightscreen

06:00: Tommy Cooper 06:25: Border Security USA 07:10: Border Security USA 08:10: Police, Camera, Action! 08:35: Cycling 09:35: Motorsport UK 10:35: TT 2014 11:35: TT 2014 12:35: Monaco Historic Grand Prix 13:40: Magnum, P.I. 14:40: Dunkirk 17:30: French Open Tennis Live 19:00: Hornblower 21:00: TT 2014 22:00: A Dangerous Man Steven Seagal plays a framed Special Forces operative trying to adjust to the outside world following a prison sentence. 00:00: Grand Prix Racer 01:00: TT 2014 02:00: Nitro Circus

06:00: 07:00: 07:10: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 10:30: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 13:00: 14:00: 15:00: 15:30: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:40: 23:20: 00:00: 01:00: 02:00:

Home Shopping Radical Highs Driving Wars Top Gear Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Lizard Lick Towing Lizard Lick Towing Sin City Motors Top Gear Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Sin City Motors Top Gear Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters QI XL QI XL Mock the Week Mock the Week Mock the Week QI XL QI XL Mock the Week

06:00: 06:25: 06:35: 06:50: 07:00: 07:05: 07:20: 07:45: 08:00: 08:25: 08:30: 09:25: 10:25: 11:20: 11:30: 12:25: 13:30: 17:35: 17:45: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 21:30:

06:05: 06:30: 07:30: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 10:30: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 12:30: 13:00: 16:30: 16:55: 17:25: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 23:05:

06:00: 08:40: 08:55: 09:10: 09:30: 10:00: 10:35: 10:50: 11:50: 13:15: 14:15: 16:00: 18:00: 19:35: 19:40: 20:35: 21:30: 22:30: 23:30: 23:55: 00:00:

06:00: 07:00:

08:00: 13:30: 14:30: 15:30: 18:30:

19:30: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00:

Childrens T.V. Rupert Bear Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Jelly Jamm LazyTown Power Rangers Megaforce Access The Dog Rescuers Big Brother: Power Trip Police Interceptors NCIS Columbo: Ransom for a Dead Man Jesse Stone: Innocents Lost 5 News Weekend NCIS NCIS Big Brother: Power Trip Big Brother’s Bit on the Psych Street Crime UK Access Super Casino

The F1 Show Rugby Club Special An expert panel of guests weigh in on all the talking points from the world of rugby union. Rugby Union Rugby Union Rugby Union Rugby Union Rugby Union New Zealand V England 1st Test. New Zealand and England contest their first test at Eden Park. The All Blacks triumphed when the sides last met in November, claiming their 13th straight test victory of 2013. Rugby Union Rugby Union Rugby Union International Rugby Union


19:30: 20:15: 21:20: 23:00: 00:30: 00:50: 01:35:

11:00: 13:00: 14:55: 17:40:

20:50: 21:00: 22:45: 00:40:

06:00: 06:15: 06:30: 06:45: 07:00: 09:00: 10:30: 11:00: 12:00: 12:30: 14:00: 18:00: 18:30: 18:45: 19:00: 23:00: 23:15: 23:30: 23:45: 00:00: 00:15: 00:30: 00:45: 01:00:

Great Movie Mistakes IV: May the Fourth be with You Doctor Who Top Gear Father of the Bride II Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! Backchat World Cup Special

Against the Wind Meet Dave Star Trek: The Motion Picture The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Grace of Monaco Interview Special Priest Sorority Row Weekender

Super League Gold Super League Gold Super League Gold Super League Gold Rugby League Cricket Fever Best of ICC WT20 Ringside Best of ICC WT20 Cricket Fever T20 Cricket To be Announced Darts Gold Darts Gold World Cup of Darts Darts Gold Darts Gold Darts Gold Darts Gold Darts Gold Darts Gold Darts Gold Darts Gold World Cup of Darts

mY sisTer’s keePer editor recommends Channel 4 - 21:00 - 23:05


RiTER AND DiRECTOR Nick Cassavetes’ (The Notebook) drama, based on the bestselling novel by Jodi Picoult, raises interesting ethical and legal questions. Eleven-year-old Anna fitzgerald (Abigail Breslin - Little miss Sunshine) and her family tell, in flashbacks, the story of her older sister Kate’s (Sofia Vassilieva) diagnosis of leukaemia and her mother Sara’s (Cameron Diaz) and father Brian’s (Jason Patric)

decision to conceive a genetically engineered daughter for the express purpose of donating body parts to Kate. When Kate desperately needs a kidney, Anna decides that she doesn’t want to donate hers and hires a lawyer, Campbell Alexander (Alec Baldwin), as she tries to get medical emancipation from her family. Anna’s decision sends shock waves through the family, with Sara eventually taking their fight to court.



Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014

8 June

Sunday - TV

06:00: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:15: 13:00: 13:15: 14:15: 14:40: 15:20: 16:10: 16:25: 17:00: 18:00: 18:10: 18:20: 21:00: 22:30: 22:45: 22:55: 23:55: 01:15: 01:20:

06:00: 06:45: 09:30: 12:50: 14:30: 17:05: 18:10: 20:10: 22:00:


01:15: 01:55:


Breakfast The Andrew Marr Show Spirit Break Out Sunday Politics Bargain Hunt BBC News Countryfile Best of Homes Under the Hammer Flog It! Escape to the Country Points of View Songs of Praise Countryfile BBC News BBC London News F1: Grand Prix Quirke BBC News BBC London News Kris: Dying to Live Taken in Broad Daylight Weatherview BBC News

06:00: Desert Passage 07:00: Wagon Train 08:00: Gardeners’ World 08:30: Beechgrove Garden 09:00: FIFA World Cup 1974 10:30: Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 12:00: Great British Menu 13:00: Great British Menu 14:00: Great British Menu 15:00: Rugby League Challenge Cup 17:30: Inspire: The Olympic Journey 18:00: Ice Age Giants 19:00: The Tropic of Cancer 20:00: I Bought a Rainforest 21:00: Wildfires 2014: Inside the Inferno 22:00: QI XL 22:45: Adventureland 00:25: Countryfile 01:20: Holby City

06:00: 06:25:

22:20: 00:40:

Beauty and the Geek Emmerdale Omnibus Coronation Street Omnibus America’s Got Talent Britain’s Got Talent Britain’s Got More Talent Zookeeper Year One Viral Tap Caroline Flack hosts the topical comedy show which takes a sideways look at the week’s events using online clips and viral videos. Red Dragon Thriller adapted from Thomas Harris’s first Hannibal Lecter novel about an FBI profiler called out of retirement to help catch a serial killer nicknamed the Tooth Fairy. Viral Tap 100% You’ve Been Framed!

06:00: World Kitchen 06:25: World Kitchen 06:45: Murder, She Wrote 07:45: Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple 09:50: Heartbeat 10:50: Heartbeat 11:55: Lewis 14:00: Midsomer Murders 16:00: Midsomer Murders 18:00: Midsomer Murders 20:00: Midsomer Murders 22:00: Midsomer Murders 00:05: In the Name of the Father In a Britain frightened and angry after the IRA bomb campaign, Irishman Gerry Conlon is locked up with three friends and falsely accused of planting a bomb in a Guildford pub. Rousing real-life drama nominated for seven Oscars. Director: Jim Sheridan Starring: Daniel Day-Lewis.

06:00: Kojak 07:00: Kojak 08:00: Magnum, P.I. 09:00: World of Sport 09:15: TT 2014 10:15: TT 2014 11:15: MSA British Touring Car Championship 17:40: French Open Tennis Live 20:00: Police Academy 3: Back in Training Slapstick comedy in which the incompetent cops must save their beloved academy from closure. Cutbacks mean that only one of the two police training schools can stay open, so Commandant Lassard appeals to the motley crew of graduates to come back and train new recruits. 21:50: Movies Now 22:00: Age of Heroes 23:55: The Black Windmill

06:35: 06:50: 07:00: 07:05: 07:20: 07:45: 08:00: 08:25: 08:30: 09:25: 10:25: 11:20: 11:30: 12:30: 13:00: 13:30: 17:45: 17:50: 18:00: 22:00:

Fort Boyard Dino Dan: Trek’s Adventures Dino Dan: Trek’s Adventures Canimals Canimals Sooty Digimon Fusion Horrid Henry Deadtime Stories ITV News Weekend May the Best House Win Murder, She Wrote ITV News and Weather Love Your Garden Fool Britannia Let Me Entertain You French Open Tennis Live ITV News London ITV News Soccer Aid ITV News and Weather Atonement The Store


Tel. 922 714 500 Whale Watching Puerto Colon 2 hours 22 euros

06:15: 06:40: 07:05: 07:30: 08:00: 08:30: 09:00: 09:30: 12:30: 13:35: 14:05: 14:35: 15:05: 17:35: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:05: 00:20: 05:45:

06:00: 07:00: 07:10: 07:35: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 13:00: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:55: 01:55:

The Hoobs Transvulcania British GT How I Met Your Mother Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Sunday Brunch Secret Eaters The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Simpsons Beaches Deal or No Deal Channel 4 News Four Rooms Born in the Wild: Elephant Fargo The Debt The Conspirator Deal or No Deal

Home Shopping Radical Highs Hardliners Hardliners The Road to Rio Top Gear Sin City Motors Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Top Gear Megatruckers Megatruckers Megatruckers Megatruckers Top Gear England’s Top 39 Footy Gaffes 24 Hours to Go Broke Russell Howard’s Good News Extra England’s Top 39 Footy Gaffes Russell Howard’s Good News Extra Russell Howard’s Good News Extra Russell Howard’s Good News Extra

06:00: 08:05:

08:20: 08:40: 08:55: 09:10: 09:30: 10:00: 10:35: 10:40: 11:40: 13:20: 15:05: 17:10: 18:55: 20:55: 21:00: 22:00: 01:00:

Childrens T.V. The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky Angelina Ballerina Rupert Bear Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Jelly Jamm LazyTown Power Rangers Super Samurai Access Big Brother: Power Trip Teen Wolf The Money Pit Ghostbusters Mannequin Dirty Dancing 5 News Weekend Big Brother: Power Trip The Greatest 80s Movies Super Casino

06:00: Rugby Union 07:00: Rugby Union 08:00: Sporting Heroes 09:00: Rugby Union 10:00: Rugby Union 11:00: Darts Gold 11:30: Darts Gold 11:45: Darts Gold 12:00: Darts Gold 12:15: Darts Gold 12:30: Darts Gold 12:45: Darts Gold 13:00: World Cup of Darts 17:00: Darts Gold 17:15: Darts Gold 17:30: Darts Gold 17:45: Darts Gold 18:00: Darts Gold 18:15: Darts Gold 18:30: Darts Gold 18:45: Darts Gold 19:00: World Cup of Darts 22:00: Darts Gold 22:15: Darts Gold 22:30: Darts Gold 22:45: Darts Gold 23:00: Rugby Union 00:00: Rugby Union 01:00: World Cup of Darts

19:00: Don’t Tell the Bride 20:00: Don’t Tell the Bride 21:00: Russell Howard’s Good News 21:30: Russell Howard’s Good News 22:00: In the Flesh 22:55: Family Guy 23:20: Family Guy 23:40: American Dad! 00:05: F1: Grand Prix 01:05: In the Flesh 02:00: Tyger Takes On

11:00: 13:00: 14:55: 17:05: 19:00: 21:00: 23:05: 00:55:

06:00: 08:30: 09:00: 10:30: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 12:30: 14:00: 18:00:


23:30: 00:00:

Hills of Home Big Business Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan King Solomon’s Mines Drillbit Taylor Double Jeopardy Sixteen Candles Once Upon a Time in Anatolia

GAA Hurling Best of ICC WT20 Cricket Writers on TV Best of ICC WT20 Best of ICC WT20 Best of ICC WT20 Best of ICC WT20 Cricket Writers on TV T20 Cricket Cricket Day one of the first test between West Indies and New Zealand at Sabina Park. New Zealand claimed a 2-0 series win when the teams last met in the test arena. Sporting Greats Sugar Ray Robinson. A look back on the career of boxing legend Sugar Ray Robinson. The American fought 200 times, winning 128 of his first 131 bouts Sporting Greats T20 Cricket

Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014


9 June

M o n d ay - T V 06:00: 09:15: 10:00: 11:00: 11:30: 12:15: 13:00: 13:30: 13:45: 14:15: 15:00: 15:30: 16:30: 17:15: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30: 22:00: 22:25: 22:35: 23:35: 00:25: 00:30:

Breakfast Crimewatch Homes Under the Hammer Claimed and Shamed The Legalizer Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Doctors Perfection Escape to the Country The Hairy Bikers’ Best of British Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show Panorama EastEnders David Beckham Into the Unknown BBC News at Ten BBC London News Traffic Cops The Graham Norton Show Weatherview BBC News

06:00: Emmerdale 06:25: Coronation Street 07:25: You’ve Been Framed! 07:45: The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 08:30: Dinner Date 09:30: Real Housewives of Orange County 10:30: The Real Housewives of Atlanta 11:30: The Millionaire Matchmaker 12:30: Emmerdale 13:00: Coronation Street 14:00: The Millionaire Matchmaker 15:00: Jeremy Kyle Show 17:10: The Real Housewives of Atlanta 18:00: Dinner Date 19:00: You’ve Been Framed! 20:00: Britain’s Got More Talent 21:00: Dumb and Dumber 23:15: Celebrity Juice 00:05: Two and a Half Men 00:55: Britain’s Got More Talent 01:50: The Jeremy Kyle Show USA

06:00: 06:05: 07:05: 07:35: 08:20: 09:05: 10:05: 10:35: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 13:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:20: 00:20: 01:20:


This is BBC Two Homes Under the Hammer Building Dream Homes Call the Council Don’t Get Done, Get Dom Permission Impossible: Britain’s Planners Real Lives Reunited Click BBC News BBC World News The Daily Politics Tennis from Queen’s Eggheads Building Dream Homes Antiques Road Trip Springwatch A Very British Airline The Culture Show Newsnight Burning Desire: The Seduction of Smoking Watermen: A Dirty Business This is BBC Two

06:00: Second Thoughts 06:25: Heartbeat 07:25: The Royal 08:25: Murder, She Wrote 09:25: Judge Judy 09:50: Judge Judy 10:15: Judge Judy 10:40: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 11:55: Pie in the Sky 13:00: Heartbeat 14:00: The Royal 15:05: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 16:15: Second Thoughts 16:50: Home to Roost 17:20: Man About the House 17:55: Heartbeat 19:00: Murder, She Wrote 20:00: A Touch of Frost 22:00: Trial and Retribution 23:00: Law and Order: UK 00:00: Pie in the Sky 01:05: Judge Judy 01:25: The House of Eliott

06:00: Good Morning Britain 08:30: Lorraine 09:25: The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30: This Morning 11:25: ITV News 11:30: This Morning 12:30: Loose Women 13:30: ITV News and Weather 14:00: Celebrity Jeremy Kyle 15:00: Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00: Tipping Point 17:00: The Chase 18:00: ITV News London 18:30: ITV News and Weather 19:00: Emmerdale 19:30: Coronation Street 20:00: Gail and Me: 40 Years on Coronation Street 20:30: Coronation Street 21:00: Road Rage Britain: Caught on Camera 22:00: ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:35: Benidorm 23:35: The Cube 00:25: Jackpot247

06:00: 06:50: 07:20: 07:50: 08:50: 09:55: 10:50: 11:55: 12:55: 13:55: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 21:30: 22:00: 23:00: 23:55: 00:55:


Minder Cheers Cheers Kojak Magnum, P.I. The Sweeney The Professionals Minder Minder Magnum, P.I. Kojak The Sweeney The Professionals TT 2014 TT 2014 Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Ax Men Ax Men Motorsport UK Vinnie Jones’ Toughest Cops USA Minder

06:40: 07:05: 07:30: 07:55: 08:55: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 12:05: 13:40: 14:40: 15:30: 16:30: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:35: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:05: 01:00: 01:55:

06:00: 07:10: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 10:30: 11:00: 12:00: 13:00: 13:35: 14:00: 14:30: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 17:35: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 21:40: 22:20: 23:00: 23:40: 00:20: 01:00: 01:40:


david Beckham into The unknown BBC 1 - 20:30 - 22:00


DOCUmENTARY SPECiAL following global superstar David Beckham on an unforgettable journey through the Amazon rainforest. After 22 years playing for the world’s greatest football teams, David Beckham has retired. For the first time in his adult life he has the freedom to do whatever he wants – and to mark the occasion he’s going on an adventure. He’s chosen Brazil, on motorbikes, and is travelling with three of his closest friends - Anthony Mandler, world renowned photographer and video director; Derek White, an experienced motorbike rider who’ll get


them out of a mechanical fix; and Dave Gardner, his best friend since they were 14 years old. First stop is Rio. It takes only minutes for David to be spotted by fans and paparazzi. With the motorbikes giving them a speedy getaway and the helmet creating the anonymity David craves, they escape up to a favela, called Vidigal. Passing a foot-volleyball game down on Sao Conrado beach, David can’t resist the temptation, and plays with the locals until the sun goes down. The locals can’t believe their luck. The next day they fly to Manaus, tropical gateway to the Amazon, and make their way deep into the Amazon where David is unknown.

According to Jim 3rd Rock from the Sun King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Undercover Boss Australia Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News Come Dine with Me A Place in the Sun Countdown Deal or No Deal Draw it! Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Breadline Kids Jamie’s Money Saving Meals 24 Hours in A and E CCTV: Caught on Camera 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown Alan Carr: Chatty Man Fargo Scandal

Home Shopping Storage Hunters Top Gear Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Top Gear Top Gear Trawlermen Trawlermen Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Top Gear Top Gear Trawlermen Trawlermen Storage Hunters Storage Hunters The Road to Rio Cars, Cops and Criminals Mock the Week Mock the Week Would I Lie to You? QI Mock the Week Mock the Week Live at the Electric Danny Bhoy Live

06:00: 08:55: 09:00: 09:15: 11:10: 12:10: 12:15: 13:15: 13:45: 14:15: 15:15: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30:

23:30: 00:30: 01:15:

06:00: 07:00: 09:00:


11:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:30: 21:30: 22:30: 23:00:

Childrens T.V. Milkshake Monkey Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff Angry Britain 5 News Lunchtime Big Brother: Power Trip Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Mystery Woman: Vision of a Murder 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Classic Car Rescue DIY Dummies Big Brother: Power Trip Big Brother: Power Trip The 12-Year-Old Shopaholic... And Other Big Spending Kids Big Brother’s Bit on the Side Under the Dome Super Casino

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Destination Brazil Series profiling the teams competing in the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil. This episode focuses on the host nation and Group A opponents Mexico. Destination Brazil Croatia and Cameroon (Group A). Series profiling the teams competing in the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil. The Premier League Years Rise as One Rise as One Elite League Speedway Destination Brazil Rise as One Rise as One

19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:00: 23:25: 23:45: 00:10: 00:30: 01:00: 02:00:

14:55: 16:40: 19:00: 21:00:

23:10: 01:30:

World Cup’s 50 Greatest Moments Don’t Tell the Bride Barely Legal Drivers Badults EastEnders Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! American Dad! Badults Barely Legal Drivers In the Flesh

The Desert Fox: The Story of Rommel Stalag 17 Brewster’s Millions Hanna Saoirse Ronan, Eric Bana and Cate Blanchett star in Joe Wright’s unusual chase thriller. The Client Uzak

06:00: World Cup of Darts 09:00: Gary Newbon Interviews Phil Taylor 10:00: T20 Cricket 14:00: World Cup of Darts 17:00: WWE Raw 19:00: Speedway Gold 19:30: Destination Brazil 20:00: Destination Brazil 20:30: Destination Brazil Spain and Australia (Group B). Series profiling the teams competing in the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil. This episode focuses on Australia and defending champions Spain. 21:00: Destination Brazil Netherlands and Chile (Group B). Series profiling the teams competing in the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil. 21:30: Speedway Gold 23:00: Elite League Speedway 02:00: World Cup of Darts

editor recommends



Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014

Tu e s d a y - T V

06:00: 09:15: 10:00: 11:00: 11:30: 12:15: 12:38: 13:00: 13:30: 13:45: 14:15: 15:00: 15:30: 16:30: 17:15: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:25: 22:35: 23:35: 01:10: 01:15:

Breakfast Crimewatch Homes Under the Hammer Claimed and Shamed The Legalizer Bargain Hunt Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Doctors Perfection Escape to the Country The Hairy Bikers’ Best of British Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show EastEnders Holby City Celebrity MasterChef BBC News at Ten BBC London News The Beautiful Game David Beckham Into the Unknown Weatherview BBC News

07:25: You’ve Been Framed! 07:45: The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 08:30: Dinner Date 09:30: Real Housewives of Orange County 10:30: Real Housewives of Atlanta 11:30: The Millionaire Matchmaker 12:30: Emmerdale 13:00: Coronation Street 14:00: The Millionaire Matchmaker 15:00: Jeremy Kyle Show 17:10: Real Housewives of Atlanta 18:00: Dinner Date 19:00: I Wanna Marry Harry 21:00: Britain’s Got More Talent 22:00: Utterly Outrageous Celebrity Frock Ups 23:05: Celebrity Juice 23:50: TV OD 00:20: Two and a Half Men 01:10: Britain’s Got More Talent 02:00: Life’s Funniest Moments

06:00: 06:05: 07:05: 07:35: 08:20: 09:05: 10:05: 10:35: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 13:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:20: 00:20: 00:50: 01:50:

This is BBC Two Homes Under the Hammer Building Dream Homes The Legalizer Don’t Get Done, Get Dom Watchdog Real Lives Reunited HARDtalk BBC News BBC World News The Daily Politics Tennis from Queen’s Eggheads Building Dream Homes Antiques Road Trip Springwatch Welcome to Rio The Fast Show Special Newsnight Wildfires 2014: Inside the Inferno Savion Glover Happy Feet Horizon This is BBC Two

06:00: Second Thoughts 06:25: Heartbeat 07:20: The Royal 08:20: Murder, She Wrote 09:20: Judge Judy 09:50: Judge Judy 10:15: Judge Judy 10:40: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 11:55: Pie in the Sky 13:00: Heartbeat 14:00: The Royal 15:05: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 16:15: Second Thoughts 16:50: Home to Roost 17:25: Man About the House 17:55: Heartbeat 19:00: Murder, She Wrote 20:00: City of Angels 22:10: Trial and Retribution 23:15: Law and Order: UK 00:15: Pie in the Sky 01:20: Judge Judy 01:40: Judge Judy 02:00: ITV3 Nightscreen

10 J u n e th

06:00: 08:30: 09:25: 10:30: 11:25: 11:30: 12:30: 13:30: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 22:00: 22:35: 00:20:

06:00: 06:50: 07:20: 07:50: 08:50: 09:50: 10:50: 11:55: 12:50: 13:50: 14:55: 15:55: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00:

21:00: 22:00: 23:05: 01:30:

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Minder Cheers Cheers The Sweeney Kojak Magnum, P.I. The Professionals TT 2014 TT 2014 Magnum, P.I. Kojak The Sweeney The Professionals Minder Cheers Cheers World Rally Championship Highlights World Cup Epic Fails Greatest World Cup Goals Quadrophenia Fabrice Muamba: Sports Life Stories


06:00: 06:45: 07:10: 07:35: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 12:05: 13:05: 13:40: 14:40: 15:30: 16:30: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:05: 00:05: 01:00: 01:30:

06:00: 07:10: 07:35: 08:00: 10:00: 11:00: 13:00: 13:35: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 17:35: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 23:40: 00:20: 01:20:


Countdown According to Jim 3rd Rock from the Sun King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Undercover Boss Australia Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me A Place in the Sun Countdown Deal or No Deal Draw it! Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Location, Location, Location The Complainers Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA Coppers Pokerstars.Com PCA KOTV Boxing Weekly Transworld Sport

Home Shopping Trawlermen Trawlermen Top Gear Cars, Cops and Criminals Top Gear Trawlermen Trawlermen Cars, Cops and Criminals Top Gear Top Gear Trawlermen Trawlermen Cars, Cops and Criminals Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Sin City Motors QI XL 24 Hours to Go Broke Mock the Week Never Mind the Buzzcocks QI XL 24 Hours to Go Broke

06:00: 08:25: 08:35: 08:45: 09:00: 09:15: 11:10: 12:10: 12:15: 13:15: 13:45: 14:15: 15:15: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00:

06:00: 08:00: 09:00: 11:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30:


21:30: 22:30: 23:00:

Childrens T.V. Peppa Pig Toby’s Travelling Circus Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff Classic Car Rescue 5 News Lunchtime Big Brother: Power Trip Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Northern Lights 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Gibraltar: Britain in the Sun The Dog Rescuers CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Big Brother: Power Trip Big Brother’s Bit on the Side Super Casino

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Destination Brazil The Premier League Years Rise as One Rise as One Destination Brazil Destination Brazil Destination Brazil England and Italy (Group D). Series profiling the teams competing in the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil. Destination Brazil Series profiling the teams competing in the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil. This episode focuses on Group E opponents France and Honduras. Destination Brazil Rise as One Rise as One


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Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather Celebrity Jeremy Kyle Dickinson’s Real Deal Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Endeavour ITV News at Ten and Weather First Blood Jackpot247


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19:00: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:00: 23:45: 00:30: 01:30:

11:00: 14:00: 16:30: 19:00: 21:00: 22:50:


06:00: 06:30: 08:30: 10:30: 11:30: 11:45: 12:00: 14:00: 16:00: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 21:15: 21:30: 23:00: 00:00: 00:30:

Sporting Greats IRB Junior World Championships IRB Junior World Championships Sporting Heroes Super League Gold Super League Gold Rugby League IRB Junior World Championships IRB Junior World Championships Bass Fishing World’s Toughest Rowing Race Sports Unlimited Super League Gold Super League Gold Super League Backchat Premier League Poker Super League Backchat IRB Junior World Championships

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Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014


We d n e s d ay - T V 06:00: 09:15: 10:00: 11:00: 11:30: 12:15: 13:00: 13:30: 13:45: 14:15: 15:00: 15:30: 16:30: 17:15: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:25: 22:35: 23:25: 00:05: 00:10:

Breakfast Crimewatch Homes Under the Hammer Claimed and Shamed The Legalizer Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Doctors Perfection Escape to the Country The Hairy Bikers’ Best of British Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show Watchdog Del Boys and Dealers BBC News at Ten BBC London News Match of the Day Live Room 101 Weatherview BBC News

07:00: You’ve Been Framed! 07:45: The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 08:30: Dinner Date 09:30: Real Housewives of Orange County 10:30: Real Housewives of Atlanta 11:30: The Millionaire Matchmaker 12:30: Emmerdale 13:30: You’ve Been Framed! 14:00: The Millionaire Matchmaker 15:00: Jeremy Kyle Show 17:10: Real Housewives of Atlanta 18:00: Dinner Date 19:00: You’ve Been Framed! 19:30: You’ve Been Framed! 20:00: Britain’s Got More Talent 21:00: I Wanna Marry Harry 22:00: Release the Hounds 23:05: Celebrity Juice 23:50: Two and a Half Men 00:45: Britain’s Got More Talent 01:40: The Jeremy Kyle Show USA

06:00: 07:00: 07:30: 08:15: 09:00: 10:00: 10:30: 11:00: 11:30: 13:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:10: 22:00: 22:30: 23:20: 00:20: 00:50: 01:50:

Homes Under the Hammer Building Dream Homes The Legalizer Don’t Get Done, Get Dom Antiques Roadshow Bang Goes the Theory See Hear BBC News The Daily Politics Tennis from Queen’s Eggheads Building Dream Homes Antiques Road Trip Springwatch Coast Australia Episodes Newsnight A Very British Airline See Hear The Story of Women and Art This is BBC Two

06:00: Second Thoughts 06:25: Heartbeat 07:20: The Royal 08:20: Murder, She Wrote 09:20: Judge Judy 09:50: Judge Judy 10:40: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 11:55: Pie in the Sky 13:00: Heartbeat 14:00: The Royal 15:05: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 16:15: Second Thoughts 16:50: Home to Roost 17:20: Man About the House 17:55: Heartbeat 19:00: Murder, She Wrote 20:00: Wycliffe 21:00: Cornwall with Caroline Quentin 21:35: Cornwall with Caroline Quentin 22:00: Cold Blood 23:35: Law and Order: UK 00:35: Pie in the Sky 01:35: Judge Judy 01:55: Judge Judy

11 J u n e th

06:00: Good Morning Britain 08:30: Lorraine 09:25: The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30: This Morning 11:25: ITV News 11:30: This Morning 12:30: Loose Women 13:30: ITV News and Weather 14:00: Celebrity Jeremy Kyle 15:00: Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00: Tipping Point 17:00: The Chase 18:00: ITV News London 18:30: ITV News and Weather 19:00: Emmerdale 19:30: Coronation Street 20:00: All Star Mr and Mrs 21:00: Law and Order: UK 22:00: ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:35: Commando: Return to the Front Line 23:40: Perspectives 00:35: Jackpot247

06:00: 06:50: 07:40: 08:35: 09:40: 10:40: 11:40: 12:40: 13:45: 14:50: 15:55: 16:55: 17:55: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00:


Minder Cheers The Sweeney Kojak Magnum, P.I. The Professionals From Ronaldo to Ronaldo Minder Magnum, P.I. Kojak The Sweeney England’s Greatest Goals Minder Cheers Cycling Memphis Belle Mark Robson’s vivid fact-based depiction of the US Navy’s air support of ground troops during the Korean War stars William Holden as a Second World War pilot recalled from civilian life to serve in Korea. Schindler’s List

07:10: 07:35: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 12:05: 13:40: 14:40: 15:30: 16:30: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:05: 00:45: 01:40:

06:00: 07:10: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 10:30: 11:00: 12:00: 13:00: 13:30: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 22:40: 23:35: 00:15: 00:45: 01:10:

Commando: iTv - 22:35 - 23:40


HiS NEW iTV documentary features former Royal marine officer Bertie Kerr and his emotional return to Afghanistan, eight years after he was first plunged into the planet’s most dangerous war just three weeks after passing out as a young officer.

Bertie had been filmed throughout his training by film-maker Chris Terrill who then followed him to the front line in 2006 where they both came under fire together for the first time. Now Chris follows Bertie back to the killing fields of Afghanistan to revisit their past and to assess the country’s


future after 13 years of war. Chris’s landmark series Commando: On The Front Line, which aired in 2007, told the story of young Royal Marines going through 32 weeks of the longest and hardest military training in the world before being immediately deployed to Helmand Province and the escalating fight against the Taliban insurgents. Most of the recruits failed to get through the brutal training but Bertie was one who succeeded - along with Chris, who at the age of 55 earned an honorary Green Beret for passing the gruelling commando tests alongside the young troops.

3rd Rock from the Sun King of Queens Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Undercover Boss Australia Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News Come Dine with Me A Place in the Sun Countdown Deal or No Deal Draw it! Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Mary’s Silver Service One Born Every Minute My Last Summer CCTV: Caught on Camera Barclaycard Mercury Prize Sessions Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

Home Shopping Storage Hunters Top Gear Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Top Gear Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Sin City Motors Top Gear Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Sin City Motors Motorway Cops Lizard Lick Towing Lizard Lick Towing Have I Got a Bit More News for You Room 101 24 Hours to Go Broke Never Mind the Buzzcocks Lizard Lick Towing Lizard Lick Towing Motorway Cops

06:00: 08:45: 08:55: 09:00: 09:15: 11:10: 12:10: 12:15: 13:15: 13:45: 14:15: 15:15: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00: 00:55:

06:00: 07:00: 08:00: 09:00: 09:30: 11:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 21:30:

22:30: 23:00:

Childrens T.V. Bananas in Pyjamas Milkshake Monkey Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff Eddie Stobart’s Excellent Adventures 5 News Lunchtime Big Brother: Power Trip Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Jane Doe: Vanishing Act 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door Brighton Bombing: Minute by Minute Football Hooligan and Proud Big Brother: Power Trip Big Brother’s Bit on the Side Under the Dome Super Casino

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Destination Brazil Destination Brazil The Premier League Years Rise as One Rise as One Destination Brazil Destination Brazil Destination Brazil Destination Brazil Destination Brazil Russia and South Korea (Group H). Series profiling the teams competing in the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil. This episode focuses on Group H opponents Russia and South Korea. Rise as One Rise as One

19:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:45: 23:10: 23:30: 23:55: 00:15: 01:00: 01:55:

11:00: 13:15: 15:40: 17:50: 21:00:

22:55: 02:00:

Athletics Street Kid World Cup Orphan Black Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! American Dad! Backchat World Cup Special Street Kid World Cup Orphan Black

The Bridges of Toko-Ri Reap the Wild Wind Tobruk The Curious Case of Benjamin Button East is East Damien O’Donnell’s multi-award-winning comedy. Watchmen You, the Living




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editor recommends



Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014

Thursday - TV

06:00: 09:15: 10:00: 11:00: 11:30: 12:15: 13:00: 13:30: 13:45: 14:15: 15:00: 15:30: 16:30: 17:15: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:30: 22:00: 22:25: 22:35: 23:35: 00:20: 00:25:

08:30: 09:30: 10:30: 11:30: 12:30: 13:00: 13:30: 14:00: 15:00: 17:10: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:35: 23:20: 00:05: 00:55: 01:50:

Breakfast Crimewatch Homes Under the Hammer Claimed and Shamed The Legalizer Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Doctors Perfection Escape to the Country The Hairy Bikers’ Best of British Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show EastEnders Celebrity MasterChef Mrs. Brown’s Boys BBC News at Ten BBC London News Question Time This Week Holiday Weatherview BBC News

06:00: 06:05:

19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 21:30: 22:00: 22:30: 23:20: 00:00: 01:00: 01:30:

Dinner Date Real Housewives of Orange County Real Housewives of Atlanta The Millionaire Matchmaker Emmerdale Coronation Street You’ve Been Framed! The Millionaire Matchmaker Jeremy Kyle Show Real Housewives of Atlanta Dinner Date You’ve Been Framed! 100% You’ve Been Framed! Britain’s Got More Talent TV OD Celebrity Juice Viral Tap Two and a Half Men Britain’s Got More Talent Life’s Funniest Moments

06:00: Second Thoughts 06:25: Heartbeat 07:20: The Royal 08:20: Murder, She Wrote 09:25: Judge Judy 09:50: Judge Judy 10:15: Judge Judy 10:40: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 11:55: Pie in the Sky 13:00: Heartbeat 14:00: The Royal 15:05: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 16:15: Second Thoughts 16:50: Home to Roost 17:20: Man About the House 17:55: Heartbeat 19:00: Murder, She Wrote 20:00: Foyle’s War 22:00: afterlife 23:00: Law and Order: UK 00:00: Pie in the Sky 01:05: Judge Judy 01:30: Judge Judy 01:50: Movies Now 02:00: ITV3 Nightscreen

07:05: 07:35: 08:20: 09:05: 10:05: 10:35: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 13:00: 18:00: 18:30:

This is BBC Two Homes Under the Hammer Building Dream Homes The Legalizer Don’t Get Done, Get Dom Escape to the Continent Gardeners’ World HARDtalk BBC News BBC World News The Daily Politics Tennis from Queen’s Eggheads Building Dream Homes Antiques Road Trip Springwatch Springwatch QI Mock the Week Newsnight Match of the Day Welcome to Rio Panorama Match of the Day

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather Celebrity Jeremy Kyle Dickinson’s Real Deal Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV News and Weather FIFA World Cup Live 2014 ITV News and Weather Harbour Lives Jackpot247

08:30: 09:25: 10:30: 11:25: 11:30: 12:30: 13:30: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 23:15: 23:55: 00:20:

06:00: Minder 06:50: Cheers 07:50: The Sweeney 08:45: Kojak 09:50: Magnum, P.I. 10:50: Amazing Argentina 11:50: Best of Brazil 12:50: Cycling 13:50: Magnum, P.I. 14:50: Kojak 15:55: The Sweeney 16:55: Minder 18:00: Greatest World Cup Goals 19:00: Cheers 20:00: Storage Wars 21:00: The Black Windmill Tense thriller in which a secret agent attempts to track down a gang who have kidnapped his son. In return for the boy’s life, the abductors demand the diamonds the agent has been holding as bait to trap a dangerous smuggling ring. 23:10: Sleepers

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06:00: 06:45: 07:10: 07:35: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 12:05: 13:05: 13:40: 14:40: 15:30: 16:30: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:25: 00:25: 01:20:

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Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014



Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014


Vintage Consultancy Halina Super 35X


5 books



This Halina Don't have the Super right35X paperwork? (or 35X Don't speak Super) is an upgrade Spanish? onDon't the know 35X, Halina where made to inturn? Hong Don't Kong worry! CallMade) (Empire 647 057 by 599 or Haking, email help@diana-mcglone.com c.1963. It has a similar Halina Anastigmat...

size 12/14 - would say peacock feather design - elasticated back - worn once - 12E - Los Cristianos pick up...

5 books - 9E - excellent condition Los Cristianos pick up...


For sale, "Corby" trouser press in white. If you want to look smart at work and have your trousers conserved and pressed ready to wear the next day, then t...

922 008 689 867 644 478

35 € 922 794 409

12 € 922 794 409

9 € 922 724 656


666 248 656

29 €

Classic Castellan Furnit

2 single top covers


Bedside table


Mirror Classical Color: Brown Frame in Wood Dimensions Height: 131 cm Wide: 60 cm Depth: 3.5 cm Matching furniture items are shown in ot...

2 made to measure (de-luxe) single top covers specifically made for the type of bed shown (i.e. with wrought iron at the bottom) - just slightly darker tha...

5 large 7 smaller, nice pics of flowers in good wooden frames, no marks. 12 euro large 9 euro smaller will sell separate...

Nice white bed side table - 2 pieces...

Nice sofa , good quality, for sale...

689 008 644

922 794 409


671 149 870

40 €

40 €

95 €

30 € 671 149 870

200 €


Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014


Classic Music 30 CD

Cabinet Doors


Coffee cups/plates/sauce

Dining Table & Chairs

Classic Music – 30 CD Full set of 30 CD’s with a selection of the best Classical music composers. Chopin; Beethoven; Vivaldi; Bach; Mendelssohn; ...

3 cabinet doors with pine effect outer finish and white inner,, complete with cabinet hinges. 715mm high Including 40 mm deep aluminium handle across the t...

size 12/ purple, 1 silver grey elasticated back worn once/twice each - 7E each or both for 12E - Los Cristianos pick up...

Selling, 30 coffee cups, 12 saucers and 6 plates, all brand new and of hotel/catering grade, Superb quality. Tenerife south, Adeje. 1 euro each item or th...

Bargain at this price. A beautiful Dining table with 6 chairs. The suite is all wood. The table has an excellent varnish finish with bevelled edges (loo...

689 008 644

689 008 644

922 794 409

666 248 656

689 008 644

25 €

10 €



Classic Castellan Furnit

to sell a table 120x80x80cm, white...

Wardrobe A robust Castilian wardrobe of classic style. A lovely piece for placing in a traditional setting. There matching bedside tables and mirror - s...

new mattress, Opel corsa 2004, 5 door, petrol Beautiful, Itv until November 2014 Full confortable - 2 pieces - each one service, new battery, filter and 100€ ... oil change November 2013 New front tyres April 2014 Sligh...

Solac bag-less vacuum cleaner, 5 cyclones, perfect condition...

922 791 976

689 008 644

100 € REF: 3735 2,250 € 671 149 870 Dual Windscreen Holder Samsung TV

REF: 3724 120 € KENWOOD Amplifier

50 €

290 €


Tri-pod Telescope

Selling, Play Station , as new, used once and then stored in original packaging with 4 games. Tenerife south, Adeje...

Tri-pod Telescope Great fun for viewing the sky especially at night. This is a great start up telescope for viewing the heavens, and at SUCH a good price...

666 248 656

45 € 689 008 644

50 €


350 €


Opel corsa

Solac vacuum cleaner

Pama Universal 2-in-1 Dual Windscreen Holder Technical Details • Twin strong flexible goose neck arms • 360° Rotating holders. • Folding bas...

Samsung 43 inch widescreen tv. 2 HDMI and USB port. Perfect condition....

Amplifier KENWOOD Lucasfilm THX Surround EX DTS Surround Dolby Digital 100 wattt x 6 dvd6/ch CD / DVD Phono, Tuner, Video1, video2, video3 MD / Tape...

689 008 644

REF: 3736

632 092 358

12 €

250 €

450 €

Table for sale




shoes etc

Wood table , 60 x 150 , 5 black seats , ...


Special Flamingo Marina Guitar Model M12 of 1983 With built-in microphone and backpack Unique concert sound,... For lovers of Spain Balearic Flamingo m...

plain white & turquoise are both George size 12 & white/embroidery is Pilot size 14 - worn once or twice each - 5E each or all 3 for 12E - Los Cristianos p...

White Reeboks-20E - 5 1/2/38 1/2, Aubergine Lilley & Skinner pumps-6E - 5/38, Black Miss Fiori pumps-6E - 5/38, Silver buckle pumps-6E - 6/39, Black/white ...

671 149 870

922 724 656

632 092 358

922 794 409

922 794 409

100 €


2,300 €





Vivitar 80-200mm 1:4,5

Audioline Phone Answerer

Vivitar MC Tele Converte

beautiful lined cream lace dress - size 12 - worn once - was £40, selling for 20E - Los Cristianos pick up...

For sale, new and unused, 2 metal folding chairs and small folding table. Can be easily stored or taken for picnic or camping. Tenerife South, Adeje....

This is a Vivitar mm 1:4.5 MC Macro focusing zoom lens – PK fit. . Classic manual focus lens. Multi coated for better optics. The lens is used, but is...

Audioline 937 Compact "Remote Access" Digital Answering System with hands free speakerphone and LCD display. Memory Dialing Last number redial ...

VIVITAR MC TELE CONVERTER 2X 22 TELE CONVERTER PK FIT complete with case and user guide....

922 794 409

666 248 656

689 008 644

20 €

19 €

25 € 689 008 644

20 €

689 008 644

12 €


Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014


Powder coat sprayer and


Sofa Bed


Powder coating sprayer and many powder paints. more than in the picture chrome, turquoise, white, green, black, purple, etc THREE filing cabinets off pa...

we sell equipment for carpentry and wood work. only hole stuff to sell in Icod alto for self ...

San Eugenio Alto Area - Sofa Bed Colour Red - Material "Needlecord" Excellent Condition Only 80 Euros - Buyer To Collect...

2 TB MUSIC / KARAOKE PC Custom Built.. Perfect for any Bar / Club Connect 3 TV / Monitors at the same time (FULL HD) Logitech Wireless Keyboard & ...

605 740 410

922 791 976

657 061 961


500 €

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Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014


TW SPORTS FIX By Stooie “Shabba” Greenhalgh

Wow, what week of sport again, incredible stuff from Wembley stadium and ‘The Corbra’s outstanding right hook to knock out st george, Cd Tenerife make is 6 on the bounce, defeats that is… Woy’s Bwoys in action against Peru…. happy reading…. Bonnet da douche

WhAT The frOCh WAS ThAT! C arl froch knocked George Groves out with a huge right hand in the eighth round of their rematch, in front of Britishrecord 80,000 fans at Wembley Stadium.

In doing so, Nottingham’s Froch retained his IBF and WBA super-middleweight titles and erased the controversy of their first encounter. Froch, 36, won in Manchester last November via a controversial ninth-round stoppage - but there was no room for debate this time. Having built a lead in an often cagey fight, Froch floored the challenger towards the end of the eighth, rendering Groves unconscious. Referee Charlie Fitch started his count but soon called it off. And while Groves initially protested, there were no further complaints. Two judges had Froch ahead at the time of the stoppage, one Groves. Froch, taking part in his 12th straight world title fight, could now face former Olympic champion James DeGale in another huge domestic dust-up. Groves entered the stadium atop a doubledecker London bus and appeared totally unfazed by the heaving throng that greeted him. The champion, looking the tenser of the two,

arrived by more conventional means. The first round was a cagey affair, with both men reluctant to engage, but the challenger probably nicked it courtesy of some sharp jabs. Froch promised to box more correctly than he did in the first fight, and there was evidence of that in the early rounds, the champion employing his jab to keep Groves at range. Londoner Groves, 26, was shoved to the floor midway through the second but he did throw Froch off balance with a snappy left-right combination. However, it was already clear that the return bout was destined to be far more cautious than the first, as is often the case with rematches. Frustrated by the lack of action, the crowd started to boo a minute into the third, which spurred both men into action. In one meaty exchange, Groves landed with a big right hand, only for Froch to hit back with a big left. Groves had more success with his right early in the fourth and Froch was stunned by a concussive combination midway through the round. But with Groves wanting to remain sharp down the stretch, he was reluctant to overload his attacks. The fight, which had burned slowly for the first third, opened up in the fifth, Groves peppering Froch with more right hands and Froch

england 3 : peru 0 Goals from Daniel Sturridge, Gary Cahill and phil Jagielka saw england beat Peru 3-0 in their final appearance at Wembley before the 2014 World Cup.


TURRiDGE’S SUBLimE curling effort put Roy Hodgson’s men on their way, Cahill heading in from Leighton Baines’ corner before centre-back partner Jagielka made it 3-0. Peru was selected for this occasion to offer a taste of South American opposition, and it was a win that was not without its anxious moments before Roy Hodgson’s side exerted their authority. Liverpool’s Daniel Sturridge struck a superb opener to give England a first-half lead, and central defensive duo Gary Cahill and Phil Jagielka took advantage of corners from Leighton Baines to give the score line a convincing look. England boss Roy Hodgson will have been pleased Wayne Rooney was able to play 65 minutes in his first game for a month after a groin injury, while he also gave a debut to young Everton defender John Stones. He will have been less happy about a very average Peru side creating opportunities, with keeper Joe Hart forced to save well from Jean Deza and Luis Ramirez in the opening 45 minutes. Hodgson gave Manchester United’s Danny Welbeck a start ahead of Raheem Sterling, while he also operated with the central midfield partnership of Liverpool duo Steven Gerrard and Jordan Henderson. It was hardly a vintage display but this was

more about being part of Hodgson’s learning process as the squad prepares to head to Miami on Sunday for the next phase of their build-up before the World Cup opener against Italy in Manaus on 14 June. Hodgson picked a strong side but there was the unquestionable feel of a warm-up about a low-key first half in which England enjoyed plenty of possession but were met by massed ranks of Peruvian defenders. In a rare Peru break, Hart showed great athleticism to save Deza’s shot when it took a deflection off Jagielka after Rooney had conceded possession cheaply. Sturridge’s first half had been mixed but he made up for dragging a good chance across the face of goal and wide by giving England the lead in spectacular fashion in the 33rd minute. He received a throw in from Liverpool team-mate Glen Johnson before turning and curling a fine left-foot finish high beyond the stretching Peru keeper Raul Fernandez. England, despite dominating, were given another scare just before half-time when Johnson played Ramirez onside and Hart needed to be off his line quickly to avert the danger. Deza was showing plenty of ambition when he got within shooting range and he had Hart scrambling back with one effort from 35 yards that was only inches over the bar. england’s World Cup journey 7 June: v Honduras, Miami, USA 14 June: v Italy, World Cup, Manaus 19 June: v Uruguay, World Cup, Sao Paulo 24 June: v Costa Rica, World Cup, Belo Horizonte

getting the better of some muscular inside exchanges, opening up a cut under his rival’s left eye. Round six was more measured but Froch won it, taking advantage of an unusually small ring, hunting Groves down and drilling him into the ropes, although he did have to take some more chopping rights up close. Before the fight, Groves vowed to knock Froch out with a left hook, and he landed with a beauty early in the seventh, although Froch probably stole the round again with some rugged work late on, including a clunking right. And it was all over two minutes and 34 seconds into the eighth, Froch flooring Groves with an enormous right cross as the challenger looked to get a shot off. Froch has now won 33 of his 35 professional fights, with two defeats, while Groves slips to 19 wins and two defeats in the paid ranks. Another option for Froch is American Andre Ward, who beat the Englishman in 2011. But De-

Gale is likely to be first, followed by a rematch against Ward in Las Vegas next year, which would probably be his last fight. Saturday’s bill was the first at the new Wembley Stadium since it opened in 2007, and the attendance set a new post-World War II record for a boxing event in Britain. The last fight at the old Wembley Stadium took place in 1995, when Frank Bruno beat Oliver McCall to win the WBC heavyweight title.


Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014

World Cup 2014:


The key questions facing Roy Hodgson England’s World Cup preparations move to Miami after Friday’s 3-0 friendly win against Peru at Wembley.


he final score line was comfortable enough, with goals from Daniel Sturridge, Gary Cahill and Phil Jagielka helping to disguise the fact that some aspects of the performance were unconvincing.

criticism of Rooney’s performance in his 65 minutes against Peru but this was wildly out of context with the reality of his current situation. The Manchester United striker has been sidelined for more than a month with a groin injury and underwent his own personal fitness regime in Portugal before joining the rest of the squad; such is his So what questions will manager Roy determination finally to make an impact on Hodgson be pondering ahead of the two a major tournament. This was always going warm-up games against Ecuador and to be a game where he eased his way back Honduras in the United States? in and got some minutes under his belt as Can Rooney and Sturridge excel part of the preparation process. Rooney was enthusiastic but his touch together? was a little heavy and he spent long periods Wayne Rooney’s form and selection is on the margins of the game. This, however, shaping up as a major part of the narrative was to be expected after his spell out and of England’s World Cup build-up. Is he still the was purely the next part of the plan to automatic choice he has been for England have him in peak condition to face Italy on over the last decade? It seems no lead-up 14 June. to a major tournament is complete without A more pertinent question will be how a forensic examination of Rooney’s form Hodgson can get Rooney to dovetail with and fitness - and Brazil will be no different. his fellow striker Daniel Sturridge in a The court of social media was alive with workable strike partnership, but all the noises from the manager suggest he will start with Rooney in Manaus. The next fortnight will shape that decision but surely criticism of Rooney is premature given his lack of match sharpness, which will be honed further over the next week in Miami. Should Sterling start? There was some surprise at Wembley that Liverpool’s Raheem Sterling, 19, was not given a start against Peru, with Manchester United’s Danny Welbeck getting the nod from Hodgson. Hodgson is a fan of Welbeck, who has delivered for him in the past, but Sterling’s introduction in the second The season is over for CD Tenerife, after another half added pace and an one nil defeat making it six straight 1-0 defeats on ability to run with the ball the bounce, at the Heliodoro and if Saturday’s 7,825 that England required. He spectators is anything to go by it would seem the fans is a more naturally dynamic have had enough. The Murcia team needed just half a attacker than the rangy, minute of time to take the lead through striker Kike willing Welbeck. Gacía. Despite controlling the match CDT could not conWelbeck is the more vert the chance, Ayoze was out with stomach cramp experienced of the pair (yeah right) and the sooner he goes to Newcastle the better. Without a doubt CDT need to strengthen, but Cervera needs to get the wallet out and get the signatures of the soon to be ‘out of contract’ players sorted out before it’s too late.

Six for Six,

and 26 seconds

Tercera Playoff’s Atletico Granadilla’s second chance at the playoff’s ended with a heavy 3-0 defeat away to Pontevedra, and they will need a miracle next weekend to get to the next stage. The Island of La Palma’s Mensajero are looking very good for progressing to the next round of playoffs after a very impressive 4-0 home win at the expense of Atletico Astorga. CD Tenerife B had a fantastic 3-0 home win against CD Varea, and will be favorite’s for the next round.

and has been useful for his versatility in attack but Hodgson must decide whether the mobile, pacy Sterling is more suited to starting in Brazil, or whether he may make a greater impact coming off the bench as a substitute. Sterling does not lack confidence and whatever route Hodgson chooses will not faze this player of huge promise. He could be a potent weapon for England in Brazil. Welbeck, on the other hand, is trusted by Hodgson for the strength of past performances and it may just be that counts in the final reckoning. Who should partner Gerrard in central midfield? Steven Gerrard is the fulcrum of England’s team. The midfield mainstay, leader and captain is respected by the rest of the World Cup squad heading to Brazil. What Hodgson must decide is who plays alongside him. Gerrard’s Liverpool teammate Jordan Henderson got first crack against Peru at Wembley, fully deserved on the back of a superb season doing a similar job at Anfield. There is a sense, however, that this place is still up for grabs and Jack Wilshere’s lively cameo suggested he believes he is the man who can keep the debate going. Henderson was not quite his energetic self against Peru but his outstanding natural fitness, as well as plenty of ability and his understanding with the 34-yearold Gerrard, may appeal to Hodgson in the testing South American conditions. Wilshere is the more creative player but has suffered a string of injury problems. He will need to press his case against Ecuador and Honduras to push Henderson out of the side.

Everton’s Ross Barkley is the brilliant young wildcard but with the likes of Rooney, Adam Lallana, Sterling and others vying for positions in midfield and attack, he may have to produce something very special to start. Those who have observed Barkley regularly, however, know he is capable of doing exactly that. Can England’s defence cope with world’s best? England may be well blessed with an outstanding goalkeeper in Joe Hart, as well as resources in midfield and attack but will their defence prove a weakness in Brazil? They conceded only four goals in 10 undefeated games in qualifying for the World Cup, but the feeling lingers that they may be vulnerable to attacking play of the highest quality. England must certainly deal better with runners from deep. And at Wembley on Friday there was the odd lapse in concentration that allowed Peru a chance or two. Common sense suggests Hodgson and his defence will be working on this in the next fortnight to be completely match sharp by the time their World Cup campaign kicks off. They can also point to that impressive record in qualifying. Central defenders Cahill and Jagielka were on the score sheet, while left-back Leighton Baines produced two corners that led to goals. Glen Johnson, however, was sloppy and can do a lot better. Peru presented very average opposition but still had opportunities. The better players England will face in Brazil particularly the likes of Uruguay pairing Edinson Cavani and Luis Suarez and Italian maverick Mario Balotelli - may not be as generous.


Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014


The Sunday Times exposes Bun Climbing qatar 2022 payments


HE NEWSPAPER has exposed shocking revelations that Ben Hammam paid $5m to influence key members’ votes.

The Sunday Times has produced shocking revelations that Mohamed bin Hammam paid more than $5m (�3.7m) to African football chiefs in order to ensure that the 2022 World Cup would be held in Qatar. According to the British daily, documents have emerged that prove Bin Hammam exploited “his position at the heart of world football to help to secure from the key members of Fifa’s 24-man ruling committee the votes that Qatar needed to win”. The newspaper says that the files, compiled by analyzing an electronic database of hundreds of millions of emails, accounts and other documents, show the existence of ten slush funds controlled by Kemco, Bin Hammam’s construction company, from which dozens of payments of up to $200,000 were made into accounts controlled by the presidents of 30

African football associations The ex-FIFA executive committee member also allegedly organized banquets and receptions for these presidents, among whom he handed out almost $400,000 in cash. They in turn committed themselves in emails to supporting Qatar’s campaign. According to the Sunday Times, Bin Hammam additionally paid more than $1.6m directly into bank accounts controlled by Jack Warner, the former Exco member for Trinidad and Tobago. He also reportedly paid legal and detective fees for ex-Oceania Exco member Reynald Temariiafter he was suspended following accusations of corruption. This avoided Temarii being replaced in time by another candidate in favor of voting for Australia, the Sunday Times explains. The newspaper also documents further payments including $800,000 to the Ivory Coast FA, whose Exco member Jacques Anouma agreed to “push very hard the bid of Qatar”.

eaCh sPring, tens of thousands of hong kong residents and visitors swarm the minuscule fishing island of Cheung Chau to witness man vs. bun. Just outside the Pak Tai temple, 60-ft.-tall (18 m) bamboo and metal structures are covered in steamed, sweet and blessed buns. at midnight on the final night of the weeklong festival, in an event known as the Bun s c r a m b l e , athletes try their best to scurry up the bun towers and gather more buns than their opponents.


Arsenal beat everton to retain trophy

pre World Cup Tendinosis S for portugal’s ronaldo

HELLEY KERR’S 16 months as Arsenal manager ended on a triumphant note as the Gunners eased to a 2-0 win against Everton in a one-sided fA Cup final.


HE REAL mADRiD forward is also nursing a thigh problem

Last Weekend’s 0-0 draw with Greece was played without superstar forward Cristiano Ronaldo due to injury concerns, now Portugal have confirmed that Ronaldo is suffering from tendinosis as they continue their preparations for the World Cup. A statement from the Portuguese FA on Wednesday revealed that the 29-year-old has picked up “left-leg patellar tendinosis” and has been training separately to his team-mates in

a bid to recuperate. However Ronaldo’s former Manchester United team-mate Nani is confident that the Ballon d’Or winner will be fit for Brazil saying: “I don’t believe the situation with Ronaldo is worrying, he is going well, and he is relaxed about it. Things are going the right way. We hope that Cristiano is in good enough shape to play and to help the team.” Portugal face Mexico in their next warm-up match on Saturday and play Germany in their opening match in Group G on 16 June.

Striker Kelly Smith scored an early opener before setting up Yukari Kinga to seal the victory on the hour mark. Kerr resigned a week ago with her team bottom of the Women’s Super League. However, they looked anything but relegation candidates as they avenged their 2010 final defeat by the Toffees to lift the trophy for the 13th time. Kerr quit last Sunday in response to the Gunners’ poor start to the season - they have lost three of their opening four league games and are bottom of the table with a solitary point. But she opted to stay on for this match at Stadium MK as Arsenal looked to add to a tally of 40 major trophies since they were formed 27 years ago. They entered the match as favorites, in no small part because of their impressive record of 12 victories from their previous 13 appearances in this fixture. And the Gunners, league title winners in nine of the past 10 seasons, began in suitably confident fashion in front of a crowd of just over 15,000 fans in Milton Keynes. Everton just a point and a place above Arsenal after a similarly sluggish start to the campaign - did have an early sight of goal through striker Nikita Parris, who shot over after just 25 seconds, but the Toffees were quickly having to defend as Arsenal started to dominate. Winger Rachel Yankey struck the inside of the

near post with a stinging 25-yard shot but it was veteran striker Smith who would prove the game’s most influential figure. The 35-year-old put the Gunners in front with a sublime piece of technique, curling a 20-yard free-kick over the defensive wall and just inside the post after 15 minutes. Everton attempted to hit back when Captain Michelle Hinnigan sent a long-range effort into the arms of goalkeeper Emma Byrne. But Arsenal were soon back on the offensive and striker Danielle Carter, an impressive performer throughout, sent an effort from 18 yards inches wide. And a minute before half-time, goalkeeper Rachel Brown-Finnis pulled off a goal-line save from Carter’s diving header. Smith went close to doubling the lead six minutes after the interval, curling a shot against the far post from 15 yards as she cut in from the right side of the penalty area. She did not have to wait long to celebrate again, though, as 10 minutes later her pass set up Japan international Kinga to shoot home from 12 yards. Kinga’s compatriot Shinobu Ohno forced an excellent save from Brown-Finnis, who within seconds had to keep out an Alex Scott shot. As the game moved into its closing stages, Everton gallantly attempted to force their way back into contention and Parris went close with a late header. Arsenal almost grabbed another goal of their own when left-back Emma Mitchell hit the woodwork in stoppage time, but their earlier efforts were enough to ensure they gave the departing Kerr the perfect end to her spell as manager.


The Lingerie Fighting Championships 2014

Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014


Spain move towards Brazil with a smile


a Roja’ eased to victory in the second half with goals from Torres (penalty) and a fine solo effort from Iniesta. Iturraspe and Deulofeu made their debuts.


es guys this really exists! Last Friday, the Lingerie Fighting Championships took place at the Silver Nugget Casino in Las Vegas (where else but Vegas) Yes ‘MMA’s ( mixed martial arts) most controversial league’, LFC (no, not Liverpool Football Club), is exactly what it says on the ..ahem box... women fighting in their underwear.

In front of a packed house last weekend Feather ‘The Hammer’ Hadden in a sheer black and blue slip, defended her Lingerie Fighting Championship belt against challenger Holly ‘The Lotus’ Mei, wearing a flourescent pink-trimmed lace maids oufit! Other bouts took place between the likes of Serina “Honey Punch” Kyle and Maxine “The Boss” Frost as well as Megan “Baby” Doll and Brenda “Juice” Jones, all that’s really missing is the mud!

Paul Newman once explained his loyalty in gastronomic terms: Why go out for a hamburger when you can have a steak at home? It’s a good argument, but it’s not airtight. The steak that is the Spain team, current World and European champions, should be enough to win our wholehearted loyalty time after time, because there’s no better ‘meat’ on earth. Yet as you watched Spain play at certain points during this game, that longing for a bit of minced meat and big dollop of ketchup, that yellow splodge of industrially produced mustard, started to creep in. Some admit it, others don’t, but the disloyalty is the same. In many ways, the relationship between the fans and this team reminds you of one of those marriages made in heaven, where happiness sometimes gives rise to boredom, even drowsiness. Against Bolivia the same thing happened. The crowd didn’t hurl any accusations, because in Seville they only need to turn up to have a good time, but among the nonSeville residents there was a degree of concern. Spain spent the whole of the first half moving but with no end-product, danger-free attacks full of possession, the script re-written a hundred times. What is true is that this Spain side plays the same way against everyone

- from the modest to the mighty – and nearly always wins, which would suggest that maybe the problem is not the team, but those of us that are watching. Maybe it’s just our palates, which for some reason crave that ground beef, that dodgy meatball. In the midst of this vexation we all cheered (hungrily) when the referee blew his whistle after 49 minutes, pointing to the penalty spot for a little nudge on Javi Martínez, little more than a slap on the back. ‘El Niño’ dedicated his penalty to Panenka – in fact, Torres could have had more, but it seemed as though his anxiety got the better of him and you get the impression he should think less when he pops up in a goal scoring position. As Liverpool’s Bob Paisley once said: “If you’re in the penalty area and don’t know what to do with the ball, put it

in the net and we’ll discuss the options later” After a first half where only Cazorla and Pedro looked sharp, along with the restrained contribution of Iturraspe, the second was injected with more life simply through the presence of Iniesta, Silva and Cesc, who were also were joined by debutant Deulofeu. The upshot being that Spain improved when the group of players that define its style of play joined forces, the ones we call the little guys. This was confirmed by Iniesta’s goal – a neat pass into the net via the post, a relief when faced with the prospect of squeezing out another low-scoring victory. But we are who we are, steak to be precise. Sorry for doubting, Mr. Newman. (Source www.as.es)

Mixed Display From England R aheem Sterling was sent off and Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain suffered a worrying knee injury as England produced a mixed display to draw with Ecuador in their World Cup warm-up game in Miami. Liverpool youngster Sterling was dismissed 11 minutes from time for a clash with Manchester United’s Antonio Valencia - who was also given a red card for reacting furiously to the challenge. It provided a sour note for manager Roy Hodgson - as did the injury sustained by Oxlade-Chamberlain - as he saw his experimental side struggle defensively but produce some excellent work going forward, especially from Everton midfielder Ross Barkley. Ecuador took advantage of poor England defending as Enner Valencia headed them in front early on but Wayne Rooney bundled in his 39th goal for his country before half-time. Rickie Lambert celebrated his dream £4m move to Liverpool by putting England ahead just after the interval following brilliant work by Barkley but the South Americans levelled through substitute Michael Arroyo’s spectacular strike. With temperatures and humidity high, it was the perfect conditioning work-out for England and there were pluses for Hodgson. Rooney worked hard in his left-flank role and got another 63 minutes under his belt while Barkley demonstrated once again that he could become a real World Cup wildcard. Oxlade-Chamberlain also delivered some good moments before departing with an injury that his manager said afterwards was serious enough to require a scan. None of England’s revamped defence suggested they would

start at the World Cup as central defensive pairing Chris Smalling and Phil Jones looked uncertain and the ploy of playing James Milner at right back was not a success. England can now fine tune further against Honduras here on Saturday before flying to Brazil to embark on their World Cup campaign Hodgson’s second string looked exactly that at times - and defensive frailties were exposed as Ecuador went ahead with their first attack after eight minutes. Milner stood off Walter Ayovi and when Smalling got caught under his cross, Valencia beat Luke Shaw to the ball at the far post to head powerfully past Ben Foster. Foster, meanwhile, had mixed success racing from his line, as England’s lack of understanding left them vulnerable, but they were soon edging their way back into the game. Captain Frank Lampard had already dragged one shot across the face of goal before forcing Ecuador keeper Maximo Banguera into action from long range. And Hodgson’s side were on level terms just before the halfhour as Rooney scrambled in from almost on the line after Lambert had flicked a shot against the post. It was not the prettiest of goals but Rooney’s celebration indicated how much it meant to him. Foster’s risky dash out almost gave Valencia another chance but England escaped and almost went ahead when Shaw’s fine run set up Rooney, who could not hit the target. Barkley’s powerful running had already set up OxladeChamberlain and the Everton man showed his class once more as England went ahead after 51 minutes. He weaved his way through Ecuador’s defence before laying the ball into the path of Lambert,

who thumped in a powerful angled finish. Ecuador were still strong, though, and causing problems for England’s unconvincing rearguard. When Oxlade-Chamberlain fell awkwardly under a challenge he was substituted in apparent discomfort, and Rooney was also taken off after 63 minutes. Rahee The changes were the signal for a flurry of activity that ended with Ecuador equalizing as substitute Arroyo marked his introduction by sending a magnificent finish high past Foster from 25 yards. Sterling had made a promising entrance but then got involved in the skirmish that led to red cards for him and Valencia. The Liverpool forward’s wild challenge infuriated Valencia, who reacted by grabbing him by the neck. It was an unsatisfactory conclusion to a mixed bag of a performance from England.


Tenerife Weekly - 6th June 2014 - 12th June 2014




1. Extremely 7. Computer symbol 10. Put in infirmary 11. Ruffian 12. Grassy area 13. Hairless 15. Problems 17. Health resort

doWn 1. Casts ballot 2. Stewed leafstalk 3. Eastern exercise 4. Drove fast 5. Mouldy 6. Moved through air 7.... of Capri 8. Stopping

av rafael Puig 7, Playa de Las americas arona ( in front of hotel Tenerife sol)


18. Wooden pin 20. Creeping plant 21. Workaday routine, ... race 23. Miami Vice star, ... Johnson 25. Hotels 26. Hips to ribs region 28. The ... Duckling

30. Adolescent 31. Before long 32. Walk in water 34. Be appropriate to 35. Windless 37. Vex 39. Stroke gently 40. Bleating sound 41. Observe

43. Sphere 45. Shetland animal 48. Did breaststroke 50. Concoction 51. Short skirt style 52. Redistributes 53. Realise intuitively, ... out 54. Social misfit

9. Grandmother 14. Entitle 16. Aged 18. Solar system bodies 19. Chatty 22. Showy flower 24. 1/16 of pound 25. eat’s foot

26. Internet address, World Wide ... 27. Young child 29. Delicious! 33. Nappies 36. Reduce to fine particles 38. Relatives 39. Combat captive

(1,1,1) 40. Infants 42. Harbour guide 44. Physique 46. Is indebted to 47. Shrill bark 48. Burglar’s loot 49. Prayer ending

Answers to the QUICK CROSSWORD are on page 2

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