Lindsey Lowe murder trial coverage

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Lowe trial set for March 11 Accused mother testifies for first time since arrest By Tena Lee Sumner A.M.

A Hendersonville woman accused of killing her newborn twins and placing their bodies in a laundry basket in September of 2011testified Thursday in Sumner County Criminal Court for the first time since her arrest.

Fuel prices continue to climb

Lindsey Lowe’s testimony, tearful at times, came in one of a flurry of recent hearings and appeals – one of which was denied Friday by the Tennessee Supreme Court – held in advance of her jury trial, scheduled to begin March 11. Selection for that jury panel starts Wednesday. Lowe, 26, has been charged with two counts of first-degree murder after allegedly admitting to police she held her hand over each twin’s mouth shortly after their births so that her parents, who didn’t know she was

pregnant, wouldn’t hear their cries. The twins were found in a laundry basket by Lowe’s father on Sept. 14, Lowe 2011 – two days after the crime allegedly occurred. Lowe has remained free on a $250,000 bond. It was during a hearing Thursday on a second motion to suppress that statement that Lowe was called to the witness

stand by her attorneys, John Pellegrin and James Ramsey. Lowe’s attorneys argued that she was in police custody when Hendersonville police Detective Steve Malach came to her workplace in Old Hickory Sept. 14 to question her, and subsequently asked that she accompany him to the Hendersonville Police Department. Sumner County District Attorney Ray Whitley has argued Lowe was not in police custody at the time. Lowe recounted how Malach, who was not in uniform or driving a police car, came to the

dentist’s office at which she was working and asked to speak with her in a conference room. Throughout much of her testimony, she was soft-spoken and polite, often answering, “Yes, sir.” “As soon as I got in the car, he locked the doors, and I felt like I had no choice in the matter,” she said, composed, but dabbing tears from her eyes. During the 30-minute ride to Hendersonville, the two talked about Lowe’s career aspira-

» LOWE, 3M


By Sherry Mitchell Sumner A.M.

Residents are feeling the pinch at the gas pumps with local prices escalating almost daily, surpassing 2012 levels. As of Friday, gas prices in Hendersonville and Gallatin ranged from $3.55 a gallon at the lowest end to $3.69 at the higher end. Meanwhile, some drivers to the south in Franklin were paying $3.79 a gallon. It’s a trend that could continue for the next few months, due to snowstorms in the Northeast, concerns over Iran’s nuclear talks and the economy. “Motorists can expect gas prices to rise throughout March and into April,” said Jessica Brady, a spokesman for AAA. “Although there are a few factors that could cause oil prices to stabilize this week, it’s likely gas prices will increase. So far market trends and price fluctuations at the pump have been similar to 2011 and 2012, leading analysts to believe prices will peak in April before they retreat.” The rising cost of fuel has some Sumner drivers feeling frustrated. “It bothers me a lot to have to pay more for gas,” said Gallatin resident Array Johnson. “I’m a certified nursing assistant and I’m on the road a lot and this is taking more money out of my profit. I try to get all my errands done at the same time to save a little.” Tom Mason, of Gallatin, who recently traded in his gas-guzzler

» GAS, 2M

Sixth-graders Yuki Ozaki, 12, Zach Guy, 12, and Mia Collier learn how to report bullying during a new program at Station Camp Middle School on Wednesday, Feb. 20. Station Camp Middle School is one of 16 Sumner middle and elementary schools using the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program. School officials say anti-bullying education programs have curtailed disciplinary problems at those schools by 29 percent overall. DESSISLAVA YANKOVA/SUMNER A.M.

Bill would allow self-defense Families consider lawsuits after school bullying By Jennifer Easton Sumner A.M.

A bill proposed by state Rep. Terri Lynn Weaver would allow Tennessee students to fight back against bullying in schools without fear of punishment. The Student Self-Defense bill would amend current zerotolerance policies for fighting in schools that generally punishes any student involved in a fight no matter who initiated

the confrontation. The rule calls for all parties involved in a fight to be punished equally. The bill will give principals more discretion, rather than having to suspend all parties involved, said Weaver, a Lancaster Republican who represents part of Sumner County. “It’s not fair to teach our children to defend themselves, but say, ‘Don’t do it in (school),” Weaver said. “If a bully comes up and punches a kid, that kid should be able to punch them back and not be suspended.” The Professional Educators of Tennessee has announced its support for the legislation, saying it brings common sense

Fire damages furniture store

By Josh Cross Sumner A.M.

Cana’anite Furniture off of West Broadway in Gallatin was heavily damaged by a fire Tuesday. JOSH CROSS/GALLATIN NEWS EXAMINER

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Hour-long show filmed entirely in Sumner County

Sumner A.M.

» FIRE, 5M

tacked and doesn’t fight back, but is trying to retreat, principals will give consideration to that, Conner said. “A lot of times (school fights) are he-said-she-said, and, ‘He started it; no, he started it,’ Conner said. “It’s a fine line to walk, because you really don’t know who started a fight unless you’ve got cameras recording it.” Weaver her bill doesn’t promote violence but rather allows students to stand up for themselves without retribution. Sometimes bullies are enabled by zero-tolerance policies knowing the punishment

Local ghost hunters get television pilot

By Josh Cross

A Gallatin furniture store was heavily damaged after a morning fire Tuesday. The Gallatin Fire Department responded to the blaze at Cana’anite Furniture, located at 129 W. Broadway, at 7 a.m. after a passerby noticed the store was on fire. “The guys arrived on the scene and flames were coming out through the front windows and the doors,” said Gallatin fire Chief Billy Crook. The fire started near a re-

back into the zero-tolerance debate that has tied the hands of principals, schools and local school districts across the state. But allowing any kind of fighting in school sends the wrong message, said some Sumner County school officials. “It would be a step back for everything we’re trying to promote, like respect, tolerance and diversity,” said Pat Conner, Safe Schools, Healthy Students coordinator for Sumner County Schools. “Should you stand up against bullying? Yes, with your words, not your fists.” If a student is being at-

A local team of ghost hunters, whose goal is to prove or disprove local hauntings, will have one of their more recent investigations showcased before a national television audience. The show “Ghostland Tennessee” debuts Sunday, Feb. 24 at 10 p.m. on Animal Planet and features the Sumner Countybased Tennessee Wraith Chasers (TWC). The TWC is a faith-based team made up of five Gallatin and Portland residents that investigate local accounts of paranormal activity.

Chris Smith and Steven “Doogie” McDougal, two members of Tennessee Wraith Chasers, which will be featured in the premiere of Ghostland Tennessee tonight. SUBMITTED

The group, which was founded by Chris Smith in 2009, conducts free investigations and was recently given a pilot episode by the network. Smith, a graphic designer during the day, along with cofounder Steven “Doogie” McDougal, an X-ray technician,



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