CITY OF GOODLETTSVILLE Goodlettsville is located in Sumner and Davidson counties. The city was incorporated in 1858, and has a total area of a little over 14 square miles of land. The city is comprised of a local government, but also utilizes Gary Manning the amenities of the larger metropolitan government in Nashville, though still operating as a separate government entity than Metro Nashville.
City government The city’s governing body is the Board of Commissioners, made up of five elected members. The mayor and vice mayor are then selected from these, five by the commission itself. The city commission is elected to alternating, fouryear terms. Elections are held every two years. Gary Manning, mayor 708-2161 105 S. Main St. John Coombs, vice mayor 973-0724
Mansker's Fort in Goodlettsville is an authentic reconstruction of a 1779 frontier forted station typical of early Cumberland settlements. FILE PHOTO
Quick Facts Year Founded: 1958 Population: 15,921 City Hall: 105 S. Main St. Government: Board of 5 Commissioners Property tax: (per $100 of assessed value): $.64 Zip Code: 37072
Commissioners Dan Bloodworth 594-1398 Jane Birdwell 859-3142 John Finch 714-1011
Other city officials Jim Thomas, city manager 851-2231 Alicia Prince, city recorder 851-2205 Codes, Building Safety, and Property Maintenance Larry Di Orio, director 851-2208 Mike Bauer, senior inspector 851-3746 Bill Brasier, public works director 859-2740 Richard Pope, police chief
The ballfields at Moss-Wright Park in Goodlettsville are among the most popular in Middle Tennessee. FILE PHOTO 851-2220 851-2226 Fax Phillip Gibson, fire chief 851-2248 Julie High, finance director 851-2201 Dawn Freeman, human resources 851-2206 Parks and Recreation Amy Mitchell, director 851-2218
Jack Tompkins, city engineer 859-2740
Chamber of Commerce Denine Torr, president 855-4000 Steve Shoulders, executive director 859-7979 steve@goodlettsville- Library 205 Rivergate Parkway 862-5862
Utility providers Metro Water Services, Water and Sewer 862-7225 Nashville Gas Company 800-353-6340 Tennessee Valley Authority 747-3981 Nashville Electric Service 747-3981
FACT BOOK 2012 |