Tequila Magazine

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A Red Carpet Affair 05.02.09

page 20

Best Spring Destinations of


Trucos de Belleza page 16


battle of the sexes page 5









What’s inside Carta de la editora


t took me a while to start this article. I must have started writing this article more than just a few times. I figure I just have to say it. Charlotte is so divided. Not just between the different genders or races but within the Hispanic community. We have grown apart. The more I move into the professional world the more I see divisions. We have businesses fighting businesses. We have stopped supporting our own stores, restaurants, and partners. We have separated the people of this city. At a time when we are suppose to be fighting with the same cause. We are all discriminated against whether we are from Peru, Colombia, Honduras or Mexico. It doesn’t matter whether we have citizenship or not, we are still seen as the individuals who do not. If one Latino makes a mistake we all face the consequences and the public’s discrimination. We should be united fighting for equality, for the American Dream. We should support each other in the good and in the bad times.

Fanny G. Morales

of the public thinking all we do is work in the typical jobs, or that we all have the same accent. Or that we all look the same. We are doctors, teachers, CEOs, business owners, lawyers, police officers, beautiful women, handsome men, and educated children.


atinos stand together and stand proud. Regardless of what country you are from we have the same heart. Help your own, support your neighbor. Reach out to the less fortunate. Support your businesses. In the end if we don’t support each other, than how can we expect anyone else to support us? Latinos, if we unite and come together as a whole can you imagine the power we would hold? Just a note: Dictionary.com states the definition of a Latino as a person of Hispanic, especially Latin-American, descent, often one living in the United States. It also states that Latin America is the United States and its Hispanic neighbors. We are home.

I, for one, am tired. I am tired of watching the news focus on all of the negativity. Furthermore, I am tired of having everyone else assume all Latinos are the same. I am tired

Fanny G. Morales Directora / Publisher EDITORIAL Julieta Palacio Crystal Mendoza Lucy D. Stephanie Pena Maria Espinosa Jessica Gunson Alfonso Perilla Chef Carmen Ulloa Escritores AREA COMERCIAL Moro Business Media Consumer & Advertising FINANZAS ARTE

Dolores Morales Administración y finanzas Jorge E. Rojas Director de Arte VG studios AndyPhotographer.com Fotógrafos Contribuyentes

CIRCULACION Jacqueline Rodriguez Directora de Mercadeo ASOCIADO haap.hu shutterstock.com


S V men 8


Moro Business Media Pho: 704 817 9255 / Fax: 704 900 6266 ©TEQUILA MAGAZINE. Marca registrada. Fecha de publicación: Marzo del 2009. Revista bimestral, editada y publicada para las distintas áreas: Ballentyne, Cabarrus, Central – East Charlotte, Dilworth, Independence, Kannapolis, Concord, Monroe, Pineville, Rock Hill, South Blvd, South Park, Steel Creek, University, Uptown, Waxhaw por MORO BUSINESS MEDIA, P.O.Box 38466, Charlotte NC, 28277. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Tequila Magazine, Subscription Service Department, P.O.Box 38466 Charlotte NC, 28277 or by email at: info@tequilamag. com. MORO BUSINESS MEDIA investiga sobre la seriedad de sus anunciantes, pero no se responsabiliza con las ofertas relacionadas por los mismos. Prohibida su reproducción parcial o total. TODOS LOS DERECHOS RESERVADOS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ©Copyright 2009. moro@tequilamag.com

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26 35

The battle of the sexes “BATALLA DE LOS SEXOS”



Por Julieta Palacio Muñoz nconcebibles, es el sinónimo más acertado hasta hoy para la calificación de un macho.

Fuerza física, inteligencia y otras características y aptitudes que los definen como el primer ser racional sobre el planeta tierra ya que también son creación divina. Nada que hacer. Suelen defender, pelear por captar la atención a su alrededor, se enfrentan por orgullo y por honor; como también pelean por competir, por definir quien se lleva el premio mayor y aún más, mantienen su lugar de machos y dueños completos

a través de golpes y maltratos. Todos y cada uno de ellos tienen una belleza única y especial, sus ojos pueden enceguecer hasta nublar el resto del mundo, no menos importante y valioso pero que lamentablemente es eliminado. De sus labios salen los más tiernos besos, las palabras más sensibles y dulces. Mañana se comen con cinismo sus promesas, sus juramentos, sus compromisos y olvidan sus responsabilidades. Sus brazos pueden abrazarte, sus manos pueden dar apoyo, brindar una rosa, sus manos pueden construir un hogar, pueden firmar cualquier contrato, de igual forma tienen en éstas, la capacidad de lastimar, de neWWW.TEQUILAMAG.COM



Neutrogena® Ultra Light Una crema humectante que protege la piel de la cara y la deja suave durante todo el día. Neutrogena® Ultra Light, viene en dos versiones: para Piel Normal a Seca y para Piel Grasa a Mixta. Entre los grandes beneficios que tiene este producto está su filtro de protección solar, que se absorbe inmediatamente en la piel y permanece mucho tiempo sin dejar exceso de brillo, dejando una sensación de intensa frescura. Además, contiene FPS 15 que protege la piel de los rayos UV y también es ideal para prevenir las líneas de envejecimiento. Por eso cada día más dermatólogos recomiendan Neutrogena. neutrogena.com

gar y hasta de decir adiós. Propietario de los más hermosos miembros que les permite caminar, correr por sus sueños, elegir ser arquitectos, médicos, futbolistas, poetas y pintores. Pero, por qué el arquitecto no puede construir su propio hogar con las bases más fuertes de amor puro, por qué el médico no cura las heridas del alma, por qué el futbolista abandona el juego sin comenzar, por que el poeta miente y el pintor no dolor y no color? Inconcebibles! Muchos disfraces y almas enmascaradas que en la misma fiesta, beben el mismo cóctel y siguen bebiendo hasta perder el control, hasta acabar con la fiesta, con la maravillosa fiesta. Pero las luces se encienden y se termina la función. Los desequilibrados cuerpos se van en sus lujosas naves y antes de llegar a casa, chocan y mueren. No es acaso el más relevante ejemplo de cuan fatal y miserable es el final de los que temen a amar sin medida; no importa que quieran, no importa quienes son, de dónde vienen, qué han hecho o qué hacen. Machos, no hay diferencia, como negarlo, aquel que no se sienta identificado; que tire la primera piedra; o se tome el siguiente trago. Pero, venimos de la naturaleza. Como el animal irracional busca por cualquier medio beneficiarse sin percatarse de las consecuencias, así también, el macho se aferra a la perdición, aquella que cree su fortuna y felicidad y halla el fracaso sin más opción. Es un instinto? Es acaso una característica genética? Inconcebible. No entiendo a las mujeres! No entiendo a los machos! A quién va dedicada esa frase entonces? Acaso pretenden ser entendidos, seres sin escrúpulos, llenos de rencor y frivolidad? No más! Alto! Dejemos ya el descaro y la desfachatez. Es difícil entender como se puede jugar al héroe y al villano, aman? Odian? Temen? Cobardes! Definamos; amor en realidad: es escuchar, apoyar, es entregarlo todo, Odiar: es desechar lo anterior, para reemplazarlo por la patraña que aparece de la nada, con la que se disfruta pero no complace tu corazón; pero claro la ley de la naturaleza indica que se pierden sin querer. Que pena por ellos; lamentables. Son ingenuos! No comprenden, no está a su alcance? Sin la existencia eterna de ésta ley, sería complejo asimilar o casi imposible comprender por qué los hombres pueden tener el bien en sus manos para vivir felices y se dejan morir en la maldad. Dios! Son inconcebibles, ayúdalos.


9 Signs of a Cheating Partner It is not easy to admit your spouse is having an affair. It takes a lot of courage to acknowledge there might even be a slight possibility. People who are in an unfaithful relationship are often silent because of shame. It is time to start taking back control of your life. 1. Working a lot of overtime. This is the most common sign of a cheating spouse. 90% of the time someone cheats, it is with someone they are “friendly” with at work. 2. Excessive use of the internet, e-mail, and phone. If there is an increase in their cell phone use or internet it is usually not just a friend. It is especially more obvious, if they are hiding their cell phone from you or changing their passwords to their accounts. 3. Unaccountable hours. This is usually the beginning stages of cheating. They begin to have extra long breaks or dead periods in between work and home. They could even say going to work early or staying at the office late. 4. Hanging out with new friends. The cheater needs to have an alibi, one that you are unable to track. They need to give you a name of a person that you are not able to run into. 5. Smelling perfume/cologne. This is obvious. If they are at work, a meeting, or hanging with friends there should be no scent of perfume or cologne. Need we say more? 6. Hiding phone bills. Again, this is almost a sure sign your spouse is cheating. Your spouse knows that every call is documented on the phone bill and want to hide who is calling. 7. Saying “it is your imagination”. The cheating spouse will always try to keep you offguard and play with your emotions. They normally say this when they are no longer wanting to make excuses to all the accusations. 8. No longer interested in sex. Every couple has a sexual pattern which changes dramatically when they find someone else. 9. Saying “they need space”. If your spouse starts to take business trips alone or spends more time with their friends, it is usually the other person occupying their time. They will take advantage of the “space” to be with someone else. WWW.TEQUILAMAG.COM



Women Vs. Men By Crystal Mendoza ¨Will men ever understand women? ¨... I often hear the phrase from guys. For men, understanding the innerworkings of the female mind is nearly impossible. When I asked my guy friend why girls are so misunderstood, he answered me: ¨because they say this and mean that¨! I smiled, but after a minute and found out he was right...


We, women can be incredibly vague, often leaving men to search for the appropriate answer. As well, we can pepper our statements or questions with innuendo, leaving everything open to the males... Men you now have no excuses. We have created a guide. Use it well. Enjoy.

WHaT wOmeN SaY…

WHaT wOmeN REALLY meaN… ........................ Yes

.......... “No” ........................................

“Yes” ......................................................................... No “Maybe” ................................... ...............

.................. No “I’m sorry” ................................................................ Now, you apologize.

‘We need” .................................................................

I want

“It’s your decision” .................................................... You better make the RIGHT decision. “Do what you want” ............... ................................... You’ ll pay for this later. “We need to talk” ......................................................

“Are you listening to me!? “ .......................................

I need to complain

[Too late, you’re dead.]

“Sure... go ahead” ..................................................... You’ll be sorry.

“I’m not upset” ......................................................... Of course I’m upset, you moron! “You’re certainly attentive tonight” ...........................

“This kitchen is so inconvenient” ..............................

“I want new curtains” ......................................

Is that all you ever think about? I want a new house.

I want new carpeting, furniture, wallpaper...

“Hang the picture there” ........................................... NO , I mean hang it there! “Do you love me?” ....................................... I’m going to ask for something

“How much do you love me?” ....................................

I did something today you’re not going to like.

“I’ll be ready in a minute” ..........................................




I’ll be ready in 30 minutes.

Auto .

Home .

Renter’s .

Business .

Health .


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We are tired of women twisting our words around. When we say something that’s usually all we mean. We are not trying to fool you or trick you. We are not complicated and we don’t try to make things complicated. We don’t have double meanings. So, please read this for all men and try to understand that what we say is all we mean. Thank you.

WHaT meN SaY…


WHaT meN REALLY meaN...

will never understand. “It’s a guy thing.” ............................................................... You listen to anything you just said dear. honey,” or “Yes, dear.” ................................................... I didn’t

“Sure, “It would take too long to explain.” ........................................... I have no clue. you still talking? “That’s interesting, dear.” .......................................... Are

“It’s a really good movie.” ...........................................

It had beautiful women, blood, and death.

“I got you these roses.” .............................................. “ I just cut myself, it’s no big deal.” ..........................

I did something you aren’t going to like.

I am bleeding to death and missing a finger.

“Hey, I’ve got my reasons for what I’m doing.” .................

It’s a guy thing. You will never understand.

“I can’t find it.” .........................................................

I don’t want to look for it.

“What did I do this time?” ............................................. Do I have to sleep on the couch again? “I heard you.” .................................................................. What did you say? “You know I could never love anyone else.” .............................. You could never love anyone else. “I’m not lost. I know exactly where we are.” ............................... No one will ever see us alive again. “We share the housework.” ...................................................

I make the mess, she cleans it up. WWW.TEQUILAMAG.COM



Desgraciadamente en el seno familiar es donde se forman estos hombres, ya que desde pequeños los mismos padres hacen diferencias principalmente apartándolos de las tareas del hogar, es que por ser varones no pueden contribuir con los quehaceres? Se les enseña que son labores solo de mujeres. Esto lleva a que crezcan con la idea de que son el SEXO FUERTE. Y pobre de la persona que decida unir su vida a alguno de estos hombres. En parte nosotras mismas somos culpables y seguiremos siendo si no ponemos un alto. No sigamos fomentando en nuestro hogares al llamado: Sexo fuerte, todos somos iguales hombres y mujeres, no permitas que nuestros niños crezcan siendo machistas y más mujeres sean maltratadas física y emocionalmente.

Una Verdadera Realidad. Por Lucy D. “Mexico”


os hombres machistas, sexo fuerte? Existen desde siempre, hombres, que ven a la mujer inferior a ellos, que piensan que la mujer solo sirve para atender una casa, tener hijos…. No comprenden que tenemos las mismas capacidades, no aceptan que seamos independientes, que sobresalgamos en el área laboral y personal, no aceptan que la mujer llegue a tener un empleo, un salario más alto que ellos. 10


Tal es el caso de una mujer a la cual admiro mucho: Con un gran potencial, unas ganas de vivir, de superarse, hermosa y trabajadora. Su marido:... Un machista!!! No la valora ni como mujer ni como persona, no la deja superarse y la EXPRIME!!… Es la palabra correcta para describirlo. Tal vez piense, que si ella se supera en todos los ámbitos, lo dejara y por fin abrirá los ojos y vera que todo lo que el hace, lo hace por inseguridad, por falta de estima y de amor propio, no porque en realidad la ame como él se lo hace creer. Pues no es amor! Si así fuera apoyaría sus decisiones sus sueños… pero no, al contrario ella siempre tiene que renunciar a ellos, dejarlos a mitad de camino para estar al pendiente de él, para complacerlo y para evitar problemas. Ha llegado al grado de sentir celos hasta de sus hijos y su familia, quiere que ella dependa al cien por ciento de él para así poder seguir dominándola. No dejemos que esto pase en la vida cotidiana, todos somos personas independientes, con diferentes sueños, diferentes metas que podemos compartir con nuestra pareja. Pero no debemos permitir que dominen nuestra vida, al grado de depender totalmente de ellos y dejar de vivir para solo convertirnos en sus sombras. MACHOS INSEGUROS: FALTA DE ESTIMA!



Ladies we know our bedrooms often reflect who we are. We paint the walls a certain color for a reason. We decorate our room in a certain theme to let everyone know more about our personality. Well, men are different and they typically don’t do anything more to their room than what they have to. But if you have ever dated a guy, you now have a guide to help you understand what you are getting yourself into. When you don’t know someone really well, checking out their bedroom will help you get a little more insight about who they are. And, like all things don’t always judge a book by its cover. If your man has...

- His shirts in the closet hung correctly and practically organized by color.

- His drawers open easily and everything has a section for his clothes.

- The desk in his room is dusted and clean.

The pencils are in the pencil holder; his files are put in away in the correct tabs that are labeled.

- His bed is always made. His bed is made without a sign of a wrinkle or stain.

- His room is simple. He doesn’t have papers

anywhere or a lot of objects “decorating”. Everything seems to have a home.

Mr. Perfect!

Now, whether your boyfriend or husband is Mr. Perfect for you we do not know. But we can tell you is that he is in control. He makes plans and sticks to them. He is the man that carries a planner around and often has to find the time to “pencil anybody in”. He has his day and life in order; the way he likes it. He feels so out of control when it is messy that he goes to bigger lengths to keep it clean and tidy. He is a hard worker and likes to play by the rules.

By Crystal Mendoza

If your man has…

- His clothes in their pro-

per area, meaning if his clothes are in the closet but not necessary hung.

- His drawers open but are not perfectly fol-

If your man has…

- His clothes everywhere. He has his things in all the wrong places.

ded. If they are semi rolled or folded. Some-

- His drawers cannot open or close because of

times they are just hanging in there.

the items he has in there.

- His bed is semi-made. He at least attemp-

- His bed is never made. It is lucky if you

ted to put the comforter on the bed.

even find a bedspread over it.

- His dresser or furniture has souvenirs. Cologne, papers, and pencils are floating from nightstand to nightstand.

Urban Dude

Your man loves to be comfortable. He is laidback. They are willing to go ahead and pick up any garbage and put some things away. They don’t let things to get of hand in their room. They know when it is messy enough. He is inspired. Your man is impressed by cartoon artwork and graffiti style artwork. He loves to go with the flow. He believes organization isn’t so much about how things look but how they function. He is the semibad boy every girl dreams of. He knows just how far and his limits.

- His walls are crazy! He is has his own art hanging. Maybe, his posters are taking over the color of his walls.

Chaotic Hippie

His room is his own place and he doesn’t care what others might think of it. His room is messy either because he is extremely busy or just out of balance. Clutter often accumulates as a result of unfinished business. He is usually sentimental and holds onto items from the past that they don’t want to let go. They are free-spirited and often speak their mind. He is creative and artistic. Your man is usually writing, listening to music, and is happy just “chillen’ out”.







refiere a hablar mucho, sino, a poder

• Se detallista. Sorpréndela con re-

tudes, nuestros proyectos y nuestros

notas de amor.

explicarle a la pareja nuestras inquie-

sentimientos, y obtener un “feedback”

ella necesita: Ir de compras, limpiar la






en nuestra sociedad actual se regiscrisis en

El futuro de la humanidad se consti-

por terminar la relación sin haber trata-

muy importante que todos nos esfor-

cometido y mucho menos solucionar-

seno familiar.

muchas de ellas se deben a los tiem-

judica a todos sus miembros, especial-

morales ya casi no existen y donde

por falta de amor y atención los lleva a

deseos por encima de los demás, sin


nas que queremos o no. La mayoría

yoría de los jóvenes que son delin-

trabajo, al “Party”, y a los amigos que

carecen de la imagen paternal.

tegración familiar debido a

la pareja. Muchos matrimonios optan

tuye en la familia. Es por eso que es

do de encontrar los errores que hayan

cemos por mantener los valores en el

los. Las causas pueden ser infinitas y

La desintegración de los hogares per-

pos modernos en los que los valores

mente a los hijos, que muchas veces

anteponemos nuestras necesidades y

caer en la drogadicción, la delincuencia

importarnos si lastimamos a las perso-

Las estadísticas muestran que la ma-

de nosotros le damos

cuentes provienen de

prioridad a el

a nuestro matrimonio, a nuestro hogar, a nuestros hijos. Cuantas veces

las pandillas.

hogares donde

Nuestros hijos merecen un mundo

nuestra pareja nos recuerda que no

mejor y es en el hogar, con Papá y

que le hacemos falta. Es verdad que

la importancia de mantener una familia

bajar para alimentar a nuestras fami-

de toda pareja ofrecerles un ambiente

pasamos mucho tiempo con ella , y

Mamá donde ellos aprenden el valor y

la vida es dura y que debemos

unida. Por lo tanto, es responsabilidad


lias y que también todos necesitamos

sano y lleno de amor.

Pero debemos de hacer un espacio


distraernos un poco de las presiones. para dedicarlo a nuestro ser amado,


relación. Recordemos que el amor es

• “Prefiero estar contigo”. Demuéstrale

vacios, sin amor no tenemos nada.


Comunicación en la Pareja

dad es una muestra de confianza. Es

alimentar y hacer crecer más fuerte la

lo más importante. Sin amor estamos

• Ayúdala. Ponle atención a lo que

por su parte. Así será más fácil re-

solver los problemas que vayan sur-

tran cada vez mas divorcios y desin-

galitos, una flor, una tarjeta. Escríbele

casa, a cuidar los niños o resolver un

• Recuerde las fechas importantes: aniversarios, cumpleaños, etc.…

• “No hay nadie como tú”. Hazle sentir

que no existe mujer más bella y más inteligente que ella. • Recuerden

momentos felices.


cuerden siempre los momentos buenos y no los malos.

• Aprende a escucharla. Así siempre se sentirá que es importante en tu

vida, que es escuchada y que puede contar contigo.

• Dedícale tiempo. Compartir juntos

una película, una cena romántica, un viaje a la playa, etc.

• No critiques. Muchas veces no le contamos





pareja por miedo a ser criticadas. La critica afecta la autoestima de las personas.

El amor es lo que perdurara, lo que se proyecta a la eternidad (Cfr 1 Cor. 13, 8).

• Se siempre sincero. Decir la ver-

Envíanos tus pensamientos, anécdotas, agradecimientos, momentos embarazosos, etc.

una forma de demostrar respeto. Esto


que la prefieres a ella más que a tus

La falta de comunicación es uno de

crea una profunda conexión entre am-

la separación de los matrimonios. Es

todo, hasta la cordura.

sean felices si no existe una buena

son fundamentales para hacerla sentir

los principales motivos que ocasionan

bos. Donde falta la confianza se pierde

imposible que una pareja funcione o

• Se cariñoso. Las muestras de afecto

comunicación. Pero comunicarse no se





publisidad Confia 14



If You like By J essi c a G unson

1 2 3 4

piĂąa coladas!

Spring Break has already passed for a few but still in the mist for others. We are giving you the Best Spring Break destinations of 2009. These places have the most beautiful beaches, amazing parties, and all are affordable. We understand that traveling during these times is the last things on everyone’s mind. But you can travel to any of these places for just about the same amount of money you would spend at Myrtle Beach for a weekend. Plus, these places deliver white sand, crystal blue water, and hot temperatures.

Cancun, Mexico: It has been the number one Spring Break location for over 5 years. It has great snorkeling and scuba diving. The weather is warm and it is always sunny. You can find the Mayan Riviera for jungles, ruins, and lagoons if you seek adventure. The parties here are incredible and the nightclubs are huge! Cancun is an excellent place to play, party, relax, and recharge.

Acapulco, Mexico: If you are looking for better surf and fishing you have found the perfect spot. Acapulco has amazing rough water to surf and the fishing is plentiful. It has more of sophisticated audience. The nightlife is AMAZING. It has more clubs than Cancun and a more diverse crowd. But during the day it has beautiful coral reefs and amazing shopping. Negril, Jamaica: Jamaica has some excellent weather and the beaches rock. It has rugged cliffs and pristine white beaches with crystal clear water. It is mellow and has amazing food. It has a carefree atmosphere and the visitors can really relax. Not to mention the nightlife comes alive as soon as the sun sets.

Cabo San Lucas, Mexico: Cabo Wabo, baby ! Cabo has some of the best fishing waters in all of North America. There is great golf, parasailing, and adventure. It is a precious jewel with hidden coves and breath-taking sceneries. Cabo has some of the best resorts in the world with romantic getaways. It is truly an escape from the world. You can enjoy water sports, great shopping with many designer boutiques, and delicious cuisine. Cabo is sun filled days with fun filled nights! WWW.TEQUILAMAG.COM



Trucos de belleza P P or M ar í a E spinosa S ando v al .




PIEL SUAVE: Pon dos cucharadas de miel de abeja con el jugo de un limón haciendo movimientos circulares en tu cara por 5 min. Lávate y enjuaga. Esto lo haces todos los días por una semana y tu piel quedará como la de un bebe. HAZ CRECER TU CABELLO! Súper-fácil! Solo muele 4 o 5 pastillas anticonceptivas y agrégaselas a tu botella de shampoo. Úsalo como acostumbras, esto aparte de hacerlo crecer lo hará también más saludable y abundante. PROTEGE TU PELO DEL SOL Ponle aceite de almendras dulces. Esto además de protegerlo lo nutre. Haz este tratamiento dos veces por semana según lo expongas al sol. OJOS INFLAMADOS? Usa 2 bolsas de té de manzanilla. Sumérgelas en agua fría y colócalas en tus ojos por 15 minutos, esto además de desinflamar te ayudara a descansar la vista después de un largo día de trabajo.

PARA UNA BUENA LIMPIEZA DE TU CUTIS: En un recipiente con agua caliente y en el vapor que salga de esta coloca tu cara por aproximadamente 10 min. De esta manera tus poros estarán abiertos para empezar y recibir cualquier mascarilla.

HIDRATA TU PIEL A un plátano hazlo papilla, agrégale una fresa y una cucharada de yogurt. Coloca esta pasta en tu cara por 20 min. Enjuaga con agua tibia y listo!

CABELLO BRILLOSO Solo agrega la “baba” de cuatro ramitas de zábila y dos cucharadas de miel de abeja al shampoo. Lava tu cabello como lo haces normalmente. DALE VIDA A TU CABELLO Mezcla ½ aguacate con dos cucharadas de vodka (si escuchaste bien), 2 cucharadas de miel y una yema de huevo. Humedece tu pelo y ponte la mezcla por 30 minutos. Enjuaga con agua tibia. Lava tu pelo como usualmente lo haces.

PARA EL CABELLO GRASOSO Agrega a tu shampoo una cucharada de leche de magnesia. Dejara tu pelo más manejable y como a ti te gusta por mucho más tiempo.

Espero estos consejitos te sean útiles y los apliques y… COMO ULTIMO TIP:







Base de maquillaje. Limpia bien tu rostro e hidrátalo antes de aplicar la base de maquillaje y hazlo con un ligero masaje para que penetre bien en la piel, disimula todas las imperfecciones.


Corrector de ojeras. Deshazte de las ojeras aplicando el corrector sobre la base del maquillaje. Recuerda que el corrector tiene que ser de un tono más claro que el de tu piel.


Polvo compacto. Aplica el polvo traslúcido para sellar la base de maquillaje. Impregna la esponja con poca cantidad y empieza a aplicarlo del centro del rostro al exterior. Sombras. Si quieres seguir las últimas tendencias, extiende una sombra blanca sobre el párpado móvil y luego puedes aplicar el tono que te guste. Esta temporada dile sí a... Sombras rosa claro, arena o de tonos muy llamativos.


Delineador. Esta temporada el delineador de ojos renace con fuerza para darle a la mirada un halo felino y travieso. Marca la línea de las pestañas superiores con delineador negro y difumínala con un pincel. La línea debe ser fina y ascender ligeramente en la esquina exterior. En la noche opta por tonos ahumados y negros para darle a tu mirada profundidad y sofisticación.


Mascara de pestañas. Nunca te olvides de usarla esto le dará fuerza a tu mirada y el toque final a tu maquillaje.


Labial. Dale protagonismo a tus labios con una explosión de color en tonos rojos, fresas o corales. El rojo en los labios es siempre sexy, sobre todo si tienes los ojos y el cabello oscuro.

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8. Gloss. Para el día, luce unos labios jugosos y atractivos con una suave pincelada de gloss. 9.

Blush. Sonroja tus mejillas con tonos rosas, corales o mandarinas “que le den un aire travieso, sensual y fresco a tu rostro”.

  




Tuxedo rental: $139.00 Cost of dress: $109.00 The envy you will incur stepping out of the BMW: Priceless

©Joseph’s House of Threads.

His business casual look is affordable yet chic, and at only $170, including accessories he can still afford her. Her stunning asymetrical, bronzed embellished ansemble, with accentin clutch is a steal at $125.

ŠJoseph’s House of Threads.


Invitación El comité Editorial de la revista TEQUILA, tiene el agrado de invitarlos al acto de lanzamiento oficial de la revista. El evento se realizara el sábado 2 de mayo a las 9pm en el Crowne Plaza de Charlotte, ubicado en el 201 South McDowel St, Charlotte, NC 28204. Presentaremos, un desfile de modas con tres de los más prestigiosas Boutiques de la cuidad, un concierto en vivo por el talentoso cantante Franco Londono y entre luces, cámara y acción disfrutaran de la única Alfombra Roja vista en charlotte al mejor estilo de Hollywood. Esperando contar con su valiosa presencia, agradecemos su ayuda para difundir este evento. Atte., Comité Editorial

Compra tu ticket en TequilaMag.com o llámanos al 704 222 3394 o 704 363 4873 Cupo limitado. WWW.TEQUILAMAG.COM



No wardrobe is complete without the appearance of a fun, flirty, ever timeless, “little black dress” Designed by One on One out of LA, $70

©Joseph’s House of Threads. 22


Tuxedos by: Claiborne, Perry Ellis, and Oscar de la Renta. Available for rental or purchase through Coxe Formal Wear, found exclusively at JHOT.

©Joseph’s House of Threads.

For those with the confidence to handle the attention of all encountered this 3 piece, perfectly tailored suit by Masteloni is the definitive choice. Entire look, $675. The arm candy is definitely just as sweet in this beautiful chocolate satin creation with hand beading by Musani Couture, $450.

ŠJoseph’s House of Threads.

“Joseph’s House of Threads, It’s not shopping, it’s an experience” Joseph’s House of Threads is a new innovative boutique that prides itself on providing its patrons with exclusivity and high end quality. That is overlooked by those affected by a down economy because they find it unattainable due to cost. We cater to all from the “shabby chic” college student still in search of a major, to the young business executive who knows the importance of dressing for the “career” he wants and not the “job” he has. To the minister who knows the message sent by his appearance speaks just as loudly as the message from the Word. Joseph’s House of Threads offers apparel and accessories for men and women, from your designer jeans and graphic tees, to business casual and leisure suits, to one of a kind couture pieces from Milan. Andy Ramirez Photographer Janise Smalls Make Up Artist

Joseph’s House of Threads Northgate Shopping Center 6701 N Tryon St. Ste E Charlotte, NC 28213 704-494-8801 store 704-494-8893 fax

©Joseph’s House of Threads.

TROPHY WIVES By J essi c a G unson


ew research has found that happi-

ness in your marriage is based on appearances.

A new study com-

rich and handsome men.

pleted in 2008 finds couples that

“Trophy Wives” are usually despised by other woman.

to succeed in their marriage. Wom-

who are taking over the business world. “Trophy

are equally attractive are less likely

en are happier and less worried when they marry less attractive men. Men who are better looking than their wives are more likely to be unhappy and have negative feelings about their marriage.

Men look for youth, health, and good genes.


want to marry good looking girls because it feeds their ego and self confidence. This international study also proves women look for emotional support and financial security over looks.

What is a “Trophy Wife?” This term refers to wives who are beautiful, in shape, and a status symbol. 26

They are seen as prizes that are generally won by


They are seen as inferior to the power driven women Wives” are usually viewed as shallow, dumb “bimbos” that got lucky.

But what does it take to become categorized as a “Trophy Wife”?

The first charactertisic to becoming a “Trophy Wife”

is to be gorgeous. They have to keep their looks up to date. These women have to look fresh and young.

They have to work what they’ve got. You have to

show off your chest if you are blessed, your stomach if you are toned, or your legs if they are perfect. You have to know that details count: manicures, pedicures, hair styles, and root touch-ups.

The second rule is to work out!

You have

to make sure that you keep your body toned. Would anyone feel comfortable driving a BMW

in baggy sweatpants and a T-shirt? Being a “Trophy Wife” is not about being super skinny, but desirable. You want to be the cream of the

crop. “Trophy Wives eat very healthy meals and they work out. They understand they have

to maintain their health. They work out not to be a size zero but to have healthy looking skin and toned bodies.

The third rule is to be picky. You can’t be a “Trophy wife” if you settle with just any loser

that walks into your life. You have to know what you want and who you are.

You have

to understand what you are worth. Not money worth, but mentally and emotionally. You can-

not expect the best guys to want you if you do

not treat yourself like the best. No one wants someone who is easily attainable. Being a “Trophy wife” is just that, a prize. A prize is not

awarded to just anyone, it is awarded to the winner after long, hard work.

If being a “Trophy Wife” is taking pride in your looks and exercising than shouldn’t we all want

be “Trophy Wives?” Why is it bad to care about the way you look or who you date? All women should care about being beautiful inside and

out, healthy, and fashionable. We should be picky about who we date and who we marry. We should all be “Trophy Wives” to the men that we marry. Being a “Trophy Wife” is a lot

more than just status, it is about being ravishing, graceful, charming, and intelligent.

As the study proved, women want security and emotional encouragement. We should want

men who are powerful, handsome, and financially stable.

Women are too precious to just settle. We are

symbols of excellence and victory. Men who

get to spend the rest of their lives with beautiful woman are fortunate. So shouldn’t all women be classified as “Trophy Wives?”




D 28


Recently Tequila Magazine had the opportunity to talk with Rafael Rodriguez a native of Venezuela, who is gifted with an excellent command in web design and graphics. Rafael is a brilliant, innovative and compassionate entrepreneur. He is the Founder and Director of DescubreCharlotte. com, which translates in English to Discover Charlotte.


DescubreCharlotte.com is an informative and interactive portal in Spanish & English created to contribute to the development of the Latin community within the city of Charlotte, NC and its surrounding areas. This portal offers truthful and up to date information including all essential matters to drive the Latin community to reach their dreams and goals successfully. Their objective is to contribute to the economic, cultural and social development of the Latin American Market in the top growing cities of the US by utilizing informative media, entertainment and technology. DescubreCharlotte.com was born in Charlotte, N.C. shortly after he and his wife and two lovely children moved to this great city in 2002. Rafael with a laugh describes this eventful move, which at the time was less than laughable. He blames the many obstacles, which he and his wife faced on unfamiliarity with the city of Charlotte. Then, Rafael decided to channel the lack of information at the time in a positive and creative way, that is when he started developing the project DescubreCharlotte.com DescubreCharlotte.com is a global initiative and can be viewed by curious onlookers around the world and across the United States in search of a fantastic city to relocate, or to vacation. It is also an excellent tool for newcomers and residents of Charlotte and surrounding cities to utilize. This web site provides you with continued and current information about everything imaginable happening in Charlotte from cultural and fine art events, to concerts, restaurants, hotels, businesses, personal projects and announcements, housing and much more. This year DescubreCharlotte.com will also offer FLASH TV (Web TV), we have partners with JAR STUDIOS a Local Production company with many years of experience to create small video clips of local happenings in three categories: sports, cultural and fine art events, with business and personal interviews. He feels this video method of communications will add another dimension to DescubreCharlotte.com, a means to deliver advertisements and information in a more personal fashion. Rafael is very confident that DescubreCharlotte.com will increase its viewing audience, especially those who are not computer savvy. This site is very simple and user friendly. Four years after its debut, DescubreCharlotte.com, the North Carolina city’s first bilingual web portal and directory, went through a re-launch, accompanied by a PR push starting January 16. “We relaunched the Web site with different services and greater outreach to the community,” said Rafael Rodriguez. The site will now offer a directory with businesses and events in Charlotte, and will work to target all multicultural residents, not just those new to the area. Rafael wants to extend his sincere thanks for all those who have supported DescubreCharlotte.com for the past five years. He stresses, in view of the economy, that it is a very cost effective method of advertising and quick way to find out what’s happening in Charlotte from anywhere around the world. He is a true humanitarian and greatly supports staying up to date with the progression of technology. His great dream is to leave a positive mark on the City of Charlotte. He hopes to unify the native Charlotteans, newcomers and bridge the gaps of cultural diversity within Charlotte. We invite you to take the opportunity to visit DescubreCharlotte.com and experience what other people are seeing and the great future we are offering you to be known in the Latin community. Photo by Andy Ramirez




cheese cake Ingredients: 1 1 2 2 2 6

can of evaporated milk can of sweetened condensed milk packages of cream cheese eggs Keebler: Ready Crust Graham Pie Crust oz Strawberries

Directions: Turn your oven on to 350 Fahrenheit and let it warm up. Get your blender out. Add the can of evaporated and sweetened condensed milk into a blender. Then add your 2 eggs and cream cheese. Blend it all together. Now you can pour the mixture into one of your pie crust and the rest to your second pie crust. You can place your cheesecakes in the oven and let them cook for about 45 minutes. Once they are cooked let them cool down. After they cool down you can place the strawberries or any other fruit that you would like on top with a little whip cream.



Chef Carmen Ulloa

Preparation: Heat the olive oil on a sauté pan over medium high heat. Add shrimp, oysters and sauté until pink about for 2 minutes. Use a spoon to transfer shrimp, oysters to a medium bowl. Add reaming of oil to the pan and add shallots, sun dried tomatoes, olive, garlic. Then add the lemon peel, and crushed red peppers. Sauté until shallots are soft about for 4 minutes. Add canned tomatoes and simmer until sauce thickens, about 3 minutes. Mix in basil. Return the shrimp, oysters and juices to sauces; stir to heat through about 1 minute. Meanwhile, cook pasta in pot of boiling salted water until tender, but still firm to bite. Drain the pasta and add sauce. Toss over medium heat until sauce coats pasta. Transfer the pasta and add feta cheese before serving.

Spicy Shrimp Pasta Ingredients: 1 pound Shrimp raw Oil, olive, salad or cooking 4 large Shallots, raw 3/4 ounces Tomatoes sun dried, oil pack, drained 1 teaspoon Lemon peel, raw 28 ounces Tomatoes, diced canned ½ cup Herb, basil, fresh, leaves, chop 12 ounces Pasta 1 cup Cheese, feta, crumbled 20 Olives, calmata, w/o pits Oysters 6 Garlic cloves, fresh ½ teaspoon Pepper, hot chili sun dried, red 3 table








a naranja incluye diferentes sustancias que contribuyen a mejorar el buen estado del organismo. Entre ellos tenemos el calcio, fósforo, hierro, magnesio, potasa y una gran riqueza en vitaminas. La cual la convierte en la mejor aliada contra la depresión y el estrés.

próstata- se benefician del consumo de este cítrico que, por sus propiedades diuréticas, facilita la eliminación de esas sustancias que se van depositando.

El ácido cítrico constituye un magnifico fármaco natural. Los cítricos en especial las naranjas son excelentes al combatir estados patológicos pero también son antioxidantes, laxantes, desinfectantes y microbicidas, estimulan la eliminación de todas las sustancias que no se han metabolizado y reposan en los intestinos.

El magnesio ayuda a los intestinos, combatiendo el estreñimiento. La potasa disuelve las grasas. Y posee también vitaminas A, B, y, sobretodo C.

También actúa como analgésico en los dolores estomacales, desinfecta y disuelve los residuos acumulados facilitando la secreción necesaria para realizar la digestión. Los mismos efectos de limpieza se producen en el hígado y páncreas, cuya contaminación por acumulación de grasas es la causa más frecuente de diversos trastornos, como dolores de cabeza y mareos. La vejiga- e incluso la 32


El calcio facilita el desarrollo de los huesos en los niños. El fósforo es sumamente necesario en casos de estrés, personas nerviosas y en las intoxicaciones. El hierro ayuda a la hemoglobinización de la sangre.

La mayoría de los médicos recomiendan un vaso de jugo de naranja natural diario preferiblemente por las mañanas para ayudar a las fisuras de los huesos, los incómodos catarros y otras enfermedades. Cientos de estudios han llegado a la conclusión que esta fruta juega un papel muy importante en las reducción de riesgo de padecer cáncer o enfermedades del corazón. Sin olvidarnos que también contribuye muy positivamente a mantener un peso saludable si la incluimos en nuestra dieta diaria, junto con otros alimentos bajos en grasa, y vegetales.




Most Embarrassing Moments… We all make mistakes and most often our mistakes make fools out of us. We asked people to share their most embarrassing moments with us. Here are a few of the funniest stories collected.




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o it was me and my girl and we went to the movies to go watch “The Unborn.” I told her to get the seats, while I would get the drinks and popcorn and stuff. Anyways she was wearing a red sweatshirt with dots. She also had curly red hair. So I bought the drinks and popcorn. I headed over to the theater. It was a little dark but the previews had not started yet. I was walking down the aisle and spotted my girl sitting on the end of the row. So I sat down quickly putting my arm around her and kissing her on the head. To my amazement this was an identical looking person to my girl. She had a spotted sweatshirt and curly red hair, probably a little lighter now that I think about it. However she looks at me in awe and in shock. I feel totally stupid and totally embarrassed since my girl was a few rows up looking at all of this. And the other girl’s boyfriend came walking up towards me since he saw the whole thing, saying “What do you think you’re doing!!” -Todd


was dating a real hottie, a football player, and so fine. I was a year older than my boy toy and so “in puppy love.” I wanted to impress him so I was coolly leaning against the brick wall in my short skirt and high heels with one heel against the wall. I went to walk away for class and when I moved the spike heel was stuck in the groove in the brick. I fell on the concrete and ripped my stockings. Just then the bell rang for next class so I bolted up and ran, looking back at my boy toy. He motioned to turn around and just as I did I ran face first into one of the support poles that hold up the awning for the walkway in my high school. I literally knocked myself out and woke up at the hospital after an ambulance ride there. That was embarrassing although it probably only ranks as one of my top 5 embarrassing moments in high school. It is my most memorable however because when I look in the mirror I still wear the scar from my “moment” in my eyebrow as a nice reminder of what not to do. -Maria

Send in your funniest moments to info@tequilamag.com. We promise we will never place your real name in the magazine.


CUIDA TU DINERO!! By Alfonso Perilla


dministrar tu dinero hoy en día no es fácil. Pero aquí encontraras algunas estrategias sobre cómo manejarlo y aprovecharlo al máximo. PON ATENCIÓN A LAS COSAS PEQUEÑAS : A fin de cuentas, éstas suman.

> > >

Llevar tu comida al trabajo en lugar de ir a la cafetería u ordenar algo, puede hacer una gran diferencia en tu bolsillo: Dale un vistazo a este cálculo. Si asumimos que te cuesta 7 dólares comer fuera, y alrededor de 3 dólares preparar tu comida en casa, en un año, podrías ahorrar 960 dólares. Si llevas tu propia comida al trabajo durante dos años, ahorrarás más de 1,900 dólares. Administrar tu dinero también significa estar al tanto de dónde te encuentras financieramente. Por lo tanto, sin importar cuán doloroso sea, conocer tu posición es en realidad la mitad de la batalla. PON ATENCIÓN A LAS TARJETAS DE CRÉDITO: Estas son una de las formas en las que la gente tiende a perder el control de lo que gasta. Reconsidera el uso de tus tarjetas de crédito para pagar cuentas mensuales o compras impulsivas. No las uses para cubrir deudas como otras tarjetas de crédito o tu hipoteca. Hay momentos en los que usar tarjetas de crédito es la mejor estrategia, porque puedes disputar los cargos, tienes una prueba de compra y protecciones al consumidor en caso de robo. Por ejemplo, si compras algo en línea, usa una tarjeta de crédito. Lo mismo aplica si haces una compra grande. Y lo mas importante: PROCURA REDUCIR LAS DEUDAS CON TUS TARJETAS DE CRÉDITO. Recuerda que estas generan intereses y afectan tu presupuesto. More information www.tequilamag.com




IDENTIFICA TODOS LOS INGRESOS: Estos pueden llegar de distintas fuentes por lo que debemos anotar cada dólar que entre, de esta manera lograremos tener un control mensual de nuestros ingresos. REGISTRA LOS GASTOS. Esto incluye gastos fijos como condominio, alquiler, hipoteca (según sea su caso), luz, gas, agua, mercado, gasolina, tarjeta de crédito, etc. Es mejor ser específico(a), cada vez que saquemos billetes del bolsillo debemos anotarlo junto a una descripción; al final del mes sumar todas las cifras, luego lograremos tener una cifra exacta de lo que hemos gastado. MANTÉN INFORMACIÓN AL DÍA DE TU BANCO: Es bueno estar con información actualizada de los servicios que ofrece el banco, luego dirigirse a otros bancos con la finalidad de conocer las ofertas de la competencia. CAMBIA VIEJOS HABITOS. Piensa en qué te vas a gastar el dinero antes de hacerlo, los cambios pequeños ayudarán al flujo de liquidez. Ejemplos: Llevar el almuerzo antes de comprarlo, pedir libros prestados en la biblioteca antes de comprar unos nuevos. PROCURA INGRESOS EXTRAS: Considera actividades o cosas sustitutas que se pueden hacer con poco dinero o gratis. Quizás un trabajo extra a medio tiempo o realizar algún hobby puede proveer una entrada extra, ponlo a prueba durante un mes o dos. AHORRA!!! Y Mantén un fondo de emergencia, tener por lo menos el valor equivalente a tres meses de los gastos corrientes en una cuenta accesible, seria lo ideal. WWW.TEQUILAMAG.COM








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