Tequila Magazine

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How 10 to Pounds Lose






OUT with the OLD and IN with the NEW

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What’s inside Carta de la editora


I have lived here 17 years. I came to America as a young girl without any choice. I was born in Mexico but was raised as an American. After being here for so long you start to wonder whether you are more than the other. I can honestly say I am better at speaking and writing English. I can also say I know more about American history. I love Mexico and I wouldn’t be any other race, I lov my Latina blood. But, I am part of America.


Now, what is America? America is a land of different people of different cultures, ideas, beliefs, races, political parties, and dreams that come together and live in peace. America is a little of every nation. President Eisenhower once said, “America can be described in one word: FREEDOM”. It is a place where every individual has control of their destiny.


Fanny G. Morales

to be born here in order to say you are American? In my honest opinion, being American doesn’t mean you were born here. Everyone here has ancestors of different countries. Being American is the passion, the drive, the desire to live to your potential. Being American isn’t just a piece of paper, it is heart. It is contributing to this society in a postive way and making something out of nothing.


I love America. I love the freedom; I love the opportunity. I love the liberty. America gave me hope. It gave me ambition, desire, and aspirations. America gave me a promise, that if I worked hard and dreamed big, everything is possible. America is a certainty of success. Happy Fourth of July! Thank you, America.

So, what makes you an American? Do you have Mexican American fanny@tequilamag.com

Fanny G. Morales Editora

EDITORIAL Alfonso Perrilla Director de reacción Ana Carolina G. Rodríguez Bob Condron Chef Carmen Ulloa Jessica Andrade María Espinosa Sandoval Escritores AREA COMERCIAL Moro Business Media Consumer & Advertising FINANZAS ARTE

Dolores Morales Administración y Finanzas Jorge E. Rojas Director de Arte VG studios Jessie Gore Cesar Palacio Andy Ramírez Fotógrafos Contribuyentes

CIRCULACION Jacqueline Rodriguez Directora de Mercadeo ASOCIADO haap.hu shutterstock.com


Tequila Magazine Launch Party



Unclaimed Property

finding your missing money 16

©TEQUILA MAGAZINE. Marca registrada. Fecha de publicación: Julio del 2009. Revista bimestral, editada y publicada para las distintas áreas: Ballentyne, Cabarrus, Central – East Charlotte, Dilworth, Independence, Kannapolis, Concord, Monroe, Pineville, Rock Hill, South Blvd, South Park, Steel Creek, University, Uptown, Waxhaw por MORO BUSINESS MEDIA, P.O.Box 38466, Charlotte NC, 28277. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Tequila Magazine, Subscription Service Department, P.O.Box 38466 Charlotte NC, 28277 or by email at: info@tequilamag. com. MORO BUSINESS MEDIA investiga sobre la seriedad de sus anunciantes, pero no se responsabiliza con las ofertas relacionadas por los mismos. Prohibida su reproducción parcial o total.

©Copyright 2009. moro@tequilamag.com

Independence Day


PuBlisher Moro Business Media Pho: 704 817 9255 / Fax: 704 900 6266


Luis Machicao



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This is a free subscription. Offer closes December 31, 2009

Neutrogena® Ultra Light Una crema humectante que protege la piel de la cara y la deja suave durante todo el día. Neutrogena® Ultra Light, viene en dos versiones: para Piel Normal a Seca y para Piel Grasa a Mixta. Entre los grandes beneficios que tiene este producto está su filtro de protección solar, que se absorbe inmediatamente en la piel y permanece mucho tiempo sin dejar exceso de brillo, dejando una sensación de intensa frescura. Además, contiene FPS 15 que protege la piel de los rayos UV y también es ideal para prevenir las líneas de envejecimiento. Por eso cada día más dermatólogos recomiendan Neutrogena. neutrogena.com

Natural Beauty By Jessica Andrade

DEEP LUXURIOUS CONDITIONING Real mayonnaise 1 ripe avocado In a small bowl, mash ripe avocado and mix thoroughly with ½ cup of mayonnaise. Gently massage into clean damp hair. Leave on for about 30 minutes. Rinse thoroughly.

Result: Shiny Hair

MASKS FOR DRY SKIN ½ avocado ¼ cup honey Olive oil (Not virgin) Mix these ingredients together into a creamy mixture and apply to the face for approx 20 minutes. Rinse off with a warm cloth. .

Result: Baby Smooth Face

LAVENDER BATH 1 cup dried lavender 2 cups oatmeal 1/2 cup baking soda Grind ingredients into a smooth powder. Pour 1/2 cup into your bath as you fill the tub. (Makes 3 1/2 cups).

Result: Amazing body scent with a smooth body.

HAND AND FOOT SUGAR SCRUB 2 tbsp light olive oil (not extravirgin, which gets sticky) 2 tbsp granulated sugar Rub this mixture onto hands and feet. Rinse under warm water and pat dry.


We have found the SECRETS of some of the most beautiful women in the world. You do not have to be famous nor rich to have the same treatment. You can make any of these beauty recipes at home to take care of yourself. You can look stunningly beautiful while saving money. Try them out. You will not be disappointed. STRENGTHENING MASK FOR YOUR HAIR 1 egg 8 tablespoons of olive oil (extra virgin) 1 ripe avocado ½ cup of plain yogurt Your favorite shampoo and conditioner Beat egg well. Combine the frothy egg mixture with olive oil, avocado, yogurt in a bowl. Massage into dry hair thoroughly. Leave in the mixture for about 30 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water (The cooler the water the better or else you will have fried egg in your hair ). Shampoo and condition as usual.

Result: Strong Healthy Hair

CUCUMBER TONER 1 peeled cucumber 1 teaspoon of witch hazel 1 teaspoon of rose water 1 egg white Mash the cucumber, add witch hazel and rose water; beat the egg white to a froth; mix well. Refrigerate and strain before use.

Result: Stunning glow.

APRICOT CLEANSING CREAM 4 tablespoons of apricot oil 2 tablespoons of sesame seed oil 2 tablespoons of butter 1 tablespoon distilled water Beat the ingredients in a blender, until completely smooth and creamy. Make sure that you refrigerate after use.

Result: Renewed skin

Result: Silky Skin




AHORRA Y RECICLA Por María Espinosa Sandoval


Hay temporadas en nuestra vida en que los tiempos se vuelven difíciles económicamente hablando, la situación se torna difícil como para darnos un lujito extra como comprarnos algo nuevo, gastar en ropa o irnos de vacaciones, hay que pensar en recursos que nos ayuden a superar la situación y a lograr hacer un mejor uso de nuestro dinero. El fin de este artículo es aportar ideas para ahorrar y así evitarnos desfalcos a la hora de pagar gastos o alimentos.


Si acostumbrabas salir al cine dos o tres veces por semana y gastar siempre en golosinas y bebidas, puedes cambiar el habito y hacerlo sólo una vez por semana seleccionando la película (es bueno consultar las críticas cinematográficas y escuchar las recomendaciones de personas de nuestra confianza) para no malgastar el dinero viendo producciones que no sean de tu agrado. A los niños puedes llevarlos a un parque a disfrutar los juegos y los paseos en bicicleta, jugar pelota, patinar o las carreras con la mascota. Si vives cerca de una playa, un paseo ideal sería disfrutar del mar, construyendo castillos de arena y tomando bebidas de frutas y botanas hechas en casa, a la sombra de una gran sombrilla. Visita los parques, museos y otras atracciones de tu comunidad. Organiza un grupo de encuentro con otras familias que tengan niños. Esto te evitará transportarte largas distancias, reduciendo el consumo de combustible. Se pueden organizar noches familiares, convivir jugando juegos de mesa, ver fotografías, contar historias familiares, contar chistes, rentar películas, hacer palomitas y refrescos. Salir y hacer ejercicio en algún parque cercano. Si la reunión es con los amigos pueden reunirse en casa de alguno de ustedes y en vez de salir a divertirse y terminar gastando quédense en casa a conversar, escuchar música y cada uno coopera con algo de comida y bebida.


No dejes conectados tus equipos eléctricos como lo hacías antes. Verás que tu próximo recibo de luz reflejará un ahorro considerable con respecto al anterior. Parece mentira, pero con el solo hecho de que permanezcan conectados a la corriente eléctrica, se genera un consumo mínimo que día a día se va sumando y genera un gasto extra. Cambia tus focos o bombillos viejos por los nuevos ahorradores de electricidad. Es muy conveniente comprar suavizante de ropa u otros ar8


Como reciclar para ahorrar. *Tratar de comprar productos que se puedan re-utilizar.

tículos que se vendan en tetra pack y solo se rellenan los botes vacíos. No olvides el papel de envoltura! En lugar de comprar nuevo papel para envolver, reutiliza los mapas antiguos que han quedado obsoletos o que ya no necesitas. Estos mapas hacen un atractivo y colorido envoltorio, al igual que los comics en el periódico de el domingo! Los niños pueden crear su propio envoltorio de papel decorativo, utilizando marcadores, pegamento, calcomanías, moños, listones de colores y otros suministros de arte. Incluso, hasta fundas de almohada se puede utilizar como bolsas de regalo con un bonito lazo para atar a la apertura!

*Poner gasolina en nuestro coche por las noches así se evapora menos y nos rinde más. *Llevar un control de nuestros gastos, los pagos que tenemos que efectuar y saber cuánto se va a necesitar para una emergencia. *Las botellas de agua en vez de tirarlas podemos reutilizarlas dos o tres veces o bien comprar un cilindro grande así gastamos una sola vez y ese mismo se puede estar llenando de agua una y otra vez.

Como ahorrar en la ropa *Aun pantalón se le puede cortar estilo capri o bermuda, si se le quiere dar un toque “diferente” agregarle un recorte de tela en la bolsa como tipo parche o bien hacerle pequeños bordados con lentejuela o chaquira y esto le dará un look diferente. *A una playera se le pueden cortar las mangas y hacerla “sin mangas”. *Intercambiar ropa con primos, familiares y amigos. *De un pantalón podemos hacer una falda, con botones y cintas. No tire su ropa vieja. Por supuesto, si la ropa aún se encuentra en buen estado, se puede dar a un Albergue o un Centro de Caridad. Si se trata de la ropa de tus hijos, se puede aplicar una teoría muy diferente a la anterior, como están en crecimiento y muy pronto dejan la ropa, no vale la pena invertir grandes cantidades en ropa que tendrá muy poco uso. A menos que sea tan buena que pueda heredarse a los hermanos menores y hasta a algún primo o amigo. No importa que no sea nuevo todo lo que te pones, vístete sintiendo que estás de estreno. La sonrisa en tu cara no te delatará y tu bolsillo te lo agradecerá. Y recuerda que esta época de crisis no es para siempre, todo es cuestión de actitud: Todo pasa. Crisis = desafió y oportunidad. WWW.TEQUILAMAG.COM




PLAYA SOL Si lo que está buscando es tomar unas vacaciones en

familia para relajarse, olvidarse de los problemas, del tráfico y refrescar su mente y su cuerpo… estas playas son ideales para usted y los suyos. Le ofrece una atmosfera pueblerina, pacífica y tendrá un encuentro

Wright Brothers National Memorial

con la naturaleza. Outer Banks son una serie de Islas pequeñas que se comunican entre sí por medio de puentes, ofreciendo cada una de ellas una perspectiva diferente. Sus playas cálidas y su brisa refrescante te envuelven en un ambiente tranquilo y relajante. Cuentan con atracciones como: una gran variedad de restaurantes, campos de golf, paseos en barco (ferry), pesca, paseos en bicicleta, y todo tipo de deportes acuáticos. Una de las mayores atracciones son los caballos silvestres. Los visitantes pueden disfrutar verlos en su ambiente natural galopar libremente a lo largo de esta playa a la que han llamado su hogar por más de 400 años. También podrán visitar el Museo “Wright Brothers National Memorial” quienes fueron los primeros en volar un aeroplano en 1903. Al igual que tener la oportunidad de conocer los antiguos faroles (light house) y deleitarse de una vista espectacular.


Outer Banks, NC. 10


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By working to give you the best choice from among the best insurance companies. Call or email us today. Richard Latorre, President







OUT with the OLD and IN with the NEW By Jessica Andrade

Are you having a difficult time decorating a room in your home? It is incredible how much you can do without spending an excessive amount of money. You don’t need to hire a designer to come and reorganize for you when you can do it all yourself. Regardless of the room you are trying to reinvent these tips will make your journey easier. 1. Pick a focal point. Look around your room to determine the ‘biggest’ feature. It may be a architectural feature. It should be something interesting, colorful and visually appealing. Create a focal point wall by painting one wall a different color from the rest and accessorizing with a wall arrangement, artwork, or display shelves. 2. Paint. There is nothing that enhances a room better than a fresh coat of paint. Even if you are on budget paint is cheap. You don’t simply have to brush paint on the walls. There are a myriad of decorative painting techniques, such as ragging and color washes. Decorative painting techniques are a great way to add color and texture. 12


3. Recycle your previous treasures. You can fix anything from pillows you no longer use by simply buying new pillow cases. Take an old picture frame and change the color or paint your previous collectables. Use furniture you have stored away in new creative ways or upholster it. Take an old lamp and just buy new lamp shades. You can create new modern pieces with the old outdated items. Use old tables by simply staining them. You will be surprised how much you can save by giving the old an easy facelift. 4. Lighten up your room. Open your blinds and let the sun in. You have to let the warmth in for your room to feel lighter. It also makes the space seem bigger. And, the placing of light sources, the direction of lighting, the intensity of the light, and the highlighted areas in a room all play a part in creating a room’s atmosphere. Most people don’t pay attention to the lighting in their home. They opt to use the fixtures that came with the house and miss out on the potential transformation of proper lighting could bring to their living spaces. 5. Plants. These will greatly enhance the look of your indoor spaces without breaking the budget. Green plants literally bring life into your home. They bring a sense of warmth and vitality to any home. People respond positively to the atmosphere generated when live plants bring the nature indoors. 6. Less is more. The more contemporary the room and furnishings, the more the “less is more” statement is true. The goal is to create a soothing, comfortable room. It is necessary that you don’t cram the room with figurines. Once you try to fit too many things in one room, whether it be too many colors or too much stuff or more than one theme the room just looks messy and unorganized all the time. WWW.TEQUILAMAG.COM



publisidad Confia 14



Belleza Autentica

The Shaping of a Set-Apart Young Woman

Dentro de cada mujer existe una Princesa en busca de su Príncipe. Por Dolores Morales.

“La Autentica Belleza” (Authentic Beauty) es un libro escrito por Leslie Ludy quien quiere transmitir un poderoso mensaje de esperanza a todas las generaciones. En una cultura donde ya casi no existe el romance y un mundo donde los cuentos de hadas están muy lejos de convertirse en realidad. La Autora revela en este libro como empezar hoy a experimentar la pasión y la intimidad que tanto has deseado con tu verdadero Príncipe. Tú empezaras a vivir tu propio cuento de hadas, descubrirás la Verdadera Belleza de la vida, experimentaras un romance que transformara cada parte de tu existencia y llenara hasta los más profundos deseos de tu corazón.


ste libro está dirigido a las mujeres adolecentes que terminan convirtiéndose en lo que el mundo quiere que se conviertan. Los chicos de esta época parecen solo valorar a las chicas que toman la iniciativa en la relación, que son agresivas, coquetas y sex---grils que no respetan su cuerpo ni su corazón.

La belleza física es externa. Esta cualidad se marchita con el tiempo. La belleza espiritual no se marchita con el tiempo, sino que permanece en nuestro interior. Son cualidades como la bondad, el amor, la simpatía, el respeto etc.

A pesar de los buenos consejos que los padres puedan ofrecer a sus hijos el ambiente que los rodea es muchas veces más fuerte, ya que si no eres la más popular, no eres cool y serás rechazada por todos hombres y mujeres y la popularidad se mide por la cantidad de hombres con los que has salido olvidándose así de respetar su persona. Se convierten en títeres de la sociedad, se dejan manejar por las influencias equivocadas de las que aparentan ser sus amistades, las cuales solo las llevan a la infelicidad, al sentimiento de culpa y más tarde al arrepentimiento. Siguen el mal ejemplo de una cultura que está muy lejos de ofrecerles un verdadero Príncipe, sino por el contrario solo son usadas como trofeos sexuales. Manchan su propia imagen creándose una mala reputación, la que más tarde les va afectar en su vida futura. Este libro “La Autentica Belleza” hace una invitación a encontrar a su verdadero Príncipe. Las guiara y enseñara que si existe esa persona que las ama verdaderamente con todo su corazón y les mostrara como conseguir la felicidad tal como en los cuentos de hadas. Les recomiendo que lean este libro no solo a las adolecentes sino a todas las mujeres que aun no han encontrado ese Príncipe y a todas las Madres que están preocupadas por el comportamiento de sus hijas.




Unclaimed Property

finding your missing money Bob Condron, CFP®, MSFS Advisory Representative* 803.548.8875 bcondron@bridgefp.com www.BridgeFP.com

I was a bit skeptical of the idea that the state of South Carolina could hold property that belonged to me but curiosity overcame me. I first went to the website that Treasurer Chellis spoke of at the meeting: www.treasurer.sc.gov. At the website, I was able to click on a few items that led me to another website: www. missingmoney.com. It was at this website that I entered my information. I found that the State of South Carolina was not holding any assets in my name. I did notice that I could search many other states and, by now, I was really curious. To shorten the story, the search found that the state of Pennsylvania was holding money for me using an address that I lived at for less than three months in 1981. I quickly began looking up the names of family and friends and found that my sister had money reported by a college in 1980. My search did not stop with individuals. I soon began to look up the names companies that were my clients and of several other prominent companies. Currently, the missing money website has more than 38 states in its program. Additionally, their website identifies those states not participating and provides the website for that states individual program. In my search I found a number of individuals and companies that had money in South Carolina and in other states throughout the country. This was just too much fun so I called them. My clients were quite happy, both the individuals and the controllers for the businesses.


ctive participation in associations and organizations will often require you to attend a lot of meetings. I once attended a luncheon at the Chamber of Commerce. At this meeting, the main speaker was the South Carolina State Treasurer, Converse A. Chellis III.

One comment that Treasurer Chellis made during his presentation was about the South Carolina unclaimed property program. This program is designed to provide a centralized search and to safeguard property until it can be returned to the rightful owner. In 2008, the South Carolina Program was holding approximately $241 million in unclaimed property. Some of the property includes bank accounts, stock certificates, checks, insurance policies and utility deposits. 16


Today’s economy is putting a lot of strain on the financial abilities of individuals, small companies and large corporations. Although not every state is using the “Missing Money” website, each state does have a process to obtain, hold and distribute unclaimed property. According to Barbara Rice, South Carolina Assistant State Treasurer, the only safe way to search for unclaimed property is through the state sponsored sites like www.treasurer.sc.gov for South Carolina, unclaimed.property@nctreasurer.com for North Carolina or www.missingmoney.com. I suggest that you contact your State Treasurer’s office to see if you have any missing money. *Securities offered through HD Vest Investment ServicesSM, Member SIPC, Advisory Services offered through H.D. Vest Advisory ServicesSM, Nonbank subsidiaries of Wells Fargo & Company. Investments: Not FDIC Insured – No Bank Guarantee – May Lose Value

AROMATERAPIA COMO FORMA DE MEDICINA ALTERNATIVA La aromaterapia es considerada como una forma alternativa en el ámbito de la medicina. En un principio el uso de esta medicina alternativa fue usado solo para curar al cuerpo de dolores molestos, como quemaduras o infecciones en la piel, recientemente no solo se usa para lo anteriormente mencionado sino que esta técnica sirve para combatir de manera natural problemas respiratorios, depresión, penas amorosas, estrés; es decir se ha convertido en un método de curación corporal y psicológica de interés para enfermeros, cosmetólogos y masajistas.

Estos solo son algunos de los aceites que te pueden ser de mucha utilidad. • Aceite de Tomillo: Ayuda con la fatiga extrema y combate la depresión. También puede ayudar a liberar bloqueos y traumas mentales. Mejora la memoria y la concentración. • Aceites Afrodisiacos: El Jazmín, Vainilla, Jengibre, Clavo, Rosa; Su delicada fragancia nos seduce y su efecto es seductor. Cleopatra tomaba baños de leche y miel con pétalos de rosas.

• Bergamota: Es un aceite refrescante y ayuda a calmar los nervios. Ayuda a mejorar el estress, la depresión y la fatiga. Ayuda a curar las infecciones respiratorias y problemas pulmonares, es un desodorante natural y ayuda a armonizar el ambiente. También se usa en la cura del acné y con pieles grasosas. • Albahaca: Es usado en el tratamiento de infecciones respiratorias, asma, bronquitis, acné, ulceras y problemas intestinales. Este aceite posee cualidades antivirales, antisépticas, antiespasmódico y antibacteriales. Se puede utilizar como vaporizado y mezclado con otros aceites para masajes y baños. Este aceite no se puede ingerir. • Cedro: Sorprendentemente este aceite ayuda al cuero cabelludo seco y al grasoso a alcanzar balance. Tiene propiedades antisépticas, astringentes, diuréticas, expectorantes y repelentes de insectos. Se usa en cosméticos, evaporadores, y tratamientos para ciertas condiciones de la piel como dermatitis y eczema. • Canela: Dicen que la canela atrae abun-

Por Ana Carolina G. Rodríguez

dancia. Ayuda a la digestión, la respiración y la circulación. Se usa en aceite para tratar las infecciones. Los vapores mejoran la melancolía. El aceite frotado ayuda a regular los periodos menstruales.

Cómo usarlos? Puedes usar los aceites solos o mezclando varios aceites esenciales. Recuerda las especies dan aceites esenciales muy fuertes que no deben usarse en la piel sin mezclarlos con algún aceite portador porque la irritan. Puedes usar los aceites en la bañera, en velas o quemadores (difusor) para aromatizar, en productos de baño, aromatizantes ambientales que pueden ponerse en cojines u otras prendas etc. Las mezclas de aceites como la rosa también pueden usarse como perfume. NOTA: Según los expertos en feng shui, las velas e inciensos deben ponerse en los lugares oscuros y esquinas de las casas donde la energía se acumula. WWW.TEQUILAMAG.COM



Tequila Magazine Launch Party @ Crown Plaza May 2, 2009 fotografías por: - Cesar Palacio - Andy Ramírez



machicao coulture

alvaro novaro WWW.TEQUILAMAG.COM



passion Graham

Franco londono 20



Tequila magazine Thank you!






Vacation paradise By Dolores Morales

Mazatlan, Mexico beautiful Playa Olas Atlas


Mazatlan, Mexico


azatlán is a city in the Mexican State of Sinaloa. It is located on the Pacific coast, just across the southernmost tip of the Baja California Peninsula. Is home to the Teatro Angela Peralta, located on the Plazuela Machado. Originally built from 1869 to 1874, the Teatro, completely restored from 1987 to 1992 to its 19th-century splendor, houses a concert hall, galleries, an art school and a highly regarded conservatory of music and dance.

from full-service all-inclusive resort life to intimate villas, hotels and private residences available for short- or long-term rental.

Artists such as classical musician Enrique Patron de Rueda and the Machado Orchestra perform regularly. The Sinaloa Symphony, local productions and a diverse program of touring artists keep the Teatro busy throughout the year.

For beer lovers, one of the largest breweries in Mexico, Pacific, will give you plenty of reasons to smile with brewery tours and chances to sample brews that never make it north of the border. All the traditional amusements and diversions are here including some of the finest sport fishing on the Pacific coast, whether your desire is deepwater big game or the challenge of shallow-water predators.

The Plazuela Machado, located in Centro Histórico, serves as the cultural hub of the city featuring open air restaurants, pageants, public art exhibits, a weekly craft fair and nightly entertainment. Calle Constitución, the only true street, is closed to vehicle traffic in the evenings from Thursday through Sunday. Mazatlán hosts one of the largest celebrations of Carnaval in the world. Culminating on Fat Tuesday, this weeklong bacchanal attracts visitors from all over the world with its parades, cultural events and partying. Nicknamed the “Pearl of the Pacific,” Mazatlan offers everything

If romance is in the air and you’re in the market for a fantastic wedding destination or honeymoon, you can’t go wrong with Mazatlan. With 10 miles of stunning Pacific beachfront and many picturesque churches and other historic buildings, you’ll certainly find just the right spot to start life as a couple.

For golfers, courses designed by Lee Trevino and Robert Trent Jones, Jr., one of the world’s foremost course designers, will challenge and delight with fantastic layouts and stunning ocean views. Mazatlan is also a great family vacation destination! Visit Stone Island, with its horseback riding, boogie boarding and snorkeling. Goes whale or dolphin watching. And, don’t forget the Aquarium, with hundreds of species of marine life and stunning sea lion shows! From mild to wild, Mazatlan has whatever you seek! WWW.TEQUILAMAG.COM



2009 BMW S1000RR

The first pictures of the production version of the BMW S1000RR supersport motorcycle have been unveiled at BMW’s Berlin production plant. Until now, only the carbon-fiber clad World Superbike-spec version has been seen in action. This 403-lb performance riding machine is as high tech as any M-series automobile the Bavarian-based company has ever produced. Everything from tractioncontrol to ABS as well as high-tech engine internals will make this first-ever BMW superbike a legitimate challenger to the Italian and Japanese sportbikes that have ruled the racetracks and back-canyon bi-ways of our little blue planet. Below is the press release on the unveiling as provided by BMW.

Staff and fans of BMW Motorrad were looking forward to March 1, 2009 with great excitement. At the introductory race to the Superbike World Championship in Phillip Island, Australia, two BMW motorcycles were in the starting line-up for the first time. After recent tests in Portimao and Valencia, riders Troy Corser and Ruben Xaus are optimistic about the future and the mood in the BMW Motorrad Motorsport team is positive. The racing bikes will be fairly close to serial production models, allowing for the greater audience identification characteristic of the sport. Behind the scenes meanwhile, production of the serial machine is getting underway: the BMW S 1000 RR. 24


The package of this completely newly developed motorcycle with its 999cc in-line 4-cylinder engine is very compact and light. The dry weight of the motorcycle is 183 kg. Both its supreme performance figures and its outstanding riding properties make the BMW S1000RR an extremely attractive offer in the supersports segment. The engine has a very compact cylinder head and is narrow in shape. The valves are activated by means of very small, light cam followers, virtually at Formula 1 level in terms of their dimensions. This construction ensures very high engine speeds and allows maximum

freedom in engine design in terms of torque and output. For the supersports bike BMW S1000RR, a completely newly developed sports ABS featuring four different modes as well as the dynamic traction control system DTC will be available. The functional principle of the traction control system has been borrowed directly from racing. The serial production machine BMW S1000RR will be presented to the public in the early summer of 2009 but can already be ordered in dealerships.


A new era of performance

Yamaha VMAX Motorcycle 2009


ix a sportbike and a cruiser and what do you get? The 2009 Yamaha VMAX ($18,000), that’s what. This mean machine looks like the cross between a Harley and a crotch rocket, with the performance to match. It features an all-new 65-degree 1679cc V4 engine, a lightweight aluminum chassis, a 5-speed transmission with a slipper clutch, wave-style brake discs with ABS and Brembo master cylinders, and complete suspension adjustability in both the front and rear.


Existen muchas opciones para un snack, por eso normalmente tomamos una bolsa de chips antes de pensar en tomar fruta fresca. Esta es solo una manera de darle una deliciosa presentación. Puedes servirla sola o agregar caramelo. Preparar malteadas, helados o solo Fruta con crema.

Las frutas no solo son ricas pero también: • Estimulan el cerebro. • Limpian y desintoxican tu cuerpo. • Incrementar la energia. • Mejorar la memoria. • Contienen azúcar natural que es buena para tu cuerpo y muchas vitaminas y minerales. • Contiene antioxidantes.





kiwi fresas

En este verano disfruta de algo dulce, simple, y saludable! 26


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summer nights By ANONYMOUS


I was so young. He was only a couple of years older than me. I was so nervous about entering my first year of college and I wanted to make sure that I had the summer of my life. I couldn’t believe what it had in store for me. I had met him only via web cam. We had spoken a few times on the phone but it was mainly chatting online. He was my best friend’s cousin and we met on accident through her. Our casual hellos would turn into hours of chatting online. Our conversations were simple. He became my best friend. I began to learn everything about him. He loved the sun and felt blue during storms. He wanted a huge family that would make him feel alive. He wanted to study to become a doctor and take his wife on exotic trips. He was my savior. I told him everything. He was my escape. I loved sharing my world with him even if just in words. My nights were filled in pure happiness. I hated the distance. Mexico was too far away for me. He was just 50 hours away. The distance didn’t stop my heart; he was the one that put smiles across my

face. Every moment I could talk with him, I would. This summer was different though. He was coming to visit his family, his cousin, my friend-his cousin. I couldn’t believe he was coming. The weeks before his arrival I couldn’t seem to stop the feeling of nausea, excitement, and anticipation. I was so nervous as my heart pounded through my chest moments before he arrived. As soon as he walked in, he came directly to me. His embrace was so tender. We held each other for what seemed like hours. I couldn’t believe he was here, it wasn’t my imagination. Everything I had felt inside swept over me. I couldn’t speak a word; I just wanted to stay in his arms. After that night we were inseparable. There wasn’t a moment I wasn’t with him. We would now spend our nights talking and teasing. It was innocent flirting and pure love. The love I had for him was unexplainable. The summer nights became sweet. The days were delicious. His first kiss was gentle and kind. He kissed me so soft as if I were breakable. He traced my face as if to remember it when he was gone. He

treated me as a jewel and spoke to me in such kindness. I knew I didn’t want to let him go. A 50 hour relationship wasn’t possible, neither for him nor me. As the summer came to an end we would spend the last few moments looking at the sky. Looking into his bright eyes I asked what love was. He simply replied, “There are no words for love. It’s just a feeling that suppresses the heart.” I never understood what I had done to deserve this love. The love every woman dreams of. The kind of love that others miss out on. The love that many chose to let go. The kind of love that made me feel alive, it made me feel unstoppable. It was powerful, unlike anything I ever imagined. I tried to not think about him going home. I tried to imagine he would stay. How can I go back to what I was after feeling this? How is it so easy for other people? Then, the moment came. As we packed his things, I fought the tears. A thousand things ran through my mind. Goodbye was the hardest. My heart ached. I couldn’t find the right words. I didn’t want to talk and we didn’t, we just held each other. I couldn’t help but letting go of the tears. One by one they slowly ran down my face. As he wiped them away and gave me my last kiss, I had a flash of forever with him at the moment. His tender lips gently parted mine with the last embrace. And, just like that he was gone. It was as if he were a memory. Weeks passed but my heart kept bleeding. I was to start school in just a few weeks but all I thought of was him. We still talked and chatted as often as possible but it hurt more each time. So, I left everything behind for a possibility with him. In this life we have moments that will take our breath away. We have choices. We can choose to move or to stay planted. We can choose to exist or to live. I chose to quit dreaming. And, make my dreams a reality. It was the hardest easiest decision I ever made. It was scary but I chose the fairy tale. I chose love. I chose to find out for myself what could be. I chose to be with him. I am not sure what tomorrow will bring. I am not sure if tomorrow will come. But I am glad, I am here with him and should of, could of will never cross my mind. Your destiny is determined by the decisions you make but nothing can stop fate. If a June night could talk, it’d probably boast it invented romance. -Bern Wiliams WWW.TEQUILAMAG.COM



Beautifully Sexy Legs

It is summer time! Now

there is nothing sexier than a pair of well toned legs to show off. Some women wait all year long to show the world their fabulous legs. Unfortunately, we all weren’t blessed with them. We have simple tips that will make your legs stand out from the rest.

First things first: If you are bottom heavy go on a sensible diet and exercise. 30 minutes a day 3 times a week will do wonders. Sometimes legs look heavy, because of bad circulation. So while resting put up your feet and legs. If you have thin legs work on your muscle definition. There is nothing sexier than “calf cleavage”. The



indentation in between your calf and leg make your legs look longer and leaner. Walking and bicycling are wonderful exercises for shapely legs. It is as simple as taking the stairs, instead of taking the elevator! Avoid standing for prolonged periods of time to reduce the appearance of varicose veins. Smooth legs! Never skip shaving. Stubbly legs never get far. After a bath, moisturize them. Avoid excessive sun exposure. Avoid baths that are too hot. Always finish your shower with a cold water jet on your legs. Drink a lot of water.

Happy Independence Day to all! Independence Days are the dates countries assumed their own identity as a nation. On these Independence Days, let us remember the sacrifices that have been made for our freedom. Let us also remember that our countries are not defined by the politicians who run it, but the people who love it.

United States of American - July 4, 1776

Peru - July 28, 1821

Venezuela - July 5, 1811

Bolivia - August 6, 1825

Argentina - July 9. 1816

Ecuador - August 6, 1822

Colombia - July 20, 1810

Uruguay - August 25, 1825 WWW.TEQUILAMAG.COM



En exclusiva con

Luis Machicao Originally from Peru, Couture Fashion Designer Luis Carlos Machicao, is one of the best Fashion Designers to rise out of Charlotte. Luis Machicao’s designs are all custom-made; the designs are original and never repeated. His brand, Machicao Couture, offers gowns and suits for events and weddings; and has recently launched a swimsuit line for men. TEQUILA Magazine: Luis, tell us more about your history? Luis Machicao: I have always been a person who loved fashion. I was lucky enough to study fashion in Peru. Soon after, I moved to Paris for three years to work with Designers, studying from some of the best. In Paris, I fell in love with runway fashion. After returning to Peru, I met the former Presidential family. That is when my life changed completely. I was not only in charge of designing clothing for the Presidential family but also for the opera, theater, movies, television, and beauty pageants. I designed for Miss Peru and Miss Peru USA. (Miss Peru is for Peruvian women who live in the United States and the pageant is held in Miami). While designing for these beauty pageants I started judging. I made a lot of relationships while working that have helped advance my career greatly and wrote fashion columns for fashion magazines and newspapers. What really helped my career were the designs I created for a Peruvian soap opera. The soap opera was focused around the life of a Peruvian countess; my dresses were so impressive they received worldwide attention. I soon started to travel around Latin American as a judge for beauty pageants before coming to the United States. I arrived in Houston, Texas 11 years ago and came to Charlotte 8 years ago. I believe I am at the right place at the right time, Charlotte is still growing. TEQUILA Magazine: What is your inspiration? Luis Machicao: I believe I am a classical designer. I love to add a bit of modernism in every design I create. The designs you see in my clothes are influenced by Chanel and Christian Dior. I love the 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s. I recreate these eras with little modern twists in each design. Fashion is recycled. There is nothing new to invent so it reappears every few years. As Designers we have to re-invent the old. We add our own spice to the old and make it fabulously new. Museums really help to inspire me. I can look at a piece of artwork and it will inspire an entire collection with a simple detail in the painting. TEQUILA Magazine: What is fashion to you? Luis Machicao: To me fashion is the form a person expresses who they are. It is a way to determine someone’s personality and social status. It is how they feel mentally and physically in that moment. As a Designer you analyze all of your clients. If you notice how someone dresses, it is easy to know who they are right away. People have to know what fits their personality and their body type. You want to always highlight their best physical features. You guide them in the decisions they make. People think you have to spend thousands of dollars to look fabulous when you it isn’t necessary. Anyone can be in style; you just have to know what works and what does not. TEQUILA Magazine: What are you currently working on now? Luis Machicao: I have a studio in the Charlotte and design for the local opera. I am currently working on two different collections. One collection will be released in Charlotte during Charlotte Fashion Week. The second collection will be released during a Fashion Show in Miami towards the end of this year. TEQUILA Magazine: What are your plans for the future? Luis Machicao: I plan to open a boutique in New York City by early next year. I am looking to participate in Fashion Shows in New York and hopefully New York Fashion Week. I am crazy about taking my brand to shows in New York.

Photography Tat Staub Photography George Duncan

TEQUILA Magazine: What would you say to those who don’t know your brand, Machicao Couture? Luis Machicao: Try me. I have a lot to offer. You will be satisfied with my one of-a-kind designs. I create gowns and suits that are never repeated. Whether it is an event or a wedding, I can create anything according to your likes. I will take care of your image.

Luis Machicao 704.449.4452 www.luismachicao.com Cruz Photography

How 10 to Pounds Lose



Weeks! By Fanny Morales

What is a “Detox Diet?”

As instant diets are in more demand so called “detox” diets are becoming more and more popular. Detoxification can help you eliminate the toxins and poisons that will affect your body. And with these excess toxins and poisons removed, our body can then function normally again and can lose weight by itself to return to its natural start. It is also an excellent way to lose those extra pounds that you would like to shed. Especially if you have a big event ahead or just want to get back in shape. What are the results? Detoxing promises to: • give you more energy • strengthen your immune system • help you lose weight • reduce cellulite • clean out your digestive system How does it work? When major organs in the body – the kidneys, liver, heart, and colon – aren’t functioning at an optimal level, you may be experiencing a number of health problems such as constipation, bloating and fatigue on a regular basis. Most detox diet programs recommend large servings of fresh fruits, vegetables, water, and unprocessed foods, and may also include herbs and detoxifying supplements to enhance your body’s natural toxin removal process. 34


The most common foods included in a detox diet include: • Leafy green vegetables • Citrus fruits • Whole, unprocessed, and raw foods • Fruits and vegetables high in antioxidants • Broth-based soups • Organic and raw sugars What is the “Master Cleanse Diet” exactly? The Master Cleanse diet is not easy and you have to mentally prepare yourself for it. It is a simple routine with simple rules but it does take power to succeed. To speed up the process of cleansing of your body and stimulate the loss of unnecessary kilos, it will be useful to stick to rational, well-balanced nourishment. Give preferences to light and wholesome foods, different salads, dairy products, fruits, first courses, whole-grain bread, boiled meat or baked fish. An hour

before going to bed, drink the last glass of water with lemon juice. As a result, you will be surprised to find yourself feeling much better and energetic, even by the end of a hard day. Except stimulating digestion, lemon and water, reduce appetite because of the water you drink before each meal. This water prevents you from the attacks of furious hunger, and your portions will become twice smaller soon. The coordinated work of all parts of the alimentary canal prevents many diseases, maintains the immune system of your body at the proper level, and prolongs youth. Absence of obesity and extra weight lowers heart, vessels, spine loading, gives you lightness and good mood.

Preparation for the “Master Cleanse”: This will help your body prepare for the remaining days. It will give you 3 days to adjust to less food and mentally prepare you for the “Lemonade Diet.” Day 1: Fruits and Veggies No more processed foods or meats in your diet. Day 2: Fruit and Veggie Juice You will have to juice the fruit and veggies you are eating. It delivers the nutrients directly to your bloodstream. You can also make these fruits and veggies into soup broths. Day 3: Orange Juice Make 2 liters of fresh Orange Juice mixed with water and 2 table spoons of maple syrup. You cannot add any sugar.

The Lemonade Diet: Prepare your entire day intake at once. Drink this Lemonade as much as you would like every day for 2 weeks. You will need: - 14 Tablespoons of Lemon Juice - 14 Tablespoons of Maple Syrup - ½ Teaspoon of cayenne Pepper (You can add as much as you can handle). - 2 Liter of Water Juice all of the lemons and mix with the other ingredients. You will have made 3 liters of the Lemonade to last you for a day. The cayenne pepper is mainly for taste. Try to only add as much as you can handle. The lemon juice will give you the illusion you are full. You can also have water throughout the day and as much as you would like. But try not to go overboard with the water. “The Lemonade Diet” should not be over two weeks at a time.

Easing out of the Detox: It should take you four days to adjust your

body to eating regularly, again. Of course you should try and maintain a good diet after as well for as long as you can.

Day 1: Orange Juice - 3 1-liter orange juice with 2 tablespoons of maple syrup Day 2: Fruit and Veggie Juice - or Broth Day 3: Fruits and Veggies Day 4: Regular Diet, however you should try to eat live foods - grains, etc. Light and wholesome food, different salads, dairy products, fruits, first courses, whole-grain bread, boiled meat or baked fish are recommended to make weight loss a success. An hour before going to bed, drink the last glass of water with lemon juice. As a result, you will be surprised to find yourself feeling much better and energetic, even by the end of a hard day. Except stimulating digestion, lemon and water, reduce appetite because of the water you drink before each meal. This water prevents you from the attacks of furious hunger, and your portions will become twice smaller soon. The Lemonade Diet is not meant as a long term diet. You should not last on the diet for longer than two weeks. You should consult with a doctor before considering any of the diets listed below. We want everyone to see results in a healthy manner. Please do not try any of the following without considering professional advice first. WWW.TEQUILAMAG.COM



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