Tequila Magazine Nov / Dic

Page 1

La mejor



Dear Santa

a list of everything I want for



Spotting a

receta para


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NOVember | Decemner









What’s inside Carta de la editora


Everyone has their own idea about Christmas and any other holiday they celebrate during this time. Although, most people know the heartfelt meaning behind Christmas, it is often lost. We lose the holiday season searching for the perfect present, in decoration contests, and in the stress of having your annoying third cousin twice removed staying down the hall. Christmas is a holiday that is supposed to resemble peace and joy on earth. It is suppose to be about family, hope, and starting a new year with those you cherish.


This year might be the Christmas many families have desired

Fanny G. Morales

for years. I hate to make a reference to the economy but with many foreclosures, joblessness, and predictions of 2010 economic woes, I believe it is safe to say this Christmas might just be that Christmas. It might be the year you have to give more of yourself, more hope, devotion, and love. It is the perfect occasion to set aside money, greed, jealousy, and envy in order to spend time with loved ones. Try to forget about the presents, I know it is hard, but this year give a gift to remember. Spend time with those you love, share with those you do not know, and give gifts of affection.


And, remember about those who do not have anything at all. Remember, that the economy has affected everyone but some more than others. Make this winter about what you can do for them, volunteer. This year you can be the selfless representation of Christmas. Help feed the hungry, clothe the sick, and remember Christmas, with all its pagan doctrine and tradition, is about giving. From everyone at TEQUILA Magazine:

Happy Holidays and a prosperous New Year.

Mexican American fanny@tequilamag.com

college 101


e is Key Confidenc

Interview with Crave Dessert Bar. 4


EDITORIAL Alfonso Perrilla Director de reacción Amanda Vision Chef Carmen Ulloa Jessica Gunson Laura Quintero Luz Maria Dozal Escritores AREA COMERCIAL Moro Business Media Consumer & Advertising FINANZAS ARTE

Dolores Morales Administración y Finanzas Jorge E. Rojas Director de Arte YumaniK’s photostream Lester Peña Andrey Arkusha Fernando Delgado Front Cover Fotógrafos Contribuyentes

ASOCIADO haap.hu shutterstock.com flickr.com


Las 13 del 2010

31 TEQUILA Magazine’s

Fanny G. Morales Editora

CIRCULACION Jacqueline Rodriguez Directora de Mercadeo



36 27 22

Publisher Moro Business Media Pho: 704 817 9255 / Fax: 704 900 6266

©TEQUILA MAGAZINE. Marca registrada. Fecha de publicación: Noviembre del 2009. Revista bimestral, editada y publicada para las distintas áreas: Ballentyne, Cabarrus, Central – East Charlotte, Dilworth, Independence, Kannapolis, Concord, Monroe, Pineville, Rock Hill, South Blvd, South Park, Steel Creek, University, Uptown, Waxhaw y la subscripción es completamente gratis en todo Estados Unidos por MORO BUSINESS MEDIA, P.O.Box 38466, Charlotte NC, 28278. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Tequila Magazine, Subscription Service Department, P.O.Box 38466 Charlotte NC, 28278 or by email at: info@ tequilamag.com. MORO BUSINESS MEDIA investiga sobre la seriedad de sus anunciantes, pero no se responsabiliza con las ofertas relacionadas por los mismos. Prohibida su reproducción parcial o total. TODOS LOS DERECHOS RESERVADOS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ©Copyright 2009. moro@tequilamag.com

suscrĂ­bete a tequila. 6 ediciones totalmente gratis

Photographer: Fernando Delgado G. www.thephotographer.com.mx Model: Alyce Mink I The Rock Art Director: Patricia Hall Make up: Vicki Elwood I Salon Medusa Styling: Johanna Knutson Art Director: Patricia Hall Dress: The Wedding Tree Shoes: Kick on Main Location: Bodega Brew Pub, La Crosse WI.


This is a free subscription. Offer closes December 31, 2009

Life Lessons

Spotting a

See how they treat their other friends. If you are always pushed to the side or the target of light play, you should see red flags. A friend treats all of their friends about the same. If you often feel offended… then FRENEMY.

FRENEMY Frenemy (frienemy) : An enemy disguised as a friend.

By: Jessica Gunson

If you love-hate them. If the relationship is love-hate, FRENEMY!

“No! I would

never say that ...out loud!”

Trust your gut. If you feel like there is something there or not there than they probably are a FRENEMY. Now, you might get along and you might have common interests but that isn’t enough.


Frenemies are unusually jealous. They turn everything into competitions. Do not be surprised if they are not excited when something amazing happens to you.


e are not exactly sure why we have them but we do. Having a Frenemy means you are firm believer in keeping your friends close and your enemies closer. They sometimes are out in the open but often are heavily disguised. This is to help those who have friends on the border of enemies. Listen to what they say and how they word their responses. Even if they do not mean to be mean, they are still mean. It is all hurtful and signs of how they truly feel.

Frenemies tend to be missing when you need them the most. For some reason they are M.I.A. when you need a friend. Frenemies tend to be around only when heavy drama occurs or when you are partying. Unless you are a Drama Queen, just avoid the Frenemy. In the end Frenemies do not make situations better nor do they help you in time of need. Keep everything choppy and short, be nice but make sure she understands your reaction. Sit down explain it to her and if it doesn’t work make that Frenemy just an Enemy.




{college 101 pEOPLE

By: Fanny Morales (Editor)


It is hard enough to leave in a country with nothing. A majority of the people leaving in the United States were not born here. Most of those students who are graduating from high school want to attend college to ensure a secure life for themselves. North Carolina, last year, made a decision to follow in South Carolina’s footsteps and not allow undocumented immigrants to attend college.



early all people are not educated on this subject and I truly do not want to make this a debate. The truth of the matter is there is still a lot of prejudice that surrounds us all. It is difficult to believe people are still racists in a country that was built

from immigrants. It is truly devastating to believe people want other young adults to fail in life. The idea of stopping someone who wants to enter college to stay out of the streets or began a career that would help them advance in the workforce is beyond

Myth: Undocumented immigrants who attended public colleges where using tax-payers money to pay for their tuition.

Myth: Undocumented immigrants cause a majority of the crimes in the United States and are making our jails overcrowded.

Myth: Undocumented immigrants can just receive citizenship, they just do not want to.

Truth: Undocumented immigrants that attend any public college in the entire United States regardless of where they lived have to pay out of state tuition. They never receive financial aid to help fund their studies. If they lived in North Carolina, regardless of how long, they would still have to pay out of state tuition. In many cases out of state tuition is twice or three times as much as in state.

Truth: Only about 6% of the inmates in jails are undocumented immigrants and out of that 6% only about 4% are from Latin America or Mexico. Mistakes that our newspapers and daily new stations greatly influence to make people assume a majority of the incarcerated are of Hispanic origin, which is not the true.

Truth: The process of receiving citizenship in the United States is extremely difficult and lengthy. It is true that many undocumented immigrants pay payroll taxes. Last year over 1.4 undocumented immigrants filled taxes and a majority paid income taxes as well. The IRS has seen increasing percentages of undocumented immigrants who have paid taxes. So is their money good enough to send their children to school? Did we forget that there are also sales taxes and everyone pays when they purchase a good?


comprehension. This subject has been tossed around too much online and in conversations we had to make a step forward for everyone who wants to have an education. We did some research and decided to make a few things clear.


We just wanted to clear these rumors. TEQUILA Magazine will continue to support the education of any individual whether they are brown, black, purple, or orange. We will continue to support education for those who cannot speak for themselves regardless of where they work. We will continue to support education for everyone regardless of how much they make or where they were born.


The United Nations recognizes the right to education as a human right. It all recognizes that all discrimination shall be eliminated at all levels of the educational system.

for ANY Student to Receive a College Education


Apply to out of state colleges. There are many colleges and universities outside of North Carolina and South Carolina that embrace diversity. These colleges are looking for a variety of students to receive education. Plus, many have scholarship and loan programs that enable you to receive better financing.


Apply at private colleges and universities. This doesn’t mean that you will be paying more than a public or federal school, just that they have more control over who they accept and deny. These private school generally better reputations in educational programs.


Online colleges offer a vast assortment of classes and programs. Online colleges have flexible schedules and give you the liberty to study when you can. Not to mention these colleges are usually less expensive. Don’t forget you get to attend class in pajamas.




co n s e j i to s

• Paso a paso: Si bien es cierto que quieres que todo marche a la perfección desde el principio, debes tener en cuenta que las primeras semanas serán para ir acomodando las rutinas de ambos y las cosas en el hogar, así que no te apresures a tener todo perfectamente arreglado y solucionado, pues ese proceso te tomará varios días.

Trucos para recién casados Por: Laura Quintero

Después de la luna de miel tu vida en pareja apenas empieza. Aprende algunos trucos para sobre llevar los momentos de tensión.


pesar de que lo conoces desde que eran niños, de que de novios duraron varios años, de que él era tu viejo amigo antes de convertirse en tu pareja, de que pasaron largas temporadas viajando juntos, o de que tú o él ya han vivido solos o han compartido apartamento con otras personas, estos aspectos no garantizan que la convivencia como casados tenga el mismo tinte rosa que tuvo durante el noviazgo. Para aprender a sobrellevar los hábitos de tu pareja y no permitir que la rutina o ciertos detalles destruyan la armonía de tu hogar de recién casada, es indispensable que seas muy tolerante y abierta a los cambios, pues éstos apenas comienzan. Situaciones cotidianas que pueden parecer poco trascendentales como tener que levantarse más temprano para ducharse porque el otro también necesita el baño a la misma hora; o establecer ciertas reglas como la cantidad de dinero que cada uno debe destinar de sus ingresos para el sostenimiento del hogar, son sólo algunos ejemplos de todo lo que trae consigo compartir no sólo los sueños, sino también el día a día. No obstante, una vez que logres junto a tu pareja acoplarte en horarios, cargas económicas y del hogar, seguramente esos pequeños inconvenientes del principio desaparecerán. Sigue estos sencillos consejos para mantener la paciencia y no permitir que entren a tu hogar el egoísmo y la intolerancia.



• Ten paciencia: Seguramente si tú y tu pareja son aún muy jóvenes y están acostumbrados a un sin fin de electrodomésticos o comodidades, la adaptación a su nuevo hogar y a los recursos con los que cuentan será un poco traumática. El consejo es que te llenes de paciencia y aprendas a planear los gastos, pues equipar una casa demanda tiempo y mucho dinero. • Escucha: Aquel dicho “el que se casa quiere casa” significa que estás buscando independencia, pero en ocasiones es muy sano escuchar a tus padres, suegros o a otras parejas que ya han pasado por circunstancias similares y que te pueden aconsejar o ayudar mucho más de lo que crees. • Deja la pena: Aprende a pedir ayuda si la necesitas y ten por seguro que todos aquellos familiares y amigos que te quieren y te rodean estarán prestos a ayudarte cuando lo necesites. Aprovecha esa ayuda desinteresada para consultar a tu suegra sobre la comida que más le gusta a tu esposo, o para preguntarle a tu madre sobre cómo agilizar una receta, o hasta para pedir prestado un objeto o electrodoméstico mientras lo puedes adquirir. • Date tiempo: Los errores y desaciertos de cada uno saltarán a la vista con el paso de los días, pero eso no implica que esos “detallitos” van a durar para siempre, así que date y dale tiempo para que logren el acople perfecto. Recuerda que dialogando todo se logra.





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christmas toys selected by experts...


By: Javier Andres 12 Years old & Susan 7 Years old

Bakugan Cards and Figurines

New Mini 10� Laptops

2009 Holiday Barbie

Handy Manny Workbook Set

Catan Boardgame

Dora the Explorer Leapster




Al aire 5 4



Canciones más escuchas en los Estados Unidos!

alejandro sanz & alicia keys “Looking for paradice” El talentoso artista Alejandro Sanz ha invitado a la extraordinaria cantante Alicia Keys ha participar de su nuevo tema titulado “Looking For Paradise”. El mismo es el primer corte difusión de su nuevo trabajo Paraíso Express, y que es verdaderamente magnífico. Looking For Paradise rebosa de buenas energías, la alegría y el amor son los actores principales, y que a su vez acompañados por los toques particulares de cada artista, dan como resultado un excepcional tema, con liricas mitad español y mitad ingles, que lo disfruten.

Aventura “Su veneno” Cuándo la gente se hace rica, muchos se compran alguna casita, un carro del año, o por lo menos, unas galleticas para mamá (como se los comieron to’ de niños!). ¿Qué hizo Aventura? Con las impresionantes ventas de su álbum The Last, los reyes de la bachata decidieron comprar una máquina de tiempo. Si, leíste bien - una máquina de tiempo. En el video nuevo para el tercer sencillo, “Su Veneno”, el grupo rompe las reglas de nuevo, cambiando la canción original a una de bolero y vistiendo si estuvieran en los tiempos de los “Roaring 20’s” (la década de 1920).

Nelly Furtado “Manos al aire” Con el balance perfecto entre ritmos urbanos y pop, todos tenemos las “manos al aire”, pero bailando. En el video, la bella cantante sufre por una relación, y se va quitando la ropa lentamente en el medio de la calle...


David Bisbal “Esclavo de tus besos” Escucha la nueva canción llamada “Esclavo de sus besos” contenida en el nuevo disco de estudio “Sin mirar atrás”. El ex concursante de “Operación Triunfo” en la edición del año 2001 regresa con nueva producción musical luego de su anterior trabajo, “Premonición”, lanzado en 2006. El primer corte promocional de este nuevo álbum se llama “Esclavo de sus besos”, el cual está acompañado de un video musical que se rodó en México con Armando Ávila como productor. Este primer sencillo será todo un éxito, con este adelanto ya nos hace suponer el éxito de ventas de la nueva producción musical.


Shakira “She Wolf” “Una loba en el armario, Tiene ganas de salir, Deja que se coma el barrio, Antes de irte a dormir”... Son algunas frases que nos interpreta Shakira en su canción Loba. El sencillo tiene unos toques de dance y disco por lo cual por lo menos en mi opinión deja mucho que desear en cuanto al tipo de música que nos tiene acostumbrados la colombiana, sin embargo, en algunas ocasiones es bueno incursionar otros estilos. WWW.TEQUILAMAG.COM



La mayoría de las veces no cumplimos los propósitos que teníamos para el nuevo año y creo que la respuesta se debe a que nos ponemos metas muy altas o simplemente las personas y el ambiente que nos rodea interfieren en nuestros planes y nuestra manera de pensar. También la falta de autenticidad, al dejarnos llevar por lo que hace y dice la sociedad. Por este motivo mis propósitos serán diferente a las cosas comunes que todos pensamos, no más cosas materiales o dietas que no pueda seguir, más bien cosas que me sean útiles y enriquezcan mi espíritu: No pienso aceptar cosas y situaciones solo para quedar bien, dejare de volverle la cara a la verdad solo para seguir una falsa comodidad…No más. No tengo tiempo para soportar más mediocridades. No quiero estar en reuniones donde se desbordan egos inflados y abunda la envidia desacre14




Por: Luz Maria Dozal


uchos de nosotros tenemos la esperanza que el año nuevo nos traerá cosas nuevas y mejores. Deseamos con todo nuestro corazón que todo lo que no pudimos lograr el año anterior podamos lograrlo el año que viene, tanto en asuntos de negocios como en asuntos sentimentales. Nos hacemos el propósito de mejorar nuestra relación con la familia, encontrar un mejor trabajo, comprarnos coche nuevo, casa nueva, abrir un nuevo negocio y el más común de todos: bajar de peso.

ditando a personas capaces de tener logros. No perderé mi tiempo con patanes que aunque están en edad de ser abuelos siguen siendo unos tontos inmaduros……Me liberare de todo los que no es saludable, personas, situaciones, relaciones y cualquier cosa que no me deje crecer. Dejare de tenerle miedo al monstruo que vive debajo de mi cama… el dolor. El miedo al dolor no me impedirá mas tratar de comenzar de nuevo, ahora…tomo riesgos. Ya no me atormentare con el pasado, ni me preocupare por el futuro, mejor me mantengo en el presente que es aquí donde la vida acontece. No quiero tener siempre la razón, así me equivocare muchísimo menos. Quiero rodearme de Gente que defienda la dignidad de los marginados y desee tan solo andar de la mano de Dios, Gente que sepa ganarse el corazón de las personas con respeto y la verdad por delante. Quiero aprender de personas a los que los golpes de la vida le enseñen a crecer, a comprender a sus semejantes y no le endurezcan el corazón y le llenen de egoísmo malvado. Gente que aprenda a reír de sus errores y no deje que sus triunfos le hagan verme a mí más pequeña. Que la honestidad sea su estandarte y no huya de sus responsabilidades. Quiero disfrutar de afectos libres de fraude, de manipulaciones, libres de mentiras y engaños. Que crea en el amor limpio y verdadero. Tengo prisa por vivir intensamente, no pretendo desperdiciar mi tiempo. No más. Mi meta Final es llegar satisfecha y en paz con Dios.

Cuál es la tuya?

Dear Santa,

I must admit I am a little surprised to write you this letter after so long. But, I am writing it for all of men kind. We are just tired of receiving the same tie every year. So I made my list of everything I want. Can you please pass it along to my wife. Oh by the way, I have been a very good man. Yup, actually did everything right. Kind of. Thanks One Man Speaking for All Men


Tickets to a concert or a show are always a hit! Not just concerts but Broadway, and comedy shows. Just make sure that the tickets are something they will enjoy. Find their favorite music, shows, comedians, or interests. Believe us; he will never miss that boring tie in a box.

Plan a weekend away. Take a simple trip to the mountains and stay locked in your cabin. Cuddle next to the warm log fire and sip on champagne. If winter isn’t your favorite month try somewhere warm and sunny. Hotel rates are fabulous during the winter and it isn’t as crowded.

3 4


An unforgettable experience is always different. Sky-diving, BASE jumping, cliff jumping, cycling, or extreme motorsports will make your head spin. Wingsuit flying, surfing, skiing, snowboarding, sandboarding, or rock climbing will make anyone fall in love with you again.

Carolina Panthers season tickets or Bobcats season tickets


The 007 Experience. That’s right; he can be James Bond for a day. This experience features high speed chases over 100 mph, barricade breaching and bad-guy apprehension, and everything in between. www.xperiencedays.com

Sport memberships such as Golf, or the opportunity to play on Softball team, Soccer team, or Basketball team.

Newspaper subscriptions or his favorite magazine subscription will let him know you are paying attention.

6 7

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AMOR Por: Dolores Morales

Todos estamos de acuerdo que el mejor regalo que podemos dar y recibir es el afecto incondicional.


i nos esforzamos por encontrar el regalo perfecto para nuestros seres queridos también es una manera de demostrarles cuanto los queremos, ya que es muy reconfortante saber que esa persona se tomo el tiempo para comprarnos algo especial y eso nos hace sentir apreciados e importantes. Si recordamos cuando éramos niños una de las cosas que más disfrutábamos era recibir regalos y creo que eso no cambia mucho con el correr de los años; solo que cuando llegamos a la edad adulta olvidamos la sonrisa dibujada en nuestros rostros cuando alguien nos sorprendía, especialmente en Navidad con un

pequeño regalo. Sin lugar a dudas la Navidad es un momento de amor, y los regalos no sólo son una costumbre consumista, sino también una manifestación del espíritu cristiano y una expresión de amor. Muchas veces el problema de la Navidad es que la mayoría de las veces uno no sabe qué regalarle a sus seres queridos y muchas veces tanto hombres como mujeres se toman a mal si sus respectivas parejas le regalan algo que no va con su personalidad. El regalo más importante y el que debemos escoger primero debe ser siempre el de nuestra pareja. Existen numerosas investigaciones psicológicas sobre el asunto de los regalos y cómo afecta a las relaciones de amor y muchos especialistas afirman que los regalos afectan la percepción de similitud

entre dos personas. Evidentemente los regalos para él o ella no van a solucionar los problemas de pareja o mejorar una relación que no funciona, pero si es verdad que los regalos acertados pueden complementar de forma positiva una relación que funciona con normalidad reafirmando la noción de que hay un fuerte vínculo, una buena comunicación y que las dos personas se conocen profundamente. Para obtener esa sonrisa de nuestro ser amado intentemos escoger el regalo que sin duda le gustara. Empecemos por preguntarle que le gustaría que le regalaras, o trata de recordar que es lo que ha querido comprarse y aun no ha podido. No olvides su personalidad y sus colores favoritos. Recuerda que muchas veces el mejor regalo no tiene que ser el más costoso, si no el que, sin palabras diga: “Te Amo”.

SUGERENCIAS: Una tarjeta de regalo para un Spa o solo un masaje para dos. Una noche romántica para dos personas en tu Hotel favorito. Un viaje a ese lugar que tanto disfrutan los dos. Unos tickets para un concierto o evento que más les guste. Ropa sexy para dormir. Una joya. Las botas de invierno que vio en el aparador. Tickets para ver una película. Una cena en su Restaurant favorito.




Tequila Magazine

fashion issue Release party @ Crave “the dessert bar” “Uptown” Charlotte, NC photos by: Lester Peña

Arkeitha Maxwell EveryImage salon (hairstylist) 704.806.7262

Model Agency by: John casa blanca Asia Owens

Divaz Makeup (make-up) 909.641.3117

Kema Falls

EveryImage salon (hairstylist) 704.393.7777

Cecilia Giraldo Mona z salon (hairdresser) 704.756.3436

TEQUILA Magazine’s Deliciously Sweet Interview with Crave Dessert Bar. 1. Tell us about Crave Dessert Bar. Crave Dessert Bar represents a new breed of Charlotte evening entertainment: a world-class dessert boutique that naturally evolves into an upscale lounge catering to the desires of Charlotte’s late night enthusiasts. With a focus on providing decadent desserts, sensational cocktails, and savory small bites, Crave Dessert Bar aspires to be the Queen City’s guilty pleasure of choice. 2. Why a Dessert Lounge instead of a bar or night club? The proprietors moved to Charlotte from New York, Chicago and D.C. a few years back and – although the love this city – they noticed it was missing a true, urban lounge scene. Rather than complain or blog about it, they felt it only made sense to contribute to the ever-growing renaissance of Charlotte’s urban awakening…hence Crave was born. 3. What inspired the name? We essentially went with the obvious since we’re a newbie to the Charlotte scene. 4. The best dessert? Dangerous question as many people feel passionate about certain ones. The Victorian (three moist layers of rich chocolate cake stuffed with a dark chocolate mousse and enveloped with decadent chocolate butter cream icing) and the Detailed Devil Cupcakes (red velvet cupcakes mounded with a rich white chocolate frosting) are both heavy favorites…but there are a number of debatable options. 5. What is the inspiration behind the design? Metropolitan, New York mostly. The architects and designers took note to feature a cosmopolitan design complimented by the rustic nature of Crave’s urban loft setting. The historic original brick walls, tall bay windows, and exposed ceilings lend to a ‘feel’ essentially unavailable south of the


Verranzano Bridge. 6. How would you like to change the party scene in Charlotte? The Queen City is the new melting pot of the South, and sophistication needs a home in this fine city…so when you arrive, welcome home. 7. How do you come up with exclusive nights, such as Ladies night? We keep our fingers on the pulse of the city to offer our guests something they simply can’t find anywhere else. “Ladies Night” and various iterations of the same have admittedly become staples offered at other local venues, but our passionate desire to focus on the guest experience ensures that it simply can’t be done elsewhere the way we execute it. 8. Is there a particular audience you are catering to? Anyone and everyone with style, sophistication, and an uncompromising palate. 9. What is your goal in the next year? Simply continue to learn, grow, and contribute in our own modest way to the posh scene of Charlotte’s nightlife. 10. Craziest customer yet? A while back, we made the mistake of hosting a burlesque-inspired evening featuring pole dancing lessons, ½ priced martinis, and some arguably overzealous patrons… no need to elaborate. 11. Describe Crave in three words? Charlotte’s Progressive Manifesto. 12. Favorite “date” to party and why? Your birthday. 13. Tell us what to order the next time we are in Crave? The 40-spiced hummus appetizer, three gourmet chicken sliders on toasted rolls, a clean slut martini, a passion fruit hookah pipe, and for dessert… the scarlet letter (red velvet cake filled and frosted with cream cheese, and finished with toasted pecans).






Hybrid 10

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TOMO R R OW DES ERV ES NOTHING LES S . USING ECOLOGICAL PLASTICS™ AND PLANT-BASED MATERIALS, THE HS DELIVERS LUXURY IN NEW WAYS AT AN IMPRESSIVE PRICE. Introducing the new HS 250h Th e H S 25 0 h . O n t h e o u t s i d e , i t ’ s u ni q u e a e ro d y n a mi c d e s i g n co n t r i b u t e s to a n im p re s s i v e 35 m p g co m bin e d EPA r a t in g . O n t h e in s id e , i t fe a t u re s a n u nm a tc h e d b l e n d of fo r wa r d - t hink in g t e c h n o l o g y a n d s u s ta in a b l e m a t e r i a l s u nr i v a l e d in a ny o t h e r p ro d u c t i o n v e hi c l e . Lex u s i s g o in g w h e re n o o t h e r ca r m a n u fa c t u re r h a s g o n e b efo re . Th e 2 010 Lex u s 24


H S25 0 H y b r id w ill b e t h e in d u s t r y ’ s firs t d e d i ca t e d lu x u r y hy b r id . Pow e re d by t h e Ca mr y hy b r id ’ s At k in s o n cyc l e , 2 . 4 - li t e r u ni t p ro d u c in g 147 h o rs e p ow e r a n d 13 8 l b - ft of to rq u e , a l o n g w i t h a ni ck e l - m eta l hy b r id b a t t e r y p a ck a n d e l e c t r i c m o to r t h a t a dd a n o t h e r 4 0 h o rs e p ow e r , t h e 374 0 - p o u n d H S25 0 a c ce l e r a t e s f ro m 0 - 6 0 m p h in 8 . 4 s e co n d s . Al t h o u g h 0 - 6 0 a c ce l e r a t i o n i s 1 . 4 s e co n d s q ui ck e r t h a n t h e Toyo ta Pr i u s , t h e H S d o e s n o t co m e c l o s e in t e r m s of

Fin d yo u r Lex u s to d a y .

S ew e ll Lex u s D a ll a s , T X ( 214 ) 352 - 810 0 - S e r v i ce 214 - 353 2 0 0 0 H e n d r i ck Lex u s Ch a r l o t t e , N C ( 8 0 0 ) 243 - 3559 - S e r v i ce 704 - 532 - 4 888 H e nn e s s y Lex u s of At l a n ta At l a n ta , GA ( 7 70 ) 4 5 7 - 6 8 0 0 - S e r v i ce 7 70 - 4 5 7 - 6 8 0 0 Lex u s of N o r t h M i a mi N o r t h M i a mi , FL ( 78 6 ) 22 0 - 23 01 - S e r v i ce 789 - 22 0 - 23 01

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G et t h e w h o l e s to r y a t Lex u s . co m / h s

Los Paisas was born as a result of the yearning to often a better service to the community and to illustrate the beauty and tradition of the Colombia culture. On July 3, 2004 with great effort, Los Paisas opened its doors to the public in the city of Charlotte, North Carolina. Since then have been open, instilling a great culture and commercial acceptance among its patrons.

Come an enjoy authentic Colombian Food Ven y disfruta de la autentica comida Colombiana

Due to this acceptance and repeated suggestions, Los Paisas opened it doors for the second time in a new location on February 15, 2006; this time with more confidence and support from our patrons, whom left flattered to find us at the reach of their fingertips from our patrons, whom felt flattered to find us at the reach of their fingertips in different places the city. Our pledge to our countrymen in to bring to their table happiness and nostalgic remembrances of country, enclosed together in the taste our dishes; to the Hispanic Community it is to share the same language and provide a different cuisine; to the American public it is to show gratitude for the acceptance and support given to us. In exchange for this support we want to show, as a sign of affection, everything our land and people have to offer. This gives us pride and satisfaction and a great desire to continue on this path, growing day by day. God bless Colombia!

The only and the best Colombia food in town!

We are happy to serve you at 8318 Pineville Matthews Rd | Suite 702 | Charlotte, NC 28226 | 704.542.5477



LAS MUJERES Cuando envejecemos nos volvemos unas tigresas.

Recordar fechas importantes. Echarle la culpa de nuestra actitud al Periodo. Cambiarnos el apellido cuando queramos.

Cuando el hombre envejece es un viejo rabo verde.

Tener múltiples orgasmos. Madurar más rápido. Usar minifalda. Dar a luz. Usar tanga. Embellecernos sin parecer del otro bando.

Tenemos la certeza de que los hijos son nuestros. Entendemos que el auto es solo un transporte.

No tenemos que pagar por un rato de intimidad.

Si el nos traiciona es una canallada.

Si nosotros lo traicionamos es un “cornudo”. En nuestra boda nosotras somos las estrellas, el un simple acompañante. No tienes que emborracharte para divertirte.

Si no vemos futbol no es el fin del mundo. No tenemos que hacer estupideces para probar que somos machas.

12.01.09 The Red Pump/Red Tie Affair


n December 1, 2009 at the elegant Palmer Building in Charlotte, NC, JSW Media Group will host The Red Pump/Red Tie Affair, a benefit for The Red Pump Project. The Red Pump Project (RPP) is a national initiative to raise awareness about the impact of HIV/ AIDS on women and girls, ensuring that women are empowered with accurate knowledge about HIV/AIDS and the issues surrounding it. Currently, there are 30 ambassadors in 20 states. This will be the first RPP event in the Carolinas.


ecember 1st is a fitting day for The Red Pump/Red Tie Affair because it is World AIDS Day. This year’s gala will be a fashion-themed cocktail party, complete with live jazz by 5th and York, as well as a silent auction, an art showcase and a “Rock the Red Pump” fashion show featuring the designs of Washington, DC-based Abasi Couture as well as other local independent designers. In addition, we will honor a prominent leader in the community in her individual effort to raise AIDS/HIV awareness and education with the inaugural “Red Pump” Award. Our 2009 Honoree is Ms. DeVondia Roseborough, author of

“Put it on Paper,” a nonfiction memoir describing her life before HIV and after AIDS, and she is also the founder of The Rasberrirose Foundation, a 501c (3) nonprofit organization whose focus is to minister to teenage girls aged 10-18, struggling from self-esteem, with a focus on HIV/AIDS prevention and awareness.


he evening will be filled with entertainment and chic elegance—all for a good cause. Cocktail attire is suggested, red pumps for the ladies and red ties for guys are encouraged. Complimentary hors d’oeuvres prepared by Chef Jay Jones of Chateau Noir and a cash bar will be available for guests.


ickets are $25.00 for general admission and a limited number of VIP tickets are available for $50.00. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit www.theredpumpaffair2009.eventbrite. com or call 704.826.5012. For more information about The Red Pump Project, visit: www.TheRedPumpProject.com

Tequila Magazine is a proud sponsor for this event.

Bu s i n e s s

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Confidenc da Vision

By: Aman

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Charlotte Film festival @ Epicentre theaters September 21 to 27, 2009 photos by: Lester Pe単a


Fashion Week @ Mint Museum of art September 10 to 12, 2009 photos by: Lester Pe単a

Co o k i n g


Por: Chef Carmen Ulloa


INGREDIENTES 1 pavo de 18 a 20 libras muy bien lavado y seco. 1 libra de mantequilla. 1 taza de cebollín (chives) picados. 8 ramitas de tomillo. 1 taza de salvia picado. ½ taza de miel de abeja. Sal y pimienta al gusto. 3 cebollas grandes cortadas en rodajas. 8 tallos de apio lavados. 1 lechuga. romero.

MODO DE PREPARACION: ► En un tazón mezcla la mantequilla, hierbas, miel de abeja, sal y pimienta. Con esta pasta unta el pavo. Refrigéralo durante una noche. ► Al fondo de la pavera coloca la cebolla y los tallos de apio. Amarra muy bien las patas (cruzadas) y cubre la pechuga del pavo con papel de aluminio. Si vas a rellenar el pavo cierra cuidadosamente todas las cavidades y después de rellenarlo asegura las patas cruzándolas y amarrándolas muy bien. ► Hornea el pavo a 350f 20 minutos por cada libra de carne o hasta que el relleno tenga una temperatura de 165f. Es aconsejable usar un termómetro para carnes. ► Cuando el pavo esté listo decóralo con lechuga, colocándola alrededor del pavo junto con uvas frescas y unas ramitas de romero. Acompáñalo con una ensalada y champagne. Deja reposar el pavo media hora antes de cortarlo. Sirve 15 personas.





Las 13 del 2010

A continuación, Tequila Magazine presentara el listado de las mejores películas que vendrán en Enero y Febrero del 2010. Alisten las palomitas que el año que viene estará de película.


January 2010


In the supernatural action thriller Legion, an out-of-the-way diner becomes the unlikely battleground for the survival of the human race. When God loses faith in Mankind, he sends his legion of angels to bring on the Apocalypse.


A romantic drama about a soldier who falls for a conservative college student while he’s home on leave.

February 2010


While his trailer trash parents teeter on the edge of divorce, 14-year-old Nick (Michael Cera) sets his sights on dream girl Sheeni Saunders (Portia Doubleday), hoping that she’ll be the one to take away his virginity.


In a post-apocalyptic world, a lone hero, Eli (Denzel Washington), guards the Book of Eli, which provides knowledge that could redeem society. The despot (Gary Oldman) of a small, makeshift town plans to take possession of the book.



As homicide detective Thomas Craven investigates the death of his activist daughter, he uncovers not only her secret life, but a corporate cover-up and government collusion that attracts an agent tasked with cleaning up the evidence.”

An ambitious young New Yorker (Kristen Bell), disillusioned with romance, takes a whirlwind trip to Rome where she defiantly plucks magic coins from a ‘foolish’ fountain of love, inexplicably igniting the passion of an odd group of suitors.



I Love You Phillip Morris is a 2009 film based on the real life events of con artist, impostor, and multiple prison escapee Steven Jay Russell (Jim Carrey). While incarcerated, Russell falls in love with his cell mate, Phillip Morris (Ewan McGregor). After Morris is released from prison, Russell escapes from prison four times in order to be reunited with Morris.


A group of bank robbers find their $20 million plan interrupted by a hard-boiled detective. Not sure that having cool actors portraying crooks and gangsters is the best thing for the promotion of civil order, but at least, the movie Takers will be entertaining.


The film depicts a group of unsatisfied men (John Cusack, Rob Corddry) who are thrown back in time to their younger days in 1986 via their Jacuzzi, in a quest to rediscover their mojo. Chevy Chase stars as a repairman who divulges his wisdom, and he may or may not be behind the traveling.

Elsa and Clive are two young rebellious scientists who defy legal and ethical boundaries and forge ahead with a dangerous experiment: splicing together human and animal DNA to create a new organism. Named Dren, the creature rapidly develops from a deformed female infant into a beautiful but dangerous winged human-chimera.


A reinvention loosely based upon the George Romero classic of the same name, The Crazies is about the inhabitants of a small Iowa town suddenly plagued by insanity and then death after a mysterious toxin contaminates their water supply.

To g et yo u r co m p a ny ev e n t s a n d p ro d u c t s li s t e d in t hi s B i - m o n t hl y ca l e n d a r , p l e a s e e - m a il m o ro @ t e q uil a m a g . co m 36


We are taking reservations for individual, small and large parties.







LatinoAmericano @ Symphony Park at south park

Behind scene photos by: -Lester Peña

The amazing success of the 19th annual Latin American Festival would not have been possible without the support of our sponsors, volunteers, and the overall community. THANK YOU for helping us carry out such a memorable event! We have already started work on the 20th edition, and promise to continue showcasing the very best of Latin America to all Charlotteans. The Latin American Festival - one of Charlotte’s signature cultural events- attracts thousands of individuals from our multicultural community to enjoy local, nationally and internationally known musicians, handmade art and crafts, authentic Latin American cuisine, traditional folkloric dance performances and children’s activities and performances- a true cultural experience for all.



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