“The Light shines in the darkness” - John 1:5
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Introduction The Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) is the annual campaign supporting six local ministries that teach, feed, and heal. All 200+ parishes in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati join together to invite participation in this vital Appeal. The six ministry areas supported by the CMA, along with percent allocations, are as follows: • Catholic Charities & Catholic Social Services (21% of the total raised) • Seminary and Vocations (27% of the total raised) • Campus, Hospital, and Prison Ministries (20% of the total raised) • Retired Archdiocesan Priests & Senior Clergy (19% of the total raised) • St. Rita School for the Deaf (6% of the total raised) • New Evangelization Programming (7% of the total raised) The goal for the 2021 CMA was $5 million. Each parish is assigned their own individual goal, with 50% of the over-goal funds raised going back to the parish. Parish goals are not “mandatory” goals, but rather, parishes are encouraged to put forward their best effort in promoting and implementing the Appeal. As of July 8, 2021, total pledged to the Appeal has exceeded $5.8 million, making this the best campaign ever in the history of the archdiocesan annual appeal. The Appeal was started in the late 1970s.
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Overall Implementation Plan & Annual Calendar The main promotional phase of the CMA occurs from late January through early June each year. Planning and additional CMA activities take place throughout the remainder of the year. Below is an outline of the key activities that took place between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021.
July 2020
• Discern and Decide on CMA 2021 Theme (see page 6) • Finalize Dates for all Fall Events • Begin Video Production with CMA Ministries (see pages 25-29)
August 2020
• Continue Video Production with CMA Ministries • In thanksgiving for support toward the previous year’s Appeal, three Regional CMA Masses of Thanksgiving with Archbishop Schnurr are celebrated throughout the Archdiocese. Hosting parishes are selected based on reaching/exceeding their goal. • Preparations for the Fall CMA Partner Thank You Event (due to the pandemic, the event was moved to a virtual event this past year – see page 7)
September 2020
October 2020
• Publish the CMA 2020 Impact Report (annual report of the past year results mailed to all CMA donors from the previous year) • Finish Video Production with CMA Ministries • Build CMA 2021 website and online giving pages (see page 35)
• Host Virtual CMA Partner Thank You Event (see page 7) • Produce Main CMA 2021 Creative Pieces (Brochure, Poster, Parish Materials, etc. – see pages 30-34) • Preparations for CMA 2021 Kickoff Events (due to the pandemic, kick-off events were moved to virtual format this past year – see page 7)
November 2020
• Host CMA 2021 Virtual Kickoff Events with Archbishop; world premiere of the 2021 CMA Video! • Finalize additional CMA 2021 Creative Pieces (Social Media Graphics, Back of Letter Pieces, Remit Buck Slips, etc. – see pages 42-44, 46, 50) • Invite Continuous/Recurring Online Donors to confirm/increase support for the upcoming Appeal starting in January -Page 3-
December 2020
• CMA 2021 Parish Workshops to Review Procedures, Timeline, and Resources (due to the pandemic, workshops were held virtually – see page 12 to review the Parish Procedure Guide) • Email and Direct Mail campaign to donors who prefer to make end-of-year contributions to the CMA • CMA 2021 Materials delivered to parishes (Posters, In-Pew Envelopes, Parish Procedure Guide, Self-addressed Processing envelopes, etc.) • Archbishop’s Audio Homily Recorded (used for Announcement Weekend at Parishes) • Archbishop’s Video Message Recorded (used for Announcement or Commitment Weekend at Parishes and also on parish websites, social media channels, etc. – see page 25)
January 2021
• January 16/17: Pre-Announcement Weekend promotion at parishes; Corresponding Email sent from our office to past donors and non-donors • January 23/24: Announcement Weekend promotion at parishes; Corresponding Email sent from our office to past donors and non-donors • CMA Letter 1 from Archbishop Schnurr (Multiple Versions) Mailed (~130,000 Households) in the last two weeks of January (see page 9) • January 30/31: “In-Between” Weekend promotion at parishes (weekend between Announcement and Commitment weekends); Corresponding Email sent from our office to past donors and non-donors • Multiple social media posts throughout the month (see pages 42-44)
February 2021
• February 6/7: Commitment Weekend promotion and In-Pew Process conducted at parishes; Corresponding Email sent from our office to past donors and non-donors • February 13/14: Follow-Up Weekend promotion at parishes; Corresponding Email sent from our office to past donors and non-donors • Emails from our Office Continue Weekly with Different Versions for Donors and Non-Donors (see pages 38-41) • Multiple social media posts throughout the month
March 2021
• CMA Letter 2 from Archbishop Schnurr (Multiple Versions) Mailed (~50,000 Households) • Emails from our Office Continue Weekly for Non-Donors and Bi-weekly for Donors • Multiple social media posts throughout the month
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April 2021
May 2021
• CMA Update Mailer #1 ($5 million goal met) sent to all donors (see page 47) • CMA Letter 3 from Archbishop Schnurr (Multiple Versions) Mailed (~30,000 Households) • Emails from our Office Continue Weekly for Non-Donors and Bi-weekly for Donors
• Mid-Appeal Update given at Parishes; optional second collection at Mass one weekend • Emails from our Office Continue Bi-monthly for Donors and Non-Donors
June 2021
• CMA Update Mailer #2 sent to donors with no email address on record; email version of the update sent to donors with an email on record • CMA Letter 4, co-signed by the Director of Stewardship and Director of Development Operations, Mailed (~8,000 Households) • Emails from our Office Continue Bi-monthly for Donors to update on the Appeal and report the impact of their contributions. Final Non-Donor email from our Office sent in early Fall in conjunction with the final Impact Report (annual report of the Appeal results)
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Catholic Ministries Appeal Theme for 2021 Campaign
Each year our theme verse and image changes. This image was chosen to reflect our scriptural theme for this year’s Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) of “The Light shines in the darkness” John 1:5. This theme verse was chosen after prayer and discussion as a team in the Stewardship Department. As we reflected on the state of our world including the pandemic, the political climate, and even some Church scandal, this verse captured our hope and our focus for this year. Yes, there is darkness all around us, but Christ, our Light, has shown through the darkness and the Light will not be overcome. It’s for that reason that in our theme image the light is on the crucifix and the tabernacle – it is clear where our focus needs to be. This theme also provided a complementary message to Archbishop Dennis Schnurr’s recent Pastoral Letter, Radiate Christ, released in conjunction with the Bicentennial celebration of our archdiocese. That complementarity allowed not only Stewardship messaging, but all diocesan messaging in this important year to hold together well. This same verse, imagery, and thematic elements are utilized for consistency in many of our other annual appeal marketing pieces as will be shown in the following pages.
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Virtual CMA Thank You Event and 2021 Kick-Off Each fall we wrap up the previous year’s CMA and begin our work for the next year. This is most tangible for donors in a couple of events. First, our CMA Partner Thank You Event, held in the Fall, wraps up the previous year’s CMA in gratitude to our most loyal and gracious donors. We then do an early launch of the next year’s appeal with a series of Partner Dinners in late October and November. However, due to the pandemic we needed to shift these events to a virtual platform. We opted for our Thank You event to become a small formation event for our donors with John Leyendecker from School of Faith presenting a session on Our Lady of Fatima. The School of Faith ministry is subsidized in part by funds raised through the annual appeal so it had a good connection in that way as well. For our Partner Dinners, we shifted to Virtual Kick-Off events with the Archbishop. In these events we still premiered our CMA Promo Video (see following section), heard from the Archbishop, and also interviewed representatives from several of the ministries supported by the CMA. Donors got to ask questions of both the Archbishop and the ministry representatives while hearing about the impact their support made in the previous year especially in the midst of the pandemic. The pieces that follow immediately below were the invitations sent to the donor segments that were targeted for these events.
Department of Stewardship
CMA Partners: Virtual Thank You Event Special Presentation: Our Lady of Fatima & the Miracle of the Sun
Dear <<Letter Greeting>>,
Tuesday, October 13, 2020 • 7:30 p.m.
Thank you for contributing to this year’s Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) here in the Archdiocese. Your support as a CMA Partner is making a significant difference for the CMA ministries that continue to serve and meet the needs facing our local communities, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. We sincerely thank you!
In recognition of your generosity, please join us for a special thank you event featuring guest speaker, John Leyendecker. John is the Director of Mission for the Holy Family School of Faith. John will present on Our Lady of Fatima & the Miracle of the Sun as we commemorate this Marian apparition and miracle on this same day.
Given the continued concern surrounding the spread of Covid-19, we have decided to cancel the in-person CMA events that normally take place each Fall. We are saddened that these gatherings won’t be held, but feel it is the right decision as everyone’s health and safety is of paramount importance to us.
The School of Faith initiative, with the support of CMA funding through the New Evangelization efforts of the Archdiocese, invites our Catholic school faculty to become missionary disciples by immersing them in the teachings of Jesus, virtue and prayer using one-on-one discipleship, small group evangelization and large group formation.
In place of in-person events, we are planning to hold a few CMA virtual gatherings online over the next few months. Dates and times are listed below:
Tune in for this special event! Registration is required.
CMA Partners: Virtual Thank You Event • Tuesday, October 13 @ 7:30 p.m.
Register online at: aocstewardship.org/virtual
Virtual Kick-Off for the 2021 CMA (2 options) • Thursday, November 12 @ 7:30 p.m. -OR• Monday, November 23 @ 7:30 p.m. More details about these virtual events, including how to register, can be found on the reverse side of this letter. These virtual gatherings will be held as Zoom Webinars. We hope you will tune in and take part!
Virtual Kick-Off for the 2021 CMA
Thank you again for your continued support of the CMA! Please know that you remain in our thoughts and prayer.
Thursday, November 12, 2020 • 7:30 p.m. - OR Monday, November 23, 2020 • 7:30 p.m.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
David Kissell Chief Development Officer dkissell@catholicaoc.org
To introduce the 2021 CMA and show how your generosity has greatly assisted the work of the ministries supported through the appeal, two virtual kick-off events will take place in November. Both events will feature presentations from our CMA ministries, the debut of the new CMA video, and a message from Archbishop Schnurr.
Matt Reinkemeyer Director of Development Operations mreinkemeyer@catholicaoc.org
Tune-in for one or both events as we look towards a great CMA campaign in 2021! Register online at: aocstewardship.org/virtual
100 East Eighth Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Front Side of Letter
Most Reverend Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr
For more information or questions, contact Matt Reinkemeyer at (513) 263-6672 or mreinkemeyer@catholicaoc.org
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Back Side of Letter
Leading up to the Virtual Kickoffs a postcard was sent as an invitation to a wider target audience and a reminder to Partner level donors who had yet to register. The reverse of this card included specific dates, times, and registration instructions.
On behalf of Archbishop Schnurr and the ministries served by the Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA), we would like to invite you to join us for our CMA 2021 Virtual Kickoffs! You’ll hear from Archbishop Schnurr as well as the ministries themselves on the impact your donation has made over the past year. Please consider registering and tuning in for one of the two options. Most of all, thank you for your generous support of the CMA!
Most Reverend Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr
-2CMA Postcard 5x7.indd 1
10/18/20 1:08 PM
100 East Eighth Street Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Tune-in for one or both events as we look towards a great CMA campaign in 2021!
Virtual Kick-Off for the 2021 CMA Thursday, November 12, 2020 • 7:30 p.m. - OR Monday, November 23, 2020 • 7:30 p.m.
Register online at: aocstewardship.org/virtual For more information or questions, contact Matt Reinkemeyer at (513) 263-6672 or mreinkemeyer@catholicaoc.org “Due to COVID-19 and out of an abundance of caution these virtual events will replace our typical in-person fall events.”
CMA Postcard 5x7.indd 2
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10/18/20 1:08 PM
Catholic Ministries Appeal Letter #1 The following is a sample of our first main mailing that goes to approximately 130,000 households in the last two weeks of January. It is signed by the Archbishop and responses to this letter account for 50-60% of the pledges secured each year. The mailing is sent so as to land in homes between Announcement Weekend and Commitment Weekend at the parishes.
stewardship@catholicaoc.org 513.263.3345
Stewardship Department <<Date>> <<Envelope Greeting>> <<Address 1>> <<Address 2>> <<City>>, <<State>> <<Zip>> Dear <<Letter Greeting>>,
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” – Gospel of John 1:5 These words at the beginning of John’s Gospel seem to be spoken as directly to us today as they were to the early Christians in the first century. Wherever we turn there seems to be darkness including the realities of the pandemic, strife, and suffering in our world. Yet, our hope remains in Jesus Christ who is the Light of the world. Furthermore, our mission is to Radiate Christ to a world so often in darkness. In this same mission of radiating the Light of Christ, the faithful of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati together support six important ministries through their contributions to the annual Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA). These ministries meet the spiritual, material, and educational needs of people in the 19 counties of our local Church. Together, these ministries shine the Light of Christ into the darkness and meet the needs of thousands in our local communities. Every contributor to the CMA shares in this vital work. Your gift last year of $<<MRgift>> demonstrated your leadership role in helping others within our Archdiocese. For that, I am deeply grateful and happy to welcome you as a CMA Partner within the Circle of <<Circle>>. I invite you to consider renewing your support for the 2021 CMA at this level or greater. Your gift will be a witness for thousands and provide a great sense of hope in their lives. The enclosed brochure provides more information about the CMA, the ministries it sustains, and their impact. In addition, once your parish reaches its goal, 50% of the over-goal funds will be returned to your parish for its greatest ministry needs. To make a gift, please complete the enclosed pledge card and return it in the envelope provided. Gifts to the CMA can also be made online at AOCstewardship.org. Asking the Lord to bless you and your loved ones, I remain, Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Dennis M. Schnurr Archbishop of Cincinnati
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Pledge and Remit Cards Below are samples of the front and back of our pledge and remit cards respectively. Our goal with these cards was to stress simplicity for the donor. The back includes options for electronic payment methods and matching gift opportunities. Both the pledge cards and the remit cards are mailed with a machine readable scanline that allows for expedited processing by our Lockbox processor with our bank.
Thank you for your gift of $[2021 Gift] in 2021!
[Envelope Greeting] [Address 1] [Address 2] [City], [ST] [Zip] Parish: [Parish] ________________________________________________ Email: [Email] ________________________________________________ Phone: [Phone] ________________________________________________
Amount Enclosed:
Online giving reduces processing expenses - thank you!
_____ Please charge $_________ as a one-time gift. _____ Please charge $_________ per month for 10 months. Credit Card #: ____________________________________ Expiration Date: ____________ Security Code: _________ Signature: _______________________ Date: __________
My 2021 pledge is 1% or more of my annual household income. Enroll me as a CMA Partner.
To Give from a BANK ACCOUNT Please transfer $________ per month for 10 months
Checks can be made payable to CMA. For credit card, EFT, or matching gifts, please see the other side of this card.
2021 Family ID Number
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Authorization
Archdiocese of Cincinnati • (513) 263-3345 100 E. Eighth Street • Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Reminder Date
Total Gift
Contributed to Date
______ For the remaining balance on my pledge, please electronically transfer funds monthly from my Checking Account, in equal monthly installments for the remainder of the calendar year.
Name of Bank:____________________________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ___________ PLEASE ENCLOSE A VOIDED CHECK
Checks can be made payable to: CMA For credit card or EFT, please complete the back of this card.
Daytime Phone: __________________________________
Thank you for your support!
Email Address: ___________________________________
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2. My gift and my employer’s gift should benefit (check one): Athenaeum/Mount St. Mary’s Seminary St. Rita School for the Deaf Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio 3. I have enclosed my employer’s matching gift form (if any).
I have enclosed a voided check. Signature: _______________________ Date:___________
1. My employer is: _____________________________
To Give on a CREDIT CARD
Total Gift for 2021 CMA:
If Your Employer has a Matching Gift Program
To Give ONLINE: www.aocstewardship.org
We invite you to consider one of these gift levels for 2021: • $[yearly 1] ($[monthly 1]/month for 10 months) • $[yearly 2] ($[monthly 2]/month for 10 months) • $[yearly 3] ($[monthly 3]/month for 10 months)
Thank you for supporting the CMA! Questions? (513) 263-3345
Credit / Debit Card Authorization
Please charge my Credit or Debit Card: ______ In full for the remaining balance on my pledge ______ In equal monthly installments for the remainder of the calendar year. Credit Card #:___________________________________ Expiration Date: _____________ Security Code: _________ Signature: _______________________ Date: __________
To contribute online, visit www.aocstewardship.org. To contribute by phone, please call our office at (513) 263-3345. Thank you!
Thank You Letter and Prayer Card Below is a sample of our donor thank you letter. There are a variety of versions of this letter depending on whether the donor makes a one-time gift, a pledge gift, a stock gift, etc. For one-time donors this letter also serves as a gift receipt for tax purposes. Major gifts receive a version of this letter signed personally by the Archbishop. All thank you letters are accompanied by a simple prayer intention card addressed back to the Archbishop. These intention cards are returned by our donors and prayed over by the team throughout the year. They are then lifted up in a special way by Archbishop Schnurr at our three CMA Masses of Thanksgiving held in different regions of the Archdiocese in August each year.
Catholic Ministries Appeal
Stewardship@CatholicAOC.org 513.263.3345
<<Date of Mailing>> «Envelope_Greeting» «Billing_Address_Line_1» «Billing_Address_Line_2» «Billing_City», «Billing_StateProvince» «Billing_ZipPostal_Code»
Dear «Letter_Greeting», “The light shines in the darkness” – John 1:5
Dear Archbishop Schnurr:
Thank you for your gift of «Amount» to the 2021 Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA), which has been credited toward the goal for «Parish». Your generosity shines the light of Christ for thousands right here in our local communities. Please know the meaningful difference you are making through the work of the ministries that depend on the CMA every year. On behalf of the CMA ministries and the thousands of people they serve, please find an enclosed card for any prayer intentions you would like to offer. These intentions will be offered up at a Mass of Thanksgiving that Archbishop Schnurr will celebrate in gratitude for the CMA and its benefactors. Again, thank you for supporting the Catholic Ministries Appeal. May God bless you and your family.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Matt Reinkemeyer Director of Development Operations
You did not receive any goods or services in consideration of your gift. Please retain this letter for your tax filing purposes and consult with a tax professional regarding the deductibility of your gift.
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Please remember in the Catholic Ministries Appeal Mass of Thanksgiving the following prayer intentions:
Catholic Ministries Appeal Parish Procedure Guide The following is a guide updated and published each year to help Pastors, Parish Staff, and Key CMA Contacts successfully navigate the communication and logistics of the CMA in the parish. It includes a timeline, parish expectations, best practices, handling of donations, and much more. It is reviewed with Parish Leaders during our annual CMA Parish Workshops and is made available both as a download on our website as well as being physically mailed to the parishes with their CMA materials in December.
Parish Procedure Guide
Materials and resources are available on the CMA website:
www.AOCstewardship.org/CMA Find “CMA Info for Parish Staff” linked under the “Catholic Ministries Appeal” menu dropdown of the website Use the password: cma2007 2021 CMA
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Parish Procedure Guide
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Catholic Ministries Appeal Parish Procedure Guide
Overview & Key Points
Overview & Key Points .......................................................................3
1) The Catholic Ministries Appeal is an annual effort of all the parishes in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati to raise funds for six areas of ministry:
Leading the CMA.................................................................................... 4
Role of the Pastor ........................................................................................................... 4 Role of the CMA Parish Chair .......................................................................................... 5 Role of the Parish Key Contact ........................................................................................ 5
● Catholic Charities ● Campus,
Tips & Best Practices for Success ........................................................6 2021 CMA Timeline ............................................................................8 Handling CMA pledges and gifts .......................................................11
Each parish has an individual CMA goal which represents a proportionate share of the overall $5 million total based on annual contributions to the parish. These goals are NOT based on past CMA performance or number of families. The Stewardship Department works with the Finance Department to compile these goals based on submitted parish financial data. A listing of parish goals for the 2021 CMA will be available in late December on the “CMA Info for Parish Staff” page of the CMA website, AOCstewardship.org/CMA. The password to access this portion of the website is: cma2007.
Parishes that exceed their goal will receive half of the overage to use for its own needs. In 2020, 95 parishes exceeded their goal in pledges! As a result, these parishes are receiving 50% of their over-goal donations, approximately a total of $480,322. An initial distribution of over $393,000 was made in October 2020 to these parishes.
It is in the parish’s interest to designate a parish ministry to benefit from the over-goal rebate. If your parish has not made its designation yet, we encourage you to select one and promote it to your parish.
2021 Parish Goal Information........................................................................................ 15
Stewardship Department Archdiocese of Cincinnati 100 E. Eighth Street, 2nd Floor Cincinnati, OH 45202
Office Contacts:
Toni Alander Donor Relations and Database Coordinator (513) 263-3469 talander@catholicAOC.org
James Hess Development Officer (513) 263-6629 jhess@catholicAOC.org
Ryan Lopez Development Officer (513) 263-3382 rlopez@catholicAOC.org
Maureen Griffin Campaign & Appeal Assistant (513) 263-6630 mgriffin@catholicAOC.org
Michelle Zerhusen Campaign & Appeal Assistant (513) 263-6631 mzerhusen@catholicAOC.org
2021 CMA
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Hospital, and Prison Ministries
Parish Listing ........................................................................................ 13
Teresa Meyer Development Communications Manager (513) 263-6639 tmeyer@catholicAOC.org
Vocations St. Rita School for the Deaf ● New Evangelization
3) Parish Goals and Over-goal Rebates
Updated Procedures ........................................................................10
Matt Reinkemeyer Director of Development Operations (513) 263-6672 mreinkemeyer@catholicAOC.org
● Seminary and ●
2) The 2020 CMA raised $5.28 million in pledges to the appeal from 25,425 families. The 2021 CMA goal is the same as last year: to raise at least $5 million.
COVID Considerations for the CMA.....................................................7
David Kissell Director of the Department of Stewardship (513) 263-3381 dkissell@catholicAOC.org
and Social Services
● Retired Archdiocesan Priests
4) Important dates for the 2021 CMA: § § § § § § § §
Pre-announcement Weekend is January 16/17 Announcement Weekend is January 23/24 First CMA Mailing will go in the mail on January 22 In-Between Weekend is January 30/31 – due to start of Catholic Schools Week Commitment Weekend is February 6/7 Follow-up Weekend is February 13/14 Second CMA Mailing will go out in Early March Third CMA Mailing will go out in Late April
5) Materials and resources for the 2021 CMA can be downloaded at www.AOCstewardship.org/CMA §
Click the “Catholic Ministries Appeal” menu dropdown and then “CMA Info for Parish Staff”. Use the password: cma2007
2021 CMA
Parish Procedure Guide
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Parish Procedure Guide
Catholic Ministries Appeal Parish Procedure Guide
Leading the CMA
Role of the CMA Parish Chair (Optional)
Role of the Pastor
The Parish Chair(s) serve as a partner with the Pastor to promote the CMA. Enthusiastic commitment to the ministries supported by the Appeal and the ability to speak comfortably to parishioners about the importance of contributing are the most important characteristics of a Parish Chair.
Studying the success of the CMA in various parishes shows that the enthusiastic support and participation of the pastor is the most significant factor that leads to a successful Catholic Ministries Appeal in a parish. The pastor is a powerful influence in the success of the CMA, by reminding parishioners of the parish’s interconnectedness with the Archdiocese and the universal Church.
The Parish Chair(s) give a personal witness to the CMA at all Masses on Announcement Weekend. This is a great opportunity to inspire parishioners to open their hearts to giving.
At all other times during the course of the Appeal, Parish Chair(s) should be an approachable presence, willing to answer questions, and speak positively about the Appeal during parish meetings, after-Mass gatherings, etc.
Here are just a few of the key ways in which the pastor can make a difference: •
Your pledge matters. Prayerfully consider your personal pledge to the CMA. Your parishioners look to you as a model in the stewardship of treasure.
Speak enthusiastically. On Announcement Weekend, Commitment Weekend, and in midAppeal, your sincere and enthusiastic words, preferably integrated into the homily and given by you at every parish Mass have a significant impact. This is especially important in carrying out the In-Pew Appeal on Commitment Weekend.
Promote parish benefits. Remind parishioners frequently of the opportunity to support the parish need you designated to receive 50% of the parish’s over-goal CMA donations.
Praise past success. If your parish exceeded its CMA goal in 2020, be sure to let parishioners know about the funds being returned to the parish and how these funds are being used.
Show the video. Show the 2021 CMA video after Masses, meetings, and other appropriate opportunities. It’s a powerful method of conveying the importance of the CMA ministries.
Chairs should contact Matt Reinkemeyer at mreinkemeyer@catholicAOC.org or (513) 263-6672 with any questions or concerns about their role.
Role of the Parish Key Contact The Parish Key Contact has a very important role in coordinating logistics at the parish. This is often, but not necessarily, a parish staff member. The CMA Key Contact: •
Makes sure communications appear. Ensures that bulletin announcements and optional promotional materials appear in publications, social media, etc. when scheduled and as appropriate.
Lead in prayer. Lead the parish in prayer for the success of the Appeal, not for the sake of meeting a goal number, but for the sake of the many who will be served by the ministries that are supported by gifts to the 2021 CMA.
Carries out or supervises such responsibilities as collecting, batching, and mailing gifts and pledges. NOTE: Please do not open sealed CMA envelopes. See pages 11-12 for important instructions about handling contributions.
Talk one-on-one with parishioners. Take advantage of opportunities to promote the Appeal in other interactions with parishioners, particularly those who are new to the parish or whom you know have given in the past, but have not yet responded in the current year.
Is the key liaison between the parish and the Archdiocesan Stewardship Department.
Parish Key Contacts should contact Matt Reinkemeyer at mreinkemeyer@catholicAOC.org or (513) 263-6672 with any questions or concerns about their role.
Promote whenever you can. In addition to Mass time, mentioning the CMA at meetings and other gatherings will help keep the message in front of parishioners.
2021 CMA
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Parish Procedure Guide
2021 CMA
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Parish Procedure Guide
Catholic Ministries Appeal Parish Procedure Guide
Tips & Best Practices for Success
COVID Considerations for the CMA
1) Be positive. Exhibit a sincere, enthusiastic attitude toward the Catholic Ministries Appeal, the Archdiocese, and our shared ministries.
The pandemic has changed the way we do many things. While the basics of running the CMA remain unchanged, there are a few considerations you may find helpful for this year:
2) Review. Look at last year’s results, evaluate the approaches that were taken, and determine ways to ensure even more success in 2021.
1) Reduce Shared Items. A typical In-Pew process might include putting In-Pew envelopes and pencils at the end of pews for people to pass down the pew at the designated time during Mass. To reduce touches to shared items, consider placing these items on a table at the entrances with signage asking people to grab their own on their way in and/or out of Mass.
3) Plan. Use this Guide to develop your 2021 CMA schedule. Put dates on parish calendars. 4) BEST PRACTICE: Use bulletin announcements. Please designate a space for CMA information to be published in your parish bulletin especially in January – March. Utilize the resources and promotional materials available on the “CMA Info for Parish Staff” page of the CMA website, www.AOCstewardship.org/CMA.
2) Encourage Electronic Giving. Electronic giving saves postage and reduces the number of items our staff has to manually handle. We have online giving available on our website at www.AOCstewardship.org.
5) BEST PRACTICE: Communication from the Pastor. As much as possible, have the Pastor be the primary spokesperson for the CMA in the parish e.g. have ongoing Mass Announcements reporting parish progress especially in January – March.
3) Encourage Text-To-Give. If people don’t want to have to touch items provided in Church, they can be encouraged to participate by texting “CMA2021” to 513-586-1978. This could even be done as part of or in place of a typical In-Pew process. Donors will receive a link to complete their donation either at that time or at their own convenience. This is also a great option for people who are participating in your live streamed Mass.
6) BEST PRACTICE: Play Archbishop Schnurr’s recorded homily at all Masses on Announcement Weekend or use the text to inform the homily given by the Pastor. 7) BEST PRACTICE: Use the CMA video(s) as much as possible. Examples include in church, gathering space, parish meetings, post on your parish website and social media pages, etc.
4) Use Alternate Communication Channels. With fewer of our parishioners physically joining us for Mass, parish communication channels have become very important. Don’t forget to include CMA information and ways to give in your bulletin, email blasts, social media, etc.
8) BEST PRACTICE: Plan for and implement the in-pew process on Commitment Weekend. A successful in-pew appeal makes a substantial difference in meeting and exceeding your parish goal. See COVID considerations on the next page for options for In-Pew process. 9) Stress the benefits of pledging. Making monthly payments over a 10-month period allows donors to incorporate their CMA pledge into their household budgets and provides ongoing CMA ministries with a steady flow of support.
These are simply suggestions. As always, you know your parish better than we do and we encourage you to set a plan for the CMA that is most appropriate to your parish’s unique circumstances.
10) Ways to give. Remind parishioners of the many ways a gift can be made: cash/check, electronic giving (credit card or EFT), stock donations, IRA charitable rollover. 11) BEST PRACTICE: Use resources. Make use of supplied promotional materials and the assistance of the Stewardship Department e.g. displaying the CMA Poster. See Media Toolkit for more ideas! 12) BEST PRACTICE: Monitor and share your parish’s progress. Parish’s progress toward their goals are updated regularly on the “CMA Info for Parish Staff” page of the CMA website. Sharing this progress can then be done on your parish website, social media, bulletin, and email updates. 13) Remind parishioners of their local connection to the CMA. Stress how the funds are used right here in our Archdiocese, to support very important ministries. 14) Promote parish benefit. Remind parishioners that 50% of any over-goal gifts to the Appeal will be returned to the parish to support the local ministry that the parish has designated. 15) Thank parishioners frequently. Each household that responds to the 2021 CMA will receive a thank you letter and receipt from Archbishop Schnurr, but please don’t hesitate to thank parishioners in your own words or by using bulletin announcements. 2021 CMA
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Parish Procedure Guide
2021 CMA
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Parish Procedure Guide
Catholic Ministries Appeal Parish Procedure Guide
2021 CMA Timeline
§ §
1) Pre-announcement Weekend – January 16/17, 2021 § § §
Publish Bulletin Announcement for this weekend. Display CMA posters. Read Mass announcement about the start of the CMA.
6) Follow-up Weekend – February 13/14, 2021 § § §
2) Main Mailing – Letter #1 First general CMA 2021 mailing goes out on January 22. § letter from Archbishop Schnurr § promotional information about the CMA § pledge card § return envelope
§ § §
Early March
Late April
Page 8
Run Bulletin Announcements: Feb. 13/14 Feb. 20/21 Feb. 27/28 Return CMA pledges or gifts received at weekend Masses (see next section). Second general mailing to all prior CMA donors and select number of non-donors.
Third general mailing to those who gave in previous years, but not yet this year.
Sat., April 24 Sun., April 25
Run Bulletin Announcement for Mid-Appeal Update Pastor or Parish Chair gives mid-Appeal update at Masses.
Mid-Appeal Weekend Sat., May 1 Sun., May 2
Publish this week’s Bulletin Announcement. Read the Mass Announcement for this weekend. Homily time: Ø Homily. Pastor/Celebrant gives homily on the readings of the day, incorporating the work of the CMA ministries, importance of the appeal, etc. where possible. Ø Use your discretion to safely distribute In-Pew envelopes – see COVID Considerations above.
Promote CMA at all Masses using 2021 promotional materials.
April 4 Easter Sunday
Publish this week’s Bulletin Announcement. Read the Mass Announcement for this weekend.
2021 CMA
You do
All Mondays (or as needed)
5) Commitment Weekend – February 6/7, 2021 § § §
We do
All weekends: February 13 through June 27
Publish this week’s Bulletin Announcement. Read the Mass Announcement for this weekend. Play the Archbishop’s Audio Homily. At homily time, the Pastor/Celebrant introduces Archbishop Schnurr’s Homily. o Alternate Option, consult the text of the Archbishop’s homily on our website and adapt it for your own homily that ties in the readings and the CMA. This may be particularly helpful for livestreamed Masses where the audio homily may not come through well. Include CMA 2021 intercession in General Intercessions. (Optional) Parish Chair gives brief personal witness in support of the CMA. (Optional) Show CMA 2021 video or Archbishop’s CMA video message in parish gathering space after all Masses.
4) In-between Weekend – January 30/31, 2021 § §
Publish this week’s Bulletin Announcement. Read the Mass Announcement for this weekend. Have In-Pew Envelopes available for anyone that may have missed Commitment Weekend.
7) February – July, 2021
3) Announcement Weekend – January 23/24, 2021 § § §
Ø Invite Parishioners to make a gift to the CMA by using the In-Pew Envelope or by texting “CMA2021” to 513-586-1978. Include special 2021 CMA Intercession in the General Intercessions. (Optional) Show CMA 2021 video or Archbishop’s CMA video in parish gathering space after all Masses, or if feasible, in church as part of the In-Pew process. Returned Pledge envelopes. Follow the instructions (section below) for returning any CMA gifts and pledges. Please do not open sealed CMA envelopes.
Optional CMA Second Collection at all Masses.
2021 CMA
Parish Procedure Guide
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Parish Procedure Guide
Catholic Ministries Appeal Parish Procedure Guide
Handling CMA pledges and gifts
Detailed Pledge Report for your Parish: To help save on printing and mailing costs, detailed pledge reports including donor and donation details will be available upon request only. You can have an electronic copy, or a mailed copy, sent to you be contacting Matt Reinkemeyer at mreinkemeyer@catholicAOC.org or (513) 263-6672. This report is always sent to the attention of the Pastor for him to review and disseminate as appropriate.
We appreciate all that you do to make the Catholic Ministries Appeal a success! Please follow this procedure so that all gifts can be recorded accurately and acknowledged properly. Thank you! Receiving and handling CMA Pledges & Gifts The parish may receive 4 different kinds of CMA responses. Each type has its own procedure for handling. In ALL cases, please do not record CMA gifts on a parish’s tax receipt record. Every donor will receive an acknowledgement and receipt from Archbishop Schnurr.
Parishioner Information Updates: Updates will NO LONGER be sent to Letter Concepts. Please send your changes to the Stewardship Department directly by doing the following: • Use the following format in an Excel spreadsheet: First & Last Name Mark Smith John & Jane Doe Martha Johnson • •
Current Address 555 Walnut Ave 456 Main St., Cincinnati, OH 45202 999 42nd St., 45230
1. Loose cash and coins • Please count all loose cash and coins received for the CMA. • Write a check drawn on your parish account for the corresponding amount, made out to Catholic Ministries Appeal. • Deposit the cash and coins in your parish account. • Place the check for the corresponding amount in the prepaid return mailer or your own packaging with sufficient postage for mailing to the address listed on the next page. Also, if provided, please include any donor information (e.g. name, address) that corresponds with the cash received.
Change to be Made New address: 123 Park St., Dayton, OH 45377 John passed away. Please change to Mrs. Jane Doe New Parishioner
Name your Excel file with your parish number, name, and the date the changes are being sent o Example: 10 – All Saints – 11.1.18 Send all changes via email to Matt Reinkemeyer at mreinkemeyer@catholicAOC.org
2. Checks without envelopes • Please bundle all loose CMA checks (those not received in sealed envelopes) and bind them together with a rubber band. • Attach a slip with your parish name and parish ID number to each bundle of loose checks to ensure that all gifts from your parish are accurately credited to your parish. • Place bundles of loose checks in the prepaid return mailer or your own packaging with sufficient postage for mailing to the address listed on the next page.
NOTE: While we will gladly accept any changes you have, we especially need your help in updating records for deceased and new members of your parish. Please prioritize this updates over other changes, such as address changes. Address changes are also being captured on the National Change of Address list we receive from our mailhouse.
3. Sealed Pledge envelopes (either In-Pew envelopes or Pledge Cards in sealed envelopes) • Please do not open sealed CMA pledge envelopes. • Bundle sealed envelopes together and bind with a rubber band. • Attach a slip with your parish name and parish ID number to each bundle of sealed pledge envelopes. • Place bundles of sealed pledge envelopes in the prepaid return mailer or your own packaging with sufficient postage for mailing to the address listed on the next page.
Materials and resources are available on the CMA website:
www.AOCstewardship.org/CMA Find “CMA Info for Parish Staff” linked under “Catholic Ministries Appeal” menu dropdown of the website Use the password: cma2007
2021 CMA
Page 10
4. Completed Pledge cards without Envelopes You may receive some pledge cards without an envelope. • Check to make sure your parish is correctly identified on each pledge card and that the card has been completed. • Bundle loose completed pledge cards together and bind them with a rubber band. • Place the bundled pledge cards in the prepaid return mailer or your own packaging with sufficient postage for mailing to the address listed on the next page.
2021 CMA
Parish Procedure Guide
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Parish Procedure Guide
Catholic Ministries Appeal Parish Procedure Guide
Handling CMA pledges and gifts (continued)
Parish Listing
Preparing and Returning Return Mailer
Catholic Ministries Appeal Parish Listing with ID Numbers
1. Please confirm all items are in the prepaid return mailer or your own packaging with sufficient postage to be mailed to the address below. 2. Seal the prepaid return mailer or your own packaging. 3. Write your parish name and parish identification number on the outside of the prepaid return mailer or your own packaging. 4. Please send the prepaid return mailer or your own packaging with sufficient postage to the address listed below. * Your parish ID Number can be found in the “listing of parishes” at www.AOCstewardship.org/CMA on the “CMA Info for Parish Staff” page (password is: cma2007).
The address for pledge return and correspondence is: Catholic Ministries Appeal 100 E. Eighth Street Cincinnati, OH 45202 Pledge/gift handling assistance Please feel free to contact Matt Reinkemeyer at mreinkemeyer@catholicAOC.org or (513) 263-6672 with any questions or concerns. We look forward to providing assistance. Gift acknowledgment •
Every responding household will receive a thank you letter and receipt from Archbishop Schnurr. Please note that parishes should NOT provide receipts to donors.
Please be sure to thank parishioners (in pastor’s remarks, bulletin announcements, etc.) in a general fashion throughout the course of the Appeal.
Tracking progress toward goal • Parish goals for the 2021 CMA can be found on the “CMA Info for Parish Staff” page under the “Catholic Ministries Appeal” menu dropdown at www.AOCstewardship.org/CMA. The password to access this portion of the website is: cma2007. 2021 CMA
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Parish ID # 10 21 32 63 135 143 152 155 160 182 195 212 201 227 232 245 3356 271 296 304 314 328 2250 334 342 368 375 385 394 409 410 422 449 454 461
Parish Procedure Guide
2021 CMA
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Parish ID # 480 494 637 502 972 524 532 3351 557 2586 603 612 620 647 100 664 672 677 682 696 707 755 769 721 746 779 782 812 834 866 827 847 888 3342 878 893
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Parish Procedure Guide
Catholic Ministries Appeal Parish Procedure Guide Parish ID # 906 918 954 940 932 967 982 999 1004 1016 1023 712 1038 1048 1061 1087 1054 1079 1101 1115 1129 1137 1140 1162 1179 1182 1193 1203 1218 1228 1235 1247 3890 1284 1290 1306 1272 1311 1320 1330 1358 1360
Parish Name
Parish ID # 1372 1392 1404 1413 1440 1433 1524 1550 3400 1463 1477 1484 1505 1510 1536 1546 1627 1592 1604 1616 1649 1634 1654 1581 1667 3670 1677 1695 1707 2235 1711 1738 1725 1749 1763 1768 1640 1787 1828 1836 1841 1862
2021 CMA
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Parish ID # 1908 1936 1944 1955 1979 1818 1850 1885 1876 1989 1998 2013 3336 2035 2049 2058 2078 2080 2091 2105 2119 2165 2156 3250 2184 2199 2234 2202 2228 2216 91
Parish Name
Parish ID # 2276 2288 2309 2315 2332 2341 2364 2350 2370 2384 2397 2400 2436 2455 2479 2464 2447 433 2498 2518 2527 2530 2543 2554 2567 2245 2260 2595 3359
*Parish Goal Information: At the time of this Parish Guide being printed, the parish financial information needed to determine individual parish goals was still being finalized. This information will be posted in mid to late December 2020. That listing of parish goals for the 2021 CMA can be found on the “CMA Info for Parish Staff” linked under the “Catholic Ministries Appeal” menu dropdown of the website at www.AOCstewardship.org/CMA. The password to access this portion of the website is: cma2007.
Parish Procedure Guide
2021 CMA
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Parish Procedure Guide
Catholic Ministries Appeal Media Toolkit The following guide was a new resource we created this year. Where the Parish Procedure Guide was geared toward Pastors, Business Managers, Parish Assistants, and CMA Volunteers, this resource was designed with the Parish Communications staff or volunteer in mind. This resource gives examples and best practices of some of the bulletin, social media, and web resources available to parishes to make communication about the CMA to their parishioners easy and professional. This resource is also reviewed during our annual CMA Parish Workshops and is made available both as a download on our website as well as being physically mailed to the parishes with their CMA materials in December.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Bulletin Resources................................................................................ 3 Social Media & Website Resources...................................................... 6 Other Resources & Ideas...................................................................... 9 Preface Note: The content and notes provided here are simply suggestions designed to help your parish promote the CMA while simultaneously attempting to make that task easier. However, they remain only suggestions. We always defer to our Pastors and their Staffs to best know and communicate to their particular communities. As such, we hope you find and take from these suggestions only those things that will be beneficial to your community and our mutual goal of supporting the CMA ministries that teach, feed, and heal across our Archdiocese. Thank you for everything you do for your parish and please don’t hesitate to reach out if we can help in any way! Stewardship Department Archdiocese of Cincinnati 100 E. Eighth Street, 2nd Floor Cincinnati, OH 45202
Media Toolkit
Office Contacts:
Please note that this is NOT a complete list of materials and resources. It is provided as a starting place for planning and thinking creatively about your use of CMA Media. MORE resources are available on the CMA website. There will also be NEW resources added throughout the course of the appeal:
David Kissell Director of the Department of Stewardship (513) 263-3381 dkissell@catholicAOC.org Teresa Meyer Development Communications Manager (513) 263-6639 tmeyer@catholicAOC.org James Hess Development Officer (513) 263-6629 jhess@catholicAOC.org
www.AOCstewardship.org/CMA Find “CMA Info for Parish Staff” linked under the “Catholic Ministries Appeal” menu dropdown of the website Use the password: cma2007
Maureen Griffin Campaign & Appeal Assistant (513) 263-6630 mgriffin@catholicAOC.org
More resources available on www.aocstewardship.org! 2021 CMA ● Page 1 ● Media Toolkit
Matt Reinkemeyer Director of Development Operations (513) 263-6672 mreinkemeyer@catholicAOC.org Toni Alander Donor Relations and Database Coordinator (513) 263-3469 talander@catholicAOC.org Ryan Lopez Development Officer (513) 263-3382 rlopez@catholicAOC.org Michelle Zerhusen Campaign & Appeal Assistant (513) 263-6631 mzerhusen@catholicAOC.org
More resources available on www.aocstewardship.org! 2021 CMA ● Page 2 ● Media Toolkit
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Catholic Ministries Appeal Media Toolkit
Bulletin Resources (continued)
Bulletin Resources
D etai led B ul leti n G rap h i c - Mai n (Co lo r) Suggested uses: 1) Run as a full page of your printed bulletin on Announcement and/or Commitment Weekends. 2) Use on the back of Bulletin Insert (above) if stuffed into bulletin on Announcement or Commitment Weekends. 3) Use in other large format channels as needed such as a CMA page on your website.
B ulle ti n I n s erts (B lac k & Wh i te an d Co lo r) Suggested uses: 1) Run as a full page of your printed bulletin on Announcement and/or Commitment Weekends. 2) Stuff into bulletin on Announcement or Commitment Weekends. 3) Use in other large format channels as needed such as a CMA page on your website.
More resources available on www.aocstewardship.org! 2021 CMA ● Page 4 ● Media Toolkit
More resources available on www.aocstewardship.org! 2021 CMA ● Page 3 ● Media Toolkit
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Catholic Ministries Appeal Media Toolkit
Social Media and Website Resources
Bulletin Resources (continued)
D etai led B ul leti n G rap h i c - Mi ni s tri es (Co lo r, T o p ) D etai led B ul leti n G rap h i c - S tats (Co lo r, B o tto m )
H o r i z o n t a l W e b & S o ci a l M e d i a G r a p h i c s ( 2 O p t i o n s )
Note: These two graphics take the main detailed bulletin graphic and break it into its two main areas – ministry descriptions and ministry statistics.
Suggested uses: 1) Use in an image carousel on your website home page on Announcement and/or Commitment Weekends. 2) Use as your social media platform banner image on Announcement and/or Commitment Weekends. 3) Use in other web or social media channels when a header image is needed such as a CMA page on your website.
Suggested uses: 1) Use one or both of these graphics in your printed bulletin on Announcement and/or Commitment Weekends. 2) Use as part of a bulletin insert if the full-page graphic does not suit your needs. 3) Use in other large format channels as needed such as a CMA page on your website.
Note: The two different options correspond to the need for various size/aspect ratios for different uses/platforms.
More resources available on www.aocstewardship.org! 2021 CMA ● Page 6 ● Media Toolkit
More resources available on www.aocstewardship.org! 2021 CMA ● Page 5 ● Media Toolkit
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Catholic Ministries Appeal Media Toolkit Social Media and Website Resources (continued)
Social Media and Website Resources (continued)
C M A 2 0 2 1 : T h e Li g h t S h i n e s i n t h e D a r k n e s s ( T h e m e V i d e o – T h u m b n a i l i m ag e p i c t u r e d ) CMA T h em e E n s em b le (L ef t)
Note: Go to our website and to access the “Info for Parishes” page where you can download this video. You can also find the video on YouTube at https://youtu.be/sLYGyzPmXdQ
CMA L o g o 2 02 1 (R i g h t T o p ) CM A T h em e I m ag e (R i g h t Bo tto m )
Suggested uses: 1) Share this video before, during, or after Mass on Announcement and/or Commitment Weekends. 2) Upload the video (or reshare from the Stewardship page) to your social media channels. 3) Embed the video on your website and in your email blasts on Announcement and/or Commitment Weekends.
Suggested uses: 1) Use as needed and appropriate to reinforce CMA and theme in any digital or physical channel (website, social media, website, email, etc.). 2) CMA Logo 2021 fits in many locations but is particularly good in places where it needs to be next to or within text such as a webpage or email. 3) CMA Theme Image should generally be used in conjunction with the theme verse or as the ensemble. However, it could be used as a background image for CMA related content. This could include overlaying short announcement type text over the top such as “Our parish CMA pledged to date is $X,XXX of our $XX,XXX goal. In this case this could be used on social media, email, website, etc.
Suggested text when sharing this video: Check out this year’s CMA Video as we participate in the annual CMA appeal. Your gift will make a difference in the lives of thousands across the Archdiocese! Visit www.aocstewardship.org to make a gift online.
Note: This theme image is shared for CMA purposes only. It should not be used for other promotional purposes.
More resources available on www.aocstewardship.org! 2021 CMA ● Page 7 ● Media Toolkit
More resources available on www.aocstewardship.org! 2021 CMA ● Page 8 ● Media Toolkit
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Catholic Ministries Appeal Media Toolkit
Other Resources and Ideas On th e I nf o f o r P a r ish es P a g e: • Bulletin Announcements for each of the key weekends of the CMA. • Mass Announcements for each of the key weekends of the CMA. • Scripts o For Pastor for In-Pew process o For CMA Chair/Key Contact Witness • Archbishop’s Audio Homily • Archbishop’s Homily Text (English & Spanish) • Archbishop’s Video Message • Archdiocesan Logo files On o u r webs ite: Online donation Blog posts throughout the appeal from our ministries. Parish Goal-to-Date report Overall CMA Progress Meter Stock Donation Form Videos for each specific area of ministry supported by the CMA.
Please note that this is NOT a complete list of materials and resources. It is provided as a starting place for planning and thinking creatively about your use of CMA Media. MORE resources are available on the CMA website. There will also be NEW resources added throughout the course of the appeal:
www.AOCstewardship.org/CMA Find “CMA Info for Parish Staff” linked under “Catholic Ministries Appeal” menu dropdown of the website Use the password: cma2007
On o u r so c ia l m edia : Additional ministry highlights videos Impact stories and statistics Helpful reminders about the CMA
N OT E: This Media Toolkit is not an exhaustive list of the Media and Resources available to your parish. For more information visit our website at www.AOCstewardship.org/CMA. Also, if you have a particular media need or suggestion, please don’t hesitate to reach out and we will do what we can to help and accommodate your request!
More resources available on www.aocstewardship.org! 2021 CMA ● Page 9 ● Media Toolkit
More resources available on www.aocstewardship.org! 2021 CMA ● Page 10 ● Media Toolkit
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CMA Promotional Videos A total of 9 videos were published for this year’s annual appeal. The videos were used in multiple social media channels, on our website, and direct email solicitation. These videos were made available for parishes to use as well. Parishes used them in their social media and email channels and in some cases were able to share them in-person either before, during, or after Mass as well as in Gathering Spaces and in conjunction with appropriate parish meetings. The pages that follow highlight the two main CMA promotional videos and the additional videos produced that focus on individual ministry areas supported by the CMA.
In this video, Archbishop Schnurr expounds upon the theme of “the Light shines in the darkness” while the B-roll footage highlights specifically how the ministries supported by the Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) are doing this on a daily basis. It also served as a powerful complement to the Archbishop’s recorded audio homily made available to parishes in conjunction with Announcement Weekend of the CMA. In addition, this video served to lead an overall series of videos highlighting the various ministries supported by the CMA and the impact they each make throughout the 19 counties of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.
Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqKq3yp6cAw
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Main Video Featuring All Ministries Supported by the CMA This video served as an overall promotional video for the Catholic Ministries Appeal and the second of our “lead” videos, the first being the video featuring Archbishop Schnurr. This video features interview and B-roll from the ministries that the CMA supports. Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLYGyzPmXdQ
Seminary and Vocations
This video served as one of our ministry highlight videos. It features interview and B-roll from a seminarian studying for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary & School of Theology, the archdiocesan seminary located in Cincinnati. 27% of the appeal funds go to support Seminary and Vocations. Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-WxWj4UAQo
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Retired Archdiocesan Priests & Senior Clergy
This video served as one of our ministry highlight videos. It features interview and B-roll from a retired diocesan priest. 19% of the appeal funds go to support Retired Archdiocesan Priests and Senior Clergy. Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DBpwQGW9ko&t=24s
St. Rita School for the Deaf
This video served as one of our ministry highlight videos. It features interview and B-roll from St. Rita School for the Deaf and the school’s President. 6% of the appeal funds go to support St. Rita School for the Deaf, which is one of the only schools of its kind in the country supported by a diocese. Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZAZqxADo_k
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Hospital Ministry
This video served as one of our ministry highlight videos. It features interview and B-roll from a few of our hospital chaplains who faced a particularly difficult year with COVID. 20% of the appeal funds go to support chaplaincy ministries for Campus, Hospital, and Prison Ministries. Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYpjNCBAtPk
Campus Ministry
This video served as one of our ministry highlight videos. It features interview and B-roll from students at the University of Cincinnati, one of three campus ministry locations supported by the CMA. 20% of the appeal funds go to support chaplaincy ministries for Campus, Hospital, and Prison Ministries. Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JofdMn8pyEI
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New Evangelization – Marriage Preparation Ministry
This video served as one of our ministry highlight videos. It features interview and B-roll from a couple who participated in a retreat for engaged couples led by our archdiocesan Center for the New Evangelization team. The retreat is called Genesis and is part of Marriage Preparation Ministry. 7% of the appeal funds go to support the Center for the New Evangelization. Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbPwkUesKB4
Catholic Charities and Catholic Social Services
This video served as one of our ministry highlight videos. It features interview and B-roll from clients and volunteers with Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio and Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley. The footage specifically highlights the food pantry services of these two organizations. 21% of the appeal funds go to support these organizations. Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wHT-vV-Tu0
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Catholic Ministries Appeal Brochure Our annual appeal brochure is the featured marketing piece for our first direct-mail letter from the Archbishop that goes out in late January. That mailing goes to all active households in the diocese and is segmented based on past giving. Donors who have contributed to the appeal over the past approximately 5 years receive a brochure in their mailing. Total number of brochures mailed is approximately 45,000. These brochures are also used in conjunction with donor engagement and solicitation meetings by our Development Officers. Finally, the content used in this brochure goes on to inform content used in other creative marketing pieces such as remit buck slips, back of letter marketing materials for non-donor letters, parish bulletin & communication resources, etc.
How the CMA Works “The Light shines in the darkness”
The Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) is the annual campaign supporting six local ministries that teach, feed, and heal. All 200+ parishes of the Archdiocese join together to invite participation in this vital appeal.
2021 CMA Goal:
$5 Million
- John 1:5
Parish Rebate:
50% of over-goal funds are returned to your parish The CMA Supports Six Local Ministries Funds are distributed based on the percentages shown below.
Ways to Give Make a Gift by Mail or at Mass
Pledge cards can be returned using the enclosed envelope or through your parish’s offertory basket at Mass.
Make a Gift Online
Visit aocstewardship.org or text “CMA2021” to (513) 586-1978 to give online.
Stock Donations
Last year, 28 households donated stock to the CMA for a total value of more than $60,000! Stock donation forms can be downloaded at aocstewardship.org, or email Matt Reinkemeyer in the CMA Office at mreinkemeyer@catholicaoc.org.
IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD)
Donors age 70 ½ or older may qualify to make a charitable gift directly from an IRA to the Catholic Ministries Appeal. Please consult your tax advisor to see if this gift option is right for you.
Become a CMA Partner
New Evangelization
Catholic Charities and Catholic Social Services
St. Rita School for the Deaf
CMA Partners exemplify leadership giving. There are three ways to become a CMA Partner: • Pledge 1% or more of your household income -or• Pledge $1,000 or more -or• Set up a continuous monthly donation online
New This Year... Bicentennial Partner
Retired Archdiocesan Priests & Senior Clergy
In recognition of the Archdiocese Bicentennial in 2021, donors pledging $2021 or more will be recognized as a Bicentennial Partner!
Campus, Hospital, and Prison Ministries
Seminary and Vocations
Outside panels of trifold brochure.
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To learn more, contact Matt Reinkemeyer at (513) 263-3345, or mreinkemeyer@catholicaoc.org.
Follow us @aocstewardship ’’’ Catholic Ministries Appeal 100 East 8th Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Catholic Ministries Appeal Brochure
Your support of the CMA impacts thousands of lives in our communities. Catholic Charities and Catholic Social Services
These organizations provide emergency relief, counseling, Su Casa Hispanic services, senior services, food for the hungry, and more.
Retired Archdiocesan Priests & Senior Clergy
The CMA assists our retired priests through contributions to the Priest Retirement Plan. For our priests who choose to postpone retirement and continue serving in active ministry beyond age 70, the CMA helps to cover the compensation of these priests.
Campus, Hospital, and Prison Ministries
New Evangelization 12 Candlelight Masses are held per year, with an average of 120 young adults attending each one. 60 young adults are involved in faith formation in small groups.
Hospital Ministry Six local hospitals benefit from our Hospital Ministry:
Seminary and Vocations Mount St. Mary’s Seminary & School of Theology offers seminarian education, diaconate formation, and lay pastoral ministry programs.
New Evangelization
Seminary and Vocations
The Center for the New Evangelization provides programming for some of the most important stages in people’s lives. Key areas of ministry include formation and training for Parish Leaders as well as running Archdiocesan evangelization ministries.
For the current school year, 56 men are in formation for the
St. Rita School for the Deaf St. Rita School for the Deaf meets the educational and social needs of children who are deaf or have communication needs. The school educates students in grades pre-K through 12.
Campus Ministry Catholic Campus Ministry helps keep college students connected to their Catholic faith during this pivotal time in their lives.
Hospital Ministry Catholic chaplains and lay pastoral ministers at local hospitals offer prayer, the sacraments, companionship during a hospital stay, and a listening presence to those in need.
Campus Ministry The CMA supports Campus Ministry at the University of Cincinnati, Miami University, and Wright State University.
Kettering Medical Center Miami Valley Hospital University of Cincinnati Medical Center The Jewish Hospital Bethesda North Good Samaritan Hospital, Cincinnati
Archdiocese of Cincinnati: 47 graduate-level seminarians and
9 college-level seminarians.
St. Rita School for the Deaf student population:
63% 30% 5% 2% 60%
Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Prison Ministry The CMA supports Prison Ministry at Lebanon Correctional, Warren Correctional, and Dayton Correctional Institutions.
Down Syndrome of the families live at or below poverty level.
Prison Ministry The incarcerated receive support through RCIA classes, the celebration of Mass, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and other faith-based programs.
Inside panels of trifold brochure.
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million meals
are served annually through
Apraxic Autism Spectrum
More than 5
Retired Archdiocesan Priests & Senior Clergy Many of our priests continue their ministry for years after retirement by assisting parishes with Masses, hearing confessions, visiting the sick, and more. Currently, 95 priests receive retirement benefits.
programs offered by
Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio and
Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley.
Catholic Ministries Appeal 2021 Campaign Poster Our annual appeal poster is used in parishes to promote the Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) before, during, and after Announcement and Commitment Weekends. These posters would normally be distributed during in-person workshops for CMA parish leaders in December. However, due to the pandemic, those workshops were moved to virtual and the posters were mailed or hand delivered to the parishes. The poster was printed in two different sizes to accommodate the promotional needs of parishes. A Spanish version was also made available. Each year our theme verse and image changes. This image was chosen to reflect our theme of “The Light shines in the darkness.” This same imagery is utilized for consistency in many of our other annual appeal marketing pieces.
“ La Luz brilla en las tinieblas”
“ The Light shines in the darkness” The Catholic Ministries Appeal
Your gift to the CMA supports:
is the annual campaign to
Catholic Charities and Catholic Social Services
support six local ministries that teach, feed, and heal.
St. Rita School for the Deaf New Evangelization Retired Archdiocesan Priests & Senior Clergy
Juan 1:5
La Apelación de los Ministerios
Su regalo a la CMA es compatible con:
Católicos es la campaña anual
Caridades Católicas y Servicios Sociales Católicos
para apoyar a seis ministerios
Escuela de St. Rita para sordos Nueva evangelización
locales que enseñan,
Sacerdotes Arquidiocesanos Jubilados y Clero Mayores
alimentan y sanan.
Seminario y Vocaciones
Ministerios de Campus, Hospitales y Prisiones
Campus, Hospital and Prison Ministries Seminary and Vocations
To learn more about the six ministries, follow us @aocstewardship
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Para obtener más información, síguenos @aocstewardship
Catholic Ministries Appeal Marketing Materials for Parish Bulletins Sampling of marketing materials that were produced and placed on a website for parishes to download for their weekly bulletins and Mass communications. For a full list of materials made available to parishes please visit, https://www.aocstewardship.org/info-for-parish-staff/ and use the password “cma2007” to review all materials available.
Luz brilla en las tinieblas” - Juan 1:5
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Catholic Ministries Appeal Marketing Materials for Parish Bulletins
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Catholic Ministries Appeal Website Sampling of CMA related pages on our aocstewardship.org website. Information includes donation links, stock donation information, parish goal-to-date reporting, information about all 6 areas of ministry supported by the CMA, and much more!
One of Six Ministry Pages for the CMA
Homepage for the CMA
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Catholic Ministries Appeal Blogs Also on our website were blog stories. These stories complemented the videos and other promotional resources regarding the impact of the CMA and each of its ministries. These stories were then featured alongside their respective videos in email blasts to donors and potential donors.
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Catholic Ministries Appeal Blogs
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Catholic Ministries Appeal Direct Email Marketing This year we relied more heavily on direct email marketing than ever before. For the first couple months of the CMA we sent an email nearly every week; one email to donors sharing the impact of their gift and one email to non-donors inviting them to make a difference through their gift. Regular elements of these emails including an opening remark, a video, a related blog story, and updated goal information. Videos and the parish goal-to-date reports regularly received the most clicks. The increased email marketing helped to almost double the gifts made online this year. This year, $1.2 million was contributed online (last year, $700,000 was contributed). For past donors we were able to merge their past giving information to remind them of their past support level.
Ministry email to donors.
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Catholic Ministries Appeal Direct Email Marketing
Ministry email to non-donors.
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Catholic Ministries Appeal Direct Email Marketing
Ministry email to donors.
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Catholic Ministries Appeal Direct Email Marketing
Ministry email to non-donors.
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Catholic Ministries Appeal Social Media Marketing Below is a sampling of images used across our Stewardship Department social media platforms. In addition, these platforms were used to more widely disseminate the video content discussed on previous pages. Complementary posts were also created on the main social media pages for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati as a whole.
M https://www.facebook.com/aocstewardship N https://twitter.com/aocstewardship P https://www.instagram.com/taocstewardship
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Catholic Ministries Appeal Social Media Marketing
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Catholic Ministries Appeal Social Media Marketing
Help Make This the Best CMA Ever! In 2013, the CMA had its best year with $5.65 million in pledges. The 2021 CMA is currently at $5.5 million pledged. How fitting would it be for our Archdiocesan Bicentennial to be our new best CMA year?
“The Light shines in the darkness”- John 1:5
Your support is making a difference in the lives of people across the Archdiocese! Thank you! Learn more or donate today at www.AOCstewardship.org
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Catholic Ministries Appeal Partner Giving Promotion CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL
PA R T N E R S Faith The following piece was used in conjunction with our first direct-mail piece to Partner level givers ($1,000 or more) to promote increased giving and impact among these donors. This information was also made available on our website and linked in non-donor emails. Examples for each of the circles comes from the corresponding impact within our ministries. The Bicentennial Partner and Circle of Joy were added this year in honor of the Archdiocesan Bicentennial.
Become a CMA Partner:
Pledge 1% or more of your household income - OR Pledge $1,000 or more - OR Set up a continuous monthly donation online
Become a Bicentennial Partner:
In recognition of the Bicentennial of the Archdiocese in 2021, any donor pledging $2021 or more will be recognized as a Bicentennial Partner! Please consider joining us at this or greater level as we look to the next 200 years of our Archdiocese!
Five Levels of Partner Giving and Impact: Circle of Faith - $1,000 or more
• Provides retreat scholarships for 20 Campus Ministry students. • Covers costs of a Young Adult Candlelight Mass and Social. • Provides catechetical training for 10 Hispanic Ministry Leaders.
Bicentennial Partner - $2021 or more (in honor of the Archdiocesan Bicentennial celebration)
• Provides 20 weeks worth of meals for Campus Ministry events. • Allows Mass to be celebrated for 3 months in Prison Ministry. • Provides 2400 meals, serving a total of 160 families, through Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio.
Circle of Hope - $5,000 or more
• Helps Catholic Social Services resettle a refugee family during their initial 90 days after arrival. • Provides scholarships for 250 youth to Totus Tuus, a parish-based youth formation program held each summer. • Provides 100% of the cost for a seminarian to complete his Parish Internship Year.
Circle of Charity - $10,000 or more
• Provides a typical course of mental health counseling for 8-12 people through Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio. • Provides supplemental retiree health and prescription drug coverage for 3 retired archdiocesan priests each year. • Provides technology in 5 classrooms (20 children) for a year at St. Rita School for the Deaf.
Circle of Joy - $25,000 (new this year in connection to the Archbishop’s theme of joy in his pastoral letter, “Radiate Christ”)
• Covers 75% of the annual salary for a hospital chaplain. The Hospital Ministry coordinates visits to a total of approximately 14,000 patients each year. • Provides resources for 150 engaged couples to attend a Genesis Retreat. • Provides almost 2 full-time FOCUS missionaries on our college campuses (Total cost is $30,000). • Provides 70% of the annual tuition, room, & board costs of a seminarian.
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Catholic Ministries Appeal Remit Buck Slips
These buck slips are included with remittance mailings three times a year to remind donors of the impact there gift is making.
Thank You!
Your support is making an impact for ministries that teach, feed, and heal our communities. The Prison Minstry supports the incarcerated on all levels of spirituality, theology, and education. Building relationships with God and knowledge of the Catholic faith. The CMA suports campus ministry at
local universities:
The University of Cincinnati, Miami University, and Wright State University.
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Catholic Ministries Appeal Update and Impact Mailings The following pages give examples of two of the three update and impact mailings we send to donors. These mailings are particularly important in keeping our non-email donors abreast of the impact their gift is making. These mailers are sent in April, June, and August. The first one in April allowed us to announce the crossing of our $5 million goal! You are receiving this update bulletin because you made a contribution to the 2021 Catholic Ministries Appeal. Thank You!
Thank you! With your support, we recently crossed the $5 million campaign goal! Here are a few examples of your contribution at work.
5 million+
Shining the Light on Seminary & Vocations
St. Rita School for the Deaf has more than
meals are served annually through programs offered by Catholic Charities and Catholic Social Services.
students enrolled in school.
New Evangelization
Hospital Ministry
Candlelight Masses are held per year, with an
visits were made to patients, staff, and family members in 2020.
average of young adults attending each one.
Total # of Pledges 21,804 Total Pledged to Date $5,131,511 Total Paid to Date $4,161,266
The seminarians have had to adjust like everyone else, but because living in community is part of their formation, being separated has been difficult for them.
The CMA Supports Six Local Ministries Funds are distributed based on the percentages shown below.
New Evangelization
St. Rita School for the Deaf
Catholic Charities and Catholic Social Services
Retired Archdiocesan Priests & Senior Clergy
Campus, Hospital, and Prison Ministries
“The physical distance has created an emotional and spiritual distance, and that’s been a unique challenge for me as an ordained minister,” said Rev. Mr. Albert Beltz. “But it’s also presented unique opportunities for reflection and growth for us all.” “It’s been a good occasion to remember that our relationship with God is the most important thing about us, in good times and in bad,” said Rev. Mr. Eddie Hoffmann. “While we all do our best to navigate these trying times, we can remember that the life of grace we received in baptism is an abundant source of joy even in the midst of trials.”
There have been so many changes in day to day living since the COVID-19 pandemic began and many challenges along the way. However, the seminarians preparing for the priesthood continue their journey through faith and creativity. For the current academic year, 7 men will be ordained for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.
As of March 31, 2021
Total CMA Goal $5,000,000
Mount St. Mary’s Seminary & School of Theology (MTSM) is home to nearly 85 seminarians and 12 faculty and resident priests. In the past two years, MTSM has had 22 seminarians take priestly vows. Unfortunately, this year’s ordination, like last year, will certainly be different.
are looking forward to the next chapter in their lives. “Being able to offer the perfect sacrifice of praise to God in Holy Mass is number one on the list of reasons I’m excited for ordination,” explains Deacon Hoffmann. For the past five years, Deacon Hoffmann has been at MTSM working to achieve his goal of becoming a priest. Priestly formation at MTSM, lasting from five to seven years, is centered on the development of four aspects: human, spiritual, intellectual and pastoral. Each seminarian is formed and prepared for the priesthood through coursework and study, field education, spiritual direction and living in community with one another. Although the pandemic has required adjustments and modifications, the seminarians have chosen to see changes as not just necessary, but exciting and hopeful. “I’ve learned from many earlier experiences that no matter what obstacles and situations confront us in life, you tackle them head on and without fear,” said Deacon Beltz. “Because every challenge is an opportunity for God to demonstrate His greatness in the world, and He always supports those who believe in Him!” MTSM is the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s graduate-level Catholic Seminary and School of Theology with nearly 200 full and part-time students. Founded in 1829 on a 75-acre campus MTSM provides preparation for ordination to the priesthood and permanent diaconate as part of Mount St. Mary’s Seminary. In addition, the School of Theology offers classes for graduate, non-degree and certification programs for laity, clergy and religious.
Despite the fact that the pandemic has had its challenges, the seminarians who will be ordained in May
Seminary and Vocations
To read more about the CMA ministries please visit www.aocstewardship.org To subscribe to our email list scan in the QR code above or visit www.aocstewardship.org/subscribe
For an up-to-date Appeal report, including CMA totals by parish, visit aocstewardship.org/cma
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Catholic Ministries Appeal Update and Impact Mailings Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage
Cincinnati, OH Permit No. 6977
100 East Eighth Street Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Serving Patients and Families during COVID-19 By Sister Eileen Connelly The ministry of presence and prayer is always an integral part of a hospital chaplain’s role, but even more so during the pandemic. Anne Petratis is a longtime chaplain who currently serves at six medical facilities: Kettering, Grandview, Southview, Sycamore, Kettering Behavioral Health, and Soin hospitals, all in the Dayton area. “Our ministry is constantly changing to provide support between the hospitals,” she said. This includes offering services with fewer people since volunteers were furloughed early in the pandemic. “It’s me and Father Basil Toan Quang Doan (Chaplain/Moderator of the Catholic Vietnamese Community of Dayton),” Petratis noted. “We are also blessed to be able to bring in a rotation of priests to administer the Anointing of the Sick when needed and are thankful for their help.” Particularly meaningful for Petratis has been seeing “how thankful people are for Communion. We see this with our patients and our staff. When we were on lockdown and I was able to bring Communion to the hospital, people were so thankful to be able to receive the Eucharist. Often they cried. It meant so much to be able to bring them Communion and to pray with them and to listen to the story of all that they have been through during this time of isolation. This has been one of the most sacred parts of the past year for me.” One aspect of her ministry that has changed, said Petratis, “is how we minister to the families and the loved ones of those who are in the hospital. This has been such a difficult year for families. If their loved one is coming to the hospital from an extended care facility or a nursing home, the family may not have seen him or her for months. I was with a woman who had not seen her dad, who came in from a nursing home, for over nine months. When she saw how wasted away and confused he was, she just broke down and cried. It was heartbreaking. This has been a pretty common experience throughout the pandemic.”
We are pleased to announce that we have now surpassed $5.7 million pledged making this year the Best CMA Year Ever! We are humbled by the generosity of so many donors just like you.
“I do so many more phone calls now to family and sometimes friends
loved ones on the COVID-19 unit, it is often me reaching out to let them know we are here, that we will try to visit as we are allowed, and that we have priests who are willing to come in if their loved one needs to be anointed. And a lot of the time, I pray with the loved ones by phone if their family member is dying, or I meet them when they come into the hospital to say their final goodbyes.” from all over the country,” she added. “For families with
During these challenging times, said Petratis, support from the general public is critical, especially prayer: for hospital staff to stay healthy and able to continue to serve; for the patients who are feeling fearful and alone; for treatment that will save more lives; and for family members grieving the loss of a loved one. “Their grief is often more complicated,” she explained. “Not being able to be with their loved one through their illness and at the time of their death is a heavy burden for many. We are praying that our support and prayers may bring them some comfort, healing, and hope as they grieve.” “We would like to thank those who have reached out and have been supportive of our ministry throughout the pandemic. Thanks for being there through some tough times,” Petratis said. “Also, I would like to express gratitude to all those who have donated to the Catholic Ministries Appeal. Without your support, our ministry would not be able to be in the hospitals where we are currently serving. Please know that we are praying for you and your families. May God continue to bless you all with good health and safety.”
To read more about the CMA ministries, please visit www.aocstewardship.org To subscribe to our email list, scan in the QR code or visit www.aocstewardship.org/subscribe
Thank you for your support!
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Page 1 of Mailer
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Catholic Ministries Appeal Update and Impact Mailings
Fr. Shearer reflects on Priesthood, Retirement By Sister Eileen Connelly As a child growing up in Our Lady of Mercy Parish in Dayton, the young Tom Shearer had the opportunity to get to know “some really good priests.” Among them was Father George Steinkamp, founding pastor of Our Lady of Mercy, who was a regular dinner guest at the Shearer home.
Agencies Meet Food Needs through Unique Programs, Partnerships By Sister Eileen Connelly Thanks to collaboration, unique programs, and support from donors and volunteers, Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio (CCSWO) and Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley (CSSMV) have continued to meet the needs of hungry individuals and families during the pandemic. April Hoak, Food for All coordinator for CCSWO, said the agency was approached last year by Cincinnati’s Freestore Foodbank to partner with them in local distribution of the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Farmers to Families Food Boxes. The USDA established the program in cooperation with farmers, ranchers, food processors and distributors, and non-profit organizations to ensure all Americans have had fresh and wholesome food during COVID-19. “The Freestore reached out to us since we’re familiar with mobile food distribution and had faith we could make this happen in our community,” Hoak explained. Catholic Charities organized drive-thru distribution of the Farmers to Families Food Boxes on six dates in 2020 at Colerain Township Administration Complex, St. Xavier High School, St. Ursula Academy, and Xavier University as distribution sites. Between 1,200 and 1,400 boxes containing a variety of packaged and fresh food have been given away on each date, Hoak said. What’s unique about Farmers to Families is that no identification is required, and there are no income or family member restrictions as with other programs. “There are no questions asked. It’s a very dignified process,” Hoak noted. “We trust that people will do the right thing with the food and share it with neighbors or family members who need help. People have been so grateful and said, ‘Thank you. Bless you, for doing this.’” “I’m so proud and grateful that we’re involved,” she added. “Volunteers from the local Catholic community have come out to help. It’s a reminder to me that all of us, from our clients to our CMA donors, are connected by the love of God and as members of the body of Christ.”
In Dayton, volunteers and staff at Catholic Social Services’ Choice Food Pantry didn’t let the snow and cold put a damper on their food distribution efforts. Back in late November, at the first sign of inclement weather, they realized pantry services could be impacted, whether it was by Foodbank deliveries not being able to be dropped off, or COVID restrictions on the number of people in the building. Rather than turn clients away, the staff came up with the idea of filling drawstring “to go” bags with essential food items, such as peanut butter, rice, and fruit, to get clients through until they could make a regular monthly pantry visit. The bags have since taken off, said Mike Hoendorf, parish and community relations coordinator for CSSMV, thanks to enthusiastic support from neighboring parishes and schools. St. Charles Borromeo, St. Albert, and Incarnation, along with Chaminade Julienne and Carroll high schools have made bags and/or collected supplies. Approximately 400 bags have been assembled so far, with the goal of having 500 in stock at the pantry. “People were definitely been appreciative of the bags on days when there was bad weather,” Hoendorf said. “The bags are easy to carry and give them their essentials.” An added bonus, he explained, is that the “to go” bags have stimulated additional conversation about parish engagement in CSSMV’s efforts. “This gives the parishes something concrete they can do and addresses a very specific need. It has really allowed the parishes to get a glimpse of our everyday operations and how our work affects our clients,” Hoendorf explained. “I think it helps the parishes and all our donors understand how important their support is to our mission. That’s something we’re very grateful for.” The Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) distributes 21% of its funds in support of Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio and Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley. To learn more about the CMA please visit www.aocstewardship.org
After graduating from Chaminade High School, Shearer went on to attend college, studying archeology and anthropology. “I was happy,” he said, “but found myself looking for something with more purpose.” He found the inspiration he was looking for at a vocation presentation at an area parish, ultimately finishing college at St. Gregory’s Seminary, then attending Mount St. Mary’s Seminary. Father Shearer was ordained in 1978.
really works. I’ve learned something and been given something with every assignment.”
“The priests I came to know growing up and as a young man were good, caring people, and very human,” he explained. “That made a difference and is what made me open to the possibility of this type of ministry.” Father Shearer’s first assignment was teaching at Fenwick High School, an experience he loved. He went on to serve at St. Anthony Parish in Dayton, where, he said, “the beautiful congregation taught me how to be a pastor. They were tolerant of my mistakes and taught me new and better ways of thinking and doing things. I’m so grateful for them.” As pastor of St. Henry Parish in Dayton and Our Lady of Good Hope in Miamisburg, Father Shearer led the faith communities as they formed a pastoral region. “The parishes are very different and made up of great people,” he said. “Again, it was a real learning experience for me. You come to a parish with certain gifts, knowledge, and experiences, and by walking together with the parishioners, it
Father Shearer took medical retirement in 2019. After a period of rest and recovery, he currently enjoys ministering to his neighbors and “being present to them and getting to know them at a deeper level,” assisting with Masses and the sacrament of reconciliation at nearby parishes, and pursuing his favorite hobby: painting. Reflecting on his years in priestly ministry, Father Shearer said hearing confessions has been one of the most rewarding aspects. “It makes you humble, and you get to be with people in times of conflict and reconciliation, to reassure them and to challenge them,” he said. “You get to see God at work putting forgiveness in peoples’ lives. It’s like witnessing creation.” Father Shearer expressed his gratitude for the CMA’s support of retired priests saying, “It frees us to be healthy and to be helpful, to take some of the pressure off our fellow priests, and give them a
CAMPAIGN UPDATE As of June 11, 2021
Total CMA Goal $5,000,000 Total # of Pledges 24,549 Total Pledged to Date $5,716,587 Total Paid to Date $5,012,343
The CMA Supports Six Local Ministries Funds are distributed based on the percentages shown below.
New Evangelization
St. Rita School for the Deaf
Catholic Charities and Catholic Social Services
Retired Archdiocesan Priests & Senior Clergy
Campus, Hospital, and Prison Ministries
Seminary and Vocations
For an up-to-date Appeal report, including CMA totals by parish, visit aocstewardship.org/cma
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Page 3 of Mailer
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Catholic Ministries Appeal Back of Letter Promotion This piece was used on the back of our second direct-mail letter. It allowed us to remind donors of all the areas supported by the CMA and the impact those ministries are making across the 19 counties of the Archdiocese.
“The Light shines in the darkness” - John 1:5
Your support of the CMA impacts thousands of lives in our communities. Catholic Charities and Catholic Social Services These organizations provide emergency relief, counseling, Su Casa Hispanic services, senior services, food for the hungry, and more. Retired Archdiocesan Priests & Senior Clergy The CMA assists our retired priests through contributions to the Priest Retirement Plan. For our priests who choose to postpone retirement and continue serving in active ministry beyond age 70, the CMA helps to cover the compensation of these priests. Seminary and Vocations Mount St. Mary’s Seminary & School of Theology offers seminarian education, diaconate formation, and lay pastoral ministry programs. St. Rita School for the Deaf St. Rita School for the Deaf meets the educational and social needs of children who are deaf or have communication needs. The school educates students in grades pre-K through 12.
New Evangelization The Center for the New Evangelization provides programming for some of the most important stages in people’s lives. Key areas of ministry include formation and training for Parish Leaders as well as running Archdiocesan evangelization ministries. Campus Ministry Catholic Campus Ministry helps keep college students connected to their Catholic faith during this pivotal time in their lives. Hospital Ministry Catholic chaplains and lay pastoral ministers at local hospitals offer prayer, the sacraments, companionship during a hospital stay, and a listening presence to those in need. Prison Ministry The incarcerated receive support through RCIA classes, the celebration of Mass, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and other faith-based programs.
Campus Ministry The CMA supports Campus Ministry at the University St. Rita School for the Deaf of Cincinnati, has more than Miami University, and Wright State University.
New Evangelization
couples were prepared for marriage in 2020.
enrolled in school. Prison Ministry The CMA supports Prison Ministry at Lebanon Correctional, Warren Correctional, and Dayton Correctional Institutions.
Seminary and Vocations For the current school year,
men are in formation for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati
Make a Gift Online Visit AOCstewardship.org or text “CMA2021” to (513) 586-1978 to give online.
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Catholic Ministries Appeal Advertisement This advertisement was created for the Catholic Telegraph Magazine which goes to all registered households in the Archdiocese. This was used in the February issue of the Catholic Telegraph which landed in homes in close proximity to Commitment Weekend of the CMA. CMA 2021_CatholicTelegraph full page ad.pdf
12:11 PM
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Catholic Ministries Appeal Advertisement Thank You advertisement for the Catholic Telegraph Magazine.
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