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iSmart Series

iSmart 101 – Grade 4


iSmart 101 provides the foundation for Digital Citizenship. Appropriate and responsible behavior with regard to technology use is presented. Topics include: password protection, internet tricks, “virtual friends”, reputations, sharing content, and how to handle dangerous or uncomfortable situations.

Cyberbullying Prevention – Grade 5 Cyberbullies demean and isolate victims using mobile devices to post, text, and spread embarrassing pictures, messages or gossip. NOVA’s Cyberbullying program clarifies digital rights and responsibilities and teaches appropriate strategies and effective responses to handle cyberbullying. “Upstanders” and resources for support are discussed and encouraged.

Your Digital Footprint – Grade 6

Your Digital Footprint explores privacy in the digital world and promotes critical thinking regarding how digital content is potentially viewed and stored. Students apply this information in scenario activities designed to foster empathy and encourage responsible and respectful decision making.

Encourage Upstanders

Encourage Upstanders is a program that supports empathy, teamwork, and friendship.

2. Middle School

Healthy Relationships

This program supports awareness and skills for respectful relationship building and compares key aspects of healthy relationships to the red flags of unhealthy relationships.


This program seeks to eliminate interpersonal violence by encouraging a change in the culture that accepts unkind behavior between peers. It identifies the effects of harassment, emphasizes strategies on effectively handling harassment, and the importance of positive bystander intervention.

Sexual Harassment

Focusing on discussion and activities on sexual elements of harassment, this program distinguishes between flirting versus harassment. Students will identify personal safety resources and skills.

Cyberbullying Prevention

Creating awareness of cyberbullying behaviors, this program fosters empathy, and urges students to stand up for others who are being bullied, whether it is in school, online, or both.

Internet Safety

Offering knowledge and tools for risk reduction in adverse online situations including cyberbullying, sexting, and internet predators.

The Impact of Sexting

Students recognize the perils and the legal consequences associated with taking, sharing, or receiving explicit photos. Risk reduction and resources for support will be included.

Understanding Sexual Violence - 9th Grade Through this victim-centered Sexual Violence prevention program, students will have a clear understanding of what constitutes rape and other forms of sexual violence. Affirmative consent is defined while risk reduction and bystander intervention strategies are explored. Support and resources for victims are provided as well as strategies for how to handle a disclosure of sexual violence from a friend.

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