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Scenario #1: In the Neighborhood

Two friends are finishing up their play date. They are playing outside while waiting for one of the children’s mothers to come pick up. She is in a very big hurry so she asked them to wait outside for her. While they are playing a neighbor pulls up in her car. Mrs. Smith: (Full of smiles) Hi kids! You guys look like you are having so much fun playing outside. You look so happy! You know me… I’m Mrs. Smith, your neighbor. I just live down the street. Could you do me a really big favor? I have these heavy groceries in my car and I really hurt my knee. You could really help me by helping me bring them into my house. My knee hurts so badly. You both look so strong and it will really only take a couple of minutes. I just live down the street. You don’t even have to ask your parents because it will be so quick; you’ll hardly be gone. And when you’re done I have some cookies I just bought. You can each have some. Shhh come on just hop in. Now the children are scared and confused so they run inside to tell the child’s mother what just happened. Using the analogy of fishing: Mrs. Smith is trying very hard to lure those children into the car. She is using tricks to get them to go with her to her house. Just like we put a worm (bait) at the end of our hook on our fishing rod to lure the fish. That fish sees the yummy worm and … gobbles it right up! Then the fisherman pulls that fish right in. That is exactly what Mrs. Smith is trying to do! What are the tricks: Compliments (Happy and Strong), Injured knee, Short time, Cookies, Secret The children really don’t know if Mrs. Smith is trying to trick them for some reason but it is better for them to be safe than sorry. Better to run inside JUST IN CASE!


Scenario #2 The Playground

Several friends decided to go to the neighborhood playground. As they were playing on the slide they saw a familiar looking man approach. They recognize him as they visit that playground often and he always walks his dog in the park. Today he shows up without his dog and is only holding a leash. He approaches the children. Man: Hey kids! You guys look like you are having so much fun. You look so incredibly happy sliding down that slide and man are you guys going fast! Hey can you do me a favor. You must have seen me here a thousand times before with my dog, Stella. Well she has gone missing. I’m so so sad! I think she may be in the woods here behind this playground. You guys know this park and woods so well so I was hoping you can come and help me. It will only take a minute or two and you don’t even need to check with your parents first because I know she must be so close by. When we’re done I’ll even treat you all to an ice cream. Right down down the street, there is a Mister Softee. So shhhh come on let’s go before she gets too far away.

Tricks the man uses to try to lure the children to help him look for his dog: COMPLIMENTS (Happy and Fast), Playing upon EMOTIONS as sad, Brings up

FAMILIARITY as they have seen him before, FAMILIARITY with park and woods, SECRET Shh don’t need to tell anyone, REWARD: Ice Cream

Scenario #3 The Grocery Store

A little girl accompanies her mother to the grocery store. Her mom asks her to help out by going around the store herself to gather some products. This will speed this visit along and they’ll be able to get out of the store a lot faster. As she heads into the cereal aisle, a small older lady approaches her and asks her to help her in the candy aisle. So she follows her down towards the end of that aisle. Woman: Thank you so much for coming with me. You are such a sweet sweet child to help me. I see that you are so tall and look at those nice long arms too. Can you please help me reach that bag of candy on the top shelf. It is my sick daughter’s favorite. She is actually waiting for me in the car right now. She’s just outside those doors right there. (She points to the closest doors to them) She couldn’t come in because she is a little dizzy but I told her I would be right out. But you know what? I can’t just leave the store right now without paying for all of these groceries. Can you please take this one piece of candy to her now (the woman opens a small hole in the bag and retrieves one piece of candy and hands it to the child). It will only take a second. She is right outside these doors. You don’t even need to ask your mother because you’ll be back before you know it. Then when you return I will give a handful of this delicious candy. Shhh Please hurry! Go!

Woman’s Tricks: COMPLIMENTS (Sweet, tall, nice long arms) EMOTIONS sick daughter, REWARD Candy, SECRET shh, will take only a second

Scenario #4 The Email

After school a young boy logged on his computer, he was super excited to see that his coach had sent an email, just to him. The coach said what a talented player he was and with some extra practice he could go pro someday and that he was proud to be his coach. The coach offered to meet at the local park for a special one on one practice; and that he wanted to give him his lucky baseball. The coach told him not to tell anyone else, as they might get jealous and that he should delete the email because his parents may think he’s spending too many hours playing sports.

Coach’s Tricks: COMPLIMENTS (talented, go pro) EMOTIONS proud, REWARD Lucky baseball, special one on one practice SECRET shh, delete the email, others may get jealous

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