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POETRY Reading


Part of the event was the revelation of the chosen best writers, best book of the year, best writer article in Poetry Planet International magazine, and best seller book The Winners were chosen from more than 100 nominees of books published in October 2022 to March 2023… The first part of the event was announcing the nominees and winners to the following categories:

The Best Writer in an Article 2023 was snatched by two foreign authors, Tanushi Singh from India and Okoi Amadiowei Jacob of Nigeria.

Lorela Garcia Carpio and Loraine Garcia Asas won the prestigious award of the Best Writers category from their book, "Off to Beyond" This book– Off to Beyond is authored to primarily serve two purposes. First, to provide a compilation of sample literary works in a form of simple short stories that can be used by learners and budding writers as patterns for the Creative Writing classes Second, to beef up the writers’ creative writing prowess and consequently contribute masterpieces depicting a world where characters and situations are true only in the readers’ mind. The book has 9 short stories written professionally by two educators to provide the best-written sample stories for their students. It turned out, the stories though simple created a big impact on the readers' minds. As it leaves spots of lessons in their hearts Thus, making it outstanding with more than 100 books published under Poetry Planet book publishing house from 2022 to 2023.

Although the competition is very tight for the Besk Book category because of the number of nominees and almost all are good books to read "The Vulnerable Innocence" by Mark Anthony Buccat won the prestigious award. The book is very controversial as it unfolds untold stories of prostitution and child abuse in the street of Manila. The vulnerable street children are propelled by their skills and knowledge, with this limited capacity, they have difficulty in propelling their lives. They have no choice but to survive living on the street which can lead them to harmful and dangerous experiences such as prostitution.

Because of this phenomenon, these children were shattered, causing a deep feeling of shame, poisoning their sense of self, and excluding them from education, friends, and the broader society. This phenomenological study identified and reflectively analyzed the shared lived experiences of 6 prostituted male street children through purposive sampling with the use of different techniques and approaches in gathering data such as narratives, arts, and music composition. This book presents a study that developed an eidetic insight in reaching out to prostituted male street children which means providing them not only opportunities for growth and development but also showing them that they are loved, accepted, secured, nurtured and are assured of belongingness.

Interplay Of Science,




A Study Partner by Bernardo C. Lunar, Ma. Gloria F Maningas and Noemi L Lunar triumphed the Best Seller Book 2023 for having sold more than 300 copies in just a week after it was published. The production has never stopped since then. Dr. Bernardo Lunar and the co-authors of the amazing book have become the favorite book to read by Educators and Students in schools

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