Poetry Planet Inernational magazine May 2023 Edition

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Featured Artist Agnes Jill Tuto-Turrecha

Exclusive Marites Ritumalta

Education System

Lorena S Diaz

Kristine Barbasa

Avery Jan Selos

Melvin Tamundong

Lilibeth Calanoga

Wilmer Joel Decano


Kishor Kumar Mishra

Ritu Kamra Kumar

Saroja Krishnamurthy

Okoi Amadiowei Jacob

Anjana Prasad

Sudha Dixit

Tha Ono

Bimby Macbs Compio


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Poetry Planet Book Publishing House

Rosario Pozorrubio Pangasinan 2435

Email: maritesritumalta@gmail.com

Contact number: 09554960044

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She was a native of Agutaya, Palawan and transferred in San Jose, Antique with her daughter, Jillanie. She graduated as class valedictorian during elementary and with honors in high school. She took up BA Psychology at the University of the Philippines, Miagao Iloilo and her Masters Degree in Education major in Guidance and Counseling at the West Visayas State University. She was awarded 2 honorary doctoral degrees from the University of Arab Culture and the Arts and ITMUT Connipa in Brazil She is an author- published a self help book entitled “There is Nothing as Dead End My Friend” and currently working on the completion of her second book which talks about the beauty of life and love She is currently the Country Director of Impact Youth Sustainability, an international organization that focused on women’s empowerment and protection of the environment. She also initiated a program haplos kang paglaum which centers on giving hope to less fortunate children. She is presently working as a registered Guidance Counselor of Antique National School. Jill is currently working as Guidance Counselor III and part time professor of University of Antique.


The Beauty of Motherhood

The special day for all mothers is just around the corner; on this day we give thanks to them, celebrate and value our role as being mothers to our family especially to our children. Our role as mothers starts from the time we carry our child in our womb and give birth but it doesn’t end when our children are matured enough to live on their own-it is a continuous responsibility when our children have kids, we become grandmothers to the children of our daughters and sons.

To be a mother transcends other roles human beings have. There is beauty like an art- being a mother, has an aesthetic purpose in which beauty can be found in the family displayed by children in every corner of the house. Beauty can be found in children possessing good values and discipline. We felt blessed and thankful to be raised by good mothers from them we learned to teach our children to show compassion and care, love others unconditionally, value respect, have faith in God Almighty, and embraced other good values necessary in living a good life. As mothers, our love for our children is pure, as long as we live our love for them doesn’t end.

To be a Mother is delightfully exhausting I am a mom of a twelve-year-old daughter and another one is on the way. It is a journey where the support of a life partner is much needed at every juncture. In my case, I ensure that all the needs of my would-be teenage daughter are met, but seldom encourage the notion of fulfilling all her wants and desires We work as her close friends while maintaining discipline and decorum intact so that she appreciates the value and significance of positive attributes we intend to instill in her which will be most beneficial to her in the long run and enable

her to be fondly remembered as a great human being. We use a blend of various techniques. Sometimes, we are firm disciplinarians and sometimes carefree liberals, but the objective stay clear in our heads and hearts. We are so blessed to have a God-fearing, smart daughter and we wish the same for the beautiful creation now growing inside my womb. It is a huge responsibility to raise children when you have professional commitments as well. The support of your partner comes as a huge relief, but at times, the situations turn out to be hard. The mood swings know no bounds when you are expecting another child and have existing responsibilities intact. It is taxing, frustrating, and irritating, but the sense of fulfillment and accomplishment is worth a treasure.

I first witnessed the exhibit of beauty in the Art of Mothering during my childhood My mother gave birth to ten beautiful and handsome kids but never failed to pay heed to any of our needs. My mom worked on the principle of ‘we first’ and the amount of love and care we received from her shaped our lives beautifully I witness her as an epitome of sacrifice. She gave up her career to bring us up in the best possible manner. I saw fleeting instances of sadness and emptiness in her eyes as she was a passionate professional as well, but she sacrificed it all for our wellbeing My father played a pivotal role in her motherhood journey and worked against time to meet our needs. He was equally caring but was a real disciplinarian just like my mother.

Always Celebrate Motherhood

It’s a blessing to be called a mother; as mothers, we all have the opportunity to .


allow life to grow inside of us. Though we have been through a lot of sacrifices but we feel unending happiness if we see our baby grows as a good person. With this, let us allow ourselves to enjoy, celebrate and savor the moment of being a mother It’s not only during Mother’s day that we celebrate Motherhood but every day of our lives.

Rewards of being a Mother

Being a mother is the hardest job but yet inspiring and rewarding You work 24/7 that is without breaktime. Sometimes you get tired, sick and anxious but to accomplish your responsibilities with them standing strong are demanded and expected. Experiencing sleepless nights and worries are always on the way especially when our kids are sick. We feel relax and happy if they are doing fine and good.

To be a mother doesn’t mean that you will get stuck on your challenging and difficult role forever. Seeing your children smiling is happiness, their giggle and laughter activate your nerves to keep going, they energize your body and spirit to carry all the heavy loads of problems and worries that may arise within the family. Being with your kids make you feel the love and care, their hug and sweet kiss warm your being and feel that you’re the most important person in the whole universe. There is never a day that you feel alone and bored. They lighten up your gloomy day and cheer you up in times of loneliness. With your kids you feel their company, you can enjoy each other’s presence especially if they are matured enough to be with in the conversations, sharing everything with them is fun. We are blessed to raise caring, kind and emphatic children, they serve as role models for every kids and grow to be good human beings possessing good values and virtues. Our children give us a sense of purpose in our lives. As mothers we are inspired to

work hard for the future of our children. To raise them as a better person is our happiness and life purpose. We feel rewarded also when they achieve something in their life. We celebrate every success they have-something which every parent is proud Kids strengthen the relationship of couples. They serve as bond between partners that is unbreakable. As parents we become more responsible and matured having kids. We do a lot of effort to maintain a good and healthy relationship for our children

Being a mother makes you a better person, you become more responsible, selfless, loving, patient and other values a mother could possess. Waking up early and attending to your children’s needs are a priority Through motherhood, we are more likely to love our parents more, we feel grateful to have them because we learn it as we become parent too


Marites Ritumalta EXCLUSIVE E X C L U S I V E By Marites Ritumalta

ophir & poetry planet awards for Writers 2023

The best way for a published author to boost his confidence is by recognizing his talent …

The Poetry Planet Book Publishing House in collaboration with Ybarra Scholars and Fellows organized an annual event, especially for writers who were able to publish their books. They were given awards according to their capabilities.

Thus, the prestigious event called “Ophir & Poetry Planet Awards for Writers” was created that was organized by these two organizations.

The first award was held last 2022 and was attended by published authors from different parts of the country and from other countries as well, making it a successful entry recognizing their talents The second event was held last April 2023 aiming to be more pristine than the first one. And it was indeed a memorable one.

Dr, Zaldy Carreon De Leon Jr, the founder of Ybarra Scholars and fellows along with ambassadors gave deserving authors honorary degrees they deserve…

6 WithDoc.zaldyCarreonDeleonJr.

The event was held in the Publisher's hometown at MGM Malayan Grand Mansion Hotel in Pozorrubio Pangasinan. In the banner was the CEO of Poetry Planet Book Publishing House, Marites Ritumalta, and the founder of Ybarra Scholars & Fellows in the Philippines, Dr Zaldy carreon De Leon Jr.

Aside from Doctor Zaldy Carreon De Leon Jr, the Ambassadors of Ybarra Scholars' and fellows were with us. They are Dr. Alejandro Tatlonghari, Dr. Marife Escalaw, Dr. Florentina Manicad, Dr. Wilmer Joel Decano, Dr. Angelo Carlo Gulanes and Doc. Marvic Atienza.



One of the most awaited parts of the event is when the Guest Speakers finally deliver their speech.

The welcome address was delivered by Honorable Dennis Uy, the Counselor of Pozorrubio followed by Honorable Freddie Villanueva, the CEO of MGM Malayan Mansion where the event took place, Finally, the main speaker of the event, the talented, intelligent, and humorous Dr. Rodrigo Dantay Jr. of Caloocan City delivered his much-awaited lecture.



Dr BernardoLunar,SanPabloCity Dr. Mariefe Escalaw, Ologapo City Prof.MarkAnthonyBuxccat,MetroManila Dr AlejandrotatlongHari OlongapoCity Dr. WilmerJoelDecano, Rizal Prof. LorelaCarpio,Bulacan
Doc. Carlo Culanes, Davao City

POETRY Reading

AnnalizaAquino,Pangasinan SteveEmbang,Palawan Dr. Arnel Baselio, Caloocan City FlorentinaManicad,Rizal

Part of the event was the revelation of the chosen best writers, best book of the year, best writer article in Poetry Planet International magazine, and best seller book The Winners were chosen from more than 100 nominees of books published in October 2022 to March 2023… The first part of the event was announcing the nominees and winners to the following categories:

The Best Writer in an Article 2023 was snatched by two foreign authors, Tanushi Singh from India and Okoi Amadiowei Jacob of Nigeria.

Lorela Garcia Carpio and Loraine Garcia Asas won the prestigious award of the Best Writers category from their book, "Off to Beyond" This book– Off to Beyond is authored to primarily serve two purposes. First, to provide a compilation of sample literary works in a form of simple short stories that can be used by learners and budding writers as patterns for the Creative Writing classes Second, to beef up the writers’ creative writing prowess and consequently contribute masterpieces depicting a world where characters and situations are true only in the readers’ mind. The book has 9 short stories written professionally by two educators to provide the best-written sample stories for their students. It turned out, the stories though simple created a big impact on the readers' minds. As it leaves spots of lessons in their hearts Thus, making it outstanding with more than 100 books published under Poetry Planet book publishing house from 2022 to 2023.


Although the competition is very tight for the Besk Book category because of the number of nominees and almost all are good books to read "The Vulnerable Innocence" by Mark Anthony Buccat won the prestigious award. The book is very controversial as it unfolds untold stories of prostitution and child abuse in the street of Manila. The vulnerable street children are propelled by their skills and knowledge, with this limited capacity, they have difficulty in propelling their lives. They have no choice but to survive living on the street which can lead them to harmful and dangerous experiences such as prostitution.

Because of this phenomenon, these children were shattered, causing a deep feeling of shame, poisoning their sense of self, and excluding them from education, friends, and the broader society. This phenomenological study identified and reflectively analyzed the shared lived experiences of 6 prostituted male street children through purposive sampling with the use of different techniques and approaches in gathering data such as narratives, arts, and music composition. This book presents a study that developed an eidetic insight in reaching out to prostituted male street children which means providing them not only opportunities for growth and development but also showing them that they are loved, accepted, secured, nurtured and are assured of belongingness.

Interplay Of Science,




A Study Partner by Bernardo C. Lunar, Ma. Gloria F Maningas and Noemi L Lunar triumphed the Best Seller Book 2023 for having sold more than 300 copies in just a week after it was published. The production has never stopped since then. Dr. Bernardo Lunar and the co-authors of the amazing book have become the favorite book to read by Educators and Students in schools





The most integral part of the teacher in the academe to stabilize his/her career path is bearing the integrity or professional wealth. Professionals are also called skilled, proficient, trained, etc. these terms which more likely emphasizes the veracity and valor of a certain being – professionals Since, I am into the world of academic endeavor, and I dare to commend my view in the field of my expertise. So, the focus here in terms of professionalism shall have the five fundamental aspects of human Professionals are Teachable

To educate is to become a better educated. It is circular process that improves with time; I believe the responsibility of educators is to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in academic, business and personal arenas My teaching philosophy is based on the belief that education is a solution to many social problems. Education provides the tools to make informed decisions, synthesize ideas, and critically evaluate relevant issues and to enjoy life Therefore pursuing knowledge and working to improve our skills as an educator are among our highest priorities and this can testify my professional awareness. But in the end teacher must learn how to be taught.

Professionals are Flexible

We feel that we can inspire students to seek new knowledge and explore their own ideas by an enthusiastic presentation of both what is. And what is not known about subjects. When appropriate, the classroom setting should be expanded to include experience in the field What better way to make the necessary connections among biological concepts than by observing how organisms interact with their environment?

Professionals should be Respectful

A professional teacher should always be respectful when dealing with differing opinions that may arise as product of scientific and critical thinking. Teacher should aim that students learn to think critically, not merely to accept my ideas and opinions; my drive to pursue higher education was due in part to several teachers who inspired catalyst for other people to pursue their dreams.

Professionals are Adaptable

This characteristic I solely define to a professional is evident in a positive attitude toward change, the recognition of and respect for diversity and individual differences, and the ability to identify and suggest new ideas to address challenges creatively and effectively

The skill of working with others is evident in the ability to understand and contribute to group goals, understand and work with the culture of the group, plan and make decisions with others and support the outcomes of those decisions, respect the thoughts and opinions of others in the group, exercise “give and

Principal 1, Tabugon National High School Schools Division of Kabankalan City

take” to achieve group results, seek a team approach where appropriate, lead when appropriate and mobilize the group for high performance.

Professionals are morally oriented. This is one of the most focal point of human being. One should know how to act, dress, speak, and think spiritually in way which one can possess the virtues of having basic principles of Christian living. We are in the world of existing laws –including moral law. This shall underscore the values of professional to follow why law is given to human

Thus, not all qualities or characteristics are pointed out in this context; it is just a summary of my gaudy cognizance to photograph and grasp the magnitude of this moment to the subject – professionals. The true meaning of being professional is not just a walk in the park or having an educational attainment; instead, one must craft himself/herself enough to be called professional in his/her current environment.


You are not just anybody in this society You are empowered and admired by everybody You have the power to encourage change In every situations you are situated in.

Woman, beloved dearly Trying to manages your time equally. To cater all the needs of thy children Either in the office you are workin’ And to the home you are livin’.

Your motherly love and care Surmounts all the trials and difficulties encounter Like a blanket that warmth in the cold atmosphere

The strength and positive insights you share Leads us to understand life better.



If the blind lead the blind both shall fall into the ditch. This holds true for a nation that sinks into the pit of poverty and confusion which is the result of the dissent of those in darkness being misled by those who are blinded by wealth and power.

Looking back, our country was always threatened by chaos brought by the injustices experienced by the people from those who are in power. The nation was alarmed by the pleading of the public to oust the one who was strangling those who dared to oppose the rule of the existing administration It was in this extent that the strength and miracle of the people's power were again put to test. However, due to the recurrence of these protests, the seemingly endless clamor for equality exhausted the magic that was once cast by the dynamism of unity. And the injustices continued, tormenting every soul it captured As the supposedly light bearers of a bright tomorrow ascend to enjoy the shimmering light at the top of the tower, they themselves became the monstrous sinister that shadowed the lives and the heart of people.

But this should not happen. We have to confront this monster with our double-edged sword We young leaders of this republic, still have the opportunity in our hands to turn things around. No matter how narrow and full of uncertainties the path toward our dreams is; this trial is still reserved for us to bid for a fulfilling and more abundant life.

Let us now be an agent of change Let us prepare ourselves to live and lead in the conditions where the lands are too futile for aspiration to grow, nevertheless, let our own persistence be our chance to bring life to a single grain of hope. As young leaders, let us dream for others more than ourselves, eliminating selfishness and greed, the cure for corruption

AVERY JAN M. SILOS, LPT DBA Teacher II, Tabugon National High School –Senior High School Department Schools Division of Kabankalan City

Allow us to learn and accept imperfections, and cultivate a good attitude deep within ourselves.

Let us realize the meaning of optimism so that we can continue encouraging our fellow Filipinos to carry on despite the crises ahead These troubles will come to pass and shall leave nothing but a strong foundation for our liberation from the materialistic society. Let our minds be enlightened and instill in our hearts the sense of responsibility, the significance of character, and the value of integrity

And top of this all, do not let anyone decapitate our freedom to exercise our rights for this is our key to increasing our dignity and appreciating human worth. Let us work hand in hand and shape ourselves so that the best leaders within us may emerge even in the midst of our wage for freedom and equality

Fellow young citizens, join me in this pursuit of justice and liberty. With you, my voice will be more than just a cry but the mark of the start of something greater.

Yes! We may be young, but big things come from small beginnings Even the littlest flicker of light of a single candle can illuminate a dim path.



Response and Recovery of Education after Covid-19 Pandemic in the Philippines

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused clashes and significant changes around the world. Education systems have been shocked due to the 2-year closures and emerging recession In the past two years of the pandemic, it brought disruptions to the education system that leads to substantial losses and divergence in learning. Internet connectivity is one of the major problems because of the snaillike connection in different areas in the country. Most learners, parents, and teachers have experienced a lot regarding connectivity during the pandemic Notwithstanding, education continues in whatever situation may arise.

The government, education personnel, and even the teachers were trying to provide learning modality modes in every area, especially in remote places, to fulfill its advocacy "Para sa bata, Para sa Bayan" mandated by the Department of Education

The school has a critical role in ensuring the delivery of essential health services, protection, and psycho-social support to the learners. Reopening schools gives a lot of responsibilities to the school heads, teachers, personnel, and parents. Everyone can help the schools to prepare and provide that support and meet the enormous challenges of the months ahead Learners will need tailored and sustained support from the teachers, parents, and other school personnel to readjust and catch up after the pandemic They need to come up with peer learning, collaboration, and other strategies to enhance their relationships and develop camaraderie and other behavioral problems during the learning process of the learners

The teachers are prepared and supported to address the learning gaps brought on by the pandemic among their students and integrate digital technology into their teaching They need to adapt to the new normal situation of schooling and protect their health in school. They provide quality education and perform different duties and responsibilities for the learners

The crisis has the time to reveal the enormous potential for innovation, resilience, and change in the education system. It needs proper communication, collaborative ideas, and building support for change The government can also help to fund and support and offer incentives to the demand and works, it can also assess the policies aligned with national needs and priorities

Through the help of the government, local government units, a private company, different organizations, and other concerned citizens they will encourage every individual especially front liners, teachers, students, senior citizens, and others to get vaccinated to protect them from the spread of the coronavirus.

The exigency of the education system is to recover brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic and promote collaboration, sharing of knowledge, peer teaching, and learning action cells to strengthen the education recovery

The education system in the new normal needs better address the change and find more ways to escalate and disseminate research and innovations

"The pandemic allows us to reflect, reanalyze, reorganize and think about the future"

Melvin F. Tamundong

“Baybay Ku, Dal A Recollection of a Hum

Lilibeth Calanoga

The Baybay Ku, Dalus Ku was an idea incepted in the year 2019 of the Aparri Surfing Community President Mr Erwin R Meram It was driven by the visits of foreign surfers who had seen the great potential of our pretty nice sea waves curling along the shores of beaches nearby the town proper. Said foreign visitors were so much attracted to the view of our sea waves except for the sights of rubbish and litter scattered around our shores way back then. This sparked the idea of posting via Facebook a cry for environmental help more particularly in cleaning our shores Thus, led the Aparri Surfing Community to launch its campaign for “Pagkakaisa Para sa Bayan at Kalikasan” dubbed “Baybay Ku, Dalus Ku” on February 23, 2019, which later on was established to name the group of volunteers

Our concerned community people who had realized the value of restoring the cleanliness of our shores aside from the fact of helping in developing our natural spots for tourism heeded the call. Alongside our community people are the various organizations, civic, private, and government alike coming hand in hand in response to the call. Added to the fueling of unity and solidarity is the outburst of the spirit of volunteerism in safeguarding our local beaches and preserving our natural treasures.

The early activity of the coastal clean-up drive headed by the Aparri Surfing Community dated in 2019 had reached the ears of benevolent people who genuinely shared their blessings for the said cause. From then on, the Baybay Ku, Dalus Ku crusade continuously attract volunteers and sponsors until it was well established as a voluntary project of the Aparri Surfing Community in cooperation with concerned Aparianos


It has regularized the cleaning of shorelines every Saturday at 6 o’clock in the morning bringing together our community people from all walks and ages of life. Today, the Aparri Surfing Community crusade of Baybay Ku Dalus Ku has become a continuing advocacy of concerned Aparianos. It’s not only limited to coastal clean-up drives but even had gone far of doing various activities such as engaging its member volunteers in tree planting activities, relief operations, clearing of drainage canals in our communities, and even extending a helping hand to our educational sectors in their call for Balik Eskwela and Brigada Eskwela and greening programs. As it reaches its 4th year founding anniversary, it remains to be at the limelight and is now a lawful organization as being legitimized by its registration with Security and Exchange Commission on September 7, 2022

May the call for volunteerism in protecting our nature and natural resources be everyone’s concern May this advocacy become a living legend today and beyond. Let the crusade go on.

The Aparri Beach


Digital D in Educ

In the advent of the digital era, the framework of suitability and appropriateness is gone. Specific regulations must be implemented to regulate and restrain misusage and abuses in utilizing the digital platform. Rules of conduct and discipline in the epoch of the digital revolution must be the conventional guideline in the current years of digitization, the direction towards a discipline that has been carried out has become exceedingly tough. With the changes and progress of technology and the homogenization of digital means and tools into the myriad facets of our lives, pursuing and implementing discipline become a difficult shoe to fill Several institutions and organizations that are constantly using digital platforms such as schools and colleges, as various working environments such as government sectors, military, business, health, and finances have a toiling and laborious effort in stretching and maintaining discipline in the utilization of this tool. Discipline is an integral characteristic of every community and organization as it secures that the ideals and objectives are being observed and the coveted outcomes are fulfilled The function of digital mileage and technology, nonetheless, brings into the world rigid transformation in the method of how discipline is existing and is carried out, and this is a matter of significant interest as an informative tool to address concerns of misuse of freedom in the digital space The primary and substantial impediment in the digital period is how to supervise, control


social media and digital platforms. We are all witnesses of the expansion of diverse social media outlets and messaging tools/apps, and it has evolved widely and it is challenging to maintain the trail of the communication that is transpiring and is taking place online. Let us set an example in a school environment it can be tough to discern and identify learners who are using school-provided laptops and digital materials for scholastic purposes or if they are visiting a non-scholastic scope of learning. Likewise, in a workplace, management can find it formidable to check and monitor employees' online movements during working time. The lack of implementation of discipline among workers and even in school places has a notable peril to the protection and security of the institution as they may direct to an infringement of security and classified protocols. Thus, the usage of digital media devices has subtracted the boundaries of topography and time, which has unlocked unknown roadways for digital bullying in schools and working environments. With the peak of cyberbullying, academies, and universities are prompted to take on strict approaches and rules against such demeanors. Companies have also been compelled to fob off sanctions against workers who immerse in cyberharassment during their working time.

Wilmer Joel Decano

One of the decisive concerns that are daunting in the area of the digital era is the paradox of the boundaries between private and professional lives. The use of personal-owned instruments and gadgets in the course of work hours can hamper distinguishing between work and personal life. Workers, for instance, may take advantage of their smartphones or laptops for work-related tasks, but at the same time, also use these gadgets in their activities in the digital realm. The borders between private life and career have become clouded, and this has depicted a crucial dilemma for companies making an effort to execute discipline. Companies, for instance, may be uneasy about how to confine employees' use of private devices within the job places, without overstepping on their privacy rights In answering these concerns, it is essential to discover a proportion between carrying out discipline and respecting workers' rights. Management must provide that they have apparent guidelines in position for the use of digital devices during labor hours Precise rules will ensure that workers are knowledgeable of the set of policies to be expected, that there are specified constraints on the use of digital devices, and that they apprehend the outcomes of violating these guidelines. By executing these policies, employers can efficiently lessen the reach of secure and susceptible information, thus strengthening security protocols. In the teaching sector, schools and colleges must have approaches that escalate issues of cyberbullying and deliver aids that assist learners to identify the indications of online harassment. Educators can also make better digital discipline by integrating technology into their instructional strategies. They can utilize different online instruments and outlets to enrich the learning venture while surveying the students' work and participation This method permits educators to scrutinize their students' online conduct while providing that the use of digital devices is

unassailable and secure. In realization, the implementation of discipline in the digital domain has evolved into an increasingly formidable undertaking. The usage of different digital tools and online devices has developed challenges in looking at online manners, separating professional and private lives, and securing sensitive information appropriately. Organizations and schools must affirm explicit procedures that discourse the usage of digital devices, facilitating them to implement discipline effectively. Enforcing these guidelines can relieve organizations mitigate the threats attached to digital movement while enhancing fruitfulness, safeness, and security By nurturing digital accountability and digital literacy skills among learners and workers, organizations can develop a culture that proportions discipline and knowledge, and awareness of the usefulness of digital technology



Being a mother is the hardest task ever given to you yet the completion of your existence as a woman.

Claim it.. -




A child is born. The first cry fills the room with joy and laughter. The newborn brings excitement and happiness to the parents, relatives, and friends. It is a moment of celebration for all.

With the birth of a child, a woman attains motherhood. In addition, she makes a man attain fatherhood. While Motherhood brings changes in a biological and emotional state of a woman, fatherhood changes the emotional state of a man. But the roles of both parents are vital in bringing life to the Earth. The process of procreation in all species keeps the world going.


The woman is a wonderful creation of God. She has the capability of conceiving and bearing an embryo in the womb, and at the appropriate time, capable of giving birth to a child. But being a mother carries challenges, risks, and excitement. The greatest strength a woman ever exhibits is when she attains motherhood. A quote from author Linda Wooten says “Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had and dealing with fears you didn’t know existed”. After a child is born, the responsibilities of a mother multiply many times. Rearing the child is another biggest challenge. Maria Shriver, an author and former first lady of California says “Having kids - the responsibilities of rearing the good, kind, ethical, responsible human beings – is the biggest job anyone can embark on”.


When a woman gives birth to a child, her motherhood brings changes in a biological

and emotional state of a woman. She lactates, feeds the child, and gets emotionally attached to the child. She holds a fetus within her womb and allows it to grow to a human body. Thus, she becomes a creator, and brings new life to the Earth from her own body. A woman, while attains motherhood, also makes a man attain his fatherhood. The emotional state of man changes a lot when he attains fatherhood His responsibilities also increase a lot. He joins his hands in rearing the child.


The most emotional attachment existing between two entities is the attachment between a Mother and a Child. It starts from the birth of the child and stays till the end. A mother carries great responsibilities for her child to grow and face future challenges in the world. She sacrifices a lot for her child The famous Italian actress Sophia Loren says “When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, one for herself and once for her child”. The influence of a mother on her child is tremendous. In her first education, the child creates a great impact on his/her tender mind. George Herbert, the seventeenth-century English poet said “A good mother is worth a hundred school masters” The nineteenth-century American poet W.R. Wallace said “The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world”.

KishorKumarMishra 24

September's Whift; Motherhood's Gift

September! is the most significant month in my life. The month when I was bestowed with a most precious gift; was my son on September 10. Though now he is in his late twenties, the day, he was born is vivid in my memory and comes back to me with a waft of fragrant wind blowing and touching me gently, caressing our lives with elation and excitement. I still grow crazy as I recall with pleasure how I was wonderstruck looking at his tender body. A baby’s smile is the purest thing on earth ever found, there was magic in his smile, and I found myself too smiling. His smile was like a bright sun shining. The feeling wouldn’t sink in for days as I looked at him. My baby was my flesh and blood and I took care of him as if he was my ‘external body’. Suddenly it dawned on me that maternity and motherhood have transformed me completely. As I tucked him to sleep, his hands always clutched me tight. With tender feet he walked, he called me ‘mom’ and I loved his lisping. My priorities changed automatically. Professional commitments took back seat I was reveling in the joy of motherhood.

The magical memory of his playful pranks, mistakes and mischiefs remain enshrined in my mind, True, memories are indispensable. Every year celebrating his birthday with panache was a ritual that we indulged in with great fanfare. Preparations started many days before to buy the essential, streamers and balloons, return gifts and wrapping papers, wafer chips, paper napkins, plastic plates etc. Cake would be baked at home and everytime it had to be different decorated with sweet beads and gems, perfect icing with sugary waves of rose and pineapple. I used to blow balloons and attach them wherever I could.

Ritu Kamra Kumar

The refrigerator would be overcrowded as hundred of sandwiches were stored in it. His surprise birthday gift would be kept at a place that would be out of his reach. In a quick succession of time, he grew up, an adolescent, and my cuddling and pampering continued as I still regarded him as a kid. True children never grow up for parents. His birthday parties now were held in restaurants with his besties and he came home all smeared with cake and coke on his face. Dinners at home with near and dear ones concluded a blissful day of celebrations. All through these years, one thing remained intact, his strong emotional bond with us. He grew up to be a caring and compassionate, cheerful and charming lad whose priority remained his parents' happiness and well-being. When he left for his higher studies in Manipal, we feel empty home syndrome and became emotionally unstable. Each letter and note that he wrote from there became a prized possession. His living far from home turned him into a fairly mature lad with independence and an attitude of free will. It cemented the bond further.

Now, as he flies his wings with his wife by his side to far-off places due to his professional compulsions his loving and lively gestures, and surprise visits keep our laughing quotient in perfect health and good humor. So now the roles have reversed. It is he who counsels us in high and low notes of life, cheers us as a friend, advises us as an elder, and takes care of us as a God-sent angel. We have learned a lot from him to love and to be loved. If this whole world is blessed with the light of sons like him, never will a mother be hurt, and never will a mother end up in grief. What does world feminism mean? I would say with pride and head held high “Enlightened sons and progressive mothers”. May his tribe increase!


The status of a woman as a mother is very special. A y mother and adapting to the new status is really fantast

Motherhood is a major responsibility of a woman w child. Whether it is a biological child or an adopted remains the same.

The moment a woman delivers a child both her body and mind undergo a lot of change.

Motherhood is a learning process too Mainly she has to learn to be patient while dealing with different moods of her child. You can't predict its mood swings. Sometimes fun sometimes irritating a mother has to enjoy both! It's a testing time for her when she tries to feed as the child doesn't sit in one place. She has to sing and dance and narrate interesting stories to make it eat. Lullaby and stories are a must to make the child fall asleep The mother is the child's first teacher Home is its first school. A child observes the parents with a lot of curiosity. The way the mother talks, her behavior with others, her relationship with her dad, etc., form a great impression on the child. It imitates the parents and considers them as its role model. So, motherhood is a fairy play. It's a very big responsibility. A good mother is one who can sense her baby's moods and controls them with much tact

How can one describe a mother in mere words? She is a matchless Angel to her child. She is complete in herself. Her role in a child's life can't be replaced by anyone else. She is more observant of her child's growth. She tries to mend his ways. She gives punishment too! At the same time, she forgives and forgets very easily. Her love is very pristine. She sacrifices her comfort for the welfare of her child Logical-minded people don't understand her heart's ways Biologically all girls may become mothers. But attain motherhood she too needs some maturity in thinking and should understand the psychology of a child. She is the main pillar of strength to build her child's personality. If a situation needs she should be ready to punish suitably to bring it back onto the right track.

It's the main responsibility of motherhood to see her child grow into a responsible citizen and contribute to the welfare of the society to which he belongs.

It's the mother who feels both happy and proud about her son/daughter's achievements.



That woman you see there in declining disposition is someone's mother. Yes, a mother of merit I might surely say, though the owners of that merit mother did not understand the privileges of having such a woman as a mother thus she is abandoned there as a rustic rag on the floor.

The woman in question is the mother of many children who had laboured beyond mortal might in raising up funds for her children's education. A woman who toiled day and night in caring for her kids who are now occupying prestigious positions in society has suddenly become a big witch to kill her own children whom she did not kill when they were fully flexible to kill.

A prophet has given his verdict that OpuNana is a big witch who will soon kill her significant sons. A prophet whose words are equal to the word of God thus must be adhered to the end

A prophet who is still flaunting feelings of fornication yet is still a holy man of God thus his words are as holy as God's given words. A prophet who is in midst of greed for wealth, by all means, is the prophet of our generation thus must be respected more than Elijah of old. A prophet who cannot be entrusted with an ordinary Cameroon coin is the Moses of our time thus must be obeyed to the end. A prophet whose eyes are following up the footsteps of beautiful young ladies and is monitoring them to have affairs with them in secret is a holy man of God thus his allegation that Opu-Nana is a big witch is unanimously accepted on earth as it is in heaven thus no one could think twice that a woman who did not kill her children when they were kids, cannot kill them when they are already out of her custody. So that woman you saw there in the midst of mud is the merit mother of five prominent sons in our society.

Okoi Amadiowei Jacob 27

Opu-Nana in her youthful days was among the most beautiful young ladies in our kingdom before getting married to Naigba who later became the richest man in our village. She was his first wife thus was deeply devoted in service and in humility to the husband of her highest heart. Having been the first man that opened the door of desires which is situated at the center of her body, she expressed totality of obedience to him in marriage and thus supported him in kind and in cash when he was rising up from poverty to prosperity. It was Opu-Nana's commitment to service in a marriage that helped propelled Naigba to an additional level of laughter. People who were aware of the additional role played by Opu-Nana towards the success story of her husband will never believe that this is the woman Chief Naigba chased out of the marital home with the most negative name in town, as she had been declared the worst witch in the world because of one yogurt licking young lady he had lusted after thereby becoming his latest lady in marriage. He is therefore inclined to listen to legible lies from his newly married wife against an old wife thereby labeling OpuNana as the worst witch in the world.

Opu-Nana, a one-time beauty princess in her days of youthfulness is now a worldwide witch. A woman who toiled day and night for her children's successes is now a worldwide witch in town. A woman who supported her husband in cash and inkind when he was in midst of mockery is now a worldwide witch in town.

A mother who did not kill her children when they were embryos in her womb is now the worst witch to kill her children who are even big enough to strangulate her to death. The most senseless situation in the story is that this negative news emerged from the arrangement of Chief Naigba's new wife through the prophecy of a man who presumed himself a prophet but is noted with the indulgence of adultery yet the whole world believed that Opu-Nana is a worldwide witch thus must be excommunicated by members of her household, according to perilous prescriptions of Chief Naigba whose mindset is in the hands of his youngest wife

Motherhood is the most delicate duty on earth that has no salaries and allowances both from husbands and from the government. It is only in heaven that merit mothers will be rewarded by God who alone knew the commitment of mothers to success of families in marriages. The reward of a caring mother is nowhere to be found on earth. So that old woman you saw there, is the mother of some great men and women in our village.


Essence of motherhood

Sarah was a high-profile model and well sought after in society. One fine day, she came to visit her parents, and they suggested she remarry. Not in the mood to discuss her marriage, she picked up her mobile and stepped out into the garden

Five years back

Sarah and her husband had divorced each other, navigating their relationship through conflicts. The couple had decided to give each other their own space And with a signature, the feasible bond was broken

The garden was coloured in myriad hues. Spring was around the corner. The aroma of dahlias and roses filled her nostrils. Marigolds swayed with the breeze in festive tunes. A gentle breeze dried those rolling tears

She lives a life that anyone could long for - a successful career, money, and recognition. Yet, she felt that something was missing in her life. She wanted a baby whom she could call her own.


As an adult she reminisced about her days as a child. Often tucked in a nook playing house. She had carefully crafted her doll house. Making it as homely as possible. Merrily playing with her dolls. She liked to think that they were a family and adding more members to the family gave her immense joy

That's what she wanted her future to look like. She longed to have a family when she grew up, a loving husband and kids around her. A family which grew together. Her stomach churned, and she felt a void inside her She was sure, she wanted to embrace motherhood.

Being a mother and having children is an incredible gift of God to females. Whenever she and her sister ran errands in the house, messing with the decor. Dropping things here and there, maa would shout, "Wait until you have your own children!" Isn't that the sweetest revenge to make your daughter stand in the same shoes?

That afternoon

Suddenly, Maa entered the garden and sat beside her on the white rattan chair. The breeze was cool. She ran her fingers through her tresses, dark, silky, and smooth. Maa always knew what she wanted, a hug or a kiss, as if she could read her mind She went inside the kitchen and came back with two mugs of espresso coffee in her hands. Amidst the feast of colors and cusps of spring, Sarah had clarity of what she wanted in life, yes motherhood! Can she be a mother as loving and caring as the one sitting beside her? "Darling, what's going on in your mind? You can share and talk to me." Sarah looked at her mother. The bond of flesh and blood, is so intense and full of unconditional love

Sarah looked up and saw her mother looking at her lovingly. She took her hands in hers and said, "Tell me, baby!"

Decision Time

The afternoon turned warm, radiating love like maa She felt like a child at this very moment. "Maa, will you say no if I ask for something? "No, never" was her usual reply. "Maa, I want to adopt a baby." Maa gazed at her. Somewhat shocked and surprised she said, 'Do you have time to raise a child?'

AnjanaPrasad 29

Being a mother is a big responsibility, my kidlet. I know motherhood brings a sense of fulfillment to any woman, but it is a lifelong commitment and a roller coaster journey in the life of a woman. Are you prepared for this? It is a fulltime job. Guiding and nurturing a child can be challenging and overwhelming too There is no blueprint, formula or book ever written which can truly explain the emotions and joy of being a mother If you're ready, I am with you. Motherhood is a blessing."

Sarah jumped with joy and kissed maa. Took out her laptop and started searching for an orphanage in the city Excited, she called on the available numbers to inquire about the process of adoption. She has to pay a visit to the centre and choose the baby said the voice from the other side of the phone She felt her dreams would come true.


Days morphed into weeks. She was dying to hold her baby in her arms. Suddenly the mobile buzzed The call was from the orphanage, asking her to complete the adoption process and take the baby home. Thrilled Sarah and her mother rushed to complete all the legal formalities. Her prayers were answered

The air was full of love It bandaged her past. Holding her little bundle of joy, Sarah stepped out of the adoption center as a proud mother. She felt the power of motherhood and the jubilation of being a mother The boughs swayed as if they wanted to celebrate her motherhood between the beauty of the season.


Being A Mother

The simplest and most enigmatic word dictionary or in human memory is: “Motherhood”. It is simplest because it is natural for a female to produce a baby and become a mom. It is complex because to become a mother a woman does not have to give birth to a child or necessarily be a biological mom.

Motherhood is a concept, a philosophy. A woman, as a human being, may harbour many negative emotions. She need not be an angel. But a mother can never be unloving or selfish when it concerns her child She would, happily, go hungry after feeding the last morsel to her baby or babies irrespective of his/their age. She would keep the child warm while she has to spend the night shivering. Even if the child grows up to be nasty or ungrateful, the mother would not bad-mouth him publicly. Whatever happens a mother can never curse her child. Let me tell you a small anecdote – a folklore. A man was very mean to his mother.

One day someone offered him money for her mother’s heart. The son killed her and carried her on his shoulder. He proceeded towards that man’s house. On way, he hit a boulder and stumbled The dead mother’s heart spoke,” Oh my son be careful! Don’t get hurt”. The son was amazed and repented his misbehavior with his mother. Only it was too late.

A woman who raises a child (Not her biological offspring) as her own, is no less a mother. Many women are unable to conceive. They adopt a baby. If they do not have motherly instincts, why should they opt for adoption? In India, we have a famous character of Yashoda, who raised Krishna as her own son The folk tales remember Yashoda as Krishna’s real mother, not Devaki who had given birth to Krishna. Raising and looking after a child is as great a job as giving birth to a kid.

Nowadays childless couples get their babies through surrogacy

In surrogacy, the surrogate woman carries and gives birth to a child for someone else. The intended parents are called the commissioning parent. Here, the intended mother is no less than a biological mother. The very fact that she wants a baby and gets it through some other person does not mean that she does not have real motherly feelings. In fact, she feels more love for the baby; more grateful to God for compensating her for her inability to have a child Even the adoptive mother opts for a baby who is not her biological offspring because she loves and wants to have and raise a child.

Every woman has a natural instinct for motherhood. She feels fulfilled as a mother. Milk of kindness and affection flows in her bosom. It is a miracle that the moment a girl delivers a baby, her breast gets filled up with milk


The baby automatically learns to suck her breast. This food is provided by God for the child. The pleasure and contentment, the new mother feels after breast-feeding her baby is out of this world. It is a well known fact that a woman goes through tremendous pain while delivering a child. Every woman is aware of this. It is said that giving birth to a child, amounts to a second birth to the woman Still, every woman wants to become a mom. Every woman wishes to have her own baby and raise him lovingly.

The sentiment behind motherhood is not confined to human beings alone; it is an allpervading emotion on earth Look at a bitch guarding her newly born pups. The most docile of female-dog would become feral and violent if she fears that someone is trying to harm her puppies. This is purely a motherly instinct. Once the puppies are grown up and do not require their mother’s care, the bitch returns to her previous gentle nature. I have seen a picture of a lioness with her cubs. There was no ferocity in her. There was the most tender expression on her face. Amazing! Is it not! There is a slogan which has now become a cliché, “God could not be everywhere so he created Mother.” True! But the concept of motherhood denotes a much wider meaning. Even a father, in the absence of mother, plays the part of a mother to the hilt Man, woman and any other creature, on earth, can possess the sentiment that defines motherhood. The essence of kindness, affection, empathy and care for fellow beings makes a person “Motherly”. That’s why I say that “Motherhood” is a philosophy, not confined to its narrow notion of being a biological mother onl


The death of my mother was a profound and deeply emotional experience that has left a lasting impact on those who loved her. Her loss can be especially difficult, as she truly was the nurturer and caretaker of the family, providing a sense of love, comfort, and security that is so difficult to replicate.

The grief that follows the death of my mother can be overwhelming, and it may take time for those left behind to come to terms with their loss. Eleven years later no one can truly believe she has been gone so long. Memories of happy times and cherished moments with my mother flood back daily, mixed with feelings of sadness and longing.

The death of my mother bring up unresolved feelings and regrets. I wish I had spent more time with her, or done more to show her love and appreciation. Her loss brings up feelings of fear and uncertainty about the future, as she has always been a constant presence and source of guidance is no longer there.

Despite the pain and sadness that came with her death, it has become daily even every moment a time of reflection and appreciation for the life she lived and the impact she had on those around her. It is an opportunity to honor her memory and continue to carry her love and spirit forward.

Ultimately, the death my mother has become a reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing the time I have with my loved ones family and friends who have become family until the end. It may has been difficult and trying experience, but it is a catalyst for growth, healing, and a renewed appreciation for the people and moments that truly matter in life.

After her death I relinquished my passion of writing as she was the guiding light I had. Covid came and proved she still guided my hand. Days go by I see her smile as I become whom I know she wants me to be.


The Joy of Motherhood and A Modest Wife


Motherhood and a modest wife are two concepts that are essential in society. Both concepts are interlinked and have a significant impact on individuals, families, and society. Motherhood refers to the state of being a mother, and it involves nurturing, caring, and guiding children. On the other hand, a modest wife refers to a woman who is discreet, humble, and unassuming. This essay seeks to explore the joy of motherhood and the significance of having a modest wife in society. The essay will highlight the meaning, challenges, benefits, and strategies associated with motherhood and being a modest wife

The Joy of Motherhood

Motherhood is a fulfilling experience that brings immense joy and satisfaction to the mother. It is a critical aspect of the reproductive process, and it involves giving birth, nurturing, and caring for children. Motherhood is essential in society, as it ensures the continuity and stability of the human race. A mother plays a critical role in the growth and development of a child, and she is responsible for nourishing the child physically, emotionally, and mentally. Despite the joy that comes with motherhood, it is not without challenges Mothers face various challenges such as exhaustion, stress, and anxiety.


Juggling between parenting and work can be overwhelming, and it can lead to burnout However, there are strategies that mothers can adopt to enhance the joy of motherhood. Some of these strategies include seeking support from family and friends, practicing self-care, and taking breaks when necessary.

A Modest Wife

A modest wife is a woman who demonstrates humility, discretion, and grace in her behavior and appearance. She is a valuable asset to her husband and family, as she embodies qualities such as loyalty, submissiveness, and commitment. A modest wife plays a critical role in promoting peace and harmony in the family, as she creates an environment that is conducive to love, respect, and cooperation

Being a modest wife is not without challenges. A modest wife may face criticism from society, and she may struggle to express herself freely. However, the benefits of having a modest wife are numerous A modest wife is trustworthy, supportive, and respectful, and she contributes to the success and happiness of her family.

However, there are also some differences between the joy of motherhood and a modest wife. Motherhood is a biological function that involves giving birth and nurturing children On the other hand, being a modest wife involves demonstrating certain behavioral and attitudinal qualities that promote harmony and respect in the family. Furthermore, motherhood is a universal experience, while being a modest wife is a cultural construct that varies across societies and communities.


In conclusion, motherhood and being a modest wife are essential concepts that contribute to the well-being and stability of society. The joy of motherhood is a fulfilling experience that brings satisfaction to mothers, while a modest wife is a valuable asset to her family Although these concepts have challenges, they are essential in promoting harmony, stability, and love in families and society. It is, therefore, important to appreciate and support mothers and modest wives, and to promote their well-being and happiness


between The Joy of Motherhood and A Modest Wife

Although motherhood and a modest wife are different concepts, they share some similarities. Both concepts involve sacrifice, commitment, and dedication. They both require individuals to put the needs of their family above their own needs and to demonstrate selflessness and love

Additionally, both concepts are essential in promoting the well-being and happiness of individuals, families, and society.

35 BimbyMacbsCompio

The Poetry Planet International magazine is all about motherhood. The Research Articles of Educators in The Education System in the Philippines, It has also report on the awarding event in Poetry Planet Book Publishing House. Enjoy the stories written by

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