Membership Levels 2013 TETRA Communications web portal DMR Communications web portal
Effective Web Portal Marketing of your Company, Products, Services & Solutions SERVICE
Company contact details
Visibility of your company logo, name, address, city, country, telephone number & website address.
Basic company profile
Enter a short description of your company in 300 characters.
Your company to be found via our search engine
Visitors of our portal can instantly find your company via our search engine, by selecting the right labels and/or keywords.
Support desk
Online help-desk on weekdays between 9AM - 17PM CET.
Company profile visibility on all our supporting web sites
Visibility of your company and solutions (if applicable) on all our web portal domains that are related to the TETRA/DMR communications technology.
Sales lead generator
Contact area for visitors. Via our online e-mail form, requests will immediately be directed to you.
Upload company solutions
Number of uploads of your TETRA/DMR solutions, applications, services, etc, to be displayed at your Microsite. Enter your Basic description as well as the extended description.
Upload supporting documents
Upload the following documents; PDF, Word, Excel, Power Point, etc. to enhance your company and/or solutions profile.
Advertising discount
Discount on standard rates on logo banner-advertisements that are shown on the home page, below each featured news item and some sub pages.
Your press news in our FEATURED news section
We will upload your news, press releases, etc, in our FEATURED news area located at our home page and share the news with our followers in Social Media.
TETRA communications online media report
Receive every half year an industry report on online publications and the mood status of your industry covering the last 36 weeks.
Promotion article in TETRAFlash or DMRFlash Magazine
The online publication will be distributed to more than 7500 addresses globally and will be promoted via our own website as well as through Social Media.
Featured product area
FREE promotion of your latest product/solutions or service prominently at the home page of our web portal.
FREE Advertising
Your logo advertisement visible on the home page of all our web portals, some of our sub pages and underneath each featured news publication.
1 month
Upload business cases/news letters
Upload your business cases and or newsletters to the company profile tab.
Publication of your company video’s
We actively promote your company/product videos on our home page and our special video page.
Job vacancies
Profile your jobs related to the TETRA/DMR communications Industry at our Job section.
€ 29
€ 49
€ 79