TETRAFlash 2012 Issue 2

Page 1


Hytera DWS

How Sepura supports

Kolibri systems to launch

the French Railways

new media server

2 2012

TETRAFlash “Dragon House” Dragonweg 57 2 2 1 5 B N Vo o r h o u t The Netherlands Editor-in-Chief: Agnita Cheung PUBLISHED BY TETRA-APPLICATIONS.COM

TETRA World Congress Dubai 2012


What’s in

TETRAFlash Newsletter the quarterly Newsletter for the TETRA and Critical Communications World


How to manage TETRA networks


Dear Reader,

The Motorola MTP3000 TETRA Radio series

Over the last few years TETRA has become the favourite technology for Public Safety Organisations around the World. Now, as many governments and industries have implemented these TETRA networks to optimise their voice


The New Kolibri Systems Media Server


communications, it seems that more and more user organisations are focussing on the next step after TETRA or better said; the next step in combination with TETRA. DATA communications. Also during the last TETRA World Congress it was made very clear that manufacturers and developers are focussing on this next step. Also during upcoming events like PMR Summit in Barcelona, Professional


LTE will be positioned.

With all these changes in mind and the fact that it was time for a slightly changed look & feel we decided to change the


cover of TETRAFlash going forward. The newsletter will still contain the interesting information you are looking for, only presented in a slightly different way.

Agnita Cheung


Tony Gray Elected to Critical Communications post

The Latest Hytera dispatching solution in more detail


Please, enjoy reading TETRAFlash!

TETRAFlash “Dragon House” Dragonweg 57 2 2 1 5 B N Vo o r h o u t The Netherlands Editor-in-Chief: Agnita Cheung

Zetron and Motorola


We look forward to see the evaluation of this development and will pay attention to this in he following copies of TETRAFlash

SNCF: From security to operational efficiency

Enhancing TETRA Network coverage in Deira City shopping centre, Dubai.

Orbion consulting takes over Pöyry Telecom















✔ Meet and build new business relationships with PMR Users, Operators, Suppliers, Distributors, System Integrators and Application Developers ✔ Access the latest developments in Critical Mobile Broadband and LTE ✔ See all of the latest PMR products and solutions showcased in the exhibition of 50+ companies ✔ Engage With An International Audience Of PMR Specialists









White paper

Managing TETRA networks Reducing OPEX and increasing Efficiency, Effectiveness and Availability are the desired goals of every organization. Eylon B. Consulting Ltd. helps you in achieving these goals through Software Applications and Products for the TETRA world. A major portion of the costs associated with operating a TETRA network is coming from activating and modifying the radio terminals features (radio provisioning and programming), monitoring network performance, handling incidents (critical or not – they require attention) to ensure availability. In this process you want to stay fully up to date with best in class practices and solutions and ensure flawless and efficient action by the TETRA professionals that run the operation. Eylon B. Consulting Ltd. Specializes in finding, implementing and integrating Software Applications to accomplish the aggressive goals that TETRA demands. In many aspects, running TETRA infrastructure and operations are similar to those of cellular infrastructure and IT operations. Experience from there is reused for TETRA.

The following examples are only some of the solutions where Eylon B. Consulting Ltd. experience helps in the TETRA world. 1. Automated Incident Management helps you identify and resolve critical incidents up to 90 percent faster, minimizes impact on business operations, and frees up scarce resources. 2. Ayehu eyeShare ( www.ayehu.com) provides a simple tool to automate your processes, avoid errors and always use exactly the process you defined. The solution is deployed at major enterprises and supports their business users. 3. Competitive Intelligence (from d&a Visual Insights, see (www.dainfo.com). d&a is a leading provider of corporate intelligence solutions using best practice intelligence methodologies and advanced technologies to allow business decision makers to constantly monitor their ecosystem, gain valuable insights and keep their intelligence picture comprehensive and up-to-date about competition, innovation, market trends and regulation. 4. Provisioning, Programming, Fleet mapping, Billing and traffic analysis tools (such as Motorola MiBAS, see (www.motorola.com/Business/XU-EN/ Product+Lines/MiBAS) allow streamlining the business, avoid errors, shorten cycle time and perform these activities in a much more efficient manner. It also allows a better cost-allocation method to further push for efficiency. 5. EMZA (www.emza-vs.com) offers an Outdoor Asset and Perimeter protection system, including remote notification and visual verification. Their Visual Sensor/Camera is very unique and reduces significantly false alarms – and can significantly help you protect your TETRA network remote assets.

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The Motorola MTP3000

Motorola Solutions has numerous working groups and consultation programs to continually gauge user requirements. This “Voice of the Customer” program reveals several core requirements that guide our development program:Voice remains critical.

Voice remains the most important and ultimate communication method. There is demand for continued improvements to voice services with better audio quality and coverage. Based on this core user requirement Motorola has developed the new MTP3000 TETRA radio series which sets new industry standards. The new MTP3000 TETRA radio series is aimed at Public Safety and Critical Communications users. The radios are a key part of our drive to optimize radios for different classes of users. The radio takes the core benefits of TETRA in regard to user safety and security and makes them even better. The radio is also very easy to use, especially for teams familiar with analog radios.

•Safer: The MTP3000 series offers a high-quality class-D audio amplifier so voice calls are always heard whatever the background noise. And with automatic gain control and a very sensitive microphone, users’ calls are clearly relayed to dispatchers. It also provides the best RF performance of any TETRA radio to increase range by 14 percent and coverage by 30 percent to protect your people over greater distances.*

•Tougher: The radios include a tougher bottom connector created by Amphenol, a company that makes military grade connection systems. In addition, a new side connector has been developed for the radio. Users can attach and disconnect accessories in under two seconds for greater convenience.

•Easier: The radio also includes two knobs for intuitive control of talk groups and volume. These controls and the interface will be familiar to analog radio users and will support their rapid transition to using TETRA radios.

More choice: Three models are on offer to meet the needs of different types of users: All three models offer high power audio (2W), enhanced coverage (best RF static / dynamic sensitivity and high RF transmission power 1.8W), robust design (with tougher connectors), user friendly ergonomics with a fast user response, reliable performance, 20 hours of battery life (profile 5/5/90), and a rich set of accessories. • The MTP3100: entry level with limited keypad • The MTP3200: includes a limited keypad with Bluetooth connectivity and GPS options • The MTP3250: includes a full keypad with Bluetooth connectivity and GPS option


New Kolibri Media Server

At the TETRA World Congress in Dubai Kolibri Systems unveiled its new MediaServer v2. The MediaServer is part of the wireless solutions of Kolibri’s comprehensive product suite of control room applications.

The Kolibri product suite is based on 25 years’ experience in developing Mission Critical Control Room applications, including the special developments for the Dutch Public Safety network C2000. Modular The MediaServer enables a modular set-up, where one or more Kolibri MediaServers can connect any number of radios, allowing a scalable pool size of radios used by the control room. The number of required radios in the pool is not necessarily proportional to the number of control room operator positions due to the fact that the radios are pooled between all operators. With a MediaServer you connect your control room wirelessly to the radio system. This solution is especially suitable for small to medium sized control rooms that do not have high voice capacity needs. The wireless connection allows also for mobile control rooms for example in disaster relieve situations or control rooms at remote locations where IP-line connections are not possible. The use of a pool of radios to connect to a radio system has the following potential advantages: • A cost effective solution compared to a wired connected solution; • does not depend on an IP line connection to a (remote) radio switch. Smooth migrations Currently organisations using voice communication in mission critical operations are shifting from the legacy radio systems to TETRA-, DMR-, NXDN-, and soon LTEtechnology based radio communication systems. This shift is motivated by the legacy radio systems being at the

end of their life-cycle and by new emerging technologies offering new possibilities. The difficulty is not so much the use of both radio systems, but rather the simultaneous control through an integrated user interface. The MediaServer allows to simultaneous control mobile terminals of different radio systems, i.e. an Analog and a TETRA terminal and make them available in the radio pool to the control room users. Smaller and more robust The new MediaServer has a robust monocoque design milled out from a single block of aluminium - with no moving parts inside and low power consumption, rendering a durable and reliable component. Compared to the previous MediaServer, it takes less room in a 19 inch server rack (one height unit compared to four height units for the previous MediaServer). Two MediaServers can be mounted side-by-side in a 19 inch rack. The MediaServer implements an external interface to connect one or two mobile terminals to the Kolibri control room solution, whether it is a TETRA or an Analog mobile terminal.

SNCF: From Security to Operational Efficiency

How TETRA radios helped Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Français (SNCF) minimise costs, accelerate communications, reduce the margin for human error and improve customer satisfaction.

DRIVING SAFETY AND SCHEDULING WITH DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS France’s national rail services operator, SNCF, has 3,000 railway stations that are served by 140,000 trains every day. Providing information to passengers, ensuring safety at stations, keeping trains running to schedule — all these tasks depend on instructions and information communicated by the SNCF staff who work on the station platforms and maintain the trains. With a view to providing its staff with more reliable and effective ways of communicating, SNCF is extensively using a set of Short Data Applications (SDAs), developed using Sepura Radio Manager software. SDAs run on the radio terminals and enable members of staff to transmit data messages — similar to text messages from mobile phones — from Sepura digital hand-held radios over the TETRA communications network. SDAs differ from text messages in that they can have dedicated screen interfaces with

menus fit for purpose (photo on right) allowing for very fast data entry. SNCF is using the SDAs to broadcast pre-recorded announcements, update information panels on platforms, streamline train preparation and despatch, and make train shunting much safer. In many cases, the data messages replace instructions spoken into an analogue radio or shouted to a colleague, enabling more efficient communication with a much smaller margin for error or misinterpretation — regardless of how busy or noisy it is on the platform. In other cases, SDAs are updating back-end systems directly, eliminating the need to relay information from the platform to a third party for data entry. The SDAs can even be used at stations with no TETRA coverage, by switching the Sepura digital handheld radios to direct mode (DMO) and using a Sepura SRG gateway radio to extend network coverage. GIVING PASSENGERS THE INFORMATION THEY NEED Pre-recorded announcements — for example, the destination of an incoming train and the platform it’s

coming in on — help passengers catch the right trains. To trigger one of these announcements, a railway operative simply selects the relevant three-digit code — message type and then the two digit track number — from a menu on their Sepura handheld radio, then presses the Send button: the announcement plays immediately over the platform speakers. The process is much faster and more accurate than when staff had to enter the codes manually; but the need to press Send to transmit the code helps avoid mistakes, as it gives staff a moment to double-check they have selected the right code. Using a separate SDA on their handheld radios, platform staff can also update the visual display boards that show information about an incoming train, such as the number of carriages and the section of the platform each carriage will stop at. With these details available in good time, passengers can prepare for the train’s arrival, which speeds up boarding and helps to ensure that the train is ready to leave on time.

DESPATCHING TRAINS WITHOUT DELAY When a train is ready to leave, a member of platform staff must inform the station supervisor’s main despatch system. At a large station, 40 or more trains may be leaving at around the same time, so prompt, accurate information is vital for safe, on-time departures. The member of staff enters the platform number into his or her digital radio, then selects, for example, north or south to indicate the direction of travel. This is much faster than speaking into the radio or shouting to a colleague, and eliminates the risk of this critical information being misunderstood. PREPARING TRAINS FOR DEPARTURE MORE EFFICIENTLY A team of staff performs around 30 different operations on a train — ranging from cleaning the carriages to restocking the buffet to safety and engineering checks — before the start of its next journey. Previously, each team member had to report to the train supervisor in person to confirm their tasks were complete or explain why they couldn’t be carried out. The supervisor noted everything by hand, then relayed the information to an office-based colleague for entry into the nationwide scheduling system that holds information about the status of every train on the network.

SNCF has replaced this cumbersome and error-prone process with an SDA that lets individual workers update the scheduling system directly from their digital radios with the status of their tasks. Once all tasks are complete, the train supervisor sends an overall ‘end of job’ message to the system, confirming that the train is ready for its next journey. SAFER SHUNTING During shunting operations, safety is a primary concern, so a lookout stands in the rear of the train and warns the driver to stop moving the train if there is an obstacle or other problem. In the past, the lookout spoke over his or her radio to warn the driver. Now, the lookout and the driver use two Sepura digital handheld radios that are paired using an SDA in direct mode. This opens a dedicated communication channel between the two radios that can not be compromised by any other instructions issued over the TETRA network. A special device attached to the radio lets the lookout hold down a lever which broadcasts an audible signal to the driver’s radio every two seconds, indicating it is safe to continue moving. Fast and continuous communications are vital when performing manoeuvres at speeds of over 30km/h — and which can take 5 to10 minutes to complete. If there is a problem, the lookout simply lets go

of the lever: the beeping stops, immediately signalling to the driver to stop moving. Staff using the solution, which is critical to safe working practices, report that it is completely reliable and very easy to master. CENTRALISED DATA ENABLES EASIER, MORE COMPREHENSIVE REPORTING Because the information transmitted by SDAs directly updates SNCF’s back-end systems, it is now much easier to carry out post-event monitoring and performance reporting — all of which is now based on more complete and accurate data. SNCF can easily see, for example, how long it takes to carry out individual operations during the train preparation process; how many trains leave each station on time; and which station a train has reached. The same information also updates the web application that gives the public access to real-time information about how the trains are running and lets them find out whether a particular train is due to arrive on time. “Using SDAs with Sepura digital hand-held radios for these vital communications is helping us take a leap forward in efficiency and accuracy,” says Philippe Massy from SNCF.” These solutions are helping us be more effective in the important areas of safety, train scheduling and passenger information.”

DID YOU KNOW? Entropia, the commercial TETRA operator in The Netherlands & Belgium has recently expanded its network with more than 21,700 km ² additional coverage In Goonhilly, Cornwall United Kingdom, Airwave Solutions has improved signal coverage for the emergency services.


partners with Nielson Communication in the United States and that currently extensive education and training has been undertaking enabling the organisations at Nielson to service directly their TETRA Customers The Teltronic day took place on the 16th May 2012 in Warsaw, Poland and that the conference was attended by many representatives from 30 different companies and institutions in Poland

Imtradex consistently produces its own newsletter bringing you up to date on how the company is performing and showcasing new developments?

LinkedIn Groups are more and more being used to publish old

TETRA news by

other media, even it the news is two months old? During the Eurovision song festival TETRA Communications infrastructure has been used in combination with professional analog radios

Zetron’s model 390 TETRA Desktop Remote interfaces with Motorola MTM800e

Zetron, a leading provider of mission-critical communications solutions, announced in early June that its Model 390 TETRA desktop remote now includes an interface to the Motorola MTM800e mobile radio. This expands the flexible and cost-effective Model 390’s already considerable TETRA capabilities even further. In addition to the Model 390, Zetron’s offers a wide range of TETRA radio dispatch solutions, such as its Advanced Communications (Acom) system for larger communication centres, and its DCS-5020 digital console system for midsized applications. Access to TETRA functionality The Zetron Model 390 TETRA desktop remote, which looks very much like a conventional desk phone, gives users access to TETRA functionality through a dedicated interface. In addition to the new MTM800e interface, the Model 390 also has interfaces available for Motorola MTM800 and MTM700 TETRA radios. Eager customers “The Model 390 provides a unique, valuable and highly complementary enhancement to Motorola’s popular MTM800e radio and to earlier generations of TETRA radios,” said Zetron’s EMEA vice president and general manager, Alan Pinnegar. “Even though the Model 390 MTM800e interface has only recently been introduced, we’ve already delivered several thousand units to customers who are eager to make use of its expanded functionality.” The flexible M390 The Model 390 adds considerable flexibility to a TETRA-based radio network. For example, up to 15 Zetron Model 390s can be connected by conventional cabling to a single TETRA radio located up to 600 meters away, reducing deployment and installation costs. This enables the radio to be placed in the best radio coverage area, away from computers and other sensitive equipment that could either be disturbed by radio radiation or could interfere with radio reception. An optional interface enables out-of-coverage or remote access to TETRA networks through dial-up telephony, ISDN or private circuit.

Tony Gray elected to critical communications posts

German telecoms consulting and engineering firm P3 communications GmbH has recently reinforced its already considerable on-going commitment to the critical communications sector through dual election successes. P3 Regional Business Director Tony Gray (pictured) was selected to chair the newly-formed ‘Critical Communications Broadband Group’ (CCBG) at its inaugural meeting in Amsterdam in April. Then at the TETRA + Critical Communications Association (TCCA) AGM held during the TETRA World Congress show in Dubai in May, Tony was also elected to join the Board of the TCCA. Tony is a well-known and respected figure in the critical communications world, having worked for the past 20+ years as an independent consultant supporting mission and business critical communications users, standards bodies, regulatory authorities and industry. He has taken a leading role in a wide variety of communications and control systems projects throughout the public safety and security, PPDR, transportation, and other related sectors worldwide. A Working Group of the TCCA, the new CCBG will drive the development and adoption of common global mobile broadband standards and solutions for users who operate in a mission or business critical environment. The group will also work with the TCCA’s Spectrum Group and partner organisations such as PSC-Europe to lobby for

appropriate harmonised spectrum in which to deploy critical broadband services and applications. “By bringing together all interested parties, irrespective of their current chosen technology, the CCBG is taking the lead in gathering the requirements for future critical communications broadband services,” said Gray. “We will look to build and strengthen relationships with other influential organisations around the world, and channel the wealth of knowledge that exists within the TCCA into making mission critical broadband a reality.” Speaking of the dual election successes, Kai Rotermundt, Managing Director of P3 communications GmbH, said: “We are both happy and proud to support the contribution of Tony’s considerable industry knowledge and experience to the important work being undertaken in both the TCCA and its new CCBG.” Rotermundt went on: “P3 continues to be heavily involved in and committed to the critical communications sector as a whole, not least through our work on the German national public safety TETRA project for the BDBOS. We see the future of critical communications services as being developed and assured to the benefit of users and the industry as a whole through the work of organisations and groups such as the TCCA and CCBG.”

The latest Hytera dispatching solution - DWS Hytera, a leading designer and manufacturer of professional mobile radio communications equipments, offers you next generation TETRA dispatching solution--DWS Dispatch WorkStation. DWS (Dispatch WorkStation), a trunking dispatching system developed on Hytera ACCESSNET®TIP TETRA infrastructure, is designed for efficient communication, remote management, dispatching & deployment by professional users. Characterised by all IP structure and multi-touch technology, DWS offers you an advanced dispatching and deployment platform with abundant functions, not only as conventional functions of trunking dispatching system like group call, individual call and text message, but also including dynamic group numbering assignment (DGNA), group patch, multi-party call, visualised dispatching, multi-way voice call monitoring and terminal status monitoring, etc,.

DWS also allows third party to customise dispatching systems like Integrated Command & Control System, Railway Dispatching System by utilising its common service platform, and provides expansion ports & plug-in-based architecture for convenient secondary development to both customers and secondary development parties. It brings lots of benefits to customer while lower down the investment and shortens the developing period; customer can

make flexible expansion with open choices on manufacturers in future development.


architecture enhances scalability. ·Multi-touch technology and user-friendly UI greatly facilitate operation.

Enhanced multiple calls ensure efficient command & dispatching in emergencies.

All IP structure allows high flexibility and scalability in deployment.

High mobility with panel operation applicable to tablets.

Applicable Industries Public security, Emergency service, Transportation, Public utility, Port & airport, Oil & gas, Business & enterprise.

• DWS Features 1.Voice call • Support versatile voice calls, including half-duplex call, fullduplex call, group call, all call, group patch multi-party

call, PSTN call and PABX call. Support call transfer, call hold, group call late-entry, and emergency call. Facilitate call operation by initiating a call via multiple entrances as Contacts, Call history and Shortcuts. Detailed call history to record call parties in in-call, out-call & multi-party call, call start time and call lasting time. You can check all the recorded information easily. Various indicating sound & light, including vibration and icon flash. Dual sound cards play to ensure crisp voice by assigning independent sound card for listening and calling. Background monitoring allows the dispatcher to monitor the background environment of the terminals.

2.Text message Support predefined text message, status message, text messaging & Flash message; group sending; message template and emergency messaging. 3. Terminal monitoring Monitor the current status of the terminals, including base station the terminal on, on-line/off-line and call information.

4. Dispatching centre recording

• 5. External call Support calls between dispatchers and external calls like PSTN. 6. Contacts • Automatically synchronise terminal data with the TETRA switch.

Support multiple contact search methods, including contacts category, by label colour and user defined search (input SSI or alias). User-defined labelling, label the contacts with different colours according to your demands, facilitating contact search. Quick access to detailed contacts information and group membership. Support DGNA and group patch. Monitoring management, allow dispatcher to decide which groups are monitored.

Across border alarm.

8. Various external devices • Besides traditional mouse and key board, the system also supports external tools like multi-touch touch screen, foot-tap PTT, and microphone with PTT.

7. Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) • GIS map load & display. • Terminal location tracking & display. • Track playback.

ZeniPol unique TETRA solution! Integrated TETRA, maritime radio & GSM phone in a very noisy vessel Environment in one solution! During our participation in the TWC Dubai many TETRA users were very interested in this application. Also for motorcycle, ambulance, snow scooter and other vehicles. ZeniPol is a reliable efficient wireless communications platform for Police Motorcycles & other vehicles. For more detailed information please contact: Lars.Nordstrand@Zenitel.com

Case Study

Enhancing TETRA network coverage Creowave and its local partner, Waves Middle East, were chosen to enhance the TETRA network coverage in one of the first big shopping malls in Dubai in the spring of 2011. With careful and professional site planning the TETRA coverage was able to be enhanced with one single repeater ensuring a very cost effective solution for the customer despite of the large surface area of the Deira City Centre. Deira City Centre is located in Dubai, in United Arab Emirates. It is considered as the first large scale, mixeduse shopping mall in Dubai with retail outlets, restaurants, entertainment facilities and hotels – it features over 370 stores and services. It was opened to the public in November 1995 and it encompasses over 115 000 square meters. With over 19 million annual visitors, the Deira City Centre is one of the region’s most visited destination. In a destination as large and popular as the Deira City Centre, security plays an important role.

Case: Deira

Challenge: To

Solution: Creowave

City Centre shopping Mall. Dubai, SaudiArabia.

enhance the TETRA network coverage in such a huge shopping mall, being careful no installations are seen for the customers.

coverage enhancement with single one channel selective TET RA Repeater. Additionally great design with impressive amount of cables and antennas.

Advantages: With careful planning and Creowave Repeater there is now TETRA network coverage everywhere in the shopping mall. Customers and employees in Deira City Centre can now feel safe and rely that the communication works perfectly also in emergency situations.

In spring 2011 Creowave’s local partner, Waves Middle East, was contacted by Deira City Centre Management. After changing from an analog system to a digital one, the shopping mall was lacking TETRA coverage in several critical locations. The Deira City Centre uses Nedaa’s TETRA network. Nedaa is the leading provider of safe and advanced communications services in Dubai. Nedaa is the TETRA operator that provides network services to both government and approved private entities,as in the case of Deira City Centre. Deira City Centre has over 200 tetra users, including maintenance, security and operations.

The original TETRA infrastructure was good enough to cover the majority of the premises but important parts such as fire exits, maintenance and security corridors as well as parking halls were lacking TETRA coverage. In the case of an emergency, the lack of an adequate coverage could cause life-threatening situations. It was considered extremely important to get the TETRA coverage to a required level, and as a solution Creowave and its TETRA repeaters were chosen. Creowave and Waves Middle East provided TETRA coverage to the premises as a turnkey solution delivering site survey, site RF planning, and required hardware from TETRA repeater to antennas and cabling, installation and final approval. During the site survey, it was discovered that the majority of the premises were covered with the original TETRA infrastructure. The Deira City Centre consists of 3 floors – ground floor and the 1st and 2nd floor. In addition a separate parking hall called Maf Tower Basement, next to the mall needed to be covered. The ground floor includes for example a large parking space as well as maintenance and security premises. The 1st and 2nd floor consist of shopping, dining and entertainment services. Pictures 2-3. The floor plan of ground and first floor of the Deira City Centre. The blue colour indicates the areas where the TETRA coverage was already strong from the beginning whereas the green colour indicates the areas covered with the repeater.

“We are very proud to be associated with this project. We had 60 days to compete this project from the time of order placement, and thanks to the excellent support from Creowave, the DCC Mall Management team, Nedaa and the Waves personnel we were able to complete the project within the milestones as scheduled.” James T. Samuel CEO, Waves Middle East

Since the RF specialists from Nedaa appoint certain carriers to be used based on traffic loading, the choice of repeater type for the site was clear from the start. A TETRA Channel Selective Repeater was needed to amplify the certain carriers. The Creowave TETRA Channel Selective Repeater was installed on the ground floor of Deira City Centre near the security and maintenance premises. With over three kilometres of cabling and extensive antenna network the amplified TETRA network signal was carried to the whole shopping centre. Special requirement set by the Deira City Centre Management was to install the cabling and antennas in a way that those won’t be visible for the public and should blend with the surroundings. In addition all the work needed to be carried out, must be done when the mall was closed. This essentially meant work could only be done at night On project completion extensive tests conducted by Nedaa and the customer the TETRA coverage was discovered to be on an excellent level in the entire shopping centre, including the areas that originally had weak coverage or no coverage at all. The project proceeded as planned and as a result, the end customer was very pleased to discover that the TETRA network coverage has now been enhanced to a good level and the safety of staff working in Deira City Centre as well as the safety of the enormous amount of annual visitors has been secured.

2012 World Wide TETRA Events Some of the events where TETRA products & solutions will be exhibited and discussed. Visit our website to view all known events







TETRA in BraziI

GPEC 2012

Golden Tulip Recife palace Recife, Brazil

Trade fair Leiptzig Leiptzig, Germany

V International Forum and Exhibition PMR communication Holiday Inn Lesnaya Moscow, Russia




Australian TETRA tour

PMR Summit 2012


Assured Ascot quays Apartment Perth, Australia

Hotel Rey Juan Carlos Barcelona, Spain

Doha Exhibition Centre Doha, Qatar




Australian TETRA tour

Professional LTE

ASTRID User Days

Vibe hotel Sidney, Australia

Hotel Rey Juan Carlos Barcelona, Spain

Lotto Mons Expo Mons, Belgium

Orbion Consulting takes over part of Pöyry Telecom Orbion Consulting has made an agreement with the Pöyry Group to purchase Pöyry Telecom tele communication consultation and radio network planning functions. The business transfer takes place immediately. With the deal Orbion Consulting strengthens its competences in the government and authority telecommunication sectors as well as in the management consulting for telecom operators. The merge will mean a smooth continuation of the existing Pöyry Telecom’s contracts and projects by the same professional staff but under the brand of Orbion Consulting. The merge will

improve our services and increase resources as well as competences to provide a wider portfolio of services. The resources and strong competences of Orbion Consulting in the cellular businesses will benefit Pöyry Telecom’s customers in the future projects. Orbion Consulting is a Nordic consultancy firm with 280 consultants focused on providing services within telecom and energy infrastructure. Our clients within the telecom sector include network owners, operators and systems suppliers. Within our energy division, we concentrate on assisting electricity producers, suppliers and network owners. With experience gained from the Nordic region's cuttingedge telecom development and extensive expertise in electricity networks, Orbion Consulting provides consultants to meet both temporary needs for expertise, for comprehensive assignments in the form of timelimited projects and providing complete services, during which we take responsibility for either entire processes or parts thereof. Orbion Consulting is part of the Relacom Group and consists of three companies – Orbion Consulting AB in Sweden, Orbion Consulting AS in Norway and Orbion Consulting Oy in Finland.

TETRAFlash - Comments and contributions welcomed – please send to: editor@tetra-applications.com. More information on products and companies in this edition can be found at www.tetra-applications.com. The views in this magazine are not necessarily those of the editor or Tetra- Applications.com. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this publication is correct and accurate. The editor and TETRAApplications.com cannot accept any liability for any consequential loss or damage, however caused, arising as a result of using the information printed in this magazine. Produced in The Netherlands, 2012. The TETRAApplications.com logo is registered. All other trademarks and logos are the properties of their respective owners.

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