Flash Services delivers
Security solutions for
Piciorgros success in
TETRA in Belgium
hazardous workplaces
North America
1 2013
In this edition...
Flash Services equips Liefkenshoek Tunnel with TETRA & Indoor coverage
ENIS report recommends improvements to emergency service communications
New Year’s Eve figures released by Airwave
Piciorgros’ TMO-100 TETRA Data Modem Approved for USA & Canada
Axell Wireless bridges the gap between WiFi & DAS
Security solutions for hazardous workplaces
The latest Hytera News
Critical Communications Expo Germany to be launched
Zetron DCS-5020 Now Includes IP Connectivity and Motorola TETRA Interface
TETRAFlash “Dragon House” Dragonweg 57 2 2 1 5 B N Vo o r h o u t The Netherlands Editor-in-Chief: Agnita Cheung
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White paper
Flash Services equips Liefkenshoek Tunnel The Liefkenshoek tunnel, like the Waasland and Kennedy tunnels, is an indispensable link in the infrastructure of Antwerp. The enormous volumes of passenger and freight traffic at the toll facility place high demands on the communication equipment in terms of audio technology and excellent clarity.
DECT, but the reception was still not clear enough. In the end, we entered into discussions with Flash and they advised us to use TETRA two-way radios with speaker microphones and specially modified earpieces. That proved to be the right solution."
The Dutch Motorola distributor, Flash Services, delivered a TETRA system and indoor coverage, so the employees both inside and outside of the tubes can communicate securely.
organisation. Dimitri Smet continues, "We are not only extremely satisfied with the TETRA solution, but also with how Flash discussed ideas with us and offered solutions. Flash not only put a system and the necessary links in place, but also introduced improvements to our current technical infrastructure. In short,
As Dimitri Smet, Maintenance Manager for the Liefkenshoek tunnel, explains: "We conducted extensive testing using different telephone handsets, as well as
Full Service Concept The TETRA system is also linked to the Liefkenshoek tunnel telephone exchange so that workers can also easily be reached within the
they relieved us of all of our communication concerns." Guaranteed reception In the Liefkenshoek tunnel, the maintenance service workers use the radios both inside and outside the tunnel tubes. To provide indoor coverage in both tubes, the TETRA system is linked into the existing steel cables, guaranteeing coverage for the radios. This is key to worker safety. The TETRA system provided MTP850S consists of a DAMM SB421 controller, a BS421 carrier and 9 Motorola MTP850S radios. In addition, two MTM800E fixed-mobile radios facilitate indoor coverage and the telephone exchange establishes the link.
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ENISA report recommends improvements to emergency service communications Emergency service organisations need to work more closely with each other, and with the public, including using social media during incidents. That’s according to a new report, Emergency Communications Stocktaking, prepared by Analysys Mason in collaboration with and on behalf of the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA). Analysys Mason was commissioned by ENISA to assess how the technology and processes used in emergency responses could be improved, with the aim of providing guidance to policymakers in EU Member States and EU organisations. The report can be found at http:// www.enisa.europa.eu/media/news-items/report-looks-atimproving-emergency-communications. Communications technology is important for all organisations, but for the emergency services it can be a matter of life and death. The way they communicate internally, and with other emergency responders - can make the difference between an efficient operation and a serious situation turning into a crisis. Emergency Communications Stocktaking is based on a series of interviews conducted with a range of stakeholders working directly in crisis response, as well as representatives from regulatory areas and the ICT industry. The aim was to identify good practice and highlight potential gaps and barriers to effective crisis communications. In post-crisis reviews of major incidents, including the 7/7 bombings in London in 2005, interagency communications are often identified as a problem. The report highlights a range of issues that can contribute to difficulties, and which, if corrected, could make emergency communications far more effective. Issues include the development of different communications standards and practices between, for example, police and ambulance services, and technology failure in crisis situations. The report also suggests that in the age of 24hour news and social media, there should be formal
processes for using electronic information from the public to improve ‘situational awareness’, i.e. to understand how events are developing at an incident in real time. The report makes a series of recommendations to Member State governments, competent authorities, service providers and the bodies of the EU aimed at: • • •
developing improved inter-agency crisis communications technology and procedures defining standards in crisis communications technology and procedures encouraging the uptake of data services in emergency communications, particularly in the area of public interaction.
“ENISA is truly a pace setter for information security in Europe,” commented Duncan Swan, Partner at Analysys Mason. ENISA Building Greece “This report pulls together a wealth of reference material that will be invaluable to organisations not only in Europe, but worldwide, which are involved in Public Protection & Disaster Recovery (PPDR), and emergency communications in particular."
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New Year’s Eve Airwave, the figures released
New Year’s Eve figures released by Airwave, the leading critical voice and data communications provider, show that a total of 276 organisations were connected to the Airwave Network on 31 December 2012. Of these, 83 different organisations in London used the Airwave Network on New Year’s Eve, reducing to 69 organisations the following day. According to Martin Benke, Director Network Operations, Airwave: “Millions of people around the world celebrated the New Year and in London alone an estimated 250,000 people lined the streets. However, as with other events of this magnitude, we anticipated the increased usage on the Network and worked with our customers to formulate a readiness plan.” Martin went on to say that as with all large-scale events, planned or unplanned “we open a conference bridge to enable our customers to contact us directly, so it means we can all be in instant contact with one another”. Metropolitan Police officers made around 1.2 million calls over a 12-hour period, which peaked at over 31,000 calls between 1.45 am and 2.00 am. Approximately 28 calls were made the second the clock struck twelve. Around 10 pm on the evening, the maximum number of radio users recorded on the entire Network over a 15-minute slot was 58,118, with 12,301 in London. This compares with the annual Notting Hill Carnival which has just under 5,000 users, or during the Queen’s Jubilee Thames River Pageant which recorded a total of 25,477 radio terminals connected to the Airwave Network during the full 24-hour period on 3 June.
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Zetron TETRA Console Systems:
At the Heart of What You Do For over 30 years, Zetron console systems have been
Zetron TETRA Console Systems give you: Support for small to large centres
Reliability and high availability.
over 20,000 public safety, rail,
emea@zetron.com or call +44 1256 880 663 www.zetron.com TETRAFlash - 5
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TETRA in North America Piciorgros’ TMO-100 TETRA Data Modem Approved for USA and Canada Funk-Electronic Piciorgros GmbH just received their approval by the FCC for the USA and by the Industry Canada in Canada for their TMO-100 TETRA data modem. After many successful years in the TETRA industry in Europe as well as Asia and Africa, Piciorgros is now keen on entering the North American market. The TMO-100, a SCADA and telemetry data device is the ideal solution for any application in utilities, gas and oil, water and wastewater, and many more with the variety of protocols it supports. Additionally, the DVI-100, which is a digital voice interface could be a beneficial add-on
for TETRA users, to connect two infrastructures with one another, regardless of frequency, manufacturer or geographical location. Now that Piciorgros’ data modem has been approved, they will be exhibiting at three events in North American throughout the next couple of months. “It is important to be present and to show our fantastic product to the people,” said Michael D. Piciorgros, CEO of the company, “and with our amazing partners, we will supply our beneficial products for anyone using TETRA”. With their two partners, Cartel Systems in Vancouver, Canada and Nielson Communications in Green Bay, Wisconsin, Piciorgros is looking forward to entering this new market.
Michael Piciorgros also mentions that “North American utility companies are finally able to use TETRA like the rest of the world has for many years now. This state-of-the-art technology is secure, affordable and – like no other – interoperable with any manufacturer.” Piciorgros will exhibit their data modems at the IWCE in Las Vegas, March 13-14 stand 2562, at the UTC Expo in Houston, May 15-16 stand 635. There will also be a Canadian TETRA Road show planned by the North American TETRA Forum April 23 and 25 in Toronto and Montreal.
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Axell Wireless Bridges the Gap Between WiFi & DAS Fully integrated solution enables DAS and WiFi traffic to share a common cabling infrastructure Axell Wireless, the worldwide provider of wireless coverage solutions, today launched an enhancement to its OMU II (Optical Master Unit II) based DAS systems that will enable any industry standard WiFi access point to share the same backhaul cabling infrastructure. Historically DAS systems have distributed coverage and capacity solutions for in-building applications for every major wireless technology including GSM, UMTS, WCDMA, LTE, P25 and TETRA over a common fibre optic cabling infrastructure. Axell has, and continues to be, an industry pioneer in such solutions. The WiFi vendors have traditionally separately installed “access points” to provide WiFi coverage throughout a building with all their IP backhauls connected via a totally separate cabling system consisting of cat 5 & 6 cable in addition to fibre optic connections. This results in a huge amount of additional cost duplication for the deployment owner whether they are a business or government enterprise or a mobile operator using “WiFi offload” to cope with peak traffic levels. In addition WiFi and DAS systems have been historically procured through totally separate channels making co-ordination, RF design and project management of an overall in-building solution more complex, time consuming and costly. It also means the customer or end user has no one focal point to go to when confronted with RF interferences in the building. Axell’s new WiFi enabled DAS allows building owners and mobile operators to plug in access points either directly into an Axell MBF remote via an RG45 socket or via a standard Ethernet switch which, in turn, serves several access points for a particular area. WiFi traffic is then carried over the Axell DAS fibre connections completely seamlessly and without interference from any traditional wireless technologies such as GSM, WCDMA or LTE. At the DAS “hub” or “Optical Master Unit” (typically located in computer rooms or data
centres) Axell’s solution splits the WiFi IP backhaul traffic from the cellular traffic and re-routes it to any standard Ethernet switch and onwards to an internet or high-speed backhaul service. Axell’s WiFi enabled DAS systems work with all major WiFi access points and associated switch technology. The system is easy to install, flexible and can scale to cope with the most demanding of environments. Both Axell DAS and WiFi vendors’ network management tools remain unaffected and perform in exactly the same manner as when in standalone mode. Through joint sales and marketing arrangements with WiFi vendors and its systems integration partners, Axell expects to be able to offer both enterprises and mobile operators a “one stop shop solution” for all their inbuilding wireless coverage needs thus reducing costs, mitigating RF interferences and simplifying project management complexity for many installations. Although Axell’s WiFi enabled DAS was primarily designed to serve WiFi installations running alongside a DAS solution, it may also provide IP backhaul infrastructure for other devices needing IP backhaul support, including for example small cells or devices such as surveillance cameras which are now installed in many public venues. Ian Brown, CEO, Axell Wireless commented: “For more than forty years Axell has been at the forefront of the development of wireless coverage solutions. Our WiFi enabled DAS solutions are a natural response to demand for coverage solutions that address the full range of wireless connection options but which also reduce the complexity of installation and operation. We’ve overcome some complex technical barriers to deliver a comprehensive solution that has applications in markets around the world”
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Security Solutions
for hazardous workplaces
When implementing a safety and security solution, companies have to know for sure that the selected system satisfies the latest technical guidelines and national regulatory requirements. The infrastructure of such a system solution comprises a variety of components which altogether must maintain the safety of the workforce and also have to meet the specific requirements of the company. Alerting, Localization and TETRA In an emergency there has to be a means to submit a signal notifying an Alarm Control Center (ACC), which initiates an alarm procedure based on location information and the type of alarm.
TETRA Terminals and Integrated Sensors As part of the TETRA Secury System, the Funkwerk FT4S handheld provides mobile personal security for workers in hazardous workplaces, both outdoors and indoors. In addition to standard TETRA functionality, the FT4S features sensors for localization and alarm signal generation. An alarm may be generated manually, by nomotion detection, by position of the radio terminal (man down), by loss of the device or when there is no reaction within a certain time limit. Continuously monitoring the radio contact between ACC and the FT4S terminal adds a further alarm source in case the radio fails to acknowledge a life check. A person in distress can be precisely localized indoors by means of Inductive Localization Beacons (ILB). Working at a low frequency of 65 kHz, coils are utilized for magnetic coupling between transmitter and receiver, i.e. between ILB device and FT4S terminal avoiding signal attenuation due to dielectric losses and reflections.
A prerequisite of paramount importance is a radio system that forms a dependable transport layer for signal exchange and as such connects the worker with the ACC. Funkwerk TETRA Secury System utilizes a TETRA radio network for this purpose. The TETRA Secury System comprises the TETRA Secury Server (the ACC), the radio system TETRA Safe, TETRA handheld terminals and small beacon devices exploiting an inductive lowfrequency localization method.
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Outdoor localization is facilitated by a built-in GPS receiver. As an option, the FT4S is also available as an intrinsically-safe radio, satisfying the demands for the harshest industrial environments. TETRA Safe - Resilient and Scalable The compact system is easy to install and integrates a base station, switching and gateways in a single cabinet. In order to meet the highest security and system availability demands, the main components of TETRA Safe can be implemented redundantly, if required. The system comprises an IP-based architecture and standard interfaces for connections to external applications. Designed for scalability, it has a modular structure and allows flexible expansion. TETRA Secury Server Based on a client-server approach with multiclient capability the Secury software runs on a professional server PC, designed for 24/7 continuous operation. Alarms are evaluated and forwarded to the connected clients. Simultaneously, notifications are sent out to FT4S terminals and optionally to pagers. Furthermore, notifications may be submitted also as an e-mail or SMS, or even as a command to an external alarm system, e.g. to fire alarm or sirens. At the client workstation, alarms and locations are visualized using maps and floor plans. The client software enables efficient alarm management by guiding the operator step-bystep through the alarm procedure.
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Critical Communications Solutions
Reliability Availability Safety
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News Hytera Mobilfunk Expands the TETRA Radio System of the Security Authorities in Macedonia Hytera Mobilfunk GmbH expands the existing TETRA radio system in Macedonia by 26 base stations, exchange nodes and state-of-the-art IP technology. The network is used by the Macedonian security authorities for public safety. Together with the partner Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN), Hytera Mobilfunk GmbH delivered the TETRA radio system of the security authorities in Macedonia as early as in 2008, then still under the name of "Rohde & Schwarz Professional Mobile Radio GmbH". The first installation of the network comprised 42 base stations, redundant exchange nodes and network management features as well as control centre technology made by NSN. In 2012, Hytera Mobilfunk GmbH was awarded the contract to expand the network by further base stations within the context of a tendering process to augment the service area with ACCESSNET-T IP. The network expansion comprises 26 TETRA base stations of the type DIB-500 R4.1, a completely IP-based TETRA exchange IP Node as well as workstation computers to administrate the radio system. In addition,
the existing control centres were modernised and provided with new features (GIS/AVL). The special feature to be emphasized is that with ACCESSNET-T IP, the new network constituents are completely networked with each other via a completely IP-based network. E1-links can still be used in the existing network. The link between the new network segment and the existing network is implemented by a CS/IP bridge that permits Hytera's customers to expand their existing networks with the state-of-the-art ACCESSNET-T IP at any time. The project handling division of Hytera Mobilfunk was able to implement the installation of the network as well as the integration of the new network elements at the end of 2012, thus beating the customer's schedule by two months. Apart from delivering the TETRA infrastructure, Hytera Mobilfunk GmbH was also responsible for rendering the entire location fit for the expansion (mast,service room). Since the acceptance test, the TETRA system has been operating in test mode and will go live at the beginning of February in the presence of high-ranking EU representatives.
New CEO at Germany's Leading Provider of Professional Mobile Radio Systems Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Klausing is the new CEO of Hytera Mobilfunk GmbH. As the successor of Dr. Georg Haubs, he took on the corporate management on November 1, 2012. Matthias Klausing started his career with Hytera Mobilfunk GmbH (previously known as Rohde & Schwarz Professional Mobile Radio GmbH or R&S BICK Mobilfunk GmbH) in 1995. He was significantly involved in the development of the ACCESSNET-T IP TETRA system and was appointed vice president Research & Development in August 2008.
His predecessor Dr. Georg Haubs took on the company management as a successor of the company founder Heinz Bick in 2007. "Apart from his function as the manager of the Research & Development department, Matthias Klausing was decisively involved in the creation of an effective product management and lately also in restructuring the project handling. I am pleased to be able to hand over the management to an internal successor who is highly qualified and experienced. From my work with Matthias Klausing I know that the company will be well looked after."
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Digital Radio BOS: Exchange of experiences among practitioners At Critical Communications Expo (CCExpo) in October forces of public safety authorities and organisations (German acronym: BOS) have for the first time the opportunity to exchange their existing experiences with Hamburg’s emergency forces. Hamburg‘s project manager Günter Krebs: „The set up of the network was a little stressful, but the effort was worth it. Naturally, there is a lot of work ahead with such a big project. But one thing is certain: digital radio is working well, has proven itself in large scale operations and is further developed.“ Hamburg is using the digital radio since 2006. First in a net that was specifically rented for the Football World Cup, since 2007 in the nationwide net. After a couple of years of testing Hamburg’s emergency forces are convinced at least since the beginning of 2012: digital radio is indispensable.
Hamburg’s fire brigade is using the tunnel radio of the underground and the emergency ambulance is employed GPS supported. The police have replaced all old radio channels with it, large scale operations have been handled with it and slowly there is a certain routine. Ambulances get their place of action via SDS to their navigation devices etc. Now it’s time for technical discussions. For this reason Hamburg will participate in CCExpo in October focussing on the use of digital radio for fire brigades and rescue services. CCExpo is the branch event for mission critical communications, professional mobile radio (PMR) and control rooms – independent of technology or manufacturer and neutral to associations. It takes place 23rd and 24th October 2013 in Hamburg-Schnelsen under the patronage of Michael Neumann, Senator (Minister) of the Interior and Sports of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. It is the 13th event covering the topic of mission critical information and communications of the specialist event organiser Exhibition & Marketing Wehrstedt GmbH (EMW). The 10th Control Room Congress,
that had taken place in Cologne the previous years, will also be organised in the frame of CCExpo 2013 on 24th October. As in previous years it is moderated by Gerhard Schulz, Head special IT-operations, Police Hamburg; Head project Control Rooms, Project Group BOS Hamburg (Head working group Control Rooms). CCExpo offers reports on indoor coverage radio systems, procurement issues, legal questions, operation, infrastructure projects, technical guidelines for control rooms, introduction of eCall, standardization, vocational training as well as future technologies. Additionally, projects from Germany‘s neighbouring countries are presented. Parallel the coordination conference of Federal and Länder project leaders of BOS digital radio (AbKo) has decided to hold its session on 23rd October parallel to CCExpo. The President of the Federal Agency for Digital Radio of Security Authorities and Organisations (BDBOS), Rolf Krost, gives a report on BOS-net in the Communications Congress of CCExpo.
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In addition the Hamburg fire brigade organises its annual technical seminar on digital radio on 22nd October. The organizer will invite these participants afterwards to CCExpo. And the international Cassidian (EADS) User Group Conference will take place 24th and 25th October in Hamburg. The organiser, that has successfully established PMRExpo with permanent growth over 12 years and developed the event to a leading international show in the field of professional mobile radio, creates with CCExpo a platform especially for all forms of mission critical information and communications. CCExpo 2013 combines a specialised trade fair, a Communications Congress and the 10th Control Room Congress. In addition we offer a specialist dealer forum in the exhibition hall, short presentations of exhibitor highlights and a blue lights-forum for the exchange between all participants from government and private-sector side. The competence in this field is now meeting in Hamburg this year.
CCExpo specifically picks up issues of non-police BOS, i.e. fire brigade, rescue services and civil protection on Federal, Länder and municipal level. Of course CCExpo is Germany’s information and exchange platform not only for BOS, the „mothers and fathers“ of professional mobile radio. It also addresses the other target groups for mission critical information and communications: Energy, Local Public Transport, Industry, Transport and Traffic, Finance industry and Health. Hamburg as a centre of technology, media, production and world trade offers the best conditions to have an extended international impact. Apart from the Western neighbouring countries we also address in particular Scandinavia and increasingly Central and Eastern Europe. Especially in Scandinavian countries there are a number of projects and experiences, whose presentation in the frame of CCExpo will enhance the international exchange on the subject of critical communications.
CCExpo is the branch event for mission critical communications, professional mobile radio (PMR) and control rooms – independent of technology or manufacturer and neutral to associations.
All details for CCExpo are available up-to-date on our website: www.CCExpo.de
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Zetron DCS-5020 Now Includes IP Connectivity and Motorola TETRA Interface The new release of Zetron’s DCS-5020 console system includes IP capabilities, an interface to Motorola’s MTM5400 TETRA radio, improves console development features, and improves language support. Zetron recently announced the new release of its DCS-5020 Digital Console System. Key features and benefits of the release include:
• The ability to use Zetron Radio-over-IP (RoIP) technology to connect console positions over an IP network. This allows console positions located anywhere on a connected IP network or multiple control centres to connect to a single communications system over IP while still maintaining the system’s core resiliency. In the past, such connections would have required expensive, dedicated link cabling across each site.
• A new Motorola MTM5400 TETRA radio interface connects to Motorola’s most current TETRA radio and utilizes the feature-rich Peripheral Equipment Interface (PEI) standard.
• An updated console development environment and updated language-support tools allow the console to utilize advanced graphical user interface (GUI) features. They also fully support Unicode and add improved language support and handling to the DCS-5020s already extensive language capabilities.
“The new release of the DCS-5020 adds important IP capabilities that greatly enhance the system’s flexibility, cost effectiveness and ability to meet customers’ network requirements, now and into the future,” said Zetron VP of product management, Kathy Broadwell. “The system’s updated language and GUI capabilities give the intuitive screen design a new look and feel and make it easier to add additional languages. And the new Motorola TETRA radio interface reinforces the DCS-5020’s position at the forefront of wireless TETRA technology, providing customers with the most up-to-date and inexpensive way to interface a dispatch console to an existing TETRA network.”
“The new Motorola TETRA radio interface reinforces the DCS-‐5020’s posi?on at the forefront of wireless TETRA technology.” Kathy Broadwell, V.P. of Product Management
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WE KNOW TETRA COVERAGE - Smart TETRA repeaters to enhance coverage in extremes -
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