About the successful integration of TETRA with LTE
First TETRA Radio for hazardous mining environments
TEAM solution reducing “Batman Factor” for hospital communications
2 2013
Featured articles... 03
TEAM solution reduces the “Batman factor”
Five reasons for deploying TETRA
The world’s first radio for hazardous mining environments
2way radio and network as-aservice
The latest news on antenna design
LTEtra Node - a LTE/TETRA solution
Stop Noise’s comprehensive range of accessories TETRAflash - 1
Zetron TETRA Console Systems:
At the Heart of What You Do For over 30 years, Zetron console systems have been
Zetron TETRA Console Systems give you: Support for small to large centres
Reliability and high availability.
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emea@zetron.com or call +44 1256 880 663 www.zetron.com TETRAflash - 2
TEAM solution Reduces “The Batman Factor” Can TETRA be used on a company-network? Is it possible to mix a TETRA two-way radio with an existing PBX and WLAN? “Yes”, says Arend Massier, manager at Motorola Solutions distributor Selecsys.
Can TETRA be used on a company-network? Is it possible to mix a TETRA two-way radio with an existing PBX and WLAN? “Yes”, says Arend Massier, manager at Motorola Solutions-distributor Selecsys. With their socalled TEAM-product all communications can be centered in one solution. “When you choose TEAM solution to deliver mobile voice and data to workers inside your facility, you get the most comprehensive and flexible communication solution available today.” There is a term called “The Batman Factor”, and it is not a positive term. It stands for the number of items somebody has hanging on his belt: two-way radio, cell phone, handheld computer and so on. The more techstuff hangs on the belt, the sillier he looks. And off course, a high Batman Factor will also mean the person is less agile. Arend Massier, manager at Motorola-distributor Selecsys, has seen it happen. At a hospital nurses walk around with three devices to communicate with the ER (via the inhouse PBX), with an ambulance (via TETRA) and her agenda (via WLAN). “Especially on busy hours, when injured people must be helped, the nurses could not communicate. It is almost a paradox: all those devices and no good communication, only because the nurse was too busy trying to find out what device she could use.” Another example. At a factory, engineers inside the production area must be able to talk to a supervisor, but he also has to connect to the computer for updating workschemes. Next to that, he will have to be able to call for an emergency if anything goes wrong, using a Pushto-Talk-button (PTT).
Smarter “All the devices should be interoperable with each other”, says Massier. “Therefor we offer an integrated voice- and data solution called TEAM. What does TEAM, a Motorola Solutions-product, do? With Motorola’s TEAM solution, you can give your employees anywhere, anytime access to the key mobile business services. This way employees can work smarter and more efficient.
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TEAM integrates PBX-based telephony, so one can extend deskphone services to mobile workers. It is possible to enable private (one-to-one) and group (one-to-many) calls; define up to 255 dispatch groups to reach entire departments and specific teams at the press of a button. These are push-to-talk (PTT) services. A worker can keep in touch and on top of schedules, corporate email, calendar, address book and other personal information management (PiM) applications. With TEAM text messaging services, for fast, effective communications between workers within the WLAN are possible. It gives internet and intranet access, for easy access to web-based applications and information as needed throughout the business day. Also the workers can have instant access to business-critical server-based applications, allowing workers to view customer data, place orders, check inventory and more – wherever they happen to be. And finally there is a fixed Mobile convergence (FMc) services. You can connect workers inside and outside the four walls by extending PBX-based telephony and PTT services over the cellular network to select third party smartphones. Connected Massier: “The TEAM solution overlays onto your existing technology architecture, allowing the easy extension of TEAM
services over the WLAN as well as the cellular and two-way radio networks. The result is a single common platform that enables voice and data services on and between different mobile devices connected to different networks. With our TEAM solution, everyone on your team is connected — to each other, to supervisors, to customers and to your business data — enabling a new level of collaboration for a sharper competitive advantage. And not only are your workers connected, they are connected with a single device. Life for users is simplified, and the cost and complexity of mobility is reduced. When you choose Motorola’s TEAM solution to deliver mobile voice and data to workers inside your facility, you get the most comprehensive and flexible communication solution available today.” With the TEAM solution, the workforce achieves peak productivity, allowing one to realize maximum utilization of one of the most valuable assets — the workforce. In addition, by unifying multiple point solutions into a single mobility architecture, there are fewer devices to purchase and manage, reducing capital and operational expenses. Centralized administration and management of your entire mobility solution further reduces operational costs. And the ability to utilize an existing PBX and WLAN improves the return on investment (ROI) and total cost of ownership (TCO) for current technology investments.
TETRA And how does TETRA fit in a PBXand WLAN-situation? The quality of TETRA are numerous and complementary to an existing system. During a voice call, the communications are not interrupted when moving to another network site. This is a unique feature which TETRA networks typically provide a number of fall-back modes such as the ability for a base station to process local calls. So called 'mission critical' networks can be built with TETRA where all aspects are fail-safe/multiple-redundant. In the absence of a network mobiles/ portables can use 'direct mode' whereby they share channels directly (walkie-talkie mode). Unlike cellular technologies, which connect one subscriber to one other subscriber (one-to-one), TETRA is built to do one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many. These operational modes are directly relevant to the public safety and professional users. The time to set up a call is extremely short (300 500 msec). TEAM doesn't replace the network in use. TEAM adds critical communications.
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5 reasons for deploying TETRA
White paper
As many of you know, Tetra is the present day standard for either digital private mobile radio (PMR), and public access mobile radio (PAMR). The program provides several advantages to its clients, such as protection, versatility, faster call set up, and ease-of-use. The term tetra stands for terrestrial trunked radio, and has been initially developed for the utilization of first responders. Its rate happens to be one of its most favored capabilities. Tetra Radios Present A lot more Capabilities The tetra radio presently supplies much more features than other private portable radio devices, which is these attributes which have aided make it so well-liked. An instant call set up time could be essential in emergency scenarios. The group
communications port presents special setting operation among units, using the touch of a single key. Its packet data and transport services make facts delivery much quicker than probable on hand held phones. The enhanced protection features feature call retaining, call blocking, and incoming call diversion. Three Obtainable Operation Modalities The tetra program presents its customers a choice involving three unique functioning modes by which to use their interaction system. In most cases utilized setting is the voice plus data setting, that allows for shifting between speech and information transmissions, and will possibly support both about the same frequency. Special function operation is utilized for interaction among two units and may help each of those speech and info for both. Packet data optimized mode provides the consumer enable you to solely send out data across the airwaves, with more extreme safety verification. Faster Files And Conversation Transmissions For businesses that rely on considerable amounts of both speech and information transmissions, touch of radios ought to be the connection device of choice. The system utilizes TDMA strategies, that permit each route to be divided into slots for optimal transmission. Speech sent through the system is digitized, so that either voice and data are transmitted in the same format, and fitted into one of four slots set aside for each
channel. This permits for both data and conversation to be dispatched at a rate quicker than the typical mobile phone can perform. Transmissions More Secure The information sent through tetra system is modulated utilizing differential phase shift keying. This process shifts the phase of the typical RF provider in a couple of ways which are strained to get rid of any side bands which may be expanded out beyond the assigned bandwidth, and corrupted. This filtering ensures the purity of the information acquired, while safeguarding it from potential hacking and diversion from outside resources. Faster Connection Times Employing a combination of private portable radio service, and also public access mobile radio service, the whole call setup time frame has been drastically decreased, and is now smaller than a two-way radio could commonly accomplish. Activation of a call will occur within just 300 ms, only 150 ms in direct setting functioning. Bearing in mind that these systems were first created for first responders and other sudden crews, it is no question that enterprises attended to depend on its rate and precision in connecting.
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The world's first TETRA Radio for hazardous mining environments German TETRA product manufacturer Funkwerk Security Communications GmbH has released the world’s first TETRA radio for use in hazardous underground mining and tunneling environments. The rugged FT4 S EX TETRA radio is already IECEx- and ATEX-approved and is now also certified for M2 mining. “Not only is this the only TETRA radio on the market that offers mining certification, it is also the world’s only radio that integrates enhanced personal emergency features in combination with indoor localization,” stated Thorsten Flügge, TETRA Product Manager of Funkwerk. He added that “in combination with its integral, situation-oriented TSS security system, the Funkwerk solution has
been safety tested in accordance with German Employer’s Liability Insurance Association BGR 139 rules and is certified for hazardous mining environments according to IECEx Mining M2, Gas IIC T4 and Dust IIIG.” Remote switch-off function Of particular significance in mining and tunneling environments is that the FT4 S Ex radio is also equipped with a remote switch-off function, which can be activated whenever the parameters of the M2 working conditions in the mine are exceeded. The Funkwerk FT4 Ex radios have also achieved various intrinsic safety approvals such as ATEX (European standard), IECEx (International standard) and GOST R (Russian standard). ANZ, FM and CSA approvals are in progress.
expect the best from us, including products and services that comfortably cope with the rigors of the most demanding professional applications. TETRA is one of the most important communication technologies used internationally, combining crystal clear voice, operational data transfer, machine-tomachine communication and personal safety features in a single handset. What’s more, the intrinsically safe models in our product range are not only technically suitable but also legal for use in hazardous working environments. We have the unique capability to bring the many benefits that TETRA has to offer to the hazardous underground mining and tunneling industries.”
Unique capability Funkwerk CEO Roland Hünteler went on to say that “Funkwerk’s clients
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improve modern-day mining methods Funkwerk’s TSS hazardous mining communication and safety solution is designed to significantly improve modern-day mining methods and to provide operators with unrivaled communication and safety solutions. Thorsten Flügge explained that “Funkwerk’s TSS system will help mine operators to meet their safety obligations and increase productivity. By incorporating important security and safety features combined with underground localization, an emergency button, and advanced motion-sensing technology to generate no-movement or man-down alerts, Funkwerk’s FT4 radios make it easy to keep track of lone workers and initiate a fast response in the event of an emergency.” Extended features Beside enhanced personal emergency and safety functions, the TSS system also offers features such as tagging and the ability to count miners in especially hazardous zones. Instant system-wide broadcast messaging and reliable, precise detection of personnel and vehicles using LF magnetic fields come at little or no extra cost – adding up to a highly attractive value proposition.
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2Way radio & network as-a-service There's a great deal going on at Entropia Digital. Recently the enterprise caused a huge stir in the world of two-way radios by wanting to accredit 15,000 TETRA radios via a tweet. Shortly thereafter they announced setting up a TETRA network together with KPN Critical Communications and Motorola, and in the meanwhile they've introduced an operator model. What's happening in Bruges? Philip Vercruysse and Rik Bailliu are relaxing in the spacious conference room of their new offices. Although there's still some work to be done an enormous television set is parked against a wall awaiting installation the building radiates a kind of power. Is it perhaps because the office sticks out somewhat above the tops of the adjacent offices and the rooms at Entropia Digital look out across this part of Bruges like a penthouse? Philip Vercruysse is the CEO who founded Entropia Digital 23 years ago with an investment of €250. As a minority shareholder Rik Bailliu is a co-owner who is responsible for Entropia Digital's commercial routes. The duo are seated at the table as real winners. That's understandable. After having sent the accreditation invitation for 15,000 radios, the collaborations between Motorola, KPN Critical Communications and the 'operator model', the Belgian network owner seems to have found the proper flow. Congratulations on your successful achievement. You've not been this strong for quite a
while. Finding funds In times of crisis business is pretty difficult. What's been the reason for you being on the right track now? Vercruysse: “I can quite understand that there was doubt about our commercial and financial strength. And it's not always been so prosperous. However, there have been demonstrable reasons for this. Until 2005 we'd always managed quite well and there wasn't a problem. In that year, together with an investor, we were granted a Telecom Agency licence for an analogue network. We set up that network step by step, but then suddenly the former minister Guusje Ter Horst, said that there was no alternative for the C2000 system in the market. While we were rolling out a network and also having an obligation to rolling it out.” Bailliu: “What we did was reinvest every euro that we earned into the network. That's not favourable for one's cash flow. But on the other hand, by continuously rolling out, you've suddenly got a network that's worth €12.5 million. Vercruysse: “What we actually did was undertake long term investments
with short-term cash flow. In retrospect it's successful, but it's also very risky. And finding funds was pretty difficult, but we got there in the end.” What is the current financial status? Vercruysse: Since 30 June we no longer have debts and we've acquired a substantial capital by means of the Crowd funding principle. And the funds that we do have, are reused to roll out the network even further. We don't need a bank for this.” Bailliu: “With the current positive financial status we can utilise the network very well. In the forthcoming decade we have a perfect supply for the market. At the end of 2013 all redundant switches, including the first 100 masts, must be converted or built. In the first half of 2014 another 100 masts will be added. The old Dimetra 5.2 TETRA network is comprehensively being replaced by the new state-of-the-art Dimetra 8.2 network. This will significantly accelerate Entropia's countrywide roll out plan.”
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Vercruysse: “Yes, that's right. But we go a step further, by also providing a service like the swap formula. Our slogan used to be: you don't need to invest in infrastructure. Our slogan today is: you don't need to invest in infrastructure and peripheral equipment.” Bailliu: “And the peripheral equipment includes the radio, the guarantee, the battery, and a protective cover. Everything's complete, the client's been taken care of.”
Great, then you have a network. What then? An operator model? Vercruysse: “The operator model is a deliberate strategic choice. We're busy with a marketing plan to put Entropia Digital's services into the marketplace.” Bailliu: “We're focusing on coverage. That's our product: radio coverage, both indoors as well as outdoors. Where it concerns indoor coverage, we can deliver customization. How Accelerate! What's the rush? Vercruysse: “Up to now we've always built everything ourselves, but that takes time. Nowadays we outsource more; we've selected a company that will build the masts for us. They work according to a fixed pattern, a kind of Entropia Design Guide.” Bailliu: “We've standardized the construction of the sites. Every site will be given a standard look and feel, designed on the requirements that we and our users demand from a network.” Soon will there be a nationally covering network? Vercruysse: “The countrywide coverage is almost in place. The Entropia network will be ready by about June 2014.” Great, then you have a network. What then? An operator model?
Vercruysse: “The operator model
is a deliberate strategic choice. We're busy with a marketing plan to put Entropia Digital's services into the marketplace.” Bailliu: “We're focusing on coverage. That's our product: radio coverage, both indoors as well as outdoors. Where it concerns indoor coverage, we can deliver customisation. Outdoors has already been achieved via our radio coverage. Radios are our first step. This is followed by telemetry.” Two-Way-Radios as a product. How should I see that in absolute terms? Vercruysse: “A customer arrives with a need for communications. He wants communications in a region, or on a site, or countrywide, that doesn't matter. He leaves with a service-providing contract including the hardware. A TETRA radio is included in the subscription. When the radio is faulty, then there's a socalled swap formula. He can simply exchange the radio.” Bailliu: “In brief: the user gets the services and the radios as part of the subscription fee.” Can I compare it with my contract with the telephone provider, where I get a free iPhone and pay a subscription fee?
You recently called for 15,000 TETRA radios in a tweet. What kind of order was that? Vercruysse: “We requested an accreditation for 15,000 TETRA radios. We need those radios to be able to migrate all analogue clients to digital in a couple of years. That would be for all our current clients. In addition there are now some projects in which the clients are doubting to take the necessary steps to switch because of a costly capex (investment in nonconsumables, ed.). They don't need to concern themselves about those costs anymore, we've already made the investments. And thirdly we foresee growth taking place on a national level. We want to be prepared for that.” Bailliu: “With our network we can deliver customized communications without the clients having to worry about infrastructure and radios. We'll need good radios for that. Plenty of good radios. So we called on the market to see who wants to or who can deliver those radios. We evaluate the quality of the equipment so that we're sure that our clients get the best. We sought three batches of 5,000 radios.” And, have you had any responses to the tweet? Vercruysse: “A number of suppliers have subsequently presented themselves. Our intention was to reach a market which, in essence, is very internationally oriented. We'd previously tried to explain that we really wanted to accredit a whole lot of radios, but nobody had responded. It was via this tweet that we ended up amongst the higher echelons of the suppliers. This tweet worked.”
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Antenna Design Antennentechnik Bad Blankenburg introducing the Shark fin antenna Antennentechnik Bad Blankenburg is a medium seized company based in the city of Bad Blankenburg Germany. The company is specialized on the development, production and supply of a comprehensive range of antennas. One of the latest additions to the TETRA range of antennas, features a shark fin design with thoroughly mechanical finalization and indubitable performance. It is a combination of TETRA (380-400 MHz /406-410 MHz) and GPS to use for navigation systems and Tetra services, and coming up with GSM addition to the same combination what offers a unique proposition, merging TETRA, GPS and GSM in a single shark fin module. The antenna comes with different mounting systems suitable for different holes and car models. Stationary antenna The 380-470 MHz stationary antenna suitable for indoor and outdoor use comes as a perfect solution for covered antenna. In a very thin and smart shape is particularly suitable for covered installation on / in vehicles. In connection to our TETRA DIPLEXER becomes a 2 function antenna system. Taxi antennas Last but not least we are proud to present the full range of ‘’taxi’’ antennas offering a solution that satisfies the demands of all our customers in application ranging and covering all frequency demands on the European markets. From the simple 2m/70cm-Band to combinations with GSM, UMTS, SRD 868 and GPS into one single-hole, roof-mount antenna suitable for taxis, buses, emergency service and police vehicles.
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a LTE/TETRA solution Rohill, specialized in the development, production and sales of professional mobile communication infrastructures recently announced two pilot installations of its LTEtraNode system (a LTE/TETRA solution). To demonstrate their innovative communications solutions to international users Rohill has teamed up with two telecommunication operator companies. The pilots will be based upon public LTE to be integrated with TETRA networks and serve the mutual needs of mission critical and broadband of the blue light user groups. One pilot will be hosted in Europe where the other one will be located outside. Further details will be communicated in separate announcements. As one of the leading providers of critical communication Rohill has successfully integrated TETRA with LTE from Huawei and AlcatelLucent and is working on integration with two further LTE platform suppliers. Besides integration with public LTE, Rohill is also working on private LTE solutions subject to availability of frequency spectrum and commits itself to support all leading LTE equipment providers. “After the Critical Communication World exhibition in Paris this year
we have received a very positive feedback and many inquiries for our innovative LTEtraNode solution. Rohill has been leading this industry and two years ago on Budapest Critical Communication World we have introduced LTE integration and have maintained our technology leading position in the mission critical wireless industry since then. Rohill sees heterogeneous network solutions as the future for country wide mission critical communication networks. For this Rohill fully supports open network and modern IP switching technology on carrier grade platforms. The strong advantage for the user is an integrated solution for voice and data according the TETRA feature set with support of broadband data applications. We are excited to make the next step now and work on two pilot installations in 2013 to integrate our solutions with private and public operator-based LTE networks� says Bert Bouwers, CTO of Rohill. The LTE/TETRA solution enables the mission critical end user to access the same data capacity and capabilities that already have been successfully introduced for public networks. This together with equipment that meets the mission critical requirements in relation to the availability, reliability and encryption makes it an interesting solution for customers. The LTEtraNode solution and future developments will not only aim for the public safety market but for the whole enterprise market like
transportation, utilities, oil & gas and industry. TETRA (Terrestrial Trunked Radio) communication standard is widely used and deployed for mission and business critical voice communications. TETRA provides significant advantages compared to other radio systems, such as the voice quality, the communication features (trunking, priority/ preemption, encryption, recording, etc.) and its interoperability capabilities. Private Mobile Radio (PMR) network users increasingly would like to utilize critical communications-specific broadband applications to improve quality of response and to improve efficiency. LTE (Long Term Evolution), also known as 4G offers much higher uplink and downlink data rates lower latency (allowing a call setup time which is better than what can be achieved by the TETRA standard) and high-speed mobility compared to other access technologies. These features make the technology suitable for building the next-generation mission critical communications networks and applications. The networks are capable of delivering highbandwidth and demanding applications such as video-based situational awareness, monitoring and interventional applications.
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Critical Communications Solutions
Reliability Availability Safety
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Since 1995 Stop Noise Finland Ltd has been developing and manufacturing accessories for TETRA terminals. Over the last few years, the company has introduced the 3 in1 Multi Handset RSM for audio, data and images with success and the company has enhanced its portfolio with a range of accessories. Oy Stop Noise Finland Ltd. has been developing and manufacturing accessories for TETRA terminals since 1995. During the years, their R&D has produced a wide range of accessories to be used in demanding environments by various customers. As an example, Stop Noise has delivered products to many organizations operating in the mission critical environment. Recently the company moved premises in order to support their growth, they started social media activities in order to keep their customers engaged and exhibited during the Critical Communications Middle East as well as the latest Critical Communications World in Paris. The company is focused to design and produce products that are ergonomic, strong and safe, ease of use and durability in rough conditions and product development is for Stop Noise a continuing process to follow up the changing needs of their customers.
As the product development is strongly customer oriented the company has developed many new accessories based on customer feedback. Furthermore, Stop Noise has developed handsets for portable and mobile TETRA radios ranging from basic speaker microphones to advanced models such as the Multi Handset. Accessories Over the years, the company has grown its accessory portfolio and is now able to deliver a complete range of accessories for many users of TETRA radios. Even now, the company is constantly developing new innovative accessories to help improve the TETRA users’ performance. Some of the accessories the company has developed are: • • • • • •
Light headsets special (tactical products) Ear defender headsets chargers Terminal holders Connectivity
Stop Noise accessories can be connected to most TETRA terminals. Cassidian THR9 and THR880 series, Sepura STP8000 series and Motorola MTP850 series just to name a few of the popular radio's.
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News Update Sepura announced at GPEC Asia, the largest event in the Asian region for suppliers to public safety organisations, the launch of its new, ground-breaking noise-eliminating solution NN5. NN5 is specifically designed to help covert teams operate in environments with high levels of electromagnetic interference; it eliminates noise in places such as cars, vans, trains, factories and shopping centres where covert teams often experience interference. The NN5 solution comprises a range of discreet earpieces and a specially-designed facility connector. Its transmitter uses a novel, specialised audio signal modulation method, specifically developed to provide optimum performance in conjunction with the advanced digital signal processing implemented in the NN5 digital wireless receiver. As a result, the NN5 achieves outstanding speech quality across the whole spectrum of covert applications where standard inductive devices are inoperable. The NN5 earpiece is also the smallest discreet earpiece on the market. Commenting on the launch, Jonathan Hamill, Director of Covert Specialist Solutions at Sepura, said: “Covert operatives have experienced background noise in vehicles and other places with high electro-magnetic interference for years. The NN5 solves this problem. This means that covert teams will be able to communicate clearly and effectively in locations where the inability to eliminate noise posed significant issues.
By eliminating noise interference and providing a small, discreet earpiece, the NN5 is the ideal and seamlessly integrated solution for covert teams and enables them to operate safely. “ Hamill concluded: “Sepura is the undisputed leader in the global covert market. The launch of the NN5 demonstrates our commitment to technological development and our ability to listen to customer issues and deliver innovative, well thought-out solutions”.
Motorola Solutions to announce Applications Forum The AppForum brings together Motorola's application partners from Enterprise, WNS, TETRA and PCR to participate in a melting pot of detailed breakout sessions, hands-on labs, a product fair and of course the opportunity to network with your peers and Motorola experts. Last year Motorola introduced the RhoMobile application development suite to give their Application Partners a viable option to be able to offer cross platform applications and AppForum2013 will be the best opportunity for developers to get hands-on experience of the recently launched v4. New for 2013, Motorola will run a RhoMobile Hackathon on the evening of the first day (5th Nov) in conjunction with WIP (Wireless Industry Partnership http://www.wipconnector.com/). A prize will be given for the top app. Also new in 2013 will be “Developer Discussion Zones” - small informal areas equipped with a white board - so you can bring your ideas or issues and discuss with your fellow developers. Over 3 days the company will be running presentations on a whole host of developer topics across the technology tracks - giving you the flexibility to join us for all or part of the event. Running the tracks in parallel will give you the chance to take a look at the different platforms and decide if these offer even more opportunities for you to expand your horizons. TETRAflash - 16
Critical Communications Expo Digital Radio BOS: Exchange of experiences among practitioners At Critical Communications Expo (CCExpo) in October forces of public safety authorities and organisations (German acronym: BOS) have for the first time the opportunity to exchange their existing experiences with Hamburg’s emergency forces. Hamburg‘s project manager Günter Krebs: „The set up of the network was a little stressful, but the effort was worth it. Naturally, there is a lot of work ahead with such a big project. But one thing is certain: digital radio is working well, has proven itself in large scale operations and is further developed.“ Hamburg is using the digital radio since 2006. First in a net that was specifically rented for the Football World Cup, since 2007 in the nationwide net. After a couple of years of testing Hamburg’s emergency forces are convinced at least since the beginning of 2012: digital radio is indispensable.
Hamburg’s fire brigade is using the tunnel radio of the underground and the emergency ambulance is employed GPS supported. The police have replaced all old radio channels with it, large scale operations have been handled with it and slowly there is a certain routine. Ambulances get their place of action via SDS to their navigation devices etc.
The 10th Control Room Congress, that had taken place in Cologne the previous years, will also be organised in the frame of CCExpo 2013 on 24th October. As in previous years it is moderated by Gerhard Schulz, Head special IT-operations, Police Hamburg; Head project Control Rooms, Project Group BOS Hamburg (Head working group Control Rooms).
Now it’s time for technical discussions. For this reason Hamburg will participate in CCExpo in October focussing on the use of digital radio for fire brigades and rescue services.
CCExpo offers reports on indoor coverage radio systems, procurement issues, legal questions, operation, infrastructure projects, technical guidelines for control rooms, introduction of eCall, standardization, vocational training as well as future technologies. Additionally, projects from Germany‘s neighbouring countries are presented.
CCExpo is the branch event for mission critical communications, professional mobile radio (PMR) and control rooms – independent of technology or manufacturer and neutral to associations. It takes place 23rd and 24th October 2013 in HamburgSchnelsen under the patronage of Michael Neumann, Senator (Minister) of the Interior and Sports of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. It is the 13th event covering the topic of mission critical information and communications of the specialist event organiser Exhibition & Marketing Wehrstedt GmbH (EMW).
Parallel the coordination conference of Federal and Länder project leaders of BOS digital radio (AbKo) has decided to hold its session on 23rd October parallel to CCExpo. The President of the Federal Agency for Digital Radio of Security Authorities and Organisations (BDBOS), Rolf Krost, gives a report on BOS-net in the Communications Congress of CCExpo.
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In addition the Hamburg fire brigade organises its annual technical seminar on digital radio on 22nd October. The organizer will invite these participants afterwards to CCExpo. And the international Cassidian (EADS) User Group Conference will take place 24th and 25th October in Hamburg. The organiser, that has successfully established PMRExpo with permanent growth over 12 years and developed the event to a leading international show in the field of professional mobile radio, creates with CCExpo a platform especially for all forms of mission critical information and communications. CCExpo 2013 combines a specialised trade fair, a Communications Congress and the 10th Control Room Congress. In addition we offer a specialist dealer forum in the exhibition hall, short presentations of exhibitor highlights and a blue lights-forum for the exchange between all participants from government and private-sector side. The competence in this field is now meeting in Hamburg this year.
CCExpo specifically picks up issues of non-police BOS, i.e. fire brigade, rescue services and civil protection on Federal, Länder and municipal level. Of course CCExpo is Germany’s information and exchange platform not only for BOS, the „mothers and fathers“ of professional mobile radio. It also addresses the other target groups for mission critical information and communications: Energy, Local Public Transport, Industry, Transport and Traffic, Finance industry and Health. Hamburg as a centre of technology, media, production and world trade offers the best conditions to have an extended international impact. Apart from the Western neighbouring countries we also address in particular Scandinavia and increasingly Central and Eastern Europe. Especially in Scandinavian countries there are a number of projects and experiences, whose presentation in the frame of CCExpo will enhance the international exchange on the subject of critical communications. All details for CCExpo are available up-to-date on our website: www.CCExpo.de
CCExpo is the branch event for mission critical communications, professional mobile radio (PMR) and control rooms – independent of technology or manufacturer and neutral to associations.
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WE KNOW TETRA COVERAGE - Smart TETRA repeaters to enhance coverage in extremes -
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