World Congress News The 6th TETRA World Congress
Wednesday, November 26, 2003
TETRA MoU Association briefs the press Contracts growing, significant interest in TETRA around the world and cross border communications a success between Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. At the Association’s annual Press Briefing on Tuesday 25th, the Association’s CEO along with members of the Board and Ray Ginman, the outgoing Chair, presented a number of significant milestones for TETRA from the past year. The positive news builds on the healthy state of the market - 84% contract growth identified in the latest review carried out by the Association. MoU Board Member Charly Hengevoss of R&S Bick said, “More and more people are using the TETRA toolkit to solve their
communication problems around the world”. Testing across borders The Three Country Pilot (3CP) that took place in Aachen, Luik (Liège) and Maastricht successfully demonstrated cross-border communication, with and without the intervention of control rooms, for the first time between German, Belgium and Dutch emergency service personnel. Pronounced as “very successful” by the 3CP team, Hans Borgonjen, TETRA Association Board Member and representative from the Dutch ITO said, “The benefits of a common communication platform that reaches across country borders are no
Sepura launches its 2000 Series range To complement its Public Safety handportable, the SRP2000, Sepura have announced the Sepura 2000 Series which, according to the company, forms the world’s most comprehensive integrated range of TETRA terminals available from a single supplier. Visit them on stand 34 to find out more. The range comprises: SRM2000 mobile - a new mobile designed to be a fully flexible terminal, it is available in a variety of configurations to meet the requirements of various user segments. Configurations supported include a Public Safety mobile based on the SRP2000 architecture with Fixed Mobile and motorcycle options and a twin console version for spe-
cialised installations such as Fire vehicles. SCADA (Telemetry) Applications - the SRM2000 can be used without a console with up to eight interface ports available for use by the SCADA application. SRG2000 - DMO gateway and DMO repeater. This means that an organisation can use handportables, mobiles and gateway/repeaters all with a common MMI. SRP2000 sGPS - an integrated and highly sensitive and accurate GPS module in an SRP2000 handportable. S2000 Series Programmers - designed to save time and resources for organisations that have to manage and control large numbers of radios.
longer theoretical. The Three Country Pilot has demonstrated them in practice.” This success was also reflected in the presentation by Wim Liekens, Chief Commissioner of the Belgian Police to the Congress on Tuesday. More encouragement for TETRA as a platform for PPDR communications Consistent pleas and recommendations from Public Safety and PPDR (Public Protection and Disaster Relief) bodies continue to point towards a single working platform for Public Safety communications. The ITU Radiocommunication Assembly in 2003 has recognised the critical need for rapid deployment of disaster
relief communications and has made recommendations to facilitate the ease and speed of their deployment for PPDR. They are encouraging regulatory authorities to facilitate the operation and use of radiocommunication equipment by visiting personnel from disaster relief organisations and to take into account the existing equipment and frequencies used by such organisations. Ray Ginman, outgoing Chair of the TETRA Association said, “Those emergency services that have already adopted TETRA can provide mutual aid more easily as they have common equipment working in common frequency bands.”
Bordeaux 2003 —
a fruitful year for TETRA Nokia is to provide its digital TETRA professional mobile radio system to the Communauté Urbaine de Bordeaux - the Bordeaux metropolitan area authority in France. The network to be implemented by AMEC SPIE will serve the administrators in the city of Bordeaux and its suburbs, and it is planned to be in operation by the end of 2003. The first users will be security staff for city offices and road workers of all types. "The Communauté Urbaine de Bordeaux is keen to use this high-performance network which will improve not only the efficiency of the departments but also the relationships with our part-
In this issue: Fond farewell from TETRA Chair; New product launches; Disaster communications debate; Danish TETRA showcase; New TETRA contracts
ners," says Patrick Matignon, Head of New Technologies, Bordeaux metropolitan area authority. According to Nokia, their TETRA System will eventually serve 10,000 users, and it will replace the analogue PMR networks. The system should greatly enhance the cooperation between the metropolitan authorities and their partners, giving city administrators better opportunities to react to exceptional events, such as floods or storms. The Bordeaux metropolitan area authority is the fourth largest in France, and it administrates 660,000 people in 27 nearby cities in the southwest of France. World Congress News is brought to you by
The 2nd generation TETRA hand-held
WCN Integrated GPS for new Motorola handset
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Resource location has long been used in the management of vehicle-based resources, but putting GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) technology into portable handsets for personal, rather than vehicle, location has historically presented many difficulties. Up until now, issues such as power consumption, size, sensitivity and antenna location have hampered the use of GPS in TETRA handsets. However, Motorola says it has developed an innovative solution to these problems, based on its new Instant GPS single chip solution. This breakthrough technology has enabled the company to produce a new TETRA handset, the MTH800, with a fully integrated GPS receiver, which it is believed should give users outstanding GPS performance. The Instant GPS chip, together with a patented
antenna design combining TETRA and GPS signals, delivers a handset with a highly sensitive GPS receiver - typically -150dBm. The increased sensitivity and high level of integration result in a receiver with very low power consumption. This should outlast the usual 'shift and a half' expectation and offer improved availability of GPS location fixes for many portable users. The sending of location fixes can also be configured to meet the needs of the organisation - users can send updates at specific time intervals or specific distance intervals. To ensure simple adoption of the GPS functionality, Motorola also says it has worked to ensure the MTH800 is co mpatible with mapping applications from many of the leading suppliers in the Mapping Applications in the market.
The Chair looks back Ray Ginman reflects on his period as Chair of the TETRA MoU Association At the end of this year's World Congress, Ray Ginman retires from his role as Chair. He looks back on his two years of a full-time 'part-time' job. World Congress News: Ray, when you took over as Chair, what had you set as objectives? Ray Ginman: I would sum it up as 'help with change'! TETRA was no longer in its infancy and the changes needed, in my opinion, could be summed up under the headings of the Association's structural and communications change. WCN: Can you tell us about the structural changes? RG: One of the most important jobs was to restructure the IOP from a process point of view, and we had to find a new organisation to take on this vital task. Equally, looking at the TETRA Association itself,
the Board and its Executive also needed to reflect market developments and TETRA's progress. All of this would be aimed at delivering more for the members and continuing our commitment of improving communications. WCN: What about communications? RG: We had to change our emphasis to reflect the increased maturity of the technology and continue to raise the profile of TETRA globally. TETRA needed to be promoted as a complimentary and progressive technology that was part of the 3G revolution. And, of course, we needed to make sure that communication with our members was improved. WCN: How well do you think all this has been achieved? RG: I think we've done well. The IOP Contract has been let to ISCTI and the whole IOP process has been reviewed and improved. The
Association's structure has been modified to better meet the needs of the members and the membership target of 100 has been achieved. We have a CEO, the Association is a Limited Company and the Board has also been restructured. As far as communications are concerned, the website review has been completed and we are on to the next phase of this project. There has been more proactive media activity with articles being published, presentations and press conferences at a variety of Telecom events around the world and with material published in a number of languages. Overall, we have
3 improved member communications. WCN: What about the future? RG: I'll have more time to do pursue my interests like classical music and use up my Air Miles travelling on holiday with my wife. Wherever we go, I hope that I will continue to see and hear of TETRA successes around the world knowing that the Association has continued to be at the centre of change positive change for professional radio users and a healthy marketplace for the ever-growing industry supporting TETRA. WCN: Any other thoughts? RG: When I first entered the radio industry in 1959, transmitters were 400 Watts, AM or FM, each occupying a cabinet 2 metres tall and no handsets existed. TETRA today allows for 16 virtual voice/data channels in a 2 metre cabinet and mobiles operate with adaptive power down to a few milliwatts. Given today's national shared infrastructures, TETRA represents an amazing change that has brought real benefits to users.
Corning Cablecon A/S According to Corning, their connector group is by far the largest manufacturer of coaxial connectors in the world. The Premium Class RFconnectors for digital cellular systems - such as TETRA, GSM 900/1800 and UMTS systems form an important part of the business. This not so humble connector can play a significant role in any installation, and Corning allege their latest development to be the most advanced connectors for corrugated and smooth wall cables that can help save time and money for installations. Connect with them yourself on stand 75.
MBR - Management Billing & Recording
Copyright © 2003 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. Nokia and Nokia Connecting People are registered trademarks of Nokia Corporation. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks or trade names of their respective owners. Some features are network dependent. Please check the availability from your service provider or your nearest Nokia dealer.
This new company is a result of the co-operation of three individual companies: Genesis, Bumicom and Merkur, who between them have over 100 years of business experience. Their combined expertise concentrates on the delivery of turnkey Management, Billing & Recording solutions for Trunked Radio Systems and linked telephony systems. Their customer base includes many well known names in the Trunked Radio network world. Find them all together on stand 67 where you can discover more about their billing, traffic usage and recording solutions.
Damm Cellular Systems A/S Damm have been in the mobile telecommunications business since 1981. They are the manufacturers of digital TETRA Radio System Infrastructure, and are part of the Damm Group along with NIROS and TetraStar. This year's exhibition stand features their newest TETRA infrastructure product, TetraFlex®. According to them, this new single carrier TETRA system should particularly appeal to small local or rural PMR installations with individual TETRA needs. It offers all current TETRA facilities and use of pure IP technology. Drop by stand 14 to see how flexible they can be for yourself.
Ingeniørfirmaet H. MORTENSEN A/S Established in 1981, the company describe themselves as one of Denmark's leading manufacturers of solutions and equipment for Teleand Radio communication. Their focus is on Public Safety and Emergency service users in Scandinavia. Their individual customer solutions on show here at the World Congress will include demonstrations of the latest products for Command & Control with Voice over IP (VoIP) connectivity to radio sites. See what there is to command your attention on stand 6.
11 companies at the World Con
Motorola A/S Motorola entered the Danish market in the early 70's and gradually expanded into two-way radio systems for the professional market and mobile phones. In 1986 Motorola acquired Storno A/S and the structure of today's Danish radiocommunication organisation was founded. Motorola in Glostrup is a global development software centre for professional radiocommunication and TETRA technology. This year is the US parent company's 75th anniversary, so make sure you join the celebrations on stand 56.
Nokia A/S
Located near Copenhagen, this substantial Danish subsidiary employs some 1400 people. In line with the company’s philosophy of overlap between GSM and TETRA terminal functionality and features, some of
As committed as you are Complete commitment. The Nokia THR880 TETRA portable phone will help you answer every call of duty. The original two-sided concept doubles its effectiveness. Designed to be part of the work outfit, it boosts your performance as a public safety professional and frees you to concentrate on the task at hand. When duty calls, it’s the one to trust.
ngress have bases in Denmark
Zenitel Denmark A/S Zenitel Denmark has a full palette of competencies revolving about TETRA: System Integration, Solution design (comprising infrastructure, confined area coverage, terminals and tailor-made applications), and Service. According to the company, their history of providing valueadding customised applications for TETRA solutions from previous technology platforms has already proved to be a primary competitive advantage to the company. Join them on stand 16. this resource is dedicated to software development for their TETRA terminals range. In addition, service support teams for operator software and key account teams are based there. Find out more on stand 36.
TetraStar A/S TetraStar is the newest TETRA operator in Denmark and is a 100% owned subsidiary of Hans Damm Research A/S in Soenderborg (the Damm Group). Their trial network around Copenhagen and Soenderborg using equipment from their sister company, Damm Cellular Systems A/S, started in September 2003. Importantly, they will be providing full network coverage here at the Bella Center for several of the exhibitors, the IIR Conference Team and some Bella Center employees. If you want to hear more, network with them on stand 15.
NIROS Telecommunication A/S NIROS, now part of the Damm Group, say their TETRA collection of radios is designed with a rugged and sturdy metal housing, and combine advanced functionality and performance with simple and easy operation. Their NIROS 4100 Titan series is approved according to the ATEX directive 94/9/EC and is available in two ATEX approved variants. They are especially designed for use in hazardous environments, such as oil tankers and refineries, oil and gas platforms and petrochemical plants. Watch out for hazards on your way through the exhibition area and you can find them on stand 13.
Lindman Telecom A/S
Meet the Danish subsidiary of a Swedish parent company specialising in the provision of a broad range of services for the design, construction of civil works, supply of pylons, poles and total package solutions TETRA network sites. With over a decade of cellular and radio site installation experience behind them, they say their great flexibility helps them deploy and allocate resources to new projects at short notice. They also claim the ability to find cost efficient solutions to problems in difficult operating environments such as underground subways or car parks. Install yourself on their exhibition stand 8 to find out more.
Sepura introduces the 2000 Series Learn about the new Sepura 2000 Series of products. Visit stand 34 to book a place at one of our presentations.
Leading in TETRA Terminals
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Finn Frogne A/S
Frogne specialise in dispatching and fleet management solutions for transportation and public safety which they believes provides an all-inone solution to its customers' needs. Their portfolio includes infrastructure, on-board equipment such as TETRA terminals as well as software and mobile data applications. Look for the TETRA control room and vehicle interaction demonstration and check out their new touch screen display whilst you are there. Touch bases with them on stand 33.
WCN Professional debate — 6
planning for power outages
Duncan Swan, Associate Director, Mason Communications, looks at the lessons to be learned from the causes of radio network outage as witnessed from public cellular networks. Since the TETRA MoU's White Paper published earlier in 2003 that examined the 'Use of Public Mobile Cellular Networks to Support Mission Critical Emergency Service Communications', a spate of prolonged national grid power outages in the Eastern Seaboard of the United States, London, Sweden, Denmark and Italy have caused significant problems. Professionals must question how their mission critical IT and Communications systems would cope in these circumstances. For what period of time have back-up power systems been sized? And, as is becoming commonplace for TETRA solutions, for users who rely upon an external
Service Provider, what assurance is there that their Service Level Agreement takes account of the need to maintain mission critical communication during periods of prolonged power outage? Prolonged national grid failures require effective and coordinated responses from public safety agencies. During this time, public safety agencies become less able to rely upon the public cellular networks that rapidly become congested. Mobile cellular networks in New York, Scandinavia and Italy proved the point where the sudden increase in call traffic caused severe network congestion and subsequent network outages. Over time, back-up
Data for UK Ambulances on O2 Airwave Whilst the national bid programme for fire and ambulance contracts progresses, Airwave has already been implemented in Lancashire and Shropshire Fire and Rescue Services. However, it is the use of Airwave at Hereford & Worcester Ambulance Trust that is the subject of focus a presentation today by Afshin Attari, Head of Business Development at O2 Airwave. Airwave is being used by the Trust to carry out data transactions between ambulances, control rooms and local hospitals. The new system gives the Trust better radio coverage, and the reassurance of secure transmissions. A number of ambulances are being equipped to enable paramedics to transmit patient information directly to hospital, enabling paramedics to consult with doctors, automatically preparing a patient record form. Mr Attari believes this demonstrates, "Airwave's capa-
bility to serve all the public safety community, bringing the vision of interoperability a significant step closer." In the next few weeks a trial will begin to enable forces to access the Police National Computer via Airwave. In addition, a trial which links TETRA and GPRS technology - giving public safety organisations greater flexibility when choosing mobile data applications is so far giving positive feedback.
power supplies start to fail, elements of networks become isolated and, ultimately, depending upon their architecture, unusable. Today, the risk of the occurrence of major national grid power outages has increased to that of being a real and tangible threat. In general, professional user requirements have always taken into account the need to protect mission critical systems for periods of grid outage. But, as a power outage begins to bite, will your Communications systems continue to provide essential services albeit with a graceful degradation as elements of the systems shut down? Failure scenarios are often limited to examining equipment or infrastructure failures hence the drive to duplicate core components; rarely do they examine widespread power outage where duplication has little impact other than to increase overall power consumption. Perhaps they should?
Middle East banks on TETRA success The Middle East got the chance to see TETRA in action recently when a Nokia TETRA system supported the 2003 Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund. The meetings, held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, attracted more than 10,000 visitors from over 180 countries, requiring a large organizational effort involving several thousand users including Dubai Police, Civil Defence, Security, Airport personnel and Municipality staff. The Head of Dubai Government Team for TETRA project said: "The fast and efficient utilization of TETRA was beyond our expectations, even when the traffic load from the use of the terminals was huge. In the busiest World Trade Center area, there were around one thousand users under one base station area."
Single carrier TETRA system launched by DAMM
A new single carrier system from Damm Cellular Systems A/S called TetraFlex® has been announced at the show. They company say it should particularly appeal to small, local or rural PMR installations with individual TETRA needs. Their TetraFlex® Micro System uses the new one carrier base station BS421 from DAMM and offers the basic TETRA facilities and use of pure IP technology.
According to them, IP connectivity and the use of Voice over IP (VoIP) are some of the particularly interesting features of the TetraFlex® system. Intended for single-site use, the system is expandable to dual carrier configuration by connecting two base stations. They also say their Application Programming Interface (API) makes life easier for an application supplier.
WCN TETRA Release 2 to be completed during 2004 Although originally planned for the end of 2003, the TETRA Release 2 suite of standards covering the TETRA Enhanced Data Service (TEDS), the new NATO voice codec and long range TETRA (as part of Air Interface Enhancements) are expected to be completed during the first half of 2004. This short delay of approximately 6 months, in what was originally a three year programme, is not considered a problem. In order to meet changes in user requirements, the originally planned standards covering evolution of the existing SIM to a 'Universal' SIM (USIM) and Interworking/Roaming with GSM/GPRS/UMTS have been dropped from TETRA Release 2. However, recognising the continued importance of the other elements of TETRA
Release 2, several ETSI Project TETRA members, some who are user organisations, have again volunteered Special Task Force (STF) funds to carry out some of the expert work required as part of producing the standards. On 5th November 2003, the ETSI Board approved a matching amount of funds from the ETSI Funded Work Programme (FWP) for TETRA Release 2. Taking these contributions into account, the total STF budget for TETRA Release 2 since the programme first began in 2001 is nearly EUR 500,000. This investment clearly indicates the commitment from industry to make TETRA Release 2 success, especially when this expert work is also supplemented by voluntarily work carried out by Working Group members.
Surrey Chief Constable presented with Motorola's 200,000th TETRA radio
Having chosen Motorola's new MTH650 terminal for use by their officers on the UK's Airwave network, Surrey Police have helped Motorola achieve another little piece of TETRA history. The first shipment of their order included the batch that pushed Motorola's total TETRA terminal production through the 200,000 level. To commemorate this event, a specially mounted version of the MTH650 was presented to the Mr Denis O'Connor, the Chief Constable of Surrey by Graeme Hobbs, Motorola's Director of Business and Operations for Public Safety. Surrey Police go live with their new terminals starting in February 2004.
Terminal News Siemens Austria Electronics Plant Vienna and Sepura Limited have established a partnership for the production of Sepura’s second generation TETRA handportable terminal, the SRP2000. The agreement also covers the production of Sepura’s SRP1000 handportable and the SRM1000 mobile terminals. Siemens Austria has produced over 50,000 SRP2000 terminals since April 2002 and expects to produce well in excess of this number during 2004. In addition, Sepura’s new 2000 Series models of handportable and mobile terminals will also be produced at the Siemens factory in Austria Siemens will also market the Sepura SRP2000 handportable terminal under its own brand name of SHP-20
Wednesday’s World Congress programme at a glance Morning plenary session - main conference room Plenary Chair: Soren Hess, Deputy Director, ERO
Afternoon Stream B - Transport & Utilities
Session Chair: Risto Toikkanen, Manager, Standards & Industry Co-operation, Nokia
08:45 08:55 09:25 09:55
Opening remarks from the Chair Warsaw Police's Command & Control System Beijing Government's Shared TETRA Network Deployable TETRA Systems on the Military Battlefield
Coffee and opportunity to visit the exhibition
Improving TETRA Coverage & Overcoming the Challenges of Co-ordinating Civil Protection Resources in Venezuela Exploiting COTS technology in Non-Combat Military Communications Panel discussion - Developing Innovative Terminals to meet the needs of Users Lunch and opportunity to view the exhibition
11:35 12:00 12:45
14:15 14:20 14:50
Opening remarks from the Chair TETRA Applications in the Oil & Gas Industry Developing and Deploying a TETRA Solution to Meet the Needs of Singapore Mass Rapid Transit Madrid Metro: Developing and Operaitonal TETRA Solution for Multiple Metro Lines
Afternoon refreshments and opportunity to view the exhibition
16:35 17:05 17:35 18:00
Berlin Subway Operations and Security Communications Implementing TETRA for Stockholm Buses Closing remarks from the Chair World Congress Party with TETRA Award Ceremony
Afternoon Stream A - Public Safety, Government & Military
Afternoon Stream C - Deploying and Operating TETRA Networks
Session Chair: Charly Hengevoss, Director, R&S Bick
Dr Egil Bovim, Director, National Centre on Emergency Communication in Health
14:15 14:20 14:50 15:20 15:50 16:35 17:05 17:35 18:00
Opening remarks from the Chair Using TETRA to Raise the Operational Effectiveness, Efficiency & Quality of Policing in Hong Kong TETRA Networks for Greater Tehran Metropolitan Police Evaluating TETRA Usage & Operational Requirements and Forecasting Future Developments
14:15 14:20 14:50 15:20
Opening remarks from the Chair Implementation Management for the C2000 Project Examining the Catalonia Operated Network for Security and Emergency Agencies Connecting TETRA Networks and Legacy Infrastructure through a Middle Layer
Afternoon refreshments and opportunity to view the exhibition
Afternoon refreshments and opportunity to view the exhibition
Customising TETRA for UK Ambulance Trusts to Provide Faster Response Times and Deliver Better Patient Care Military Training with Wireless Data Applications over TETRA Closing remarks from the Chair World Congress Party with TETRA Award Ceremony
16:35 17:05
Implementing a TETRA System for a High Speed Railway Developing and Operating a Single Network for Jersey's Public Safety Agencies Closing remarks from the Chair World Congress Party with TETRA Award Ceremony
17:35 18:00
HARNESSING THE STRENGTHS OF TETRA This year Motorola celebrates 75 years of providing cutting edge TETRA communications to a global portfolio of public safety, government and commercial organisations that demand excellence. Our latest innovations include:
Always innovating to meet your mission-critical requirements
• Fully IP-based interoperable TETRA systems, terminals and accessories, command & control, managed services and mobile data applications • The Application Partner Programme, which provides a variety of mobile TETRA voice and data solutions, including AVL, CAD, fingerprint authentication, billing, fleet management and bus control systems • Becoming the first company to ship Class 3 encryption enabled terminals and infrastructure to our customers with the Dimetra SecureNet system
MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, inc. 2001
For more information, please visit stand 56 or go to