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World Congress News The 8th TETRA World Congress

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Fire and Rescue services set to become the third major emergency service on the Airwave network Firelink, the UK Government’s procuring body for the new fire service communications contract, has confirmed that O2 Airwave, subject to satisfactory completion of final contract details, has been successful in its bid to equip all Fire and Rescue services throughout England with a new resilient and secure voice and data communications service. The company will work with the Firelink team in the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister to conclude final contract matters in the near future. The announcement comes prior to contract award, which is expected before the end of the year. A framework is being created for the scheme that provides the devolved administrations for Scotland and Wales with an option to adopt the service. Jeff Parris, Vice President for O2 Airwave said, “Today’s announcement gives us an opportunity to prove that we can provide the nation’s Fire Services with the very best in communications. We look forward to working closely with the Firelink team over the next few weeks.” The UK Fire Minister, Jim Fitzpatrick said, “We are investing heavily in the Fire and Rescue service to ensure that it is able to meet the challenges of the modern world. Firelink will transform the current arrangements and give the service, for the very first time, the same digital radio system across the country – a system that will enable firefighters to communicate not only between Fire and Rescue services but also with emergency services, regardless of location.“

Nationwide TETRA in Hungary by 2007 The EDR Government Commissioner and the consortium of TMobile Hungary and Hungarian Telekom have concluded the contract for the implementation of the Unified Digital Radio Telecommunications System (EDR) in Hungary. The EDR will by implemented by using TETRA technology in the 380-400 MHz frequency band. The TETRA network will be implemented in the Budapest area by April 2006, with handover of the nationwide network by 31 January 2007. The Hungarian EDR system

will be utilised by the National Police, Border Guards, Fire Services, Catastrophe Protection Directorate, National Environmental and Water Management Directorate, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Justice, Prime Minister’s Office, National Safety Services, Ministry of Health – National Ambulance Service, and the Hungarian Army. “The purpose of the public safety radio telecommunications system providing extremely high availability is to ensure a pro-

In this issue: Interviews with EADS Secure Networks CEO, Jean-Marc Nasr and ASTRID's Director of External Relations, Daniel Haché; new TETRA PDA from Motorola; Sepura GPS award and some new names with familiar faces.

fessional connection between the various emergency and safety organisations that makes the execution of actions quicker, more effective and safe,” said Mr. Istvan Pesti, EDR Project Government Commissioner. ‘With the contract signing, the preparation work of a decade has been concluded and the implementation of the Unified Digital Radio Telecommunications System has become close to realisation. It was my pleasure to be able to sign the contract on behalf of the Government.”

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Sepura in Nice work for island communications winning form The Isle of Man’s government has new streamlined communications thanks to an integration and improvement project by the Department of Home Affairs. The result is a new TETRA system replacing an outdated analogue radio system. Currently supporting 2500 users spread across 21 sites and 16 user organisations, the system has logged close to one million radio calls since April 2004. Spearheading the initiative was Robert Williamson, Technical Director, Department of Home Affairs’ Communications Division, who also oversaw the consolidation of three disparate control operations for emergency communications under a

Contract wins in Beijing China, and Slovenia are the latest successes for Sepura. The Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Slovenia will use Sepura TETRA radios to protect the south European Schengen border, and a further prestigious contract with the Beijing municipal government’s department for wireless professional affairs and office of information will see 700 hand-held and 2000 mobile TETRA radios supplied to the Beijing police. The win for Sepura in central Europe was made possible by 3Tech d.o.o., Sepura’s new partner in Slovenia, and the China success was made possible by the joint efforts of Sepura’s two partners in China, Beijing Sonicom and Beijing Yongxin Union Technology. As well as winning contracts, Sepura has picked up an industry award. The GPS module jointly developed with QinetiQ won the Electronic category at the UK’s Institution of Electrical Engineers 2005 Innovation in Engineering Awards. Find out more on Stand D1 & D2.

single joint control centre. The government also had to re-evaluate its recording technology, as different systems were in use. “The investigation into an incident was longwinded and required lots of coordination to produce an answer.� said Williamson. Integrated recording was delivered in the shape of a turnkey solution from Motorola, integrating its Dimetra system and trunked radio recording from

NICE Systems. “We wanted a centralised solution that had a proven track record of successfully interfacing with a TETRA radio system,� said Williamson. The new system enables requests for recordings to be fulfilled much faster, and disputes or allegations can be proved or disproved from the recordings. That, said Williamson, is the biggest benefit of all. See the benefits of NICE on Stand F4.

Simoco unveils new company identity A new name has appeared from a well known background – Simoco Digital UK Limited has shed its old skin and emerged as Artevea Digital here at the TWC. As Associate Sponsors of TWC 2005, Artevea has chosen this prestigious event to make their announcement. Tim Allerton, Artevea’s CEO commented, “Our investors are delighted with this rebranding as it

will clearly differentiate us in the TETRA market place.� According to Tim, Artevea’s world-leading position for TETRA over IP technology will be maintained as they continue to be providers of cost-effective solutions for infrastructure equipment and overall system design and implementation. Visit their stands B1 and B4 in the exhibition hall to judge for yourself.






Welcome to Frankfurt and the 2005 TETRA World Congress I should like to bid you a very warm welcome to Germany at a time when TETRA is very topical – here and around the world. This year’s TWC has a very full agenda with more than 150 expert presentations and user case studies in the programme. There are plenty of networking opportunities as well, so take advantage of them and get your hands on all the latest devices and network equipment on show from the international TETRA companies in the exhibition area. Following the huge success of last year’s event in Vienna, this year’s TWC is set to be the best yet. The exhibition was sold out in the summer and it is the biggest ever. Another first for this year is the dedicated German language stream. Diversions from the conference will include music from the ladies swing quartet at the Gala evening on Wednesday and a trip round Frankfurt on the Ebbelwei Express on Thursday evening. With so much to see and hear and do, I won’t keep you any longer. Enjoy the TWC2005.

Tom Davies, TWC Conference Director

Rohill Rolls out the R-8060 Rohill has launched a new base station transceiver, the R8060. With advanced in-house design, the R-8060 provides new functionality, greater flexibility and substantially better performance, with full backward compatibility. A powerful Intel Xscale based CPU runs the embedded Linux operating system of the R-8060, which supports both the current TETRA standard as well as implementation of the TETRA Release2 standards (TEDS), directly interfacing to the IP backbone but also sup-

porting barriered adaptors.


Three-way diversity is standard, and with a highly sensitive receiver section, the R-8060 provides a 16dB link budget improvement over standard solutions, and covers frequencies from 350 to 470 MHz. See more on Stand C1.

CML Processes with less CML’s latest two-way radio solution is the ultra low-powered CMX981, offering advanced digital radio baseband processing combined on-chip with a voice codec/processor and an audio PA. The CMX981 inter-

faces the analogue and digital sections of a digital radio system and performs many of the radio’s critical DSP-intensive functions. The overall functionality of the CMX981 within a digital radio application is to relieve the host processor of a significant amount of work. This creates an overall reduction in power consumption, giving extended end-product operation. Additionally, less powerful DSPs can be considered to keep the cost of new designs to a minimum. Integrate all this information on their Stand G1.




Teltronic is right on track for Russia Spanish manufacturer Teltronic has been awarded the contract to supply the TETRA infrastructure for Russia’s Moscow-St. Petersburg railway. Teltronic’s Russian partners and main contractor Globalsvyaz, and engineering company Microtest will build, assemble and commission the system in the field. Specific interfaces have been designed to custom oriented, locally developed, line dispatching facilities, and strict SORM specifications to allow a comprehensive call monitoring capability have been implemented by Teltronic and its partners. Full integration into the Russian railway procedures and existing systems is provided. The Russian railway is the first in the world to adopt TETRA instead of GSM-R, and the Moscow-St. Petersburg line, with a length of about 800 km, will be the showcase. The first phase of the project has already been delivered. With respect to

terminals, the well proven Teltronic dual TETRA-VHF solution for metros has been adapted to meet the requirements of the railway. Different configurations will ensure the best performance with different types of locomotives and trains. Teltronic has also won a contract to supply the TETRA system for the Pusan Newport in Korea. Track Teltronic down on Stand E2.

TETRA – it’s not all about radios The steady and consolidated success of TETRA around the world has benefited many industries that support the standard, and created a catalyst for better design, smarter marketing and more efficient solutions. In tomorrow’s World Congress News, we focus on the antenna market – make sure you tune in.

Welcome to the TETRA World Congress. Can it really be a year since we were in Vienna? Well, with such an action packed year, perhaps it is not surprising that it seems to have come round again so quickly! However, this year’s event looks set to be the biggest yet. The presence of so many TETRA experts and users, as well as the vast amount of TETRA information here in Frankfurt will, I hope, be of assistance to those involved in the many projects underway in Germany and elsewhere in the world. With the recent news of TETRA wins in Hungary and Romania, and the choice of TETRA for the Fire and Rescue Service in the UK, the event really could not be getting off to a better start. This year we have already undertaken seven one-day TETRA events in several continents of the world and this year’s World Congress will be the culmination of some very hard work by the TETRA Association’s Chief Executive and his team. It is clear that the interest in TETRA continues to grow, particularly in the Asia Pacific region and in South America. Next year, the TETRA Association will be supporting the global user community and industry even further with a number of regional events outside of Europe. You will find more information on our revamped website We have a stand in the exhibition hall – Stand A11. If you want to know about the benefits of membership, or just want to talk TETRA, please come along and have a chat. Phil Godfrey Chairman, TETRA Association

Committed to driving the development of TETRA Already selected by over 500 organisations in more than 70 countries world-wide Sepura offers the largest portfolio of TETRA radio products.

For more information about Sepura, please visit



TETRA users can’t do without it 2005 has been a year of exceptional growth for Belgium’s ASTRID network. The number of TETRA terminals now in use is 23,000. One of the latest milestones is the decision by the Government to order one massive batch of more than 5,000

Daniel Haché, ASTRID’s Director of External Relations

TETRA mobile and portable radios for the country’s 250 fire services. Next year, all Belgian fire services will be able to coordinate their actions by sharing one common technology. Daniel Haché, ASTRID’s Director External Relations, gives his view of the experience of TETRA in Belgium. “The strong multi-agency character of the ASTRID network

is being more and more confirmed. This trend is in line with TETRA’s main benefit: enabling people to talk together in order to improve coordination and interventions and to make our society safer. It’s very encouraging to see that the three main ASTRID solutions – radio, paging and computer aided dispatching – are now being successfully integrated in the daily use of public safety organisations.” A special event – the ASTRID Users Day, is organised to enable the growing number of users to exchange ideas and experience. It receives hundreds of visitors. “As a TETRA network operator, ASTRID wants to inform its users, but it’s also very important to have feedback.” Besides the current public safety users, there is an increasing interest from ‘non-traditional’ public safety organisations such as public transport companies, electricity and gas distributors, airports, harbours and hospitals. This autumn, ASTRID has welcomed its first non-public

user: the fire service of Brussels South – Charleroi Airport connected to the radio network in September. Daniel summed up his view of the user experience. “In ASTRID’s early years, some people were afraid of the new TETRA technology, but once

they’ve tested it and experienced the high levels of voice quality, user friendliness and reliability in everyday use, they were very reluctant to return back to their analogue systems. Today, it seems that TETRA users can’t do without it any longer”.

Sigma Wireless seals Swedish deal with Saab Sigma Wireless Technologies, recently acquired by the broadband mobility solutions specialist company PCTEL, has been selected by Saab AB as the principal antenna supplier to the RAKEL TETRA nationwide public safety system in Sweden. The project involves up to 2000 sites and will take three years to complete. Joe Moore, CEO of Sigma Wireless, said the win was a major endorsement of Sigma’s TETRA strategy of designing innova-

Don’t be frightened – it’s Ken Pilkington and Joe Moore of Sigma Wireless

tive, high performance antenna solutions. Visit Sigma Wireless Technologies on Stand G2.

– The largest dedicated This year’s TETRA Exhibition is a real bonus for delegates – it’s the best opportunity ever to see what’s new in the world of TETRA products, accessories, applications and services. With nearly 70 companies exhibiting, this guide will help you find your way around. Make sure you don’t miss anyone!


Stand No.

Aerial Facilities Limited




Aksel Ltd


American International Radio Inc




Aplicom Oy



B1 & B4





CML Microcircuits




Crypto AG




DAMM Cellular Systems A/S


Dantherm Air Handling A/S


Decision Focus


EADS Secure Networks


Elektronik-Labor CARLS




Finn Frogne




HomeNet Communications




Multiple Access Communications Ltd


Hyder Consulting


Lowe Electronics Ltd


Nemo Technologies


Infomatrix Ltd


M/A Com






Macleod International


Northgate Information Systems




Mason Communications


O2 Airwave


Jaybeam Wireless


Mentura Group Oy


Panorama Antennas






Peter Jones (ILG) Ltd




Phonak Communications AG




TETRA exhibition ever held ou to a lly invite y ia rd o c , R , II Reception Your hosts ss Drinks re g n o C rld TETRA Wo 05.

9th, 20 ve m b e r 2 o N y a d s e ss Date: Tu rld Congre T E T R A Wo , a re A n E xhibitio at 19:30) Address: ion closes it ib h x (E 0 to 19:30 Time: 18:0 t required R SV P : n o



Sigma Wireless Technologies


Telex Communications


Rohde & Schwarz


Sinclair Technologies




Radio Frequency Systems


Skymasts Antennas Ltd


TETRA Association




SunGard Vivista






Swissphone Telecom AG


Voigt & Haeffner


Selex Communications


Team Simoco


Westica Communications Ltd










Sepura Siemens

D1 & D2 D3



EADS Secure Networks – business and technologies in harmony

Where can I eat near the TWC? Delegates have asked for some information to help them choose a restaurant near the Congress venue. Here’s a list – these are all relatively close to the Trade Fair Centre. It is not true that the Editor has tried them all so we can give no personal recommendations, only wish you Guten Appetit.

This autumn, a new force was born into the world of PMR. EADS Secure Networks was created following a major deal that saw the European defence and security group EADS buy Nokia’s PMR business. EADS has more than 130 PMR customers in 56 countries. With its acquisition, EADS is aiming to offer complete endto-end solutions to cater for the needs of any organisation needing PMR. Heading up the new company is CEO Jean-Marc Nasr. “We are doing something new in the marketplace. We are number one in Europe and second in the world for PMR. Any customer, whether from the public safety sector or the commercial world, and whether it needs a small regional network or a major nationwide system, can come to us and find a complete PMR solution using whichever standard best suits their needs. This is the main difference between us and our competitors.” The choice of which technology is best for a specific network is governed by many different influences. “Security needs, the geography of the country, support demands, applications required, and many more influences make it a complex decision,” says Jean-Marc. Having the world’s leading PMR technologies in one stable has prompted some in the industry to question whether EADS Secure Networks will drop one system in favour of another. On this point, Jean-Marc is very emphatic: “We will not discard current systems. It is not feasible, nor does it make sense. We see a bright future for these technologies. Our sales are balanced between the technologies

AMERICAN Arizona’s (Marriott Hotel) Hamburger Allee 2-10 Tel.: +49 (0) 69 / 79 55 23 04 ARABIAN L’Emir Weserstrasse 17 Tel.: +49 (0) 69 / 24 00 86 86 CHINESE Au Mandarin Westendstrasse 1 Tel.: +49 (0) 69 / 74 50 51 FRENCH – MEDITERRANEAN Erno’s Bistro Liebigstrasse 15 Tel.: +49 (0) 69 / 72 19 97 Remise Ulmenstrasse 20 Tel.: +49 (0) 69 / 72 85 72 GERMAN Orfeo’s Erben Hamburger Allee 45 Tel.: +49 (0) 69 / 70 76 91 00 I TA L I A N – MEDITERRANEAN da Piva Mendelssohnstrasse 44 Tel.: +49 (0) 69 / 74 95 77 Florian Kettenhofweg 59 Tel.: +49 (0) 69 / 72 28 91 Rapsodia Westendstrasse 1 Tel.: +49 (0) 69 / 74 22 08 44

and we will be developing them further.” To aid the technologies’ development, EADS Secure Networks aims to maintain a strong contribution to standards decisions. “We may see a convergence of the technologies as they evolve and new applications are developed. For example, data is currently a hot topic and new standards may appear in the future.” says JeanMarc. EADS Secure Networks is continuing to push for new business around the world. One major project ongoing in Europe is BOSNET in Germany. “We are competing for the BOSNET project in a consortium together with Siemens. I am

Sepura smoothes the way for IIR Event organisers, IIR, will be using Sepura digital radios for the duration of this year’s TETRA World Congress. This is the third year in succession that IIR has used Sepura technology to simplify communication tasks and manage the successful deployment of resources. IIR personnel at TWC05 will be provided with Sepura SRH3500 hand-helds. The radios will enable IIR personnel to manage complex behind-the-scenes conference logistics with ease at the Forum Messe Centre, Frankfurt – the third largest trade fair complex in the world.

CyberTech records VoIP success Netherlands-based CyberTech Telecom Development has introduced a new, patented method of Voice-over-IP (VoIP) recording. Voice- and call-data packets are retrieved from the data network simultaneously and processed in real-time so the resulting voice-stream can be stored to-

It’s 3T for TETRA ©Tourismus+Congress GmbH Frankfurt am Main

J A PA N E S E Sushi am Main Feuerbachstrasse 1 Tel.: +49 (0) 69 / 72 84 95

Austria-based Frequentis Group has founded a TETRA specialist company. Known as 3T Communications AG, the move enables the company to offer targeted TETRA know-how in small and medium-sized TETRA systems as well as intelligent custom solutions, and focuses on utility providers, public transport companies, industries and airports. Frequentis is a leading supplier

confident that our consortium will be able to provide the German government with the best network,” said Jean-Marc. See the EADS Secure Networks portfolio on Stand D4.

of dispatch centres for police, ambulance services and fire brigades and a pioneer of TETRA technology. 3T has already landed one of its first big contracts for TETRA-surveillance systems at the BMW-test ranges in Germany, Sweden and France. The system will monitor vehicles when they are on the circuits. Frequentis are on Stand C6.

gether with the call-data in one Voice Recording System. The recorded calls can be more easily retrieved and played back, even in real-time, without the need for additional CTI integration. The CyberTech solution allows both existing and new voice recording users to take advantage of the IP technology in telecom munications. VoIP provides several new challenges for recording solutions. CyberTech can support customers in making a seamless transition from traditional telephony recording to VoIP recording of all the major VoIP switches, including Avaya, Nortel, Cisco and Mitel. This VoIP recording solution fits seamlessly into the current CyberTech product portfolio of Parrot-DSC cards and the MynaVoice voice recorder. See CyberTech on Stand H5.

WCN Motorola launches first TETRA pocket PDA TWC 2005 sees the launch of the first wearable personal digital assistant (PDA) to operate on the TETRA network. The robust data PDA, incorporating Motorola’s new TETRA data modem, will deliver pocket-sized power to enable public safety

More name changes – SELEX Communications Finmeccanica has created a new group brand and organisation for all its communication activities – SELEX Communications. Users in the TETRA market place familiar with OTE will recognise the company’s Elettra TETRA products and solutions but now see them marketed under the SELEX Communications brand. Their new brand is well in evidence at this year’s TWC where they are one of the Gold Sponsors. For more information, visit them on Stand F1.

users to access essential databases and receive information whilst on the move. Initially focused on police use, the PDA gives in-the-field access to person and vehicle records, allows crime and accident reporting and the issuing of penalties, without the need to return to the station. Police customers can increase their visible community presence and improve productivity through the use of data applications. Nick Carter, Motorola’s EMEA product manager, TETRA subscribers, comments: “We developed this PDA to reflect the growing needs of customers who want the latest data applications to be directly accessible by mobile officers. “We are demonstrating TETRA as the appropriate reliable and secure data bearer for these

Motorola’s Pocket PDA for TETRA is worn on shoulder, belt or carried in a pocket, measuring just 145mm (L) x 83mm (W) x 50mm (H maximum), and weighs just 450 grams. With its large 240x320 Transflective TFT screen, it provides an ideal form factor for managing the data applications tailored for Public Safety users.

public safety users of restricted data. The Pocket PDA for TETRA and the applications it can provide will really help users meet their productivity needs.” Motorola is on Stand E1.


3-Phase supply in Qatar Qatar will have the Middle East’s first nationwide Terrestrial Trunk Radio (TETRA) network by mid2006 according to the main suppliers, Rohde & Schwarz. Deployed in three phases, the first of which is already complete, the second and third phases are targeted for completion in time to support the West Asian Games in December of this year and the international Asian Games, to be staged in Doha towards the end of 2006. The deployment of the company’s ACCESSNET® – T TETRA network is being made with the assistance of its local partner, Consolidated Gulf Company (CGC). When completed, the network will comprise 49 base stations and two switches across Qatar. Rohde & Schwartz are on Stand G11.



TRAMPS™ assists UK’s Police with their enquiries Radio coverage and quality of service (QOS) are critical factors in every public safety radio network, affecting efficiency, staff safety and time-critical missions. West Yorkshire Police was one of the first customers for the TRAMPS coverage and QOS suite and they are using it to help solve day-to-day operational communication issues and to provide an independent assessment of region-wide communications quality. TRAMPS, which stands for ‘TETRA Measurement and Performance System’ comes from UK supplier Multiple Access Communications Ltd. They believe it is an intuitive, easy-to-interpret, off-line analysis product providing coverage and quality of service information. More information is available if you tramp along to Stand H3.

TETRA – the global standard See if you can correctly identify all 17 languages shown below. Each phrase is a translation of ‘User interface in <language>’. So, if any evidence of truly global TETRA user-base was needed, here it is! Thank you to EADS for supplying the information, based on their multilingual EADS THR880i. Answers will be in Edition 3 of the World Congress News. If you get them all correct, go and see EADS on Stand D4 – maybe they’ll give you a prize?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

User interface in English Svenskt användargränssnitt Gebruikersinterface in het Nederlands Deutsche Benutzeroberfläche Interfaz de usuario en español Interfície d'usuari en català Interfaccia utente in italiano Interface utilisateur en français Suomenkielinen käyttöliittymä

Magyar felhasználói felület

Public Security


Public Transport


Seamless Migration of Communication Platforms Computer Aided Dispatching Command & Control Centres Mobile Personal & Biometric Identification Border Control Video Surveillance Facility Management Secured by Digital Encryption Strategic Platform for Homeland Security Solutions

Mobile Systems Compact & Transportable Rapid Deployment Autonomous Field Operations Ruggedized Design On Site Command & Control Proved During Disaster & Crisis Management

Location Based Services Vehicle Tracking Fleet Management Train Radio Subrack Object Oriented Group Assignment Fully Integrated in Entire Tetra Security Solutions For Inter Agency Emergency Operations

Tailor Made Tetra Solutions For Automotive, Oil-, Chemical- & Gas Industry, Power Plants, Water- & Electricity Utilities Scada Solutions Increase Efficiency and Profitability Improved Day to Day Communication Migration of Voice & Data Communication Inter Communication for Security Forces Integrated Access & Biometric Control Industrial Safety

Kontakt: Gabriele Möser Marketing Manager Tel.: +43 51707 35667

• Secure Communication for Professionals • Command and Control Solutions • TETRA System Integration

Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Österreich Communications Carrier International Sales Erdberger Lände 26 A-1031 Wien

Terrestrial Trunked Radio



Tuesday’s World Congress programme at a glance Morning Plenary session – Main Conference room TETRA Solutions for a Changing World 09:30 09:35 09:55 10:10 10:35 11:00 11:45 12:10 12:35 13:00

Introduction from the Chair, Duncan Swan, Associate Director, Mason Communications The Benefits of a Digital Mobile Radio Network for Germany Gunter Krebs, Chief Police Officer, Hamburg Police TETRA Today, Phil Godfrey, Chairman, TETRA Association TETRA in a Transforming Security Environment, Dr M Street, NATO C3 Agency TETRA Solutions in Action Using State-of-the-Art Data Applications to help solve Policing Issues Police General Suzana Sulejic & Polic Colonel Sasa Mililcevic, Serbian MoI Refreshments and Opportunity to visit the Exhibition and Applications Village Tsunami Victims – Use of TETRA at the Reception Point at Helsinki Airport Pekka Koskinen, Hospital District of Helsinki & Uusimaa RheinEnergie: TETRA for an Electricity, Water and Gas Utility Company Jost Hermanns, RheinEnergie TETRA Digital Radio System for the Lebanese Internal Security Forces (LISF) Major Hussein Haj Hassan, LISF Lunch and Opportunity to visit the Exhibition and Applications Village

Afternoon Stream A – Public Safety and Security 14:30 14:35 15:00 15:25 15:50 16:30 16:55 17:20 17:55 18:00

Introduction from the Chair, Hans Borgonjen, Head of Public Safety Communications, ISC The Role of TETRA in Homeland Security, Jean-Marc Nasr, EADS Secure Networks How TETRA proved to be a Secure and Reliable Tool during the G8 Summit Deputy Chief Constable Ricky Gray, Strathclyde Police Lyon Police – from Requirements to Solution with TETRA, Phillipe Dubost, Ville de Lyon Refreshments and Opportunity to visit the Exhibition and Applications Village Gentofte Kommune Fire Brigade’s TETRA Solution, Chief Fire Officer Carl Suhr-Jessen and Deputy Fire Officer Stig Høeg Anderesen, Gentofte Fire Brigade TETRA for the Army: The Kazakhstan Ministry of Defence Project Yuruy Pirig, BDT Telecom Public Safety network for the City of Johor Baru, Malaysia Sarmin Md Hussin, Royal Malaysian Customs End of Day 1 IIR Drinks Reception – Exhibition Hall

Afternoon Stream B – Transport and Utilities 14:30 14:35 15:00 15:25 15:50 16:30 16:55 17:20 17:55 18:00

Introduction from the Chair, Mario Micheli, Standards & Program Manager, Selex Communications TETRA for the Oil and Gas Sector: Applications and Challenges Nabil Al-Dabal, Saudi Aramco TETRA Radio System for Alitalia at Fiumicino International Airport Alitalia speaker Applying TETRA in the Shipbuilding Industry, Choi Soo Hyuk, Samsung Networks Refreshments and Opportunity to visit the Exhibition and Applications Village The Benefit of a Shared TETRA Netwrok in the Chemical Industry Christian Broß, T-Systems The Benefits of TETRA in the Daily Operations of an Airport Devdarsh Jain, Simoco The Choice of TETRA for the Russian Railway, Timur Latypov, Microtest End of Day 1 IIR Drinks Reception – Exhibition Hall

Afternoon Stream C – Deutschsprachige Vorträge 14:30 14:35 15:00 15:25 15:50 16:30 16:55 17:20 17:55 18:00

Vorsitzender und Einleitung durch den 1. Vorsitzenden des PM e.V., Heinz Bick Allianz-Arena München, Helmut Kolb, T-Systems Anforderungen der Feuerwehren an ein digitales Funksystem Albrecht Broemme, Deutscher Feuerwehrverband Österreichweites digitales Bündelfunksystem für alle Blaulichtorganisationen, Bernhard Krumpel, Geschäftsführer, Tetron Sicherheitsnetz Errichtungs- und BetriebsgmbH Erfrischungen und Möglichkeit zum Besuch der Ausstellung TETRA Funksystem für ein breites Einsatzspektrum, Ralf Clemens, Leiter Nachrichtentechnik, STEAG encotec GmbH Innovative Pläne für den modernen ÖPNV, Wolfgang Hagen VAG – Verkehrs- Aktiengesellschaft Nürnberg TETRA in Deutschland – ein Erfahrungsbericht, Detlef Karges, European Central Bank Ende des 1. Veranstaltungstages IIR Cocktail-Empfang – Exhibition Hall

A Vision for the Future

Artevea Digital, formerly Simoco, is proud to announce it’s emergence as the new global player in the TETRA market.

Artevea will continue to lead the world in TM

T-Matrix IP TETRA Technology.

We look forward to welcoming you on

our stands B1 and B4.

Listen, Deliver and Inspire


The SunGard Vivista DS2000, Probably the UK’s favourite Integrated Communications Control System The UK market leader in its field, the SunGard Vivista DS2000 Integrated Communications Control System (ICCS) has a pedigree stretching back to 1991 and is a product which has continually evolved to meet and match the ever developing needs of the customer. The DS2000 ICCS sits at the centre of SunGard Vivista’s Control room product range and is designed to provide single touchscreen control to a host of integrated subsystems including, digital trunk and analogue PMR systems, digital and analogue telephony, CCTV, voice recorders, intercom systems, door locks and alarms. It also provides the capability to integrate with both internal and external sources for provision of the correct decision making information to aid the dispatch process. SunGard Vivista is probably the only ICCS supplier that can cover all aspects of the product life cycle as the product design, system implementation and ongoing support activities are all provided by in-house teams. This ensures that engineering and support staff have direct access to system design authorities when in-depth system information is required. Visit us on Stand P7 in the Applications Village SunGard Vivista and You – Stronger Together SunGard Vivista Limited, Methuen Park, Bath Road, Chippenham, Wiltshire SN14 0TW For further information contact SunGard and the SunGard logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of SunGard Data Systems Inc. or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries. All other trade names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Copyright 2005 SunGard Vivista Limited – Registered Office: 33 St Mary Axe, London, EC3A 8AA.

True Interoperability will help save lives every day, everywhere. They have truly interoperable radios. Instant information updates. And a plan. A Motorola Mission Critical solution can help these responders do more with every second. True interoperability enables instant communication between different agencies so all responders can work as a team with the touch of a button. Incident command has the Mission Critical Data they need on-scene, in time, to make the best decisions. Discover how a Motorola Mission Critical solution can help responders do their job even better, in any situation. Visit Motorola on stand E1 in the Exhibition hall. MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their registered owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2005

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