World Congress News The 10 th TETRA World Congress
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
TETRA market doubles in Asia Pacific The 10 th TETRA World Congress has opened with the news that the Asia-Pacific TETRA market has doubled in the last 12 months. With an increase of 98 per cent* in awarded contracts, the region is the fastest-growing critical communications market in the world. TETRA technology is now pre sent in 103 countries, with a buoyant global industry demonstrated by a near 40 per cent increase in total contracts awarded over the last 12 months. While the majority of countries using TETRA are
now outside Europe, it is Eastern Europe that delivered the second fastest growing region after Asia Pacific, with the market showing contracts up 48 per cent. The 100 th country to adopt the technology was Namibia earlier this year, where Artevea Digital is delivering a network for the government. While public safety remains the largest global user base, in Asia Pacific the Transportation sector is extremely strong with almost 40 per cent of the market.
Globally, non-public safety sectors are showing huge potential, with the Oil & Gas market up 110 per cent, and general commerce and industry up 94 per cent. Phil Godfrey, Chairman of the TETRA Association, said: ”The TETRA industry is meeting this week in the region that is driving the growth of the market. The figures speak for themselves, prov-
ing beyond doubt the resilience and increasing popularity of the TETRA standard. We are delighted that Hong Kong is hosting the 10 th World Congress, providing the opportunity to showcase the vibrant and innovative Asia Pacific market.” *All figures compiled from information provided by the majority of TETRA Association members. Figures for June 2007 – May 2008, compared to figures from previous 12 months.
The smallest radio Motorola has introduced the smallest body-worn TETRA Covert Radio to provide fully featured TETRA radio functions to users in covert operations. The Motorola TCR1000 in thin form factor can be concealed in light clothing, and weighs under 180 grams. Control features include the use of audio tones to identify talk group number to enable audio-
only recognition of talk group selec tion. The TCR1000 is conMotorola’s trollable from a TCR1000 remote unit, and Covert Radio has an integrated GPS. The radio also has an extended battery pack option which can extend surveillance periods. Stand W
Rugged and durable … screen on the market today with Sepura has launched its STP8000 a high resolution colour display, series of hand-portables, dewhich combined with the user signed to function in the most interface makes the device ideal physically challenging environfor displaying images ments where public as well as accessing a safety, military, transrange of applications. port, and utility workLondon’s Heathrow ers demand ruggedAirport is one of the ness and durability. first sales wins for the Enhanced power, loud STP8000. Heathrow audio and a magnewill be the single sium alloy chassis are largest TETRA network combined with robust dedicated to commerwater and dust resistcial use in the UK. ance. The STP8000 Stand E combines the largest Sepura’s STP8000
SK Energy puts user safety first Motorola is deploying its Dimetra IP TETRA solution for SK Energy in Korea. The system will include Asia’s first MTP850Ex ATEX TETRA terminal, used to provide comprehensive user safety in potentially explosive environments.
Inside this issue: • Global service centre launch • Advances in Control Centre technology • China Metro network focus
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Sepura launches Service Centre network Sepura has launched a network of Repairs Service Centres, to further improve its service to customers. The centres are being set up by its distributors in Korea, China, Malaysia, Pakistan, Ar gen tina, Germany, Spain and Sweden, with further countries to follow. The Centres will assist Sepura distributors through training and business management advice. A new help desk service centre has also been opened at Sepura’s headquarters at Cambridge in the UK. The Centres will reduce the waiting time for repairs and reduce the time and cost of carriage. They will also provide the convenience of local support in the local language. Sepura has also stepped up its training for distributors, both at its headquarters and in the local countries, so that end-
users receive maximum support. Graham Matthews, Chief Executive Office at Sepura, said: ”Customer support is a priority. As well as understanding our customers and providing the necessary solutions in producing cutting edge products, it is vital they receive all the support possible to ensure total customer satisfaction. The Service Repair Centres go a long way to achieve that goal.” Stand E
Beijing Olympic Games Special Police support Trilogy Communications has delivered its first IP-based Mercury audio communication platform to Beijing Special Police in support of the counter-terrorism security operations during the 2008 Olympic Games. The platform allows interoperation between disparate communication systems, such as radios, tele-
phones, 4-wire audio devices and satellite phones etc, either locally or over standard TCP/ IP network. The system provides interopera bility between the custo mer’s existing 800MHz TETRA radios, 350MHz digital trunked radios, and a number of GSM and CDMA mobile phone lines, enabling flexible one-to-one, oneto-many and multiple group calls. The entire system will be deployed in an emergency communication vehicle. Stand X2
Wish you were here? Get your FREE Hong Kong Postcard to send to your loved ones back home. Visit the Artevea Digital stand (C2). No stamp required, just write your message and Artevea will do the rest. Numbers are limited so make sure you don’t miss out!
Plenary Session today at 10.15 TETRA In China: Ministry of Public Safety, Beijing Public Security Bureau
Tyco Electronics Wireless Network Solutions Delivering TETRA services today on a network built for tomorrow Visit us at 2008 TETRA World Congress Stand K1
Tyco Electronics 1011 Pawtucket Boulevard Lowell, MA 01853—U.S.A. For contact information visit: or e-mail us at:
Multi vendor TEDS target for 2010 Six leading TETRA manufacturers have signed a Joint industry Statement of Direction for TETRA Enhanced Data Service (TEDS), with the purpose of accelerating the development of TEDS functionality in their TETRA products. The targeted timetable for a multi-vendor product offering is in 2010. Artevea Digital, EADS, Rohill, Selex, Sepura, and Teltronic have signed the Statement, drawn up by the TETRA Association. It is recognised that the TEDS implementation from multiple vendors has to be agreed at a considerable level of detail. The TETRA Association’s Technical Forum is currently working on the TEDS TETRA Interopera bi lity Profile (TIP) specifications. This ensures that any proprietary implementations are avoided. The six companies have announced their commitment to implement the TETRA Enhanced
Data Service, which will comply to the ETSI TEDS standard and with the TIP specifications. Their implementations will provide an open air interface and all companies are committed to perform the necessary IOP (interoperability) testing with other TETRA vendors.
KEPCO takes nationwide TETRA EADS is to expand the Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) TETRA network. KEPCO has awarded EADS reseller Nuri Telecom the project to set up the network in South Korea following a trial deployment. The new radio communications network is replacing the existing analogue system. It will be used for controlling and monitoring KEPCO's power distribution and transformation network. The network, operating at 380 MHz, will cover the seven
main regions of South Korea. ”KEPCO’s energy supply ser vice reaches everywhere in Korea. It's essential to build up a truly seamless radio communications network that will surely lead KEPCO to achieve the efficiency and reliability of the Power IT applications such as Power Distribution Automation, Auto Meter Reading, Wind Speed Monitoring, and Quick Repair & Maintenance Mobile Service, among others,“ says Mr. MyungJong Lee, Manager, KEPCO. Stand J
TETRAtab to develop portable passport scanner TETRAtab have established a collaboration programme to develop a TETRAtab Passport Scanner, a portable inspection terminal designed for use by Immigration Authorities, Border Control Police, cruise lines and international airlines. The terminal can be used to capture Advance Passenger Information Systems (APIS) data, either at temporary checkpoints or simply as a stand-alone passenger processing terminal located, for instance, at the boarding gate or quayside. TETRAtab’s patent pending technology allows the integration of a TETRA modem into a mobile data device. The current TETRA tab device is a combination of the Ultra Mobile PC from Samsung, the Motorola TOM100 TETRA radio and Windows XP Tablet Edition operating platform.
In addition they will provide support for any conceptual clarifi cations of the standard needed and TIP specifications as well as for early phase testing to enable rapid interoperable product availability on the market.
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Ready to go with CeCoCo Teltronic’s dispatching solutions for its NEBULA TETRA infrastructure can now be enhanced by connecting Teltronic’s Communication & Control Centre solution –
CeCoCo – through a direct TCP/IP connection. CeCoCo allows the integration of multiple communications technologies such as MPT-1327,
CeCoCo – Communication and control
Conventional PMR, GSM, TETRA, PABX, PSTN, with powerful functionalities for PMR radio operators, including ACD (Automatic Call Distribution), ANI/ALI, optimised AVL with raster/vector cartography, data capabilities, incident management, emergency call number management, and reports/statistics generation. CeCoCo includes an intuitive GUI, available in several languages including Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, and English. Another new addition to the Teltronic portfolio is the TRM-300 TETRA radio modem. The TRM300 combines multi-slot packet data capabilities with an optimised algorithm for periodic data transfer, allowing the saving of system resources when used with Teltronic’s SDM (Synchronous Data Manager). Stand U1
VIP technology Phonak has announced ‘primero’, a communication solution merged into one single earpiece – a boom less headset that is compatible with helmets and gasmasks. The new technology is the outcome of several years' development by Phonak laboratories. It provides extra intelligibility by employing technologies such as VIP (voice intra-aural pick-up) and BSS (blind source separation). Designed to handle the demands of everyday, all-day usage, the system is fully compatible with all TETRA profes sional portable radios. Stand F4
TETRA meets VIDA with MASTR Tyco Electronics’ Wireless Net work Solutions business has introduced the MASTR IV (”Master Four“) TETRA Base Station. The MASTR IV, one of the M/A-COM MASTR series, marks the first MASTR product to facilitate the TETRA air interface with the VIDA network platform. The MASTR IV currently operates on the 380, 410 and 450 MHz frequency bands and will also support growing LMR (Land Mobile
Radio) markets in China and Russia. The M/A-COM VIDA network platform is an IP-based inter operable radio communications tech nology that supports TETRA, P25 and other radio technologies, providing users with the ability to integrate future technologies into their existing system. A demonstration of the VIDA Hybrid Network is available during the Congress, including
TETRA, P25 and VIDA Broadband, Tyco’s WiMAX technology. Stand K1
Solution in a single earpiece
The DigiM@x combination DigiM@x from Thales is the first solution to combine TETRA standards with WIMAX broadband capacity. Designed for use across large networks, DigiM@x uses IP networking and broadband capacities to provide a range of TETRA-standard digital communications services including voice, data and imagery.
Aimed at civilian, security and military networks., DigiM@x supports multi-organisation features to allow multiple agencies to share the same infrastructure, with effi cient management of radio resources. DigiM@x implements ISI (Inter System Interface) for communications with other TETRA networks. Stand K2
Launching the LINX
Instant indoor TETRA
Microbus has launched the LINX, which the company says is the first true vehicle demountable tablet PC with an integral TETRA modem.
The Axell Wireless Compact TETRA repeater (BSR421) provides instant in-building coverage for any medium sized building such as a police or fire brigade station or an office building. The BSR421 can be monitored via an integrated GSM modem with Axell’s supervision tool. Stand P2
The LINX from Microbus
The LINX features a rugged magnesium alloy case with protective rubber surrounds; integrated hand
straps; an eight-inch daylightviewable colour touchscreen and integrated stylus, providing a platform to access data on the move and run Windows® applications. A range of controlled entry features for user authentication are provided, including a fingerprint reader. In the vehicle the LINX can be docked into the compact docking station and will automatically connect to expansion systems to provide higher functionality. Out of the vehicle it can be used handheld or as part of an ‘office in a bag’ solution, or as a deskstation, The LINX provides integrated connectivity through 3G/EDGE/ GPRS, and, allied to WiFi and Bluetooth, provide seamless links back to base. The LINX is aimed primarily at public safety users but Microbus expects its adoption by a variety of field-based users and utilities markets. Stand L1
Antenna coupler eases testing Service and repair shops can now test TETRA radios without having to use type-specific RF adapters. Willtek Communications has introduced the first antenna coupler for TETRA frequencies, the Willtek 4914 Antenna Coupler. It complements the 2303 Stabilock, a dedicated TETRA mobile station tester. The coupler can also be used for mobile phone systems operating in the 400 MHz range. Stand O3
Radios to help you do your job, your way EADS TETRA radios match your way of working. A single radio has all the communications tools you need to help you do your job more efÞciently. Positioning, database queries, picture messaging, task allocation and more are all available and ready to use. Let your EADS radio take care of it all, efÞciently, safely and securely. For the security of all.
08 ess 20 Congr ld r o TRA W s at TE Visit u stand J EADS
Customisation is key to success The Chinese economic boom is being matched by growing demand for Metro-style rail transport in almost every major Chinese city. Such rapid development presents several engineering challenges, not least of which is providing effective communications for the new rail networks. Dispatching and network management systems for Metro networks have special requirements, all of which can be met successfully by building dedicated applications on top of standard TETRA infrastructure via the Applications Programming Interface (API) and Peripheral Equipment Interface (PEI). This approach has led to success for EADS in Chinese Metro projects, mainly through its partner, Shenzhen SEG Communi cation Co., Ltd (SEGCC). In each Metro project, SEGCC supplies customised equipment based on EADS TETRA systems, including
dispatcher workstations, network management systems (NMSs) and train mounted radio sets. The control head of the radio set also has a dedicated button that enables train operators to make emergency calls or normal calls to their home operation control centre (OCC) operators. According to SEGCC, basing its customised Metro dispatching system on EADS TETRA offers two key advantages. First, it’s extremely reliable and this has a positive knock-on effect on the overall reliability of the transport system. Second, powerful APIs make it easy to design and implement customised products to meet any special requirements. EADS – Stand J
TETRA Masterclass for Rail, MRTs and Metro 9.30–12.30 Thursday 29 th May
Rohill delivers for City Power Rohill has been chosen by City Power of Johannesburg, South Africa, to supply a TETRA system to help manage the supply and maintenance of electricity to the Johannesburg region. The competitive tender was won through Rohill partner Global Communications (Pty) Ltd, who will deliver the turnkey solution. Initially the new TetraNode network will be used by electricians, electrical engineers and technicians maintaining all main feeders and power grids to the region. Planned network expansion will enable other city
departments such as Parks and Water to benefit from their own secure VPN on the main network. City Power employees will use Sepura SRH3800 sGPS and SRG3500 sGPS TETRA mobiles with DMO facility. The implementation of the new IP network is viewed as essential to serve greater demands for secure communications, and to provide the framework for an integrated system that will be required by 2010 for the football World Cup competition. Stand R1
Expanding in Asia Axell Wireless has opened a new Asia Pacific headquarters in Singapore. Champagne celebrations were led by Sameer Kaul, Sales Director, Asia Pacific, and (right) Ian Brown, CEO. Stand P2
New CEO for Radio IP Software Radio IP Software has appointed Michel Guay as the com pany's President and Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Guay brings over 25 years of international business and wireless telecom experience to the Canadian company. He joins Radio IP Software from Galaxia Telecom Inter national, a WiMAX service provider based in Montreal
where he was President and COO. Prior to that, he was President and CEO of Wavesat, a provider of WiMAX semi conductor for six years. Before joining Wavesat, Mr. Guay was at Harris in France as General Manager and in Montreal involved in strategic inter national wireless telecom programmes. Stand B5
This newsletter is published by IIR Telecoms & Technology: The views in this magazine are not necessarily those of the editor or IIR Telecoms & Technology. Every effort has been made to ensure the information in this publication is correct and accurate. The editor and IIR Telecoms & Technology cannot accept any liability for any consequential loss or damage, however caused, arising as a result of using the information printed in this magazine. Printed in Hong Kong, 2008 The TETRA logo is registered to The TETRA Association Limited. All other trademarks and logos are the properties of their respective owners.
Exhibitor Showcase for Tuesday, 27th May Po s i t i o n L 3 . The latest developments – presented by the experts. Come and find out more.
Microbus In-vehicle PC technology Microbus
Reliable Backup Power Ida Tech
CyberTech Recording for TETRA CyberTech International
Antennas for Critical Communications Panorama Antennas
Artevea T Matrix Products Artevea Digital Ltd
CRIBS – A new tool for rapid In-building coverage surveys Multiple Access Communications Ltd
Terminal Aliasing and Role Based Numbering with Mentura ROCS Mentura Group
Radio IP MTG mobile VPN – reliable, continuous, data transfer over any network and application Radio IP Software
New Product Briefing Sepura plc
TETRA Data – How to Implement Today TEAM SIMOCO