# Willkommen in München Willkommen in München und willkommen zum TETRA World Congress 2009. Es ist eine unglaubliche ErmuPhil Godfrey tigung, für uns von Chairman der TETRA Associa- TETRA Association tion und dem professionellen Kommunikationsmarkt, dass Sie trotz dieser schwierigen Zeiten hier so zahlreich erschienen sind. Bitte nutzen Sie diese hochinteressante Woche, um Gleichgesinnte aus der TETRA Gemeinschaft zu treffen, um Wissen und Ideen auszutauschen, zu debattieren und gemeinsam die Herausforderungen der Zukunft zu adressieren. Im Namen der TETRA Association wünsche ich Ihnen einen erfolgreichen Kongress. Wir hoffen, mit den meisten von Ihnen während der nächsten Tage persönlich sprechen zu können, und Ihre Ansichten über die Zukunft der einsatzkritischen Kommunikationen für professionelle Nutzer zu hören. Kommen Sie uns doch auf unseren Messestand G102 besuchen. Wir freuen uns auf Sie.
Wednesday May 27 ’09
The State of Bavaria selects Sepura Sepura has secured the contract to supply digital TETRA radios to the State of Bavaria. Bavaria is the fourth German federal state to select Sepura radios within the roll out of the German TETRA BOS-net framework. This contract was won together with Selectric, Sepura's partner in Germany, a partnership that has already secured BOS-net contracts in the federal states of Sachsen-Anhalt, Niedersachsen and Bremen.
Sepura will supply more than 7800 radios to the police, fire brigades, and rescue organisations operating in the municipality of Munich and surrounding area. Bavarian public safety organisations will use Sepura's STP8000 hand-portables and SRG3500 gateways. Bavaria is the largest of the sixteen German states, and has over 60,000 public safety radio users and approximately 400,000 potential users. It is one
of the Federal Republic's earliest adopters of digital communication for its public safety organisations. Sepura is on Stand G401.
Welcome to Munich Welcome to Munich, and welcome to the 2009 TETRA World Congress. It is a tremendous encouragement, both to the professional communications market and to the TETRA Association, that so many of you are here to participate in this year’s Congress during such a difficult global economic climate. Please do take advantage this week of unparalleled opportunities to meet with colleagues from the user community and industry to share knowledge and ideas, to debate issues and address the challenges facing us all. On behalf of the TETRA Association, I wish you a successful Congress. We hope to meet as many people as possible during the Congress, and to hear your views on the future of critical communications for professional users. Come and visit us on the TETRA Association Stand G102 – we look forward to meeting with you.
Users reveal future communications needs TETRA will continue to address strong demand for fast, resilient communication. That is the headline result from research conducted by IDC for Motorola across Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA). The ‘Future Tech’ research asked nearly 200 organisations – public safety agencies and major industrial users – about their future communications systems requirements. The view of 82 per cent of respondents was for fast, resilient communications, which improve the safety of users, extend the range of applications available in the field and simplify ease of use. These requirements
www.tetraworldcongress.com Send your news and views to editor@tetra-association.com
underline the ongoing importance of TETRA technology. The in-depth study canvassed the opinions of executives with a role in purchasing decisions across eight countries in EMEA from public safety, oil and gas and transport sectors. As well as demand for faster and more resilient communication networks, organisations, as reported by 79 per cent of respondents, are keen to see improvements to technology which improves existing systems. “Organisations are focused on optimising their existing communications systems to support accelerated data speeds and
advanced applications,” said Pim Bilderbeek, VP European Telecoms Consulting, IDC. The TETRA industry is enhancing network performance with the imminent availability of TETRA 2 technology, expanding the array of services available to users. TETRA Release 2 includes TETRA Enhanced Data Services (TEDS) for higher data rates, a technology which is already being deployed in Norway’s nationwide TETRA system, with more networks planning to invest in the technology over the next two years. Visit Motorola on Stand D301 to find out more.
World Congress News is brought to you by
Motorola’s robust new terminal for the German public security market Motorola’s new MTP850FuG TETRA terminal is designed to meet the needs of public safety officials in Germany. Based on the portable Motorola MTP850 terminal, the new MTP850FuG includes all the core features of a regular 850 but adds a more robust design to support officials working in the most extreme conditions. The MTP-850FuG will be available later this year.
Engineered for tough surroundings
The robust MTP850FuG
Motorola is launching a new portable TETRA terminal, the MTP850S, specifically engineered for use in tough surroundings. Key safety features include the ‘Man Down’ feature; an emergency button that not only alerts colleagues to critical situations but sends and updates the officer’s location, ensuring help is sent when and where it is needed, and robust standardised 12-pin side connector to ensure audio accessories remain connected at all times, even during violent altercations.
A new set of services and features includes: Productivity enhancements include: ● FMS Status Application, which allows the end user to transmit the ● ETSI Class 3L (1.8W) transmit power and increased current resource or vehicle status to the dispatcher automatically receiver sensitivity for improved coverage in TMO without verbal communication. and DMO operations, ensuring officers can commu● Acoustic Receipt – an audible “acknowledgement” tone which is nicate over a wider area, delivering improved covetriggered by a double push on the Push-to-Talk button, so the rage in buildings or built-up areas ● console knows that the radio user has heard the Instant access to information datamessage and acknowledged it – a feature bases through an integrated WAP that has proven its worth in analogue browser “Mission critical situations ● Status Messaging radio devices. demand the highest possible degree of attentiveness ● Man Down Alarm – an emerallowing officers to and concentration from emergency personnel in the fire, police gency alarm that is broadcast monitor the progress and rescue services. A user-friendly technology that supports users The MTP850S, if the user stops moving of job assignments for tough in their work is therefore extremely important.” for a period of time or if the and to call for help surroundings device tilts over a certain when needed Alexander Burghardt, MSSI Vice President Central angle (due to a fall or accident) Europe & Russia, Motorola GmbH. along with GPS tracking to help See both new devices on the Motorola locate the user. booth, Stand D301.
Designed for the German network Panorama Antennas has announced the availability of a new range of antennas designed for the BOS radio network in Germany. The range of antennas operates on 4m (74-88MHz), 2m (165-174MHz) and TETRA UHF band (380-400MHz). The design of the antenna means that there is no need for a matching box as the antenna is resonant at each frequency. The complex BOS police network operates on both 4m and 2m VHF bands, and each individual police area has a different requirement. Panorama offers a range of interchangeable antenna elements. The tri-band and dual band antennas, together with the appropriate filter unit, enable simultaneous use of VHF and TETRA radios during the transition period. This means there is no need for multiple antennas. Once migration to TETRA is complete the multiband antenna
whip can be replaced by a single band TETRA whip, without any extra installation. Panorama can be found on Stand C701.
The Big Question … … What is it? Find out today at 12.20 in the ‘Overcoming the Challenges of Spectrum’ plenary session
Live network survey showcases QoS Samdale Ltd and seNet have joined forces to perform an extensive live survey, inspecting the QoS of the commercial seNet network in the Ruhrgebiet area. Samdale’s roaming PEGASUS probes are installed in seNet operational vehicles to gather live data about the coverage and performance of seNet’s TETRA network. Samdale’s PEGASUS architec ture allows fixed, portable and roaming probes to operate in live or off-line modes. The fully autonomous probes automatically gather coverage and performance data, encrypting and
transmitting it live to the PEGASUS Server SQL database where it is processed and analysed in real-time. Where wireless connectivity is not available, data is buffered locally on the probe and automatically forwarded to the server when a connection is available. seNet® is a private TETRA network of multiple sites in the Ruhrgebiet area operated by Evonik. It is designed for professional private users and applications, for example: vehicle fleet management, personnel and security monitoring, fleet
management for logistics service providers and emergency communications for energy suppliers. The live survey is taking place throughout the entire TWC exhibition, enabling visitors of the Samdale stand to see the Pegasus system in operation on a real network. Check out the live survey on Stand B203.
At 18:00 today … … Join the Congress organisers for a drinks reception in the exhibition hall – all are welcome
EADS introduces a new module for powerful data communication EADS has introduced the TDM880i for data communication over TETRA. Based on the EADS i-range TETRA radios, the TDM880i is dedicated to positioning, telemetry, remote control and data transfer applications, particularly in embedded solutions. While it can also be used as a stand-alone device, it is designed to be integrated with a master device in applications such as automatic meter reading, intelligent traffic systems and other embedded systems. Its 3W output power helps to ensure reliable delivery of data. The TDM880i operates on 380-430 MHz frequency band. The TDM880i is a compact printed circuit board, and encapsulates the full functionality of a TETRA data radio. The TDM880i uses IP data and SDS messages
for TETRA communication. Its I/O lines and RS232-interface for AT
The TDM880i data module
commands enable connectivity to a variety of applications. The I/O lines can be configured as inputs or outputs that can be controlled by short data messages, while the inputs can be used to trigger status message or send location information to predefined destinations. The module can use intel-
ligent message transfer options for managing the traffic load, such as control channel associated with an ongoing group call. For positioning, TDM880i uses its built-in GPS receiver and is compatible with the ETSI location information protocol (LIP). The position storage and transfer facility also suits positioning applications such as tracking vehicles or containers. Find out more on Stand G301.
Compact and dedicated The TDR880i from EADS is a complete product with versatile interfaces and advanced features to allow you to check status or location information. Alternatively, it can transfer more detailed information if your devices have more to tell. The compact TDR880i is dedicated for data communication. Examples include positioning, field reporting, database queries as well as
remote control and monitoring of remote assets and The devices such as EADS TDR880i containers, meters, gates or traffic dis-play panels. Find out more about how EADS is dedicated to data on Stand G301.
Delivering g Mission Critical Criticcal Communications Communiccations
Public Safetyy
Sole Platinum Sponsor of the TETRA World Congress 2009 Market Leader
Transport T ransportt
Offering the largest international range of TETRA radios
Global Footprint
Delivering to over 800 end-user organisations in more than 90 countries
Customer Focus
Developing products which fulfil mission critical requirements
Global Reach
Working with a world-wide network of local partners
Commercial Commercial
Innovative Solutions
Enabling industry-leading TETRA applications
See “TETRA in Action” on stand G401
Axell's SDR repeater signals new approach Axell Wireless has claimed the launch of the world's first TETRA digital repeater based on software defined radio (SDR) technology. The CSR438 digital channel selective repeater can provide secure radio coverage in any TETRA Axell’s network, and can world first be used to expand digital TETRA SDR repeater a base station’s service area by filling in coverage gaps caused by terrain, buildings or tunnels, or simply extending coverage into rural or remote areas. SDR is a collection of hardware and software technologies that enable reconfigurable system architectures for wireless communications. SDR enables new wireless features and capabilities to be added to existing radio systems through software upgrades rather than a hardware upgrade. The CSR438 is a further extension
of Axell’s existing next generation products based on SDR, and can be upand graded optimised with the minimum of service interruption as new TETRA network developments emerge. and “Technologies standards are rapidly evolving; demand for services, applications and access is increa-
sing and the volume of traffic across wireless networks is expanding exponentially. Public safety service providers and operators are naturally keen to meet that demand, but the rapid changes we now experience requires a new approach to protecting the investment made in capital equipment. “The adoption of SDR-equipped TETRA repeaters provides that protection. It maximises the value of the capital invested, and
Radio IP Software has unveiled new technology advancements that make it possible for mobile workforces to simultaneously uti-
Radio IP Software’s next-generation Concurrent VPN technology allows, in addition to seamless roaming, applications
lise multiple wireless networks within the context of a secure mobile VPN. Usually, when the primary wireless network configured to a particular application was not available, mobile VPN software typically roams, or switches to a secondary network.
to be matched to technologies. Mission-critical data applications such as CAD/AVL that are crucial to law enforcement and emer-
To the TETRA Technical Forum Summary and Update Meeting
Date: Thursday 28 May 2009 Time: 10:00-11:30 Room: 13A
Ask Axell more on Stand B601.
Radio IP Software demonstrates next-generation mobile VPN technology
You are cordially invited …
This meeting will give TETRA Association Members and non-members the opportunity to get an update on the current and ongoing work of the Technical Forum.
provides an adaptable platform that allows networks to be reconfigured rapidly to match new service and technology standards including the TETRA Enhanced Data System (TEDS) due to be launched later this year,” said Ian Brown, CEO, Axell Wireless. The CSR438 currently supports up to eight TETRA carriers, with a 16 channel version available in the future.
gency response will transmit over the most reliable wireless network available, i.e. TETRA. In parallel, software applications with less severe security and resilience requirements can utilise any other wireless network such as public cellular or broadband. For example, high quality video streaming requires high bandwidth and should be able to continuously transmit over 3G or Wifi networks without impacting the concurrent utilisation of other applications sending data over the TETRA network. For more information, visit Radio IP Software on Stand C104.
Find out about TETRA working with other technologies in the Complementary Technologies stream tomorrow afternoon.
Technical Forum ■ TETRA Association, Technical Forum and Working Groups ■ Status of Technical Forum Work Interoperability ■ Benefits for the Users ■ TETRA Interoperability Testing & Certification Process ■ How to read an IOP Certificate Featured Topics ■ Applications Working Group ■ IOP Test Automation ■ PEI Scripting Engine Questions & Answers
Rohde & Schwarz presents ACCESSNET ®-T CAMPUS IP Rohde & Schwarz Professional Mobile Radio is presenting its newest product, ACCESSNET®-T CAMPUS IP, to the international TETRA community on Stand F201. The ACCESSNET ®-T CAMPUS IP radio system is a flexible, scalable all-in-one solution for small and regional TETRA networks. Also targeted at small and me-
dium sized enterprises, ACCESSNET®-T CAMPUS IP is a compact system that combines exchanges, base stations and gateways in a single device. It can be upgraded from one up to a maximum of three base stations, and can be expanded to include additional applications and can also become a large-scale network.
Flexible and scalable system from Rohde & Schwarz on Stand F201
TETRA market on course with much to discuss at TWC By Patrick Connolly, Mobile Radio Research Director, IMS Research
Motorola TETRA – New for 2009
After continued growth in 2008, the TETRA market is showing signs of an even stronger 2009. The latest figures from the IMS Research mobile radio shipment tracker indicate that the analogue market has suffered some regional declines, largely due to macroeconomic conditions. Despite the volatile economy and continued contract delays, TETRA shipments have remained strong. Already in 2009 there is new contract activity in areas such as Mexico, Pakistan, South Africa, Ireland, Chinese airports and most notably Germany, which will help to sustain market growth over the next two years. In its new report, “World Market for TETRA Terminals”, IMS Research is forecasting growth
of well over 20 per cent over the next five years, with the following trends emerging: ● A second wave of nationwide contracts taking effect over the next two to three years. ● The re-establishment of contract rollouts in emerging regions such as China and South Korea. ● The entrance of new manufacturers into the market such as Unimo, HYT, RiM, TCB and Panasonic, both in terms of TETRA and other related technologies. ● The emergence of new TETRA devices, such as dedicated data devices as well as multi-bearer radios and COTS equipment. ● Despite declining average selling prices revenues are set to grow strongly over the forecast period. ● The emergence of commercial technologies, such as pushto-talk over cellular (PoC), as a complementary rather than competitive technology to TETRA and LMR in general.
However, the issue of TEDS and high speed data still needs to be resolved. There are a number of technical, governmental and economic reasons why TEDS has yet to establish itself. What we are now seeing is that commercial technologies and COTS equipment are starting to fill the gap left by TEDS in established networks. There are a number of plenary sessions during this week’s TWC addressing the is-
sues around TEDS – for example spectrum availability, broadband TETRA and the integration of TETRA with complementary technologies. Comments on this article are welcomed – please send to patrick.connolly@imsresearch.com and/or Beth Sharples at editor@ tetra-association.com – selected comments will be published so please provide your name and organisation.
In-car single screen display A deal has been struck with the BMW Special Vehicle Group, based in Munich, to integrate Sepura's mobile radios’ display directly with the Blue Light display of BMW Group's own iDrive system. The agreement was achieved with the support of Sepura's partner in Germany, Selectric GmbH. Combining the technologies means that police officers will have all information relayed
MOTOROLA MTP850 S Motorola’s MTP850 S offers maximum reliability, ruggedness and safety. With advanced features including integrated man down sensor, 1.8 W transmit power for increased coverage and a rugged side accessory connector, there is no better radio to have by your side in mission critical environments. See us at TETRA World Congress: Hall C1 · Booth D301 www.motorola.com/TETRA MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2009.
through just one central screen within the vehicle, while the provision of Sepura's new Handset Based Console (HBC) will allow either passenger or driver to make changes to the radio via Sepura's hand-portable car kit. Initially, some 400 BMW leasehold cars are expected to be equipped with the hybrid SRG/ iDrive system. Sepura can be found at Stand G401.
SunGard shows first wireless solution helping to ensure that operating costs and bandwidth provisioning are efficient. The unit supports multiple languages, providing full localisation capability and enables simple connectivity to other radio systems, telephone networks, CCTV, picture messaging and assorted E-Applications. SunGard is offering the solution as a standard off the shelf product available in different styles of configuration, depending
on user connectivity requirements. The SunGard DS2000C is available through the SunGard global channel partner network. Robin Davis, SunGard’s Head of International Development, said, ‘The Enhanced Dispatcher is the world’s first truly wireless TETRA solution
Environmental consideration from Rohill
The 3rd generation R-8070 – find out more from Rohill on Stand C401
Rohill Engineering has introduced a new TETRA base station transceiver. The 3rd generation R-8070 combines coverage enhancements of up to 30 per cent with strong environmental qualities. The R-8070 is fully RoHS compliant and the power efficiency of the power amplifier is more than doubled when compared to forst generation amplifiers. This
enables significant savings on costs to be made for electricity, air-conditioning and power backup capacity at the base station site. Many other environmentally friendly features are supported: remote monitoring and control, remote software download and advanced functions such as low power standby option. The R-8070 is TETRA-2 prepared.
Sungard’s DS2000C Enhanced Dispatch Solution
which offers the user an enhanced level of functionality. It is ideal for the smaller control room and significant interest has already been shown from users, not only in the public safety environment, where some organisations operate several hundred smaller remote dispatch facilities, but also in the transportation, rail, airports, oil & gas and ports and harbours sectors.’
Don’t miss … … the Exhibitor Showcase demonstrations at location C602 in the exhibition hall. See the back page for today’s schedule.
The sharpest TETRA radio
SunGard Public Sector is showcasing the DS2000C Enhanced Dispatch Solution on Stand 201. The DS2000C enhanced dispatcher is an out-of-the-box solution, which can support 2 to 12 operator positions and provides patching and the interconnection of a range of communications and e-media. TETRA connectivity can be provided via PEI port fixed mobiles with SIP and VOIP available for dispatch positions,
Expert delegation from Hungary Broad portfolio on show from RAD More than 40 TETRA experts from Hungary are in Munich to participate in the TETRA World Congress and the parallel Critical Communications Congress. The delegation includes members of the TETRA Forum Hungary (TFH), public safety users, service providers, governmental bodies, system and terminal suppliers as well as entrepreneur participants. The Hungarian TETRA network was implemented and put into operation three years ago, one of the largest nationwide public safety networks in Europe, working with some 40,000 terminals. The network is to be opened up to organisations that need to work closely with public safety in a critical situation. TFH is supporting the preparations, offering TETRA technical seminars for the potential users. During this week’s visit, the Hungarian delegation will be focussed on the latest TETRA solutions developed for mission
critical users; meeting with the global TETRA community and establishing professional contact systems; the development of the European global security conception; TEDS for mission critical applications, and future developments in the evolution of TETRA. It is expected that almost half the visitors to TWC 2009 will be from the user community.
RAD Data Communications is exhibiting its portfolio of scalable, multiservice cross-generation solutions for TETRA networks on Stand D101. RAD has deployed solutions for TETRA applications in Europe and the Far East and is interoperable with major TETRA vendors. “RAD brings a number of key advantages to TETRA operators and customers, including industry-leading experience in cross-
For indoor, outdoor & explosive areas On Stand F101, Creowave is launching its Hybrid Repeater, designed for present and future coverage enhancement solutions. It is aimed at customers wanting flexible solutions that will still be viable after ten years. The Creowave TETRA Hybrid Repeater can be updated in the field to take account of future radio channel allocations and continuous net-
work development. Updates can be made for channel selection and channel bandwidths. Typical installation locations are sites requiring redundancy such as airports, underground stations and road tunnels. Creowave’s range of TETRA repeaters is designed to improve the radio network coverage in indoor, outdoor and explosive ATEX areas.
generation migration requirements and resilient PDH, SDH and Ethernet ring applications,” said Kobi Gol, Product Line Manager at RAD Data Communications. “Our broad portfolio of solutions can be deployed to transport all TETRA applications over any infrastructure, whether copper, fibre or wireless.”
Rolling out a nationwide TETRA network – the German story – today's Plenary from 09.45
Special mission service Wondering how to get TETRA coverage at your jet-set party or on your private island? Here's the solution from EADS. This standalone TETRA base station is for when normal TETRA coverage doesn’t quite cover that special mission. Designed for isolated places like islands, or for temporary use during conferences or sports events, this
single base station solution will look after your trunked communication, SDS and status messages. EADS TB3 and TB3c base stations have the standalone option. Make it your mission to visit EADS on Stand G301.
Exhibitor Showcase Wednesday, 27 th May Location: C602 in the Exhibition Hall
International launch for Sectra crytpo Sectra is introducing the first independent crypto solution, enabling secure calls between TETRA terminals from different manufacturers, providing the terminals support recommendation 02 and 08 from the TETRA Association’s Security and Fraud Protection Group (SFPG). Sectra has developed this solution for the Swedish public safety network in close cooperation with the Swedish authorities, and is launching to the international market this week. “The market for TETRA is growing, and authorities such as the police request encryption
LINX – the TETRA enabled mobile data device Microbus
Delivering Mission Critical Communications Sepura
Integrated TETRA Network Management Suite IAP Solutions
Security and Communication Solutions EADS
Multiservice Backhaul for High Availability TETRA Networks RAD Data Communications
Effective service testing of TETRA radios Multiple Access Communications Ltd
No escape from TETRA coverage
for the protection of information that is essential for society. Our solution promotes safe and efficient co-operation among various emergency services,” said Michael Bertilsson, president of Sectra Communications. Sectra’s crypto solution is embedded in a smart card for insertion into TETRA terminals. The crypto protects conversations from eavesdropping independent of the terminal supplier, enabling users to choose a terminal based on their own preferences and maintain shared security. Sectra will be showing its new solution on Stand B206.