January 2012 TDA Today

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JANUARY JUNE, 2008 2012



Former TDA President Named President of American College of Dentists

Every Member Matters Texas A&M Health Science Center Baylor College of Dentistry alumna and TDA past

president Patricia Blanton was Committee recently elected as president of the American College of Rise’ Lyman, DDS,DrTDA Future Focus Dentists (ACD).

Membership growth is vital to any thriving organization. The Texas Dental Association (TDA) Board is strongly With Blanton’s past experience in professional roles, thewithin position president of the ACDplan, which addresses continued growth. committed to theleadership Membership goal theas“TDA 2009” strategic could not be a more perfect fit. She currently serves as first vice president of the American Dental I am proud to report that, as evidence of that commitment and for the second year in a row, the TDA received Association and a past president the TexasADA Dental Association, the of following awards in 2008:Southwest Society of Periodontists, Texas Society of Periodontists•andGreatest the Dallas County Dental Society.Net SheGain: also has served a delegate Percentage Membership Texas had as a net gain of 198 members in the year 2007. and alternate delegate to both• theTop ADAConstituent and TDA Houses of Delegates. Dental Society with Greatest Percentage of Non-Members to Membership:

Inside Inside

TDA Smiles Foundation Medicaid My Office? HealthyinSmiles Golf Classic 2012 Yes,Give I Think So! Kids a Smile! Richard M. Smith, DDS Member Benefit: Peer Review TDA Smiles Foundation TMOM gains ardent advocate Health Insurance Exchanges Ask the President 2012 TEXAS Meeting Incoming President’s message Hilton Israelson, DDS DENPAC Let’s Talk Outgoing President’s Preston’s Press message A. David May, Jr., DDS

a conversion of 4.7 percent of dental non-members into membership at end of year 2007. Blanton received her doctorate in Represents anatomy from Baylor University and her degree and • Baylor Top Constituent Dental Society Improve Retention Rate Percentage in 2007: Represents a 97 certificate in periodontics from College of Dentistry. She hastospent the majority of her percent Association retention rate, which is an increase of 7 percent professional career involved with the college. Blanton chaired the Department of Gross Anatomy in from the previous year. • Greatest Percentage of New Dentist Members: Represents a gain the 1980s, where she currently is professor emeritus in biomedical sciences, and she currently serves of 111 new dentist members (those dentists who In areaddition 1-9 yearstoout of school). on the Baylor Oral Health Foundation Board. numerous academic positions and professional practices periodontics is a past Program, which builds student awareness Anotherappointments, example of theBlanton commitment to the growth ofand ourimplantology Association isfull thetime. TDAShe Externship president of the BaylorThis Alumni Association. of organized dentistry. innovative program, created in 2007, offers students the opportunity to gain insight into the different components of organized dentistry including legislative and regulatory affairs, membership, governance, continuing education, and charitable dentistry and “One highest honors of of mytheir professional careerleaders will beoftothe serve as president of program the American to gainofa the better understanding role as future dental team. The is open to dental students from each of the three College of Dentists, the oldest national honorary society for dentists,” Blanton said. “One goalsat the TDA central office. Evidence-based TipofofDirectors the Month dental schools in Texas. This year the externship program will take place June 20 – June 27of inmy Austin 2008-2009 TDA Board will be to enhance the public’s and the profession’s knowledge of the efforts of the ACD to elevate As an ongoing effort to enhance the value and benefits of the Association, the TDA Council on Membership developed a survey that was sent ethical conductinwithin our profession andshowed assurethat thatmembers we dentists lose the public’s trust.” to all members 2006. The results clearly havenever a high satisfaction rating with benefits such as the TEXAS Meeting, TDA TSBDE Meet Your TDA Staff publications, and the ability to participate philanthropically in the TDA Smiles Foundation. A great number of the discounted programs offered to Rule Update TDA’s new Finance Director members through the TDA Perks Program also received a high satisfaction rating. In accordance with the strategic plan, the Council on Membership, DeeQ&A Dee Delagarza will survey members again in 2009. Participation from all members and a collaborative effort between the ADA, TDA, and local component societies are the keys to Congratulations to TDA successful membership recruitment and retention. We encourage every member to get involved whether it is by attending local meetings, Component Societies taking part in Give Kids a Smile! Day activities, volunteering at a Texas Mission of Mercy, or participating in TDA Legislative Day activities HB 300, passed during the 82nd Regular Session of the Texas inThe Austin. Each member matters and is essential to the continued growth of our Association and of organized dentistry. Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) began mailing Legislature, amends the Texas Medical Privacy Act (TMPA) — Chapter This is the seventhHealth and final in a series of articles focused on the TDA’s accomplishments guided by the strategic plan. To view the entire plan, Streamline Your Insurance Claims Medicaid/Children’s Insurance Program (CHIP) enrollment packets 181 of the Health and Safety Code. The legislation addresses the privacy 142nd Annual Session of the logtoinmembers at www.tda.org and click on “TDA 2009” under “Current Issues” on the member homepage. For more information, please contact Lyda Creus Speeding up confirmation of benefits in October 2011. Enrollment is underway so members can of protected health care information by establishing guidelines for the Texas Dental Association Molanphy, staff liaison“Main to theDentist” Future Focus Committee, the TDA central office, (512) 443-3675. utilize their selected starting March 1,at2012. storage, transmission, and security of protected health care information. and eligibility

Future Changes to Texas Medicaid Dental Program

It continues to be VERY IMPORTANT for participating dentists to inform Mdental ission :T o intend be The Voice of their existing patients about which plans they to participate (Delta Dental Insurance Company, DentaQuest, and/or MCNA Dental). Dentists may participate in all 3 plans. The TDA Committee on Access,

HB 300 — Training Module Now Available!

January Journal News

Most notably, the legislation requires training by each covered entity

Dental TSBDE RuleImplants Update in the Older Adult and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 Requirements for dental office radiograph machines (HIPAA). A dental practice is a “covered entity” if it transmits any Straws Do Not Cause Dry Sockets health information electronically in connection with a HIPAA “covered Public Development Membership News Image transaction” (such as submitting health care claims to a health plan) or In the When Third Molars are Extracted if such information is submitted electronically on the dentist’s behalf. TDA members in the news

DforenTisTry Texas its employeesin regarding the Texas Medical Privacy Act (TMPA)

CHIP is hosting TheManpower TDA created a member Advocacy Medicaid &Organizational Excellence a Medicaid/CHIP continuing information letter that participating education course during the dentists may share with their patients Membership Most dental offices are probably covered entities. Covered entities are 2012 TEXAS Meeting on Friday, toDentists help them complete the “selfIntra-oral Formication Induced will value membership and participation in the TDA. mandated to train all employees (including dentists) on both HIPAA May 4, 2012, from 2:00 PM to selection” process for a Main Dentist. by Occupational Exposure 5:00 PM. Representatives from and the TMPA within 60 days of hiring (new employees), or 60 days Objectives Although participating dentists the state and the 3 dental plans after the effective date — September 1, 2012 (existing employees). Mimicking Inhalation Abuse 1. inform Improve value and benefits of membership in TDA. may theirperceived patients about Tooth Whitening: A Clinical Review willabout be present. The course will Training must be updated every 2 years thereafter. a. Increase members’ knowledge the impact and benefits of TDA membership. which plans they intend to contract include an overview of Medicaid/ b. Ensure that components are an integral aspect of the membership process. The TDA is advising its members to proactively begin complying with TDA Historical Perspectives with, dentists are prohibited from CHIP dental, dentist enrollment c. Create greater awareness of the availability of the Peer Review, Ethics Judicial, and RiskThus, Management the&new requirements. the TDA benefits. Perks Program contracted with a Dentists, dental hygienists, and the influencing a member’s decision to and credentialing processes Actively adherencefortoeach the Code Ethics. company called Smart Training to design a convenient and cost effective dentalofplan, and an choose d. one plan over promote another. To January dental team27 Enhance communication with members non-members. overview of theand claims processing ($27.50 per person) internet based HB 300 training module. requeste.a copy of the “self-selection” Texas State Board of Dental f. Build student awareness of requirements and interest in dentistry fororganized each dental plan. and membership in TDA. letter, contact the TDA Policy The HB 300 training module is available and ready for use. Simply go to TheExaminers 2007 C.T. Rowland Award g. Diane Ensure ongoing students throughoutfor dental Visit texasmeeting.com moreschool. Manager Rhodes at contact with the designated Web page to sign-up, http://tinyurl.com/Perks-HB300, Orthodontic case report information and to register. h. Work closely with dental school faculty. Austin 512-443-3675, diane@tda.org. and andactivities your staff can begin training immediately. i. Evaluate number of nonmember dentists who attend and participate inyou TDA (TEXAS Meeting, TDA Smiles 10 & 11 Foundation programs, etc.). TheFebruary El Paso Dental Conference Metrics TDA Board of Directors 1. Seventy percent of active licensed dentists in TX will be members of TDA by 2009 (baseline of 68.5% in January 2007); increase Austin membership retention rate to 97 percent by April 2007 (baseline 96% in 2006). Jan M. Rollow, DDS,the Chair, TDAofCouncil PeeronReview a-d. Increase number dentists on serving component peer review and ethics and judicial affairs committees to attain a participation rate of 2-5 percent relative to the total number of component society members Augustabout 2009.one of the best benefits you have as August 14: If you are reading this article, you are probably a member of the Texas Dental Association. Have you everbythought 2. Ninety percent of TX dental school graduates actively licensed in TX will be members of TDA five years after(thank graduation (89% a member? It’s the Peer Review Process! You no doubt have heard about it, and many of you have served on a committee you, volunteers!), but do TDA Board Meeting dental student conversion from the graduating class of 2005 in Texas). Austin, Texas Join us on Facebook you understand the value of this quiet little process by which our organization resolves problems or misunderstandings regarding dental treatment? 3. Increase the number of member dentists actively participating in TDA by 1 percent a year (as measured by a variety of means groups.to/texasdental The local–peer review committees and theTMOM, TDA Council on Peer consider disagreements betweenTDA dentists and their and try to resolve what participation at TX Meeting, TXDDS, FSIReview programs, DENPAC participations, legislative day)patients with annual October 15-19: the patient and to dentist notbybeen to resolve themselves. They consider appropriateness of care, questions about the fees charged in a given set of report TDAhave Board the able Council on Membership. ADA Annual Session circumstances, andbaseline listen toofboth sides of theparticipation issue from the doctor’s(CAS, and theTDA patient’s points-of-view. Follow us on Twitter 4. Establish nonmember at treating TDA activities Smiles Foundation, Membership) San Antonio, Texas 5. Established baseline of members’ understanding of and satisfaction with the benefits of their TDA membership through Member twitter.com/theTDA What a great bonus for all parties involved! Many times phone mediation alone resolves the dispute. Sometimes a thorough review of patient records and a Benefits andisServices (completed Novthe 2006), re-evaluate % increase at that time forprovides 2009. a reasonable and mutually agreeable solution clinical examination required,Survey but nearly all the time committee’s decision and recommendation Sixty-five percent of all full-time faculty will be TDA members by 2009 (2006 baseline = 63%). for 6. all parties involved.

July Journal News

Around the State

Member Benefit: Peer Review

Around the State Click & Connect

Click &Get Connect LinkedIn

So what can this mean for you? You avoid disagreeable meetings with that unhappy patient. You may keep yourself from being in a court of law over the issue. linkedin.com, The update plan the with another retreat incommittee Augustorofcouncil 2008. In thisTDA day ofwill the computer andit’s easestrategic of filing complaints, patient often callsstatewide an organization’s peer review and concurrently reports Update Profile search “Texas Dental the issue to the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners (TSBDE). Since the peer review process is usually very timely (far speedier than the TSBDE process), tda.org – Membership Info Association” and the outcome often upholds your quality of care, you have a documented positive report to share with the TSBDE. However, please keep in mind that going through the peer review process does not exempt you from cooperating with the TSBDE should it approach you about the same case. Ask a Colleague

Using your

tda.org – Features In the 2011 House of Delegates, a resolution was passed that will help members from concomitantly dealing with the same issue in the TSBDE smartphone, proceedings and peer review, but the peer review process is generally much quicker and can be resolved before the TSBDE even contacts you. As a scan this barcode stipulation of your TDA membership, you are required to participate in the peer review process if contacted by a committee. Not doing so is considered TEXAS Meeting Photos to access the TDA unethical conduct. I hope you can see that this is a great membership benefit. We hope you won’t need it, but it is an insurance policy already in place for texasmeeting.com/estore you. And when your local society calls you and asks if you will serve on the Peer Review Committee, say “Yes!” Web site. If you have comments or questions about peer review, then please contact the Council on Peer Review via Cassidy Neal at 512-443-3675 ext. 152 or cassidy@tda.org. In 2003, Texas Dental Association members from across the state develop TDA’s first strategic plan, TDA 2009.

Volunteer for ‘08 ADA tda.org/volunteerada08

Spotlight on TSBDE Rules

Moderate Sedation (Level 2) In the September 2011 TSBDE Rule Update — 22 TAC §110.5 — Moderate Sedation (Level 2), readers were instructed to view the complete summary on the TDA Web site, tda.org. The complete summary explained that although the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners (TSBDE) began enforcing all the sedation/anesthesia rules — 22 Chapter 110 — on January 1, 2012, additional time was specified in the Moderate Sedation rule to give Level 1 Minimal Sedation permit holders an opportunity to apply for and receive a Level 2 Moderate Sedation Permit. Texas licensed dentists with active enteral sedation permits on June 1, 2011, are automatically reclassified to a Level 1 Minimal Sedation Permit and have until January 1, 2013, to apply for a Moderate Sedation (Level 2) Permit 22 TAC §110.5 (a) (1) (C) if needed. Dentists holding a Level 1 Minimal Sedation Permit as of June 1, 2011, may continue to administer enteral sedation until January 1, 2013. However, if the permitted dentist’s enteral sedation technique involves more than the administration of nitrous oxide plus one enteral drug, the dentist has until January 1, 2013, to either provide proof that adequate education has been obtained by submitting an application for a Level 2 Moderate Sedation Permit on or before that date, or will comply with the requirements of a Level 1 Permit after that date. For more information, please contact TDA Policy Manager Diane Rhodes at 512-443-3675, diane@tda.org.

Health Insurance Exchanges This is the first in a series of articles to keep you informed about Health Insurance Exchanges (HIX) in Texas. The HIX is an online marketplace tool enabling consumers to shop, compare, and enroll in a health insurance plan. Future articles will focus on helpful reference Web sites and other information about the HIX. You and your patients may already have questions about Health Insurance Exchanges (HIX): What is the HIX? How does it work? The HIX is an online marketplace tool enabling consumers to shop, compare, and enroll in a health insurance plan. It facilitates the purchase of private insurance and assists with enrolling members in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). According to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), each state must have an insurance exchange by 2014 and health plans participating in state exchanges must provide an “essential health benefits package,” including a pediatric oral health benefit.

Individual states have until January 1, 2013, to demonstrate “significant progress” in developing an HIX or face the possibility that the federal government will establish an exchange for them. Although Texas began exploratory HIX research in 2010 through a shared PPACA exchange planning grant between the Texas Department of Insurance and the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, there was no legislation passed in 2011 authorizing the creation of a state developed exchange. Federal HIX rules are currently in a public comment period, and the TDA is actively involved in that process at both the state and federal levels. Meanwhile, the U.S. Supreme Court announced in December 2011 its schedule for oral arguments to determine the constitutionality of the PPACA. Oral arguments will begin on March 26, 2012, and the court is expected to rule by June 2012. It is very likely that Texas will continue in a HIX “holding pattern” until the court ruling. The TDA will continue to closely monitor the HIX landscape in Texas and will publicize new information as it becomes available. For questions or comments, contact TDA Policy Manager Diane Rhodes at 512-443-3675 or diane@tda.org.

142nd Annual Session of the Texas Dental Association May 3 – 6, 2012 • San Antonio, Texas

2012 TEXAS Meeting Registration and Housing NOW OPEN Anne C. Lyon, DDS, FAGD, TDA Council on Annual Session

Changes in Fees to Register Dental X-Ray Machines On January 1, 2012, the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) Radiation Control Program (RCP) published the final rule changes to Texas Administrative Code 25 §289.204 — Fees for Certificates of Registration, Radioactive Material Licenses, Emergency Planning and Implementation, and Other Regulatory Services, including §289.204 (j) governing dental radiographic machines. As of January 1, 2012, the new fee for a certificate of registration is $370. Since 2004, a certificate of registration includes all X-ray units at a single office. Dentists with X-ray machines at more than 1 office location under the same tax identification number complete a business information form (RC Form 226-1) and a separate “additional authorized use form” for each satellite office (§289.232(g)(1)(B) (ii)). The fee for each authorized use form is 30% — $111.00 — of the $370 certificate of registration fee.

The Council on Annual Session wishes you a happy and healthy 2012. Make plans now to include outstanding continuing education in your new year’s resolutions. Your 2012 TEXAS Meeting can accommodate all of your continuing education needs. The December issue of your Texas Dental Journal included the TEXAS Meeting housing form. If you are like me, you glanced through it, noticed how many hotels there were to choose from, and continued to flip through the Journal. Retrace your steps! “Why?” you ask. Housing opened in December and the actual meeting registration opened in January. Your TEXAS Meeting will be bigger and better than ever, and we expect a record breaking crowd for an incredible event! We are fortunate enough to offer 17 hotel options at special rates for TEXAS Meeting attendees. I encourage you to reserve your hotel rooms as soon as you can. This is especially true if you are looking for certain amenities or certain price ranges. And, you will have a much better chance to book a block of rooms “together” — for your staff, family, and friends. Book them NOW! The TDA staff and council members have worked extraordinarily hard to bring our 2012 program “over the top” with new program formats and excellent speakers, with more than 200 lectures and workshops to meet the continuing education needs of your team. Some courses and most workshops fill up quickly. Register NOW to confirm your continuing education curriculum. With all braggin’ aside: this 2012 meeting, chaired by Dr Frank Higginbottom, will be one of the best. I recommend you pick up your January Texas Dental Journal or your TEXAS Meeting registration brochure to secure your housing and registration TODAY! Or, go to texasmeeting.com! I just did! See you there!

happy, healthy smiles...that’s our mission!


Healthy Smiles Golf Classic 2012 The annual Healthy Smiles Golf Classic, benefitting TDA Smiles Foundation (TDASF), will take place Friday, May 4, 2012. This tournament will be held at The Quarry Golf Club in San Antonio. The Quarry is a gorgeous, renowned links course, conveniently located just minutes from the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center. To sign up to play or sponsor, please visit tdasf.org, or sign up when you register for the TEXAS Meeting, using Course Code #F101. The Healthy Smiles Golf Classic, hosted by Texas Association of Orthodontists, is the biggest fundraising event for TDASF. This is a great opportunity to enjoy a day on the course, and help TDASF bring happy, healthy smiles to Texans.

Give Kids a Smile! Are you planning a Give Kids a Smile (GKAS) day this year? On Friday, February 3, 2012, thousands of dentists across the nation will provide charitable care to low income children. The American Dental Association designates February 3rd as the date for this nationwide program, but GKAS events can be conducted any day. In 2011, more than 9,000 dentists participated in 1,524 events. An estimated 396,942 low-income children were served. When you participate in a GKAS event, you and your team give children much-needed dental care. You also give them invaluable education that can help prevent oral disease. The ADA has information available at ada.org/givekidsasmile.aspx. If you are planning a GKAS event, please contact TDASF Missions Associate Billy Callis at 512-448-2441 x.103.

January 2012 / TDA Today / 2

Texas A&M University 2010 Winner of the TDASF Bragging Rights Challenge

Are you tired of hearing “Gig ‘em Aggies” and seeing maroon and white everywhere? Then it’s time to put your money where your mouth is with the Texas Dental Association Smiles Foundation (TDASF) Bragging Rights Challenge. Every dollar you donate on behalf of your alma mater supports charitable dental care programs in Texas. The alma mater that raises the most money for TDASF will be recognized at the TDA Annual Session, highlighted at the TDASF Healthy Smiles Golf Classic, and will maintain school bragging rights for an entire year! Don’t miss out on this opportunity! The challenge officially kicked off January 1, 2012. To donate, contact the TDASF office at 512-448-2441 or visit tdasf.org.

Official Call for Speaker of the House Nominations

Texas Dental Association Notice of Grant Availability 501(c)(3) NonProfit Dental Organizations


he Texas Dental Association (TDA) announces availability of financial assistance for qualifying 501(c) (3) non-profit organization affiliated with dentistry. The monies are derived from TDA Relief Fund interest income earned over the previous fiscal year. Grantees will be determined by the TDA Board of Directors. Eligibility: Grantees must be 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations affiliated with dentistry. Application: Letters of interest detailing the proposed project(s) and including a budget(s) should be mailed to: TDA Board of Directors Attn.: Mr Terry Cornwell 1946 S IH 35, Ste 400 Austin, TX 78704 Deadline: Letters of Interest must be received no later than January 31, 2012. Approval: Letters of Interest will be reviewed and considered by the TDA Board of Directors at its March 2012 meeting. Notification: All recipients will be notified in writing by May 15, 2012. Previous Recipients: In 2011, grants were awarded to Christian Community Action in Lewisville, the Community Health Center of Lubbock, the Covenant Health System Foundation in Lubbock, Dentists Who Care in Edinburg; the Good Neighbor Healthcare Center in Houston, the Jack T. Clark Foundation in Austin, the San Jose Clinic in Houston, and the St. Paul Children Foundation in Tyler. For more information, please contact Mr Terry Cornwell, TDA, 512)-443-3675 or terry@tda.org.

Nominations for the elective office of Texas Dental Association (TDA) Speaker of the House may be submitted to Dr. Ron Collins, TDA Secretary-Treasurer. Only an active, life, or retired member in good standing of this Association shall be eligible. A Curriculum Vitae (CV) must accompany a letter of intent and the nominee must sign a conflict of interest statement. If a CV is not submitted, nominees must present his/her qualifications verbally before the House of Delegates. Nominations are in order up to the time the official nominations are made at the electing House of Delegates. We request that nominations are made as early as possible so that membership eligibility can be verified. Duties of the Speaker of the House are enumerated in the Bylaws and include the following: a. b. c. d. e. f.


h. i. j.




To serve as an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors without vote. To serve as an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee without vote. To preside at all meetings of the House of Delegates. To determine the order of business for all meetings, subject to the approval of the House of Delegates. To appoint tellers to assist him/her in determining the result of any action taken by vote. To appoint members of reference committees in consultation with the President, President-elect and the Immediate Pastpresident by the first Board of Directors meeting of the calendar year. To notify the divisional officers and the Committee on Credentials, Rules and Order, prior to the annual session, the number of delegates and alternates necessary to constitute a quorum. To meet with the divisional officers prior to the meeting of the divisional caucuses at the annual session to review the Rules For Caucus Procedures, Nominations, and Elections. To appoint a parliamentarian pro tem, should it become necessary for the parliamentarian to be absent during a session of the House of Delegates. When the need shall arise, appoint special committees to perform duties not otherwise assigned by these Bylaws, to serve until adjournment sine die of the session at which they were appointed. In the event that the divisional nominee for a particular office be declared ineligible, that the Speaker of the House of Delegates shall direct the divisional caucus to reconvene to select a new nominee. The installation of officers shall be held during the closing meeting of the House of Delegates at such time as determined by the Speaker and conducted by the retiring President or PastPresident. The term of new officers begins at the adjournment of the House of Delegates. The Secretary of this Association shall serve as the Secretary of the House of Delegates. In absence of the Secretary, the Speaker shall appoint a Secretary of the House of Delegates pro-tem.

Nominations are to be mailed to Dr Ron Collins, TDA SecretaryTreasurer, Texas Dental Association, 1946 S IH-35 Ste 400, Austin, TX 78704; or e-mailed to TDA Executive Director Ms Mary Kay Linn, marykay@tda.org. (According to the TDA Bylaws, Chapter IV – Sections 30E, 60, 110A, 150D, Chapter V – Section 70Aa).

Preston’s Press J. Preston Coleman, DDS, TDA President

iResolve Here we are — another year to resolve to improve, impact, or impress. I have a list of resolutions at the beginning of each year, and I’ve accomplished some and revised many by year’s end. This year I resolve to do the following:


I will improve my skills as a dentist and a leader of organized dentistry. When I treat my patients, I know that I am giving them honest, professional care. As a member of TDA, we are lucky to have an annual dental meeting with such distinction as the TEXAS Meeting. This year, I resolve to take advantage of many of the CE courses available at TDA’s 142nd annual session in San Antonio this May. I will improve my TDA by taking part in many ways. I can be an active member of my component society. I can volunteer and accept a committee or council assignment this spring for the coming year. I can participate in a Texas Mission of Mercy or take some patients for Donated Dental Services. I can mentor a student. I can become a delegate to the TDA House of Delegates. I can serve on a reference committee.


As president of the TDA, I’ve visited 18 of our 26 component societies, and I have 8 more to see before my service is up in May. I hope that my visits have provided our component societies with information they need to continue the benefits of organized dentistry. I have tried my best and will continue to strive to impact each member I address with current facts and my thoughts that will convey my sincere feelings that the TDA and its support staff is the best organization in the American Dental Association. The TDA continues to enjoy the benefits of our outstanding legislative consultants at the Texas Capitol. Their efforts are strengthened by DENPAC, the TDA’s political action committee. This year, I resolve to make an impact by continuing to support DENPAC and to develop a working relationship with my Texas Legislators.


Among the many definitions for “impress” is a compulsion to serve. This is a fitting attribute of our profession. Dentistry is a necessary medical service that for many reasons may be out of the reach of many people. Thanks in part to organizations like the TDA Smiles Foundation, we can provide our skills to so many that need the care that can change their lives. I resolve to volunteer at 1 or more of the TDA Smiles Foundation events this year. To do the same, please visit tdasf. org for information on upcoming events. Happy New Year and may 2012 be your best year yet!

Evidence-based Practice Tip of the Month Stephen R. Matteson, DDS, FICD, TDA Editor

Dental Erosion in Swimmers An October 2011 article in the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry describes dental erosion of anterior teeth of competitive swimmers that occurs when the pH of pool water is not correctly monitored and is acidic, possibly down to a pH of 3. The erosive effects include dissolution of enamel such that the tooth appears to have been prepared for veneers, loss of interproximal enamel with resulting diastemas, a granular appearance of the tooth surface and a protruding appearance of existing restorations due to the removal of adjacent enamel. You may read the abstract at: PMID 21962583. A related 2008 article with illustrations on this subject in the Journal of the Canadian Dental Association at: PMID 18538074. Go to pubmed.gov and enter the PMID numbers above to read these materials. References 1. Severe and rapid erosion of dental enamel from swimming: a clinical report. Jahangiri L, Pigliacelli S, Kerr AR. J Prosthet Dent. 2011 Oct;106(4):219-23. PMID: 21962583 [PubMed - in process]. 2. Rapid and severe tooth erosion from swimming in an improperly chlorinated pool: case report. Dawes C, Boroditsky CL. J Can Dent Assoc. 2008 May;74(4):35961. PMID: 18538074. January 2012 / TDA Today / 3

TSBDE Rule Update

This recurring section is designed to help TDA members keep up with important Texas State Board of Dental Examiners (TSBDE) rules, other regulations, and state law affecting their practices. This TSBDE Update will address Texas State Board of Dental Examiners (TSBDE) Chapter 110 — 22 TAC §110.9 — Anesthesia Permit Renewal. A dentist seeking to renew a Level 1 Minimal Sedation, Level 2/3 Moderate Sedation, or Level 4 Deep Sedation/ General Anesthesia Permit must complete the following hours of continuing education (CE) once every 2 years on the administration of or medical emergencies associated with the permitted level of sedation (1): (a) Level 1: Minimal Sedation — 6 hours (b) Levels 2 and 3: Moderate Sedation — 8 hours (c) Level 4: Deep Sedation/General Anesthesia — 12 hours The CE requirements under 22 TAC §110.9 are in addition to CE courses mandated for dental licensure. Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) course, Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) course, or a board-approved 2-day emergency course may be used to fulfill the Sedation/Anesthesia CE requirement when not being taken for renewal of the permit (1). Only CE courses offered by TSBDE endorsed providers will meet the criteria for acceptable CE hours — 22 TAC §110.9 — Providers. For more information, please contact TDA Policy Manager Diane Rhodes at 512-443-3675, diane@tda.org. Reference 1.

Sedation and Anesthesia Permit Continuing Education and CPR Requirements: http://www.tsbde.state.tx.us.

Question and Answer with the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners TDA’s central office recently received inquiries asking whether dentists may perform dental screenings. The Q&A below between the TDA and the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners (TSBDE) gives guidance to dentists regarding the issue.


National Children’s Dental Health Month is February 2012 with the purpose of raising awareness about the importance of oral health. As a dentist, I am interested in going into my local elementary schools and offering free “dental screenings” and education and activity sheets with oral health messages. Does the Texas Dental Practice Act or TSBDE rules prohibit dentists from performing mass dental screenings?


The TSBDE’s rules prohibit a dentist from doing a “visual dental health inspection” as defined in Chapter 112 of the rules. A “visual dental health inspection” is “performed as a group activity taking place in a school or other institutional setting for the purpose of making a gross assessment of the dental health status of group members, at no cost to the members. It is cursory



and does not involve the use of dental instruments, though use of gloves, tongue depressors, and intra oral lighting is encouraged. Further, it does not involve making a diagnosis, providing treatment, or treatment planning. A health care worker does not engage in the practice of dentistry if the inspection process is limited to recognizing when tissue does not appear normal and encouraging the member to appoint with a licensed Texas dentist.” A “visual dental health inspection” cannot be performed by a dentist, dental hygienist, physician, or physician assistant. So, a dentist can do a “dental screening” that meets the minimum standard of care. The dentist must maintain dental records on each patient as required by the rules in 22 Texas Administrative Code §§ 108.7 and 108.8. The board’s rules can be read in their entirety on the TSBDE’s Web site at tsbde.state.tx.us. Answer provided by Joy Sparks, General Counsel, Texas State Board of Dental Examiners


EDITORIAL STAFF Stephen R. Matteson, DDS, Editor Nicole Scott, Managing Editor Lauren Oakley, Publications Coordinator Barbara Donovan, Art Director Paul H. Schlesinger, Consultant BOARD OF DIRECTORS J. Preston Coleman, DDS, President Michael L. Stuart, DDS, President-elect Ronald L. Rhea, DDS, Immediate Past President Vice Presidents Lisa B. Masters, DDS, Southwest Robert E. Wiggins, DDS, Northwest Larry D. Herwig, DDS, Northeast Karen E. Frazer, DDS, Southeast Senior Directors T. Beth Vance, DDS, Southwest Michael J. Goulding, DDS, Northwest Arthur C. Morchat, DDS, Northeast Rita M. Cammarata, DDS, Southeast Directors Yvonne E. Maldonado, DDS, Southwest David C. Woodburn, DDS, Northwest Jean E. Bainbridge, DDS, Northeast Gregory K. Oelfke, DDS, Southeast Ron Collins, DDS, Secretary-Treasurer Glen D. Hall, DDS, Speaker of the House David H. McCarley, DDS, Parliamentarian Stephen R. Matteson, DDS, Editor Mary Kay Linn, Executive Director William H. Bingham, Legal Counsel TDA Today (USPS 022-007) is published monthly except for December by the Texas Dental Association, 1946 S. IH-35, Ste 400, Austin, Texas 78704-3698, (512) 443-3675. Periodicals Postage Paid at Austin, Texas and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to TDA TODAY, 1946 S. IH-35, Ste 400, Austin, TX 78704-3698. Annual subscriptions: Texas Dental Association (TDA) members, $5. In-state American Dental Association (ADA) affiliated, $15 + tax. Out-of-state ADA affiliated, $15. In-state non-ADA affiliated, $30 + tax. Out-of-state non-ADA affiliated, $30. Single issue price: TDA members $1. In-state ADA affiliated, $3 + tax. Out-of-state ADA affiliated, $3. In-state non-ADA affiliated, $6 + tax. Out-of-state non-ADA affiliated, $6. Contributions: Manuscripts and news items of interest to the membership of the Association are solicited. Manuscripts should be typewritten, double spaced, and the original copy should be submitted. Please refer to Instructions for Contributors in the annual September Directory of the Texas Dental Journal for more information. The Information for Contributors is available at tda. org. All statements of opinion and of supposed facts are published on authority of the writer under whose name they appear and are not to be regarded as the views of the Texas Dental Association, unless such statements have been adopted by the Association. Articles are accepted with the understanding that they have not been published previously. Authors must disclose any financial or other interests they may have in Member Publication products or services described in their articles. Advertisements: Publication of advertisements in this publication does not constitute a guarantee or endorsement by the Association of the quality of value of such product or of the claims made of it by its manufacturer.

Online Training for Texas House Bill 300 Compliance. To help TDA members comply with the new requirements of House Bill 300, TDA Perks Program contracted with Smart Training LLC, a Texasbased company with a 20-year track record of efficient staff training, to design a convenient and cost effective internet-based HB 300 training module for you and your staff. Training is only $27.50 per person.* And Smart Training’s system maintains the required recordkeeping for you! Register you and your staff, or learn more at:

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*You must enter code, “TDAPERKS” to receive the Perks discounted price. (NonTDA member price: $37.50)

Learn about other great programs: tdaperks.com. Questions? Call: (512) 443-3675.

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