APRIL 2012 JUNE, 2008
FutureMember Changes to Texas Medicaid Dental Program Inside Every Matters Inside TDA Testifies Before the Senate and the Children’s Health Insurance Program Health and Human Services Membership growth is vital to any thriving organization. The Texas Dental Association (TDA) Board is strongly (CHIP) began receiving their dental services committed to the Membership goal within the “TDA 2009” strategic plan, which addresses continued growth. through one of the three state selected dental plans: Delta Committee I am proud to report that, as evidence of that commitment and for the second year in a row, the TDA received Dental, DentaQuest, and MCNA Dental. As of March 1, 2012, most children and young
Rise’ Lyman, TDA Focus Committee adultsDDS, age 20 and Future younger enrolled in Medicaid
TDA Smiles Foundation
Medicaid in My Office? Yes,Victoria I ThinkTexas So! Mission of Mercy Healthy Smiles Richard M. Smith,Golf DDSClassic
the following ADA awards in 2008: On March 20, 2012, Dr Richard C. Black, chair of the TDA Council PerksFoundation TDATDA Smiles To help dentists and clients adjust to the transition, • Greatest Percentage Membership Net Gain: Texas had Affairs, a net gain 198 members in on thebehalf year 2007. on Legislative & Regulatory gaveofpublic testimony TMOM gains ardent advocate the Health and Human Services (HHSC) • Commission Top Constituent Dental Society with Dental Greatest Percentage of Non-Members Membership: of the Texas Association (TDA) regarding priorto authorization DENPAC temporarily suspended the Main Dentist requirement Represents a conversion of 4.7 non-members into membership end of year 2007. andpercent medical of necessity review across the Medicaid at dental program, Black Ask the President through May 31, 2012. This gives clients time to Dental Society to Improve Retention Rate Percentage in 2007: Represents a 97 • Top Constituent including orthodontic services. Incoming message contact their dental plan (ie, Deltapercent Dental, Association DentaQuest,retention rate, which is an increase of 7 percent from the previous year. Dental President’s Students Sign On testimony included Healthaand Executive Commissioner and MCNA Dental), and choose preferred Main of NewInvited • their Greatest Percentage Dentist Members: Represents gainHuman of 111Services new dentist members (those Tom Hilton Israelson, DDS UTSD and UTHSCSA Suehs, Deputy Executive Commissioner for Health Services Operations Billy Millwee, Dentist without any disruption in dentists service. The whotemporary are 1-9 years out of school). Inspector General Douglas Wilson, Office of Attorney General Director of Law Enforcement suspension of the Main Dentist requirement helps assure Let’s Talk Another example of the commitment to the growth of our Association the Texas TDA State Externship Program, which builds student awareness Clete Buckaloo,isand Board of Dental Examiners Acting Executive Director continuity of care while the dental plans address Main MK’s Board Notes message Outgoing President’s of organized dentistry. This innovative program, created in 2007, offers students the opportunity to gain Glenn Parker and Enforcement Director Lisainsight Jones. into the different components Dentist assignment issues. As a reminder, clients may February and of organized dentistry including legislative and regulatory affairs, membership, governance, continuing education, and charitable dentistry and A. David May, Jr.,March DDS 2012 Meetings change their Main Dentist at anytime and those changes reiterated theisTDA’s the most to gain a better understanding of their role as future leaders ofDr theBlack’s dentaltestimony team. The program open position to dentalsupporting students from eachconservative of the threeguidelines are to be processed immediately by the dental plans. a medically orthodontic casecentral from aoffice. cosmetic case, and the need to 2008-2009 TDA Board of Directors dental schools in Texas. This year the externship program will for takedistinguishing place June 20 – June 27necessary in Austin at the TDA The TDA on to Access, Medicaid & CHIP all comprehensive dental through the dental home wherein the patient As an Committee ongoing effort enhance the value and benefits of thecoordinate Association, the TDA Council on care Membership developed a survey that was sent chooses (CAMC) held in a 1-hour openresults session to discuss challenges individual dentist andrating not a business entity.such Ensuring the integrity of theTDA Medicaid program, to all members 2006. The clearly showed that membersan have a high satisfaction with benefits as the TEXAS Meeting, April Meet Your TDA Staff with the transition of the South Dental including the appropriate delivery orthodontic resultsprograms in a balanced distribution publications, and theduring abilitythe to Star participate philanthropically in the TDA Smiles Foundation. A greatofnumber of theservices, discounted offered to TDA’s new Finance Director Journal News Meeting in Houston March. to CAMC of limited rating. Medicaid for allwith appropriate dentalplan, services. Dr Blackon testified that the TDA members through the in TDA PerksFeedback Programgiven also received a high satisfaction In funds accordance the strategic the Council Membership, during thatmembers session will be in discussed recognizes the issues surrounding some cases there were approved under the previous Medicaid Dee Dee Delagarza will survey again 2009. in detail with HHSC Addiction: The Elephant in the during a meeting infrom April. thea TDA will meeteffortorthodontic guidelines and hopes cases are societies adjudicated taking Participation allAdditionally, members and collaborative between the ADA, TDA, and that localthose component arefairly the keys to into account the Congratulations to TDA separately membership with each dental plan in late April to address Room guidelines existedtoatget theinvolved time the whether case was submitted. successful recruitment and retention. We encourage every that member it is by attending local meetings, TDA member dentist issues/concerns to each plan. Component Societies taking part in Give Kids a Smile! Dayspecific activities, volunteering at a Texas Mission of Mercy, or participating in TDA Legislative Day activities Dr Black also stressed that most dentists in Texas adhere to highest level of professionalism in Austin. Each member matters and is essential to the continued growthbehavior of our Association of organized dentistry. Additionally, CAMC is sponsoring a 3-hour continuing and ethical and the TDAand continues to welcome all opportunities to discuss Prosthetic Rehabilitation of This iscourse the seventh and– final series of articles the TDA’s accomplishments guided by the strategic Streamline Your Insurance Claims education 2:00 pm 5:00 in pmaon Friday, May 4,focused onmeasures designed to prevent waste, fraud, and abuse.plan. To view the entire plan, an Edentulous Maxilla with log in atduring www.tda.org andMeeting click on “TDA under Speeding up confirmation of benefits 2012, the TEXAS in San 2009” Antonio. The “Current Issues” on the member homepage. For more information, please contact Lyda Creus In addition, the committee discussed the role of management service organizations and Microstomia, Limited Interarch Molanphy, staffNEW liaison to the Future Focus Committee, at the TDA central office, (512) 443-3675. course — The Texas Dental Program: The Changes and eligibility concerns about large commercial dental clinics exerting improper influence on a dentist’s Space, and Malaligned Implants: A YOU Need to Know! — includes speakers from HHSC, professional judgment and relationship with the patient. the Texas Department of State Health Services, and the 3 Clinical TSBDE RuleReport Update Mission: To be The oice of Dplease enTisTry in Texas To V view the hearing, go to tinyurl.com/TDATestifies and click on “82nd Session dental plans. Dentists and their staff may register for the Requirements for dental office Interim March 20, 2012.” The panel’s invited testimony starts in “Part 1” at approximately course via the TEXAS Meeting Web site at texasmeeting. radiograph machines 1:25:47. Dr Black’s public testimony starts in “Part 2” at approximately 47:47. com (course code: #F06). Manpower
Organizational Excellence
Public Image
Have You Talked with Your Patients About Membership Dentists will value membership and participation in the TDA. Fluoride Lately?
Around In the News the State TDA members in the news
Texas Wins April 27 Texas State Board of Dental Membership Awards July Journal News Examiners
Objectives For the sixth consecutive year, the Texas Dental As the subject mattervalue experts onbenefits oral health care, we are aware of the many positive benefits of 1. clinical Improve perceived and of membership in TDA. Austin Whitening: A Clinical Review Association won national awards at the American Tooth fluoride and community water fluoridation. Have you talked with your patients about these benefits a. Increase members’ knowledge about the impact and benefits of TDA membership. Dental Association (ADA) Recruitment and lately? b. Ensure that components are an integral aspect of the membership process. TDAMay Historical Perspectives Retention Conference held in Chicago, March 3-6 Create the availability of the Peercharged Review, Ethics & Judicial, and Risk Management benefits. The TDAc.Council ongreater Dental awareness Economicsof(CODE) is the TDA entity with addressing 30-31, 2012. This year, the awards are more Dentists, dental hygienists, and the The TEXAS Meeting d. oral Actively adherence to the Code Ethics. There are many antifluoridation community health promote issues including community waterof fluoridation. significant than in past years as TDA climbed into dental team e. brewing Enhance communication withand members and The non-members. TDA Annual Session movements across the state of Texas nationwide. anti fluoridation speakers are the 7,500-plus active member category with the 2 f. Build student awareness of and interest in organized dentistry and membership in TDA. Antonio becoming increasingly organized, well spoken, and scientific in their arguments against the practice largest state dental associations, California and New TheSan 2007 C.T. Rowland Award g. Ensure ongoing contact students throughout dental school. of community water fluoridation. Whilewith the improved activism of anti fluoridationists cannot be York. The awards received were for the Greatest Net Orthodontic case report Work closely with dental school faculty. ignored, h. it is no replacement for our expertise and the value of our endorsement of community water Gain in Membership, the Greatest Percentage of May 4 i. Evaluate number of nonmember dentists who attend and participate in TDA activities (TEXAS Meeting, TDA Smiles fluoridation as we are on the front lines of patient care and are the most qualified to tout its benefits. Nonmembers to Membership, and the Greatest Net Smiles Foundation Healthy Foundation programs, etc.). TheTDA El Paso Dental Conference Gain of New Dentists. Since 2006, the TDA has We Metrics must educate and reeducate our patients about the benefits of fluoride. If your community Smiles Golf Classic received 20 awards from the ADA for its recruitment is fluoridated, reassure your leaders in that they made the right choice in (baseline of 68.5% in January 2007); increase 1. Seventy percent oflocal activegovernment licensed dentists TX willhave be members of TDA by 2009 The Quarry Golf Club and retention efforts. fluoridating the water. retention rate to 97 percent by April 2007 (baseline 96% in 2006). membership San Antonio a-d. Increase the number of dentists serving on component peer review and ethics and judicialThe affairs committees a continued growthtoof attain the Association is Here are participation some simple talking points provided by the American Dental Association to help get the rate of 2-5 percent relative to the total number of component society members by August 2009. attribut the hard work of component society August 14: ed to conversation started: 2. Ninety percent of TX dental school graduates actively licensed in TX will be members of TDA five years after graduation (89% leaders, volunteers, and staff in partnership with the TDA Board Meeting • Fluoride teeth and reduces decay. Fluoride is effective systemically and dentalstrengthens student conversion from thedental graduating class of 2005 in Texas). state. Congratulations, Texas! Austin, Texas Click & Connect 3.topically. Increase the number of member dentists actively participating in TDA by 1 percent a year (as measured by a variety of means • Community water fluoridation is theTMOM, adjustment of fluoride occurs DENPAC naturally inparticipations, water to – participation at TX Meeting, TXDDS, FSI that programs, TDA legislative day) with annual October 15-19: optimal levels to protect Join us on Facebook report to TDA Boardoral by health. the Council on Membership. • 4.Fluoridation of community water supplies is the single most effective public health measure to ADA Annual Session Establish baseline of nonmember participation at TDA activities (CAS, TDA Smiles Foundation, Membership) groups.to/texasdental dental decay. San Antonio, Texas 5.prevent Established baseline of members’ understanding of and satisfaction with the benefits of their TDA membership through Member • Community water fluoridation benefits everyone, those without access toatregular Benefits and Services Survey (completed Novespecially 2006), re-evaluate % increase that time for 2009. Follow us on Twitter dental care. It is the most efficient way to prevent one of the most common childhood diseases = 63%). 6. Sixty-five percent of all full-time faculty will be TDA members by 2009 (2006 baseline — dental decay (5 times as common as asthma and 7 times as common as hay fever in 5-totwitter.com/theTDA 17-year-olds). Without fluoridation, there would be many more than the estimated 51 million Theschool TDAhours willlost update strategic plan with another per year it’s in this country because of dental-related illness.statewide retreat in August of 2008. Update Profile Get LinkedIn • Simply by drinking water, people can benefit from fluoridation’s cavity protection whether they tda.org – Membership Info “Texas linkedin.com, search are at home, work, or school. Dental Association” • The average cost for a community to fluoridate its water is estimated to range from Ask a Colleague approximately $3 a year per person in small communities to approximately $0.50 a year per tda.org – Features person in large communities. Using your (L-R) Dr Jean E. Bainbridge of Dallas, TDA Director of • For most cities, every $1 invested in water fluoridation yields $38 savings in dental treatment costs. Member Services Lee Ann Johnson, and Dallas County TEXAS Meeting Photos smartphone,
Around the State
Click & Connect
Dental Society Executive Director Jane Evans attend the American Dental Association Recruitment and Retention Conference in Chicago in March. They’re holding the three awards the TDA received: Greatest Net Gain in If you have comments or questions about fluoride issues in your area, then please contact CODE via Membership, the Greatest Percentage of Nonmembers to Cassidy 512-443-3675 ext.members 152 or cassidy@tda.org. In 2003,Neal TexasatDental Association from across the state develop TDA’s first strategic plan, TDA 2009. Membership, and the Greatest Net Gain of New Dentists.
Talk with your patients and begin to monitor the fluoride activities of your city and county governments. Together, we can help keep Texas fluoridated!
texasmeeting.com/estore scan this barcode to access the TDA
Volunteer for ‘08 ADA Web site. tda.org/volunteerada08
Dental Students Sign On 142nd Annual Session of the Texas Dental Association May 3 – 6, 2012 • San Antonio, Texas
The TEXAS Meeting — Is It Too Late to Register? Frank L. Higginbottom, DDS, Chair, Council on Annual Session It’s never too late! We are keeping the light on for you and saving you a place. You can register now for the 2012 TEXAS Meeting, May 3-6, in San Antonio! San Antonio has hosted the TEXAS Meeting for 38 years. This year’s meeting is excellent and reflects the work and personality of this year’s Council on Annual Session. We have invited 100 speakers from all over the United States. There will be over 220 classes covering every topic in dentistry. This year’s meeting provides continuing education for the entire dental team in an environment conducive to learning while having a great time. Once again we are offering a Saturday laboratory track. Be sure that you and your technician come to the session on Saturday morning with Drs David Little and David Avery, course code #S23. Register at texasmeeting.com.
Wednesday, May 2 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm Thursday, May 3 7:00 am – 5:00 pm Friday, May 4 7:00 am – 5:00 pm Saturday, May 5 7:30 am – 1:30 pm
Representatives from the TDA, San Antonio District Dental Society and Greater Houston Dental Society hosted American Dental Association (ADA) National Signing Day events on March 15 at University of Texas School of Dentistry in Houston (UTSD) and March 26 at University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Dental School (UTHSCSA). At ADA National Signing Day, soon-to-be graduating dental students sign up for membership in national and corresponding state and local dental societies at a reduced rate. By signing up during these events, students can plan to see substantial savings on membership dues during the first 4 years following graduation from dental school through the ADA’s Reduced Dues Program. State and local societies also offer reduced rates UTHSCSA Senior Class President Alexandra Forney for signing day memberships. Seventy-nine UTSD students and 67 UTHSCSA students signed up at the events.
exhibits her enthusiasm for tripartite membership at ADA Signing Day in March.
COMPLIMENTARY ONSITE PARKING (Thursday & Friday only) Drive-in attendees can park at the Alamodome (Lot B), 100 Montana St, and there is complimentary shuttle service to the convention center. Shuttles will run continuously at peak times.
BEST EXHIBIT HALL EVER The TEXAS Meeting would not be complete without a visit to the exhibit floor. Come and support our over 450 exhibitor booths. You will find all of your supply and equipment needs here and all the newest technology. Come see first time ever workshops in the exhibit hall and enjoy happy hour each afternoon. What a great place to meet friends and acquaintances. Exhibit hall opens Thursday, May 3, at 10:00 am. Be a part of the celebration. Come and let me personally greet you at The Texas Party featuring food and refreshments and entertainment from The Klocks! Wear your boots, be casual, and leave with your green screen photo souvenirs. The council looks forward to sharing our creation with you and your staff. Come to the TEXAS Meeting. See you in San Antonio!
A Rousing Start to Your Mornings at the TEXAS Meeting
D4 students at UTSD sign up for ADA membership upon graduation: (L-R) Chris Hoffpauir, Erin Gutierrez, Krystelle Barrera, Sonja Bassoo, Minh-Triet Dang, and Stephanie Vu. Greater Houston Dental Society provided the students with the sunglasses as a giveaway at the event.
Texas Section Pierre Fauchard Academy (PFA) An International Honor Dental Organization
International College of Dentists and American College of Dentists
Perks Partner News
What: When: Where: Guest Speaker: Cost:
What: When: Where: Guest Speaker: Questions: Cost:
Verify CE and More with NEW TEXAS Meeting Mobile App
The Annual PFA Breakfast Thursday, May 3, 2012 6:30 am – 8:00 am Marriott Rivercenter Hotel Conference Room 12 San Antonio, Texas Dr Jaime Garza, MD, DDS Plastic Surgeon Former NFL Player and Team MD for the New Orleans Saints $30
Register at texasmeeting.com for course # T75.
Breakfast Friday, May 4, 2012 7:00 am – 9:00 am Marriott Rivercenter Hotel Conference Room 12 San Antonio, Texas Mr Chris Scappatura Dr Mark Gannaway 214-263-3532 mgannaway@bcd.tamhsc.edu $30
Register at texasmeeting.com for course #F103.
happy, healthy smiles...that’s our mission! GOLFERS! GOLFERS! GOLFERS! Don’t miss this year’s 9th annual Healthy Smiles Golf Classic! The Healthy Smiles Golf Classic, benefitting TDA Smiles Foundation (TDASF), will take place Friday, May 4, 2012, at The Quarry Golf Club in San Antonio. The Quarry is a gorgeous, renowned links course, conveniently located just minutes from the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center. To sign up to play or sponsor, please visit tdasf.org, or sign up when you register for the TEXAS Meeting, using Course Code #F101. The Healthy Smiles Golf Classic, hosted by Texas Association of Orthodontists, is the biggest fundraising event for TDASF. This is a great opportunity to enjoy a day on the course and help TDASF bring happy, healthy smiles to Texans. Sign up today at tdasf.org or call 512-448-2441.
Victoria Texas Mission of Mercy (TMOM) The Victoria TMOM will be held June 22-23, 2012. Dentists, dental hygienists, and community volunteers are needed. If interested, please visit tdasf.org or call 512-448-2441. April 2012 / TDA Today / 2
With a quick scan from your smartphone, you can verify your CE; get registration, CEU, and exhibit hall hours; see your registration itinerary; download your course handouts; and access the exhibitor floor plan, maps, and more. Find the TEXAS Meeting QR code on the back of the onsite book and throughout the exhibit hall on posters and postcards, and scan it to access the free TEXAS Meeting mobile app! The TEXAS Meeting mobile app is sponsored by TDA Perks Program and the following Perks partners: TDA Perks Energy, TDA Financial Services Insurance Program, and Sedation Resource.
Evidence-based Practice Tip of the Month Join the One Hundred Club today! Stephen R. Matteson, DDS, FICD, TDA Editor TDASF’s Hundred Club play a Long? TheOne Styloid Process —members How Long is Too crucial role in the Foundation. They provide See PMCID 2637062 much needed support in promoting our mission The clinical Eagle’s Syndrome were firstoral of educating thefeatures publicofand profession about described in 1932 and are recognized as one of health, and improving access to dental carethe forcauses of neck pain. An excellent article on this subject was the citizens of Texas. published in the journal Skull Base in 2008 (1). A styloid process longer than approximately 25-35 mm is described
The One Hundred Cluband members donate $100 or as possibly too long could be considered as a possible cause of lateral neck pain among multiple other etiologies. more every month. For every dollar that is donated, TDASF provides in charitable care. You may visit the abstract $8 of this article using PMID Your money is used to help support our programs 19240826. including Dental Services and Also Texas in 2000,Donated the National Library of Medicine Texas introduced Mission of Mercy. Onethat Hundred Clubarchive PubMed Central is a national of biomedical life sciences journal (2). members receiveand a 10% discount on literature all TDASF 710 Searchers can access entire articles including illustrations merchandise.580 by using this option. For this publication on the styloid process; enter PMCID 2637062. (PMCID stands for If you PubMed are interested in joining The One Hundred Central Identification.)
Club, visit tdasf.org, e-mail TDASF Foundation References Manager Judith Gonzalez at judith@tda.org or 1. Ceylan A, et al. Surgical treatment of elongated styloid process: Experience of 61 cases. Skull Base. 2008 July;18(5): 289-292. call 512-448-2441. 2.
Further information on PubMed Central can be viewed at www.ncbi. nlm.nih.gov/pmc/about/intro/
Below is a summary of actions of the TDA Board of Directors during the March 23 and 24, 2012, meeting with TDA president Dr J. Preston Coleman presiding.
MK’s Board Notes Mary Kay Linn, TDA Executive Director Below is a summary of actions of the TDA Board of Directors during the February 10 and 11, 2012, meeting with TDA president Dr J. Preston Coleman presiding.
Non-Policy Resolutions
BUDGET 62-2012-B (NP): Approved line items over budget, totaling $60,434. 66-2012-B2 (NP): Approved the elevator system in the TDA Building be repaired as soon as possible; financial implication = $300,000 from TDA Reserves. 68-2012-B (NP): Approved payment for 2011 vouchers, totaling $7,361.86, which were either received after the 90-day submission period or received after the 2011 end-of-calendar-year financials were reported. 67-2012-B1 (NP): Approved a $70,591.23 transfer from the surplus savings account into the building account. Rescinded Resolution 150-2011-H that required the building account to be replenished by $25,000 per year. 97-2012-H (NP): Approved the 2011 surplus allocation, as recommended by the Budget Committee. CORRESPONDENCE 92-2012-B (NP): Approved the TDA send a letter to Governor Rick Perry requesting that Dr Matthew B. Roberts be appointed to the Texas Institute of Healthcare Quality and Efficiency. MISCELLANEOUS 94-2012-B (NP): Approved the adoption of the amended Investment Policy Statement, dated December 30, 2011. 95-2012-B (NP): Approved the TDA to contract with Padgett Stratemann to provide search services to place the TDA Executive Director. 98-2012-B (NP): Approved amending the Bylaws, Chapter IX, Councils and Committees; Section 170, B, Council on Dental Economics regarding the council’s duties and renumbering the subsections. 99-2012-B (NP): Approved that in the Board Manual, Chapter VII, A. Standing Committees, Section 14, a new duty “f ” be added to the duties of the Committee on Access to Dental Care in Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). 100-2012-B (NP): Approved a new subsection “m” be added to the Bylaws, Chapter IX, Councils and Committees; Section 180, B, Council on Dental Eduation, Trade and Ancillaries. 102-2012-B (NP): Submitted by: Assets Management Committee: Approved that the Assets Management Committee, a committee of the Board, have its name changed to the Assets Oversight Committee and that all manuals and policies be amended to reflect this change. OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL 63-2012-B (NP): Approved out-of-state travel for Ms Nicole Scott, managing editor, to attend the American Association of Dental Educators, “Dental Editors University – 4” in Chicago, Illinois, on February 22-24, 2012. 64-2012-B (NP): Approved out-of-state travel for Ms Lee Ann Johnson, director of member services and administration, to attend the American Dental Association Recruitment and Retention Conference in Chicago, Illinois, on March 29-31, 2012.
Policy Resolutions
BUDGET 65-2012-B (P): Approved the 2013 Proposed Budget for the TDA. 66-2012-B1 (P): Approved the reserve requirement for the TDA Reserve fund be reduced from 35% to 30% of the proposed annual budget beginning year-end December 31, 2011. Rescinded Resolution 124-2004-H. 67-2012-B2 (P): Approved that the building account be used for maintenance and improvements for the central TDA building and annex and all references in manuals and policies reflect the name change to the building account rather than the Building Reserve Fund. Rescinded Resolutions 100-1996-H and 132-1997-H. CORRESPONDENCE 90-2012-B (P): Approved the TDA to support the concept of Dr Helena Tapias’ of Baylor College of Dentistry study entitled “Oral Health Assessment of Independent Elders in Assisted Living Facilities” and for the TDA to send letters addressed to directors/managers of assisted living facilities that would facilitate the initial contact with those facilities. The correspondence would describe the relevance of the project and also encourage active participation by assisted living facilities in the project (ie, allowing residents to participate in an initial short survey and a simple and brief oral screening). 91-2012-B (P): Approved the TDA to send a letter to the Department of Aging and Disability Services requesting that instruction on flossing be included in Brushing the Teeth (Procedural Guideline #27) and Special Mouth Care (Procedural Guideline #29) of the Texas Curriculum for Nurse Aides in Long Term Care Facilities. MISCELLANEOUS 93-2012-B (P): Approved that it is the policy of the TDA to maintain membership in the Partnership for a Healthy Texas. 101-2012-B (P): Approved the duties of the Committee on Communications and amended the Board Manual Chapter VII, A. Standing Committees, Section 3, Communications Committee to reflect these changes. Rescinded Resolution 99-2000-H, as amended by Resolution 59-2003-CCB-B.
Non-Policy Resolutions
APPOINTMENTS 124-2012-B (NP): Approved the 2012-2013 committee appointments. 125-2012-B: Approved the 2012-2013 council nominations. 126-2012-B (NP): Approved the appointment of a task force of up to 8 members in June 2012 that will include at least 1 representative from Future Focus, Membership, Communications, and New Dentist. It should also include at least 2 at-large members, 1 TDA staff member, and possibly 1 consultant. The task force’s charge will be to strategically look at future TDA structure, communications, meeting venues, and programs that will allow us to become more relevant to new dentists while remaining viable to our current members. The task force will submit a preliminary report to the TDA Board by the November 2012 meeting and a final report to the 2013 TDA House of Delegates that would include a summary of TDA needs and possible solutions to consider. BUDGET 67-2012-B3 (NP): Rescinded Resolution 149-2011-H (NP). 103-2012-BS (NP): Submitted by: Finance and Audit Committee: Approved the TDA Board of Directors contract the services of Maxwell, Locke & Ritter, LLP, in 2012, to assess and recommend appropriate reports for review by the Board, and to conduct training of the Board in 2012 on how to read and better understand financial reports. 104-2012-B (NP): Approved extension of Mr Mike Geeslin’s contract for services from April 16, 2012, to June 30, 2013, to assist the TDA in addressing insurance regulatory issues. 105-2012-B (NP): Approved extension of Mr Billy C. Hamilton’s contract for services from May 6, 2012, to June 30, 2013, to prepare the TDA to address any changes to the state’s tax structure that may occur during the 83rd Legislative Session. 110-2012-B (NP): Approved items over budget, totaling $1,800. 122-2012-B (NP): Submitted by: TDA Relief Fund Interest Board Work Group: Approved the following amounts from the 2011 Relief Fund be allocated to the following organizations in Texas for direct patient care related expenses: $2,000 to Christian Community Action (San Antonio); $2,600 to Covenant Health System Foundation (Lubbock); $2,600 to Dentists Who Care (Edinburg); $2,600 to Epiphany Community Health Outreach Services (Houston); $2,600 to the San Antonio Christian Dental Clinic (San Antonio); and $2,600 to San Jose Clinic (Houston). 123-2012-B (NP): Approved a $2,000 contribution to the campaign for Dr Glen D. Hall for American Dental Association (ADA) Speaker of the House, the election of which will take place at the 2012 ADA Annual Session in San Francisco, California. MISCELLANEOUS 120-2012-B (NP): Submitted by: Awards Committee: Approved awards to be presented at the 2012 Annual Session. 121-2012-BS (NP): Approved the TDA design, print, and mail a 12-page, 4-color bi-annual educational supplement to the Texas Dental Journal (Summer/Fall and Winter/Spring), beginning in summer 2012. OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL 111-2012-B (NP): Approved out-of-state travel for members of the TDA Council on Annual Session and the Department of Annual Session to attend dental meetings to scout prospective speakers and investigate on-site facilitation activities, exhibits, and social events, as well as participate in professional continuing education. 112-2012-B (NP): Approved out-of-state travel for the TDA president, president-elect, the immediate past president, the chair of the TDA Council on Legislative and Regulatory Affairs, the executive director; and the policy manager, to attend the ADA 2012 Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C., on May 7-9, 2012. 113-2012-B (NP): Approved out-of-state travel for Dr Michael L. Stuart, president, the president-elect, and Ms Mary Kay Linn, executive director, to attend the 2012 South Central States Leadership Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, on May 18-19, 2012.
Policy Resolutions
BUDGET 67-2012-B2 (P): Approved the building account be used for maintenance and improvements for the central TDA building and annex, and all references in manuals and policies reflect the name change to the building account rather than the Building Reserve Fund. Rescinded Resolution 100-1996-H. MISCELLANEOUS 19-2012-BS (P): Approved the policy of the TDA that insurance companies should not be able to recover alleged overpayments by withholding unrelated payments on future claims on different patients, and that if the insurance carrier made a payment in error because they were not properly informed of the eligibility status of an enrollee by an employer, that the carrier should seek repayment from the responsible party rather than the treating dentist. Also approved the TDA seek regulatory action to accomplish these resolutions. 25-2012-B (P): Submitted by: District 3: Approved the adoption of the reformatted TDA Manual on Caucus Procedures, Campaigns, Nomination and Elections. 51-2012-BS (P): Approved the policy of the TDA that any person reviewing claims who makes the final decision involved in accepting or rejecting the dental claim be a Texas licensed dentist, and that it is the policy of the TDA that if a dentist requests a “peer-to-peer” review in an appeal following an initial claim decision, the dental benefit plan must provide a Texas licensed dentist for the “peer-to-peer” appeal review process. Also approved the TDA to seek legislation and/or regulations supporting this policy. 106-2012-B (P): Approved the TDA conduct a survey of delegates and
Preston’s Press J. Preston Coleman, DDS, TDA President As I gathered my thoughts to write my last message to you as president, I was reminded of how short 12 months can be and how much can be done in such a brief time. I was reminded of 26 component visits and warm welcomes and Texas hospitality, and interested members who received my messages graciously because they sincerely care about their profession and what is going on within it. There were questions that no one had ever asked before, and I hope I answered them clearly. There were thoughts never presented before that made me change my mind. There were early morning plane flights back to San Antonio to see my patients in which I could ponder the human value of our profession. Frequently I was presented with problems that might be as simple as editing a response to a letter that represented our TDA policies and why we stand by them. Other times they might be responses to government agencies or legislators or component officers or outside interests that required careful wording to clearly express the TDA’s position. The counsel I received from our attorney, Mr Bill Bingham, and our executive director, Ms Mary Kay Linn, was always on target for the situation. Our TDA staff was always reliable and rose to every occasion to keep me well informed and up-to-date on every key issue. Our councils and committees are composed of members at large who volunteer to concentrate on specific areas of importance to our organization. They have all been very diligent in their work and reports to the Board. FSI and the Perks program have added new services and supported the TDA in many ways. Their efforts strengthen our organization. The Smiles Foundation (TDASF), in addition to providing dental care for 3,331 patients this past year, is the best public relations campaign the TDA has to date. In addition, the TDASF’s work promotes a positive image of our caring profession. I have had the great pleasure to have worked with one of the most forward-thinking Board of Directors to serve the TDA in my memory. They have debated the issues passionately, presented their views strongly, and found common ground upon which to agree to allow us to do the business of the TDA in a timely way. I have also enjoyed the confidence and counsel of the officers of the TDA especially Drs Mike Stuart and Ron Rhea. I can only hope that I have helped them nearly as much as they have helped me. There are so many individuals that I can recognize for their service but in closing I offer all my most sincere gratitude. Thank you for this experience as your president. This has been a year that I will never forget, and a year that makes me extremely proud to be a TDA member. alternate delegates on tax structure during The TEXAS Meeting in 2012. 108-2012-BS (P): Submitted by: District 5: Approved the TDA seek data, including but not limited to Professional Corporation (PC), Professional Association (PA), Limited Liability Corporation (LLC), sole proprietor, partner, and DMSO corporate employee dentist, and refer to the Council on Dental Education, Trade and Ancillaries, and that a report be given at the November 2012 Board of Directors meeting. 109-2012-BS (P): Submitted by: Dr William H. Gerlach, District 5: Approved the TDA develop a plan that would create oversight of dental management service organizations, and refer to the Council on Legislative and Regulatory Affairs with a report back to the 2013 House of Delegates. 114-2012-B (P): Submitted by: Council on Constitution and Bylaws: Amended the TDA Bylaws, Chapter VI, Section 20; Chapter VIII, Section 10; Chapter IX, Councils and Committees, Sections 30, 160, 200, 210, and 220 regarding the eligibility of elected officers. 116-2012-B (P): Submitted by: Council on Dental Education, Trade & Ancillaries: Rescinded Resolution 37-1998-H regarding that TDA seek a change in the rules of the Texas Workforce Commission to exempt the educational programs of the TDA and its component societies from regulations governing proprietary schools. 117-2012-B (P): Approved the TDA to support adequate funding for Texas dental schools. Rescinded Resolution 163-2004-Task Force on Manpower-H regarding the TDA’s legislative agenda to include support for adequate funding for the Texas dental schools. 118-2012-B (P): Submitted by: Council on Dental Education, Trade & Ancillaries: Approved the policy of the TDA that in the rendering of all oral treatments, the Texas licensed dentist rendering care is the Head of the Dental Team and assumes the ultimate responsibility for determining, on the basis of his or her examination, the specific treatment the patient will receive and which aspects of treatment will be delegated to qualified allied personnel. 119-2012-B (P): Submitted by: Council on Membership: Amended the Bylaws Chapter I Section 70 by adding new subsections authorizing limited dues reduction of active member dues and any special assessment for the purposes of promoting active membership to target markets through marketing campaigns; and established dues for non-members on the recommendation of the council in cooperation with marketing programs of the ADA. April 2012 / TDA Today / 3
TSBDE Rule Update
This recurring section is designed to help TDA members keep up with important Texas State Board of Dental Examiners (TSBDE) rules, other regulations, and state law affecting their practices.
Moderate Sedation (Level 2) In the September 2011 TSBDE Rule Update — 22 TAC §110.5 — Moderate Sedation (Level 2), readers were instructed to view the complete summary on the TDA Web site, tda.org. The complete summary explained that although the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners (TSBDE) began enforcing all the sedation/ anesthesia rules — 22 Chapter 110 — on January 1, 2012, additional time was specified in the Moderate Sedation rule to give Level 1 Minimal Sedation permit holders an opportunity to apply for and receive a Level 2 Moderate Sedation Permit. Texas licensed dentists with active enteral sedation permits on June 1, 2011, are automatically reclassified to a Level 1 Minimal Sedation Permit and have until January 1, 2013, to apply for a Moderate Sedation (Level 2) Permit 22 TAC §110.5 (a) (1) (C) if needed. Those dentists holding a Level 1 Minimal Sedation Permit as of June 1, 2011, may continue to administer enteral sedation until January 1, 2013. However, if the permitted dentist’s enteral sedation technique involves more than the administration of nitrous oxide plus one enteral drug, the dentist has until January 1, 2013, to either provide proof that adequate education has been obtained by submitting an application for a Level 2 Moderate Sedation Permit on or before that date, or will comply with the requirements of a Level 1 Permit after that date. For more information, please contact TDA Policy Manager Ms Diane Rhodes at 512-443-3675, diane@tda.org.
EDITORIAL STAFF Stephen R. Matteson, DDS, Editor Nicole Scott, Managing Editor Lauren Oakley, Publications Coordinator Barbara Donovan, Art Director Paul H. Schlesinger, Consultant BOARD OF DIRECTORS J. Preston Coleman, DDS, President Michael L. Stuart, DDS, President-elect Ronald L. Rhea, DDS, Immediate Past President Vice Presidents Lisa B. Masters, DDS, Southwest Robert E. Wiggins, DDS, Northwest Larry D. Herwig, DDS, Northeast Karen E. Frazer, DDS, Southeast Senior Directors T. Beth Vance, DDS, Southwest Michael J. Goulding, DDS, Northwest Arthur C. Morchat, DDS, Northeast Rita M. Cammarata, DDS, Southeast Directors Yvonne E. Maldonado, DDS, Southwest David C. Woodburn, DDS, Northwest Jean E. Bainbridge, DDS, Northeast Gregory K. Oelfke, DDS, Southeast Ron Collins, DDS, Secretary-Treasurer Glen D. Hall, DDS, Speaker of the House David H. McCarley, DDS, Parliamentarian Stephen R. Matteson, DDS, Editor Mary Kay Linn, Executive Director William H. Bingham, Legal Counsel TDA Today (USPS 022-007) is published monthly except for December by the Texas Dental Association, 1946 S IH-35 Ste 400, Austin, Texas 78704-3698, 512-443-3675. Periodicals Postage Paid at Austin, Texas and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to TDA TODAY, 1946 S IH-35 Ste 400, Austin, TX 78704-3698. Annual subscriptions: Texas Dental Association (TDA) members, $5. In-state American Dental Association (ADA) affiliated, $15 + tax. Out-of-state ADA affiliated, $15. In-state non-ADA affiliated, $30 + tax. Out-of-state non-ADA affiliated, $30. Single issue price: TDA members $1. In-state ADA affiliated, $3 + tax. Out-of-state ADA affiliated, $3. In-state non-ADA affiliated, $6 + tax. Out-of-state non-ADA affiliated, $6. Contributions: Manuscripts and news items of interest to the membership of the Association are solicited. Manuscripts should be typewritten, double spaced, and the original copy should be submitted. Please refer to Instructions for Contributors in the annual September Directory of the Texas Dental Journal for more information. The Information for Contributors is available at tda. org. All statements of opinion and of supposed facts are published on authority of the writer under whose name they appear and are not to be regarded as the views of the Texas Dental Association, unless such statements have been adopted by the Association. Articles are accepted with the understanding that they have not been published previously. Authors must disclose any financial or other interests they may have in Member Publication products or services described in their articles. Advertisements: Publication of advertisements in this publication does not constitute a guarantee or endorsement by the Association of the quality of value of such product or of the claims made of it by its manufacturer.
APRIL 2012
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