MAY 2012 JUNE, 2008
2012 TEXAS Meeting Features Exceptional CE and Expanded Exhibit Hall Rise’ Lyman, DDS, TDA Future Focus Committee
Every Member Matters
Inside Inside TDA Smiles Foundation
A total of 12,125 dental professionals Membership growth is vital to any thriving organization. The Texas Dental Association (TDA) Board is strongly registered for the 2012 TEXAS committed to the Membership goal within the “TDA 2009” strategic plan, which addresses continued growth. Meeting, the TDA’s 142nd annual I am proud to report that, as evidence of that commitment and for the second year in a row, the TDA received session, May 3-6 in San Antonio. the following ADA awards in 2008: • representing Greatest Percentage Membership Net Gain: Texas had a net gain of 198 members in the year 2007. This year, more than 450 booths Top Constituent Dental Society with Greatest Percentage of Non-Members to Membership: 335 companies were included•in the expanded at end of year exhibit hall with a large center aisleRepresents providing a conversion of 4.7 percent of non-members into membershipThe House of 2007. Michael L. Stuart • also Topfeatured Constituent in 2007: Represents a 97Dr easy access to all booths. The hall an Dental Society to Improve Retention Rate PercentageDelegates TDA President convened percent retention rate, which is an increase of 7 percent from the previous year. exclusive aisle for TDA Perks Partners plusAssociation the at the 142nd Annual Greatest Percentage of New Dentist Members: Represents a gain of 111 new dentist members (those DENPAC Silent Auction and•Platinum Lounge, Session of the Texas dentists who are 1-9 years out of school). and the TDA Smiles Foundation activities. Dental Association Another the commitment to the growth of our Association is the TDA Externship Program, which builds student awareness Attendees hadexample access toofmore than 100 clinicians earlier this month in of dentistry. This innovative program, created in 2007, offers students the opportunity to gain insight into the different components andorganized 200 sessions that provided educational San Antonio. of organized dentistry including opportunities for the entire dentallegislative team. and regulatory affairs, membership, governance, continuing education, and charitable dentistry and to gain a better understanding of their role as future leaders of the dental team. The program is open to dental students from each of the three Dr David A Duncan Members of the House TDA President-elect Non-member hadexternship the dental schools dentists in Texas.from ThisTexas year the program will take place June 20 – June 27 in Austin at the TDA central office. opportunity to attend thetoTEXAS at and a benefits elected the a2012-13 The 2012 TEXAS Meeting Exhibit Hall Council featured more than 300 As an ongoing effort enhanceMeeting the value of the Association, the TDA on Membership developed survey that was sent discounted registration fee, and 96 TDA noncompanies. to all members in 2006. The results clearly showed that members have a high satisfaction rating with benefits suchTDA as theofficers, TEXAS Meeting, TDA members attended. TDA Board of philanthropically in the TDA Smiles Foundation. A great number of the including: President publications, and theThe ability to participate discounted programs offered to Directors and Council on Annual Sessionalso received a high satisfaction rating. In accordance with the strategicDr members through the TDA Perks Program plan, the Council on Membership, Michael L. Stuart continue support again activities to increase will surveytomembers in 2009. of Sunnyvale, TDAParticipation membership from and toallpromote theand a collaborative effort between the ADA, TDA, and local component societies are the keys to members President-elect Dr value of themembership TEXAS Meeting each year. successful recruitment and retention. We encourage every member to get involved whether it David is by attending local Dr Ron Collins A. Duncan of meetings, TDA Secretary-Treasurer taking part in Give Kids a Smile! Day activities, volunteering at a Texas Mission of Mercy, or participating in TDA Legislative Day activities The support of the TDA leadership Amarillo, Secretaryin EachJ. member matters and dentistry. andAustin. President Preston Coleman is is essential to the continued growth of our Association and of organized Treasurer Dr Ron This is the seventh and final in a series of articles focused on the TDA’s accomplishments guided by the strategic plan. To view the entire plan, invaluable to the work of the Council on Collins of Houston, log in at Session andmany clickvolunteers. on “TDA 2009” under “Current Issues” on the member homepage. For more information, please contact Lyda Creus Annual and the Speaker of the House TH Future Focus Committee, at the TDA central office, (512) 443-3675. Molanphy, staffsociety, liaison to The 2012 host 12the District, Dr John W. Baucum was a very important member of the III of Corpus Christi, planning and on-site facilitation team. Dr M ission: To be The Voice of DenTisTry in Texas and Editor Dr Stephen Dr John W. Baucum III Bill Roddy and his team’s organizational TDA Speaker of the House R. Matteson of San skills and commitment were very much Antonio. appreciated.
TDA Election Results
Pictured Organizational after the opening of the exhibit hall at the 2012 TEXAS Meeting Public Development
are members of the TDA Council on Annual Session and Neat Manpower year’s TEXAS Meeting isAdvocacy scheduled in San Antonio Image Excellence May 2-5, 2013, in San Antonio. Program TDA Department of Annual Session & Meeting Services: (L-R) Dr Steven W. Spivack of El Paso, Dr Anne C. Lyon of Austin, Meetings Associate information will be available in late Membership Donna A. Musselman, Chair Dr Frank L. Higginbottom of Dallas, Exhibits summer andwill housing Dentists valueinformation membershipwill andbeparticipation in the TDA.CEM, Dr Victor Rodriguez of Houston, Manager Paula M. Lerash, available December 1 on texasmeeting. Meetings Manager Ann Pargac, and Past Chair Dr C. Roger Macias Jr of Objectives San Antonio. Not pictured, TDA Director of Annual Session Sandy Blum. com. 1. Improve perceived value and benefits of membership in TDA.
For a complete list of the elected 2012-13 TDA Board of Directors, please see page 3.
Dr Stephen R. Matteson TDA Editor
a. Increase members’ knowledge about the impact and benefits of TDA membership. b. Ensure that components are an integral aspect of the membership process. c. Create greater awareness of the availability of the Peer Review, Ethics & Judicial, and Risk Management benefits. d. Actively promote adherence to the Code of Ethics. e. Enhance communication with members and non-members. f. Build student awareness of and interest in organized dentistry and membership in TDA. g. Ensure ongoing contact with students throughout dental school. Representatives fromclosely the TDA h. Work withStudent dental Organization school faculty.(TDASO) attendedi.the 2012 Dental Olympics at the University of who Texasattend Healthand participate Evaluate number of nonmember dentists in TDA1,activities (TEXAS Meeting, TDAadults Smilesage 20 and As of March 2012, most children and young Science at SanFoundation Antonio Dental School (UTHSCSA) on April 21, programs, etc.). younger enrolled in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance 2012. TDASO sponsored lunch and drinks for all Dental Olympics Metrics Program (CHIP) began receiving their dental services through one participants, and percent representatives up 250 new in members. 1. Seventy of activesigned licensed dentists TX will be members ofof TDA 2009 (baseline of 68.5% January 2007); increase and the 3bystate selected dental plans: in Delta Dental, DentaQuest, membership retention rate to 97 percent by April 2007 (baseline 96% in 2006). MCNA Dental. Dental Olympics is anthe annual extracurricular, intercollegiate a-d. Increase number of dentists serving on component peer review and ethics and judicial affairs committees to attain a competition between the 3 dental schools in Texas. Dental participation rate of 2-5 percent relative to the totalstudent number of component members by August 2009. To helpsociety dentists and clients adjust to the transition, the Health and athletes compete in various sporting events. 2. Ninety percent of TX dental school graduates actively licensed in TXHuman will be Services membersCommission of TDA five(HHSC) years after graduation (89% of the extended suspension dental student conversion from the graduating class of 2005 in Texas). Main Dentist requirement from April 30, 2012 to May 31, 2012. This was the first year for TDASO to have a presence at Dental 3. Increase the number of member dentists actively participating in TDA by gives 1 percent a year (as measured by a variety of dental means plan (ie, This clients even more time to contact their Olympics. TDASO extends its gratitude to Dr Larry Dougherty of – participation at TX Meeting, TMOM, TXDDS, FSI programs, DENPAC participations, TDAand legislative with annual Delta Dental, DentaQuest, MCNAday) Dental), and choose their Helotes, Dr Max Kerr of San Antonio, Emily Moers (UTHSCSA report to TDA Board by the Council on Membership. preferred Main Dentist without any disruption in service. HHSC – D2), Jason Peck (UTHSCSA – D3) and Sarah Shin (UTHSCSA – 4. Establish baseline of nonmember participation at TDA activities (CAS, TDA Smiles Foundation, is also considering extension ofMembership) the Main Dentist suspension for D3) for their help in making the event a success. 5. Established baseline of members’ understanding of and satisfaction with the benefits of after theirMay TDA31, membership through additional months 2012. The TDA willMember inform Benefits and Services Survey (completed Nov 2006), re-evaluate % increase that time for 2009.should HHSC decide to again extend the membersat as soon as possible 6. Sixty-five percent of all full-time faculty will be TDA members by 2009 (2006 baseline = 63%). suspension.
TDASO Attends 2012 Dental Olympics
Future Changes to Texas Medicaid Dental Program
As a reminder, clients may change their Main Dentist at anytime and The TDA will update it’s strategic plan with another statewide retreat in August of 2008. those changes are to be processed immediately by the dental plans. The TDA’s Committee on Access, Medicaid & CHIP (CAMC) met with the dental plans and HHSC on April 26, 2012, to discuss in detail the Association’s questions/concerns with the dental plans contracts and procedure manuals. CAMC intends to publish the dental plans answers to the Association’s memo, along with other pertinent information about the new Texas Dental Program, on a newly created Medicaid/CHIP Webpage on the member side of the TDA’s website in July 2012.
Pictured at the 2012 Dental Olympics at UTHSCSA are (L-R) Sarah Shin (UTHSCSA – D3), Emily Moers (UTHSCSA – D2), Dr Larry Dougherty of Helotes, and TDA Publications Coordinator Lauren Oakley. members from across the state develop TDA’s first strategic plan, TDA 2009. In 2003, Texas Dental Association
Medicaid in My Office? of Texas Mission of Mercy Yes,Calendar I Think So! Thank You, Straumann! Richard M. Smith, DDS Health Insurance Exchange TDATexas Smiles Foundation TMOM gains ardent advocate 2012-13 TDA Board of Directors
Ask the President Incoming President’s Evidence-based Tipmessage of the Month Hilton Israelson, DDS Let’sTDA TalkPerks Outgoing President’s message President’s A. David May, Prose Jr., DDS 2008-2009 TDA Board of Directors Meet Your TDA Staff May TDA’s new Finance Director Journal News Dee Dee Delagarza Special Issue on Oral Cancer
Congratulations to TDA Guest Editor Dr Daniel L. Jones, Component Societies
Texas A&M Health Science Center Baylor College Dentistry Claims Streamline Your of Insurance
Speeding up confirmation of benefits and eligibility
Around the State
TSBDE Rule Update Requirements for dental office June 14 radiograph machines TDA Board of Directors Orientation Austin In the News TDA members in the news
June 15 TDA Board of Directors Meeting Austin
July Journal News
Tooth Whitening: A Clinical Review June 16
TDATDA Historical Perspectives Leadership Conference Dentists, dental hygienists, and the TDA Component Presidents dental team Committee Council/Committee/Affiliate TheTDA 2007 C.T. Rowland Award Training Strategic Planning Orthodontic& case report Austin
The El Paso Dental Conference June 22-23
Texas Mission of Mercy Around the State Victoria
August 14: TDA Board Meeting Austin, Texas
Click & Connect
October 15-19: Join us on Facebook ADA Annual Session San Antonio, Texas Follow us on Twitter
Click & Connect
Update Profile Get LinkedIn – Membership Info “Texas, search Dental Association” Ask a Colleague – Features
Using your
TEXAS Meeting Photos smartphone, scan this barcode to access the TDA
Volunteer for ‘08 ADA website.
Perks Partner News
TDA Members Making a Difference
Majority of Austin-area Residents Still Have Fluoridated Water It may not have happened in your community yet, but for more than a year now, Austin has been a hotbed of antifluoridation activity. Fluoride Free Austin, a local affiliate of the national antifluoridation group, Fluoride Action Network, has a large following in Austin and has been advocating for the removal of community water fluoridation in the Austin area for several years now. Antifluoridationists have advocated to Austin City Council, local water boards, and at city hosted public health forums.
New Perks Partnership with Dental Job-Search Website
TDA members have been there every step of the way advocating for community water fluoridation. On December 15, 2011, Austin City Council decided to continue its community water fluoridation program serving 736,172 residents, and on April 19, 2012, Water District 17 also decided to continue its community water fluoridation program serving 16,000 residents. Capital Area Dental Society members spoke eloquently and effectively in favor of community water fluoridation at Austin City Council and Water District 17. The retention of these programs is due in large part to the dedication and involvement of these member dentists., TDA Perks Program’s newest partner, enables dental practices to post job openings, and applicants to upload audio/video resumes. Through TDA Perks Program, the service is available at a 50% discount to TDA members. For more information regarding, visit the TDA Perks website at or call 800-971-8008.
TDA Perks Program Sponsors GOLD Reception at TEXAS Meeting TDA Perks Program once again sponsored the GOLD (Graduates of the Last Decade) Reception at the 2012 TEXAS Meeting. TDA Perks Program negotiates discounts on (or other benefits with) products and services reviewed by a board of 9 TDA members.
Their voices were critical at conveying the importance of community water fluoridation. Their willingness to volunteer their personal time to advocate on behalf of their patients and the profession has ensured that the 752,172 residents in the Austin area that have been receiving the benefits of community water fluoridation will continue to do so. According to the 2010 U.S. Census, the population of Austin is 790,390. The successful outcomes achieved on these fronts brings into focus the critical importance of your leadership and participation. The Capital Area members’ efforts and perseverance made a real difference in the decision making process. These are great successes to celebrate and motivate members to defend water fluoridation in the future.
TDA Financial Services Insurance Program Sponsors TDA Alliance Luncheon (L-R) Pictured at the April 19, 2012, Water Board 17 meeting in Travis County, Austin: Dr John Mason of Corpus Christi, Dr Anne Lyon of Austin, Mandy Rodgers, RDH, Dr Barry Rouch of Austin, Dr Mark Peppard of Austin, Texas Department of State Health Services Fluoride Engineer Tom Napier, and Dr Dale Gallagher of Austin.
Health Insurance Exchanges This is the fourth in a series of articles to keep you informed about Health Insurance Exchanges (HIX) in Texas. The HIX is an online marketplace tool enabling consumers to shop, compare, and enroll in a health insurance plan. Future articles will focus on helpful reference websites and other information about the HIX. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) requires each state to have an insurance exchange by 2014 and health plans participating in state exchanges must provide an “essential health benefits package (EHB),” including a pediatric oral health benefit. On March 12, 2012, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released the final rule establishing minimum standards that states, employers, and insurance carriers must meet to operate insurance exchanges. The final rule includes significant provisions affecting the delivery of dental services. Also in March, the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) heard oral arguments regarding the constitutionality of the health insurance mandate in the PPACA. At issue is
As it has for several years, TDA Financial Services Insurance Program generously sponsored TDA Alliance’s Past President’s Luncheon at the 2012 TEXAS Meeting.
whether SCOTUS will strike down the entire law or just the individual insurance mandate. Although oral arguments are not always a reliable predictor of how SCOTUS will eventually decide, the PPACA could be overturned. That said, states already moving forward with developing a HIX show no signs of slowing down. What does this mean for Texas? According to Governor Rick Perry’s spokeswoman Lucy Nashed, “(Perry) feels the health care bill is unconstitutional and misguided (1,2).” Additionally, “There are no plans to implement an exchange (1,2).” Thus, it continues to appear that Texas plans to delay action until after the SCOTUS decision in the summer of 2012 and the November presidential election. The TDA continues to closely monitor the HIX landscape in Texas and will publicize new information as it becomes available. For questions or comments, contact TDA Policy Manager Diane Rhodes at 512-443-3675, References 1. National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors — Texas: February 15, 2012. 2. Houston Chronicle: Texas slow to move on health care reforms: February 13, 2012.
happy, healthy smiles…that’s our mission!
Thank You, Straumann! The TDA Smiles
Please mark your calendars for upcoming Texas Missions of Mercy
or e-mail TDASF Foundation Manager Judith Gonzalez,
expresses its
deepest gratitude to Straumann for
coming to the rescue and emerging as the
title sponsor for the 2012 Healthy Smiles Golf
Classic at the TEXAS Meeting in San Antonio, when TDASF needed them the most. As the
golf tournament neared, TDASF learned that the company previously assigned to the title
sponsorship could no longer fulfill its agreement. After reaching out to several companies, Straumann agreed to the partnership.
Straumann’s motto, that they are “committed
to simply doing more for dental professionals,” has clearly extended to doing much more
for the community as well. Through its very
generous support, the golf tournament was
a huge success, and Straumann is clearly a partner to improve access to dental care for all citizens of Texas. TDASF looks forward
to working closely with Straumann on future TDASF events!
May 2012 / TDA Today / 2
Mark Your Calendars! events. To volunteer, please contact the TDASF office at 512-443-3675 2012
June 22-23
August 18
Liberty County
July 28
October 5-6
November 2 November 2
November 3 2013
October TBD
Mt. Pleasant
Atlanta: Fluoride Fest Atlanta
1-day 2-day 1-day 1-day 1-day 2-day
The TDASF Board of Trustees and Access Committee presented a handmade t-shirt quilt to Dr and Mrs Russell Owens of Crowley for their dedication and service to TMOM. She is a member of the TDASF Board of Trustees.
TDA Welcomes New Staff Member Traci Mondragon is the newest addition to the TDA Smiles Foundation team and is thrilled to join as the
new development coordinator. Her main focus will be grant writing, but she is excited to jump in and help in any capacity the foundation needs.
Traci has a passion for nonprofit work and has nearly 12 years experience in various capacities, from database manage-ment to event planning and grant writing. While she briefly worked as the grant
coordinator for the Travis County Juvenile Probation Department recently, most of her nonprofit experience in Austin was with Any Baby Can for 7 years.
Traci was born and raised in Corpus Christi and holds a B.A. in English from Texas State University.
Announcing the 2012-13 TDA Board of Directors President Dr Michael L. Stuart
President-elect Dr David A. Duncan
Past President Dr J. Preston Coleman
Vice Presidents Senior Directors Directors Dr Arthur C. Morchat (NE) Dr Jean E. Bainbridge (NE) Dr Jerry J. Hopson (NE) Dr Rita M. Cammarata (SE) Dr Gregory K. Oelfke (SE) Dr William S. Nantz (SE) Dr T. Beth Vance (SW) Dr Yvonne E. Maldonado (SW) Dr Joshua A. Austin (SW) Dr Michael J. Goulding (NW) Dr David C. Woodburn (NW) Dr Steven J. Hill (NW) Secretary-Treasurer Dr Ron Collins
Speaker of the House Dr John W. Baucum III
Executive Director Ms Mary Kay Linn
TCEQ Regulatory Advisory Update In March 2012, the TDA informed members that the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) was delaying implementation of Title 30 of the Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 330, Section 330.1207(c), requiring dentists generating medical waste (eg, blood, sharps, etc.) to weigh each medical waste container and include the weight and other labeling requirements on the container label when sending medical waste off-site for treatment and disposal. The TCEQ’s executive director decided to further extend the enforcement discretion period from April 30, 2012, to October 31, 2012, to give medical waste generators and transporters additional time to come into compliance. For more information on the TCEQ medical waste rules, please review the guidance document “Texas Regulations on Medical Waste” posted on the TCEQ Web page at publications/rg/rg-001.html. Please note that, although the requirements do not apply in situations where the U.S. Postal Service is the transporter (30 Texas Administrative Code 330.1207(c) (8), companies such as the Sharps Disposal, a TDA Perks Program Endorsed Partner, use a tracking form attached to each Sharps Recovery System that includes the information required by TCEQ (30 Texas Administrative Code 330.1207(c) (5). For additional questions, contact TCEQ at 512239-2334 or e-mail mswpermits@tceq.texas. gov.
President’s Prose
Editor Dr Stephen R. Matteson
Legal Counsel Mr William H. Bingham
CLRA Campaign Contribution
Michael L. Stuart, DDS, TDA President Tell Us What You Think! As I write this message, my first of many in the TDA Today, I begin my whirlwind year as TDA president. Although it will be busy, it will also be interesting and insightful, to say the least. As your president, I am here to listen, to discuss, and to motivate. After my induction just a few weeks ago, I was handed an itinerary of my stops throughout the state and hit the ground running. And, first on my “to do” list was: survey of the membership. I know that surveys can sometimes be cumbersome and maybe even somewhat intrusive. But, a survey provides important information and collection of data that organizations can use to identify problems, strengths, and need for improvements. Like voting, your response counts! We need to hear from all members…from the general dentist in rural Hudspeth County…to the periodontist in Dallas…to the professor at any of the 3 dental schools. In July, the American Dental Association (ADA) will send a survey that focuses on organization loyalty and value to a random sampling of Texas members. If you receive this survey this summer, please fill it out. The survey will ask for your value ratings on both ADA and TDA key services and benefits. Your participation and input is key in the future success of both organizations!
TDA Council on Legislative and Regulatory Affairs (CLRA) Chair Dr Richard C. Black of El Paso presents U.S. Senator John Cornyn with campaign contributions from CLRA members and the American Dental Association political action committee at the CLRA meeting April 13, 2012, in Austin. CLRA Consultants Dr Herbert L. Wade of Bryan (left) and Dr Mark Peppard of Austin (right) look on.
TDA Member Spotlight Is there something extraordinary about you that your peers might not know?
Do you have a hobby you’d like to tell us about? Are you working on a project that others might find interesting? We want to hear from you! The TDA Today newsletter will include a new feature — “TDA Member Spotlight” — so you can learn more about your fellow dentists, their families, and their lives away from the office. However, in order to get started, we need to know more about you! Contact the publications team in the TDA Department of Member Services with your story ideas. E-mail TDA Managing Editor Nicole Scott at or call 512-443-3675.
Also this summer, the TDA will conduct a membership survey on margins tax. The recurring structural state budgetary shortfall tied to the margins tax is an issue that generates considerable attention and discussion amongst lawmakers in Austin. The reality is the restructured tax has fallen short of anticipated collection which has in turn created a recurring, annual shortfall. Current estimates put the budget shortfall anywhere from $8 to $15 billion. Thus, the legislature will more than likely revisit the business margins tax during the 83rd legislative session, and there is a very real possibility that the state will modify the tax significantly, if not replace it entirely. Therefore, to best help our members, the TDA will conduct a survey to understand how the current margins tax, and possible changes to it, may impact TDA member dentists. The survey will be quick, and most importantly, confidential. The TDA will only use aggregate information in formulating a picture of the dental profession to legislators. Please respond to the survey when it becomes available. The TDA is a professional organization. It cannot function, change, adapt, or respond to situations without your feedback and involvement. It is imperative that we hear from you — the member — on these surveys. Please exercise your right as a paying member, and as a dentist, to answer these questions. The results will hopefully improve our profession and the resulting care of our patients.
Evidence-based Practice Tip of the Month Stephen R. Matteson, DDS, FICD, TDA Editor
Xerostomia In case readers did not notice this article in JADA in 2010, the authors report on a clinical trial of an intraoral patch to stimulate salivary flow for patients with xerostomia (1). Use of this patch, interestingly for both the experimental patch and the control patch, successfully stimulated salivary flow short term and up to 2 weeks. You may view the abstract at using the PMID 20884928. Also note that JADA is providing online access to entire articles such as this one, by activating the PDF option printed on the abstract. Other interesting dental journals also make their entire articles available on line such as the Journal of the California Dental Association and the Journal of the Canadian Dental Association. You may search directly to those journals on Google. Take a look when you have a chance. Reference 1.
Kerr AR, Corby PM, Shah SS, Epler M, Fisch GS, Norman RG. Use of a mucoadhesive disk for relief of dry mouth: a randomized, double-masked, controlled crossover study. J Am Dent Assoc. 2010 Oct;141(10):1250-6. PMID 20884928.
May 2012 / TDA Today / 3
TSBDE Rule Update
This recurring section is designed to help TDA members keep up with important Texas State Board of Dental Examiners (TSBDE) rules, other regulations, and state law affecting their practices.
Moderate Sedation (Level 2) In the January 2012 TDA Today and September 2011 TSBDE Rule Update — 22 TAC §110.5 — Moderate Sedation (Level 2), readers were instructed to view the complete summary on the TDA website,
EDITORIAL STAFF Stephen R. Matteson, DDS, Editor Nicole Scott, Managing Editor Lauren Oakley, Publications Coordinator Barbara Donovan, Art Director Paul H. Schlesinger, Consultant
The complete summary explained that although the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners (TSBDE) began enforcing all the sedation/anesthesia rules — 22 Chapter 110 —on January 1, 2012, additional time was specified in the Moderate Sedation rule to give Level 1 Minimal Sedation permit holders an opportunity to apply for and receive a Level 2 Moderate Sedation Permit . Texas licensed dentists with active enteral sedation permits on June 1, 2011, are automatically reclassified to a Level 1 Minimal Sedation Permit and have until January 1, 2013, to apply for a Moderate Sedation (Level 2) Permit 22 TAC §110.5 (a) (1) (C) if needed. Those dentists holding a Level 1 Minimal Sedation Permit as of June 1, 2011, may continue to administer enteral sedation until January 1, 2013. However, if the permitted dentist’s enteral sedation technique involves more than the administration of nitrous oxide plus one enteral drug, the dentist has until January 1, 2013, to either provide proof that adequate education has been obtained by submitting an application for a Level 2 Moderate Sedation Permit on or before that date, or will comply with the requirements of a Level 1 Permit after that date. For more information, please contact TDA Policy Manager Diane Rhodes at 512-443-3675,
In the News Dr Kelly P. Ryncheck of Palacios was awarded the Palacios Business Woman of the Year 2011 at the annual Palacios Chamber of Commerce Banquet in February 2012. Dr Ryncheck has practiced general dentistry in Palacios since 1999. She is a member of Palacios Chamber of Commerce and past president of the Palacios Medical Foundation. Dr Kelly Ryncheck of Palacios is awarded the Palacios Business Woman of the Year 2011 in February 2012.
MAY 2012
Dr Howard W. Lufburrow of Salado published his first book, Crown Deception. The main character in the mystery/romance novel is a dentist. For more information, visit books/5869.html. Dr Lufburrow has practiced dentistry in Texas since 1984. He currently practices dentistry in Salado.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Michael L. Stuart, DDS, President David A. Duncan, DDS, President-elect J. Preston Coleman, DDS, Immediate Past President Vice Presidents Arthur C. Morchat, DDS, Northeast Rita M. Cammarata, DDS, Southeast T. Beth Vance, DDS, Southwest Michael J. Goulding, DDS, Northwest Senior Directors Jean E. Bainbridge, DDS, Northeast Gregory K. Oelfke, DDS, Southeast Yvonne E. Maldonado, DDS, Southwest David C. Woodburn, DDS, Northwest Directors Jerry J. Hopson, DDS, Northeast William S. Nantz, DDS, Southeast Joshua A. Austin, DDS, Southwest Steven J. Hill, DDS, Northwest Ron Collins, DDS, Secretary-Treasurer John W Baucum III, DDS, Speaker of the House Stephen R. Matteson, DDS, Editor Mary Kay Linn, Executive Director William H. Bingham, Legal Counsel TDA Today (USPS 022-007) is published monthly except for December by the Texas Dental Association, 1946 S IH-35 Ste 400, Austin, Texas 78704-3698, 512-443-3675. Periodicals Postage Paid at Austin, Texas and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to TDA TODAY, 1946 S IH-35 Ste 400, Austin, TX 78704-3698. Annual subscriptions: Texas Dental Association (TDA) members, $5. In-state American Dental Association (ADA) affiliated, $15 + tax. Out-of-state ADA affiliated, $15. In-state non-ADA affiliated, $30 + tax. Out-of-state non-ADA affiliated, $30. Single issue price: TDA members $1. In-state ADA affiliated, $3 + tax. Out-of-state ADA affiliated, $3. In-state non-ADA affiliated, $6 + tax. Out-of-state non-ADA affiliated, $6. Contributions: Manuscripts and news items of interest to the membership of the Association are solicited. Manuscripts should be typewritten, double spaced, and the original copy should be submitted. Please refer to Instructions for Contributors in the annual September Directory of the Texas Dental Journal for more information. The Information for Contributors is available at tda. org. All statements of opinion and of supposed facts are published on authority of the writer under whose name they appear and are not to be regarded as the views of the Texas Dental Association, unless such statements have been adopted by the Association. Articles are accepted with the understanding that they have not been published previously. Authors must disclose any financial or other interests they may have in products or services described in their articles. Member Publication Advertisements: Publication of advertisements in this publication does not constitute a guarantee or endorsement by the Association of the quality of value of such product or of the claims made of it by its manufacturer.
FIND QUALIFIED JOB APPLICANTS ONLINE. Newest Perks partner,, can help your practice quickly find qualified applicants for dentist, assistant, hygienist and front-office jobs. Create a practice profile, and you can post job openings, view audio/ video resumes uploaded by assistant and hygienist applicants, and manage your list of candidates. Search for full-time prospects, or fill temporary positions with an automated solution that is also available on iPhones and Androids. Pay a minimal fee only if you confirm a candidate for your temporary position. Best of all, through TDA Perks you’ll receive a 50% discount on’s 30-day posting and resume search, and yearly subscription. For more information on, scan the QR code below with your smart phone, visit, or call:
(800) 971-8008
Learn about other great programs: Questions? Call: (512) 443-3675.