October 2011 TDA TODAY

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OCTOBER JUNE, 2008 2011



Dr. Warren Branch Named TAGD Texas Dentist of the Year™ Inside Every Member Matters Inside Dr. Warren B. Branch of San Antonio was named the 2011 Texas Dentist of the Year™ at

Medicaid Managed Care Update Medicaid in My Office? annual Lone Star Dental Conference in Austin. Membership growth is vital to any thriving organization. The Texas Dental Association (TDA) Board is strongly Smiles Yes, TDA I Think So! Foundation committed to the goalofwithin the “TDA 2009” for strategic plan, which addresses Dr.Membership Branch was one 21 dentists nominated the prestigious award, whichcontinued has been growth. presented Richard M. Smith, DDS on Wheels Bridge City Smiles I am proud to report that,since as evidence of that secondDistrict year in Dental a row, the TDALocal received by TAGD TAGD 1965. He was commitment nominated byand the for Santhe Antonio Society. The Meadows Foundation Grant the following ADA awards inand 2008: components Texas Dental Association societies submit nominations, which are open to general TDA Smiles Foundation Completion • Greatest Percentage Membership Gain: Texas had a net 198 show members in the year 2007. dentists and specialists. Net Individuals nominated forgain the of award a commitment to advancing TMOM gains ardent advocate • Top Constituent Dental Society through with Greatest Percentage of Non-Members to Membership: excellence in dentistry activism in organized dentistry, dedication to continuing education, and Holiday Cards Representsparticipation a conversion in of charitable 4.7 percentwork of non-members into membership at end of year 2007. and civic service. Ask the President • Top Constituent Dental Society to Improve Retention Rate Percentage in 2007: Represents a 97 DENPAC: No Rest for the Weary Dr. Branch is a 1981 graduate University Health Science Centeryear. at San Antonio Dental Incoming President’s message percent Association retention rate, which of is an increase of of Texas 7 percent from the previous School andofhas practiced 30 years in San Antonio. a member of themembers American Dental • Greatest Percentage New DentistforMembers: Represents a gainHeofis111 new dentist (those Hilton Israelson, TDA Perks DDS

Rise’ Lyman, DDS, TDA Future Focus Committee a special gala on September 16 during the Texas Academy of General Dentistry’s (TAGD)

TDA Association andout the of where he has served as the vice chair and the chair of DENPAC from 2008 to dentists who are 1-9 years school). 2011. He is also a past president of the San Antonio District Dental Society. Another example of the commitment to the growth of our Association is the TDA Externship Program, which builds student awareness Outside of his practice, Dr.students Branch the remains extremely in his into philanthropic efforts through mission of organized dentistry. This innovative program, created in 2007, offers opportunity to active gain insight the different components trips to Mexico and Guyana and with the TDAcontinuing Smiles Foundation Dentaldentistry Services program of dentistry including legislative and regulatory affairs, membership, governance, education,Donated and charitable and Dr.organized Warren B. Branch of San Antonio receives the leaders ADA’s Give a Smile. Branch servesstudents on the boards of directors for Big to better understanding of their role asand future of theKids dental team. Additionally, The program Dr. is open to dental from each of the three thegain 2011aTexas Academy of General Dentistry Brothers, Bigwill Sisters San June Antonio Texas Dentist of the Award™ September. dental schools in Year Texas. This in year the externship program takeofplace 20 –and JuneSan 27Antonio in AustinYoung at theLife. TDA central office. As an ongoing effort to enhance the value and benefits of the Association, the TDA Council on Membership developed a survey that was sent to all members in 2006. The results clearly showed that members have a high satisfaction rating with benefits such as the TEXAS Meeting, TDA publications, and the ability to participate philanthropically in the TDA Smiles Foundation. A great number of the discounted programs offered to members through the TDA Perks Program also received a high satisfaction rating. In accordance with the strategic plan, the Council on Membership, will survey members again in 2009. Participation from all members and a collaborative effort between the ADA, TDA, and local component societies are the keys to The Texas membership Dental Association Student (TDASO) its member inauguralto get involved whether it is by attending local meetings, successful recruitment andOrganization retention. We encourageheld every planning Austin on October 8. TDASO officers represented studentsof Mercy, or participating in TDA Legislative Day activities taking partmeeting in GiveinKids a Smile! Day activities, volunteering at a Texas Mission from each Texas dental school. The purpose of the group is to educate students in Austin. Each member matters and is essential to the continued growth of our about Association and of organized dentistry. the benefits of seventh organized to facilitate transition to This is the anddentistry final in aand series of articlesthe focused on the from TDA’sstudent accomplishments guided by the strategic plan. To view the entire plan, practitioner and increase recruitment into“Current the tripartite log in at www.tda.org and new click dentist on “TDA 2009” under Issues”while on thecreating member homepage. For more information, please contact Lyda Creus additional leadership for students. TDASO alsocentral work office, closely(512) with443-3675. Molanphy, staff liaisonopportunities to the Future Focus Committee, at thewill TDA the American Student Dental Association to promote organized dentistry while recreating the tripartite structure at the dental school level. Mission: To be The Voice of DenTisTry in Texas The meeting was facilitated by TDA Committee on the New Dentist chair Dr. Andrea J. Keith of Irving and member Dr. Joshua A. Austin of San Antonio and TDA Pictured are Texas Dental Association Student Organization officers at its Director of Member Services Ms. Lee Ann Johnson. TDASO officers made plans for inaugural meeting in October: (back row, L-R) Texas A&M Health Science Center Baylor College of Dentistry (TAMHSC-BCD) student Joshua Public an exciting “kick-off” event at each school later thisOrganizational fall and for educational sessions Development Membership Manpower Advocacy Aguilar, TDA Committee on the New Dentist member Dr. Joshua A. Image Excellence which will take place in 2012. The sessions will focus on the core components of Austin of San Antonio, TAMHSC-BCD student Ryne Wilson, University organized dentistry: governance, membership, legislative and regulatory affairs, of Texas School of Dentistry at Houston student Coleman Meadows, and Membership University of Texas Health Sciences Center at San Antonio Dental School continuing education, and charitable care. Dentists will value membership and participation in the TDA. (UTHSCSA) student Blake Johnston; (front row, L-R) TDA Committee on ForObjectives more information on TDASO, please contact Ms. Lee Ann Johnson, leeann@tda. the New Dentist chair Dr. Andrea J. Keith of Irving, UTHSCSA student Sarah Shin, and TAMHSC-BCD student Sarah Berriche. org,1.512-443-3675. Improve perceived value and benefits of membership in TDA.

Texas Dental Association Student Organization Holds First Meeting

a. Increase members’ knowledge about the impact and benefits of TDA membership. b. Ensure that components are an integral aspect of the membership process. c. Create greater awareness of the availability of the Peer Review, Ethics & Judicial, and Risk Management benefits. Actively promote adherence the Code of Ethics. Deltond.D. Yarbrough, D.D.S., Chair,toTDA Council on Dental Economics e. Enhance communication with members and non-members. Build student awareness and interest in community organized dentistry and membership TDA. Do you,f.as a dentist, know the level ofoffluoride in your water supply, or if it is or in is not fluoridated? This link http://tiny.cc/wlb8p will Ensureany ongoing contactwater withsystem students dentaland school. allow youg. to access community in throughout the state of Texas provide the fluoride level of the water source, and whether or not the h. fluoridates Work closely with dental school faculty. community to achieve optimal levels. i. Evaluate number of nonmember dentists who attend and participate in TDA activities (TEXAS Meeting, TDA Smiles The concentration recommended the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP) to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect is .7ppm Foundation programs,byetc.). or .7mg/L. Metrics In today’s economy many cities, municipalities, and water districts are being asked to review their expenditures and cut budgets. Since fluoridation is recommended and licensed not required, we in areTX seeing underofscrutiny, in (baseline some cases to save money. 2007); The cost of fluoridation 1. Seventy percent of active dentists will it become members TDA byand 2009 of cut 68.5% in January increase ranges from $0.50 per year per person in large communities to approximately $3.00 per year per person in smaller communities. Studies show that membership retention rate to 97 percent by April 2007 (baseline 96% in 2006). for everya-d. $1.00 spent on water fluoridation about $40.00 is saved in dental treatment cost. There is also an antifluoridationist faction which can Increase the number of dentists serving on component peer review and ethics and judicial affairs committees to attain a create anparticipation undercurrentrate thatofsometimes muddles the decision making process. 2-5 percent relative to the total number of component society members by August 2009. percent of TXEconomics dental school graduates licensed in TXwith willaddressing be members of TDA five after graduation The2.TDANinety Council on Dental (CODE) is theactively TDA entity charged community oralyears health issues including(89% community water dentalCODE studentmonitors conversion from related the graduating class ofwater 2005fluoridation in Texas). and has been made aware of several communities that have been fluoridation. activities to community 3. Increase number of member dentists actively participating in Recently, TDA by 1there percent a yearactivity (as measured by aCollege variety Station, of meansand Lufkin. working to make the changes in their community water fluoridation policies. has been in Austin, – participation at TX Meeting, TMOM, TXDDS, FSI programs, DENPAC participations, TDA legislative day) with annual • Austin: In May 2011, I participated in a moderated debate with activists of the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) at a hearing of the Public report to TDA Board by the Council on Membership. Health and Human Services Subcommittee of the Austin City Council. The subcommittee took no formal action and this issue is not currently 4. Establish baseline of nonmember participation at TDA activities (CAS, TDA Smiles Foundation, Membership) before the Austin City Council; however, it is a frequent topic of discussion and CODE will continue to monitor this issue. 5. Established baseline of members’ understanding of and satisfaction with the benefits of their TDA membership through Member • College Station: In September 2011, the City of College Station City Council voted 6-1 against restoring budget funds to continue its Benefits and Services Survey (completed Nov 2006), re-evaluate % increase at that time for 2009. community water fluoridation program. City officials estimate that not fluoridating will save the city about $42,000 a year. CODE as well local 6. Sixty-five percent of all full-time faculty will be TDA members by 2009 (2006 baseline = 63%). component leaders were in contact with College Station City Council members expressing its support of the continuation of community water fluoridation. • Lufkin: CODE learned it’s that the city of Lufkin may stop another fluoridating statewide when their current supplyin of August hydrofluosilicic acid is expended. CODE The TDA will update strategic plan with retreat of 2008. will be in contact with Lufkin City Council to express its support of community water fluoridation.

Let’sTEXAS Talk Meeting Outgoing BiggerPresident’s and Bettermessage A. David May, Jr., DDS Evidence-based Tip of the Month 2008-2009 TDA Board of Directors TSBDE Rule Update Meet Your TDA Staff TDA’sNovember new Finance Director Dee Dee Delagarza

Journal News

Congratulations to TDA Texas Dental Association Gold Component Societies Medal Winner Streamline Your Insurance Claims Distraction Osteogenesis for Speeding up confirmation of benefits Craniomaxillofacial Problems and eligibility Management of Invasive TSBDE Rule Update Cervical Resorption: Requirements for dental office Observations from Three Private radiograph machines Practices and a Report of Three In the News Cases TDA members in the news Guide for the Mentoring Dentist: The Admissions July Journal News Office Perspective Tooth Whitening: A Clinical Review

the State Historical Perspectives Do You Know The Status Of Water Fluoridation In Your Community? TDAAround

Dentists, dental hygienists, and the November 4 & 5 dental team Board of Directors meeting The Austin 2007 C.T. Rowland Award Orthodontic case report November 11 The Texas El Paso Dental Conference State Board of Dental Examiners meeting Around Austin the State August 14: & Connect TDA Click Board Meeting Austin, Texas Join us on Facebook groups.to/texasdental October 15-19: ADA Annual Session Follow San Antonio, Texas us on Twitter twitter.com/theTDA

Click &Get Connect LinkedIn

linkedin.com, Update Profile search “Texas tda.org – Membership InfoDental Association” It is important that TDA component societies begin to monitor the activities of their city and county governments. This can be done by simply Ask a Colleague monitoring city council meeting agendas which are usually posted at least 3 days before each meeting. Component societies also have to watch for tda.org – Features Scan this barcode the posting of public hearings on issues relating to water and public health. Also, the local governmental contact about fluoridation is usually the water treatment/water management department or the city manager. CODE is seeing fluoridation stopped without the local dentists being aware using your that it is occurring. Dentists are the authorities on oral health. It is up to us to make sure that the governmental entities that make these decisions are TEXAS Meeting Photos smartphone made aware of the consequences of their actions. The American Dental Association has printed materials available to assist component leaders with texasmeeting.com/estore to access our discussing this issue with city council members, and CODE is also available to assist component societies when fluoride issues arise. Volunteer for ‘08 ADA website If you have comments or questions about fluoride issues in your area, then please contact CODE via Cassidy Neal at (512) 443-3675 ext. 152 or tda.org/volunteerada08 cassidy@tda.org.

In 2003, Texas Dental Association members from across the state develop TDA’s first strategic plan, TDA 2009.

Perks Partner News Debit-Card Processing Costs Decreasing Effective October 1, banks with greater than $10 billion in assets that issue debit cards will have their earned fees capped at 21 cents per transaction and 0.05 percent, due to the Durbin Amendment of the Dodd Frank Act. Because it’s not mandatory that your credit card processor pass the lower debit fees on to you (in the form of lower rates), your office may not see the savings.

142nd Annual Session of the Texas Dental Association May 3 – 6, 2012 • San Antonio, Texas

Bigger and Better in Texas Victor Rodriguez, D.D.S., TDA Council on Annual Session


The 2012 TEXAS MEETING is fast approaching! Join your fellow Texans from all over the state as they head to San Antonio for the largest dental meeting in Texas! In the Lone Star state we have become accustomed to the phrase “Bigger and Better” and that is no exception when it comes to the TEXAS Meeting. You and your staff will have opportunities to choose quality continuing education, network with colleagues, and shop at the largest exhibit hall in Texas. Treat yourself and your staff to an exciting and rewarding 3 days in beautiful San Antonio for the TEXAS Meeting.

Dr. Frank Higginbottom, 2012 TEXAS Meeting Chair, and the TDA Council on Annual Session have planned an incredible dental meeting for you. At the TEXAS Meeting you and your dental staff can fulfill all of your state CE dental requirements. Take advantage of one of your incredible TDA member benefits —no conference pre-registration fee for you and your staff. The TEXAS Meeting is proud to present a wide array of 90 nationally recognized speakers. The speakers will present dental seminars, certification classes, and participation workshops for the entire dental team. Topics will include cosmetics, restorative dentistry, pediatrics, implants, lasers, periodontics, endodontics, oral surgery, occlusion, practice management, and much, much more. But the fun is just starting. More than 350 exhibitors have been contracted and are eager to share information on “Bigger and Better” dental products and services. The TEXAS Meeting exhibitors provide many meeting specials and the latest technology for you and your dental practice. The bustling exhibit hall will have many activities taking place during the meeting. Visit the special artist who digitally sketches a portrait of you and your friends, bid on a unique item at the DENPAC Silent Auction, learn about your practice opportunities with TDA Perks, and check-out the many charitable events supported by your TDA Smiles Foundation. After your classes and workshops, unwind at the Thursday and Friday happy hours where you will enjoy complimentary beer and wine in the exhibit hall from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Thursday evening showcases the famous “Texas Party” with live entertainment from the band The Klocks. Come kick up your heels with complimentary food and beverages at this social event plus a cash bar. Remember your TEXAS Meeting badge is your entry to the party. If that isn’t enough fun for you, remember all of the breakfast meetings during the 3-day convention, including the American College of Dentists and International College of Dentists, Christian Medical Dental Society, Pierre Fauchard Academy, and many more. Friday morning features the 8th Annual Healthy Smiles Golf Classic, so if you are a golf enthusiast please support this charitable event! Also Friday afternoon, can’t miss events are the ADA Candidates Forum, the New Dentist (GOLD) Reception, and the TDA District Caucuses. What a great festive agenda set in the backdrop of the scenic San Antonio River Walk and the historic Alamo. Come enjoy the “Bigger and Better” TEXAS Meeting May 3-6, 2012!

TDA Perks partner Best Card, a credit card processing company, has already notified its TDAmember customers of the savings to come by including a notice in August and September statements; and effective October 1, 2011, Best Cards customers’ rates will reflect the lowered fees. Best Card estimates that its practices will save between $40–$100 per month — an approximately 40 percent savings on debit card transactions. While these new rates may benefit your practice, many banks are now charging consumers additional monthly fees for using debit cards, so some patients may choose to deactivate their debit cards. You can read more in an MSNBC.com article: http://tinyurl.com/BankFeesArticle. For more information about how the credit card industry’s recent changes may affect you, download an article by Best Card at: http://tinyurl.com/BestCard-Update. TDA members can fax Best Card a credit card processing statement to (866) 717-7247 for a free, complete, confidential cost comparison for their practice. Or they can contact Best Card at: (877) 739-3952.

Receive Free Sample of NEW SUV Disinfectant Wipes Perks long-time partner OSHA Review, Inc. is offering a free sample of its new product SUV Disinfectant Wipes to TDA members. SUV Disinfectant Wipes provides the same exceptional quality and value as the Perks-endorsed SUV Disinfectant, but comes in the form of a convenient, ready-to-use, disposable wipe. The pH-neutral heavy-duty product can clean and disinfect at the same time, yet contains no irritating perfumes, dyes, alcohols, bleach, or phenols. It meets Texas State Board of Dental Examiners, OSHA, and EPA requirements; CDC guidelines; and is proven to kill hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), HIV, and H1N1. To receive your free sample, or to learn more about the product, please call OSHA Review at: (800) 555-6248.

Perks Partner Recognized on Inc. 500|5000 for a Second Year Perks’ website-design partner ProSites has made the Inc. 500|5000 list for a second year in a row. ProSites was ranked #1677 on the list and #158 within the advertising and marketing industry. “Inc. recognizes the creativity, dedication, and hard work that have gone into building ProSites into what it is today,” says Jane Berentson, Editor in Chief of Inc. magazine. “As an Inc. 5000 honoree, ProSites shares a prestigious pedigree with such notable alumni as Intuit, Zappos, Under Armour, Microsoft, Jamba Juice, Timberland, Clif Bar, Patagonia, Oracle, Zipcar, and scores of other powerhouses.” “We are proud to be recognized once again by Inc. magazine,” says Lance McCollough, founder and CEO of ProSites. “Our success directly correlates with the success of our clients, and that’s what our dedicated team focuses on each and every day. Our exclusive technology and expertise in Internet marketing has helped our clients to grow their practices in a tough economy, and that’s really exciting.” For more information regarding ProSites, visit tdaperks.com, click on “Endorsed Partners” and “Website Design.” Or, call ProSites at: (888) 541-6452.

Happy, Healthy Smiles … That’s Our Mission!

Bridge City Smiles on Wheels On September 24, the TDA Smiles Foundation held its 17th Smiles on Wheels in Bridge City, Texas. The event was a huge success, providing $139, 728 worth of charitable dental care services to a record-breaking 218 people. The support from the dental community was amazing with an astounding volunteer turnout of 45 dentists at this 16-chair event. The record number of treated patients at this event was due to the increased volunteer support which provided TDASF with enough manpower to keep all dental chairs occupied throughout the entire day. A huge thank you to The Stark Foundation for an extremely generous donation of $10,000; The Houseman Foundation for an amazing donation of $7,500; the Dental Society of Southeast Texas and to SETRPC for all of their hard work and dedication to this event!

The Meadows Foundation Grant Completion The TDA Smiles Foundation is proud to announce the completion of the 3-year $115,000 Meadows Foundation grant which was instrumental in creating the Smiles on Wheels program. In 3 years, TDASF has held 17 Smiles on Wheels events in rural areas around Texas, providing 2,648 people with more than $1.5 million in charitable dental care! This amazing feat would not have been possible without all of the dedication and support of the TDA membership! Thank you!

TDASF Holiday Cards are Ready to Order! The holiday season is quickly approaching! TDASF announces the return of its hand-made holiday cards. This year there are several card options. Send your family, friends, and colleagues a unique card expressing your best wishes for the upcoming holiday season.

October 2011 / TDA Today / 2

Option #2: Season’s Greetings — One card for $25 or five cards for $100 Inside of card says, “Wishing you a year of smiles.”

Options 1 & 2 have embellishments on the outside of the card, adding eye-catching, 3-D detail. Both of these cards also contain the following quote on the top half of the inside of the card:

Family of Gaston P. Donaho North Zulch, Texas Donated Dental Services Patient

Dr. Chad Ford and a volunteer examine a patient for diagnosis before triage on September 24 at TDASF’s Smiles on Wheels.

Outside of Card:

Also, for the first time, TDASF is offering card and price options. Every dollar goes directly to support Outside the TDASF and the thousands of of Card: Texans in need of dental care!

“We forever thank you. We are sincere in saying thank you so much for giving Daddy his smile and his life back. He hasn’t smiled in 4 years.”

Dr. Michael Jeansonne and part of his dental team volunteer their dental services at the 17th Smiles on Wheels held in Bridge City, Texas.

Option #1: Holiday Sparkles — One card for $25 or five cards for $100 Inside of card says, “And a year of smiles.”

To order any of these cards please visit tdasf.org or call (512) 4482441.

Option #3: Snow Flake — 10 cards for $30 Inside of card says, “Wishing you a year of smiles.” Outside of Card:

Future Changes to Texas Medicaid Dental Program As reported last month, the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) announced the final contract awards for the HHSC Texas Dental Program to Delta Dental Insurance Company, DentaQuest USA Insurance Company, Inc., and MCNA Insurance Company. Now that the final contract awards are in place, the transition to commercial administration of the Texas Dental Program will proceed rapidly in preparation for a “go live” date of March 1, 2012. It is critical that participating dentists begin informing their existing patients about which dental plans they intend to participate. As a reminder, the state requires the dental plans to assist members in selecting a Main Dentist within 30 days of enrollment in a dental plan. If the member does not select a Main Dentist within 30 days of enrollment, the dental plan may assign the member to a Main Dentist using a “default process” approved by HHSC. To protect the member’s “right to choose” his or her dentist, HHSC prohibits dental plans from assigning members to dental practices (offices). For those clients that do not self-select a Main Dentist, the dental plan will assign them to a dentist using individual Texas Provider Identifier numbers. HHSC will be mailing enrollment packets to Medicaid/CHIP members the week of October 28, 2011. At the same time, the TDA will be emailing a sample letter that participating dentists may share with patients to help them complete the “self-selection” process for a Main Dentist. Although participating dentists may inform their patients about which plans they intend to contract with, dentists are prohibited from influencing a member’s decision to choose one plan over another. If you are interested in providing Medicaid/Children’s Health Insurance Program dental services under the new program, contact the companies directly to begin the credentialing process. •

Delta Dental Insurance Company (800) 775-0523 Ext.3066 E-mail : PR-Texas@delta.org

DentaQuest USA Insurance Company, Inc. (800) 685-9971 E-mail: dqrecruiters@dentaquest.com

MCNA Insurance Company – David L. Brownell, director of provider relations; website: http://www.mcna.net/ provider/texas-program/

For questions, contact the TDA’s policy manager, Ms. Diane Rhodes at (512) 443-3675 or diane@tda.org.

Preston’s Press

What Happens in Vegas … As I’m writing this message, I’m taking advantage of the small amount of free time I have during the 152nd American Dental Association (ADA) Annual Session in Las Vegas. The lights and sounds of the city and the bustle of the convention are exciting. And, the cool temperatures have provided a welcome respite from hot San Antonio, but things are definitely heating up here. Especially for two of our leaders from Texas. First, the 2011 ADA House of Delegates elected Dr. Hilton Israelson of Richardson as the new 15th District Trustee. A past president of the TDA, Dr. Israelson will have a strong voice for us in Chicago. Dr. S. Jerry Long previously held this post with much success, and I know that Dr. Israelson will continue leading the 15th District in a positive direction. Hilton, congratulations! I look forward to seeing you thrive in this new position. Secondly, TDA Speaker of the House Dr. Glen Hall of Abilene announced his candidacy for the 2012-2013 ADA Speaker of the House. This marks the beginning of Dr. Hall’s campaign for that position, the election of which will occur at the ADA annual session next October in San Francisco. For the next year, Dr. Hall will convince our peers nationwide what we already know — his passion for organized dentistry and strife for professional excellence have directly influenced his success as Speaker of the Texas House of Delegates for the last 11 years. Glen, you have my vote in 2012.

J. Preston Coleman, D.D.S., TDA President 2011-12 I’m proud to stand beside Drs. Israelson and Hall as they lead us at a national level; organized dentistry enjoys its finest hour during these elections. We choose them to speak for us, to carry our message to the masses so we can ensure that the care we provide our patients and the profession we love so much is protected nationwide. Now, I can honestly say, “What happens in Vegas, makes us proud in Texas.” Aside from the changing of the guard, the House of Delegates seems to be progressing well. There has been the usual debate and exchanges of opinion. From the financial view, the House has been very aware of the troubled financial times. Reserves are below projection but that has been a trend over the last few years for obvious reasons. The House will add $1.8 million to the proposed budget but has passed a $7 dues increase to finance four important areas. The House has approved continued support for State Public Affairs program grants for major advocacy issues facing state dental societies. There will be a comprehensive study of ADA Governance. A study was funded to determine the implications for dentistry of the Affordable Care Act. In the membership area, a study of issues surrounding the economics of dental education and the impact on access to care will be done. Some of the discussion included ideas for helping new graduates cope with large loans as they are entering the profession. Watch for more details in the ADA News and on the ADA website!

Texas Medicaid Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Program This is the 11th in a series of articles to keep you informed of the Texas Medicaid Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Program and continuing efforts to implement health information exchange initiatives across Texas. The incentive program provides incentive payments to eligible Medicaid providers for the adoption and meaningful use of certified EHR technology. Future articles will focus on helpful reference websites, health information exchange, meaningful use for dentists, certified EHR technology for dental practices, and other relevant topics of interest to dentists. For more than a year, the Texas Dental Association has regularly informed members about the Texas Medicaid Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Program and how dentists may participate. This month’s update will be devoted to answering YOUR questions. E-mail your questions to TDA policy manager Ms. Diane Rhodes at diane@tda.org no later than November 1, 2011. All questions received by the designated date will be answered in the November TDA Today Medicaid EHR update.

ADA Awards Golden Apple to Fort Worth District Dental Society The American Dental Association (ADA) recently honored the Fort Worth District Dental Society with a Golden Apple award in the Excellence and Access to Dental Care Programs category at the ADA Annual session held in Las Vegas, Nevada. The society was awarded the Golden Apple for the Save a Smile program — a unique and powerful partnership between local dentists, the Fort Worth District Dental Society, and multiple school districts with the mission to provide preventive and restorative dental care to children in need at targeted schools, from pre-kindergarten through third grade. Led by Cook Children’s Community Health Outreach department, and under the leadership of Dr. Tonya Fuqua of Southlake, Save a Smile has screened more than 42,000 students and provided nearly $4.8 million in donated dental treatment comprehensive in scope to local children in need since its inception.

Evidence-based Practice Tip of the Month Stephen R. Matteson, D.D.S., F.I.C.D., TDA Editor

TRIPdatabase Here is an informative data base for health care topics. Google “TRIPdatabase” and enter your topic of interest. Try one at a time, dental implants, amalgam, impacted third molars or whatever. Have fun. READER COMMENT In reading your Evidence-based Practice Tip of the Month (September 2011 TDA Today), I chose to go the original, referenced source that was listed. What I found was not what was listed. While Walker may have commented on a published article, the reference is for the published article, written by Weltman B et al., and not Walker’s comment. Furthermore, the comments made by the editor on this paper appeared on page 11A of the journal as opposed to 12A. Root resorption associated with orthodontic tooth movement: A systematic review. Belinda Weltman,a Katherine W. L. Vig,b Henry W. Fields,c Shiva Shanker,d and Eloise E. Kaizare Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and Columbus, Ohio (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2010;137:462-76) The Walker reference is as follows: Walker S. Root resorption during orthodontic treatment. Evid Based Dent. 2010;11(3):88. This communication is only for clarity so that the practicing dentist who chooses to go that step further will be able to access the information rapidly and accurately. James L. Gutmann, D.D.S., F.A.C.D., F.I.C.D. Professor Emeritus, Baylor College of Dentistry The editor encourages readers to send comments on the Evidencebased Practice Tip of the month. Thank you Dr. Gutmann. October 2011 / TDA Today / 3

TSBDE Rule Update

This recurring section is designed to help TDA members keep up with important Texas State Board of Dental Examiners (TSBDE) rules, other regulations, and state law affecting their practices. This TSBDE Update addresses Texas State Board of Dental Examiners (TSBDE) Chapter 110 — 22 TAC §110.5 — Moderate Sedation (Level 3) Permit. The TSBDE defines Moderate Sedation as, “Drug-induced depression of consciousness during which patients respond purposefully to verbal commands, either alone or accompanied by light tactile stimulation. No interventions are required to maintain a patent airway, and spontaneous ventilation is adequate. Cardiovascular function is usually maintained. A Level 3 Permit is required for moderate sedation including parenteral routes of administration…”1A Level 3 Permit automatically qualifies an applicant for Nitrous Oxide, Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 Permit privileges.2 As a reminder, although Chapter 110 became effective June 1, 2011, the TSBDE will not start enforcing requirements until January 1, 2012. This delay is intended to allow ample time for dentists to become compliant with all facets of the new regulations such as standards of care and monitoring. A summary of the educational/professional criteria for dentists applying for a Level 3 Moderate Sedation Permit, taken directly from Chapter 110 — 22 TAC §110.5 — Moderate Sedation, is available on the TDA website, tda.org. Space did not permit its inclusion in this publication. For more information, please contact TDA policy manager Ms. Diane Rhodes at (512) 443-3675, diane@tda.org. References 1. 22 Texas Administrative Code, §110.1 (17). 2. TSBDE Webpage: New Anesthesia Permit Regulations to be Enforced January 1, 2012!: Http://www.tsbde.state.tx.us.

EDITORIAL STAFF Stephen R. Matteson, D.D.S., Editor Nicole Scott, Managing Editor Lauren Oakley, Publications Coordinator Barbara Donovan, Art Director Paul H. Schlesinger, Consultant BOARD OF DIRECTORS J. Preston Coleman, D.D.S., President Michael L. Stuart, D.D.S., President-elect Ronald L. Rhea, D.D.S., Immediate Past President Vice Presidents Lisa B. Masters, D.D.S., Southwest Robert E. Wiggins, D.D.S., Northwest Larry D. Herwig, D.D.S., Northeast Karen E. Frazer, D.D.S., Southeast Senior Directors T. Beth Vance, D.D.S., Southwest Michael J. Goulding, D.D.S., Northwest Arthur C. Morchat, D.D.S., Northeast Rita M. Cammarata, D.D.S., Southeast Directors Yvonne E. Maldonado, D.D.S., Southwest David C. Woodburn, D.D.S., Northwest Jean E. Bainbridge, D.D.S., Northeast Gregory K. Oelfke, D.D.S., Southeast Ron Collins, D.D.S., Secretary-Treasurer Glen D. Hall, D.D.S., Speaker of the House David H. McCarley, D.D.S., Parliamentarian Stephen R. Matteson, D.D.S., Editor Mary Kay Linn, Executive Director William H. Bingham, Legal Counsel TDA Today (USPS 022-007) is published monthly except for December by the Texas Dental Association, 1946 S. IH-35, Ste 400, Austin, Texas 78704-3698, (512) 443-3675. Periodicals Postage Paid at Austin, Texas and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to TDA TODAY, 1946 S. IH-35, Ste 400, Austin, TX 78704-3698. Annual subscriptions: Texas Dental Association (TDA) members, $5. In-state American Dental Association (ADA) affiliated, $15 + tax. Out-of-state ADA affiliated, $15. In-state non-ADA affiliated, $30 + tax. Out-of-state non-ADA affiliated, $30. Single issue price: TDA members $1. In-state ADA affiliated, $3 + tax. Out-of-state ADA affiliated, $3. In-state non-ADA affiliated, $6 + tax. Out-of-state non-ADA affiliated, $6. Contributions: Manuscripts and news items of interest to the membership of the Association are solicited. Manuscripts should be typewritten, double spaced, and the original copy should be submitted. Please refer to Instructions for Contributors in the annual September Directory of the Texas Dental Journal for more information. The Information for Contributors is available at tda. org. All statements of opinion and of supposed facts are published on authority of the writer under whose name they appear and are not to be regarded as the views of the Texas Dental Association, unless such statements have been adopted by the Association. Articles are accepted with the understanding that they have not been published previously. Authors must disclose any financial or other interests they may have in Member Publication products or services described in their articles. Advertisements: Publication of advertisements in this publication does not constitute a guarantee or endorsement by the Association of the quality of value of such product or of the claims made of it by its manufacturer.




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