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APRIL 2011 JUNE, 2008



Texas Member MedicaidMatters TDA Wins Membership Awards Every Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Program

Inside Inside

For the fifth consecutive year, the Texas Dental Association won national awards at the recent ADA Recruitment and Retention Conference held in Chicago, April 1-2, 2011. Medicaid in My Office? Kennedy The awards were forThe theTexas Greatest NetAssociation Gain in Membership, theisGreatest Membership growth is vital to any thriving organization. Dental (TDA) Board stronglyPercentageYes, I Think So! Dental Center of Nonmembers to Membership and which the Greatest Netcontinued Gain of New Dentists. SinceRichardGroup committed to the Membership goal within the “TDA 2009” strategic plan, addresses growth. Holds M. Smith, DDS5K 2006, TDA has received 17 awards thea ADA for TDA its recruitment I am proud to report that, as evidence of thatthe commitment and for the secondfrom year in row, the received and the following ADA awards in 2008: retention efforts. TDA Smiles Foundation • Greatest Percentage Membership Net Gain: Texas had a net gain of 198 members in the year 2007. TDA Smiles Foundation The TDA would like to thank component society leaders, volunteers, and staff for TMOM gains ardent advocate • Top Constituent Dental Society with Greatest Percentage of Non-Members to Membership: This is the fifth in a series of articles to keep you theirof hard work which,into in partnership theof state, to the continued Represents a conversion non-members membershipwith at end yearcontributes 2007. informed of the Texas Medicaid Electronic Health of 4.7 percent Remembering Mrs. Ask the President growth and Retention success of the association. • Program Top Constituent Dental Society to Improve Rate Percentage in 2007: Represents a 97 Record (EHR) Incentive and continuing Macaulay Incoming President’s message percent Association retention rate, which is an increase of 7 percent from the previous year. efforts to implement health information exchange initiatives • Greatest of New Dentist Members: Represents a gain of 111 new dentist members (those Hilton Israelson, DDS across Texas. The incentive program provides Percentage incentive payments dentists are 1-9use years to Medicaid providers for the adoption and who meaningful of out of school). TDA Perks certified EHR example technology. Future articles willtofocus on helpful Let’s Talk Another of the commitment the growth of our Association is the TDA Externship Program, which builds student awareness reference websites, health information exchange, meaningful Outgoing President’s message of organized dentistry. This innovative program, created in 2007, offers students the opportunity to gain insight into the different components useorganized for dentists, certifiedincluding EHR technology for and dental practices,affairs, membership, governance, continuing education, and charitable dentistry and of dentistry legislative regulatory A. DavidTEXAS May, Jr., DDS Meeting Preview and other relevant topics of interest to dentists health to gain a better understanding of their role asand future leaders of the dental team. The program is open to dental students from each of the three information technology (IT). dental schools in Texas. This year the externship program will take place June 20 – June 27 in Austin at the TDA central office.

Rise’ Lyman, DDS, TDA Future Focus Committee

2008-2009 TDA Board of Directors

As an ongoing effort to enhance the value and benefits of the Association, the TDA Council on Membership developed a survey that was sent The Texas Health and Human Services Commission MK’s Board Notes to all members in 2006. The results clearly showed that members have a high satisfaction rating with benefits such as the TEXAS Meeting, TDA Meet Your TDA Staff (HHSC) is helping physicians, dentists, and health care publications, and the ability to participate philanthropically in the TDA Smiles Foundation. A great number of the discounted programs offered to providers sign up for new incentive payments for using TDA’s new Finance Director members through the TDA Perks Program also received a high satisfaction rating. In accordance with the strategic plan, the Council on Membership, electronic health records. Doctors who establish electronic Dee DeeTSBDE Delagarza Rule Update will survey members again in 2009. health record systems that meet federal standards can earn Participation from all members and a collaborative effort between the ADA, TDA, and local component societies are the keys to up to $63,750 in Medicaid incentive payments over 6 years. Congratulations to TDA successful membership recruitment and retention. We encourage every member to get involved whether it is by attending local meetings, Providers can begin enrolling in the program now, and the Component Societies taking part in Give Kids a Smile! Day activities, volunteering at a Texas Mission of Mercy, or participating in TDA Legislative Day activities first payments are expected in May. in Austin. Each member matters and is essential to the continued growth of our Association and of organized dentistry. This is theHIT seventh and final a series (http://www. of articles focused on the TDA’s accomplishments guided by the strategic plan. To view the entire plan, Streamline Your Insurance Claims The Certified Product List in (CHPL) log in at www.tda.org and click on “TDA 2009” under “Current Issues” on the member homepage. For more information, please contact Lyda Creus Speeding up confirmation of benefits cms.gov/EHRIncentivePrograms/25_Certification. (L-R)office, Accepting the443-3675. awards on behalf of TDA are Dr. Richard D. Collins of Houston, Greater Molanphy, staff liaison to the Focus Committee, at the TDA central (512) asp#TopOfPage) provides theFuture authoritative, comprehensive and eligibility Houston Dental Society; Ms. Jane Evans, Dallas County Dental Society (DCDS) executive

May Journal News

listing of complete EHRs and EHR modules that have director; Ms. Carrie Goss, DCDS membership coordinator; Ms. Rachael Daigle, TDA been tested and certified under the Temporary Certification membership coordinator; Ms. CeCe M ission: To be The Voice of D enTisTry in Broussard, TexasGHDS membership coordinator; Dr. Jean E. TSBDE Rule Update Program maintained by the Office of the National Bainbridge of Dallas, ADA Council on Membership; Dr. Joshua A. Austin of San Antonio, San Requirements for dental officeissue Oral Cancer special Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC). Antonio District Dental Society. radiograph machines Each Complete EHR and EHR Module has been certified by Public Organizational an ONC-Authorized TestingAdvocacy and Certification Body (ONCDevelopment Membership Manpower In the News Image Excellence ATCB) and reported to ONC. Only the product versions TDA members in the news that are included on the CHPL are certified under the ONC Membership Temporary Certification Program. Dentists will value membership and participation in the TDA. During the April 2011 Texas State Board of Dental Examiners’ meeting, members As aObjectives reminder, dentists do not need to have certified EHR elected Dr. Steve Austin, a general dentist from Amarillo, as board secretary. Dr. Austin technology in place to register forand the benefits EHR incentive 1. Improve perceived value of membership in TDA. received his Doctor of Dental Surgery from the Baylor College of Dentistry in 1985.Tooth Whitening: A Clinical Review programs. must adopt, implement, a. However, Increasedentists members’ knowledge about the impact and benefits of TDA membership. May 5-8, 2011 The board elects a new secretary each year. This year, Dr. Austin was the sole nominee upgrade,b.or successfully use aspect of Ensure thatdemonstrate componentsmeaningful are an integral of the membership process. Perspectives to replace Dr. Tamela “Tammy” Gough who now benefits. serves as presiding officer. As TDA Historical The TEXAS Meeting, certified c.EHRCreate technology the Medicaid EHR Incentive greaterunder awareness of the availability of the Peer Review, Ethics & Judicial, and Risk Management Dentists, dental hygienists, and the Programd.and Actively successfully demonstrate meaningful use of Ethics. board secretary, Dr. Austin chairs the Board’s Enforcement Committee. Prior to promote adherence to the Code San Antonio being elected secretary, he served as a member of the Enforcement and Licensing dental team certified e.EHREnhance technology under the Medicare EHR Incentive communication with members and non-members. Committees. Dr. Austin’s in term continues through 2013. Programf.before theystudent can receive an EHR incentive payment. Build awareness of and interest in organized dentistry and membership TDA. The 2007 C.T. Rowland Award g. Ensure ongoing contact with students throughout dental school. May case 8, 2011 Orthodontic report h. Work closely with dental school faculty. i. Evaluate number of nonmember dentists who attend and participate in TDA activities (TEXAS Meeting, TDA Smiles TDA Board of Directors Legislative Update Foundation programs, etc.). The El Paso Dental Conference San Antonio Metrics 1. Seventy percent of active licensed dentists in TX will be members of TDA by 2009 (baseline of 68.5% in January 2007); increase membership retention rate to 97 percent by April 2007 (baseline 96% in 2006). 30,and 2011, Texas adjourn thecommittees 82nd legislature. Meeting everyone’s a-d. Increase the number of dentists serving on component On peerMay review ethics andwill judicial affairs to attain a session has brought many2009. unique challenges, the largest being a August 14: participation rate of 2-5 percent relative to the total numberexpectations, of componentthis society members by August budget shortfall the rangeofofTDA $23 five billion. Texas House and Senate continue TDA Board Meeting Since update in the TDAschool Today,graduates the TDAactively licensed 2. the Ninety percent ofMarch TX dental in TX will beinmembers yearsThe after graduation (89% to balance the budget mainly by making cuts. Of note, Health and Human submitted itsstudent final comments onfrom the Health and dental conversion the graduating class of 2005toinwork Texas). Austin, Texas Service agencies face a potential percent.of means Human Services (HHSC) Request for participating 3. Increase theCommission’s number of member dentists actively in TDA by 1 percent a year (asreduction measuredofby17a variety Proposals (RFP) for the Texas Dental TMOM, Program.TXDDS, HHSC FSI programs, DENPAC participations, TDA legislative day) with annual – participation at TX Meeting, There are still several stages in the process that will affect the final version of the October 15-19: is seeking the services of two or more dental contractors report to TDA Board by the Council on Membership. Join us on Facebook budget. TheTDA House and Senate appropriation bills differ by several billion dollars ADA Annual Session to4.commercially administer the statewideparticipation Medicaid/ at TDA activities Establish baseline of nonmember (CAS, Smiles Foundation, Membership) and bothwith sidesthe will meet in conference committee to work out the differences. InSan Antonio, Children’s Health baseline Insurance dental of and satisfaction www.groups.to/texasdental Texas 5. Established ofProgram members’(CHIP) understanding benefits of atheir TDA membership through Member addition to the continued work the budget, the arduous task of redrawing district programs beginning in March 2012. Benefits and Services Survey (completed Nov 2006), re-evaluate % increase at that time for on 2009. linesbyalso remains. Sixty-five percent all full-time faculty will be TDA members 2009 (2006 baseline = 63%). As6.a next step, the TDAof plans to meet with HHSC

State Board Elects New Secretary

Around News the State July Journal

Proposed Changes to Texas Medicaid Dental Program

Non-Covered Services

Around the State

Click & Connect

Click & Connect

Follow us on Twitter officials this summer as they finalize selection of the Even with the many hurdles, the TDA remains optimistic about seeing its legislation dental contractors. The TDA will update it’s strategic plan with another statewide retreat in August 2008. Profile implemented in statute. Currently, the TDA isof closely monitoring over 150 piecesUpdatetwitter.com/theTDA of legislation. Of those pieces, legislation prohibiting the capping of non-covered tda.org – Membership Info In tandem with HHSC’s RFP efforts, the Texas services (SB 554/HB 1776) has been at the center of TDA’s advocacy efforts. The Legislature continues to work through the budget process Get LinkedIN hard work of the TDA Council for Legislative and Regulatory Affairs (CLRA), Ask a Colleague and the final funding available for Medicaid/CHIP experienced legislative consultants, and dedicated TDA staff have helped propel dental services will be unknown until the end of the tda.org Linkedin.com, – Features search “Texas the bill through the legislative process. SB 554 was passed off the Senate floor on legislative session — May 30, 2011. April 14, 2011, and is now headed to the House. HB 1776 is pending in the House Dental Association” TEXAS Meeting Photos Look for your next update in the May 2011 TDA Today. Committee on Insurance. texasmeeting.com/estore For questions or comments, contact TDA’s policy With only a month remaining until session adjourns, CLRA, legislative consultants, manager Ms. Diane Rhodes at (512) 443-3675 or Volunteer for ‘08 ADA and TDA staff will continue to work diligently to educate legislators and promote tda.org/volunteerada08 the diane@tda.org. of oral for all Texas citizens. In 2003, Texas Dental Association members from across the state develophighest TDA’s standards first strategic plan,health TDA care 2009.

Kennedy Dental Center Holds 5K Run in Corpus Christi

Perks Partner News Dr. Bud Luecke, Laptop Door Prize, Spark Excitement at TEXAS Party

On Saturday, February 26, 2011, Kennedy Dental Care held its first ever Kennedy Dental Care 5K Fun Run / 2-mile Walk in Corpus Christi. The event included 264 registered runners and walkers and was organized to bring awareness to February Dental Health Month. Proceeds from the event benefited Timon’s Ministries, a nonprofit organization which aids the local community, particularly the less fortunate and homeless in their time of need. Timon’s Ministries opened a dental clinic in April of 2009 to serve indigent in the area. The clinic is completely staffed with volunteers from the community. Dr. Paul A. Kennedy III of Corpus Christi said he was extremely pleased with the participation and support for the event. “We know there are many unmet oral health needs in the community and hopefully this will raise awareness of that problem.” He says the event was made possible by numerous volunteers and support from local area businesses and extends a special thank you to the following: Volunteers: Merritt Kennedy, Lisa & Alex Peterson, Penelope Baker, Andrea Farias, Annabel Warren, Diane Toscano, Kyle & Lindsey Schmidt, Raquel Huebner, Beverly Hayes, Nora Bower, Dr. Nicole B. Pruitt, Dr. Rex & Jennifer Wildey, Leeann Franco, Brooke & Brenton Franco, Kyle Sanchez, Betty Sandoval, Missi & Brittany DeClercq, Gracie Alvarado, Felicia Parker, Selinda Cantu, and Daniella Pulido. Sponsors: Patterson’s Dental, STVT, American Bank, H.E.B., Pinnacle Computer Services, Classic Printing, LeVu, Kosmo’s Salon, Yorktown Christian Academy, iSupCC, B&J’s Pizza, Gold’s Gym, Jason’s Deli, Gattitown, Academy Sport and Outdoors, Corpus Christi Athletic Club, Niko’s Steakhouse, Montana Mike’s, Sonic, McCallister’s Deli, Everest Water, Free Birds, Corpus Christi Auto Theft Department, Corpus Christi Police Department and Amigo’s Cakeland. For more information about Kennedy Dental Care, please visit paulkennedydds.com.

Don’t miss Dr. Bud Luecke and his band, “Morning,” inspired by classic rock icons of the 1950’s and 1960’s: Elvis, the Beatles, and Jimi Hendrix. They’ll perform a fun mix of classic rock and country dance music at the popular TEXAS Party event, sponsored by TDA Perks Program. Pick up your free guitar pick — each uniquely numbered. Then stick around to see if Dr. Luecke draws your pick number, and makes you the lucky winner of a new Dell Inspiron™ laptop!

TDA Perks Program Sponsors GOLD Reception at TEXAS Meeting

Continuing a long tradition of support, TDA Perks Program will once again sponsor the GOLD (Graduates of the Last Decade) Reception at the 2011 TEXAS Meeting. TDA Perks Program negotiates discounts or other benefits on products and services vetted by a board of nine TDA members. Perks’ money-saving benefit is especially meaningful to younger TDA member dentists, who are busy building practices, short on time, and likely retiring dental-school debt. “The relationship between younger TDAmember dentists and TDA Perks Program has been a win-win one, and we keep younger members in mind when we evaluate potential partnerships. We’re pleased to continue supporting GOLD members by sponsoring their well-received reception at TEXAS Meeting,” said Dr. W. Kenneth Horwitz, president of TDA Financial Services, Inc., which manages TDA Perks Program.


(L-R) Drs. Rex E. Wildey, Paul Kennedy III, and Nicole B. Pruitt of Kennedy Dental Care of Corpus Christi participate in the Kennedy Dental Care 5K Fun Run / 2-mile Walk in Corpus Christi in February.

141st Annual Session of the Texas Dental Association May 5 – 8, 2011 • San Antonio, Texas

Never too late! Never too late! Never too late! Never too late! C. Roger Macias, Jr., DDS, Chair, 2011 TEXAS Meeting That’s right! It is never too late to register for the 2011 TEXAS Meeting, May 5-8, 2011, in beautiful San Antonio! San Antonio has been home to the largest dental meeting in Texas for 37 years. We are excited to present nearly 100 world renowned speakers offering more than 200 sessions covering every topic of dentistry to provide continuing education for the dentist and their entire team including the laboratory technician. This year we are offering several of Saturday’s courses designed with the laboratory technician in mind. Be sure that you and your technician come to the “open forum” panel discussion on the future of the dentist/technician relationship in a digital world. You don’t want to miss this!

(L-R) Drs. Paul Kennedy III and Charles (Chad) M. Allen III, both of Corpus Christi, prepare for the Kennedy Dental Care 5K Fun Run / 2-mile Walk in Corpus Christi in February.

In the March 2011 TDA Today, the TDA Perks’ website was incorrectly listed. The correct website address is tdaperks.com. Questions? Call TDA Perks Program at: (512) 443-3675.

REGISTER ONSITE — Registration Hours Wednesday, May 4 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM Thursday, May 5 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM Friday, May 6 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM Saturday, May 7 7:30 AM – 1:30 PM COMPLIMENTARY ONSITE PARKING (Thursday and Friday only) The Alamodome is located at 100 Montana St., San Antonio, Texas 78203. Complimentary shuttle service will be provided to and from the Alamodome (Lot B) for all TEXAS Meeting attendees. STATE-OF-THE-ART EXHIBIT HALL Visit the exhibit hall in order to find more than 500 exhibitor booths that can help you with all of your office needs! The exhibit hall opens Thursday, May 5, 2011, at 10:00 AM. And don’t forget about the fabulous Texas Party on Thursday night with food, music, and dancing to thrill all! We look forward to seeing you all in the next few weeks! Look for me and stop by and say, “HI!” ¡Bienvenidos a San Antonio!

Happy, Healthy Smiles … That’s Our Mission! Remembering Ellen Macaulay TDA Smiles Foundation (TDASF) lost one of its most valuable, dedicated volunteers, Ellen Macaulay, this month after a long battle with cancer. She was the wife of Dr. Kent Macaulay of Round Rock. Mrs. Macaulay volunteered at many Texas Missions of Mercy and Smiles on Wheels helping Dr. Macaulay run triage. She was always there to scribe for any dentist that needed her assistance, comfort a nervous patient, or help a new volunteer learn the triage ropes. Her smile was contagious and her zest for life was admirable. Mrs. Macaulay will be greatly missed by the TDASF staff and volunteers. We would love to hear any stories or memories you have had with her! Please e-mail them to TDASF missions manager Melinda Biggs, melinda@tda.org. Memorial contributions in her honor can be made to the TDA Smiles Foundation or The Breast Cancer Resource Center in Round Rock, Texas.

Bragging Rights Winner The tally has been counted and there is a winner of the Bragging Rights contest! Want to know which school has the most TDASF supporters? You’ll find out at the TEXAS Meeting next month. Come by TDASF booth #577 or register to play at the upcoming Healthy Smiles Golf Tournament. This is an amazing tournament held at the beautiful Pecan Valley Golf Course in San Antonio during the TEXAS Meeting. The event starts at 7:30 in the morning, includes breakfast and lunch, prizes, and a lot of golf! To register to play, or to learn about sponsorship opportunities, visit tdasf.org and click on the Healthy Smiles Golf Tournament Logo. April 2011 / TDA Today / 2

Dr. Kent and Mrs. Ellen Macaulay of Round Rock are pictured. Mrs. Macaulay, a longtime TDASF supporter and volunteer, passed away this month after a lengthy battle with breast cancer.

MK’s Board Notes Mary Kay Linn, TDA Executive Director Below is a summary of actions of the TDA Board of Directors during the February 24 and 25, 2011, meeting with TDA president Dr. Ronald L. Rhea presiding.

Policy Resolutions

BUDGET ISSUES 99-2011-B (P): Adopted policy that the TDA cover the premium costs of the individual policies recommended by the Frost Insurance group, provided the component societies elect to have Directors and Officers insurance. 108-2011-B (P): Adopted the 2012 proposed budget for the TDA. MISCELLANEOUS 116-2011-B (P) (2/3 vote; held over to 2012, or unanimous if voted 2011): Amended a section in Constitution, Article V, Section 20, ELECTION to read: SECTION 20. ELECTION: The officers of this Association shall be elected by the House of Delegates to serve until their successors are duly elected as provided in Chapter IV of the Bylaws. 117-2011-B (P): Amended a section to read: SECTION 50. TERM OF OFFICE. The elective officers shall serve for a term of one (1) year unless otherwise provided in these bylaws. 118-2011-B (P): Added a new duty to Bylaws, CHAPTER V, BOARD OF DIRECTORS, Section 40, POWERS AND DUTIES, A. Powers to read: h. To implement ADA and/or TDA membership initiatives in regard to dues. 119-2011-B (P): Amended the second sentence of the Explanatory Note in CHAPTER I. MEMBERSHIP, SECTION 29, QUALIFICATIONS, A. ACTIVE MEMBER to read: Active membership shall cease upon the date when the above active membership qualifications are no longer met. 120-2011-B (P): Rescinded Resolutions 48-1984-H, 49 1984 H, 66-2004H, 71-2007-H, 80-1972-H, 112-1999-H, 117-1982-H. 121-2011-B (P): Approved that it is the policy of the TDA that the Texas Reception be facilitated annually at the American Dental Association Annual Session. Rescinded Resolution 61-1988-H. 122-2011-B (P): Approved awards to be presented on behalf of the Association. 123-2011-B (P): Approved a Service Recognition Award to be presented to Ms. Martha S. Phillips, executive director of the Georgia Dental Association. 126-2011-B (P) 2/3 vote required: Deleted a subsection with reads: Chapter V. Section 40, Part B., Subsection j. To serve as Finance Committee for the Association.

Non-Policy and Board Policy Resolutions

APPOINTMENTS 103-2011-B (BP): Approved a Relief Fund work group be established to review letters of interest received concerning distribution of relief fund grants. The work group will be composed of the directors of the Board, Drs. Rita M. Cammarata, Michael J. Goulding, Arthur C. Morchat, and T. Beth Vance, with Rita M. Cammarata serving as chair. 137-2011-B (NP): Appointed Dr. Harvey Kessler as associate editor of the Texas Dental Journal to serve a concurrent term of the current Texas Dental Association Editor. 138-2011-B (NP): Appointed the Executive Director Search Committee with the following members: Dr. Michael L. Stuart - chair (NE); Dr. Matthew B. Roberts, TDA past president (SE); Dr. Lisa B. Masters, Board (SW); Dr. Rita M. Cammarata, Board (SE); Dr. Michael J. Goulding, Board (NW); Dr. Larry D. Herwig, Board (NE); Dr. David H. McCarley, chair, TDA Council on Constitution and Bylaws; Dr. J. Gregory Condrey, TDA House of Delegates (SE); and the following consultants: Ms. DeeDee Delagarza, staff – director; Ms. Diane Rhodes, staff; and Ms. Terry Jordan, human resource consultant. The executive director of TDA shall provide for assistance as may be required by the committee. The qualifications, job description, process, and timeline shall be presented to the Board of Directors for approval. BUDGET 95-2011-B (NP): Approved the honorarium paid to TDA member dentists who participate in the TEXAS Meeting as a clinician be revised beginning with next year’s meeting: $500 honorarium per half-day session; hotel accommodations to support teaching schedule; and travel funds and/or parking (negotiable based on home base). 96-2011-B (NP): Increased the stipend paid to the Texas Dental Assistants Association (TDAA) by $250 to total $1000, beginning with the 2012 payment. In addition, the TDAA will be given a complimentary 6’ educational table in the TEXAS Meeting registration area to promote the TDAA programs and activities. 100-2011-B (BP): Approved the TDA Board of Directors to develop and offer additional criteria for the Texas Dental Association Relief Fund application and guidelines for its review process. Earnings from the relief fund will be distributed equally among charities located within each of the four TDA divisions when feasible, depending on the total number of qualified applications. 107-2011-B (NP): Approved 2010 line items over budget, totaling $95,138. 111-2011-B (NP): Approved funding for the replacement of carpet and base molding and the repainting of all fourth floor offices, hallways and the Board Room at the Texas Dental Association. 112-2011-B (NP): Approved the 2010 surplus allocation as recommended by the Budget Committee. 115-2011-B (NP): Approved all non-dues income received from Financial Services, Inc. to be placed in the general fund of the TDA. Rescinded Resolution 99-1998-H. 135-2011-B (NP): Approved that a summary of the February 2011 Board’s discussion and the Hahn, TX report be referred to the Public Relations Task Force for review and report back at the April 2011 Board of Directors meeting.

CORRESPONDENCE 98-2011-B (NP): Approved sending a letter to the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners commenting on the proposed new rules for Chapter 110 Sedation and Anesthesia. 101-2011-B (NP): Approved writing a letter supporting Dr. David F. Nichols, Dr. M. David Tillman, Dr. Clark H. Whitmire, and Ms. Linda May for appointment by Governor Rick Perry to the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners. 102-2011-B (NP): Approved writing a letter supporting Dr. William S. Nantz for appointment to the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA). Ronald L. Rhea, DDS, TDA President 2010-11 132-2011-B (NP): Approved sending a letter to the Texas Department of State Health Services requesting that Dr. James A. Katancik be appointed to the Barriers to Care Healthy Texas Babies Initiative Expert Panel. The policy positions coming out of the American Dental Association on what we have heretofore called MISCELLANEOUS 133-2011-B (NP): Approved the memorandum responding to the State of Texas “access to care problems” are now being rephrased as “barriers to care problems”(1). This is a much truer draft RFP# 529-12-0003, “HHSC Texas Dental Program.” representation of that with which we are dealing. Of the 134-2011-B (NP): Approved the TDA Communications Committee be placed barriers that might prevent an individual from receiving under sunset review for the year 2012. dental care, money is by far the most significant. For OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL example, a March 7, 2011, article in the ADA News states 104-2011-B (NP): Approved out-of-state travel and registration for Dr. Matthew that the lack of reasonable Medicaid reimbursement rates B. Roberts to attend the Mid-Year Meeting of the American Association of Dental is a driving force behind access disparities (2). Boards in April 2011 in Chicago, Illinois. As the TDA president, I have visited 25 of the 26 district dental societies in Texas this year. One scheduling Below is a summary of actions of the TDA Board of Directors during the April 1 and conflict prevented me from visiting all 26, but TDA 2, 2011, meeting with TDA president Dr. Ronald L. Rhea presiding. parliamentarian Dr. Michael Stuart and TDA executive director Ms. Mary Kay Linn covered that visit. In each Policy Resolutions meeting, I have asked the question, “Would those among MISCELLANEOUS you who have no open appointments on your book and 73-2011-BS (P): Approved that reports, recommendations and other written could not accept a new patient please raise your hand?” documents requested by, received or accepted by the Texas Dental Association, I have yet to see a hand. I know there are practices that which contain statements of proposed policies of the Association, shall not be have reached their capacity to deliver dental care, but they published by the Association nor considered policy of the Association until must be rare. In fact most dentists assure me they could any policy recommendations are approved by the House of Delegates of the see considerably more patients. We have not exhausted our Association or in situations provided in the bylaws of the Association, the Board of dental care capacity. Directors of the Association. In 2007, the Pew Center on the States gave Texas a 87-2011-B (P) 2/3 Vote Required: Approved that Chapter I, Section 70, letter grade “B” based upon responses to eight Pew created Subsection 1. of the Bylaws be amended to read: I. ACCEPTANCE OF BACK benchmarks aimed at addressing children’s dental health DUES AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. For the purpose of establishing needs. Nearly 54 percent of Medicaid-enrolled children continuity of active membership in order to qualify for Order of Good Fellow, life received dental services in 2007. This is very close to the 58 membership and the Fifty Year Award, back dues and special assessments, except as percent of children with private insurance who were seen otherwise provided in these Bylaws, shall be accepted for not more than the three (3). Of those remaining unseen patients — private payers years of delinquency prior to the date of application for such payment. The rate of and Medicaid patients — most do not see a dentist because such dues and special assessments, except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, 1) they lack the money, 2) they are unwilling to take the shall be in accordance with Subsection A above. time, or 3) they do not feel the need. 125-2011-DETAS-B (P): Approved as policy of the TDA to use the term dentist In Texas, geography may also be a barrier to care. Of or doctor in all communications when referring to the head of the dental team. the 254 counties in Texas, there are seven counties with 131-2011-B (P): Approved that the TDA support and recommend language for less than 1,000 residents (4). One county, Loving County, adoption as policy by the Texas Oral Health Coalition. has only 65 residents (4)! If you choose to live in a remote 156-2011-B (P): Approved the Minutes of the most recent Annual Session of the area, access to many things will be difficult, e.g., dentistry, House of Delegates be posted on the Association’s website no later than September medicine, food, clothing, etc. 1, each year. Unfortunately, a significant portion of our 158-2011-B (__): Approved that, in principle and in practice, the TDA values population does not visit the dentist when they are not and seeks diverse and inclusive participation within the Association. in pain. We know that almost all dental problems are preventable. However, getting patient compliance is Non-Policy and Board Policy Resolutions difficult, even in those whom we see twice a year. What APPOINTMENTS chance do those who never see a dentist have of preventing 148-2011-B (NP): Appointed the following individuals as trustees of the TDA dental disease? Without prevention, the profession has no Smiles Foundation for a term of June 1, 2011, until May 31, 2014: Dr. Jay chance of drilling and filling our way out of the problem. Adkins, Dr. David Woodburn, Dr. Larry Spradley, Dr. Michael Giesler, Dr. James. So it is all about money. Douthitt and Dr. Doug Bogan. Dr. W. Ben Taylor is appointed as a trustee of the • Charitable care must be funded: Funded by the TDA Smiles Foundation for a term beginning June 1, 2011, until May 31, 2013. government (the tax payer). Funded by charitable 154-2011-B (NP): Approved the 2011-2012 Committee appointments. organizations. 155-2011-B (NP): Approved the 2011-2012 Council nominations. • Preventive dental education is about money: Money to pay your staff to be educators. Money for public BUDGET ISSUES media campaigns. Money for public education on 139-2011-BS-1 (BP): Approved the Board of Directors shall receive training and preventive care. education in board financial reports annually. 139-2011-BS-2 (NP): Approved the TDA Board of Directors secure the services • Bringing dental care to those in remote and underserved areas is about money: Money to buy of the “Greenlights for Non-Profit Success” consulting firm for training and and staff clinics or federally qualified community education in board financial reports at the earliest opportunity. health centers. Money to fund dentists to practice in 143-2011-B (BP): Approved the TDA Secretary-Treasurer’s new reporting format underserved areas. to be presented in parallel with the original format. • Building social service systems designed to encourage 147-2011-B (NP): Approved recipients for the 2010 Relief Fund. parents to seek regular dental care for their children 149-2011-BS (NP): Approved that the Building Account and the interest income cost money. generated from the account funds be restricted for use of building maintenance, Remember, no dentist, unless he or she has a magic repairs and remodeling of the buildings. Any unused interest generated from the money tree, can individually fund charitable care. He or Building Account shall, at the end of the budget year, be returned to the principle she can only use the facility paid for by his or her private of that account. Rescinded Resolutions 100-1996 and 132-1997. paying patients to treat those without resources. 150-2011-B (NP): Approved the repayment of the Building Account in the Removing the barriers to dental care is not in the amount of $25,000 begin in the year 2011 with subsequent payments to follow. hands of the dentist, but depends rather on the will of the CORRESPONDENCE population as a whole to allocate an adequate portion of its 157-2011-B (NP): Approved the TDA president sign onto a letter with Dr. W. Mark resources to get the job done. Donald, president of the Mississippi Dental Association, requesting that the ADA This article will be the last of my “Ron’s review its policies and, accordingly, address a statement of the American Association Ruminations” for the TDA Today. I have enjoyed writing of Public Health Dentistry concerning mid level dental provider programs. for you and hope my efforts have stimulated some of your thoughts and conversations about dentistry and the TDA. MISCELLANEOUS 160-2011-B (BP): Approved that the first item under DEFINITIONS in References the Investment Policy Statement approved by the TDA Board of Directors in 1. Breaking Down Barriers to Oral Health for all November 2002, which reads “Fund” shall mean the TDA Relief Fund and the Americans: The Role of Workforce, A Statement Reserve Division of the TDA General Fund.” be amended as follows: The Texas from the American Dental Association. Chicago: Dental Association Investment Fund may be divided into three funds: TDA American Dental Association. February 22, 2011. Reserve Division - Investment Account; TDA Reserve Division – Emergency 2. ADA questions findings from Pew DHAT study. Account; TDA Relief Fund Account; and the Investment policy for each account ADA News. Chicago: American Dental Association. shall be the policy shown on Exhibits A, B, & C. March 7, 2011. 3. The Pew Center on the States. The Cost of Delay: OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL State Dental Policies Fail one in Five Children. 146-2011-B (NP): Out-of-state travel approved for TDA president Dr. J. Preston February 2010. Coleman, the president-elect, and TDA executive director Ms. Mary Kay Linn 4. Department of State Health Services Center for to attend the 2011 South Central States Leadership Conference on May 20-21, Health Statistics. 2011, in Wichita, Kansas.

Ron’s Ruminations

April 2011 / TDA Today / 3

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TSBDE Rule Update This recurring section is designed to help TDA members keep up with important Texas State Board of Dental Examiners (TSBDE) rules, other regulations, and state law affecting their practices.

Disciplinary Matrix The Texas State Board of Dental Examiner’s (TSBDE) recently developed a “Disciplinary Matrix” outlining disciplinary policies when the TSBDE takes disciplinary action in accordance with Texas Occupations Code §263, §265, and §266. The matrix provides licensees, attorneys, the public, and Administrative Law Judges ready access to the board’s enforcement policies. Further, the matrix is intended to maintain flexibility in determining the most appropriate sanction for each violation and allow the TSBDE to take into account aggravating and mitigating factors (i.e., the licensee’s compliance history, the seriousness of the violation, the threat to the public’s health and safety) when determining sanctions. The matrix is organized by violation type and distinguished by violation tiers. The violations described in the matrix mirror the violations specified in Texas Occupations Code. Violations that are distinguished as First Tier Violations are those that the TSBDE determines to be less serious, or which pose a minimal threat to public safety, after consideration of any aggravating or mitigating factors. Violations that are distinguished as Second, Third, or Fourth Tier Violations are those that the TSBDE determines to be more serious, or which pose more than a minimal threat to public safety, after consideration of any aggravating or mitigating factors. Each violation tier in the matrix includes a description of events that might fall within that violation tier. The corresponding sanction description describes each of the sanctions that could be imposed. To view the TSBDE’s disciplinary matrix, please go to tda.org. For more information, please contact TDA policy manager Ms. Diane Rhodes at (512) 443-3675, diane@tda.org.

Evidence-Based Practice Tip of the Month Distal Migration of the Mandibular Second Premolar Years ago, a dental student asked me a question about her patient. “Why is the mandibular second premolar located in the space of the extracted first molar, is tipped mesially, and located posterior to an edentulous space between itself and the first premolar?” Not knowing the answer (how embarrassing), a prospective research project was designed to work on this question. Five years later, the following article was published in Angle Orthodont (1). It has a pubmed number (6959676) but is so old that one can only find the article by entering the phrase, “extreme distal migration” into a Google search. Take a look. Let me know if you have seen any examples of this abnormality of eruption and if there were any treatment implications. My email is: texdented@gmail.com. Reference 1. Matteson SR, Kantor ML, Proffit WR. Extreme distal migration of the mandibular second molar. Angle Orthod. 1982 Jan;52(1):11-8. PMID: 6950676


BOARD OF DIRECTORS Ronald L. Rhea, D.D.S., President J. Preston Coleman, D.D.S., President-elect Matthew B. Roberts, Immediate Past President Vice Presidents R. Lee Clitheroe, D.D.S., Southeast John W. Baucum III, D.D.S., Southwest Kathleen M. Nichols, D.D.S., Northwest Donna G. Miller, D.D.S., Northeast Senior Directors Karen E. Frazer, D.D.S., Southeast Lisa B. Masters, D.D.S., Southwest Robert E. Wiggins, Jr., D.D.S., Northwest Larry D. Herwig, D.D.S., Northeast Directors Rita M. Cammarata, D.D.S., Southeast T. Beth Vance, D.D.S., Southwest Michael J. Goulding, D.D.S., Northwest Arthur C. Morchat, D.D.S., Northeast Ron Collins, D.D.S., Secretary-Treasurer Glen D. Hall, D.D.S., Speaker of the House Michael L. Stuart, D.D.S., Parliamentarian Stephen R. Matteson, D.D.S., Editor Mary Kay Linn, Executive Director William H. Bingham, Legal Counsel

Stephen R. Matteson, DDS, Editor

APRIL 2011

EDITORIAL STAFF Dr. Stephen R. Matteson, D.D.S., Editor Nicole Scott, Managing Editor Barbara S. Donovan, Art Director Paul H. Schlesinger, Consultant

TDA Today (USPS 022-007) is published monthly except for December by the Texas Dental Association, 1946 S. IH-35, Ste 400, Austin, Texas 78704-3698, (512) 443-3675. Periodicals Postage Paid at Austin, Texas and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to TDA TODAY, 1946 S. IH-35, Ste 400, Austin, TX 78704-3698. Annual subscriptions: Texas Dental Association (TDA) members, $5. In-state American Dental Association (ADA) affiliated, $15 + tax. Out-of-state ADA affiliated, $15. In-state non-ADA affiliated, $30 + tax. Out-of-state non-ADA affiliated, $30. Single issue price: TDA members $1. In-state ADA affiliated, $3 + tax. Out-of-state ADA affiliated, $3. In-state non-ADA affiliated, $6 + tax. Out-of-state non-ADA affiliated, $6. Contributions: Manuscripts and news items of interest to the membership of the Association are solicited. Manuscripts should be typewritten, double spaced, and the original copy should be submitted. Please refer to Instructions for Contributors in the annual September Directory of the Texas Dental Journal for more information. The Information for Contributors is available at tda.org. All statements of opinion and of supposed facts are published on authority of the writer under whose name they appear and are not to be regarded as the views of the Texas Dental Association, unless such statements have been adopted by the Association. Articles are accepted with the understanding that they have not been published previously. Authors must disclose any financial or other interests they may have in products Member Publication or services described in their articles. Advertisements: Publication of advertisements in this publication does not constitute a guarantee or endorsement by the Association of the quality of value of such product or of the claims made of it by its manufacturer.


DAILY DRAWINGS AT TEXAS MEETING! Going to TEXAS Meeting? This year, you’ve got more chances than ever before to win great prizes! A Dell Inspiron™ laptop will be given away each day (Thurs/Sat will be a drawing for dentists, and Friday, for staff). Or you could win an AED, cash, or other exciting prizes! Pick up an entry form at any TDA Perks partner’s booth in the Perks Area (Aisle 500).

Laptops generously sponsored by Perks partner, Managed Backup Solutions (MBS).

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