TDA TODAY April 2007

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A publication of the Texas Dental Association

April 2007 • Volume 8, Issue 4 TDA Today is available online at

T o d a y

TDA Legislative Priorities Addressed in Proposed Frew Lawsuit Settlement

Texas Dental Association Wins Four ADA Awards

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Top constituent dental society with highest dental student conversion for class of 2005 at end of year 2006 in the 3,501–7,500 member category. This award represents an 88.7 percent student conversion rate which equates to 141 dental students converted out of 159 dental students.

Top constituent dental society to improve its retention rate percentage in 2006, in the 3,501–7,500 member category, from the ADA Department of Membership Information. This award represents a 96 percent association retention rate which is an increase of .9 percent from the previous year!

Greatest Percentage Membership Net Gain of New Dentists in the 3,501–7,500 member category. Texas increased market share by 3.2 percent in 2006, which equates to 1,268 new dentist members!

By Dr. S. Jerry Long, Chair, TDA Council on Legislative and Regulatory Affairs


mproving access to dental care is the goal of the Texas Dental Association’s (TDA) 2007 legislative priorities. Several of TDA’s 2007 legislative priorities are being achieved through the proposed settlement of the decade-old Frew v. Hawkins lawsuit, negotiated between attorneys for the plaintiffs and legislative leaders. On Monday, April 9, 2007, Federal district court Judge William Wayne Justice heard an 11-point outline of the proposed settlement, but delayed approval of the proposed settlement until the legislature passes the new state budget in order to confirm that the settlement had been fully funded.

Q: What is the Frew lawsuit and its relationship to dental care? The Frew lawsuit is a class-action lawsuit against the State of Texas, filed in federal court in 1993, on behalf of a group of children who were eligible for Medicaid and their parents. The lawsuit focused on various problems that these families encountered trying to obtain access to medical and dental care, including access to dental treatment in certain parts of the state. The State of Texas signed a consent decree to settle the lawsuit in 1996. Subsequently, the plaintiffs alleged that the State failed to fully implement the consent decree. This led to further litigation, including two trips to the U.S. Supreme Court, which ruled on behalf of the plaintiffs both times. Q: How would the proposed lawsuit settlement affect Texas dentists? Extremely low reimbursement rates have discouraged many Texas dentists from enrolling as Medicaid providers. Increasing the number of participating dentists is necessary to improve access to dental care. The proposed settlement would increase Medicaid reimbursement rates by 50 percent as an incentive to attract more dentists to become Medicaid providers. As this article went to press, details of the proposed settlement have not been finalized. However, increased use of mobile dental vans, to be operated by one or more of the state’s dental schools, is likely to be part of the settlement, as is increased state funding for dental loan repayments to encourage new dentists to locate in underserved areas. Q: When is the federal court likely to approve the proposed settlement? Attorneys for the plaintiffs asked Judge Justice not to approve the settlement until the legislature finally approves the state budget for the next biennium, which includes fiscal years 2008 and 2009, to ensure that the legislature fully funds the settlement. This final approval probably will not take place until mid May. Q: Did TDA have a role in the Frew lawsuit and does TDA have any obligations under the proposed settlement? TDA was not a party to the lawsuit and played no formal role in the litigation. However, TDA was consulted by legislative leaders during settlement talks regarding the level of Medicaid reimbursement rate necessary to attract more dentists to enroll as providers. TDA does not have any formal obligations under the proposed settlement. But, the legislature does expect TDA to publicize the fee increase and encourage more dentists to become Medicaid providers. TDA also hopes to work with state officials towards successful implementation of the settlement as it pertains to expanding access to dental care. ★

Happy, Healthy Smiles Across Texas By Judith Gonzalez, TXDDS Case Manager


he Texas Dental Association Smiles Foundation is proud to create happy, healthy smiles across Texas through the Texas Donated Dental Services (TXDDS) program. TXDDS helps people with advanced age, permanent disability, or who are medically compromised to receive comprehensive dental care through volunteer dentists across the state. This month we highlight one of our new Judith Gonzalez, Texas Donated Dental volunteer dentists, Dr. Jon Williamson from Services case manager, and Dr. Jon Dallas. Dr. Williamson saw his first TXDDS Williamson, Dallas, TXDDS volunteer patient last year — a 61-year-old man with a back dentist. injury, high blood pressure, and severe asthma. The patient received a few extractions and a partial denture. Dr. Williamson said, “I’ve enjoyed donating my services to patients through the TXDDS program because it allows me to give back to the community and my profession.” Every TXDDS volunteer receives a plaque to display in their office. Upon receiving his plaque, he said, “the plaque was a very nice surprise, unexpected, and beautiful.” Thanks to you, Dr. Williamson and to all the TXDDS volunteers for creating happy, healthy smiles across Texas! ★

our Texas Dental Association is proud to report that Texas won the following four, very prestigious membership awards at the recent American Dental Association (ADA) Recruitment and Retention Conference held March 30–31, 2007 in Chicago.

Honorable Mention — Top constituent dental society to convert the highest percentage of non-members to membership in 2005 per the ADA End of Year 2006 National Recruitment and Retention Report. This award represents a 3.4 percent conversion of nonmembers which equates to 327 new members! The success in recruitment and retention is attributed to a variety of efforts, including the interim member category; an updated format for state sponsored events at the dental schools which began in 2001; and, most importantly, to the hard work and dedicated efforts of our local component societies, leaders, and staff. ★

Accepting the ADA awards for Texas are Ms. Jane Evans, executive director, Dallas County (5th) District Dental Society; Dr. Robbie Henwood, president, San Antonio (20th) District Dental Society; Dr. Sheryl Beltrane, president-elect, San Antonio (20th) District Dental Society; Ms. Alyson Riccardi, membership director, Dallas County (5th) District Dental Society; Ms. Evelina Stephenson, executive director, San Antonio (20th) District Dental Society, Dr. Debra Peters, chair, ADA Council on Membership; and Dr. Victor Rodriguez, Houston Hispanic Dental Society. Photo courtesy of ADA News ©2007 American Dental Association.

Our Public Image: What is it and What does it mean? By Jennifer Barrington, DDS, NE Vice President, TDA Board of Directors


ake a moment to remember back to the summer of 2003, when a comprehensive membership survey of all Texas Dental Association (TDA) members was conducted, and a large diverse sampling of our membership was called together for a statewide retreat to establish a TDA strategic plan for the next 5 years. Every TDA member was represented by the diversity of those volunteers called to duty for our Association. Out of those 2 days, the areas of focus pertaining to the future of our profession and Association were determined and TDA 2009, the strategic plan, was born. After further refinement and analysis by the TDA Future Focus Committee and the TDA Board, the plan was approved by the House of Delegates in 2004. TDA 2009 consists of our core purpose, core values, and six goals with associated objectives to accomplish the goals, as well as metrics to measure success. Of those six goals, one in particular has eluded definition and created considerable frustration among the individuals intimately involved with the daily oversight of our strategic plan. That goal, and the number one concern of the members surveyed, is Public Image. Over the past 2 years, the TDA Board, councils and committees, and our staff worked tirelessly to determine what public image really meant, what it should look like, how should it sound, and who really cared. Despite these efforts, agreement was indefinable and therefore, no action could take place. The current trend used by associations and groups to target areas of concern is to identify them as “mega-issues” and gather interested parties together for comprehensive discussion and evaluation. Even our own American Dental Association (ADA) has used this format in the past to grapple with obscure thoughts, ideas, and concepts to arrive at agreement on matters that can mean different things to different people. Continued on page 4

MK’s Board Notes By Mary Kay Linn, TDA Executive Director


elow is a summary of actions of the Texas Dental Association (TDA) Board of Directors during its meetings on February 22–23 and March 30–31, 2007, with TDA president Dr. Thomas C. Harrison presiding.

CORRESPONDENCE • 88-2007-EC-B (NP): Authorized letters to appropriate legislators supporting the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners’ legislative appropriation request. (February 2007) • 115-2007-B (NP): Approved letter from Council on Ethics and Judicial Affairs chair to Dr. Chris L. Tye regarding the issue of “itinerant specialists.” (March 2007)

Policy Resolutions •

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169-2006-HR-BS (P): Authorized new Section 60, Special Assessments, in Chapter XII, Finances of the TDA Bylaws, for special assessment(s) of all dues paying members levied by the TDA House of Delegates to fund specific project(s) of limited duration through a 2/3 majority. Notice must be presented in writing 60 days prior to the House of Delegates, sent to each component society secretary 60 days before the Annual Session, and announced to members in an official TDA publication at least 30 days before Annual Session. (February 2007) 54-2007-BS (P): Directed that TDA collect information about patient problems with dental treatment received in Mexico and subsequently corrected in Texas; identify U.S. insurers and third-party administrators paying claims submitted by dentists in Mexico and denying claims for corrective care in Texas; and take the information to the Texas Department of Insurance for possible regulatory or legislative solution. (February 2007) 97-2007-B (P): Approved up to four pages per calendar year in Texas Dental Journal at no cost for the Texas Dental Association Smiles Foundation. (February 2007) 98-2007-B (P): Recommended waiver of Texas Dental Association Smiles Foundation payment portion of the Directors and Officers Policy. (February 2007) 100-2007-B (P): Established annual stipend for TDA Council on Legislative and Regulatory Affairs chair. (February 2007) 108-2007-B (P): Adopted the TDA 2008 Proposed Budget. (February 2007)

Policy Resolutions Defeated •

Child Study Center, Fort Worth; Dentists Who Care, Harlingen; Covenant Health System, Lubbock; HIV Project of UT Health Science Center, San Antonio; and Dental Health, Parker County. (February 2007) 118-2007-B (NP): Approved budget line items over budget (temporary salaries and bank charges). (March 2007)

101-2007-B (P): Resolution to continue Texas Meetings Advisory Task Force through 2007. (February 2007)

Non-Policy and Board Resolutions APPOINTMENTS • 113-2007-B (NP): Authorized letter to Gov. Rick Perry requesting appointment of Dr. Jacqueline M. Plemons and Dr. David A. Woolweaver to the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners. (March 2007) • 114-2007-B (NP): Authorized letter to director of Medicaid/CHIP at the Health and Human Services Commission requesting appointment of Dr. Michael D. Vaclav and Dr. William D. Steinhauer to the Physician Payment Advisory Committee. (March 2007) • 123-2007-B (NP): Directed that Dr. May appoint a TDA Board Work Group to examine the need for renovation of the fourth floor board room and report in August 2007 with a decision to proceed or not. (March 2007) • 128-2007-B (NP): Appointed Mrs. Carol Woods to Texas Dental Association Smiles Foundation Board of Trustees. (March 2007) • 137-2007-B (NP): Ratified February 2007 Executive Committee decision to appoint Dr. James H. Reisman and Dr. David H. Wilhite to the Council on Ethics and Judicial Affairs for one pending case to replace members who recused themselves due to potential conflict. (March 2007) • 138-2007-B (NP): Appointed Dr. Ron Hill (SE) to fill the unexpired term of Dr. Mark C. Frnka (SE) (2009) on the Council on Constitution and Bylaws through the adjournment of the 2007 House of Delegates Annual Session on May 13, 2007. (March 2007) • 139-2007-B (NP): Approved TDA council nominations. (March 2007) Council on Annual Session: NW: Tyler Lee Pendergrass, chair (2008); SW: C. Roger Macias, Jr. (2011). Council on Constitution & Bylaws: SW: Richard A. Eklund, chair (2008); NE: Don Lutes (2011); SW: John S. Eads, III (2009) to fulfill term of Mark C. Frnka. Council on Dental Care Programs and Community Oral Health: SE: Craig S. Armstrong, chair (2008); NW: Terri B. Lovelace (2011). Council on Dental Education, Trade and Ancillaries: SW: Glenn R. Walters, Sr., chair (2011); NE: Patricia L. Blanton, Consultant (2008); NE: Jacqueline M. Plemons, Consultant (2008). Council on Ethics and Judicial Affairs: NE: Robert M. Anderton, chair (2010); SE: Donald F. Cohen (2011). Council on Legislative and Regulatory Affairs: SW: Richard C. Black, chair (2007); SE: Matthew B. Roberts (2007); SE: James D. Condrey (2007); NW: David A. Duncan (2007); Texas Dental Association president-elect; SE: Thomas C. Harrison, immediate TDA past president; NE: Deborah J. Worsham, consultant (2007); SW: David A. Woolweaver, consultant (2007); NE: John S. Findley, Consultant (2007); NE: Patricia L. Blanton, consultant (2007); SE: Herbert L. Wade, Jr., consultant (2007). Council on Membership: SE: Joel J. Vela, chair (2008); NW: David L. Doerre (2011); NE: Barbara Sias-Chinn (2008) to fulfill unexpired term of Pamela S. Berlanga. Council on Peer Review: NE: David H. Wilhite, chair (2009) and SW: Richard H. Heard (2011). • 140-2007-B (NP): Approved TDA committee nominations. (March 2007) Building Committee: SE: Paul E. Stubbs, chair; SE : Thomas R. Williams; SE: Jeran J. Hooten; SE: Kavin Kelp. Committee on Access to Medicaid and CHIP: NW: John S. Johnson; SW: T. Beth Vance; SW: William D. Steinhauer; NW: Michael D. Vaclav, consultant. Committee on the New Dentist: NW: Clinton R. Hardee, chair; SW: Courtney L. Alexander; NE: Sara A. Bender; SE: Hugh P. Patton. Communications Committee: SW: David S. Wilbanks, chair; NW: William F. Wathen; SE: Ron Collins; NW: David Tillman; TDA Editor, Christopher F. Anderson; NE: Larry D. Herwig, consultant. Finance and Audit Committee: SE: Alan B. Moore, chair; NW: David R. Cox; NE: Lee P. Oneacre; SW: Jose (Joey) L. Cazares. Future Focus Committee: NE: president-elect, chair; SE: Doug W. Bogan; SW: Rise’ L. Lyman; TDA director (to be announced). BUDGET ISSUES • 104-2007-B: Authorized TDA executive director to hire part-time human resources professional. (February 2007) • 106-2007-B (NP): Approved budget line items over budget (printing, telephone, auditing, meetings, new dentist committee, council on annual session, Texas reception, and federal income tax). (February 2007) • 107-2007-B (NP): Approved Budget Committee’s recommendations for 2006 Surplus allocations. (February 2007) • 112-2007-B (NP): Authorized $5,000 each from the 2006 Relief Fund interest to the

MISCELLANEOUS • 87-2007-EC-B (NP): Directed the TDA president to appoint two additional members to the Council on Ethics and Judicial Affairs for a pending case for which members have recused themselves. (February 2007) • 94-2007-B (NP): Authorized TDA executive director to prepare cost estimates for possible renovations to TDA central office board rooms to accommodate efficient use of space, electronic communications, and audio-visual presentations. (February 2007) • 95-2007-B (NP): Directed that TDA assist the Texas Head Start Save Our Smiles (S.O.S.) program with logistical assistance and recruiting TDA member dentists to participate in projects on September 14, 2007, in Austin, Corpus Christi, Dallas, and San Antonio (Fort Worth is an alternative site). (February 2007) • 99-2007-B (NP): Approved the 13th District Dental Society’s amendments to its Constitution and Bylaws and Fundamentals of Principles of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct. (February 2007) • 102-2007-B (NP): Approved TDA annual awards to recognize service. (February 2007) • 103-2997-B (NP): Approved Texas Dental Association Personnel Policies Handbook for TDA central office staff, effective March 1, 2007. (February 2007) • 105-2007-B (NP): Authorized addition of a TDA past president not currently serving on the Board of Directors as the fifth member of the TDA Personnel Committee (currently composed of the immediate past president, president, president-elect, and secretary-treasurer) and added a charge to annually evaluate the executive director. (February 2007) • 116-2007-B (NP): Approved minutes of February 22–23, 2007 TDA Board of Directors. (March 2007) • 117-2007-B (NP): Approved minutes of March 13, 2007 conference call meeting of TDA Board of Directors. (March 2007) • 119-2007-B (NP): Authorized $5,000 contribution to Sen. Mario Gallegos, Jr’s. “Governor for a Day” ceremony. (March 2007) • 121-2007-B (NP): Approved amended goals and objectives of TDA 2009 strategic plan. (March 2007) • 122-2007-B (NP): Approved amended metrics of the TDA 2009 strategic plan. (March 2007) • 124-2007-B (NP): Authorized purchase of, the “Paperless Governance Solution” for electronic TDA Board meetings (fee includes training and support). (March 2007) • 125-2006-B (Moot): Directed that all policy resolutions and Bylaws resolutions by the TDA Board of Directors be forwarded in their original form (along with Board actions, and any amendments or substitute resolutions) to all delegates, alternate delegates, and component societies via e-mail as soon as possible following every Board meeting. (March 2007) • 126-2007-B (NP): Adopted duties and responsibilities of the TDA executive director as operations administrator, including administrative planning, execution, and implementation of all TDA programs. (March 2007) • 127-2007-B (NP): Directed that the TDA oppose legislation or other proposals to authorize health plans, including cross-border health plans, that fail to provide enrollees with these protections: 1) the high standard of care commensurate to that provided by licensed Texas dentists; 2) government regulation of all dentists commensurate to that established by the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners; and 3) access to meaningful legal remedies for substandard care or other problems. (March 2007) • 129-2007-B (NP): Authorized reallocation of $5,100 from the line item for a Careers in Dentistry DVD to cover the cost of printing and mailing study guides to dental assistants participating in the TDA’s dental aAssistant registration courses. (March 2007) • 130-2007-B (NP): Authorized that TDA maintain control of the Texas Dental Association Dental Assistant Registration Course by permitting presentation of the course only by approved licensees (formal agreement and licensing fee, who agree to a set of guidelines. (March 2007) • 131-2007-B (NP): Approved funding to design, print, and mail a TDA membership dues insert to market the “Smile Texas Style” license plates. (March 2007) • 132-2007-B (NP): Authorized funding to update and maintain the professional standards of the interior, parking garages, and landscaping of the TDA central office building. (March 2007) • 133-2007-B (NP): Approved a TDA public affairs proposal for submittal to the American Dental Association Board of Trustees. (March 2007) • 135-2007-B (NP): Authorized funding for an outside facilitator to conduct a TDA Board mega issue discussion on the strategic plan goal of “Public Image.” (March 2007) • 136-2007-B (NP): Directed the Workforce Board workgroup to prepare an electronic workforce survey of TDA members. • 141-2007-B (NP): Directed that two paragraphs be added to the Manual of the House of Delegates to define “Closed (Executive) Meeting” and “Attorney-Client Meeting.”

Referred for Further Study •

134-2007-B (NP): Referred an issue concerning itinerant specialists to the TDA Council on Ethics and Judicial Affairs for further study. (March 2007) ★

Important: Get Your NPI by May 23, 2007!


ndividual health care practitioners and provider organizations (clinics, hospitals, schools, and group practices) must have a National Provider Identifier (NPI) by May 23, 2007. The NPI is a required, government-issued, standard identification number intended to help standardize claims and make claims processing more efficient. Take Care of NPI at the TEXAS Meeting • •

Visit the Delta Dental Insurance Company Booth #329 in the exhibit hall at the TEXAS Meeting. Delta Dental representatives will help dentists complete the application; or Visit the Committee on Access to Dental Care in Medicaid and CHIP (CAMC) education table outside the exhibit hall. Delta Dental representatives will help dentists complete the application; or Visit the Internet Café, use the NPI Handout to access the NPI Enumeration Website (, and do it yourself.

To complete the NPI application, you must have: provider name; SSN (or TIN if not eligible for SSN); provider date of birth; country of birth; provider gender; mailing address; practice location address, phone, and fax; taxonomy (provider type); state license information; and contact name, phone, and e-mail address. NOTE: This requirement also applies to Medicaid and CHIP providers that submit paper claims. For more information, please contact Diane Rhodes at or (512) 443-3675. ★

April 2007 / TDA Today / 2

On The Road Again By Thomas C. Harrison, DDS, TDA President, 2006–2007


any of you have inquired just how many miles I’ve traveled this year as TDA president. Thus far, I’ve driven over 14,500 miles and flown another 24,000 for a total of approximately 38,500 miles. I do have a trip to Amarillo and a trip to Washington D.C. between now and the TEXAS meeting, so I’ll give you the grand total next month. I will say that this has been the best year of my professional life. One of the reasons is all the great people I’ve been able to meet while “on the road again.” Since my last column, I’ve been to Austin three times, Bryan/College Station twice, and Dallas once. In addition, Mary Sue and I took a road trip together and drove to Fredericksburg to attend the Heart of Texas (21-B) District Dental Society meeting on April 9. The wildflowers were in full bloom, and the shopping in Fredericksburg was one of the reasons Mary Sue tagged along. All in all, it was a great trip and we both enjoyed the hospitality extended to us by the dentists and their spouses. My last component society visit was on April 17 to the Dallas County (5th) District Dental Society. Former TDA president Dr. Pat Blanton picked me up at Love Field and took me to the meeting. I was able to meet new members and renew old friendships. President Dr. Linda Niessen is a strong leader and this was her last monthly meeting to preside. She received a standing ovation as she thanked the members for the opportunity to serve. Linda is like all 26 of our component society presidents who attend countless meetings and spend many dedicated hours to help maintain dentistry’s position as one of the most respected professions. I’ve reached my goal of making official visits to all 26 component dental societies during my year as TDA president. This is a big state, full of individuals with big hearts, and a dental family that cares about each other and the patients we are privileged to serve. I cherish the opportunity you’ve given me and I look forward to the years ahead as I continue to give back to a profession that has given so much to me. I’ll give my final farewell in next month’s TDA Today, and until then, I’ll be “on the road again” hoping we cross paths. ★

Components Corner North Texas (4th) District Dental Society Hosts Gala and Golf Classic


he Rite to Smile Foundation, philanthropic arm of the North Texas (4th) District Dental Society, will host its annual Rite to Smile Gala on Saturday, June 23, 2007, and Rite to Smile Golf Classic on Monday, June 25, 2007. The Foundation raises funds in support of organizations and programs that deliver quality charitable dental care to patients who otherwise cannot afford such treatment. Past recipients include the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children and the Texas Dental Association Smiles Foundation, which facilitates Texas Mission of Mercy (TMOM) dental missions and administers the Texas Donated Dental Services (TXDDS) program. The Gala on June 23 offers dinner, musical entertainment, and silent and live auctions. The June 25 Golf Classic at the Stonebridge Ranch Country Club in McKinney features four-person teams in a scramble format with a 1:00 p.m. shotgun start. For more information, please contact Lisa McLerran at (469) 855-9965; or Dr. David Philofsky at (972) 569-8448; or visit

Fort Worth (12th) District Dental Society Supports “Save A Smile” Program A $122,000 check from the Fort Worth (12th) District Dental Society was presented to the Cook Medical Center’s Save A Smile program on March 6, 2007. The money was raised through the efforts of volunteer dentists, hygienists, dental staff members and spouses who played golf, volunteered time, enlisted sponsors and vendors, and purchased hole signs for the 2006 “Liz Lucas Golf Tournament.” ★

Dr. Ron Lee, president of the Fort Worth (12th) District Dental Society; Dr. Tonya Fuqua, Save A Smile program director; Liz Lucas executive director of the Fort Worth (12th) District Society; and Mr. Russell Tolman, president/CEO of Cook Medical Center celebrate a generous donation to the Save A Smile program on March 6, 2007.

Smiles Around Texas

April 2007 Update


he campaign of Dr. John S. Findley for ADA presidentelect in 2007 continues to gain momentum. Dr. Findley delivered his first major speech of the campaign to the ADA’s First District at the New England Dental Leadership Conference on March 23, in which he outlined his vision for the future of dentistry. Juggling his leadership commitments as trustee of the TDA delegation to the American Dental Association with his dedication to his patients at his active dental practice, Dr. Findley maintains a constant travel schedule as he is determined to meet with as many of his colleagues as possible across the country and within Texas to listen and learn about what is important to you. To submit an issue or question to Dr. Findley or for more information on the campaign, copies of brochures or lapel pins, or to host a fundraiser in your area, please contact the campaign chairman Dr. Michael Stuart ( or staff liaison Lyda Creus Molanphy ( at the TDA central office.

Findley Face-toFace Q: What do you feel are the most pressing issues facing the profession of dentistry today? A: As I think about the Dr. John S. Findley meets with Dallas-area dentists and students at the Dallas County future, three topics keep (5th) District Dental Society’s rising to the top — all “International Pot Luck.” closely tied to my vision and the American Dental Association’s Strategic Plan: Education, Access, and Communication. These issues are truly pivotal for dentistry because, if we don’t get these three issues right, our profession, our practices and our patients will suffer. Education is critical for the future of our profession. We must support dental education and that the practicing community and educators must work together in a partnership on all issues ranging from funding, to curriculum to professional responsibility. Access, as we all well know, is a problem that affects all of us. I have served as an elected public official, worked with government at every level, and will work tirelessly to advance our commitment to quality oral health care that serves the patient interest before the bottom line. Communication is essential, and I know how to listen and build consensus for action. I promise to communicate and advocate effectively to ensure that the ADA is the most credible and referenced source in the world for oral health information. ★

Happy, Healthy Smiles … That’s Our Mission. ONLY A FEW PLAYER SPOTS LEFT! We are nearly sold out for our Charity Golf Classic tournament during the TEXAS Meeting at the newly restored Pecan Valley Golf Course in San Antonio, just 5 minutes away from the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center! We will have a 7:30 a.m. shotgun start on Friday, May 11. To be sure you get a spot, register now at or call us toll-free at (877) 807-6453. This year’s event will be a fun get-away as we combine great prizes, games, and other treats — all for a great cause. The Texas Association of Orthodontists serves as host. ANNUAL REPORT ON ITS WAY Watch your mail! The TDA Smiles Foundation Annual Report is coming to your door soon. Check your mailbox for this important piece, which detaisl our achievements, partnerships, and momentum from 2006. NEW PARTNERSHIP The TDA Smiles Foundation partnered with the Junior League of Austin for Kids in the Kitchen, a program that promotes healthy eating to children. TDA Smiles Foundation provided a station to educate participants about brushing techniques, the importance of flossing, and how sugar can affect your smile! All the students enjoyed the presentation by Beth Voorhees, RDH. If you know an organization in your area that is addressing healthy eating, let us know. We love to partner with other organizations! PROCLAMATION LAUDS TDA MEMBERS FOR CHARITABLE WORK To commend the TDA and the TDA Smiles Foundation for offering vital dental care to Texans through the Texas Mission of Mercy program, Texas Rep. Roberto Alonzo sponsored a proclamation praising our work. The proclamation was read from the floor of the 80th Texas Legislature on April 19, 2007. THANKS TO OUTGOING TRUSTEES On a sad note, April marks the end of a term for three of our Trustees. Dr. William H. Gerlach, Mrs. Marcia Trowbridge, and Dr. Robert V. Walker all have long histories leading the former two foundations — Texas Dental Foundation and Texas Dentists for Healthy Smiles. We owe them many thanks for their service to the TDA and their exemplary commitment to oral health education and access to care. Their leadership on the TDA Smiles Foundation Board in its inaugural year set us on course to achieve great things for oral health in Texas. Important dates include the Hereford Texas Mission of Mercy on April 28 and 29, 2007; the TDASF orientation for new members on July 19, 2007, followed by the TDASF Board meeting on July 20, 2007; and the Houston Texas Mission of Mercy on November 12 and 13, 2007. ★

April 2007 / TDA Today / 3


T o d a y April 2007 • Volume 8 Issue 4 Editorial Staff: Christopher F. Anderson, D.D.S., M.S.D., Editor Edwina J. Shires, Managing Editor Paul H. Schlesinger, Communications Coordinator Stefanie Clegg, Website Manager Barbara S. Donovan, Art Director

BOARD OF DIRECTORS TEXAS DENTAL ASSOCIATION President THOMAS C. HARRISON, D.D.S.; President-elect A. DAVID MAY, JR., D.D.S.; Past President RICHARD C. BLACK, D.D.S.; Vice President, Southeast R. RONALD COLLINS, D.D.S.; Vice President, Southwest FREDERICK T. PHILIPS, JR., D.D.S.; Vice President, Northwest DAVID R. COX, D.D.S.; Vice President, Northeast JENNIFER J. BARRINGTON, D.D.S.; Senior Director, Southeast DOUGLAS W. BOGAN, D.D.S.; Senior Director, Southwest JOSE L. CAZARES, JR., D.D.S.; Senior Director, Northwest V. WAYNE MCENTIRE, D.D.S.; Senior Director, Northeast LEE P. ONEACRE, D.D.S.; Director, Southeast R. MARK PEPPARD, D.D.S.; Director, Southwest RISE’ L. LYMAN, D.D.S.; Director, Northwest WILLIAM M. WALTON, D.D.S.; Director, Northeast F. DEE REA, D.D.S.; Secretary-Treasurer J. PRESTON COLEMAN, D.D.S.; Speaker of the House GLEN D. HALL, D.D.S.; Parliamentarian MICHAEL L. STUART, D.D.S.;Editor CHRISTOPHER F. ANDERSON, D.D.S.; Executive Director MARY KAY LINN; Legal Counsel WILLIAM H. BINGHAM TDA Today (USPS 022-007) is published monthly except for December by the Texas Dental Association, 1946 S. IH-35, Ste 400, Austin, Texas 78704-3698, (512) 443-3675. Periodicals Postage Paid at Austin, Texas and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to TDA TODAY, 1946 S. IH-35, Ste 400, Austin, TX 78704-3698. Annual subscriptions: Texas Dental Association (TDA) members, $5. In-state American Dental Association (ADA) affiliated, $15 + tax. Out-of-state ADA affiliated, $15. Instate non-ADA affiliated, $30 + tax. Out-of-state non-ADA affiliated, $30. Single issue price: TDA members $1. In-state ADA affiliated, $3 + tax. Out-of-state ADA affiliated, $3. In-state non-ADA affiliated, $6 + tax. Out-of-state non-ADA affiliated, $6. Contributions: Manuscripts and news items of interest to the membership of the Association are solicited. Manuscripts should be typewritten, double spaced, and the original copy should be submitted. Please refer to Instructions for Contributors in the annual August Directory of the Texas Dental Journal for more information. Every effort will be made to return unused manuscripts if a request is made but no responsibility can be accepted for failure to do so. Anonymous communications will receive no consideration whatsoever. All statements of opinion and of supposed facts are published on authority of the writer under whose name they appear and are not to be regarded as the views of the Texas Dental Association, unless such statements have been adopted by the Association. Articles are accepted with the understanding that they have not been published previously.

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