JUNE 2008
Every Member Matters
Rise’ Lyman, DDS, TDA Future Focus Committee Membership growth is vital to any thriving organization. The Texas Dental Association (TDA) Board is strongly committed to the Membership goal within the “TDA 2009” strategic plan, which addresses continued growth. I am proud to report that, as evidence of that commitment and for the second year in a row, the TDA received the following ADA awards in 2008: • Greatest Percentage Membership Net Gain: Texas had a net gain of 198 members in the year 2007. • Top Constituent Dental Society with Greatest Percentage of Non-Members to Membership: Represents a conversion of 4.7 percent of non-members into membership at end of year 2007. • Top Constituent Dental Society to Improve Retention Rate Percentage in 2007: Represents a 97 percent Association retention rate, which is an increase of 7 percent from the previous year. • Greatest Percentage of New Dentist Members: Represents a gain of 111 new dentist members (those dentists who are 1-9 years out of school). Another example of the commitment to the growth of our Association is the TDA Externship Program, which builds student awareness of organized dentistry. This innovative program, created in 2007, offers students the opportunity to gain insight into the different components of organized dentistry including legislative and regulatory affairs, membership, governance, continuing education, and charitable dentistry and to gain a better understanding of their role as future leaders of the dental team. The program is open to dental students from each of the three dental schools in Texas. This year the externship program will take place June 20 – 27 in Austin at the TDA central office. As an ongoing effort to enhance the value and benefits of the Association, the TDA Council on Membership developed a survey that was sent to all members in 2006. The results clearly showed that members have a high satisfaction rating with benefits such as the TEXAS Meeting, TDA publications, and the ability to participate philanthropically in the TDA Smiles Foundation. A great number of the discounted programs offered to members through the TDA Perks Program also received a high satisfaction rating. In accordance with the strategic plan, the Council on Membership will survey members again in 2009. Participation from all members and a collaborative effort between the ADA, TDA, and local component societies are the keys to successful membership recruitment and retention. We encourage every member to get involved whether it is by attending local meetings, taking part in Give Kids a Smile! Day activities, volunteering at a Texas Mission of Mercy, or participating in TDA Legislative Day activities in Austin. Each member matters and is essential to the continued growth of our Association and of organized dentistry. This is the seventh and final in a series of articles focused on the TDA’s accomplishments guided by the strategic plan. To view the entire plan, log in at tda.org and click on “TDA 2009” under “Current Issues” on the member homepage. For more information, please contact Lyda Creus Molanphy, staff liaison to the Future Focus Committee, at the TDA central office, (512) 443-3675.
Organizational Excellence
Public Image
TDA Smiles Foundation TMOM gains ardent advocate Ask the President Incoming president’s message Hilton Israelson, DDS Let’s Talk Outgoing president’s message A. David May, Jr., DDS 2008-2009 TDA Board of Directors Meet Your TDA Staff TDA’s new Finance Director Dee Dee Delagarza Congratulations to TDA Component Societies Streamline Your Insurance Claims Speeding up confirmation of benefits and eligibility TSBDE Rule Update Requirements for dental office radiograph machines
Mission: To be the Voice of Dentistry in Texas Manpower
Medicaid in My Office? Richard M. Smith, DDS
In the News TDA members in the news
July Journal News
Objectives 1. Improve perceived value and benefits of membership in TDA. a. Increase members’ knowledge about the impact and benefits of TDA membership. b. Ensure that components are an integral aspect of the membership process. c. Create greater awareness of the availability of the Peer Review, Ethics & Judicial, and Risk Management benefits. d. Actively promote adherence to the Code of Ethics. 2. Enhance communication with members and non-members. 3. Build student awareness of and interest in organized dentistry and membership in TDA. a. Ensure ongoing contact with students throughout dental school. b. Work closely with dental school faculty. 4. Evaluate number of nonmember dentists who attend and participate in TDA activities (TEXAS Meeting, TDA Smiles Foundation programs, etc.). Metrics 1. Seventy percent of active licensed dentists in Texas will be members of TDA by 2009 (baseline of 68.5 percent in January 2007); increase membership retention rate to 97 percent by April 2007 (baseline 96 percent in 2006). a-d. Increase the number of dentists serving on component peer review and ethics and judicial affairs committees to attain a participation rate of 2-5 percent relative to the total number of component society members by August 2009. 2. Ninety percent of Texas dental school graduates actively licensed in Texas will be members of TDA 5 years after graduation (89 percent dental student conversion from the 2005 graduating class in Texas). 3. Increase the number of member dentists actively participating in TDA by 1 percent a year (as measured by a variety of means – participation at Texas Meeting, TMOM, TXDDS, FSI TDA PERKS Programs, DENPAC participations, TDA Legislative Day) with annual report to TDA Board by the Council on Membership. 4. Establish baseline of nonmember participation at TDA activities (CAS, TDA Smiles Foundation, membership) 5. Established baseline of members’ understanding of and satisfaction with the benefits of their TDA membership through Member Benefits and Services Survey (completed November 2006), re-evaluate percent increase at that time for 2009. 6. A total of 65 percent of all full-time faculty will be TDA members by 2009 (2006 baseline = 63 percent).
Tooth Whitening: A Clinical Review
Dentists will value membership and participation in the TDA.
TDA Historical Perspectives Dentists, dental hygienists, and the dental team The 2007 C.T. Rowland Award Orthodontic case report The El Paso Dental Conference
Around the State August 14-16: TDA Board Meeting & Strategic Planning Session Austin October 15-19: ADA Annual Session San Antonio
Click & Connect Update Profile tda.org – Membership Info Ask a Colleague tda.org – Features TEXAS Meeting Photos texasmeeting.com/estore
In 2003, TDA members from across the state develop TDA’s first strategic plan, TDA 2009. In August of 2008, the TDA will update its strategic plan with another statewide retreat.
Volunteer for ‘08 ADA tda.org/volunteerada08
a periodic Medicaid update by the texas dental association
Medicaid in My Office? I Don’t Think So! By Richard M. Smith, DDS, Amarillo These words have been uttered by many dentists in Texas over the last few years. The Medicaid Dental Program has not had the most shinning reputation with dentists in the Lone Star State. I have been a Medicaid provider since 2000. I am not one of the practitioners that treat Medicaid patients exclusively, nor am I even one that treats at the highest level of providing. When I first decided to treat Medicaid patients, there were certain parameters that were set. As an office, we decided to accept a certain number of appointments per week. Notice that I said “appointments,” not patients. We limit the number of appointments we schedule per week for Medicaid patients. This is one way we control the amount of time that we allot to treat Medicaid patients. Those appointments may be spread out over the entire week or they may all come in a day or two. We also limit the number of family members we will schedule at any one time. We do not schedule more than two family members at any one time, and this includes hygiene. We give every new family a letter which explains that due to the size of our reception area, we request that children coming for treatment are accompanied by only one parent and to please not bring children who are not going to receive treatment. We also have a strict policy on missed appointments. If a patient or a family misses two appointments, we dismiss them as patients. We explain this at the beginning so that parents know what the rules are. I do not treat children younger than 6 years of age, so I do not treat Medicaid patients under the age of 6. For the most part, this protocol has worked well. We occasionally have some exceptions to the two kids rule, but primarily for those families that are well established with us and have proven very reliable. The majority of the kids are good patients and cause us very few problems. The parents have proven to be very concerned about their kids and want them treated. This is not to say that there are no problems with the system. The enrollment application is too long and complicated and takes a very long time to get processed. There are times that some of the treatment is questioned, but in most of the cases this has been resolved. There is going to be a change in the claims system for those who have been using the system that is available from Medicaid, and the new system will be web-based and, from what I hear, will be more cumbersome. Our office submits claims electronically through a clearinghouse and we get payment in 10 days to 2 weeks. The new fee schedule is much better, and while it is probably not your full fee, it is a higher percentage of your fee than it used to be. We developed a system in our office that lets us help these kids. It has proven over time to be workable, lets us control who we see and when, and lets us manage our office to mix Medicaid and regular patients in a way that causes few problems in running the office. I would hope that each office would consider helping these kids. Be prepared for some problems at first because there are some things to learn to make the program run smoothly in your office. But, I hope you will be able to come to the point where you can say, “Medicaid in my office? Yes, I think so!”
TDA Committee on Access to Dental Care in Medicaid and CHIP Tackles a New Year The Texas Dental Association’s (TDA) Committee on Access to Dental Care in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CAMC) has started a new year under the leadership of Dr. William Steinhauer (chair), a pediatric dentist in San Antonio. In addition to a full agenda covering Head Start, StarDent, Medicaid, and CHIP, the Committee will be actively recruiting more dentists into the Medicaid program and helping existing Medicaid dental providers navigate administrative changes aimed at improving dentist enrollment and claims processing. Since June 2007, TDA, through the work of CAMC, has implemented several different iniatives to encourage dentists to enroll in the Medicaid program. Recruitment efforts have included meeting with the Health and Human Services Commission’s Executive Commissioner Albert Hawkins to encourage future rate increases to keep pace with inflation; to streamline the current provider application; and to advocate for the possibility of providing loan repayment assistance for certain dentists practicing in the Medicaid program CAMC members also published their contact information in the TDA Today so they could be available as “mentors” for any dentists considering becoming Medicaid providers or to help answer questions for existing Medicaid providers. As CAMC faces a new-year, there are many exciting iniatives on the horizon. The Texas Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership (TMHP) has recently implemented TexMed Connect to replace the antiquated TDHConnect software system. Although TexMed Connect may take some getting used to – it uses a web portal instead of software – the final outcome should be more efficient claims processing. As many of you know, implementation of the Frew v Hawkins settlement agreement significantly increased fees for a total of 48 dental treatment codes, including many of the most-commonly billed codes. In addition to the critical rate increase, CAMC is also developing new provider recruitment strategies that will likely be unveiled toward the end of the summer and early fall. As you can see from the article by Dr. Richard Smith, “Medicaid in My Office – I Don’t Think So!”, CAMC is reaching out to TDA Medicaid providers to share their experiences as to how they include Medicaid patients into their practice. Keep a look out for more updates from CAMC and don’t hesitate to contact CAMC members for information on Medicaid policies and procedures.
TDA Members Help State Prioritize Strategic Initiatives Four TDA members (see box below) currently serve on the Frew Advisory Committee, which advises the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) on how to spend the $150 million legislators allocated for “strategic dental and medical initiatives” to increase access to care for children enrolled in the Medicaid program. The committee also includes physicians, insurance and hospital administrators, and patient advocates. Since the legislative session ended, Frew Advisory Committee members have met several times to discuss and express their opinions about various proposals to use strategic initiative funding. In addition to Health and Human Services Commissioner Albert Hawkins, authority to approve specific projects rests with Governor Rick Perry, Lt. Governor David Dewhurst, and House Speaker Tom Craddick. Dental-related initiatives approved so far include the “First Dental Home” project, which provides training and financial incentives for general and pediatric dentists to examine and treat very young children (i.e., those under 3 years old), and the “Oral Evaluation and Fluoride Varnish in Medical Home” project, which trains and reimburses pediatricians to examine and apply fluoride varnish to the teeth of very young children. As part of the latter effort, TDA will work with Dr. Linda Altenhoff of the Texas Department of State Health Services to create referral networks to link participating pediatricians to dentists who accept Medicaid. TDA Members on the Frew
Advisory Committee •
Dr. Catherine M. Flaitz of Houston, an oral pathologist and dean of the UT Dental Branch
Dr. William D. Steinhauer of San Antonio, a pediatric dentist who chairs TDA’s Committee on Access to Care in Medicaid and CHIP (CAMC)
Dr. Jose L. Cazares of McAllen, a general dentist who serves on CAMC
Dr. David S. Wilbanks of El Paso, an orthodontist June 2008 / TDA Today / 2
State officials also approved funding for a dental van operated by the UT Health Science Center at San Antonio Dental School, which will serve Starr, Jim Hogg, and Zapata Counties in the Rio Grande Valley. Members of the advisory committee had reservations about that project, but state officials considered it a legislative mandate. In addition, the advisory committee is working with HHSC officials to create a loan repayment assistance program for dentists and pediatric sub-specialist physicians who agree to practice in underserved communities. After consultation with the state’s dental schools, TDA submitted a proposal calling for up to $100,000 in repayment assistance for dentists in return for 3 years of service in an underserved area.
Happy, Healthy Smiles … That’s Our Mission! After witnessing one Texas Mission of Mercy (TMOM), Reverend Mark Woodward of Houston was hooked. “I was impressed with the energy and spirit of volunteerism, and the dedication of the dental professionals,” he recalls. “I was also overwhelmed with the amount of work involved.” That work, the mission of the Smiles Foundation, made a lasting impression on this former TMOM outsider. Woodward, minister at the West University United Methodist Church in Houston, learned about the TDA Smiles Foundation and its programs through Mt. Pleasant dentist Dr. Don Lutes, a TDA past president, a long-time volunteer dentist for the Foundation, and a vocal champion of its programs. After visiting the Round Rock TMOM with Lutes, Woodward knew he wanted to help. “I made the decision to get involved because I could see that this effort of helping people gain access to dental care was worth it. Partnering community with charity produces a very rewarding event.” Woodward returned to Houston and his church congregation, and through church and community contacts, staged the 2007 Houston TMOM, an event that served 895 patients and provided them with $369,874 worth of dental care. As the Smiles Foundation grows, the need for community leaders, as well as volunteer dentists, becomes more evident. Each TMOM event is directed and driven by the host community as well as the Smiles Foundation, so strong leaders are essential to a successful mission. “I’d like to say to community leaders that partnering with the Smiles Foundation will produce an event that is rewarding for them and their community.” There are plenty of opportunities for both dentists and community volunteers to help. Contact Kelli Slimp at (512) 448-2441 ext. 100, or visit our website at tdasmiles.org to see how you can get involved.
Let’s Talk
Ask the President
A. David May, Jr., DDS, TDA President 2007-2008
Hilton Israelson, DDS, TDA President 2008-2009
The TDA Annual Session is now history and our new TDA president Dr. Israelson has hit the ground running. I hope you, the membership, give him as much support as you gave me this past year. I would like to thank the delegates and alternates to the 2008 House of Delegates for the professional and respectful attitude that prevailed during debate of difficult and passionate issues. I would also like to thank all who attended the Reference Committee Hearings, and especially those who provided testimony. From my perspective, I believe there was more individual participation than I have seen in previous Houses, and I think that is good for our Association. I am very comfortable that all the issues were adequately discussed and that the House made informed decisions on the issues before it. I support and agree with the decisions of the House and I know the TDA Board of Directors will support the decisions also. I look forward to one more year on the TDA Board, and I thank you for the opportunity to serve as your Association president. As I see you at various meetings around the state, continue to stop me, and “Let’s Talk!”
As I assume my role as president of the TDA, I want to thank the membership for allowing me this opportunity to serve our profession. As a conduit between the membership and the House of Delegates, it is the TDA Board’s responsibility — and the duty of the president — to carry resolutions to the Annual Session of the House of Delegates and to then ensure that the policies adopted by the House are implemented. It is my hope that this monthly column in our TDA Today will serve as a forum for members to ask questions and dialogue about key issues facing the TDA. Examples of topics may include manpower work force issues; Medicaid and the Frew agreement; legislative issues; ethics, dental tourism, and dental insurance concerns; the strategic plan and its respective goals; and any other topic that might interest you. Together with our highly specialized staff, it is my goal to fully communicate and educate you, the membership, on the issues that affect our profession and how together we can approach these issues proactively. The TDA Today will also continue to inform you as we proceed with our legislative agenda for the 2009 Texas legislative session. I look forward to visiting your component societies so that we can continue our dialogue. Please send your questions and comments to me via email to Terry Cornwell at terry@tda.org. I look forward to hearing from you!
Announcing the 2008-2009 TDA Board of Directors President Dr. Hilton Israelson
President-Elect Dr. Matthew B. Roberts
Past President Dr. A. David May, Jr.
Vice Presidents Dr. F. Dee Rea (NE) Dr. William M. Walton (NW) Dr. Mark Peppard (SE) Dr. Rise’ L. Lyman (SW)
Senior Directors Dr. Arlet R. Dunsworth (NE) Dr. William M. Walton (NW) Dr. Craig S. Armstrong (SE) Dr. Johnny G. Cailleteau (SW)
Directors Dr. Donna A. Miller (NE) Dr. Kathleen Nichols (NW) Dr. R. Lee Clitheroe (SE) Dr. John W. Baucum III (SW)
Secretary-Treasurer Dr. J. Preston Coleman
Parliamentarian Dr. Michael L. Stuart
Executive Director Mrs. Mary Kay Linn
Speaker of the House Dr. Glen D. Hall
Meet Your TDA Staff Dee Dee Delagarza is the Texas Dental Association’s new finance director. She earned a Bachelor of Business from Pan American University-Edinburg and earned her accounting hours from the University of Texas-Austin. She has been a Certified Public Accountant since May 1988. Dee Dee worked in public accounting for 5 years and has been an industry controller for 17 years.
Streamline Your Insurance Claims Compiled by the TDA Council on Dental Economics When patients are covered by insurance, there are certain guidelines your front office can establish that can streamline, consolidate, and speed up confirmation of benefits and eligibility. This information can be obtained by calling the insurance companies and asking the required questions, or it can sometimes be obtained electronically. Once all of the pertinent information is obtained, it can be written on a form and placed in the patient’s chart or stored electronically in their records. However, it is important to remember that the information can change from one visit to the next and the patient should be asked whether there have been any changes in coverage. The information in the chart or stored electronically is confidential and should only be used to treat the patient and obtain payment. Before contacting the insurance company, certain information must be obtained from the patient. This includes the insurance company’s name, address, and phone number. Next is the employee’s name and address along with the group number, subscriber name, date of birth, and subscriber ID number. All of this information is usually available from the insurance card issued by the employer. Once this information is obtained, we are now ready to contact the insurance company to gather the information we need to determine benefits. Examples of questions that will give basic information include: • • • • • • • •
What is the patient’s effective date of coverage? (Some have waiting periods). What kind of coverage is it? Is it HMO/DMO or indemnity insurance? (If it is indemnity insurance, the patient can generally choose a dentist of their choice). Does the plan pay the dentist directly? (Self-funded ERISA plans do not have to pay the provider directly, even when benefits are assigned if the provider is not contracted to that plan). What is the calendar year of the policy? (Not all of them run from Jan. 1–Dec. 31). What is the yearly maximum coverage? What is the annual deductible? Are there any other out-of-pocket expenses for the patient? What is the payer ID#? (This determines whether the claim can be sent electronically or has to be mailed).
Editor Dr. Christopher F. Anderson
Legal Counsel William H. Bingham
Congratulations to TDA Component Societies! The TDA congratulates both the 17th District Dental Society and the Heart of Texas (21-B) District Dental Society for being the first to meet 100 percent retention — all members paid in full for the 2008 membership year!
• • • • • • • • •
Are preventative services covered? If so, at what percentage or amount are preventative benefits paid? Are prophy frequencies two per year or one every 6 months? Are fluoride treatments covered? If so, under what age limit and how many times per year? Are sealants covered and under what age and which teeth? At what percentage are basic services paid? Are resins downgraded to amalgams? At what percentage are major services paid? Are implants or prosthetics attached to implants covered? Are crown build ups, crowns, bridges, partials, and dentures covered?
Once the preceding information is obtained there are some categorical questions that are helpful:
…there are certain
• • • • •
office can establish
Is endo basic or major? Is surgery considered basic or major? Is perio basic or major? Is there a missing tooth or replacement clause? Are there waiting periods?
Each dental office is unique and can expand or subtract from this basic information guideline. The information is then available for treatment plan consultations tying fees to insurance benefits. Remember, coverage is subject to change. Request that patients notify the office if there is a change.
guidelines your front that can streamline, consolidate, and speed up confirmation of benefits and eligibility.
If you have issues or questions you would like the Council to address please contact Cassidy Neal at cassidy@tda.org or call at (800) 832-1145 ext. 152. June 2008 / TDA Today / 3
TSBDE Rule Update This recurring section is designed to help TDA members keep up with important Texas State Board of Dental Examiners (TSBDE) rules, other regulations, and state law affecting their practices. Question: I’m setting up a new dental practice. What are the permitting requirements for dental office radiograph machines? Answer: Here in Texas, radiograph machines (and certain types of lasers) used in dental offices are regulated by the Radiation Control Program at the Texas Department of State Health Services. Key Web Addresses • Radiation Control Program: http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/radiation/default.shtm • “Dental X-ray Machine Registration”: http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/radiation/dental.shtm • “Regulatory Guide” for Dental Offices: http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/radiation/pdffiles/EPEDental.pdf • Dental offices are required to post a notice to employees (Form BRC 232-1); use this web address to print the required notice: http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/radiation/default.shtm • “Equipment Performance Evaluation” form for dental office radiology machines: http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/radiation/pdffiles/EPEDental.pdf • TSBDE rules: http://www.tsbde.state.tx.us/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=107&Itemid=109 In addition to the requirements of the Department of State Health Services, the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners has several rules relating to radiograph machines and the allied dental personnel who operate them: • Rules 113.1 and 113.2, which govern “Requirements for Dental Offices.” • Rules 114.1 and 114.20, which govern registration requirements for dental assistants who take radiographs (note that Rule 114.10 is still listed but has been superseded by Rule 114.20). For more information, please contact Jay Bond at the TDA central office, (512) 443-3675, jbond@tda.org.
In the News Texan Serves as AAE President-elect: Congratulations to TDA member Dr. Gerald N. Glickman of Dallas, recently named President-elect of the American Association of Endodontists during its 2008 annual session, April 9–12 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Dr. Glickman is professor and chair of the department of endodontics at Baylor College of Dentistry. (AAE news release, May 6, 2008) Dentists Donate Dictionaries: Every third grade student and all teachers at the Cline and Westwood elementary schools in the Friendswood Independent School District received a dictionary. The books were donated by a group of 14 area dentists, working through The Dictionary Project, a 501(c) (3) organization. The goal is to help students complete the school year as good writers, active readers, and creative thinkers. This project was sparked by Dr. John Hackbarth, who spearheaded a similar program in Texas City last year. (Friendswood Journal, Pearland, May 8, 2008)
JUNE 2008
Graduates Hear Trustee Address: On May 9, Kilgore College awarded 260 degrees and certificates of completion in two separate ceremonies. Guest speaker for both events was former student Dr. Jerry Long of Houston, TDA member and ADA 15th District (Texas) Trustee. (Tyler Morning Telegraph, May 7, 2008) Texan Serves as AAPD President-elect: Congratulations to TDA member Dr. William C. Berlocher of Corpus Christi, recently named president-elect of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry’s Board of Trustees, June 4 during the 61st Annual Session in Washington, D.C. (AAPD news release, June 4, 2008) Texas-Style Fundraising Recognized: Dr. Herbert L. Wade, Jr. of Bryan, TDA’s 2004–2005 president, was recognized in recent issues of ADA News for having “earned a place among the dental profession’s top political fundraisers.” He raised more than $100,000 for Sen. John Cornyn’s 2008 campaign. Dr. Wade served as an American Dental Political Action Committee board member from 1998 to 2001.(ADA News, May 19 and June 2, 2008)
Editorial Staff Christopher F. Anderson, D.D.S., M.S.D., Editor Edwina J. Shires, Director of Publications Nicole Scott, Publications Coordinator Barbara S. Donovan, Art Director BOARD OF DIRECTORS Hilton Israelson, D.D.S., President Matthew B. Roberts, D.D.S., President-Elect A. David May, Jr., D.D.S., Immediate Past President Vice Presidents F. Dee Rea, D.D.S., Northeast William M. Walton, D.D.S., Northwest Mark Peppard, D.D.S., Southeast Rise’ L. Lyman, D.D.S., Southwest Senior Directors Arlet R. Dunsworth, D.D.S., Northeast J. Brad Loeffelholz, D.D.S., Northwest Craig S. Armstrong, D.D.S., Southeast Johnny G. Cailleteau, D.D.S., Southwest Directors Donna G. Miller, D.D.S., Northeast Kathleen Nichols, D.D.S., Northwest R. Lee Clitheroe, D.D.S., Southeast John W. Baucum III, D.D.S., Southwest J. Preston Coleman, D.D.S., Secretary-Treasurer Glen D. Hall, D.D.S., Speaker of the House Michael L. Stuart, D.D.S., Parliamentarian Christopher F. Anderson, D.D.S., Editor Mary Kay Linn, Executive Director William H. Bingham, Legal Counsel TDA Today (USPS 022-007) is published monthly except for December by the Texas Dental Association, 1946 S. IH-35, Ste 400, Austin, Texas 78704-3698, (512) 443-3675. Periodicals Postage Paid at Austin, Texas and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to TDA TODAY, 1946 S. IH-35, Ste 400, Austin, TX 78704-3698. Annual subscriptions: Texas Dental Association (TDA) members, $5. In-state American Dental Association (ADA) affiliated, $15 + tax. Out-of-state ADA affiliated, $15. In-state non-ADA affiliated, $30 + tax. Out-of-state non-ADA affiliated, $30. Single issue price: TDA members $1. In-state ADA affiliated, $3 + tax. Out-of-state ADA affiliated, $3. In-state non-ADA affiliated, $6 + tax. Out-of-state non-ADA affiliated, $6. Contributions: Manuscripts and news items of interest to the membership of the Association are solicited. Manuscripts should be typewritten, double spaced, and the original copy should be submitted. Please refer to Instructions for Contributors in the annual September Directory of the Texas Dental Journal for more information. Every effort will be made to return unused manuscripts if a request is made but no responsibility can be accepted for failure to do so. Anonymous communications will receive no consideration whatsoever. All statements of opinion and of supposed facts are published on authority of the writer under whose name they appear and are not to be regarded as the views of the Texas Dental Association, unless such statements have been adopted by the Association. Articles are accepted with the understanding that they have not been published previously.
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Have You Moved in the Past 12 Months? Was your contact information out of date in the 2007 member directory? Verify your address and phone number before the new directory goes to print! Log onto tda.org by JULY 1, 2008, and click on “UPDATE PROFILE” under “Membership Info.” Reminder: the directory lists your office address exclusively unless one is not available.
Find more Perks at tdaperks.com
$7.25 Box of 100 Regularly $9.25