TAGD Names Every Member Matters Rise’ TDA Future Focus Committee Dr.Lyman, C. DDS, Stephen Caldwell Membership growth is vital to any thriving organization. The Texas Dental Association (TDA) Board is strongly the 2010 Texas Dentist committed to the Membership goal within the “TDA 2009” strategic plan, which addresses continued growth. I am proud to report that, as evidence of that commitment and for the second year in a row, the TDA received following ADA awards in 2008: of the Yearthe • Greatest Percentage Membership Net Gain: Texas had a net gain of 198 members in the year 2007.
• Top Constituent Dental Society with Greatest Percentage of Non-Members to Membership: Dr. C. Stephen Caldwell of El Paso was named Represents a conversion of 4.7 percent of non-members into membership at end of year 2007. the 2010 Texas Dentist of the YearTM at the • TopDentistry’s Constituent Dental Society to Improve Retention Rate Percentage in 2007: Represents a 97 Texas Academy of General (TAGD) Association retention annual Lone Star Dentalpercent Conference in Austin on rate, which is an increase of 7 percent from the previous year. • Greatest Percentage of New Dentist Members: Represents a gain of 111 new dentist members (those September 10, 2010. TAGD has presented the award annually who are 1-9 years out of school). since 1965; it is considered one ofdentists the most prestigious honors a Texas dentist can earn. Another example of the commitment to the growth of our Association is the TDA Dr. Externship Program,ofwhich builds student (L-R): TAGD president Craig S. Armstrong Houston is pictured withawareness the 2010 TAGD Dentist of the Year C. Stephen Caldwell El Pasointo and the the 2009 TAGD Dentist of the of organized by dentistry. This Academy innovativeofprogram, in and 2007, offers students theDr. opportunity to gain of insight different components Nominated the El Paso General created Dentistry Year Dr. Ralphgovernance, A. Cooley of Conroe. Dr. Caldwell received prestigiousdentistry award at the of dentistry legislative andwas regulatory affairs, membership, continuing education, andthecharitable andTAGD’s El organized Paso District Dentalincluding Society, Dr. Caldwell one of 22 annual team. Lone Star Dental Conference earlier this month in Austin. Heeach was of among 22 nominees. to gain a better understanding of their role as future leaders of the dental The program is open to dental students from the three dentists around the state up for the award. Nominees show dental schools intoTexas. This year the externship program will take place June 20 – June 27 in Austin at the TDA central office. a commitment advancing excellence in dentistry through As an ongoing effort to enhance the value and benefits of theNames TDA Council on Membership developed of a survey was sent TAGD 2010 New Dentist thethat Year activism in organized dentistry, dedication to continuing the Association, to all members in 2006. The results clearly showed that members have a high satisfaction rating with benefits such as the TEXAS Meeting, TDA education, and participation in charitable work and civic TDA Member Dr. Joshua A. Austin Accepts the Award publications, and the ability to participate philanthropically in the TDA Smiles Foundation. A great number of the discounted programs offered to service. members through the TDA Perks Program also received a high satisfaction rating. In accordance with the strategic theAcademy Council on Theplan, Texas of Membership, General Dentistry Dr. Caldwell is a 1979 graduate of the University of Texas will survey members again in 2009. (TAGD) named Dr. Joshua A. Austin of Dental Branch at Houston and maintains a periodontal Participation from all members and a collaborative effort between the ADA, TDA, and local component societies are2010 the keys toDentist of San Antonio as the New dentistry practice in El Paso. He is currently a member of successful membership recruitment and retention. We encourage every member to get involved whether it is by attending local meetings, the Year at the TAGD Leadership Reception the American Dental Association, American Academy of taking part in Give Kids a Smile! Day activities, volunteering at a Texas Mission of Mercy, or participating in TDA Legislative Day Conference activities on during the Lone Star Dental Periodontology, and the American Board of Oral Implantology in Austin. Each member matters and is essential to the continued growth of our Association and of organized dentistry. September 9, 2010, in Austin. where he serves as a Board Examiner. Dr. Caldwell has held This is the seventh and final in a series of articles focused on the TDA’s accomplishments guided by the strategic plan. To the Antonio entire plan, Nominated by view the San Academy numerous leadership positions with the TDA including serving log in at and click on “TDA 2009” under “Current Issues” on the member homepage. For more information, pleaseand contact LydaAntonio Creus of General Dentistry the San as a delegate for the past 5 years. He is a past president of the El Molanphy, staff liaison to the Future Focus Committee, at the TDA central office, (512) 443-3675. District Dental Society, Dr. Austin was one Paso District Dental Society. of eight nominees. The award celebrates In addition to his leadership positions, Dr. Caldwell is up-and-coming leaders in organized dentistry (L-R): TAGD immediate past Missionto: T o be The Voice of DenTisTry in Tand exas recognized by his peers for his commitment continuing those who show a commitment to president Dr. Dan McCauley of education. Dr. Caldwell focuses on implant-related restorative Mount Pleasant presents the TAGD TAGD’s core values and mission of advancing 2010 New Dentist of the Year dentistry, and he now lectures around the country. He is also excellence in general dentistry. Award to Dr.Public Joshua Austin of San on faculty at the Temple Dental School in Philadelphia and Organizational Dr. Austin is a 2006 Membership graduate from Development Manpower Advocacy Antonio earlier this month. Image the Misch International Implant Institute in Detroit.Excellence University of Texas Dental Branch in San Antonio and currently maintains a private practice in San Antonio. He is a Along with professional organizations, Dr. Caldwell is Membership member of the American Dental Association and the Academy of General extremely active and generous in his community and abroad. Dentists will value membership and participation in the TDA. Dentistry. He serves as a TDA delegate and chairs the TDA’s Committee for He has organized and participated in trips to Chihuahua, Objectives the New Dentist and TAGD’s New Dentist Committee. Mexico, for the last 12 years and also travels annually to 1. Improve perceived value and benefits of membership in TDA. Since 2007, he has worked as a clinical assistant professor at UTHSCSA. remote sites in the Sierras of Mexico. Additionally, he a. Increase members’ knowledge about the impact and benefits of TDA membership. Dr. Austin is a contributor for the New Dentist magazine, authors a quarterly continues to work in nearby border towns and in his own b. providing Ensure that components are an integral aspect of the membership column on process. clinical dentistry, and is the editor and creator of The New Dentist community dental and hygiene care that some Create greater awareness Ethics & Judicial, and Risk Management benefits. Blog, patients c. would otherwise never receive.of the availability of the Peer Review, d. Actively promote adherence to the Code of Ethics. Last year, the TDA awarded Dr. Austin the New Dentist Leadership Award. For more information on the TAGD, please visit e. Enhance communication with members and non-members. f. Build student awareness of and interest in organized dentistry and membership in TDA. g. Ensure ongoing contact with students throughout dental school. h. Work closely with dental school faculty. i. Evaluate number of nonmember dentists who attend and participate in TDA activities (TEXAS Meeting, TDA Smiles Foundation programs, etc.). OnMetrics September 10, 2010, Head Start Dental Home Initiative (DHI) leader for Texas Dr. SeventyJr., percent of active licensed be members of TDA 2009 (baseline of 68.5% in January 2007); increase Paul1.Kennedy, of Corpus Christi visiteddentists LaredointoTX givewill interested dentists, theirby staff, membership retention rate to 97about percent April 2007 (baseline 96% in 2006). and Head Start employees information the by DHI program and the importance of Increase the number oral health for young children.of dentists serving on component peer review and ethics and judicial affairs committees to attain a participation rate of 2-5 percent relative to the total number of component society members by August 2009. The meeting group may have been small, but participants were excited to have the 2. Ninety percent of TX dental school graduates actively licensed in TX will be members of TDA five years after graduation (89% opportunity to meet face-to-face to discuss the obstacles preventing many enrollees in dental student conversion from the graduating class of 2005 in Texas). Laredo from receiving regular dental care. 3. Increase the number of member dentists actively participating in TDA by 1 percent a year (as measured by a variety of means Participant Dr. Joanna C. Ayala of Laredo and herTXDDS, staff strategized with Ms. Anna Maria – participation at TX Meeting, TMOM, FSI programs, DENPAC participations, TDA legislative day) with annual Huerta, report Ms. PattoVela, Gloria Salinas from Head Start about educating parents on TDAand Board the Council on Membership. the 4. importance of baseline regular dental care and reinforcing positive oralactivities health habits home. Establish of nonmember participation at TDA (CAS,atTDA Smiles Foundation, Membership) 5. Established baseline of members’ understanding of and satisfaction with the benefits of their TDA membership through Member Articles detailing similar Head Start DHI events in Houston on September 17 and El Benefits and Services Survey (completed Nov 2006), re-evaluate % increase at that time for 2009. Paso on September 22 will be featured in upcoming issues of TDA Today. If you want to Dr. Paul Kennedy, Jr., of Corpus Christi, the Head Start 6. Sixty-five percent of all full-time faculty will be TDA members by 2009 (2006 baseline = 63%). be involved in this important initiative, please e-mail YOU can make DHI Director, provides information about the DHI a difference in a child’s smile! program in Laredo earlier this month.
Head Start Dental Home Initiative Visits Laredo
The TDA will update it’s strategic plan with another statewide retreat in August of 2008. About Head Start Dental Home Initiative dental home for children enrolled in an identified Head Since 2007, the TDA has been leading the Academy of Pediatric Dentistry’s Head Start Dental Home Initiative (DHI) in Texas. The TDA, with valuable support from the Texas Academy of General Dentistry and the Texas Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, has partnered closely with Head Start to continue improving the oral health of all children enrolled in the program throughout Texas.
Start center(s). Texas is a large, geographically diverse state, with more than 1,200 centers serving approximately 78,000 children.
Head Start provides comprehensive health and education services for low-income preschool children between the ages of 3 and 5, including support service for their families. Federal regulations mandate that each child enrolled in Head Start has an ongoing source of continuous, accessible Dentists agreeing to participate in the DHI become the health care including a dental home. In 2003, Texas Dental Association members from across the state develop TDA’s first strategic plan, TDA 2009.
Inside Inside Medicaid in My TDA 2014: AnOffice? Update Yes, I Think So! Advocacy Richard M. Smith, DDS TDA Smiles Foundation TDA Smiles Foundation TMOM gains ardent advocate Recipient Shows Thanks Record Breaking Waco TMOM Ask the President Incoming President’s message Hilton TDAIsraelson, Perks DDS Name Let’s Talkthe E-newsletter Contest Freedom-of-Choice Dental Outgoing President’s message A. Insurance David May, Jr., DDS 2008-2009 TDA Board of Directors TEXAS Meeting Preview Meet Your TDA Staff TDA’s newRule Finance Director TSBDE Update Dee Dee Delagarza Call for Texas Dental Congratulations to TDAJournal Component Societies manuscripts Streamline Your Insurance Claims October Speeding up confirmation of benefits Journal and eligibility News TSBDE Rule Update Issue Special Legislative Requirements for dental office 2011 Legislative Landscape radiograph machines In Vascular the NewsLesions of the TDA members in the news Maxillofacial Region
July Journal News
Oral Health Care for the Pregnant Tooth Whitening: A Clinical Review Patient TDA Historical Perspectives Around State Dentists, dentalthe hygienists, and the dental team November 6 The 2007 C.T. Rowland Award Smiles on Wheels Orthodontic case report Hondo The El Paso Dental Conference November 12 & 13
Around the State TDA Board of Directors meeting Austin14: August TDA Board Meeting Austin, Texas 19 November Texas State Board of Dental October 15-19: Examiners meeting ADA Annual Session Austin San Antonio, Texas
Click & Connect Click & Connect
Update Profile – Membership Info Update Profile Ask a Colleague – Membership Info – Features TEXAS Meeting Photos(membership September Journal directory) Volunteer for ‘08 ADA
Evidence-Based Practice Tip of the Month
TDA 2014: An Update R. Lee Clitheroe, DDS, Chair, Future Focus Committee
Stephen R. Matteson, DDS, Editor
Advocacy This is the seventh of eight articles highlighting the objectives and goals in TDA’s current strategic plan, TDA 2014.
ad·vo·ca·cy n. Active verbal support for a cause or a position. It has been said that advocacy is the greatest asset of an organization such as the TDA. You know it and I know it. There are many different types of advocates. We all have patients who are advocates for our practice. We advocate good oral health. But, how does advocacy fit into how we manage the Association? It is stated in our strategic plan TDA 2014 that the goal Advocacy is as follows: “TDA will be the pre-eminent advocate in the legislative and regulatory arenas on behalf of the public and profession of dentistry.” We are going to accomplish that goal by addressing many fronts. One of those fronts will be in the State Capitol when the Texas Legislature convenes early next year. The TDA is fortunate to have a great in-house staff of experts with knowledge of the legislature and state government operations and a team of contract lobbyists to help us carry our message and advocate our positions to legislators. The first Tuesday in November brings the election of our representatives in the oligarchy that governs our country. Once those elected officials take office, our TDA will have a team in place to advocate the rights of our patients. What is best for our patients is best for our profession.
In last month’s TDA Today, TDA president Dr. Ron Rhea wrote about the TDA’s partnership with likeminded states to advocate to the ADA our collective opinion on workforce issues. The TDA was the catalyst for that group, now called the Austin Group, which will “support quality oral health care for the citizens of the United States”. The Austin Group is working on your behalf at the ADA level. Along with the values of the TDA, the Austin Group believes the health and safety of the patient must be the primary consideration in the delivery of oral health care and that the education, training, and licensure of dentists play an integral role in assuring the public that the dentist is qualified to provide care. Our country and our profession are at a crossroads. There are those who would promote a dental workforce where a non professional is allowed to perform irreversible procedures (cutting hard and soft tissue, extractions) in the name of “access to care”. The TDA believes that the dentist is, and should continue to be, the head of the dental team, and with their advanced training, should be the only person allowed to perform these procedures. Thankfully, we have a dedicated and vigilant association advocating for all TDA members and our patients in the great state of Texas.
Happy, Healthy Smiles … That’s Our Mission! TDASF Changes Lives … One Texan at a Time
After being fitted with his new flipper at the event last month, Gene was ecstatic. He said wanted to offer something in return. As a hobby, Gene races one of about 45 registered “HOT Stock”
Gene Burnett shows his thanks to the TDA Smiles Foundation and its volunteers by including the logo on the side of his stock car.
You might also keep an eye out for an article on vascular lesions in the October 2010 issue of the Texas Dental Journal (Perez D, Leibold D, Liddell A, Duraini M. Vascular lesions of the maxillofacial region: A case report and review of the literature. Tex Dent J 2010; 127:1045-1057). 1.
Management of vascular malformations of the mandible and maxilla. Persky MS, Yoo HJ, Berenstein A. Laryngoscope. 2003 Nov;113(11):1885-92. PMID: 14603041.
Arteriovenous malformations of the head and neck: natural history and management. Kohout MP, Hansen M, Pribaz JJ, Mulliken JB. Plast Reconstr Surg. 1998 Sep;102(3):64354. PMID: 9727427
Management strategy for facial arteriovenous malformations.Bhandari PS, Sadhotra LP, Bhargava P, Bath AS, Mukherjee MK, Maurya S. Indian J Plast Surg. 2008 Jul;41(2):183-9. PMID: 19753261.
Waco Hosts Record Breaking Texas Mission of Mercy On August 13 and 14, Waco hosted the 22nd Texas Mission of Mercy. Located at McClennan Community College, TMOM Waco was a huge success! The Waco citizens started lining up in anticipation of the event 18 hours before the doors were scheduled to open. Ultimately, 991 people received $731,648 worth of charitable dental care, a record breaking amount for the TDA Smiles Foundation (TDASF).
The Texas Dental Association Smiles Foundation (TDASF) volunteers met Mr. Gene Burnett at the Taylor Texas Mission of Mercy (TMOM) in August. He hit a rough spot in his life and was among the thousands who lined up for charitable dentistry at the event. Many volunteers were drawn to Gene because of his appearance: a 6’4” tall, handsome man in finger-to-forearm casts on both sides of his body with gentle eyes and a nice smile. The volunteers learned Gene’s story as he made his way through the process. Gene was electrocuted on the job; his arms and hands were irrevocably damaged and injuries were sustained across his entire body. Since electrician was his trade, he was deemed permanently disabled and offered lifetime support from the government, which he declined. Gene, instead, trained for a new line of work. With the help of the Texas Workforce Commission, he started his own handyman company in Leander, Pro One Services.
Arteriovenous are rare malformations of vascular morphogenesis that are high flow lesions. It is reported that about 50 percent of these lesions occur in the craniofacial region. Although uncommon, life threatening bleeding events can occur if not correctly identified or treated. Here are several abstracts for the interested reader. Enter the PMID number in or If you wish to view the entire article of abstract #3 below, enter the PMCID (PubMed Central reference number): PMCID2740518 in
Gene Burnett inspects his smile after receiving a new flipper at the Taylor TMOM in August.
class cars on the Texas Thunder Speedway in Killeen. His #43 stock car was to be his “thank you” billboard. On any given night between March and October, about 20 drivers race on a quarter-mile dirt track in front of 1,200 or so fans. A qualifying heat race takes place to decide starting position. Since branding his car with a TDASF logo, Gene boasts three heat race wins and a 3rd place main event feature finish. Recent communication from Gene says, “I’m still looking for a trophy win on the 20-lap … It will be soon. You’ll know it by the SMILE that you have helped put back on my face, lighting up the sky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” To join the TDASF in “lighting up the sky,” sign up at for any of our upcoming events. TDASF will be in Cactus September 25, McCamey February 12, and Dallas April 15-16. Be a part of changing the next person’s life!
Ninety dentists volunteered during the 2-day event. A special thank you to our volunteers and McClennan Dr. Kelly W. Keith of Austin, pictured with a patient and dental assistant, volunteered at the Community College for TMOM Waco last month. being such a gracious host, the staff of Meals on Wheels, Potters Vessel for planning the event, The Waco Foundation and The Cooper Foundation for their sizable grants to TMOM Waco, and of course, to the citizens of Waco for volunteering to help your neighbors. TDASF’s next stop is Cactus located in the Panhandle, on September 25 and then onto Hondo, located near San Antonio, on November 6. To register to volunteer, visit A dental assistant is pictured with a We hope to see you soon! patient at the TMOM Waco.
TDA Smiles Foundation Holiday Cards Is it really time to begin planning for the holidays already? Indeed, it is! This year, consider honoring your friends, family, colleagues and patients with a gift to warm their hearts. For a small $25 donation each, a hand-made, diecut holiday card will be sent directly to each person on your recipient list with turnkey handling from the TDASF staff. Or, the staff can send the cards to you in bulk for your own processing. It’s a fabulous way to honor those who support your practice through business or personal means and serve as a lovely gift to bestow upon your loved ones. And, yes! The contribution is fully tax deductible! It’s simple to do: • Option One: Log onto, purchase your cards, and share your giving list with us. We’ll hand process, hand address, stamp, and mail out your gifts on your behalf. Finally, a truly hassle-free, one-stop shopping experience! • Option Two: Send us an order form printed from the same website with your payment enclosed, and we’ll send your cards in a package to your office for personal handling. Thank you for planning to make the TDASF the recipient of your holiday honorariums and part of your practice’s ongoing annual celebration. We appreciate your support. September 2010 / TDA Today / 2
TDA Perks Program Launches “Name the E-Newsletter; Win a 3G Kindle” Contest Perks recently sent an e-mail to TDA members announcing its new E-newsletter and name-the-newsletter contest. Members were invited to submit their ideas for what they think the newsletter should be named. The winning entry will garner a 3G Kindle. If you missed the e-mail, you can still enter the contest. Visit to learn more.
Perks Partner News •
TDA Perks Program partner, ProSites, has just been recognized on the Inc. 5000 list of “America’s Fastest-Growing Private Companies.”
Ron’s Ruminations Ronald L. Rhea, DDS, TDA President 2010-11 I’m nobody! Who are you? By Emily Dickinson I’m nobody! Who are you? Are you nobody, too? Then there’s a pair of us — don’t tell! They’d banish us, you know.
TDA recently switched its central-office credit card processing company to popular TDA Perks Program partner, Best Card.
How dreary to be somebody! How public, like a frog To tell your name the livelong day To an admiring bog!
Several TDA Perks Program partners are running specials for TDA members. Visit tdaperks. com to learn about the money-saving, limited-time offers on everything from a defibrillator to sharps and waste management.
Have you considered, Who are you? You aren’t nobody! You are some of the finest dentists in the world; members of the Texas Dental Association; members who care about your profession.
Call for Manuscripts for Texas Dental Journal The editor of the Texas Dental Journal requests the submission of manuscripts on the following topics. Please direct e-mail inquiries to Dr. Stephen Matteson, editor, or Ms. Nicole Scott, managing editor, 1. 2. 3. 4.
Case reports of unusual diagnostic or treatment approaches; Major infections of the jaws that spread to the cavernous sinus or mediastinum; Unique applications of implant treatment, such as for orthodontic anchorage; Cone beam computed tomography applications for endodontic treatment planning; implant treatment planning; third molar extraction 5. Ethical dilemmas 6. Drug and alcohol addiction of dental professionals; incidence and management; 7. Misadventures in implant therapy; 8. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for dental applications; 9. Smoking cessation programs; 10. Unique CAD CAM applications; 11. Management for patients with bleeding disorders of the oral cavity; 12. Prevention and management of alveolar osteitis following third molar extraction; 13. Latest materials for endodontic posts; 14. Allergy to amalgam; 15. Complications of implant treatment for diabetics; 16. Lichen planus etiology and treatment; 17. Dry mouth, etiology, and treatment; 18. Periodontitis and heart disease 19. Periodontitis and preterm birth; 20. Burning tongue, etiology, and treatment; 21. Comparison of trigeminal neuralgia vs. odontogenic pain; 22. Management of intraoral bleeding; 23. Neuroma and vascular lesions of the neurovascular bundle in the mandibular canal; 24. Sleep medicine management with intraoral devices; 25. Rare developmental abnormalities of jaws and teeth; 26. Dental office security; physical and financial; 27. Maxillofacial prosthodontic cases; 28. Radiographic presentation of malignant disease of the jaws and maxillary sinus; 29. Risks of botox therapy and cosmetic applications in the facial region; and 30. Apthous ulcers, etiology, and treatment.
You have all the finest intentions in the world to care for the patients that you see, to deliver to them to the best of your considerable ability, the highest quality of dentistry available. It is the job of the TDA to see that you continue to have the opportunity to do just that. It is my job, which you have entrusted to me for a year, to see that all of those outside of our profession, and some of those within, do not impair your efforts to care for the citizens of Texas. That is my ONLY GOAL, no hidden agendas, no numbered Swiss bank accounts. Again, Who are you? You are surgeons. If you were educated in Texas, your professional degree says so: DDS — Doctor of Dental Surgery. You practice your art daily in the clay of living human tissue! Yes, you prescribe medicines, you diagnose and advise and motivate, but at the essential basics, a dentist is a surgeon, cutting, removing, repairing, rearranging, and replacing hard and soft living human tissue! Some schools of dentistry talk about dental medicine, and certainly you were well taught the principals of medicine. But if you can describe the rate of migration of the epithelial attachment of a Rhesus monkey, but can’t prepare a proper crown prep or extract a hopeless tooth, are you really a dentist? Yes! You are dentists! You are what stands between the citizens of this state and hopeless dental disease and misery. I am proud to be one of you. Thank you for all that you do every day. So, with such a competent and willing professional community, what are the barriers to the delivery of quality dental care to all Texans? I would propose that these are poverty, geography, ignorance, and perhaps in some areas, care delivery capacity. Some entities from outside the practicing dental community, and also some within the profession, would have us believe that we are incapable of caring for all of our citizens; that the access to dental care problems can only be addressed by radical changes in workforce. They would allow others besides a dentist to do irreversible surgical procedures on living human tissue! One foundation, an off-shoot of sugary cereal for kids, would redesign the dental care delivery system in our country. With their billions of idle dollars, they would force the creation of a Dental Health Aid Therapist (DHAT). These technicians would have a high school education and 20 months of vocational school training and be allowed to give local anesthetic injections, clean, drill and fill teeth, and do extractions while under minimal or no supervision. This is a model that would give away what is the most basic responsibility of a dentist, to perform irreversible surgical procedures. The DHAT model has been adopted by this foundation as the exclusive program they are pushing as a solution to access to dental care. They are now targeting five states to change through legislative action their dental practice acts with NO input from the dentists to allow DHATs to practice! Our neighbor, New Mexico, is one of these states! Texas could be next! One of our main defenses against this is conservative ADA policy that states only the dentist can perform irreversible surgical procedures. But the ADA Council on Dental Practice has come forward with resolutions to remove these policies! We must stop these resolutions from passing later this year in Orlando. A change in this policy could have far ranging effects even within our own state. If you are going to the ADA Annual Session in Orlando, Florida, this October, please attend the special reference committee on workforce and testify. The floor is open to all members of the ADA. The future of your profession depends on it! Don’t let others give away your profession by reducing it to a trade.
The TEXAS Meeting 141st Annual Session of the Texas Dental Association May 5 – 8, 2011 • San Antonio, Texas Dr. Roger Macias, Chair, TDA Council on Annual Session It’s a new dawn… The fall season fast approaches as we get ready for our 2011 Texas Meeting! We are gearing up with our speakers, presentations, and festivities! Let me give you an example of the new dawn. We are very proud to be able to have some of the most dynamic speakers from the dental world with us next May. Some of the incredible speakers are: Drs. Lee Brady, Gary DeWood, Bob Winter, and Steve Ratcliff from the Spear Institute. Dr. Jim Fondriest and Mr. Matt Roberts (one of the most well known laboratory ceramists) will present some of the latest techniques in crown and bridge. Dr. Michael Unthank joins us to offer his amazing office design course. Making a most deserving return is the hilarious but most informative Mr. Bruce Christopher. In practice management we will have a highly energetic group of presenters: Mr. Kirk Behrendt, Ms. Debbie Castagna, Ms. Virginia Moore, Dr. Roger Levin, and Ms. Rosemary Bray. Dr. Joseph Massad on prosthodontics, as well as Ms. Jo Ann Majors on implant marketing join our great speaker lineup. An exciting new dentist, Dr. Mark Kleive joins along with Dr. Richard Hunt to present the latest in a workshop on exquisite provisionals. This is only a small tease of the great speakers that are coming! It’s a new day… This year we are proud to be able to present for the first time at the TEXAS Meeting, a certification course for dental assistants on the application of pit and fissure sealants as well as a
coronal polishing course available for the first time as well. This has been a long time in coming and we are so very excited to be able to offer this to our membership. It’s a new life… The TDA Council on Annual Session is aware of how the dentist/lab technician relationship plays such an important role in the dental team concept. Because of this, for the first time in a long time we are offering courses from some of the most prestigious speakers in the world for both the dentist and lab technician. This “Lab Track” on Saturday, May 7, 2011 from 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM offers five session options, culminating with lunch and an open forum, hosted by Dr. Mark Murphy, to discuss the “Role of the Dentist/Laboratory Technician in a Digital World.” Some of the greatest dentist and lab technician minds in the world will be here to participate. You won’t want to miss it! The state-of-the-art exhibit hall is the place you need to be to find more than 500 exhibitor booths as well as the TDA Pavilion, TDA Smiles Foundation, DENPAC Silent Auction, and the TDA Perks Program Partners. In addition, there will be an amazing digital caricature artist, and happy hours on Thursday and Friday! Our own Dr. Bud Luecke and his band “Morning” will provide the great music for Thursday’s Texas Party! It’s a new dawn. It’s a new day. It’s a new life. And, I’m feeling good! September 2010 / TDA Today / 3
TSBDE Rule Update This recurring section is designed to help TDA members keep up with important Texas State Board of Dental Examiners (TSBDE) rules, other regulations, and state law affecting their practices. As part of its ongoing statutory rule review process, the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners (TSBDE) recently gave final approval to both new and amended rules that went into effect on September 14, 2010. Due to the significant number of rule modifications going into effect, the next two issues of the TSBDE Update will be dedicated to summarizing the recent rule changes. Use the following link to access the current version of the complete set of TSBDE rules at
EDITORIAL STAFF Dr. Stephen R. Matteson, D.D.S., Editor Nicole Scott, Managing Editor Barbara S. Donovan, Art Director Paul H. Schlesinger, Consultant
A brief description of each new or amended rule follows:
New Rule Rule §107.203 – Administrative Penalties The board approved the new rule to formalize the process under which aggravating and mitigating factors are taken into account when the board considers formal disciplinary action against a licensee or registrant.
Amended Rules Rule §100.10 – Executive Director The amended rule authorizes the executive director to accept voluntary surrender orders. Rule §103.5 – Dental Hygiene Licensure The board amended Rule 103.5, which relates to staggered dental hygiene registrations. As amended, Rule 103.5 now specifies that an initial license issued on or after September 1, 2009, expires on the 30th day after the date the license is issued if the holder of the license fails to pay the required license fee on or before the expiration date. Rules §§107.11, 107.15, 107.17, 107.21 - 107.25, 107.47, 107.48, 107.50, 107.54, 107.55, & 107.63 – Procedures Governing Grievances, Hearings, and Appeals The board amended the rules which detail procedures for governing grievances, hearings, and appeals. The
amendments provide licensees and registrants with a better understanding of necessary procedural requirements. In addition, the amended language more accurately reflects current statutory provisions and integrates applicable Administrative Procedure Act statutes, State Office of Administrative Hearing rules, and Texas Rules of Civil Procedure. Examples of changes include computation of time, notification of decisions and orders, and appearances personally or by representative.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Ronald L. Rhea, D.D.S., President J. Preston Coleman, D.D.S., President-elect Matthew B. Roberts, Immediate Past President Vice Presidents R. Lee Clitheroe, D.D.S., Southeast John W. Baucum III, D.D.S., Southwest Kathleen M. Nichols, D.D.S., Northwest Donna G. Miller, D.D.S., Northeast Senior Directors Karen E. Frazer, D.D.S., Southeast Lisa B. Masters, D.D.S., Southwest Robert E. Wiggins, Jr., D.D.S., Northwest Larry D. Herwig, D.D.S., Northeast Directors Rita M. Cammarata, D.D.S., Southeast T. Beth Vance, D.D.S., Southwest Michael J. Goulding, D.D.S., Northwest Arthur C. Morchat, D.D.S., Northeast
§107.59 – Ex parte consultations The board amended Rule 107.59, which governs Ex parte communications. The amended rule language more accurately reflects current statutory provisions of the Texas Government Code and defines specific instances when ex parte communications may be allowed. §107.102 – Procedures for investigating complaints The board amended Rule 107.102 to align the wording of the rule with agency process and statutory requirements. For example, instead of stating, “the parties to the complaint,” the amended language now reads,” the person who filed the complaint and each licensee or registrant who is a subject of the complaint.”
Ron Collins, D.D.S., Secretary-Treasurer Glen D. Hall, D.D.S., Speaker of the House Michael L. Stuart, D.D.S., Parliamentarian Stephen R. Matteson, D.D.S., Editor Mary Kay Linn, Executive Director William H. Bingham, Legal Counsel TDA Today (USPS 022-007) is published monthly except for December by the Texas Dental Association, 1946 S. IH-35, Ste 400, Austin, Texas 78704-3698, (512) 443-3675. Periodicals Postage Paid at Austin, Texas and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to TDA TODAY, 1946 S. IH-35, Ste 400, Austin, TX 78704-3698. Annual subscriptions: Texas Dental Association (TDA) members, $5. In-state American Dental Association (ADA) affiliated, $15 + tax. Out-of-state ADA affiliated, $15. In-state non-ADA affiliated, $30 + tax. Out-of-state non-ADA affiliated, $30. Single issue price: TDA members $1. In-state ADA affiliated, $3 + tax. Out-of-state ADA affiliated, $3. In-state non-ADA affiliated, $6 + tax. Out-of-state non-ADA affiliated, $6. Contributions: Manuscripts and news items of interest to the membership of the Association are solicited. Manuscripts should be typewritten, double spaced, and the original copy should be submitted. Please refer to Instructions for Contributors in the annual September Directory of the Texas Dental Journal for more information. The Information for Contributors is available at All statements of opinion and of supposed facts are published on authority of the writer under whose name they appear and are not to be regarded as the views of the Texas Dental Association, unless such statements have been adopted by the Association. Articles are accepted with the understanding that they have not been published previously. Authors must disclose any financial or other interests they may have in products or services described in their articles. Advertisements: Publication of advertisements in this publication does not constitute a guarantee or endorsement by the Association of the quality of value of such product or of the claims made of it by its manufacturer.
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