March 2022 Texas Dental Journal

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OFFICIAL CALL FOR NOMINATIONS OFFICIAL CALL FOR CANDIDACY ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUBSEQUENT NOMINATIONS: SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE, SECRETARY-TREASURER, AND EDITOR OFFICIAL CALL FOR SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE CANDIDACY ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUBSEQUENT NOMINATIONS Candidacy announcements for the statewide elective office of Texas Dental Association (TDA) Speaker of the House may be submitted to TDA Secretary-Treasurer Dr Cody C Graves for the upcoming 2021 House elections. Only an active, life, or retired member in good standing of this Association shall be eligible. A curriculum vitae (CV) must be submitted, and the candidate will also have to sign a conflict of interest statement. Nominations are in order at the first meeting of the House of Delegates and remain open until the close of the second meeting of the House of Delegates; however, announcements of candidacy should be made as early as possible so that membership eligibility can be verified. To become a nominee, a delegate must place the name of the candidate in nomination at the first meeting of the House of Delegates. Please see the Manual on Caucus, Campaigns, Nominations and Elections at for full details. Duties of the Speaker of the House are enumerated in the Bylaws and include the following: 1. To serve as an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors without vote or the privilege of proposing resolutions. 2. To serve as an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee without vote or the privilege of proposing resolutions. 3. To preside at all meetings of the House of Delegates. 4. To determine the order of business for all meetings, subject to the approval of the House of Delegates, in accordance with

Section 140B of this chapter. 5. To appoint tellers to assist him/her in determining the result of any action taken by vote. 6. To appoint members of reference committees in consultation with the president, president-elect, and the immediate past president by the Board of Directors’ first meeting of the calendar year. 7. To notify the divisional officers and the Committee on Credentials, Rules and Order, prior to the annual session, the number of delegates and alternates necessary to constitute a quorum. 8. To meet with the divisional officers prior to the meeting of the divisional caucuses at the annual session to review the Rules for Caucus Procedures, Nominations, And Elections. 9. To appoint a parliamentarian pro tem, should it become necessary for the parliamentarian to be absent during a session of the House of Delegates. 10. To serve as presiding officer of the TDA Candidates Forum, unless the Speaker is in a contested race, at which time the Speaker Pro-tem will preside. 11. To be a certified parliamentarian or be in the process of certification Candidacy announcements are to be mailed to TDA Secretary-Treasurer Dr Cody C Graves, Texas Dental Association, 1946 S IH-35 Ste 400, Austin, Texas 78704; or, emailed to TDA Executive Director Linda Brady: (See TDA Bylaws, Chapter IV, House of Delegates—Sections 100 (Officers), 110A (Duties), 150C(3), 150D, Chapter V, Board of Directors—Sections 10 (Composition); TDA House Manual; Speaker Manual). | March 2022


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