By Mitch Fuller
OFFICER TRAINING SEMINAR (OTS) July 15-17, 2021 Renaissance Austin Hotel OVER 250 TEXAS VFW LEADERS participated in the training sessions held over three days. The day prior to the start of OTS the Budget and Finance Committee met at the hotel and State Commander Norman Macey and State Adjutant/Quartermaster Dan West conducted a Leadership Workshop for the 2021-22 Council of Administration (COA) and Committee Chairs. The COA also met on July 15 for the first of its regularly scheduled meetings for the 2021-22 year. The agenda for the training sessions included: Opening Remarks from State Commander Macey; Membership, Recruiting, and Retention; Legislative and Public Affairs Update; VFW Programs and SOP; State Commander’s All-State Program; and Post Operations,
which included an extensive block of instructions on the duties of the Post Quartermaster. Both of the Texas VFW Service Officers were present throughout OTS to assist Comrades with their VA claims and the Texas VFW Store was also operational during OTS. A broad array of Texas VFWbranded merchandise, including new shirts for the 2021-22 year, were available for purchase. The hotel provided a large hospitality room for great camaraderie and lunch was provided by the hotel was included in OTS registration for two of the three days. The 2021 OTS served as a great catalyst for the start of the 2021-22 year.
Photos by Wyonda Laurence
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