2021 Texas VFW Summer E-news

Page 29

By Mitch Fuller

122nd VFW National Convention Update THE 122ND VFW NATIONAL CONVENTION was held in Kansas City, Missouri, from July 31-August 3, 2021. The Department of Texas VFW was well represented in Kansas City by State Commander Norman Macey, all other line officers and dozens of leaders throughout the Department of Texas.

IX (Discipline). Two new VPRs were added to the Commemorative Tribute Calendar effective September 1, 2021: October 23—Beirut Bombing and March 29—National Vietnam Veterans Memorial Day. Several Resolutions were also approved by Convention delegates in three categories: Finance and Internal Organization (one of two approved), National Security and Foreign Affairs (15 of 20 approved), and Veterans Service (37 of 42 approved).

With a theme of “The Time is Now!” Chief Milhelcic’s acceptance speech emphasized community service and involvement. “Yes our membership numbers are important, but we firmly believe that if we increase our service, increase our community involvement, and partner with other organizations, potential members will be knocking on our doors to join us,” Mihelcic stated. He also said, “Today’s warriors are not content with sitting in meetings or standing next to a bar complaining. They are doers! Give then something to do, be an active part of your community!”

Highlights of Resolutions passed by Convention Delegates include Resolution 407 (Urging Congress to pass legislation for Concurrent Receipt of Military Retirement Pay and VA Disability Compensation), Resolution 610 (Support of Federally Funded Research of Medical Cannabis for Veterans treated by VA), Resolution 613 (Extending Gulf War Presumptions Beyond 2021 and to Afghanistan Veterans), and Resolution 618 (Presumption of Service Connection for Toxic Exposures).

The National Convention also produced changes to the VFW National By-Laws, Manual of Procedure, and Ritual, including Article

Texas VFW All American Department, District and Post Commanders were recognized at the National Convention.

Dick Shawver is recognized as an All-American Department Commander for 2020-21 by outgoing 2020-21 VFW National Commander-in-Chief Hal Roesch.

2021-22 State Commander Norman Macey.

Katie Baillio, All-American District Commander, and Shenna Lawless, All-American Post Commander, proudly represent Texas.

S u m m e r 2 0 2 1 Te x a s V F W E - N e w s


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