2021 Texas VFW Summer E-news

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VFW Post 7634, Falfurrias, celebrates 75 years of Patriotic and Public Service VFW State Senior Vice Commander Macey along with District 6 Commander Richardson presented to VFW Post 7634 Commander Carvajal at the District meeting the following award which reads: “Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, 75th Diamond Jubilee Award is presented to Lopez and Williams Post No 7634, Falfurrias, Texas, mustered June 23, 1946. In special commemoration and grateful recognition of its seventy-five years of exceptional service to the nation and its Veterans of Foreign Wars.” The City of Falfurrias and Brooks County Citizens gathered on June 19, 2021, to honor, applaud and appreciate the veterans from VFW Post 7634. For seventy-five years these veterans helped build an outstanding community where the young and old feel protected and loved. VFW Post 7634 veterans and the public celebrated this momentous achievement with fanfare. This co-existence with the public was expressed as the City of Falfurrias Mayor Justo Ramirez presented a Proclamation Honoring the Veterans and their 75th Anniversary. Congratulating VFW Post 7634 veterans were U.S. Congressman Gonzalez, Mr. Martinez, Brooks County Judge Ramos, Commissioner Williams, Police Chief Gonzalez, Veterans and citizens from the community. Ms. Lourdes Trevino Cantu, representing the Falfurrias Historical Museum, gave a history and stood tall in support of the community and for the Post being a home for veterans. Family members, whose parents or the veteran in their families passed years ago were also recognized.

Three original members who assisted with the recruitment, establishment and leadership roles were present at the Post hall for the official ceremony. They were Amancio Garza, WWII Veteran; and Salvador Gonzalez and Raul Perez, Korean Veterans. Unable to attend was WWII Veteran Leopoldo Herrera at 102 years. Present at this ceremony were VFW Post 7634 Veterans who served in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Panama Conflict, Desert Shield/Desert Storm, Bosnia, Kosovo, Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan) and Special Operations. Assisting the veterans with logistics of this special event were the Brooks County 4H Clubs, HEB, the City’s First National Bank and the Falfurrias High School Junior ROTC.

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