OCTOBER 25 - NOVEMBER 8 • 2013 •
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SPECIAL EVENT 5:00 P.M. October 31
PLANTATION MANOR 5 PM Thursday, October 31
MOVIE NIGHT 7:00 P.M. November 7
Come to these Town Hall Meetings to learn about the proposed purchase of The Great Outdoors Golf Course and Plantation House Restaurant by the Community Services Association.
PLANTATION MANOR ♦ 10 AM Wednesday, October 30 This is a special meeting with the CSA Attorney to answer homeowner questions on this proposed purchase. On this date there will not be a full presentation made of the proposal.
Wednesday, November 6 The full presentation will be made at this third regular Town Hall Meeting, followed by a question and answer session. The final meeting of the four planned is Wednesday, November 13. The membership will be voting on the purchase proposal on November 20, so these meetings are very important for informed decision making.
Get into the Halloween spirit by wearing a costume to dine and socialize ‘til 10:00 at night with D. J. Styles playing music for your listening and dancing pleasure! Tickets are $7 at ACE. See the full event description on Page 19. Hosted by: Peg & Frank Apgar Pat & Dude Peel
Saturday ♦ 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
R Will Gerard is an English teacher in New Orleans. His wife, Laura, is a musician in a local orchestra. One night as Laura is leaving a rehearsal, while Will plays chess with his friend Jimmy, she is brutally assaulted and ends up in the hospital. Will is approached by a stranger named Simon who tells him that he belongs to an organization of “a few citizens seeking justice” and that they can eliminate Laura’s attacker. This will save them suffering through a drawn-out trial. Simon says he might ask Will for a return favor in the future. Will consents to the deal and soon, Laura’s assailant is killed. Vengeance always has a price, as Will finds in this action thriller MPAA rated R for violence, language and brief sexuality.