1 minute read
''My life is too vitolly important co be taken Loo seriously" ~Don lve~on. CUP Presidem Iii! Welcome 10the seventh edition or the 2001/2002 C;iscade! Uef'ore 1 begin, l'djusl like LU take a moment to say thank-you to everyone who has contributed to this as well as past issues or the Casc.:.ide.I would al o e pecially like to voice my uppreciation for the dedicated staff who helped put it together - you guys arc amazing!
There's some great and interesting stuff in this issue, so I encourage you to grab a coffee, get comfortable, lake a study-break and have a g(lod read. You'll find everything im:luding UCFV News, Religion, Student Lik. Movie Reviews and - of course - the infamous pen review and so much more!. If you like it, let us know: If not. complain and offer suggesiions: lt's your paper! J
Beth Kelleher