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The Ca cadc is the UCFiV student$' fr(.lo ptess. lt provid~s n forutn for UCFV students lo have their journalism published. It also acts as the alternotivt jire,:i~ for the Fraser Valley. The Cascade is funded with UCFV student funds. The Casct1deis published twice monthly. The Casca\Je hai; a circulat~on of IOOOan<I is distributed throughout Abbotsfortl, Chilliwac.:k and Mission. The Cascade i. a VCTY proud member of the Canadian University Pres&, a nationul cooperative of 72 univer'\ity nnd college newspaper.~ frt,m Viclorin ro St. John's. The Cnscade follow$ the CUP ethical policy concerning matctir1I of :i preju• dicial or oppressive nawre.

Suhmis:,;ionsarc preferred in electronic for. r'llat either through e-mail or on disk. Please i:end i:ubrnissions in •·txt." Formal 0llly.


Leners ro the editor must be double-spaced and typed. Letters will al~o be accepted via e-mail only if they rneet the necessary requitcmcnts as outlined in this ~ection. The Cascalle reserves the right to edit let• ters to the editor for clarity Qrtd length. Only one letter per writer 111;1yappear in any given addition. The Cascade will tH>t print tlny letters that contain racist, sexist, homophobic or libelous content. The writer's name and student number must be sub1T1illeclwith each letter. Leners to lhe editor must be under 400 words if intended for print.


James Clark

Chri$topher F. Comer

Shannon Loewen

Oesirec Mayhew

Amy Schrnidr

K&H Sedore

Adrian Sinclair

By James lark

As some of you may have noticed. I am no longer editor. The last issues of the fall Cascade run gave me the opportunity to show all or you, that my lack organizational skills could not be overcame by Potato Heads alone. So with great regret J have made the decision 10step down us Editor of the Cascade in order tu pursue sotnc general educational goals over personal vendetta. As for my replacernent, Beth is great, if u little long winded some times. I would like now to take the time tu highlight some of neaI-o swff thm I hud the opportunity 10 oversee. This will help Beth lake up space on the page. Pleasecue "The Greatest Love of All" by Whitney Houston.

Issue one was fun. ll helped set the rather black and white lone or the newsprint as well as the readership. The addition or a breast on the cover really helped to stir up some let1crs and increased our pick up rate. 11 also contained the easily forgotten column, Ask Dr. Science that nobody responded to but I still chuckle about t<i this day.

With the onset or Halloween we pltblished our !-Ccondlittle twelve pager.

( New Editor '.r Note: Sorry James, slight error:-): Our second paper was actually 16 pages bur now I u11dersrc111dwhy you had so mwh /1111wirh rhese "ediror 's ,wres:-)))

In this issue we saw the ret11Inof the pen review and some cool sex talk. lt .ilso seemed 10 perpetuute the seemingly round the clock Cascadecoverage of Dave Burnie. Why was this? I don't know it just happened and I'm sorry for putting you through

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