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Everyone' heard of the SCMS (Social, Cultural. and Media Studies), those political watchdogs. They help keep the SUS from getting out of hand by petitioning anti complaining about everything, inn very business like manner. They write wonderful leuers, and articles, and arc mosIcrs of the spoken word. But as it says in the Bible, "This is not a mailer of tulk hut of Power.''

J recently allcndcd u SUS bi-monthly meeting. and was amazed. Of these self-rroclnimctl watchdogs, there were none. All four visitors were Cascnde members. I don't think this jives with what the SCMS group is attempting to accomplish. Granted. they do read the minutes. but why? Jf they don't atlcntl the meetings. they just get the leavings and not the entire two-hour banquet.


Chonge does nut happen by talk. In order to change something some one must take m;tion, untl if you are expecting someone else to take that action. you should check your motivu1ions. It is not that, it wus a nightmare for me as well. J al o got 10 use "Sloop'' one of the coolest font thnt I have ever come ueross. enough to simply watch our government we must change it. And the best way LO change government is to get involved in it. This means showing up nt meetings, walking into the SUS office nntl talking to them, knowing your Rep, and yes, Vlriting petitions, Hild letters.

After the first two blockbus1cr.covers of the Cascade we started to enter u phase of increasingly silly cover designs. These silly covers seemed to coincide with more serious Hrticlesand some serious del'late over the direction of student politics at UC V. I also started adding more ond bigger Potalo I leads in every issue just to balance it out. 1f r had one regret it was pissing off Amnesty International it was a mistake. Around finals the proverbial tits fell off the cow and the result was a bunch of overworked Cascaders rushing to put out an issue that nobody was going to read before Christmas. It turned out pretty good 1 especially liked the cover story. That's it.

Is this all? No. you must change the SUS from within. The nominations arc coming up, what are you going Lo do about it, cornplai11'?Or you could run for office, and show the students whnt you want this school tn look like. If you want perfection, create it, don't leave it for others to mess up. l know that not everyone has a vision like this though, so there is another alte1·nativeto running. It's really quite simple, and l hesitate to say it as it is nn insu\110 the intelligence the school population. But the answer is VOTE! The "V" word, the word that this apathetic school seems to despise more than Hell it's self. Why wont we vote? Well that is up to each and every student to decide.

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