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Ode rf() 'The!Eterna( 'BaclieCor

Oli ete·r:na(6adieCor,6e not tied dowtJ, 'Donot 6ete,rtJ!_tei the wilesofwomen tJush- tlu levi( anlTte wi((j(eefrom ;fOU1 '}(owniucfimore that &renterevil?


Your (ifeoffi:eeao111.ls 111~Ch to _6eenviel, ' ?\s you move,t~r~gfi (if~unfifnierea 6y_:won;a~9r wife 011u,oil,'tr:s-q,si,wfiyliave'] not tnis 6fiss'.

• '''T~quitesf.myCe 11 you rey[tJ, • ·•··· <f "'11ieo,ily tfit,113'1aeslre,isyeace an.d-rrattquifty•"

'.But,orir,owli(lratt must 6e to fe~ stronain rfiiswor(c{.

1PCease'16eAyou,aiveme a tune,yTayme somek1iow(e!ge 1

'J-Cety me, (I 6eayou, '1 must kllOWiOU.t'" ru.Ce, ''Yau.must Ice (de or yourse , e(se

'NeverShaffyou knowJ[~Mace~raclie(orhooi.

1 fiavetriea oh 6acHefor,Gutcartnot .mcceea, Por i11 this wor( I ofiarf,~ess,it's woman '1neea.

"Yit's woman you neec[,th.e11you lu1Ve not the art :Beao,u.frmt1my s01itt thou art too weafto stmul 'g]a{mtthe oyyr~ssionsof wo111c111t'1011must 6e a man."

9tn oae to 6a6es 'By~drfa,1 Siiic(alr

1 $at there (Coatingamonastsometllot1glits

1R.eadi11amy lenlr'ftic tea (eaves '1co1i.~flered a,i accessotyto ·mycrimes T'liesecrimesaate 6ac'-;zoy_ears, 'T'liefrrst, GeinanitJ 6irtlt . So1 'l tfiougrit, :wTiafsliaff 'l lo?

1wCa,ufayay;nl ittto, mytfioualits Witri a sr1tifea,id ayurpq5e 'This gave me an 'lcfoa. Woman wiff Gemymad>tess ana sli_ewrrr Gemy aRGi, insteal ofbeinga fonele(i11±1,ue11t oneyfus Qlleequa(soraanizelcrime (i~e 'Bo,111~a 111C~le. a1uf Y03i rma ~0060, we w{(l yick_yoc~ethayyincssFron,_yfcf-a.,iu;k 6asfets. a11dman-sfaug~er fioredom, a11tfem6eztfeFiilariotlsliu.nwur, wrea~{n8havocill gen.era(, anJ conmw11ic~it(o11 in syecific. whenyou purchaseone of the selectedContiki Europeantours, including the Ultra Budget campingtours - a TravelCUTSexclusive.

'Thr~vn intojai(for our crimesaaatnst iso(atfo11.

Ps: 'Noah'Amey co1,1ft{Gerigfit too, .,.We((,n,ayGt!.

SPaGe iSlimibed - bOOheaPIU!

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