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Wednesday, January rhe 16, the various Student Associations met in thl.!cafeteria for breakfast to discuss what's going on and will be going on in \he future at OCFV. However due 10 illness and the unexpected snowfall that occurred during the night before, only a few associations showed up. These were the Alumni Association. the E.1st Indian Association. Psych, Outdoor Club, the Abbotsford and Chilliwat;k Student Events representatives. 0 and the Cascade of course. Among the things that were discussed wus the possibility of stude111svolunteering in the various <lep:.irt- ments at UCFV. The general consensus was that this was a great iden for a way fnr studenL~to get work experience and pad their resumes, though caution is definitely required to avoid things like contral'l violations. Another major topic wa~ whul new privileges the Alumni would have at UCFV. Things like a UCPV Mastcr Card. full access to the new gym (with n small 111e111bership fee). an Alumni e-mail nccoum for life. insurance, regional retail discounts for Alumni, speciul treatment :11 UCFV func• tion m which the Alumni were invited ancJ more were pitched. None of this is for ccr• tain yet. with the exception or the Muster Card, so watch upcoming issues of the

Ca code to rind out. In the mcanlime, 1'11 leave you with some of the events planned for us by the various student associations.

Spy Vs Spy (Now in Chilliwack. Feb I rn Abbots ford)

Movies in Chilliwack

Ski Trips, snowshoeing and hiking through the Outdoor club. Next planning meeting will be on Jnnu:try 21. at 12:30 in the Fishbowl outside the cafeteria. For more information. please contact Stephanie at fvrads4c@~tudcnl.ul'fv.bc.cn.

Piz:i:nS.ile in Abbo1sford .Ian 22 The Art or

Domesticity: An Art Show and Fundraiser for the Women's Center of UCFV 10 take place March 7.

Dircdions 2002: An G<lm:ation and Cm-eer 1~11irthat will feature UCFV Faculties as well u, t:xternnl organizations looking to recruit and hire UCf1V students. To tnke plate February 26-28,

East Indian Culture Show (put 011 by the East Indian Student Association l on March 24, 5:00 p.m. at the Abby Arts Center, Will probably cost around 10$ per tickcl.

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