1 minute read
Shannon Loewen.
because they're costly to administer," said Jacek. "They'd much rather [endorse saving]; it's in their own financial interest to Jo !hat.''
Repeated calls 10 Blair were 1101returned by press time.
Ontario NOP MPP Peter Kormos said the results or the poll don't mean much because the survey doesn't say anything about the total savings children are able 10 build.
"When you're saving your birthday money and allowance, I would pose that it's 1101 going to add up to be a substant inl amount," said Korn10s. ·•1 think this is a commentary on our government and that people are now starting to learn that tax cuts have been expensive in other respects."
"I was buying Lego, gum and things for my bike when I was eight," said Bryce Rudyk, executive director of the Ontario Undergraduate Students Alli1111cc."I wasn't even thinking about [saving for university I.''
However, Rudyk doesn't dismiss the idea that children arc holding on to their cash.
"1 hope that when these children are students they'll be able to graduute with less debt than a student going to school now," he said. "But this definitely says something about our federal and provincial priorities when we make children who are eight years old save for school."
The survey results also say parental opinion over their role in funding their children's education has shifted. BMO says the majority of parents now believt: their children must share in the cost of education.
On November 21, UCFV played host to an unveiling of a painting (The Realm of Convenience II) done by artist Chris Wood who incidentally attended and graduated at UCFV ten years ago. Altcnding the unveiling was such notu• bles us the Dean of Fine Ans of UCFV, Chris's parent~ and great aunt. and the man of honor, Chris Woods himself. Oh and me tuo. The Dean. one of Chris's teachers, and Chris himself gave speech• es about the painting, Chris's influences and of course, Chris himself. But unfor- lunately the painting got impatient with all the talking and decided to unveil itself. Afte1· the ceremony finished and before Chris Woods' lecture began. I got to find out a little about the big guy. Apparently he credits a lot of being where he is today to his outslnncling an teacher at his old high school, Chilliwack Senior. Chris says that his professor inspired him greatly to do the best he could. Speaking of Chilliwuck, Chris still lives there with his wife. A for the matter of his homecoming to UCFV. Chris s.iys. "It's great to be back. l'vc missed thi place."